vivianquill · 1 month
Tango couldn't remember the last time he slept.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd worked on a redstone project either.
That was irrelevant! He was perfectly fine. There was a reason he was down by Gem's docks. Right?
Speak of the devil and she shall appear! That was Gem herself, pulling Tango around. He didn't want to, there was something about the--
"Tango. Tango, hey." Gem forced him to meet her eyes, "Don't tell me you've been possessed again. After last time? C'mon man, you said you'd. . . do. . ."
Tango didn't know what Gem was talking about. He wasn't possessed. Tango knew what that felt like and that wasn't this.
Gem got an odd look in her eye, before latching her hand around his wrist and dragging him back up the path towards his house. But--
That wasn't home anymore.
Not when his place was down by the water-- in the water-- he was waiting for someone to come back--
"No-- Tango-! Ugh." Gem planted herself between Tango and the mists over the water-- the place where he had promised to be.
Tango found himself sitting at the edge of the dock. There was something tied around his wrist, but he didn't mind. The tips of his boots were dragging in the foam.
"Tango, homie-buddie. It's freezing out here, you should come inside." Skizz had rested a hand on Tango's shoulder.
"Can't you hear it?" Tango asked, breathless as it came back.
The song was promising him the answers to everything. He just had to be here to hear it. To decipher it's song.
"Hear what?"
Tango was fighting against the pull of hands, trying to take him away. His friends-- not friends anymore-- they wanted to take the music for themselves-- "I promised! I promised--"
His mouth was full of the taste of blood. Blood and cotton and he couldn't hear the rush of the waves anymore. He was too warm. There were voices nearby.
"How is he?" Oh, Tango recognized that voice, that was Xisuma.
"Still unresponsive. Is Ren-?" That sounded like Impulse.
"The same way."
Impulse sighed, "He's too quiet. Tango's never been this quiet."
"I'm listening." Tango had to listen otherwise he might miss the music.
He couldn't remember who the music went to, but-- It was someone he needed to be there for. How long had it been? He needed to get back to the water.
Tango was on his feet, trying to push past the arms holding him back. There was a snarl pooling on his tongue, frustration sparking deep in his bones. He needed to get back to the water.
He yelped as someone slammed into his back, knocking Tango off his feet and into the grass. He writhed, kicking, his tail lashing and sparking as he struggled to get free. There was nothing in his inventory. He had nothing but his hands and his fire and the grass around him and they were closing in--
Tango was floating in the bay, Gem's conduit letting him breathe like he should be able to. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears, his fire was sputtering, angry about being underwater.
Well too bad fire, cause Tango was right where he was supposed to be.
As evidenced by who was in front of him.
The someone, the who he'd promised to be there for when he returned.
The song wrapped around him like a blanket, smothering the chill from the sea and guiding Tango close. He didn't quite remember where he'd met them before but he knew that this was the right thing.
Until he was out of the conduit's range.
Until the water that was so welcoming before now choked at his air and bit at his warmth.
Until the song that'd promised him everything suddenly disappeared.
A hand hauled Tango out of the water by the back of his shirt, dumping him in a sopping heap on the sand. He spit up half the ocean by the time he was able to breathe again.
He was hearing words, but he couldn't figure out what Skizz was saying. Or Impulse for that matter. The music was gone though.
It had abandoned him and now?
Tango didn't know what to do next.
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navigatorwrongway · 9 months
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something something playing with fyre
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luvvs-1820 · 5 months
Me when ddvau jimmy and scar:
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(Ddvau by @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11 )
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wallowfiower · 11 months
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finished my bcs rewatch with my mom and my hand was itching
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kishiar-la-orr · 2 months
“Of course I know, how could I not? I will know him in every life.” The man laughed for a reason Jimmy couldn’t discern before finally answering his question. “It is Commander Aile and his crew.”
(not to drown, but to be held, loosingletters)
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carousel-snacks · 2 years
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Crimson Dawn!
