#don't know my tags and am mobile but did a thing
piplupod · 3 months
shoutout to the time i thought juggalos were just a random type of clown in the same way rodeo and pierrot is, and I off-handedly mentioned them in a conversation about clowns to one of my DQ managers when I worked there, and she fucking lost her mind laughing and I was like. damn. I didn't think my joke was THAT funny but okay. and then I never looked up what a juggalo actually was until just last year, like four years after I'd stopped working at that place 🧍
#when u dont have internet access very often u don't use ur small bits of time to look things up#esp when u dont have any unmonitored internet access fjdkdl#i was scared to look things up at school and i couldnt look up very much on the home computer#and my mobile had net nanny installed on it lmfao it was set for like... 12 yr olds#NOW GRANTED. I ACTUALLY DID MANAGE TO BREAK NET NANNY ON MY OWN COMPUTER. u have to move some files around inside the program files#and then u can basically break and un-break it as u please#so i could have it on to keep up the charade that i had it installed and it was monitoring and reporting my good boy usage#but then when i wanted to do stuff like... go on tumblr. or look up slang or whatever fhdkdl i could break the program#until i was done and then fix it so it'd go back to normal#this didnt help v much though bc i couldnt lug my laptop to school v often#and i wasnt allowed internet at home fhfkdl unless I was using my mother's laptop for looking up piano music LOL#eventually i also figured out how to break the program on my phone too but that one was more luck than anything else i think#anyways. all this surveillance made me good with tech stuff but im not Good w tech djdkdl i just know how to look things up#and i learned a bit how the backend of programs work or weird tricks for hidden folders and stuff on laptops#hey why tf am i rambling abt this in the tags fjkdl I've lost the plot#anyways good morning everyone please look up words that u may not know the meaning of before u use them#i do this too often now fhfjld. i have to look up words that i DO 100% know the meaning of just to make sure i dont have it wrong somehow#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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sasaranurude · 2 months
Okay. I've been playing Tokyo Debunker today, since the release happened to catch me on a day when all I'd planned to do was write fanfiction. I just finished reading the game story prologue (it was longer than expected!), so here's a review type post. If you're reading this post not having seen a single thing about this game: it's a story-based joseimuke gacha mobile game that just released globally today. It's about a girl who suddenly finds herself attending a magic school and mingling with elite, superhuman students known as ghouls. If you look in the tumblr tag for the game you'll see what appears to be a completely different game from 2019 or so: they retooled it completely midway through development, changing just about everything about it due to "escalating competition within the gaming industry."
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I'll talk about how this looks like a blatant twst clone at the end.
Starting with the positive: The story is charming. I enjoyed it thoroughly the entire time and am excited to read more. The mix between visual novel segments and motion comics was really nice--it broke things up and added a lot of oomph to the action or atmospheric scenes that visual novels generally lack. I like the art in the comic parts a lot. the live2d in the visual novel parts is... passable. Tone-wise, I think the story was a little bit all over the place and would like to see more of the horror that it opened on, but I didn't mind the comedic direction it went in either. The translation is completely seamless. The characters so far all have unique voices and are just super fun and cute. Of the ones who've had larger roles in the story so far, there's not a single one I dislike. It's all fully voiced in Japanese and the acting is solid. (I don't recognize any voices, and can't seem to find any seiyuu credits, so it seems they're not big names, but they deliver nonetheless.) Kaito in particular I found I was laughing at his lines a ton, both the voicing and the writing.
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He's looking for a girlfriend btw. Spreading the word.
The problem is like. The gameplay is the worst dark-pattern microtransaction-riddled bullshit I've ever seen. Hundred passive timers going at all times. Fifty different item-currencies. Trying to get you to spend absurd amounts of real world money at every turn. There's like five different indicators that take you to various real-money shop items that I don't know how to dismiss the indicator, I guess you just have to spend money, wtaf. Bajillion different interlocking systems mean you have zero sense of relative value of all the different item-currencies. I did over the course of the day get enough diamonds for one ten-pull, which I haven't used yet. Buying enough diamonds for a ten-pull costs a bit under $60 (presumably USD, but there's a chance the interface is automatically making that CAD for me--not gonna spend the money to check lmfao), with an SSR rate of 1%. BULLSHIIIIIT.
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There's like a goddamn thousand-word essay explaining the dozen different types of character upgrades and equippables and equippables for the equippables!! Bad! Bad game design! That's just overcomplicating bullshit to trick people into thinking they're doing something other than clicking button to make number go up! That is not gameplay!
In terms of the actual gameplay, there is none. The battle system is full auto. There might be teambuilding, but from what I've seen so far, most of that consists of hoping you pull good cards from gacha and then clicking button to make number go up. There's occasional rhythm segments but there's no original music, it's just remixes of public domain classical music lmao. I'd describe the rhythm gameplay as "at least more engaging than twisted wonderland's," which is not a high bar
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At least there's a cat in the rhythm bit.
And like, ok, I gotta remark on how derivative it is. Like I mentioned in my post earlier, this game is unabashedly aping twisted wonderland's setting and aesthetic. (That said, most of the stuff it steals from twst is magic school stuff that twst also basically stole from Harry Potter, so...?) However, it isn't exactly like twst: in this one, the characters say fuck a lot and bleed all over the place and do violence. Basically, the tone is a fair bit more adult than twst's kid-friendly vibe. (Not, like, adult adult, and I probably wouldn't even call it dark--it's still rated Teen lol. Just more adult than twst.)
Rather than just being students at magic school, the ghouls also go out into the mundane world to go on missions where they fight and investigate monsters and cryptids. Honestly, the magic school setting feels pretty tacked-on. The things that are enjoyable about this would've been just as enjoyable in about any other setting--you can tell this whole aspect was a late trend-chasing addition, lmao. So, yeah, it's blatantly copying twst to try to steal some players, but... Eh, I found myself not caring that much. Someone more (or less) into twst than me may find it grating.
Character-wise, eh, sure, yeah, they're a bit derivative in that aspect too, but it's a joseimuke game, the characters are always derivative. Thus far the writing & execution has been solid enough that I didn't care if they were tropey. If I were to compare it to something else, I'd say the relationship between the protagonist and the ghouls feels more like that of the sage and wizards in mahoyaku than anything from twst. There's some mystery in exactly what "ghouls" are and their place in this world that has me intrigued and wanting to know more about this setting and how each of the characters feels about it. I have a bad habit of getting my hopes up for stories that put big ideas on the table and then being disappointed when they don't follow through in a way that lives up to my expectations, though.
So, my final verdict: I kind of just hope someone uploads all the story segments right onto youtube so nobody has to deal with the dogshit predatory game to get the genuinely decent story lol. Give it a play just for the story if you have faith in your ability to resist dark patterns. Avoid at all costs if you know you're vulnerable to gacha, microtransactions, or timesinks.
