#dom Kandomere
sullybot · 6 years
Pretty in Pages Part 13/? (Kandomere x OC RP)
HELLO WORLD! So, I was a total slacker the last few days. Didn’t update, sorry about that. I had planned to do it on the weekend but my brain had absolutely no patience for this kind of thing? So... I made bread instead. LAWL. Anywho, part 13 has arrived my friends. As always, written with @theperlerbeadqueen and myself. Enjoy guys! If anyone wants added to the tag list just message me or comment and ask, I’ll be glad to add you. Also, to those that asked. I have been adding the “Keep Reading” splits to my posts, but for some reason they haven’t been showing up on mobile? So, I apologize if they don’t show up, but, I am trying to figure out what is going on with that.
Beginning | Previous | Next |
Kandomere came down the stairs from his bedroom not long after she started breakfast. He was wearing a very nice, flat black suit with vest and tie, per usual. He was buttoning his sleeve cuffs as he walked into the kitchen. He smiled, but it hurt. His chest felt tight and his heart seemed to sink. He didn’t know the last time his house felt lived in, like it was a home. He hoped that she would forgive him for what he had to do.
“Good morning.” He said quietly, pouring himself a cup of coffee before quickly eating some of the food she had prepared. He sighed and straightened out his coat, making sure he had his multiple phones and pagers before looking at her. “Are you ready?”
The drive to work was almost complete silence. He went into his office and didn’t request anything for the entire day. He did not page her once, for anything. He filled out the proper paperwork to have her internship transferred across town, outside of the elf district, to his colleague, Monteguh. He knew that his friend and partner would treat her well and also continue to make sure she received payment for her efforts. More importantly, it would still look good on her experience for time served. It would still be within the same division of the FBI and would look much better than her being terminated.
Violet murmured a good morning as she finished the dishes and laid them out to dry before joining him at the table. She ate as quickly as she could and then set the dishes in the sink, nodding her head gently, “I am.” she said simply, picking up her coat and her purse before following him out to his car. She remained quiet the entire ride, following him inside but keeping a little bit of a distance, trying to make it look like they hadn’t come to work together. She wanted to talk to him all day, but decided that it was simply better if she didn’t.
So for the majority of the day she didn’t bother him, only sending him small emails to remind him of his appointments or phone calls he was supposed to make, including checking on Alexeena. By the time five o’clock rolled around she was mentally drained, and just wanted to go home. Glancing back at his office door she sighed, sending him another quick email that told him she was going to go home a little early today, and try to catch up on her sleep. Hitting send she stood up and slid her arms into her jacket, adjusting the thin coat over her dress shirt before she picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Shutting down the computer she turned off her desk lamp and headed for the door.
Kandomere responded to her emails, but only enough to let her know he did receive them. He did what he needed to do, answering questions from his superiors as to why he wanted to transfer his intern without her previous consent. He felt a little bit guilty about it. Once the transfer went through, she would only have two choices. Transfer, or quit. She wouldn’t be able to stay with him. He had listed his reasoning as ‘conflict of interests’. It seemed more professional than the truth. He got her email that stated she was leaving for the day and he let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes tightly. He wanted to tell her what he was doing, but he knew she would argue. She was going to hate him either way. He hoped that it would at least be temporary. It would take a few days, maybe even weeks, for this paperwork to pass through all of the proper channels. She would eventually get the notification from her school regarding her transfer. He figured he would know immediately when she received this notification, because she would have questions.
    Alexeena was growing very impatient with this Elvish Hospital. Her right wrist was in a leather strap, holding her securely to her hospital bed. If it weren’t for Nick being allowed to stay by her side, she did not know if she could stay here. She hated all of the doctors, even though they were kind to her and to Nick. Mostly, it was hard to see her mother after all of this time and to have her act like nothing ever happened between them. She sighed as she looked up at the TV mounted on the wall, clicking the remote repeatedly with her left hand. Nothing was worth watching, but keeping her hand busy made her feel better. She wanted to go home, but there were still black veins across her skin, even though it had been four days. She did not have the patience for this. She wanted to go home. She wanted to go back to work. She wanted to be literally anywhere but here.
    Violet exhaled slowly and sadly through her nose as she got on the elevator and took it down to the main floor, heading outside to catch her bus home. She looked at her cell phone once she was home and comfortable, honestly debating sending him a text message, but she thought better of it and put it on the charger and hopping in the bathtub, doing her very best to resist the urge to touch herself while thinking about him. Instead she read a book, and tried not to think about a handsome blue eyed elf that was rapidly stealing her heart.
    Nick had dozed off slightly in his chair next to Alexeena’s bed, his head lolling to the side slightly as he dreamed about going home with her and sleeping in a real bed, even if they did have to share it with Maggie. Ward had been filled in on the need to know details finally, and was watching Maggie at his house with his wife and daughter for him so he didn’t have to go home as often to check on her. He jolted slightly from his sleep when a particularly loud commercial came on the TV. “I’m awake!” he snorted and rubbed his face with his hand, blinking and looking around the room in a daze until he fully woke up. Glancing from the TV to Alexeena he sighed, slipping his hand out to lay on her thigh, “The books I brought you not good enough?” he asked softly, sliding his hand into hers that was strapped to the bed, wishing he could undo it and let her free, but he had been given strict instructions not to let her out of that bed, and he wasn’t about to be yelled at by her mother.
    Kandomere didn’t go home that night, but rather, fell asleep at his desk. That is, until his phone went off. It was Monteguh. There was a possible Bright situation. He groaned and looked at the clock, it was half past midnight and he agreed to come to the location. He went out and got into his car, driving off with his sirens blaring on the top of his car.
    Alexeena looked over at Nick boredly. There were still black veins in her iris’, causing her lovely blue eyes to look dark gray. “I’ve already read them.” She said softly. She released the remote and squeezed his hand in hers. “I hate it here. Everything smells like elf. I know that they are all being kind because mother and Kandomere are forcing them to be. I can tell that they hate me. They like you better than they like me. I am seen as a traitor here. Ever since I murdered my ex husband in cold blood. I should have done the civil thing and just gotten a divorce, like Kandomere did…” She laughed bitterly before raising her hand to stroke Nick’s cheek. “Thank you… For staying here with me. I know it must be hard for you, being here, surrounded by us…”
    Nick gave her a deadpan look as she spoke, leaning his head into her touch on his cheek and shaking his head gently, “I don’t care where I am. As long as you’re here, this is where I will stay. They don’t say harsh words and they don’t feel the need to belittle me at every turn. It’s better than work.” he teased her playfully but reached out to cup her cheek in return, “You are healing slowly, and they don’t want to let you go until all of the remnants of magic poisoning is out of your system. And I don’t want you to either, until I know for sure you will be ok.” he murmured.
    “You’re my world, Alex. In this little bubble. I’ll get you some new books when I go home, something you probably haven’t read.” he assured her and slid his hand into her soft purple hair, “I’ll always be here when you need me. Promise.” he dipped his head further to kiss her lightly, brushing his nose against hers before he leaned back to look down at her, “Would you like me to find something to entertain you?”
