#e na rey
anditwentlikethis · 21 days
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brasilsa · 2 years
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davgudgeon · 1 year
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edsonjnovaes · 1 year
Ano-Novo na Idade Média e suas cores
Ano-Novo na Idade Média e suas cores
As pessoas encontraram maneiras diferentes de voltar à velha rotina no ano-novo na Europa medieval, por exemplo, uma delas era fazer uma corrida de arado ao nascer do sol na primeira segunda-feira após a Epifania, esse dia passou a ser conhecido como Segunda-feira do Arado. John Burger – Aleteia. 28/12/20 “Havia outra tradição, talvez novamente para aliviar o fardo de retornar à labuta diária,…
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Três Figuras Incomparáveis: Os 3 Homens na Bíblia Que Nunca Morreram!"
Olá, leitores queridos! Espero que estejam bem. Hoje, embarcaremos em uma fascinante jornada pelas páginas sagradas da Bíblia para explorar um tema intrigante: "Os 3 Homens na Bíblia Que Nunca Morreram!" Vamos desvendar juntos os mistérios que cercam essas figuras notáveis.
Assista ao vídeo completo:
1. Enoque: Caminhando com Deus além das Eras
Enoque é uma figura notável que, segundo as Escrituras, "andou com Deus e desapareceu, pois Deus o levou" (Gênesis 5:24). Sua vida foi marcada por uma proximidade extraordinária com o Criador, e sua singularidade reside no fato de que ele nunca experimentou a morte física. Enoque transcendeu as limitações humanas, sendo levado diretamente para a presença de Deus. Sua história nos inspira a buscar uma comunhão mais profunda com o Divino em nossa própria jornada espiritual.
2. Elias: Partindo em um Carro de Fogo
A história do profeta Elias é repleta de eventos milagrosos, mas seu fim é verdadeiramente único. Ao término de seu ministério, Elias não conheceu a morte comum. Em vez disso, ele foi arrebatado aos céus em um carro de fogo, conforme registrado em 2 Reis 2:11. Esse episódio enigmático destaca a singularidade da vida de Elias e a maneira extraordinária como Deus escolheu encerrar seu tempo na Terra.
3. Melquisedeque: Um Sacerdote Eterno
A figura misteriosa de Melquisedeque, que encontramos tanto no Antigo Testamento quanto no Novo Testamento, é descrita como um "sacerdote para sempre" (Salmo 110:4, Hebreus 7:3). Sua história é envolta em mistério, e sua natureza única como sacerdote eterno desafia as convenções temporais. Melquisedeque serve como uma figura enigmática que transcende as limitações humanas, apontando para um sacerdócio superior e eterno.
Lições Espirituais: Buscando a Eternidade em Deus
Ao explorarmos as histórias desses três homens notáveis, somos convidados a refletir sobre a natureza da vida eterna e a busca pela proximidade divina. Suas vidas únicas nos inspiram a caminhar mais perto de Deus, a buscar uma comunhão mais profunda e a compreender que, em Sua soberania, Ele pode moldar destinos que transcendem nossa compreensão terrena.
Conclusão: Uma Jornada Espiritual Além dos Limites Humanos
Encerramos nossa exploração dos "3 Homens na Bíblia Que Nunca Morreram" com a compreensão de que, em Deus, encontramos a promessa da vida eterna. Enoque, Elias e Melquisedeque nos apontam para uma jornada espiritual que vai além dos limites humanos, convidando-nos a buscar a eternidade em meio às páginas da Palavra de Deus.
Espero que esta jornada tenha sido tão inspiradora para você quanto foi para mim. Compartilhe suas reflexões nos comentários e continue explorando as riquezas espirituais que a Bíblia nos oferece. Até a próxima!
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mundaoincrivel · 5 months
Abisague, a história da jovem Sunamita que aqueceu o rei Davi!
Abisague, a história da jovem sunamita que aqueceu o rei Davi, é uma narrativa rica e intrigante encontrada no Antigo Testamento da Bíblia, no livro de 1 Reis e em 1 Samuel. Embora sua história seja relativamente breve, ela oferece insights valiosos sobre a vida na corte do rei Davi, bem como sobre as complexidades das relações humanas e políticas naquele tempo
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lcentretenimento · 1 year
Terra e Paixão alcança recorde, porém fica atrás de Vai na Fé em audiência
A novela Terra e Paixão, exibida pela Globo nesta terça-feira, 30/05, alcançou sua maior audiência em quase quatro semanas de exibição. Continue reading Untitled
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
meu sonho é viajar pra Itália e ficar olhando os monumentos e estátuas e as coiseiras tudo que nem o Jeremias Berdinazzi e enquanto isso meu cérebro vai ficar tocando aquela música da gioconda kkkkkkkkkkkk