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zazzedcoffee · 1 year
There are polls on 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 dot com
Quite a few people have been asking how I have been making these polls. To make them I have been using the Tumblr API. While it is currently undocumented – there is a polls API route that allows you to post and get poll data. While the Tumblr UI puts quite a few restrictions on how many polls can be in a single post and when polls finish, the API currently has no restrictions on this*.
Poll Behaviour
Each poll and poll answer has a uuid tag (a "client_id") that should, ideally, uniquely identify each poll and poll answer. Silly things start to happen when you make a post with two polls with the same client_id, or one poll with several answers with the same client_id. This is how I made this monstrosity.
Polls also have an "expire_after" tag that allows you to set the deadline for the poll. While the UI restricts this to one day or one week, you can put in any time you like for this. This is how I made the 50-year horsie poll and whatever this is.
There are other fun things like being able to put newlines in polls which only display on mobile for some reason.
Can you make polls like this too?
Yes. In fact, from the beginning, I have had a python package that handles posting polls in a public GitHub repository. All you would need to do is register an app on the Tumblr API to get the various necessary authentication tokens and go ham**. Just be warned, I don't intend for this to be a fully-fledged implementation of the Tumblr API, but it gets the job done and will be useful for a few other projects I'm working on. I don't know when they are planning on adding polls to the API docs, or the official Tumblr clients – but I presume that by the time they do, these zany polls will sadly be no more. It seems like the polls API is still being worked on and I can imagine a lot of these issues (I call them features) being fixed. So let's have fun with it while it lasts.
Making your own fun poll
Let's try to recreate this post using my tumblr-dot-com package. Following the example on the readme to set up a tumblr object for your blog with the necessary auth tokens, the post can be constructed as:
# ... snip content = ( Content() .poll( "Wie cool ist das bitte?", [ "Jetzt zocke ich Fortnite", "und trinke Cola", "YIPPEE!" ], option_uuids=[uuid4()] * 3 ) )
res = tumblr.post( content=content, tags=["Yippee!!", "polls"], )
# ... snip
Here, the post content is being constructed with a single poll block – the option_uuids is an optional list parameter that allows you to pass custom uuids for the poll options. Here, the option_uuids is being set to the same uuid repeated three times – which causes votes to be counted for all three options at once.
I hope you enjoy this fun little tumblr client – again, it doesn't implement everything from the tumblr API but should be good enough a least to have a play around. Just a final note – since the polls API is not yet final, I am expecting some of the poll-specific behaviour of this client to break at some point – so be warned.
* Beyond the other API post restrictions. And, this is probably going to be patched (see this comment).
** This may make your Tumblr account look suspiciously like one of the pretty lady spam bot accounts causing your account to get blasted like mine did.
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drunktuesdays · 9 months
YES i'm posting a lot but it's simply because i do NOT want to do my human job. the thing about fans holding tony accountable for how completely shit the women's division is that the problem is not really that they only get one match per show.
i mean--it is, obviously that fucking sucks. but that will never change until people get interested in what's going on in the women's division which no one will ever do so long as the stories suck. obviously, i'm f u r i o u s that shida lost on sunday, like that was unbelievable bullshit. but there's a world in which shida and britt REEL from this fucked up situation where this asshole outsider who (in kayfabe) consistently disrespects everything they've ever done now has the belt. and they end up linking up with nyla and maybe riho, and create this storyline where it's like--fuck the outcasts. fuck everyone who consistently devalues how hard it is to come up from the indies as a woman. fuck these jerks for showing up and immediately hogging the spotlight. and britt and nyla and shida are NOT comfortable in an alliance, and the short backstage glimpses we get are sort of reminiscent of the start of cole/mjf with the constant tension of them scorpioning each other. and they loop more originals and homegrowns into this uneasy homegrowns unionization effort, and everyone gets a chance to be like "this is my character. this is who i am. this is the side i'd take." like, wouldn't you enjoy the SHIT out of watching the bunny and skye blue discussing their strategy for a tag team match against toni and ruby, and bunny keeps saying slightly bonkers unnerving shit that skye has to be like "PLEASE stop saying you want to wear ruby's skin as a bathrobe and ENGAGE with me about whether you think we should try and put them through a table." that kind of stuff would INTEREST people and people would start clamoring for more which WOULD get them more matches and time. and when finally someone is set up to take saraya down, it feels earned and triumphant and moving. and we all say "well, it's still completely fucked up that shida got that short of a reign but in the end, you have to admit saraya's reign did SO MUCH for the division."
but i know that won't happen. saraya will end up in the exact rut jade was in, where she keeps doing meaningless squashes, week after week after week. i keep thinking about this exchange dave and bryan had after britt's squash for blood and guts. dave was like "everyone would have gotten mad at tony if there wasn't a women's match on the card," and bryan disgustedly was like "i would rather not have a women's match than a pointless 15 second squash just to satisfy the letter of the law" and dave just kept robotically saying "there had to be one." and that's how tony thinks too. if people mobilize enough to get two women's matches on any given card, sure, he might do it. but they won't be anything he put work into. it won't be part of a planned arc. there's rumors about an all women episode some day. he might do that too, and the whole thing will be randomly generated matchups that might end up being good matches but won't do anything to move anyone forward. and i don't know how you organize to get tony to care. i don't know how you convince him to think through character motivations for wins and losses and face/heel turns. it's just depressing and idk how you navigate your way out of it now without a guillotine
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the appointment with the CMH (community mental health) doctor was really really shit. to put it lightly.
she said lots of bad and wrong things like saying that i have no sign of infection so i don't have ME/CFS (which is just not how that works).
she also made a bunch of assumptions about my life and experiences based from very scattered (and often inaccurate or just unrelated) medical notes. and tried to tell me my life story and how my FND is caused based from that which was all just completely wrong.
she also said that because i have FND "there is no reason you are not talking and walking". which was what made me so upset that i ran (/crawled fast) upstairs and had a meltdown crying and hit the floor really really hard (hand still hurts ouch).
me not talking is NOT from FND. it's from autism (plus regression, which is still a part of my autism for me). life long experience of communication struggle and language issue and body not in my fucking control. and she completely disregarded my autism basically and saying i have no communicating problems even though that is such a HUGE HUGE part of my life.
also she said that i am "medicalised" and don't really need bath lift or stair lift or medical equipment (EVEN THOUGH i am have low mobility and CAN'T have a bath or go up down stairs without it AT ALL).
i don't know what else she said because of the running upstairs and meltdown but mum had some more talking with her and then she left. then i had a lie down in mum's bed and she did nice stroking on my back and i calmed down a bit.
still very upset. today was supposed to be good because new AAC but now it just is ruined.
and this was me trying really hard to give a second chance because she was horrible the last time too but i was being good and really trying to stay and listen but it was just horrible.
and she had awful strong perfume and the house still smells like it. making me feel sick.
sad angry frustrated.
