#drawing on school papers 😎
clarityroses · 3 months
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Random stuffs I have
New bat character is ritzelle/ritzel because I refuse to have normal names for anyone
Now there’s bayla nella Aleena (the only normal one smh) and ritzelle
I love my hazbin ocs
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
#guess whos back in therapy bby 😎#the lady i saw was nice. 1st appointments r always a lotta blah blah blah so much to cover#and im always like bleh whatever im not that bad but when u put it all down on paper it is sorta a lot lol#i got the comment. hm u seem to kno a lot abt the dsm. and like listen. i have been meticulously categorizing my problems for the last 4#years. and i like to learn so ya kno. also said yea it sounds like u r having hypomanic episodes.#and asked if bipolar was a possibility and like if i was bipolar that would absolutely blow my god damn mind. im pretty sure its just pmdd#but whatever. im open to the possibility. mostly i wanna hear someone else perspective on this#i feel like im collaborating on a project. like gimmie ur notes i wanna see if were on the same track. bc im insane like that#i always feel bad when they apologize for asking invasive questions. like neh its fine. i got nothin to hide and i dont give a fuck#also i told a class of my peers that my distraction from research is drawing narut0 fan art. again bc i do not#give a single fuck. Professors response: hopefully we get to see it some day. bro. if u ask me i will show u. i do not care#i mean. probably nothing too weird but i feel like most of my stuff is safe to share. i just come off looking like a weeb i guess#but yea back in therapy bc my mum reminded me bc the ppl around me irl r also worried for my well-being based on my behavior lol#i mean its just bc i complain that im in like psychological pain a lot. so lots and lots of bitching abt my brain ^^#the lady i saw did fall a lil bit into my trap. like what woulf ur life look like if u had everything under control? bc it seems like ur#here and ur starting a phd what more do u want? and im like mwahaha but u see i can do school#i can do school so good. i am the best at school and thats it. i am otherwise barely functional#so i can be successful on paper and dysfunctional when it comes to having a life :-]#but whatever. well see what she wants to follow up on next week bc i threw a lot at her#also went to my office for the 1st time. it is really nice to sit in a working lab and watch ppl interact. but also i do feel like im#dying if i try to sit in that room with 2 other ppl lol. so well see how it goes. i may find somewhere else to hide#unrelated
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sillysadduck2 · 2 years
Do you use watercolor pencils o n your drawing ? The coloring looks so neat :o
Also, the theme of this blog is very yummy to look at, your version of the trio genderswapped i so cute <33 (Yello's ribbons and Red's curls adhdvvjvdj, Duck's Duck-ness ofc)
OH its actually a mix of everything, I do the sketches on paper but I color digitally (sometimes) and sometimes not:D
See, some of the things I post are fully traditional like these ones, the coloring for these were crusty school markers so i definitely don't recommend but I'm broke😎
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However if we go to the half digital half traditional ones like the main trio as girls I just use flat colors (in a very lazy way)
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I use ibispaint and go to the extract lines filter first so only the lines of the sketch are left. And then throw those flat bois in there
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I also like to add an overlay layer with orangey tones and set a background cream color bc thats my personal preference, makes it less dull
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Easiest way to art imo :D doesnt take longer than 20 minutes, hope this helps, theres also the fully digital ones but those do take hours bc I'm not super experienced
And thank u so much drawing them as girls makes me so happy😭❤
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dunyun-rings · 11 months
Sorry I worded the ask weirdly and I overthought it so I'll ask it again in a way you might feel better about answering publicly lol: how long does it take you to do your works? Like your color wheel nausica for example? I'm new to digital art and I feel like it takes me way longer to draw stuff than on paper. I'm sure I'm just not used to it but I also don't know what I should be expecting of myself, if that makes any sense.
Your question definitely makes sense!
First of all you shouldn’t beat yourself up for needing time to adjust to a new media. To give you an idea of how long it took me to adjust to it: I grew up drawing on paper with graphite/color pencils with no serious dabbles in digital art until the very tail end of high school (2013). Then when I first started using Sai and Photoshop (the first like 3 years) I would draw with pencil and paper and then color digitally. Coloring and editing my art that way made me familiar enough with the programs that I felt like hey screw it, let’s just try drawing straight in Photoshop. So I finally started doing that around 2016 and was very slow at completing drawings that way at first. I feel like I actually finally got into the groove of drawing quickly in PS around 2018.
