#dragon cares immeasurably
theprodigypenguin · 6 months
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I'm not well, bitch.
If this backstory has taught us anything, it's that Dragon cares so, so much.
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anonymouscheeses · 27 days
The Morningstar family :)
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First off, king of hell himself, Lucifer! I incorporated all of the animals he transformed into in the battle with Adam scene(goat, horse, snake, and duck but i wont include duck since hes obsessed already) Because I kept looking up what animals lucifer has been depicted as and was like, yeah nvm let's jst use this one scene and call it a day. His wings are black instead of white with black tips to further imply lil bro is a fallen angel. Made him doll-like to be similar to his daughter a bit but also they aren't freaking carbon copies of eachother, she is unique I swear guys. He's also not an all powerful being, he has limits, he gets tired quickly and his physical strength is LOW ASF he cannot throw a punch for the life of him. Personality wise, he is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful. But it's okay cuz he's silly 😐 /j he is super different, and it takes years for Charlie and him to be on speaking terms. He's trying, but is that enough?
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Lillith!!! The first succubi, from what I know. I didnt include succubi features because I'm an idiot and forgot that was a concept. Sure it may not be canon anymore, or at all maybe, but I would've liked to make it true ☹️ there's not alot known about her in the show and we don't know why she is in heaven (if that's even her tbh). So once we know I'll either rewrite that or keep it as it is, not sure. But this Lillith does own Alastor's soul, she knows that he is one of the most unusual and powerful sinner in hell, so once she flees to heaven she gains his soul to keep an eye on Charlie, in return she gives him influence over hell(being that she influences hell with her voice) The radio station and all, since that's pretty much all he wants. He gives her info on the hotel's progress and how Charlie is doing, she just wants to be there. Personality is uh, calm, ambitious, and generous, yet negatively she is strict and wants things her way. She is the one closest to Charlie and very dear to her, which is why Charlie always tries to call her instead of Eve or Lucifer. Even though Charlie knows now she won't pick up the phone anymore, maybe ever again. It still comforts her to call anyways.
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Lastllyy, Eveeee!! She's a pretty silly lil gal. She ate the apple of knowledge, so she was cursed to forever be reminded of it when she sees her tail. Oh yeah, they are also all married! Lillith's ring is under her glove. Anyway, she is pretty powerful despite her having no demon form. She already looks demon enough to fit in. So she does, she goes into pentagram city often and creates bonds with the people. Some know she is Eve and some just see her as a friendly yet powerful individual. Her magic is similar to Charlie's, she got the fireworks coming out of her finger from Eve, and they both can heal their body parts. Charlie doesn't know it because she hasn't needed to yet. Eve uses her charm to be friends with the people of hell, Lillith uses it to gain an army for the fight against heaven, Lucifer couldn't care less and coops himself up in his castle. Personality wise, she is very golden retriever, peaceful, and honest, yet also neglectful being that she spends time with demons rather than her own daughter. (She's barely there with Charlie even before she disappeared along with Lillith. But when they moved to the hotel she tried to make up for it.)
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She regretted the marriage. For years.
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The potential of Lillith angst is immeasurable, it's painful. Imagine being the first woman, forced into a marriage with a controlling man, falling in love with an angel, the other angels forbidding that, you both try to get Eve to join your relationship, she takes the apple but evil and such take over the world, and then because of your lover's dreams you are all sent to hell. Freaking horrible.
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Demon forms!! Charlie gained Lillith's demon form, but I may give her dragon wings to make up for it. Messy doodle I knowww *sob*. Eve doesn't have one because the elder angels stripped that away form her because they were terrified of all of them having stronger forms. They are also ALL cursed with different features. Soo uh, Lucifer has one red eye to remind him of his evil side, he also has all sort of animal details and doll features because he's a mess and a control freak! :3 Lillith has horns, hooves, and a tail because she joined the devil. Eve is blind, the angels ripped her eyes out because she dares to willingly see the devil and his bride, she has wings on each side of her head because she was also a fallen angel(it was hell, because she was unhappy in being Adam's wife, it was temporary as she made herself go to hell instead of being kicked out.) She has a snout and ears too, cuz goat, and a tail with a shape of an apple at the end. Eve was done the worse oh lawwdd 😭😭
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BABY CHARLIE!! She at one point HAD to have worn overalls. Right? PLEASE?? I don't know how to draw toddlers bear with me here.
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Emo Charlie! Yayy.... she got her period so now she's an adult. 💀 little does she know it's actually a trauma response to being neglected so she tries to get attention by being weird!! 😃👍 (I ruined emo Charlie now)
(I have no idea how to do aesthetics... I'm in pain.)
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When I said Lucifer is judgemental, prideful, and neglectful, I meant it. He's a horrible person. But he's trying to be better. That doesn't make him good nor excuse his behavior, he deserves the consequences. Which is why I don't like Lucifer in the show. He is NOT a good person but in one episode he is deprived from the karma of YEARS of neglect and shame. He just says "oh ill support you now" despite two episodes later the message is that actions speak louder than words which only applies to Vaggie for some reason. Why is Lucifer all of a sudden the exception? Oh right cuz he's a silly dad with depression so it's fine(Sorry but this genuinely pisses me off). And people in the fandom have demonized Charlie for being "mean" to him, when she is honestly so valid for reacting like that. The thing is, I don't hate Lucifer. Which is why I hate him if that makes sense. I hate that I like a character that shouldn't be liked yet. This should have been an arc for season 2. This scene should have been the start of the journey. The scene I drew out above is in ep 5 and it's the only interaction they get (it replaces the more than anything scene)
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Charlie has no idea how humans/sinners work. She likes to observe them but never quite gets the purpose of their actions. She's emotionally unintelligent like in the show. Which lemme just say, is a FLAW. Characters have FLAWS PEOPLE. If I see another person shaming her for indirectly hurting Angel in episode 4 I'm going to lose it 🥰 she doesn't get emotions, she doesn't understand how people work, because she's been in isolation her entire 200+ years of living maybe less. But still this is all new to her and she is not at fault at all for that (im projecting probably) 🙄 (this is before Vaggie is revealed to be a fallen angel ofc). She's so in awe at her people, it's like a new world and she just wants to understand. It's kinda creepy but y'know it's a Charlie thing. Vaggie also is emotionally unintelligent but that's because she never used to focus on relationships or bonding. Which causes bad communication and problems between the two, YAY DEVELOPMENT!!
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Idk bro I just wanted to draw her full demon form again. Uhh from the last time I drew I gave her... a new outfit, darker fur to match her skin, uhh, and dragon wings. Ya thas all but I like this one so much more already lmao. I got the fire hair idea because when she gets angry in the show(+pilot) her hair would defy gravity and it would remind me of yknow.. fire.
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They're first meeting went swell! Unlike Lucifer and Vaggie's... but that's for later. Emily grew up afraid of hell but especially Lucifef and turning out the way he did. She still is but she's getting used to having the monster of her bed time stories be a short gummy bear. (Takes place when Charlie and Lucifer are in... better terms I guess) Also, Vaggie and Lucifer's first meet? Not great. Let's just say... Vaggie replaced Alastor and it become "Hell's Greatest Pal" or somthn like that. But yeah, Lucifer didn't really like Vaggie, not because she's a woman n homophobia hellll no his wives are wives, but because he didn't think she was good enough for her. Being a sinner n all. He's a hypocrite like that 😭 plus, he knew Vaggie was a fallen angel but he's not a monster so he didn't say anything. Just passively jabbing at the fact she is in the song to make her scared.
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And one last doodle before I sign off!
These six bro... my absolute favorites <3 if you want please send in a request of them and their relationships I'm so desperate I love them sm (especially chaggily butttt lucifers stolen wives(that's the ship name I made 😭) too)
I hope you liked my rambel... my rewrite.... my redesigns.... and my stupidness... have a great day lmao
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
then imagine daemon's look of pride when his daughter says "dracarys" for the first time to her three-headed dragon
I like to imagine that Daemon would actually tear up a bit when his bby finally says their first ‘Dracarys’. He’s just so unbelievably and incredibly proud. Of course no one will know he ever did such a thing and if someone says something about it they’re dead. But his overall pride and love for his bby as a whole is immeasurable and in that moment would only grow more. Especially seeing how happy and giddy his bby gets over the whole thing.
