#dr. noda
swordofmoonl1ght · 1 month
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Dr. Noda's Speech, aka the scene that made me tear up in the theater of a Godzilla movie
ゴジラ-1.0 / GODZILLA MINUS ONE (2023) dir. Takashi Yamazaki / Dr. Noda played by Hidetaka Yoshioka
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cherrydrop-rambles · 3 months
I swear, Dr. Starline is the coolest Sonic character EVER!!!
Like look at him and his expressions!!
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Amy Rose comes close to second of course :3
(Would it be crazy to say that this platypus fella got me into STH properly in the first place?)
He will always be one of my favourites.
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cherry-dr0p · 4 months
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` ` Atta Boy. ` ` 💥💫
Wanted to draw my favourite scene in the whole movie,, It hits different fr c:
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Sketch/WIP screenshots;
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Other doodles;
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Gagh, Hope you all like this one,, I'm proud of it (the fact that I spent days on this contributed this to me 100%)
Until next time, fellas :3
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Dr.チョコレート | no, this is not a date.
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notpablohermano · 4 months
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So I went to see Godzilla Minus One last friday and ya'll HEAR ME OUT PLEASEEE
(inbf @becomelions gets me spayed)
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silveranimefan · 2 years
Recent manga I’ve read:
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“Dr. Stone” with story by Riichiro Inagaki and art by Boichi; Localized by Viz Media
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“Golden Kamuy” by Satoru Noda; Localized by Viz Media
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“Nanatsu no taizai” (“The Seven Deadly Sins”) by Nakaba Suzuki; Localized by Kodansha Comics
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catboybiologist · 9 days
i have managed to convince several people that you are the official godzilla account i apologize
Hello. It is I, Hiroyasu Matsuoka, CEO of Tōhō Kabushiki-gaisha. You’ve cracked the code. I’ve secretly been transmitting OFFICIAL godzilla information to fans for years through this online persona.
Now please, as a reward for your astute observations, please enjoy this previously unreleased official artwork of Dr. Kenji Noda making out with Megaguirus:
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Initially, this was nost considered canon simply to it being a non-queer pairing, however, I have ordered the lead artistic director to make this relationship st4t. This is my official statement as CEO and director of Toho. Thank you for your time.
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pillowenvelopchair · 1 month
Dr. Noda study
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dendrophalaen · 6 months
my thoughts on godzilla minus one
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tl;dr i had a religious experience (positive) and it may be my new favorite godzilla movie
i'm going to try to organize my thoughts lmao i have never done a film analysis or review
i went in knowing next to nothing, so i was very afraid this was going to be heavy on the imperialist propaganda and reminiscing on the "good old days" of the japanese military
however i was pleasantly surprised to see that it was quite anti-government :]
loved the delivery of the themes of "all lives being precious" and "living on for yourself as well as for the sake of others" – not hammy or blunt!
FORESHADOWING OF THE EJECTION SEAT? chef's KISS we love picking up what the movie is putting down and getting to see the payoff
speaking of foreshadowing:
dr. noda: [takes noriko's picture]
me: oh no she's going to die
i spent like the last quarter of the movie with a headache because i was clenching my teeth and holding in tears after noriko's death ("death") AND koichi planning to blow himself up and orphan akiko
and all the ex-navy guys rallying together to defeat godzilla
i am not immune to classic story beats
semi-related i thought noriko would be covered in radiation burns, but then i realized a depiction of that would probably be insensitive
also the guys measuring radiation in plastic costs? come on now i know we weren't fully educated in the risks of radiation but there must've been some sort of better ppe
i enjoyed like every character which is rare for me in a godzilla film
koichi just can't catch a break. this man gained so much trauma in a short amount of time, like he doesn't have ptsd because the trauma is ONGOING. i think he's my favorite and it's very easy to root for him
his introduction is of him as a shaky baby-faced pilot and then you find out he was supposed to be a kamikaze pilot like goddamn
i liked noriko's assertiveness ("hey i'm staying in your house now :)") and her ability to see kindness in koichi and sumiko
her struggle of wanting to become independent is very relatable. you could see the bittersweetness in her eyes showing that she felt guilty yet grateful for koichi's support........