    Alexeena couldn’t help but laugh when he compared the hospital to work. “I thought things were getting better at work, Nick?” She questioned softly. “I thought that…  after the incident… Things were getting better for you and Ward? More Orc applicants, less crooked cops?” She questioned sadly before kissing him back, tears filling her eyes slightly when he said that she was his world. “I know…” She said sadly, a tear sliding down her pale cheek. “And you are mine…” She said, though the words pained her. She knew she would outlive him by millenia, and that was something that could not be stopped. “More books would be nice, but you don’t have to entertain me. I’m just glad that you are here, keeping me sane.”
    Nick softly chuckled and brushed his thumb over her her cheek, “They are. A couple of the guys still like to razz me every once and a while, but usually one look from Ward gets them to shut up. I was only trying to make it sound more glamorous here.” he admitted sheepishly and stood up, climbing into the hospital bed with her and drawing her close up against his chest, wiping the tears from her cheek.
    “Don’t think about it.” he whispered, knowing exactly why it was the tears had started, his hands caressing her soft skin and tucking her hair behind her ears, “We have a long time together… and it’s only started. There is no sense in dwelling on what the future holds, at least not at this very second. We’ll figure everything out in time. I promise.” he laid his cheek against the top of her head, his fingers drawings swirls on her bare arm as he closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose, “Next time I go home I’ll bring more back with me. Keeping you entertained is better than listening to the constant flipping of channels.” he teased her playfully, giving her arm a light tickle and pressing his lips to her forehead.
    Alexeena laughed softly after he dried her tears and crawled into the bed with her. She leaned against him, nuzzling her head beneath his chin while he spoke. “I will do my best not to think about it, but it is kind of hard not to. I have lost lovers before.” She murmured softly before feeling a little sheepish when he mentioned the licking of the channels. “Sorry.. I like to keep my hands busy if the rest of me isn’t doing anything. Could you maybe bring me a notebook and some pens? Maybe I’ll do some writing of my own while I’m stuck in this neon lit, elvish run, torture chamber.” She said with a playful smile before looking up at him. “Have you heard from Kandomere at all..?”
    Nick couldn’t help but laugh at her teasing about the torture chamber, but nodded, “Of course. I’ll bring a set of them for you too. Perhaps the world needs a little more Alice Hepbern in their lives.” he whispered to her playfully before pressing a kiss to her temple, “It’s alright, ha rega.” he whispered, “I know you have. But this is a different time. We don’t know what will happen in the next four hundred years… but anything could be possible.” he mused and then blinked slightly, “He did ring once, while you were napping earlier, nothing really important, just to ask how things were going. Wanted to know how your progress was. He was going to see if there was anything that could be done to speed up your recovery.”
    “Something is on his mind.. I can feel it…” Alexeena said quietly, tracing her fingers across Nick’s palm. “I always refer to him as my elder brother, because he is, but we are twins. He is only a few minutes older than me. It’s funny to think how different we are… But how connected we have always been…” She murmured quietly. “Something has changed and it worries me…” She said before closing her eyes. “I hate how tired I am… All the time…” She murmured before falling asleep almost instantly.
    Nick caressed her hair gently, nodding his head, “I know. I think so too. But he will tell us when he is ready.” he assured her and pressed her head against him, his fingers slowly riding up and down her arm as she fell asleep against his chest, “It’ll be awhile before you start to feel like yourself again. Try to rest… I’ll be here with you, I promise.” he murmured. He felt drained, but he wouldn’t leave her to go anywhere unless she was awake and he could tell her he was going. He didn’t want her to wake up without him there… things could get bad very quickly for the nurses if he was gone when she awoke.
    Kandomere had made it a point to stop by and see Alexeena,after two days of unexpected field work. He still hadn’t heard a peep from Violet, so he assumed that she did not get her transfer email yet. He got to the hospital and was immediately lead to his sister. No one even asked him who he was or who he was here to see. Everyone knew, without question. When he arrived in the room, he found Alexeena to be asleep and Nick in the bed with her. He was surprised that it could hold the weight of an Orc, seeing as it was built to support elves. He smiled at Nick and nodded his head slightly when her entered the room, with a small paper bag in his hand. “Hello, Officer Jakoby.” He said politely before stepping forward and sitting down in Nick’s chair. “I’ve brought these for her. There are a couple of books, and a few snacks. I know that hospital food isn’t always the greatest. I’ve brought some food for you, also. I didn’t know what you liked so I just… Grabbed a few things.” His demeanor was friendly and charming, not the stone wall that Nick was used to.
    Nick looked up from his gentle affections when he heard the door open, raising his eyebrow and chuckling softly at the sight before him, “Agent Kandomere.” he said gently, “Hello. You just missed her. She fell asleep a few minutes ago… said you were hiding something and she didn’t like it, and then she was out like a light.” he mused with a soft sigh, looking over at the paper bag, “Thank you. The food here is pretty deplorable, even for an Elvish hospital. Snacks are always welcome. I’m not picky, so long as it isn’t anything beef related.” he smiled in amusement at his own little joke before turning to look at Kandomere again, “She is right though. Something has changed with you. Since when do you bring anything for me unless it's a bribe?” he joked, leaning back against the raised back of the bed and shifting to get more comfortable with Alexeena by his side.
        “Ah… No. No beef.” Kandomere said, feeling lucky that he had grabbed chicken and fish related dishes. “I didn’t know you didn’t eat Beef.” He said, making a mental note of that, right before Nick accused him of hiding things, or that Alexeena had accused him. “She’s not wrong.” He murmured softly, gazing over at his sister, reaching out to squeeze her hand before standing and looking over at Nick. “I have always admired her uncompromising values. I wish that I were as brave and confident as she is.” He explained quietly. He looked back to make sure the door was closed before speaking again. “I seem to have found myself in a little bit of a mix up. No. It’s a full blown mess. I’ve made a very terrible mistake. I’ve developed feelings for a lovely, brilliant young woman. She’s perfection and I can’t help myself when I am around her. It has been a long time since I’ve lost control like this. She has a hard life. All I want to do is take care of her, but I can’t. She will die if I do. There are too many people alive who want to hurt me, and are willing to do anything it takes to get under my skin. I have to send her away… Far away. I’m not willing to risk her life. Not like Alexeena is willing to risk yours.”
    Nick smiled slightly when Kandomere seemed rather awkward about the beef question, “Most orcs don’t. It does weird things to us.” he admitted before clearing his throat and stroking Alexeena’s hair as he thought about what Kandomere was telling him, “It sounds like you love her.” he said gently, tilting his head to the side slightly, “But you want to know something?” he murmured, looking down at Alexeena, “I used to feel like I had to protect her, but… I know she protects me far more than I protect her. She has never been willing to risk my life. When she woke up she yelled at me. Cursed and spit and practically foamed at the mouth, telling me what an idiot I was for rushing into a battle I could never win on my own. She calmed down after a little while… but she has never once been willing to risk my life. Her own, yes. But never mine. No matter how much I tell her I do it every day.” he sighed and glanced over at Kan, “You know… that if this girl cares about you, like you do for her, how devastated she will be, when she finds out you plan to send her away? Secrets begat liars, and liars lose what is important to them.” he said gently.
    “I’m not telling you how to live your life… just trying to offer some insight. If you really cared about this girl, you would let her decide what she’s willing to risk, instead of making up her mind for her.”
