scarecore · 2 months
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something wasn’t the same about this place…
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magpie-murder · 9 months
Why 'house' in blue? I've been seeing it pop up in places -mostly memes- and am I just getting internet old and missing something???
its a reference to a book called house of leaves, i'd recommended doing your own research on the book because i'll admit its very cool but long story short, the book is at odds with a phobia of mine and seeing it causes skme pretty extreme distress for me to mask through
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archive-of-artprompts · 5 months
Face your fears! Or rather, make a character out of it! Send in an emoji and I'll draw the embodiment of that phobia! (phobia list source)
🛁 Ablutophobia: Fear of bathing 
🗻 Acrophobia: Fear of heights
✈ Aerophobia: Fear of flying
🤕 Algophobia: Fear of pain
🌆 Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
🔪 Aichmophobia: Fear of sharp objects
😨 Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking
😡 Angrophobia: Fear of anger
💐 Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
🚻 Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
👉 Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
🕷 Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
🔢 Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
⚡ Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
🌌 Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
🏚 Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
❌ Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
💦 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
🧍‍♂️ Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
😶 Autophobia: Fear of being alone
🍎 Barophobia: Fear of gravity
📚 Bibliophobia: Fear of books
🍀 Botanophobia: Fear of plants
👁‍🗨 Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness
😂 Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed
🌗 Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
⛄ Chionophobia: Fear of snow
🎨 Chromophobia: Fear of colors
⏰ Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
⏳ Chronophobia: Fear of time
🍴 Cibophobia: Fear of food
🔲 Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
🧗‍♀️ Climacophobia: Fear of climbing
🤡 Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
💻 Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
🐶 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
👿 Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
🤷‍♂️ Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
🌳 Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
🦷 Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
🏠 Domatophobia: Fear of houses
🐱 Elurophobia: Fear of cats
🤮 Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
💞 Erotophobia: Fear of sex
🐴 Equinophobia: Fear of horses
💍 Gamophobia: Fear of marriage
🎤 Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
🌞 Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
🩸 Hemophobia: Fear of blood
🦎 Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
💧 Hydrophobia: Fear of water
🤒 Hypochondria: Fear of illness
👩‍⚕️ Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors
🐜 Insectophobia: Fear of insects
🌀 Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
🦠 Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
💀 Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things
🏥 Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
⬛ Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
🎱 Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8
🌧 Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
🐍 Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
🐦 Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
📜 Papyrophobia: Fear of paper
💗 Philophobia: Fear of love
🔥 Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
🎃 Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween
🏫 Scolionophobia: Fear of school
👀 Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
🌙 Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
💤 Somniphobia: Fear of sleep
🤖 Technophobia: Fear of technology
🌊 Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
💇‍♀️ Trichophobia: Fear of hair
💉 Trypanophobia: Fear of medical needles/injections
⚫ Trypophobia: Fear of holes
🧙‍♀️ Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
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charon-cries · 2 months
Never seen/heard/read(?) this tma thing - tho your art looks cool so I might check it out - but what's the fear connected to it that you have?
i have (used to have?) domatophobia! i usually explain it by recommending the horror game Anatomy to people as i think it was one of the things that made me develop it (markiplier has played it if you're interested)
i had a few straight up panic attacks and pulled a few terrified all-nighters during the first two seasons but i'm able to handle my fear in general so much better now. thank you/curse you Jonny Sims for making me become attached to the wretched door monster. it still really freaks me out a lot of the time but i've been losing less sleep and have been able to function a lot better in general
it's a podcast, btw!! i REALLY highly recommend it. you can find it free on pretty much every platform that supports audio, and there are also transcripts [link] if you prefer to read
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thebentonreed · 8 months
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I'm thinking about doing a "Fear" series of drawings. I wish I could commit myself to a fear-a-day but that's probably unrealistic. Still here's the first, based on Domatophobia, the fear of homes or domestic spaces.
I really love doing these timelapses cuz they show all the iteration that my brain goes through when I'm making something. You can see all the ideas and details that pop up and then get replaced.
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persephonekorex · 2 years
What Fears Do You Have?
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness - yes
Acrophobia: Fear of heights - yes
Aerophobia: Fear of flying - No
Algophobia: Fear of pain - No
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds - Yes
Amaxophobia: No.
