#do you think they don’t call to her like a jet ski calls to don!
sylvies-kablooie · 6 months
what if sylvie used the endless timelines to smuggle treasures
she is, after all, the goddess of mischief!
something that stuck out to me in s1 was how she would place objects from one time period into another where it Shouldn’t Be, and use this to lure in the minutemen. but imagine if she uses this for cash instead of violence.
she jumps back to Ancient Rome, where she had hidden before in the dust of Pompeii- but in this timeline, now free to infinitely branch, they don’t get devoured by Vesuvius. so she takes in the sights and picks up a coin or two dropped onto the ground in the marketplace before making her exit. she could be subtle. she’s smart. or she could go straight for finding the long lost faberge eggs for the thrill of it all.
fast forward to the 1980’s. how did this weird woman working at the local mcdonalds get these very real looking coins slash jewels from centuries or millennia ago? she smiles and says it came down through family, cooks up a backstory about a beloved uncle who was a collector. she doesn’t smile while they haggle on prices. she leaves with enough cash for a lot more records and movies and feeling deeply accomplished.
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kiteblue42 · 7 months
Part 4 of - what the heck is going on with Mobius anyway?
S2e5 - the one with where they get the band back together
Disclaimer- I’m a single parent and found it hard to be objective watching this one. For me this episode was a very perfect reflection of how hard, lonely it can be to bring up children by yourself and how you willingly give up so much of yourself for them. They did this very well - I hope they don’t screw this up in the final episode.
A good life, but not a happy one
Mobius timeline life is good but not super happy. He comes across as struggling and lonely. Mobius works 6 days a week, he tries to sell Loki one of his jet skis that he no longer can use, he’s constantly being interrupted at work by his kids, the house is chaos and he had to leave the boys to fend for themselves selves while he was at work (therefore he has no friends or family to watch them or money to pay for childcare). This is a person struggling to keep it together, but he does manage to do so for his boys and he manages to stay kind and positive towards them. The boys are the top of his list of priorities “I can’t leave my boys”/ “I need to check on the kids” “I got to get back to my boys” “I’ll know”. This all speaks of someone who has given up his own wants for the kids and feels guilty about doing anything for himself.
Given the slightly flippant tone of “long gone” when discussing his wife I think it likely she left rather than died (or blipped) - as that’s not how a grieving widower is likely to speak (especially if he might be overheard by the boys).
The whisper of adventure
There are a number of signs that Mobius has a desire for adventure. His love of jet skis, the fact he immediately agreed to try out the time door, how much he loved the idea of being “Mobius.” (“Mobius is a pretty cool name”)
The idea of being your better self
It wasn’t just adventure for fun that’s calling his name though but also the idea of being something more. Mobius reacted emotionally to the idea of himself as someone that would “save my life when I first arrived”. His delivery of “I sell Jet Skis man” showed how little he thought of himself, but also a desire to be something more.
This exchange killed me:
Loki “you saved my life when I first arrived. You saw something in me I hadn’t seen in myself”
Mobius “Are you really my friend?”
Loki “I am”.
Just the way Mobius says this tell us how much he really really wants to believe he could have a friend like this.
Loki’s view of Mobius
Once again the major topic of conversation between Sylvie and Loki is Mobius (this is becoming a theme - and if they do get Sylvie and Loki together it’s just mad and funny).
Anyway this conversation tells us that Loki believed Mobius when he said the TVA was the “only life he knew” and that he “liked it”. Of course there’s an element of this being wishful thinking on Loki’s part, but he is pretty insistent that Mobius should be given the choice. So Loki thinks (at least until Sylvie talks him out of it) that there is a good chance Mobius would chose the TVA - and himself. And as Frigga once said (Thor: dark world) Loki is “.. so perceptive about everyone but yourself”. So I don’t think we should dismiss Loki’s perception about Mobius. (He is also pretty insistent in his conversation with Mobius that “this is not the life of the man I know”. And there’s enough for viewers to see “Mobius” is more at ease with himself than “Don”.)
Sylvie undermines this and persuades Loki he is being selfish. (Side note - Sylvie puzzles me this season and in particular in this episode- if you watch closely she sees that her McDonalds meal disappears and Loki’s drink in the bar disappear too - but says nothing to Loki and does everything to stop Loki from trying to fix it - is it just denial or something more sinister?)
Last episode
So some theory based predictions for Ep 6
Themes that still need payoff:
- order & chaos
- Partners & Friends & loneliness
- Hard choices
Th end of the last episode has me thinking we may get a happy ending because it would be narratively neat to leave Loki surrounded by his new TVA family - especially after the way last episode was concluded.
It would pay off the themes positively as follows:
order & chaos - Loki (chaos) working with TVA (order) to give balance
Partners & Friends & loneliness - Loki and his misfit friends get to stay together so they don’t have to be alone
Hard choices - this one worries me but it would be possible for a number of hard choices to be made that still ends up in a good place (even if it doesn’t seem like it will at the time).
Hard choices Mobius
I think this is aimed specifically at Mobius - Loki made his hard choice in Ep 5 when he was willing to let this team go. I’m hoping they will be able to square the circle with Mobius and his family, because he’ll *not* be ok without the boys or without Loki (& the TVA).
Given this is a time travel show with magic I don’t see why they can’t find an solution to that - because the issue is about not having enough time to both look after the boys and look after yourself. I’ll be super disappointed if they make this unnecessarily miserable by making Mobius give up either his fulfilling life & friends at the TVA or his boys. Though I also won’t be surprised to see this as a plot point. If they try to sell it to me as Mobius being super happy to return to his life I’ll be doubly annoyed.
In theory the boys timeline should be long gone so this choice should not exist, but they seem to be setting up this hard choice for Mobius in particular ( so maybe the loom explosion was meant to be a full reset).
Hanging threads & wild cards
X5 /Brad /Zaniac - is still in the TVA - is he going to cause chaos as they try to fix the loom?
Renslayer - is in the void - will she tame Alioth? Is Miss Minutes really gone or does she have another instance in the citadel at the end of time?
Kang - is HWR really behind everything? Are all the events just one pre-planned trap of HWR?
Sylvie - Sylvie knew more than she has told anyone (eg she saw the disappearance of items and said nothing). She has HWR tempad. Loki treats her like she has words of wisdom so we also tend to accept she is right or benign, but her last piece of advice was completely wrong. She has been acting pretty oddly all season too - what’s up with that? (Worth remembering she is a Loki variant and they are generally not to be trusted).
My own reading of Mobius remains that he lost his heart to Loki sometime around S1e2. By S1e5 he’d accepted this, but concluded it wasn’t going anywhere - so conveniently he didn’t need to exactly work out what the feelings were. Mainly because Loki was focused on Sylvie. This episode doesn’t change that since we don’t get any TVA Mobius.
Loki on the other hand did give more away this episode - and it was the first one (for me) where it looked like his feelings could be romantic or at least headed that way. Whenever he talks about saving his friends we all know this primarily means Mobius. I mean how much interaction has he really had with the others? The discussion in the bar was particularly instructive- he wants Mobius to have the choice (this is *after* seeing him on the timeline when he knows what Mobius would be giving up) and he desperately hopes Mobius would choose to stay with him. But Sylvie persuades him otherwise.
Sylvie - there is really no sign of the romance from last season left here. Loki does still greatly admire Sylvie. I’d say Loki almost hero worships her - and especially takes what she says about free will and choice as authoritative (as if she were an expert on it). This is consistent with his romantic feelings from s1e4,5&6 which seemed to grow out of his admiration for her radical / free spirit nature. But by this episode it didn’t seem to be romantic any more - rather a mentor / mentee conversation. Loki did not declare he wanted Sylvie back or even anything close to it - and it would have been the obvious time to do that.
Sylvie has never seemed particularly romantically interested in Loki to me. She kissed him to distract him in s1e6 and no doubt thinks he’s quite hot, but that’s all I’m getting. I actually like this about her as a character (she’s just not that into you Loki sorry). I hope she is a bit more villainous than we know (a bit more basic Loki if you will) otherwise she has been a bit of a spare part this season.
I am not expecting any romance from the last episode though mainly because:
(1) I don’t think there is time to do either romance option justice with all the other plot points to be resolved (2) romance is not central to the plot of season 2 - they have pushed the friendship / found family theme hard and that will do for plotting & emotional payoff purposes, and (3) if you want to be commissioned for season 3 you don’t resolve romantic tension. We’re on Tumblr so we all know there are a significant chunk of fans of any media that follow the stories for the romance aspect - and we all know this audience is likely to be very loyal, vocal on social media and will predictably turn up to watch the next season just to see how it plays out. If they resolve a romance arc either way too early they kill a lot of interest in season 3 - people are always more interested in “will they won’t they” than an established relationship.
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carebeartherese · 7 months
My live reactions to Loki season two ep 5:
-running through the recap
-Im actually scared for this episode srsly
-oooo the almost silent intro
-he is angelic fr
-where is everyone???
-did they go back to their timelines??
-Im loving these continued camera shots
-pie room??
-oh shit
-:0 double Loki
-time slipping is just an excuse for Loki to flip his hair like the hoe he is /pos
-time loop???
-oop there’s the theme
-oh hes escapin
-where are they i wonder
-a boat prison??
-no not again dude Loki can’t handle this
-his name ain’t Frank lmfao
-oh it’s the BOAT PLACE
-dude why are we back in the tva
-:0 SHIT NEW YORK 2012
-Aw b15 is such a great doctor I love her
-living his dream
-who tf is don
-also his son??? No thank you
-this is so unserious
-Mobius is adorable
-ooo 1994
-hes so silly
-awww he just wants to sell his books
-hes a writer <333
-in his bunker???
-dude ob will believe anything that happens to him
-the sons of who??
-ob is so adorable with his little “hey”
-none of that made sense OB
-cannot control the time slipping
-oooo true
-to save his friends
-oh yea shit kang is coming aint he
-control it Loki!!!!
-you look like you’re trying to take a shit
-there is no controlling time
-stop psychoanalizing
-go to the pie room
-oh that’s actually kind of smart
-ob is adorable and I love him and his tism
-oh fuck there he goes
-he sucks at taking the trash out
-yea Kevin
-these kids are literally adorable
-don’t burn down the house pls
-these guys are so awkward
-just kiss srsly
-wife long gone????
-cause of the gay
-is he flirting??
-are jet skis flirting????
-mobius really thinks lokis crazy
-none of this makes sense
-awww the way he grabbed Mobius
-dude theyre so gay
-they need to just kiss already fr
-yea your kids will be fine mobius I swear
-hes just a suburb dad
-this is a little heartbreaking but also gay tbh
-B15!!!! Come with!!!!
-where’s sylvie?
-mobius looks shook
-and Casey trusts no one the little thief
-mobius/don is he flirting with Casey/Frank
-I love sylvie but she always gets angry and fucks shit up
-please leave her out of this one
-wait till it back
-fuck get that time slipping under control
-sylvie with her lesbian fit and her mullet
-ok but Loki loves mobius and doesn’t wanna loose him
-uncaring queen
-I mean she wants to live
-oh come on Marvel be more specific
-of course he doesn’t wanna be alone
-don’t make this romantic again pls
-his story is with mobius tho!!!
-Casey is such a weird ass hardened criminal
-mobius stop trying to sell shit to people
-Loki you are so babygirl
-I don’t understand anything anymore
-is sylvie flirting with record shop guy??????
-literally what is happening rn
-whos this guy in the back
-oh he disappeared????
-why’s shit disappearing????
-and she’s gone
-so is the timeline
-Loki is so sad and lonely
-a timeline just died for some reason
-Loki was just waiting for this opportunity
-oh shit Loki use them timeslipping powers
-oh come on dont give me that fuckin cliffhanger
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doyumacy · 3 years
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*gif not mine
PAIRING: donghyuck x reader bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of yuta, taeyong, jaemin and jeno. swearing, hospital, gunshots, handguns, stabbing, falling down the stairs, blood. character death
You didn’t even hear what Donghyuck had to say.  You burst out running from his place and you fell when you were running and landed your knees and you thought you might have bruised something. You were in pain as you struggled to stand.
You can't run fast but you counted on his knowledge of you to carry you to where you know you should go. It took you a little over one minute to get to your destination, your house. You would be safe there. With Yuta.
As soon as you got home, you felt someone grab your arm so you whirled around to punch them. Taeyong clutched his nose, cursing as he felt blood gush out of his nose. You had one hell of a punching arm if you asked him now.
"Oh my, God," you covered your mouth, startled. "I'm sorry, Taeyong. I thought you were Don-"
"(Y/N)?" Yuta called you from behind.
You turned and ran to his arms. "I'm sorry. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry, Yuta."
Yuta wrapped his arms around you. "What happened?" He whispered to your ear.
