#don't know what else to put here...i just love that little dally and want him to have his time in the spotlight
marshallfan99 · 9 months
Third PAW Patrol Movie CONFIRMED!!!
I really hope this one has Marshall as the main focus, and NO it's not just because I'm a Marshall fanboy and want to see his backstory. While it's true that Marshall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else for me (yes I hold him on THAT high of a pedestal...actually even HIGHER but I don't wanna waste this post with ">" to show the REAL pedestal), I feel like a movie focused on him could make more sense since Marshall's insecurities have been canonically shown in the TV series...it's his clumsiness, which in turn effects his self-confidence and leads him to feel like he "can't do anything right" (his OWN WORDS from the season 2 episode Pups Save A Friend). I really think a deeper exploration into Marshall's clumsiness would be an interesting story...at least, for me...since I'm Marshall-levels of clumsy myself, but without the cartoon physics and pain-free wipeouts...mine are painful and I've broken a few bones because of it, one of them caused by just trying to go upstairs...anyway, I'm rambling now...but what I'm TRYING to say is, I GET the feelings of insecurity Marshall has shown, because I experience the same thing. But while Chase's trauma of Adventure City (while I appreciate the portrayal and could relate to it) was only shown in the first movie because Adventure City was CREATED for the movie, and Skye's insecurities about her size have been seen NOWHERE else in the series and they most likely just chose that to be her issue BECAUSE she's the smallest, a possible Marshall focused story has the potential to build off of what the TV series has ACTUALLY shown off already. A PAWtuber I watch called N3BULA V actually made a video discussing a potential backstory for Marshall, and it was pretty good in my opinion. Something like that, where it could go more in depth on his clumsiness and how he gets frustrated/insecure about it at times, would personally get me into the theater to watch it day 1...and also I'm just imagining how ADORABLE baby Marshall would be as an added bonus!
Please Spin Master...give Marshall some well-deserved love after how unfairly the show's treated him lately...and fellow Marshall fans, please feel free to like and reblog if you agree.
I hope this post was understandable...I'm not that good at explaining things, but I tried. Anyway, that's all I have to say for now!
Till next time, Marshall out! ✌️
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Do It Then
Darry Curtis x GN! Reader
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Darry had come home late, he was tired and looked incredibly grumpy and much to his dismay there were far too many other people at the house that certainly didn't need to be there, you being one of them.
Dinner was being served, Pony, Johnny, Soda, and you were in the house, eating dinner, Dally and Two-Bit were on the floor watching television, and Steve was on the porch drinking. Darry came in and headed straight to the bathroom, not saying a word to anyone.
"Darry wait." You say stopping him, you lick your thumb and wipe off some of the dirt from his cheek before kissing the now clean spot.
He was still a little annoyed but what you did certainly helped, he held your hand up to his lips and kissed it.
When he came out of the shower, you put his plate fresh from the microwave onto the table re heated, Johnny and Pony were helping you clean up while Soda went in next for the shower.
Darry hugged you from behind and placed a kiss on your head before going to eat, you knew he was just tired but it didn't stop you from worrying.
"(y/n)?" Johnny timidly asks.
"Yes Johnny?" You reply gently.
"When are you and Darry gonna get married?"
Darry spat out his water and Pony looked over at him and started laughing, both of your faces were bright red. Which caused everyone else that was inside to laugh.
"We..." (Y/n) said trying to find their words. "Well technically that's up to him, traditionally he has to pop the question."
"Why does it gotta be me?" Darry asked with an annoyed tone. Dally gave him a shocked look before looking down at his very interesting almost empty plate.
"I can do it." You tell him crossing your arms, "I'd be more than hsppy to."
"Do it then." Darry challenges, not believing you're actually gonna do it.
"Want me to wait for Sodapop to get out of the shower?" You ask with a smirk.
"No, no, go right ahead."
Pony rushed to the bathroom door and yells to Soda.
"Get out here! (Y/n)s gonna propose!"
Two-Bit runs outside and grabs Steve pulling him in the house while telling him what he's missed.
The shower cuts off immediately and Soda comes out with a shower wrapped around his waist, Johnny and you laugh.
You search your jean pockets and sigh, nothing. You go over to your backpack laying on the couch and pull and smile before pulling out a small black pouch.
Darrys face drops he didn't actually think you had anything let alone carried it with you. Two-Bit starts laughing covering his mouth, Steve's got his jaw to the floor and Dally's hiding a smile
"(y/n) wait." Darry said getting up.
"Nope not a chance." You say going towards him. "Now's actually a perfect time, most of the families here and you look absolutely perfect-"
"(Y/n)." Darry states, he grabs both of your hands and stares you down. "Let me get mine if we're doing this."
Your mouth is left agape as Darry runs upstairs, the boys are literally screaming at this development. Darry comes back down a few minutes later with a gold wedding band, you pull out of the bag a silver band.
"Holy shit." Johnny says.
"Do we both get on a knee then?" You ask laughing.
"I don't know." Darry says smiling.
"Here," you say getting down on a knee, "I'll go first."
Darry looks down at you and can't stop laughing, his entire face is red as a cherry.
"Darrel Shaynne Curtis Jr."
"Not the full name." Soda groans out, the group laughs and you try to continue.
"I have loved you since Middle School, yes I know it's horribly embarrassing, and you are the most kind hearted, caring, loving, stubborn, brave, and the man of my dreams."
"Cheesy!" Two-Bit calls out. Steve elbows him in the side, making him yelp.
You laugh despite the tears filling your eyes;
"You introduced me to the best family I've ever gotten to know and I love you, your brothers, the entire gang with my entire soul and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, through every bit of bullshit, and every fight, and every incredibly perfect moment."
Darry laughs, taking one hand away to wipe a tear away from his face.
"So," you ask. "Will you marry me?"
"Say no." Two-Bit whispers, another jab from Steve despite Two-Bits chuckles.
"Yes." Darry says blushing, the entire gang cheers and Darry picks you up to kiss him, you give him the ring and he slips in on.
"Hey!" Soda yells, "I don't remember being asked for permission!"
You and Darry part still smiling.
"I asked y'all last week if you were cool with it." You say laughing.
"You asked if we were cool with the idea." Soda says.
"Same thing!" You counter.
"Hold on!" Two-Bit says we gotta check out the ring.
The entire gang gets up and moved you aside so they can inspect the ring, if Darry wasn't laughing he'd probably push them out of the way to get back to you.
Dally holds out the hand and everyone inspects it.
"Where'd you buy this from?" Steve asks.
"I had a friend show me out to make them."
"Bullshit you didn't make this!" Dally says.
"That's how I got this fucking burn scar!" You say pointing to your right hand.
Dally goes over to inspect the scar thinking that it will plainly tell him if you're lying or not.
"Yeah That's real." He says letting go of your hand.
"Ok, ok." Darry says moving out of the crowd and going back over to you.
"I thought you said this happened at work." He picks up your hand and inspects it.
"I lied." You say shrugging. "I promise I won't lie to you again, I just didn't know how to get past it."
Darry presses several kisses to the now scared area of your hand, and then kneels down taking both of your hands. You laugh as he pulls out his ring for you.
"Yes." You say automatically.
Darry laughs and opens his mouth to continue.
"Yes." You say again.
"Will you let me finish?" He asks laughing.
You laugh and finally let him finish.
"I fell in love with you in Highschool, I remember the exact day I noticed it, you were at one of our games and we had won, everyone was in the field and you ran right into me and apologized before fixing my helmet."
"Oh God not that one." You groan out.
"Your face grew red just from talking to me, and I thought to myself; "How long have I thought they were that cute." And after our first date that weekend, I didn't want to envision a future without you in it."
You started to cry and laugh at the same time.
"I wanna marry you, I want to grow old with you, I want you, every bit of you, for the rest of our lives, because I love you and everyday you show me that I love you a little more than the day before."
"So, (y/n)."
"Say no!" Pony and Soda yell, "He didn't ask anyone for permission like you did!"
"Will you marry me?" Darry asks.
"Say no!" Dally yells.
"Yes!" You say.
Darry smiles and you tackle him to the ground, leaving kisses on every possible surface of his skin you can kiss.
You can hear the boys either catcalling or booing.
"You can do better (y/n)!"
Darry flips them the bird ashe pulls you in for a kiss, then he takes the ring and slips it on you. When you two part and get up, the boys gather around you to see the ring.
"I would've said no." Two-Bit says, "Yours was much better and your ring was hand made, this ain't nothing compared to yours."
"Oh absolutely!" Soda says, "I can't believe he didn't even ask us if we were ok with him marrying you. Very disrespectful young man, are you sure you want to go through with this?"
Darry pulls him back and Soda runs off laughing, Darry chasing after him, before tackling him nesr the door.
Dally pulls you into a hug which at first shocks you but then he says:
"If he doesn't treat you right we'll fix him for you."
When he lets you go, Pony holds you next.
"You alright Pony?" You ask.
"Better than alright." He says, "Thought Johnny and I would have to hide the ring for you to find."
"You two planned this did you?" You ask laughing.
He nods and you grab Johnny and pull him into a hug with you and Pony which he eagerly accepts.
After giving and receiving hugs and congratulations from the gang, somehow you find yourself being pulled outside by Darry into the bed of his truck.
He kisses you under the stars in every place possible (without taking off your clothes), until you're both out of breath and even then he still wants more of you.
"I love you." You whisper to him.
"I love you too." Darry says and goes back to kissing you. "I love you (y/n)." He whispers against your lips, your hands, your cheeks until you're both giggling and starting to get a little cold.
Someone knocks on the trucks bed hard enough that you both jump apart and catch Two-Bit laughing as he runs away for the evening.
Darry helps you out, Dally and Steve aren't in the house, Johnny and Pony are on the couch talking.
"Johnny," you say coming in. "You wanna stay here tonight?"
"...If it's alright." He says.
"Of course it is." You say going to get the spare pillow and blankets.
"Do you want any jammies?"
Pony laughs and Johnny hides his red face in the couch.
"Love," Darry says kissing your shoulder. "They're teenagers, they don't say: "Jammies" anymore."
"PJs?" You ask but it somehow makes it worse.
Pony hands him some comfortable clothes for sleeping and you and Darry head upstairs to go to bed. You pull Darry close to you, his arms circling your waist, you can feel his smile as he pressed kisses into your hair.
"Thank you." You say into his chest.
"For what?' He asks, you look up at him and smile.
"For making my life a dream come true."
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drgstrcowboi · 11 months
dating Dallas Winston head canons: wholesome edition
in my head, Dallas is a classic scorpio man who plays tough but is actually a big softy when you get close to him
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obviously, he's very protective and everyone knows that
but sometimes that manifests in unexpected ways like wanting you to call when you get home safe or reminding you to eat/sleep/take care of yourself
sometimes his protective side feels a touch bit controlling or overbearing, but he does it because he's terrified of something bad happening to you
he's incredibly touchy/physically affectionate in private, but not so much in public
unless someone else flirts/shows interest in you and then he has to make it clear you're with him by wrapping an arm around you
he was super private and even a little standoffish at first
but once he opened up to you, it was over. he would share anything and everything about his life and how he feels from that moment forward
underneath his tough exterior, he's actually really sensitive
he learns to recognize small changes in your mannerisms/behaviors when you're mad/sad/upset
"Why are you picking at your fingernails like that, Doll? Is something the matter?"
he also has a creative side, which most people don't know
he draws little doodles/sketches, which he loves to show you
"What do you think of this one, Doll? I think I'm getting the hang of drawing skulls!"
so you buy him a sketchbook or little notebook to draw in, which he fills with random doodles of things that remind him of you
even though he shows you a side of himself he'd never let others see, Dallas still has his faults
he holds grudges sometimes, usually over small things that don't seem important to you
his mood can change seemingly at the drop of a hat because he's always got so much on his mind
"Dally, why are you mad all of a sudden?"
"I was just thinking about that prick, Shepherd."
"Well stop it, we're about to have dinner."
when something's bothering him about your relationship or about your behavior, he's very direct about it. sometimes too direct.
"You know, Doll, it really pisses me off that you used the last of my favorite soap! That stuff's expensive, don't waste it!"
"Geez, Dal, I was just taking a shower. I'm sorry."
"Well, bring your own soap over here since you stay the night so much."
once you start sleeping over, he clears out a drawer for you in his dresser. he wants you to keep some essentials at his place so you don't have to leave so often
maybe he even goes out of his way to get tampons/period supplies or a bottle of your shampoo for you to keep at his place
he wants you to feel comfortable there, so he tries to find out what makes you feel most at home
of course you feel most at home wherever he is
but one big way that Dallas shows his love is by learning what makes you tick, even the smallest things you might not even notice about yourself
everything from how you like to be held, how you like your hair played with, what makes you feel safe, to how many times you snooze the alarm clock in the morning or which pillow is your favorite
and you do the same for him. he recognizes the effort and clearly appreciates it even if he doesn't say it
like how he loves having his head scratched when he's laying in your lap and how you scratching his back helps him fall asleep
Dallas has insomnia and doesn't fall asleep easy so he shows he appreciates it by telling you how rested he feels in the morning
he's not one for grand romantic gestures, but he'll go the extra mile if he thinks you want him to
he's really good at reading people, especially you, so he always picks up on when you want him to be more romantic or put more effort into things like dates
at the end of the day though, it's all the small things about him and all the small things he does that make you fall head over heels
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pumpkinsy0 · 7 months
Headconnons about....
Buck Merrill (im aware that there isn't much info about him) but I like him, he seems like a cool character.
I wanna know what you think of him. How would you describe him and his life (meaning him working in the bar, him being friends with Darry, Dally and Tim)
How did Buck and Darry meet
How did Buck and Dally meet
How did Buck and Tim meet
Who did Buck meet first and where (for the three of them? In different places ofc)
How would he celebrate his birthday if he every has/celebrates it, you know just simple little things and how he got there in Tulsa.
Now I would like to headconnon that, Buck used to be a greaser with Darry and them but he retired and got the bar thingy (its fine if you don't like it) ohhh you should add how good a fighter he was (when he was a greaser) I feel like he really was a good fighter but he's a old man (He's not really old he's 25 y/o) he retired😭
In the beginning I said "Im aware there's not information on Buck" but I would love to see what you come up with, also he's my 3rd favorite character. (SORRY FOR WRITING SO MUCH😭 I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT YOU COME UP WITH ABOUT BUCK, AND HIM BEING MY FAVE..😭 I WANNA KNOW WHO YOU PUT FOR THE, "WHO DID BUCK MEET FIRST" [THANK-YOU😭🙏🏻])
•personally, i like buck, he seems alright from what little we know about him
•i imagine him to b as put together as darry, but like a bit more grim, but slightly funny w messed up humor if that makes sense, he works at a bar ik hes seen some shit
•if i remember right i hc’d him as being black and trinidadian so he does have a bit of an accent, he moved to the us like 5 ish years ago, somewhere around there
•generally pretty chill guy if ur not annoying 24/7, hes that bartender who knows a lot about ppl bc ppl yap when theyre drunk
•his life obviously has hardships here n there but nothing like, too traumatic???? his life was just “pretty pathetic” as he would describe it so he got his shit together and got where he is now
•buck and darry met through tim before a rumble, tim was going to a rumble and darry was just seeing tim off cause he had to get back home(which was also before buck got the bar)
•tim and buck met bc buck used to b in the tiber street tigers (yes that is an actual gang in the book, yes i forgot exactly how they called themselves but it was somethin like that), tim and the street tigers used to have the alliance but that broke off and buck left not so soon after, and buck got a job working at the bar he would soon own and it was close to where tim lived
•buck doesnt belong to a gang now but its not uncommon to see him w tim for a bit
•dally and buck met when dally just moved to tulsa, before buck got the bar he was this worker another guy who owned the bar and buck and him became friends (not friends friends but not strangers either), eventually when the guy gave buck ownership of the bar, buck offered him a place bc buck knew what it was like to just bounce place to place not having a steady home and believe it or not doesnt want dally dying of like hypothermia
•he says its bc he doesnt want dally to hit that stage of hypothermia where u just feel rlly hot so u take ur clothes off n ur just naked n die cause “cops r gonna fall over just seeing ur ugly body bro just stay here”, so yea friendship🫶🏽🫶🏽
•he knows dally doesnt rlly live at the bar its kinda just a place for him to go if he has nowhere else, one stable thing in his life kinda
•as for his friendship for darry, its not a deep one, they respect each others hustle but dont understand each others life style but it’s whatever, if darry needs to vent w a lil prying and one singular drink from buck, he’ll say somethings
•w tim, not the closest of friemds as i said but the closest thing to a friendship between buck and dally and darry
•so in order of who he met it first to last goes dally, tim, then darry
•buck doesnt rlly celebrate his bday???? he does drink a bit more and indulge in junk food more but thats just about it, nothing special, he doesnt hate his bday its just, nobodys there to celebrate it w him so y would he put in the effort
•at best he drinks w tim maybe dally n goes “happy bday to me”
•hes that guy that nobody rlly knows his bday but everytime u see him hes just older, wether physically or like actually just older
•to b less depressing however, one bday he did get a dog and so buck does have a dog thats just runnin around in the bar, its like the mascot and everyone loves em, that dog is pretty much his best friend
•i do like that idea of him retiring from gang stuff n just getting a bar to “retire” so im stealing that now thx 😋😋 /j
•as for his days in the tiber street tigers, idk it wasnt much, he wasnt close to anyone in that gang, he was respected tho, he was a pretty good fighter, he was in that gang from when he was 18-20
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ink-on-the-brink · 3 years
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Yandere Engie Dad x Child Reader ~ Realization (Entirely Platonic)
Summery: Engie's led a life in the footsteps of those before him. He comes from a long lineage of those with the workers call and it's led him to this military base in the middle of nowhere. He's never questioned it, never thought to lead a different life, to live, to be something more than hands on a machine...
