#dont take any risks
pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
ive been craving reputation era taylor swift music
so im going to write a song or two based off some of those songs, specifically "dress", which is my favorite song on that album, hands down.
so yea
also, i'm *sick* bc tomorrow is the 24th, and i have severe anxiety and am very paranoid, and the whole idea of it is disgusting. so i'm *sick* and cant go to school where there are *boys*
also one of my friends was nearly sexually assaulted at school on school grounds last year while we were waiting for the busses to go home. there were tons of teachers around, but they didn't do anything.
so, im *sick* cough cough so i dont have to worry about *april 24th, named national rape day* by *grown ass men*
Not taking any chances!
Ladies, please stay safe tomorrow!
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stevethehairington · 7 months
really fucking sick and tired of people who really fucking love the eddie book jumping on people who don't like or are even remotely critical of it's posts and like crusading their opinions around from the top of their high horses and shoving it down our throats.
if you like the book, great! that's awesome! love that for you! i am genuinely glad that you were able to find good in it and enjoy it!!
but not everyone did, and not everyone is going to agree with you. so, instead of going on some grand crusade where you find every single post that includes anything even remotely negative or negative adjacent or even neutrally critical and spending ALL this time and effort trying to provide unwanted rebuttals to every single thing, maybe you should just stay in your lane and find people who DO like the book and chat about it with them.
because i can PROMISE YOU, none of us appreciate it when you come onto our posts and start accusing us of "hating on" the author or "being rude" about her and her work and RIDICULOUS shit like that.
being critical of something and pointing out it's flaws is NOT inherently hating on it. i, frankly, do not know where people got that notion, but it's not fucking true so can we fucking quit assuming it is? and, critiquing something is also NOT the same as saying this is shit and it sucks and the author is a piece of garbage. again, where the fuck that came from is beyond me. you can be critical of something and still enjoy it. as soooo many of you love to point out, it's not perfect, why should it be perfect? so D U H. of course that means criticism can and should arise???
also. hot take (by which i mean ice fucking cold because it's NOT a fucking hot take), but going around toting FALSE facts as part of your "defense" does not make you or your argument look good. you, like the author, should maybe do a basic fact check first. 🙃
tldr, if you like the book, that's genuinely great, but stay in your fucking lane and stop seeking out posts from people who didn't like it to start shit in the notes.
#flight of icarus#stranger things#this has happened to me and to so many of my friends and im fucking SICK of it#i didn't even hate the book either!! i thought it was just okay#and yet i STILL get all these book lovers jumping down my throat about things i say about the book#things that - HONESTLY are not even like that scathing!!!!!#like god damn all im asking for is a little BASIC effort from the author and they all think thats me asking for her head on a platter#its NOT#i have no problem with the author#she's whatever to me honestly just a vessel through which the book was given to us#ALSO she is some nebulous blob way outside my orbit. AS IN any critiques i have of her and her work are NOT direct assaults on her???#like i dont fucking KNOW her#im not saying any of this to her face#she is a published writer she should KNOW the risks she is taking when she publishes her writing#not everyone is going to like it! there are going to be people who are critical of it! there are going to be people who hate it!#critiques and pointing out mistakes and wishing for things to have been different is not a fucking direct attack#those things are actually pretty fucking common responses to ANYTHING#and a lot of times theyre actually meant as useful helpful things geared towards improvement and not something to tear someone down with#some people on the internet need to go touch grass and learn how to CRITICALLY THINK again#the world is not as black and white as you think#n e ways. rant over. if you stuck around through all of that kudos to you. i am just. at the end of my rope with this bullshit.
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janebonbon · 5 months
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The man himself! Full of jokes..
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allsketchesnononsense · 5 months
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These 4 adopts are still up for grabs! Each has a full piece of art and one chibi. The Alien is $35 and the other four are $50
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These three are the last of the line of "Budget Bots"
Bunny and purple baby are $5, while the sleepy orange girl is $10
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And my last adopt, Yippee, who's up for $10
Hoping these bots can get good homes soon!
If you prefer using Toyhou.se, you can also find them there!