((ask if need more tags on here i don't know what ones is right to put)).
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mewmewpercy · 30 days
After a lot of thinking and researching and scouring for info I've decided to break down exactly why I have such a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to RenHeng
Its the shippers because holy shit you guys are like actually so infuriating sometimes.
With all due respect(which is slowly waning the harder I try) they aren't canon. They also aren't implied. YingFeng are the ones that are married. I am not about to sit through another conversation with someone telling me I didn't play the right quests or pay attention because not only have I played these quests but I've watched them numerous times for data collection. If RenHeng was actually implied they wouldn't be attempting to kill each other every time they meet nor would Dan Heng have literal fucking nightmares about Blade with no change in their relationship.
Another issue yall have is making shit up. I don't spend an average of 25 hours a week rewatching vods of these storylines and quests and I don't spend hours upon hours scouring an entire fuckin region as a mobile player to be told I'm wrong about the story. If there's one thing I trust my knowledge on its this. Dam Feng did the immortality stuff for Baiheng who is almost definitely Bailu who got reincarnated from Foxian to Vidyadhara because of it. Yingxing was his helper which is why he's immortal yes but has no Vidyadhara traits. Baiheng got killed in a past war and they wanted her back easy as. Dan Feng didn't do it for Yingxing. Yes they may have been married or whatever but the fact remains they missed their friend and maybe he tried to help turn Yingxing into a long life species and we can say that's a headcanon but it isn't true.
Next thing I'd like to bring up is how some of you guys get about other ships because hoo boy I've seen shit. I don't know what it is about you guys and hurling the word homophobic at people who don't ship it but yall gotta stop. People not shipping your ship isn't homophobia its a fucking preference. If you don't like a ship dni or whatever(sounds ironic I'm sure but I try my hardest some of yall just love hate bombing other ships I interact with) but maybe don't spread slurs and threats and anger because someone prefers JingHeng instead? I live for the policy of ship and let ship but stop going into places you don't like and dragging others when they never once mentioned you.
Look I love hsr and I love these characters but it's specifically this group that makes it so hard to just enjoy safe spaces for my ships. Now on a lighter note I will say you guys are talented ass artists and writers because holy fuck even just scouring character tags on socials I've seen some beautiful stuff. Keep being awesome and talented just maybe don't be mean?
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dawg, lemme tell you somethin, I LOVE your writing style so far and I want more SO BAD !! I’ve been stuck by myself in the “I’ve been an arcana fan since release but now it’s like dead” hole, so I’ve been absolutely starving for content. Your headcanons are such a great length and so descriptive, each one feels like I’m reading a whole fanfiction, and it’s a real treat. I cant wait for more !! 🥺🥺 If I ever get around to scribbling some stories based on your thoughts, I am tagged u on SIGHT.
I’ve never requested headcanons before but what about m6 with an mc who walks with a cane?
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who walks with a cane
~ thank you for the positive feedback @taduki ! I'm so happy when I find out my ramblings bring people joy. I have a few friends who use canes regularly, but I don't have any personal experience. I'm basing this off of the little bit of research I did and the experiences I've heard about, so if I make any mistakes please let me know so I can correct them ~
He thinks it's hot
He's a doctor, he's familiar with mobility aids and the many reasons someone may need/want to use one
Dude literally had three years of experience as an apprentice under Nazali in active warzones amputating limbs
He's the type of guy who loves learning new things, so once you're comfortable going into detail about your condition to him he will have so many questions
And then he's going to go do research about it
And then he's going to come back with even more questions
But mostly he just thinks it's hot, canes just have so much dramatic potential
Can you keep a sword in it? Can you use it like a club? You would make such a good pirate with him
Once you explain that it's actually easier to use if it's lightweight and easy to store he'll stop suggesting modifications
But if you have it with you while you're out and you don't feel like using it he'll keep it hooked over his arm or clenched in his fist because deep down he's a theatre kid
However much they knew about mobility aids before the Red Plague, they learned everything they could after you woke up
He's so tuned in to you he can tell at a glance what kind of day you're having and will act accordingly
When they were reteaching you magic some of the first spells they taught you were what they remembered you using to help with your disability
He has definitely enchanted your cane before, mostly with your permission
One of the useful ones was a shrinking/growing rune so you could keep it in your pocket
Less useful was when one of your customers made a rude comment about you not moving as fast as they wanted you to around the shop
So they enchanted it to trip them on sight
He forgot to tell you, you didn't find out until the rude customer came back on a day you weren't using it and you watched your cane fly across the room to thwack them across the shins
They're not allowed to touch your cane without your permission anymore
The evening she first arrived in your shop you weren't using it so she didn't notice it until you arrived at the palace the next evening
When she realized she had been getting annoyed at you for being late, only to see you walk in with a mobility aid, she felt awful
It was also a wake up call realizing how many stairs you had to climb just to get to the front doors of the palace
She doesn't want to pry or burden you, but she's also deeply committed to providing for your every need, and there's a day or two of her waffling back and forth between pumping you for information and pretending there's nothing unusual afoot
Once you open up about it she's very invested
Every outfit she gifts you comes with a high quality cane, beautifully painted to match
After everything's done with the Devil and she's reworking Vesuvia's infrastructure she is definitely taking accessibility into account
She's not going to burden you with her education or assume you're an archetype, but she makes sure you know that your input is more than welcome on any and all of her plans
That trip with Morga was hell on your body
You spent weeks riding and walking for hours with minimal rest, trying to learn physical self-defense tactics at the same time
He may be gruff but he's not cruel, he was offering to carry your bags (or you) by the third day in
Seeing how patient you were with both Morga and yourself was one of the things that convinced him to open up to you and trust you
He prefers speaking with actions more than words
One of the first gifts he gave you was a beautifully crafted cane, lightweight and incredibly durable, with the story of your journey together carved into it
He also customized it to work with you perfectly, because he knows better than anyone what a body in discomfort moves like and he's memorized all of your tells
When you move into his hut with him he makes trails through the woods for you so you don't have to worry about uneven ground or roots or loose stones
He is also very happy to carry you around if you ask him to (he will blush the whole time though)
It's cannon that the first time you meet she out walks you across Vesuvia
It takes her a little while to adjust her assumptions
Not because she thinks badly of anyone who uses a mobility aid, but because it's her job to be on her feet all day long and the concept of having difficulty doing that is totally new to her
There are definitely a few moments when she bounds up the stairs two at a time, only to wait awkwardly at the top silently berating herself for not paying closer attention
The first time she matches her pace to yours on a slower day for you her whole worldview shifts
Being the type to power-walk everywhere, this is the first time she's been able to notice all these beautiful details around her
Was that painting always there? The fabric on those curtains is gorgeous!
