#drifter is such a mood still
senselessalchemist · 2 years
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silent indie protag night (with kigurumi)
apparently i recorded a timelapse for this one
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kindafooey · 1 year
Käärijä - Menestynyt yksilö (eng. successful individual), full English translation (by meeeeee)
Aight here's another one, also requested by @verminetroglodyte! I know someone else got to this one first and a translation already exists, but I really enjoy working with Käärijä's lyrics so I thought, what the heck, two cakes amiright? As with Aikuinen, I took some minor artistic liberties in order to stay as faithful to the original vibes as possible. I also added some annotations this time around, you can find those at the bottom of the post.
musta piti tulla jotain / I was s'posed to be something (x2)
haaveet kaatuu / dreams collapse
27-vuotiaana piti olla omakotitalo / at age 27 I was s'posed to have a house
oma piha, vaimo ja sopivasti kaks lasta koiran kera alla saman katon / my own yard, wife, two kids and a dog all under the same roof
se ei menny nii, ei / didn't work out like that, no
nyt poden etukäteen kolmenkybän kriisii / now I'm going through my 30's crisis in advance
tilaan tuopin ja heitän hynät tiskiin / I order a pint and toss my money at the counter
vittu mikä fiilis / my mood's all fucked
kulkuri laulava, kullan kimalluksesta kaukana / a singing drifter, far from the glint of gold
ei pahemmin naurata / ain't got much to laugh about
nuoren pojan mielikuvitus alko unelmist laukata, jotka voi nyt haudata / guess it's time to bury all those dreams that sent a young boy's imagination galloping
kiristää kaulasta, tuntuu et tukehdun, taisin liian ison palan haukata / my throat closes up, feels like I'm choking, I may have bitten more than I can chew
posin kautta / I try to stay pos
en oo toinen jalka haudassa (viel) / at least I ain't got my other foot in the grave (yet)
ku mä huudan "musta" / when I go "I was"
te huudatte "piti tulla" / you go "s'posed to be"
kullanhohtonen menestynyt yksilö / a gold-coated successful individual
eikä mikään hiton kummajainen yksiös / and not some damn freak stuck in a studio apt
taloyhtiön humalainen hylkiö / not a drunk outcast shunned by the housing cooperative
vaan kullanhohtonen menestynyt yksilö / but a gold-coated successful individual
Kela sano meistä tuli muurareita, taksikuskeja ja suutareita / Kela* said we grew up to be masons, taxi drivers and shoemakers
mut osast meist tuli pelkkii tunareita / but some of us grew up to be mere losers
turhakkeita joilla vesi tulee läpi kupareista (nou) / good-for-nothings falling apart from the seams (no)
jos sä tunnistat tästä ittes ni huuda jou / if you're feeling this, holler yo
MITÄ? JOU! okei, hyvä, lets go! / WHAT? YO! Okay, good, let's go!
oli tavotteita jotka piti naulata / had goals I was s'posed to nail
menestyä ja oma taverna aukasta / make it big and open my own tavern
mutta piti omat viikset kaupata / but instead I had to put my stache up for sale**
jotta sais punasta marlia kaupasta / just to afford red marli*** from the store
kiristää kaulasta, tuntuu et tukehdun, taisin liian ison palan haukata / my throat closes up, feels like I'm choking, I may have bitten more than I can chew
posin kautta / I try to stay pos
en ole toinen jalka haudassa (viel) / at least I ain't got my other foot in the grave (yet)
no menikö sulla hommat niinku luulit? (ei) / so how about you, did things work out just as planned? (no)
oisko tänä vuonna parempi tuuri (ei) / maybe this year you'll luck out? (no)
entäpä ensi vuonna mitä tuumit (ei ei) / how 'bout next year, whadya think? (no no)
no sitä minäki, ollaa samas venees / Yeah that's what I thought, we're in the same boat
tän piti olla mun vuos / this was s'posed to be my year
niinku mä sanon joka hiton vuos / like I say every damn year
uudet kujeet, uus minä / new tricks, new me
mut mä oon edelleen sama hiton minä / and yet I'm still the same freakin' me
musta piti tulla jotain suurta ja isoo / I was s'posed to be something huge and great
musta piti tulla jotain, mut ei lompakko liho / I was s'posed to be something, but my wallet remains lean
musta piti tulla jotain, piti tulla jotain / I was s'posed to be something, s'posed to be something
ees jotain, ees jotain / at least something, at least something
*This is a reference to a song by Anssi Kela that was popular in the early 2000's. It's generally considered an upbeat (overly so to some) and folksy song that makes fun of social class, but here Käärijä recontextualizes it as a song about privilege, which is interesting considering how poverty, unemployment and severe mental health issues among young adults have reached an all-time high in the past decade. Just throwing in some extra context here because I genuinely think most of Käärijä's lyrics have a subtext of exceptionally sharp-sighted social/societal commentary that deserves more attention.
**He actually did this a couple of years ago, he sold his mustache for 52 euros lol. The buyer showed up ag one of his recent gigs with the mustache in a ziplock bag. There's a hilarious video of it somewhere, I'll see if I can find it after posting
***"Red Marli" refers to a specific cheap juice that basically tastes like sweet non-alcoholic mulled wine. It's a popular winter drink and apparently Käärijä's vodka mixer of choice. He's made a super fun song about this weird spiced juice simply called Punainen Marli, I'm actually thinking of translating that one next hehe. (There's another intertextual cross-reference between these two songs, since at the beginning of Punainen Marli the listener is warmly welcomed to Käärijä's tavern, the one he mentions having dreamed of in this song.)
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pavooko · 6 days
Hi everyone I have a doomed void angel au fanfiction
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So, first shortly about the Void Angel au.
Void Angel AU is an AU where The Drifter, after finding his new home and family on Zariman, gets killed by a Void Angel during a strong Void Flood. That makes him a Void conceptual embodiment, but that’s not the worst. Still having some serious trust issues, he doesn’t want to bother The Holdfasts with his worsening condition and that results in him almost turning into a fully formed Void Angel. Luckily, The Holdfasts reacted quickly and managed to stabilize his condition at least for some time. He’s still doomed to turn into a Void Angel, if only he doesn’t embrace the fact that there’s no need for him to trust no one and carry on only on his own. After all, that’s what a family is for… right?
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Small Hurt/Comfort Cavalero x Void Angel!Drifter Valentyn fic on them figuring out Val’s trust issues
There was a dim light of the dormizone lamps, sobering smell of medical alcohol and a nasty draft, emerging from the never closing door "to Duviri". Valentyn was sitting on pins and needles on the edge of his bed, almost shivering after every slight touch, as if he didn’t know that…
— There’s nothing to be nervous about. Just relax and let me finish this at last.
The Drifter silently nodded and looked away, started to examine some old stickers and posters on the wall above the bed. A kaithe… clip… some constellations… clip… floral patterns he drew for some contest when he was… eleven? thirteen? Well, when he was a kid… and yet another clip. Then the clipping sounds died down. Cavalero finished bracing that deep wound on his back and put the medical staples back in the emergency kit.
Valentyn hasn’t used to the changes which had happened to his body yet and still, ignoring all the warnings from Yonta, he was eager to continue his Zariman routine and that, obviously, included slaying some immense amounts of Grineer and Corpus trespassers… as if now it could save the day, enhance his reputation in the eyes of those he called a family. Well, it would save the day a few weeks earlier, when he hadn’t been like that.
Cavalero put an elastic bandage on the braced wound and then continued packing the medical kit. His job here was done.
Val looked around vacantly, drew his feet under him and sat closer to the wardrobe wall leaning his shoulders against it with a slight metallic clang of voidgrowths hitting the surface. He passed his gaze over the messy linens and a crooked smile flickered on his face. Reminiscing about how everything had been before that notorious Void flood became his new everyday routine.
— Not so long ago you wouldn’t mind joining me in here.
Valentyn tapped the bedding with his hand and looked at the silhouette in the other corner of the room. Now there was a bittersweet touch on his crooked smile.
Cavalero didn’t even look back, continuing to clear the medical mess from the table. He was neither confused, nor baffled — that’s not in his style.
— Y’know, I still have some principles, Drifter.
— Don’t like the exotic-rococo fuss? Well, I’m aware only the Orokin truly fancied those.
Still keeping the miserable smile on, Valentyn looked at the pointy ornate stilts which replaced the good old legs of his and didn’t disappear even after Yonta had given him the medicine. However, his ironical mood was quickly interrupted by a loud thud of the closing medkit.
— My principles are not about how much of a shiny Tennobaum tree toy you are, Val. They’re ‘bout some damn trust. When I trust someone, I’m waiting for the very same thing in return.
Something painfully itched deep under the ribs… his conscience, probably. The guilt started consuming him once again, as if he was a boy who hadn’t cleaned up all the mess before his parents’ arrival. Of course, he could overstay this minute of awkward silence and build the risen wall of distrust even taller, wider, thicker…
— I’m sorry.