Until he saw you
TW: Very Dark Themes And The Normal Yandere Stuff
God how he despised that sound, that little echo that was constantly going through his brain. The small voice that kept him up at night, the little whispers that stole his sanity every minute he was alive.
'Work. Work. Ya have ta get ta work. What are ya doing? You're wastin tahme! Ya won't get anythin done, nothin's gonna get finished. God ain't you just lazy lyin around lahke someone's gonna do it for ya'
How he despised its nagging, how he hated its control over him. That voice, that voice, THAT VOICE! He wanted a moment, a moment of silence, a moment of calm. A moment to remain as nothing and be okay with it.
But that was never enough for a Conager.
How he loathed that name.
"A Conager always has work ta do" he could hear a voice echo
"Ain't no tahme ta dilly dally boy!"
"I'm busy son, go ask your mother"
"If ya ain't helpin then ya best be leavin"
The sound of that familiar voice built utter disgust in him. The man who gave him the whispers and the one who tried to excuse that loathsome action. How he hated the man's tinges of tone, his echoes of sound that he could identify within a million others. The sound of a man that barely knew him, the one who had never spent a day of his life away from his machines.
His father
A busy and absent man, a figure of the Conager name that followed in the footsteps of his father and his father's father and whatever came generations before that. The man was a hard worker, no one could deny that, Dell especially. Ever since he was a teen and started to hear the faint whispers of the workers call he had been able to spot a screaming yell in his father's eyes, that is the few times he ever got to see him. It was the silent whispers, their rageful ranting of unproductivity that Dell remembered. And, as if a contagion given only through exposure Dell now heard those same whispers. The whispers he fed each day as he put his body to work, the type that drained all other aspects of his life. All relationships, all hobbies, all normal bodily needs were taken from him by the want- no the need to work, to improve, to create, to destroy.
Eleven PHDs and a few decades later and only now did he recognize what had happened, what had led him here, what had been taken from him. He stood amongst machines and blueprints, his life's work, and yet he felt...
This wasn't his choice, this wasn't what he had wanted, this...this was inherited torture, a curse of whispers! He stood among a sea of lost dreams once hidden behind screens of 'more important things'. The lives and love he's lost, the things he'd given up in favor of this. This life of wires, this descent into total isolation with his machines. Here he stood, broken, soulless...
Why? Why now, of all times, was he dwelling on the life he lived, of everything that he'd missed? Well, that was due to one small little thing. It was so innocent, so seemingly out of its depth. Yet when he saw it, when he stared into the wide eyes of this young being, he saw it. He saw everything. He saw what every part of his being had longed for despite his whispered thoughts...
He saw a child. Around maybe seven or eight years old. And they stood there, their wide eyes of cautious curiosity falling upon him.
"Engie?" A voice finally snapped him from his spiral of thought, forcing him to turn his eyes up and away from what had brought his world crashing down.
"Look I know this is short notice, but they've got nowhere else to go and uh...and I don't really trust any of the others with them. Maybe Heavy, but he sort of has his own family to worry about and- look could you please just um...take care of them?" Pauling's voice spoke, her words reaching his ears the same way a third language he'd barely studied would, his brain stuttering and stopping just to try and understand what had just been asked of him. It took a while, his face probably full of an utterly bewildered stare as everything he had not been expecting hit him like a truck.
"You..." He started, his voice wavering from confusion to an utterly lost tone.
"Ya want me ta take 'em in? Lahke...Lahke raise a uh...raise 'em? Here? With the others? In a warzone?" His voice took on a sharper tone the more he talked as his mind slowly recalibrated to the insanity of this situation.
"Look I know this doesn't exactly sound like a good idea-"
"Paulin this ain't just a bad idea, this is a kid in a warzone kind of bad idea. This is a 'they shouldn't even be near here' kind'a bad idea. Ain't there some other place ya can put 'em? Someplace where kids are supposed ta be?" Engie defended, some deep part of him causing the words to burn on his tongue, as if the simple conjugation of syllables was igniting a fire in his mouth that begged him to stop talking and just accept what was happening, despite how wrong he knew it was.
"They've been in and near places like this since...well I'm not really sure when. This isn't something new for them. They have uh...look, I'm not supposed to tell you this but I found them locked in a room when I was cleaning up. The admin said to just have you guys handle it. And I don't think anyone on the RED team can handle a kid" She explained, leaving Dell silent as his eyes glanced down at you again...
He saw a familiar look in those cautious eyes. One you'd have to be looking for to see. He noticed the stare, god did that stare burn into him. You were resigned to what happened, not daring to utter a word as adults spoke about what would happen to you.
Pauling leaned closer, obviously trying to keep you from hearing the next part
"I'm going to be honest, The admin won't let them leave after what they've seen. If they don't stay here I don't know where they'll end up, but I don't think it's going to be any better than this." she explained with a tone that reeked of desperation. She was pleading, no, begging for him to do this. For him to help her in this task, to be her last resort...
"Ah...Paulin this ain't just somethin you spring on a man Ah-..." He hesitated even after knowing the inevitability of what was about to happen. What only convinced him further was the devastation he saw ready to creep into her face.
What was he supposed to have done?
"...fahne...Ah'll take 'em in..." He finally relented, his tone no longer sharpened at the explained circumstance. He saw complete relief run over Pauling's body. He sensed this was probably one of the very few good things to happen to her in a long time.
"Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed that answer. I'll bring some stuff for them tomorrow, for now it might just be better to get them to bed. You guys don't happen to have any spare beds?-"
"Ain't no way in hell" he quickly countered her last statement, drawing an annoyed and tired expression from her.
"Okay, I guess that will go on the list too. I really have to get going though, you think you can figure it out for tonight?" Her voice took a quicker speed as she hoped to just get this conversation over with and get back to work.
"Guess ah'll have ta" he replied and, with a quick nod, Pauling was off. He watched her walk down the hall until she inevitably disappeared before finally turning back to you.
For a moment longer his confused concern stayed as he looked over you. You no longer looked at him, instead staring at the ground. Slowly, with the caution one would have near a skittish doe, he crouched down, eventually finding himself at the same height as you, if not a few inches taller.
"Ah uh...Ah don't think Ah caught your name" he spoke softly, not looking to spook you. It didn't seem to help as you slightly flinched, though you kept your feet planted. You remained silent.
"Not much of a talker huh?...s'alright. Let's find ya someplace ta sleep, we can talk in the mornin" he spoke with such a soft tone, one that made him amiable and easy to feel comfortable around. Though you didn't seem to find it genuine as you made an effort to keep space between the two of you. Only one thought ran through his mind as he analyzed your behavior.
'They're gonna eat ya alahve...'
"A vhat?"
"Look, it ain't lahke Ah was askin for this. Paulin said this is the last place they had ta go and implied some rather cruel consequences if Ah didn't take 'em in..The hell else was Ah supposed ta do" Engies voice was highly exasperated, this conversation already having dragged on longer than it needed to. It seemed like every time he explained it, another one of the guys came in and he was left repeating himself. You sat just in the other room, likely hearing the repeated words even if you chose to pretend you didn't. You instead continued to mess with the etch-a-sketch you had been given to mess with.
"Pauling? Vell, zats not to be reasoned viz zen." Medic spoke, his eyes turning away from Engie to instead peak into the room you were in.
Engie knew that stare. He'd hung around and helped the 'doctor' enough to know when the gears in his head were churning out new ideas. Usually he didn't care to interrupt this process. In fact he even liked indulging the 'doctor's' outlandish and inhuman ideas sometimes.
But when that stare found its way to you Engie felt a sudden fury strike him, his momentary glare luckily hidden by his goggles and hardhat.
"And there won't be any messin with 'em. They ain't here just ta become an experiment doc" Engies voice was eerily calm for the anger that had so suddenly taken hold, though to the others it didn't seem at all out of the ordinary.
"Hm. Vhat a waste" Medic spoke with scolf of annoyance, though Engies seriousness was soon realized by Medic and he seemed to fully drop the idea.
"Ach, fine. But I von't be doing any babysitting zen" he commented before walking off. Finally, after what felt like nearly an hour of explanations, Engie was able to breathe for a moment. After calming himself and noting the strange sense of anger that rarely ever spiked was leaving his system, he turned and walk into the room before taking a seat next to you. You tensed, something about his presence making you uncomfortable.
He looked over the drawing you had made and found that you had been making a repeated pattern of what he could best describe as stairs. Over and over again and overlapping each other. He didn't think much of it.
"You ready ta talk now?" He asked, his eyes seeming like burning suns against your skin. You didn't look up to him, afraid to meet his eyes. You instead remained silent, still unwilling to talk to the stranger. He waited a moment and, upon hearing no answer, he once again sighed. Disappointment took hold, though it didn't outweigh his curiosity.
"Still nothin'? Well alright. How's about we just go get ya somethin ta eat then" he spoke before standing. He reached a hand out to take the etch-a-sketch but stopped when he saw your hands grip tighter onto the object. Realizing your mistake you quickly outstretched it to him, hoping your hesitation hadn't angered him. He noticed this and, deciding better of it, he retracted his hand.
"Y'know what, you keep it. I don't use that old thing much these days anyway.'' his voice still held that comforting tone, one that you were just starting to belive. In response you slowly pulled the item back, a bit of apprehension written on your face.
Why did he let you keep it?
Dell sat at his workstation, his hands deep in his machine as he pulled wires and replaced screws. But even when he would usually be hyper-focused on it his mind wondered. Mainly his eyes as they constantly turned away from his work and to the little kid that sat quietly in the corner. It had been a few days now and he'd yet to get you talking. He'd tried asking Pauling but she didn't seem to know either. So he was just left wondering about you.
Every few seconds his eyes wandered, as if he was being drawn away from his work. What was the strangest was his growing lack of interest in his work. That voice seemed so quiet now so it took so much more energy. He had to actively choose to work, to take the mental effort with each small adjustment. Yet even with his effort his eyes still found their way to you. And each time they did he wanted to work even less and to find some way to get you to talk to him, to trust him. He couldn't stand the quiet anymore. You had removed the whispers from his head and in doing so pushed him to a world of silence as you refused to speak.
Finally, after around an hour of getting barely anything done, he pulled away from his work, wiping his hands on a nearby towel before fully turning to you. He stared for a moment as you continued to mess with the red toy he'd given you. You were preoccupied as you messed with it and seemed more at peace than you've been since the day he'd met you. Even just looking at your peaceful state brought even just the smallest of smiles.
The smile was real, genuine. He didn't have to mimic joy when he looked at you.
He stood from his spot, an action that gained your attention immediately, before walking over to you. He soon crouched down to you, a sense of calm radiating off of him
"Whatcha drawin there?" He asked, his curiosity seemingly genuine. You hesitated for a moment, your eyes keeping feom looking at him as you remained unsure what his intentions were. Eventually you turned it to him seeing as he didn't seem to keen on leaving you alone at the moment. He was surprised to see that you had been sketching the room, from his broken machine to the towering shelves. Granted, it was a pretty rough sketch, but you were definitely getting better at it.
"Well ain't that just the dandiest lil' thing. Y'know Ah used ta be real good with that thang. Used ta mess with it for hours" he spoke with just about the friendliest tone you've ever heard. For the first time in a while you felt a little less tense around someone. Slowly, and with a bit of hesitation, you overstretched the item to him, your own curiosity bubbling. A slightly confused look grew on his face a moment before he realized what you were asking.
"Ya...ya want me ta show ya?" He asked, a growing smile mixing with his knitted brows. You nodded, even if you were still a bit apprehensive. He slowly found a spot on the floor next to you before taking the etch-a-sketch.
"Well uh, alrahght. But Ah mahght be a bit rusty" he warned before starting to mess with the toy.
It only took around half an hour to finish, but Engie only grew increasingly invested as the time went on. He had forgotten how much fun the toy could be, he'd forgotten why he'd kept it so long. As you looked over at it he couldn't help but focus more, his hands finding their way back to that forgotten memory.
When he finally finished he had just about the widest smile on his face, the sketch reminding him of his own childhood. The good parts anyway. With days spent honing useless skills and playing stupid games. Of thinking himself so serious as he spent hours with the only toy his father ever thought to give him...
Of a time when priorities were more about staying happy rather than completing the next objective.
He turned the item completely towards you so you could more easily see what he drew.
"It's a bunny. Used to sketch it all the tahme." he spoke with an almost proud tone as he showed you the drawing. And then just about the most wonderful thing happened...
You smiled
God that smile. That smile of childish wonder, of nieve importance found in the ordinary. He saw himself. He saw that lonely little kid, the one yearning yet terrified to be noticed. And he saw you. He saw the happiness even just this small amount of time had given you. Of how much simply making a sketch, of indulging in your interests, meant to you. And it was that moment, that pure moment of connection, that he'd realized just how much time he wasted. Because in just under thirty minutes he felt happier than in any amount of days he'd spent on his machines.
He handed the toy back to you and you took it with grateful hands. You stared at the sketch, the small animal mesmerizing you.
You couldn't have known how much those few minutes had meant to him...
You walked down the hall, your eyes glued to the item in your hand. The toy fascinated you. You'd never really seen anything like it, and the fact that it was just given to you, no work needed, made it all the more attention-grabbing. You spent hours, days, even weeks at this point, just messing with it. Honing the skill and the movements of the dials just to make something you could truly say was yours-
Before you could even realize what was happening you found yourself on the ground, stunned, confused, and disoriented.
"WATCH IT MAGGOT!" a booming voice pierced your tranced state. You jumped at the sound, quickly looking up at the voice. Your eyes widened at the looming size of the man, his face twisted in annoyance and anger that only you'd be able to fully see from your angle below him. You froze stared up at the man, your silence remaining as you were now petrified.
"I EXPECT AN APOLOGY! AND WHAT IS THAT!" His voice continued to yell as he pointed to the etch-a-sketch you'd dropped. It now laid about a foot away from you. Still being stunned you found no words to speak, as if the concept of words was lost on you.
"ANSWER ME!" His voice continued to beat against your ears. When he was once again met with silence he attempted to grab you. But you dodged his hands, soon managing to kick yourself to your feet. And in doing so you began running, fear consuming you as nothing but instinct kicked in.
"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING MAGGOT!? GET BACK HERE!" His voice didn't seem nearly as terrifying as his boots as they stomped after you.
Now, being as you were a literal child and Soldier was a trained mercenary, Soldier caught up rather quickly. But you seemed to have some experience with this as you managed to dodge his hands a few times. It was inevitable that he'd catch you though and when he did he was not happy.
"YOU WILL ANSWER ME MAGGOT!" Soldier yelled as he finally managed to grab you. You let out a scream, but with the lack of oxygen in your lungs it didn't last long. You began to struggle, hoping to squirm yourself out of his hands. It didn't have much effect. If anything it only made him yell louder and get more in your face.
Engie had been trying to find you for a while now and, after having wandered the halls a while, he heard a commotion. With annoyance tugging at him he walked towards where the screaming Soldier was, knowing he was one of the very few that could calm him. But when he turned the corner and saw what was happening he grew bug-eyed, his heart nearly stopping at the scene. He didn't hesitate, a wave of strange anger spiking once again.