    “Ah, yes, but there is a large difference you seem to have overlooked, Nick.” Kandomere said quietly, using his first name for the first time. “My love interest isn’t an Orc, or a Cop. Fuck…” Kandomere sighed. He very rarely swore. He was always so composed that the idea of curse words hardly crossed his mind. “She’s not even an elf… She’s a human. A human girl going through law school, just… trying to get by…” He said before shaking his head. He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it back from his face before looking down at Nick again. “I can’t let her stay close to me. It will ruin my reputation and hers. It wouldn’t be a good look for her or I. Really, Nick. Sleeping with my secretary would be a disaster that even the FBI wouldn’t be able to damage control. I’d lose my job. Her career would be over before it even started. I cannot keep her under my employment, not if we want to survive this.” He sighed before looking out the window, clearly deep in contemplation. “I hope I can convince her to give up her dreams, for me.” He admit suddenly. “I am hoping she will just.. Quit.. and go into the shadows. Stay with me, but stay out of sight of the public eye so that she does not become a target. Anyone close to me automatically has a target painted on their back. Especially by the Inferni. I’ve killed too many of them for them to leave me unscathed forever.”
    “If she really cares about you, I’m sure she would do just about anything to stay beside you. But you have to ask her. Not just move her somewhere else without her permission and expect her to be okay with it. I understand the circumstances are different… and that you can’t be together as you are, but I’m sure there are other ways for you two to make things work. Communication is key.” he said softly, looking down at Alexeena and smiling softly to himself, before looking back up at Kandomere and sobering, still surprised by the man’s use of his first name, “Tell her that you want to take care of her. Tell her how much she means to you, that you don’t really want her to move away or never see her again. That you want her to stay.” he said softly and closed his eyes, “This is one conversation I never thought I would be having with you, Kandomere. Haven’t you been married before?” he chuckled lightly and raised his eyebrow.
    Kandomere couldn’t help but to laugh at Nick’s final question after all of his advise. “For Six hundred and thirty five years.” He said before giving Nick a sort of sly smile. “As you can imagine, I’m a little bit rusty when it comes to dating. I’ve also never dated a human before. Wasn’t exactly permitted when I was a younger man. It’s still not common, but at least now it is legal.” He pointed out bluntly before sighing. “She and  I will have this conversation, soon, I’m afraid. I already filed the paperwork to get her removed from my office to avoid temptation. She will not be happy with me when she receives notification of her removal. I’ll make my offer to her then… She can decide what she wants.”
    “Wise man.” Nick said with a grin before reclining and laying his head on top of Alexeena’s, weaving his fingers with hers and breathing out slowly through his nose, “Yeah… at least it isn’t illegal anymore. But at least you being with a human will be more common than Alexeena being with me.” he chuckled lightly and focused on Kandomere’s face, “I wish you luck, Kandomere. And hopefully she doesn’t rip you a new asshole before you get a chance to offer her the life you want to have with her.” he said in a soft, friendly tone, stifling a yawn. Something about hospitals, and how much Alexeena slept, always made him tired too.
    “I think that this will likely be the closest ‘near death’ experience I’ve had in a very long time.” Kandomere joked before nodding his head toward them. “You rest. Keep an eye on her. Have her call me if you need me to bring you anything. I am always on call.” He assured him before he left and went back to the Inferni scene where Monteguh was waiting for him. They had several suspects that were linked to the extremist organization. He sent an email from his phone to Violet, letting her know that he likely would not be in office for the next few days while they processed these suspects. He didn’t like the idea of not being in office to see her, but he didn’t have much choice. He certainly couldn’t take her with him in the field. That was a death sentence without question. He also hoped she would not get her relocation information before while he wasn’t in office.
    Nick gave him a gentle smile and nodded his head to the instructions, “Good luck. You’re gonna need it.” he repeated once more before watching him leave the room. Nick then snuggled down with Alexeena and fell asleep quite quickly.
Back at home, Violet checked her email and sighed when she read the newest one from Kandomere, saying he would be out of the office for a few days on a case. At least she wouldn’t have any awkward conversations with him when he came in and out of his office. She was still sad she wouldn’t get to see him in that time.
    And she didn’t see him, not the rest of that week or the first three days of the next one. By the time Wednesday came around she was worried about him, but she knew better than to bother him on a case. So instead she just managed his appointments for him while he was gone, doing her own school work and anything else she could do to keep her mind off things. That was until she got an email around lunch time that made her blood boil, and tears burn at the corners of her eyes.
    A formal request from her employer, Agent Kandomere, to have her transferred across the city, to an office in the human district. The tears slid down her cheeks as she scrolled through the email, her breathing starting to come in short, rough gasps as she struggled not to hyperventilate. She wanted it not to be true, but all the facts were there, all the attached files were correct. A sob escaped her lips and she glanced around the office, covering her mouth with her hand and getting up from her desk to hurry into his office and shut the door behind herself, pressing herself against the wall and crying openly in his nearly soundproofed room. She just wanted a place to cry, to let out the emotions in her chest before they strangled her.
    She had thought things were going well, that she was doing her job decently, that they had managed to keep things professional. It had been hard for her to keep her professionalism up to normal standards, but all she wanted to do was throw herself at him. But she didn’t. And now he was pushing her away further, had requested the transfer the morning after they had such a good talk, had resolved to be professional and pretend as if nothing had happened that day. Her sobs were gut wrenching and she doubled over on the couch, pressing her face against her knees and clutching at her stomach with her hands, her knuckles white as she gripped the material of her shirt harshly.
    Kandomere was absolutely exhausted, more or less running on empty. He and Monteguh had interrogated twenty three people in the last week and a half, none of which were particularly cooperative. One of them had even stabbed him, which only added onto the time it took to process them. The stab was to his ribcage, but they missed anything vital. He got a couple of stitches and was sent on his way. He even stopped by to see Alexeena and Nick while he was there. He was also informed that she would be released later this week. That made him feel better, knowing she was making progress and that the use of magic wasn’t going to kill her.
After arriving back into the Elf District, he went home. It was three am on Wednesday and he was exhausted. He went directly to sleep, too tired to even take a shower. Elves had more stamina than humans, but that did not mean they could function forever without rest. He slept until around noon before forcing himself to get out of bed. He had over a weeks worth of paperwork to wade through when he finally went back to the office. He took a long shower to clean himself up and to check his stitches, which were healing nicely.
He dressed in his nice, navy pinstripe suit, with the metal decorative piece across his upper chest. He hadn’t heard anything from Violet today, and that worried him. He hoped that she wasn’t out sick. She usually was good about telling him if she wasn’t going to be in.
He got to his car and hurried into the office. He walked inside and froze. She wasn’t at her desk. His heart plummeted. He drew near and he could smell her. She had been here, recently. That was when the sound of crying filled his ears. He tried to focus on where it was coming from. He was surprised to hear that it was coming from inside his office.
His mind immediately went to the worst case scenario. He drew his gun from its holster and loaded it, cocking it before slowly approaching the large, double doors. He slowly pushed open the door, sliding his gun in first to scan the area. He was relieved but confused to see her, alone, crying on the lounger near the wall. He lowered his gun, but did not put it away.
“Jesus, Violet. What the hell happened? Are you alright?” He questioned with sincere concern in his voice.