Now it's one of her favorite things about who she becomes around you
She will (and does) throw hands with anyone who makes a disparaging comment about you moving too slowly
Pepi tried to jump up onto your cane once when it was propped up against a table and made the biggest crash when she fell
Ooh, nice accessory, he's got one too!
It should be shinier though. Don't worry, he'll fix that for you as soon as he's no longer an incorporeal goatman
He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he is bombarding you with questions. Why do you use it? Were you in a particularly nasty fight?
For once he's not being remotely judgemental (except about the fashion sense involved), dude has an entire missing limb
Sometimes he'll reminisce about what it was like before he got the alchemical prosthetic he has now, and will ask you if you have any ideas for your cane
He is very happy to carry things for you and often suggests you use his golden arm to lean on instead
He says it's more fashionable this way, but really it's a point of common ground for him and he likes having you close and being dependable
If you let him he will absolutely buy a pair of matching canes for the two of you, yours to help you move around and his to make grand sweeping gestures with
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So you just steal artwork and don't care? Got it. Either that or my ask asking about sources from your posts on April 8th disappeared. Or I guess you could be off tumblr and not have been here for two weeks.
Hi Anon,
I'm assuming this is you:
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If it is, yes, I did see your last ask - but life has been a bit shit lately and frankly, I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with an accusatory email that gave me absolutely no details about what you were upset about so I could investigate. So today, despite it being an incredibly long and shit one that isn't over I'm going to reply.
*Takes a deep breath* From this point forward I'm going to assume that, like me, you are just a real-live human with feelings that get hurt and not someone who just likes to yell at people on the internet. So let me apologise that I have used your artwork without attribution, it was in no way my intention. Please take this apology as someone who was just trying to amuse themselves and perhaps help some other people out by reminding them to take their meds too. I absolutely suck at art-type things so in my mind, no one would think I did them or was claiming the actual 'art' part of them as mine. I realise now this is the internet, you guys don't know me, and so I should have been clearer that nearly all of these are edits. (There are a few waaaaay back I actually drew myself). Looking at the 7th, 8th & 9th of April (allowing for time zones and assuming that's when you saw your artwork). All of them except one have a link at the bottom of the image that links back to where I sourced the original image - I don't know if this is visible on mobile so I'll show it below (the bit circled in red)
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So I'm assuming this one is yours:
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It seems that one doesn't have the link. I don't know why. I haven't made any new reminders for this blog in ages (again - life) - it seems like most of the ones from early April this year were originally posted back in 2021. I got briefly excited about this blog again a few months ago and loaded up a bunch of old ones so this blog was still functional for the people that find it helpful. Going back I have noticed that others seem to not have credit either. It is possible I made a mistake and forgot to add them. It's also possible that Tumblr has a had a glitch/error/weirdness which means it's disappeared. I also used a bunch of images from the editing app I was using to add the reminder message and I wish I could remember what the site was called because I cannot for the life of me remember. Honestly, who knows. I have deleted the post(s) with that image - if it's not the right one please let me know.
I have always gone out of my way to ensure that anything I use is either free use, or non-commercial under Creative Commons. As an aside, I'm an academic and a person who has artist friends and my partner runs a business where our customers are largely designers and artists, so I do actually do my best to give credit. Am I perfect - no I'm not. Part of the reason I stopped making new posts was because of difficulty giving credit even on images that were non-attribution and finding images where I knew what the attribution requirements were (along with trying to remember everything everyone asked me to tag, and doing the image descriptions etc.) If anyone else finds something of theirs in one of my posts and there isn't credit attached please either dm me or send an ask and let me know which post and how you would like to be credited and I'll add it in. If you want it removed, I'm happy to do that too.
Sorry for the long post, hope it helps to clear things up. Finally, let me take this opportunity to say
"Don't forget your meds today my friends"
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chiomaus · 9 days
observations on germany from a british person
very cool i would love to live there one day
political system less fucked than the UK (im really bitter on UK politics and brexit atm). not perfect by any means and has the same issues as we do here with the alt-right, but no shitty first-past-the-post system and people still seem to be largely in favour of the EU
public transport my beloved. people clown on the unreliability of german trains but i don't think UK trains are much better AND ours are way more expensive (love the deutschland ticket 👌). i love how ubiquitous the tram/metro is in german cities
better cycling infrastructure. in a lot of places you're just allowed to ride on the path, which (duh) is safer than riding on the road
love the Pfand system. very cool
love the recycling system. very cool
more tolerant of graffiti?? in that it doesn't seem to get cleaned off as quickly as in the UK. which actually leads to people creating cool art bc they know it won't get removed rather than writing their tag 5 times on the side of a building
somewhat less polite and less respectful of personal space. but i also met so many kind and helpful people while i was there. shout out to the woman on the U-Bahn with her daughter who helped me figure out how to get home the one time i had issues with the train. also my Airbnb hosts who invited me to dinner at their apartment (white asparagus and potatoes!)
just generally there seems to be way more arts and culture around. even walking under a railway bridge there were cool poster designs for shows and such
housing market slightly less fucked?? some rent control laws, less obsession with owning a house, more compact housing. possibly related: high streets don't seem to be dying like they are here
great vegetarian and vegan food. really didn't expect this but there is so much you can buy in the supermarkets. i love the vegetarian ham and i'm sad we don't have it here
largely into football and beer. so we are alike in that regard. but i am not into football or beer and coincidentally neither were any of the people i met
has four of the world's suspended monorails. cool!
beautiful language idc what anyone else says. you really do put your whole pussy into it when you speak german. i like how compound words are constructed like legos and the esoteric sentence structures are interesting (really does bury the lede when multiple important verbs are sent to the end of a sentence). don't like adjective endings though
cash everywhere but i did go into one cafe in cologne which was card only
german TV is not great. i would imagine there is less motivation to create original german TV bc they just import the best international TV and dub it. tatort was good though i liked that
additionally: yes EVERYTHING is dubbed. best one i came across was futurama. good for me to practice my listening comprehension
internet is not great. slower on average than UK. but i never found myself without mobile signal
related: just generally slower to accept new technologies. i don't think this is awful. i know germany is big on privacy laws, but having to make in-person appointments for government stuff and not having a centralised government website like we do here sounds a pain
healthcare system less fucked than the UK. although the whole thing with public/private insurance seems confusing
unemployment benefits / disability benefits sound somewhat better than the UK??