"Soldier! Put 'em down!" He somehow managed to yell loud enough for Soldier to hear as he quickly made his way over to the scene. Soldier stopped his yelling as he turned to Engie with confusion found in his slight frown.
"But they will not answer me!" Soldier shot back, still refusing to put you down.
"Ah don't give a damn what they did! Put 'em down!" Engies raised even higher which quickly sent a shocked expression through Soldiers face.
He'd never once seen Engie yell before. He was usually cold and quiet when he was angry, but yelling? At him? It was enough to get Soldier to quickly place you back on the ground at which point you quickly bolted, not having any reason to linger. Engie watched you run and he was half tempted to chase you. He instead took a deep breath, sending Soldier a hatred-filled glance before walking after you, hoping that he'd catch you stopped long enough for him to calm you down. He didn't run, as he believed it would only scare you more.
As Engie walked he had a moment to think about what he'd just done as he now fully recognized the anger that usually never got the best of him bubble up again. He was slightly confused by the emotion and the actions it had caused though he more so focused on what his thoughts had been during the event. Brutal images had run through his head of what he'd held himself back from doing. He was so unfamiliar with that side of his mind that he felt it best to shut it out completely, to pretend that those weren't his thoughts at all.
Eventually he found you. He'd followed the echoing sound of your feet until he heard your door shut. It was only a few moments later that he stood at your door. He didn't hesitate to knock.
"Hey uh..." He paused, realizing he still had yet to learned your name or even what to call you. After a few seconds he continued.
"You alright?" He finally asked. He received silence, though he hadn't expected much else.
"Ah ain't here ta talk ta ya about what happened. I'm just makin sure you're okay...could ya open the door?" He asked, a sense of calm concern found in his tone. After a few seconds of waiting he was just about to leave when the doorknob turned and the door opened.
His entire face fell at the state of you. The shine of hastily wiped tears was clear on your face and your sniffles were enough for him to know you had been crying. He wasn't sure what to do for a moment, as he'd never been on this side of the situation before.
In hopes that he wouldn't scare you back into your room he slowed his actions as he kneeled in front of you. Your eyes avoided him, your sobs hidden to not annoy him.
"Hey, hey, s'alrahght. S'alrahght. Ya ain't hurt are ya?" He asked with his concern now fully lacing each word. You shook your head which only made Engie feel worse considering it wouldn't be that easy of a fix. After another moment of unsure hesitation, he slowly opened his arms, a movement that quickly caught your eyes. You froze, the action never having been afford to you before. You looked up to him a moment as more tears pulled in your eyes. You looked for malice, for anger, for any reason to not trust this and e stared down with a worry-filled smile. The smile had been an attempt to calm you, but it had the opposite effect as you completely broke down and dived into his arms.
Shocked by the manor at which you fell into his arms, Engie slowly draped his arms around you. An unexplainable emotion flooding through his system at the contact. His mind swirled with his own memories. Memories of being that crying little kid. Of silently suffering in his room, pleading through sobs that someone would notice that he wasn't there, that they'd come to his door and that when they did they'd give him comfort, that they'd care enough to not leave him in that room alone.
Memories that had been so suppressed and hidden away that he hardly recognized himself in them, yet each one was so vivid in his mind.
His arms squeezed a little bit tighter, his own tears forming in his eyes as a look of complete shock fell on his face.
"It's...alrahght...it's alrahght...nothing's gonna hurt ya..." He spoke slowly and with cut sentences, afraid that his held-back tears would show in his tone.
After a few more minutes you calmed down, your sobs now reduced to stray tears and sniffles once again. Yet you didn't pull away. How could you have? You'd never known this type of care.
"I-I..." You started, your voice cracking a bit
"I'm sorry" you managed to strangle out. Shock ran through Engie not just because you had spoken, which was surprising in and of itself, but because of the first words you'd ever chosen to speak to him. He finally pulled away as he pushed down his tears to hopefully manage to keep some what of a level head, though his hands remained on your shoulders.
"Ain't nothin ta be sorry about. Ain't nothin' you need to apologize for" he spoke with a genuine voice, his eyes showing nothing but care and worry. You turned to look at him, no longer afraid to meet his gaze, though still hesitate to fully look into his eyes. There was a moment of silence between the two of you before you decided that since you've already broken your oath of silence that you might as well continue.
"I uh...um...my...m-my name uh...my name is Y/n..." You continued, your words holding not just hesitation but concentration, each syllable seeming to not so easily roll off your tongue. Most likely because you were so used to being silent.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling through his system Engie managed to feel a tiny bit of joy in even just the small comment. At least enough for him to send you a soft smile to hopefully calm your clear nerves.
"Well it's nahce ta meet ya" he spoke in a bit more lighthearted tone before sticking a hand out for you to shake. A clear attempt to lighten the mood a bit. Slowly a smile began spreading on your face at the action before you slowly took his hand, though he easily encased yours.
Dell never knew what it was like to truly and genuinely care for something like this. To want with your whole being to see someone happy. He wouldn't waste this, he wouldn't screw this up.
He'd be better than any man he's had take care of him. He'd break the line of walking mechanical textbooks, he'd be the one to do what no son of a Conager has ever done before...
He'd care.
He'd love.
And he'd never put anything else above that again.
Bedtime, a time that Engie was growing more fond of each day. Not only because he now had a set time restricted for sleep, but also because he got to read books to you and help put you to bed. So he didn't much appreciate this time being taken away by business. But he was still at work so it wasn't like he could just say no to Ms. Pauling.
"Go head to bed, Me and Engie will just be a minute" Pauling spoke to you, to which you looked to Engie who gave you a nod. So off you went, leaving the two to their business.
When you left, Engies expression grew a bit colder, the light seeming to have left his eyes. Despite this he still held his smile, one he mastered over the years to seem just off enough to help people recognize that he might be here, and he might be helping, but he wants to be somewhere else.
"...I think you know why I have to talk to you..." Pauling spoke with a bit of apprehension, watching Engie as he moved further into the room, seemingly looking for something.
"Yep. Ah ain't as productive as Ah used ta be." Engie outright stated as he found himself in front of a bookshelf. He didn't have to look at Pauling to know she held a confused stare.
"Well uh, yes. Yeah, that's why I'm here...Engie, I really don't want to be rude, and I truly hope that you understand but-"
"But nothin. Ya do understand ya left a child in mah care right? And that nearly everyone else on the team has almost killed 'em at least one tahme each. Ah can't work and parent at the same tahme, so I've been doin less. Frankly Ah believe Ah'm still doin more than Ah have ta." Engie explained as he looked through the books, eventually choosing one and pulling it out of the bookshelf.
"Well then we have a problem. And being as you are then you know what we have to do with problems" Pauling spoke with a bit more conviction in her voice. Engies body tensed, his head turning back to Pauling with an increasing awareness of what Pauling was saying.
"...you wouldn't..." Engie spoke in almost a baffled tone, his eyes pleading for her to laugh or change her expression in any meaningful way.
"It's not going to be my choice. The administrator has noticed you have grown too attached to them. If Y/n keeps getting in the way of your work I'm going to have to take them away-"
"And where the hell would ya put 'em!? Whatcha gonna do?! Kill 'em that's what! Why don't ya say it with your full chest if that's what you're gonna tell me huh?!" Engie exploded, sending a baffled and completely caught off guard stare from Pauling as she did not expect such a reaction from what she thought was one of the calmest on the team.
"You best keep that goddamn name off your tongue! Now Ah'm keepin Y/n, and Ah'm gonna give 'em a lahfe they deserve. You want me workin? Fahne! But don't you dare come ta me and threaten 'em. You understand me?" Engie spoke, his face red with rage and his tongue laced with poison. Pauling stood frozen, almost in fear of what she saw in front of her. A side to Engie she'd never seen before. One that, while maybe not the most threatening she'd seen or heard in her life, instilled fear for one reason and one reason alone.
Dell never made an empty promise.
Silence filled the room for a moment, allowing Engie to realize his behavior. Seeing this he reeled himself in slightly, taking a deep breath as he fixed his once aggressive posture, his calm southern look returning, though Pauling was now able to see just how well faked it was.
"Can Ah go now?" Engie asked, the only remnants of his anger found in the death grip he had on the book in his hand. Pauling slowly nodded as she sidestepped away from the door to let him go.
Just before he left he turned back to Pauling and, without a second of thought, he laid a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, but remained still with a readied stare held on him.
"Have a nahce evenin" he spoke, noting her jumpiness before heading down the halls.
Weeks passed by without a word from Pauling. He started to grow comfortable again, thinking that it was all going to simply blow over. But news had spread to him, and he now knew she was planning on taking you tonight.
She wasn't even going to tell him.
He felt rage and conflict boil, his contempt for his situation unmatched. He'd grown more than just attached to you, no he needed you. His life hadn't made sense before you, nothing besides you made any sense anymore. Your innocent eyes, your quiet nature, your smiles that seemed to only further cement your importance. You fit like a thousand-sided puzzle piece into the complex emptiness of his soul. There was no longer any point without you.
"An object removed of its most vital screw ceases to fill any purpose" he heard an old thought echo, the sound of a life no longer understood by him.
So he paced, and he thought. Thought of what they'd do to you, thought of what his life would be when he was alone again. And as his mind left him he was driven back to his past. Of everything he had never had, of everything he'd wished the people around him would provide. How they'd failed him, how it had only ever been his fault.
Just work. Work until your fingers bleed because dammit if it doesn't hurt then it's not worth it.
He'd seen himself in you. He'd seen a mirror held to his face that screamed to be noticed, to be more than work, to be more than metal...
To be human. To give others what no one could give you. To love, to care, to let his bleeding hands heal from a life that tore him apart with his full compliance.
He needed you because without you he'd lose himself.
"Engie?" The small voice called, earning his attention. He tensed a moment before turning his eyes to you. Slowly you raised a book to him, a gesture he'd grown familiar with.
His body slowly calmed as his hands hesitantly took the book.
"S'it bedtahme already?" He asked, forcing a chuckle into his voice that, being a little kid, you didn't notice the strain of. You simply nodded along. He looked between you and the book for a moment, his conflict hidden from your eyes.
"Well alrighty then. Let's get ya ta bed" he spoke with a smile, his sorrow hidden in it. You quietly turned around to head out of the room, an action that sent a pit in Engies stomach.
"Wait a minute sweetheart. Whah don't you uh...whah don't ya sleep with me for the night?" He asked. A request that you quickly nodded along to as you turned around and immediately headed towards Engies bed bleary-eyed. Engie hung back a moment before following along. Seeing as it was a nightly routine you both immediately got comfortable as you laid a head on Engies arm and he opened the book. He began to read, using his bedside light to see the words and to illuminate the illistrations. Every now and then he'd stop as you pointed to a word and he explained what it was. Dog, drapes, tiger, painting, and more. Simple words that a kid your age should probably know. But he didn't harp on you, having learned the moment Pauling had given him you to take care of that you hadn't had the best development. So he had no problem with the little things. In fact, he would have been happy reading to you for the rest of his life.
"And the dad said-" he stopped, your finger pointing to one of the words. At this point he'd calmed, distracting himself with you so that he didn't have to think about what might happen tonight. So his mind wasn't distracted from the heartbreak that came from the word you pointed out.
"Dad...hm, that's uh...that's a hard one..." He spoke in a hushed tone, his mind running a million miles a minute just trying to find a good explanation of the word. He tried to find examples, but didn't come back with any. Anything good anyway.
"Well a dad is...is a man that uh...takes care of ya. They make sure your safe...they, they make sure you're, hm, they...they're lahke..." He tried, he really did, but he struggled. He hadn't ever thought about it before, nor did he ever want to. The word itself felt poisoned to him. The title of the man who made him.
You looked over the illustration along with thinking over the segments of sentances that he'd given you before coming to your own conclusion.
"Like you?" You asked, a bit of confusion written on your face as Engie tripped over himself trying to explain something that didn't seem so complicated to you.
Engie froze, your words sending a shock through his system. He was wide-eyed as he turned to you, as if you had spoken another language to him. You shrunk under his gaze, afraid that you might have said something wrong or insulting.
"Sorry" you quickly apologized, your eyes never turning from him as he continued to stare. Eventually he snapped out of it, the reality of your words sinking in.
"No, no sweetheart you're...you're right Ah uh. Ah guess Ah kinda am a dad huh? A dad...your dad." Engie spoke, a smile growing on his face though it mixed with his shock. You slowly lost your tension as you realized he wasn't angry, though pinpointing his exact emotion was a harder task.
"Ah'm a dad" he repeated again, his smile slightly leaving as a dark realization grew.
This was bigger than himself. He didn't want to lose you, but that's not why this hurt so badly...
He wouldn't be the only one losing something here. You'd be losing him too. You'd be once again without any sense of comfort.
He was the only thing standing between you and whatever they had planned.
With that sudden realization, he knew what he must do. He had to leave, he had to go. There was only one way out and it was if he moved now. With this realization he turned back to you, only to find you fast asleep. With determination taking over his face he gently laid you down onto the bed before slowly and carefully standing up.
He had to pack. He couldn't know how long it would be with you two on the road, but he knew it was his only choice. So while you remained asleep he set to packing.
Hours passed like fleeting minutes and grueling days, each second precious but excruciating as he tried not to forget anything important. He couldn't afford to. This had to be executed quickly and quietly, no suspicion raised. Luckily no one on the team seemed to be on his case. They must be thinking he's giving final goodbyes, as if he'd just let you walk into harm's way. Well that wasn't about to happen.
He had to take multiple trips to his truck, avoiding cameras on the way in case the admin was watching. Each second he spent away he was racked with complete and utter worry. What if Pauling came now? What if he missed the opportunity? What if she managed to sneak you out? So many worries as he packed the truck. He was lucky though. He had made each trip unnoticed and with you remaining where you were each time. So as he stood at the door now he felt almost light with apprehensive glee. Slowly he walked over to you, unsure if this was some sort of dream. When he finally stood over you he couldn't fight his growing smile, the peacefulness of your tiny form so comforting. He quickly went back to the task at hand though, he didn't have much time left. He carefully picked you up, trying his best to keep you asleep. You whined a bit but managed to remain sleeping. With a sigh of relief, he began walking.
Each step felt surreal, as if his footprint was laying into different planets instead of the tile floor. He still remained careful, the now deathly silent halls making his racing heart ring in his ears along with your soft breathing.
Then he opened that garage door and was met with his truck, packed and ready to go, one key turn away from freedom. With a slightly more hurried step, he went to the truck, opening the back door before carefully sitting you down, using the packed blankets and pillows to keep you comfortable and upright. He then pulled the seatbelt over you when-
The seatbelt clicked...
And the safety of a deadly weapon went with it.
"Engie'' a voice warned from only a few feet away. Slowly, and with hopes that he was just hearing things, he turned to said voice. He felt almost torn apart when he met Pauling's gaze. A long silence was found between the two of them, both of them knowing the weight of the situation. That was until Pauling spoke.
"You know better than this..." Pauling broke the intense bout of silence and in doing so removed the shock from Engies face, replacing it with a cold stare.
"If you knew what was good for ya, ya'd put that gun down an' leave" Engie threatened, a terrifying tone found in his voice that Pauling was still so unfamiliar with.
"Engie, please, just give me the kid. I don't want ta have to do this" she warned a second time, to which Engies cold stare turned to sharp daggers.
"Dell please-" before another word could be said Engie had managed to secretly grab a nearby wrench and throw it at her. Pauling, never having expected that Engie of all people would ever attack her, was so caught off guard that her mind didn't even tell her to shoot before she was on the ground, having dropped her gun in the process. She immediately scrambled to find it when the distinct sound of a cocked shotgun caused her to freeze and turn to the man she didn't even recognize anymore.
"Thought Ah told ya ta stop callin me that" Engie spoke, a dark quality now seeping into his voice as he slowly approached.
"Engie, come on! Get a hold of yourself! This isn't like you! You're making impulse decisions! What do you think is going to happen when the admin-" Paulings once again warned though was cut off when Engie placed the barrel on her head, his eyes staring directly into hers with such burning hatred that her throat tightened.
"Ah got one peice'a advahce for ya" Engie started, his face growing closer to hers.
He was no longer the person she knew anymore. She saw no semblance of the person she'd come to befriend over the years. Hatred was found in each wrinkle in his face, his old self now dead to her.
"Ya stay away from mah kid. 'Cause imma do worse'n just get ya ta beg for death. Ah'll tear ya apart 'till ya ain't nothin but eyes and a pair'a glasses" Engie spoke in a low growl, his southern accent dripping heavily off his tongue. She has no time afterward to respond before-
She was no longer a problem.
