#doxa 2023
rickchung · 1 year
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Má Sài Gòn (Mother Saigon, dir. Khoa Lê) x DOXA 2023.
This is an intimate look into Vietnam’s quietly thriving queer and trans communities. Through a series of portraits, Lê explores different individuals from various marginalized groups across Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) who are all trying to live their lives authentically. It’s a revealing documentary spotlighting the strength and diversity of non-conforming Vietnamese people coping under a restrictive culture and conservative climate of communist rule.
Screening at the 2023 DOXA Documentary Film Festival as part of the Thin Places program at The Cinematheque on May 6.
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13thgenfilm · 1 year
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We’re excited to announce the * North American Premiere * of Sandra Itäinen’s COMING AROUND, screening as part of the “Rated Y For Youth” program on Tuesday, May 9th at 12:15pm at DOXA Documentary Film Festival in Vancouver, Canada. ❤️🏳️‍🌈🎬
Produced by Chelsi Bullard, and executive produced by Marc Smolowitz, Fawz Mirza, and Andria Wilson, the film follows 28-year-old Eman as she weighs the decision to come out to her devout Muslim mother.
Watch the trailer: 👉 https://vimeo.com/804515658
Screening details: 👉 https://bit.ly/ComingAroundAtDoxa
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lovestereo · 10 months
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kdram-chjh · 7 months
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Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Tr5wV1opKw
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claudehenrion · 7 months
'' … le plus chaud, depuis...''
Cette phrase, vous l'avez lue et relue, entendue et ré-entendue des dizaines, des centaines de fois depuis... le début de l'été, où nos politiciens et nos journalistes ont été surpris : ''il faisait chaud !''. Cependant, elle a besoin de compléments de temps pour avoir un sens, qui varie du tout au tout avec ou selon les mots choisis. Le premier mot manquant doit désigner un moment récent ('hier'', ''la semaine dernière'' ou ''le mois dernier'' font fort bien l'affaire). La fin de le phrase, en revanche, est plus difficile à inventer, car c'est d'elle que dépendra sa capacité à causer des ravages..
Ce second ''complément circonstanciel de temps'' mérite que l'on passe un instant avec lui, car il doit impérativement sonner le tocsin chez tout lecteur réputé ''normalement constitué'' (NB : en novlangue macrono-progressiste, cela veut dire : gober tout les bobards présentés comme des vérités par les médias et la doxa gauchiste officielle –c'est la même chose !). Ce second ''volet'' du truisme doit donc conjuguer ''être proche pour avoir l'air vérifiable'' –ce que personne ne fait jamais, exemple : le covid !-- et ''être impressionnant tout en faisant plus vrai que vrai'' . On a donc le choix entre ''l'an dernier'', ''les 10 ou les 100 dernières années'', voire, comme en ce moment ''depuis qu'existent des relevés'', ce qui devrait vraiment faire taire toute opposition... à ceci près que ces relevés météo remontent au mieux –ou au pire-- aux années 1855, et que 170 petites années –qui sont longues pour l'expérience humaine-- sont ''même pas rien'' à l'échelle cosmique où se mesurent et se commentent les phénomènes climatiques.
Résumons-nous : la phrase la plus rabâchée ces temps derniers n'a pas la moindre signification à l'échelle du phénomène météorologique –et a fortiori climatique--dont elle voudrait rendre compte de manière à forcer des décisions radicales et définitives... mais absurdes puisque sans aucun lien avec le sujet dont ils croient parler : à partir du constat d'un réchauffement climatique qui semble incontestable en l'état actuel de nos connaissances, ils ont réussi à faire croire à une majorité de leurs semblables que c'est eux, hommes blancs, qui étaient les seuls responsables du désastre dont ils annoncent la survenue imminente depuis des décennies prédiction jamais réalisée mais dont ils maintiennent néanmoins l'occurrence prochaine ('Le Printemps silencieux'' de Rachel Carson, bible de la soi-disant religion prétendue écologique, date de 1962).
Or, s'il est une chose que l'été 2023 nous aura démontré comme à plaisir, c'est la fausseté –déjà bien connue par beaucoup-- de toutes les théories émises par le Giec et reprises en chœur pas ses thuriféraires : l'été et même l'automne, furent parfois caniculaires en Europe, mais cette chaude réalité ressentie ne permet en aucun cas de généraliser des impressions soit disant ''expliquées'' (sic !) par des faux statisticiens en mal de fin du monde, qui se servent des chiffres pour démontrer des mensonges, en ayant recours à des traitements dilatoires des ''outils'' statistiques dont nous disposons... et qui mériteraient un autre usage !
Car il est une chose dont personne ne peut douter : la succession de vagues caniculaires qui a frappé la France (et quelques autres pays d'Europe) depuis fin juin sont dues, exclusivement, à des remontées aléatoires (puisque dues à ''El Niño'') de gigantesques ''bulles'' de chaleur venues du Sahara, ce qui appelle deux commentaires : (1)- le Sahara n'est pas connu comme un pourvoyeur majeur de CO² d'origine humaine : zéro embouteillage, zéro diesel, zéro ''SUV'', zéro de ces monstrueux transatlantiques qui polluent plus qu'un million de voitures thermiques chacun… et par voie de conséquence, (2)- aucune possibilité d'établir (de bonne foi, s'entend) le moindre lien entre leur présence et nos émissions de ''gaz à effet de serre'', à l'opposé de tous les commentaires de nos cuistres radio-télé qui se concluent, de manière pavlovienne, par une accusation du CO², devenu le fantasme n°1 qui agit comme une drogue ! C'est pitoyable !
