zirawrites · 8 days
Fallout 4 companions reaction to sole who used to be criminal back in the old days before the bombs fell? They used to be a pro thief as they would rob banks and jewelery stores.
Cait: "I knew there was a reason we got on so well, Sole!" Cait threw an arm around her companion's shoulders. "So, what was your biggest score? And care to try it again? I reckon caps are easier to nick than jewels."
Codsworth: The Mr. Handy's body rattled in horror. "My word, sir/ma'am! Surely you jest. Our home was purchased with honest money. Why, you had reputable employment. Why would we have needed to steal?" He shook himself in disagreement. "This is a prank, isn't it? Well, it's not very funny. You've been spending too much time with Deacon."
Curie: "The psychology around kleptomania is actually quite fascinating." Curie badgered Sole with questions about their motivations behind their theft; seemingly uninterested in the heists themselves. Sole was so overwhelmed that they eventually lied that it was a joke.
Danse: "And you thought that was appropriate to confess to a Paladin?" Danse crossed his arms in admonishment. "I suggest you recant that statement before it gets noted in your records."
Deacon: Deacon reckoned that being a liar didn't give him the best moral standing to judge his partner for their criminal past. "That'll come in handy when dealing with the Institute." Then he patted his pockets. "Just don't get any ideas about borrowing my things. Tinker Tom does that enough already. This merry band we've got is running me dry."
Hancock: "Get in line with every other drifter who's blown through my town." The ghoul handed Sole a can of jet and gestured to his apartment. "Though I wouldn't mind hearing about some of those scores. Dishonest work makes for some of the best stories."
MacCready: "Woah, nice! What's the most expensive thing you've ever swiped?" MacCready pulled out a lighter from his duster. "Sometimes I help myself to a trinket or two from a target. This here is the best lighter I've ever used. Stole it off a serial killer, so I don't feel too bad about it." Then he shivered. "You don't think it has, like, bad energy, do you? Maybe I should toss it..."
Preston: "I don't think you'd want to admit that in earshot of any other Minutemen," he warned. "Don't think they'd take kindly to knowing our general's loyalties are... questionable." Then Preston checked his coat. "Wait, you haven't stolen anything from me, have you?"
Piper: "If you weren't my friend, I'd interview you for a feature on your greatest pre-war heists." Piper shrugged, her disappointment obvious. "But I'd hate to besmirch the goody-two-shoes image you've cultivated in the Commonwealth. Even if it loses me some sales."
Nick: "That's not exactly something you should brag about, kid." Nick looked the the perfect example of a displeased parent. "Some criminals make for the best detectives. They know how the bad guys' minds work. But don't get any bright ideas about pulling one over on me."
X6-88: "Surely not a common thief, though." X6 frowned. "Are we talking fancy jewelry stores? Big banks? Whatever you stole, I'm sure you got more out of it than a simple raider."
Edit: Just as Sole thawed from cryofreeze, I have returned.
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zirawrites · 1 year
Companions react to glitches! Engine shenanigans like violent ragdolling or flying cars, *that one* engine trick where you can fly on it, out-of-bounds, settlement structures defying all laws of nature, dupes, etc.
Cait: Cait watched in horror as the raider she shot flew upwards instead of falling on his back. Then he collapsed boneless in the road, his limbs at impossible angles. It was as if he hadn't weighed anything at all. Cait frowned and shook her head as if it would knock the image away. "I never saw any of this shit when I was on chems," she scowled.
Codsworth: Codsworth couldn't believe his three metal eyes. There were two settlers shopping at the same stall in Diamond City. Both women wore the same buttoned-down shirt with tattered jeans. Their dark hair was styled in matching ponytails. And they moved with identical motions; hands on their hips, heads scanning left-to-right across the wares, then folding their arms and simultaneously asking for a discount. "Um, sir/mum?" Codsworth nudged Sole to look at the identical settlers. "I can't imagine they're twins. Do you think...?" He didn't want to accuse anyone of being a synth, but their similarities were too close for comfort.
Curie: Curie had been staring at the brahmin with its heads stuck in a rock all afternoon. She had measured the animal. Drew its blood. Took its temperature. Finally, Curie relented and pulled Sole from an important meeting with the Minutemen. "I do apologize, Sole, but this could not wait. Look..." They both watched as the brahmin continued to walk forward, moving nowhere, half its body seemingly trapped not between anything, but inside the rock itself. "Do we call someone? I genuinely do not know what to do."