With his palms locked behind arms-dealer’s back, the troublesome Drifter hugged him, burying his face on the man’s shoulder. His unformed wings, flickering with silver dust, slightly trembled.
There was a dim light of the dormizone lamps, sobering smell of medical alcohol and a nasty draft, emerging from the never closing door "to Duviri".
Cavalero let out a quiet sigh. Then put one hand on the back of Valentyn’s head and passed another one across his scarred back, following the trails of twisty metallic patterns, stopping right under the strangely modified scapulas, from which the steel bones of the Void Angel wings had emerged.
— Alright then, I’ll give you one more chance, but only if you stop thinking you’re all on your own in this big damn world. It makes you look like a complete idiot.
Cavalero’s principles weren’t about so-called exotica. Moreover, he found Valentyn’s peculiar wings quite pleasant-looking. However, if he doesn’t change his mind and keep avoiding even those around him…
Well, then Cavalero will have no regrets seeing The Drifter’s peculiar wings only in his dreams.
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writing-badger · 3 months
The Drifter and the Stationary One
Pairing: Al-Haitham x Cyno
The Mausoleum of King Deshret is a shrine to the dead; haunted by the mistakes of a man driven into madness. Only the dead linger there, waiting for the end of time to finally relieve them from their duty. At least, that's what the scholars who reside in Sumeru City are told.
After being exiled after a failed coup, Al-Haitham finds himself wandering into the abandoned mausoleum and inadvertently stumbling across something that he had never expected.
"Genre": Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
Word Count: 3,946
Warnings: None
Ao3 Link
You and I are different. I'm a drifter; you're stationary. That's what it boils down to. When you're incompatible, you can't live together. You should know this. 
- Atsuko Asano, No. 6 (Volume 9)
~ ~ ~
It is often difficult to find beauty in dangerous things; fear manipulating the beautiful into the revolting. What was once a source of comfort can quickly become an intolerable nightmare, threatening to consume everything it touches. 
 It's a survival tactic; nothing more, nothing less. 
 Human perception has very little effect on physical reality outside of itself. A spider is a spider, no matter how much a certain roommate claims that it is some incomprehensible abomination. The Akasha is simply a system, not the replacement for a supposedly absent archon that the sages keep claiming it to be. 
 No matter how much Al-Haitham rationalises it, however, he can't shake the revulsion he feels when he thinks about Sumeru City. In all the ways he knows it, the city is the same now as it was when he was a child... and perhaps that is what causes him the greatest discomfort. The idea that, if only a few weeks ago, you had asked him to describe the city he calls home, he would have called it one of the most beautiful places in Teyvat makes him nauseous. 
 Sure, his reasonings would have differed from his roommate who would have pointed to the architecture, or his colleagues who would have focused on the views offered by the lush landscape. Al-Haitham would have looked to the countless books which line the House of Daena, or dwelt on how his home always has a warm glow emanating from deep inside. If he had been in a particularly sentimental mood, he may have even gestured to the divine tree which caresses the sky, or the crystal waters which lap at the harbour. 
 But the root of the problem is still there, buried underneath a fanciful illusion that there was ever beauty to be found there. 
 Now the very thought of the place sends a shiver running down his spine. He can only see Sumeru for what it truly is; a façade to hide the self-absorbed arrogance of the sages who yearned to become more than what they ever deserved to be. Even the divine tree, once a shelter from the roughest storms, ended up holding a prison for an archon who was never given a chance to grow.
 Is it possible for something so corrupt to ever be beautiful? How could the word even hold meaning when it is so loosely used and so easily defiled?
 These would be the types of discussions he would roll around in his head, sometimes seeking the opinions of others be them from the scribbled ravings of scholars from long ago, or from Kaveh’s impassioned ramblings about the most recent infringement on his artistic sensibilities. They would inform him of his own opinions, adding depth to his understanding, and anchoring his thoughts. 
 All he has left is desert which spreads out in front of him. The only sound which breaks through his thoughts is the sand-dusted wind, whispering in an illegible tongue. Small grains sneak under his clothes and bite into any exposed skin they can find.
 It irritates his skin, but he presses onwards. 
 There’s no telling how far he would have to go to escape the shadowy claws of the Akademiya. 
 The desert is the only place where he can have at least some guarantee of safety, with the Traveler pointing him to the Mausoleum of King Deshret. Apparently, they had opened up a path through the previously inaccessible temple, one that no scholar would be able to set foot in thanks to a copious amount of red tape.
 Perhaps, he muses to himself, that is one of the few advantages of his self-banishment. The laws of the Akademiya now hold little meaning to him. And with nothing to hold him back, a once muted curiosity begins to stir under his skin. 
~ ~ ~
From the instant he crosses over the threshold, Al-Haitham feels a chill sweep over his body, wiping away all traces of the scorching sun. Only the sand clinging to his skin remains. He readjusts his cloak, rubbing the exposed parts of his arms in an attempt to smooth the goosebumps which cover his skin. His attempts prove futile, however, as the unsettling sensation only becomes more prominent. 
 In an effort to distract himself, he begins working through the Akademiya's protocol for entering unexplored ruins. It's exceedingly long and mostly pointless. Still, it makes him feel a little more sure of himself; rooting his thoughts back to reality. 
 Since there are no immediate traces of activity, it’s likely that Al-Haitham is the only one wandering the mausoleum aside from the remnants of Deshret’s technology which sluggishly continue their endless patrol. It doesn’t necessarily mean that he is safe, but it is a damn sight better than wandering aimlessly in the desert.
 The Traveler claimed that there would be a vast network of barely explored hallways beneath his feet although Paimon had been quick to warn him of the primal constructs. Her attempts to mimic the machines had almost been enough to bring a small smile to his face. It was the best she could do to try and alleviate the consequences of their failure to usurp Grand Sage Azar. 
 The others tried to play it off, sharing responsibility and placing the blame at Azar’s feet. Dehya spent their last hour together cursing the man’s name while Candace sat next to her, sometimes brushing her partner’s arm in an attempt to calm her down. Nilou was still in Sumeru City, rallying all those she could, smuggling out updates whenever she could for the desert-based group. Tighnari had returned to Gandharva Ville in order to recover from his inures, but promised to help the second he felt able to. Al-Haitham knows that the blame lies at his feet. All he can do is put his trust in them now, leaving them with as detailed of a plan as he could conjure in the short time he had before his escape.
 Placing his trust in others, however, is something far easier said than done. He finds himself wondering if the Traveler was going to abandon him in the mausoleum, to add him to the collection of forgotten souls consumed by the desert. It’s a silly thought, one he acknowledges as nonsense, yet his mind still toys with it.
 Usually, he would turn up the volume of the music that plays through his headphones, but they ran out of power a couple of hours ago. If he's lucky, he might be able to repurpose one of the non-functioning constructs which litter the halls to become a makeshift battery. Some must have been taken out by the Traveller, based on the scratches which cover their metal coats. Others appear to have simply stopped working, perhaps giving up or running out of power.
 For a moment, Al-Haitham wonders what they must have looked like when they were first built, diligently guarding a near-empty Mausoleum.  
 They wouldn’t have been lonely, being machines created for a rather singular purpose, yet there is something rather… Al-Haitham can’t quite find the right word to describe the sensation in his chest as he thinks about it a little too hard. He can feel the vestiges of Kaveh lingering in the sentiment, perhaps born from one too many rambling speeches about Mehrak and the Akademiya’s callous approach to machinery. To be condemned to a fate that they had no control over, patrolling the halls until they grind to a halt, it doesn’t sit right with him. Those were the words he had used and Al-Haitham finds himself agreeing with them.
 Shaking these thoughts from his mind, he finds himself at a crossroads.
 Ahead is what he assumes to be the central chamber, a place where all of King Deseret’s wealth would have been hoarded. It would certainly be a spectacular sight although Al-Haitham isn’t the type of man to be impressed by gold. To his left and right are doors, leading to some other chambers which could be filled with who knows what treasures. What stands out most to him, however, is an elevator pad which is almost inconspicuous save for the dull blue button which juts out from the floor. While it would appear to not have any power, he can spot recent disturbances around the edge which means it’s been used recently. The Traveller hadn’t mentioned any underground passageways, which makes him wonder if someone else had dared to step foot in the Mausoleum. It piques his curiosity enough and, with a little bit of tinkering, he manages to get it working again.  
 The lower levels of the Mausoleum are far less well-kept than the upper level. Sand pools in the corners, wild fungi pop out every couple of metres, and the walls are marked by deep scratch marks. If he had to compare them to something, he would say that they resembled claw marks before immediately pointing out how foolish of a comparison that is. The only beings that would be capable of making such damage, in Sumeru at least, would be the consecrated beasts and, even then, they would lack the power to cut through stone.  