De manière plus générale, l'étude des couches géologiques révèle que le climat a varié tout au long de l'existence de la Terre, alternant les phases froides et chaudes de manière naturelle. Le dernier Petit Age Glaciaire s'est terminé vers 1850, et la période de réchauffement actuelle n'a donc rien de surprenant. En fait, ce réchauffement est bien plus lent que prévu... mais le fossé entre le monde réel et le monde tel que nos savants sans savoir l'ont modélisé montre que nous sommes loin de comprendre le changement climatique : l'édifice de ''la politique climatique'' est bâti sur des modèles inadéquats qui présentent de nombreuses lacunes et ne sont pas fiables en tant qu'outils politiques : non seulement ils exagèrent l'effet des gaz à effet de serre, mais ils ignorent complètement les bienfaits de l'enrichissement de l'atmosphère en CO²...
Contrairement à tout ce qui nous est raconté à longueur de ''JT'', le réchauffement climatique n'a pas augmenté de manière scientifiquement démontrable le nombre ou l'intensité des catastrophes naturelles : aucune statistique ne prouve qu'il intensifie peu ou prou les ouragans, les inondations, les sécheresses et tous les autres types de catastrophes naturelles, ou qu'ils les rend plus fréquents. En revanche, les preuves existent que les mesures pour tenter (en vain, c'est une autre certitude : ce n'est pas possible !) de réduire le CO² sont aussi dommageables et liberticides que coûteuses.
'' Il n'y a pas d'urgence climatique, et donc aucune raison de paniquer ou de s'alarmer. Nous nous opposons fermement à la politique nocive et irréaliste de zéro CO² net proposée pour 2050. L'adaptation vaut mieux que pour la réduction, car avec elle, on peut espérer atteindre un résultat réel'', affirme le professeur Steven Koonin, pourtant ancien sous-secrétaire aux sciences du ministère de l'Énergie d'Obama (pas un modèle, à mes yeux, par ailleurs !), professeur à l'Université de New York, membre de la Hoover Institution, et auteur du best-seller ''Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters'' (= L'indémontré : ce que dit la science du climat, ce qu'elle ne dit pas et pourquoi c'est important-- 2021)., qui considère immoral de demander aux pays en développement de réduire leurs émissions alors qu'une grande partie de leur population n'a pas accès à l'électricité, et qui ose affirmer qu'il est du dernier pervers d'effrayer les jeunes générations (Rappel : en janvier 2022, 84 % des adolescents américains croient que ''si rien n'est fait, il sera trop tard pour les générations futures, car une partie de la planète sera devenue invivable'', ce qu'aucune preuve scientifique n'a, évidemment, jamais démontré..
Tout se passe comme si personne ne voulait admettre qu'une grande partie du changement climatique est causée par des éruptions solaires contre lesquelles nous ne pouvons rien … sans parler des grands incendies de forêt dont le risque est exacerbé parce que les faux écologistes refusent de débroussailler les sous-bois de crainte que telle ou telle créatures qui pourrait s'y trouver ne soit dérangée (par autre chose qu'un incendie de forêt qui va les tuer).
De plus en plus nombreux sont les citoyens qui trouvent que les milliards d'Euros annuellement consacrés à une lutte sans espoir contre un changement climatique dont les forces obscures nous échappent pourraient être mieux utilisés... Combien de temps faudra-t-il pour que ceux qui les dirigent (vers des catastrophes en série, annoncées depuis longtemps mais toujours niées par les aveugles-par-système) sortent de leur torpeur addictive, et voient la réalité comme elle se présente ?
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2023 Music Recap
As requested, this is my summary of K-pop songs that appealed to me this past year! I sorted by order of release date but had to condense the post (hence "Keep Reading"). This post also took me longer than expected because of ITZY's surprise comeback announcement. @_@
Special mention goes to Naver's new music show, NPOP! What's visually different about NPOP is that the on-screen lyrics (& group members' names) are center aligned, whereas all the other shows have lyrics on the bottom left. (SHAME ON INKIGAYO for removing on-screen lyrics altogether!!!) Look at this gorgeous camerawork capturing Eunha during VIVIZ's "Untie" stage:
Anyway, here's the list! Bold italicized = VIDEO; Regular = AUDIO
January 2023
Madness - ASTRO Moonbin & Sanha
Puzzle - SF9
Stamp on It - GOT the Beat
Love War - Choi Yena (former IZ*ONE)
LOVE DIVE (Japanese ver.) - IVE
FEARLESS (Japanese ver.) - LE SSERAFIM
In The Novel - Minnie @ (G)I-DLE -> Recording room version
February 2023
Blanc Noir - LIMELIGHT
Target - CLASS:y
Zealous (Japanese ver.) - CLASS:y
March 2023
Play On The World - Cherry Bullet
Mysterious - Nicole Jung (KARA)
We Fresh (Japanese ver.) - Kep1er
MVSK (Japanese ver.) - Kep1er
Love Me Like This - NMIXX
Kitsch - IVE
Sweet Juice (Japanese ver.) - PURPLE KISS
Flower - Jisoo (BLACKPINK)
Hold on Tight - aespa
April 2023
Who Dis? (Japanese ver.) - SECRET NUMBER
Got That Boom (Japanese ver.) - SECRET NUMBER
KNOCK - Lee Chaeyeon (former IZ*ONE)
Lemonade - DreamNote
Seven Sins - DRIPPIN
Super (Monkey King) - SEVENTEEN
May 2023
Welcome to My World - aespa
Salty & Sweet - aespa (short dance practice + track video)
Lucid - (G)I-DLE
All Night - (G)I-DLE
DOXA (Poisonous Snake) - SECRET NUMBER
Propose - Dreamcatcher
June 2023
Sugarcoat - Natty (KISS OF LIFE)
Kitty Cat - Julie Han (KISS OF LIFE)
WICKED LOVE - Choi Yena (former IZ*ONE)
July 2023
Party O’Clock - NMIXX
Air Force One - ODD EYE CIRCLE
ETA - NewJeans
Kill Shot - ITZY
New Emotions - INFINITE
August 2023
The Flash - Kwon Eunbi (former IZ*ONE)
Bitter Taste - Jo Yuri (former IZ*ONE)
Better Things - aespa
Picture - Hyoyeon @ SNSD
Antifragile - LE SSERAFIM
September 2023