"Donghyuck," you cried as you tightened his grip, not being able to say more.
Taeyong glanced at Yuta and Taeyong frowned looking at your knees that were bleeding.
"Put her in her room and send the medic there as soon as possible," Taeyong said.
Yuta nodded and took you in his arms, carrying you to your bedroom. When he put you in your bed, you grabbed his hand and looked him into his eyes. "Don't leave me alone, please. I'm scared." You whispered.
Then Yuta knew you knew, and for a moment thought how much you knew, but seeing you like that, asking him to stay then it meant Donghyuck didn't tell you about him. And that relieved him since he could finish what Donghyuck couldn't.
"I'm here, doll," he ran his fingers through your hair, "I won't let him get any mile close to you. I promise."
You nodded and you turned on your back, sinking your head in the pillows. You were shattered. You felt betrayed and so stupid. That was his plan; making you fall in love with him and killing you as if you were nothing but a piece of trash.
The next morning, Taeyong knocked on your door and let himself in after you did not respond. He shut the door behind him and sat next to you in the bed. (Y/N)? You have to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry,” you said, with your eyes still closed.
Taeyong sighed. “What happened?”
You gulped and sat on the bed. “Donghyuck…” you closed your eyes, trying to hold your tears. “He was all of this.”
“What?” Taeyong stood up, upset. “I’m gonna kill him. Son of a bitch.”
“Taeyong,” you cried. “I need you, please.”
Taeyong lay next to you and hugged you. “I’m here and I won’t let anyone hurt you, you understand?”
You nodded, whipping your tears. “I feel so stupid. I was so easy to fool.”
“Hey, don’t do that,” Taeyong pressed his lip against your temple. “You’re a good woman and sometimes people will try to take advantge of that, but that doesn’t make you stupid.”
“I’m not defending Donghyuck, but he was just doing his job, which is disgusting and you don't know how bad I want to beat the shit out of him.”
You sighed, maybe for the fiftieth time in the morning. “Whatever. Sometimes I wish he would just finish it with this.”
“That’s something selfish to say, you know?” Taeyong looked at you.
“I know, I’m sorry,” you cried again. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I’m here and if all you wanna do is to cry in bed then I’m laying in bed with you all day.”
“And  what was your plan?” Jeno looked at Donghyuck. “How did you even think she was going to react?”
“Jeno, I really don't need this right now,” Donghyuck glanced at him and growled. “She didn't even let me explain everything.”
“What are you gonna do now? Jeno sat next to him.
“I’m sure Yuta will take advantage of this and finish it,” Donghyuck stood up walking around the living room. “I need to get her away from him. He 's dangerous.”
“Maybe you should… kidnap her?”
“Are you out of your mind? She hates me enough, I don't want her to hate me even more. She’ll despise me.”
“Right,” Jeno grimaced, “what about her friends? You should talk to them and warm them about Yuta so they can keep an eye on her.”
Donghyuck nodded. “Taeyong won’t listen to me and neither will Lena, maybe Jaemin. He seems more… flexible.”
“Then we should get going.” Jeno threw him his car keys and his black jacket.
Donghyuck and Jeno arrived to Jaemin’s restaurant and after a long battle with the host, she finally let Donghyuck talk to him. Jaemin tried to shut the door in front of him and threatened him to call the police if he didnt leave.
“Give me five minutes, that’s all i ask,” Donghyuck begged him and raised his arms. “I’m unarmed, I promise.”
Jaemin stared at him for a couple of seconds and then nodded. “Five minutes, that’s all you’re getting.”
“Thank you.”
Donghyuck didn't sit and  just stayed standing up in front of him. “You need to talk to Taeyong and tell him Yuta is dangerous. He’s planning on hurting (Y/N).”
Jaemin laughed and looked at him astonished. “You have some balls to show up here and talk shit about the man who’s been there for her, protecting her. Fuck you.”
“Jaemin, listen to me. Yuta along with her father is planning on killing her so they can keep her company. She’s a threat to them, that's why her father hired me.” Donghyuck approached him a bit. “As I got to know her, I realised she’s just… amazing. I fell for her. I could never hurt her. All this time I planned something so she could make it out alive.”
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows. “What plan?”
Donghyuck pulled out two fake passports and placed them on the table. “I was planning on leaving the country under a fake name with her for a couple of days until I could get all the proof against Yuta and her father to the police. Including me.”
Jaemin grabbed the fake passports and stared at them for a couple of seconds. He then looked up to Donghyuck. “Promise me you’re not bullshiting me.”
“I am not. I love her, Jaemin.” Donghyuck looked right into his eyes. “I will die for her if I have to.”
Jaemin squinted his eyes and then stood up. “I have a private jet that will take you anywhere you want. I’ll try to talk to her and take this,” Jaemin wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to him. “Here’s the address where I keep my jet. Be there on Saturday at midnight.”
Donghyuck nodded. “Thank you, Jaemin.”
“If I find out you’re lying about this, I swear to God I’ll destroy you, Donghyuck,” Jaemin warned him.
“I know,” Donghyuck nodded.
Later that day, Jaemin went to your house and brought you your favourite food but you weren't hungry and excused yourself early. Jaemin and Taeyong stayed in your living room and Jaemin unbuttoned his shirt. “I saw Donghyuck today.”
“And why would you do that?” Taeyong stared at him.
“He told me everything and even told me…” Jaemin made sure they were alone in the living room. “Yuta is behind along with her dad.”
“What?” Taeyong frowned. “That’s bullshit, I mean, her dad maybe but we’ve seen how Yuta behaves with her.”
“And we also saw how Donghyuck behaved with her,” Jaemin raised his eyebrows. “ Anyways, I’m gonna help him.”
“You’re gonna help Donghyuck?” Taeyong laughed. “Have you lost it?”
“Hear me out, okay?” Jaemin looked at him and Taeyong rolled his eyes.
“Good afternoon, Yuta,” your father greeted him and poured some whisky in his glass. “Have you found Lee Donghyuck? I need him dead along with my daughter.”
Yuta shook his head. “We haven't been able to track him, but I will find him. Luckily, your daughter refused to listen to him and she doesnt know we were the ones who hired him.”
“Great, that gives us more time,” your father sat down on his leather couch.
“We should not wait.” Yuta licked his lips. “I’m gonna do it tonight.”
“Rushed, but okay. The sooner the better I guess,” your father shrugged. “Call me when it’s done.”
Yuta came back to your place and for the first time, you got out of your room and ate something. You missed Donghyuck so much, his touch, his kisses, his smile, his smell… everything. But you were hurt. More than hurt.
The next day, you woke up feeling worse than other days and took a long bath. Maybe that would help you feel better, but it didn’t, so instead, you spent the whole day zapping, not really paying attention to what was watching on the tv. In the night, you went downstairs and frowned not seeing any guards in the front door or the yard. Maybe Yuta had changed his mind about the security.
You entered the kitchen and opened the fridge watching all the things you got and spotted the food that Jaemin had brought you a night before. You grabbed the food container and put it into the microwave. You sighed waiting for the food to come out and leaned against the counter.
You turned and got the food out from the microwave putting it in a plate. You decided you would watch something and zap again. You turned to go to the living room and you dropped your plate when you saw a man dressed in all black wearing a black ski mask. Your heart fell down to the floor, freezing.
That was it. That was how you died.
But a voice inside your head screamed at you to run or at least to die fighting.
“Listen,” you began in a quiet voice, trying to reason with him, “—I whatever they're paying you I can give you twice the amount, but please don't hurt me.”
The man in front of you didn't say a thing and he pulled out a gun and propped it his hand. He made a few steps getting closer to you and you were quickly enough to grab a knife. “Don’t move— don’t you fuckin’¡g move. I swear I’ll stab you, I’m not afraid to do it!” The man stopped.
You walked backwards until you were cornered in the sink and you cursed at yourself. The man made quick movements and in a matter of seconds, he had his hand around your neck, choking you. You tried to push him away with one of your hands, the other smacking wildly at his face and chest. He just got his other hand around your neck, making more pressure. At that point, you were gasping for air, you were not going to give up.
Your hand tucked into his ski mask and after pulling it a few times, you finally saw the man behind it: Yuta. You couldn't breathe and it wasn’t because of Yuta’s hands around your neck. Donghyuck was right. You should have never trusted him.
You even didn't think twice, you stabbed Yuta -or that’s what you thought, - in the chest and he released his hands growling. You pushed him aside and ran to the front door trying to open it but it was locked from the outside. You saw Yuta running to you and whined running upstairs to lock yourself in your bedroom and call the police. Unfortunately, Yuta made bigger steps and as you were about to reach the second floor, he grabbed your wrist. "Let go off of me," You tussled with him and tried to push him so he could fall down the stairs.
But Yuta was stronger and pulled you with him making you both fall down the stairs. Your foot went down for your third step it continued to fall, your eyes filling with fear as your lips parted.
It seemed like everything was going in slow motion.
Your body started to slip back as your arms went to the sides. The right hand landed on the wall but you continued to slip back, the other grabbing for the railing that wasn’t there. Your back hit the stairs and you screamed out, your eyes closing as you slid down. Your head hit the wall at the bottom of the stairs loudly, and time sped up again once Yuta fell beside you.
Every part of your body ached and your muscles weren't responding to your brain's signals to run and hide. You felt a warm liquid dripping from your forehead and you pressed your fingers on it. Blood. You were bleeding from your head. You turned your head slightly to see how Yuta stood up, groaning from the pain.
"Stupid bitch," he hissed between teeth and bent over to grab you by your hair making you stand up. "You've given me enough headaches. I'm gonna fucking kill you."
You whined from the pain when he clenched your jaw, tightening it. "Get on your knees."
"Yuta, please," you cried. "I'll give you everything, but please don't kill me."
Yuta pulled out a silencer and attached it to the handgun. He looked at you and smirked. "You already gave me what I wanted. No need to beg."
You cried again and Yuta finished loading his gun. "You won't even feel a thing. I promise, doll."
You closed your eyes and you heard a gunshot, you prepared yourself for the pain and but then opened them but you heard Yuta growl. Did he shoot himself? Yuta was bleeding from his stomach and he pressed a hand against his wound. "Fuck. He's here. Shit."
Who was there? The police?
You tried to stand up but Yuta was quick and hit you with his handgun making you fall. "Goodbye, (Y/N)." And then, you heard nothing.
“Hey, hey, don’t close your eyes, love. Look at me. Look at me, (Y/N) -”
Yuta was dead. A bullet to the heart, not even 6 feet away, and you tried to replay the events that had led up to it but you don't remember a single thing after Yuta hit you with his gun.
Then you were shot.
“Hey.” You vaguely registered Donghyuck calling for medical in the background, but all you can focus on was him. His hands were pressing down on the hole in your chest, and he kept looking between it and your face like you’ll magically disappear if he looked away for more than a few seconds.
Something in the corner of your eye moved. It was Jeno. Taeyong and Jaemin, kneeling down beside you, faces contorted with shock. They looked strange, like you’re looking at them through glass. Blurry, steadily dimming…
“Stay awake,” Donghyuck urged, hand slapping the side of your face gently. “C’mon, love, you can do it. Don’t fall asleep on me.”
“But I‘m… tired,” you slurred, whining with another twinge of pain. “Ah... my chest hurts, Hyuck, it hurts-”
“I know, love,” he’s gasping it out, he was holding back tears, you realised, and you couldn't fathom what for. “You’re doing so well, okay? Medical, where’s medical?!”
“They’re on their way,” somebody said.
“What’s taking them so long?” Somebody else exclaimed.
“I… I…” You couldn't speak. You couldn't. You were too tired, your lips almost refused to move, and it was getting harder to formulate words.“Donghyuck, I… love you… and I... forgive you okay…?”
The panic in his voice increased “Hey, no, don’t-”
But against your will, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and the world faded to black.
The journey to the hospital passed in flashes. The ambulance ride was a flurry of hushed talking between paramedics, the siren numb and shrill in the back of his mind. You were too still. Too grey-looking, too pale, and he knew the image would stick with him.
He walked with you as far as he could. Donghyuck had one bloodied hand on the side of your stretcher until one of the doctors who’d gathered around you kindly told him that he couldn't be past this point because you were going to have surgery. You were going into surgery because you got shot in the chest and your blood was all over his hands and he was still got his bulletproof vest on and
“Donghyuck, you need to clean yourself up.”
The rest of the guys arrived maybe10 minutes after he did. Donghyuck registered them walking towards him, registered the way they stopped and stared. He guesses he made an image, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head bowed, blood up to his forearms. He told them what the doctor had said, word for word, but that wasn’t much — and then he didn’t say much afterwards, either. Just sat and stared at the ground, mind moving too fast for him to keep up with.
The third hour in, though, Jeno leaned over, a firm hand on Donghyuck’s shoulder. “C’mon. We’ve got you clean clothes. Go and change.”
Donghyuck wanted to say no, but he and his clothes were a mess and that was the last thing you needed to see. In case you'd wake up.
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sohoharlem · 3 years
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[I included the blinds in this one if you want to post this one instead.]