 It would be wise to proceed with caution, he ends up deciding. The last thing he needs is to inadvertently piss off whatever creature calls the mausoleum its home.
 The thought of returning to the safety of the upper Mausoleum never once crosses Al-Haitham's mind. 
~ ~ ~
There are dangerous creatures that scour the Mausoleum of King Deshret, some more so than others. It’s something that Al-Haitham is aware of, but he had no idea how much danger he was in until he came across a room that he suspects lies directly underneath the grand gallery. 
 It was probably once a subterranean chamber. Nowadays, the crumbling of its walls means that twisting roots have invaded it. The natural world, so opposed to the technology that King Deshret had once pioneered, entangles itself with the deactivated constructs. It's difficult to tell what its original purpose was. He only manages to light a small handful of torches with the equipment he has on him. 
 Al-Haitham would have spent time trying to light the room properly, but his attention is drawn to a pile of consecrated beasts that sits in the centre of the room. Each one has been torn to pieces, deep wounds marking any flesh that hasn’t been torn away from the bodies. Serpents, scorpions, and vultures make up most of the corpses, but he can spot the remains of a few crocodiles towards the base of the pile. With such a mix of elements, Al-Haitham is aware that his dendro vision may end up being of little use if he ends up confronting whatever was able to tear through the monsters as if they were little more than paper. 
 He's aware that there are two options for him. 
 The first would be to return the way he came, heading back towards the elevator and hoping that he doesn't run into whatever caused this carnage. The second would have been to try one of the other doors which line the hallway. If he had the time to think about it, he would have chosen the former. His curiosity may have been riled up, but he has the self-awareness to know when he is completely outpowered.
 Unfortunately, before he had been given the chance to consider his next course of action, his skin begins to prickle. Following it, the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand up, accompanied by a faint whiff of ozone. It’s such a crisp smell that it cuts through the stagnant air of the mausoleum and almost makes Al-Haitham feel like he is outside, waiting for an oncoming storm. 
 The vision clinging to his cape glows in warning as he summons his weapons, knowing that he stands little chance without them. As he begins to slowly back up against one of the crumbling walls, his eyes darting around in an attempt to prevent an ambush, the faint sound of crackling electricity fills his ears.  
 “You should not have come here,” a low voice warns, drifting through the room with the same enrapturing energy as rolling thunder.
 Al-Haitham turns his eyes to the chamber’s entrance just as a purple glow begins emanating from the once-dark corridor. He starts to move toward the most collapsed area of the wall, thinking that he might be able to make a quick escape to whatever underground cavern the underground chamber intrudes upon.
 There are no distinguishable sounds, most being buried under the sound of crackling electricity, for him to be able to figure out how close the threat is. Instead, he finds himself relying on his instincts. The only reassurance he has is that the voice sounds remarkably human, perhaps giving him a chance to reason his way out of trouble. For now, he decides to keep his mouth firmly shut.
 “This is not a place for the living.”
 It’s closer now, and Al-Haitham readies himself in response. His ears ring in warning, drowning out the crackling sound and making it even more difficult to concentrate on the entrance. Then it falls silent, the thunder disappearing which leaves only the lightning to strike its target. 
 The room is plunged into darkness, the torches lining the chamber blowing out in an instant. It disorients the scribe, but not enough to completely dull his instincts as the ozone smell gets stronger. 
 Without wasting a single second, Al-Haitham launches himself towards the door; dodging a flash of lightning which lands where he had just been standing. The impact is so solid that the reverberations shake the ground, dislodging sand from overhead, and crumbling the wall he had previously had his back to. Stifling the burning urge to turn around, Al-Haitham keeps moving forward, managing to dodge a couple more strikes as he goes. 
 Based on his estimations there should only be a couple of metres left to the elevator, but he doesn’t make it.
 Claws latch onto his shoulder, piercing his skin as he is dragged backwards, spun around, and pinned against the wall. The impact of his head against stone sends a sharp pain shooting through his body, his eyes screwing shut in response.
 “Who are you?”
 The voice is so close that Al-Haitham can feel the words brush against his skin as whatever it is on his shoulder tightens its grip. He knows that he should look his attacker in the eye, otherwise, he risks looking weak, but he feels something he hasn’t felt in a long time. 
 No part of his body seems to be doing what he wants it to. His eyes won’t open, his breathing won’t steady itself, and his heartbeat is so loud that he can barely think. He knows that he could die in an instant, and no one would know where he went. 
 “There is no bravery to be found in death,” his captor says as if Al-Haitham isn’t already acutely aware of this. 
 The thing seems to scoff at the lack of response, loosening its clawed grip on Al-Haitham’s shoulder as the sound of crackling subsides. For a moment, he finds himself able to breathe when a more human hand wraps around his neck and lifts him up, raising him off the ground. His feet swing limply in the air, not even trying to kick his attacker.
 “Open your eyes,” the voice orders and Al-Haitham obeys immediately. 
 If he hadn’t already been struggling to breathe, Al-Haitham is certain that the sight in front of him would have knocked the air out of his lungs. 
 Rather than a monster towering over him, he finds himself staring down at a shorter man. White hair flows down from a jackal-shaped headpiece, and red eyes stare up at him, narrowed in warning. Al-Haitham can’t be sure whether it is fear, adrenaline, or some unknown feeling that stirs within him, but he feels like he is falling. 
 “I will only ask once more, who are you?” 
 The man loosens his grip briefly, allowing Al-Haitham to take a choking breath in. 
 “A lost scribe,” Al-Haitham struggles to answer, bowing to the implicit authority that the other holds but cryptic enough to maintain a sliver of control. 
 “I’ve known many scribes,” the man’s eyes are cold, “and they’ve always had a name.”
 “Al-Haitham,” he cedes. 
 “Scribe Al-Haitham, you must leave this place.”
 If it wasn’t for the precarious position Al-Haitham finds himself in, he would have made a snarky comment about his attacker not knowing the meaning of the word ‘lost’. Instead, he settles on a far deadlier response.
 “A name given deserves one in return.”
 The man frowns, his grip remaining loose, but Al-Haitham doesn’t move. 
 “That’s it?”
 “You expected more?” 
 The muted surprise in Cyno’s tone doesn’t go unnoticed. 
 “Well, I figured you would have a title,” Al-Haitham clarifies. 
 “Most would call me ‘Monster’,” Cyno says, fully releasing Al-Haitham who collapses to his knees and his hand shoots to his throat. He doesn’t need a mirror to know that bruises are already forming where the man’s hand had once been. Cyno, for his part, considers his words for a moment before adding, “I suppose, before that, it would have been something akin to General.”
 As Al-Haitham steadies his breathing, he finds himself looking up at Cyno and wonders how anyone could dare call the man a monster. Everything about him is as close to ethereal as you could get, from his piercing eyes to his overwhelming strength. He hesitates when the word he should use graces his tongue, stung by it one too many times, but there is nothing else that fits. 
 Cyno looks so very beautiful. 
~ ~ ~
Al-Haitham was quick to tell Cyno his story, detailing the events that led to him wandering the desert in search of shelter. He spins a tale of a traveler, mercenary, leader, and dancer who are putting their lives on the line to save an archon. He mentions a forest ranger in Gandharva Ville, and sprinkles in some other things that may be interesting. He complains about a hapless architect, and an overbearing professor who is far too passionate for her own good, sharing a couple of anecdotes to illustrate his points.
 Cyno, for his part, simply listens. At points, Al-Haitham is certain he has transformed into a statue with how still he could be. Not even the slightest muscle twitch, or feigned acknowledgement, makes its way to his face.  
 It’s understandable, Al-Haitham reasons, with how long Cyno must have been alone. Practising conversation must be extremely difficult when all you have are fungi and machinery to call friends. It would also explain why Cyno still struggles to talk for long periods of time, his throat growing hoarser after only a couple of minutes. Al-Haitham can’t help but muse to himself about how endearing the general is, especially when he starts talking about his passions. It took only one stilted conversation about ley lines for Cyno to spill his heart out, relaxing far faster than the scribe had anticipated. Although it still took some effort on his part, carefully choosing his words to avoid having a spear tip shoved in his face. 
 Still, the mausoleum wouldn’t be able to shelter the scribe for long. All the water sources had been depleted, and food was running scarce. After only three weeks, Al-Haitham finds himself standing at the main entrance to the large pyramid with a heavy decision to make. 
 He could try returning to Sumeru, braving the threat of the Akademiya... and end up putting the others in danger. He could flee to another nation; Inazuma or Mondstadt being the safest bets... leaving him completely. Or he could stay, allowing the Mausoleum of King Deshret to claim another soul but at least having company in his final moments. 
 “You’re leaving already?” 
 Cyno’s voice cuts through Al-Haitham’s thoughts, drawing his attention to the shorter man who now stands beside him. 
 “I won’t last here for much longer,” he says, acutely aware of the other man. Cyno doesn’t say anything for a moment, his hair swaying in the sandy breeze. 