Danse: "Institute bastards!" Danse's profanity instantly roused the soldiers stationed at camp to their feet, but Sole made it to the front of the fold first. They watched as Danse fired at a charging gen 2 synth, and it was obvious why the paladin worried. Instead of a usual blank face, there was a chair protruding where the synth's head should be. Danse dispatched the synth quickly, then called Sole over to examine its body. "Look at this abomination," he spat. "What will those cretins think of next in the name of science?"
Deacon: Deacon was already afraid of heights. It was a miracle Sole convinced him to climb to the roof of the abandoned building already. But when he watched two raiders walk into each other and... stay inside themselves... each facing a different direction but walking toward the building, he wiped the sweat from his brow and spoke to Sole in a voice five octaves higher than usual. "Uh, hey partner? We gotta go. Now, if possible."
Hancock: The mayor wasn't sure if that car was floating because of the jet he hit an hour earlier or new Institute technology, but he didn't think it was his place to find out. Hancock simply turned away and walked silently back to Goodneighbor. Let some poor Brotherhood bastard find it first.
MacCready: MacCready shrieked and nearly climbed up Sole at the sight of the car pinwheeling towards them. It was as if the vehicle was weightless, and it clipped through the road itself. Sole pulled on the merc's arm and blindly rushed them both to the safety of an overpass, which the car moved through without noticing them. "What the... I just... I've never seen..." MacCready was speechless, all the breath having left his lungs from his scream moments ago.
Preston: "I know what I'm looking at, Sole. It's the why I still haven't figured out." Preston crossed his arms and stared at the water purifier with a jukebox sticking halfway through it. The pump was still active. And the stereo was playing the Ink Spots. He just couldn't understand how both were possible. "Is it a prank?" Preston asked, mainly to himself. "A very high-tech, creepy prank?"
Piper: "Blue! Blue, get in here!" Sole nearly knocked down the door reaching Piper, but quickly realized she wasn't in danger. In fact, the reporter was positively beaming as she gestured to a table full of purified water. "Look what happens!" Piper placed a water bottle in her satchel, and when she pulled it out, another one came with it. "They're somehow duplicating. Do I have a magic bag, or was the first water bottle special?" She hesitated. "Actually, if you answer that too fast I'll think you're a synth."
Nick: Nick felt like he was going insane. He had swallowed his pride to show Sole, but even they thought it was some elaborate hoax. "I'm telling you, kid. Every time I walk through the door my outfit changes. And when do you ever see me part with my signature coat?" Nick left the room and returned in a plain drifter outfit. He exited again and came back wearing a red sequined dress more befitting of Magnolia than a synth detective. "This is Deacon. I can't explain it. I don't even want to try. But point me to the church, because I'm about to give that spy the what-for."
X6-88: X6 had been in the Institute infirmary all day. Sole stood anxiously by his side, reading his charts and advocating for him to doctors. It was no use. He had holstered his gun, but somehow his arm stayed suspended in the air; hand formed as if still squeezing the trigger. "They may need to replace my defective arm," he stated flatly, trying not to react to the raw emotion in Sole's eyes. "You can't expect me to defend you looking like a gunless cowboy, now can you? People might start approaching me thinking I'm a Minuteman." Sole laughed at that.
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zirawrites · 1 year
God i wish your masterlist worked on mobile... I'm suffering rn 😭
My masterlist is wildly out of date! I will put together a newer one for mobile soon <3 I never really made one because I didn't assume people would want to re-read my reactions. So I'm honored that some do!!
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zirawrites · 1 year
Chat GPT wrote a Deacon/Barbara fan fiction
I’ve never used an AI before, and was messing around asking it to write me a short fan fiction about Deacon and Barbara from Fallout 4. So tell me why it decided to break my heart with:
Deacon sat alone in his makeshift shelter, his eyes fixed on the lone candle flickering in front of him. He had been thinking about his wife, Barbara, a lot lately. It had been years since he had seen her, but her memory remained fresh in his mind. He missed her more than he could ever express.
Deacon had always been a loner, never really settling down in one place for too long. But when he met Barbara, everything changed. She was the light in his life, and he would do anything to keep her safe.
He lit another candle, and whispered a prayer to whatever god might be listening. "Please, let me be with her again."
Chat GPT.... wtf.
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zirawrites · 1 year
Preston: Hey, MacCready. Can I get some dating advice?