I’d just like to add as a side note that before this, in early 2020, Sebastian had become more active again for the first time since around 2018, after drama went down with his ex. It had appeared that he was making a turn around for the fandom and becoming himself again, or at least attempting to.

Late March - June of 2020 

TFATWS stops filming. Sebastian starts looking rough through quarantine. 

March 25th he does a podcast with Don Saladino where he critiques people who travel during the pandemic, calling them dumb fucks and that it pisses him off.

April 29th Seb does solo pap walk with latex gloves.

May 3rd Seb does solo pap walk with mask and latex gloves, he even waterfalls his water bottle.

May 13 he posts a picture of NYC saying “Happy Days will come again” and puts a praying emoji.

May 15th he posts beautiful pictures he took of his city NYC during the pandemic and tags it “I love New York. We’ll be back.” (talking about pandemic being over.)

He appears in his friend’s Aaron’s video wearing a mask and looking at people without a mask and looking disappointed in them for not wearing one.
He does a few other interviews, including one with Variety, where he talks passionately about thanking healthcare workers and how he claps everyday at 7PM out his window to thank them.
It is evident he takes the quarantine and COVID very seriously.

Mid-Late May

He starts looking rough and it becomes evident to his fans that the quarantine is not doing him well. 

After his May 15th posts he stops posting.

May 22nd 2020 Sebastian Stan is signed with CAA.

*where things get weird*

Fans start wondering if he is doing okay and begin to grow concerned, especially after his most recent story showing him singing that he can’t wait for this year to end.
He is MIA during the George Floyd and BLM movement and fans begin leaving comments on his instagram interrogating him for not speaking about BLM and for his silence.

Fans begin leaving comments such as “Silence is an answer” on his Instagram and talk about his past start to arise on Twitter. (About his ex who used the N-word, and his assistant that he fired because she was Islamophobic. 

Other fans are still worried for his sudden silence during a time where most celebrities are being extremely vocal about BLM. 
While they are upset, they are still concerned.
On the news, his neighborhood is one of the areas in NYC shown on TV for being looted and attacked by vandalism. 
He is still silent.

May 31st he posts a NYTOpinion video about race, hash tagging it #justiceforGeorgeFloyd .

In the screen record for his video the names of his assistants come up on his phone. 
Sebastian does not say anything else for about three weeks when he then posts another charity on June 12th, one supporting Anthony Mackie.

JUNE 2020 

June 15th he posts another charity: one for conscious kid and one for Rayshard Brooks. He uses tag #blacklivesmatter .

Sebastian goes silent again. We don’t hear from him all month and fans grow even more worried now. 

He is silent for the rest of the month.


July 2nd/3rd He is seen on his friend’s Luke’s instagram in IBIZA for his manager’s birthday. Camera pans to Seb briefly and he looks unamused, almost trying to hide his face.

Fandom is in hysteria, and mostly confusion, because him being across the ocean during the pandemic went against everything he spoke about. 

Fandom is very upset with him. Especially since he is unmasked.

July 2nd/3rd, paparazzi pictures are released of him on a yacht laughing and kissing AO. Fandom is a mixture of confused, upset, but also happy for him because he looks like he is having a good time.

Fans on twitter start to aim ‘cancel culture’ and Sebastian Stan is Over trends for a few hours.

Paul H makes tweet defending his friend.

After July 4th and that week, fans uncover AO’s cultural ap. photos.
Some fans began interrogating her on her instagram. During this time we hear nothing directly from Seb.

He is silent on IG. 

July 3rd She posts Jet-ski picture without tagging him. 

Sometime this week they go to a very crowded strip/dance club of some sort. A friend records them and AO is seen sitting next to Seb and dancing against him.

July 7th AO does photoshoot in Madrid. New pap photo. Seb looks strikingly unhappy compared to pictures from July 3rd on the Yacht.

July 7th 2020 blind item, blind Item #11: “He might live in the US full time and be a naturalized US citizen, but this alliterate foreign born A list most movie actor used the passport he has from his birth country to take a vacation in Europe.”

Mid July to late July

Jul 8th - 12th silence. We assume they are still in Spain together, but we are not sure. We know she is.

July 12th, Ale posts first picture that we catch for being a throwback. It’s her on a beach, but we find out it’s old. We still don’t know where Seb is confirmed to be.

Silence again until the 14th when both Seb and Ale are called out for blocking fans on instagram that are attacking them. 

July 27th, Ale posts picture of the Netflix show she was on.


Nothing until August 11 when she tags her friend in a post saying she misses her. 

August 13th Seb posts his mother on his Birthday and also a The Devil All The Time clip.


August 14th she posts from Bermuda.

We soon make the connection that she uses this as loophole to get into the United States during Corona Virus. 

She posts several stories from there, including a boomerang of her throwing a towel at the camera. 

August 16th Seb posts another charity event that he did in Spain for a children’s hospital and school. 
His teams says it was planned many months in advance after fans question his reckless action.

We still don’t know where Seb is. 
There are no pap pictures during this time.
August 20th she posts Bermuda again.

August 21st their 3rd pap walk in the United States in NYC. Both masked and holding hands.

August 23rd he posts another Charity.

August 25th AO posts Bermuda again. Assumed throwback. 

August 25th another Pap walk outside his front door. Fans are shocked since he is so private. They both look very off guard even though it’s labeled Backgrid, meaning paps were called. This could’ve been taken the 24th but I don’t have access to byline to confirm.

It is assumed by many fans that around this time is when they see private information about his loft being rented. let me know if you would like me to leave this part out, but I feel it might be important.

August 27th he posts a Bucky throwback.

I don’t remember the exact date, but sometime between August 28th and 31st, Seb is supposedly spotted by a random fan at LAX.

August 31st AO post’s a video from Jersey City, NJ.

At this point in time we are aware that The Falcon and Winter Soldier will resume filming in Atlanta in mid September. Article states that crew and cast are to mandatory quarantine prior.

We don’t know where they both are at this point.


September 4th, AO posts another picture from the Netflix show she was on.

September 11th Seb posts a 9/11 picture that he took of the city and labels it “Thinking of NYC today”
September 11th, Ale posts a photoshoot picture of herself.

September 12th, Margarita unfollows Seb.

I don’t remember exactly when, but at a certain point, Ale starts posting videos and pictures of herself in what appears to be maybe Atlanta. Before this, she posts a picture of Sushi. 
She baits with picture of a script and also a book that she could possibly audition for.

September 14th Seb posts another Bucky picture.

September 15th, Seb posts another charity.
TFATWS commences shooting around this time.

September 15th 2020, Blind Item #11: “This studio really wanted to film their new streaming show for their own stream. They want nothing to shut it down so are covering up positive COVID tests of the cast and crew. Not Netflix. Not amazon. Revealed: Falcon and The Winter Soldier”

AO continues to bait fans with pictures and videos of food and a TV watching movies.

September 18th AO posts a hiking picture that fans quickly find out is a (very very plausible) throwback from Costa Rica.

September 19th Seb posts a very strange video of himself watching gossip girl in an apartment that fans see looks very different from where Ale was “baiting”. 
Some fans claim maybe he’s just in a different room. In the video he is drinking wine and even pans the camera to his ex girlfriend on tv and then back to himself when he swallows huge gulps of wine.

