#wingman aragorn
tathrin · 1 month
A Gimleaf Thought:
Dwarves for whom their braids are a huge aspect of their identity and presentation, and which are consequently considered Not Appropriate to touch casually unless you are on very intimate terms. Stroking a dwarf's beard-braid in public in more than the lightest and most fleeting of touches would honestly be more inappropriate than just reaching down and grabbing their cock, it's on that level of intimacy, right?
Elves whose ears are extremely sensitive, not just in the keenness of their hearing but in terms of touch, too. (Yes, Viggo, this one is for you.) Throw in some social aspects of the importance of song to elvish life and spirits (this world was literally Sung into existence, remember, and the elves are very bound to this world and its Song) and you end up with a similar situation, where touching an elf's ears is like the most intimate gesture ever. Not something you would do casually, or to anyone you weren't on like...imminent-betrothal-level terms with at least. With me so far?
Well: Gimli does not know this about elves. Legolas does not know this about dwarves.
The first time Legolas starts toying with Gimli's beard, it's as much idle curiosity as anything: elves like pretty hair, and pretty braids, and Gimli's beard is very pretty. (And he asked Galadriel for her hair! and got three strands! so clearly Talking About Pretty Hair is something they can both appreciate, and thus bond over!) Gimli goes BEET red not that Legolas notices because he hasn't figured out that only elves blush with their ears yet but is too shocked to muster even a token protest, and by the time he remembers how to breathe it's too late, Legolas has already been talking for ten minutes about how nice Gimli's hair is and can he teach him some of those braids they look neat...? and Gimli can't possibly bark at him to stop touching them now, can he? That would be rude. And anyway, Legolas clearly has no idea what fondling a dwarf's beard implies, and there are no other dwarves around to see him now, so it's harmless. It means nothing. Nothing.
Meanwhile the first time Gimli touches Legolas's ears, it's to flick one of them in jest as he teases him for being able to hear a butterfly yawn from forty leagues, you silly creature! Legolas also flushes, dark enough that his brown ears look like they've been dipped in some of his father's favorite wine, but he's never been that good at saying things delicately anyway, and he doesn't want to rebuff the dwarf when Gimli clearly has no idea the implications of what he's just done or the fact that Legolas is shivering all the way from the tips of those ears down to his toes right now and it would be rude to explain now, when Gimli has already moved on to his next clever jest, so Legolas just blushes and lets it go, it's not like Gimli will be able to reach his ears often so he doesn't need to worry about it...
Only somehow they seem to keep finding spots where the road dips and curves, or there's rubble to sit on, and then the mines are just full of broken stones at convenient heights; and then they end up in a boat together, where Gimli can absolutely reach them; and well at least they're not in Lórien now so nobody is around who will know what that means, so Legolas doesn't have to avoid his hands anymore; and then they end up on a horse together, and his ears are even more easy to reach now; and then they're resting on the wall of the Hornburg waiting for the orcs to come and it's very comforting, actually, to have Gimli's hands stroking his ears like that, callused yes but so soft and gentle; and by the time they get to Gondor it's far too ingrained a habit to stop...not that Legolas wants him to.
Meanwhile, of course, Aragorn and Gandalf know EXACTLY what both braids and ears mean to both dwarves and elves, and they spend weeks gossiping together in quiet Quenya about it, and taking bets on what will happen when one or the other one of them cottons-on to what that means to the other one, and who will find out what first, etc etc.
(When Gandalf meets the Three Hunters again in Fangorn, the state of those bets is one of the first thing he asks Aragorn to fill him in on during the ride to Edoras because all wizards are gossip queens.)
And then the Grey Company shows up, with Elladan and Elrohir, and Legolas watches his whole long life flash before his eyes when Gimli reaches up to give his ear a caress—a friendly and completely platonic caress of course, it's not like he knows what that gesture means, he couldn't possibly have figured it out and be doing it on purpose now, don't be absurd you silly elf—right where they can see it!
Gimli suffers much the same experience when over the campfire that night Halbarad casually mentions all the dwarves he's befriended during his time as a Ranger, why Gimli he even knew your dad back when you were all living in the Blue Mountains, nice to see you've gotten your journeyman braid I bet that made Glóin very proud...
Gimli goes as red as Legolas's ears, and then as pale as Saruman's robes. Aragorn silently curses that Gandalf isn't here to see what comes next (he is going to gripe so hard when he finds out he missed the big reveal!) and holds his breath, waiting to discover who's about to win (and lose) all those bets...
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glorf1ndel · 11 months
Aragorn time! 🗡️ 👑
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I finally made the fellowship some modern au picrew characters! Behold:
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Freddo the Frog (Frodo)
-mullet boi
-“please will you take this frog i have too many”
-Lives in baggy hoodies
-been through too much
-exists off of panic attacks and harmonicas
-loves frogs
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Samantha (Sam)
-bee boy
-just wants to eat potatoes fr
-excellent cook
-too pure for this world
-freddo frog’s husband
-the mum friend
Theres more ⬇️
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Merry Poppins
-is constantly in hospital from doing something stupid
-has never felt romantic attraction in his life and doesn’t want to
-idiot number 1
-soulmates with pipe’n
-high out of his mind
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Pipe’n (pippin)
-also too pure for this world
-chaotic good
-doesn’t know why he’s there but is thrilled anyway
-is very pretty but nobody realises :(
-is also in hospital with merry poppins and probably aided in putting him in hospital
-idiot number 2
-also high out of his mind
-absolute menace when drunk
-arguably the best of the hobbits in the fellowship
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Aragay (aragorn)
-bisexual disaster
-constantly sleep deprived
-chronically outside
-has fabulous hair idc what you say
-broromir’s husband
-probably on meth tbh
-drinks 12 espressos a day
-shares his jumper (sweater for Americans) with broromir
-very swag
-the second best hobbit father
-what every man should be
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-the bisexual disaster’s bisexual disaster
-aragay’s husband
-also has fabulous hair
-father is a crackhead
-the first best hobbit father
-people should love him more
-wears aragay’s “sweater” religiously
-dog whisperer
-looks like he could kill you but is really a cinnamon roll
-did not deserve to die
-never skips leg day
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-short king
-natural sprinter
-nobody tosses a dwarf
-super underrated
-married to legman
-would give superb hugs
-an actual legend
-drinks iron brew
-not so good with leg day
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Legman (legolas)
-owns a collection of my little pony magazines
-sassy asshole
-doesn’t even need leg day (he is the legman himself)
-fabulous hair guy number three
-takes 45 minutes to shower
-takes “which disney princess are you” quizzes on buzfeed
-married to gimlegend
-secretly besties with his father
-aragay’s wingman
-the third bisexual disaster but not as disastrous
-has started at least three house fires
-20/20 vision
-they’re taking the hobbits to isengard
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coveredinsun · 1 month
half-rest and gossamer hands
Gimli’s mind recollected all the tales Glóin would tell—of the Elvenking’s labyrinthine dwelling, of the dank dungeons which reeked of undoubtedly meager Elvish wine—while his heart merely heard a son speak lovingly of his father.