Bite Me (Japanese Ver.) - ENHYPEN
Cave - Lee Chaeyeon (former IZ*ONE)
DALALA - Yuju (former GFRIEND)
Love on Lock - Kep1er
October 2023
You & Me - Jennie (BLACKPINK)
I Want That - (G)I-DLE
Eyes Roll - (G)I-DLE
Flip It - (G)I-DLE
RA TA TA - Ailee
Baddie - IVE
Holy Moly - IVE
RINGO (Apple) - ITZY
Cheshire (Japanese ver.) - ITZY
Video Games - Heejin (former LOONA)
November 2023
Untie - VIVIZ
AGASSY (Lady) - Soojin (former (G)I-IDLE)
Drama - aespa
Bulldozer - Red Velvet
Amnesia - VIXX
OOTD - Dreamcatcher
Rising - Dreamcatcher
Giddy (Japanese ver.) - Kep1er
To. X - Taeyeon (SNSD)
Nightmare - Taeyeon @ SNSD
December 2023
Soñar (Breaker) - NMIXX
Crown On My Head - Yeji @ ITZY
Run Away - Ryujin @ ITZY
Mine - Chaeryeong @ ITZY
Rebel - DBSK
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stephanleyhes · 11 months
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SECRET NUMBER - Doxa (2023)
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mpxcharlotte · 7 months
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heart burn - HEXED's 3rd Album Release Date: October 13, 2023
Intro: Hold on Tight Love Dive Title: Propose Sugar Rush Ride DOXA Wicked Love Don't Recall Hidden track: Remember
@mpxcassandra, @mpxclaire
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watchilove · 5 months
DOXA Unveils Limited Edition “SUB 300β Seddiqi Edition 2023”
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kpopmultifan · 11 months
Scheduled New Releases: May 2023 - Week 4
This list will continually be updated when MVs, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube Music links & additional new release information becomes available.
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ORBIT - FUN (3rd Single) [MV] Release Date: May 22nd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ENHYPEN - Dark Blood (4th Mini-Album) Title Track: Bite Me [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 22nd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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JOOHONEY (of MONSTA X) - Lights (Solo Debut Mini-Album) Title Track: Freedom [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 22nd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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KARD - ICKY (6th Mini-Album) Title Track: ICKY [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 23rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Jay Park - Candy (feat. Zion.T) (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: May 23rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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INI - Drop THAT (4th Single) Title Track: Fanfare [MV] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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EXILE the SECOND - Never Say Goodbye (Digital Single) Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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YESUNG (of Super Junior) - o iu sakuranohanabira ga boku no kokoro ni maiorita (1st Japanese Mini-Album) Title Track: Takama no Koi [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Bullet Train - Call My Name (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Lead. - See Your Heart (35th Single) [MV] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Girls² - Countdown (EP) Title Track: Countdown (feat. APOKI) [MV] Track: Click [Dance Practice] Track: Letters [MV] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Da-iCE - Scene (Album) Track: Dandelion [MV] Track: Funky Jumping [Dance Practice] Track: Star Mine [Live Video] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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DREAMCATCHER - Apocalypse: From Us (8th Mini-Album) Title Track: BONVOYAGE [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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SECRET NUMBER - DOXA (6th Single Album) Title Track: DOXA [MV] Release Date: May 24th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ProducePandas - Rua Ta Ta (Pre-Release Single) [MV] [MV] Release Date: May 25th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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TRI.BE - Wonderland (English Version) (Digital Single) [Lyric Video] Release Date: May 26th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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SORN x YELLOW CLAW - Cold Like Snow (Single) Release Date: May 26th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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n.SSign - Monologue (Pre-Debut Mini-Album Repackage) Title Track: Monologue [MV] Release Date: May 27th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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k-pop-lovers · 9 months
top rated songs will compete for the best k-pop song of the second quarter of 2023
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rickchung · 1 year
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Satan Wants You (dir. Sean Horlor & Steve J. Adams) x DOXA 2023.
Satanic Panic was everywhere in the 1980s as a result of the preposterously unsubstantiated but widely believed child enslavement claims chronicled in Michelle Smith and her long since discredited psychiatrist/husband Lawrence Pazder’s bestselling book Michelle Remembers.
Starting out in Victoria, the general lack of skepticism that snowballed into a fever of overreactions to the perceived Satanist ritual sacrifice of children is a trip to recount. Horlor and Adams ably recall and document what led to Western society’s obsession with this imagined movement of devil worship conspiracies despite a startling lack of evidence.
Screening as part of the 2023 DOXA Documentary Film Festival at the VIFF Centre on May 6 and The Cinematheque on May 12 & 14.