So anyway the point of that ramble is that skills take time to develop, and you may need to adjust to a different way of going about things if they aren’t working for you. For instance I think it’s totally viable to color traditional line art digitally and not redo the lines. Whatever gets you to make a foot of progress is worth exploring in my opinion.
To answer your actual question: the amount of time I spend on a piece varies with how much detail is in it. I would say that for any full color humanoid figure it takes me about 30 min to 6 hours of work (30 min being very simple chibi-type things or like, small animals lol), without counting the time I spend setting up the canvas, collecting references, planning the composition, etc. Full illustrations with backgrounds are usually between 5-11 hours because I have to be a bit more deliberate about how I go about it.
Hopefully this is helpful to you! Keep drawing and stay cool 😎
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leeha225 · 2 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾PINK TINT☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ (2)
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Hyunjin×Fem reader
⚠genre⚠: fluff, college scenario, teacher student relationship, maybe forbidden love, red strings attached, very very veryyyy sugar sweet, yet smut says Hi😈
Synopsis: Final year of art school and you still don't know what to do in life. Everything takes a turn when he stepped in, for better or worst. Worst is interesting sometimes. Make my rules sounds nice but feelings never lie.
(a/n: it's all fiction people no hate!!!!)
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Warm cup of tea for the day, wrapping her hands around it for heat radiate through her skin, she looked out her apartment window. Evening sun set painting the sky with an array of colors. Wind blew fluttering her art material set for her now due assignment. Since it was the last year attending class everyday wasn't necessary and y/n being the best student never needed so.
Taking a sip of her tea, y/n sat over at her table and took a sheet of paper out. To warm up her hands, she quickly did a rough sketch of anything she thought of. Her pencil like it were possessed drew her pulsing emotions... A boy... No a man.... No... Hwang Hyunjin.
Y/n drew the very view she admired, his gentle smile with the cute crescent curve of his eyes. Looking at it made her flush up again, putting away the drawing quickly, y/n went over to start yer assignment.
Half way through her assignment with the base sketch, her phone vibrated on the table with a low buzz. It was Chungha.
Y/n: ola amigo~✋
C: The university is hosting an Art exhibition and Mr K asked if you want to donate any of your paintings!!!
Y/n: I don't have anything exhibition-able
C: Then make one... You have time till next month. He asked you to come tomorrow.
Y/n: okay 😪
C: Seeeeya😎 Good luck 🤗
Y/n had to know the details about the exhibition, rushing up to the office, she couldn't help but feel excited. This was an amazing opportunity for her chance to Paris. Maybe she could even earn money if anyone bought her piece.
"Mr K?" Y/n knocked softly at his cabin door.
"Come in" Inside were decorated with old and new paintings, several paintings stacked in boxes at the side, well yes the place was rubbish but... Colorful.
"Ahhh Y/n, I was expecting you... Come with me" Y/n followed Mr K out to another cabin, to find a junior staff going through few sketches.
"Ms U this is y/n one of my best students" Brief greetings. "She wants to participate in the art exhibition donating some of her artworks"
"Do have anything that you would like to present?" The young woman maybe in her 20s spoke softly with a smile.
"Um... I was thinking since I have one month time, could paint a new one?" Fiddling with the hem of her blouse, y/n felt a sudden break of cold sweat.
"Well the thing is that we have to put up the artworks on the brochure and that has to be sent everywhere"
"O-oh... But I don't have any-"
"Let it be a mystery piece" Y/n jolted at the voice from behind, it was Mr Hwang right behind her that she could feel his presence towering over her.
"A mystery piece is only done with recognized artists to attract visitors" Mr K said while Y/n couldn't think straight. Too close was all she could think holding her breathe.
"It's fine I'll try next-"
"Use my name, I'll be her mentor and I'll produce a piece too with her" All three eyes went wide. Y/n finally turned to look at him, he looked straight at her with a smile. His hair was tied this time, and his usual casual hoodie was replaced with a white cardigan button that hung loose over his body, exposing ample of his collarbone. Paired with formal pants... Classic. Y/n quickly turned away to hide her naughty gaze.