Violet was trembling on the lounger, her knees pulled up to her chest and her face pressed into them, trying to calm herself down but she couldn’t. Why did it hurt so damned much that he was pushing her away? She heard the click of the door but it didn’t register past her soft sobs until she heard Kandomere’s voice and lifted her head from her knees to look at him. Her eyes were red and puffy, tear streaks running down her face. Her eyes hardened instantly when she saw him, his gun held at his side, “Oh, ‘What happened Violet’?” she parroted, hiccuping and shaking as she wrapped her arms around her middle and glared at him, “Why don’t you tell me, Kandomere? Tell me how… how you decided to transfer me?” she croaked out, her voice cracking from the crying as more tears slid down her cheeks without her control, “You could have just told me you didn’t want me around anymore. You didn’t have to go behind my back to do it, you could have just ripped out what little there was left of my heart in person.” she cried softly, “I… I can’t. If you don’t want me to work for you then I… I’ll find another agency to work for. You don’t have to keep me around just because you feel bad for me. Poor little Violet, a poor little human who cries at the drop of the hat and can’t afford to buy a car, can’t afford a house where she can live by herself--” another sob cut her off and she got up from the lounger, stumbling when her heel caught the carpet but she caught herself on the wall, her body shaking.
    She sucked in several calming breaths before glancing over at him again. She didn’t have anymore words to yell at him, only a question. “Why?” she finally begged, the tears still coming, “Please. Tell me why. What did I do wrong? I thought I was doing good. Why?” she whispered, her knees shaking as she struggled to keep herself upright.
    “You scared me to death, Violet!” Kandomere growled, not able to vocalize his legitimate fear for her when he had arrived. He unloaded his gun and put it back into the holster beneath his dress coat. He could tell by her condescending, mocking tone, that she had received the email regarding her transfer. He stood straight and locked his door behind him, listening to her verbal assault as she laid it on him. He waited until she was finished and stood up from the lounger before finally speaking to her.
    His face was like stone, the way it was before they had started talking on a personal level. “Is that really what you think, Violet?” He demanded lowly, approaching her with a strong stride. “You really think that I look down on you, and that is why I am transferring you?” He demanded. He approached her, getting close, making her back up against the wall. He placed a hand on either side of her, hitting the wall hard as he did so. He wanted to make sure he had her complete and undivided attention. He knew he was inside of her ‘bubble’ but he didn’t care. “You honestly think that I would allow a lowly, sniveling child to have control over my schedules and my safety? You think I would place my trust in a human who I didn’t believe could take care of my every need at the drop of a hat?  You think that because you are just starting out, struggling to take care of yourself, that it makes you lesser than me?” He growled, his face very close to hers, so that she could feel his breath against her skin.
    “If you think that… You are by far the most stupid and foolish girl I have ever met in my life. I transferred you so that I would not damage your reputation, or mine. I transferred you to an office of equal significance so that it would not look like you couldn’t handle this position. I transferred you to my colleague Monteguh so that I could keep my eye on you from a safe distance, so that those around would not think that you are affiliated with me.” He said before he moved one of his hands from the wall to wipe the tears away from her cheeks with his thumb. “I transferred you because I didn’t know how long I could keep coming into this office and seeing your face at your desk… And not touch you. Not hold you against me. When I see you, I see a strong and determined young woman… But I can not help my desire to take care of you. I want to give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of. I want you to stay with me, at my home. I want you with me. Every day. All the time. I am selfish and I am cruel. I will work myself to death because I have nothing else in my life, not anymore. I have not been happy for a very long time, not until you showed up here.” He said before moving his other hand from the wall, cupping her cheeks in his large hands. “I don’t expect you to forgive me…” He said before leaning down and forcing his lips against hers roughly, as he had wanted to for what felt like centuries. He kissed her deeply, but kept his tongue inside of his own mouth, for now. He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against hers. “But I couldn’t go another minute without having the option of kissing you. You can be mad at me. You can hate me… But I didn’t transfer you because I thought you were worthless. I transferred you because I think that you are priceless.”
    Violet stood trembling by the wall, her chest rising and falling as the tears continued to stream down her cheeks, her emotions in a tangle that she couldn’t undo by herself. She was mad, she was upset, she was terrified. She didn’t want to leave him, but he was trying to force her away. “How would I know what you think when you don’t tell me? Maybe I am stupid! But I can’t read minds.” she whimpered, backing up against the wall as he advanced on her, a flash of fear coming to her eyes when his arms slammed against the wall on either side of her and pinned her to the surface, “I just wanted to be near you.” she whispered hoarsely, tears still running down her cheeks as he leaned closer and his tone got softer as he explained the real reasons he had transferred her.
    A broken sob escaped her lips as she tried to wrangle the rampaging hormone troll that lived in her belly, the one fueled by her emotions that had made her yell at him, made her cry, made her feel like the world was crumbling down around her. She was quiet as he continued to explain, her chest aching with emotion and more unshed tears as she stared up into his eyes. “I’m mad at you. I don’t hate you, Kan.” she whispered roughly, her lower lip trembling when he finally went on to explain that he didn’t think he could go any longer with her in that office, sitting at her desk, and not hold her, kiss her, touch her. Her resistance was already cracking, but when he told her that he hadn’t been happy in a very long time until she came into his life, she broke. Her tears fell fat and heavy and she whimpered, her eyes slipping shut the instant his lips met hers.
    She didn’t resist, she didn’t pull away. Instead, she pressed up against him, her lips melding with his as he roughly kissed her, her fingers coming up to grasp his dress shirt and cling to it, rumpling the pressed material between her fingers. When their lips parted and his forehead pressed against hers, she opened her eyes to look up at him, her tears still falling though they were not as heavy now. Sniffing roughly she squeezed his shirt in her hands and focused on his face. She was practically at a loss for words, but somehow she managed to find some, “I don’t want to go.” she whispered hoarsely, “I don’t want to be someone else’s secretary. If I can’t be yours, I don’t want to be anyone’s.” she murmured, her lips quivering, “I want to be with you, Kan. Please don’t make me go away.” she begged weakly, his words of her being priceless making the tears flow all the harder.
    “You can’t stay.” Kandomere said quietly, brushing away her tears again with gently fingers. His skin was soft, as if he hadn’t worked a day in his life. “I don’t want you to give up your career.” He lied, kissing her forehead gently. “Monteguh will take good care of you. I am certain of it. You will be a wondrous help in his office. You will still get the time needed for your bar exams. Your reputation will not be tainted just because your dashing, elvish employer decided he had to seduce you.” He was trying to tease her, not that his tone showed it. He really did have an issue with his tone when it came to making jokes. “You don’t have to go to Monteguh, but it will destroy your career.” He advised her cautiously. “If you stay here with me, it will destroy both of us. Professionally.” He made sure to add that annotation. “I want you to stay with me. I don’t want you to get hurt. I have enemies centuries old. I have people just itching and searching for a way to hurt me, just because of who I am and what my job is.” He explained, his voice barely above a whisper. “If you are going to stay with me… You have to be with me. At my home. You won’t be able to have an outside job. You can work from home to stay busy if you want, but you can not leave without me, or without the bodyguards.” He continued to explain. “I want more than anything to keep you near me. That’s why I couldn’t have you in the office anymore…”
    Violet whimpered gently as he brushed her tears away and told her that she couldn’t stay, that he didn’t want her to give up her career for him. They would both be professionally ruined if she stayed in the office. She didn’t want to ruin his career. She just wanted to be with him, wherever that may be, “I… I don’t have to work here.” she whispered roughly, “I just… want to be where you are.” she bit onto her lower lip as he explained that if she wanted to stay with him it would mean giving up her career, giving up everything she had worked for the last few years. She couldn’t leave the house without him or a bodyguard, because people wanted to harm him. Somehow… none of that mattered, “I do want to be with you.” she whispered softly, her body shaking as she reached up and grasped his hands that framed her face, “I only became a lawyer, because my father wanted me to.” she whispered to him, “I don’t want to be a lawyer, but it pays good. His job as one kept us fed and clothed… and I thought it would do that for me too. But it means… nothing to me.”
