driskolestateshow · 2 years
Yuri versus Leona. SNK Gals’ Fighters gameplay clip.
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driskolreferrals · 1 month
Turn Your Cash Into Bitcoin
If you have spare cash that you want to exchange for crypto, use my link below and get $10. Stop by any Coinstar to deposit your cash for crypto.
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Lucifarians: A Family Forged (1980):
Chapter 1 January Twelfth
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Taglist: @spacelizardtrashboys @natsadkid @schizoauthoress @piratewithvigorr @stupidbluegirl @thedollmaker16 @the--blackdahlia
Warnings: violence, smoking, Roddy being Roddy, my weird universe alterations
2200+ words
The Kayfabe Post
Casey's P.O.V:
Thursday, the first day of being at work for the WWF, Saturday the twelfth of January 1980. Part of me still can’t believe that Driskoll got us into the WWF, himself being here alone was explainable, even if he brought his sons it would have been expected, but us, seven women all entering the WWF at the same time, the head office must’ve been smoking something when signing the contracts. Driskoll has already given us an order to get to know the men of the company better, and if I’m honest, I don’t know anyone, and due to my status as a ‘cannibalistic, carnivorous, monster heel’ I don’t think many people are willing to approach me.
I’m not here because I earned it, I’m here because I’m a necessity for the team, or at least, that’s how I view it. That’s how I’ve always viewed it. Ven needed someone to humiliate and, as a natural outcast, I’m the easiest choice. Dirty blonde hair in a masculine style, half dyed copper, thick eyebrows over eyes that can’t decide if they want to be blue or green, multiple scars over my jaw covered by a thick mask which curls under my chin. Heavier than Ven, but much more slender than any male giant, except maybe Baba, and then there’s my tatt-
“Oh dear lord, sorry, are you okay?”
In my absent-minded walking I had knocked myself and another person to the floor, and not just anybody.
Four inches taller than me,
Wild afro hair,
At least double my weight,
André the giant.
Knocked to the floor, by me… Shit.
“Are you okay, Mademoiselle?”
I went as stiff as a statue, and pale like Michelangelo’s David, staring at the floor and awaiting punishment for my carelessness.
“Mademoiselle?” His shadow shifted with his movements as he got closer.
His tone worried, “Mademoiselle?” He lifted me to my feet, I had just enough composure to thank him in his native tongue.
“Who are you, Mademoiselle?” André smiles softly.
“Cas Lucifarian, I’m new here.” I return the soft smile.
André wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer before taking a good look at me and cocking an eyebrow, !Are you, uh…” He snaps his fingers as he tries to find the right words.
“A giant, yeah, well actually I’m a giantess.”
André walks with me, showing me around the arena’s backstage areas, talking about everything and nothing whilst roaming the shockingly empty arena. I say everything and nothing, and I mean it, from the best shops for tailored suits to what places along the road had the best coffee. For the first time I had a friend who I can talk to and know he knows what being a giant is like.
By the time André’s tour ended, Venka had come searching for me so I could be part of the interview with Driskoll and Gene, I managed to get out a quick ‘Goodbye’ to my fellow giant before leaving.
Playing my usual role, the enforcer, the intimidation device, it is my role to scare anyone who I’m told to. Before joining the group, me and my brother Kane worked as a tag team, the Lloyd siblings better known as The Celtic Warriors. From winning tag belts to being a damn human scare tactic.
Focusing back into reality I heard Howard ask Skull how we were doing as a team so far.
I stood behind Skull and Ven, puffing out my chest and crossing my arms to look bigger and scarier.
“You know something,” Skull’s silken voice the mark of a snake, “Howard, my girls have yet to have a match, but we are doing absolutely fine. In shape and ready to rock and roll, every single one of my girls is doing fine.”
“Just look at us,” Ven adds with a smirk, gesturing to her body, “Don’t we just look marvellous, Mr Finkel?”
Finkel smirks, “You could say that again, Miss?”
“Ven, although you can call me Pride.”
Skull glares at Finkel, almost daring the smaller man to try and flirt with his daughter.
Howard readjusts and focuses on the main point of new women in the WWF, “Uh, well, how soon do you girls think you’ll be seeing in-ring action?”
Skull looks at me to answer.
“Soon. Very very soon.” I growl as we leave the interview.
The rest of the day went by rather normally and quickly, Driskoll and Venka taking Helah and Everest with them back to the hotel, while myself, Bellona, Petra and Sydney stay behind to look at the other competitors as they leave.