MacCready: Just because I'm with Sole doesn't mean I know how I did it.
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zirawrites · 1 year
How would companions react to SS creating an anti-ordinance turret? Like a really small one? It’s basically a explosive repellent that can shoot down any armed explosive in the air.
Rather than detonating at full effect, the projectiles the turrets use will force them to detonate a controlled explosion.
A small boom instead of a big boom.
No more mini nukes or missiles ruining everything.
Cait: "Holy shit!" Cait was both impressed and, well, freaked out. She obviously enjoyed seeing the destruction Sole caused mid-air, but technology like that felt a little... Institute-y. "Don't let anyone get their hands on that. This sure as hell protects us from all the nasty shit raiders like to throw our way."
Codsworth: Codsworth rattled in enthusiastic support. "Jolly good show, sir/mum! The raiders won't know what hit them. Or, rather, what didn't hit us."
Curie: "Most impressive!" Curie was more interested in studying the turret than watching the explosion it made in the air. "And this is safe, yes? You've tested it many times before putting it in Sanctuary?" Curie raised an eyebrow when Sole hesitated. "Maybe leave the science to me, Sole."
Danse: "Impressive technology, soldier." Usually Danse despised any technology the Brotherhood hadn't vetted themselves. But this didn't cause destruction, it only prevented it. "You'll have to make more for us to install on the Prydwyn."
Deacon: Deacon whistled lowly. "Don't let Tinker Tom get his hands on that. He'll probably try to make it sentient or something. Reason with the missile instead of fighting it in the air." He was impressed by Sole's work, but it inwardly reminded him that Sole was related to an Institute genius. Which was unsettling.
Hancock: "I prefer my weapons to shoot first. But this is still impressive." Hancock smiled and gestured to the turret. "Can we throw more shit at it?"
MacCready: "Damn, Sole! I thought I was impressive crafting a new scope for my rifle. This is way cooler." MacCready spent the rest of the afternoon shooting at the turret, seeing what it was able to deflect.
Preston: Preston thought this technology was exactly what the Minutemen needed to guard the Castle. It would allow them to protect their people without firing the first thought. "See, I knew I was doing the right thing making you General." He clapped a warm hand on Sole's shoulder. "You're truly making a better, more peaceful Commonwealth."
Piper: "I've never seen anything like this." Piper was hesitant to approach the turret. If Sole had really made it, there was a big chance it would explode. She'd seen what happened at Sole's crafting table before. "Just don't let Nat near it, please. I can already see this thing going up in flames."
Nick: "A non-lethal turret. Now I've truly seen it all." The synth was glad Sole had made something so useful. It was a rare defensive weapon that truly defended. "Care to install one on me? Right on my shoulder. Like a metal parrot, if you will."
X6-88: "I see where Father gets his genius." X6 would have preferred a turret that shot bullets instead of deflecting missiles. But the invention was still useful.
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zirawrites · 1 year
i would be SO fuckin upset with danse for chastising me after a dance like that. absolutely wouldve ended in a massive fight lol
Mans didn't even want to be in Goodneighbor to begin with. Ain't no way he could handle that atmosphere and Sole's slut era.
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zirawrites · 1 year
How would Fallout 4 companions react to seeing Sole dancing around in a skimpy outfit on stage as their performer if the Third Rail decides to do some big band thing?
Cait: Cait threw her head back in laughter, and raised her beer towards the stage. "Yer mental, Sole! Absolutely mental!" She cheered Sole on the entire dance, and acted as a bodyguard whenever someone with a wandering gaze got too close to the band.
Codsworth: "Nothing wrong with letting loose, sir/mum." Codsworth wriggled at the corner of the room in a nervous dance. He was supportive of Sole, but wasn't too keen on the other patrons heckling his nearly naked master.
Curie: Curie gasped when Sole stepped out in their glittering yet somehow obscenely sheer costume. Magnolia had become quite the influence on her companion, and Curie would need to have a private word with her about redirecting Sole's focus on science. But Curie couldn't be anything but giddy for her friend when she saw how happy Sole looked on stage. Curie shouted for an encore after the song ended.
Danse: Danse's cheeks flamed red. He already didn't like Sole -- or any Brotherhood soldier -- hanging around the likes of Goodneighbor. But when Sole jumped around the stage with a wide, enthusiastic grin, Danse found himself smiling. It was nice to see his friend enjoy themselves after all they did for the Commonwealth. He still chastised them after the song, just to make sure Sole didn't confuse his amusement with acceptance.