    “If I could choose what I did, for my life… I would chose to stay at home. To be a mom, to make a house a home, like my mom did.” she murmured weakly, “I’ll be with you, stay home… only leave when you do, or bodyguards take me somewhere… if it means that I never have to leave your side.” she promised, clinging to his hands and staring up into his eyes beseechingly, “Please. Don’t send me away.” she begged once more, letting go of his hands and reaching up to cup his face, pulling him down that last few more inches to press her lips to his roughly, nipping on his lower lip and kissing him with every ounce of need she had. He was all she wanted.
        “Your father took care of you and your family.” Kandomere pointed out, stroking her hair with the back of his hand gently. “Let me take care of you. I don’t care if my ideals are outdated. Please. It would be so easy for me to take you into my life. You have all the space you could ever want to work with to make the house a home. We could be parents. We could be happy. Hell, I could retire.” He joked, the proper tone finally coming out this time before he kissed her back, holding her face gently. He slid his hands down her shoulders, to her sides and to her hips. He picked her up gently and pressed her against the walls, holding her thighs, spreading her legs around his torso as he kissed her, pinned up against the wall. “You can decline the transfer and then quit…” He murmured softly. “You can drop out of college… I can pay off your student loans. You don’t have to worry about anything. You do not have to worry about wanting or needing, ever again, as long as I live.” He promised her. “The only thing I ask in return is that you stay safe. It will be annoying and you will be frustrated by it more often than not… But I need you to stay safe. If you stay safe, I can give you everything else.”
    Violet whimpered against his mouth as they kissed for several long moments before pulling back long enough to look up into his eyes as he offered to take care of her, they could have babies, she could turn his huge mansion into a home, and be happy. When he joked about retiring she laughed softly as well, pressing her face against his, “You don’t have to retire.” she whispered, leaning into his hands that cradled her face until he moved them away to grasp her by the hips and lift her against the wall, drawing a loud gasp from her. She spread her legs and hooked them on his hips so that he could press up against her, pinning her to the wall. Leaning back against it she gazed up at him, moaning when he kissed her again, trembling and rubbing her hands over his chest, “I don’t care if they are outdated views. I want to be yours.” she whispered and leaned up to press her lips to his chin, pressing kisses up to his mouth where she planted another longer one, reaching up to hold his shoulders.
    “I will. I promise.” she assured him and one hand cupped his cheek, her breath hitching as she squeezed her legs around him, “I will be yours, I’ll make that house ours, I’ll give you as many babies as you want.” she promised, tears dripping down her cheeks again though now they were happy, not devastated, “I’ll quit college, and decline the transfer and the job…  I’m yours. Forever.” she promised in a broken voice, looping her arms around his neck and dragging him down into another kiss, her body arching up against his as her tongue brushed his lower lip.
“Slow down…” Kandomere said softly, shaking his head. “We aren’t even officially a romantic couple yet, Vi. I have only listed available options to you. I do not want you to feel obligated to give me children. I have gone this long without.” He said, kissing her forehead again gently. She pulled him down to kiss her again and a small moan passed his lips while he dug his fingers into her hips, forcing himself to ease up on his grip. He would need to frequently remind himself that she is human. She would not have the same endurance and durability that an elf woman would have, not that he really remembered much of what that was like, anyway. “You don’t have to quit college… Just don’t be a lawyer. You could take classes online, from the safety of the house. You could work from home. I don’t want to make you a prisoner. Captive and Safe do not mean the same thing.” He assured her before kissing her again. Did he really want to do this here, in his office? His logical senses told him he needed to stop, to take her home, to treat her well… However, this was silenced by the carnal instinct and craving. The feel and the smell of her, so close to him after all of this time. “Are you a virgin, Violet?”
Tag List: @cinnamonroll-issues @justanothermonstah @kandomerx
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nicki-mac-me · 5 years
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aka, knees it would be an honour to be put over!
52 notes · View notes
downwiththeficness · 3 years
A Thing Most Desired-Ch. 14
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Summary: Rosalind was eight years old when she knew she had a soulmate. At eighteen, she vowed never to find him. To protect her family, Rose makes the decision to tempt fate and she finds that walking away is easier said than done. Kandomere/Bright!FemOC AU
Word Count: ~4,200
Warnings: Assholery, sexual themes with dom/sub undertones
A/N: This story contains references to child murder and kidnapping. It is rated E for explicit sexual content, blood, gore, death, and mature themes. Please heed these warnings, if you’re going to read or interact with this fic.
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The knock on the door was unexpected and, therefore, suspicious. Rose was sitting on the couch, catching up on some local news on Twitter when the sound came. Kandomere was upstairs showering after a long run through the surrounding woods.
She stared at the door for a long time, hoping that they’d just go away. Rose would not be so lucky. The knock came again, followed shortly by the sound of the doorbell. She set her phone down and stood, moving cautiously towards the door with small, silent steps. Another knock, this time louder. She froze, arm handing in mid air as she reached for the knob. Thinking better of it, Rose eased down and waddled to the window, peeking out.
She caught the flash of a badge and dropped onto all fours, eyes wide. They’d found her. They’d fucking found her. Rose’s mind whirled as she tried to figure out where she’d gone wrong. No one outside of a precious few knew her secret, still fewer knew where she actually was. That they were standing out side the door was no less than terrifying.
From her spot, she spied Kandomere rounding the bend of the hall. His brows came together as he looked at her, his stride slowing.
“Who is it?”
Rose crawled away from the door and stood, saying, “Men in black.”
He laughed, possibly thinking that she was being melodramatic for effect, “What?”
“Government—company men, it looks like.”
Rose’s voice was low as she continued to move towards him, her expression stricken with fear of the unknown. She could feel her hands shaking, her magic swirling inside as it reacted to her fragile emotions.
He paused as he reached the landing, his fingers tapping over the banister, “Alright. Let me deal with them, hmm?”
So confident. So relaxed. There was nothing in him that seemed to be reacting to this in the same way that Rose was. The way he seemed to not only know what was happening, but also exactly what to do calmed her somewhat. It was also a little annoying. She blinked the emotion away, knowing that this was not the time.
Rose nodded, “Okay.”
Kandomere moved towards her, taking her shoulders in his hands and fixing her with an encouraging look, “Its fine, Rose. Its likely a formality.”
A formality.
Mailing a certified letter was a formality. A phone call was a formality. Showing up unannounced to a person’s home was a pointed statement. What that statement might be, Rose had no idea. She did know that the government didn’t make statements without some kind of consequence attached.