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abelkia · 1 year
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La playlist de l'émission de ce jeudi matin sur Radio Campus Bruxelles entre 6h30 et 9h : Harry Partch "U.S. Highball - A Musical Account of a Transcontinental Hobo Trip" (A Portrait/New World Records/1955-2015) Buddy Collette Septet & Robert Sorrels "Polynesian Suite" (Polynesia/Trunk Records/1962-2019) Peter Ivers' Band (with Yolande Bavan) "Gentle Jesus" (Knight of the Blue Communion/Epic Records/1969) Dominik Steiger "Gold Vom Süden" (Ad Hoc Musi 1980-84/Tochnit Aleph/2013) Reverend Gary Davis "I Am the Light of This World" (When I Die I'll Live Again/Fantasy/1972) Ivor Cutler "One at A Time" (A Flat Man/Hoorgi House Records/1998-2008) Le Diable Dégoûtant "Complainte de la Bête" (Fleur de Chagrin/Aguirre Records/2023) Persona "Água" (Som/Black Sweat Records/1975-2021) Jacques Charlier "L’Amour dans les chansons" (Art in Another Way/Musique Plastique/198?-2022) David Chesworth "Once Upon A Time" (Industry & Leisure/B.E.F.S Records/1983) Vincent & Moi "Lonely Hearts" (1998-2002/Auto production/2002) Colin Newman "Can I Explain the Delay" (Commercial Suicide/Crammed Discs/1986) Dominique Walter "Les petits boudins" (7"/Disc'Az/1967) Gillian Hills "Tu peux" (Rock Français/Wagram Music/1961-2021) Herman's Rocket "Space Woman" (7"/Vogue/1977) Sandra Plays Electronics "Her Needs" (7"/Minimal Wave/1988-2013) Aroma di Amore "Het Gesticht" (Koude Oorlog/Onderstroom Records/1984-2022) Savages "I Am Here" (Silence Yourself/Matador Records/2013) R.E.M. "These Days" (Lifes Rich Pageant/I.R.S. Records/1986) Panda Bear & Sonic Boom "Edge of the Edge" (Reset/Domino Recording Company/2022) Ming "Chanson de la plus haute tour" (Intérieur / Extérieur/Doxa Records/2001) François de Roubaix "Dernier domicile connu" (10 ans de musique de film/Odeon Soundtracks/1970-1998) Jean Luc le Ténia "Tu es un amour" (Le meilleur chanteur français du monde/Ignatub/2002) Fela Ransome-Kuti and The Africa '70 "Fogo Fogo" (Afro Baby - The Evolution Of The Afro-Sound In Nigeria 1970-79/Soundway Records/1973-2004) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2P6BuN004/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lovestereo · 10 months
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claudehenrion · 8 months
C’était mieux avant…
Je ne sais pas si c'était mieux “avant” (et d'abord, avant quoi ?“). Plus exactement, l'âge venant, je n'ai plus le courage de clamer que ‘’Oui, c'était mieux’’ aussi haut et aussi fort qu'il faudrait le faire  pour qu'une ’‘contre-force” s'oppose enfin aux mensonges péremptoires des gens qui nient cette évidence, en espérant ainsi faire oublier par toutes leurs victimes, bien trop braves et bien trop “tolérantes” (je veux dire : vous et moi !) qu'ils ne nous ont apporté que des cataractes de décisions mauvaises, des tsunamis de catastrophes tous azimuts et des tornades de mal vivre pour tous ceux qui sont soumis à leur vouloir –bien plus mauvais que bon !
En revanche, ce que je sais, pour parler comme Jean Gabin, et ce dont je me souviens clairement, c'est que “avant”, c'était plus facile. Et plus drôle, aussi. Et plus “sympa”. Et plus doux à l'homme, surtout… Car franchement… mis à part les avantages indéniables que de réels progrès scientifiques nous  ont apporté dans notre vie quotidienne (santé, espérance de vie, confort domestique, vitesse et plaisir des voyages et quelques autres), il faut bien admettre que tout le fatras conceptuel et idéologique qui a escorté les pseudo-valeurs soi-disant philosophiques qui conduisent notre vie (là où il vaudrait mieux ne pas aller !) nous enferme dans le contraire de ce qui pourrait être “bon” pour l'homme. Mais surtout, “avant”, l'homme avait appris de l'Histoire –et de son intelligence– à ne pas gaspiller, de ne pas sur-dépenser, de ne pas être inconsidéré dans tous ses comportements… “Avant”, semble-t-il, on pensait, au lieu d’obéir… Les français dits révoltés permanents ont laissé la place à des confinés sans raison, à des vaccinés sans savoir vraiment pourquoi, à des porteurs de masques inutiles et aux suivistes de toute instruction et de toute opinion ''venant d'en haut''.
(NDLR : ces 5 dernières années ont vu les “progrès” dont nous parlions plus haut être détournés par les mauvaises idées à la mode, et être ramenés à la caricature de ce qu'ils auraient pu devenir si on les avait orientés dans un sens différent. Exemples : (1)– la médecine s'est effondrée sur elle-même, dans le suivisme politique irraisonné, dans une corruption par les honneurs, les titres et la griserie d'apparaître ''au 20 heures'', et dans le refus de toute attitude scientifique, pour un virus dont les dégâts sont une fraction de ce que la propagande a tenté de nous faire avaler, très loin des horreurs apocalyptiques annoncées et répétées “ad nauseam” (relisez ce qu''ils'' disaient il y a 3 ans : tout était faux !). Mais la vérité commence à filtrer un peu partout, enfin !. (2)– le confort domestique, que la bêtise et l'inculture des nuls au pouvoir finira bien par transformer en hiver sans chauffage… et en plein de pénuries –qui deviendront dramatiques, s'ils persistent à détruire tout ce qui marchait si bien, sans eux ! (3)– quant aux transports…  ’'on a tout faux’’, jusque dans les moindres détails. Des idées dites modernistes ou progressistes qui ne sont qu'anti-humaines –ou, pire que tout,  “woke”– ont fait du monde “ex-civilisé” (?) un enfer, sans vainqueur et pour cause : il ne peut y avoir que des perdants ! Et c'est hier, 31 Août 2023, que la vente de véhicules diesel a repris sa place , devant les électriques ou hybrides qui sont ''le mensonge du siècle''... qui sont passés en tête... un petit mois).