Also, you can bet Daemon is gonna get his kid to take him dragon riding on their dragon. Of course he excuses it as teaching them how to ride but once their three headed dragon grows even bigger than Balerion, Daemon is amazed. He can’t help his excitement. The thought of being able to ride a dragon of even greater caliber than the Black Dread is a chance you can’t pass up. And the best thing is that said dragon belongs to his very own child, it fills Daemon with a sense of utter pride and admiration I don’t think anything else can come close too.
Daemon would also be appreciative that his bby’s dragon is just as devoted to them as he is, maybe even more so. I can’t help but imagine Daemon and Reader’s three headed dragon beefing with each other over who loves and cares for the Reader more? Like the kinda relationship Flynn Rider and Maximus have in Tangled. But them both coming to an all around agreement that the Reader is of the utmost priority and will do absolutely anything to keep them safe and happy.
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futureslaps · 1 year
The Captive - Chapter 9
Chapter 8     Chapter 10
As always, enjoy 💙
“Wake up, kid”
Spider slowly opened his eyes as he felt Quaritch gently shake his shoulder.
“You have to go, Spider. It’s almost sunrise.”
As Spider stood up, he turned to look at Quaritch. He clearly hadn’t slept, but he had a content look on his face. For a moment they both stood still, smiling at each other through the bars.
Spider needed more of these moments.
“I’ll see you soon.” Spider promised.
Quaritch looked like he wanted to argue, but he held his tongue. Maybe he knew it was pointless.
“Alright kid, stay strong out there.” He gave a reassuring grin, but the words were still sad.
Spider was about to leave but stopped himself. He turned around to reply.
“You…you take care too.”
Quaritch looked down for a moment. Finally, he gave a small nod, and lay back against one of the hut’s walls.
Spider quickly slid under the canvas, and, once he had ensured the guards hadn’t seen him, started making his way back to the village. As always, his heart ached at having to leave Quaritch and face… everything again. Spider reflected on his relationship with his father.
He knew he should have stopped himself from growing attached to the man; he should have known it could never work. But he’d been naïve. The entire time he was with Quaritch he’d held onto the hope that things would somehow work out. That somehow, Quaritch would have a change of heart, or that by some miracle, the Sullys and Quaritch would never cross paths.
Even during their final days on the Sea Dragon, during the raids on the villages, Spider desperately kept hoping. But things had only gotten worse and worse, and now here he was.
He’d hurt the Sullys more than he ever imagined he could, and he’d only hurt them more once they found out the truth about him.
Quaritch was imprisoned and had nine days to live.
The knowledge of the upcoming trial weighed on Spider more with each passing day. It almost felt like a countdown to his own death, and Spider was completely powerless against it. He could only wait as the day he would be completely alone drew closer.
Spider hadn’t considered yet what he would do once it was over. He felt barely alive now, his meetings with Quaritch were the only thing he could look forward to. What would he do? Would he really have to spend his days doing nothing but aimlessly wandering? Always close to the Sullys, never escaping the constant feeling of guilt?
The thought filled him with dread, but what could he do? It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go. Or anything else to do, for that matter.
Part of nothing.
Spider forced the thought out of his head. He took a moment to look out across the ocean. The horizon was just beginning to brighten in the early morning. Combined with the bioluminescence of the reef, the scene was almost ethereal. It was in places like these that he always felt Eywa was closest.
Spider thought for a moment about Eywa. Did she see him? Did she understand his plight?
It was desperate, but he had to try.
“Eywa, hear me.” He whispered almost inaudibly, trying to put as much feeling into his words as he could.
“Please, Eywa. Please don’t let him die. He doesn’t have to die.”
Spider searched for words to say.
“He can change, I know he can. He changed for me…” Tears began to roll down his cheeks.
“Please don’t let me be alone. I…please…” He fell to his knees.
Spider knew he was grasping at straws. Jake would find Quaritch ngay kawng, just as he had every right to. Quaritch had been kind to Spider, but it couldn’t exonerate him from everything else he’d done. Spider had known this from the moment Quaritch was imprisoned. He knew that Quaritch had to face justice.
But it still broke his heart immeasurably.
As the first rays of the sun began to reflect across the water, Spider slowly got back up and started walking to the village. The first Metkayina were starting to wake as he sat on one of the Hometree’s roots, trying to process everything.
“Please, Eywa.” He whispered one more time.
It was afternoon when Jake finally found Spider. He was sitting on one of the Metkayina Hometree’s many roots, lost in thought. Jake regarded the human with apprehension.
They had to talk. A real talk. Not the brief conversations they’ve been having.
Jake had been hesitant to approach Spider, but he’d promised Kiri he’d at least try to talk to him about how he was feeling. His relationship with his daughter was already frayed, and the last thing he wanted her to think was that he was putting this off.
Besides, for once, Quaritch had been sound asleep while Jake brought him food, and he’d managed not to wake him, so for once his mind was clear heading into the day.
“Spider, will you come with me for a second?”
Spider’s eyes briefly widened at the question, but he quickly stood up and nodded.
“What’s going on, is everything ok?” Spider asked as they walked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
“There’s just something I need to talk with you about.” Jake replied calmly, but the answer seemed to tense Spider up more.
They finally reached the Sullys marui, empty at this time of day. Jake took a seat and motioned for Spider to do the same. Jake took a deep breath, then spoke.
“I wanted to ask how you’ve been doing, Spider.”
Spider looked a little relieved at the question. When he spoke, it was the same answer as always.
“I’m fine, things are…okay.”
Jake frowned. He knew he had to push more.
“I’m serious, Spider. You can talk to me.”
“I’m good, really. You shouldn’t worry about me.” Spider replied, starting to look more uncomfortable.
Jake sighed. He had to bring it up.
“Spider…” he considered his next words carefully.
“You were with the RDA and Quaritch for a long time.”
Spider’s face grew pained as he brought up his time in captivity. Jake hated that he had to remind Spider of such painful memories, but he had to try to get through to him.
“I don’t know what happened while you were a prisoner. But if there’s anything you want to talk about, I’m here.”
Spider looked down, no longer looking Jake in the face. He was quiet, but Jake could tell that he was hurting. He tried to think of something to reassure him.
“The RDA can’t hurt you here. Quaritch can’t hurt you here. You don’t have to be scared, Spider. You’re safe. It’s okay to talk about it.”
But Spider remained silent. Jake heard his breath grow shallower. Finally, Spider replied.
“You don’t have to worry. I…I’m good.” His voice was rushed.
Jake tried to think of something else to say, but the boy was already standing up.
“I…I have to go. I…need to do something.” Spider said hastily as he left.
Jake watched him leave glumly.
At least he’d tried.
It was painfully obvious Spider wasn’t “good”. Whatever had happened while Spider was with Quaritch, it had clearly cut Spider deep. But Jake wasn’t going to push him any further if he didn’t want to talk about it.
He quietly cursed Quaritch for whatever he’d done to Spider. What kind of man hurts a child, his own child, like this?
As he left his Marui, he took comfort in the fact that justice would soon come for the Colonel.
I wonder if Jake is missing something else that cut Spider deep...
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 
I’d love to hear any thoughts/theories y’all have! I have a good chunk planned out, but I’d love to hear any thoughts! Comments are always appreciated 💙
Thanks again to everyone who follows this story! I never expected to get anywhere close to this many readers 💙💙
Taglist: @buzzing-honeybee @yesthisismycurrenthyperfixation
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galionne-speeding · 3 months
What're the eight gods like in your Sonic Pantheon AU?
Aah thank you so much for asking! I wasn't sure how/when to drop all the character info ; but now I've got the perfect excuse! To make it more digestible to read (and easier on myself) I'll copy/paste my character doc! (with some slight adjustments)
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Name: Boreas (Also known as "The Cursed Winter", "Lord of Ice") Age: 25 Gender: Male (He/They) Species: Megaloceros Emerald: White
Several millennia ago, the last known megaloceros tribe was wiped out by its neighbors who greatly feared its people's ability to control ice and the cold. The sole survivor of the massacre, Boreas, was able to flee and it is believed he found a Chaos Emerald during his escape. Imbued with new power, he would soon return to avenge his people and slaughter those who had taken their lives ; until a small group of warriors was able to seal him deep inside an underground ice lake.