i was surprised how quickly sumiko agreed to taking care of akiko? but it makes sense since she was (is) a mother and could not bear to see another child suffer, and akiko gave her life a new purpose
i would've liked more focus on the female characters and i don't think it's fair to just blame it on the era :playdead:
i really liked the chemistry between dr. noda, captain akitsu, and mizushima
dr. noda in particular felt like a nice foil/parallel to serizawa from the 1954 movie; he's also a scientist but he's much more personable(?)/"human"
dr. serizawa was my favorite in 1954 but he was very anguished and set on making reparations by killing godzilla (and koichi could be a parallel to him in that regard)
noda focused on protecting the living, not avenging the dead
ough mizushima. being a Youth who feels useless sure hits home
i'd say tachibana is my least favorite just by comparison to everyone else, but he's honestly so valid for his whole deal
visuals and sound
very elegant color grading, costuming, and set design!
i don't know film girl help
GOOD SOUNDTRACK the music set the scenes so well
i joked about getting my eardrums blasted by godzilla but he really was that loud. as he should be
godzilla (design, abilities, etc)
godzilla: [shows up in the first 10 minutes with blair witch shaky cam]
me: the filmmakers are not messing around they mean BUSINESS
the rampage on odo island was rightfully terrifying
i love his texture and face. the scrunkliness of heisei with the horrifying pain of shin
i think his head is a bit small for his body, like if it was 5% bigger it would be perfect
loved the visuals of his scales flaking off after getting bombed
the nuclear fallout when he used his atomic breath in tokyo was awe-inducing
great use of godzilla as a war allegory
i saw the movie in d-box so the shotgun-blast of heat ray was intense
also coolest godzilla death. sick decapitation
the plan to imprison him in bubbles and give him the bends felt a bit silly in the moment but highlighted how desperate everyone was for ANYTHING to work
really liked how godzilla was more like an animal or unstoppable force of nature without a clear motive
i mean the only emotion you could ascribe is probably RAGE
sidenote i did think it was a lil funny whenever an object was flung through the air from offscreen. there goes godzilla having another tantrum
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some-pers0n · 2 days
shaking you to talk about it
I need to just..sit and think for a minute. Give me a second..
Okay on my laptop. Now I can think. Spoilers for the movie of course (PLEASE WATCH IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE)
So the movie is about a war vet, Koichi Shikishima. Shikishima was originally supposed to be a kamikaze jet fighter, but had fled his position last minute by lying about having a malfunction so he could live another day. He was afraid. He loved his family and his life. He wanted to live.
That is the main framing of the movie and the thing I kept coming back to. Shikishima felt nothing but guilt for everything he had done. The movie is more namely about WWII and its effects on Japan. On its people, both physically and mentally. Shikishima was meant to die. He was conscripted, trained, and prepared specifically to go into battle and die serving his country. This came at the end of the war however, when it became abundantly clear that a US invasion was coming. Shikishima did not want to die. He held value with his life. He saw the pointlessness of dying for a crumbling empire and lied.
Godzilla in this is a manifestation of war to me. It represents the might of the atomic bomb obviously, but also the sheer destruction and chaos of it all. It represents oblivion and the firey death that comes with war. It represents trauma. It represents Shikishima's trauma. It is why Shikishima's war still rages on. That thing is still around.
Shikishima blames himself for the event at Odo Island. He sees it as the final nail in the coffin for why he shouldn't exist anymore. He was scared. Like when he ran from his duties, he too could not fire at Godzilla as it attacked innocent people who had families to go home to. Over two dozen good men died that night because Shikishima could not act. Because of Godzilla.
Godzilla is that trauma to me. Shikishima thinks himself as a man who, by all accounts, should be dead. Why was I spared? he thinks. He believes himself as a coward. It's hammered home once he returns and sees his neighbourhood turned to rubble and dying fires. His neighbour, Sumiko, berates him for his inability to fulfill his role, blaming him for the massacre that took place. She repeats back the thoughts he already held: he is a coward. He should not be alive. What more does he have to live for? His family is dead. His inaction killed several people. He is a traitor to his country.
Suicide ideation and an inability to see a point in going on was such a noticeable part of Shikishima's character to me. His trauma and PTSD haunted him for years. He felt so much shame and guilt for what happened on that island.
Yet...he finds a reason to keep going, even if he doesn't realize just how much it means. A girl taking care of a child that is not her own, orphaned by the bomb raids, falls into his care. Soon enough, he makes a life around this girl, Noriko, and the child, Akiko. He gets odd jobs for them. He brings home money and, eventually, secures a nice government job.
