#dramatic enterance
acourtofquestions · 1 month
Thinking about the paralells between Chaol & Celaena’s dramatic spooky cape intros👏👌😂 … couples that cape together, stay together?🤣
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A Storm in the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Rosalie – Albert Bierstadt (detail) // Lofoten Island – Lev Lagorio // Rosenlaui – François Diday // Mount Elbrus in the Clouds – Nikolai Yaroshenko // Storm in the Mountains – Hermann Ottomar Herzog // Sierra Nevada – Albert Bierstadt // Rocky Mountain Landscape – Albert Bierstadt // Inkpot Gods – The Amazing Devil
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uspa-chan · 3 months
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half-bakedboy · 2 months
Tommy Taking care of Buck when sick or injured
Evan has a cold but if anyone could see him right now, Tommy believes they’d think he had the bubonic plague. 
“You know, for someone who has been crushed by a firetruck, made it through a tsunami, and got struck by lightning, you sure are reacting to a stuffy nose like it’s the end of the world.”
Evan smacks him, but he laughs despite it.
“I am suffering, Tommy. Christopher’s a teenager now, he’s not supposed to bring home germs like a toddler. Isn’t that how it works?” Evan complains. 
“I’m pretty sure schools are just cesspools no matter what age.” 
Tommy strokes a hand over Evan’s forehead to check his temperature as he’s done a few times over the past hour. He’s not too hot, but clammy, most likely from the weighted blanket he has pulled up to his neck. He’s tried to convince Evan to use something lighter, but it’s not an argument he’s going to win. 
“What can I get you?” Tommy asks softly. He presses a gentle kiss on Evan’s forehead, lingering for a moment when Evan leans into the gesture. 
It might actually be killing Tommy not to kiss him. 
“Do I have any SpaghettiOs? Maddie used to stock my kitchen up with them before she moved in with Chimney.” He pouts as he speaks, and Tommy feels like he’s going to lose it. 
He stands up abruptly and wanders to the kitchen, searching through every cabinet for the one thing Evan wants. He’s grateful when he finds a top shelf full of soup and a small note from Maddie telling him to feel better. It isn’t dated, but something tells Tommy that it’s been there for a while. It makes him smile, knowing that he’s always been cared for and that Chimney is being cared for by her now. 
He grabs the can of SpaghettiOs and tries to decide if Evan would rather have them on the stove or the microwave—the one other time Tommy tried to make something on the stove that was microwavable led to the great hot dog debate that pulled in the entire 118, so he goes with the microwave. By the time three minutes have passed, he can hear Evan snoring loudly on the couch. 
Evan is a sight to behold. He’s sprawled out on the couch that is just a little too short for his long frame, mouth wide open, nose reddened from tissue rash, and the blanket he’d fought Tommy to keep thrown to the floor. It’s quite possibly the most adorable scene he’s ever witnessed, and he’s done helicopter tours for kids. 
Without hesitation, Tommy pulls the much lighter blanket off of the back of the couch and rests it over Evan's frame so he has something to keep him comfortable. He picks up Evan’s legs carefully and reaches for the remote to change the TV over to some soft indie music channel Evan seems to enjoy when he’s relaxing. 
The book he’s been reading is just within reach, and he settles back into the couch to read. Evan’s snoring is loud and he’s seriously at risk of catching whatever Christopher had given Evan, but he can’t bring himself to leave. He’s going to be there when Evan wakes up. Even if he’s being overdramatic about his cold, Tommy knows there’s something inside Evan that needs taking care of, and he’s going to be the man to do that.
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kebriones · 4 months
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ALCIBIADES: Look at me! Tell me: do you believe in me?
ANTIOCHUS: Oh! I don't know what I believe anymore.
ANTIOCHUS: I don't know. Leave me alone!
ALCIBIADES: I'm not leaving you alone. You must decide, right now.
ALCIBIADES: Yes! With me or with them!
ANTIOCHUS: You're a demon, Alcibiades. I hate you.
ALCIBIADES: You're telling lies to yourself. You love me.