Would Gimli not do the same? Has he not, on many occasions? Did it not bring him a great and terrible vexation to defend the good and honorable Glóin, son of Gróin, so fiercely, as if from attack?
Yes, indeed. Legolas was just as much a father’s son as Gimli was, and that was perhaps the very fact his mind and his heart battled over.
gigolas fic number four!! i saw the idea that elves true-sleep for days at a time from this silly post and ran with it. seriously i just make a bunch of shit up, so have fun with that! featuring lothlorien shenanigans (obligatory in gigolas fics) & wingman aragorn. enjoy!
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fanaticsnail · 1 day
I don't think anything could have prepared me for that song, omg. Ohhhhh, I desperately want to drop a lil brain nugget of that song with Luffy and wingman Sanji, but I think I used all my brainpower on the last two. *sigh* oh well.
Looking very disrespectfully at our elf boy over there. On top of that, I (as most girls who watched these films) had the biggest crush on Legolas and Aragorn.
-♡♡ lots of love
Oh honey, you think that one's bad: you're not gonna be prepared for "Sugalumps". Small snippet:
Irl story, chef-husband performed a rendition of this while I was helping him with food prep at work. Was hilarious 💀
I can picture Penguin doing this on the Polar Tang with Shachi so bad.
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Many people talk about found family in different media, but I hear next to no one talking about Faramir and HIS found family. It plays out so beautifully for me because it’s a bit nuanced and requires some reflection on the reader/viewer’s part.
Think about it: Faramir has never had a stable family life since his mother became ill. His older brother was highly favored and his dad treated him like a liability of sorts, even though Faramir has shown time and time again how capable he was. Fortunately, he was greatly loved by his older brother, was able to become very learned with the guidance of Gandalf, and had the respect of his fellow rangers.
He still did crave Denethor’s approval and love, as any child would (even if the parent is so obviously despicable) but luckily Boromir’s love was there. Until it wasn’t. That just left him and Denethor. Until it didn’t. Not that they had any kind of good relationship, but essentially, every piece of family Faramir had was ripped away from him.
Given the context above, how did Faramir find his new family? It began with one Peregrin Took, a kind and gentle hobbit who saw the good in Faramir. Pippin, by the way— did not even once compare him to Boromir even if he knew that they were brothers. He saw Faramir as his own unique and wonderful person. I’d also like to think that Pippin thought that he would do Boromir a great honor if he were to look after Faramir in any way he could.
Next, we have the love of his life— Eowyn. I could do a whole post praising their love, but I’ll just try to do a shorter version for the time being. They have similar backgrounds: they are both skilled warriors, both are the younger siblings who are overlooked, and both seek a sort of validation they cannot have. Already, they would form a bond from those shared experiences. What is truly wonderful for me is that Faramir effortlessly loved every part of Eowyn, even the parts she was not proud of. On the other hand, Eowyn saw and loved Faramir for the great man that he was and helped him see that for himself. Eowyn became his family and eventually, it grew once they had their son.
Faramir’s found family doesn’t just stop with Pippin and Eowyn. You have to give credit to his other interactions. Many are just heavy implications on my part, but still. His chance encounter with Frodo and Sam would shape a lot of his character in the series and I’d like to consider that an important bond. Then we have Merry, the greatest wingman in Middle-earth. He was kind enough to tell Faramir all about Eowyn and I’m almost certain that a brotherly bond formed because of their love for her (and possibly for Pippin too). Lastly, there’s the king himself, Aragorn. I love reading headcanons and fanfiction that depict them as just being the best of friends. Faramir is the Steward of Gondor and he has definitely spent a lot of time with Aragorn enough to be one of his dearest friends.
I just find Faramir’s entire story arc so compelling because of how much you can draw from it. He is such an amazing character and he deserves all the happiness in the world after going through the worst things imaginable. His found family is his greatest reward in life, by far.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Writing/Art Update 5/23/2023
Short update because I am tired.
I guess it took until I actually finished *posting* the fanfic before the post-project completion bad times hit, but I have really just been overwhelmed and stressed out for the past two weeks or so. It's not like I really have anything of priority that I'm behind on, but I feel incredibly behind on everything, and I'm trying to get caught up (and not doing very well at it.)
I did finish posting go places, so please check that out if you haven't already (and you want to, obvs). I've been working on an errata post for the purposes of crediting all the Tumblr posts that went into making it, and it's taking way longer than I expected and reads like the literature search section of a master's thesis. Nobody wants this, but I am in too deep now to stop.
I drew a smooching pic for the Renruki Kiss Day event on Twitter. I won't say I like it, but it was hard and I did it, and I suppose that counts for something. I think I'd like to experiment with developing a simpler style, because I feel like I could work faster and get better at things like gesture if I could separate that out from all the time I spend on crap like anatomy and lighting. On the other hand, I haven't wanted to do any of the art things I keep saying I want to do, so we'll see how that goes.
What I want to do (in theory), is write, but I have not been writing because I'm trying to catch up on other things that are not relevant to this writing/art update. I did my sentence-a-day for a few days, but I also missed it a few days. I just have too many things going on, and I need to clear a few out before I can really get back into the writing headspace. I am also sort of rolling around what I want this fanfic to be in my head, which is important, even though I hate it. (No plan!! Only write!!!) I spent most of the week on one scene, and the it kept developing in a direction where Byakuya is going to end up Interjecting Himself a lot, which, on one level, sounds great, but on the other hand, I have this note that I put in my outline six months ago that says: "Byakuya - Byakuya is here. This is NOT a Byakuya story. He has taken over my last two stories. He is here for comedy and wingmanning ONLY." I read that note and I feel like I am Aragorn touching the ground and murmuring "a great battle was fought here." I mean. It was. I was there. It was my battle. I wrote that note. I know that if I let Byakuya take over my fanfic, it will end up 100k *again* and will be absolutely torture to write and also I want Renruki to get their shit together by themselves, I know they can do it, but on the other hand, it's really hilarious when Byakuya gets lost in the sauce, amiright? I think I am actually going to defer this decision and try to write some later stuff and see how it goes, assuming I manage to get back to writing at all this coming week. :P
This did not actually turn out to be a short update. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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armandism · 4 years
i will die on the „arwen and eowyn should have been a couple“ hill
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dwarrowdams · 5 years
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I felt like this was important information to share on here.