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lollytea · 1 year
How do I say, without coming across as a jaded miserable little bitch who likes raining on everybody's parade, that the PJO Disney plus adaption is nostalgia bait, in the same way that their live action remakes are
#it'll probably be good#it sounds like its gonna be a pretty faithful adaption#im not denying that#but#20-30 something year old you ARE being pandered to by the Walt Disney Corporation#its fine to be excited for it. just so long as we are all aware of whats happening#also we gotta stop acting like mr riordan is some underdog in this situation#hes written one of the most successful teen lit series of all time#and in disney's current quirky girl phase of grasping hold of anything that already has a following#of COURSE they snatched this shit up#''Percy Jackson. A Disneyplus original.''#do you have any idea just how much theyre salivating to have their name attached to this series?#(tbf the books were owned by disney too. but a streaming service makes their link to the franchise all the more evident)#anyway. maybe i sometimes get a little bitter when i think about all the original projects in production that were abruptly cancelled#usually because of the current fear to take risks and put something new into the world#and then i remember adaptions like are going ahead#there is no risk associated the pjo series. the first few books are relatively squeaky clean for a teenage audience#this is a comfortable direction for them to go in#''but but but theres gay people in it'' hush. disney is not afraid of captilizing on the gay experience#also im pretty sure the gay people dont show up until like. 8 books in#thats 8 seasons#can you imagine#''guys we need to keep giving this show our support so we can eventually get solanjello (or whatever its called)''#ooooh theyre quite evil. very interesting#even tho like. dont worry you'll get your gay people eventually. you'll get all your book adaptions. you'll get all those seasons.#this franchise is disneys new pet#you can smell it#the hype. the cast announcements. the promotion#LIN MANUEL MIRANDA???#theyre going to squeeze every last drop of engagement they can get out of it
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skrunksthatwunk · 7 months
have just been introduced to a kitten named rascal who lives on my floor and whose babysitters (who are not his owner?) were trying Really hard to goad me into adopting which like. he's a little baby and he's so so so silly and he barely even bit me but like also. this cat isn't yours???? anyway if the owner's giving him up then I might finally have a cat which like AHHHHHG
#i wanna cat SO BADD#but also i dont think this is the best environment to have ANY non-tank pet tbqh#and i dont wanna have to give him away if my housing situation changes bc my parents house wouldnt work#(one of our dogs has a pretty strong prey drive and i dont wanna risk it)#also the poor guy seems a bit skittish and i think the 2 big dogs would scare him#and then there's the 'is he my cat or your cat' thing w my roommate#i think the answer would be hes my cat bc shes more ambivalent but she can actually take him home so like#and ive pretty much been banking on going home after college anyway so like??? in the long term where would he go???#but also my dogs are getting older.. maybe by then they'll be gone and that problem'll go away#but hell my room there's bigger than my dorm room so even if we kept him in there it'd be a better space than here#it'd be a step up#ugh idk. i think it's a bad idea to have a cat in rooms this small in general. but i don't wanna see him go to a shelter either#like he's young and cute so maybe it'll be easier for him but he's also not super cuddly with strangers as far as i can tell#idk... im worried about him.... poor little rascal#like one of the girls mentioned being mean to him and i dont want him to be mistreated#like shining lights in his face and stuff#idk... sigh......#im considering transferring schools at some point. worst case scenario is i go somewhere they dont allow pets and i have to#either find a foster parent or give him away completely#but i really dont wanna have to do that if i can help it. i never want to put a pet that loves and depends on me in a situation like that#much less me like id bawl my ass off#but if theyre treating him bad then even if my situation isnt perfect wouldnt taking him in be in the right anyway?#but how long does that stand for? until i can find him a better home? ughh
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rohirric-hunter · 6 months
I've been trying to put this into words for a while now and I think I might have something -- most of the time when people examine storytelling tropes, especially experts in a related field, especially historians and medical professionals, they are setting out to disprove the trope.
Even if they're not, once they find some evidence that the trope doesn't work in real life or isn't how it was done historically, they often expect that to be the end of the conversation. Historically, people did not go adventuring with two-handed greatswords strapped to their backs -- and therefore you should not have it happen in your fiction, and the conversation ends there. In real life, having a character get hit so hard on the head that they pass out for several hours would demand immediate medical intervention and likely cause permanent brain damage -- and therefore you should not have it happen in your fiction. End of discussion.
These people fail, I think, to understand the reason these tropes exist. It is not because people are just uneducated and think that's how things work. In fact, I would go out on a limb and say far more people are already aware of these things than these experts assume. The attraction of the trope doesn't come from the belief that it is accurate.
These tropes exist because it is widely agreed that they are cool, sexy, emotionally fulfilling, narratively convenient, or any number of other things that really have nothing to do with whether or not they are accurate to reality. I'm not quite sure what it is about most of these experts that makes them unable to understand that, or unwilling to play the game that the rest of us engage in, where we all quietly pretend that it does work because it's harmless and enjoyable.
Really the only people I've ever seen who understand that and try to work their own expertise on the subject into the tropes in a cohesive and satisfying way are Shadiversity on YouTube and blumineck on here. Both in the martial arts categories, which ties mostly into history -- I've yet to find a medical professional online who's willing to play the game.