#eu acho que eu tava de férias da escola quando começou a reprisar O Rei do Gado#aí meu pai também tava em casa (não sei se era férias do trampo ou se ele tava sem trampo) e ficava nós dois assistindo#aí nos primeiros capítuloskkkkkkkkkkkkk peraí#ficava os tiozinhos das duas famílias xingando um ao outro#“maledetto Menzenga” “maledetto Berdinazzi” NOSSA MANO ISSO VIROU MEME NA MINHA FAMÍLIA KKKKKKKKKK começou só eu e meu pai mas depois#mies primes tudo ficava se chamando assim MINHA NONNA ODIAVAKKKKKKK ela achava que a gente tava desrespeitando nossa ancestralidade#ainda tenho uma prima que toda vez que eu chegou eu digo “e aí maledetta Menzenga?”#e ela “fala maledetto Berdinazzi”#KKKKKKKKKKKKKK MANO NEM SEI SE EU GOSTAVA DA NOVELA MAS ESSES PRIMEIROS CAPÍTULOS ERAM ICÔNICOS PRA MIM MANO#eu lembro que eu e meu pai também ficava imitando o político que ficava dizendo “Maria Rosa... estou indo para Brasília Maria Rosa...”#e a moça caipira que dizia “eu não quero seu dinheiro não uai”#MANOOKKKKKKKKKKKKK#o jeremias ficou uns 10 capítulos só andando pra lá e pra cá e a gioconda tocando#meu pai zoava muito kkkkkkkkkk a nonna falava que ele tava sentimental por isso passava tanto tempo quieto olhando as coisas#ela ficava muito brava quando meu pai imitava ele#E EU CANTANDO A GIOCONDA PRA AJUDAR A PALHAÇADA KKKKKKKKKK#COITADA DA NONNA NINGUÉM DA FAMÍLIA LEVAVA ESSA NOVELA TÃO A SÉRIO QUANTO ELAKKKKKKKKKK#enfimkkkkkkkkkk parei (eu acho)#que saudade afe#sdds nonna#sdds do meu pai#“Morcego andare via vai seu maledetto do caralho” VIXEKKKKKKK ME NE VADO ENTÃO TCHAU
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brotherjp4 · 2 years
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customizando-net · 2 years
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CLIQUE AQUI PARA ASSISTIR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtwxedrqUas Inscreva-se no canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/customizando/?sub_confirmation=1
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anditwentlikethis · 5 months
o nosso trio de centrais tem uma média de idades de 20 anos 😭😭😭
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pr-eduardo-silva · 2 years
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#✍🏻Eduardo R. da Silva🙋🏻‍♂️: Certa vez José teve um sonho e o contou aos seus irmãos. Aí é que ficaram com mais raiva dele porque ele disse a#— Escutem#que eu vou contar o sonho que tive. Sonhei que estávamos no campo amarrando feixes de trigo. De repente#o meu feixe ficou de pé#e os feixes de vocês se colocaram em volta do meu e se curvavam diante dele.#Então os irmãos perguntaram:#— Quer dizer que você vai ser nosso rei e que vai mandar em nós?#E ficaram com mais ódio dele ainda por causa dos seus sonhos e do jeito que ele os contava.#Depois José sonhou outra vez e contou também esse sonho aos seus irmãos. Ele disse assim:#— Eu tive outro sonho. Desta vez o sol#a lua e onze estrelas se curvaram diante de mim.#Quando José contou esse sonho ao pai e aos irmãos#o pai o repreendeu e disse:#— O que quer dizer esse sonho que você teve? Por acaso a sua mãe#os seus irmãos e eu vamos nos ajoelhar diante de você e encostar o rosto no chão?#Os irmãos de José tinham inveja dele#mas o seu pai ficou pensando no caso.#Amados sabemos neste texto que o sonho que José teve vinha do próprio de Deus#quero dizer nesta noite pra você#deixe os sonhos de Deus tomarem conta de você. Os sonhos de Deus são necessários na nossa vida#veja o quando isso mudou a vida de José e quanto isso impactou outras vidas com o propósito de Deus#É preciso deixar as coisas velhas pra viver coisas novas#o sonho de Deus faz isso conosco#não adianta você querer que as coisas mudem se você não estiver disposto a mudar e a abrir mão de tudo aquilo que te impede de viver as pro#por isso#seja determinado#dê mais um passo#se desprenda do que deu errado e faça tudo diferente amanhã...Pergunte a Deus o que Ele sonhou pra sua vida#e viva este sonho por completo#Boa noite
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edsonjnovaes · 8 days
A invenção das leis
Conselhos do Jake no Hora de aventura – Leis. Marcelo Assis – 2016 17 ago S06E12 – Ocarina. posting.du.pretu – Facebook Um Filme Me Disse – Facebook Adventure Time (Hora de Aventura) é uma série de desenho animado americana criada por Pendleton Ward para o Cartoon Network. A série segue as aventuras de Finn (dublado por Jeremy Shada, Luciano Monteiro no Brasil), um garoto humano aventureiro,…
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tyonfs · 1 year
stargirl interlude
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PAIRING ▸ na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, influencer au, strangers to lovers
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, mc and her friends are a little shallow, tbh i wrote this because of jaemin’s tits, dirty talk, sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), kitchen sex, oral (m. receiving), oral (f. receiving), lowkey dumbification, body worship, ft. one night stand with jeno 
SUMMARY ▸ and i shouldn't cry, but I love it, starboy / i just wanna see you shine 'cause i know you are a stargirl
PLAYLIST ▸ stargirl interlude by the weeknd, lana del rey • alien superstar by beyoncé
WORD COUNT ▸ 5.9k words
TAG LIST ▸ @leeknowsredeyeliner​ @geniejunn​ @sehunniepot​ @jjaeyoonoh​ @subhyuck​ @jenoluuvvs​ @jaemboi64​ @otchae​ @n0hyuck​ @hyuckinx​ @domhyuckie​ @justhereforimagines​ @daegalfangirl​ @soobin-chois​ @lmkworld​ @baekhyuns-lipchain​ @its-taeil-time​ @produmads​ @kaislinging-slasher01​ @neomorning​ @learnthisfeeling​ @glitching-wren​ @carelessshootanonymous​ @thiccfullsun​  
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ jaemin is finally not an asshole. everybody say congrats jaemin.
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The distance from Lee Jeno’s apartment to yours was approximately 0.6 miles. If you walked fast enough, it would take you around ten minutes to get back home. Meaning, that was ten minutes spent doing the Walk of Shame at nearly three in the morning.