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im-tops-bottom · 5 years
Thranduil threatens to lock his own son away if Aragorn doesn't break his heart and leaves him. He knows how his son feels for the man and he doesn't like it. That's also because he doesn't like said human.
After a hug feast Legolas wishes to speak with Aragorn alone. They make their way to a private garden to speak. Legolas tells Aragorn how he feels for him and Aragorn tries to say he feels the same but a voice inside his head that sounds like Thranduil reminds him of an earlier conversation. He tells Legolas he doesn't feel the same and never will. He says that he sees him like a brother before apologizing and walk away ignoring Legolas' cries.
After a week has passed Aragorn and his people return home. He's a bit happy that Legolas still follows him much to Thranduils displeasure. He is also sad that Legolas tries to stay as far as possible and only speaks when spoken too. He's usually quiet but even now he sees even fewer words. No jokes were made or stories told along the quiet endeavour back.
It the next year or so Aragorn meets up with Elrond and his daughter Arwen. They decide to hold a wedding and during a feast Aragorn's whole world shatters as he watches from the corner of his eye, the defeat Legolas shows as he tells everyone that he will be marrying Arwen.
A feast was made every night for the week and midweek Aragorn felt like he was losing his mind. He had to watch Eomer spend a lot of time with Legolas and they were getting closer. Arwen asks what's wrong and he tells her the truth of what happened. She says she knows how he feels about the elf prince and promises to help.
After a week long feast Aragorn decides to go out on patrol and he quietly gasps as he watches two men talking from down a corridor. He moves closer and turns down another hall and peers from around the corner. He is shocked as he realizes it's Legolas and Eomer.
Legolas talks to Eomer about everything that has happened and pleads for Eomer to help him forget it.
Aragorn thinks to himself 'please say no' as he watches them. He has known how Eomer felt for the elf ever since they first met. He always felt uneasy around the other man and he knew exactly why.
As soon as he watches them kiss he realizes he has been stupid and decides on exactly what he wants.
He walks up to them, pushes Eomer away, grabs Legolas' hand and drags him away.
As soon as they get outside he finally let's go of Legolas who had been complaining and struggling the entire walk. Legolas asks what's going on and he dcides on telling the truth.
The truth on how much he loves him, on his jealousy towards Eomer, the conversation with Thranduil, the pain when he announced his marriage and what he spoke about with Arwen. He and apologizes for everything he had done. He doesn't let Legolas get a word in as he bends on one knee and asks Legolas for his hand in marriage.
Legolas with tears in his eyes says "not just yet but maybe soon" and reminds Aragorn of everything he just said with Arwen and his father and everything else.
Aragorn agrees with the idea and stands up before kissing the elf. He let's Legolas drag him off to his room where they spend the night together.
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tathrin · 1 year
So we talk about Third Wheel Aragorn a lot, and that’s good because he is one of the Classic Third Wheels Of All Time, and the period with the Three Hunters running around Middle-earth while two of them are falling head-over-heels for each other is just perfection. In fact, we should have more Third Wheel Aragorn stuff, because it’s frankly the best of his many (many) identities, imo.
But. We do not talk enough about Third Wheel Éomer and Faramir.
Because think about it! These two dudes were running Rohan and Ithilien when Gimli and Legolas were establishing their new dwarf and elf colonies. Which means that while Aragorn was busy being The Shiny New King Of Gondor, the Prince of Ithilien and King of Rohan (who yes was also busy being king, but surely had less Shit To Deal With because Rohan didn’t have a whole bunch of Huge Social And Practical Changes when Éomer got crowned like Gondor did, now did it?) took over management of his Two Idiot Friends In Love.
And depending on how long it took Legolas and Gimli to figure shit out...well. Just picture Éomer and Faramir meeting-up periodically to talk about political logistics and brother-in-law stuff...and eventually the conversation is going to turn to mutual friends, as it does. And one of them has this absurd poet dwarf running around waxing euphoric about pretty caves, and the other this weird half-feral tree-elf gremlin prancing around singing to the flowers. And both completely and absolutely obsessed with each other...and seemingly unaware of it. Would they commiserate? Absolutely. Would they try and wingman it? Ooh, probably. Would they somehow find a way to make things even more awkward, somehow? Almost definitely. And when Legolas and Gimli finally do get together, they can commiserate over that, too.
Just. You canNOT tell me that there isn’t bucket-loads of potential here for shenanigans and nonsense. And we need to see more of that, I think.
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Hey there! I was wondering if you would mind writing a request for me. One in which the fem!reader is a Dunedain and was friends with Aragorn since childhood. She joins the fellowship and grows really close to Boromir, seeing him as a brother. Aragorn is jealous, but then the reader tells him that she loves him. Thank you for considering!
I Love You Stupid
A/n: of course Anon, I forgot i wrote for Aragorn so I almost wrote a whole paragraph saying I don't write for him only to check my masterlist and find out i do, I know I have a 24 hour request turn around or well try to, but this will probs be written in that time but sit in my queue for a week or two cuz i have shit wifi at the moment and i need to post content while i have shit wifi when i go away. This is also my first time writing for him so please bare with me.
Pairing: Dúnedain Fem!Reader x Aragorn
Summary: Request by Anon
Ft: Jealous Aragorn, Brother Figure Boromir, Wingman Legolas, Thorin (Mention) is Alive
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Ever since childhood you had grown up with Aragorn, you were almost attached at the hip, apart from the fact that, Haldir and his brothers had basically adopted you ever since they found you after the orc ambush on your parents convoy to the Greenwood, you were raised closely with him, given the both Elrond's twins and the twins were good friends.
You both joined the Dúnedain Rangers together and you traveled the wild together, you soon caught wind of of the secret council of Elrond being held of the ring, some how even the elven rulers and the wizards did not know how you knew most things in middle earth, so Elrond was not as surprised as Aragorn when you reveled yourself from the shadows.
"Ah Y/n, I was wondering when you would show yourself, it would be unlike you not to hear about this" Mithrandir said
"Lady Galadriel told me about it, she asked me to come as her representative" you returned it was true that the Lady Galadriel used you as her personal ranger some times as you had ties with the Galadrhim.