Name: Piia (Also known as "The Trickster", "Devil's Child", "The Moon-Kissed Spirit") Age: 8 Gender: Non-Binary (They/Them) Species: Pygmy Rabbit (Albino) Emerald: Light Blue
Piia was only a child when their village was hit by a disastrous harvest ; and they were offered as a sacrifice to the mountain their people worshiped. They were thrown into a deep crevasse and were killed on impact. However, their body had landed next to a Chaos Emerald which seemingly fed so much energy into it, Piia was brought back to life and granted an array of supernatural abilities. The young rabbit would go on to terrorize their old village, until they were tricked by another child into sealing themselves into a small mirror.
Name: Zeutaros (Also known as "The Storm", "The Great Dragon", "The Beast") Age: 201 (Early 40s by Zeti standards) Gender: Male (He/Him) Species: Ancient Zeti Emerald: Red
A Zeti Warlord of terrifying renown, it is believed Zeutaros fell to Mobius from the Lost Hex in ancient times. He seemingly found a Chaos Emerald near his landing site which charged him with immeasurable power and soon began ravaging the land in an enraged frenzy. The carnage would only end when Zeutaros accidentally broke the roof of a large underground cave system, where he fell and was buried by the rubble.
Name: Mother Agnes (Also known as "The Sunset Witch") Age: 62 Gender: Female (She/Her) Species: Luna Moth Emerald: Yellow
Little is known about Mother Agnes’ past ; only that she suffered greatly in her youth. In her early 60s she opened a boarding school for lost and troubled children which saw great success ; until all of the children put under her care began to vanish. It was soon discovered that she was in possession of a Chaos Emerald, which she was using to put the children into a comatose sleep in order to feed on their dreams. Her school was promptly swarmed by villagers and Agnes was captured and burned at the stake, at which point all of the children woke up. Her medallion is currently displayed in Sunset City’s history museum.
Name: Désiré (Also known as "Prince Raj", "The Adored One") Age: 17 Gender: Agender (They/Them) Species: Jacobin Pigeon Emerald: Purple
Born into wealth and nobility, Prince Raj was raised from the youngest age to be the next ruler of the kingdom and believed to have everything one could ever wish for. Yet many ; servants and nobles alike ; had noted how disheartend and dejected the prince always appeared both in public and in private. When the future sovereign turned 17 they were gifted a large purple gem which they took a particular interest in. Not long after this, communication from the kingdom to its neighbors slowly dwindled until it fell completely silent. It was soon discovered that the large purple gem gifted to Prince Raj was in fact a Chaos Emerald ; which they were using to warp the minds of the entire kingdom, so that all alike would see their lives now revolving around their new ruler as they worshipped and adored Raj day in and day out. The spell was only broken when an assassin was sent to enter the palace and successfully killed the prince.
Name: Malda (Also known as "The Hermit", "The Pestilence Witch") Age: 51 Gender: Female (She/Her) Species: African Common Toad Emerald: Green
Malda used to be a peaceful and solitary hermit living deep in the forest, making herbal remedies for those daring enough to visit her hut. When a villager went missing after visiting her however, she was quickly accused of causing his disappearance- as well as all others in the area. While historians now believe she was innocent, villagers at the time condemned her to death by drowning in the nearby lake. Not long following her death, the region was hit with several devastating epidemics ; which were only quelled once the lake was drained and The Pestilence Witch’s skeleton placed in an airtight coffin. A Chaos Emerald was found near her remains during the draining process.
Name: Manas (Also know as "Royal Seer Manas", "The Devil's Tongue") Age: 57 Gender: Male (He/Him) Species: Manul Emerald: Dark Blue
From a young age, Manas had always displayed the uncanny ability to learn everything from an individual, just by shaking their hand or touching their clothes. As this ability was sharpened over the following years, Manas began to slowly amass followers who were bewildered by his visions and predictions of the future. Little did they know, Manas was granted these abilities by a Chaos Emerald he was keeping safely hidden. As more and more people joined the ranks of his followers, the manul declared himself emperor and set his people on a path to conquer new land ; aided by his visions and knowledge. It is believed this conquest lasted for several decades and saw hundreds of war victories for the manul- until it all fell apart. One of Manas' visions turned out to be inaccurate, leading to a crushing defeat and the loss of nearly three quarters of his army. Disillusioned and under the assumption their ruler had knowingly sent them to their deaths, it is believed the survivors tracked down Manas and brutally murdered him for his failures.
Name: ∅ / Null Gender: ▇▇▇▇ (It/Its) Species: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ Emerald: ▇▇▇▇
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ashsmack · 3 months
Farewell, Toriyama
The year is 2012. Quite the eventful year, the London Olympics, Hurrican Sandy, Obama's re-election. None of which I cared about at the time though, I was just a midget 6 year old. What I did care about, though, was a box of magic one of my friends owned. To me, a source of endless wonder. To the rest of the world, a PS2.
Predictably enough, every time we visited his place, we would always be gaming, to the point that our parents would constantly be nagging us to go outside (some things never change), but the allure of these games kept me captivated. And yet, one game called to me like none other. I knew nothing about it, not the story, not the characters, nothing of the source material. This game was named 'DragonBall Budokai Tenkaichi 3' and little did I know, I was about to introduced to a universe which would go on to bring me unending joy for more than a decade to come.
Admittedly, discovering DB through one of the games isn't really recommended, probably one of the worst ways to get into it especially considering the spoilers and how confusing it gets. Despite all this, the scene where Goku faces off against Frieza, where he turns Super Saiyan for the first, gave me literal chills. I've watched this scene time and time again throughout the years and it has never once failed to fill me with awe. I ended up watching DB every day, after school for like the next 6 years. I watched the entirety of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super, which I watched weekly until it ended around 2018. I've watched every DB movie till date, ending at DB Super Hero which I watched about October last year.
Having written all this out, it really does sound nuts. I started watching Dragon Ball at the itty bitty age of 6, and here I am today, writing this as I stand on the cusp of adulthood. 12 years DB has stayed with me. Like Goku (although without the weird Saiyan ageing), I've grown. I've made and lost friends. I've been stuck within my own shell, and I've broken free. I fought depression, and while depression fought back hard, here I am, at my best. Quite unlike any man, whether friend or family, DB has been there for me throughout. Whether it was entertainment I needed, or a distraction from my problems, there it was, as absurdly cringey and stupid as it sounds.
Over the years, DB has taught me many things. The immeasurable value of friendship for one. Another, is the way even proud Prince Vegeta redeemed himself, find himself married and now in fatherhood. The biggest lesson it taught me, however, was the power of determination. To never back down, to never just settle for what you think you're capable of, to always be working to surpass your limits. While ofcourse I never ended up with blonde hair, for me it helped me break out of my shell and start improving myself, something I will forever be thankful for.
While I don't claim to be the biggest DB superfan, the franchise holds an immeasurable, irreplaceable place in my heart.
As the news of Akira Toriyama's tragic passing reaches us today, I hope he knows that he has woven the fabric of countless childhoods, just like mine. His work and influence will never be forgotten, and his name will reside in all our hearts.
Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog borrows from Dragon Ball a lot. It's an open secret. Everyone knows it. Even Frontiers could be argued to be Sonic's version of Namek, which gets harder to unsee when you notice Eggman's conspicuous saucer ships dotted around the landscape.
But do you know what strikes me as interesting?
The Chaos Emeralds are Sonic's version of Dragon Balls. In fact, they even shored up the number to seven, matching Dragon Ball, in the same game that they introduced Sonic turning into a Super Saiyan. Originally it was six Emeralds and no Super Sonic.
But the staying power of the Chaos Emeralds has far outshone the Dragon Balls. The titular Dragon Balls often end up being dialed down to a background MacGuffin. Characters will collect the Dragon Balls offscreen because they're too busy doing plot stuff to have a serious gathering arc.
Someone will just turn up going, "Yo, I got all the Dragon Balls. Let's resurrect everyone who died or whatever we're doing with them."
But the Chaos Emeralds have remained front and center for much of the franchise. Where the individual Emeralds got scattered to and how to bring them all back together comes up a lot in Sonic the Hedgehog, as does the lore and history behind them.
Why is that? Well. Here's the thing.
The decision to tie the Emeralds into Sonic's central themes and especially into Super Sonic makes them critical to the story.