September 22nd he posts a VOTE picture with Mackie. Another “Link in my Bio”. 5th one in the last few months?

September 25th she posts from what we later find out is an Inn in Atlanta where they stayed before going to Prague.

September 30th 2020, Blind Item #9: “This foreign born alliterate A/A- list mostly movie actor has brought a new escort stripper on set everyday he has been shooting. Revealed: Sebastian Stan.“

*this is when Seb’s health starts to worry us

October 5th she posts a picture of Seb and her jumping in front of a bonfire at the Inn. Seb’s face is blurred out and she does not tag him.

October 6th, Seb posts video promoting his move 355. 

October 8th Seb posts the Charity water video from Atlanta.
A little after this time, AO’s location changes over to Spain. 
We are unaware of how long she is there for.

Her baiting stops for a bit.
October 14th 2020, Blind Item #7: ”This alliterate foreign born A list mostly movie actor brought in an Easter European porn star to have sex with he saw online. The whole fake girlfriend thing is not believed by anyone, so just give up.“

October 16th and 18th AO posts old photoshoot photos and tags her team
** Fans grow concern as AO continues to post work related content and we hear nothing about Seb.

** Seb is rumored to be in Prague, but no sighting or baiting is every mentioned. It is not confirmed they ever interacted while in Prague. 

** AO’s location finally changes to Prague and she posts pictures with someone that shocks fans - her manager. 

** AO posts fake pictures of what looks like a play she might audition for and we realize is just printed out photos. Videos of her holding fake play is recorded in a hotel lobby with her manager.

** A foreign online article that follows shooting in Prague follows AO and mentions her in their story as Seb’s GF.

October 21st,  AO posts picture of Prague with her mother
** Seb is still MIA and fans are still confused as to where he is and why he is suddenly so quiet.

** Rumors of that there might be covering something happening behind the scenes start to come out. Fans are worried it might be his health or something worst.

I think after this her Location changed back to Spain. 

October 24th AO posts old photoshoot photo.

October 26th 2020, Blind item #2: ”Not to be outdone by his alliterate foreign born co-star, this A/A- list actor has several women each day visit him on set. That was the same reason why he got divorced a few years back. Revealed: Anthony Mackie/Sebastian Stan“

October 27th we finally hear from Seb and it’s a picture from a bridge in Prague.


Ale posts that she’s jet lagged on her story with her Macbook Pro. Bait.

Silence. (I think. Someone fill me in if I missed something here.)
October 30th, Seb posts a video of an alien documentary. We later find out this is from a hotel in Mexico. Tulum.

October 31st Seb posts fans Halloween costumes of Bucky.


November 1st, Deuxmoi posts that he was spotted in Tulum reading a script. 

AO posts video from similar hotel room where his Alien video was. Bait.

November 7th a very suspicious influencer (who we later find out works for PR) takes a video of Seb and Ale walking on the beach in Mexico. Seb is walking about 30 feet way from her and she looks awkward following behind. Another video where she appears topless and he almost looks like he’s looking directly at the influencer’s camera.
We hear of (another?) influence who is recording them. She takes pictures of them laying in a bungalow. There is a video she records of them kissing but video is never seen by the public.

November 7th Seb posts his congrats to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. 
AO does the same on a story.
November 9th 2020, Blind Item #7: ”The foreign born alliterate A list actor who likes to often cheat on his sketchy girlfriend is being called out for yet again traveling to a foreign country for a vacation. Third or fourth one in the past few months. Besides realizing he was busted on video for not following the same rules he advocates, he is also vacationing in countries from which his girlfriend is allowed to get back into the US.“

November 9th we get the pap pics of them in Mexico and they appear very planned. Seb also appears skinny. Seb is talking on the phone, strips just his shirt as AO waits for him in water. They kiss briefly in awkward embraces, only once on lips, she gets hit by wave and he leaves her in water.

*** Around here is when Seb starts posting throwbacks and he starts looking sick 

November 12th, Seb posts a throwback to when he was on set on Endings Beginings.

November 15th he posts a throwback video for Charity on set of TFATWS with Anthony.
He makes a post for another Charity (same is bulletin prior) and he looks sick and tired. His hair is also very thin but some fans say it’s just sea water. Others are still worried about his health and think something is wrong. His left eyelid is a little swollen.


Around this time is when AO starts posting the same sushi from around September. (possibly same.)
We make conclusion she is in LA when she then posts story with LA in background. 

November 18th she posts pictures in LA.

November 19th Seb posts a Bucky picture.

December 6th 2020, Blind Item #5: ”This foreign born alliterate A- list superhero did a video supporting a charity, Great. The thing is though, he used the opportunity to call out everyone who has called him out and said that he is great because he is taking the time to make a charity video. Probably not the video the charity had in mind. Revealed: Sebastian Stan.“

We assume he is in LA with AO. 
Rumors of them moving in together start to come up as she later continues to post pictures of a Christmas tree in a house.
Seb’s friends are in LA for thanksgiving. This is when drama with Toby happens and he changes his picture of where he posted Seb to say “throwback.”

AO continues to prove she is in LA. Bait.

November 30th/31st AO posts a picture tagging Chanel. *sorry I had to laugh at this one*
He does another charity which he forgets to promote this time on his IG. 

December 7th AO posts a shadow picture in LA tagging Seb. He does not approve this original photo into his tags.

December 7th Seb posts a quarantine video from his NYC apartment “Thank you for the love, thank you for the hate. Be safe.”

After fans start to speculate that he is in NYC again, on December 8th, Seb posts a Christmas tree and says “First tree in 20 years…” it’s a selfie and second picture is same tree Ale posted but cropped to find entire IG post. Background is blurred out.
AO continues to show LA house. Bait.

December 10th new pap walk admits rumors of TFATWS trailer dropping soon.

Seb is holding keys for car place that rents cars for PR purposes and there is a lot of distance between him and AO.

December 10th, Seb posts TFATWS trailer that drops and the poster later that night.
AO continues to post things about herself.

Seb continues to allow memes making fun of her and their rs to come through his tag.

She posts a video of a dog.

December 13th Seb posts a video of himself and a cat, but house looks different than LA house. He also looks very different from that pap walk, with a full beard. It is speculated his video is old but unconfirmed. 

AO posts TIFF movies and Seb does the same.

December 16th, Lily James and Seb project is announced. 

December 16th AO posts LA picture.

December 17th AO posts picture in grains yard of LA house.

December 18th AO posts another script in English and Italian.