Boromir was quick to offer you a seat, "Please it is rude for me to keep a lady such as yourself standing" Boromir said.
"I prefer the stand" You told the Stewards son who nodded to you and took his seat again, you stayed silent even threw Boromir insulting Aragorn and the little fight which took place about if the ring should be destroyed or if Gondor should get it.
"The ring has to be destroyed, there is no other option, if the ring is not destroyed and Sauron should get it because the race of men is weak, then he would get so much stronger, it must be cast back into the fires in which it was forged no weapon by any craft we have here will break it" You chimed in
"And what would a ranger like you know" Boromir said.
"She knows plenty more than you know" Aragorn shot you sighed as Boromir and Aragorn got into another argument, soon you had pledged your sword like Aragorn to the hobbit, Legolas also swore his bow to the hobbit and gimli his axe, you slightly snickered remembering how bilbo told you when Legolas saw a drawing of Gimli in his father Gloin locket and called him a goblin mutant, but you said nothing, Boromir surprisingly offered to come along for the journey.
You soon learnt on your journey Boromir wasn't that bad a bit misogynistic but over all not that bad, he helped Merry and Pippin use swords, Aragorn even chimed in the help the two, you stood next to Legolas albeit with a height difference as he stood on a rock.
Sam was cooking, the hobbit had soon become the main cook of the fellowship, not that you minded, it would probably fall to you if not.
Boromir soon came up behind you, "what ya thinking about" Boromir said you somewhat jumped as he snuck up on you as you were lost in thought.
"Are ya thinking of the Elf, Ya were staring" Boromir said, Legolas quickly turned to you.
"No I was not, Legolas is a good mellon of mine Boromir, I was thinking about my parents reaction to me going on this quest, they are a bit, over protective of me" You responded.
"Aren't you the same age as Aragorn" Boromir said you nodded in response
"Aren't your parents i don't know dead" Boromir said you laughed
"Not my biological ones my elvish parents" You responded
"You were raised by elves" Boromir said
"Yeah, got a problem with that" You questioned Boromir
"No just shocked" Boromir said
"Y/n likes someone of her own race, which she has known for a long time" Legolas said, you shot the prince a glare
"Sometimes I hate you" You said to Legolas.
You had not noticed how you became close to Boromir, but Aragorn certainly had and wondered how he could let you fall for him, Legolas fell back in step with the Dúnedain Ranger.
"You know Aragorn, that's more Brotherly than it is romantic" Legolas whispered as you turned around and smiled at the two, Legolas fell back to walk with the hobbits as you moved to walk next to Aragorn.
"Oh Estel, Boromir is asking of embarrassing stories of you, I told him to go to Elrond or Elrond's twins if he wanted, Are you ok, is this about Arwen, I know you loved her but maybe you can find someone better" You said.
"How could I do better than an Elf" Aragorn said he noticed how quickly you shut up and moved to walk next to Boromir.
"You blew that" Legolas said walking next to him again.
The Fellowship soon set up Camp, Boromir and Gimli were talking to each other, Sam was talking to Frodo while cooking, Pippin and Merry were talking with Boromir and Gimli, You were sat next to Gandalf near the fire sharpening your sword.
You kept Aragorn in your peripheral vision as you chipped in with Boromir's conversation when it was directed your way, Aragorn was acting different he was distant compared to before, before Aragorn would come up with any reason to be with you.
"Y/N CATCH" Pippin yelled throwing you an apple, you stabbed it midair with your nice and took a bite out of it.
"Told you she could do it Sam, if she can cut an arrow in half of course she can do that" Pippin said, Gandalf chuckled choking on his pipe a little.
"That was a one time think Pippin, I will not be doing that again" You replied you could hear Legolas' silent laugh from behind you.
A Week later you had had enough of Aragorn moping around and ignoring you all the time especially since Gandalf fell in Moria and Boromir when Pippin and Merry got taken.
"Aragorn, look I know Boromir's and Gandalf death have been hard, especially as i grew to think of Boromir as a Brother but will you quit Ignoring me for once" You huffed as you picked up yet another piece of firewood and slammed it angrily into Aragorn's arms.
"Now is no time to get all sad over Arwen breaking up with you before you left Imladris, It was better for both of you, Arwen will sail to Valinor and you will become the King of Gondor" You said.
"That is not who I am, I am not a King and this isn't about their deaths or Arwen, it's about something completely different" Aragorn said.
"You are not Isildur, you won't make the same mistake he did, you maybe of his blood but you are not him, not all decedents in your case are like there ancestors, You are a better man than him, someone I can follow into battle and trust them" You said prodding Aragorn in the chest with a firewood stick you had picked up.
"I know I am not him, but you aren't the only one who wants be to become King" Aragorn said
"Hey, I get these uncanny feelings about the future more than often they are right, and you being king is one of them" You said as you set the stick down onto the rest Aragorn was holding.
"I think Legolas was right about one thing, you are jealous" You saud
"And why would i be Jealous" Aragorn said
"I did not notice it until I looked for it, but your in love with me aren't you, and you thought of Boromir was a threat as you thought I liked him in a romantic way, Aragorn never have you been so wrong" you said turning around to him.
"do you like Legolas" Aragorn said you laughed
"Oh Aragorn, I liked Legolas but I realized that was a stupid little crush which was a phase, I mean who wouldn't have you seen how hot that elf is i swear he gets it from his father, no he does get it from his father, I'm getting off topic" You walked towards Aragorn
"You really want to know who I like hmm" You said.
"It would be out of line to ask you" Aragorn said.
"I like Elladan" You teased, you watched as Aragorn's face dropped.
"Good" You said, Aragorn looked at you in shock.
"You do like me, I thought Legolas was pulling my Leg" You said you watched his face turn to confusion.
"You are so blind when it comes to feelings Aragorn, I love you dumbass and I always have, I just knew to leave you and Arwen be" You said.
"Now, we should get back to camp, before Legolas and Gimli think something bad happened to us" you said, Aragorn followed you back, you both set down the fire wood and sat down, Legolas slide besides Aragorn the two talked in hushed whispers before Legolas looked at you knowingly.
"You should set you blanket besides Y/n Aragorn if that is so, we wouldn't want Y/n to be defenseless on a night raid by orcs" you glared at Legolas
"Gimli, Did you know when Legolas saw your picture in your fathers locket he asked if you were a goblin mutant" You said the dwarf glared at Legolas
"How did you know about that" Legolas asked you.