Goku's Super Saiyan form is a power that he has, independent of the Dragon Balls. This works for the central themes of Dragon Ball, which are about hard work and self-improvement to overcome obstacles. Ultimately, Dragon Ball is the story of Goku, not the story of the Dragon Balls. So the gathering of the Dragon Balls often becomes a vestigial element.
Sonic's central themes are about the effects of industrialization on the ecological world. Eggman represents the cold, uncaring advance of "progress" turning forests into lumber yards and fields into factories. Like, the fact that his murder robots are being powered by innocent woodland creatures is pretty unsubtle about what's being said here. The Chaos Emeralds are much more firmly tied to that theme.
The Chaos Emeralds are presented as a natural resource. They're mysterious artifacts of ambiguous origin that produce immeasurable power. To Eggman, they exist to be exploited. They're something he can plug into his latest machine. He doesn't really care about the Emeralds, so much as he cares about what he can build with the Emeralds.
But the Chaos Emeralds aren't his. They're something raw and wild and majestic in their own right. They have no real origin because they don't need one. Nature doesn't stop to explain itself. Ultimately, Sonic's goal is typically not to get the Emeralds for himself, but to simply keep them away from Eggman's ever-expanding industrial engines.
Eggman wants to take these ancient, mysterious natural artifacts of immeasurable wonder and turn them into batteries. Sonic says, "No, you can't do that, I won't let you." This ties into the greater conflict, where Eggman wants to turn the whole world into a chain of factories, warehouses, and production lines, and Sonic won't let him.
Sonic is basically a more aggressive Lorax who isn't taking any of the Once-ler's shit.
By contrast, Super Sonic is the result of Sonic taking the Emeralds as they are and channeling their power in its raw, unmodified form. This is something Eggman would never do because, as mentioned above, he doesn't really care about the Emeralds themselves. But Sonic does. Sonic respects the unchecked power of nature. And he uses that power to wreck Eggman's stuff and free the enslaved woodland creatures within.
Dragon Ball was able to ultimately move on from the Dragon Balls because, at the end of the day, they're just a neat plot device that Goku can sometimes use, but they aren't really central to the story. The story is about Goku and his journey to expand his horizons.
But you can't really divorce Sonic the Hedgehog from the Chaos Emeralds. They are the ultimate manifestation of everything Sonic's story is about.
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aces-and-kings · 11 months
Another Tankard If You Please
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The sun had begun its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the snow covered streets of Ishgard. Erasmus adjusted the strap on his prosthetic leg as he made his way towards the Forgotten Knight, a popular tavern in the heart of the city. It had been a while since he had last seen Thor, and he was looking forward to catching up over a tankard of ale.
Pushing open the tavern doors, he was greeted by the lively sounds of laughter and clinking mugs. The familiar scent of roasted meats and aged oak filled the air, welcoming him with a comforting embrace. He scanned the room and spotted his friend sitting at a table nearest the fireplace, that familiar duskwolf accent already audible from across the room.
As Erasmus approached, Thor rose to greet him, leaving the cigarette hanging from his lips as he offered his hand. They exchanged a firm shake and took their seats, the noise of the tavern fading into the background as they settled into their conversation.
The two men spoke of their past adventures, Erasmus as a dragoon, and Thorstyr as... a sailor. They reminisced about battles fought and victories won, and then they spoke of the Dragon Song War. Erasmus shared his own experience, the tragic loss of his leg at the jaws of a fearsome beast. How his ego had gotten the best of him. He admitted that he had learned a valuable lesson about the limits of his own strength that day.
Thorstyr listened intently, having moved on to the stronger stuff than ale, smoking his cigarette, and nodding understandingly. He was a seasoned warrior himself, albeit in a vastly different manner, and he knew all too well the dangers that awaited those who underestimated the might of their adversaries.
As the conversation continued, the topic shifted to personal matters. Erasmus spoke with affection about his young son, Harklan, who had brought immeasurable joy into his life. He explained how his priorities had shifted since becoming a father, and how his son's happiness and well-being were paramount.
Thorstyr's gaze wandered uncomfortably, but ultimately he shared a bittersweet tale of his own. He revealed that in recent times he had taken in an orphaned miqo'te girl and cared for her. She had been a bright light in his life, but fate had other plans. Eventually, her extended family had come forward and claimed her, and Thor had to bid her farewell. Though he missed her dearly, he knew it was for the best. Pirates really didn't make for the best of parents. Sailors.
Erasmus pondered for a moment, his eyes filled with curiosity before he asked if Thor would ever considered adopting again, perhaps finding another child in need of a loving home. The duskwolf's smile turned wistful as he replied, "Nay, lad. Tha memories o' Dkota still tug at me heart. Tis best ah let others find tha joy o' raisin' a child."
Erasmus respected his friend's decision, understanding the pain that lay beneath Thor's words. They clinked their drinks together in a silent salute, acknowledging the complex emotions that life often brought.
As the evening wore on, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, and chuckling banter filled the air once more. Erasmus and Thor relished in each other's company, grateful for the friendship that had endured through the years despite their time apart. They toasted to the past, to the present, and to the uncertain future that awaited them.
In that warm corner of the Forgotten Knight, they found that they were mutual fighters, fathers, and friends, each carving their own destinies in a world forever changed by the ebb and flow of time. And for that night, they found comfort in the warmth of camaraderie and the promise of a new day.
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@mrlarkstin thank you for allowing me to ft. erasmus in this, hope you like the exchange.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
hi hello today i bring you somft smut thoughts because the ending of your dragon fic has me craving some nice somno/cockwarming. so like... hob's just spent a couple weeks in the dreaming being the corinthian's toy. and he's had an incredible time, he'd happily stay longer, but also he does love his job and fall term is coming up so he really does have to go back to the waking and be a real person again. it's a hell of a transition, but he'd known it would be. what he didn't expect is that he just. can't get to sleep.
he didn't sleep, exactly, in the dreaming, but a human mind can only be alert for so long at a time so he'd kind of doze sometimes. and his lovers always took full advantage of the opportunity to cuddle (and fuck) him while he was all soft and sleepy. sometimes he'd doze in dream's lap, stuffed full of as big a cock as he wanted. sometimes he'd lay in bed with one of them spooned up behind him. but he'd always have one of them with him and inside him when he rested. and now he can't get to sleep on his own. he tosses and turns for ages, he eventually gets to sleep once he gets up and finds a nice plug to stuff himself with, but he still takes ages to fall asleep and he sleeps poorly.
dream comes by to check on him after a couple nights of this. hob didn't want to stay anything because he figured he'd adjust eventually and it just seems silly to have to ask the lord of dreams to come put him to bed. which dream's very quick to correct him on. sure, dream can't stay with him all night. neither can the corinthian, now he's back to his duties. but that doesn't mean they can't take a little time to care for hob in the evenings.
so every night, once hob's ready to go to bed, he sends off a quick prayer and dream or the corinthian will come as quickly as they can. sometimes they'll fuck. sometimes hob's tired and all he wants to do is sleep, and as soon as he's tucked into bed with a lover at his back and his hole nicely filled he's already drifting off to sleep. (they're encouraged to fuck him after he falls asleep, of course. he likes waking up and realizing they did, either because his thighs are a sticky mess or because he's still plugged full of come).
and especially like. just imagine when it's the corinthian who gets sent to the waking to put their human to bed. he's a nightmare, he's dangerous, he's monstrous. he's not supposed to be comforting to anyone. but he spoons up behind this impossible human and buries his cock in that lovely hole and hob goes boneless. he's got a predator at his back and he falls asleep in moments. the corinthian has no idea how to handle being loved like this.
This is SO PURE AND GOOD. cockwarming is my underrated fave. I just adore the idea of Hob becoming so adorably needy for his lovers - of course he doesn’t want to say anything about it, but after so much touch and stimulation in the dreaming he does feel so achy and tired. Usually he can sleep anywhere, anytime, but now he’s tossing and turning, hugging his pillows for comfort. It’s never enough though.
The relief when Dream and the Corinthian come to comfort him is immeasurable. He doesn’t have to go to bed alone. Either one or both of them is there to snuggle up with him, caressing his sore body and whispering sweet nothings to him. Sometimes work makes Hob feel so exhausted he actually needs to be carried off to bed, undressed and tucked in. He secretly loves the way the Corinthian is so gentle with him on nights like that. Hob clings to him, won’t let go until they’re both safely under the covers and the Corinthian is gently fingering him as he drifts off to sleep. Dream always drops by, even when he isn’t the one putting Hob to bed, just to check in on him. Most nights he’ll slip into the bed for an hour in the middle of the night if he can spare that much time. He’ll spoon Hob and make sure his dreams are sweet, and he’ll gently fuck into his sleeping body, warming his cock with his human’s lovely hole until it’s time to return to his duties.