Engie stayed there a moment, his rage swirling inside him at just simply the thought of what she had tried to do. He didn't stay there for long though as he heard a quiet struggle before a small yell met his ears.
"Engie! E-Engie!" Your small voice cried. With panic taking full form on his face his head whipped around, though he felt immediate relief when he didn't see you behind him. He instead heard the yelling from the truck. He stood quickly anyway, running to your door just in case something was happening. He instead found you pulling on your seatbelt in what looked like a panic as rushes of tears fell down your face. When you spotted him though you calmed, as if only his presence meant you were safe.
"I-I'm stuck" you spoke, your small hands still messing with your seatbelt. He let out a held breath as he realized you were completely fine.
"S'alrahght sweetheart. That's just a seatbelt. Keeps ya safe" he answered, a soft smile forced on his face as he pushed his panic to the back of his mind.
Pauling most definitely had a respawn chip, which meant he had about an hour to get as far away as he could, that is if she hadn't already called for someone before coming to him. Even with this time limit, Engie was focused on keeping you calm.
The less you knew the better.
"Oh...Where?" You asked, your eyes looking around the place you've never been before as your panic began to completely subside.
"Well we're about ta go on the road. Speakin'a which we should get goin" he said in his usual calm tone. He closed your door, the sound causing you to jump a little bit due to the noise. You assumed that sound must have been what woke you up. You didn't ask Engie though. You didn't think it was important now that the two of you were leaving.
Engie hit a button on the wall which began opening the garage door. As it clinked open at an excruciatingly slow pace Engie took the front seat, searching his pockets for a moment before finding his keys and quickly turning the ignition. Without a second more of hesitation he backed out of the garage and sped away.
He didn't focus on anything else until he was away from the base and on straight shot road, which took a few minites. Once he was sure he had some distance away from anyone who could stop him he looked in his rear-view to see if anyone was following. Upon seeing no one he was going to turn his eyes back onto the road.
A child at the hand of a made monster
That was until he saw himself
His eyes stayed glued for a few extra seconds as he realized that he was covered in crimson, the splatter of it found on his face. He had killed someone that not too long ago he would have considered a friend, he was leaving behind decades of work, his entire life. For this...
And not a single once of guilt or apprehension flowed through his body.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter Nine
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chapter nine
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: date night!! this is very fluffy, very emotional and extremely horny. edgar allan poe is rolling in his grave at what they did in his enchanted garden
exhibitionism, public sex (no ones there tho), drug mentions at the end (let me know if I should tag anything else!!!!)
word count: 5.4k
from the beginning <3
He spent all of Thursday afternoon with Penelope in Richmond, setting up for his date that night.
Stringing lights on the trees, mowing the grass and trimming the flowers back, the staff ensuring that the museum was in pristine condition for them tonight, it was perfect. The cats were brushed, there were rose petals the fountain and the most beautiful picnic set up in the garden.
Penelope packed their dinner for them, keeping it in the museum fridge for when they finally arrived, it was the only thing Spencer needed to remember.
Y/N: just got home, about to get ready! Can’t wait to see you at 6 ♥︎
Spencer smiled at his phone, about to text her back when Penelope laid a hand on his back, “change into your suit and head back to her, traffic might be bad?”
“Thank you, for everything. You’ve always been my best friend, more of big sister actually,” Spencer pressed his lips together tightly as to not get emotional. “You’re wonderful Penelope, thank you.”
“Awe!” She swooned, wrapping him up in a big hug. “I will always love you, Spencer, you deserve all of this and so, so much more, now go before I cry.”
He laughed, pulling back, hand lingering on her shoulder as he walked into the museum. They let him change in the backroom, it felt incredibly strange to be putting on a suit inside Edgar Allan Poe's house to go pick up his wife. Not too long ago he dreamed about bringing a girlfriend here someday, life was moving too quickly, he needed a breather.
He kept his suit jacket folded and on the passenger seat as he drove home, where he lived with his family. Even just thinking that as he paid attention to the road made him smile. The wind hitting his face, his hair blowing in the breeze, he felt free at last.
He was where he was supposed to be, all roads lead to here.
Travelling up her driveway with a smile on his face as the dust followed him to her doorstep. She was waiting in a red dress on the porch, Amoreena and her nanny eating pizza on the steps as they waited for him.
Stepping out of his car, he straightened his tie and pulled his pants up more, looking at his wife like she was a star plucked from the sky, landing in this Virginia field for him.
She stood then, her satin dress flowing and exposing a leg as she walked down the steps to him, “Is this what you wanted?” She twirled in front of him to show it all off, her hair getting stuck in her lipstick and making her laugh.
“I love you,” is all he can say as she leaning in with a wide grin, surpassing the smile to kiss him gently, using her thumb to get all the lipstick off his bottom lip and chin.
“Love you too, cutie,” she winked, taking his hand and turning back towards Amoreena, “listen to Nanny, remember we love you and we will see you no earlier than 7:30 tomorrow, okay?”
“Yes ma’am!” She saluted, mouth full of pizza.
“And what are the new rules about coming into our bed in the morning?”
“Knock first, wait till you respond, don’t come in unless you say it’s okay,” Amoreena replied, sticking her tongue out at her as she remembered it all.
“Smartie pants,” Y/N smiled at her, “come give us a hug, don’t get pizza on my dress, please.”
Amoreena wiped her sleeve over her mouth before running into her mother's open arms, they shared goodbye kisses before it was Spencer’s turn. She held him so tight it felt wonderful, “goodnight Lovey, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, have the best sleep ever for me?”
“I’ll see you in dreamland,” she replied, kissing his cheek gently before she pulled back.
“Have fun!” Nanny called from the porch as Amoreena skipped back to her.
“We will,” Spencer replied, taking Y/N’s hand and leading her to the passenger side, he opened her door and helped her inside, insuring her dress was inside before closing the door.
Jogging back to his door, he got in and put on his seatbelt. He threw the car in reverse and turned around by the barn, heading down the driveway, not saying a single thing as Y/N stared at him.
“You’re really not going to tell me anything?” She shook her head, licking her lip before biting it as she huffed.
“We’re going to Richmond, Virginia, to read,” he gave her one hint.
“Hmm,” she smiled, “I’m sure you won't tell me the title, so Mr. I can remember every book ever, what’s a random line in it?”
“You’re smart,” he teased her, “but for the brilliant green of the huge leaves that spread from their summits in long, tremulous lines, dallying with the Zephyrs—”
“We’re going to the Edgar Allan Poe Museum!” She cut him off with a cheer.
He slows down on the barren dirt road, mouth wide open as she got it right, he turns to her as they come to a complete stop, “how the heck did you get that?”
“Yes!” she laughed, tossing her head back as she clapped and kicked her feet a little, so proud of herself, “I’m a librarian, Spencer! Did you think I wouldn’t know Eleonora?”
“That’s the most random sentence in the whole poem?” Spencer was shocked, she recalled it faster than he thought he would be able to if she read a line to him.
“My brother’s first motorcycle was a Zephyr,” she smiled at him, raising her eyebrows. “My brain is kinda like a filing cabinet, if you give me a word I can remember everything I’ve ever heard with that word included.”
He started to drive again, shaking his head as he paid attention to the road but still astounded by how amazing she is. “Amoreena gets that from you then, she could have both our eidetic memories together, that would be very interesting to see.”
“Eidetic memory?” She questioned.
“It’s what most people call photographic memory,” Spencer explained. “You can remember everything you hear which is why you and Amoreena are able to recall songs, books and movie facts so fast, while I can read back to you anything I’ve read without having to see it again, it’s forever in my mind.”
“So we’re both geniuses, cool,” Y/N smiled at him again, “sorry I ruined your surprise.”
“You just know where we’re going,” he reminded her, laying his hand on hers, interlocking their fingers as he drove.
They had an hour alone before the real date started.
So she showed him all of her favourite songs, including some of Amoreena’s playlists so he could get familiar with them before their trip to Rhode Island. Her voice was impeccable, she knew all the words and harmonies, often opting to cove background voices he wouldn’t have even known were there if it wasn’t for her.
She loved music in a way that intrigued him, she enjoyed music with a story. Much like the reason she loved books so much, she enjoyed picturing the happy places in her mind that the songs were able to take her to, they filled her with glee and hope as she sang to her heart's content. Taking short breaks to explain the meanings of songs, to recite the best lyrics and why the songs are close to her heart.
“Do you want to hear the song that reminds me the most of you?” She asked between songs, pausing so that nothing else would start.
“Sure,” he blushed, nervous for what it could be and how she imagined him in her mind, hoping he could live up to it.
“I'm perfectly fine I live on my own, I made up on my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago, now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes,”
She stares at him with a beautiful smile as she waits to see his reaction to the opening, finally singing when the beat drops, dancing softly in her seat as she belted the words out to him.
“So prove to me I'm your American Queen, and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat, and we rule the kingdom inside my room,” She brushed her hand across his jaw, teasing him as the words flow from her lips to his ears, she loves him and he can feel it with every syllable.
“And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for, King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa! And all at once, you are all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa,” she sings so softly, with a purpose, turning it down a little so that he can talk to her.
“I love you,” he reminded her, “so much it hurts sometimes.”
“It’s like your heartstrings are tugging on each other, right?” She agreed, “like they want to jump out of our chests and run to each other.”
He nodded with a soft smile, reaching for her hand again holding it as he brought it to his mouth for a kiss, “queen of my heart.”
“Hmmm,” she thought over his words, “I’m pretty content with being princess still, Lady Amoreena is in line for the thrown, it’s part of her namesake after all.”
“Does the kingdom have a name?”
“You know the Elton John song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?” She waited for his nod, “my grandma called it Ozellous so it’s like wizard of Oz but I added the 'ellous' because people always said they were jealous of our farm.”
He’s trying his best to keep his eyes on the road when all he want’s to do is look at her smile, to see her pupil change as she recalls the loving memory, it’s his favourite thing to do. Better than any movie or play, seeing her face was better than looking at the most expensive art piece. He was so in love with all of her.
“Were you like Amoreena as a kid?”
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, “bullied hardcore for it too, kids always told me to shut up cause I’d add facts to conversations I wasn’t a part of.”
“I would have loved to listen,” Spencer replied softly, knowing the feeling all too well.
They were only a few minutes away now, turning into the small town and passing quaint little homes and cottages. “Amoreena would love this drive, these are some interesting townspeople homes for her imagination, we should come back sometime this summer.”
His heart was going to actually explode, she was everything he never knew he needed.
“I’d love that,” he added as they pulled into the museum. “I’m a museum member and I’m a patron, so sometimes I donate rare pieces I find, they love me here.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but her eyes got caught on the twinkling lights in the distance, mesmerized by everything. Old cobblestone streets, brick buildings and wooden gates, it was straight out of the 1800s and absolutely fantastical.
“And it’s all ours for the night,” he put the car in park and turned to her, “wait here?”
She nodded, speechless as she continued to look out the window at everything. Spencer got out of the car, opening the back seat to grab and put on his jacket, straighten out his suit before opening her door and extending a hand to help her out.
“Princess,” he extended his arm for her to tuck her own under, he closed her door and escorted her through the gate and towards the garden.
The sun was just starting to set, 7 pm in early June being the most beautiful time of year in rural Virginia, the sky was a perfect purple as he leads her through the stone arches towards the picnic.
Her eyes sparkled with all the lights, wide and pupils blown as she took it all in. It was a fairytale, she was in a princess dress, he was the king of her heart and this was just the beginning of happily ever after.
“Spencer, whatever your middle name is, Reid,” she gasped, swatting his arm lightly with a smile growing on her face.
“It’s Walter,” he smiled right back.
He let go of her hand then and walked over to a table, turning on the record player and dropping the needle in the right spot. He did his research into some Taylor Swift songs, finding one that reminded him the most of Y/N and how much he loved her.
“May I have this dance?” He asks as she notices the all too familiar guitar strumming.
He reaches a hand out for her, pulling her in as she takes it, “I was so so lost before I found you in the park,” he explains the first verse, barely a whisper beside her ear as they start to sway.
There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
“All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you,” he whispers once more, feeling the goosebumps bursting on her bare arms.
He spun her around, extending both their arms as she twirled out and then back into his embrace again with a giggle. She swayed back and forth, dancing with him like the night they got married in her field.
Your eyes whispered "have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
“And it was enchanting to meet you, All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you,” he sings them this time, spinning her out again as the chorus hits, her eyes widening as she began to smile wider than he’s ever seen before.
They sang the words together as they danced, smiling and laughing as they moved around the cobblestone. Finding a rhythm so perfect, so them, it was silly and not on beat in the slightest, mostly spinning, it was a spinning song if the album cover was any indication.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
“The lingering question kept me up, Two a.m., who do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake! Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door, I'd open up and you would say, hey! It was enchanting to meet you, all I know is I was enchanted to meet you,” Y/N’s voice softer than ever as she sang her anxieties into his ear, remembering the day at the museum where she wondered if she could have him all to herself.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you
Spinning around in circles she leaves his grasp, dress circling in the wind and he watches her. She takes both his hands and spins around with him in a tight circle before pulling back in, their chests bumping as they laughed, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, and she’s made him pretty happy in the last few weeks.
The girl of his dreams, dancing around him with a smile like she was making her own music video. This was a dream of hers he didn’t know, making it come true as it became a dream of his own.
He places his hands on her cheeks as he stares into her eyes, “this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you,” he whisper’s the words, barely singing, more talking.
“Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you. Please don't be in love with someone else. Please don't have somebody waiting on you,” she sings right back to him, staring into his eyes as they stand still in the garden.
She pulls him into a kiss, breathing in deeply through her nose as they hold each other’s cheeks, unable to get closer as they kissed. Pulling away with a loud smooch sound, smiling before taking her hands in his, once more.
Spinning her around again as the beat drops once more, her smile more beautiful than the first time he saw it. He was so madly in love, he firmly believed he was in heaven.
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew!!
This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you!
Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you
“Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did,” Taylor Swift's voice cuts into the beautiful moment as her songs change and the mood drastically changes.
Y/N bursts out in laughter, jumping lightly as she enjoyed the song, head-banging along as she danced by herself until Spencer turned the music off once again, “you’re so cute.”
“Thank you,” she bowed, “this is cute!”
“There’s a picnic basket in the fridge inside, and some wine if you think that’s a good idea?” Pointing towards the main house, she followed him towards the door.
“Oh, hello?” Her voice changed as she noticed the two black cats on the window, letting Spencer head inside for the basket as she talked to them.
“That’s Edgar and Pluto, the groundskeeper found them in the shed in 2012,” Spencer explains as he comes back out, basket in hand but she’s too busy with the cats to notice.
Petting both their faces, they stretch into her reach and bask in the feeling of her nails on their skin, Spencer would agree it felt nice. He loved the feeling of her hands in his hair, he must have been a cat in his last life.
“Amoreena wants her own indoor cat,” Y/N smiled wide at him, “she always wanted to call him Hercules like the Elton John song, almost like she knew you were her dad all along.”
She took his free hand then, following him towards the blanket in the grass, “how?”
“There’s a line in the song about Greek gods, but it says Hercules on her side and Diana in her eyes, and she does have your mom's eyes, right down to the colour of her iris,” Y/N looked at him like he was everything to her.
Spencer couldn’t speak, he just set the basket on the ground and ushered her to sit down beside him. She held the skirt of her dress up so she could sit crisscross applesauce on the blanket, draping her dress over her legs so she didn’t show anything off just yet.
“Every time I look at you I understand all her quirks and her facial expressions,” she added like she was trying to make him cry, “I’ve been looking at her for almost 8 years now, wondering who you were and now I know, and you’re so much better than I ever imagined.”
“Would you have looked for me when she turned 18?” Is all he can ask through his sniffles, trying to hold it together for her.
She nodded, “I was going to tell her soon anyway, she asks a lot of questions I’m not sure if you noticed.” Her giggle was priceless, “she had lots of questions when the goats were born this year and that meant her asking more about making human babies and I just said a special man helped me make my dreams come true, and she thought it was Rumpelstiltskin.”
Spencer couldn’t fight the laugh that erupted from him, leaning forward as he chuckled, making her laugh too. “Does she even know the whole story?”
“She’s only seen the 4th Shrek movie with him, she has no idea that he also takes the babies,” Y/N placed her hand on his knee gently, “If I get pregnant again, I’m going to tell her about how it all works as simply as possible, I want her to feel included in this and she’ll be less jealous if she sees this as a learning opportunity.”
