skoomajuicepeasant · 7 months
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Only 2% of the internet will understand this.
I got bored and made this on paint.
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 How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
"Hoo boy it really depends on how I think about it? I mean, my friends can come up with the most out there ideas that I might not think are good on the surface - Mercer I hear you choking on your drink at the apparent hypocrisy of what I just said - Me, I'm all about keeping my friends safe so I'm enthusiastic if I think it'll be good for them but if they want to throw themselves into a dungeon without any training, then I'm not gonna be supportive about it.
At least until I give them the adventurer's lecture and an adventurer's kit containing what they would need. Or weapon lessons if they aren't a mage. You never know what's out there."
(Regardless of his brash treatment of certain folks, Kell's a worrywart. If he opposes something, it's because he fears for your safety but he knows how important these things can get for people, so he'll always try to give them as much support as they want to, even sometimes offering to go in their place if it's something he'd be much more suited for!
Thanks for the ask!)
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Anastasia and Annabelle: The two of them occasionally team up to prank Magnus because despite the age difference between Anya and Magnus, she’s like a sister to him and like an aunt to Annabelle.
Robin and Peyton: The twins learn self-defence in the hopes of helping Peter a little. Despite what people think, Robin is actually a little better at it - coordination of a dancer - but while he teases Peyton a little about it, he constantly tries to help her.
Eloïse and Aurélia: They totally speak another language, a mixture of one they’ve learnt and one they’ve made themselves, when they’re annoyed with people around them. Adrien knows some of it, but those two use it the most. They certainly fall back into it easily when back together; far easier than they thought they might.
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I got around to the finale of "The Orders of Tyria" after finishing "Speaker of the Dead." This doubled as Gwen's induction into the Order of Whispers as an initiate.
The basic plan was to use an illusion of Queen Jennah to draw Kellach out, tricking him into revealing himself and then giving him a chance to surrender, but defeating him if he refused. This in no way addressed Gwen's earlier concern that he'd drag undead through every town on the way to Divinity's Reach in order to get to Jennah (or "Jennah"), but lalala.
Gwen talked to Logan first, who was predictably on edge about the queen. Gwen had the option to reply "the gods will watch over us," which I kind of like for Gwen, who I've always imagined as unexpectedly devout, and who would be more concerned about Logan, Ihan, and herself than Jennah, anyway. But I ran through the alternate option as well, where you can ask about Logan's incredibly obvious feelings for Jennah. He insisted, "She is Kryta."
I do think it's interesting that his devotion to Kryta and his love for Jennah have essentially fused into one thing, or at least are so joined up that they feed into each other (in a way that strikes me as ... not completely healthy, but still, intriguing).
Gwen also talked to Anise, my problematic fave, who explained that she was there to make the illusion of Jennah seem authentic and also explained what the Shining Blade is. I remember helping them out in GW1, so no surprises there.
Ihan was also there and pointedly reminded Gwen that the Whispers agents are "Our agents, my friend. You're a member of the Order of Whispers now. We all work as one."
Aww, Gwen and Ihan are friends! And look, I love the Order of Whispers so much. I seem to remember the Whispers arc going rather quickly, but I'd happily wander around scheming and sneaking with them for a long time. My people!
Logan wanted an assurance that they'd keep Jennah safe and Ihan promised "on the honor of our Order." They have honor in their own way, which I also love. The combination of skulduggery and dedication to a purely noble goal is just ... they could not be more catered to appeal to me (their vibe actually reminds me a little of my beloved Rogue One).
Ihan also explained that the bombs planted around the room fused Charr and Asura technology. I suspect Gwen was a bit "... :\" about using Charr tech, but she's a pragmatic creature at the end of the day, so I imagine she covered it up with a smile and carried on (a bandit infiltration episode in Brisban Wildlands revealed that her personality is "Captivating," which is fun to imagine).
And then Kellach showed up, apparently by traveling through the sewer system or something like that. Like with Tervelan, you could tell he'd gone wrong by the grime on his Seraph armor:
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I'm curious if it's always a code for corruption, but I guess I'll see.