Deacon: "Hell yeah!" Deacon stayed among the crowd, making sure all the attention was on his hopping, flailing and utterly ridiculous partner. However, he still cheered them from the sidelines like the rest of the raucous dancers. When Sole finished the song and left the stage, he slung his arm around their shoulders. "Next mission we're totally going as rock stars. Trust me on this one."
Hancock: Sole barely started their dance when Hancock jumped up on the stage to join them. He couldn't let Sole have all the fun. The two swung each other around like absolute fools until Sole ended up wearing Hancock's coat and he somehow had on someone else's hat. It was definitely a party neither of them would fully remember by morning.
MacCready: MacCready felt a mixture of amusement and secondhand embarrassment. He loved seeing Sole cut loose, but he didn't necessarily want to catch a glimpse of skin better kept under armor. "Don't hurt yourself up there!" he heckled as Sole did an impressive spin; their outfit lifting higher than MacCready would have liked. "And if you get cold, my duster is available for rent."
Preston: "Get it, General!" Preston was completely supportive of Sole jumping around the stage. It didn't necessarily advertise the Minutemen in the most wholesome sense, but Preston thought it was good that the Commonwealth saw Sole as a regular person. Maybe a half-naked, slightly tipsy person, but a normal Wastes survivor nonetheless.
Piper: "Goodness, Blue!" Piper tried to look away from Sole's exposed legs, but her companion kicked just past her face as the band's song picked up tempo. It was impossible not to notice just how free-spirited and scantily clad they were. "If you need me, I'll be at the bar." Piper was lying. She watched in amusement from the front row.
Nick: "For heaven's sake." The poor synth detective wasn't sure how to react to Sole's dancing. He loved the music, but didn't exactly want to see his companion half-naked in front of all of Goodneighbor. Nick settled on watching with a weakly encouraging smile, silently willing the dance to end.
X6-88: X6 didn't think this was the sort of future for the Institute that Father had in mind. He watched in bemused horror (quite an unsettling emotion) until Sole finally descended the stage. "If you don't put some clothes on, at least dismiss me so I can go back to the Institute and beg for a memory wipe."
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zirawrites · 1 year
How would companions react to getting pulled into an alley on their way home by a Mr Handy? (The Mr Handy has surprising strength!)
They think it’s like a surprise attack and they’re about to die but the Mr Handy swiftly gives them either a Haircut (Beautiful hair) or a shave (growing a beard) or a tune up, and it comes out really well!
Cait: The Mr. Handy barely kept Cait still as she kicked and clawed from its grasp. Even when the robot showed her a mirror to admire her haircut, she still took a hard swing at its metal body, narrowly missing it (and breaking her hand). When Cait caught her reflection, she watched her cheeks burn red. She looked... pretty. "Never fuckn' do that again, robot." Cait spat beside it. "I don't care if you make me look like a damn pre-war supermodel. I'll bust yer face in."
Codsworth: "Why, I never!" Codsworth didn't struggle much. He hoped to persuade the Mr. Handy to unhand him before it came to violence. Then Codsworth realized it had given him a tune up. "Oh, I see what you did there. Thank you, good sir! It's nice to see some kindness still in the Commonwealth."
Curie: The haircut was over before Curie could even scold the Mr. Handy. When it held up a mirror, Curie primped her hair and smiled kindly. "Thank you, little robot. But please, do not do that again. I could have harmed you in my struggle."
Danse: "Unhand me, robot!" Danse threw the Mr. Handy off before it could style his new haircut. Even when it showed him a mirror, Danse shoved its mechanical hand away. "Where is your human? Who do you belong to? They need to be aware of your unsanctioned actions against military personale." It was only when he returned to the Prydwyn did Danse notice the Mr. Handy gave him a wonderful haircut. He felt a little bad about his rudeness.
Deacon: "Where are we going, buddy?" Deacon held still when the Mr. Handy pulled out a razor, unsure if the robot was malfunctioning and dangerous. Then the Mr. Handy gave him a wonderful shave, which he had been sorely needing after a mission. Deacon hated when his ginger stubble ruined a disguise. "Gee, thanks, pal." He rubbed his smooth face and smiled. "So do I tip you in motor oil or something?"