Dans le domaine politique, la discussion et l'échange d'idées ont été interdits. Seules restent l'insulte, la dérision, la culpabilisation de l'opposant (devenu un ennemi à tuer), et la psychiatrisation de toute opinion contraire à la “doxa” –sans cesse changeante, mais toujours dans le sens qui va du mauvais vers le pire : “il ne pense pas comme je-ne-sais-plus-qui a dit qu'il fallait penser ? Je refuse donc de lui serrer la main et je recommande qu'o, l'enferme dans un asile !''. Quand on relit les passes d'armes (qui allaient jusqu'au duel !) entre des Jules Ferry, Albert de Mun, Léon Daudet, Léon Gambetta, Georges Clémenceau ou Jean Jaurès… on doit se demander si ces hommes-là n'étaient pas infiniment plus intelligents que nos ratiocineurs mal élevés actuels, sans culture, sans envergure (et depuis peu sans cravate), dépenaillés, indignes des responsabilités que des électeurs (dont on se demande à quoi ils pensaient en glissant leur bulletin dans l'urne) ont chargé d'assassiner leur futur !
Un proverbe prétendu chinois affirme que ’'le poisson pourrit par la tête’’. Vrai ou faux, c'est une explication du drame que nous vivons chaque jour et où de plus en plus de nos compatriotes commencent enfin à voir clair et à exiger des comptes… mais il est trop tard, hélas, car c'est tout le corps social qui est atteint par le cancer intellectuel qui a pourri la fonction politique et la ''res publica'' dans son ensemble : chacun râle contre son voisin, on en vient aux mains pour une priorité à droite refusée. Le covid (tel que fantasmé par des politicards) a divisé la société et déchiré les familles en deux camps ennemis dont celui qui se croit vainqueur ne rêve que “d'emmerder” l'autre, Président compris.  Et des lois prétendues “sociétales”, en vérité scélérates, ne font que cristalliser des désaccords  endémiques et tolérés, et les rendent définitifs, totaux,  absolus et même obligatoires, comme ce fut le cas pour le covid !
Deux exemples : (1)– J'ai vécu, jeune garçon, la guerre mondiale précédente, et j'assure que la haine de et pour Pétain, du temps de ceux qui savaient de quoi ils parlaient –dont De Gaulle lui-même !– n'a jamais atteint le niveau de vulgarité automatique qu'il est aujourd'hui obligatoire d'afficher… (2)– Le phénomène colonial a été si manipulé et tellement réécrit mensongèrement, qu'il contraint les populations de ex-colonies à vivre dans un monde de haine, revendicatif, auto-bloqué dans des attitudes qui ne peuvent que leur apporter le malheur individuel –sans leur donner la revanche collective qu'ils fantasment, puisque le discours des politiques, du Président au Pape François, jamais à court d'une bourde, a rendu la “faute” coloniale (même inventée et fabriquée) impardonnable “en soi”, au point qu'il est interdit de ne pas conspuer jusqu’amot ‘’colonie’’ lui-même ! Pourtant, il suffit de voir ce qui se passe dans tous les pays de l'ex-Empire français – un putsch ou une révolution par jour et par pays... ou presque-- pour comprendre que l'opposition ''blanc-noir'' n'est pas le sujet !
En fait, c'est toute la société qui est bloquée dans presque tout notre Occident, autrefois admiré, maintenant honni par les ennemis de toute humanité. La France et les Etats-Unis proposent deux chemins opposés vers la mort d'une civilisation : immigration mortelle ici, pourrissement idéologique là-bas (mais covid ici ET là-bas !). Ce qui semble plus grave, à terme, c'est que le corps social est brisé à la fois dans sa globalité et dans ses détails, police contre “justice” (?), école contre famille, sud contre nord, ville contre campagne, infirmières contre hôpitaux, police contre ''quartiers'', et j'en oublie. Il faut avoir le courage de le dire : notre situation est catastrophique : la quasi-totalité des mesures qui ont été prises par nos leaders depuis 10 ans étaient non pas mauvaises mais horribles : dans tous les domaines –civil, sécuritaire, scolaire, décadence dite “sociétale”, laxisme immigrationniste, mais aussi en ce qui concerne le climat, l'environnement, l'Histoire, l'écologie, le militaire, le législatif, le financier, le fiscal, le moral (et la morale, bien plus encore) et –c'est un comble !– un mélange anti-religieux et islamophile... il n'y a qu'un cocktail de poisons mortels.
Des milliers de décisions inutiles, farfelues, débordantes d'amateurisme ou de nullité crasse, suant de fausses bonnes intentions, et contre-productives “dans la masse” ont ravagé tout le corps social, ont détruit l'ordre, le consensus, tout lien cohérent (le dernier “lien”, dans la Cité, est… la haine pour l'Occident du Sud et pour Poutine du Nord… et pour notre voisin et notre famille, s'ils ne sont pas vaccinés !),. Sauf exception, tout notre arsenal de solidités anciennes est remplacé par une impression de ne plus être nulle part, de ne plus être solidaire de rien, de ne rien devoir à personne, mais de réclamer des “droits de'' et des ''droits à''…). Un Hobbes moderne redonnerait vie à l'expression “homo homine lupus”, l'homme est un loup pour l'homme, en version 2022.  Quand ce cauchemar va-t-il s'arrêter, s’il est temps encore ?