 “This is a place of death,” he acknowledges, “it wasn’t built to keep people alive.”
 “Yet here you stand,” Al-Haitham mumbles, his gaze tearing away from the endless sand to stare at the captivating walking contradiction. 
 “Would you really say I’m alive?”
 “I can't say that you're anything else,” he says, watching as Cyno’s gaze turns to the floor. It is as stoic as ever, but Al-Haitham knows it’s because he’s feeling a little bit flustered. It's a look the scribe has learned to recognise, usually after the general shares a particularly painful pun that stops a conversation dead in its tracks.
 Al-Haitham knows that this should be the moment he leaves; delivering a last verbal jab before walking into the desert never to return. It would be the best option for both of them, yet he can’t move an inch. 
 “Don’t you ever want to leave?”
 The question falls from his lips before he can fully process what he is doing, the last vestiges of logic and reason fleeing from his grasp. 
 “I am bound to this place as the last remaining general,” Cyno finally says, an uncertainty briefly flashing through his eyes but not escaping Al-Haitham's attention, “I cannot abandon it so freely.”
 “But there is no one left,” Al-Haitham counters, playing on the general's momentary doubt, “you owe this place no loyalty. They condemned you to… to this loneliness.”
 “You see it as their condemnation, I see it as my duty,” he says, his tone not quite matching the feigned smile which falters on his face, ”of course, I would never expect a scribe to understand. Your loyalties are as fickle as your interests.”
 “My interests are not so fickle,” Al-Haitham argues, although he doesn’t push his previous point any further. He can recognise when someone is deflecting from the real crux of the issue. 
 “Oh, only yesterday you were obsessed with a bunch of scrolls, and now you’re talking of abandoning them without a second thought,” Cyno counters, briefly glancing at Al-Haitham from the corner of her eyes. 
 “You got me,” he says, holding his hands up in mock surrender. The scrolls may have been left at the wayside, but that's only because he has something far more tantalizing in his sights.
 A comfortable silence falls over them as they watch a lone construct drift across the sands. It spins in a lazy circle before continuing on its predetermined course. 
 Cyno is the one who breaks the silence, his voice far softer than anything Al-Haitham had heard before.
“Even if I wanted to leave, I can’t live anywhere else…”
 Al-Haitham is quiet again, his mind turning those words over in his head as he gathers all the courage he can muster. In a swift movement, he turns to Cyno and reaches out his hand, leaving the palm turned up in front of the other.
 “Then will you die with me, Cyno?”
 It’s a selfish question born from a desire that Al-Haitham doesn’t fully understand. Later, when time has taught him and taken more in exchange, he would come to truly comprehend what he felt in this moment. But, as Cyno places his trust in the palm of Al-Haitham’s hand, he can only think one thing. 
 Falling alone is a terrifying thing, so it would be best to drag someone else down with him. 
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ahamkara-apologist · 4 months
Some quick Aeris facts for y'all before I go to bed:
-Really likes lemon-flavored candies and lemon cake. Also a big fan of those fluffy donut holes with powdered sugar on top of them
-Very soft-spoken and usually mumbles when he talks, if he talks at all (yeah I based a lot of him off the Guardian in-game, but the Guardian's voice in game is super deep and that always takes me out LOL). He's also very blunt and has a hard time not sounding either deadpan or having a slightly off cadance to his voice, and most of his 'snappy comebacks' are from action movies or watching other guardians. Because his humour is extremely dry and he has a soft spot for puns, its sometimes hard to tell if this is deliberately done for comedic effect or copied because he's trying to come off as cool
-Will also infodump about his friend's interests and studies if prompted and in a good mood, and enjoys being infodumped to in turn. It gives him a starting-off point for him to engage in a conversation without Ghost's or Marcie's help
-Hates the popularity and 'placed on a pedestal' nature of being The Guardian(tm) and cares very little about fitting in socially, but also really wants to please those he looks up to/not upset people.
-Cannot sit normally on anything. He's a Hunter for a reason. He has to crouch-perch on everything and be on top of the tallest thing in the room. Half the time its just to see that he can do it
-Ghost is still officially named Ghost because he's got a Thing about names being special and also because neither of them can settle on one they like (I've called him Hoarfrost in the past but they are STILL debating on that). Also, he prefers to go by 'Guardian' because 'Aeris' is close to 'Eris' and in his reasoning, 'she had the name first so she gets seniority rights'
-Actually really likes tactile stimuli. He won't initiate physical affection much, but you bet your ass he's gonna cuddle if given the chance, though the person he usually only actively cuddles with is his sister, Marcie, or Ghost
-Has an apartment in the Tower that he never uses. Pretty much lives in the Eliksni quarter exclusively bc they don't pick up on the fact that he's autistic as fast as human people and he really likes that
-He's got Archer Muscles(tm) and is pretty pleased with it. He doesn't think much of his appearance often, but thats one of the few aspects of it that he's proud of
-Crow is one of his best friends, and while they had a whole tense thing with Crow having a crush on him pre regaining his memories that Aeris couldn't reciprocate and felt guilty for, they're still on pretty good terms (thats a whole other seperate thing I can get into tho)
-Actually hates fusion rifles, but was too polite to correct Saint when he said Aeris's favorite gun was a fusion rifle so
-Sexuality is like. Aro/ace/gay. He's aro for sure, and most of the time he barely thinks about or desires sex with people, but when he does it's only with men, his taste in which is...questionable, most of the time.
-(Misraaks. Taniks, if he had the chance. Drifter. You get the point.)
-Also, he's a bottom and likes to be shoved around bc of afformentioned 'doesnt like being treated like the Chosen One' shtick
-Pre death and rez: He's the result of a cocky, boastful human man getting frisky with an Awoken warrior. Said man married for power later, and was VERY unhappy when Aeris was dumped on his doorstep as a kid, esp. since he got his wife pregnant already (that was Marcie)
-Aeris's mother was named Iliya, he was brought to term, born in the Reef, and dumped on his dad bc his dad said they wouldn't need contraceptives bc Awoken and 'normal humans' couldn't interbreed. She pretty much birthed him out of spite
-He DID go back to the Reef a few times as a diplomat from Earth (his dad was politically savvy, if a douchebag), but I doubt his mom ever bothered with him much. Marcie was the only person he was close to, as he was her older brother and he ADORED her, and that was a bond that persisted even after their death and rez together
-she died in the Skolas Incident btw so no meeting her son again post-rez for her.
-This is something that Mara knew vaguely about, bc while Awoken/Humans are viable, they're really rare in the Reef. That she knew of his birth pre-death and who his mother was is part of the reason Aeris doesn't like her- it weirds him out. The only info that he got about himself pre-rez was from Marcie's diary (which was on her corpse when they were rezzed) was that the swearing woman underneath him in a rusted-out shelter in the cold of Old Russia was his half sister and that his father was a no-good whore, so the fact that someone out there knows of the other half of his family...it bothers him
-Despite that, he still has an instinctual connection to the Reef and a longing to fit in with it and gets really shy when Petra calls him 'cousin', since he's not quite right enough to stick in with Humans and too boring to be Awoken back on Earth, so it makes him feel included
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 2 months
Review: Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
Eight Legged Freaks (2002)
Rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence, brief sexuality and language
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2024/03/review-eight-legged-freaks-2002.html>
Score: 3 out of 5
Eight Legged Freaks is a self-conscious throwback to '50s monster movies that does the job it sets out to do perhaps a little too well. It's the kind of movie you'd imagine American International Pictures themselves (the Blumhouse of the '50s and '60s) would've made back then if they had a big budget and modern CGI technology to spare, a film that gets right up in your face with all manner of icky arachnid goodness that it takes every opportunity it can to throw at the screen, and even though the effects may be dated now, it still works in the context of the lighthearted B-movie that this movie is trying to be. It's a movie where, as gross as it often is, going for an R rating probably would've hurt the campy tone it was going for. Its throwback to old monster movie tropes is a warts-and-all one, admittedly, especially where its paper-thin characters are concerned, such that it starts to wear out its welcome by the end and could've stood to be a bit shorter. That said, it's never not a fun movie, especially if you're not normally into horror, and it's the kind of film that I can easily throw on in the background to improve my mood.