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cookieclimax · 2 months
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dykeferatu · 4 months
okay not gonna post too soon this time <3 tagged by @gent to put my “on repeat” playlist on shuffle and post the first ten songs that play
Only - Nine Inch Nails (yes there's a lot of nin what else did u expect from me)
Into The Void - Nine Inch Nails
Where Is Everybody? - Nine Inch Nails
Juice - Slothrust
Reptile - Nine Inch Nails
Fur Lined - How To Destroy Angels
Spellbound - Siouxsie and the Banshees
The Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails
Devils Pact - Catholic Spit
Hey Man, Nice Shot - Filter
i tagggg @blood-bound @harbingerofskulls @cyrilphd @closapine @starofthelabyrinth @fryknave @milomezt if u wantttt. i have so many lovely mutuals i cannot possibly tag u all but if u see this and wanna do it consider urself tagged
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bobbie-robron · 4 months
Yeah, I did want a kid, I did. But not like THIS. It’s too big a price to pay. And no, I’m not talking about the money.
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macaroni-rascal · 3 months
why are these two women fighting over the most milquetoast man alive. jimmy is not a prize. bobby hill lookin' ass
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je11y-f1sh · 1 year
seabling disagreements
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vivianquill · 7 months
This was certainly something new.
Martyn watched their new arrival from the kitchen table, having pulled up the camera feed on his laptop. Jimmy and Scott were on the other side of the counter, attempting to fix up some semblance of a meal. Really, Scott was teasing Jimmy about how cute their new arrival was, while the mer made increasingly offended protests.
But it was taking Jimmy's mind off of the fight. If you could really call it that.
Martyn had been watching the whole thing through the cameras set up in the corners of the screened-in pool, and while there thankfully hadn't been any obvious scuffles or physical violence-- one of the last mers they'd snatched away from captivity had reacted quite poorly, leaving Jim with yet another scar-- the mer had yelled at Jimmy. It'd left him quite downtrodden, and doubting whether or not they'd been right to take action this time.
They'd decided to give everyone some time to cool off, and Martyn would go down with Jim. Bless him, but Jimmy wasn't the best at explaining things or holding his ground or-- well-- he was softhearted, despite everything he'd been through.
But for now, Martyn just watched as the mer did laps around the pool, probably stretching his fins properly for the first time in weeks.
It'd pissed Martyn off, seeing the little pond the marine rescue had put him in. At least they'd tended to his injures, and fed him. Martyn and Scott had done a cursory examination, to make sure there wasn't anything that needed immediate treatment or microchips or anything of the like. Lizzie would be dropping by to give a more expert opinion, especially about the broken wrist. It'd looked mostly healed, but Martyn wanted a professional to clear it before they thought about letting the mer back out into the open ocean.
He really was gorgeous, not to mention incredibly quick and nimble. Martyn had never seen a mer who looked so much like fire before. It was one thing to know that mer could look so different from each other; it was another thing entirely to see the diversity yourself.
The mer had refused to share his name with Jimmy, so Martyn had taken to calling him 'Firecracker' in his head. Just until they could get the mer's actual name. With the way he'd attacked Scott and lunged at Martyn when they'd been retrieving him-- and then picked an argument with Jimmy the moment he woke up? It fit well enough for the time being.
Martyn looked up when Scott set a plate of food down in front of him, closing the laptop with a soft 'snap.'
"Any changes?" Scott asked, turning to grab the glasses of water from the counter as Jimmy pushed his wheelchair up to the table.
It wasn't a perfect solution to Jimmy's limitations up here on land, but they made things work. At least it let the mer have some semblance of dignity and a great deal of autonomy, rather than having to get lugged around like a sack of potatoes everywhere.
"No. Not unless you count doing laps in the pool a change." Martyn moved the computer out of the way, "After we eat I'll take him some food, maybe try and get his name, or the names and descriptions of his pod members so we can start looking for them. If this mer ended up getting beached from a storm, who knows where his pod ended up."