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zololacan · 2 months
Library 280
Pierre Bourdieu et al., Richard Nice - The Logic of Practice-Stanford University Press (1992)
5 MB • 2024-03-08 • 578 min left
Fredric Jameson - Postmodernism, or, The cultural logic of late capitalism -Duke University Press (1991)
2 MB • 2023-07-05 • 876 min left
36 Critique of theoretical reason
principle, in the different areas of practice. Sometimes the anthropologist
presents as the objective principle of practice that �hich is obtained and
constructed through the work of objectification, projecting into reality
what only exists on paper; sometimes he interprets actions which, like rites
and myths, aim to act on the natural world and the social world, as if
they were operations designed to interpret them. 5 Here too, the so-called
objective relation to the object, which implies distance and externality,
comes into contradiction in a quite practical way with the practical
relationship which it has to deny in order to constitute itself and by the
same token to constitute the objective representation of practice :
'His vision [that of a simple participant in a rite] is circumscribed by
his occupancy of a particular position, or even of a set of situationally
conflicting positions, both in the persisting structure of his society, and
also in the role structure of the given ritual. Moreover, the participant is
likely to be governed in his actions by a number of interests, purposes,
and sentiments, dependent upon his specific position, which impair his
understanding of the total situation. An even more serious obstacle against
his achieving objectivity is the fact that he tends to regard as axiomatic
and primary the ideals, values, and norms that are overtly expressed or
symbolized in the ritual. . . . What is meaningless for an actor playing a
specific role may well be highly significant for an observer and analyst of
the total system' (V. Turner 1967: 67).
Only by means of a break with the theoretical vision, which is experienced
as a break with ordinary vision, can the observer take account, in his
description of ritual practice, of the fact of participation (and consequently
of his own separation from this) ; only a critical awareness of the limits
implied in the conditions of production of theory can enable him to include
in the complete theory of ritual practice properties as essential to it as the
partial, self-interested character of practical knowledge or the discrepancy
between the practically experienced reasons and the 'objective' reasons of
practice. But the triumphaliJill of theoretical reason is paid for in its
inability, from the very beg�nning, to move beyond simple recording of
the duality of the paths of knowledge, the path of appearances and the
path of truth, doxa and episteme, common sense and science, and its
incapacity to win for science the truth of what science is constructed
Projecting into the perception of the social world the unthought content
inherent in his position in that world, that is, the monopoly of 'thought'
which he is granted de facto by the social division of labour and which
leads him to identify the work of thought with an effort of expression and
verbalization in speech or writing - 'thought and expression are constituted
simultaneously', said Merleau-Ponty - the 'thinker' betrays his secret
conviction that action is fully performed only when it is understood,
interpreted, expressed, by identifying the implicit with the unthought and
by denying the status of authentic thought to the tacit and practical thought
that is inherent in all 'sensible' action.6 Language spontaneously becomes
the accomplice of this hermeneutic philosophy which leads one to conceive
Objectification objectified 37
action as something to be deciphered, when it leads one to say, for example,
that a gesture or ritual act expresses something, rather than saying, quite
simply, that it is 'sensible' (sense) or, as in English, that it 'makes' sense.
No doubt because they know and recognize no other thought than the
thought of the 'thinker', and cannot grant human dignity without granting
what seems to be constitutive of that dignity, anthropologists have never
known how to rescue the people they were studying from the barbarism
of pre-logic except by identifying them with the most prestigious of their
colleagues - logicians or philosophers (I am thinking of the famous title,
'The primitive as philosopher'). As Hocart (1970, 32) puts it, 'Long ago
[man] ceased merely to live and started to think how he lived; he ceased
merely to feel life : he conceived it. Out of all the phenomena contributing
to life he formed a concept of life, fertility, prosperity, and vitality. ' Claude
Levi-Strauss does just the same when he confers on myth the task of
resolving logical problems, of expressing, mediating and masking social
contradictions - mainly in some earlier analyses, such 'La geste d' Asdiwal'
(1958) - or when he makes it one of the sites where, like Reason in history
according to Hegel, the universal Mind thinks itself, 7 thereby offering for
observation 'the universal laws which govern the unconscious activities of
the mind' (1951).
The indeterminacy surrounding the relationship between the observer's
viewpoint and that of the agents is reflected in the indeterminacy of the
relationship between the constructs (diagrams or discourses) that the
observer produces to account for practices, and these practices themselves.
This uncertainty is intensified by the interferences of the native discourse
aimed at expressing or regulating practice - customary rules, official
theories, sayings, proverbs, etc. - and by the effects of the mode of thought
that is expressed in it. Simply by leaving untouched the question of the
principle of production of the regularities that he records and giving free
rein to the 'mythopoeic' power of language, which, as Wittgenstein pointed
out, constantly slips from the substantive to the substance, objectivist
discourse tends to constitute the model constructed to account for practices
as a power really capable of determining them. Reifying abstractions (in
sentences like 'culture determines the age of weaning'), it treats its
. ' 1 " " ' 1 1 " d f d constructions - cu ture , structures , socia c asses or mo es 0 pro uc-
tion' - as realities endowed with a social efficacy. Alternatively, giving
concepts the power to act in history as the words that designate them act
in the sentences of historical narrative, it personifies collectives and makes
them subjects responsible for historical actions (in sentences like 'the
bourgeoisie thinks that . . . ' or 'the working class refuses to accept
. . . ') . 8 And, when the question cannot be avoided, it preserves appearances
by resorting to systematically ambiguous notions, as linguists say of
sentences whose representative content varies systematically with the
context of use.