Set in the struggling mining town of Perfection, Arizona, the film opens with an accident involving a truck carrying toxic waste accidentally dumping a barrel of the stuff into a pond that happens to be located right next to the home of a man named Joshua who runs an exotic spider farm. He starts feeding his spiders insects that he sourced from the pond, and before long the spiders start growing to enormous size, eating Joshua and eventually threatening the town, forcing its residents to start banding together for survival. I could go into more detail on the characters, but most of them fall into stock, one-note archetypes and exist mainly to supply the jokes and the yucks, elevated chiefly by the film's surprisingly solid cast. David Arquette's oddly disaffected performance as Chris, the drifter whose father owned the now-shuttered mines and returns to town in order to reopen them, manages to work with the tone the movie is going for, feeling like he doesn't wanna be in this town to begin with and wondering what the hell he got himself into by returning to the dump he grew up in. Kari Wuhrer makes for a compelling action hero as Sam, the hot sheriff who instructs her teenage daughter Ashley (played by a young Scarlett Johansson) how to deal with pervy boys and looks like a badass slaughtering giant spiders throughout the film. Doug E. Doug got some of the funniest moments in the movie as Harlan, a conspiracy radio host who believes that aliens are invading the town. Every one of the actors here knew that they were in a comedy first and a horror movie second, and so they played it broad and had fun with the roles. There are various subplots concerning things like the town's corrupt mayor and his financial schemes, the mayor's douchebag son Bret, and Sam's nerdy son Mike whose interest in spiders winds up saving the day, and they all go in exactly the directions you think, none of them really having much impact on the story but all of them doing their part to make me laugh.
The movie was perhaps a bit too long for its own good, especially in the third act. Normally, this is the part where a movie like this is supposed to "get good" as we have giant monsters running around terrorizing the town, and to the film's credit, the effects still hold up in their own weird way. You can easily tell what's CGI at a glance, but in a movie where the spiders are played as much for a laugh as anything else, especially with the chattering sound they constantly make that makes it sound like they're constantly giggling, it only added to the "live-action cartoon" feel of the movie. The problem is, there are only so many ways you can show people getting merked by giant spiders before they all start to blend together, and the third act is thoroughly devoted to throwing non-stop monster mayhem at the screen even after it started to run out of ideas on that front. There are admittedly a lot of cool spider scenes in this movie, from giant leaping spiders snatching young punks off of dirt bikes to people getting spun up in webs to a tarantula the size of a truck flipping a trailer to a hilarious, Looney Tunes-style fight between a spider and a cat, and the humans themselves also get some good licks in, but towards the end, the film seemed to settle into a routine of just spiders jumping onto people. It was here where the threadbare characters really started to hurt the film. If I had more investment in the people getting killed and fighting to survive, I might have cared more, but eventually, I was just watching a special effects showcase. The poster prominently advertises that this movie is from Dean Devlin, one of the producers and writers of Independence Day and the 1998 American Godzilla adaptation, and while he otherwise had no creative involvement, I did feel that influence in a way that the marketing team probably didn't intend.
The Bottom Line
Eight Legged Freaks is a great movie with which to introduce somebody young or squeamish to horror, especially monster movies. It's shallow and doesn't have much to offer beyond a good cast, a great sense of humor, and a whole lot of CGI spider mayhem without a lot of graphic violence. Overall, it's a fun throwback to old-school monster movies.
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bellaireland1981 · 8 hours
1k Celebration! Summer Pool Party Playlist
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I just hit 1000 followers!!! THANK YOU!!!! This is truly mind blowing and humbling and I am eternally grateful to all of you who follow, read my stories, interact and just like to geek out over these Top Gun hotties with me! I cannot even thank you enough for all of your support and encouragement. I have met so many incredible people on Tumblr and in this fandom. I know we recently hit some dark days but even in the not so great times, it’s important to remember that there are still awesome people here and it’s not all dark days. SO…. to celebrate this milestone and to hopefully bring back some fun, happy, bright, and sunny days…. I am hosting a Summer Pool Party Writing Challenge! Let’s kick off summer with our favorite aviators! 
You can sign up for as many Songs as you’d like! 
Message me with your song choice and who you’re writing for!- I will update the list so everyone knows what’s still available! 
18+ Only! Minors DNI
You can submit for a series, one shots, mood boards, drabbles, etc… The point is to HAVE FUN!
Must be appropriately labeled (Smut, Angst, warnings, Fluff….etc)
HAS to include SONG in some shape or form (i.e. in the title, included in the story, lyrics in the story, etc.) 
Your creations are due by July 31, 2024! Tag me @bellaireland1981 and #1kPoolPartyPlaylist  in your work so that I add your link to the Challenge Page! 
Playlist: (Note: If you have another summer/pool party themed song in mind that isn’t on the list– message me! We can add it)
Walking on Sunshine- Katrina & The Waves
Margaritaville- Jimmy Buffet
Dance the Night- Dua Lipa
I Don’t Want This Night to End- Luke Bryan
Summer- Calvin Harris
Party in the USA- Miley Cyrus
I Wanna Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston
One Margarita- Luke Bryan
Southbound- Carrie Underwood
I Ain’t Worried- OneRepublic
The Sound of Sunshine Going Down- Michael Frani and Spearhead
Made You Look- Meghan Trainer
Summer Days- Martin Garrix - ( @bellaireland1981 - Bradley x Reader)
Shut up and Dance- Walk the Moon
Summer Love- Justin Timberlake
I Was Made for Loving You- Oliver Heldens
Can’t Stop This Feeling- Justin Timberlake
Let’s Get Loud- Jennifer Lopez
Addicted to You- Shakira
1999- Prince
House Party- Sam Hunt
Hot Stuff- Donna Summer
Good Vibrations- Beach Boys
Love Shack- B52’s
Cake by the Ocean- DNCE
Sweet Home Alabama- Lynyrd Skynyrd
Dancing Queen- ABBA
Heat Waves- Glass Animals
Toes- Zac Brown Band
Summer Girls- LFO
Under the Boardwalk- The Drifters
California Gurls- Katy Perry - ( @startrekfangirl2233 Phoenix x Reader)
Kokomo- The Beach Boys
Watermelon Sugar- Harry Styles
Cruel Summer- Taylor Swift
Hot Fun in the Summertime- Sly and the Family Stone
Summertime Blues- Alan Jackson
(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay- Otis Redding
Summer in the City- The Lovin’ Spoonful
Hot in Here- Nelly
When the Sun Goes Down- Kenny Chesney and Uncle Cracker
I Don't Know About You- Chris Lane
Let's Have a Pool Party!!!!!!
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zirawrites · 1 year
I liked your romanced companions reacting to sole cheating. How would they react to being cheated on with one another? Like sole is cheating on x with y, it would be a little extreme to get with all companions at once.
Here is the reaction that inspired this post in case anyone wants to read it :)
I chose which companion Sole had an affair with at random, hope this was what you were looking for! I agree that their canon harem always rubbed me the wrong way lol
Cait: Cait’s cheeks flushed as red as her hair. She had Sole cornered in the Third Rail, Magnolia’s jazz sounding more like grating white noise than a melodic song. “Ya cheated on me with MacCready? That grubby, shit-for-brains, no-good cave-dwelling merc?” Cait nearly punched herself in the face wiping away a fallen tear. “I always thought he was sweet on me, but it was just to keep me from thinkin you two were sleeping together. Get out of my damn life, Sole. I didn’t deserve that.”
Curie: Curie could have stomached Sole’s infidelity if it was an anonymous drifter. Some wastelander who they’d met at a bar or during a supply run. But Piper? She was Curie’s friend, too. How could she be so naive? “I suppose I have more to learn about humans than I thought before.” Curie shoved her things in a scavenged duffle bag, her back turned away from Sole. “Do not try to find me. Either of you. I already feel foolish enough.”
Danse: Danse had always feared he wouldn’t be enough for Sole. He had never dated before. Never been in love. Was never sure if he held Sole too tightly, or at an arm’s length. But when Sole admitted they had been sleeping with Preston, he wondered if he ever held their attention at all. “I didn’t take Preston as an adulterer,” Danse admitted, his teeth grit together. “Ironic how you two could do so good for the Commonwealth, yet betray your inner circle so harshly.”
Deacon: Deacon rarely missed details. He knew whenever a Railroad agent cut their hair two inches, or when Carrington changed the brand of antiseptics he used to clean medical supplies, or whether Desdemona was in a mood just judging by her posture. That was why he was so shocked he never picked up that Sole was cheating on him with Curie. “She’s a good gal,” Deacon said flatly, his shades pushed up to the skin between his eyes. “Shame she doesn’t know what a bastard you are.”
Hancock: The mayor was all about having a good time, but only when both parties consented. He had never given Sole permission to stray from their monogamous relationship, let alone with Cait. “So you two were fine huffing my chems and drinking my wine all while fucking under my roof?” He dismissed Sole with a curt wave of his ghoulified hand. “Get out of Goodneighbor, Sunshine. And don’t come back.”
MacCready: MacCready had told Sole he’d follow her until the day he died. They had swapped stories of their deceased spouses. Cleaned each other’s wounds. Shared a bed. But nothing hurt more than knowing Sole had cheated on him with Danse; someone he didn’t like, but still a man who was in their inner circle. “Don’t touch me!” MacCready slapped Sole’s hand from his arm, eyes brimming with hot tears. “Fuck off to the Prydwyn and go live your happily ever after.” He didn’t care about swearing. Duncan would understand.