"I dunno Martyn. He attacked you guys, right?" Jimmy's gaze flicked to the bandages on Scott's shoulder, before it went back to Martyn, "Maybe I should take him the food, he didn't hurt me. I don't know what he might do if you guys go in there."
"He's gonna have to get used to our faces at some point." Scott rolled his eyes, "I'll come with, and we'll bring some sedatives, just in case. At the very least, he might get bored enough to talk to us."
And that was that. Jimmy still insisted on coming too, and really, two people with gills were better than one if Firecracker did get hostile.
Martyn checked the cameras before the went out, wanting to know what the mer was doing before they tried talking to him.
He was still doing laps.
If Martyn didn't know better, Firecracker looked--- anxious? It reminded him of Jimmy, back when they'd first met, when Evo had first put him on Project Glaucus. The endless looping-- it set Martyn on edge. This was more then just stretching fins after being kept in a small recovery pool. It was something desperate.
But they still needed more information. And Firecracker needed food, if he was going to keep swimming in circles like that.
Martyn's suspicions were right.
When they walked out to the pool, the mer was talking to himself. Martyn couldn't understand any of it beyond the desperate tone. He struggled with understanding merspeak when it was anything beyond some of the more basic whistles. This was slurred beyond comprehension to his ears. But the concerned look Scott and Jimmy exchanged clued him in to anything else he needed to know.
Mer were anything but solitary, Matyn had seen firsthand what sort of a toll isolation took on them.
Martyn winced, as the chittering suddenly changed into a sharp screech-- before it went quiet. The mer had overshot, and walloped himself against the wall of the pool like a falcon into glass.
Oh shoot.
Thankfully-- if you could be thankful about someone knocking the sense out of themselves-- Firecracker had hit himself against the shallow end of the pool, where it was only up to Martyn's waist.
Scott crouched on the edge with Marytn, while Jimmy unbuckled from his wheelchair and slipped down to the edge of the pool, then in. The way the mer didn't respond to the disturbance of the water worried Martyn. So-- probably pretty unwisely-- he also slipped into the water when Scott did.
Hindsight was twenty-twenty, really.
Looking back, Martyn had seen the mer shake off the hit, and instantaneous flare of fins not even a second later when he realized who was in the water surrounding him. It wasn't the smartest idea to corner a disorientated and aggressive mer. He'd shoved off the wall in an explosion of movement-- straight at Martyn.
Martyn was just glad that he'd had some semblance of breath control training, and the clarity of mind to get a full lungful of air before he'd gotten yanked under.
What happened next was a flurry of mer-speak and bubbles, as he was dragged to the deepest corner of the pool, a pissed off and posturing mer holding him hostage in a headlock with one arm twisted so far up behind his back that it wouldn't take much more than one bad jostle to pop it out of it's socket.
Martyn was simply focused on holding his breath and trying to control his heartrate. The last thing he needed right now was to start drowning.
Oh, and he was slowly moving his free arm down to where there was an injector tucked into his waistband for easy access. He trusted Scott and Jimmy to keep the mer from ripping his throat out or noticing what he was doing.
It seemed like an hour passed, before Martyn felt the mer's grip loosen on his arm enough for him to dare retaliate.
Both the injector and his breath were knocked away from Martyn in the same moment, the later coming out in a rush of bubbles as Jimmy yanked Martyn away from Firecracker and up to the surface. Martyn saw a flash of blue as Scott tackled the other mer, keeping him from pursuing.
Martyn felt like he coughed up half the pool's contents-- and swallowed the rest of it-- by the time he'd caught his breath.
There was blood in the water.
He evidentially hadn't managed to get the full dose of sedatives into the mer, as he was still fighting against both Jimmy and Scott. All he could hear was an unholy shrieking, overlaid with other merspeak as the thrashing started to slow and Martyn could parse more of what was going on.
Jimmy was the one pinning the mer this time, canary yellow scales pressed to bright red as Jimmy held him shoved against the wall. Scott was the one bleeding. Again.