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bunnihearted · 4 months
since i have such deeprooted issues w my body image and eating nd food i feel like ashamed of saying it but omg im thinking abt food constantly now.... i miss unhealthy stuff yeah, but i cant even have stir fry w a shit ton of broccoli nd cauliflower nd carrot which is one of my fav things to eat. i cant eat anything without pain and nausea and that sucks so much. in 50 hours i have eaten one small portion of oatmeal nd one potato like im so fkn hungry nd im obsessively thinking abt food it drives me crazy. i cant even sit down and drink a cup of green lemon tea!!!!!!!!! soooo just had to complain abt this a little bc even if im trying not to think abt it, trying to be like well at least a surgery will most likely fix it i just have to wait, im like.... so exhausted so weak so hungry thinking abt food constantly :( </33
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just-a-mod · 4 months
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Jamie's behavior has been pretty odd recently, but even he can tell when he's met an equal
met this weird-ass delivery guy named Baileys and BOY HOWDY
any way Jamie has an egg now and i think Baileys is gonna sleep for 3 years straight
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alternativeulster · 2 months
swiftie mutuals please know that i still love you i just cant help but be a hater
#my opinions on ts are complex#like i think she's an insanely good and hardworking performer#you cant ignore the amount of work it takes to perform something like her eras shows#AND i think that when she puts her mind to it she can really knock it out of the park with a great song#every album has at least one A+ song#like genuinely i think anti-hero was her best ever lyrically#and she's at her best when she leans into the sappy over the top vibe like w love story or ybwm#my main problem with her is ofc her excessive private jet use#i understand that shes too famous to fly commercial bc she'd get mobbed#but when travelling within a single country she could at least be using road travel#anyway#wrt her music my main issue is that a good 80% of it is very... bland#she doesn't really do anything new or push any boundaries artistically#just plays it safe#and her lyrics can be genuinely awful when she takes herself too seriously (1830s but without all the racists)#and that sucks bc when she DOES decide to explore a new concept or play a character#she generally makes something interesting and fun!#blank space was fun bc it was a play into the media's constructed narrative about her#reputation was. a choice. but i'll defend it for being something different and actually taking a risk#this is a long ass tags ramble but i guess my point is#shes a pop singer. shes a pop singer who makes catchy pop music and thats okay#but she has a habit of taking herself too seriously and trying to be a deep meaningful 'poet' type songwriter like phoebe bridgers etc#which is just. not at all what she's good at#her music needs an ounce of self awareness to be good but her new album completely lacks that#sigh#dont ever get a diploma in music theory worst mistake of my life
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tamsong · 10 months
Serious life update: im medicated now
i just took my first dose of my adhd meds this morning :D we'll see how it goes
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
secondary thought from Camp Jupiter Confidential: Claudia got her SPQR tattoo from her mom, rather than through the normal ceremony. Love how this implies sometimes, Romans just spontaneously get their tattoos from random sources and no one can verify it so it just becomes a “Source: Dude trust me” about where it came from. I now suspect this has absolutely been exploited before.
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goethitee · 23 days
i think im gonna quit my job. i rlly dont think i can do this anymore. it is just so exhausting my body is falling apart i am in so much pain all the time. & it is so thankless too. i mean, thats not always true. i have clients that love me & i truly care about them & their dogs, but theres just - so many assholes. & ik thats everywhere. i get it. but i put in so much work for what? & something that i actually said to my bsf the other day - i could deal with my body falling apart if the pay was good. but it isnt!! & there isnt truly anyway for it to get better!! it was never my dream job to begin with, but i could stick with it, but i really think it is time for me to leave now, before too long & theres even more pressure for me to stay. i just cant do it anymore.
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minglana · 5 months
my mom kind of gave me some tips on how to make a cv etc (how she did it) on excel and she said i could try making mine and then she could check it if i wanted, but the thing is that she doesnt know i use libreoffice. she HATES anything thats not excel....😭
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nowendil · 6 months
whooooo having an anxiety attack about covid. again 👍
#cw negative#cw vent#nowe talks#it's hard to describe what about it is the worst source of anxiety for me. it's not What If I Get It. it's mostly just. it's just.#i sometimes feel like our society has just forgotten that it's a thing. or that society has forgotten that it's A SERIOUS THING.#like this thing that Kills People.#i know it's not lethal to most people but it still is a very serious thing!#why have we as a society shifted from “protecting the people most affected is a collective responsibility#(via vaccination and masking and not showing up to places sick)“#to “well what if all the people belonging to risk groups just deal with this on their own and the rest of us go back to normal?”#idk man maybe i'm sensitive because my grandma died of covid a week before Christmas last year.#or because both of my parents are over 60 and my dad has another risk factor illness on top of that.#idk man. i just feel so. unsafe. unsure and scared and tired. i just dont want other people to go through what our family did last december#i want to stress that i'm not blaming any individual people for this.#my frustration is almost solely directed towards the goverment not taking covid seriously enough#and like i'm not perfect. i'm not sure what's the right thing to do and what's me overreacting.#i recognize that i am often incapable of thinking clearly about this subject#sometimes i feel like i am the only one in my circle (family included) who is this worried about it still. i'm not blaming my loved ones#i'm not saying i'm better than them that's not it. i just. sometimes i just feel so alone with this#and idk how to make it better?#like i have good moments and bad moments with this anxiety. it comes and goes. but. idk.#i think her death's anniversary coming closer combined with the rising covid numbers in my country is just doing a number on me
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collecting--stardust · 7 months
Triage is such an interesting topic I felt like I'm not even studying and instead reading on a random topic I'm accidentally hyperfixate on
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