“That’s a good idea,” he agreed, “I still can't believe she almost punched Michael for hugging me.”
“Oh, I can,” Y/N laughed again, “she was being bullied last year by an older kid and I said if someone upsets you or hurts you, sometimes it’s not that bad to hurt them back. Make them know you’re not weak and you care about yourself, and she gave a kid a black eye for tugging on her braid.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling, “that’s my girl.”
Y/N opened the picnic basket then, taking everything out with a smile as Spencer stared at her, thinking a million different thoughts about future kids, how Amoreena would grow up, seeing her as a big sister to hopefully many.
They both leaned forward and kissed softly, smiling as they pulled back, “so you like charcuterie?”
She laughed, “Amoreena called it shark coochie once, I can’t not think of that now.”
“How many kids do you want?”
“Have you ever read cheaper by the dozen?” She teased him. “As many as I can have, I have the funds thanks to my job and the farm and not having to pay a mortgage, I was going to have another baby next year anyway, I had an appointment and everything scheduled, I even tried to get them to contact Amoreena’s father for another sample but they said they couldn’t ask you outright for me.”
“They asked me if I wanted to give another sample when I asked if I could know my kids,” Spencer remembered the words exactly, “she said ‘You have four offspring so far, none of the other samples used have produced a child, the women were all IVF as well so it wasn’t your swimmer's fault if you wanted to donate again.’”
“I don’t want to know the truth, are you okay if we let her decide if she wants to find out at 18?” Y/N asked softly, “I’m content thinking you’re her father, I don’t want to know if it’s some other tall who-lookin’ genius, okay?”
“That’s perfect actually,” Spencer agreed, “and on the kids front, you don’t mind me being in my 70s when they all start going to University?”
“My dad is 68 with no signs of stopping, and he’s still fantastic with his grandkids,” Y/N always had a fact to combat his anxiety. “You have a lot of life left in you, I’ll take good care of you so that they have the best dad ever for as long as possible.”
Spencer was so in love with his family he felt like he was floating, laughing and smiling all meal long as they shared facts back and forth about their lives. Getting to know each other more and more as the seconds passed, he imagined it would be like this forever. She was like a bottomless pit of information, facts, stories and secrets. He loved every single one she shared with him.
She poured herself a second small glass of wine, “you know they say that one glass of wine every once in a while is actually good for the baby?”
“It doesn’t work that fast,” he reminded her, more like he reminded himself. He didn’t want to hope in the chance it didn’t happen right away.
“I had a nightmare last night for the first time in a long time, so I think it worked,” she teased him. “I won't know till June 10th, that's when my next period would be.”
“Nightmare?” It was the only part he picked up on, worried for her and wondering why she didn’t wake him up.
She nodded softly, “I found out I was pregnant and you never came home, and I got lost in the forest looking for you and then I remembered I could wake up.”
He rests his hand on her knee, rubbing his thumb against her bare skin softly, “I’m always coming home to you.”
“I know, when I got pregnant with Amoreena I had bad dreams in the first few weeks too, mostly about giving birth to nothing and being alone all over again, the subconscious and pregnancy hormones are mean as fuck when they hang out,” she laughed away the pain, “I know none of it is real.”
“Good,” he whispered, not knowing what really to say, he wasn’t used to soothing other people yet. Most people didn’t want his facts or concernment when something happened, just a hug normally.
She took a deep breath, pushing everything away, “good news, either my anxiety disorder is back in full swing or something’s working in here,” she laid her hand over her stomach, “either way, I’d like to try again tonight?”
He laughed, “we don’t need to make a baby every time you want to have sex?”
She got onto her knees then, crawling over the blanket and sitting right in Spencer's lap with her hands on both of his cheeks, “I want all your babies.”
He held her waist, pulling her in closer to his chest, “right now?”
She nodded, moving her dress out of the way to undo his belt, “no one is here right? It’s not like anyone would know?”
“Mhmm,” he agreed, kissing her neck as she unzipped his pants, moving his underwear out of the way just enough to free his hardening cock, she stroked it right there in the middle of the garden, staring down between their bodies in awe as he came to life.
Sitting up on her knees more, the slit of her dress made it a lot easier for her to show him her underwear. She was wearing just a thong, perfect for pulling to the side as she lowered herself onto him, ever so slowly.
She fixed her dress around them, completely calm and composed as he was fully inside of her, “you’re okay with this?”
He huffed a laugh out of his nose, dropping his forehead to her shoulder so he couldn’t buck into her and ruin the moment she was making, his hands moving to her hips, guiding her back and off him slightly before back down again, making her gasp.
“I thought you wanted to read?” She teased him as she started to ride him more, moving her hips in a way that took him in and out of her at just the right angle, her hands on his shoulders as she bounced on him lightly, he couldn’t even think straight. “Go on, read to me.”
He took a second to remember the words, mind totally somewhere else and not interested in a book at all when her boobs were right in his face.
“I am come of a race noted for vigor of fancy and ardor of passion,” the first sentence slipped past his lips as she kept going, he took a moment to kiss right under her ear before continuing.
“Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence—whether much that is glorious—whether all that is profound—does not spring from disease of thought—from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect.”
“Shit,” she moaned, pushing his hand down towards her clit, “you can multitask, smartie pants.”
His thumb was on a mission then, rubbing small circles against her pleasure point, she tossed her head back with her eyes closed as she continued to ride him, “I don’t hear you reading?”
He moaned softly in her ear at the feeling, and the fact she wanted to get off to hearing him recite something from memory, it was more euphoric than he could have ever imagined.
“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in ah- awakening, fuck,” he was trying his best to stay as composed as she was when he really just wanted to lay her against the blanket and fuck her into next week.
“to find that they have been upon the verge of the great secret,” Y/N whispered the end of the sentence, grinding down on him harder than before.
“In snatches, they learn something of the wisdom which is of good,” she whispered into his ear, biting his earlobe softly with a moan and he kept rubbing her clit, “you’re so good, Spencer, so so good," she paused to enjoy the moment before whispering in his ear once more, "And more of the mere knowledge which is of evil. They penetrate, however, rudderless or compass-less into the vast ocean of the "light ineffable," and again, like the adventures of the Nubian geographer, "agressi sunt mare tenebrarum, quid in eo esset exploraturi.”
Her words softer than ever and they were never going to get to the end of this poem, he'd never know how the rest of the words sound on her tongue, she pulled him into a kiss then, moaning into his mouth as they ground against each other, finding a perfect rhythm to bring them to the end.
“There, yes, fuck,” she whispered against his lips, pushing against him as she arched her back slightly, slipping away from his mouth as she did so.
He slammed into her then as he chased her lips, making her whimper one last time before she was shaking in his lap, her legs quivering as she finished on him, sending him over the edge and stilling as he came with a shudder. He held her so close, both of them breathing into each other's mouths as they came down, kissing and smiling as they stayed connected.
“We’ll name her Eleonora,” Y/N teased, pulling off him and laying back against the blanket.
He made sure her underwear was back in the right spot before covering her with her dress again and sliding himself back into his underwear.
“Amoreena and Eleonora have a good ring to it, we just need 10 more names,” he teased right back.
“Hopefully we have a little boy one day too,” she smiled as she tugged him down beside her, cuddling into her side as they stared up at the newly dark blue sky and the array of stars that decided to join them this evening.
“Even if it’s just Amoreena, I’ve never been happier in my whole life than when I’m with you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“For what?” She asked, purely to keep hearing his voice.
“Making me want to get up in the morning again, giving me a reason not to buy drugs for something euphoric to happen to me, showing me real love and proof that happiness is possible if you just chose to be happy,” he gave example after example.
“I thought I learned everything the world had to offer, but you’ve been showing me new little life hacks that make the world so much better, I see a future of bright colours and happiness and laughter for the first time ever, so thank you.”
She held him closer, “it’s been a pleasure falling in love with you, together, you deserve to love yourself. You’re so wonderful Spencer, it breaks my heart to know that anyone has ever made you feel the opposite.”
He couldn’t speak anymore, turning to kiss her neck and cheek so he had something to do that wasn’t crying. He loved her so incredibly deeply that he felt like he was an anchor, dropping to the bottom of her deepest ocean, without a single plan to leave.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
142 notes · View notes
joezworld · 3 years
Fools in Love (3/10)
Worst Thieves Ever
The next week passed in a blur of emotions and happiness for both engines.
Henry was astonished that he'd managed to miss all of the now-obvious signs that he was romantically attracted to Bear, and was now fully in the throes of "happy sickness", and genuinely felt better when Bear was nearby.
Bear, meanwhile, was on top of the world. Acknowledging that he was now actually in love meant that all of the pent-up emotions from the past decade were coming out all at once. He was downright chipper when he was alone, and when Henry was nearby, he was so absurdly upbeat that the other engines were wondering if The Fat Controller had bought another Hymek and swapped the numbers again!
“So,” Bear asked Henry as they sat in the yard between trains. “What do we do, now that we’re together?”
“I don’t know,” Henry said thoughtfully. “I know that humans go on things called ‘dates’, where they go to dinner and then the cinema, but I don’t think we can do that...”
“We certainly wouldn’t fit into the building.”
“And I don’t think we could eat dinner without bothering our crews.”
“Unless you want to pull a Thomas and crash through the restaurant wall.”
“Hah! We could always save that for the holidays.”
“Henry’s getting awful chummy with the Hymek, isn’t he?” James muttered suspiciously from the coaling stage.  
“Goodness gracious me,” Duck said. “It’s almost like he’s known Bear for an extended period of time. What is it that happens when you spend a long time near somebody? I think you become friends with them.”
“You know what I mean. It’s like they’re different locomotives.”
“Perhaps their personalities contain more than one side. I hear that some engines can achieve that.”
“And what are you implying by that??”
“Your paint is dirty.”
“AAACK! Someone get a rag and some polish!”
46 040 smiled to herself as she watched the steam engines bicker. This was a funny little island, with so much more character than the Midlands.
Engines were nicer here, and they welcomed her as a friend on the first day she arrived - even if it had taken some time for their in-joke to be explained to her - she couldn’t believe that she’d rescued Spamcan’s rescuers. There was no in-fighting, no yard politics, just close-knit friends, even across class lines.
They also didn’t seem to give any mind to ‘how the railway should work’, as some of her classmates might say. As she backed down onto her train, she was acutely aware that the only engine newer than her was the laughing diesel-hydraulic in the yard. Everywhere else she looked, there was nothing but steam, steam, and more well-kept steam.
Modernization seems to have missed this island altogether. She thought as passengers bustled into the coaches. Even the rolling stock was antique - a bunch of ‘Big 4′ era corridor coaches, all nicely painted into a unified livery. On the mainland, the Mark 1s had displaced these old carriages from even maintenance trains, but Sodor was using them on top link services.
“Eurgh. Can you believe this, 40?” Oiled an unpleasant voice from alongside her.
She glared at the Class 56, annoyed by both his existence and his sudden appearance. From what she understood, the North Western Region often borrowed engines from other regions temporarily, which explained why she was still on the island and why the destable 56 was sullying this otherwise pleasant station. “What can I believe, 031?”
“This!” The diesel sniffed dismissively as 040 rolled her eyes. He had evidently decided that anything new to him was bad - a problem considering that he was barely two months old. “All of this outdated junk!  I feel like I’ve been driven into a black-and-white film! Steam engines here, teak coaches there! I don’t think these vans are even fitted with brakes!” He looked back at his train - a line of surly looking vans glared back, clearly insulted. The brakevan on the rear seemed to be resigned to a difficult run before the train left the station. “I am immeasurably pleased that this is my last train on this island.”
“I think it’s charming.” 040 said quietly.
“You would.” 031′s tone was cold.
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’d fit in here - you’re non-standard, just like they are.”
040 wanted to say something that would turn the air as blue as her paintwork, but before she could do so, a whistle blew, and 031′s driver began to drive the rude engine out of the station. “I don’t believe we shall meet again - your class’ time is coming sooner than you think.” 031 said with startling levels of nonchalance as he rumbled out of the station, his vans angrily trailing behind him.
“And good riddance to you too, you slag sucking shitstain.” 040 muttered to herself as the train rattled out of sight.
Shortly, her own guard blew his whistle, and she set off with the midday express.
Crovan's Gate Works - That night
"I didn’t think we'd be back here so soon." Henry whispered to Bear as they rolled into the Works yard.
"I didn’t either." Bear said, trying to disturb the rest of their train.
It was well past midnight, and both breakdown cranes, the support coach, and the battered Class 46 had nodded off on the slow ride from the accident site.
"Is she all right?" Henry asked quietly. He was leading the train, and couldn’t see.
"As well as she can be." Considering that the lightweight parcel vans had been reduced to so much kindling by the accident, it was amazing that the 46 was as uninjured as she was - just a few torn and warped panels, some gravel abrasions, and a broken nose.
If Bear was being honest, he thought that she'd gotten off better than the 56, who was physically intact, but had been subjected to one of the longest and angriest dressing-downs that The Fat Controller had ever given.
The poor engine had looked utterly shell-shocked as he took what remained of his train on to Barrow.
The two were silent as they pushed the sleeping 46 into the works proper, and then backed the breakdown train into its siding. Their crews were dead on their feet after eight hours plus overtime, and shuffled off to the works' bunkhouse for some well needed rest.
Henry and Bear watched them leave, not even remotely tired. Since their mutual revelation last week, neither engine had been able to sleep for very long, their minds spinning with thoughts of each other.
Even after a week, they had run out of all possible conversation, but could still spend hours without a word between them.
"D'ya think that this counts as a date?" Bear said after many minutes of comfortable silence.
"I think an argument could be made." Henry said thoughtfully. "We did something together, but from what I understand, usually there's supposed to be 'romance', and 'courting', not smashed vans and breakdown cranes. Also, I assume that, on a date, we should be enjoying ourselves and not wondering if someone is hurt."
Bear considered that for a long moment. It had been a pretty terrible date, considering they were clearing up a train crash. "Do you want me to court you?"
"I think that's supposed to happen before you fall in love, and I already have."
"Oh. Then what do we do if we're already..."
"Madly in love with each other?"
"I don't know."
"Well," Bear said finally. "Then we'll have to figure that out together."
Three Days Later
Henry didn’t see the 46 after he and Bear left in the morning - the massive service disruption caused by the accident meant that he spent most of the weekend shuttling ballast wagons back and forth between Cronk and Arlesburgh, as well as soothing Gordon’s temper over having to ‘dilly-dally in work zones all day’.
Fortunately, there wasn’t a great deal of damage on the main line, and after three days of frantic work, the maintenance of way crews had put everything back to normal. Henry was the first train through the rebuilt section with a massively-delayed Flying Kipper, and was surprised at how much damage the men had managed to reverse - the only remaining signs of the accident was the torn up lineside vegetation.
 Arriving at Barrow, he found the yard in disarray - three days worth of goods trains were clogging the small yard, and the diesel shunter was so overworked that he forgot to be rude to Henry as he took away the fish vans.   
The yard was so crowded that Henry couldn’t even get into the sheds to rest before his next train, and was forced to sit in the middle of the yard while his crew went for their tea break. 
He wanted to get some rest as well, but the shunter was moving around the yard at such a rate that it was impossible to get more than a few minutes of rest before the Class 03 scuttled by with more vans.  
After one large rake of hoppers were shoved out of the way, another engine became visible a few roads over - it was the 46. 
Henry was surprised to see her - there hadn’t been enough time to fix any of her panels in the last three days, and indeed, she was just as battered and bruised as she was when he and Bear left her in the works. The only indication that anyone had done anything at all to her was the existence of a splint that had been taped over her broken nose to re-set it. 
More worryingly, she looked almost haunted. Her eyes were wide, with a thousand yard stare, and she was mumbling something to herself over and over again. 
“they don’t want me they don’t want me they don’t want me they don’t want me”
Henry wanted to ask her what was wrong, but before he could, a shout arose from deeper into the yard. The shunter had split a switch with some wagons and was now trapped in a dead-end siding. Men began rushing out with tools to re-rail the cars, but it was obvious that it would take some time. The yard master, seeing this incident, didn’t go over to the shunter, but instead made a beeline for Henry, his crew trailing behind. 
“If he’s done for, then we need someone to organize this mess!” The man called, clearly not giving Henry a choice in the matter. “And you’re it!”
After 35 minutes of careful shunting, Henry was on his final shunting move before he could enter the sheds and rest, while the men seemed to be turning the corner on freeing the 03.