I know I'm recapping thus far but also like...holy shit I gotta just lay it out. The movie just is so dense with stuff. Everything connects back to the central themes of trauma, war, and hope in the face of destruction. Everything relating to Shikishima feels so real in the sense that, for a moment, everything seems okay. It's alright. He meets and befriends his crew of people (including Dr. Noda!!! my favourite character, surprising absolutely nobody!) and it looks like things are looking up.
But it resurfaces. This beast. Awakened by the continuing nuclear bomb tests by the US. It shifts and changes, growing stronger. It is fueled by the weapons that were used to destroy and kill. It is war manifest. It is Gojira.
The boat scene was probably my favourite part in the whole movie. Seeing the main cast all work together so hard to try and outrun and wade off this unstoppable force. The CGI is also just wonderful. I still adore how it tries to emulate the flaws of practical effects in this scene in particular. The looming fear of Godzilla as it rapidly approaches them is just...so good. Then, it caps off with a sliver of hope in the form of a battleship from Singapore coming to save them, only for Godzilla to instantly body it via its atomic breath.
It resurfaces and brings back memories of that awful night. Nightmares have haunted Shikishima ever since, but they're only strengthened with Godzilla had returned. He has panic attacks. The once stoic and distant Shikishima crumbles and sobs, panicking and considering more abstract ideas. He does not see himself as alive. He's convinced he died. That none of this is real. That he isn't happy. He isn't alive. He is nothing more than a dead man who, despite anything, lives on for no real purpose.
It further hammers into him that there's no real reason to keep going like that when Noriko is swept away by the blast when Godzilla attacks Tokyo. That scene with him watching as Godzilla marvels in its destruction, screaming and yelling over the death of the person he loves. Death, trauma, war. It towers over him, shrouded in a cloud of ash and smoke and glowing a radioactive blue.
He agrees to Dr. Noda's plan to stop Godzilla, but mainly as a way for him to finally do what he always thought he was meant to do. Akiko, what is virtually his daughter in the eyes of everyone but himself, constantly broke my heart man. She loves him. She calls him daddy. She calls Noriko mommy. They're family. They're something for him to live for.
The night before Shikishima leaves to go and fulfill the role of a kamikaze, taking Godzilla down with himself, Akiko draws him a picture of their family. She cries. She wants her mother back. Why isn't she back? Where is she? Why can't daddy bring her back? It's not fair.
That scene just...hurt me so much. I can't describe it honestly. A lot of scenes with Shikishima grieving and processing his trauma cut deep, but seeing Akiko cry and Shikishima, a man who will be all but alive the next day, try and console her while still thinking about how he's gonna die... Jesus fuck man. The movie is evil.
The climax is fun, yet incredibly tense. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I knew that they would all be fine in the end and that Shikishima obviously must have had an eject seat installed, but I couldn't help but be engrossed into it. I think what mainly got me was seeing the citizens work together. It was emblematic of what I think is the overall message of the movie: hope. Hope to keep living. You cannot take on trauma by yourself and need a whole slew of people to support you.
Shikishima, in that fighter plane that was meant to a battle that never was, soars into the mouth of Godzilla mere seconds before it fires upon the ships. Right before the ship reaches, he pulls the eject button and survives. He...found his reason to keep going. Even if Noriko is gone, he wants to live. Even if the trauma may not fully be defeated, he wants to live. He needs to live, not just for Akiko, but for his friends. For himself. To let it known that Godzilla itself cannot take him down. He will persist in the face of oblivion manifest.
It's such an amazing movie okay? I'm just left in absolute awe at it. This and Shin Godzilla are so great. I loved Shin's portrayal of the incapability of the Japanese government in the face of disaster, namely taking inspiration from the ever-evolving disaster of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown. Minus One however shows the toll of trauma and war on the population. It effects the people. While Shin Godzilla is a satire of the government, Minus One Godzilla shows the horrors of being an ordinary person during it all.
Minus One Godzilla is horrifying. Every time it pops up I feel nothing but dread. I read somewhere that it's one of the smaller Godzilla designs, but honestly I don't think that took away from it whatsoever. Its staying presence is so strong that I can't honestly see it as being weak or tiny for it.