"Great then, you both can use the art room as much as you want. I need to see the progress every week. Two paintings soon"
"Yes Mr K. Thank you Ms U" Y/n still blank slowly processing. Hyunjin walked away with a low chuckle to himself... Is he enjoying this?!
"Y/n a word" Mr K called for her to his cabin. To his dusty cabin again, how does he even survive here without a wheeze. "Sit down, I really need you to take this opportunity seriously, because your paired with one of the best renowned artist. I'm genuinely thankful because he denied my offer in presenting a piece, but now because of you he reconsidered. So, just go with the flow, any problems you can approach me. Okay?"
"He's famous?"
"That's a secret but yeah it's a golden opportunity, not to worry. Also don't ask him personal questions because he doesn't like being...talked about. Good luck then" Something felt off, because y/n felt like she was getting ready to babysit a grumpy kid.
"Thank you Mr K" Y/n walked out of the dust and opened the staff room door to find Mr Hwang leaning against the wall waiting for her.
"Mr H-Hwang" Y/n softly greeted and he came over to her.
"Ms y/n, Let's talk" Instantly he turned away and walked to the nearest empty classroom. Screeching two chairs to the middle face to face for them. Y/n sat down awkwardly adjusting herself as the man sat down casually legs crossed. "What is your art style?" He asked taking out his phone.
"Um...Minimalism? both impressionism and post-impressionism, aesthetics pastel colors and emotions" He peeked from his phone at her, inhaling sharply.
"You know what is my style?" He leaned forward, exposing his chest a bit. Y/n shook her head flushed every moment with the man "Realism, Baroque, expressionism, and emotions. What do you think we have in common?" She looked up at him and wondered, how their thoughts were completely different, he was more of beige guy while hers a more pink. But one thing sure did coincide.
"Emotions" His face lit up.
"Exactly. We are going portray our emotions...Romanticism" The last word was soft as a whisper. Hyunjin stood up to walk towards the board. Playing with the marker lid he leaned back against the board with his gaze fixed at the student up front. "What do you think is romanticism y/n?"
"Expression of emotions of an individual towards anything, like nature, music, art forms and-"
"People yes, very good. But I think it's felony. It isn't real romanticism" Hyunjin tried pushing y/n to the edge to get it out of her.
"Why do you think so Mr Hwang?" Y/n feigned innocence to bring him to the edge too.
"Because if you could love it then why should we learn to let it go" Hyunjin came over and bent to align his gaze with hers.
"W-well they say when person losses someone or something, they are given the most powerful strength of endurance. Love and loss are proportional to one another. Cannot be balanced because everyone will come across feelings of grief once in a while" Y/n bit make a tear as Hyunjin sharp gaze wavered as he was of loss of words.
"Well said" He clapped. "That will be our theme then" Brushing back his hair, Hyunjin went over to write that one the board. 'Love and Loss'. "We are supposed to produce two works, so one is Love and other Loss. Which do you choose?"
"Um, I don't know... Loss?"
"You do Love" Y/n nibbled on her lip because she wasn't familiar with it... Much... Maybe but maybe not. "Have you not witnessed love y/n?"
"No, just a crush but got over it" Hyunjin narrowed his gaze, inhaling deeply as he sat across from her again and whispered.
"Don't worry. I'll help you with that" He smirked to himself toying with her like he was with the marker in Hand.
"Y-yes?" Her questioning gaze was cut off by the bell. Y/n jumped up at the sudden siren, adjusting herself. "I have to get home. Thank you for the insight"
"Right, Thank you too. Tomorrow bring a normal scribble pad, pencil and eraser" Hyunjin stood up and followed her out.
On her way home Y/n thought of... Love. Foreign as it sounds but she did get a taste of the feeling. Kai, a dance major, senior from school and friend who once helped through embarrassing times. Both first met when Y/n clumsy almost pushed all the bicycles, But Kai caught her in time. Since then she would always find him. Slowly they both started with Hi's, small sentences, exchange of numbers. But after a while, she found that her classmate Jenny made her move on him. Chungha guessed maybe he got close to y/n to just get to see Jenny. Trash, Chungha once exclaimed for them to hear and hid while Y/n was caught. Kai called her over and asked how she was doing and boasted about her girlfriend. Y/n herself said trash bluntly and left. Chungha felt super proud of her friend.