"Feren tells me everything and surprisingly so does Thorin" you said, Aragorn came to sit next to you as Gimli and Legolas were fighting.
"You didn't need to set Gimli on him did you" Aragorn questioned, you laughed as you set your head on Aragorn's shoulder, he wrapped an arm around your waist.
"It was to funny to to see Gimli's reaction, I am surprised I held out this Long" you said turning your head to face Aragorn, he kisses you.
"Yuck" You said pushing him away
"I've never kissed someone with a beard before" You said
"I kiss you and you say yuck" Aragorn said offend, you laughed and hugged him.
A/n: sorry this is so late it to me a couple of days to even write this and then it would have be stuck in my long queue.
Star trek reference it Lord of the Rings fanfic, yes i do say so, and it fits very well if I do say so myself.
Elvish Translation:
Mellon - Friend
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erosofthepen · 3 years
hey if you’re taking requests rn, i saw the proposal thing and i was wondering if you could do something with lotr/the hobbit characters asking you out for the first time or smth like that? also could you include aragorn, legolas, and kíli? you don’t have to, just a suggestion. thanks!!
I decided to just do Aragorn, Legolas, and Kili, hope that's alright! And also, so sorry this took forever.
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Aragorn would be nervous x10, though you know he wouldn't show it. You've been friends for quite some time, and he knows your mind like the back of his hand. He'll wait for a chance when you two are alone, and might arrange a night of stargazing for the occasion. The both of you are picking out the constellations, and he's telling the stories behind them, and watching your eyes the entire time, reflecting the same stories that he's telling. Eventually he asks if you'd be willing to become more than just friends, if you would accept his offer to begin a courtship and love each other on romantic terms, no longer just platonic. When you accept, he asks if he can hold your hand. You let him, and, with your hand grasped in his, he looks back up at the stars with a giddy smile on his face.
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Legolas is not very familiar with what is considered normal for human courting, so he's 100% going straight to Aragorn with all his questions: Do they braid hair like dwarves? Is it right to initiate physical intimacy, such as an embrace or a hand-hold? Would it be wrong to announce my intentions to the world? And Aragorn just starts shaking his head. After a very long conversation of the social norms of human courting, Legolas finally feels ready to ask you, and with aragorn as his wingman, your courtship begins. He was totally jittery the whole time, and stumbling over his words, slipping into elvish a couple times on accident, but once he gets his point across, both you and him couldn't be happier.
(also, this is an accurate representation of Aragorn cheering legolas on)
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Dwarves are smooth af, and Kili is no exception. I mean, remember his sickness-hazed declaration of love? Damn, even just off his death-bed, Kili's got it going for him. You just know he would spend time learning about human courting traditions first, to ensure that you feel comfortable, but he'd also be very firm in following dwarven traditions too, so expect to be showered in gold and gifts when he asks. But he's very sweet through it all, and stays his happy mischievous self, somehow making it all romantic and light-hearted, with a bit of comedic relief. He loves you, and makes it known that he hopes to stay with you for quite a while (if not forever), and, with his sweet puppy eyes, you can't help but say yes.
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okay-j-hannah · 3 years
Devout Hands & Rubied Apples
The Lord of the Rings : Fic
Faramir x Reader
Word Count: 3241
Warnings: Man I’ve always loved Faramir but holy frick I think he’d be such a loyal and caring husband 😭 I love wingman Boromir too 
Request: “I’d love to request a Fic with Faramir where he and the reader (who was also apart of the fellowship) spend Aragorn’s coronation and the party that takes place after together. He’d slowly be building up the courage to confess how he feels while Boromir tries to be a good wingman. At the same time, Merry and Pippin are scheming ways to get them together. Just lots of fluff involving dancing, drinking, and cute interactions :)” @whitewolvesandwitches​
A/N:​ In light of the Ring being destroyed, the fellowship find themselves in need of a new task. One appointed by Boromir to aide his brother in winning over the heart of their healer and friend
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(Y/N) took it upon herself to assist in the infirmary as much as she could. After leaving the battlements relatively unscathed, ensuring the remnants of her fellowship were all right, she turned her attentions towards the wounded.
Upon entering the rows of stretchers enveloping the interior of Minas Tirith, she was quick to notice her companion Boromir. Strong and steady, the warrior was knelt over a makeshift cot wielding a man of similar fair hair.
“Boromir,” she muttered, resting a hand along his shoulders, “He will recover.”
The older man reached to touch her hand behind him, “I know. How could he not with you watching over him? You saved my life against the Uruk-hai, and you will save his life against my father’s poor judgement.”
(Y/N) frowned at the memory of being told the Steward had made Faramir’s condition worse even after sending him to his death at Osgiliath.
“I am flattered, but I’m sure he draws strength from your constant visits.”
“I would beg to differ,” the man she saw as a brother stated. He drew another stool closer as she took a seat to stay. “He is just as comforted by you as he is by me.”
(Y/N) moved a hand to feel the sickly brothers forehead. When she moved it towards his cheek, there was the smallest of movements as he nuzzled her palm in his sleep.
Boromir rested his elbows on his knees, covering his mouth with both his hands. His knowing eyes flickered to (Y/N)’s face, wondering if she’d have a reaction.
“What are you looking at with such a smile?”
“Oh, simply pondering your verdict.”
(Y/N) grinned back, “His fevers broken. It won’t be long before he’ll be walking about.” She let her hand linger perhaps too long on the scruff of Faramir’s cheek, for Boromir was clearing his throat and standing to leave.
“I must get back to the front. Aragorn is holding a council for his coming coronation.”
“Then get at it, Steward.”
Boromir flashed a grin, taking a light bow, “As you wish, Healer (Y/N). Keep my brother alive for me, will you?” He turned on his heel, trying to hide that smile that almost gave him away.
And watch over Faramir, (Y/N) did. Though attending to other duties with the quickly recovering survivors, she spent every sparing moment at his bedside. With him out of immediate danger, Faramir was moved to his own chambers, a soft pillow beneath his head and plenty of books for (Y/N) to choose from.
She became accustomed to a schedule of attending the infirmary then grabbing a tray of food and making way for Faramir’s room. She’d share a meal with him, trying to keep him awake longer and longer each day before he fell into another unconscious stupor.
When he did, she simply picked up the nearest book and read passages from it, sometimes saying them aloud to him. She found peace in those moments alone by his bedside. Chaos was attempting to be reined in by Aragorn, Boromir, and Eomer – the new lords of Middle Earth. And the sanctuary of Faramir’s chambers was always sought after a long day.