Preston: The general could hardly look at Sole. He had trusted them with the Minutemen. Trusted them with his heart. And Sole had betrayed everything Preston felt secure within. “Hancock, really?” His voice warbled, on the verge of breaking. “Am I really so boring that you need your thrills with the Commonwealth’s craziest mayor?” He didn’t mean the insult. Hell, he had half a mind to apologize to Hancock later. But while Sole’s love brought out the best in him, their betrayal coaxed out his worst.
Piper: “Boy am I stupid.” Piper gave a clipped laugh that shook at the end. “All this time you’ve been helping me write about synths replacing humans, and you’ve been sleeping with one all along.” She was talking about X6-88; a damn courser for crying out loud. “Were you just waiting to swap me with some machine? Is X6 playing you, or are we both just playing ourselves?”
Nick: “I suppose only the Commonwealth’s greatest secret agent could pull one over on its greatest detective.” Nick’s voice was flat, his joke humorless. “I hope you and Deacon are very happy, Sole. Honestly. Just stay out of my way and we won’t have a problem.”
X6-88: X6 was more disgusted with Sole’s choice of lover than their actual affair. Nick Valentine was a Gen 2 synth. As a courser, X6 was superior to him in every way. “I suppose you have less taste than I thought.” He had nothing more to say. X6 was happy to go back to the Institute and ask Father for another courser to be reassigned as Sole’s bodyguard.
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assless-chapstick · 9 months
Hellooo! Just wanted to say I love you’re Fics. You’re writing is so damn good, along with the smut. (Very hard for me to write) is very impressive! Any more fics in the pimple line?
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feller I'm so glad you enjoyed them!! I really enjoyed writing and sharing them and I'm tryna get that fire back !!
since my Kîyanaw series turned 4 this year, I was brainstorming some ideas and was thinking about another part...
like 8 years on Arthur and Charles have made good, they've got a herd of cattle now and have hired on a couple hands (the sons of the old spinsters what helped them get their start) and they ain't just homesteaders no more but real ranchers. They're comfortable - maybe Arthur has even seriously started working on illustrations of herbs and wildflowers, fixing to get them published as a field guide or something...
anyway they're comfy and happy and living a charmed life... the RCMP come around some times, and it still gets their hackles up, but they're ok.
And then one day they get a letter.
Charles had been at the post office, picking up some parcels, sending out one of Arthur's illustrations to the publisher maybe, making smalltalk with the postmaster. And the postmaster he goes like "hey you fellers employ drifters and the like up at your place, right? anyone pass through by the name of Tacitus Kilgore?"
and that's how they get word, a sneaky letter from Sadie, that she's alive. That John and Abigail and lil Jackie - who must be what, shit, fourteen? - are still alive.
and shit happens they head down there and Arthur and John have a super emotionally fraught reunion cuz like, John is so happy to see him but so fuckin angry because he thought Arthur had died, and then because he feels like Arthur abandoned him like, why didn't you look for me? You say up there on your fancy fuckin ranch for eight god damned years and you never thought to look for me?
And this is at the point when Abigail and Jack aren't around and John is tryna build that house... and just such a super low point so it's very emotional and hard on him and he's mad but only cuz that's how all his emotions present themselves djbdbdbd
and then Charles and Arthur help him build the house and there's one night, just one where John is drunk(er than usual) and lamenting the loss of his family and he turns to Arthur for comfort the same way he always has and then John is kissing on Arthur's neck by the light of the fire and Arthur's hands are on John's hips to push him away but he looks over John's shoulder at Charles and they communicate in that quiet, sacred way they do...
and Charles is a sex freak who loves to watch so he watches as Arthur fucks John in this way where it's like, this is a relationship that is so unnameable... it's not just friendship not just fraternity it's like there's this connection where Arthur is the only person in the world who knows John the way John knows Arthur... so he fucks him and Charles watches and then they all make out
and in the morning John pretends it never happened like "I'm gonna get my wife back... I'm just not the type to share. Sorry Charles" and like it was just this one time thing and it gives John the willpower to carry on and hustle for his family dhhfhf idk that's just my idea
and then I had an idea too for just a fun one shot of John/Arthur gunplay where Arthur takes the cold barrel of his revolver and runs it along the bony jut of John's hip bone where it peeks over the waistband of his pants.... and he calls John the ugliest sonofabitch he's ever seen and spits on his face even as he so gently gathers John's hair up in his hand so John can open his mouth so Arthur can gently gently fuck it with his gun and then maybe also his dick
idk mister I'm just in a fun goofy mood that's what's been on my mind lately!! thanks for asking!!
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marinerainbow · 2 months
8 + 21 for your WFRR OCs?
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
Ben's greatest strength, I suppose, is how dedicated he can be. For example, he's pretty committed to his garden, and he's pretty decent at the bank he works at. All his coworkers think he's a nice guy. So Ben can work hard.
His greatest flaw, however, is his insecurity. Even though he tries to deny it, deep down, Ben knows he's not the greatest guy. And this causes him to lash out on strangers and loved ones alike, and bring all kinds of pain and trouble.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
One time at college, Ben had the right drink and kissed his dorm mate. It ruined the rest of the year for them both (@slashingdisneypasta if Rena wants to know what made him act up, it was sherry 😏)
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
His greatest strength would be his self-preservation instincts, I think. Yes, he's a drifter that gets himself into trouble, but he's kind of done pretty well for himself, all things considering? He hasn't gotten into too many fights, and he knows what risks are worth taking. He's made some mistakes over the years, but for the most part, Henry has survived as long as he had for a reason.
As for his weakness, he can be pretty cocky sometimes and miscalculate his moves. He can bite off more than he can chew, and that's how he gets into the fights and situations he's gotten into. He's had nightmares about some of the people he's encountered, and near death experiences he's had.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
He considers his relationship with Poppy a secret he doesn't want to share. His 'relationship' with her was the longest and most emotionally involved con he's done by far. He didn't necessarily plan on being her boyfriend until he saw how much money she really had. He knows he hurt her badly, but he's not necessarily ashamed of what he did. He considers it taking advantage of a golden opportunity... But he does remember how kind and loving she was, even if it was a little skewed on her end (this was before Poppy had start self-improving, so she was a bit clingy and her giving Henry whatever he asked mainly stemmed from her fear of being alone rather than her love for him). It's not something he really wants to talk about.
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
Moony's greatest strength, other than his muscles, is his willpower. Yes, there are plenty of times his rabid side rears its ugly head. There are many times that his anger issues will get in his way, just like anybody who struggles with emotions. But he's determined to be better and get a hold of himself again as soon as possible. He's always trying his best to be a better person than he was years ago.
His weakness, I would say, is his fear. His fear for his past and what he's done, what's he's capable of doing. He's scared he'll squeeze someone's hand too hard and crush it. He loves closeness and intimacy, but he doesn't want to cut someone with his teeth. Granted, he has grown more confident in himself in this regard, but it's still there.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
It's not too too embarrassing, but he can get a little flustered when someone figures out how dog-like he really is; he loves ear scratches and belly rubs, he immediately stabds at attention when someone passes by his front door like the mailman or a jogger (he does not bark, though! He's a good boy ^^). If you catch him in the right mood, he'll even go fetch a stick you throw! And then give you the -_- look when he realizes what you did XD
A real embarrassing secret for him, though, is the fact that he's scared of insects. Specifically the flying/jumping ones. He'll yelp and jump a whole foot in the air XD And yes, he does consider it ironic that his ex absolutely loved them the little buggers XD
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
It's definitely her big heart. It takes so, so much for her to be cold, and she'll offer a kind hand to anybody. Yes, she can be in conflict with what is lawfully right, especially if she's in love with a criminal. But she doesn't have a hateful cell in her body. Just like with an elephant or a whale, if Poppy started yelling, or god forbid hitting someone, I would 100% put the fault on the other person.
Her weakness, however, similar to Moony, is her fear. She has been working on herself and she has grown from the doormat that dated Henry, but she does still have some bad habits. For example, she'd much rather avoid conflict rather than take on the problem. Whether it be a mugger or someone she loved. As such, it can be easy to take advantage of her. Another example is how smothering she can come off at times. Especially as a first-time mother.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
She accidentally set a trashcan on fire and stayed in jail until it was cleared up ☺
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
It's definitely her confidence. She doesn't let anybody shake her, not paying patrons or strangers who think she cares about their opinion. Shiny is not outgoing and loud for feminism. She's outgoing and loud because that's how she wants to be. She doesn't work in burlesque because it was her only option after she hit rock bottom. Shiny works in the nightclub because she wants to. She's doing what she loves, and doesn't let anyone tell her she's worth nothing because of her position in life.