Androphobia: Fear of men No
Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking Yes
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers No
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society - Yes
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched - No
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter - No
Arachnophobia: Fear of spidersYes
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers No 
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning Yes
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness Kinda 
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection No
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure No
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures No
Autophobia: Fear of being alone Yes
Bacteriophobia: No
Barophobia: Fear of gravity No
Bathmophobia: Fear of stairs or steep slopes No
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians No
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles No
Bibliophobia: Fear of books - No?
Botanophobia: Fear of plants No
Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness No
Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed No
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors No
Chionophobia: Fear of snow - WHAT? No
Chromophobia: Fear of colors No
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks No
Chronophobia: Fear of time No
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces No
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns Yes
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers No
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs No
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions Yes
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees No
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists No
Domatophobia: Fear of houses No
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents No
Ecophobia: Fear of the home No
Elurophobia: Fear of cats No
Entomophobia: Fear of insects No
Ephebiphobia: Fear of teenagers No
Equinophobia: Fear of horses No
Gamophobia: No
Genuphobia: Fear of knees No
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public Eye No
Gynophobia: Fear of women No
Haphephobia: Fear of touch No
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun No
Hemophobia: Fear of blood No
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles No
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words NO
Hydrophobia: Fear of water No
Hypochondria: Fear of illness Yes
Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors NO
Insectophobia: Fear of insects NO
Koinoniphobia: Fear of rooms NO
Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons NO
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white NO
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes NO
Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth No.
Mageirocophobia: Fear of cooking No
Megalophobia: Fear of large thingsNo
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black No
Microphobia: Fear of small things No
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs No
Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things No
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night No
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals No
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark No
Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight No
Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8 No
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain No
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes No
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds No
Papyrophobia: Fear of paper No
Pathophobia: Fear of disease No
Pedophobia: Fear of children No
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing No
Philophobia: Fear of love No
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias No
Podophobia: Fear of feet No
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple No
Pteridophobia: Fear of ferns No
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying No
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire No
Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween No
Scolionophobia: Fear of school No
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at No
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon No
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation No
Somniphobia: Fear of sleep No
Tachophobia: Fear of speed No
Technophobia: Fear of technology No
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder No
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections No
Trypophobia: Fear of holes No
Venustraphobia: Fear of beautiful women No
Verminophobia: Fear of germs No
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft No
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners No
Zoophobia: Fear of animals Depends on which animal.
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hunting-songs · 1 day
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100 Phobias! Below are 100 Phobias! Bold what Phobias your Muse could have. Italice things that make your Muse uncomfortable and scared, but would not count as a phobia. Explain your muses stand on the phobia: How do they live with it? When do they meet that phobia in their daily life? Is there a reason for this phobia? Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: A little Wildbirdie! Tagging: @skarletchains @rake-rake @bewitchingbaker @nephytale @gyofukuki @uzumakiuser @distortedkilling @yeonban @swxpped @zealctry @curseisms @muddsludge @saiakv @kiigan
Acrophobia: The Fear of heights. Senritsu is a very down-to-earth person and in her case she wants to always stay exactly this way: down on the earth. Naturally she is a Hunter and therefor traveling is normal for her, so she also very often ends up traveling in airships. So Senritsu had to find tactics to outstep her own fear: She never walks up to windows in airships or skyscrapers and usually stays int he iddle of a room and if she does she usually holds to a wall or a railing. And if she is on tall buildings she usually always holds or leans to a railing. Her greatest fear is crossing a bridge without railing for than her tactics nolonger work. In this cases she might start to humm very loudly and uses her hatsu too keep the panic at bay.
Fear of Dentists & Fear of Hospitals: Not Phobias Senritsu has. Hospitals make her highly uncomfortable due to beeing remainded of when she woke up after beeing cursed and beeing suddenly overhelmed by the noises around her. She definitive will avoid going to hospitals. Or the dentist.