Of course, the whole point of being an e-girl was to keep up an unattainable internet persona. You wanted to be a star, and what better way than to weaponize your good looks? Your entire brand was posting revealing pictures of yourself on Instagram and Twitter, maintaining a “gamer girl” image. Sort of like Belle Delphine, but you hadn’t stooped low enough to start selling your bathwater to strangers on the internet. You were a lone flower on the edge of a cliff—so high up that no one could reach for your stem.
Except Jeno, apparently, after you caved and met him in person tonight.
You and Jeno followed each other on Twitter a few months ago. Despite attending the same college, you two hadn’t ever met in person before. He was a popular YouTuber, so there had been rumors flying around about his sudden interactions with you. Your influencer friends were trying to grill you for more information, but you sincerely had no idea where Jeno’s sudden interest in you came from. After you posted a picture of you in pink lace lingerie complete with Hello Kitty clips and pigtails, Jeno had finally slid into your DMs.
jeno: i’d rather spend the night with you
(In response to the caption on your post: spend the day with me?)
As one would expect, things escalated from there. Jeno was hot, you were horny, and he conveniently lived 0.6 miles away from you.
In short, you got good dick. Jeno started with one hand wrapped around your neck and the other snaking its way between your legs. You were satisfied, especially because the streamer didn’t try to dap you up after railing you on his gaming chair, the wall, and then his bed. You two made some small talk afterward, and then you headed home. Prince Charming could not be fucked to give you a generous ride back to your apartment.
You pulled out your phone to look at your face in the camera app. As expected, you were a mess, but you touched up your lipstick and blush with the few makeup products you stuffed in your purse. Then, you called your best friend, Lee Donghyuck, who had been flooding your friend group’s group chat with messages for the past hour.
“Dude,” you started as soon as he picked up. Donghyuck was in the middle of taking his headphones off to put his AirPods in, running a hand through his tousled hair. “Jeno walked me to the door and made me walk home by myself.”
“No fucking way.” Donghyuck laughed. “That’s what you get for hooking up with a guy who plays Val.”
Ah, yes. Featured on Jeno’s YouTube: streams of Valorant, League of Legends, and Overwatch. There were the occasional indie games he was requested to play, too. The only one you semi-watched and commented on was Little Nightmares.
“The dick was incredible,” you told your best friend, “but he’s not cuffing material.”
“Not like you care about cuffing anyone.”
“Yes, I do!” you objected. “I’m boyfriend-hunting, Hyuck. Think about how much attention I’d get if I started dating a hotshot influencer.”
“You should date Mark Lee, then. Everyone’s thirsting over those e-boy TikTokers now. Or maybe Liu YangYang. Heard his body count’s high as fuck.”
You rolled your eyes. “His body count’s high because no one goes back a second time. Plus, I think YangYang’s finally in the talking stage with someone.”
“Good for him.” Donghyuck yawned. “Anyway, I’m going to bed soon since I finished editing my Maldives vlog. I’m still pissed you didn’t come with us.”
You rolled your eyes. Donghyuck, Yoo Jimin, Choi Beomgyu, and Uchinaga Aeri had been giving you shit for backing out on the trip the five of you had been discussing for a few months. There were just too many things going on in your life at the time, so you told them you wouldn’t be able to make it before tickets were purchased. Of course, your absence made several of your followers question if your friend group had a falling out, but you all decided not to address pointless rumors.
“I’ll come along next time when I’m not broke,” you assured. “I’m at my apartment now, so I’ll talk to you later. Bye-bye, Hyuck.”
Donghyuck threw up a peace sign before hanging up. You tucked your phone in your back pocket as you tried to fish out your key card from your purse.
However, there was a problem: it was missing.
“Fuck,” you muttered to yourself, sitting down at one of the benches outside to dig through your purse. You swore you hadn’t taken it out, so it definitely wasn’t at Jeno’s place. The only possible explanation was that you dropped it on the way or left it inside your apartment.
Screw these auto-locking doors.
You were royally screwed.
Fast-forward to twenty minutes later. You were still sitting at the same bench. This time, your head was in your hands and you were shivering like a chihuahua. It was dark, save for the flickering streetlight above you. You had even resorted to texting Jeno, asking him if you could go back to his place and spend the night. It was downright embarrassing, but it was your last resort. Jeno, however, seemed to have been asleep due to his lack of response.
A guardian angel was sent your way, though, in the form of a cute but tired-looking college student with a bag of groceries in hand. Kind eyes, but he looked far too exhausted to smile genuinely.
“Do you need to be let in?” the boy asked, gesturing toward the apartment entrance. He had his key card in hand, and you nearly jumped to your feet.
“Uh, yeah, but…” you trailed off. Even if you accepted his offer, you wouldn’t be able to get into your own room.
He handed you his brown Essentials hoodie he had draped around across his shoulders. “Cold?”
You wondered if your shivering or hard nipples gave it away. Surely, it had to be your nipples showing through the skimpy one-piece you had on. You never would have dressed like this if you knew Jeno was going to make you walk home yourself.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, taking the hoodie from him and slipping it on. It fell past your thigh and smelled good—a non-offending mix of pine and detergent. “Uh, but even if you let me in, I can’t get into my room. I lost my key.”
You folded your arms across your chest. The boy beside you ruffled his fluffy brown hair, and you were wondering why he hadn’t gone inside the building yet. Maybe he was waiting for you to find some other place to go, or maybe he wanted his hoodie back.
“Have you tried asking the RA?” he asked.
“I can only get a card replacement in the morning.”
“Can your roommate open the door?”