Thus the notion of the rule which can refer indifferently to the regularity
immanent in practices (a statistical correlation, for ex amp-Ie ), the model
constructed by science to account for it, or the norm consciously posited
38 Critique of theoretical reason
and respected by the agents, allows a fictitious reconciliation of mutually
contradictory theories of action. I am thinking, of course, of Chomsky,
who (in different contexts) describes grammatical rules as instruments of
description of language ; as systems of norms of which speakers have a
certain knowledge; and finally as neuro-physiological mechanisms ('A
person who knows a language has represented in his brain some very
abstract system of underlying structures along with an abstract system of
rules that determine, by free iteration, an infinite range of sound-meaning
correspondences' ( 1 967)). But it is also instructive to re-read a paragraph
from the preface to the second edition of The Elementary Structures of
Kinship, in which one may assume that particular care has been taken with
the vocabulary of norms, models or rules, since the passage deals with the
distinction between 'preferential systems' and 'prescriptive systems' :
'Conversely, a system which recommends marriage with the mother's
brother's daughter may be called prescriptive even if the rule is seldom
observed, since it says what must be done. The question of how far and
in what proportion the members of a given society respect the norm is
very interesting, but a different question to that of where this society
should properly be placed in a typology. It is sufficient to acknowledge
the likelihood that awareness of the rule inflects choices ever so little in
the prescribed directions, and that the percentage of conventional marriages
is higher than would be the case if marriages "jere made at random, to be
able to recognize what might be called a maH'ilateral operator at work in
this society and acting as a pilot: certain alliances at least follow the path
which- it charts out for them, and this suffices to imprint a specific curve
in the genealogical space. No doubt there will be not j ust one curve but
a great number of local curves, merely incipient for the most part, however,
and forming closed cycles only in rare and exceptional cases. But the
structural outlines which emerge here and there will be enough for the
system to be used in making a probabilistic version of more rigid systems,
the notion of which is completely theoretical and in which marriage would
conform rigorously to any rule the social group pleases to enunciate' (Levi
Strauss 1969 : 33, my italics).
The dominant tonality in this passage, as in the wh()le preface, is that
of the norm, whereas Structural Anthropology is written in the language
of the model or structure ; not that such terms are entirely absent here,
since the metaphors organizing the central passage (,operator', 'curve' in
'genealogical space', 'structural outlines') imply the logic of the theoretical
model and the equivalence (which is both professed and repudiated) of the
model and the norm : 'A preferential system is prescriptive when envisaged
at the level of the model, a prescriptive system can only be preferential
when envisaged at the level of reality' ( 1 969 : 33).
But for the reader who remembers the passages in Structural A nthropology
on the relationship between language and kinship (for example, "'Kinship
systems", like "phonemic systems", are built up by the mind on the level
of unconscious thought' [Levi-Strauss 1968 : 34]) and the imperious way
in which 'cultural norms' and all the 'rationalizations' or ' secondary
Objectification objectified 39
arguments' produced by the natives were rejected in favour of the
'unconscious structures', not to mention the texts asserting the universality
of the fundamental rule of exogamy, the concessions made here to
'awareness of the rule' and the dissociation from rigid systems 'the notion
of which is entirely theoretical', may come as a surprise, as may this
further passage from the same preface : 'It is nonetheless true that the
empirical reality of so-called prescriptive systems only takes on its full
meaning when related to a theoretical model worked out by th e natives
themselves prior to ethnologists' ( 1 969: 32, my italics) ; or again :
'Those who practise them know full well that the spirit of such systems
cannot be reduced to the tautological proposition that each group obtains
its women from 'givers' and gives its women to 'takers'. They are also
aware that marriage with the matrilateral cross cousin (mother's brother's
daughter) provides the simplest illustration of the rule, the form most
likely to guarantee its survival. On the other hand, marriage with the
patrilateral cross cousin (father's sister's daughter) would violate it
irrevocably' ( 1 969 : 32, my italics).
It is tempting to quote in reply a passage in which Wittgenstein effortlessly
brings together all the questions evaded by structural anthropology and,
no doubt, more generally by all intellectualism, which transfers the objective
truth established by science into a practice that by its very essence rules
out the theoretical stance which makes it possible to establish that truth :
'What do I call ' the rule by which he proceeds'? - The hypothesis that
satifactorily describes his use of words, which we observe ; or the rule
which he looks up when he uses signs ; or the one which he gives us in
reply when we ask what his rule is ? - But if observation does not enable
us to see any clear rule, and the question brings none to light ? - For he
did indeed give me a definition when I asked him what he understood by
'N', but he was prepared to withdraw and alter it. So how am I to
determine the rule according to which he is playing? He does not know
it himself. - Or, to ask a better question : What meaning is the expression
'the rule by which he proceeds' supposed to have left to it here ?' ( 1 963 :
To slip from regularity, i.e. from what recurs with a certain statistically
measurable frequency and from the formula which describes it, to a
consciously laid down and consciously respected ruling (reglement), or to
unconscious regulating by a mysterious cerebral or social mechanism, are
the two commonest ways of sliding from the model of reality to the
reality of the model. In the first case, one moves from a rule which, to
take up Quine's distinction ( 1 972) between to fit and to guide, fits the
observed regularity in a purely descriptive way, to a rule that governs,
directs or orients behaviour - which presupposes that it is known and
recognized, and can therefore be stated - thereby succumbing to the most
elementary form of legalism, that variety of finalism which is perhaps the
most widespread of the spontaneous theories of practice and which consists
in proceeding as if practices had as their principle conscious obedience to
consciously devised and sanctioned rules. As Ziff puts it :
40 Critique of theoretical reason
'Consider the difference between saying "The train is regularly two
minutes late" and "As a rule, the train is two minutes late" . . . There is
the suggestion in the latter case that that the train be two minutes late is
as it were in accordance with some policy or plan . . . Rules connect with
plans or policies in a way that regularities do not . . . To argue that there
must be rules in the natural language is like arguing that roads must be
red if they correspond to red lines on a map' ( 1 960 : 38).