Bel takes her cigarettes and a lighter from her bag, lighting up as she strides up to me and leans against the wall, puffing out clouds of smoke as she speaks, “Wassup, tall-ass.”
“I’m thinkin’.”
“Dangerous pastime hermana.”
“I know, Bell, I know. Hermana.”
“You addin’ to your phrasebook, Cassie?”
“Only the ones I deem handy to have.”
“Gym, tomorrow, me and you?”
“Gotta train, so yeah, gotta settle in somehow, right?”
“I’ll see you there, alright?”
“Adios, Bell.”
Bellona waves as she goes to grab a ride with the other two.
Bel is the only person who sees me as more of a sister than just a teammate. I look over at the door to the men’s locker room, soon one of those men will face me, now where is he. Putski, no. Rodz, no. Duggan, no. Zbyszko, yeah, he’ll do fine.
“Woah, watch where ya walkin’ lady.” A gravelly voice interrupts my thoughts as I turn to leave.
Lou Albano, oh geez.
Skull had warned me to avoid Lou, although with my gimmick being Gluttony I’m certain he’d jump at the chance to manage me.
“Sorry, Mr Albano.”
“It’s okay kid, you didn’t mean to do any harm, see ya around giantess.” Albano pats my arm as he leaves the arena.
I was still watching Albano, trying to figure out why he had acted so kindly towards me before feeling the hand on my shoulder and turning to be face to face with André.
“Hello Cas,” his soft smile returns, “It’s dark out tonight, maybe you would like to get a ride back to the hotel, I really don’t think a young lady like you should run the risk of meeting any unkind people out there.” In a strange way his voice calms me, the faint Ws replacing Rs and faint Hs of the French accent, almost like a father or older brother.
“I’m okay, André, thank you for the offer though, it’s very kind of you.”
He nods in response, saddened but curious, probably weighing the options of what I could do as much as I am, if I get a taxi my back will hurt tomorrow, but if I walk, I run the risk of getting followed or worse, I was already stabbed once in the past back in Carrickfergus. André pats my shoulder before sauntering off and leaving me all alone once again.
I don’t mind being alone, or rather I didn’t mind back when I worked with my brother, I was outcasted by everyone but him my entire life, our father working in a coal mine in Wales and our mother practically a single mother to two very active children, the only way she got us to stop wrecking the house was to make us train with David Finlay, a god of Irish wrestling.
I put my bag over my shoulder and started on my way back to the hotel, stopping to cover myself up with the shirt I keep wrapped around my waist, the sleeves long enough to hide my tattoos on my wrists, almost all of my sixteen tattoos are on my legs, except the two on my wrists, which I usually hide with tape when working.
It took around an hour to reach the hotel, walking through Philadelphia, a place I have never been before and am starting to hope I will never come back to, reaching the hotel and going straight to my hotel room, locking the door and getting ready to train.
I took off my shirt, shoes, everything except my underwear, starting with warmups and progressing into practising punches, kicks, knees, anything to tire myself, finishing up at just before midnight, showering and doing my nightly routine before falling asleep the moment I lay in bed.
On the morning of January 13th, Sunday, I woke up at six, turning off the radio alarm and stretching as I head to the bathroom, doing my morning routine and getting dressed in a short-sleeved orange shirt and black shorts, my mask for today is an orange and black chequered pattern heavy duty mask which I made sure goes down to the middle of my neck, I head to the local gym, taking my gym bag with me.
You meet all sorts of people in a gym, or so David had told me, back in Carrickfergus I would just train at his house, or at the club in Greenisland with his son or my brother. This gym felt like a whole new world, men from Georgia Championship Wrestling, The World Wrestling Federation and the National Wrestling Alliance. I scanned for faces I had seen last night, I waved to Volkoff, he smiled and waved back before focusing on his workout.
I headed to one of the heavy bags, ending up between Muraco and Valentine, two men André had told me about the day before. Muraco stops, whispering to a guy standing next to him.
As Valentine walks past he whispers to me, “Careful around Piper, he’s a wild man.”
“Hey, Cas, right? The girl André’s been talking about.” Muraco smirks as he continues his workout.
“Yeah, I’m Cas, André said that you’re Don Muraco.” I reply between punches, keeping my breathing composed.
“Yes miss, although you can call me Don, the giant’s been talking to the boys about his new friend and how you’re a ‘lady giant’ as he put it.”