MacCready: "Knock it off!" MacCready swatted at the Mr. Handy as it took his hat off and clipped the sides of his hair. Before MacCready could finally pull away, the Mr. Handy showed him a mirror. "Well, I'll be damned. I'm lookin' pretty good." He ran a hand through the new hairstyle and smiled. "You're alright, robot."
Preston: "Oh boy." Preston let the Mr. Handy fix his stubble, but only because he felt like jerking away while it had a razor to his neck was a bad idea. Preston was glad he was patient. The Mr. Handy had given him the closet shave of his life. "Would you like to come back to the Castle with me? If you don't belong to somebody, that is. There are a lot of other Minutemen who'd really appreciate your magic touch."
Piper: Piper got in a few good smacks against the Mr. Handy before it finished her haircut. She didn't appreciate being pulled into an alley. When it showed her the new hairstyle, she paused briefly to admire the layers it had expertly created to frame her face, then crossed her arms. "That was real stupid of you. One of us could have gotten hurt." Piper assumed it was malfunctioning. She was just grateful it used its scissors to style her hair and not anything more violent.
X6-88: The Mr. Handy barely shaved X6's face before the courser threw it against the wall. "I'm the only robot who gets to groom me."
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zirawrites · 1 year
Sole: Should I join the Brotherhood?
Danse: No, don't do that. I like that you believe in a meaningless existence. And you're good for me, you make me question my morals.
Sole: And?
Danse: Ad Victoriam.
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zirawrites · 1 year
Nate, after greeting the victims of Vault 111 in the afterlife: Where's Nora and Shaun?
Vault 111 victims, munching on some popcorn: You're never going to believe this.
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zirawrites · 1 year
Little update :)
I apologize for not posting in a few days! I have gotten dozens of new followers recently and with that dozens of requests. That’s a good thing! I’ll be looking over them this weekend.
I have a massive deadline at work due Monday that I’ve been working nonstop on. Seriously, my blood is now 90% coffee. I need to stay focused and so I won’t be getting to anything until after the weekend, but just know if you’ve sent me something this week I’ve most likely seen it!
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zirawrites · 1 year
just a casual reminder that i love your work!
just a casual reminder that you made my day <3
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zirawrites · 1 year
This is how I feel when y’all leave comments in your reblog tags
do u ever get a comment on a fic thats just so sweet that ur like Maybe slaving over 24k of fanfiction was worth it for user SprinkleTrashcan2012 to leave a three paragraph comment
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zirawrites · 1 year
What do you think would be each Romanced!Companions + Gage biggest parenting screw up when it comes to raising Synth Shaun? Nothing traumatic, just those funny cringy “Yeah I screwed up” moments.
As someone who grew up with severely abusive parents, Cait is an awkward mixture of “fun mom” and overbearing guardian
She spoils Shaun with toys and gadgets she finds on trips
However, she isn’t sure how to discipline him; fearing she’ll come off too much like her own folks, but also afraid if Shaun doesn’t learn any lessons that he’ll become prey in the Commonwealth
Since Cait realizes she doesn’t have it in her to ever punish Shaun, she decides to toughen him up and teach him to fight. Even though he looks ridiculous, Cait pads Shaun up with plenty of protective gear before teaching him to spar.
As she’s explaining how to block, Shaun mishears and thinks Cait asked him to punch. He hits her directly in the eye. She doubles over as he bursts into tears apologizing.
But Cait isn’t upset; she’s laughing. He gave her a black eye that’d make any veteran of the Combat Zone proud.
Cait and Shaun agree to tell Sole that Cait got it in a skirmish with raiders.
Next time Cait and Shaun step in the ring, Shaun suggests she wear protective gear. Cait wasn’t laughing then.
Codsworth (synth):
Shaun falls and scrapes his knee? Codsworth is spooling his entire leg in gauze. Shaun gets stung by an insect? Codsworth is holding him down to administer three stimpacks. Shaun and MacCready have a burping contest? Codsworth is making up a diet plan for Shaun to combat possible indigestion.
He’s the definition of a helicopter mom
“I waited over 200 years for your return, young master. I’m not about to lose you to the common cold!”
Sole finally draws the line when Codsworth wouldn’t let Shaun play in a light drizzle, claiming it was the “gateway to a full-blown radstorm”.
Unless one of Shaun’s limbs are literally hanging off his body, Codsworth is now only allowed to administer light first aid.
Even if he really wants to force Shaun on bedrest after falling off his bike.