Martyn still couldn't understand what was being said.
It was quite frustrating, actually, being unable to know what was going on. Merspeak didn't travel too well from water to air, and Martyn was only semi-fluent. He'd never had to learn what those particular whistles meant, cause he'd never needed to before now.
But it looked like the situation was being handled at least. Martyn let himself flop back down to the concrete, a good arms-length from the pool so he couldn't be dragged back in easily. Everything else could be handled in a minute.
Right now he just needed a moment to breathe.
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writer-room · 2 years
Drowned Rats
Jimmy can't let anyone but Scott know he killed the Gardener. So, obviously, it's a very good idea to swim out into the middle of the pond and get the Gardener's hat back, because then someone might ask questions. Clearly, this was evidence of foul play, and Jimmy would be as good as caught.
Scott just wants to beat him over the head.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“I don’t know how we’re expected to keep this a secret.”
“No one will know.”
“They’re gonna know.”
“How would they—?”
“There is a hat right there, Jimmy.”
Jimmy paused, looking where Scott was pointing to. Sure enough, there was the Gardener’s hat floating silently in the water. Out of all the things, that had to float.
“Oh for goodness sake.” Jimmy muttered, glaring down at the water, then at the hat, and groaning dramatically. “They won’t know.” He said firmly, and with that, waded back into the pond.
“You’re not getting an entire hat out.” Scott sighed, rather loudly.
“I can,” Jimmy asserted, standing in the shallows, “and I will.”
He pushed off into the deeper ends, water riding right up to his shoulders. He knew how, so it was fine. His safety vest pulled at him, but he’d swam in it earlier, and he’d do it again. 
“You’re going to sink.” Scott called, entirely unhelpful, and very unworried.
“I am not—”
Turning one’s head, combined with swimming, was not a good combination, as he’s learned. Because as soon as Jimmy tried, he promptly started sinking, and got a mouthful of water.
Scott cackled as Jimmy fumbled to cough up the water and resume his paddling. He resorted to thinking some rude words in his head as he swam closer to the hat, experimentally trying to place a paw on it and climb up.
It was made of straw, kinda like Scott’s, though his was also weaved with twigs and dry grass, and this one was much sturdier. But, alas, he weighed a whole pound, and it was still only a straw hat. So when he tried to climb onto it, he instead sunk back into the water, taking the edge of the hat with him.
Not as quick as the last sinking, but sinking all the same.
“It’s not worth it, Jimmy.” He heard Scott distantly from the shore. “The safety rat isn’t being very safe right now—”
“I,” Jimmy cut in, climbing a little further up the sinking edge of the hat and glaring back, “am being extremely safe! This is very safe!”
The rim under his foot promptly gave out, and he flunked right back into the pond.
He could hear laughing above the surface, already deciding he was going to shove Scott in when he got out. Maybe make him have to beg to replace the Gardener, that’d show him.
He turned in the water, sinking his teeth into the rim of the hat. He began swimming back, kicking out his limbs and lashing his tail like a propeller. 
It was…well, more difficult than he anticipated. The hat was heavy, his vest was also heavy, and he had to strain to keep his nose out of the water so he could keep breathing.
He was panting after only a few seconds, sparing a glance back to see if he was any closer. He swore he already crossed most of pond by this time, hadn’t he?
Nope, still had a ways to go, and a smug Scott watching with crossed arms. Bastard.
Jimmy gritted his teeth and kicked harder.
He had to push up every now and again, heart rate spiking when his head started to go under. His snout would still stick free, but it unnerved him. He wasn’t sure why having a nose free and a head buried was more worrying than when all of it was under.
He thought he could hear Scott talking, but there was too much water in his ears for him to hear much. He just grunted, hoping it got the message across as he gave the hat another tug. This was awful, he should be at shore already, why did the Gardener have to go and sink in the middle of the pond?
One of his kicks didn’t get as much force as he wanted, and he tipped a little to the side. He scrambled with it, jaws clinging tightly around the hat as he paddled closer to the surface.