And Hob is so grateful, even though he often wakes up alone. He’s always well fucked and he can feel soft kisses lingering on his skin. He never forgets to send a good morning text to the Corinthian (and a message to Dream via Matthew, when he drops by at breakfast). He’s so normal, and so human, and yet he’s insatiable and slightly insane. And Dream and his nightmare couldn’t love him more.
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neppednep · 2 months
So, why *would* Serafall solo all of Dragon Ball?
Damn, didn't think anyone would actually ask that. I'm going to try summarize this instead of going on a massive yapfest like before and finding out there's only a ten picture limit on Tumblr.
Also, slight spoilers for the DxD novels if you care about those things.
This is for fun and Serafall propaganda, so don't take the Serafall wank too seriously.
It still turned into a massive yapfest. So much for summarizing. It was fun enough to write, at least.
In any case, as the leader of the Cult of Serafall, almost 68 members strong, some of which may or may not be Discord bots, I approve this message.
Serafall doesn't solo the DBZ anime though, just the manga. You also can't really use guide statements as mixing/matching guides and taking them at their highest possible interpretation can get real wonky real fast. Looking at you immeasurable speed multiversal Frieza.
We will also be taking Serafall statements at their highest interpretation because I love her and she deserves the best.
TL;DR: Manga Goku is only multi-solar system and MFTL at best. Skip to the next bold text if you want to see what best girl can do.
Anyways, using only the manga Goku is surprisingly weak compared to his anime counterpart. The problem with the manga is, we don't really get many statements or filler that helps Goku, or really any character for that matter.
The best solid statement in the manga that I know of is about Cell who was going to destroy the universe. You have things like Frieza and Cell also being a threat to the universe, but taking the context of their lifespans and the fact they're very powerful with no one to really stop them, it becomes a matter of if they can do it in one attack or if they're going to threaten it overtime. Going with consistency and context, it's most likely the second.
If we do use guides at their highest possible interpretation, that's how we get the macrocosm destroying Frieza who is fast enough to move where time doesn't exist which is less than realistic, to say the least.
Going back to Buu and Goku, we don't even have one galaxy level statement or feat in the manga. In the anime it shows Buu destroying a galaxy and everything, but in the manga the best we get is Supreme Kai yapping about how he destroyed hundreds of planets.
This isn't a particularly good look on its own, so we'd have to scale them off Cell and Supreme Kai, as weird as that sounds.
Starting out, we have Cell as a solar system buster. We all know SS2 Gohan is stronger than that, as he pushed back Cell's blast and killed him. We have that infamous statement about how SS2 Goku is as strong as Gohan was in the Cell Games, but we'll go beyond that and give Goku the benefit of the doubt to give him a boost.
First, Supreme Kai did state he can one shot Frieza, he sensed SS2 Gohan's energy, and he knew the saiyans beat Frieza.
Fast forward to Babidi's ship, he saw Pui Pui and was spooked to the point where he thought himself, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan would need to jump him. Keep in mind, four bare minimum Frieza level fighters to jump Pui Pui.
Vegeta then managed to completely dominate Pui Pui in his base.
Once again, giving Goku the benefit of the doubt, let's assume Gohan did not get any weaker over the seven years and say his SS2 form was the same power as in the Cell Games, meaning the Supreme Kai thought even SS2 Gohan wouldn't be enough for Pui Pui and base Vegeta would be at that level.
So after all that, base Goku should be a solar system buster.
The problem is even our milky way galaxy is approximately 800 million times larger than our solar system.
Using the x400 SS3 multiplier isn't really reaching that threshold.
Even if want to go off the rails and give mastered super saiyan something like a x5,000 multiplier because screw it, it's stronger than grade 3, it would still only be 40,000 which is far off from galaxy level.
Just quickly calculating speed with power levels assuming they're linear, Goku dodged the solar flare in DB with a power level of 180. We'll make that the baseline for light speed. Namek Goku has a power level of 150,000,000 which is a difference of 833,333 times, that's the last power level we have and I don't really want to speculate but we can safely place Goku above one million times light speed.
Even if you don't accept that and use the special beam canon used against Raditz which is light speed, it wouldn't make much of a difference. Trust me, it won't matter in the end anyway.
TL;DR: Serafall is bare minimum universal and immeasurable speed.
Totally no cope or bias, 100% legit. Trust me, bro.
In volume 18, life 1, Griselda states the third level of Heaven is so vast you can't tell where the end is. Obviously, we all know you can't see the end of it because there is no end. It's an infinite realm. Sure will be convenient for what's coming up.
What's coming up you ask?
Trihexa takes a casual stroll through Heaven in volume 21 and destroys that infinite dimension. In order to destroy an infinite 3D space, you'd need infinite 3D power, which Trihexa did.
I know you may be thinking:
'Hey, bozo. That's not consistent with anything in DxD at all. What drugs are you on?'
You may have forgotten about the 'Loli of the Week #2, 05/25/2022' (Yes, that's a real thing.) the Infinite Dragon God Ophis who has infinite power, and shares the spot for strongest in the world with Great Red and Trihexa which should also mean they have infinite power too.
Before anyone claims she got her power cut in half so she can't be infinite, shut up. Go to school and learn about set theory or alephs.
Great Red and Trihexa also can destroy the universe, as Azazel stated they would in their fight. Fan translations say it's world, but it can also be translated to universe. Plus, the two can really be used interchangeably.
Not gonna go into Trihexa wrecking other mythologies though as that gets wacky.
Now is the fun part where Serafall comes in.
Serafall is one of the people chosen to fight Trihexa for the next couple thousand years, being sealed away with it in a constant battle. Considering she can damage Trihexa and take attacks from it, using the AP = Durability rule we can safely put her on or around his level.
Obviously it's only still alive because it's regeneration. Serafall would have drop kicked that bozo otherwise. Universal Serafall confirmed.
She gets immeasurable speed through Gasper as he freezes time and she can still frolic around and talk about magical girls like nothing happened. She's just that powerful.
She should also be able to move in the dimensional gap which may not contain time as Gasper can't use his sacred gear that, as there isn't really any time to stop.
100% immeasurable speed.
If we really go want to go further, we can argue the Biblical God and all the Gods Trihexa defeated were as strong as they are in their real mythologies, but that's just bullying at that point.
You ain't ready for omnipotent Serafall.
Sorry to all you Goku fanboys but Serafall > Goku.
I'm also sorry to everyone who actually read to the end of this. Not really.
Next time omnipotent Serafall is coming to solo all of fiction. Trihexa was possibly the cause of the Biblical Gods' death, who is stated to be omnipotent in the Bible, making them strong enough to destroy omnipotence.
If anyone has any counter arguments, that's cool but look at this cat.
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Here is some of the previous post I discarded because it got a bit boring and the 10 image limit. Behind the scenes content. This was using a hyperliteral Goku. Please do not use these arguments. Ever.
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hirazuki · 1 year
For the flower language writing prompts, would you do thyme for Mairon, please?
Thyme | Courage, Strength | What mercy means
•────────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅────────────────────•
The winds blow cold along the coast, vague whispers of snow from the high mountains running headlong into the salt spray spewed by a sea that is still black, still writhing, as unsettled as his thoughts.
But not cold enough; not high enough.
It is all painfully mild against the memory of lurching cliffs and burning ice -- a landscape that he would carve out a portion of his very soul to be able to complain about, just one more time, that now lies immeasurable fathoms below his feet.
The death throes of Angband had been violent: a beast crippled and cornered and drowned. Mairon had lingered, despite his orders, to try and get as many out as he could, to try and save what little remained of his wolves, to --
All pointless. Once Melkor had been removed, the water had come. The lower levels stood no chance; the upper levels, a mere ghost of one. Stone; metal; flesh -- all gave way under the pressure, and even dragon-fire was doused.