autobahn is not actually faster than the UK on average bc for every 150kph stretch there will be another stretch with roadworks and a 60kph limit
less dogs :( i did see some nice dogs though. now that i think about it i didn't see a single cat, even outside of built-up areas. can't really find any info on this though
sensible laws around things like noise pollution, home schooling (illegal!), shop opening hours
i actually like that most places close on sunday. very peaceful and quiet
slightly more religious than the UK. there are some very cool brutalist churches though
OH YEAH. buildings in general just prettier. there seemed to be a different attitude to the UK when it came to rebuilding post-war (very much emulating what was there before). but even an ugly german building is more interesting to me than an ugly british building. i absolutely despise the soulless housing estates we have here
BMW / audi drivers still shit drivers
you have to pay for things like public toilets and water in restaurants
few more i thought of:
british people are better at queuing (i had to give us something)
british electrical plugs are vastly superior to EU electrical plugs
you don't have to pay for university in germany (practically – it's like €100??). i forgot this one bc i have already been saddled with £50,000~ of student debt so it's no longer relevant to me
you can buy a beer in mcdonalds in germany
ok that's everything that comes to mind. i know i am speaking as a tourist who has spent 2 weeks~ in germany total (and only the NRW region) so i guess i'll just have to keeping coming back to refine my opinion. and in the meantime if anyone from germany / EU wants to fall madly in love with me and marry me so i can sneak back into the EU that would be great. man or woman or other i am open-minded
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umnitsa · 2 months
Hey, everybody...
Here is the thing: you guys know me. I'm a writer, and plagiarism makes me really mad, bc I put myself in the writer's shoes and... I would hate if that happened with me. So here is what happened: someone copied a fic I really loved reading, from the The Last of Us fandom, changed the name of the character from Joel Miller to Eddie Munson and posted it. When the original writer approached her and asked her to please take it down, she laughed and made fun of the original writer. Some people went into the writer's defense, she started deleting comments, there was a fight, nasty words were said. I did try to have my fun being a softspoken asshole, but... Not only it didn't work, but the girl had the gall to say 'I stole bc I wanted', 'I do what I want'. Basically, she let the conversation get heated so she could feel justified in her stealing behaviour.
HERE IS WHAT I'LL DO (and I really invite you to join me):
I'm gonna notifbomb this person, bc from the conversation yesterday it seems they use tumblr mobile, and the person gets really annoyed when they get a ton of notifications. Don't need to say anything, I won't, I will just post a gif of Joel and tag this fucker in the comments madly until they take the fic down or block me, whatever happens first. But honestly, I'm feeling petty (and god, I love being petty, I'm so glad this asshole gave me the opportunity to be righteously petty), and you can be SURE I will create other accounts and keep the fun.
You see I didn't tag anyone. I want this person to get really annoyed and this is a surprise, I also don't wanna bother the original poster, but everything is documented on the tags: #joel miller x reader, #eddie munson x reader, #Eddie Munson x reader smut, #eddie munson, #stranger things, #stranger things x reader, #Eddie Munson smut, #joel miller smut and #joel miller x reader smut.
Ask me in DMS for all the links you need. The funpost will be tagged here as son as I make it. I really hope some of you join me on this and we can have fun annoying someone! <3
UPDATE: She deleted the post. I am taking the links down. Thank you for participating <3
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morallyinept · 2 months
Lol, I just wrote you the longest note, and somehow, right when I went to hit ask after proofreading the whole damn thing, it deleted and did not send. I think that message was letting me know to do the too long didn’t read version. Lol, so my long story short question was, do you have any ways to keep track of ongoing blogs better? I, of course, follow each writer and any update blogs that they have, but I still feel like I’m getting overwhelmed with notifications and missing the ones when the next chapter of their fic posts. I know Tumblr is not easy to navigate, but I’m just wondering what other people do. I’ve been fortunate enough to find a lot of older series that are complete, and of course, there’s no issue there, but with the ongoing series, unless they have a dedicated tag list, the follow and update blogs are a little hard to keep track of… And I feel like I forget… Thanks, ADHD… And I can’t remember where I’m at. I am using my hashtag to save my favorite series and characters and one shot, but with all the reblogging I’m doing now, thanks to your original advice to support writers. It’s not as easy to navigate unless I’m using my tags.
Thank you again for all that you do and making this such an inclusive site, especially for newbies like me… Teaching us the ways to be kind and support writers and overall have a better sense of community on here because even though I’m not a writer, I do feel really welcome and a big part of that is to your Support and blogs of how to navigate this insane little site.
Hey Lovely Lisa! 🖤
Oh noes! That's so annoying when that happens, isn't it? 😖 But gosh, thank you. I'm really glad to hear your experience is positive and welcoming. And that you feel that I've been a part of that makes me really happy, thank you. 🥹
So, maybe check this post out if you haven't already, because in it I talk about a few ways of simplifying your Tumblr settings, such as filtering your notifications and setting up Blog Subs to specific blogs you want to follow and not miss things from them.
Turn on notifications on the blogs you like and don't want to miss updates from. Sadly, tagging usernames is so glitchy and doesn't always work. I have that issue right now with tagging people who want to follow along with Adrift With You. So I'd always recommend turning on the notifications for each blog you don't want to miss things from.
Using re-blogs is a massive way to stay organised and using tags to do this is so helpful.
For example, I tag any fics that I recommend as "Jett's Fic Recs" so I can go back and search that tag on my blog and find every fic I've ever re-blogged using that specific tag. And you can create your tags relevant to you too. This is probably the most effective way of staying organised on your blog that I've found.
A Google search will show you how to do all these things for both mobile (Android and Apple app) and the desktop version of Tumblr, if you're not sure where to find the settings etc...
The new Blog Subs feature is gold. I follow like over 800+ blogs I think (?🥴) so by filtering some of these into my Blog Subs is a life saver when there's a specific blog I don't wanna miss anything from. It's easy then to switch between your feeds.
I know some people create a side blog specifically for re-blogging things. I can barely manage one account so that doesn't work for me personally, 😅 but I know a lot of bloggers who use it and it works really great for them.
It sounds like you're already doing a lot to stay organised. I'll throw it open to anyone else who has tips that help or works for them etc... but essentially the re-blogging with tags, and turning on notifs of the blogs you like, is the best way to go.
If you wanna talk more, or have any more questions, feel free to plant yourself in my DMs lovely.
Love you! 🖤
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nineinchclaws · 9 months
🦇⠀ash williams & reader with POTS
fandom⠀evil dead
characters⠀ash williams (army of darkness)
warning(s)⠀some sexually explicit content towards the end, very brief mention of alcohol
tags⠀gender neutral reader, established relationship
note(s)⠀getting kind of self indulgent with this one fellas!!! so this is just mainly going off of my own experience and things i do. also sorry if ash is ooc, i'm not really used to writing him yet and am still trying to figure out how to <//3
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*⠀ash had never heard of POTS before he met you, so naturally, he was quite curious about it and asked you questions when he could.