Curie is constantly assuring Shaun that knowledge is just as important as strength when navigating the Commonwealth
It’s hard for Shaun to believe when he hangs around the likes of Cait and MacCready all day
“Just because Monsieur MacCready lived in a cave does not mean you need to act like you do, too.”
Sometimes she takes his education too seriously. Curie makes up tests and lesson plans on everything from calculus to marine science.
Curie finally admits she is going too far when she unironically asked Shaun to name every pre-war state capitol.
To let him get silly revenge, Curie allows Shaun to make his own pop quiz for her to take. It’s filled with questions like “who was the most popular villain in Grognak the Barbarian?” and “what is my favorite flavor of Nuka Cola?”
She answers them all correctly :)
Danse knows the best soldier is one who is prepared. That’s why -- against Sole’s absolute disagreement -- he takes Shaun on a routine patrol with other Brotherhood members.
Danse turned his back for just a moment, and Shaun slipped over debris and slid down a startlingly steep hill.
Danse literally shrieked as he watched Shaun’s little head disappear down the incline.
He went charging after Shaun on instinct, slipping on the same debris and falling flat on his ass.
When he reached the bottom of the hill, he quickly checked Shaun for injuries. When it was clear the boy was unharmed, Danse shook his head, face red with embarrassment.
“Lets head back to the Prydwyn,” he mumbled. “Don’t tell your father/mother about this. Now hurry. Sole packed us a really nice lunch.”
Deacon had always wanted to be a father. When he was married to Barbara, he read every pre-war parenting book he could find.
However, the sterile pages of “make sure to speak gently but firmly” and “check your baby has reached certain developmental milestones per year” never covered what to do when you adopt the synth child of an Institute genius.
Shaun was constantly building (and blowing up) contraptions. Wiring strange blinking inventions. Asking Deacon to find textbooks on physiology and number theory.
Deacon’s biggest fault was giving into every whimsical request Shaun made of him. He was the first one to volunteer for Shaun’s whacky science experiments. Filled Shaun’s bookshelves with salvage from pre-war classrooms and hospitals. Let Shaun paint his face with weird ink the kid claimed would turn him invisible.
(The paint didn’t work. Deacon broke out in hives.)
He could just never tell the boy no. And he never would. Shaun was the son he always wanted.
“Well shit, boy. Of course you got hurt. What’dya think would happen playing on a scrapheap?”
Gage was a loving parent, but also a blunt one. He was just as quick to point out Shaun’s strengths as he was the kid’s youthful stupidity.
Gage called it “tough love”. Sole said it was “asshole advice”.
He just didn’t want Shaun growing up in a way that wouldn’t teach him to defend himself. Even if that defense was against sarcasm.
Shaun is jumping on the couch when Gage enters his room, startling him. In Shaun’s panic, he falls to the floor and twists his ankle.
“Ya can’t jump on the damn furniture and not expect to --” Gage had barely started his lecture when Shaun burst into tears. The boy started babbling about always being a disappointment and never doing anything right.
Gage fell to his knees next to Shaun, his own face twisted in pain.
“No, no! Shaun, that ain’t what I meant, son. You’re smart and creative and all that wonderful shit. Please don’t cry! Here...” Gage took off the armor over his torso and flexed his arm. “Punch me hard as you can. Then we’re even.”
Shaun’s sobs turned to sniveled giggling. “Are you trying to get me to stop crying before dad/mom finds out? Afraid we’re gonna get grounded?”
Gage laughed heartily. What had he been thinking?! Shaun was his son, not a little brother who needed to feel equal.
“Your damn right,” Gage lied, smiling. “‘Cause if Sole won’t let us read past bedtime after this I’m blame’n you, kiddo.”
Don’t judge Hancock’s parenting skills. Not many could raise a boy in a neighborhood known for its lack of goodness. Despite its name.
He was a hands-off parent. Hancock observed Shaun from afar, of course. But he wanted Shaun to make his own mistakes. Find his passions without any authority nudging him in a certain direction.
That all changed when he caught Shaun smoking a cigarette in his room. Hancock acted like the kid was snorting buffout.
“We raised you better than this, Shaun!” Hancock snatched the cigarette from Shaun’s mouth and stomped on it. “This stuff’ll kill you! You think smoking is cool? You wanna impress the ladies? Get a good head on your shoulders. Do something with your life. That’s how you get status. Not...” He gestured exasperatedly around them. “...drugs!”