Kellach addressed the fake Jennah as "my beloved queen" (...) and insisted he wasn't going to hurt her, he just needed to, you know, bathe in her blood. I am unsure how this was supposed to happen without hurting her, but he was obviously not all that rational at this point. Upon being told to surrender and that he'd been tricked, he lost his shit and declared he'd kill us all, backed by Risen materializing out of nowhere.
The fight wasn't difficult, especially since Gwen, Ihan, Anise, and Logan managed to lure Kellach + minions into the range of the bombs. But it wasn't a particularly happy victory, given that he started by trying to figure out how to save Kryta from the Risen, and in the end, there was nothing to do but kill him like a rabid dog. Even Gwen said, "Poor Kellach," and I'm inclined to imagine she actually did.
Logan, meanwhile, was pretty shaken:
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I bet it does.
Ihan, meanwhile, continued to be super encouraging:
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The Order certainly seems a very pleasant crowd. It makes a certain sense, though—they need to be able to get along with anyone.
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Er, I mean, I definitely haven't forgotten so much that I've forgotten my favorite Charr ever. I realize this isn't a high bar, but for as much as I dislike mainstream Charr culture and most of their actions over the last 250 years and more, I remember that Tybalt was easily one of my favorite characters in the game.
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I really like this moment—the expression, her resolve, the slight bittersweet quality of her rapport with Ihan just as he was about to leave. I seem to recall that Althea did run into him again at some point, but I'm still a bit sad to see him withdraw from major character status.
Then back to Logan! Gwen immediately picked up on how rattled he was and it turned out he'd had an epiphany of sorts. He conceded that maybe defending Jennah wasn't the best long-term use of his abilities, since nobody (including Jennah) is safe as long as the dragons are out there.
Better late than never, I say.
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There is a genuine pathos to this for me. I know lots of people dislike him, but idk, I'm really fond of him despite everything.
Gwen loyally assured him that it's possible to come back from mistakes, which are part of being human (...and lbr, also Asura, Charr, sylvari, Norn...). Logan has decided to meet with his old friend Caithe after all of this. Kellach achieved something, anyway!
The cut scene concludes with a cheerful "I'll see you in Lion's Arch!" from Gwen, but it's possible to continue the conversation in the dialogue screen after. Logan freely admitted that his feelings for Jennah go beyond duty, and Gwen said (I think sincerely) that "I hope you find a way to be happy together."
I seem to recall that his feelings end up being more or less unrequited, but that's really not the impression from the personal story.
Logan also described Caithe vaguely (after running the sylvari level 10 story not long ago, his description isn't wrong, but falls a bit short of just how hardcore she really is). He thought she might have discovered something about the dragons that might be helpful, so he was willing to meet up again with her in particular, despite seeing the guild as permanently disbanded. Gwen simply told him to let her know if she could help.
I really do love the female human PC + Logan as 100% bros, and I particularly enjoy it with Gwen and Logan, given how far he was willing to go to help her out in the original street storyline. It's just a peak BROTP in my head.
It's also possible to talk to Ihan before he headed out. From him, Gwen found out that the Preceptors of the Order, Halvora, Valenze, and Doern, are aware of her. Ihan concluded, "Your wits are sharp as knives, Initiate. The Preceptors were right about you." The Preceptors, incidentally, are the visible leaders of the Order, answering to the mysterious and unknown Master of Whispers.
He also told her to take notes on Logan's meeting. Seems sketchy to spy on her friend, but that's the name of the game in the Order. Gwen simply said "Noted," which could easily be a careful ambiguity that's very characteristic of her.
Anyway, that was "The Orders of Tyria." When I first started it, I was like "oh yeah, I have to do the whole arc before I get to join up. :\" But I did really enjoy going through it and very much liked the distinct personalities and human-ness of all the representatives.
Next up: Lion's Arch!
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sethshead · 11 months
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h/t P Kellach Waddle
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archesa · 2 years
have 1, 8, 24, and 27 for anwen, mayhaps? :D @kerra-and-company
Ooooooh thanks so much for these! 😁 Always super happy to talk about Anwen (especially since I'm trying to get back onto continuing the fic and I need to rekindle my obsession love for her to get back to writing !