Dark and crushing it is... Love.. Scoff*
A scribble pad, stationary, water, purse, snacks... All set. Rummaging through her bag one last time before walking to class... No one. Hyunjin isn't here yet, y/n sat down continuing her playlist for a while. Slowly she turned to the nearby window and leaned on the sil. One hand pillowed for her face, while the other dangled outside trying to catch the falling leaves and petals off the nearby tree. In a distance people were playing and cheering for a basketball match. The crowd mingling with the breeze made y/n sleepy. Slowly her eyes fluttered shut as she drifted off to dreamland.
Soft weather continues, but it was night, the moon shone bright illuminating her path. Y/n was walking through her hometown streets, an unfamiliar tree stood in the distance, swaying to the wind and shining under the moonlight. A single petal from a flower on the tree brushed past her cheek warm. The warmth made her smile in peace.
Slowly she got up rubbing her cheek as though the dream were real she realised. Hyunjin! Looking around she found the man right next to her leaning against the wall. His hair all messy but cute, a simple smile looking down at her. Y/n stood up to greet the man, stumbling a little clumsy from the sleep.
"G-good morning"
"Good afternoon" He emphasised for her to check the time and yes it was 1:07pm. "Have you eaten?"
"No I haven't" Correcting herself averting her gaze to her back for her makeup. One side of her cheek had a soft pink touch to it, was it because of the rubbing?
"Me too, so let's go out for lunch, we can start our discussions their" Y/n eyes widened did he just ask her out for lunch. But who would deny the man.
"O-okay" Grabbing her stuff real quick both left out to have lunch at a local restaurant, quickly finding seats, Hyunjin the gentleman he his helped her to be seated. Y/n flushed distracting every brain cell to the menu card. Quickly ordering anything she thought was interesting and took out her scribble pad. Looking up to see the man was staring directly into her soul, running his finger on his lips softly. Gulp*
This is going to take a while...
A rough sketch on what to be done was complete and so was lunch, both just about to leave.
"I'll pay" Y/n offered but Hyunjin chuckled walking to the counter.
"Another time. Let me be a gentleman today" Fishing out his wallet.
"And tomorrow?" Y/n blurted without thought. He thought for a while and smirked.
"You tell me" Y/n couldn't think straight and went out to find kids playing, giggles and care free vibe. Quickly capturing the moment when one kid came over to her.
"Unnie (elder sister) your pretty like a flower" She said tugging her dress, y/n in awe quickly picked her up and started laughing and asked her name. The little girl answered with her pinching Y/n cheek with a tiny fingers, to see if she were real. Just how contagious kids were with their happiness, quickly turning around to see Hyunjin smiling at his phone.
"I have to go now bye" Putting her down softly and adjusting her dress the little kid ran away waving shy. " Isn't she cute?" Y/n asked to the man who now stood closer. His hair brushing over his face effortlessly.
"Yeah. You like kids?"
"Yeah, How can one not?" Completely in love with the little one.
"Okay" Hyunjin said and walked away, eh...
"Um... Why don't you like kids? " Y/n catching on.
"Yeah I very much do" He said looking at her sideways to observe her reaction.
"Er... Thank you for the lunch" Y/n stammered
"Anything for my student"
Rest of the way they discussed on the later specifics like size, type of paint etc, to place the order.
The discussion went on for thre days, Mr K confirming and placing order for the materials, Y/n spent the rest of her time with her own assignments. Music, painting, Tea, cake... Regular routine.
Following week the materials arrived. Checking and setting things up, sometimes Hyunjin and Y/n would have that tension moment but eased out as the first priority was the exhibition. The site was set and going around to a get gist was mandatory. Y/n suggested painting a little on the wall to show a connection between the paintings. Hyunjin was pleased and so was Mr K seeing how they got along just fine.