The mystery guy, probably ‘Piper’, smirks at Muraco before clearing his throat and looking more serious as he looks at me.
“Yeah, I’m a giantess, it’s good to meet you guys, but, uh, who’s your friend, Don?”
Don wraps his arm around the slightly smaller man’s shoulders, “This is Rowdy Roddy Piper, he’s a bit like you, Celtic, Irish are Celts right?”
“Yeah, though I don’t think your friend is Irish, he’s too broad-shouldered to be Irish.”
“I’m Scottish, originally from Glasgow. Can’t speak Gaelic, but I can play the bagpipes.” Piper’s eyes light up, a sort of mad Scottish fire behind blue eyes.
“I’ll see you boys around, I’ve got some more training to do.” I walked off to the treadmills, trying to block out Valentine’s comment. Piper didn’t seem all too wild, or rowdy, but a man like him, muscular, proud enough to wear a kilt, he could spell trouble for me.
I finished up, sitting on the floor and wiping my face with my towel, looking up when the noise of footsteps stops in front of me.
“Yes?” I murmur while staring at Piper’s stupid grin.
“Show me how you fight,” He bent over to be eye-to-eye with me, “you’re new here, I wanna know how ya fight.”
“Yeah, c’mon.” He leads me to a boxing ring being used by other wrestlers.
Piper enters through the ropes, I test the top rope’s slack, tight enough for my purposes, I lean back and front flip over the rope into the ring.
“That’s new, no girls have ever done that around me before.”
“I’m twenty-six and a giantess with a gymnastics background.”
Piper scoffs and we lock up, hand to hand, a test of strength, he goes for a knee to the stomach and I counter with a stiff Irish whip into the ring post, a little too stiff.
“You’re gonna pay for that, lass.” Piper snarls, and suddenly I can’t tell if he’s actually angry or if this is just for show.
I size him up, calculating in my mind how high I need to jump, he comes at me for a high knee strike and I dropkick him, both of us crashing to the mat below, my head bouncing off the near rock-solid boxing ring, making my mask hit my throat and almost trigger my gag-reflex, my breathing gets heavier and I try to hide the impact from the rowdy Scot.
Piper’s up quickly and at my side in an instant, “Cas, you okay?”
I don’t answer, rolling onto my back and struggling to slow my breath. Roddy pulls me up, letting me lean against the ring post and goes to unbuckle my mask.
I push his hands away and unbuckle it myself, before I can stop him, he grabs the mask away and checks my face and neck, he winces and my heartbeat doubles at the idea of him wincing at the mess of scars.
“It’s okay, the cut isn't deep enough to cause much damage, you’ve just bruised up your neck if anythin’.”
“Gimme back my mask.” I whisper, my voice hoarse.
“No, I ain’t finished lookin’ at you just yet,” He smirks, “can I train with ya, whenever we see each other again?”
“Sure, if we see each other again.” I nod as I put my mask back in its place.
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anempressofmars · 2 years
Evolution of the Red Planet
"Twenty million years ago, Mars was a water world. Iron-rich seas covered more than half the surface. A balmy, earth-like climate produced black-leaved rainforests and fertile prairies of redgrass and overtall mosses. The red planet's mammals dwelled in the oceans alone, living off scarlet seaweed, swimming shrews, and undersea reefs of every color. On the land, mollusks ruled, growing to great size and slithering across grassy fields and hanging from tree branches.
One of prehistory's great mass extinctions soon followed. Scholars of both planets call it the Great Dissipation. Martian water retreated. The worldwide temperature dropped to a frigid 6 degrees Celsius. Rivers dried up, seas of water turned to seas of sand. Water flourished only underground, where it remains in aquifers and subsurface lakes. The ice caps expanded to their present maximum, and a stable ice-house climate took hold.
The causes of this tumultuous event remain elusive. Some scientists believe the planet's lack of tectonic activity and eccentric orbit caused the planet to undergo rapid cooling, trapping much of its water in underground ice deposits. Others believe the planet's lack of a magnetic field is to blame; the Sun's radiation beats down on the Martian atmosphere, and bits and pieces of it fall away into space over the eons.
Regardless of the reason, the Dissipation brought the mammals of Mars out of the seas, and onto sand. The ancestors of Martian ruuk amah evolved from something like a feliniform seal. They became the clade that evolutionary biologists call Psychetheria: the psychic beasts." -Excerpt from the script of Red Planet, a Britannian nature documentary.