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Aerophobia: Fear of flying
Algophobia: Fear of pain
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car
Anemophobia: Fear of air
Angrophobia: Fear of anger
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria
Barophobia: Fear of gravity
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Botanophobia: Fear of plants
Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chrometophobia: Fear of spending money
Chromophobia: Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
Chronophobia: Fear of time
Cibophobia: Fear of food
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
Domatophobia: Fear of houses
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents
Ecophobia:Fear of the home
Elurophobia: Fear of cats
Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Equinophobia: Fear of horses
Genuphobia: Fear of knees
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
Haphephobia: Fear of touch
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
Hypochondria: Fear of illness
Iatrophobia:Fear of doctors
Insectophobia:Fear of insects
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Lockiophobia:Fear of childbirth
Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
Microphobia: Fear of small things
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
Necrophobia:Fear of death or dead things
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night
Nomophobia: Fear of being without your mobile phone
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
Pathophobia: Fear of disease
Pedophobia:Fear of children
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing
Philophobia: Fear of love
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
Scolionophobia: Fear of school
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Somniphobia:Fear of sleep
Tachophobia: Fear of speed
Technophobia: Fear of technology
Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections
Trypophobia: Fear of holes
Verminophobia: Fear of germs
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners
Zoophobia: Fear of animals
Zuigerphobia: Fear of vacuum cleaners
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100 Phobias! Below are 100 Phobias! Bold what Phobias your Muse could have. italice things that make your Muse uncomfortable and scared, but would not count as a phobia. Explain your muses stand on the phobia: How do they live with it? When do they meet that phobia in their daily life? Is there a reason for this phobia? Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: Tagging:
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Aerophobia: Fear of flying
Algophobia: Fear of pain
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car
Anemophobia: Fear of air
Angrophobia: Fear of anger
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria
Barophobia: Fear of gravity
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Botanophobia: Fear of plants
Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chrometophobia: Fear of spending money
Chromophobia: Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
Chronophobia: Fear of time
Cibophobia: Fear of food
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
Domatophobia: Fear of houses
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents
Ecophobia:Fear of the home
Elurophobia: Fear of cats
Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Equinophobia: Fear of horses
Genuphobia: Fear of knees
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
Haphephobia: Fear of touch
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
Hypochondria: Fear of illness
Iatrophobia:Fear of doctors
Insectophobia:Fear of insects
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Lockiophobia:Fear of childbirth
Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
Microphobia: Fear of small things
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
Necrophobia:Fear of death or dead things
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night
Nomophobia: Fear of being without your mobile phone
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
Pathophobia: Fear of disease
Pedophobia:Fear of children
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing
Philophobia: Fear of love
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
Scolionophobia: Fear of school
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Somniphobia:Fear of sleep
Tachophobia: Fear of speed
Technophobia: Fear of technology
Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections
Trypophobia: Fear of holes
Verminophobia: Fear of germs
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners
Zoophobia: Fear of animals
Zuigerphobia: Fear of vacuum cleaners
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yandereocs · 10 months
(Fear of sourness)
(Fear of opinions)
(Fear of being in a car)
(Fear of walking)
(Fear of noise)
(Fear of being scratched)
(Fear of looking up)
(Fear of infinity)
(Fear of fainting)
(Fear of being dirty)
(fear of sexual abuse)
This is because of Elijah 💀
(Fear of body smells)
(Fear of plants)
(Fear of ugliness)
(Fear of jumping)
(Fear of sitting)
(Fear of hands)
(Fear of clocks)
( Fear of being locked in a space that is enclosed)
(Fear of beds or going to bed)
(Fear of crystals or glass)
(Fear of dogs)
(fear of dust)
(fear of adult men)
(fear of gold)
(fear of heights or being close to high buildings)
(Fear of jumping from high and low places)
(fear of Christians)
(fear of stealing)
(fear of going to bed)
(fear of dizziness or whirlpools)
(fear of drinking)
( fear of throwing stuff out)
( fear of houses)
(fear of a real or imaginary body defect)
(Fear of fur or skins of animals)