Weeks went by as both sometimes both continued at home and got back to show progress. Yet both didn't dare to make a mistake. Finally as 80% of the art now finished Y/n stretched out, pulling out her headphones to look outside. It was raining and that dimmed out the room. Looking over her board to see Hyunjin full focused painting, studying his features to see his forehead scrunched cutely showing he's concentrating hard. His long slender fingers holding the brush and strokes all elegant. Wow he was an Art himself. Y/n stood up to get a closer look and my God it was amazing. How defined each stroke was representing loss. What made him portray it perfectly?
"It's amazing?" She mumbled, Hyunjin turned and oops he wasn't wearing headphones in one ear. "It looks amazing, love the blend and definition" She said bending over to get a closer look. "How do you bring to color blend without disturbing the base?" Y/n shot a few questions as a student.
"Here sit" She sat next to him as Hyunjin explained his tricks in a very detailed way and yes her intention to learn were genuine.
"How can you portray loss so well?" She whispered but the man again heard her. Leaning back, he loosened his hair tie and looked at the painting.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I-I mean it's perfect like you have really gone through that emotion-"
"Yes I have, I did lose someone dear to me" Y/n wanted to ask more but Mr K words echoed.
"I'm sorry to have asked"
"No it's alright, you were right though, one who experiences loss are given the most powerful strength of endurance" He looked at her, both were close leaned in. Just an effort and the space between could just disappear. He looked down at her lips then back at her but turned away. Silence as Y/n very well understood his emotion. Suddenly a romantic OST played out loud complementing the rain and the atmosphere. Y/n quickly got to her feet to see that her headphones went off and phone started playing out loud. Shoot
"Y/n" A low call as her name seemed to echo through her. Hyunjin was now on his feet too, one hand extended out. The room now super dark because it was after university hours, not many people in the building, is that why everything seemed to be heard like an echo? The pattering loud and clear. She went over and stood in front like she were possessed by the man, he softly pulled her close. Shiver ran down her spine like the room had got 5 times cooler. But the warmth from him eased. One hand on her hip lightly and other held her hand warm and firm. Both hands covered in paint looked beautiful to them. (Artists you see) Slowly both swayed to the music, starting with simple steps and slowly they twirled causing them to giggle. The sad atmosphere now better, Hyunjin looked beautiful smiling like a kid. His crescent eyes curved to complement his beauty mark. Like a moon and star. The tempo increased and steps became fast too, twirling about when both finally laughed out their hearts looking at each other and...
Hyunjin softly brushed his soft lips over Y/n's making both flushed with a mild pink tint.
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a/n: Just finished my exams, super sorry for delays people😘Love you guys for the support. ❤it 🔁it... ~
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Ok, I didn't expect so many people to see my previous post, thank you all very much😎👍
So like can I complain? ( Ok, why do I even ask, it literally my page). I am working as a teacher of English in state school. And, well, I pretty much like my job, I like working with kids and I like my subject, but, god, how fucking hard it's now to work in school.
Tons of useless paper work, sometimes I even feel like all I'm doing in school is just paper work.
Thank gods I have good supervisors, so I don't feel constant pressure, but with all new changes in educational programm of my country, I'm kinda scared for future generations.
Now it'a very difficult to keep kids attention and every year it's would be just more and more difficult to do. The children now have a non-stop access to Internet, which is not a completely bad thing of course, but let be honest, not everyone use Internet for educational purposes and quite low number of parents are ready to check what their children are watching in it.
And as a result, we have many kids who are struggling to focus on what teachers are saying, and I don't blame kids, hell, I don't even blame parents, I just don't know how to work with them. Teaching methology, that I studied at college just doesn't work with those kids, I guess it'll work with generation of kids from 1970-1980s😂
And my country's goverment not helping, like, at all, not only it's makes my job harder, but it doesn't help younger generations either.
Wow. What a relief it is to be able to speak about it.
Anyway, like I was saying I like to draw sketches more, and here he is - Dream - my second favourite character. This boy gave me such a roller-coster of emotions through out the whole comics series. I loved him, I hated him, felt sorry for him and etc.
But in the end I glad that he started to change and grow as a person) But I'm still planning to draw full coloured page for him, like with Death.