“Right, then there’s this Peak!” Called the yardmaster, who was riding on Henry’s footplate with a sheet of train orders in his hand. “It’s the 0Z59 for tonight, just put it somewhere out of the way.”
He scanned the yard. “Track 33 looks clear. let’s leave it there and be done.”
“Zero-Zed?” Henry asked. “You’re not going to move her, are you?” A zero headcode was intended for light engine moves, while a Z prefix meant that the train was to be handled specially by the dispatcher. The 46 was battered enough to require special treatment, but her unrepaired condition meant that she should not be moving under her own power. 
“Nah, they’re gonna send an engine for ‘er later,” The yardmaster replied. “She’s going right to Derby.”
Henry sighed as he buffered up to the still-catatonic diesel. Sometimes life was easier if you didn’t ask questions. 
“they don’t want me they don’t want me they don’t want me they don’t want me”  The diesel said, her voice thick with horror. Her eyes looked at Henry’s face but saw nothing. It was obvious that she was off in her own little nightmarish world.
Then again, Henry had never had an “easy” life.
“What are they going to do to her at Derby?” He asked slowly, afraid of the answer he’d be given. 
After flipping through his papers, the yard master gave a one word answer: “Scrap”
Henry stared morosely at the 46. She didn’t deserve this at all. 
It took only a few minutes to move the 46 to an isolated siding near the sheds. As his driver uncoupled her from him, the 46 abruptly jerked out of her trance. She looked at Henry and his driver, her eyes suddenly clear and full of understanding.
“Save me. Please.” She said quietly. “They’re going to kill me.”
Henry was struck dumb by her request. The 46 had put more emotion in one sentence than some locomotives did in their entire lives. He wasn’t the quickest of thinkers to begin with, and now he had no idea of what to even say, let alone how he could help. 
Fortunately, Sean - his driver - was much faster on the uptake. “Do you still work?” He asked her conspiratorially. 
Both engines looked down at him. “Yes.” The 46 said after a moment. “They tested my motor and it works fine but they still said I wasn’t good enough to fix and oh god I’m going to die...” She trailed off in horror. 
Sean turned an interesting shade of pale as he set the diesel’s handbrake. “We’ll do something. Just you wait.” 
With that, he clambered back into Henry’s cab and set off for the sheds. 
“We have to do something and I have no idea how we’re going to do it.” He said as soon as they were out of earshot of the diesel. 
So concerned was Henry that he barely noticed Bear sitting in the shed as he pulled in. 
“Is everything all right?” Bear asked as he saw the look on Henry’s face.
“They’re going to kill that 46.” Henry said without prompting. “She’s barely damaged and they’re going to take her to Derby and cut her up.”
“Right.” said Bear, looking like he just took a sack of bricks to the face. “Let’s figure out how we’re going to fix that.”
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The harried yardmaster burst into the sheds. “Alright, up you get! The Hymek’s failed and we need you to drag his sorry carcass to the works!” 
Henry, who had been pretending to be sleeping, set off at once.
Entering the yard proper, he found Bear at the head end of a train of cement tankers.
"Ah! Henry!" Bear called out in the least convincing voice anyone had ever heard. "As you can see, my complicated and unreliable gearbox has failed, rendering me immobile. Can you please pull me to the works?"
"Of course Bear!" Henry said in the same way that one would discuss the weather. "I will tow you to the works so they can fix your complicated and unreliable gearbox!"
The yardmaster watched in confusion as Henry backed down onto Bear's train. It was obvious that they were planning something, but what? This was about on par for a steam engine's level of deception, but diesels were usually craftier than this.
After a few minutes, Henry set off - or rather, he didn’t.
As he set off, his wheels slipped suddenly, his driver immediately closed the regulator, and both engines disappeared into a cloud of steam as Henry wheeshed in faux pain.
"Oh dear! He called from within the cloud. "I seem to have suffered a mechanical malfunction of some kind! Whatever will I do?"
"Who gives a toss about you!" Wailed the Class 03. "What about my work? You just blocked off half the yard!"
It was true - Bear had failed just before the switch to the main line, and when Henry had backed down onto him, he had completely covered the points. Now that he had failed as well, a large portion of the yard was inaccessible.
"I am terribly sorry." Henry didn't sound like he meant it. "Another engine will have to move us, as we cannot possibly move ourselves."
To his credit, the Class 03 tried, but with Henry and Bear's combined weight (and Henry holding the brakes on when nobody was looking), his little wheels just slipped on the tracks. "Super Rescue my buffers!" He scowled as the yard master started pulling his hair out. The yard was in a worse state than before, and there were no other engines that could reach the failed train.
"Does that 46 work? The man yelled at his underlings, in the process missing the elated looks that flashed across Henry and Bear's faces.
"I think so!" Said one of the men. "They drove it here last night."
"Right!" He said with no small amount of relief. "Get that thing going - it'll be Crovan's problem and they can deal with it."
It took a few minutes for a crew to be found and for the 46 to be started, but soon enough she was being backed down onto the increasingly long train.
Henry and his crew watched with anticipation. Instead of damping his fire, Tim the fireman had been shoveling more and more coal into Henry’s firebox, while Sean had been nonchalantly walking around both engines and putting large amounts of sand under each driving wheel. As 46 040 was backed down onto the train, he gave a signal to Bear and his crew before climbing back into Henry’s cab.
The yard crew quickly coupled 040 to Henry, and waved to the signalman, who lined the points and dropped the signal arm.
The arm dropped. Henry and Bear's eyes followed it as it fell into the 'clear' position.
"Now!" Henry bellowed, and Bedlam ensued.
Sean hauled back on Henry’s whistle cord while shoving the throttle into the wide open position, sending sparks into the air as Henry’s wheels spun on the rails for a moment.
At Henry’s whistle, Bear's driver shoved the diesel's throttle to its furthest stop.
Black smoke belched out of both engines as they surged ahead. Henry slammed into the back of 040, shoving her along as his wheels found purchase on the sand covered rails.
Bear, his engine roaring, lurched ahead as he followed Henry, taking the tankers with him. The cement wagons yelled as the slack in their couplings was let out all at once, banging against each other as they were yanked into motion. A ripple of shock whipped all the way down the train, and the coupling in the last tanker was almost ripped out of its buffer beam from the violent departure.
040's crew were shoved forward in their seats by the sudden impact. Her driver had the throttle lever in his hand, and as he flew forward against the control column, he inadvertently shoved her throttle ahead to its furthest stop. The diesel shrieked in surprise as her motor revved to full power and she surged ahead with the rest of the train. 040 was a powerful express diesel, and she quickly began to pull the rest of the train along behind her as her engine reached its highest power setting.
"Go go go!" Henry yelled as the train accelerated away.
The yardmaster and the Class 03 watched in shock as the train thundered out of the yard. In just moments, it had cleared the yard boundary, and in just a few moments more, the last cement tanker was rattling over the lift bridge and onto Sudrian metals.
"What was that?!" The man said as Henry's triumphant whistle faded into the distance.
"More Sodor shite, I'd imagine." Said the little diesel as he rolled back into the yard - as much as he wanted to, he didn’t have time to speculate on what went on in the smokeboxes of those nutcases. "They're always up to some bollocks or another."
Henry and Bear yelled in triumph as they raced though Vicarstown and into Sodor proper.
"We did it!" Bear shouted.
"We did!" Henry chimed in. "You see that, 46?" He called up to 040. "That’s Sodor! You're safe!"
040 was astonished to the point of tears. "Thank you!" She said, her voice choked with emotion.
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Crovan’s Gate
Charles Hatt stared at the trio of unapologetic engines in front of him, unsure of whether he should be proud or upset. 
“If I told you three that you damaged several of those cement tankers, the yard switches in Barrow, and exceeded the legal speed limit for a train of that configuration, would you be sorry in the slightest?” 
“No sir / I’d do it again / Not at all” came the responses from Henry, Bear, and 040.
The Fat Controller hung his head in his hands. They didn’t even have the good graces to look sorry. The Peak was beaming from buffer to buffer, Bear looked sheepish but unconcerned, and Henry looked positively defiant. 
“And you did this...?” He trailed off.
“Because otherwise they were going to kill her.” Henry said with a surprising undercurrent of steel to his voice. 
“Yes. That...” Charles said again. “They truly told you that you were to be cut up?” He asked 040, slowly. 
“Yes sir.”
“They did sir. There were train orders for it.” Bear said quickly. “She was supposed to be the 0Z59.”
“I see...” He turned to the 46 directly. “Who told you this?”
“Mister Stevens. He came down from the Midlands region to inspect me.”
“I see...” Charles mulled this over. He was vaguely aware of the nasty rumours surrounding the supposed railwaymen that the Midland Region was now employing, and this 'Mister Stevens' seemed like he fit the bill perfectly. “And you two did this... to help out your fellow engine?”
“Yes sir” Henry and Bear said in unison. 
One hand came up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
On one hand, these two had just damaged a significant amount of railway property and stolen an engine from a different region.
On the other... he did have a motive power shortage, and 46 040 was a class 4 - exactly what he needed. 
And she clearly wasn’t needed by her region any more. 
And stealing engines from the scrap heap was practically a Sodor tradition by now. 
And he had acquired Bear in an almost equally brazen manner. 
Sir Charles Topham Hatt II was many things, but a hypocrite was not one of them. “I must make a phone call. Talk amongst yourselves.”
The engines watched as he retreated to the foreman’s office. The phone was mounted on the outer wall, and his end of the conversation was very audible. 
“This is Hatt, get me the London Midland Region please.”
“Yes, can you please inform Director Macready that Charles Hatt needs to speak with him regar- oh hello Lachlan.”
“Why yes, this is about 46 040.”
“I will have you know that we did not ‘brazenly make off with your property.’”
“To begin with, she was needed because the engines pulling the train ha- yes I understand that they didn’t actually fail, but-”
“Now there’s no need for that tone of voice-”
“Lachlan - Lachlan - Damnit Lachlan! That engine has only minor damage to it! You -”
“You clearly do not  need it if - Spares? Lachlan, you just said that they were ‘going to the chop soon enough’, what could you possibly need spares for?”
“Now that’s just inappropriate.”
Whatever was said next was obviously deeply impolite, as the Fat Controller lost all patience with the Director of the Midland Region. “Now you listen here you limp-wristed disgrace of a Scotsman. That locomotive is mine now and will be forever more,  you understand? If you ever try to come down from the ivory tower that has lodged itself in your rear end and do something about it, I will personally beat you to death with an Adze! Am I understood!”
After a brief silence, he spoke again. “I expect the transfer to be sent over at once. If they aren’t, I will forge your signature myself and I won’t stop with just those papers. Goodbye Lachlan.”
With that he hung up the phone and turned around to face the trio, who could barely contain themselves, and most of the works’ staff, who were surprised to see their controller use such harsh language. 
“Don’t just stand there!” He said after a long moment. “Get to work! We have a new engine to repair!” 
The noise from the locomotives was deafening. 
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urfangirl18 · 3 years
As promised here is the first chapter of my fan fiction 💜
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1. One Fateful Meeting
'why did it take you so long to pick up Mei-ah'
I laughed at the pouting face of my best friend Jiwoo as she artlessly sat down on the seat in front of me looking as gorgeous as ever in her off white lacy dress that she paired off with open toed sandals and a black jacket. Her cheeks were pink from the cold and she smiled at me graciously as I pushed the warm cup of caramel latte towards her.
'mian Jiwoo-ah I had to rush a couple of things at the office but I'm here now.'
I said as I took a sip of my hot tea grateful to be inside this cafe while looking at the soft pitter patter of raindrops on the window. It gave me peace amidst my ever busy life in Seoul.
'have you heard?' she asked as she tapped my hand on the table and pointed at my open macbook.
'my laptop? what about it?'
'for someone who graduated with honors in 4 courses way back in college how can you be such a pabo sometimes?'
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders at her 'I have no clue...soo spit it out Jiwoo-ah and no I am not dating your dongsaeng or any of your friends...please.'
She pouted while shaking her head 'why not?? it's been so long since you dated someone...who was he again?'
I flinched at the reminder of that awful date and shook my head as I motioned for her to continue with her news and what made her point at my laptop.
I was currently checking the website I was working on as much as my eyes were wanting to rest from reading codes after codes that I dealt with in the office earlier.
'I have awesome news from your imaginary boyfriend...' she said with a smile 'open google please and type his name.'
'imaginary boyfriend my ass' I mumbled knowing that I was blushing like mad at that moment. 'what about Satoh-san?'
She grinned at me while typing something on my laptop. She frowned a bit as she saw that I was working and smiled again as she found what she was looking for looking obviously pleased with herself...should I tell her that she looks a bit like a Cheshire Cat?
'clear your schedule this Friday until Sunday...you my gorgeous chingu will be modeling for my clothing brand with Takeru Satoh.'
'oh sure...'
I nodded clearly not believing a word she said for how can she and the management secure a modeling contract with the ever busy Takeru Satoh.
'no shit Jiwoo!!!' I said as I sucked my breath at what I was reading 'how the hell did Yuna and Georgie manage to snag this?!!'
I wanted to scream for joy but since we were inside a cafe all I managed to do was grasp for my bestfriend's hand in support.
Indeed the management and Jiwoo finally snagged a contract with the Takeru Satoh, the famous Japanese star.  My mind was reeling with questions as I was reading the news about it. It happened this morning while I was swamped with work and couldn't check my phone.
'that's why I was calling you!! You're perfect for this Mei-ah and I know you wouldn't want to miss being in the same set with your one and only love.'
'how did we afford him? This man is worth thousands no millions when it comes to a modeling contract. There is absolutely no way we can afford this...how do we get that investment back?'
Jiwoo grinned at me and shook her head in disbelief. It was then I forgot...she can very well afford to get even the highest paid actor in Hollywood for who am I kidding? Even without the help of  her influential and very affluent family my bestfriend owns one of the most successful fashion boutiques in Asia and Europe.
'I can't believe this...' I muttered 'I don't think I can model for this...maybe hire a professional for this Jiwoo...it's too huge of an investment if I don't pull this off.'
'ohh no!! you are not backing out of this Jeon Mei Lin. There is no way I am letting you say no! His agency wanted you to be his partner for this shoot.'
I would have fainted right at that very moment when I heard what she said.
'his agency? why?? we have plenty of models...why me? I only work part time.'
'they were mesmerised by your beauty and charm as simple as that and we know you're a perfect fit for their star as well.'
she whispered as she slowly took my glassess off and untied my bun. I squinted as I tried to get my eyeglasses back from her but knowing my bestfriend she won't give them back unless she has her way.
'for how long will you keep hiding yourself behind these glasses Mei? How long will you be depriving the world of your beauty?'
I rolled my eyes at her compliment and sighed...if only I can tell her. If only I can tell her the reason why I choose to hide my eyes beneath my glasses then maybe instead of convincing me to model along with the man of my dreams she would be helping me look for a husband so my family could leave me be and we could all live in peace.
Sadly all I can do was keep my mouth shut and nodded at the offer given to me. No one can know and no one must know. It's safer that way.
'alright I'll do it...I'll take my leave on Friday and Monday. Anything for Satoh-san and your boutique.'
I told her with a smile to which she jumped up from off her seat and gave me a bone crushing hug. For a tiny thing Jung Ji Woo sure can hug...makes me wonder where she got her strength from.
'kamasahamnida Mei-ah!! Don't worry everything is taken cared of all you need is to relax and look all pretty on Friday.' she then smiled and added 'should I accidentally book a hotel room for the both of you?'
I groaned and shook my head at what she was planning. I doubt anything can happen if she does that. This man whose pictures has adorned my phone for as long as I started being his fan would never notice me. He was just way out of my league. He travels the same circles as Jiwoo and her family or my cousin's also very affluent family. I didn't belong there...or should I say I don't even belong in this world. I was made for something else and I have been trying my best to not think about it.
I was destined for something else and the longer I dilly dally the more my head starts to pound. Is it too much to want what other girls have?
I hid my sadness in my cup of tea as I found Jiwoo smiling while looking at her phone talking to her fiancée no doubt. Whereas my single ass was in dire need of a fucking date but then again with the hideous glasses I wear I doubt anyone would want me.
*Satoh's POV*
'your flight for Seoul is on Thursday night Takeru-san and here is your schedule during your stay there.'
I smiled in gratitude at my assistant Takei-san who handed me an ipad as I took a break from work. It was a warm day in Kyoto and I was just finishing up the last few takes of a modeling stint for Versace and I was looking forward to a cold drink.