( fear of pins)
( fear of having committed an unpardonable sin or of criticism)
( fear of freedom)
( fear of nosebleeds)
(fear of knowledge)
(fear of sexual love or sexual abuse)
I know that sexual content is not allowed here but I decided to add it because of Elijah 😀
(fear of blushing)
(fear of fever)
( fear of cold or cold things)
(fear of knees or the act of kneeling)
(fear of sexual intercourse)
Blame Elijah 😭
( fear of adult women)
(fear of knowledge)
(fear of taste)
(fear of saints or holy things)
(fear of sinning)
(Fear of sunlight)
(Fear of shock)
(fear of rabies)
(fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture)
(fear of responsibility)
( fear of the heart)
( fear of new things or ideas)
(Fear of objects on the right side of the body)
( fear of fur or skins of animals)
(Fear of priests or sacred things)
(fear of bums or beggars)
(fear of travel)
(fear of shock)
(fear of anything new, novelty)
(fear of sitting down)
( fear of movement or motion)
(fear of cooking)
(Fear of love play)
(fear of people in masks, costumes, and mascots)
( fear of punishment)
(Fear of alcohol)
(fear of memories)
(fear of small things)
(fear of being alone or isolated or of one’s self)
( fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs)
(fear of dreams)
(fear of hearing a certain word or names)
( fear of opening one’s eyes)
(fear of everything or the constant fear of an unknown cause)
( fear of neglecting duty or responsibility)
(fear of sinning or imaginary crimes)
(fear of swallowing)
I will be sending more soon
My hands hurts 😭
Yandere harem is probably regretting everything they have done to darling
* I love how every sexual phobia is because of Elijah and no one else. Because that is SO TRUE THAT MAN IS TERRIBLE
* And I'm sorry Darling you just have to like
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xoxopopupxoxo · 2 years
What Fears Do You Have? 
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness - No
Acrophobia: Fear of heights - Ey, not really. Lilly isn't too afraid of heights, but if she is stuck up high for too long her legs to turn to jelly.
Aerophobia: Fear of flying - A little bit. Lilly doesn't love flying. She will get on a plane if she has to, but doesn't love it.
Algophobia: Fear of pain - Not really
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds - Not a fear, but Lilly does have social anxiety. She is good at pretending she doesn't but big crowds do make her nervous.
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects No
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car Not at all, Lilly loves car rides
Androphobia: Fear of men No
Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking No
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers No
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society - Not really, but again, Lilly has social anxiety so she gets. nervous around big groups of people.
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched No
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter Noooo, Peanutbutter is amazing
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders No
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers No lol
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning No, Lilly loves storny weather
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness Lol Kind of yes, Lilly does like to be clean and orderly.
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection No
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure No
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures No
Autophobia: Fear of being alone Yeah, kind of. Lilly doesn't mind her own company, but also hates the idea of dying alone.
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria Maybe not a fear, but Lilly does like her surroundings to be clean.
Barophobia: Fear of gravity No
Bathmophobia: Fear of stairs or steep slopes No
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians No
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles No
Bibliophobia: Fear of books - NOT AT ALL!! Lilly loves reading, and has sooooo many books.
Botanophobia: Fear of plants No
Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness No
Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed No
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors No
Chionophobia: Fear of snow - No way!! Lilly loves playing in the snow. Do you want to build a snowman?
Chromophobia: Fear of colors No
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks No
Chronophobia: Fear of time No
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces No
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns No
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers No
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs No, Lilly loves animals, especially dogs.
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions No
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees No
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists No, Lilly likes going to the dentist
Domatophobia: Fear of houses No
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents No
Ecophobia: Fear of the home No, Lilly feels safe at home
Elurophobia: Fear of cats No
Entomophobia: Fear of insects No, and whenever Adlee is outside, her and Lilly are always finding bugs to play with
Ephebiphobia: Fear of teenagers No
Equinophobia: Fear of horses No
Gamophobia: Fear of marriage No, but up until recently Lilly hadn't really thought about being with a person because the thought of opening her heart up to somebody freaked her out. Now that she has, she has really become quite the romantic, and wouldn't rule out marriage someday in her future.