Turning to watch him walk to the door, the movement feeling as if it were in slow motion, Rose took stock of her body. She wrung her hands, catching the movement and forcing them to her sides. Nervousness was always suspect. Breathing very deliberately, she made every effort to exude both poise and calm.
They introduced themselves as Agent Barnes and Agent Liev. Barnes was nearing forty, some gray at his temples. His smile was genuine, flashing smooth, white teeth. His partner, Liev, was moderately polite, his curved ears proudly displayed beneath short-cropped hair. Kandomere welcomed them both and offered coffee, which they refused.
“We’re just here on a formality,” Barnes said, still smiling, “Your grandmother filed a marriage license last week.”
If Rose either heard or thought the word ‘formality’ one more time she might vomit all over the hardwood floors. Although, she was surprised by the knowledge that the marriage license had already been requested. Ivy hadn’t mentioned it the last time they’d talked.
The thought of Ivy triggered the short motto she’d been trying to live by, Be like Ivy. In this case, it was much easier said than done.
“Yes,” Kandomere confirmed, gesturing to Rose, “We’re just finishing up the paperwork.”
Liev’s eyes were not kind as he turned his attention to Rose. He said something Rose couldn’t understand, but she recognized a few words, one of which was ‘vessel’. The utterance dripped with both courtesy and a tinge of barely noticeable disdain.
“Yes,” Kandomere said again, speaking very deliberately in English, “She is my vessel.”
Rose smiled softly at the pride in his words, the way his shoulders straightened as he said them. For a moment, the anxiety she felt at the arrival of the agents was filled with a warm affection for him—for the way he exuded smug self-satisfaction at having her.
Liev looked somewhat perturbed by the thought, “There was no blood test to accompany the application. And, your intended’s file is...light.”
Head cocking to the side, Kandomere regarded Liev with confusion, but said nothing. Rose, for her part, had to swallow down the urge to explain—an explanation she didn’t have, nor was she likely to produce without bungling it entirely. He’d said he would handle it, she didn’t need to interfere.
Kandomere’s silence was calculated, as was his gaze. Rose clocked his calm, the casual way he was standing. There was nothing in his demeanor that belied the truth of what they were hiding. This thing that he was doing was a practiced dance, an art, a performance.
Barnes, still smiling genially, said, “Congratulations. I hear vessels cause quite the celebration.”
Kandomere gave a nod, acknowledging, “Thank you. We will likely keep the ceremony small.”
Liev shifted on his feet, hand pushing into his pockets, “How did you meet?”
“At the House gala last month.”
Liev’s brows drew together, and Rose noted the false confusion, “That’s an awfully fast engagement.”
Kandomere, unperturbed, simply said, “Most marriages like this are, as you are well aware.”
Sensing that he was unlikely to get anywhere with Kandomere, Liev turned his attention to Rose, “Its my understanding that human engagement rituals take significantly more time.”
His words were, ostensibly, a statement, but the inflection was leading. He wanted her to answer. To explain.
“They are,” Rose answered, attempting to keep her tone as amiable as possible while also telegraphing that she was uninterested in answering in any detail.
“And, you met at the House gala?”
“We did.”
“House galas are fairly exclusive events. How did you end out at one?”
How did you, a human, manage to get an invitation? Was the question he was actually asking. Rose, in any other situation would have flipped him the bird.
Be like Ivy.
She settled for saying, in a tone that didn’t quite hide her insult, “I was invited.”
“By whom?”
“By my grandmother,” Kandomere cut in.
Liev glanced at Kandomere, “Oh?” He looked back to Rose, “How did you two meet?”
Rose took a few seconds to answer, her eyes going to Kandomere. His mouth was thin with displeasure, eyes moving between the two agents in continuous assessment.
“I think,” she ventured carefully, “That I may be new to this, but House business is not discussed with outsiders.”
She knew she’d gotten the answer right when Kandomere had to hide his gleeful grin by scrubbing his hand across his face.
Liev’s smile was small and hinted as arrogance, “You might be right. There are a lot of rules when it comes to the Houses. You’re giving up quite a lot to marry into the Elvish community.”
What the fuck does that mean?
She said the only thing she could think of in that moment, “We’re working on compromise.”
Liev laughed, and it made her want to pick up the candle sitting innocently on the coffee table to her right and throw it at him. The sound of it cracking his skull would definitely be satisfactory. And a felony.
Barnes stepped in. Literally. He moved between Rose and Liev, flashing yet another winning smile. She resisted the urge to cross her arms, knowing that to be defensive was indicative of having something to hide.
“My partner is right,” he said in a tone that was probably meant to be soothing. “Its a lot to take on.”
“I’m good,” she asserted, sensing that he might be trying to split her and Kandomere, pry them apart and conquer them separately.
Liev made a sound of disbelief, “As I mentioned earlier, your file is light. I can’t even find out where you went to school.”
“New Mexico,” Rose said without thinking, and she immediately wondered if she should have said anything at all.
“Really? Which district?”
“Is my fiancee under investigation?” Kandomere asked, his voice like steel.
Agent Liev shook his head, “No, not at all. Its a formality, as we said. Elves and humans don’t typically marry, and there were some items that weren’t filed with the request.”
“Such as?”
“A blood test,” Liev answered, “To prove the...nature of the license.”
Nature of the license?
Rose had given up all pretense of congeniality, knew her face was twisted into a glare. She didn’t care. Part of her wanted to cast a glamour, learn the thing that would hurt him most, and make him believe it had happened.
Be more like Ivy.
She drew in a breath and waited for Kandomere to lead. He had taken a step or two towards the agents, fit himself between them and her, his body nearly blocking the sight of them.
“There is no requirement for a blood test to confirm she’s my vessel.”
Liev dipped his head, “No, but there is also no blood test to confirm she’s not a bright. I did a little research, your family has a test for every license going back six generations. Why not this one?”
Rose’s heart thumped hard. She could feel it beating against her rib cage, could hear it in the blood rushing in her ears. Her body was too warm, sweat beading at the back of her neck.
Kandomere was much more stalwart, “We’ll be happy to perform the blood test in the county clerk’s office at our earliest convenience.”
“Excellent,” Liev said, delighted, “That’s all we needed.”
Kandomere gave a sharp ‘mmhmm’, then said, “Let me see you out, then.”
Rose watched them go, watched Agent Barnes give her a sympathetic look on the way out. She wondered what that look meant. Looking down at herself, she questioned if she looked like someone who needed sympathy. Rose was wearing her comfiest sundress, her feet bare. Touching the back of her neck, it occurred to her that she needed a hair cut.
Kandomere closed the door firmly behind the agents, resting his hand on it for a moment. He turned and looked at her, “Drink?”
She laughed, glancing at the clock ticking on a side table. Two thirty.
“Sure. I’ll pour.”
The habit of picking out the glasses, unstopping the decanter, and pouring a little for each of them was enough to center her wrecked nerves. Kandomere was already sitting on the couch when she turned to face him. He took his glass from her, then pulled her down beside him. Tucked into the curve of his body, Rose flung a leg over his knee, holding her drink close to her chest.
“What are we going to do?”
That was the question that needed answering, the thing that would determine the course of their immediate future. Rose didn’t know what kind of answer she expected, if she expected an answer at all.
“We’ll do the blood test. Its the only thing that will keep them from asking more questions.”
Rose released a slow breath, “You know what the results will be.”