1 / What’s the one thing they would save in a fire?
There's nothing she cares about enough that she'd risk her life going back into a fire to get...
But there are quite some things she'd be particularly sad about losing, and she'd absolutely grab on her way out, given that everyone is safe and sound, far from the fire.
The letters she and Trahearne exchanged — a lot of them dating from 1325 to 1328 unsent — over the years.
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A few original editions from her library.
And a huge soft shawl Meryw knitted for her. 💙
8 / If they were an animal, which one would they be? Which one would they think they’d be?
It took me a while pondering this : I reviewed a few, called onto my teenage-'His Dark Materials'-fan-self and wondered what Anwen's daemon would be... and suddenly it hit me! Clever, loyal to a fault, ruthlessly protective, hyperactive...
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A border collie!
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Works quite well with her (shep)herding nature! 😁
I don't know how she'd see herself, though... As a fern-hound perhaps 😁🌱
24 / Do they have any phobias?
Her investigation and battle against Kellach left an indelible imprint on her, leaving her terrified of being corrupted and risen, to be used to harm the ones she loves. As such, risen, mordrem and forged stir something very uncomfortable in her...
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(Guess a few forged and a certain god of war are gonna end on the recieving end of this infamous jump-kick... From a 12' tall Trahearne! Ouch!)
On a whole other level, @lilypixy and I joked a few times that she could absolutely not afford to develop a phobia to fire... Quite some luck then that the Judge took care to shroud a very specific memory of hers before Grenth sent her back... Not even a scar for her to remember Balthazar killing her.
27 / What’s their favorite genre of music?
From a very young age, she has loved ballads, love and adventure tales, simple celebrations of life and time passing by...
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As the years have passed and she has written her own legend and bards now sing the tale of the Commander and the Marshal, the heroics of the knight and her shieldmaiden, the saga of the Dragon full of Light and her Champion, the courage, determination and friendship uniting this strange group of friends, this found family crystalized around the last Elder Dragon, she has turned from her once favoured genre to instrumental music... She is particularly keen on harps and cords, bells and glockenspiel... Sounds that remind her her daughter 💙
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hyper-voice · 2 years
Starter for @dragondancee
There's a magazine that catches your eye as you walk by a newsstand in Hammerlocke. Emblazoned on the cover is the text "RED HANDED - Will the truth about Piers Kellach's STD status finally come to light?" 
Behind it is a picture of Piers, snapped as he’s walking out of what seems to be a clinic. A pop out zoom of his hand is shown, where it seems a red rash is creeping down his wrist. Glancing around, there are a few other gossip rags commenting on the same issue. Some of the titles make vulgar plays on his song titles.
“‘I can be your wh*re’ - Is this one one-night-stand too far for the famous singer?”
“Last Resort - Piers tries last ditch efforts to hide STD diagnosis!"
Others, mention you by name, and Leon as well. “Piers’s secret finally revealed - will Raihan and Leon leave him for good?” says one mag with bright pink lettering, geared toward celebrity relationships. 
The man running the stand shakes his head when he sees you stop, seemingly oblivious as to who you are. 
“Field day, innit?” he comments, sighing. “Then again, they always are wi’ that one. Don’t think the poor sod even deserves ‘alf of it. But aye, I suppose fame comes with a price.” 
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kingsblaze · 2 years
@hyper-voice asked:
"Hey can you make sure they spelled my name right on this?"
It's an ID card. The name reads "Piers Orquidea-Mazin Kellach."
“Sure, I’ll have a look.”
There really wasn’t any hesitation in taking the ID card, and looking it over. The thought of why would Piers need help spelling his own name didn’t pop into his mind. Whatever the situation with that was a strange one and to be honest, stranger requests has been asked of him.
Leon reads the name and it certainly looked-
Stunned, that was his first reaction, of reading it again just to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. He ran his thumb over the words.
Oriquidea-Mazin Kellach...
“You... you changed your name.”