Genuphobia: Fear of knees HAHAHA NO
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public Ey kind of. Lilly has to speak in public for work, but she gets so nervous, and sick before her speeches.
Gynophobia: Fear of women No
Haphephobia: Fear of touch No
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun No
Hemophobia: Fear of blood No
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles No
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words NO, but dang that's quite a long word
Hydrophobia: Fear of water No
Hypochondria: Fear of illness No
Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors NO
Insectophobia: Fear of insects NO
Koinoniphobia: Fear of rooms NO
Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons NO
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white NO
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes NO
Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth Kind of yeah, the idea of giving borth scares her, but she would like to have kids.
Mageirocophobia: Fear of cooking No, Lilly loves to cook!
Megalophobia: Fear of large things Lol uhm... No
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black No
Microphobia: Fear of small things No
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs No, but again, she likes things clean
Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things No
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night No, Lilly love the quiet of the night
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals No
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark No
Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight Not anymore. As a young adult Lilly did struggle with her weight, and had a fear of any weight gain.
Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8 No, is this a real fear? lol
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain No, Lilly loves dark and gloomy weather
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes No
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds No
Papyrophobia: Fear of paper No
Pathophobia: Fear of disease No, but she does worry about the people she loves being or getting sick
Pedophobia: Fear of children No, she loves kids
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing No
Philophobia: Fear of love No, but she is scared to get her heart broken
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias No
Podophobia: Fear of feet No
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple No
Pteridophobia: Fear of ferns No
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying No, but doesn't love airplane rides
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire No
Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween No, Lilly loves all holidays
Scolionophobia: Fear of school No
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at No
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon No
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation No
Somniphobia: Fear of sleep No, in fact she wishes she could sleep more.
Tachophobia: Fear of speed No
Technophobia: Fear of technology No
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder No, she loves thunder
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections No
Trypophobia: Fear of holes No
Venustraphobia: Fear of beautiful women No
Verminophobia: Fear of germs No, but doens't love them
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft No
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners No
Zoophobia: Fear of animals Not at all. Lilly loves animals
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magpie-murder · 9 months
i wish you could filter specific text forms of words. i cannot simply just filter away the word "house" it would get rid of normal ass posts, i need to be able to filter "house" in blue
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englishlistwords · 2 years
Oikophobia (Greek: oîkos, 'house, household' + phóbos, 'fear'; related to domatophobia and ecophobia[1]) is an aversion to a home environment, or an abnormal fear (phobia) of one's home.[2]
In psychiatry, the term is also more narrowly used to indicate a phobia of the contents of a house: "fear of household appliances, equipment, bathtubs, household chemicals, and other common objects in the home."[3] In contrast, domatophobia specifically refers to the fear of a house itself.[3]
The term has been used in political contexts to refer critically to political ideologies that are held to repudiate one's own culture and laud others. One prominent such usage was by Roger Scruton in his 2004 book England and the Need for Nations.
In 1808, poet and essayist Robert Southey used the word to describe a desire (particularly by the English) to leave home and travel.[4] Southey's usage as a synonym for wanderlust was picked up by other 19th-century writers.
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untethereddreams · 2 years
Welcome to Daily Flash Fiction, where I write an original piece of short fiction six days a week. This month's theme is Phobias and today's entry, "Domatophobia," is inspired by a fear of houses.
Something slithers down the hall, knocking against metal banisters until they ring like bells. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know anything these days, not since I moved into this house. The walls that never stop settling, that stop me from settling, that unsettle every living thing that enters their domain. This house is not haunted. Instead, it hates. A thud above my head and I stay frozen.…
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surveyhoursss · 3 years
This is a very long list of phobias - from very common to very rare. Bold everything you have.
(I know phobias are very intense, but for the sake of the survey, I will be bolding fears rather than full blown phobias <3)
Ablutophobia - Fear of washing, bathing or cleaning.
Acarophobia - Fear of itching.
Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia - Fear of sound.
Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
Aerophobia - Fear of air.
Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects.
Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia - Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions.
Amathophobia - Fear of dust.
Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
Americophobia - Fear of American people and things.