However, her stubbornness and pride can be her weakness, too. It definitely helps her, but it's a double-edged sword for her as well. Shiny can be blinded by herself. It can be hard for her to accept help sometimes, and she can be quick to judge someone she just met- and stick by her judgment for a while. Whether it be thinking someone can do no wrong or they are the devil incarnate.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
Hmmm... I can't think of any embarrassing secrets she may have. Shiny is pretty open with the people she trusts. And would want them to be the same with her. She doesn't push them to tell her anything, but she's definitely encouraging and receptive to anything you want to tell her ^^
8) Greatest strength and greatest flaw about your OC?
I haven't developed Terry too much, so this may change in the future. But right now, I think Terry's strength is his innate ability to read the room. You don't have to say a word for him to tell whether you're tired, angry, happy, whatever. He can walk into a room full of people he hasn't met, and he can tell whether or not this is a party or a wake... Ok, bad example, anyone can tell the difference, but what I mean still stands XD
His weakness sometimes is that he's not much of a talker. Which isn't really a bad thing, but he can sometimes fail to really express what's on his mind. Not really because he's actively trying to hide himself, but more like he doesn't realize he's doing it. If that makes sense? When he's told, though, he'll acknowledge the mistake and try to clarify as best as he can.
21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway?
Terry needs something, a blanket or a jacket or whatever, around his head when he sleeps. If he passes out without one, he'll wake up shortly after and curse because his sleep was interrupted XD this can get interesting when he has a few beers and gets sleepy XD
Thank you so much for this ask!! It helped me develop Terry more, and I feel like I cleared up the others a bit more. But it was also so fun!!! ^^
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cephalonserotonin · 1 year
Devstream 171 Notes
These are somewhat scrappy as I had a work meeting so I had to watch the stream late, apologies!
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Pablo appears to be wearing a Leon Kennedy (from Resident Evil I think?) shirt under duress... Pablo if you need help blink plz Next update is sort of an Echoes update for duviri but because it's a lot more than just quality of life, it won't be called Echoes. Considering the Echoes title schema is relatively new I'm kind of bemused that it's already being disregarded Rebb needs sleep! The next update: The 7 Crimes of Kullervo
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major follow up to Duviri Coming in June New Warframe Kullervo! Kullervo associated with Duviri Themes of betrayal, sacrifice his daggers shoot out of his body and it looks fucking cool... and like Dio tbh Melee frame, lots of mobility Heavy blade signature weapon skin Earn him in Duviri at a lost "dungeon" island available in 3 of the islands On launch, there will be a two-week event miniquest called Kullervo's Hold that takes you right to his encounter irrespective of the current mood spiral Kullervo's prison island has lots of secrets to discover... to me it looks a lot like the Chateau d’If (the actual fortress off the coast by Marseilles, France where the prison part of the count of monte cristo was set). New character who is the prison warden; gives you the assignment to fight Kullervo as a mini-boss Some of Kullervo's boss moves are unique to the encounter; some are his actual Warframe abilities Origami-themed orizu drifter set (of course it's a Liger concept) 5 corrupted decrees, and another 10 for a total of 15 new decrees Duviri somachord fragments! and other secrets added elsewhere! 🎉 ...and a lore quiz! More like an easter egg, per Pablo Plants! which I forgot about somehow? They grow in the duviri cave, and can be harvested once a day Static undercroft portals with guaranteed arcane rewards (same ones as the circuit) Undercroft/Circuit Exterminate has a new visitor whose identity is being unspoiled. she said something about monologues so I am guessing Vor 🙊 Gauss deluxe ("tech hermes") The accompanying acceltra deluxe is so very dakka! that the screen shakes and the team is distracted QOL incoming in update 33.5: Intrinsic to preview duviri random options on starchart Full customizable key bindings for the drifter (thank FUCK) Buff to mawfishing. Interestingly Pablo tested it previously by playing one-handed (petting his cat with the other!), so he was surprised it was still too hard. we all knew Pablo is God Tier though so I'm not that surprised Wisp prime coming later in the summer Prime motes are super cute:
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Fulmin prime, gunsen prime, syandana Also comes with a very sorcerery drifter suit
Warframe 10-year anniversary concept art book planned for tennocon 👀
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slashscreen · 2 years
Concept art for a The Owl House-inspired open world RPG
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Here's a bit of concept art for an Owl House-inspired open world RPG I've been cooking up in my free time.
I'm not ready to reveal a title or more detailed info although god knows I have a lot floating around inside of my brain. What I can say, however, is the Premise:
An undead scientist, attempting to build a teleporter, accidentally brings you, a human, into a grotesque but whimsical world of witches, centaurs, elves, dwarves, and demons- and where humans have been extinct for a thousand years. What starts as a simple quest to find a way home turns into an archipelago-trotting adventure with strange cults, otherworldly beings, dark secrets, and where all life on the planet is at stake.
So far I have been designing this game to have more of a focus on memorable characters and customization (read: dress-up) than strictly combat, which is something I have found lacking in other games. (I've realized I've been writing this sort of like a cartoon, so I'll lean into it and see where this goes. This means that yes, there will be a beach "episode". Tug on my balls one by one, Disney. I'm not sure how, but it will happen.)
I don't have any character/species concept art I am willing to show at the moment, because I'm currently redesigning the visual style of the game. Sorry! I'll share it soon, though.
Also, you get a grappling hook. So there's that.
Other general info:
Q) Does this take place in The Owl House universe? A) No. This is not an Owl House AU/Fan game. It's its own thing with its own rules and lore, but borrows heavily from the show. It might be helpful to this on this as like Vast Error and Homestuck.
Q) Is there actually a game being actively made? A) Yes! There's not much to see, though. It's still at the "Everything is a cube and a capsule" stage of development; I'm focusing on getting a solid foundation laid rather than making any visible progress, which is important for a large-scale game. I've made significant progress, though: I estimate I am about 75% done with the base gameplay elements and making it, you know, playable. For the technically inclined, I have done the following (from the perspective of someone familiar with the Skyrim Creation Kit): - Cell streaming (plugin) - Cross-cell persistence - Goal Orientated Action Planning for NPCs - Lua/Moonscript VM for programming AI and acting as the equivalent of Papyrus (Plugin/my own work) - Player like movement and stuff - Dialogue using the Yarn plugin - NPC inter-cell navigation (think exterior to interior. Very difficult.) - Granular world simulation using Unity's DOTS - Physical properties of items (Systems game stuff, like Breath of the Wild) - You can harvest plants! Holy shit - You can read books
Q) Can I play the game right now? A) Hell no. Not yet, anyway. I'll release an alpha demo at some point, though, which will include: - The Marrows (Right arm of island), the first of currently 8 Prefectures (Analogous to Skyrim's Holds), which itself contains 1 city, 3 towns, 4 regions (geographically distinct areas. Two of them are pictured in the art above) - 30 ish quests? - Representative gameplay - Introduction to the major characters and the antagonist (This world's Belos and Hunter)
Q) What kind of mood is this world going for? A) Mostly lighthearted with some serious moments.
Q) What other influences does this world have? A) Lots. - FLCL (Should be apparent in the combat) - The Elder Scrolls (duh) - Bloodborne - Amphibia - Hyper Light Drifter
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I can't promise I will be willing to answer them, though. But then again, I am always happy to blab on and on about the world that live inside my mind.

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v0ltpr1m3 · 2 years
Today I bring you all a treat! Me and @yapixx have technically been working on this theory for years so when I tell you we have decent faith in this theory, we really do.
The theory we pose to you today is that The Man in the Wall and Dominus Thrax are one in the same, and that the "Paradox" in "Duviri Paradox" is specifically a Predestination Paradox (or causal loop).
This was developed over the span of several long nights spent analyzing the Duviri trailers frame-by-frame, typed up all nice and pretty for you here by the wonderful and fantastic Yapixx. I promise it isn't too long, enjoy!
The Duviri Paradox has been a point of confusion in Warframe lore since its debut trailer in Tennocon of 2019 ; Oftentimes left out of discussions entirely as a future mission that may reveal some more mysteries when it comes out. However, we suspect that in the first twenty minutes of the quest revealed during the latest Tennocon, DE already left enough information to piece together a lot of hanging threads in Warframe. Who The Man in the Wall is, how the Tenno's void powers were born, and what the Paradox in Duviri is.
Before we explain our theory, a mini-theory that’s important to our thesis working requires you to believe that Dominus Thrax is the Man in the Wall. Starting anecdotally, Thrax’s mannerisms are those of an immature child playing with toys. An immature child who gets entertainment and glee from the suffering of others. See how MITW (Man in the Wall) acts in all of their canonical appearances. Childish, menacing, who enjoys seeing us hurt ; Eg. After The Sacrifice when their only response to the Operator’s guilt over the murder of Isaah was “Good.” Also the fact that Dominus Thrax has full power over Duviri. “My world, my rules.” That wouldn’t make sense if he wasn’t The Man in the Wall because Mr. Wall, who came out of the Duviri portal in The New War, has that kind of power.