“Don’t have one.”
“Got a friend who’ll let you stay at their place?”
“Significant other?”
“I’m single and my dick appointment made me walk home alone.”
You didn’t realize how bitter you sounded until you saw the shocked look drawn across the boy’s face. You felt sorry for dumping that on him, but you were getting way too frustrated about your lack of options. You didn’t even have a roommate you could call for help since you opted for a single.
He cleared his throat before shyly offering, “Uh… I guess you could stay at my place for the night, if you want. I can sleep on the couch.”
Your cheeks heated up. You were no stranger to random kindness from men, but perhaps you were just grateful for his proposition since you were running low on options.
“That’d be great,” you said. “Thanks.”
You followed the boy into the apartment building. He introduced himself as Na Jaemin, an animal science major in your same year who was president of a club that raised guide dogs for blind people. It was comforting to hear, so your anxiousness over this stranger luring you in to murder you in cold blood was slowly letting up.
He unlocked the door for you, letting you into his apartment first. You looked around to see a quite ordinary looking living space with a few posters and polaroids hung up on the walls. There was a border collie curled up in a dog bed in the corner of the living room, and Jaemin was being extra careful to make sure he didn’t accidentally wake him up.
He set the plastic bag down, which you found out was dog food that he picked up from a friend. It definitely made a lot more sense than him shopping for groceries at three in the morning.
“You live alone?” you asked for the sake of making small talk.
“My roommate graduated a semester early,” he replied. “I’ve been living on my own, just like you.”
“Doesn’t it get lonely?”
He turned the question back to you, asking, “Do you get lonely?”
You shrugged as you sat down on his couch, sitting stiffly at the edge of the cushion. “When you get so much attention online, you kind of need the privacy.”
“Oh, I see.”
No more questions asked.
Jaemin retreated into his room for a moment before returning with a pillow and blanket in hand. He tossed them beside you on the couch and met your gaze.
“Bed’s ready for you whenever,” he said. “The bathroom’s inside my room, if you need to use the shower or anything. Let me know if you need any clothes to sleep in.”
Your face was heating up like a furnace, but you were glad he couldn’t see how his words were affecting you. You flushed with embarrassment when you noticed Jaemin’s eyes flicker past your neck. He probably thought his gaze went undetected, but you noticed. Suddenly, all you wanted to do was pull his hoodie high enough so that the hood hid the hickies Jeno left across your skin.
“I can just use your hoodie,” you replied. “Thanks.”
Jaemin managed a small, tired smile. You took that as your cue to get out of the living room so that he could pass out in peace. So, you headed into his bedroom and stared at his tidy bed, wondering if he had frantically fixed his sheets for you.
Since you already felt like you had asked for too much, you decided to skip your nightly shower and head straight to bed. It was hard to sleep in a stranger’s bed, though—no matter how pretty he was.
You were used to kindness. It normally came in a package deal with being attractive. Bees flocked to honey; humans flocked to beauty.
This feeling, however, wasn’t something you were used to. Genuine kindness with no ulterior motive was almost foreign, which was upsetting to admit. You weren’t sure how to sort out your feelings, but all you knew was that Jaemin’s eyes had stars in them, and you were tempted to lose yourself in them.
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You woke up to an empty house.
Even the dog had abandoned you.
To be fair, you weren’t exactly an early bird. You woke up at around 10:30 a.m. naturally, and then spent an extra thirty minutes trying to muster up the willpower to get out of bed. Of course, you spent that time updating your group chat on your whereabouts.
gigi: 15k isn’t that insane?
gyu: holy shit gyu: you have to do it
karibear: gigi i will literally kill you and then resurrect you to kill you again if you don’t
gigi: check out the deliverables tho gigi: [File Attachment]
hyuck: instagram story highlight? the fuck? hyuck: a tiktok should be enough. more people check tiktok than ig now anyways lol
gigi: right???
y/n: just caught up. I think you should do it for the $$ gigi
gigi: GIRL where have u been
gyu: i told you she probably overslept
y/n: i may or may not be in a cute guy’s apartment
karibear: shut the fuck up
y/n: stop he’s REALLY cute y/n: dare i say cuter than jeno
hyuck: stfu ur kidding
gyu: well?? did you sleep with him? gyu: give us all the details
y/n: no i couldn’t find my key after coming back from jeno’s and was locked out of my apartment y/n: so this “na jaemin” appears and lets me sleep over at his place for the night  y/n: he took the couch AND let me sleep on his bed y/n: jeno could never
gyu: aww that’s actually rlly sweet
gigi: can’t find him on ig ://
karibear: no social media presence?? karibear: idk if that’s hot or a red flag
hyuck: probably both 💀
y/n: um good thing red’s my favorite color
karibear: omfg karibear: do u actually wanna fuck him karibear: send us a picture of what he looks like
y/n: idk if he’s even interested in me like that y/n: but idk i also want my internet famous trophy boyfriend :( y/n: idk if this guy even has a social media presence  y/n: still a starboy in my heart tho <3
hyuck: keep your eye on the prize bbyg hyuck: fame is fleeting so milk it while you can
You figured Donghyuck had a point. You were an internet celebrity (to some extent), so, in terms of marketing, it would be wise to push the “unattainable” image you cemented. Dating someone equally as unattainable would make you look even more desirable.
However, you were starting to lose all rhyme and reason when you walked out of the bedroom to see a plate of eggs and toast waiting for you on the kitchen counter.