The movie's constant themes and message of moving past trauma and living in spite of everything is just so powerful too. There is so much good in life. You cannot let war and hopelessness consume you. You need to keep moving forward. The final confrontation of Godzilla is emblematic of it all. It's so good man. I love this movie so so so very much...
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hrodvitnon · 1 month
Finally got to see Godzilla Minus One and the thing that made the most impact to me was how Dr. Noda was so adorable with his round nerdy glasses and his fluffy hair 😭
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
TW: Transphobia, r*pe, blood, and abuse:
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(Note: Directly after the second to last page shown here, Mobox posted this):
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We've known about this for a while, but we've kept quiet about it for a bit because we wanted to see how far this comic would go.... And now we know. Note that Mobox also said the f slur in this comic when neither her or the character saying it can reclaim it (as the character has been shown to be homophobic. Said character used to be shipped with a homophobic abuser, Crimson ((who's a character from Helluva Boss), but Mob later started shipping Crimson with a trans imp named Noda, the main character in this comic. Crimson is shown to be transphobic and misgender, ab*se, and r*pe Noda after he finds out he's trans)
Zombify already proved Noody is Mobox in the thread, but we'll post the proof here as well:
Remember Mob's OC, Jawns that used to be in Team Scorpions? Well, he's in this Helluva Boss AU as well, as shown by both Mobox and Nicolai:
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To prove this further, Nicolai also posted a drawing Mobox made of her demon sona and his sona together, directly crediting her:
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Someone else also called out Mobox as well, causing Mob to have a temper tantrum, practically dox Kev (showing her real name and showing private chats with personal info without her permission to try and aid Mob's case, only censoring her (Mobox's) name in the process. However, the things Mob's said have previously been debunked by Kev, as shown in Zombify's twitter thread) and try to slander us (also continuing to side with Blurry-Kun in the process)
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Once again, Blurry wasn't "harassed", he left on his own (The Blurry situation was shown here, here, and here)
Mob is making up random stuff about us to aid her case, we don't defend anyone who supports CP and we've made it very clear that we don't support that content, nor are we transphobic. Patty's comment is actually valid because Mobox has faked being trans (shown here and here)
In fact, Mobox is also continuing to fake her pronouns to pretend she's a different person on her NSFW account so she can cover her tracks. This was further proven in two now-deleted replies to the first callout about her:
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Mobox hasn't changed at all, she practically abandoned her Fnaf audience in favor of her Helluva Boss one. The archive will soon be updated with all of the comic pages that have been released so far
Someone else is working on a doc that goes into this more in-depth as well, so we'll probably show that whenever it gets finished
TL;DR: Mobox has been hiding on new account on Twitter in the Helluva Boss fandom and making a transphobic comic that romanticizes abuse and has a rape scene, going as far as to continue to fake her pronouns and identity to cover her tracks. Later admitting that she was Mobox in a horrible thread that consists of her lying and practically doxing Kev to try and aid her case after she recently got called out for it
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doctorbrown · 4 months
005, a new house/apartment filled with unopened cardboard boxes.
[— Dr. Noda, @musesfromthefifthdimension — au where he moves to the US after minusone for... uhhh some reason??? ]
“I certainly don't miss this,” Emmett says, carefully manoeuvring around the labyrinth of boxes strewn about the living room. The first time, his mother had insisted upon helping, all too eager to see her son off to university, and so they packed up his entire makeshift lab, fearing Erhardt would clear it away or worse, and stuffed the entirety of fifteen years of life into a series of poorly labelled cardboard boxes.
It had taken forever for him to get around to unpacking anything that wasn't his equipment, pulling from the boxes only when and as he needed something, and by the time he was settled in, the first year of university was coming to a close.
Emmett narrowly avoids kicking a box and stumbles slightly as he tries to correct himself. “Granted, it was a little easier moving from one part of the state to another rather than halfway across the world, but it's still quite the undertaking nevertheless.”
“Have you made any progress settling in yet?”