*⠀he knew to be respectful and not push boundaries with asking these questions. in fact, he was a little bashful about it because of how much he liked you, just wanting to be careful as to not make you uncomfortable. any answers you gave, he'd listen closely and do his best to remember.
*⠀when you two got closer and he found his feelings for you growing, his main way to educate himself outside of asking you was by reading, so he'd pick up any books or magazines that he could and payed quite close attention to them.
*⠀being physically disabled himself, he knows how frustrating and upsetting it can be at times, and especially with ignorant people.
*⠀if you use a mobility aid and he sees people badgering you about it and making inappropriate comments, or touching it without permission, he has no problem getting them to back off, if you want help. will probably throw a few punches if he really has to.
*⠀he trusts you to be able to take care of yourself, but will still occasionally ask you things like if you have a salty snack and a drink with you whenever you go out. also always makes sure that your pantry is stocked with salty foods, and has no problem paying for these things if he goes grocery shopping alone.
*⠀also makes sure that you have painkillers for the headaches.
*⠀very willing to go on last minute shopping trips if you find you're all out of any of these things.
*⠀all in all, he's aware of and respectful of the fact that you can still be independent and are capable of doing things on your own, perhaps some more than others. but if you ever need a hand with anything, just call for him and he'll be there.
*⠀if you're part of the percentage of people that experience syncope, ash makes sure he knows the warning signs and will always try to be there when you faint to catch you and have you sit or lay down somewhere. he'll stay by your side until you wake up and he knows you're alright.
*⠀very patient when it comes to your brain fog. however, the first few times he noticed you pausing for longer than someone else might, he tended to try and help by trying to finish your sentence for you. of course, this often didn't help as much as he thought it would and you just ended up losing your train of thought completely.
*⠀he did eventually stop doing that when you told him, because he'd probably just continue to do it without piecing things together on his own if you didn't.
*⠀after this, though, he is patient. he doesn't mind waiting for something to click in your brain or for you to collect your thoughts or remember what you were saying. he'll also reassure you that you did, in fact, turn off the oven or lock the door.
*⠀has no problem attending your hospital/doctor appointments if you want him to come, and if he's free. he'll help you deal with asshole doctors if you're not able to on your own. he's always sticking up for you.
*⠀if you go somewhere and it isn't wheelchair accessible, and especially when it is described as such, he is pissed. unfortunately, due to this being the '80s and accessibility not being law until 1990 in michigan, there isn't much you guys can legally do about it. he might chew out whoever's in charge of the place, but if you don't want him to, he'll keep quiet. for your sake, he won't complain about it to you, but you can tell he's annoyed. though, he's much more concerned about you than himself.
*⠀ash will absolutely listen to you complain about anything, not just your chronic illness, and he always shows you sympathy.
*⠀he'll help you to decide on a design for your compression socks/stockings if you ask him to.
*⠀encourages you not to stay in bed too much so things don't worsen, but doesn't push you. if you can exercise, he does it with you. he also makes sure to go on a walk with you as often as possible, and brings along your wheelchair or carries you back home if you're not able to continue walking.
*⠀ash loves going on these walks. he finds it relaxing being able to go out and enjoy nature with the person he loves.
*⠀obviously he loves to flirt with you and tease you. making you flustered is one of his favourite things, and obviously, this gets your heart pumping faster and faster and one time, it's so bad you almost faint. he helps steady you if he notices you swaying and helps you to sit or lay down. he feels bad, but he can't help but let out a little laugh as he teases one last time,
*⠀"you really like me that much, baby?"
*⠀you shoot him a playful glare and he stops, still smiling a little as he sees what else he can do to make things easier for you.
*⠀makes sure that your apartment isn't too warm or too cold, as he knows how sensitive you are to temperature and that hot environments can make your symptoms flare up. he'll buy you a handheld fan for when it's hot outside, too.
*⠀will hold your hands to try and warm them up.
*⠀he has to get used to you sighing heavily and sometimes multiple times when you're dealing with air hunger. at the beginning of your relationship, he thinks you're angry at him or about something and will ask you if something's wrong, but of course, usually things are alright and you're just battling with your lungs. he does eventually learn.
*⠀at times, cuddling with him can be either heaven or hell: heaven, because he's practically a heater and keeps you warm, and hell, because sometimes you get too warm, and you end up burning up.
*⠀he ends up becoming very familiar with the signs that you're not doing good: breathing heavily and/or slowly or your eyes fluttering or when you get quiet when you're feeling nauseous, dizzy, or lightheaded, when you sway in place, or when you rest your head on something and close your eyes to try and deal with certain symptoms.
*⠀if you aren't able to work, ash doesn't judge at all, and if he's around when anyone gives you shit for it and you can't defend yourself, he'll jump in to get the person to stop being an asshole.
*⠀doesn't mind carrying you if you ever need him to. he loves getting to have you in his arms and holding you close to him, so any chance he gets, he'll take it.
*⠀never gets angry with you if you need to cancel plans. sure, he'll be a little disappointed, but he's much more concerned for you and wants you to be alright.
*⠀likes to decorate any mobility aids you have (cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair, etc.) with you, mainly by putting stickers or ribbons on them. however, ash isn't really the best when it comes to decorating, so some recommendations he gives you either look ridiculous or clash with your mobility aid and/or any other decorations it has. he does try his best.
*⠀any days that you're stuck in bed or on the couch, ash will gladly spend them with you and do anything he can to make things easier for you. ask him to do a chore that desperately needs doing? he's on it. need him to run to the store? he's already grabbing his keys, but won't leave without giving you a kiss somewhere on your face. just want a shoulder to cry on or you want a hug? come straight to ash.
*⠀as much as he loves alcohol, he may urge you to be careful with it and steer clear of it, if it triggers your symptoms. the same goes for caffeine.
*⠀he really loves to shower and take baths with you, for some reasons more obvious than others, but he also really just likes getting to help you get clean. if you need him to help you bathe, he'll do so with enthusiasm.
*⠀he loves hot baths, but he's willing to sacrifice them when you join him if they make you dizzy or nauseous.
*⠀if you guys have a sexual relationship, he makes sure to be careful with you. he won't water down the things he usually does in bed (not if you don't need him to) and he checks up on you as frequently as he would with anyone, but he does keep a little bit of a closer eye on you to make sure you're still doing okay and that you're not about to pass out.