ANTIOCHUS: Oh gods! How can you talk like that? Where do you find this strength? Yes, when I'm looking at you, at your face like this, I feel a magnetism. But I can't drown inside me this entire world that has filled, until today, my life.
ALCIBIADES: You will decide. It's imperative! I told you everything. I showed you my thought, like I've never even showed it to Socrates.
ANTIOCHUS: To Socrates... Did you think how Socrates will judge you? (Silence) I'm asking you if you've thought of Socrates.
ALCIBIADES: We split up, Socrates and I.
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jerreeeeeee · 1 month
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tragic actual play siblings…
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gildedmuse · 11 months
I take issue with how hot Live Action Shanks is.
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He's making me feel things that I did not agree to.
You're suppose to be like the dad pirate, not a pirate I would happily call daddy.
Stay in your lane, good sir! Stay in your lane!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 8 months
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Oh, hey, looks like Plank joined the tea party after a- Hm. Not quite
SOME DOODLES!! And me spending forever trying to draw Dorothy and Plank digitally. Had to play around with Plank's colors since he hasn't actually been drawn with any yet, but Louie gave a helpful diagram HEHEJGK (i did draw him without the black boots tho. the black boots did not work very well)
Actually was melting over the dynamic I started drawing between Pawno and Dorothy like yeah Dorothy is. Dorothy. but this little boy was too persistent she got attached maybe. she would take him to McDonalds. I haven't drawn much of Plank and Dorothy but I think those two are really funny dynamic-wise the potential is there
They are so fun to draw I just need to practice with the mouse a bit more- I've been drawing traditionally a lot lately so I think my hand just needs to get used to it again
( Dorothy belongs to @faceeeeee and Plank belongs to @lord-bep )
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
Sometimes I think I have writer's block but then I write 1k+ of a oneshot and 2k of bdas in one sitting then I realize I'm just being dramatic LMAOOOOO
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stardynamite · 4 months
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kainissoable · 3 months
A thought. Because new Pillar Guardians are chosen at birth and we know that in Nosgoth souls are physically real and tied to the workings of the Pillar and Reaver, would that mean that in the LoK universe a soul enters the body at birth? Maybe at first breath like some real world faiths believe?
That would tie in nicely with Kain's speech in Soul Reaver 2, "As Ariel dies, I am being born to take her place" and how as a result he was corrupted at the moment of his first cry.
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adhduck · 2 months
okay dungeon meshi anime girlies (gn) give it to me straight how do we feel about the new intro
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blood-injections · 1 year
I know that in my au where Kobra is stuck in the city for two years with amnesia and when he finally remembers and gets back to the zones where everyone thinks he’s dead a tearful reunion would be more realistic and emotional but also I think it would just be really funny if i had him burst in and yell “Guess the fuck who!!” and scare the shit out of everyone
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dcmksecretsanta · 8 months
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to give you a little update and let you know that, unfortunately, I won't have the time to host the DCMK secret santa event this year. Earlier this year, I've started working full time (+ still working my two mini jobs) and therefore, I just won't have the necessary time to host this event anymore. From my experience during the last six years of hosting this event, I just know how much time I usually need to put into this event to make it work as I want it to work and I know that this won't be possible this year with my current jobs.
I want to thank you all so so much for joining the event the last couple of year and for being such a great community to work with. I really had the best time hosting this event all these years and it does make me really sad that I won't have the capabilites to do it anymore.
If anyone wants to host another DCMK secret santa event on tumblr this year, feel free to do so (not that you were ever not free to do so lol just wanted to clarify it in case that anyone was apprehensive about it)! Feel free to let me know as well and I would love to signal boost (and join) it!
I'm wishing you all the best and once again, thank you all so much for the last couple of years!
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bidokja · 6 months
only on episode 3 of the untamed but my fav characters (aside from the obvious wwx numero uno) so far are lan xichen (so sweetie 🥺💖), jiang cheng (YOU HAVE SO MANY ISSUES i just know hes gonna break me), and wen ning (SO BABY...HOLDS HIM SO GENTLE...)
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helenvader · 2 months
I found the black head scarf, so now the last person Lord Winder ever saw is perfect.
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