A post-it note was right next to it, reading: I’m out walking the dog. I made you some breakfast if you’re hungry but you don’t have to eat it. Door auto locks so just make sure you close it whenever you leave. Here’s my phone number if you need anything. +82 x-xxxx-xxxx - Jaemin
You decided to update your group chat.
y/n: change of plans y/n: i’m making starboy mine
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When Jaemin returned home shortly after you discovered his note, you were sitting on his couch, knees tucked to your chest as you forked down the waffles he made. Before you even looked up to greet him, you heard his dog yapping excitedly, hurrying over to sniff you.
“Oh, you’re still here.” He looked genuinely surprised, though he didn’t object. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, really well,” you admitted. Curious, you tilted your head and let your lips curl into a knowing smile. “Are you high?”
Jaemin stiffened up. “Uh, a little. Is it that obvious?”
“I just noticed your eyes look sort of dazed.”
You hadn’t expected it, but he almost sounded embarrassed to be caught. “I’m not like a… a full-on stoner or anything.”
“Hey, no judgment,” you replied, holding up your hands in surrender. “I was just gonna ask if I could get high with you, too.”
After visibly relaxing, a more confident grin dawned on Jaemin’s face as he handed you his pen. You couldn’t help but feel smug as you accepted it gingerly.
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About a couple hours later, you and Jaemin were blazed out of your minds. He had offered you an edible shortly after you took a hit from his pen, and it kicked in an hour later for you and Jaemin. There were no words exchanged for a while, but then you two started to converse, although you couldn’t trust that anything you were saying made sense.
You weren’t big on flirting. It was a skill you only put to use when absolutely needed, and this was one of those instances. You figured this was the perfect opportunity to get close to Jaemin. Even though you could tell he was a really, really great guy, and you didn’t want to rush things with Jaemin, there were a few factors that were making you throw your morals to the wind.
For one, you were high and getting incredibly horny.
The other factor was that Jaemin was the hottest man you had ever seen (and you had encountered a lot of attractive men).
“So,” he started, “you’re, like, an internet celebrity? Like a TikToker?”
“I started on Twitter,” you explained, “but, yeah, I’m famous on TikTok, too. But there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of me.”
“Really? Why?”
“I’m known for more, uh”—you let out a nervous giggle—“risqué stuff, if you wanna see.” When he nodded eagerly, you took out your phone and opened Twitter to show Jaemin your account. Right off the bat, there was a mirror selfie of you in lingerie and cat ears. Because you were feeling bold, you added, “And the guy who made me walk home alone? He’s a famous YouTuber named Jeno.”
Something seemed to click for Jaemin when you mentioned Jeno’s name because it was the only thing that snapped him out of whatever trance he was in. He had been looking at the photo of you so intently that you were wondering if he was checking you out or spacing out.
“I think I’ve watched some of his gaming videos,” he said before handing your phone back to you. “He just… kicked you out?”
“Pretty much. At least he made me cum once.”
“Just once?”
You held your breath for a moment. With those two words, Jaemin made the atmosphere all the more tense, and you felt like you two were suspended in time. Although you weren’t sure if he said that to challenge Jeno or not, there was still a strange implication in his words. It left you wondering if Jaemin could treat you better.
“Yeah,” you replied in a quieter voice. “Just once. With my help, too.”
“That’s fucked.” Jaemin reached for his pen to take a long, slow drag. He held it in his lungs for a moment before he parted his lips to blow the smoke out. “And you dressed up so pretty for him.”
Either Jaemin was a secret dark horse when it came to smooth talking or the weed was making him horny, too. Whatever it was, his comments made your cheeks burn.
“I bet he’d be pissed if he found out I ended up in your bed after.”
The animal science major flushed at your words, growing even more shy when you giggled at his reaction. “I mean, I guess so, but we didn’t, like… I mean, we—”
“I was kidding,” you assured. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t say that unless something actually happened.”
Jaemin nodded quietly, falling back into silence for a while. You were worried that you had made the conversation awkward, so you sunk back against the couch and willed yourself to come down from your high. Maybe the weed was a bad idea. Maybe you were just getting ahead of—
“So, you wouldn’t be opposed if something were to happen?”
The question took you off-guard, and you had to process Jaemin’s words for a few moments before you sat up to look at him. There was no shame or shyness drawn across his face this time. Just pure curiosity. (And perhaps a hint of longing which was most likely brought on by the weed.)
You shook your head with a hum. “No, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“Yeah, I think you’re cute. You seem really sweet, too, like letting me sleep over and making me breakfast.”
Jaemin smiled brightly, beaming ear to ear before he ducked his head shyly. You were surprised that he was so sheepish given his godsent looks. He had to have heard these compliments about a million times now. There was no way you were the first person to recognize his looks.
“I’m not good at this,” he admitted.
“Good at what?”
“Um, hitting on girls,” Jaemin said. His hand flew to rub the back of his neck as he added, “Cute girls.” After another beat, he let his head hang and then let out a groan. “Sorry, I don’t have a filter when I’m high.”
“Jaemin,” you cooed, scooting close enough so that your knees were touching. You placed your hand on his thigh, which made him finally look you in the eyes. “I’m pretty bad at flirting, too, so I hope this is working.”
The corner of his lip hitched up, amused. “Yeah,” Jaemin murmured, his eyes unfocusing as he leaned in close, “it’s definitely working.”
Your nose brushed against his experimentally before Jaemin pressed his lips to yours. It was gentle and innocent, but then Jaemin turned his body to face yours, and his hands started roaming your body. Your waist, your back, your hips—not an inch was neglected while he felt you up. You let slip a hum of delight, and that encouraged Jaemin to slip his tongue past your lips.
He didn’t use too much tongue, which you appreciated. There was something too sloppy about guys who used too much tongue, but Jaemin had an excellent balance between precise and hasty. And he did this thing where he would pause to suck on your tongue and then your bottom lip, which you really appreciated.