(Okay, his face from the first comicbook is fucking hularious)
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creatorj-meow · 2 years
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Tell me these aren't AMAZING??? Here are the close-ups:
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Shelia Daisy Stephanie
The the ghost thingys are possessed by the gems. They are the first ones ever to use them and have been passed down for many generations. It didn't matter if they were human, werewolf, meif'wa, dragon, witches, or warlocks, anyone could use them. For good or for bad.
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Here's the entire drawing. Now i did this in markers and with a left over paper that i had for a school project. Which was for high school 10th grade, i think???? Not sure.
Have a great day everyone! 😁
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cookiescr · 1 year
Thanks I’m literally harassing all my friends about this stupid visa and when i finally get it, it’ll become a national holiday jsjsjsjs rn I can’t sleep bc I’m nervous about tomorrow
Yeah I started with it and visit some courses, so it’ll be a long road until I actually finish. Brain already gave up tho
You just need to visit your gf and bet you’ll see snow, it’s fun but pls don’t touch the yellow one. Or who knows, maybe climate change will make it snow someday over there too 💀
Yeah kinda it’s the same process as painting digitally but at the same time it’s completely different. But nothing goes over doodles on paper during school, best treasured memories
Yes ok im a Flight attendant mainly, but I’m also working in the on board kitchen as a flying chef because I got extra wine sommelier and business class service training which makes me basically a bootlicker but at least I don’t have to interact that much with ppl as the others due to my assigned position. Ngl idk if I regret doing this or not cause I’m missing out on juicy gossip from the expnomy crew 💀
Yeah pilots are obsessed with fitness they spend most of their layovers in gym. Except for the old married ones they either drink and eat or hide in their rooms. Either way most of them are so boring and they don’t even earn good anymore to see past the dull personality
hslakdjsa i think as you sent this I'd just fallen asleep but hell yee celebration when ur visa gets processed
how lond does it usually take to finish masters is it like 4-6 years as well :0 or is it like a take your own pace thing?
I'm thinking of like uhh starting patreon properly after the trip and try to see if it can be like a proper income thing that i can pay taxes for so i can finally travel around askdla like i wanna make a snowman with my gf hhhhh or snowball fight. Also that would be kinda scary asdkjla
oh damn ye the back of my notebook was always full of doodles like I still kinda remember my teacher writing a little note at the back of my notebook complimenting a shitty drawing but it stuck with me
job mystery solved 😎 also that's dope like for some reason I never thought there would be like a chef on a plane like it never crossed my mind lkajsdal
dang i thought pilots like earn a lot or something
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xiaophobic · 3 years
for anyone curious, this is about my genshin oc! his name is cary, he’s a hydro bow user from sumeru ^^
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i did a tiny redraw of him over one of kaeya’s chibis :DD i’d make a picrew of him but i’ve yet to find one i really like for his character so !!!
he got his vision the night he’d told his parents about his dropping out. they were incredibly unsupportive of his dream and so he left!
he had no plan, though he���d never really had one to begin with. he’d worked his way into the most prosperous school in teyvat and then left as quickly as he’d enrolled.
he had no plan, though he’d never really had one to begin with. he’d worked his way into the most prosperous school in teyvat and then left as quickly as he’d enrolled.
but he believed in himself and he believed in his art. he’d taken almost nothing with him except for the clothes on his back, a few mora, and a few small canvases and paints.
he’d arrived at this beautiful grassy plain after traveling for so long. his mind began soaring with ideas to recreate the display on a canvas. so many colors and textures clouded his eyes, he was almost brought to tears.
he reaches inside his bag to pull out some paints and boom! vision!
his character…
he makes those little paper stars for people when they’re sad :(
his least favorite foods are coffee and tea. he doesn’t actually dislike either, he’s just mistook his paint water for said drinks too many times to count
the primary use of his vision is watercolor paint
he’s in love with kazuha, do not ask me how they know each other i haven’t figured it out yet but kazuha opens his mouth and cary loses it
he was isolated a lot as a child so there’s some generally basic things that make him go :O
ex: if he ever saw a crystalfly he’d go berserk
he’s a very good cook and like nobody believes him when he says it
one of the lines of his specialty dish would definitely be something like “can we really be sure cary made this?”