*⠀if you do, he'll stop what he's doing and, depending on where you are and what position you're in, he'll lay you down somewhere and prop your feet up with a pillow and get you something to drink - either water or a sports drink - and something salty to eat, or even some ice if that helps, for when you wake up again. he also has no issue waiting for you to be able to continue or completely ending it there if you can't or don't want to go on.
*⠀one of ash's favourite positions is doggy, but if you aren't able to do that for very long or at all, he can definitely settle for another position. another of his favourites is pronebone, which should be much easier for you to handle, given that all you need to do is lay on your stomach.
*⠀having your ankles over his shoulders is also pretty good, one of the reasons being that having your feet up helps circulate your blood better, and you could definitely use that during something that gets your heart beating fast, such as this.
*⠀when it comes to aftercare, he wasn't too good at the start, having not known too much about your specific needs. but the longer you're together, the more he gets used to what you need and want. he'll let you rest while he cleans up, then lays with you and props your feet up with a pillow. he'll cuddle you while asking how you're doing and getting you a drink or food to help you feel a little better if your symptoms are flaring up. and if you're feeling well enough, he'll get a bath started for you.
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judaicsheyd · 11 months
Shalom! I have always wanted to convert to Judaism and a few weeks ago, I learned that I'm Jewish through a direct female line (my maternal great-grandma was a Sephardic jew) but grandma, mom, and I were not raised jew in any way, we were raised as Muslims, because great grandfather was one, and great grandma fied in the early 40s of a cardiac attack when news reached them of France falling to nazi germany and how they were planning on taking North African Jews to camps in Europe, Fortunately, Moroccan Jews were not taken as the king refused to hand us over. Years later, my grandmother married a Muslim man, and so did my mother, I'm twenty now and my question is, do I have to convert to be able to practice and learn, or do I just go to a synagogue and tell them of my heritage (I only have grandmother's words to prove it as Sephardic jews can't be traced on DNA tests like Ashkenazi), thank you for answering.
Hi there! As a preface, I am on mobile (so expect a ton of spelling errors and I also don't know how to create a break rather than a new paragraph on mobile) and am not Sephardi nor have I extensively interacted with or taken part in Sephardic communities, so there is a chance that I could be wrong. I invite any Sephardim / Jews who know better to correct me in the replies / reblogs. The first thing I will always say in this kind of situation is "Ask your Rabbi!!!!!1!!1!1"*.
When it comes to your heritage, you are 100% Jewish. If your mother is Jewish, you are Jewish**. This means that because your great grandma was a Jew, her daughter (your grandma) was/is a Jew, her daughter (your mother) is a Jew, and you are a Jew. However, issues do arise when it comes to being able to prove your great grandmother's Jewishness, as you pointed out. Those who have spotty Jewish heritage are usually asked to go through a conversion, so that may be what will happen to you, however I'm not sure of what the standards are for "not enough evidence". Have you spoken to your grandmother more recently and extensively on this issue? If not, I would say that you should speak with her to try and find any kind of evidence of your great grandmother's Jewishness (such as photographs, letters, documents, etc.). It may also help if she had a Jewish maiden name that you can find on a birth certificate. But I am no expert on exactly what proof would be needed when it comes to presenting her Jewishness.
In the end, I would say that you should look for Sephardic communities in your area and choose one to check out, then contact them and go from there. As a little warning, I would say that synagogue staff and rabbis are usually notoriously terrible at responding to emails in my own and my friends' experiences, so you may want to do your best to meet in person.
I hope this helped and I wish you luck on your journey! Much love, ignore the obscene amount of tags for visibility, and baruch Ha'Shem.
*You don't have one, so I would say that once you find a community that works for you, you should speak to the rabbi there.
**I personally do not see those who are patrilineal as any less Jewish, but that's a whole different debacle and not the mainly accepted idea.
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gallawitchxx · 11 months
get to know bee 🐝
so many lovely pals have tagged me in so many lovely things, so if you've been dying to know more about me (you are, right?) - this post is for you! 😂😌🥳
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first up, this picrew!
tagged by @whatthebodygraspsnot & @heymrspatel 🖤
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she's giving lgbtqia+ rights are the smart & sexy choice ✨🌈
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next, it's tag game tuesday!
tagged by @celestialmickey @energievie @thepupperino & @creepkinginc 🥳
name: bee 🐝
age: the big three-zero for just a few more days 🎂
how many hours of sleep did you get last night? enough, i think! 💤
which do you use more: tumblr mobile or desktop? it depends what i'm doing! i like posting from desktop & scrolling on mobile 😌
a hobby you’d like to pick up: oooh, i'd really like to do some paint by numbers 🎨
if you were a crayon, what color would you be? sea foam green 🌊
what was your average screen time last week? hehehe it went up.... like 5+ hours? 📲
a song you put on every playlist: "silk chiffon" by MUNA because that is my gay ass right 🌈
favorite holiday: i don't think i really have one anymore tbh 🤷‍♀️
something on your bucket list: go to bali 🌴
you’re invited to a costume party, what are you dressing up as? reese witherspoon as elle woods as a playboy bunny 💗
what show takes up the most space in your brain? i mean.... shamey wamey probs! also love island my chaotic beloved ☀️
and finally, share something you’re looking forward to: hugging my friends 😭 i'm so touch-starved 😭 also i'm seeing john williams conduct a night of his film scores with the LA Phil this weekend & i am freaking stooooked 🤘🏼
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lastly, here are 15 questions!
tagged by @gardenerian @squidyyy23 @transmickey @milkmaidovich @celestialmickey @such-a-barbarian @heymrspatel @look-i-love-u @palepinkgoat @creepkinginc @harrowhark-a-vagrant @rereadanon & @thepupperino 🖤
Were you named after anyone? nope, not that i know of!
When was the last time you cried? definitely two days ago, but maybe again today because it's cancer season & i loooove to weep 😭
Do you have kids? noooo & neverrrrrrr
Do you use sarcasm a lot? noooo & neverrrrrr (meaning yes & always)
What's the first thing you notice about people? probably their vibe. what a queer answer lmaoooo!
What’s your eye color? i'm a brown eyed girl, eat your heart out van morrison.
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings all day!
Any special talents? i have a very strong inner compass & can navigate places i've never been in before with relative ease! this is a really handy talent tbh!
Where were you born? northern california bayybeee
What are your hobbies? writing, reading, playing with my pup, pal'ing around with my buds, going to the movies, swimming in the pool, being stupid!
Have any pets? yes, a small dream dog named gus
What sports do you play/have you played? basketball & taekwondo
How tall are you? 5'5"
Favorite subject in school? english lit, drama & french
Dream job? i do not dream of labor, but i also kind of have my dream job - i'm a writer! & i'm so grateful!