You let a whine slip, and Jaemin gripped your waist tighter. You figured he wanted you on his lap, so you threw one leg over his thigh and straddled him. It was like you were in a trance with how receptive you were, and you only wanted more when Jaemin pulled away to kiss down your neck. After minutes of nipping, sucking, and relishing your whimpers, he was satisfied with the bruises littered across your skin.
Jaemin seemed frustrated by how big his hoodie was on you, so he tugged at it until you pulled it up and over your head. After discarding it to the side, his lips found yours immediately after. The pads of his fingers slipped past the hem of your shirt to dig into your skin, pulling you flush against his body.
You were sure you could kiss him for hours, but your attention was slipping away when you felt his boner underneath you. The very least you could do was offer to help him out.
You pulled away to catch your breath, and your voice was no louder than a breath when you offered, “Let me suck you off.”
Jaemin blushed a little, and you bit back a smile because how could someone be so forward and cute? He was not innocent in the slightest, but he somehow got flustered so easily.
His voice came out strangled when he said, “Please.”
You carefully peeled off Jaemin’s shirt, admiring his muscles as you revealed his bare skin. He had to work out regularly to get a build this good, but you didn’t expect him to be this ripped. It was almost second nature when you started kissing down his chest, smiling when you heard his happy sigh.
When your kisses reached his stomach, you started tugging at the band of his sweatpants. Jaemin carded his fingers through your hair to keep you where he wanted to, and you were pretty sure all his blood was rushing to his cock with how much bigger he got. You tugged his sweatpants down to his knees and kissed up his strong thigh, looking up at him through your lashes. You wanted Jaemin to know just how drunk you were on his body.
Jaemin helped you tug down his boxers, too, and you swallowed hard when you saw how huge he was. His cock sprung up, and you were almost worried that you wouldn’t be able to take all of him in. While you were tying up your hair, Jaemin gave his shaft a few pumps, rubbing his thumb across the precum that beaded his slit.
A few strands of your hair got in your face, so Jaemin brushed them back and held your hair in his fist, undoing your ponytail so that he could tie back your hair properly. He looked down at you expectantly, cradling your jaw while you were mentally preparing yourself to take him. You flattened your tongue and ran it along the side of his cock, licking right where his vein was. Jaemin let out a groan almost instantly, and you looked up to see his eyes burning molten hot with desire.
“You’re so fucking hot,” he growled, gripping the back of your head.
His cock was throbbing, aching for you to take more of him in. So you slid your tongue over his head before hollowing your cheeks to suck him in. Jaemin gritted his teeth and tilted his head back, muttering some profanity that only encouraged you further.
You went slow at first, drawing out each bob of your head so that you got used to his size. You couldn’t go all the way down on him without his head hitting the back of your throat, making you gag a little before you started to properly take him down your throat. Jaemin started thrusting his hips into your mouth, urging you to go faster. You weren’t sure if that meant he was going to cum soon, but you sped up regardless.
“Fuck,” Jaemin rasped out, watching you with absolute admiration in his blown-out eyes, “I’m gonna cum.”
His grip on your hair loosened, as if he was ready to let you pull off of him, but you looked up at him with a mischievous glint in your eyes while you sucked harder. You wanted him to cum in your mouth, and he seemed to get the message because his moan was cut off by his orgasm.
You continued to suck on his cock while he came, swallowing without hesitation. Jaemin thrusted shallowly inside your mouth, his husky moans making you pull off him to lick a long stripe down his length.
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, catching your breaths and watching each other’s chest rise and fall. Then, Jaemin leaned in to cup your cheek and kiss you once more. He didn’t even care that he was tasting himself on your lips, but he just needed more of you.
“Let me return the favor,” he said once he pulled away. Before you could respond, Jaemin scooped you up in his strong arms. You held onto his biceps, gasping when he held your bottom firmly. “I promise I’ll make you feel really good.”
Jaemin set you on the cool granite surface of the kitchen counter, and you were glad that he kept the place clean. You would have felt gross if it was any other man, like Jeno’s grimey kitchen counter littered with dirty dishes, but you were too wrapped up in your own lust to care about moving to Jaemin’s bed.
Being high made you so sensitive that every touch from Jaemin left you trembling. As he undressed you, you couldn’t help but shudder and gasp whenever his fingers brushed over a sensitive area. He seemed to take notice, which you observed by his small smirk. As soon as Jaemin got rid of your garments, leaving you naked, he sucked in a sharp breath.
“Gorgeous,” he praised, leaning forward to take your nipple in his mouth. He sucked on the supple skin eagerly, making you moan and grab at his shoulder.
You let out a gasp when Jaemin grabbed your other breast in his hand, squeezing firmly and running his thumb along the nipple. After he decided he showed your chest enough attention, Jaemin started kissing down your stomach until he reached the apex of your thighs. He trailed kisses along your pelvis, peppering more along the top of your thighs, and you used your elbows to balance your weight on the counter. You were surely going to collapse if he kept going.
“Jaem,” you whined, “don’t tease.”
He smirked as he parted your legs even further, humming inquisitively at the sight of your soaked cunt. He lifted both of your legs and settled them on each of his shoulders, and you sucked in a sharp breath to prepare yourself.
Jaemin dipped his head and ran his flattened tongue along your folds, and god, you were floating high up in the clouds.
After some strokes of his tongue, Jaemin stiffened his tongue to lick deeper, parting your slit so that he could ravage your cunt. You couldn’t do anything but cry out his name, begging for more and more. Your engorged clit was soon aching for attention, and you became a complete mess as soon as Jaemin’s lips found your little ball of nerves.