the type to say something out of pocket and not realize that it was out of pocket until hours later
like he’ll tell someone how beautiful they are because he’s sketched them (he has to draw anything he finds even mildly attractive/interesting)
and then go “oh” while he thinks about how red their face got right before he goes to sleep
voicelines, gameplay, etc…
four star physical dmg dps 😎
one of his idle animations is a butterfly fluttering around him while he scrambles for his sketchpad, only to have the butterfly fly away when he successfully pulls it out </3
he gets excited cut him some slack
“is it my turn? oh, i’m cary! ‘so great to finally meet — oh wow. you’re breathtaking! ah, i’m so sorry! my mouth moves faster than my mind sometimes, would a self-portrait make it up to you? free of charge!”
that’d be his hello voiceline :D
his burst would be called something like “reservoir of illustration”
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that’s all i have so far!!! i could keep going but he’s still a work in progress himself so ^^ I RLLY RLLY LIKE HIM :))
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parcai · 3 years
(i now remember why i've never done traditional timelapses: i MUST hover over the art at all times 😩)
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making art accessible: a thread 💌
it already IS accessible!! it's one of the most accessible hobbies out there! 😭 this isn't a thread i just wanna talk abt this + you've been bamboozled!! now excuse me while i get on my soap box 😈
no but real talk i was briefly discussing this on insta the other day. i'm sick of companies and even big artists trying to push all these useless supplies onto new artists and claiming they're "essential" or grabbing endorsements from popular artists to run young or impoverished people out of money. so i was talking abt how i got a drawing tablet maybe 1.5 years ago, and before i used to just use a pencil eraser, a toilet paper square as a blender (or my finger), and a stubby free holiday pencil from school and make do. if u really want to get snazzy, u can grab a black colored pencil (😎 i stole this one in 2nd grade), a kneaded eraser, and a knife just for Fun <3
sometimes this makes ur drawings streaky or not as hyperrealistic or stylistic (depending on what ur going for) as you'd like but all u really need is patience (this is extra streaky bc i had to go somewhere after and was in a hurry to finish and was not patient enough 💀 be more patient than me <3) no u don't need those monthly art boxes, no u don't need prismacolors, no u don't need to spend 50 dollars on quality fine grain paper, no u don't need to pay for photoshop every year (krita is free and great and i used it for a full year before getting csp during its 50% off sale), no u do NOT to keep feeling discouraged bc u don't even have a mechanical pencil (and actually i hate mechanical more than just normal for drawing--u can’t press as hard to get the darker values)
more people need to know that regardless of access to resources or money or WHATEVER else could possibly hinder u, please do not feel hopeless or less talented. u go ahead and make all the art, traditional or on ur phone or anything else, that u want and be super cool and snazzier w ur 50 cent markers than anyone else will ever be 🤬 and don't let the man crush ur dreams 😤😤😤💞
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bebrilliants · 2 years
Parenting With Zeny 101 Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 46,956 times.
WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 39 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.
Parenting can be tricky, especially if couples get trapped in this unhealthy dynamic. Here's how to break free and find a better balance, writes @assael https://t.co/IGc0liOtpm — David Blanchard, LAMFT (@DavidCBlanchard) December 29, 2021
During the day, lots of things will fill those buckets - ... It’s a brain that has registered threat and a body that is getting ready to... Pathologising it makes it worse and will drive bigger avoidance, ... Sometimes, flipping our lids is the safest thing to do. …As long as the kids are COMPLETELY UNINJURED, naturally. Dont close the doors when you go in because you can't hear parents coming. And you are lucky if you are using a laptop, plug your charger and remove battery. When you hear them coming, just unplug the charger and it will be turned off. Then look like you are sleeping on a sofa. They’re less experienced and inevitably will make many “mistakes.” Resist the urge to give them constructive feedback too often, because too much of that will send them straight back upstairs. Since the downstairs parent is so used to flying solo, expect some ruptures, micromanaging, and even some ridicule. Start taking little tasks, even when your partner gives you a free pass to be exempt. Anticipate mistakes and failures—but they are how you learn. Downstairs parents often feel alone in the battlefield, without any backup. Being parenting lone wolves, they often feel invisible, unappreciated, and alone.