I sat on my chair inside the cool shade of the villa we were in and stretched my back. It was a long day but I had fun. Unbeknownst to everyone I was not just into acting or modeling though my family approved of it and allowed me to pursue what I love provided I don't forget to help run the business empire that our family has.
The money and the power my family has gave me the freedom to do whatever I love but it doesn't mean I don't work hard for it. My success wasn't handed to me on a golden platter I worked thrice as hard to get to where I am and to amass whatever success I hold
After that modeling stint with a very famous fashion line in Seoul I would finally get some much needed rest and to check on some of my businesses in Korea including my new baby which was a game and software development company which is now doing exceptionally well in both Korea and Japan. It was also starting to gain recognition in the US as well.
Personally I want to congratulate one of my lead game and software developer there who produced a game that has now over millions of downloads and users all over the globe. I also want to discuss another software app that I have in mind with him.
Yes I was all about business but maybe just maybe I may get a chance to rest a little bit when I get to Seoul.
'and the management of Meijiwoo agreed to our request. The shoot will be held privately and your partner is someone they deeply trust.'
I nodded as I checked the ipad and the profile of the model I will be working with. Looks like I would be having fun with this shoot. I smiled as I checked the portfolio they have sent...the girl in the photos could surely be a professional model in Seoul for she has the beauty a master artist would want to paint. She wasn't overly beautiful like the rest of the girls I had worked with or even the women I dated but there was something very alluring about her. It was then I saw her eyes. They were a brilliant shade of blue and the more I look at them the more beautiful they were getting.
'what's her name? is she a foreigner?'
I asked Takei-san to which he shook his head and said.
'she's korean, that's what the management told us but I can get some more information about Mei, Mei-san.'
So this beauty is named Mei...looks like my trip to Korea is getting more interesting and Friday couldn't come any sooner.
I smiled as I continued checking her portfolio most of the modeling she has done was for Meijiwoo and some korean make up brands. She was a beauty and for sure her agency wouldn't find it difficult to market her abroad. With her enchanting blue eyes this girl could conquer to world and it made me wonder why doesn't she have any other works than in Korea it was a shame to not let the world know of this beauty.
'Takei-san make sure to find out who her manager is maybe we can arrange a deal with them for a contract. Her beauty shouldn't be hidden.'
I said as I handed him the ipad and closed my eyes...looks like I have another business in mind. My parents would be so pleased that in whatever I do I always put business first forgetting myself sometimes.
I sighed and got a drink from the table and walked towards the window admiring the zen like beauty of the garden outside. The glass of whisky in my hand mocking me. I am now at the top of my game, of my career. I have achieved everything that I could ever want but why do I feel hollow inside?
Amidst the fortune I have from all the years of hard work why do I feel lonely everytime I go home? It's as if the more I surround myself with luxury the more empty I become.
'I probably just need to get laid...'
I muttered as I took my phone and checked who among my female friends are free and mentally reminding myself to buy her a gift as a token of my gratitude. It was always like this...after hours of pleasure I still feel so damn empty inside.
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simpcitybaby · 7 years
Don't cha know I'm in love
A/N: Okay so I have the song “Uptown Girl” stuck in my head so that’s kinda what this song is based off of, ya feel? Curly is such a fucking complex character and I wrote him my way.
PSA: That Was Then, This Is Now is on YouTube also I’m on mobile so this formatting is shitty, also I didn’t proof read
Word Count: 2703 words
Curly x Reader
Warnings: Idfk, swear words ig —————– Let’s Begin ——————- In the middle. That’s what you were. You weren’t a greaser nor a soc but you had friends in both categories. You were best friends with Sherri Valance and Angela Shepard, the three of you were unlikely friends. You were always caught hanging around with Ponyboy, Johnny, and the whole gang. Cherry would constantly invite you to hang out with her and Bob to which the answer was always no. Bob was a complete asshole and so were his friends. You met Angela’s brother Curly when you were 8, he wasn’t as bad back then but he always felt the need to upstage his older brother Tim. He would always tag along with you and Angela but you didn’t see him as much anymore since he was in and out of the reformatory for awhile. He managed to be released and today the Shepard gang was having a party for him which meant that you had the job of inviting your main greasers. You inched up the stairs of the Curtis residence and the door swung open, revealing Sodapop.
“You guys! Our little uptown girl is here!” You rolled your eyes at the nickname that he had given you so many years ago. Out of the gang, Soda was the easiest one to talk to when it came to boys and relationships. He was an absolute sweetheart but he’d get down and dirty if he needed to protect you or the boys.
“Maybe you should change the name to middle-class girl.” You poked your tongue out as you teased him. “Uptown girl has a better ring to it. It also sounds cool when we’re called the backstreet guys.” “You mean the Backstreet Boys?” “No (Y/N). Uptown girl is always looking for the backstreet guys.” You sighed before shaking your head, “It’d sound better if you said downtown boys.” You were met with the sound of a pencil scribbling across a piece of paper before hearing, “Ponyboy is going to write a song about you. Did you get that Pone?” Soda peeked over Pony’s shoulder as Pony read,
“Uptown girl, she’s been living in her uptown world, I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why… That’s all I have for now.” The whole room filled with laughter when Johnny brought out a guitar and started playing some chords to go along with Pony’s new poem. “I came to invite you guys to the Shepards party tonight not to have a song written about me.” You laughed before Two-Bit piped up, “Are you excited to see your Romeo?” He was met with an eye roll and a quick, “he doesn’t like me that way.” “(Y/N), man. The boy has the hots for you.” A chorus of yups and who wouldn’t’s filled the air, causing you to blush.
Curly was stone cold and hardheaded. He never wanted to admit when he was wrong and he prided himself on the amount of arrests he’s had. He was never serious about relationships but he was always there for you. When you got a lead in the school musical he was the one who dragged Angela to go and see it. The whole time he was going on and on saying things like “what the fuck is this shit? Fucking stupid that’s what this is.” and “nobody actually does that in real life.” But he was lowkey enjoying himself and his smile widened once graced the stage with your presence. Curly even brought you flowers but reminded you, “don’t think too much about it. I just didn’t want you to be embarrassed about not getting any flowers.” You just smiled at him and reassured him that his bad boy image was still present and that you were thankful for his thoughtfulness even though you had several bouquets of flowers in your hands. On your birthday he had stolen a pearl necklace for you but quickly added, “You know I can’t afford to buy you pearls but I can steal some for you, so be fucking grateful.” Unbeknownst to you, his face lit up every time he saw you wearing the necklace.
Darry pulled you out of your thoughts when he said, “Don’t let them bother you. Just go home and get ready, we’ll pick you up say 8 o'clock and then head over to Buck’s.” On the way out you were met with Cherry’s smiling face, “I knew you’d be here! I want to help you get ready for the party.” She wiggled her brows suggestively before pulling you towards your house which sat directly in the middle of the South and East side. Sherri decided that she wasn’t going to go to the party because she didn’t want to be the reason that Bob started shit with the gang. So instead of being your wing-woman, she was going to dress you to the nines. ——————-Time Skip —————— Your body was clad in a yellow pinup dress while your feet were snug in your white vans. Your makeup was ideal and it accented your (E/C) eyes, making them glisten in the moonlight. Your stomach erupted into a flurry of butterflies as time ticked down. You were about to see Curly for the first time in months and you didn’t know what to expect. He always bragged to Angela that you were his better half but what if that changed? You wouldn’t be able to blend into the scene and hide from him since you were wearing a bright ass yellow dress but you wore it because Curly loved the color on you. If you had it your way he wouldn’t be in and out of the reformatory, he’d be home with you.
Meanwhile, Curly had dragged Angela into his room and said, “What the fuck do I wear, Angel?” Angela smirked at the nickname because she knew that she was anything but. “Since when were you worried about wearing the wrong thing?” “Since (Y/N) is fucking going to be there! Is that what you wanted to hear, you cold hearted bitch.” “Wear one of those nice button ups that you stole and some jeans. Oh! Also wear your jacket, not that you could forget it but bring it just in case she gets cold.” “Angela this isn’t a fucking movie and I’m not going to sling my jacket over her shoulders and be cold myself.” “You know you’d fucking do it you big softie. You really like her even though you wouldn’t say so. If you want a girl like that, you’ve gotta treat her right.” “Get out of my fucking room.” Angela exited as Curly threw himself on the bed, burying his head in his hands. He always went for broads but with you it was different. You couldn’t be classified in that category, you were too good for that label. He wanted to prove to you that he’s good enough and that he’s worth your time. You were his better half and maybe if you were around more he’d change his ways. Not fully of course but enough to stop going to the reformatory. “Ready to go, you little shit?” Tim’s head peaked into Curly’s room and with that, they left. ————- Bitch it’s party time ————– When you stepped outside of your front door you were met with the boys dressed fairly nice. “Shit, you guys look sexy.” You announced this as you guys started walking to Buck’s. “Don’t you look beautiful as ever, (Y/N).” Steve slung an arm over your shoulder as he said this, causing you to let out a snort while laughing. “Aren’t you something, Randle?” It was a fairly nice walk filled with banter and giggles but upon arriving at Buck’s you started to freak out.
All of the guys made their entrance while Dally stayed back with you. “Stop freaking out, man. You’re making me feel nauseous for you.” You glared at Dally and responded with, “Dallas, what if he’s changed? What if he doesn’t like me anymore? I should’ve stayed home.” You rambled on and on which led Dally to put his hand over your mouth. “Shut the fuck up already. You look like an angel among us all and if he doesn’t like you then he can go suck a dick. You can find someone better than him if he’s going to mess with your emotions. You’re a good kid and you’re gonna have fun, yadda yadda yadda. Let’s go fucking party now because this pep talk is over.” You smiled because you could tell that Dallas cared for you. The two of you walked in an were met with dim red lights and alcohol.
Out of everyone, Tim spotted you first. “Hey (Y/N)! Angela’s over there. Have a good time okay?” He ruffled your hair before pushing you in Angela’s direction. “FUCKING SHIT! MY BEST FRIEND LOOKS LIKE A GODDESS. I’M ABOUT READY TO DIE OVER HERE, YOU LOOK SO FINE.” You were met with an embrace and a whisper in your ear which said, “Bitch, Curly is over by the stairs leaning against the wall. He’s been waiting for you all night. If you were anyone else I wouldn’t let you talk to him but you’re you so go get your man.” She pulled away and stuck her tongue out before grinding on some dude. “How much money did someone pay you to wear that?” You yelled this over the music while walking towards Curly.
“Get lost broad, I’m waiting for someone.” The boy was glancing at the door, his eyes were looking at anything but you. How stupid is he? How did he miss you walking in if he’s been staring at the entrance all night. “Call me a broad one more time and I’ll punch your fucking teeth in.” Curly froze and slowly turned around before pulling you in by your waist. “I’ve missed you so fucking much, you don’t even understand.” “Curly, are you sniffing my hair?” He rose a brow and said, “Yeah. Problem?” You shook your head before gesturing towards his outfit. “You look nice! Why are you so dressed up?” If you looked close enough you could’ve sworn that he was blushing. “Just wanted to look presentable for a certain Uptown Girl.” He was met with a shove and giggles. “Curly Shepard got all dressed up for lil ol’ me?” “Shut up before I leave.” “You can’t leave, it’s your party.” “I’ll leave and I’ll take you with me.” “What’s stopping you?” Next thing you know you’re being dragged away from Buck’s and all the way to the alley down by the tracks. “As much as I like it here, I’m not looking for any confrontation tonight. Let’s go to the lot.”
You began pulling him in the direction of the lot before he said, “You make me want things that I can’t have.” Stopping dead in your tracks you turned to him and asked, “What are you thinking about?” “When ever I’m out of the reformatory I come to see you. It’s always been you. I scare away anyone who even has the thought of hitting on you because you make me feel things. I hate myself so much for these fucking feelings.” You walked closer towards him and urged him to go on.
“I should’ve told you that I felt this way a long time ago but I didn’t want to screw things up. You have everything going for you, (Y/N). You’re the Uptown girl and I don’t want to drag you down with me. The Shepard gang only gets worse with age and I don’t want to be the reason that you don’t succeed in life because damn it, you deserve so much more than this.” Curly sighed and ran a hand through his hair while his eyes became glassy.
“Curly Shepard. I am so in love with you that I want to throw up whenever I’m near you. You make me a good kind of nervous. You’re always there for me when I’m doing productions or feeling down. You have this whole, I hate the world, persona but with me you’re different. You just need someone to love you and show you that there’s still good in this world. I can be that person.” Your arms looped around his neck as he let out a nervous sigh. “I feel like I can’t breathe, (Y/N).” Your fingers danced across his face, tracing every single trait and then they played in his curls. “I can’t let you get mixed up with me. I can’t lose you. I can’t let you throw your life away for me. I can-”
Soft lips were met with another pair. Delicate and pillow like. He tasted like cigarettes and alcohol mixed with a bit of icing from the cake they had at the party. You tasted like chocolate covered strawberries and all things sweet. He couldn’t pull you in any closer but he damn well tried. You guys ran your fingers all over one another in the most passionate kiss there was. Although you initiated it, he deepened it and kissed you softly as though you could break. Both of you guys pulled away in a dire need for air after your tongues just battled for dominance. “I’m willing to help you better yourself if you’d let me. I don’t necessarily want to change you because I love who you are. But if you’re scared of dragging me down, we can build each other up together.” “I’d like that. So we’re in agreeance that you’re mine and I’m yours?” You nodded before leaning your head on his shoulder as you guys continued your walk to the lot.
You shivered a bit, swearing because you were going to bring your jacket but Cherry didn’t let you. “Here.” Curly slid off his near and dear leather jacket then proceeded to help you slide your arms through the sleeves. “Shit. I’ll have to thank Angela for this later.” He whispered it under his breath but you caught on putting two and two together. Angela and Cherry must’ve planned it out so that this moment would happen, you definitely had to thank them later. At the lot you guys stared at the stars and traced each other’s features. He stared at you with loving eyes as you fell asleep in his embrace.
Johnny and Ponyboy happened to be on their way to the lot and when they saw you two, Pony whipped out his notepad. “Why were you carrying that, Pone?” Johnny gestured towards the notepad and pencil “New song lyrics, man.” He scribbled before turning the notepad so that Johnny could read it. “She’ll see I’m not so tough Just because I’m in love with an uptown girl You know I’ve seen her in her uptown world She’s getting tired of her high class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys She’s got a choice” After seeing the lyrics, Johnny dragged Pony to the Curtis household in dire need of his guitar to put the lyrics to music. ~ Fin ~
Jk there’s a bonus part: “I swear to who ever the fuck is up there in the sky that if you hurt our little uptown girl, I will personally take care of you.” Dally had Curly’s shirt balled in his fist but was met with laughter. Right in Dally’s face, Curly said, “Hey Pony did you hear that? No? I could’ve sworn that I heard a little bitch!” “We’re serious man, we’ll hurt you.” Curly nodded and said, “I could never hurt that girl in a million years and if I did, you guys could personally kill me but make sure you let Angela get in on it.”
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mirajens · 7 years
The Man We Love
characters: freed and mirajane rating: m genre: angst warning: character death   found in ff.n and ao3 for @ravenstyx art inspo here from @summerbummin
It was easy to be stupid, to be cruel, because the man they loved was dead.
Laxus Dreyar was dead.
On the day of his funeral, it rained so hard that mud started rolling down the hill surrounding the church cemetery so everyone walked slowly, so they wouldn't slip. Raindrops rebounded off the clay pavers onto Mirajane's silk socks, her best socks, socks that Laxus loved seeing when she wore nothing else, socks that meant nothing right now because there was a void in Mirajane and it swallowed up all the emotions she thought she should be expressing, and yet, all she could do was stare at the freshly sealed grave of the man she loved.
And yet, Mira thought as her gaze slid over to the man standing next to her, here was someone who got the memo for appropriate distress at funerals. She and Freed were the only ones left after everyone went home: all the guests, the holy man, the servicemen, the rest of the Raijinshu, and even Elfman and Lisanna who were reluctant to leave their sister alone. It was only she and Freed now, and she watched shamelessly as he cried openly: ragged sobs tearing from his chest, face blotchy from breathing too fast, and then holding it back, his grip on his umbrella weakening as he squeezed the handkerchief he pressed against his mouth.
Mira thought, poor thing. Freed had loved Laxus as well. She'd never been able to resent him for that, and he never made her feel guilty for being the one who got to sleep in Laxus' bed at night. Laxus was never a cause of conflict between them, but right now, he existed so tangibly between them, a nonphysical pull.