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SET THE SCENE., @musesfromthefifthdimension * / Dr. Noda
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cherry-dr0p · 4 months
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Up at 4am currently but here's some pictures of the guy :3
He's so cool guys,,, look at his hairrrr,,,
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wisdomquesting · 1 year
The Amatsu Tatara
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   The Amatsu Tatara is an ancient collection of texts that are believed to have originated from the gods. It is composed of three books: the Kojiki, the Engishiki, and the Shinto Shogon, and is believed to be one of the oldest known texts in Japan, dating back to the 8th century AD. The Amatsu Tatara contains stories, rituals, and teachings related to the Shinto religion, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of all things and of living in harmony with nature.  The Amatsu Tatara is intimately connected to the concept of Ninpo, which is related to perseverance, Shinto, old-Shinto or ko-Shinto, life, survival, nature worship, and becoming a fully realized human being. The texts of the Amatsu Tatara emphasize the power of the divine and the importance of living with compassion and gratitude, and these teachings have been adopted by many Eastern Asian cultures and countries.      The Amatsu Tatara is also related to the healing aspects of Ninpo, as it encourages us to seek a balanced and harmonious life, to be mindful of our connection to the divine, and to use our understanding of the interconnectedness of all things to heal ourselves and the world around us. This ancient text provides a valuable source of wisdom and understanding, and its teachings can be used to bring balance and harmony into our lives.   *There is a Master of these ways who is not well known in the west unless you have had the privilege of running in his circles. His name is Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, formerly Yoshiaki Hatsumi, born in Noda, Chiba on December 2, 1931.  Dr. Hatsumi inherited the position of sōke (grandmaster) of nine ryū (schools of martial arts):[8][9] -Togakure-ryū (戸隠流) -Gyokko-ryū (玉虎流) -Kuki Shinden Happō Biken Jutsu (九鬼神伝流八法秘剣術) -Kotō-ryū (虎倒流) -Shinden Fudō-ryū Dakentai Jutsu (神伝不動流打拳体術) -Takagi Yōshin-ryū Jūtai Jutsu (高木揚心流柔体術) -Gikan-ryū Koppō Jutsu (義鑑流骨法術) -Gyokushin-ryū Ninpō (玉心流忍法) -Kumogakure-ryū Ninpō (雲隠流忍法)    Among his many accomplishments, he is an eminent martial artist, an expert healer in the ways of the Amatsu Tatara, a business owner, a doctor of osteopathy, a well-known artist in multiple mediums, a calligrapher, and is proficient in theatre as well. Dr. Hatsumi Sensei has also served as a martial arts advisor for various film and television productions, including the James Bond movie "You Only Live Twice".    Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, amongst many other publications, awards, and accolades from Japan and around the world, is the author of "Life Secrets of the Amatsu Tatara: The Documents of Takamatsu Toshitsugu, Interviews with Hatsumi Masaaki"    When Hatsumi was 26 years old, he met Takamatsu Toshitsugu, who was nicknamed Moko no Tora (Mongolian Tiger).  After passing the Sakki test(5th degree/level), Takamatsu gave Masaaki Hatsumi the menkyōkaiden of the 9 Warriors Ryūha listed above. The rest of his story is for another time and maybe another place. We will tackle some more historical knowledge and contemporary musings of this incredible human being in future posts when the time is right... So for now, Be Well and Gasho!  
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ddal2 · 13 days
gue mau apa ya... im gonna list down things that i CAN DO. so maybe you could remember exactly as it is.
(an on going list)
1. guee suka bgt belajar bahasa, terutama aksara sih. alphabetical characters are so intriguing. character pertama yg gue bisa kalo gasalah was biner code (ky computer code consist of number 0 and 1, each alphabet is represented by different code). ini awalnya krn random nemu di internet wkwk trs gue baca sesuai ttg biner code gt dehhh. i was on my 6th grade.
trs pas smp, gue lancar nulis hangul yeay ahahaha. gampang bgt tp blm bisa gw jadiin bekel nikah ama ecan. dan during mid and highschool, belajar banyak bgt padanan kata korea. mostly dr internet and shows i watched, gapernah dpt pembelajaran in/formal. bahkan dulu mau beli kamusnya aja gaboleh bjir sm bapak gw. tp untung dulu ga beli sih, krn skrg bisa dr hp wkwk (tp gw tuh anaknya konvesnional bgt, lebih suka buku fisik drpd pake gadget even itu kamus yg tebel, makin tebel makin suka). skrg gw bisa nonton korean shows tanpa subtitle #pamer haha
also remember this ya exactly! i KNEW sign language by the time i was in highschool!! dulu bljr bisindo, sibi and asl. i even have my sign name loh🙄. u better remember lhoo (ngancem wk)
oh!! gong sih ini, dulu gw pernah belajar.. aksara rusia wkwkwwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwwkwkwkwk random abiezzz...... seru bgt deh, punya buku catetannya jugaaa. kayanya ini pas SMA??