Anatidaephobia - Fear of ducks (fear that the duck is watching you).
Androphobia - Fear of men.
Anemophobia - Fear of wind.
Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking.
Anglophobia - Fear of English people and things.
Anthophobia - Fear of flowers.
Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society.
Antlophobia - Fear of floods.
Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched.
Apiphobia - Fear of bees.
Aquaphobia - Fear of water.
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia - Fear of math.
Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning.
Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection.
Athazagoraphobia - Fear of forgetting or being forgotten.
Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
Aulophobia - Fear of flutes.
Autophobia - Fear of being alone.
Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
Ballistophobia - Fear of bullets.
Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
Bathophobia - Fear of stairs or steep.
Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
Belonephobia - Fear of needles.
Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
Bogyphobia - Fear of the Bogeyman.
Botanophobia - Fear of plants.
Bromidrosiphobia - Fear of body odour.
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
Cibophobia - Fear of food.
Chaetophobia - Fear of hair.
Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
Chirophobia - Fear of hands.
Chloephobia - Fear of newspapers.
Chorophobia - Fear of dancing.
Chromophobia - Fear of colors.
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
Chronophobia - Fear of time.
Chrysophobia - Fear of gold.
Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
Clinophobia - Fear of bed.
Coitophobia - Fear of sex.
(ooh yuh can I get a hell yeah for being molested as a child/s)
Coprophobia - Fear of poop.
Coprostasophobia - Fear of constipation.
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
Cryophobia - Fear of ice or cold.
Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.
Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions.
Deipnophobia - Fear of dining.
Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.
Dextrophobia - Fear of having objects to your right.
Didaskaleinophobia - Fear of school.
Dikephobia - Fear of justice.
Domatophobia - Fear of houses.
Doraphobia - Fear of fur.
Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents.
Ecclesiophobia - Fear of church.
Ecophobia - Fear of the home.
Electrophobia - Fear of electricity.
Elurophobia - Fear of cats.
Emetophobia - Fear of vomit.
Eosophobia - Fear of dawn.
Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers.
Ergophobia - Fear of work.
Erythrophobia - Fear of blushing.
Equinophobia - Fear of horses.
Eleutherophobia - Fear of freedom.
Febriphobia - Fear of fever.
Francophobia - Fear of French people and things.
Frigophobia - Fear of being cold.
Geliophobia - Fear of laughter.
Geniophobia - Fear of chins.
Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
Gephyrophobia - Fear of bridges.
Gerascophobia – Fear of getting old.
Germanophobia - Fear of German people and things.
Globophobia - Fear of balloons.
Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public.
Gophobia - Fear of marriage.
Graphophobia - Fear of writing.
Gymnophobia - Fear of nudity.
Gynophobia - Fear of women.
Hedonophobia - Fear of pleasure.
Heliophobia - Fear of the sun.
Hemophobia - Fear of blood.
Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia - Fear of number 666.
Hierophobia - Fear of priests.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
Hodophobia - Fear of travelling.
Homichlophobia - Fear of fog.
Hydrophobia - Fear of water.
Iatrophobia - Fear of doctors.
Insectophobia - Fear of insects.
Ichthyophobia - Fear of fish.
Iridophobia - Fear of rainbows.
Italophobia - Fear of Italian people and things.
Kathisophobia - Fear of sitting down.
Kenophobia - Fear of void.
Kinetophobia - Fear of motion.
Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms.
Koumpounophobia - Fear of buttons.
Lachanophobia - Fear of vegetables.
Laliophobia - Fear of stuttering.
Leukophobia - Fear of the color white.
Ligyrophobia – Fear of loud noises.
Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
Linonophobia - Fear of string.
Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth.
Logophobia - Fear of reading.
Lutraphobia - Fear of otters.
Lyssophobia - Fear of insanity.
Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking.
Mastigophobia - Fear of beating.
Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.
Metathesiophobia – Fear of change.
Microphobia - Fear of small things.
Musicophobia - Fear of music.
Musophobia - Fear of mice.
Myrmecophobia - Fear of ants.
Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs.
Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things.
Neophobia - Fear of new things.