Was it always this hard to breathe? His nose was free, he could breathe. Maybe he just needed bigger breaths? He tried taking in one through his nose as he kept his corner of the hat from getting too drenched, and in turn nearly inhaled a whole cup of water when he couldn’t swim as high over the surface as he wanted.
Oh, so he couldn’t breathe, that’s nice. Okay, okay, just-just swim up a little higher. Kick harder, just kick harder—
Something hit his shoulder.
Jimmy jumped, wheezing, and fully expecting to see a giant fish trying to eat him. His sister said she once knew a rat who had a neighbor that was swallowed by a huge bass, it could happen.
Instead, he saw blue-gray fur, with no hat to accompany it, and a dark glare.
“Sooc?” He muffled around the hat.
Scott just shouldered him, grasping the hat between his teeth. He pushed back in the same movement, tugging the hat at a much faster pace than Jimmy had been going at.
He let go, if only because he didn’t want to get in Scott’s way, clearly, and looked back.
Shore was pretty close now, actually. He didn’t realize he was making a break for it until his feet were already scraping the shallow bottom.
He took a deep inhale when he was finally standing in the shallows, shaking his head.
He quickly turned back to the pond, relaxing only when he saw Scott had just reached the shallows himself, yanking the hat. Once his feet had a steady place on the muddy bottom, he released the hat and began pulling it with his paws instead, face scrunched in annoyed concentration.
The shame pricked at Jimmy, then. He was that close to shore, and he was, what, freaking out over a bit of water in his nose? Good grief, he could’ve made it, even with his horrible swimming. Could’ve had it over in barely a second, but no, he had to be all dramatic about it, and Scott had swum out to help him.
He ducked his head when Scott turned to look at him. Just muttered under his breath and hurried over, kicking up small waves as he approached and grabbed a different corner of the hat. He still kept his eyes down as he pulled it further into shore, even if he noticed his arms shaking with the effort. Fields, he was tired.
“You know,” Scott muttered, “it would’ve been a lot easier if you weren’t wearing the vest.”
Jimmy bristled, glowering over at him. “The vest was not the—where’s your overalls.”
It came out more of a statement than a question, a staring. Scott rolled his eyes, jerking his head back in a gesture as he gave another heave of the hat.
Jimmy followed it, looking towards the shore. 
He could see Scott’s hat resting on the dry ground just behind them. Underneath it was a heap of blue overalls, crumpled due to the lack of time to neatly fold them.
“Not a good idea to swim with heavy cloth.” Scott grunted behind him.
“Vests aren’t as heavy as overalls.” Jimmy mumbled, ducking when Scott nearly pulled the hat overtop of him. He decided it was best to get out of his way entirely, crawling up onto the shore while Scott yanked the hat the rest of the way. 
He stumbled a bit when he did, legs nearly giving out entirely. He hadn’t strained himself that much, had he?
Scott pulled until a small edge of the hat was on land, and once sure it was secure enough it wouldn’t drift away again, crawled up onto the grass himself.
Jimmy cringed back as Scott got onto all fours and shook himself off, spraying droplets everywhere. He didn’t resist a snort when it wound up making Scott’s now-damp fur all puffy and tangled.
“You look like a wet dust bunny.” He said, because his mouth sometimes didn’t keep up with his brain.
“Yeah?” Scott looked him up and down, very judgingly. “You look like a drowned…something.” He muttered, standing up and attempting to brush off any lingering droplets.
The poppy petals by his right ear were gone. Probably fell out while he was swimming, since it wasn’t with the rest of his stuff.
Well, that shame was turning pretty quickly into guilt now, wasn’t it?
“I, uh,” Jimmy fiddled his paws together, “you didn’t need to do that, I was pretty close—”
“You were drowning.” Scott said bluntly, combing a paw over his ear. “Or, well, you looked rough. We already have a dead human in the pond,” He said, getting droplets on his paw and flicking them in Jimmy’s face, “we don't need a dead rat.”