December 18th Seb posts Charity post.
this is up to today’s date. 
If I missed anything let me know.
Mod: I haven't had the chance to read through it all, but it looks fine, doesn’t look like opinions but more fact type of thing so I'll keep it up. Thanks for taking time do that, this is crazy lol
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iscribble · 4 years
by aim, not arrows
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x fem!reader synopsis: you start to think that maybe the King and Queen traded their wisdom with majesty when you pick up a life lesson from your archery instructor instead of them, your own parents. genre(s): royalty!au, archery instructor!soonyoung, more milieu-of-poverty themed in this one word count: 2,108 part: 1 | 2
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He was indelible, like a permanent ink jotted down on paper, impossible to erase. The image of his beauteous visage left traces all over your shambolic thoughts, not wanting to be put out like fire resisting rain. His scent resembled the morning after a thunderous night, crisp air that wafted down the pasture, leaving you breathing for more.
But he was not yours, no. He was not yours to think of, not yours to touch, not yours to feel. He shouldn’t be confined to the depths of your mind, and certainly not to you.
“Your Highness,” a small voice called out, “your archery instructor is waiting.”
You found yourself smiling. Smiling at the thought of his sterling eyes piercing right through yours, his tender hands guiding you so meekly, like not wanting to bruise any part of you. You found yourself excited to pick up with where you left off the previous week, curious of versions of him he might fortuitously disclose, of how a nonpareil archer like him does what he does, and how it is even possible to feel all sorts of sensations from only having met him once. You found yourself asking, what is his secret?
“I’m ready.” You disregarded the knots that assembled in your stomach.
The atmosphere that led up to your meeting was electrifying, which had your system teeming with the jitters. 
Soonyoung was getting the equipments ready when you slipped in a civil greeting.
“Princess,” he spoke, “lovely to meet you again.”
Soonyoung was dressed more unpretentiously today, donning only a simple navy tracksuit. This time, his locks were well hidden beneath his cap. As much as you ached for the sight of his black locks dangling just above his eyelids, his new flair still jetted butterflies inside you.
“I’ve been practicing,” you avowed proudly, although not wanting to come off as vain, “on my own.”
Soonyoung lifted an eyebrow, impressed. “You wanna show me, princess?”
You took the bow from him, perfected your posture and released the arrow. You missed the center by a few inches but the manoeuvre seemed fulfilling enough to Soonyoung. “Princess, I think you’re qualified to advance.”
“There is more to this?” You let out a groan, “For a second I thought I mastered it all.”
Your utterance gained a sweet chuckle from Soonyoung. “You are good, though, princess.”
It was bound to happen. How your eyes would always chance upon the nigh invisible trails of sweat that sank to his chin. The way his hand would sporadically travel up to fix his cap. How his Adam’s apple bobbed to the the erratic rhythm of the wind. It was bound to happen that you were going to fall in love with Soonyoung. Not now, not yet, but you knew.
“Come walk with me? I'll show you the palace.” You thought the words had coiled in your head, but remnants of the spittle you felt in the tip of your tongue convinced you differently. Your words were brutally honest, and worst, you were out of control.
“Are you offering to take me for a walk, princess?”
“Yes,” you caressed your nape in disquietude, “I just did.”
“What about our archery lesson?”
“It can wait,” you nudged the bow he was holding, “besides, you told me I was good enough already.”
Soonyoung's dicey pause was trouble to you, but it did bring you to suss how profoundly reckless you were. With the palace void of the king and queen for the time being, you couldn't help but be enthralled by the thought of taking Soonyoung with you about the palace.
“I suppose it won't hurt.” He flashed a toothy grin.
Your nerves tingled with vim and vigour as your lips slowly stretched out into a smile. You were ecstatic. “Follow me.”
Nature seemed to succour you, for every time your head turned in random angles, the willows always seemed to stand tall in its milieu of catkins, the sphere looked a tad bluer than it was yesterday, and the scintillating rays irradiated the faces of the palace in all the right ways, almost as if the universe permitted you and Soonyoung to spend time around the palace.
“So, tell me about your family.” You suggested. 
“My family?” He rubs his nape in dubiety. “There are four of us, I have a younger sister.”
“Are you close?” You hesitated, but blurted out the question anyway.
“We are, we spend much time together, and we do social work every week,” Soonyoung revealed, wearing a smile, “and it makes us happy.” 
“Social work, like?”
“We teach children, give them food, clothing, all sorts of those, princess.”
You have never felt how it was like to do a good turn for the impoverished, because every time the king and queen does, you were left to succumb to your books. Of course, you loved reading, and mostly if not always, feel aversion toward being outside the palace. But you did love welfare, especially of those in penury. 
“I’d love to play a part,” you confessed, admiring Soonyoung’s proclivity for charity, “that’s, of course, if you don’t mind.”
You had no knowledge of this, but Soonyoung had a penchant for anyone with a strong social conscience, like you. He would love for you to join him, but in view of the circumstances, he had no idea how you would execute it together.
“Princess,” he began, “I reckon you aren’t allowed to step foot outside the palace grounds?”
He didn’t mistakenly remember, but your obstinacy has never dwindled into something less. You were determined to help the poor — and as much as it sounded awry — especially because it was with Soonyoung. So when the earliest sun flaunted itself over the horizon and a scant shaft inched toward your bedroom window the next day, you knew better than to remain in your never-ending string of dreams. 
You slowly slipped into the still halls of the palace, refraining from waking anyone up or running into one of the servants.
There was a secret passage that connected the library to the grounds outside. It has never been used, to the point where you suspected they might have forgotten the structure existed. You absconded through the tunnel, making sure not to resonate any sort of jarring noise. The morning air greeted you right as you arrived at the end of the passageway. The passerine birds crooned a melody of their own the same time you admired the brilliant colours of the sun toning gracefully with the cerulean skies. 
The lively market was where you would find Soonyoung, struggling with the boxes behind a line of stalls. You observed how his chest heaved upon placing down each box, his bare arm glistening with sweat, his eyes always trailing to another one as he trudged back to the pack of boxes that never seemed to pare down. 
“Need a little help with that?” You offered. Soonyoung flinched at the unexpected surfacing of your voice.
“Princess!” He gasped, but later toned down his voice after he realised you weren’t supposed to be here. “Princess, you’re here.”
“Just as we concurred.”
A whiff of panic crossed his features almost very noticeably. You understood that it was too much of a risk to come to the market, considering anyone could recognise you were the princess. But there was something so enticing about the way Soonyoung spelled out the plan to you in the garden yesterday, that almost instantly dispelled your doubts. 
Soonyoung had to act fast. As the alarm blazing in his eyes slowly ebbed away, he quickly took hold of your wrist and drew you behind a tall Silver maple tree.
“Stay put, princess,” he whispered, “after I finish organising those boxes, we’ll go to the children.” 
You did as he told, although not really used to taking commands from a commoner. But he was Soonyoung. Soonyoung wasn’t a commoner, he was the very man who put you in internal debate of whether he owns your heart, or you just happen to be in a fleeting moment of attraction. 
The market continues to bristle with rustics and more commoners as you hid behind the old trunk. As soon as Soonyoung was finished, the two of you hurried to shelter where the children were, through the thin brume that still lingers in the morning air. 
The shelter sits between a small aged school and a vacant health clinic, its walls already forming plain breaks. The place is fairly dim and distant from the rackety locale you were in before, although you can still hear the obscure blethering coming from there. 
You noticed the nimble twinkle that manifested in his eyes as Soonyoung smiled, cuddling the children that came running to his arms. Buoyant and spirited laughters were exchanged, a sight you scarcely ever see. Soonyoung introduced you to each of them, beginning by divulging you were a real princess. You watched as some of them left their jaw hanging open — so open that they must’ve swallowed a fair amount of invisible dust — some of them asked you if it was true and confessed that was why you looked so charming.
“Of course she is,” Soonyoung blurted, “her heart is really charming too.”
Although you hadn’t been in a romantic relationship before, the phrase isn’t all that alien to you. You hear people tell you you’re lovely every time. Some for the purpose of flattering you, perhaps flirting with you, but it was contrasting coming from Soonyoung. You didn’t know if he meant it or was just pleasing the children, but the words that travelled from his mouth felt genuine. 
The first light advanced just like that, with you and Soonyoung amusing the children, catering to all of their childish needs. You felt closer and more intimate with him now. You stole glances when he wasn’t looking, admiring how gentle he was with the kids, how absolutely fetching his features were now that you were able to stare at him longer, and cherished all the times your fingers would brush against each other. Little did you know, he did the same. He could see your endeavour to blend in with the children at first, but you ultimately started to open up to the sundry questions they asked. Soonyoung loved that. He loved seeing you like this, in your truest form, he believed. You were finally able to do what your heart really yearned for. 
You were relishing your time with Soonyoung and the children, until your dread eventuated.  
“News is being spread from the palace that you’re missing.” Soonyoung announced, a frown appearing across his face. 
“Then I have to get going,” you sighed weakly, “are the guards near?”
Soonyoung peered outside to confirm. There was a commotion near the market, but he couldn’t tell if it was about you or the trade occurring there.
“I’m not sure, princess,” he spoke while observing the situation outside, “but it is best if you go back home.”
You nodded understandingly. You said your final goodbyes to the children and witnessed as they immediately went sullen, some whining about why you have to leave so untimely. You settled a sweet kiss on each of their head and smiled at them for the last time. 
“Do you want me to take you there, princess?” Soonyoung offered.
“No,” you muttered, “I don’t want to get you involved.”
Soonyoung looked broken as he couldn’t do anything to help you, but you were okay, knowing that he unequivocally savoured his time with you, and you did too. He placed a gentle peck on your cheek that lingers for a bit before he retreated.
“Be careful, princess.”
You were beyond grateful for Soonyoung that he showed you how the milieu of poverty looked like. The children were happy despite not having everything you had, and that was how Soonyoung was like too. He seemed content with what he had, and you found yourself falling even harder for him.
You feared that this was going to be the last time you see Soonyoung if your parents found out, and if that was the case, you knew he was never going to know how you felt about him. So you pulled him closer, planted a demure kiss on his lips, and stayed there for as long as the heavens allowed you to. 
Because although Soonyoung loved you as much as you loved him, you did not belong to each other, no. You weren’t each other’s to think of, each other’s to touch, each other’s to feel. He shouldn’t be confined to the depths of your mind, and certainly not to you.
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starrybouquet · 4 years
Darkness and Dawn, ch. 3
Chapter 3 now up! Story is new and improved with actual plot. XD
AO3 link
Full chapter under the cut:
Sam tugged on her dress jacket yet again as she stepped through the Gate room doors. After briefing them on what he was planning for the Kairellian visit, General Hammond had sent her and the Colonel off with orders to wear Class A's and to "try to be diplomatic"--the latter aimed pointedly at O'Neill. Daniel and Teal’c were due back any minute, along with the Kairellian’s commander and her entourage.
Behind Sam, the blast doors opened again, admitting one Jack O'Neill, hair mostly tamed. Not that it was any surprise, but damn, the man cleaned up nice. And his shoulders in his dress blues--
She stopped that train of thought abruptly. God, even though she hadn’t been able to go on that stupid date, she couldn’t keep thinking this way. The Colonel had clearly gotten over his feelings ages ago, if he had ever had these particular feelings in the first place. That was clear enough after her return from the Prometheus, when she’d accidentally called him Jack. Excuse me? She winced as she remembered the annoyance in his voice.
Be friendly. Nothing more, nothing less, Sam told herself. She could talk to the Colonel--in fact, she could even be his friend. She just couldn’t go thinking about his shoulders. Or any other part of him.