(He thought that he, too, would be drowned, insofar as an Ainu can -- have his body stripped from him, at the very least; he should have drowned. Instead, he awoke to find himself securely tucked away on this strange new coastline, entirely unharmed, strings of seaweed clinging to his body and the scent of storms upon his skin -- residue, that he has been studiously ignoring.)
Mairon can still hear the screams.
He has no care for elves or men or other creatures that the Valar like to fancy themselves as keeping, but he is -- was, he reminds himself, with bitterness and bite -- a leader of armies, and, as such, knows warfare and all its aspects intimately. The sheer number of casualties the other side has suffered -- including what must have been non-combatants, continent-wide -- has to be exponentially larger than his; staggeringly so.
The Valar finally deigned to interfere in the affairs of those beyond their rose-colored isolation, in order to save these people, presumably.
Mairon cannot help but scoff. His lord, in all his pain and anger and malice, was kinder, in the end.
Is this their idea of mercy?
Is this what they consider an acceptable loss?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ☽༓☾. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The sea swells and roars as flashes of fire cut across the sky, and the island breaks apart with a sound that shackles his mind to a horror he had thought safely left behind in the previous Age.
As the wave rises, a churning shadow looming at almost the entire height of the Meneltarma where he stands, echoing past mercy bestowed so acutely that it seems he could have been walking the halls of Angband only yesterday, something twists and snaps inside him --
And he laughs.
Mairon -- Tar-Mairon, Zigûr -- laughs at the sight of the chasm opening up before Númenor and at the sound of falling hills that reaches his ears from Aman's distant shore and at the smell of lightning burning the sky and the touch of it that scorches his skin when it strikes at his feet, grazing him, and at the taste of despair in the suffocating air all around; laughs and laughs and laughs, until his laughter is indistinguishable from screaming.
A voice -- female, piercing -- somehow manages to capture and hold his attention, from where it darts and flares like wildfires in high summer.
Tar-Míriel, last Queen of Numenor, bereft of rule and -- soon -- of realm, climbs the final stretch of this so-called Holy Mountain, pulling herself up from its steepness and onto the small ledge at its peak.
He had offered her a ring some days ago, and, in her pride, she had rejected it. That pride seems to have buckled, now, under the fear of the yawning tide that promises to devour them all, man and god alike, and she runs to him, hand outstretched, shouting --
The wave crashes down.
Too late, again, he mourns, a last thought as he is plunged into the sea's cold grasp, water rushing into his nose and mouth and eyes, too far gone from both grace and Middle Earth's coasts for anyone to risk their lord's wrath for his sake this time.
Always, always, he is too late, for the things that matter.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ☽༓☾. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Firelight flickers across the walls, casting soft shadows all about the room, the smell of damp earth seeping slowly into his sluggish awareness.
He flickers, too, sliding in and out -- of consciousness, of corporeality -- ever-shifting, struggling to stay.
Pain is at his throat; the blood is flowing, freely, running, never stopping, he needs to --
That is not --
That happened long ago. A different forest. A different wound.
Funny -- how he always seems to find refuge in the woods. He should examine that. Had he more energy, he would examine it.
He is so cold. Someone -- Khamûl? -- has draped blankets over him, over what purports to be his form, and despite his own weakness to the element, apparently, has set the hearth alight; but neither does any good. It is the fire within, that sputters; almost more ash than flame; almost out.
Khamûl... yes, that is right. Khamûl is here, running the fortress. Allowing him to rest. Has he thanked him? He should thank him.
Papers lie scattered next to him, reports of the world beyond this hilltop that he barely has enough substance to hold in his grasp. Accounts of the kingdoms of old falling to ruin and elves fading to naught more than mist, decrepitude creeping into all things in the wake of the last Age's ending.
Why do they bother, clinging to rusted dreams and corroded glory? A tighter grip will not stop water trickling from one's grasp.
Sail west or fade. How magnanimous of them. How merciful. How hardly a choice.
He had been given such a choice once, too.
And he had stayed. He had stayed, the only one, along with the elves and the men and the orcs, had stayed to --
Why was he bothering, again?
What was he doing?
... He cannot recall.
So very tired.
He curls further into the furs and fabric, futilely seeking warmth, and considers closing his eyes and fading quietly alongside this failed world.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ☽༓☾. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The earth crumbles and collapses, taking orc and beast and tower with it.
As his body falls in one direction, his ëala is wrenched in another, until it rips from form and coherence both: a moment and an eternity of blinding pain, of unmaking, of gold melting and rejoining with fire.
It is gathered up, eventually, from the voiceless agony it has dispersed in, by a pull that it -- he -- has neither the strength nor the means to fight.
Westward, it compels him to fly, like wind unseen, passing over forests and mountains and lakes and the ever-widening stretch of ocean, until he lands -- a displacement of air, a dull shimmer -- before Máhanaxar.
There is nowhere to go but forward.
But, even as he places one foot before the other -- old thoughts newly wrought in washed-out hues -- his mind shutters unequivocally around something he had decided long ago:
If this is what mercy means, he wants none of it.
• ────────────────────────────────────────── •
This was soooo much fun to write! Thank you sending this in!!! I've been in a creative slump lately, and this was exactly what I needed ♡ Hope you enjoyed it! ^^
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e-wills-afterhours · 2 years
Wages Of A Betting Man
A/N: @winxrus asked me not to be a mere tease. I would never. Okay, I totally would, but this pretty much wrote itself.
It's been revealed by the HTTYD comic book cowriter that Hiccup possibly has a tattoo of Astrid's name on his chest or he's trolling us hard. If this is true, it was probably a cheesy gesture of love, canonically. But here I am, a realist. I'd headcanon it probably went down more like this:
Rating: T
Hjalmar Arrickson was annoyed, to say the least. He was an artist of repute, having poured years into his craft. Every rune was placed with care; each line and curve danced together in immaculate designs meant to inspire. The ink was the medium for his soul, and he left a bit of himself beneath the skin.
What, then, was he to make of the bizarre scene unfolding in his living room? If it had been anyone else, he would have refused on the spot. The whole village knew he did not take such asinine requests; he turned away the drunken fools who would make a mockery of his work. But it was them--all six of them--spilling in through the front door in a fit of giggles, except for the stone-faced chief. Quite the hardheaded bunch, they were not known to backdown.
"No," Chief Hiccup had protested, as they dragged him over the threshold of Hjalmar's home and shop. He tried, in vain, to dig in his mismatched heels; but Snotlot was on one side, Tuffnut on the other, and Ruffnut was pushing from behind. "No! I'm not doing it!"
"You promised! You promised!" the Thorston twins had reminded him with sing-song glee and identical, wicked grins.
"You swore," Snotlout added, particularly delighted at the prospect of tattooing the chief again his will.
After more arguing and failed attempts to escape, they had wrestled their reluctant chief into Hjalmar's most comfortable chair. Many had sat there before him, ready and willing to lend their bodies in the pursuit of art. It was almost an insult that Hiccup sat there so bitterly. Snotlout now held him down with two commanding hands on his shoulders.
Admittedly, the chief had put up more of a fight that Hjalmar would have expected without a dragon. The older man was impressed, and he did not often have cause to be so. He wished the chief would simply flex his authority and Hjalmar would have been only too happy to end the charade. But Hiccup's friends did have a sway over him, even still. Perhaps, deep down, there was some part of him that saw his impeding tattoo as good sportsmanship.
The Hofferson girl found the whole ordeal rather amusing, laughing softly behind her hand. She offered the apologetic wince when the chief shot her a reproachful glare.
"I'm sorry, babe," she said, "but you did take the bet."
Fishlegs Ingerman passed a flask to Hiccup, who took it with a withering look that did not often grace his kind face. Fishlegs backed away quickly.
Hiccup gestured at Ruffnut. "I didn't think she'd throw the game! She's a far better shot than Fishlegs. Usually."
"HA!" Ruffnut exclaimed. "Oh, Hiccup--do you even know me at all? I wouldn't pass up a chance to see this." She rubbed her hands together with anticipation.
"I hate you," Hiccup deadpanned. He took a long swig of whatever libations were in the flask before adding, "Immeasurably."
As Ruffnut cackled, Snotlout turned to Hjalmar and said, "Make the runes big."
Hiccup sat up straighter, pleading--or more like threatening--the older man with, "No! I swear to the gods, if you do..."
"BIG," repeated Snotlout.