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Max Because there is only digital school now, so I don’t really care. MaxI like drawing, building LEGOs, a lot of forms of art, mainly clay and drawings. I am sitting right now on the toilet, and my 13-month-old daughter is running around. And she’s gonna — she’s going to try and steal the toilet paper. Michael barbaroSeveral months ago, The Times opened up a phone line to ask americans what it’s really been like to parent during the pandemic. Plan on routinely getting to work fifteen minutes earlier than you're due. Half the time, you won't make it but you also won't lose your temper at your kids because you won't actually be late. The other half of the time, you'll have a more relaxed start to your work day so you'll be more effective at work. If you wanted your child to follow an instruction, give him or her another chance after time-out is over.
Just watched my daughter clean the entire downstairs cuz parenting is hard 😎 — 🖤Dria🖤 (@whatsername1114) June 8, 2021
Ironically, it happened to air on the last day of London Weekend Television's broadcasting under that brand on 27 October 2002; the next day LWT was subsumed into ITV London. Upstairs, Downstairs ran for five series from 10 December 1971 to 21 December 1975. The first four series had thirteen episodes each, while the final series had sixteen. Two endings were made, which could be shown depending on whether the black and white episodes were broadcast by the channel. The original untransmitted black-and-white version of the first episode is believed to have been wiped.
Caregiver Issues
A conversation about preventative measures and a plan for how to reach medical professionals todeal with depression if it arises is an effective way to reduce the severity and impact of depression. Your mother or father’s caregiver maybe your parent’s spouse, a sibling or another relative. While it may provide you with a degree of relief if a trusted person is caring for your parent, it is also important to consider the caregiver's burden. If you live far away, you can arrange for a friend to visit your parent to deliver healthy groceries. Assael Romanelli, Ph.D., is a clinical social worker and a licensed couple and family therapist based in Israel. He offers online individual, couple, and family therapy. Assael trains and lectures internationally about therapy, relationships and improvisation. As the upstairs parent explores the ground floor, be patient. It was first offered to Granada Television in Manchester, but they declined as they already had a period drama, called A Family at War, about to start. However, Stella Richman, the Controller of Programmes at London Weekend Television, saw potential, and in April 1970, the first series was commissioned. Great events feature prominently in each episode but minor or gradual changes are also noted. It was a ratings success for ITV and received outstanding acclaim worldwide, winning multiple awards. What boundaries did you set for caretaking/money.etc. Was there another solution that worked better? I'd love to hear some ideas on creative solutions as bay area living has become so damn expensive. My heart aches for more and I need to move on. Tell me about how you creatively uncoupled.
This Is What Happened When My Parents Moved In
Make sure that you are close to the wall to avoid loud creaks. It's a good idea to practice moving silently in your house during the day. The bottom line, Gallagher says, is that any extreme with regard to parenting is inappropriate. I wil definitely be sharing this with colleagues and the familes I support. They often giggle, and giggling is good because it means it’s still playful, so they are still engaged and learning. It does take practice and I remind children that their brains are still building and learning from experience.
The upstairs portion of the brain–responsible for higher-thinking and impulse control–takes much longer to construct.
Rose becomes children's maid and later lady's maid to Virginia.
From roommates who share a house and do some things together to boarders who spend little to no time together.
Elizabeth halfhill I’m actually just really pissed and upset because I know this isn’t going to work all year.
This capacity becomes part of our moral compass and allows us to develop meaningful and loving relationships.
A fantastic way of helping children understand how their minds work. Carole C February 26th, 2020 I have been doing research on this for the last 8 years. I adopted a self regulation curriculum for my school district from keri counselor. I have also adopted the Zones Regulation Curriculum that I am using with K-2 grades. I am retiring at the end of the 2020 school year. Another idea, called You Live or You Die, was to have Frederick Norton seeking his fortune in the US. The only spin-off to make it onscreen was Thomas & Sarah, which broadcast in 1979, and this followed the adventures of Thomas and Sarah after they left Eaton Place. According to Jean Marsh and Simon Williams, at the end of the fourth series they, along with other cast members, were eager to move on to other projects.
From:  https://bebrilliantparents.blogspot.com/2022/01/i-recognize-my-kids-more-how-pandemic.html
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