His brows lifted, a kind of mischief in his expression, “Do I?”
“Of course you do,” she asserted, “I can’t change my blood.”
Touching her cheek lightly, he said in a low voice, “You won’t have to.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means,” he replied, his mouth spreading into a smile, “I anticipated that this would draw attention, and I made a few inquiries.”
She blinked at him, “What kind of inquiries?”
Kandomere sipped from his glass, “The kind to pre-empt this very test.”
Rose was now staring at him, unblinking, “...How?”
“We’re going to pull the magic from your blood, and then submit it for the test.”
“That’s insane,” she blurted, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Ticking his head to the side, Kandomere acknowledged her point, “Its entirely doable.”
Rose’s mind flashed with the image of a mad scientist laughing manically over a series of Erlenmeyer flasks bubbling frantically over Bunsen burners, “How?”
“My family has a doctor on payroll,” he explained, as if it were common knowledge, “He’s managed to work it out.”
“You’re sure?”
To say that Rose had doubts would be an understatement. She was a believer in science, knew that anything was theoretically possible. But, Rose was also a believer in politics. The entire structure of the world depended on identifying and rooting out magic wherever is could be found. All the money in the world wasn’t going to easily subdue the well oiled machine of society.
“I’m sure,” Kandomere pronounced with so much confidence that she almost believed him.
When she thought about it in any detail, Rose could feel her anxiety unfurl in her chest, the pressure physically painful.
“Its fraud,” she muttered, “And, like, six felonies.”
To call her a hypocrite would be the truth. She’d already managed to avoid the registry once before, so many years ago. But this...this was deliberate. If they were caught, there could be no denying what they were trying to do. They would both go to prison for it.
Rose threw back what was left in her glass, then set it firmly down on the coffee table, “No. No, we can’t do that.”
Kandomere looked surprised, “Why not?”
“Because,” she groaned, pushing her fingers through her hair, “Its too risky. We’ll get caught, and then…”
Rose left the sentence hanging, eyes pleading with him to understand and agree with her. This had gone too far and it was time to give it up before they had to face serious consequences for their actions.
“We won’t get caught,” he assured her, his arms pulling her close, “I promise.”
She felt tears well up as she shook her head again, “You can’t promise me that. You can’t control the government, Kandomere.”
“I can,” he said, and she rolled her eyes at his smug smile, “We’ve done it before.”
Her eyes narrowed at him, “What?”
Kandomere lifted a shoulder, sipping casually, “Your family wasn’t the only one who wanted to keep their magical status a secret.”
“I—why would you need to?”
“Elf or not, some positions, some areas are off limits to all brights.”
Rose thought about all the years she had spent on the farm. Despite loving it, despite loving taking care of the land, she’d intentionally avoided doing a lot of the things that would be expected in her twenties and early thirties. She’d hidden the most special thing about her out of fear that she would one day be caught and incarcerated for the rest of her life.
And, he was talking about it as if it were nothing, as if she could just erase that part of her so that she could have a better life.
“You just,” she began, disbelieving, “Do whatever you want? Lie to whoever you want? For what? Political gain? Money?”
The questions came out rapid-fire and angry. She pulled back from him, frowning deeply, as she waited for his answer.
Kandomere appeared to take her accusations in stride, “We use what’s available to us to keep private the things we don’t want others to know.”
What a load of horse shit.
“Do you understand how many people don’t have that luxury? I certainly didn’t.”
He sighed, “I can’t change what is, Rose.”
“No, you only change what suits your purposes,” she sneered, “I bet the Houses are the ones who started the registry, too.”
The way he flinched told her that she was right. He might try to cover it by leaning over and discarding his glass, but Rose could clearly see it for what it was. A flinch.
“Fuck,” Rose breathe, “I can’t do this. I’m not going to do this. I have to draw a line somewhere, and this is it.”
Kandomere went very still, “What does that mean?”
“It means,” Rose enunciated through her teeth, “That I’m not taking that test. And if that means that we don’t—that we aren’t...then, that’s what that means.”
She might not have said it very eloquently, but Rose thought she got her point across. This was too much for her, and she was backing out. There were some things she just couldn’t set aside—her safety, the safety of her family being one of them.
Kandomere grasped her chin, lowering his head so that the intensity of his stare could not be missed, “No.”
“No?” she echoed in question, “What does that mean?”
“It means,” he said as his other hand came up to frame her face, “No. You’re scared. That’s understandable. But, you’re not going to run away.”
“That’s not what I’m doing.”
“That is exactly what you are doing,” he countered, his hands tightening as he emphasized his point. “And I will not allow it.”
Rose tried to jerk her chin away, but he held her firm. Her lips peeled back from her teeth, “You don’t get to make that decision.”
“Don’t I?” he replied in a tone too light for the situation, “I should, at least, get a say in the matter. My life depends on you, Rose.”
She’d forgotten about that. Rose didn’t know how she’d forgotten, but she had. Quickly, she tried to work out some kind of compromise that would help them both deal with the situation. Nothing immediately came to mind.
Rose was distracted by the way Kandomere leaned into her space until she could feel nothing but the weight of him, the heat of his body. He pressed her back into the cushions, nuzzling against her cheek all the way down. The smell of clove filled her senses, his weight warm and welcome. Against her will, Rose felt herself begin to relax.
“That’s it,” he murmured, “I’ve got you.”
His hands caught her wrists, guiding them up above her head. She let him, too mesmerized by the way his eyes were reflecting in the afternoon light. The silver seemed to swirl around his dilated pupils, enchanting her. Gathering both wrists in one hand, Kandomere traced a path down her arm, over her clavicle and up beneath her chin where he held her still so that he could kiss her softly.
“Let me take care of this, Rose,” he urged, voice low and rough, “Let me take care of you.”
She licked her lips, her throat dry as she tried to speak, “Its too much.”
He shook his head, hair falling over his shoulders, the soft strands brushing against her decolletage, “Not at all.”
Rotating her wrists, Rose closed her eyes against his earnest expression, body twisting beneath him, “I can’t. I can’t let you just…”
Kandomere’s hand tightened, blocking any hope of getting free. He dropped more of his weight onto her, preventing even the tiniest movement. Rose stilled, looked up at him with doe eyes, knowing she was caught. He held her securely, inescapably, in his power. She should have been angry, possibly even frightened. She wasn’t. To her shame, Rose could feel a slow wave of arousal peeking through the amalgam of emotions that were rolling around in her consciousness.
He wasn’t saying anything, wasn’t moving. His breath was slow, even. She could feel his heartbeat. Slow. Steady. Kandomere was in complete control of them both and that knowledge was… exciting. Rose was tempted to yank at her wrists again, just to see what would happen. Something in the intensity of his gaze stopped her.
“Don’t move,” he ordered quietly.
Rose’s mouth parted, her breath stilling as she nodded slowly, just once. Kandomere’s eyes ran over her face, gauging her obedience. Then, one by one, his fingers uncurled from around her wrists, palm sliding down her arm, her side, and to her hip. Levering up a bit, he shifted his weight backwards so that he could drop to his knees beside the couch.
She lifted her head to look at him, stopped mid-motion when he made a sharp sound, two fingers of the hand on her hip lifting. Smiling, she dropped her head, her chin turned down so that she could get as good a look as she was going to get.