"Caring for alien flora can be difficult. Red weed, which became a common sight in Appalachia and Britannia after the Arrival, is similar to kudzu - it grows fast! Take care not to water them excessively. At full bloom, the vine will sprout its flowers, famous for its jet black petals." -Alien Flower Care, pamphlet by American florist Jeanine Driskoll, publ. 1995
"Martian animal life is tall, lean, and lithe. The same goes for the mammals. All of them are descended from the ancient marine mammals which once inhabited the old Borealis ocean. These creatures tend to have thick, shaggy fur in the northern hemisphere to protect against the cold - and the sand, which can burn unprotected skin during windy weather. They have webbed fingers, complex vascular systems to store oxygen, echolocational ability. Some even have vestigial fins and gills.
Prior to mammalian dominance, mollusks and cephalopods were the most prominent form of life on Mars. Archaeological evidence suggests these creatures formed entire food chains during the Amazonian period, the geological era of Martian oceans. Untold biodiversity may dwell under the Martian dust, waiting to be uncovered. The Martian mollusks largely died out with the oceans. Competition from mammals and the destruction of their fertile, humid habitats played a role.
Nonetheless, some yet survive." -Biology of Mars, by American xenobiologist Dr. Robert Neal, publ. 2012.
"The Martian mollusks comprise the landsquids, the sand snails, the subsurface slugs, and the motile corals and bivalves. Landsquids are the most common Martian pets. They are used as pack animals, for pest control, and in smaller breeds, for companionship. Martian mythology and folklore says the landsquids are intelligent beings, prone to mood swings, egomania, and mischievous activity.
There is only some evidence of this, however. The brain of a Martian cephalopod is more developed than that of its earthly cousin. Its tentacles are more plausible useful for toolmaking. While groundbreaking work by offworld researchers Grant, Jocelyn, and Lewis has shown some degree of animal intelligence, it may be more likely that these tales come from the landsquid's psychic aptitude. Of the Martian animals, only it and the rooks themselves are so advanced in electropsychic ability. -Comparative Mythology for the Red Planet, by American psychoanalyst and sociologist Dr. Meghan Simpson, publ. 2005.
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furballfaggot · 8 months
im so soooo normal (thinking of a tgwdlm au for my blorbos) (and also driskoll is there) (bc i dont have enough void ocs to fit the whole main cast)
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We have a very exciting update about our recently acquired, Renault based race car! Thanks to the efforts of the talented automotive historian, Joel Driskoll using his own film archives, we now know that this car is the 1955 Dale Halliday / Dr. Paul Winters Special. This is the first purpose built Renault race car in America and raced at Torrey Pines, Bakersfield, and Santa Barbara just to name a few. It even won 1st in class in 1955, it’s inaugural year. The front and rear clips are identical and of fiberglass, while the doors and belly pan are aluminum. This was all done for the ease of swapping / replacing damaged ends during racing. Marvin McFalls will have a future story in Hemmings about it as more comes to light. In the meantime, if anyone else out there knows about the car, let us know! . . . . #undiscoveredclassics #forgottenfiberglass #fiberglasscar #fiberglass #handbuilt #sportscar #sportscars #americansportscar #restoration #restorationproject #restorationcars #carrestoration #classiccar #classiccars #cars #carsofinstagram #carswithoutlimits #vintagecars #customcars #carcheology #renault #renaultspecial #hallidayspecial (at Tampa, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbFmtyPQnO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skoomajuicepeasant · 5 years
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They’re all cinnamon rolls.
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Except this guy...
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kaijuvanitas · 5 years
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Anyone remember those Knights of the Silver Dragon books about three kids going on crazy quests in their area ranging from saving the wizard apprentice's teacher from his soul being trapped in a crystal ball to facing dragons because I sure do and I'm pretty sure they weren't a fever dream I had because the books are damn good and I want them all but I can never FIND THEM FJFHJFRK
Anyways here's our main characters Kellach, Driskoll and Moyra
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twrpdoxxdaily · 5 years
Lord Phobos’ Real Name is: Driskoll Larson
Doctor Sung’s Real Name is: Baudouin Travers
Havve Hogan’s Real Name is:  Titus Fay
Commander Meouch’s Real Name is:  Herve Duguay
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driskolestateshow · 2 months
Stellar Blade Demo finally released. The content we needed. Boss battle.