God, Carter was the only woman who wore dress blues as well as she wore an evening gown. Jack stole a glance at her out of the corner of his eye as he came to stand beside her. For a moment, he felt an insane flutter in his stomach and had the sudden urge to double-check that he’d buttoned his shirt correctly.
Why do you care if she thinks you're a slob? his inner voice groused at him. You’re just her old, grumpy CO, Jack. Have been for seven years. She’s moved on--not that she ever confessed her feelings in the first place. She’s not gonna notice you, not in the way you’re hoping. But despite his thoughts, his heart beat just a little bit faster when turned to him. Was that a hint of appreciation in her blue eyes?
Keep dreaming, Jack, his inner voice replied sarcastically.
"I took the liberty of putting the yoyo I found in the briefing room in your locker, sir."
Despite his somber inner thoughts, the banter came naturally. "What! Carter, you know that yoyo lives in the briefing room!"
Carter put on her best innocent look, and he was mesmerized by the mischievous sparkle that seemed to be complemented by her sky-blue shirt. "Why would you need a yoyo in the briefing room, sir?”
He mock-glared at her. Carter smirked.
And that was exactly why he couldn’t move on. Carter was brilliant, drop-dead gorgeous, had a secret rebellious streak, and knew exactly how to wind him up without ever stepping a foot into the territory of insubordination. She was perfect.
And he was a hopeless old sap. Jack shoved those thoughts into the back of his head and searched for something else to think about.
“So, tell me again why we have to meet these Krillans?”
“Kairellians. And Daniel and Teal’c have been with SG-9 the past two days negotiating with them. They have ring transporters, and they’re willing to share. In fact, they’ve been remarkably interested in trade given how advanced their technology is in comparison to ours.”
Jack raised his eyebrows. “Oh? What’s the catch?”
The Stargate began to spin, and General Hammond entered the Gate room.
“According to Daniel, they're having a bit of trouble smoothing out the details of the trade agreement,” Carter said as they lined up at the base of the ramp. “We’re hoping a visit to Earth might help address that.”
The ‘Gate kawooshed outward in a cascade of blue, and then SG-9 plus Teal’c and Daniel stepped through the blue puddle, followed by a group of six humans dressed in an array of satin tops and black pants.
Daniel smiled and gestured to the shorter woman at the front of the group, who was clad in a satin purple shirt secured by a copper sash of the same material. “General Hammond, this is Commander Minerva Hallis of Kairellian Central Transport. Commander Hallis, General George Hammond, commander of the SGC.”
Commander Hallis smiled. With dark, piercing eyes, black hair streaked with white, and skin bronzed by the sun, her strong presence belied the fact that she couldn’t have been over 5”4’. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, General Hammond.”
“Likewise, Commander. I’d like you to meet my second-in-command, Colonel Jack O’Neill. Colonel, why don’t you show them to their quarters, and then we can begin discussions in the briefing room?”
Jack embellished the trees behind the lake in his drawing, thoroughly bored. He’d tried to listen. He really had. He liked Commander Hallis--she was a no-nonsense woman who seemed as keen to fight the Goa’uld as they were. But her, Daniel, and Hammond had been discussing the same details of the treaty for going on two hours, and they weren’t getting anywhere. Jack would feel worse, but Carter and Teal’c looked just as bored as he was--they just weren’t entertaining themselves by doodling on their notepads.
Across from him, Daniel was still talking, gesticulating with his hands. "...have been from offworld archaeological digs. To be completely honest, I'm not sure what you need from us, Commander. Your technology is far ahead of anything we have."
Commander Hallis smiled grimly. "Daniel. As you are well aware, any allies in the fight against the Goa'uld are priceless. But even setting that aside, I will remind you that we only have transporter technology because we were able to copy it from ring transporters left behind centuries ago by those Goa’uld who used to enslave us. Many of our technologies were similarly obtained. Your people seem to be quite resourceful and innovative. I am sure your world has something to offer. Perhaps something that we have never thought to build--things we of which have no knowledge."
She turned to the officers seated at the table. "Daniel tells me that many of your world's advancements are used in your military. What unique technology does your Air Force have?"
Jack jerked his eyes up from his doodling and shifted in his seat. "Well, we're the Air Force. So, airplanes. Fighter jets."
Hallis blinked. "I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with the term. Airplanes?"
Daniel broke in. "Air transportation."
She tilted her head. "But we have established you do not have ring transportation."
"No, not beaming technology. More like your, ah, coaches and rail cars--except through the skies."
Hallis’ young science counselor, Ayadra, sat forward. She’d been relatively quiet so far, leaving her commander to do the talking, but now her eyes sparkled with interest. "Fascinating. We've considered such a thing, of course, having seen the Goa'uld death gliders. But our research stalled. Transportation has never been a primary research area of ours, what with the rings and all. What are these...airplanes...used for?"
Jack and Sam exchanged a glance. No airplanes?!
"Well, in general, we use them for faster transportation since we don't have ring transportation, as you mentioned. In the Air Force, as a military organization, we specialize in aerial defense,” Hammond explained.
"That would be helpful indeed--a fleet of vehicles capable of stopping Goa'uld death gliders as they descend through the sky," Hallis said gravely. "This would be an excellent item for trade, if you are willing to share this technology."
Hammond nodded. “We’d be happy to share some aircraft blueprints with you.” He stood. "As a matter of fact, since you’re so interested, how 'bout a demonstration?"
And he couldn't help but smile when his two best officers turned to him with identical pleading looks in their eyes.
"Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter, yes, permission granted. I'll call ahead to Peterson."
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riddleredcoats · 4 years
Prompt: Bellamort and Anti-Tomione where Bella and Tom torture and kill Hermione together.
Anon, I’m so sorry for the delay, but I wasn’t sure how to do this prompt. But I did manage to come up with something… different?... I hope you like it anyway.
So, I really like Hermione (xd) and couldn’t bear to make this anti-Hermione, which I’m not even sure was what you wanted anon, but still there it is. The torture is also mostly emotional torture and even might not even be really be called torture? I mean Bella and Tom hurt her, but it’s kinda unintentional?
Also, this a Mafia AU because *shrug*, also ‘Mafia’ AU, since everything I know about the Mafia is from Godfather, the Simpsons and some shallow research.
Also posted on AO3
Some slang.
Boss – self explanatory
Consigliere – an advisor to the Boss, most decision are run through this guy
Underboss – right bellow Boss.
Boss, Consigliere, and Underboss run a particular Crime Family and are referred to as the Administration.
Capo – short for caporegime mid-level boss who leads a crew of soldiers
Soldier – is the low of the low in hierarchy.
 The one you least expect.
 New York in 1929 was a bustling city, skyscrapers ripped across the Manhattan skyline, smoke rose from cars, trains and buses alike while the waters of the Hudson ran black and dirty from the freighters. The city, grey and watery during the day shifted at night, to a minefield of jazz clubs and theatres and cabarets in which downtown New York City could rival the Paris as the City of Lights.
 When Hermione Granger had first arrived in the city a staggering 15 years-ago, at the ripe age of eleven from a little county in Georgia, the differences from her quiet hometown threatened to overwhelm her and wrestle her to the ground. Still, the sheer vibrancy of the city guaranteed amazement at every corner, something that Hermione couldn’t help but acclimate to, easily. Her want of answers and sense of adventure couldn’t help but make it so, and so, to her, the city had welcomed her with open arms.
 Getting up every morning – or really, middle of the night, seeing as she got up at 3:30AM – was a challenge, especially in wintery days where the warmth of the bed would be replaced by the cold, rarefied, smoke-filled air of her studio apartment. Nonetheless, work was waiting for her.
 Walking lazily to the kitchen, she made sure to turn on the gas to make her first cup of coffee, making sure to turn off every other appliance or light in the house since the gas and the light fixtures couldn’t stand to work at the same time. Rising off an old but reliable percolator – making sure to, of course, first let the water of the tap run for a while to get rid of the runny, brown water that always came in the morning – and then adding a filter and a spot of coffee to the old percolator, Hermione finished off the preparations for her breakfast by suspending a bit of the hard butter over the stove so it would be easier to spread on her hard bread. She ate mechanically, occasionally listening to the sounds of people coming home from a night out.
 After breakfast she walked to her bedroom and tied her bushy, brown, curly hair back into a ponytail, the humidity of the City making her hair even more frizzly than it already was. She donned her beige suit and with a last check of the buckles in her heels was out the door to the dewy-foggy morning, making sure to bring her umbrella.
 “Hey, Granger!” A man came up to her; Ronald Weasley, resident good boy from the scarce Scottish family that had moved into Harlem about 20 years or so ago, living in a predominantly black neighbourhood would be a big change for almost any white family, but the Weasleys… Well, the Weasley had Molly who, with a swift and caring ease, warmed her way into the Community; and so, her six sons and one daughter had been one of the few white families growing alongside the black ones in Harlem.
 “Hello, Ronald. I see you had an interesting evening.” Hermione knew that the disapproving tone in her voice was very noticeable, but then again so was Ron’s wobbling walk indicating of a night abusing one of the cities many illegal speakeasies.
 “’Mione! Don’t be like that!” He screamed, laughing all the while, and his happiness was infectious. Hermione let out a small laugh too. He twirled around her, “It such a fantastic day.”
 “Ron,” she said, laughing, “It’s raining! And the skies are grey!”
 “And yet,” Ron said, his ginger hair falling flat against his freckled face, framing his attractive blue eyes pleasingly, he came closer to her, holding on to her and twirling her around while she giggled at the drunkenness much as she loathed to do so, “It is fantastic!”
 He made sure to make her stop twirling and grabbed her carefully, looking into her with his slightly hazy blue eyes. Hermione, despite herself, felt her heart catch in her throat at the naked emotion that was lodged in those eyes. Ron seemed to come back to himself and take a step back, giving her personal space back. He chuckled a little, and rubbed his neck as he flushed red.
 “I-I gotta go.” He said quickly and stumbling, he turned fast and almost ran into a lamppost such was his rush, Hermione barely had time to say goodbye as Ron was already turning the corner to his house.  
 Hermione shook off the awkward and charged exchange, even as it lingered in the back of her mind, and quickly rushed herself to the subway stop. If she delayed any longer she’d be late for work, and that simply wouldn’t do, she had never been late, not once in her life and wasn’t about to start now. As the subway arrived and Hermione got in, along with the rest of the sludge of New Yorkers ready for another day at work, she got thinking about the job that she had fought tooth and nails for.
 Hermione Granger was a damn fine detective of the New York City police; she was hardworking, she was tenacious, she was ambitious, she was smart as a whip, but most of all, Hermione Granger longed for the days when the Mafia would stop running her city to the ground.
 Ever since the end of the Great War, things in the city had only gotten from bad to worse for everyone, it seemed, except for the Mafia, who now had a steady and much desired product to sell. The temporary ban of alcohol production during the War as an effort to avoid grain shortage was mostly viewed as essential, but then the War had ended, a half-of-a-generation of men came home and the so-called Prohibition Law remained in effect, increasing the demand of bootleg alcohol, speakeasies and gang violence who maintained control of the first two demands of the people.
 While Hermione found the Prohibition Law more harmful than good, it was the law of the land and she had to enforce it, no matter how she wished to indulge with the others. If for no other reason than to stop the rise in Mafia crime that threatened to almost sink the city to ground; dead politicians, corrupt cops, blackmail, torture, shakedowns and a culture of fear permeated the air of the city like the smoke of the factories in the East side. It had to stop, or it would suffocate them all.
 Hermione sighed as the subway arrived at her station and rushed to leave the carriage she was on, breathing the polluted, but not stale, air of the city. She still had a half-an-hour walk to the Police Station and as she dodged the incoming people that rushed to catch the transport, she sighed as she started walking along the blocks, hearing the occasional curse as some driver or another got frustrated with traffic.
 Turning the final corner of her route, Hermione sighed with relief as she entered the precinct, a cold and humid building, at 4:45 AM on the dot. Hermione cursed at the cold but was glad that at least it wasn’t raining inside. Well, not in most places in the station, that is; the building was old enough that some roofing was missing. Hermione made sure to greet the doorman, a fellow policeman who nodded politely at her as she made her way to the stairs.