Nelophobia - Fear of glass.
Nephophobia - Fear of clouds.
Noctiphobia - Fear of the night.
Nomophobia - Fear of being without a phone.
Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals.
Nostophobia - Fear of returning home.
Numerophobia - Fear of numbers, math or calculating.
Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight.
Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
Odontophobia - Fear of teeth.
Olfactophobia - Fear of smell.
Ombrophobia - Fear of rain.
Omphalophobia - Fear of belly buttons.
Oneirophobia - Fear of dreams.
Onomatophobia - Fear of names.
Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes.
Optophobia - Fear of opening one’s eyes.
Ornithophobia - Fear of birds.
Ostraconophobia - Fear of shellfish.
Panophobia - Fear of everything.
Papyrophobia - Fear of paper.
Paraskevidekatriaphobia – Fear of Friday the 13th.
Pathophobia - Fear of disease.
Pedophobia - Fear of children.
Pediophobia - Fear of dolls.
Peniaphobia - Fear of poverty.
Pentheraphobia - Fear of mothers-in-law.
Pharmacophobia - Fear of drugs.
Phasmophobia - Fear of ghosts.
Philematophobia - Fear of kissing.
Philophobia - Fear of love.
Phobophobia - Fear of being afraid.
Phonophobia - Fear of sound.
Plutophobia - Fear of money.
Podophobia - Fear of feet.
Pogonophobia - Fear of beards.
Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple.
Potophobia - Fear of drink.
Pteronophobia - Fear of feathers.
Pteridophobia - Fear of ferns.
Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying.
Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets.
Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.
Ranidaphobia - Fear of frogs.
Rhabdophobia - Fear of magic.
Russophobia - Fear of Russian people and things.
Samhainophobia - Fear of Halloween.
Scolionophobia - Fear of school.
Scoptophobia - Fear of being stared at.
Selenophobia - Fear of the moon.
Siderophobia - Fear of stars.
Sinophobia - Fear of Chinese people and things.
Sociophobia - Fear of social evaluation.
Somniphobia - Fear of sleep.
Symmetrophobia - Fear of symmetry.
Syngenesophobia - Fear of relatives.
Tachophobia - Fear of speed.
Taphophobia - Fear of being buried alive.
Technophobia - Fear of technology.
Thalassophobia - Fear of ocean or other deep open waters.
Theophobia - Fear of God.
Thermophobia - Fear of heat.
Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder.
Toxiphobia - Fear of poisons.
Triskaidekaphobia - Fear of the number 13.
Trypanophobia - Fear of injections.
Trypophobia - Fear of small compact holes.
Turophobia - Fear of cheese.
Urophobia - Fear of urinating.
Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women.
Verminophobia - Fear of germs.
Vestiphobia - Fear of clothes.
Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches and witchcraft.
Xanthophobia - Fear of the color yellow.
Xenophobia - Fear of strangers or foreigners.
Zelotypophobia - Fear of jealousy.
Zoophobia - Fear of animals.
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reachartwork · 3 years
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"Phobia Series"
"Claustrophobia", "Coulrophobia", "Daemonophobia"
"Domatophobia", "Emetophobia"
"Gelotophobia", "Hedonophobia", "Hypnophobia"
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List of Fears for characters (A-D)
Achluophobia - Fear of darkness
Acrophobia - Fear of heights
Aerophobia - Fear of flying
Algophobia - Fear of pain
Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds
Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects
Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car
Androphobia - Fear of men
Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking
Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society
Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter
Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers
Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning
Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia - Fear of failure
Automatonophobia - Fear of Human-Like Figures
Autophobia - Fear of being alone
Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria
Barophobia - Fear of gravity
Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep slopes
Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia - Fear of pins and needles
Bibliophobia - Fear of books
Botanophobia - Fear of plants
Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness
Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia - Fear of snow
Chromophobia - Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks
Chronophobia - Fear of Time
Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces
Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia - Fear of computers
Cynophobia - Fear of dogs
Dendrophobia - Fear of trees
Dentophobia - Fear of dentists
Domatophobia - Fear of houses
Dystychiphobia - Fear of accidents
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