He pushed up the skirt of her dress, bunching it around her hips. Hands gliding over her thighs, he eased her legs open further so that he could settle his wide shoulders between them. Taking his time, Kandomere massaged the tops of her thighs, sliding his thumbs into the crease on either side of her underwear. He placed pressure there, rubbing the fabric against her folds.
Rose tried not to squirm, biting her lip as she worked to obey, to follow through on what he wanted from her. It was almost impossible with the way he was giving her just the barest bit of stimulation, winding her up so fucking slowly.
And then he rocked forward and gave her a hot, hard lick. Rose could feel the muscle of his tongue through the cloth. Her hips jerked upwards uncontrollably when he sucked forcefully around her clit. She cried out and grabbed at his shoulder in an effort to keep some semblance of balance.
Pulling away, he looked at her pointedly, “I said, don’t move. Am I going to need to tie you down?”
Rose’s jaw dropped open. She tried and failed to find words. Instead, she laid back and put her hands where he’d put them. Kandomere watched her avidly, and she could see the pride in his expression as she moved back into place.
He started over, fingers running over her clothed body, tugging at her underwear, until her hips ached with trying to hold them still. Thumb slipping beneath, Kandomere caressed her slit, gathering her wetness and smearing it across her skin. Rose couldn’t hold in the whimper of need.
Tugging off her underwear, Kandomere took a moment to look at her, hands holding her open and vulnerable. Rose turned her eyes to the ceiling, working to overcome the feeling of behind so exposed.
He seemed to sense it, his hands soothing on her hips, “You’re doing so well.”
The praise left her feeling too warm, but pleased.
“Should I keep going?”
The word was out of her mouth, before she could take another breath. It reverberated off the thick air around her, bouncing back to her own ears. The sound of it was whining, needy.
“Good girl,” he said, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
His mouth laid against her skin, just below her hip, the only warning she got before he was kissing her far more intimately. Rose sucked in a breath. Her head tilted back, her body arching off the couch as the sensations built upon one another, rippling outward from her core. His tongue swirled, dipping inside with a groan.
Rose’s hands grabbed at whatever she could reach, anchoring herself against the pull of pleasure, the outcome of which seemed inevitable. The familiar stretch of his fingers followed, assuaging the emptiness inside. For once, he didn’t seem inclined to tease. Lips circling her clit, he sucked at it, tongue rolling across the sensitive nerves with almost too much pressure.
She couldn’t help the way her hips rocked into his mouth. He encouraged the movement, using it to figure out what she liked best. And, he was learning fast. Rose could feel everything in her body drawing up, could taste the crest of her release as it neared. Her moans were harsh, rasping even to her own ears.
Her body bowed upwards with a high pitched cry so loud that she almost didn’t hear the way he moaned into her. Kandomere lapped at her, sucking loudly at her folds as she calmed, sending little aftershocks of sensation all along her body. He rose, fingers lingering on her body, both soothing and stoking the fire he’d built.
Balancing over her, Kandomere dropped a quick kiss to her lips, “Good?”
She nodded.
“I’m proud of how well you stayed still,” he murmured, his eyes falling to where her body was still spasming against his hand.
“And,” he continued, “We’re going to talk more about the test, hmm?”
Rose looked up at him, at the vulnerability in his gaze. She wanted very much to refuse, to stamp her feet and be stubborn about it. It appeared that she wasn’t quite capable of mustering up the energy, “We can talk about it.”
Kandomere clocked the hesitance, “I promise that I will walk with you every step of the way.”
She licked her lips, saying, “They’re going to see right through me.”
He shook his head, “They won’t. I’ll make sure they won’t.”
“Trust me,” he urged, pulling her slowly to sitting, “I will make sure everything is in place. You won’t have to do a thing.”
“Except give my blood,” she muttered, the pleasure of the last few minutes fading fast.
Kandomere wrapped an arm around her waist, helping her to lean into him, “It won’t be yours. Not really.”
She looked up at him, “I still don’t understand how you’re going to do that.”
He smirked at her, “Magic.”
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iamapuffhuffle · 3 years
Lists of characters that are just yum!
List of characters who I would like to write about in the future ~ maybe. Plus this is a list of who I love <3
-I didn’t add anime/cartoon characters cuz that’s going to be a different post. This list is long anyways.
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Yautja (Predator) (yeah an alien)
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Just looks at that beast (clearly doms XD) They are just really cool~~!!!!
~Hated The Predator(2018) I did like the Fugitive predator though, he was dope, but the upgraded predator was not needed. He does not look yum yum XD
Black Noir (The boys) 
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Not doing the comic book one...fucking never... only tv show one. Tv show one is uwu! Look at his pose! Damn bee!
Quote~ He doesn’t say anything but he uses his body language and sometimes it comes off adorable.
Nathan Mitchell does a great job even without speaking <3
Mando (The Mandalorian) 
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aka Din Djarin Just wow! ;) Great father to Grogu! Just ahh! Love him!
Quote~ “You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little womp rat? “ ~UWU
 I just have a thing for masked figures I guess XD
Halfdan (Vikings)
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Love Jasper man! Love Halfdan man...He just ahhhhh a yes for me
Quotes~  “Maybe she loves him. And, if she loves him, then he is somebody.” ~When he said this, it was so adorable idk, just pulled my heartstrings. 
“It may have escaped your attention but I am not married myself. You know why? I don’t understand women any more than you do.” ~Just made me adore Halfdan even more.  
Rollo (Vikings)
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Great bod~~~~ Like really great bod XD Handsome man...very handsome man lol
-I didn’t like Rollo in earlier seasons, love his relationship with Gisla though.
Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders)
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Fellow dog lover, damn and damn, his rough voice just hits me a way. Tom Hardy is just so good in this role!!!!!!!!
Quote~ "I once carried out my own personal form of stigmata on an Italian. I pushed his face up against a trench and shoved a six-inch nail up his fucking nose and I hammered it home with a duckboard. It was fucking biblical, mate." ~Every line that comes out of Alfie’s mouth is freaking great. He takes every scene he is in!!!
Finan (The Last Kingdom)
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Just look at him! Finan in this sleeveless shirt! Also, I just feel like his hair is really soft. Also his accent ! I’m in love with Irish accents! Finan is a quick to the witts characters, Which makes him a lot more likely and more adorable.
Quote~  "Hey big man. We're guilty of being hungry and tired, my friend. That is all."
Kandomere (Bright)
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Yes sir~~~~!!!!! I hoping for a second movie and see more of Kandomere cuz he wasn’t in the movie enough. Really only watched the movie for him shhhhh~
~I want to know about the universe that they are living in, it’s really interesting, and they talked about it slightly in the movie. 
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
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I don’t like the smell of smoke so... but he’s still hot. 
Hopefully next season we learn what happened with Max and Billy, but mostly he was a d-bag because of his father, that’s why usually probably stem from, ANYWAYS ----- he has some great hair just like Steve. 
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) 
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I’m a nerd and he’s a nerd... Reid is just a tall adorable nerd and I love him!
~He has some ups and downs like any other person, which I like about his characters. He is insanely smart. He’s also socially awkward. Which I relate a lot. Love when he switches up his hair styles they are always so adorable. 
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----------Okie dokie.....I’m done with this. I have more list ideas which I’m gonna post when I get some writers block when writing fics. 
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