 Reaching the third-floor, Hermione smiled as the usual chit chat rumbled from inside the room. She pushed the door open and the smell of third-grade, terrible coffee entered her nostrils, the earthy smell was the only thing about the beverage that was passable, but every single detective in the squad used and abused of the swill that Chief Shacklebolt insisted in calling coffee. Walking over to the old oak desk she shared with her partner – budget cuts were the real devil – she laid her purse and her umbrella down.
 Her partner – already on his side of the desk smiled at her – and just he was about to say ‘Good Morning’ as he usually did, she beat him to the punch.
 “I saw your brother-in-law today.” Hermione said as a form of greeting.
 The grin on Harry Potter’s face was unmistakably smug. The man that had welcomed her into the force with big, open arms and never, for once second stopped doubting her abilities and their friendship was also a smug little shit that drove her insane.
 “Oh? How’s Ron?” Asked, said partner, his wild jet-black curls falling over his face and catching on the wire of his round glasses that made his big, striking green eyes more prominent on his face already blessed with a big nose that went swimmingly with his large lips and stunning dark complexion.
 “Don’t give me that! He was slurring, wobbling around and hugging lampposts. You’re wearing last night’s clothes and smell suspiciously of mint… You went to a speakeasy again, didn’t you?”
 Harry’s green-eyes looked terrified at her and then all around them and then he started making wild gestures with his hands, telling her to shut up “Shhh!” Harry looked desperately around, “Hermione, please, it was just a drink and a bit of dance.”
 “Alcohol selling establishments are against the law, Harry! Something we are meant to enforce, not indulge!”
 “Christ.” Harry sighed, “I’m sorry, Hermione, you’re right. But this time it was a special occasion…”
 “Oh, really?” She asked, sarcasm in her voice, “Was it like last week, you went there because Ronald just happened to not have fallen on his face working at the docks that day.”
 “To be fair, for him, that is a miracle.” Hermione had to agree, Ronald Weasley was a gangly walking disaster, “But no, Hermione, that isn’t it.” Hermione took note of her partner’s soft tone, awed reverence in his voice. She looked on as he turned to look in her eyes, his emerald-green and filled with happy tears, “Ginny is pregnant… I’m going to be a dad!”
 “Harry!” She nearly screamed, and her lecture was immediately forgotten in favour of holding her partner – and closest friend – close to her as they hugged, truly happy for him, “This is great news! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry!” He said, rubbing his neck sheepishly, “We found out yesterday, and you were already gone.”
 Hermione winced, knowing how little Harry would approve of why she left early, “I had a date last night,” Harry was already groaning, she knew that he had been trying to set her up with Ron, and that he liked her date as far as he could throw him, “with Tom.” She confirmed, to his frustration.
 “You know I don’t trust him, ‘Mione.” Harry said, his hand rubbing a odd lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, “There is something wrong with that guy, more than the fact that he is almost old enough to be your father.”
 “We’ve been together 9 months, Harry! And he’s 36, it’s not exactly ancient!” Hermione said with a smile on her lips, Harry’s care for her always warmed her heart, “Besides, he is smart and upstanding and makes me feel important and doesn’t care that I cancel our date thirty minutes after they were supposed to be starting. Also,” she said with a lecherous smile, “he is very sexy.”
 Harry made a face, scrunching his nose, “Gross.” But laughed easily, after, “But you know what you’re doing, ‘Mione. But come on, we’re almost late.”
 “Oh, and where are we going?”
 Harry turned serious and Hermione immediately straightened her back in anticipation for what was to come, her partner was usually either jovial or irritable, never both at the same time, his perchance for mood swings was negligible, but he seemed to be oscillating today, and Hermione figured that if not for Ginny’s pregnancy Harry would be absolutely impossible to put up with.
 “You wanted to meet my informant?” Hermione nodded and moved already to her side of the desk, picking up her discarded coat, “Good, then. Let’s go.”
 “Has he given you any decent information?” Hermione asked as she put on her coat, ready to brace the rain again.
 “He’s young,” Harry admitted as he too put on his coat, “He mostly confirmed intel, which honestly is as good as it gets.”
 Hermione hummed distractingly. Yes, Hermione supposed, getting confirmation from another source usually went a long way to make sure that the intel was acted upon. Hermione’s own sources were more volatile and required a lot more of careful handling, since the intel was usually good enough to take down at least one crew under the purview of a Capo, and sometimes even managing to snag the Capo themselves. So, Hermione had to check and double check every detail.
 “But,” Harry said, drawing her attention back to him as he led her out of the precinct, “he said that today he would give me something more substantial.”  
 Harry and Hermione got in the car and drove off in the direction of the docks, all the while shifting between work talk and talk about Ginny who was apparently entering her second trimester in a week or so. As they drove off, the sun – which had yet to rise – started picking through the horizon
 Reaching a shady-looking warehouse in the middle of nowhere didn’t exactly raise Hermione’s hopes that this meeting would go well. But, as soon as Harry parked the car, hidden – of course – behind some sort of construction site, they entered the deteriorating warehouse. Careful not to trigger any alarms, and to check corners where they could.
 Once they figured the building was clear, Harry yelled out, “Hey, kid, you in here?”
 A rattling sound, silence and then a stage whisper, “Would you be quiet? Do you want to get us all killed?” A figure stepped out of the shadows and Hermione gasped.
 “Harry, he’s like fourteen! He’s not young, he’s a kid!” Hermione yelled at her partner.
 “Sixteen!” The kid yelled, glaring defiantly at her.
 “Oh, yes, that makes it all better.” She deadpanned.
 “Hermione…” Harry started, a rueful tone to his voice, as if he knew that she would be even madder once she knew the whole story, “This is Draco Malfoy.”
 Hermione couldn’t hold back the gasp. Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy Crime Family. Hermione looked at the skinny, tall kid with a long thin nose, intense blue-grey eyes with a slick top and thick sides blond hair and an expensive suit that probably cost more than her apartment complex.
 Before she could say another word, voices ran out, rough and low and at Draco’s look of panic Hermione knew that the boy had been followed. Hermione and Harry cursed, and grabbing Draco by his shirt dragged him to a nearby office space and made sure to hide with him behind a desk.
 The voices grew louder and louder as they entered the warehouse and Hermione counted at least 4 people.
 “Spread out and find them!” The voice, accented and tilting towards French, seemed to fill the expanse of the warehouse, the voice of Rodolphus Lestrange, Boss to the Lestrange Crime Family, she had heard him testify, once, “Gaunt will get here soon enough, and I’d rather have them in hand.”
 Hermione and Harry exchanged surprised but determined looks. ‘Gaunt’ was the name of the Boss of the Slytherin Crime Family, the oldest crime family in New York City; they had stopped operating a few decades back but about 10 years ago they started wreaking havoc again in the city and re-establishing old supply lines and having more politicians in his pocket than out of it, but no one had even ever gotten a good look at the Boss, creating a mist of mystery and fear around him. Hermione and Harry didn’t have to do more than exchange looks; a glimpse at Gaunt was enough for them to risk their lives.
 Draco, sat between them, was trembling and Hermione was stuck with the sudden realization that Draco knew who Gaunt was. Hermione silently looked at Harry, tilting her head asking a question she was sure her partner would understand, Harry shook his head telling that leaving this hiding spot would not be a good idea.
 Still, they had to do something.
 Hermione was running scenarios in her head when the door to the office space opened. Draco whimpered loudly enough for whoever had opened the door to ear. Without much thinking, Hermione shot out of cover and fired her gun directly at the man’s chest. BANG! Hermione’s brain took a fraction of a second to reassert itself after the gunshot left her ears ringing, and a plan – clumsy as it – was formed in her mind
 “Run, Harry! Run!” At his shocked look she yelled again, “One of us has to make it. Go! You too, kid.”
 They didn’t need anything more from her and took off running, Harry and Draco to the left and she to the right. They had a shot with only four people of the Mafia and with this much ground to cover they might make it.
 “Hey, look there they are!” one of the men shouted, “Wait, is that Malfoy’s kid?”
 Another shot ran out. BANG! Hermione took off running even as she heard someone getting closer behind her. And, then another shot. BANG! A cry – young and high-pitched – Draco. A thud as bodies fell to ground. Harry yelling. Another shot. BANG! Hermione panted as she felt the man chasing her, getting ever closer to her. She forgot Harry, whose voice she could still hear, yelling and pained. She forgot Draco, whose panicking sobs, still echoed in the warehouse. She forgot everything and just focused on getting out there alive. If just one of them made it, it would be enough.
 But it wasn’t meant to be. A grunt from behind and Hermione shrieked in surprise as she was tackled to the floor. “Got you bitch!” The man yelled as he pinned her to the ground, Hermione tried to fight him off. The man on top of her growled, grabbed her more firmly to haul her off the ground and push her towards the centre of the warehouse.
 Harry was already kneeling, bleeding heavily from a wound on his leg, but he continued resisting even as chains rattled with his fury. Draco, however, was unharmed but in the same position, kneeling and chained to the floor, and yet, he didn’t try to resist; the boy seemed resigned to his fate.
 There were two men remaining, not counting Rodolphus, one was standing guard behind the Boss and the other was leading her to where Harry and Draco were, to force her to kneel and be chainedbesides them.
 Hermione cried out as her knees hit the pavement, hard, and as the soldier behind her chained her to the floor, she turned to look at where the Boss of the Lestrange Family was kneeling, taking the hand of a wounded man and closing the dying man’s eyes, then bowing down to say a prayer over the now-dead man. So, she had managed to hit one; she hoped whoever it had been was someone important like the Underboss or the Consigliere. Hell, Hermione would settle for a Capo.
 Hermione felt the men that had dragged her here, search for her gun and handling it to the other remaining guard who put it atop a nearby table alongside what Hermione guesses was Harry’s own gun. Hermione sighed, as she found herself weapon-less and plan-less.
 “You killed our Capo with that gun, Detective.” The soldier snarled in behind her back, seemingly hearing her thoughts, and Hermione smirked in victory, which earned her backhanded slap that threw her to the ground, “Enjoy being smug while you can, you aren’t going to live for long.”
 Rodolphus rose from paying his respects to the Capo, with a heavy sigh, “Augustus, enough. We’ll get our revenge.”
 Before either of them could say anything else, the sound of rhythmic steps echoed in the warehouse and the silence that followed was heavy with anticipation. Had someone come and save them? No. It was unlikely, no one knew where they were. But whoever had come in was powerful, revered, easy to see by the way the two-remaining soldiers straightened.
 “Gaunt.” Rodolphus said in greeting, dashing Hermione’s hopes. Still, at least she’d die knowing who the infamous and mysterious Boss was.
 “Told you this was a bad idea.” Hermione stifled a gasp at the distinctive drawl. Hermione felt the soldier behind her tighten his hand over mouth and grip her tighter.  
 That voice… That croon-y voice that had sang her praises over dinner, whispered carelessly in her ear, led her into a nearby bed… That voice. That was the voice of the man she was seeing, Tom Riddle. Hermione tried to squirm out of the soldier’s hold, to see the face of the man for herself, to maybe see him being coerced into helping… To beg him to tell her they were lying and that he wasn’t the Boss of the newest – and yet, oldest – and most efficient crime family the city had ever seen.
 Hermione finally, carefully as to not draw attention, twisted enough to see the man she had been sleeping with for the past 9 months and yes, there he was. Tall, taller than most certainly, and handsome with his well-maintained black hair shining in the light of sun coming through the windows, looking as if he was dreadfully calm and completely at ease to be in this grim place.
 Hermione watched as the face that had become familiar to her, come fully into her field of vision and couldn’t help but flinch at the high-cheekbones she had ran her hands along, a pair of piercing blue eyes that bored into her, the thin lips that when stretched into a smile managed to make her catch her breath, the elegant nose and the long neck that matched the rest of his long and thin, although deceptively muscular, body. Dressed in a three-piece black suit, completed with a matching black tie, he looked ready for one of their dates. God. Bile rose in her throat and Hermione had to hold herself steady not to break down.
 “You came alone?” Asked Rodolphus, more curious than suspicious.