Though she was never far from boisterous visitors.
“Evening, (Y/N),” came the cheery voices of Merry and Pippin. “How are you?”
“Perfectly content,” she mused, placing a book marker on her current page, “What can I do for you?”
Merry put his hands behind his back, taking slow steps to Faramir’s bedside, “We were simply wondering when the last time you saw the light of day was.”
She laughed, curiosity peaked, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“By our reckoning,” Pippin continued, at the foot of the bed, “You’ve done nothing but move between the infirmary, kitchens, and this room every day. You’ve done hardly anything else since the war.”
“We,” Merry gestured between himself and Pippin, “Are here to rescue you.”
(Y/N) sighed a smile, “I told you I am perfectly content sitting here. But thank you for showing such concern.” She had an impish tone to her words, “How are you healing, Merry?”
“Don’t you change the subject,” the hobbit retorted, “There is to be a party after Aragorn’s coronation, and you’ll have no one to see if you don’t leave this room to meet them.”
Pippin flickered his gaze between the bed and (Y/N)’s puzzled expression, but he added quickly, “There are many soldiers dying to meet the one that healed them after the field.”
She couldn’t see how Merry stamped on Pippin’s large foot. They weren’t supposed to encourage meeting other men of the field.
“You know I’ve got plenty of friends that’ll be there.” She thought of the fellowship and how joyous their reunion had been when the Ring was destroyed. “And I don’t much fancy being sought after by a handful of injured soldiers.”
“And why not?” came Faramir’s quiet voice from the bed covers, “Surely these soldiers have won the honor to seek your hand.”
“Oh, Faramir!” she said, standing to reach his forehead, “How are you feeling? You slept far longer this time.”
The young captain, though healed of his injuries, was still pale and weak from weeks stuck in a bed. “I’m all right. Your book reading keeps me well asleep.” He lingered his weary blue eyes on her expression, not wishing to do anything that would make her retract her hand from his face.
She was oblivious to how he was looking at her.
“Well, aren’t you going to answer his question?”
Merry stamped on his companions foot again.
“Oh, well…” (Y/N) seemed a bit flustered by the question, “I’ve never been one for courting, especially by strangers.” She moved her hands back into her lap and Faramir felt his brows slant in longing.
Merry and Pippin flipped their gazes between the two, peculiar smiles on their faces. Similar to the one that Boromir usually bore when he visited.
“What are you up to?” She questioned, “There is more than simply getting me out of this room.”
“You got us,” Merry resigned in mock defeat, “We need to get you out for a particular reason.”
“We need to speak to Faramir,” Pippin said in a rush, unable to conceal his excitement. A swift smack from his friend made him yell out, “Ow! What was that for?”
Merry sighed, “You have no tact, Pippin. Must be a Tookish trait.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh at her friends banter. The lovely sound made Faramir return his tired gaze to her.
“You could have just said so,” she said. “I have made promises to set up the festivities with Eowyn. Perhaps I’ll seek her out and start early.”
And once she had left, the hobbits were quick to let out the breaths they had been holding. Faramir, though still exhausted from his lack of energy, laughed at them. “I have a feeling Boromir has something to do with this.”
And speak of the man, Boromir inched his way into the room, looking around him as if to see if someone had spotted him yet. “Are we alone?”
“Completely,” Merry muttered, “(Y/N)’s off to find Eowyn.”
“Don’t worry, Faramir,” Pippin consoled his friend, “We’ve been putting in the good word for you the entire time you were ill.”
The poor man appeared entirely bewildered, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, “Good word?”
“Listen to me, brother,” Boromir said, a kind of light in his eyes. “The opportunity is almost ripe for the taking. The coronation is in just a few days, and that will be when you strike.”
“We’ll all be there if you need us,” Merry continued, “We’ve just got to get you up and about. You still look like death.” Him and Boromir offered to help Faramir into a sitting position.
Such small a movement and it had Faramir straining, “I still don’t understand.”
“(Y/N)!” Boromir stated with such excitement, “Now is the time to confess your feelings for her.”
That woke him up real quick. “(Y/N)? Have you three been scheming behind my back?”
“Only because you were on your deathbed,” Pippin shrugged.
Faramir ran a hand over his face, taking a deep breath, “I couldn’t possibly… how would I… like (Y/N) would actually…”
“Relax, Faramir,” Boromir smirked, “I don’t believe you have anything to worry about.”
“You should have seen her,” Merry sucked in his lips in exuberance. “She paid such special attention to you out of all the survivors.”
“Which brings us to why you have to get up, Faramir,” Pippin stated, “There’s a lineup of soldiers talking of charming (Y/N) at the coronation. You have to be better by then to take them on!”
Boromir raised a hand, seeing the slight panic entering his brothers face, “There’s no need to pick a fight with every man that comes her way. Because I am sure (Y/N) will pick you regardless.”
“You’re sure?” Faramir asked, almost breathless in his growing anxiety. “How could you possibly be sure?”
“You were not awake,” Boromir had a wicked grin, “She clearly has feelings for you. She is simply not as vocal about them.”
Merry urged him on, “I don’t see (Y/N) staying in any of her other injured soldiers rooms.”
The coronation was a celebration beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings. Aragorn was crowned King Elessar amongst a flurry of pale petals and ecstatic subjects. Friends and acquaintances gathered from every stretch of the map, offering bows of good faith and trust.
(Y/N) stood diligently beside those members of the fellowship she cherished most. Boromir clapped boisterously, whistling loudly above the cheers. It made (Y/N) smile.
Amongst the chaos, Boromir leaned around to get a better look, grasping someone near him and trading places. This new person bumped right into (Y/N), stumbling and finding that it was Faramir his brother had traded places with.
He gave her a sweet, apologetic smile, as if to say, “My brother is a menace.”
She blushed back, taking a step away from brushing shoulders with him only to discover Legolas standing steadfastly beside her. She caught a questioning, slightly smug, look on his face before retreating back to being shoulder to shoulder with Faramir.
She couldn’t possibly have noticed the minute glance the elf gave to Boromir over their heads.
And the newly made King Elessar came walking among his subjects, the fair lady Arwen on his arm. He peered at her delicate, radiant face with such devotion that it made (Y/N) blush. She could feel heat radiating off Faramir’s body against her shoulder.