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driskolreferrals · 1 month
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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[L.A.F.F] Assorted Canon Things 3: Things The D.O.D Have Said Before
Driskoll: "You never know, I could be Satan."
Venka: "Wouldn't it be pretty if the sky was purple?"
Bellona: "I could sleep with him, or her, or you."
Petra: "I have an issue with Russians, okay most Russians, actually all Russians but Volkoff."
Casey: "I'm an Irish person who doesn't drink, those are as rare as a giant... I need sleep."
Helah: "What year is it?" *10 mins later* "What month is it?"]
Everest: "Don't say anything about Toronto, I know it's bad, I left."
Sydney: *makes a popping noise until Ven hits her* "Jeez, cranky."
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rijanjks-blog · 3 years
BOOK TOUR Day 4! GHOSTLY INTERFERENCE #romance #ghost #newrelease @wildrosepress @jansikes3
BOOK TOUR Day 4! GHOSTLY INTERFERENCE #romance #ghost #newrelease @wildrosepress @jansikes3
Hop on my tour bus and let’s take a ride! I will post links to blogs I am visiting here each day. I appreciate each of you who are taking time away from your busy holiday schedule to help me launch this new book!! I am thrilled, honored and appreciative. Author, Joan Hall is an avid reader and writes mystery and romantic suspense. Her latest is the mystery, suspense Driskoll Lake Series! She is…
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the-wonderful-jinx · 4 years
me, after watching Nick Nocturne's videos on the Dexter ARG: how the fuck is there no fanfiction shipping Dee and Driskol??? The Straights (tm) should be eating this up. Don't tell me they had -taste- back then???
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Local teacher facing child porn charges had another job working closely with young girls
KANSAS CITY, Mo — A metro man charged with having hundreds of illegal pictures of children held jobs as a substitute teacher and a classroom paraprofessional.
But FOX4 has learned Shawn McNair also held another job that put him in contact with kids.
McNair has been a gymnastics coach at Champions Gymnastics Academy in Raytown, and parents of athletes there are freaked out about the accusations.
“I was just like shaking, and my stomach was upset and I just — it was just an ‘ah-ha’ moment. Like, I knew it, I knew it,” Jamie Driskoll said of her reaction after learning the man she knows as Coach Shawn had been charged with possession of child pornography.
Investigators allegedly found 31 pictures and 293 videos of suspected child porn on McNair’s cell phone and computer.
Driskoll’s child attends Champions Gymnastics Academy where McNair was a coach for two years. She said he gave her the creeps after an incident where she saw McNair tickle her daughter. She didn’t allow McNair near the child after that.
“I did not like him from the start. There was just vibes,” Driskell said. “I told my husband at one point it even felt like he was kind of flirting with the girls, which that was a red flag to me. And I hate using that word. Now knowing what I know, that’s probably what he was doing.”
McNair was arrested Tuesday outside of his home in Lake Tapawingo, Missouri. The teacher and gymnastics coach was charged with five counts of possession of child pornography, for having videos of prepubescent girls.
“The older kids he definitely paid more attention, especially like in the nine and 10 age. I could tell his interaction with those girls in the gym was just a little bit more interested in them,” Driskoll said.
Gym management released the following statement that was also emailed to parents:
We at Champions Gymnastics Academy are devastated to learn of Shawn McNair’s legal issues. Shawn was terminated immediately upon our knowledge of the matter. CGA was never aware Shawn had any legal issues, especially regarding children. A background check was ran at time of hire.
We are in process of trying to figure out why we were not alerted sooner of the investigation. This is upsetting for not only our clients and employees, but also for the Blue Springs and Raytown communities.
Our top priority is maintaining the health and safety of our students and employees. A background check is ran on all new employees.  We will continue to work to provide a safe environment for your student to grow and learn.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you are encouraged to contact the gym directly.
Driskoll trusts the folks at Champions Gymnastics Academy had no idea what was going on with McNair, so she’s not taking her daughter out of the program.
“I hope there’s not more to the story. I really hope there’s not more to the story,” she said.
McNair has been charged with crimes for having child porn. At this point, there’s no indication he actually took pictures or videos of young girls.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2020/01/15/local-teacher-facing-child-porn-charges-had-another-job-working-closely-with-young-girls/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/01/16/local-teacher-facing-child-porn-charges-had-another-job-working-closely-with-young-girls/
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skoomajuicepeasant · 5 years
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Driskoll from knights of the silver dragon.
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