It’s a quietly spoken fact, something easy to shoot down if necessary- if needed to be corrected and he prayed it didn’t. It would be a little mean.
“We... We were going to ask you how you...”
A smile slowly works it away passed that shock, something big and warm and full of affection as he looks back to Piers. He pulled the other man into his arms hugging him close and dear to his heart.
“-Yes, yes yes I think it looks just fine.”
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silvestromedia · 1 month
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St. John-Louis Bonnard,Jean-Louis Bonnard (b. 1 March 1824 at Saint-Christôt-en-Jarret, Diocese of Lyon; beheaded 1 May 1852) was a French Roman Catholic missionary to Vietnam, one of the Martyrs of Vietnam, canonized in 1988,May 1
ST JOSEPH THE WORKER, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, PATRON OF WORKERS May 1-St Joseph The Worker, Spouse of the Blessede Virigin Mary, Patron of Workers - https://www.vaticannews.va/en/saints/05/01/st-joseph--the-worker--spouse-of-the-blessede-virigin-mary---pat.html
ST. JEREMIAH, PROPHET Jeremias is the prophet of mourning and of symbolical suffering. This distinguishes his personality from that of Isaias, the prophet of ecstasy and the Messianic future, of Ezechiel, the prophet of mystical (not typical) suffering, and of Daniel, the cosmopolitan revealer of apocalyptic visions of the Old Covenant. May 1
St. Bertha of Kent, The first Christian queen of England, a Frankish princess. She married Ethelbert of Kent, a pagan king, and she brought her chaplain, Luidhard, to the court. Ethelbert welcomed St. Augustine to Kent in 596 . Feastday May 1
St. Asaph, 600 A.D. First bishop of Asaph in Wales also called Asa. He is believed to have lived in a hermitage near Tenegel, near Holywell. He is also described in a life of St. Kentigern, or Mungo. While still young, Asaph served Kentigern. Asked to bring Kentigern a piece of wood for the fire, Asaph brought live coals in his apron, an event that alerted Kentigern to Asaph's sanctity. When Kentigern left the area in 573, Asaph was consecrated a bishop. Asaph's relatives, Deiniol, Tysilo, and others were honored as saints.
St. Brieuc, 510 A.D. Bishop educated by St. Germanus, in Auxerre, France. He is believed to have been born in Dyfed or Cardiganshire, Wales, circa 420. Ordained in France, Brieuc returned to England as a missionary. Known also as Briocus, Briomaglus, or Brioc, he converted his parents and became known for his miracles. He also converted Conan, a local ruler of Brittany, France, and founded a monastery near the present site of the town of Saint-Brieuc in Brittany. He remained in Brittany, dying at the age of ninety. Brieuc is venerated in Cornwall, England, and is credited with stopping a plague.
St. Ceallach, 6th century. Disciple of St. Kiernan, a bishop, sometimes called Kellach or Celsus. He was a bishop of Killala, Ireland, but ended his life as a hermit. Some records list him as a martyr.
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Characters for Upcoming Story, Art Pop!
For my upcoming story, I used ArtBreeder (because I suck at art!) to outline to what my characters look like: 
First is Kellach: 
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Second is Dametri: 
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Third is Rukako: 
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And this is Commander Bithynia: 
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kaijuvanitas · 5 years
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Anyone remember those Knights of the Silver Dragon books about three kids going on crazy quests in their area ranging from saving the wizard apprentice's teacher from his soul being trapped in a crystal ball to facing dragons because I sure do and I'm pretty sure they weren't a fever dream I had because the books are damn good and I want them all but I can never FIND THEM FJFHJFRK
Anyways here's our main characters Kellach, Driskoll and Moyra
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skoomajuicepeasant · 4 years
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I’ve been feeling nostalgic about knights of the silver dragon lately. I love this book series so much. Don’t ask me why, I just do.
I took these pictures by myself and it was kind of difficult. Mainly because my setup was oddly placed, and I had to time it just right in order to get said pictures. But it all worked out in the end. Plus, it was fun!
I also have TikTok now, so if you want to see some more of my content, especially of Silver Dragon, then you can find me by looking up “bridgykathleen”.