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i'm not going to tag anyone because i feel y'all have already done these! but if you want to do any of them, please tag me! i love you all! xx
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lilietsblog · 2 years
hi, i noticed you reblogged my post highlighting my tags talking about how i don't appreciate likes, specifically saying something to the affect of "artists do appreciate likes" and i'd like to clear something up, I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
i don't really care for likes, all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post! not gonna say anything about it, just saw it!" and its so easy to do with double tap to like, if i could turn them off on my posts i would, i promise you that. you literally highlighted my tags and said the opposite about People Like Me, basically about Me, which is just an absurd thing to do
also, did you see what blog of mine you were reblogging from? my sideblog for reblogging things to, because my main is for my art, other things "wouldn't match that wallpaper" so i put them on a dedicated blog so i can add tags and interact more without just liking posts, because i've been on the other side of getting like 11k likes or whatever and 5k reblogs‚ meaning i got hardly any feedback and people are now seeing it through the top posts of #long furby or whatever (not to mention that 5k reblogs started with a staff member reblogging it to the radar? so like, reblogs can really do some work)
i know its a bad idea to interact with discourse, especially when its something i could just block you for, i mean i'd really rather not talk to a like truther, but i'd like to tell you these things so you get a perspective of where i was coming from with those tags‚ and so you reconsider your argument against them
i hope you have a nice day‚ feel free to not answer this ask if it doesn't match your wallpaper, please stop telling artists what they should think
here's an idea for you too, turn off double tap to like, try to only interact with posts Intentionally, treat a day like you only have 100 likes or something, make a like matter, show us artists we're wrong
First, I'm not on mobile, "double tap for like" is not a thing in the browser. And I do interact with posts intentionally - if I don't like the post I don't put "like" on it, I just like the overwhelming majority of what's on my dash and I'm always happy to see (almost) any art that people on here actually made. I like it! Quite intentionally! It all matters to me! Like if I don't have the headspace to consider the post I don't - don’t scroll further I get off tumblr and go do something else
I didn't actually see what blog of yours I was reblogging from, no, I don't normally look at those things /sideglare into the "dont reblog from terfs" discourse/
And no, likes don't just mean "I saw your post". Yes, it's easy to put them, but people still choose to. They mean "I saw your post and I am glad I did and I want to see more of these". Literally tumblr has actual algorithms that determine things based on likes - whether to show something in a tag, the "based on your likes" recommendation thing.
>I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
>all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post!
people. seeing your posts. which is what you're saying you want. ???
Anyway, the real reason I'm wading into this discourse is that arguments like yours ARE MAKING PEOPLE STOP LIKING ART. Engaging with it at all in any way. Instead of going "ooh I should go through this blog and like this person's art, make their day, ooh look this picture is cool enough I want to reblog it!" people just go "artists are touchy, better not go on this dude's blog at all lest I accidentally like something"
like... not just yours. You're not the only person losing out on potential reblogs here. Everyone is. This campaign is driving art appreciators away, period.
Oh, and maintaining a sideblog is not something you can expect from other people as a mandatory obligation. It's not tumblr tax to be obligated to have a sideblog. Nor to blog anything at all. "Hey, if you don't post anything people are going to think you're a bot" =/= "hey, if you don't post anything you're evil and don't belong here".
P.S. If I did do that? If I did limit myself to 100 likes per day for ONLY STUFF THAT REALLY MATTERS?
You would have no way of knowing that, would you? Even if the likes I gave your art were from my Precious 100 Likes Supply, you would still be upset by them?
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lacefuneral · 9 months
hi!!! i love for custom blog theme,, do you have a link to the code or creator 0:?
so my theme is actually a heavily modified version of redux edit #1 by lopezhummel (current url: holyaura). i always remind users that most tumblr themes are old and that you'll need to replace all instances of "http://" in the code with "https://" so tumblr will save the theme. i had to do it with this one
these are the modifications i made to the theme. i edited this theme over the course of at least a year or so and don't quite recall how i did all of these things. but to the best of my ability:
i moved the "left side img" to the right side of the screen. i also made this element "responsive" so the image will never get cropped when you resize your screen. this was a bitch and a half to figure out and i truthfully do not remember how i did it
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i deleted the text in the drop-down navigation so it appears as a little line that is otherwise not noticeable. this type of theme, the "redux edit," used to be very popular because having a drop-down menu let you cram a bunch of links that lead to sub-pages on your blog. i've done away with my sub-pages, but i still like the format of the "redux style" tumblr theme, for its minimal UI and for its customization options.
i separated my mobile description from my web description for formatting reasons. basically, most elements in tumblr themes are connected to specific text fields and toggles. i simply went to the section that was connected to my blog description and deleted it. the web description has to be manually typed inside of the CSS/HTML editor when i want to change it. whereas my mobile description is whatever i type in the "description" box of the normal tumblr theme editors.
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i added code someone else made ("NoPo" by drannex42 on GitHub) which allows you to hide posts with certain tags on them. i did this to hide my pinned post, as it looks bad on desktop.
i replaced the tiny pagination arrows at the bottom with images that literally say "next" and "back" because the arrows were far too small/illegible. i know they aren't centered in the container i'm not sure how to fix that lol
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i added a cursor
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i installed a working music box ("music player #3" by glenthemes), and then added music by uploading MP3 files to discord and then using the links of those files as the audio sources. iirc i also had to make this element responsive and i aligned it so it would sit on the left side of my screen. i made the "album art" for each one the same strawberry pixel art
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the moth is just a PNG i added and then moved around so it was behind my sidebar using the options that came pre-packaged with the theme
if you want something like the strawberry shortcake decoration at the top (called "banner" in the theme) your best bet is to google "pixel divider"
theme didn't support favicon so i added that in so i could have a little heart
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this theme is. really weird about backgrounds. any background that i have ever set for it, i've had to do weird shit in photoshop. like making the background HUGE, mirroring it, etc. - because it would crop the image weird, or there would be a gap where there was no image. idk man, it's haunted. i'm sure there's a way to fix this but i am NOT tech savvy enough. anyway, patterns are probably your best friend. and if you DO want something that isn't a pattern, it's going to take a lot of trial and error. but i love this theme so i deal with it 😭
the sidebar image and the floating image do not scale. if your image is 1000 pixels, it will display at 1000 pixels. you'll either have to edit the code so that the theme scales the image for you, or resize any images before you add them
my white whale of theme editing (aside from the Weird Background thing) is that i cannot get infinite scrolling to work. i have tried every code out there. all of them break my theme. it makes me sad because like. i have music there for a reason. the idea is that people would listen to it while they scroll. unfortunately, the way it's set up now, the music will stop every time someone clicks "next" or "back" 💀
anyway sorry for rambling but i hope you enjoy the the theme and customizing it in the way that you want to!
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