She sneaked a glance and caught him staring at her, even as the King and his Queen trailed past. Faramir couldn’t seem to look away and in an attempt to appear normal, started clapping along with the crowd. (Y/N) couldn’t put her finger on it, but the expression on his face reminded her of the look on Aragorn’s only moments before.
When he looked upon his queen.
The festivities that followed were as celebratory and raucous as you’d believe, especially with friends such as Boromir and Gimli around.
(Y/N) had quietly followed Faramir and Legolas into the throne room, which had been decked especially for the occasion. A large feast surrounded them, fiddlers and minstrels in the corner, and grand chandeliers of candles above.
She found that within an instant Legolas had mumbled an excuse to leave, putting her and Faramir alone and at the edge of the party. She kept her hands folded and in front of her, a shawl gracing her back and elbows. A circlet of golden leaves and rubied apples surrounded her head, an extravagance that Eowyn insisted upon.
“Healers,” she had said. “You never do anything for yourselves.” And she proceeded to dress her friend in fine white gold and cornsilk trimmings.
It was Faramir that attempted speech first, “The crown you wear, I recognize it.” He had to lean forward slightly to be heard over the feast. “It is quite beautiful.”
(Y/N) hoped the dimness of the candles hid the crimson on her cheeks, “Thank you. Eowyn took it upon herself to dress me. She says infirmary aprons are not acceptable.”
Faramir laughed, “It suits your complexion.”
She swallowed hard; there was no way her cheeks were as red as those rubied apples. In a moment of silence she straightened the circlet nervously. Faramir appeared to notice as he opened his mouth to speak.
But (Y/N) got there first, “Eowyn told me of the summer wine.” She gestured to a table across the hall, “I simply must try some.” And she vanished in a flurry.
It was incredible how quickly his companions surrounded his shoulders.
“That could have gone better,” Boromir stated grimly, clapping his brothers arm. “I approve of the compliment though.”
“How could you possibly hear us over this crowd?”
Merry pulled himself onto a table of desserts, Pippin not far behind with a fruit pie in hand. “You’ve got her all in a tither already.”
“I’m scaring her,” Faramir frowned, trying to glimpse her golden crowned head amongst the wine glasses.
“You’re flustering her, brother, there’s a difference.” Boromir stroked his scruff, observing the surroundings. “We’re going to have to evade her defenses.”
Pippin popped a blueberry, “Back to the ways of the Green Dragon.” The hobbits shared a gleeful glance, skittering off towards the minstrels.
“What are you planning?” Faramir fretted, not wishing to frighten (Y/N) further.
Boromir waved an impatient hand, apparently deep in strategic thought, “It was not my idea. Though a clever one.”
“Must you be so vague.”
The line of fiddlers shifted in their seats, a new merriment in how they held their bows. Their hobbit friends trailed from them, grasping mugs of ale and finding the tallest table they could stand upon.
A quick, rousing tune filled the air and Faramir recognized it immediately as a sort of line dance. One that included trading partners and flying feet.
“Dancing is not…”
“It is exactly how we’ll sneak you into (Y/N)’s arms.” Boromir grasped his brothers shoulders and shoved him towards the forming circle of people. Merry and Pippin were on their stage, beginning a drinking song of the Shire.
He could already see a pale faced Eowyn greeting (Y/N) and gesturing towards the center of the room.
“Excellent,” he muttered, much to Faramir’s anxiety. “Hold her swift and don’t let go.”
A billow of fabric and laughs consumed Faramir, quickly caught by a fellow Gondorian. He looked at her petite frame surprisingly but recognized her friendly face. They danced a few paces, him memorizing the moves before passing her along – this new partner an acquaintance from Rohan.
Clapping and cheering surrounded them, the hobbits hyping the crowd with bellowing lyrics and chugs of ale. Faramir felt himself loosen as he grinned and tapped toes with different partners. He recognized many friends and shared a few laughs, though an old arrow wound flared in his leg.
He spun and found himself in front of (Y/N) – she was flushed from the dancing, but a delighted twinkle was in her eyes. He continued to smile brighter, taking her hand and twirling her as the dance instructed.
A laugh came from her strawberry rouged lips and he relished the noise, less afraid to grasp her waist as they danced about the hall. When the time came for him to pass her to the next soldier, he found himself simply trading places with him.
(Y/N) peered at him with a comical gaze, “That is cheating.”
Faramir shrugged, taking the liberty to twirl her again, “I simply could not let you go.”
This time she did not mind the butterflies in her stomach, choosing to grin back at him instead of running away. They danced like that, Faramir continuing to jump places with the soldiers so she only partnered with him, until the music died away with a flourish.
Everyone clapped, (Y/N) and Faramir included, neither seeming able to remove their eyes from the other.
“Your shawl,” he pointed out. It had fallen on one side and dangled from one arm onto the floor. (Y/N) twirled to grab the end, but Faramir lightly grabbed her shoulders, stopping her, “Allow me.”
He stood behind her, draping the fallen end around her elbow, smoothly linking their arms together as he did so.
She gave him a suspicious brow, though smiled.
“Care for a drink?” And he led her towards the refreshments arm in arm.
Behind them was a rally of stunned cheers from a certain fellowship as they watched the motion.
“Was the summer wine to your liking?” Faramir continued, not wanting the momentum of his confidence to falter.
(Y/N) was still marveling at the smoothness of Faramir’s actions, allowing him the grace of keeping her arm delicately through his. “It was far too sweet. A pity.”
He charmed her, “Perhaps the elven made wine, then? I can attest to its richness – I’m sure you’ll prefer it.”
She nodded, finding herself intrigued by the bubbling drink, golden in the candlelight. It was crisp and tangy on the tongue, a look of delight on her face as she smacked her lips. Faramir watched her, releasing her arm to find a glass for himself.
“It is delicious.”
He grinned, “I’m glad.” And his gaze lingered as she enjoyed her drink. It lingered so much that (Y/N) chose to stare at the bubbles in her hand then at that look. She was correct in believing it reminded her of the King and Queen.
It was a look of devotion.
“Earlier you told me you recognized my crown,” she spoke towards her toes, “What do you recognize it from?”
He settled his wine glass on a nearby table, “It’s Gondorian made – it comes from our family stores.”
(Y/N) grimaced, “Oh, I told Eowyn not to go snooping. I didn’t realize she took it.”
“It is no trouble,” Faramir stated lightly, “It had belonged to my mother.”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened, “I didn’t realize…” she immediately went to take it off, holding the circlet with a newfound gentleness. “Forgive me.”
“There is no need to return it now.”