Hjalmar sighed, laying out his tools. He could not kick them out; how would the twins retaliate if he did? Getting the job done in record time was undoubtedly the lesser headache if they were involved. He hoped word would not get around Berk of this one exception, lest all the fools gather at his door for wild favors.
As he set up, he noticed the chief knocking back the flask on pace toward fast intoxication.
"I won't let him make it too big," he heard Astrid tell Hiccup, stooping down until their eyes met; her name was the image to be permanently etched into his skin.
"You're the one who's got to look at it," he muttered back.
Tuffnut wolf whistled at the implication and Astrid flashed him a rude hand gesture.
"It's kind of sweet," she said, though Hjalmar could not tell if she was trying to convince Hiccup or herself.
"It's kind of idiotic," the chief retorted.
"Oh, don't be so dramatic."
"Couldn't you all have settled on something a little more epic? Like a dragon? For my dignity, maybe?"
"But where's the fun in that?" Ruffnut replied.
"Yeah. If you actually want the tattoo, then there's no point!" Snotlout argued.
"Are you saying my name isn't epic enough for you?" Astrid teased.
Hiccup hesitated, narrowing his eyes. He studied her for a moment. "You're trying to trap me."
Astrid laughed and kissed him on the cheek. The other dragon riders gagged with peak theatrics.
"Alright," Hjalmar interjected. "Let's get started."
Everyone else cheered. Hiccup took another drink, then passed the flask back to Fishlegs.
"So, it'll be the chest, correct?" Hjalmar asked.
Hiccup nodded, mouth full of liquid courage, vaguely pointing two to three inches beneath his left clavicle.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Tuffnut chanted.
"Aye," Hjalmar confirmed. "Tunic's got to come off then, Chief."
Defeated, Hiccup deftly stripped until he sat half-naked in front of everyone, and considerably more ill-tempered about it. Ruffnut let out a titillated squeak and Astrid elbowed her hard. Indeed, his later adolescent years had been kind to the chief, and he looked more a young man than a walking beanpole; though he was still far from the ideal physique any Viking would aspire to. But it suited him, oddly enough. Hjalmar had endured his own daughter's girlish fawning for the chief more often than he care to. What he had not anticipated was the patchwork scars that covered Hiccup's torso. Some were old burns; those were easy enough to tell. Many more were curious in shape or placement, not at all consistent with the more common battle scars he saw on his clients. Hjalmar figured they were trophies from his dragon-related exploits. He did not ask; he simply did not want to tattoo over them for scars made unforgiving and unyielding canvas.
Fortunately, where he had been asked to work was in good shape, free from injury or blemish. At the first black mark applied to Hiccup's skin, there were claps and cries of triumph.
"Can't take it back now!" Snotlout declared, patting his shoulder and earning Hjalmar's deepest scowl as it nearly caused a stroke in error. Even steeped in nonsense, the older man was determined to do good work.
" You can shut up," Hiccup replied, eyes scrunched tight as Hjalmar branded him with needle and ink.
He breathed slow and steadily. His pain tolerance was better than many who sat in the same chair. He neither grimaced nor uttered a swear; but then again, the scars and the metal leg spoke of toughness one might not expect just by looking at him.
"Well, I'll be damned," Tuffnut mused, hovering closer than necessary, closer than Hjalmar desired. "You cried the whole time you got yours," he remarked to Fishlegs.
The larger boy crossed his arms, Gronckle ink on full display. "In my defense, I'm an emotional drunk."
"Yeah, but Hiccup's not even slurring his speech yet," Tuffnut replied.
"I am regrettably too sober for this," Hiccup agreed, eyes still closed.
"Maybe Astrid can go next," Ruffnut suggested. "This time, let's bet on the butt cheek."
"Hm. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not stupid enough to make any sort of bet with you." Astrid paused, her words hanging in the air. "Oh. No offense, Hiccup."
"That was fair," he said.
They carried on like that for the remainder of the tattoo, taking cheap shots at one another but laughing all the while. Even Hjalmar found himself cracking a grin or two in spite of his own determined indifference toward their shenanigans. For all the annoyance they had brought, the infamous six never failed to entertain in equal measure. Perhaps a small part of the older man was glad they stumbled through his door that evening. Perhaps they would even be welcomed back.
When Hjalmar had finished, he sat back to admire his handiwork. Stupid in concept, it was just about flawless in execution, from the spacing to the line width. He would stand by it, if anyone asked--and he hoped they never would. Tattooing names was against his better judgment, but he felt not the faintest tinge of regret then, the banter and the spirit in which Atrid's name had been requested proved too infectious.
"Done," he announced, then retreated as the other dragon riders crowded in.
"I mean, it looks nice," Fishlegs offered. "From afar, it could say anything."
"That's one more tattoo than either of these muttonheads have," Ruffnut added, nodding to Tuffnut and Snotlout, who had released his hold on Hiccup.
"You can compliment me all you want, but it only makes me hate you slightly less," Hiccup replied, but he smiled.
As Hjalmar reached for his salve, he too was grinning. He could not recall a more enjoyable tattoo in recent memory.
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1lovepeace · 11 months
Do you think that Viren isn't really to blame for Rayla issues since the real issue are the parental figures who abandoned her. Also, since Claudia and Rayla are so similar do you think that they could become friends?
Hey @archmagecallum79. Really appreciate you, fam. There are so many enormous, complicated, compelling factors, accountability, and responsibility when it comes to Rayla's losses and tragedies that she's endured and went through. It's not only because of Viren, for he's literally the cause behind what happened to her parents and Runaan. Whose actions led to Rayla, Runaan, and Ethari believing they were traitors, Runaan taking Rayla on his doomed mission when she was literally just a child for redeeming honor that was never even tarnished nor tainted, leading him to realize that he endangered, jeopardized, sabotaged and abandoned Rayla's life and breaking the trust of her and her parents, trapping them in coins among others. Took the lives of Rayla's squad and led her to being banished from her home among others.
However, Viren is not the only one to blame for this. You can argue that all four parents also caused Rayla to feel neglected and abandoned because of their actions and choices. With Rayla's parents, they genuinely loved Rayla, and even though they were chosen to serve on the Dragonguard, they did everything they could to ensure their only daughter would never be alone and that she has a home with Runaan and Ethari.
However, with Runaan and Ethari, they are parents who are far more complicated and way more complex because, while admittedly, I've massively condemned both of them for the choices, actions, and decisions they've made, for their own failures, wrongdoings, and negligence as fathers, I also believe that they did everything in their power and will to welcome and bring Rayla into their lives and showing her that she is well loved and appreciated in their family.
But the fact remains that they have abandoned their relationship and family foundation with their daughter: Rayla's parents sering the Dragons and being ghosted by people without a care in the world, Runaan suffering from all the unspeakable guilt and unbearable regret for burdening Rayla with responsibility on a mission that she was never meant, ready nor suited for, thus hurting from the realization of having put Rayla in a horrendous situation and constantly reflecting and dwelling on his failures in his responsibilities as a father, and Ethari, who was consumed by grief and heartbreak, made the worst mistake of his life ghosting Rayla, which he monumentally and immeasurably regrets it, also suffering from the heartbreaking guilt and overwhelming remorse, and much like Runaan, constantly reflecting and dwelling on his own failures and mistakes as a father for those last two years.
So all in all, they have been left to bear the hurtful burdens and damaging reprecussions of what they've done. There are not horrible people, but they've made choices that they're undoubtedly regretting every moment of. Seeing how they not only caused Rayla but devastatingly caused themselves such heartbreak, hurt, pain, grief, and loss. Facing the heart-wrenching truth about what she went through, always suffering and enduring such unfathomable despair, uncontrollable guilt, unspeakable regret, unimaginable shame, and indescribable remorse. Endlessly thinking about all their wrongs and disappointments as parents.
But that doesn't mean there's no chance or hope of them having a redemption/atonement arc with Rayla. I have strong confidence that all four parents would do anything and everything in their power, and strong will to not only making things right, but alleviating Rayla of every single moment that was left unspoken, unresolved and unanswered of the last two years. All while painfully admitting and humongously apologizing to Rayla for what they did, learning from their regretful mistakes as parents. Showing and proving to her how important and precious she is to all of them, how much they truly love her and enormously care about her, how she deserves so much better from them, that they sincerely value her life, how they only want the best for her, and just how deeply proud they are of her. It can also demonstrate how they're willing to accept change and changing for Rayla in ways they never did before. Realizing how important and valuable family is, how important and valuable she is, and showing the unwavering commitment towards truly reconciling, healing, and mending their family bond with Rayla. This family needs so much therapy and time to untangle everything.