The rain was getting ridiculous. Aside from her socks, the skirt and the sleeves of her dress were getting soaked as well.
Still, Mirajane moved closer to Freed, close enough that their umbrellas bumped when she wound her free arm around his shoulders.
"Come on, Freed. A storm is coming." These were the first words she'd said to him today. She couldn't bring herself to say I'm sorry. I know how you feel. It felt like it would be condescending, coming from her. And what was there to say to someone who lost the same as yours?
Freed let out one last sob, his voice shaking so hard when he finally spoke. "I-I can't, Mirajane."
She didn't want to leave, too. "There is no sense talking to gravestones," Mirajane said. She knew all too well. The dead didn't speak back. "Come," she said again, tugging on his arm.
Freed stayed put. "Please, leave me."
Mirajane shifted so she was in front of Freed, so she could look him in the face. "Would you like to come home with me?"
Freed's eyes widened. Mirajane knew that he knew that when she said home, she was talking about the one she shared with Laxus. Was he desperate enough to bite? Mirajane hoped so. And judging by the way he hesitated, he was.
"Come," she said for a third time.
"Okay." Freed blew out a breath, rough again. Defeated, heart-broken, unsure. "Yes, okay."
Mirajane took his hand and began to lead him away from Laxus' final resting place.
Mirajane opened the door to the small apartment she and Laxus kept two blocks from the guild. As she undid her heeled sandals and peeled off her soggy, silk socks, she watched Freed from the corner of her eye, taking in every detail of the studio. There were no walls, and his eyes went straight to the bed. Messy. Mirajane had been restless as funeral arrangements happened, but she could tell that he was trying to see Laxus in it. Humans were a base sort of animal, their emotions and desires easy enough to figure out if one knew where to dig it out from.
"Freed?" Mirajane walked to him, close enough that she could feel his exhale on her cheeks. His body heat radiating off him and passing through his damp clothes were almost unbearable. "Would you help me out of my dress?"
She watched his face go through hues of red more intense than the last. "Mirajane, what—"
"My clothes are wet. So are yours. I can toss them into the dryer."
They both knew that wasn't what she meant. "No, Mirajane. You don't know what you're taking about." Freed grabbed the hilt of his sword just so he could have something to hold onto and set to move back out the door. Mirajane's hand grabbed him.
"We are grieving. Should we not grieve together?"
"By fucking?" The snap of his voice startled Mirajane, but not enough to scare her. Not enough to wake her from her daze, Not enough to make her want to stop. "You would bring a man to the bed you shared with Laxus on the day of his funeral? You would disrespect Laxus like that?"
The disgust was evident on his face. Mirajane reveled in it, because she saw something else in it as well. Something that she could exploit. She wasn't very nice in grief.
"Don't you want to pretend?" Mirajane asked.
Freed broke, easy as an overstuffed balloon. His bloodshot eyes leaked and he wept like a child. Mirajane felt no remorse for it. Instead, she led him by the hand to the bed, farthest from the door, backed up against a big window so the gloomy afternoon light poured over the sheets.
Mirajane listened to Freed cry as she undid the buttons of her clothes, then his. He began to shake when both of them were undressed and she was pushing him down on the bed.
"Mirajane, please," the words sounded rusty and pitiful.
Seated on Freed's lap, she leaned down so she could press a kiss against the protrusion of his cheekbone. "Don't you think Laxus wouldn't have wanted this?" She would use anything, anyone right now, if it meant feeling something other than a horrible nothingness in her chest.
"I don't—"
"Because I think—" She pressed her lips down on his jaw, his collarbone, his pectoral. "—he'd want his favorite guy and his favorite girl to be happy."
There was something in Freed's tone that Mirajane couldn't quite put a name on. It was like he was terrified, regretful, but slowly resigned to his demise. He was an easy man. All grievers were. They did stupid things to crowd out the crippling sorrow in their system. "And will this make you happy?"
Mirajane shrugged, curls of silver hair shifting against her shoulder so it revealed her breasts. "I don't know. I just want to be tired so I can sleep tonight. Isn't that enough?"
She could see on Freed's face that it wasn't. But he put a tentative hand on her waist, anyway. Mirajane took that as encouragement and licked a line down the center of his chest, then his belly.
"M-mirajane, wait, wait." Freed inched back, hands pushing away Mira's arms. "I've never done this before." He swallowed, his pulse raced, his eyes were wide. Mirajane thought that he looked like a cornered animal. "Not with a woman."
Mirajane simpered. All soft curves, soft hair, early moonlight bouncing off her skin, she shifted between his legs so they were skin to skin again. A violent shiver ran through Freed. "Then would you like to stop?"
Freed blew out a breath. He was already half hard. "I don't know."
Mirajane reached between them so she could rub him. Freed bit his lip hard enough to make it pale. "I'll do all the work. Tell me to stop if you want me to."
He forewent nodding, tilting his face down so he could watch Mirajane's small hand wrap around his cock and jerk him off. She knew exactly where to touch, and how, and just the right amount of pressure and speed. Even close to the brink, Freed couldn't lose himself to the ecstasy. Guilt and grief was all-encompassing despite physiological reactions.
Before he could come, Mirajane, who watched his face raptly, squeezed the base of his cock, painful enough that Freed hissed. In apology, she slanted her mouth over his.
A mistake. Freed jolted away from her head and looked at her like she'd done something unthinkable.
"Sorry," Mira whispered. "No kissing, I promise. Okay? I'm sorry."
Freed nodded, feeling just a little bit ashamed about his boundaries. He didn't love Mirajane. He wasn't even sure they were friends. He had no business kissing her, nor her, him. It made no difference that she was naked, on top of him, about to fuck him on the bed she'd shared with the man he loved. The man they both loved.
To make up for whatever slight he felt he'd done, Freed laid his hands on her narrow waist again and let them slide up the slope of her ribs, the underside of her breasts. They were heavy, a little cool, perfectly curved. Fascinating. He'd never felt an inclination to them until now. Maybe it was the circumstance. He tried not to think, Laxus enjoyed Mirajane. And then, Must I, as well?
He thought he should at least try. He bent his head and lapped at her nipple, feeling no particular pleasure from the way Mirajane moaned, but he liked the way her skin smelled fresh and tasted just a little bit like rainwater, and how her crotch ground over his when she shuddered from the pleasure.
Instinct still existed, despite sexual preference. Freed knew which points felt good to any person, so he let his lips trail up her chest, her collar, and then he was sucking bruises onto her neck. He hoped he'd never see them after this. Her body was soft against his, not at all what he was used to, but he didn't find it unpleasant at all. He wondered if there was anyone who could resist Mirajane Strauss. He'd imagined he could.
Below, Mira swiveled her hips, spreading wetness on him, in no way impeding the delicious impetus. Freed was not a man who dallied. He nudged Mirajane off, took her by the hips so he could maneuver her on her knees. She twisted her head to look at him and found answers to her unasked question before he could even bother to look apologetic. He didn't want to see her face. Not when he was thinking of someone else.
Not at all chagrined, not at all distraught, Mirajane faced forward and reach for the bowl on the nightstand for a foil wrapper. She felt Freed grab himself, rub forcefully, and slip the condom on before she felt the head of him touch where she was most hot. To help, Mirajane grabbed between her legs, made a V of two of her longest fingers so she could spread herself apart and reveal herself to him. Soon enough, she felt the awful, wonderful ache, the slow slide, and she moaned. When Freed was in her to the hilt, she reached behind to grab his ass. He got the clue and started moving.
It felt forced. It felt like they were trying too hard to feel good. Freed squeezed his eyes shut and thrust like he wasn't with someone he grew up with. Mirajane rubbed her clit so hard, so desperately, she'd be both oversensitive and numb from it in no time. It was forced, but they were easy. Mirajane's back arched to a stiff curve and Freed dug his fingers in the flesh of her butt so hard, it would bruise in the morning. With the man they loved on their minds, it was easy to come.
When the rush of endorphins died down to make way for shame, Freed peeled himself off Mirajane, quickly feeling himself soften when the cool air descended on his sweaty skin. He grabbed the rubber by the base, discarded it properly into a trash bin filled with crumpled tissues and got up to dress.
"Are you tired?" Freed asked. He watched Mirajane slither to the head of the bed so she could lay her head on overstuffed pillows. By the way she sighed, they must have smelled like Laxus.
"Yes. I think I can sleep now. Thank you, Freed." She closed her eyes and sank deeper into the softness of her bed.
Freed nodded, even though she couldn't see. It felt disgusting putting on his rain-damp clothes on his sweat-damp skin. He grabbed his boots, his sword, his jacket, and walked to the door trying not to let guilt eat him up. Trying not to think of the man he loved that he betrayed before his grave was even cold.
Freed waited until he was by the door to speak again. "I'll turn the locks on my way out."
He didn't get an answer. He didn't expect to.
Mira rolled over to Laxus' side of the bed, still unable to cry even though she wanted to, hating herself, missing the man she loved, and hoping that the scent of him, like subtle cologne and something smoky, would forever stay trapped in this bed.
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and-original-post · 5 years
Dallas Imagine part 4 (I Promise)
I Promise by Radiohead
Part three:
Dally's pov
I decided to hold off giving Yn her gift until we can let everything settle down some. So for now I have kept the small velvet box hidden in my underwear drawer. I know that sounds pretty weird but it's the only place I could think that Yn wouldn't find it because even when she does do my laundry with hers she won't touch my underwear. You would think at after 3 years together and everything that we've done together she'd wouldn't care but nope she refuses to touch it.
But it's been two weeks now and I'm ready to do it. It's a Tuesday so we're all having dinner at the Curtis house, like we do every Tuesday. We are also telling the gang about the baby since Yn will be 10 weeks tomorrow. Only Ponyboy, Soda and Darry know about it right now. I had already told the gang what I was doing today so they thought that was the only thing happening tonight.
I was already ready to go and Yn was just about ready. I walked out of the bathroom where I was checking how I looked, Yn wanted me to look "half way descent" for tonight, and I heard her sigh frustratedly from our room. I walked in to see her dig through her drawer without a shirt on, it was laying on our bed now.
"Hey, what happened? Weren't you wearing that black button up shirt when I left the room?" I asked.
"Well I was going to until the button popped off because it was too tight. Do you know where one of my solid black shirts are, and not the v neck one either?" She said with her back still towards me as she continued to look through the drawer.
"First of all how was it too tight, you haven't gained anything and you're not even showing at all. Second, why not a v neck? Third you wore one yesterday so it's dirty I think." I replied sitting down on the bed.
"Oh it's not too tight across my stomach, it's too tight on my boobs. They've gotten bigger, I'm surprised you haven't noticed. Would it be bad if I wore it again today, I mean we didn't really do much yesterday." She said turning to face me now as she headed over to a pile of our dirty clothes. If I'm being honest I noticed her boobs about 5 days ago but I wasn't going to say anything.
"No, it should be fine, if it smells a little just spray some of my cologne on it then it'll be fine. And for the record I did notice that your boobs are bigger I was just trying to be gentleman and not say anything about it. Here." I spoke as I stood up and grabbed my bottle of cologne and she put on the shirt. She sprayed a little on it then handed it back saying, "Dallas Winston, a gentleman? Ha. Good one!"
We started to walk out of the room and towards the stairs. "Screw you." I said teasingly at her comment.
"I did and look where it got me." She turned back to glance at me as I stepped off the last step.
"Ha ha." I rolled my eyes before following her out the door. I walked over to my pick up and opened the door for her. Then I walked over to my side and almost got in.
"Man, I forgot my keys. I'll be right back doll." I said before turn to run back inside.
"Just hurry, we're running behind!" She yelled back at me from the car.
I threw a thumbs up as I ran in. I took the steps two at a time then went straight to our room. I grabbed the keys that I had forgotten on purpose and then opened my underwear drawer where the velvet box sat untouched. I grabbed it, put it in my jacket pocket, and went back down to the car.
We drove to the Curtis house and got out then walked straight in without even knocking. Everyone was already there and watched as we both walked in 15 minutes late. Yn went around saying hello to everyone and giving a hug to both the Curtis boys that were there, Darry was in the kitchen still.
"So, how was it?" Twobit asked.
"How was what?" Yn asked.
"That quicky. That's why the two of you are usually late so I just assumed." He said laughing through the whole thing.
"Haha, we weren't having sex. I just could find anything to wear." Yn said.
"So you went with the shortest shorts you owned." Twobit shot back look at Yn butt. The two of them had the weirdest friendship in the group. Most of their conversation were just sexual teasing.
That's what you're wearing ;)
"Two, I will pull a blade on ya." I stepped in only half way joking.
"Ain't no one pulling a blade on anyone tonight." Darry said walking into the room.
"Hi Darry." Yn said standing up to hug him.
"Hi Yn, how are you?" He asked with a knowing smile.
"Doin great." She smiled back.
"Good," He turned to the rest of us, "alright so food is ready. It's just simple hotdogs and hamburgers with fries, per Yn request. But before we eat, I do believe something needs to be said." He looked at me and Yn.
"Yup." Yn said walking over to me, "Go for it Dally." She said.
"Why don't you say it." I said as she smiled. Everyone in the room, except the Curtis brothers, thought they knew what was happening. They thought I was about to give Yn the promise ring, but when I told her to do it they got very confused.
"Okay, I know we're still young but I couldn't be happier to say that... I'm pregnant!" It was silent for a minute before Twobit spoke up.
"Wait really?" He asked incredulously.
"Yeah, man." I said.
"Congrats guys." Johnny said standing up to hug Yn.
The rest of the gang gave some sort of congratulations to us then we all slowly made our way to the kitchen to eat. Johnny hung back some and grabbed my arm.
"I thought you were givin her that ring?" He asked confused.
"I am just later on don't worry." I assured him.
Yn walked back into the room.
"Come boys, you both need to eat, I can't be the only one getting fat."
I chuckled a little and Johnny full on laughed as we both walked to the kitchen. Diner was spent talking about what me and Yn plan to do in the future, like if we would buy a house, get jobs, move from Tulsa. Soda and Steve even offered to help me get a job at the DX. There were also numerous inappropriate jokes and comments said which had Yn blushing and trying to hide her face in my arm as I tried not to laugh. When we were all finished we made our way into the living room.  Since no one actually had work tomorrow morning, we decided to watch a movie.
I won't run away no more, I promise
Even when I get bored, I promise
Even when you lock me out, I promise
I say my prayers every night, I promise
I don't wish that I'm spread, I promise
The tantrums and the chilling chats, I promise
Even when the ship is wrecked, I promise
Tie me to the rotten deck, I promise
"Ok before we watched the movie I need to do something." I said. All the guys had smirks on their faces. I grabbed Yn hand I lead her out side and a little away from the house. I stoped walking then she stood in front of me and I turned to face her.
"When we first got together three years ago in New York, I promised you that I would stop running away and that I would always be there for you. Even when your aunt died I refused to let you go through it alone and lock me out. We've stuck together through everything, the good, the bad, and the dirty, ugly sides of each other. Even when we come to brink of our life together our love for one another pulls us right back in. I don't want to be with anyone else besides you ever in my lifetime. I know that if we ever end, I'll end too. I can't live without you in my life." I paused and took the small box that felt like it had been burning a hole in my pocket the whole time we were here.
I won't run away no more, I promise
Even when I get bored, I promise
Even when the ship is wrecked, I promise
Tie me to the rotten deck, I promise
I won't run away no more, I promise
"Today, I want to renew all these promises we've made to each other and add one more promise to the list..." I opened the box to revile the ring to her, "take this ring and promise me that you won't leave me. Promise that one day when we're older, I'll get to this all over agin twice. Once when I propose to you and then again at our wedding. And promise to never stop loving me, because I'll never stop loving you." 
She had tears in her eyes and I almost did. She began to nod quickly.
"Yes, Dally. Of course, I love you so damn much." She stood on her toes as she wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into the side of my neck. When she pulled back she held up her left hand and let me slide the ring on it.
"It's simple I know, but it's all I could afford at the time when I bought it." I said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Oh Dallas, I love it. And you didn't steal this, how did you have the money for it?" She asked looking between me and the ring.
"No I didn't steal it," I laughed a bit, "But I did hustle a few guys at pool for the money."
She smiled and shook her head, "Thank you Dal, I love it." She hugged me once again and I kissed the top of her head.
"Let's head back in and watch that movie now, huh?" I said and she nodded before taking my hand and leading the way to the house.
When we walked in all the guys started hootin and hollerin, making Yn jump back in surprise.
"Did they all know?" She asked turning to me.
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