She skewed her brow in apology, “This is far too precious an object, I should not be wearing it.” She offered it to Faramir, “Your mother was an honorable woman.”
Faramir held the golden crown with sincerity, gazing at the worn leaves welded upon it. He smiled sweetly, turning to (Y/N) and placing the circlet once more on her head. “My mother would be glad it was worn by someone as strong as her.”
He brushed her hair away, keeping his hands on either side of her face. “There. Beautiful.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth but found herself with no words to say. This time she returned his devoted stare.
“I have found myself growing very fond of you, (Y/N),” he whispered, “It would be shameful to leave this night with your face so apologetic.”
In an instant she was clear of the emotion – it was replaced with mingling shock and another delightful light in her eyes.
“The shame would only be my own; for my own misguided affections – I thought your fondness was only in gratitude for my healing.” That’s when he began to smile, “Then perhaps for the tolerance of your brother.”
He laughed, adoration plain in his features, “Perhaps I do feel those things. But first and foremost has always been for your heart.”
“My heart has always been open to you, Faramir.”
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Really good Bilbo moments in rotk:
Giving Frodo Sting and the mithril coat for the second time because he forgot he already did so
Telling Merry and Pippin that he doesnt have any gifts for them except advice, giving them advice for a long time, and then giving them some fancy pipes after all
The fact that hes "waited long enough" for Aragorn and Arwens wedding implying that hes been Aragorn's overinvested wingman for 60+ years and then he doesnt even show up because packing is such a bother
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amerrierworld · 7 years
Can i get a hobbit/LOTR ship? my name is Idunn. i have red hair, blue-grey eyes, i wear glasses. i am rather moody and easily distracted but i am loyal to a fault and artsy. i tend to stress and worry a whole lot about everything. i can be a bit impulsive and leap before i look sometimes. i love animals, the moon/night sky, and i love the rain. i wanna teach little kids, learn to make armor/swords, write books, and own a library/bookstore.
I would ship you with Ori or Sam! And because you asked for a Hobbit plus LOTR ship I’ll give you both because I couldn’t decide ;)
Ori:- You and Ori bonded over books one fateful night on the quest where neither of you could sleep. Ori was fascinated with your story tellings and synopsizes  of your favourite books. He, in turn, went to great lengths to explain the vast libraries of Ered Luin and the histories and tomes he only hopes to recover when you reach Erebor. You promised to help with the renovations and clean up of the Grand Library once Thorin gave in to your constant nagging over if Erebor did in fact have a secret source of books dating centuries back. Ori was ecstatic and soon the two of you couldn’tbe separated.- Ori is incredibly patient with you. He will gladly make you a cup of tea (thanks to Dori’s upbringing) when you’re frustrated or stressed. Ori always calmly sits and listens to your frantic tellings of what’s on your mind and offers quite reasonable advice. And when you don’t want advice, he’s more than happy to just hold your hand by the fireplace and read you stories in Ancient Khuzdul (quite broken Khuzdul because he’s not very fluent either) but the two of you like to sit for hours and attempt to translate the text. - The Company approves greatly of you. Dori and Nori were first very suspicious of you that you might corrupt their little brother, but that changed once they noticed how open and more determined Ori became once you were around him, whether from need to impress you or finally stand up for himself, they don’t know. The more serious and elderly folk, like Thorin, Balin, Oin and Gloin are intrigued by your relationship with Ori where you always seem the more impulsive and chatty one and he’s very quiet. Nonetheless, your own personal advice and conversations are very important to them, helping to save the lives of the Durin brothers and Thorin through quick thinking and better planning. You are offered a spot on the Royal Council since they greatly value your opinion and you have been quick to gain the trust and respect of the Company and the other inhabitants that arrive later in Erebor. Bofur, Bombur, Bifur, Bilbo and the Durin brothers are your go-to when in need of jokes, good food or mischievous pranks, the latter mainly involving Fili and Kili. Ori is quite nervous whenever they come up, and he only sometimes joins in, but when they succeed he has the best of times and wastes no time in bragging about it in colourful flourishes and exaggerated retellings. -The two of you essentially become the heads of Erebor’s library, set on recovering and restoring a lot of the lost texts. Ori, though a bit shyly, lets you edit and read the manuscript detailing the quest from the very beginning. Neither of you really know when you started developing deeper feelings for each other but the two of you flowed seamlessly into it and haven’t looked back since.
Sam:- Frodo knew there was romance between the two of you before either of you even considered it, #wingman.- It started with Sam being extremely flustered and acting closed around you, but this was for a very different reason than what you thought. Sam felt like he was too boring to ever be considered one of your suitors, thinking you’d be better off with someone more adventurous like Pippin or Merry, but it was him that you turned to when you needed a good conversation or a quiet break.- Subconscious flirting was disguised in conversations in the pub, coming over for scones and tea or trading off books to read. Frodo often tried to push Sam to ask you about your feelings, but the poor hobbit would just turn into a stuttering mess and you would laugh and tease, thinking nothing of it.- When things become complicated and Sam and Frodo are off to do some crazy world-saving thing that he won’t tell you about, you quickly realize the fear of losing him comes from the unspoken love between the two of you, and you follow after them, not hearing Gandalf’s warnings.- You stuck with the hobbits through thick and thin during the quest, making the Fellowship ten members instead of nine. Sam and you were a tag team to protect each other and Frodo, who was comforted knowing his best friend had support if anything ever happened to him, which had a high chance, being the Ring-bearer and all. When the two of you are separated, you panic and it takes a calm voice like Gandalf’s or Frodo’s to ease you out of it and help you see reason before running after him. Usually it’s Sam that does that kind of talking so when he’s not around you fear you’ll lose yourself.- The hobbits absolutely adore you. Pippin and Merry are quite envious of the time Sam gets to spend with you, but all with good intentions of course. They waste no time teasing and tormenting the two of you once you’ve opened up to each other and the rest of the group about your emotions. Frodo finds you to be a good comrade and thinks you’re absolutely the perfect balance for his brave yet humble gardener. The rest of the Fellowship think you’re great fun with a good set of brains. Gimli and Legolas appreciate your sense of humour and creativity while Gandalf, Aragorn and Boromir admire your love for little things that may go unseen by others. They all grow to love your perfections and flaws and you become a vital part of the group to see the quest fulfilled.
Hope you like it! I’m really sorry it’s taken so long but I never intended for it to be quite this dense. I quite enjoy doing ships so if anyone else wants one, just ask and I’ll be more than happy to do so!
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