Given that TDP is filled with many themes such as grief, love, acceptance, redemption, forgiveness, second chances, understanding, and learning from the cycles of violence, war, and vengeance. Even when it seems all hope is lost, when hope and faith are found again, it can blossom into something even more beautiful and prosperous. And I believe the moonfam has the biggest chance of learning, embracing, and building an understanding, trust, unwavering devotion, and newfound family foundation with each other. I have faith in them.
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Day 3: Repulsed (12 Days of Writers Self Love)
Setting: Hermitcraft Season 8, White Wings AU (main story here, this takes place later than where the story is now)
Evil Xisuma’s backstory because I have recently ✨hyperfixated✨
Warnings: violence, mention of neglect, war, implied torture, generally Ex having a bad time and being a bad person :(
Evil Xisuma was used to people hating him.
For the Dragon’s sake, his very name reminded everyone around him that he was nothing but an outcast. Unwanted, unasked for, and despised.
In Voidwalker culture, twins were seen as ruinous bad luck, their birth having toppled many a prominent family lineage into destitute obscurity. The second-born was considered a wicked spirit who formed a parasitic connection with the “real” child, leeching off of the mother and baby to grow itself a living body. Especially when, as in the case of Xisuma and Evil X, the babies were identical twins.
Oftentimes, the unfortunate twin would be quietly disposed of at birth, their existence kept secret from everyone but the parents and the midwives. Evil Xisuma’s parents had often told him how lucky he was that they hadn’t killed him when he was an infant. Truly, he was immeasurably grateful for their mercy.
Evil X had grown up with the bitter reality of being the shamed son. His name, translated from Standard Galactic to Common, literally meant “Evil Xisumavoid”, and that’s what everyone called him. It didn’t take much imagination to conceive of how awful his day-to-day life was during those years.
Xisuma, of course, was the golden child. Academically successful, obedient, unjaded— everything that Evil X was not. Their parents practically doted on him, because he was the “better” son. The “real” Xisumavoid.
Ex had grown far too familiar with the acrid taste of swallowed-back rage. Their parents had stopped forcing him to attend family dinners at age eight, and he had gladly eaten by himself in the kitchen after that, even if the superstitious cooks and cleaning staff shared his parents’ opinions and only gave him cold leftovers. It was fine. He was fine.
Despite everything, he and Xisuma had been close in those years. Xisuma never treated him like a pariah, never shunned him as the black sheep of the family. It would have been against his nature to do so, because Xisuma didn’t have a cruel bone in his body.
They would talk for hours, when their parents were too busy to care about them; they would play games and get into trouble and do all the things that normal siblings were supposed to do. It wasn’t… that bad. Even if no one else gave two mites about him, Ex always had Xisuma. To confide in, to protect from bullies at school, to hug as he cried on particularly bad days. They survived, side by side. But good things don’t last forever.
He was 16 when the war broke out, when the factions of Voidwalkers dissolved into chaos and a mad scramble for power. The militia was calling for one person from each family to enlist, to join the ranks protecting their territory. Go on, take a wild guess which son his parents chose to send.
He shipped out for training on the eve of their 17th birthday. Xisuma had hugged him and made him promise to come home in one piece. His parents told him not to dishonor their family name, which was probably the nicest they could stomach being to him.
The war was hell. Evil X got to see the true depravity people could fall to, on a daily basis. The nastiest part— well, they called them silver bombs. Capsules about half as big as a block that could be launched from great distances, falling among their fortifications, stuffed to the very brim with silverfish trained to rip the flesh from your bones. They were hard to kill and impossible to predict, and he spent far too much time listening to other people scream in agony.
Eight months later, his parents were killed in a bombing raid, and his brother, now an orphan on the precipice of adulthood, was conscripted into the military. Their reunion was grim and tearful. At least they had each other amidst this waking nightmare of fear and blood.
Evil X was captured a while later in a scouting mission gone wrong. His companions were killed in the skirmish, but he was left alive, taken back to their camp and “persuaded” to give up information. He remembered being so angry, helpless to escape or fight back against his captors. Those few nights before the rescue team arrive haunted him the most, left scars that never fully healed.
And then the war was over, and Xisuma and him were escaping through an exploit in the code, a gap in the invisible walls keeping them in the Deep End. But they were different people by then. Cold. Guarded. Broken and reforged into something harder, something that was capable of hurt.
They didn’t split on the best of terms. And years and years later, when he found his older brother again and tried to destroy his new little server out of spite, as an outlet for the rage that still burned hot and bright in his chest, Xisuma looked at him in a way Ex had never seen before. That, when they were younger, would have ruined him to see.
It didn’t hurt as much as it should have.
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manyofnine · 9 months
What exactly kind of brain worms do i have that i'm writimg three stories simultaneously right now and each is about a knights devotion to his king. Why?
May i ask, my brain, my liege, the one that governs my every thought, why do you intend to drag me down this path again and again. Has the devotion not been tested enough when the Knight forfit his life?
When he shunned steed and squire? When he woke up, the dragon slain, the princess saved? Why does he insist on fighting on?
Why can i never let him rest? Throw him against worse monsters and worse? Why can't we ever slow down and revel in the peace we created for ourselves?
The sword was left behind, the other path was taken. The faith has been recinded and still the knight kneels to prove his devotion. Why won't anyone help him up? Stand on his own two feet? Why does it have to end in tragedy? Why is the only way for him to rest in the grave?
These thoughts have gripped me and i write three stories simultaneously.
One about an emerging, a becoming. The boy will be a knight and he will forge himself to be his kings weapon.
One about a knight seen as himself. Utterly devoted and proud, but still only capable to dream about being seen as a knight. Serving the only one who cares for him, trying to nudge and push and further his masters power, so that one day the boy might be called king and he himself seen as his trusted sword. A pact and a demon made of dreams will not change who they are or will become.
And the third, the one i work on the longest... My knight a creature from the realm of fairy tales, his opponents of immeasurable power, a lonely sword, one of many and still valued. He becomes disillusioned with his place in the world tries to trade who he serves for, but never can he eschew his role, become something else, more. He has ample opportunity to take the crown, to swear allegiance to someone else, to follow his own desires and yet the path of utter destruction, the one he will never recover from is the one most tantalizing to him.
My knights are stupid and brave and honorbound and glorious. Never beautiful, never desirable, never deserving of anything good nor bad. They could get what they want but none is capable of taking anything for themselves.
I write about losing your personhood in the act of following your dreams, i write about the harmful ideation that "having to be strong" creates, i write about the inherent romantic notion of never giving up, of slowly, piece by piece unraveling and giving yourself away.
Most of all i write what the tug in my stomache and the stone in my throat make me unable to say...
The question remains... Who am i becoming? Who will i be the next time i look onto my taken path? Why do i want this so badly?
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werspinna · 10 months
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Which Archetype On A Pirate Ship Are You ? Your Result: the first mate  you are immeasurably loyal, even when everyone tells you that you should give up and give in, that you have done more than enough. you know people’s needs almost instantaneously, leading and looking after others whilst shying away from the spotlight; you love with your hands more than you can with your words. you have loved your captain since they had both eyes and both hands, when the twinkle in their eye was unmatched even by the northern star. perhaps you could do to set boundaries between you and what your captain asks of you–first mates are the first to embitter. you don’t remember a time you have not been on the ship, giving yourself over more than you’ve got as you follow your captain into every endeavor and battle. but what you want is to crawl back onto shore, into the shade of a leafy tree in the soft sand, and to rest your weary bones. you ache for a home that will never truly revive you. one day, your captain will thank you for everything you’ve done for them; they will cup your hand in theirs and tell you that they will take care of you now.
Tagged By: Walter von der Vogelweide ! Tagging:  @alchemaxed @iobartach @goblinfire @neonwebs @wovendeath  @sickthem @voltedblood   @spinxeret @inhcritance  @books-and-right-hooks @kylo-wrecked @canoncompliance @attercopus  @sleeperkeeper @bewitchingbaker @betterbutbitter  @svperboi @itsybitsypeterparker @neonwebs @the-rogue-dragon @carnivorousfatality !  
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