In the second case, one acquires the means of proceeding as if the
principle (if not the end) of the action were the theoretical model one has
to construct in order to account for it, without however falling into the
most flagrant naiveties of legalism, by setting up as the principle of practices
or institutions objectively governed by rules unknown to the agents -
significations without a signifying intention, finalities without consciously
posited ends, which are so many challenges to the old dilemma of
mechanism and finalism - an unconscious defined as a mechanical operator
of finality. Thus, discussing Durkheim's attempts to 'explain the genesis
of symbolic thought', Levi-Strauss writes :
'Modern sociologists and psychologists resolve such problems by
appealing to the unconscious activity of the mind ; but when Durkheim
was writing, psychology and modern linguistics had not yet reached their
main conclusions. This explains why Durkheim foundered in what he
regarded as an irreducible antinomy (in itself a considerable progress over
late nineteenth-century thought as exemplifi� by Spencer) : the blindness
of history and the finalism of consciousness. Between the two there is of
course the unconscious finality of the mind' ( 1 947: 527, my italics).
It is easy to imagine how minds trained to reject the naivety of finalist
explanations and the triviality of causal explanations (particularly 'vulgar'
when they invoke economic and social factors) could be fascinated by all
the mysterious teleological mechanisms, meaningful and apparently willed
products without a producer, which structuralism brought into being by
sweeping away the social conditions of production, reproduction and use
of symbolic objects in the very process in which it revealed immanent
logic. And it is also easy to understand the credit given in advance to Levi
Strauss 's attempt to move beyond the antinomy of action consciously
oriented towards rational ends and mechanical reaction to determinations
by locating finality in mechanism, with the notion of the unconscious, a
kind of Deus ex machina which is also a God in the machine. The
naturalization of finality implied in forgetting historical action, which leads
one to inscribe the ends of history in the mysteries of a Nature, through
the notion of the unconscious, no doubt enabled structural anthropology
to appear as the most natural of the social sciences and the most scientific
of the metaphysics of nature. 'As the mind is also a thing, the functioning
of this thing teaches us something about the nature of things ; even pure
reflexion is in the last analysis an internalization of the cosmos' (Levi
Strauss 1 966: 248, my italics).
One sees the oscillation, in the same sentence, between two contradictory
explanations of the postulated identity of mind and nature : an essential
i I
Objectification objectified 4 1
identity - the mind i s a thing - o r a n identity acquired through learning
- the mind is the internalization of the cosmos. The two theses, which are
merged with the help of the ambiguity of another formulation, 'an image
of the world inscribed in the architecture of the mind' ( 1 964 : 346), in any
case both exclude individual and collective history. Beneath its air of radical
materialism, this philosophy of nature is a philosophy of mind which
amounts to a form of idealism. Asserting the universality and eternity of
the logical categories that govern 'the unconscious activity of the mind',
it ignores the dialectic of social structures and structured, structuring
dispositions through which schemes of thought are formed and transformed.
These schemes - either logical categories, principles of division which,
through the principles of the division of labour, correspond to the structure
of the social world (and not the natural world), or temporal structures,
imperceptibly inculcated by 'the dull pressure of economic relations' as
Marx puts it, that is, by the system of economic and symbolic sanctions
associated with a particular position in the economic structures - are one
of the mediations through which the objective structures ultimately structure
all experience, starting with economic experience, without following the
paths of either mechanical determination or adequate consciousness.
If the dialectic of objective structures and incorporated structures which
operates in every practical action is ignored, then one necessarily falls into
the canonical dilemma, endlessly recurring in new forms in the history of
social thought, which condemns those who seek to reject subjectivism, like
the present-day structuralist readers of Marx, to fall into the fetishism of
social laws. To make transcendent entities, which are to practices as essence
to existence, out of the constructions that science resorts to in order to
give an account of the structure and meaningful products of the accumulation
of innumerable historical actions, is to reduce history to a 'process without
a subject', simply replacing the 'creative subject' of subj ectivism with an
automaton driven by the dead laws of a history of nature. This emanatist
vision, which makes a structure - Capital or a Mode of production - into
an entelechy developing itself in a process of self-realization, reduces
historical agents to the role of 'supports' (Trager) of the structure and
reduces their actions to mere epiphenomenal manifestations of the structure's
own power to develop itself and to determine and overdetermine other
The Imaginary Anthropology of
J ean-Paul Sartre deserves credit for having given an ultra-consistent
formulation of the philosophy of action that is accepted, usually implicitly,
by those who describe practices as strategies explicitly oriented by reference
to ends explicitly defined by a free project or even, with some interactionists,
by reference to the anticipated reactions of other agents. Thus, refusing to
recognize anything resembling durable dispositions or probable eventualit
ies, Sartre makes each action a kind of antecedent-less confrontation
between the subject and the world. This is seen clearly in the passages in
Being and Nothingness where he on the awakening of revolutionary
consciousness - a 'conversion' of consciousness p roduced by a sort of
imaginary variation - the power to create the sense of the present by
creating the revolutionary future that denies it:
'It is necessary to reverse the common opinion and acknowledge that it
is not the harshness of a situation or the sufferings i t imposes that lead
people to conceive of another state of afftirs in which things would be
better for everybody. It is on the day tJiat we are able to conceive of
another state of affairs, that a new light is cast on our trouble and our
suffering and we decide that they are unbearable' (1 957: 434-5, my italics ;
cf. also 1 953).
If the world of action is nothing other than this imaginary universe of
interchangeable possibles, entirely dependent on the decrees of the
consciousness that creates it, and therefore entirely devoid of objectivity,
if it is moving because the subj ect chooses to be moved , revolting because
he chooses to be revolted, then emotions, p assions, and also actions, are
merely games of bad faith:
'It is no accident that materialism is serious ; it is no accident that it is
found at all times and places as the favourite doctrine of the revolutionary.
This is because revolutionaries are serious. They come to know themselves
fi rst in terms of the world which oppresses them . . . The serious man is
'of the world' and has no resource in himself. He does not even imagine
any longer the possibility of getting out of the world . . . he is in bad
faith' ( 1 957: 580).
The same incapacity to encounter 'seriousness' other than in the
disapproved form of the 'spirit of seriousness
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