“He’s not in the pond anymore,” Jimmy huffed, which was unneeded, he’s sure Scott remembered when he told him, “and I wasn’t dying.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” Scott shrugged, drawing up his tail and frowning at it. “Fields around, I hate water.” He groaned.
“Don’t gardens need water?” Jimmy asked, opening and closing his paws a few times before deciding to turn to grab Scott’s stuff, as much as his legs protested.
“Yeah, in watering cans and bottles.” Scott scoffed, wringing out his tail. “Floods are a pain unless you’ve got wheat or rice.”
“Guess they’re special.” Jimmy hummed, mentally jotting that down for later, reaching for his hat.
“Do not touch that.” Scott hissed, and Jimmy froze. “You’re soaking wet. I didn’t go through all that effort just for you to ruin them.”
“I’m…pretty sure this was meant to sustain water?” Jimmy tried, but he obediently retracted his paws. The vest was starting to feel uncomfortably solid over his shoulders.
“I’m still drier than you.” Scott said, lashing his tail against the ground a few times before walking over. “Speaking of which, please sit down, you look ready to fall over.”
“I’m fine.” Jimmy protested, whose legs were, in fact, shaking even more violently.
Scott stood up a bit straighter, stopping before Jimmy. He gave him an unimpressed look before placing a paw on his chest, still wet, and Jimmy blinked down at it, surprised.
“Down.” Scott commanded, giving a push.
Jimmy’s knees were weak traitors, because upon a harsher shove, he did, indeed, fall down. He squeaked when his legs gave out, sitting awkwardly on his tail. Scott had a self-righteous look, the prick, giving him a lighter shove as a sort of stay there gesture, then turning to pick up his overalls.
“This is no way to treat the safety rat.” Jimmy protested, electing to stay there and crossing his arms. Maybe he was a little tired.
“What, going to drown me if I don’t listen?” Scott teased, shaking out his overalls as a few petals drifted to the ground. “Is that how safe you are?”
“It was an accident!” Jimmy protested, throwing his paws in the air. “You think I could do that on purpose?”
“Fair enough.” Scott relented. “The hat wasn’t worth it. Just so you’re aware.”
“They would’ve asked questions.” Jimmy insisted, twitching an ear as he glanced back to the Gardener’s hat, still sitting peacefully. He hesitated for a moment, slid his eyes over to Scott putting one leg through his overalls. “...thanks, though.”
“Don’t make it a habit.” Scott said simply, popping his foot through. “Also, I’m chewing off some of the pieces. Could use the weaving to stabilize some things.” He said, squinting at the Gardener’s hat, still with only one leg through his clothes. “And maybe use it for bedding. Yeah, I could use some bedding.” He nodded to himself.
“Do whatever you want with it.” Jimmy waved it off. “So long the others don’t find it. Actually,” He backtracked, “I-I might want it for bedding, too. Just in-in the future.”
“You don’t even have a den. Aren’t you trying to freeload off Martyn?”
“Classified,” Jimmy said hurriedly, to which Scott rolled his eyes and slipped his other leg through the pant leg. 
“You’re the most dangerous rat I know.” Scott muttered, hopping a bit to pull his overalls up further. “And we know Oli.”
“And the rat who keeps saying he’ll eat people.” Jimmy added, a bit defensively. “I feel like he’s more dangerous.”
“Nah, it’s you.” Scott brushed him off. “At least he hasn’t eaten anyone we know, so we can’t prove it. And he didn’t kill a human.”
“Sure it was.” Scott taunted, pushing the straps over his shoulders. “Anyway, I’m getting the driest parts of the hat.”
“Yeah,” Jimmy sighed with a nod, “yeah, that’s fair.”
“It’s beyond fair.” Scott scoffed, picking up his hat and readjusting it over his head. “Also, seriously, dry yourself off on something. You’re going to catch a cold.”
“I don’t get sick.” Jimmy said, turning his nose up and away. “That’s how safe I am.”