Shaun bust out laughing. “You gave me a pack last night, Hancock. When you and dad/mom came back from the Third Rail. You were going on about me finally being a man and if I was going to do something reckless might as well do it in the house.”
Hancock was speechless.
“And you were, like, totally high,” Shaun added.
[Hancock disapproves... of himself]
MacCready is a family man. He loves Shaun like his own flesh-and-blood. 
He’d do anything for the kid. Storm the Glowing Sea. Infiltrate an Institute 2.0. Join the damn Brotherhood of Steel if needed.
And MacCready shows it. He is the one who teaches Shaun to shoot his first gun, ride a bike and change the radio station by shooting a rubber band.
Which is why it is shocking every time........ MacCready calls Shaun by the wrong name.
“Hey Duncan! Shoot, I mean Dogmeat! Darn it. Codsworth! Um, no. Shaun!”
It’s a classic dad move to call your kid the dog’s name.
It’s an advanced dad move to call your kid after your partner’s Mr. Handy.
Shaun is always flustered but laughing. “Did you call me every person’s name in this house but my own?”
“Can it. And, um, please bring me a rubber band so I can change the station.”
Preston was happy to teach Shaun to shoot a gun or repair a generator. There were plenty of mundane tasks and skills that needed mastered to survive in the Commonwealth.
It was the growing-up talks Preston needed to have with him that were the hardest.
He rather help Shaun scrub the entire Castle with a toothbrush than explain where babies come from.
Preston wasn’t some delicate wallflower. He hadn’t survived so long in the Commonwealth by being overly-sensitive.
But there was something about answering questions about bodily functions and puberty that twisted his stomach.
“Well, you see Shaun...” Preston coughed. “When a mommy and a... you know, when a...”
Shaun blinked. “When a mommy and a who do what?”
“Can’t you just ask Sole?”
The woman who profits off her kid sister’s labor is not the most ethical of mothers.
Piper lets Shaun get away with far more than he should, and pushes him further than he sometimes wants to go.
She doesn’t understand why Sole won’t let him get a part-time job at the water treatment plant.
“When I was his age I was cleaning chimneys and bartering with caravans!”
Piper encourages Shaun to work hard, and so when Sole deems most jobs in Diamond City too dangerous, she lets him sell papers with Nat.
Unfortunately, Shaun is garbage at it. He’s more occupied with pointing out Piper’s typos than actually advertising.
Piper eventually drops the whole “child labor” thing and allows him to be more of a kid. She knows he deserves a break after all he’s been through.
As someone who has encountered many cases of missing children, Nick can be a little overbearing.
He’s adamant about enforcing curfew and knowing exactly which friends Shaun hangs out with.
However, he struggles to understand Shaun’s youthful desire to be “normal”
“One of your parents is a gen-2 synth detective and the other is a pre-war popsicle, Shaun. You were never going to be boring, that’s for sure.”
He really tries to make Shaun feel like a regular kid. Nick introduces him to crime noir comics and a respectable wardrobe. Even if Shaun feels like an outsider, the kid has developed excellent taste.
Coursers were designed for killing. Not parenthood.
X6 tries his best to be a sensitive father. He listens to Shaun’s problems and, only when asked, offers solutions.
He even researches games Shaun might like to play, just so they could experience some traditional pre-war father-son bonding. 
However, Sole banned sports in the house. An errant baseball through a window could be blamed for that.
X6′s biggest mistake was trying to impress Shaun. He didn’t realize Shaun loved him unconditionally. Coursers only knew the value of usefulness. If he wasn’t actively showing his worth as a father, he felt like he was failing.
Shaun finally begs X6 to stop his constant posturing. “I don’t love you because you give me toys and take me on cool trips,” Shaun explained. “I love you because you’re my dad.”
X6 felt like Father of Shaun was a better title than even Father of the Institute.
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zirawrites · 1 year
It is I, the Queen of Bite-Sized Stuff and Character Reacts
give everyone on this list some love, including @danses-with-dogmeat​ <3
Do you know any other fallout blogs that still write? P.s. I live for your writings 😭
Why yes, I absolutely do!
And omg thank youuuu 🥺
There's probably quite a few that I don't know of, so if y'all have recommendations, I'm always down for that. But some of the ones I follow and love and that helped me get into writing for fallout are listed below!
Keep reading
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zirawrites · 1 year
someone please tell me who you think i am i beg
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hey i made this fanfic writer meme. drop in my ask which one u think i am!!!!
(okay to rb!)
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