#earring for sale
jajaaradesignsposts · 3 months
Aqua Afro Earrings: The Ultimate Accessory for Natural Hair
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With these vibrant aqua afro earrings, you can flaunt your lively personality. Purchase the finest women's earrings from Ja Jaara in stunning forms and patterns.
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shop-monoreco · 1 year
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Y2K Metal Natural Zircon Drop Stud Earrings 925 Silver Needle.
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hedgerlogs · 6 days
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goodbye spring
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Asmo: MC, I noticed you love wearing that hoodie but you never actually have the hood up.
Mammon: Oh yeah, I don't think I've ever seen ya fully wear that.
MC: Do you want me to put it on?
Everyone: *nods*
MC: *puts it on and everyone sees it has cat ears on it*
All 11 of them: *collectively die from cuteness*
Luke: Wha-
MC: That's why I don't use it up, it holds too much power...
Luke: *speechless*
MC: Anyway, wanna get a matching one? 😊
Luke: ...
Yes, please.
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lazer-t · 1 month
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Just added 12 new designs to my mini stamp-style stickers!
There are now a total of 20 different variations available! I will probably be adding even more in the future.
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crunchchute · 3 months
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tumblr is being nice so here you can have a look at my cosplay wips :]
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shelbycragg · 1 year
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Get ready for June because handmade Pride Bead Lizard Earrings are in stock!
(Custom flag colors are available! Just leave a note on your order.)
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tathrin · 1 month
A Gimleaf Thought:
Dwarves for whom their braids are a huge aspect of their identity and presentation, and which are consequently considered Not Appropriate to touch casually unless you are on very intimate terms. Stroking a dwarf's beard-braid in public in more than the lightest and most fleeting of touches would honestly be more inappropriate than just reaching down and grabbing their cock, it's on that level of intimacy, right?
Elves whose ears are extremely sensitive, not just in the keenness of their hearing but in terms of touch, too. (Yes, Viggo, this one is for you.) Throw in some social aspects of the importance of song to elvish life and spirits (this world was literally Sung into existence, remember, and the elves are very bound to this world and its Song) and you end up with a similar situation, where touching an elf's ears is like the most intimate gesture ever. Not something you would do casually, or to anyone you weren't on like...imminent-betrothal-level terms with at least. With me so far?
Well: Gimli does not know this about elves. Legolas does not know this about dwarves.
The first time Legolas starts toying with Gimli's beard, it's as much idle curiosity as anything: elves like pretty hair, and pretty braids, and Gimli's beard is very pretty. (And he asked Galadriel for her hair! and got three strands! so clearly Talking About Pretty Hair is something they can both appreciate, and thus bond over!) Gimli goes BEET red not that Legolas notices because he hasn't figured out that only elves blush with their ears yet but is too shocked to muster even a token protest, and by the time he remembers how to breathe it's too late, Legolas has already been talking for ten minutes about how nice Gimli's hair is and can he teach him some of those braids they look neat...? and Gimli can't possibly bark at him to stop touching them now, can he? That would be rude. And anyway, Legolas clearly has no idea what fondling a dwarf's beard implies, and there are no other dwarves around to see him now, so it's harmless. It means nothing. Nothing.
Meanwhile the first time Gimli touches Legolas's ears, it's to flick one of them in jest as he teases him for being able to hear a butterfly yawn from forty leagues, you silly creature! Legolas also flushes, dark enough that his brown ears look like they've been dipped in some of his father's favorite wine, but he's never been that good at saying things delicately anyway, and he doesn't want to rebuff the dwarf when Gimli clearly has no idea the implications of what he's just done or the fact that Legolas is shivering all the way from the tips of those ears down to his toes right now and it would be rude to explain now, when Gimli has already moved on to his next clever jest, so Legolas just blushes and lets it go, it's not like Gimli will be able to reach his ears often so he doesn't need to worry about it...
Only somehow they seem to keep finding spots where the road dips and curves, or there's rubble to sit on, and then the mines are just full of broken stones at convenient heights; and then they end up in a boat together, where Gimli can absolutely reach them; and well at least they're not in Lórien now so nobody is around who will know what that means, so Legolas doesn't have to avoid his hands anymore; and then they end up on a horse together, and his ears are even more easy to reach now; and then they're resting on the wall of the Hornburg waiting for the orcs to come and it's very comforting, actually, to have Gimli's hands stroking his ears like that, callused yes but so soft and gentle; and by the time they get to Gondor it's far too ingrained a habit to stop...not that Legolas wants him to.
Meanwhile, of course, Aragorn and Gandalf know EXACTLY what both braids and ears mean to both dwarves and elves, and they spend weeks gossiping together in quiet Quenya about it, and taking bets on what will happen when one or the other one of them cottons-on to what that means to the other one, and who will find out what first, etc etc.
(When Gandalf meets the Three Hunters again in Fangorn, the state of those bets is one of the first thing he asks Aragorn to fill him in on during the ride to Edoras because all wizards are gossip queens.)
And then the Grey Company shows up, with Elladan and Elrohir, and Legolas watches his whole long life flash before his eyes when Gimli reaches up to give his ear a caress—a friendly and completely platonic caress of course, it's not like he knows what that gesture means, he couldn't possibly have figured it out and be doing it on purpose now, don't be absurd you silly elf—right where they can see it!
Gimli suffers much the same experience when over the campfire that night Halbarad casually mentions all the dwarves he's befriended during his time as a Ranger, why Gimli he even knew your dad back when you were all living in the Blue Mountains, nice to see you've gotten your journeyman braid I bet that made Glóin very proud...
Gimli goes as red as Legolas's ears, and then as pale as Saruman's robes. Aragorn silently curses that Gandalf isn't here to see what comes next (he is going to gripe so hard when he finds out he missed the big reveal!) and holds his breath, waiting to discover who's about to win (and lose) all those bets...
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ecearrings · 29 days
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Custom earrings guide!!! If you have any questions, send me a DM or an ask!
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gemville · 1 month
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Conch Pearl, Diamond and Seed Pearl Earrings Sold by Christie's Hong Kong
Source: Tan Chee Seng via Pinterest
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shop-monoreco · 1 year
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Handwoven made Beaded Daisy Exaggerated Flower Drop Earrings.
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imagine-darksiders · 2 months
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Happy Easter, everyone!
The first set of my hypo-allergenic, handmade earrings are finally complete! They were inspired by my late brother’s love of chickens, and are based off some of the breeds he used to keep.
These are now available in my Etsy shop, ELMMstudio.
Use the promo code CLUCK24 for 20% off your earrings, only valid until 7th April, or simply click on this link to apply it.
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colorful-horses · 1 year
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Hasbro heard about Monster High making a comeback and they came out mad as FUCK with these dolls
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lazer-t · 1 month
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Mini stamp-style stickers now available in my BigCartel store!
These come in 8 different variations, with more to come in the future!
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okapirose · 3 months
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Welp, haven't gotten a single order in over two weeks and I have no conventions until June, so I'm trying a sale.
Please reblog, it helps a ton ♥
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