trs kemarin, eh ga kmrn jg sih. abis putus dan sblm jadian sama lo, gue bljr bhs mandarin wkwkwk. ini mah penting yeahhh. blm trll dalam sih bljrnya, learned from the internet, baru bljr huruf dan cara bacanya sih😬 wkkk gw mau seriusin ini one day (as in les beneran).
trs basic sih aksara lampung sm huruf arab yah ini syp sih yg gabisa wkwkwkw. eh tp dulu tuh gw jago ngaji tau ahahaha. di tpa, gue yg pertama masuk al quran😃 itu kelas 1 gue akhirnya lulus iqro yuhuu.
intermezzo dan oot, tante gue punya butik gt trs tahun lalu gw jd foto jd modelnya dese omg ini kek malu bgt dah gw wkwkww kocak kl diinget2. disuruh terus tuh gw dateng buat foto tp byk alesan gw ngerjain skripsi. sampe kemarin gw ketemu doi lg, diingetin lg wkwk cri
2. guee pertama kali masak tuh kapan ya... sd sih tp dulu masih jadi co-chef ahahah. trs dulu pas pertama kali gw menggoreng sesuatu, nyokap gw bilang, "berarti udh bisa ya kl umi tinggal"🙄🙄 gw jijay bgt knp ya jadi anak dr org tua yg emotionally immature hf...
trs pertama kali buat kue on my own from scratch, kelas 9 sih kayanya. bikin lava cake gt. yg nyoba pertama kali ara wkwk. trs pas sma gue suka buat dessert box. waktu tmn sebangku gue ultah, gue buatin dia ahahaha.
puasa 2020 gue sering buat kue gt wwkekek. yg gagal (ga gagal bgt sih. cuma kurg berhasil) tuh bakpao!!! pas udh dingin jd agak keras saddd🥲🥲.
oh alsoo, dulu nyokap gue suka buat puding jagung gt. enak bgt trs gw pernah nyoba buat jg wekekekr
3.. apa yah... i bisa menjahittt tangan dan mesin jahit. jahit tangan kynya dari sd deh??? i used to sew my own name badge to my uniform wkwkwk. jahit2 simple gt bisa lah. ya gampang sih semua org jg bisa kl belajar mah. jahit baju kotak pensil pake tangan jg bisa (lumayan rapih sih hasilnya (kayanya) HAHA). kl jahit pake mesin diajarin nyokap gue jg sih.... dulu nyokap gue ambil course menjahit gt wekekeke. basic domestic works lah. seru deh menjahit,, i sew a hat once wkt itu, buat hand puppet pas ada tugas kerjainan sekolah.
trs yg handcraft gitu, gue bisa menyulamm!! dulu belajarnya pas SMP, di mapel pkwu wkwk. menyulam di tas/baju gitu. jd gw pny kemeja yg ada noda penanya, trs gw sulam bentuk bunga deh biar ketutupan, engraving nama di sapu tangan jg pernah wkwk. speaking of pas SMP, dulu i jg belajar melipat daun ketupat wkwkwkw udh gapernah lg sih ngelipet gt2, tp mungkin masih inget if i tried??
handy craft gt apalagi ya??? i can do journal deco, make zine, ill attach the pictures later!! claying wkwkw. oh!! i can do caligraphy yg kaya pake brush pen gt!! wkwkwk dulu tuh kaman SMP, ini ngetop bgt. ada temen deket gue yg jago trs gue minta ajarin. ez pz wkwk. itu lohh yg kaya tulisan yg u minta buatin rani on my birthday greeting dulu. akhirnya pas SMA, kl ada tugas, gue ky joki nulisin itu di kertas tmn2 gw wkwk
TERUSS i remember i have a lot of doodling sketch books. aduh kmrn gw abis nyari kynya ilang 1 deh.. atau dmn ya nyelippp. wkwkw ill attach the picture later juga!!
intermezzo since i run out of idea what to write, tante gue punya ky butik gt trs thn lalu
udah deh kynya itu dulu. kapan2 ditambah dah meskipun mungkin kaga ada yg nungguin
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