“My mother used to say that sniffles hated those who weren’t afraid to get filthy, which was why the messier rats down the hill didn’t get sick.” Scott commented, slowly removing his paws from his hat, testing if it was acceptable. “She regretted it when one of my brothers decided this was a good excuse to never clean after himself, and I kept digging in the dirt, but I think it worked out.”
“Then I’m still the safest.” Jimmy sniffed. “I stay clean.”
“Sure, Jimmy.” Scott flicked out his tail, smacking it lightly against his side and making him jump. “Hope the hat was worth it.”
Jimmy lowered his head under it, ears pressing down. He wasn’t sure if Scott was watching him or not, but he did watch Scott’s feet walk by him as he went back to the hat. Presumably to drag it further out of the water.
He hesitated for a moment, tapping his tail tip against the ground. He then nodded to himself, lifting his head again and turning to watch Scott doing just what he expected.
“I’m sorry about your flower.” He finally said.
“My—? Oh,” Scott raised a paw to his ear, now missing its petals, “it—yeah, it’s fine,” Scott waved dismissively, turning away again, “they don’t last that long—”
“I’ll get you another.” Jimmy decided, already sitting up straighter at the prospect. “It was a poppy, right? I’ll find a new one, I’m sure there’s got to be some in the garden.”
Scott gave him a surprised blink, tail twitching. Jimmy just lifted his head more, jutting out his muzzle defiantly.
“Of all the things,” Scott chuckled after a moment, shaking his head, “the flower? Really?”
“Is—” Jimmy faltered, “is there something else you want—?”
“I already got my hat payment.” Scott said, patting the hat in question. 
“And the Gardener position!” 
“I’ll gladly take the poppy offer, though.” Scott continued over him. “Within four to five business days, yeah?” He teased.
“Sooner.” Jimmy said quickly, allowing a small smile as he tried to get back up. “Two to three days. Maybe even one.”
“Incredible service you’ve got here.” Scott joked, tilting his head. “Come help me with this if you’re not gonna fall over, then.”
“I am, I am,” Jimmy chuckled, and though his legs still shook, he hurried over to Scott’s side to help him pull the hat out more. Get it drier faster, and all that.
“After this,” Scott added, leaning far back into his pulling, nearly entirely horizontal, “you’re seriously getting dry. I mean it. Lay in the sun, or something. You look like a bad sneeze away from mange.”
“Mange?” Jimmy sputtered.
“Your fur is patching weird.” Scott shrugged. “You might be mistaken for Oli.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll dry!” Jimmy huffed, getting a barking laugh out of Scott.
Jimmy did not smile at it, because he was being mocked, and he didn’t laugh at such things. But he chose not to fight on it, and kept a good sport about it, so there. If he had to look like he was having fun, so be it. That’s what it was.
And, true to his word, because he always was, Scott got the driest parts of the hat to chew away. Jimmy bundled up the rest and dragged it off to the hollow hidden under the brambles he’d found a few days ago, stashing it there for the time being for him to chew up into smaller pieces so nobody would ask questions.
And if he still had sniffles two days later, an armful of poppy petals in his paws as he nearly tripped over his own tail while offering them to Scott, then maybe it was worth it. Even if he got laughed at.
Not that Scott would know, of course. Then he’d never hear the end of it.
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scriptmyworld · 2 years
that whole convo between laudna and ashton was giving very ‘we’re the two oldest here I guess that means we’re responsible for these losers so if you FUCK THIS UP—‘ but then it’s also enhanced by the fact that laudna’s overcompensating for the fight with her gal pal
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lemonsweet · 6 months
Did I evert say that when me and Lydia met up irl it was at a water park and we kept discussing what breaking bad and better call saul characters would do at a water park
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howabhwmwn · 2 years
Howard and Jimmy hugging. Howard and Jimmy quietly talking about Chuck. Howard telling Jimmy he doesnt need to forgive Chuck. Jimmy making Howard laugh. Jimmy and Howard being friends.
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