Soon, Jaemin was holding your hips down as he ate you out like a man starved. You had never experienced pleasure so intense, and you were finding it hard to believe that the meek boy you met last night was this bold. Your fingers were tangled in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer even though his face was practically wet with your arousal.
“I-I’m close,” you breathed out, and your hips were struggling to grind down to meet Jaemin’s tongue. You wanted more—no, you needed more.
“I know,” he whispered against your thigh, and before you could beg, he snaked his tongue in your entrance, allowing your walls to clench and unclench around his hot muscle.
He used his fingers to rub your clit in small, tight circles, all the while eating you out so vigorously that you couldn’t even think about anything except Jaemin. How good he made you feel. How lucky you were to be under him.
You were drowning soon after—drowning in utmost bliss. A toe-curling orgasm shook your body, leaving your back arching against the kitchen counter. You couldn’t even process how loud your moan was until Jaemin was shushing you gently, abusing your clit throughout your orgasm while his other hand was clamped over your mouth.
“Shh,” he cooed, almost mocking you. “The walls are thin, doll.”
You nodded, looking up at him with glazed-over eyes. You just needed to focus on anything to keep you at bay, to keep you from being pulled under the current of your climax.
“Gonna carry you to the bed, okay?” he told you, and you nodded without a second thought, letting him princess carry you to his bedroom.
As soon as he laid you down gently, Jaemin leveled his cock at your entrance, running his head along the folds of your cunt. You were already exhausted from your previous orgasm, but you were still eager to feel Jaemin inside of you.
“I’ll go slow,” he assured, teasing the tip of his cock inside you so gently that you were about to fall apart. You had no more than an inch inside of you, and your walls were already clenching hard around him.
Your eyes rolled back when he pushed deeper inside you, and then soon he was bottoming out, and you could feel his thighs pressed against yours. The cry that left your lips and the groan that escaped his nearly sounded like a melody in your eyes. Each wave of pleasure made you feel like you were traveling light years past several galaxies. Stars pinpricked your vision, but you could make out Jaemin’s face among the collisions of supernovas.  
“I can’t,” you whimpered, unable to form proper, coherent sentences. “Fast—go faster.”
Something primal glinted in Jaemin’s dark eyes, and started ramming into you while holding your hips tight. His head dipped to ravage your neck, kissing and sucking as he pleased while his cock hit that perfect spot that made you see white spots in your vision. You felt a ripple of pleasure shoot under your skin.
And something else must have snapped in Jaemin because he started spewing absolute filth in your ears, and lord, was it making you lose your mind.
“I’m the best you’ve had, aren’t I?” he asked with brimming confidence, opting for sharp and precise thrusts.
You half-nodded, your cheek pressing against the pillow as your nails raked down Jaemin’s back. But Jaemin didn’t appreciate your lack of words.
“Come on, Y/N,” he pressed, “say it.” He pressed his lips to your ear and nibbled on the shell. You squirmed when you felt his hot breath fan your neck. “C’mon, I haven’t fucked you dumb already, right?”
You managed to cry out, “Y-yes, Jaemin! I’ve… I’ve never felt this good.”
He cupped your cheek and rubbed gently with his thumb, smiling down at you so kindly that it felt condescending. “Yeah? You gonna cum for me, then?”
You felt those ripples of pleasure intensify, and soon they were rising to a crescendo. You felt like you were being split apart on Jaemin’s cock, and it didn’t help that he refused to slow down before you orgasmed. You bucked your hips against him, eager to chase the pleasure that was just in your reach.
And, after Jaemin pressed his lips against yours, all of the stars in the night sky collided and exploded into nothingness.
You felt your orgasm tear through you, immobilizing you with blinding pleasure. You gasped and gripped the sheets tightly, praying that you could hold on for dear life. Jaemin slowly fucked you through your orgasm, your clenching walls bringing him to pull out of you and let his cum spill onto your stomach.
Jaemin let out a shaky sigh of contentment, and he quickly returned to your side without giving himself time to recover. Instead of basking in post orgasm glow, Jaemin aided your ongoing climax by rubbing your clit in slow, torturous circles.
“I got you,” he crooned, pressing gentle kisses to your cheeks. “I got you, doll.”
You were a whimpering, moaning mess underneath him, and you couldn’t think of anything but Jaemin as you writhed. After a few more aftershocks of pleasure (all thanks to Jaemin, of course), you finally started returning to your senses. It was possible that Jaemin had actually fucked you dumb.
He hurried to his feet to clean you up. It was a stark contrast from how he acted in bed, but your heart melted when he made sure you got enough water before he tucked you in bed. No guy had ever taken his time with aftercare for you, so you were starting to feel like being kicked out of Jeno’s apartment was a stroke of luck.
Later, he moved to lay down next to you, kissing the top of your head as he slid in. You wrapped your arm around him and you two were eventually a mess of tangled limbs.
“Can I stay?” you asked, somewhat nervous that he would ask you to leave soon.
“Of course,” he replied, easing your nerves with a gentle smile, “you can stay for as long as you want.” You cuddled close to him, burying your face into his chest, and then you heard him ask, “How do you feel?”
You smiled. “Like a star.”