To really help the theory that Dominus Thrax could be in general another character comes from an interview by pcgamer. “Duviri is ruled over by Dominus Thrax, a king whose very mood shapes the world each day and the person keeping the Drifter there, who Ford hints may be more familiar than they seem.” Although it isn’t entirely damning, Dominus Thrax is allegedly an already known character, and The Man in the Wall fits as the best candidate.
Now to the fun bits.
We believe that the Duviri Paradox is actually a Predestination Paradox, or a causal loop. Lifted from Wikipedia for the sake of definition, "A causal loop is a theoretical proposition in which, by means of either retrocausality or time travel, an event is among the causes of another event, which is in turn among the causes of the first-mentioned event. Such causally looped events then exist in spacetime, but their origin cannot be determined." To put simply, it's when an event from the future causes itself to happen.
I believe that this is exactly what happens in The Duviri Paradox, further helped by our Drifter exhibiting the power to time travel in the void using a portal to the derelict starter frames. At the start of the demo, we first see the Drifter get stabbed with the Paracesis from New War, followed immediately by the Lotus' hand hitting the ground like a comet. They then use the Lotus' power to create color and change Duviri. Hijinx then ensues, but most importantly, the Drifter has the Lotus' hand. Dominus Thrax's final words in this demo are "Maybe I should just go there [the Origin System] myself." During New War, we get to see the deal that our Operator made with The Indifference (Man in the Wall). Confusingly at the time, the Indifference uses the Lotus' hand to shake ours. Then plays a scene that ends with our Operator still on the left, now shaking hands with our Drifter instead. Which didn't make sense. Until you apply the knowledge that the Drifter had the Lotus' hand in Duviri. And then it could be seen that instead of the Man in the Wall granting their own powers to us, he was using the hand that the Drifter had to grant the Lotus' powers to us. Thus beginning the loop where the deal gets struck due to an event in The New War, and the deal being struck is what led to The New War in the first place.
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wittywitchybitchy · 1 year
Imbolc Playlist
Here's my playlist to celebrate the return of light!
Sea of Love - Cat Power Come with me, my love To the sea, the sea of love I want to tell you How much I love you
Winter selections from Stardew Valley - ConcernedApe The Wind Can Be Still Nocturne of Ice Ancient
Unforgettable - Nat King Cole Like a song of love that clings to me How the thought of you does things to me
What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong The bright blessed day The dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world
Smile - Nat King Cole Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun shining through for you
We'll Never Have Sex - Leith Ross Depollute me, gentle angel And I'll feel the sickness less and less
La vie on rose - Louis Armstrong Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is la vie en rose
Dream A Little Dream Of Me - Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong Sweet dreams, I'm dreaming 'til sunbeams find you
Baby, It's Cold Outside - Margaret Whiting & Johnny Mercer
It's Only a Paper Moon - Ella Fitzgerald & the Delta Rhythm Boys It's only a canvas sky Hanging over a muslin tree But it wouldn't be make-believe If you believed in me
That's Amore - Dean Martin, Dick Stabile and his orchestra When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine That's amore
You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You - Dean Martin The world still is the same, you never change it As sure as the stars shine above
Cheek to Cheek - Fred Astaire Heaven, I'm in heaven And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two
Stardew Valley Fair Theme - ConcernedApe
Winter Festival - ConcernedApe
In the Mood - Glenn Miller
Let it Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Frank Sinatra and the B. Swanson Quartet The weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful
I'm Sitting On Top Of The World - Bobby Darin I'm sitting on top of the world Just rolling along, just rolling along I'm quitting the blues of the world Just singing a song, just singing a song
Fun Festival - ConcernedApe
Botch-A-Me - Rosemary Clooney Botch-a-me I'll-botcha you and ev'rything goes crazy
Beyond the Sea - Bobby Darin It's far beyond the stars It's near beyond the moon I know beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon
Bring on the Dancing Horses - Echo & the Bunnymen Shiver and say the words of every lie you've heard First I'm gonna make it And then I'm gonna break it 'til it falls apart Hating all the faking And I'm shaking while I'm breaking your brittle heart
The Killing Moon - Echo & the Bunnymen In starlit nights, I saw you So cruelly, you kissed me Your lips, a magic world Your sky, all hung with jewels
Team - Lorde Dancin' around the lies we tell Dancin' around big eyes, as well Even the comatose They don't dance and tell
Cigarette Daydreams - Cage The Elephant Funny how it seems like yesterday As I recall, you were lookin' out of place Gathered up all your things and slipped away
A Glimpse of the Other World - ConcernedApe
At Last - Etta James At last, the skies above are blue My heart was wrapped up in clover
Singin' In The Rain - Gene Kelly The sun's in my heart And I'm ready for love
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra & Count Basie Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars
I Only Have Eyes for You - The Flamingos The moon may be high But I can't see a thing in the sky I only have eyes for you
Winter Song - The Head and the Heart Tell me somethin', give me hope for the night We don't know how we feel We're just praying that we're doin' this right
Moon River - Andy Williams Two drifters, off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see
Moonlight Serenade - Glenn Miller
Beautiful My Monster - Husky Rescue Now I'm sleeping Now you're waking Now I'm sleeping It's so beautiful
In a Week - Hozier & Karen Cowley I have never known color Like this morning reveals to me
I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday I'll find you in the morning sun And when the night is new I'll be looking at the moon But I'll be seeing you
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Louis Armstrong Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you" Birds singing in the sycamore tree Dream a little dream of me
Come Fly With Me - Frank Sinatra Weather wise, it's such a lovely day
You Make Me Feel So Young - Frank Sinatra You make me feel so young You make me feel like Spring has sprung
My Favorite Things - Julie Andrews Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes Silver-white winters that melt into springs These are a few of my favorite things
On the Street Where You Live - Vic Damone, Percy Faith & his orchestra Are there lilac trees in the heart of town? Can you hear a lark in any other part of town? Does enchantment pour out of every door?
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osmanthusoolong · 2 years
im sorry youre feeling bad! i dont know if you've ever talked abt this before but if you HAVENT id love to hear about your favorite movie 🤍
My favourite is a bit hard to fully pin down, but I can definitely give my current top three movies I’m always up to rewatch!
Ravenous: I think I’ve made everyone I’m really close with see it, a few repeatedly. But a surprisingly clever and wildly homoerotic black comedy/horror movie explicitly about white supremacy and colonialism and attempts to oppose those, with a fantastic soundtrack? Always, always up to rewatch.
Is Near Dark necessarily a great movie? Not especially. The protagonist is absolutely, utterly loathsome in every second he’s on the screen. The ending makes me mad every time. It’s still one of my favourites, nonetheless. The central idea of the Western is almost always that of enclosure, of a way of being that’s in its last days and the tension thereof, and it does that so well with the way the murderous vampire drifters are clearly doomed even without the shitty loser dude who joins them. They’re irredeemable in every way except for their genuine fondness for each other and they do it with the sleaziest glamour.
I’m definitely also finding myself Extremely Normal about Only Lovers Left Alive. About the opposite kind of vampire movie, but equally about what it means to exist in a changing world, what’s worth getting up at night for, what it means to have others and care for each other. It’s lovely and stylish and still manages a kind of hope amid crumbling unlives and I like that. Eve is a whole mood.
Honourable mentions: Survive Style 5+, which I think everyone should watch, it’s the most mental-health-improving art I know, The Last Unicorn (though the book is more trans, the movie has Christopher Lee)
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daddycannibal404 · 1 year
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Decided to draw up some reference style pieces for my blood-drifters!! Here we have 4 of my bois - one from each area variant.
(from top left to bottom right) Nether; a youngster from the outer reaches, Nether takes his job seriously unlike his twin sister Ami - who would rather relax and enjoy the earth's sun. Majority of Outer Blood-drifters are pale in colour with splashes of red, burnt orange and dark browns/greys. Petram; An adult blood-drifter from the Silva area, due to their environment being made of dense woodlands and grass lands their coats are typically browns, greens and greys. Petram is a care-free individual, a tad socially anxious who enjoys stretching his legs and exploring new areas.
King; An adult blood-drifter from the Ignis area, they are generally the thinnest coated drifters, though most still have thicker coats on their backs, thighs and bottoms of their tails. Their coats usually reflect the rocks and fire that surround them- made up of mostly dull natural colours with the odd splashes of red, orange and yellow.
Axel; A youngster from the Ripam area, their thick dense fur is waterproof, unlike other drifters- they spend most of their time in and around rivers - their fur reflecting those colours, they also generally have longer slimmer legs and thinner figures over all.
Extra facts - Although their tail tips stay at a standard colour (which reflects their blood colour) they can change the colour slightly to reflect their moods. - Their tail tips can be used aggressively but if broken can result in major blood-loss. - Each variant can be cross-bred, the only exception to this rule are Drifters who belong to the NETHER sub-variant (these are extremely rare and can occur in any of the variants mentioned before).
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