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kellachfromthewoods · 2 months
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stop it you're not a red mage
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‘Change is annoyingly difficult,’ Anya complained, hitting the remote on her hand in the hopes of getting it to work. She knew she could use magic, that Magnus was probably watching her and already preparing doing the whole thing himself.
‘It’s not so difficult if you move with the times, honey,’ he said, and she heard him click before the television turned on.
Anya rolled her eyes and dropped onto the sofa. Magus’s rings glittered close to her face when she leant the crown of her head on the cushion behind her. ‘That’s boring though. Where’s the surprise?’
Magnus rolled his eyes dramatically. ‘You are impossible.’
She shrugged. This was an old argument between them, one they both knew they’d probably be having for years to come. Centuries, even.
‘You could always stay with me,’ Magnus suggested, pushing himself away from her. For once, Anastasia didn’t feel the need to track his movements around the apartment. ‘You could -’
‘Spend more time with Shadowhunters?’ she asked, not bothering to hide the bitterness behind her voice. ‘I think not.’
‘Anastasia,’ he said softly, but she was already pushing herself off the sofa; all thoughts of watching some random film gone from her mind.
‘I’m sorry, I have to -’
‘Change isn’t that difficult, Anya. You just have -’
‘To open my heart?’ she snapped. ‘Is that what the Shadowhunters did to Roger? He was a Mundane. Wrong place… Wrong time.’ Anya’s voice had broken as she spoke, and once she finished she forcefully wiped her eyes clear of tears. She still felt them sticking to her cheeks though. ‘I’ve got to go.’
She gave Magnus a wide berth, grateful when he didn’t try to catch her, to stop her from leaving. She couldn’t be there right now. She’d thought she was ready for this, but apparently change was too difficult to cope with for the moment.
But no one could say she hadn’t tried, and that was the main thing, for the moment.
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I wrapped up the finale of the "Speaker of the Dead" phase of "The Orders of Tyria," complete with a very important choice!
When Gwen reached the Salma District, Josir was still agitated about the possible loss of Queen Jennah, "the last of the royal line." Ihan hinted that she's not, actually (????? is this ever explained?), but that she is critical to the peace with the Charr.
I think that's the most urgent point for Gwen. Her parents were fervent Ascalonian partisans who left her and Deborah with their grandfather to go fight against the Charr in the Fields of Ruin, which is where they died. Deborah resented it (all the more after they ended up on the streets), and though proud of their people, became committed to Kryta. But Gwen is more sympathetic to their parents and Ebonhawke looms large for her. So the possibility of losing it would have a particular oomph for her—she accepts the peace, painful though its concessions may be, because it means the survival of Ebonhawke and human Ascalon, but also because it makes her parents' choice and deaths mean something.
Hiroki, meanwhile, remarked that Kryta would lose hope without Queen Jennah. Maaaaybe? There's a lot of dissent tbh.
Logan, predictably, wanted to rush off to protect Jennah, but Gwen quite justifiably pointed out that they can't just think of Jennah's welfare. If Kellach leads his army to Divinity's Reach, he'll devastate every town from Lion's Arch to Divinity's Reach. IIRC, none of the orders' plans actually account for this in the end, but it's been a long time.
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Yeah, I know. Everyone knows.
This time, at any rate, each order had a plan. Hiroki wanted to go in with brute force, Josir wanted to neutralize the threat with the Priory's enchantment, and Ihan wanted to lure Kellach into a trap. Each order also wanted Gwen to formally join their ranks, which Logan strongly encouraged: "You've been a boon to Kryta, but you can do more with one of the orders."
Since the orders are working to fight the dragons and not specifically concerned with Kryta, I feel like this actually represents character growth for him.
He gave a rundown of each order, including the hilariously in-character line "I have no use for libraries," and a kind of tepid "They certainly know a lot of secrets" about the Order of Whispers. He's such a Vigil type that it's honestly funny to see him trying to be neutral.
But as one might guess from the user name, Gwen chose the Order of Whispers!
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sethshead · 6 months
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h/t P Kellach Waddle
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