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xexyromero · 3 months
amo seus headcons!!!! Pode fazer um do cast na cama e no aftercare porfaaaaaa
wn: me empolguei tanto com seu request que separei em dois! hehehehe posto o restante amanhã <3 
meninos do cast x aftercare
fem!reader headcanon
tw: +18 (menção sobre s3xo, uso de drogas ilícitas, etc.)
o after é um dos momentos mais especiais do mundo na visão dele, até mais do que o sexo em si - vê como uma oportunidade de reafirmar sentimentos e seguranças.
assim que o “último” goza, seja você ou ele, te agarra em um abraço quase que de urso e fica alguns minutinhos assim, só respirando, em silêncio, acalmando o corpo e te tocando.
aproveita esse momento para relaxar e jogar conversa fora, só vocês dois, abraçadinhos e peladinhos, curtindo as últimas ondas do orgasmo.
coloca uma playlist tranquila pra tocar de fundo, mas bem baixinha. o foco é te ouvir.
só te larga se você insistir que precisa fazer xixi logo ou beber água. 
adooooora enrolar na cama depois que vocês gozam! rola de um lado pro outro, bagunça tudo mais ainda. é uma bolinha de energia mesmo que tenha gastado todas. 
gemeu até não poder mais e agora vai rir às gargalhadas. ele fica genuinamente muito feliz e compartilha essa felicidade com você. fofo!
é um pouquinho calorento, então vai preferir segurar sua mão e entrelaçar seus dedos do que abraço ou carinhos mais sufocantes.
vai se levantar pra pegar água e acender um, sim. mas vai te perguntar se você se sente a vontade antes e te oferecer um dos dois depois. 
fica super faminto e, depois de enrolar bastante, vai oferecer pra fazer um jantar simples mas super gostoso. 
provavelmente o único momento do dia que fran fica quieto. para ele, esse é um momento de calma, cuidado e silêncio. 
e silêncio, nesse contexto, não é ruim não, viu? é só que a descarga de energia entre vocês foi tão grande que ele acha que ajuda o corpo e a mente a se acalmar. 
é muito do toque físico - vai fazer uma massagem bem levinha com um óleo cheiroso e ter uma atenção especial as partes que podem ter ficado mais doloridas, tipo suas pernas. 
quebra o silêncio só para perguntar se você está querendo alguma coisa específica - seja água, chocolate, banho, qualquer coisa. é só pedir que você sabe que ele vai levar pra você.
o sorriso não sai da boca dele por nada - e um sorriso daqueles enormes. ele se sente muito bem em saber que você está muito bem.
muito, muito, muuuuiiitoooo beijo! te beija mais na boca no pós do que no durante. adora!
e os carinhos não param! no seu corpo todo e inclusive nas suas partes íntimas (mas vai ser mega cuidadoso porque sabe que você está sensível). 
fica extremamente meloso, reforça o quanto que te ama e o quanto que te acha linda. 
e, como fica um cadinho inseguro, vai perguntar se você gostou e se foi tudo bem, mesmo. naquela do “mas vem cá, você gozou mesmo?”
você não gosta e ele sabe disso, mas vai se levantar sim pra fumar cigarro pós sexo na janela mais próxima. não se preocupe que ele vai lavar a mão e escovar o dente antes de voltar a se aninhar com você. 
o rei do aftercare! vai cuidar de você mais do que querer ser cuidado e com todo amor do mundo. 
como gosta das coisas um pouquinho mais intensas sabe que esse momento pós é necessário para você se sentir bem e amada.
deixou uma garrafinha d’água e uma toalha no quarto para te oferecer quando terminassem.
palavras de afirmação e confirmação até não poder mais! te elogia (até porque te xingou horrores, né), te eleva e repete o quanto que você é querida, amada e adorada por ele.
sim, ele vai querer te dar banho, te vestir e oferecer um jantar muito gostoso feito por ele depois. sim, esse é o jeito dele. completamente viciado em te amar. 
aftercare é feedback! vai querer conversar sobre o momento que tiveram e entender o que você gostou ou não. e deixar você entender da perspectiva dele também. 
e vai conversar sobre tudo isso com você deitada no peito dele enquanto ele faz carinho nas suas costas. não tem outra opção.
apesar de gostar, não é muito do enrolar na cama. 
estimula muito que você faça xixi (viva a educação sexual do pipe) e tome um banho e vai insistir mais ainda que ele tem que ir junto nos dois momentos. 
pede pra você usar o pijama que mais gosta (uma blusa dele) e vai te chamar pra fazerem alguma coisa juntinhos (ver um filme ou uma série, por exemplo). 
ele não vai pegar no celular atéeeee muito depois de vocês já terem se vestido, tá? que fique claro!
fica com um pouquinho de vergonha, meio tímido, mas se esforça porque sabe o quanto que esse momento é importante. 
vai comentar sobre todos os momentos que mais gostou e querer que você fale também. mas evitando os termos mais literais - justamente pela vergonha!
trouxe um copo d’água e um chocolatinho pra vocês dividirem. 
é outro que fica com um sorriso enorme no rosto - e solta uma risadinha toda vez que te olha. é muito apaixonado.
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kooradinho · 6 months
memes bio 🙅🏻‍♀️
- //se vc n gosta de mim mete bala na cabenca se esfaquear smt q passa morr
- aiir kkkcomo q vou sentar com força se ele é mt fofo💔
- nois zoa, rir, brinca, faz piadinha, mas só Deus sabe como tá a mente do palhaço ...
- é foda ser emo e romântico na era do sexo😔
- como assi vc quer me namora mas n vai dxar eu clonar seu zapkkkk 0 condições cocota
- como vo dize n as drogas si ela n me perguntou nd oxi kkkk eh mole mofi
- eu bebo e choro enquanto ouvo lana del rey
- oi (com intenção de arruinar sua vida
- do q ainda ser bonita se eu ainda sou dodói ds cabeça kkkkkksk
- nao pode cheira n pode fuma n pd fz nada ent vão se foderem
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