 Tom hummed disinterested, and repeated again, “I told you this was a bad idea.”
 “I know. I know.” Rodolphus growled, “But this bitch and that fucker have been killing off my men for a year and a half now, I’m not going to let that stand.” Rodolphus this time, sighed, “I probably should have listened to you, but we do have her now.”
 “Yes, you should have.” Tom agreed, easily, “That’s why you made me Consigliere.”
 Hermione bit her lip to not gasp aloud, although Harry wasn’t so lucky and received a club in the head for his outburst. For Gaunt – a head of a Crime Family himself – to be made into a Consigliere, the most trusted person in the Administration, it was unheard of. Whatever Tom had done to endear himself to the Lestrange, it must have been something big.
 “Ah, Hermione,” Tom finally addressed her, with the charm and smooth he always had, but the bastard made sure to keep himself away from approaching her, “I’m sorry to say you won’t be able to make our date tomorrow.”
 “Fuck you!” It wasn’t her gave into her anger and made that outburst, but Harry who was seething in place, kneeling as she was, on the other side of Draco, “Fuck you! How dare you? How could you?”
 “Augustus, please, gag him.” The soldier behind them did as Tom asked, even as Harry raged about him. Tom then turned his blue eyes towards Draco, “He is your nephew, is he not?” Asked Tom, pointing towards the kid between Hermione and Harry.
 “My wife’s.” Rodolphus drawled out, immense anger about him.
 Despite herself, Hermione felt a chill run through her spine, and she saw Harry do the same.
 Rodolphus Lestrange’s wife… Bellatrix Lestrange, merely dubbed ‘The Woman’ since she seemed to be involved in every major crime family in one capacity or another although of course there was no proof, was a chill-inducing person. Originally coming from the Black Crime Family, where her father had been the  Boss and had only had two girls for heirs, everyone thought the family finished, but much worse had happened…The Boss’s daughters had each married into distinct crime families, Narcissa to the Malfoys and Bellatrix to the Lestranges, effectively bolstering each family with men and supply routes.
 That seemed to be the end of it, the Black Family was through after having been absorbed by the others. But then reports of the old Black trading posts, M.O.’s and business fronts roaring to life, putting the family on the map again…All clues led to Bellatrix being the mastermind behind the new life in her old family’s old grounds, although no proof was ever found. Even more concerning, the Gaunts and the Blacks seemed to be coordinating.
 And, instead of having to wrangle with the four crime families squabbling amongst themselves, the city had to start wrangling and negotiating with three strong ones.
 “Your wife’s…” Tom repeated, blue eyes analysing seemingly every part of the scene,  he gestured again towards Draco, “Is he the traitor?”
 “It appears so.” The cold, calculating tone of Rodolphus voice didn’t spring much hope that Draco would live to see the day.
 “Uncle! NO!” Draco yelled, before the soldier behind them gagged him. The boy’s blue eyes – warmer than Tom’s, but much colder than Ron’s were at the thought Hermione shook her head, Ron didn’t belong here in this desolate place and Tom didn’t deserve to be in her head any longer – were wide and teary, pleading for mercy from a man that had none to give.
 “Shut up, boy, you’ve caused enough trouble. My damn wife will have my head.” Rodolphus grumbled, as he took a drag of his cigarette.
 “That’s what you get for making Bellatrix your Underboss,” Tom chuckled, even as he refused Rodolphus offer of a cigarette, “Too much power. Although, she does wield it well.”
 It was then that the sound of high heels, reached their ears, the click-clack of the shoes on the pavement drowning out every sound in the desolate warehouse. It was as if the mere mention of her name had been enough to summon her. Hermione scarcely had to turn to see the woman that had arrived, her present was felt with no need to accentuate it by her image or her voice. Still, having read but descriptions of her, Hermione couldn’t help but be curious about The Woman’s appearance.
 She turned to her side and the first thing she noticed was the deep, black hair styled into a high bun with curls on the side settling nicely into the beaded headband which despite looking like the rest of the country seem to shine with unparalleled rival. A long-beaded necklace adorned her long and elegant neck, while her golden earring dropped to almost hit her slender shoulder.  Her dress – a sleeveless evening dress, meaning she probably came right off one of her speakeasies – was deep black accentuating her figure, and came to rest bellow her knee with a waist drop lined with beads to match her headband, and it gave off a silky quality to it. On her feet, the heels, high and black and T-strapped completed her outfit. To the casual observer The Woman blended in with the other high-class women, if only to attract attention for her exceptional beauty, but there was a hint of something dangerous in her walk, something that Hermione knew would be the end of them.
 “Auntie!” Draco, shaking himself out of the gag, yelled from between them. Hermione and Harry looked over Draco’s head, hoping against hope that at least the police’s source would still make it out even if they wouldn’t, “They are-…”
 Before Draco could finish, Bellatrix snapped her finger and the soldier near Lestrange shot at his Boss, once and then twice. Rodolphus Lestrange fell to floor, grunting and moaning in pain as the bullets that entered his kneecap and abdomen in a way that wounded him but didn’t kill him… yet. Hermione doubted by the way Bellatrix was acting that Rodolphus would last the night.
 “Bella!” The man groaned and yelled, twisting on the floor, blood sputtering out with the effort. A grim sign on all accounts. By the time the dawn was through, New York City’s two most profitable boroughs would be under new management.
 “Oh, shut him up, Theo.” Bellatrix waved the man off. Hermione watched as the large man that had been beside Rodolphus all morning, put a cloth in Rodolphus’ mouth effectively shutting him up. It seemed that the woman wanted him to suffer… Or to hear why she had done what she’d done.
 “You’re late.” Tom said, smirking, remarkably calm in the face of one of his conspirators being under a hostile takeover… Hermione then deduced that Tom had already known about the coup then, which boded badly for everyone. Two of the major three Crime Families plotting together was never good, but when the wife – who was also the Underboss – of one conspired with the Boss - who also a Consigliere to said first family – of the other, to seemingly have the wife take over… It was a hot mess of a disaster.
  Worse still, it seemed, because Bellatrix bypassed everyone and walked towards Tom, pulling him down by his neck, kissing him soundly on the mouth. Hermione was unable to tear her eyes from the passionate display as Tom’s icy facade seemed to thaw enough to grasp the woman closer to him, his hands firmly on her waist and her hair.
 Hermione heard Rodolphus let out one last muffled, pained yell over the cloth in his mouth and she knew it had nothing to do with the gunshot wounds… It was the betrayal of seeing his wife in the arms of another. A pain, Hermione was agonized to find, that she shared; her heart seemed shattered in two, more so than when she found out he was the so-called ‘Gaunt’.
 Bellatrix and Tom separated, begrudgingly, although they remained in each other’s personal space and exchanged whispered words. Bellatrix then, finally, turned towards them; her eyes travelling the three of them kneeling. Hermione watched as The Woman caressed Tom’s arm before walking over to them. The soldier behind Hermione and Draco tightened the grip on their shoulders as Bellatrix drew nearer, making sure that no one would jump The Woman when she got too close.
 “Well, yes, Narcissa was bugging me about Draco, again.” The Woman answered Tom and as she got closer still, Hermione found she had striking grey eyes which were currently fixed on Draco. Hermione watched as she took Draco’s chin in her hand lifted his face up, making him look at her, “Now, now, Draco… Your mama says I should leave you alone, and let you go your own way, but apparently your own way involves the police, a wire and selling your family out…” Draco was trembling, “How shameful.”
 “Auntie…” Draco tried, his voice coming out steady, chin still in Bellatrix’s hands, even if therein laid a hint of fear, “… They are saying I sold you out, but I didn’t! I mean, you wanted these Detectives here, right?”
 Bellatrix snarled, and shoved off Draco’s head away from her, “You should leave the lying for those able to lie, boy.” With that, Bellatrix took a step back, the look in her eyes undecipherable, but Draco seemed to know it well.
 “No, Auntie!” Draco was crying, tears running down his face unabashed now, his age showing as he pleaded with his aunt for his life, “I’ll change, I swear. I’ll never-,” Before Draco could finish making empty promises a loud ‘BANG!’ echoed in the desolate warehouse, and the only thing that left Draco’s mouth was a surprised sob as his body fell to the ground, lifeless.
Hermione looked behind her and saw the soldier that had been holding Draco and her looking at the lifeless body as surprised as she was. Hermione knew that Bellatrix hadn’t done it, having been looking at her the whole time, that left… No, God, no. Turning her eyes to Tom, she found him hand still raised with her police issue gun smoking in his hand. Bile rose in her throat, not so much for the smell of blood although it was potent, but more for the cruel act that a man she had admired just committed.
  “So that was a gun in your pocket,” Bellatrix sighed, shaking her head, disappointed, “And here I thought you were happy to see me.”            
 Hermione shook her head, disgusted by Bellatrix’s heartless reaction to the death of her nephew, traitor or no. Family first seemed to be the one Mafia motto that Hermione could get behind, and yet, here was The Woman, committing most foul sin against kin. Hermione didn’t dare look at Harry, for she knew that her partner was seething, the energy coming off of him was almost overwhelming.  
 Tom chuckled, a sound she had heard a dozen times but had never rang as true as it did this time, “We can talk about it later.” He said, his tone full of promise, as he put her gun back on the table where it had been before.
 The Woman smiled back, “I can’t wait.”
 Hermione felt more than saw the soldier behind her shaking, and Hermione couldn’t be sure, but she felt that he disapproved of the couple, their little affair and their coup. Maybe she and Harry could exploit this, but not when Harry wouldn’t even look at her, his furious gaze still fixed on Draco’s lifeless body.
“Congratulations on your wife’s pregnancy, Detective.” Bellatrix Lestrange said as one of her husband’s – or just hers, now? – soldier, Theo, bought over a chair for her to sit on. Hermione felt more than saw Harry tremble beside her, her partner terrified by the fact that the woman knew of his new family. When Harry said nothing, and kept his head lowered, with a snap of Bellatrix fingers the soldier behind them pulled her and Harry’s heads up by their hair so they might look at Bellatrix in the eyes, “Mister Potter, I said ‘Congratulations’.”
  When the pain of having her hair pulled and her head yanked up subsided, Hermione saw Bellatrix sitting on that same chair, looking like a queen on a throne. Hermione felt Harry stiffen himself, unwilling to show fear in the presence of The Woman.
  “Thank you, Bellatrix.” The eyes of Tom and the two-remain soldiers narrowed at Harry for his use of The Woman’s name, “But you can go fuck yourself with your congratulations.” The man behind Harry and herself growled at the detective. Hermione felt her heart catch in her throat… Harry was as good as dead.
  “Mm-hmm,” Bellatrix nodded, looking disinterested, when the beautiful women snapped her finger again, but this time said, “Rookwood!” Hermione had barely time to close her eyes when the pistol behind Harry fired directly into her partner’s chest.  Hermione bit her lip, willing the tears in her eyes not to fall. Oh, Harry… I’m so, so sorry.
  “Why?” Hermione asked, tears clouding her voice despite her best efforts, “Why did you…?”
  “Why did I kill him?” Bellatrix interrupted, baffled, eyebrow lifting in confusion, “I think it’s rather obvious, Detective. He was in my speakeasy last night even as he arrests those who visit those places frequently, flipped my nephew, and shot at my men.” She then turned to Tom, a pout to her lips, “Bloody hell, Tom, you told me she was smart…”
  "She is, Bella.” Tom’s voice, as it had done all evening, stabbed at her heart. The kiss hadn’t helped… But the way he said the woman’s nickname, the same nickname the woman’s husband had uttered before he died was like pouring salt in a wound.
 “Well, darling, I’m not seeing much of it, I admit.”
  “I meant,” Hermione tried again, voice more-or-less steady, interrupting the banter that was sure to ensue, “Why do all of this?”
  “Well, Detective, I thought it was obvious.”
  The first thought that came over was that Bellatrix had wanted to be with Tom and her husband was simply in the way. But thinking about it, it became clear. The way that the Black and Gaunt family seemed to be operating, the way that Lestrange was organizing his businesses… It was more than a crime of passion perpetuated by lust. It was a business deal.
  “You wanted your husband’s power, almost as much as you wanted him.” Hermione gestured towards Tom.
 “Hmm… rather easy a question, Detective, you don’t get any points for this one either I’m afraid.”
 “And how?” Hermione asked, ignoring The Woman’s goading, but unable to stop her curiosity from sprawling, “How did you…?”
                “Taking over my husband’s men took me a while longer than I care to admit,” the woman spoke, her hands running over her silky dress, taking special care to remove any piece of lint from the where the slit ended at her hip, “Of course, I do have to thank you for continuing to make use of the information we passed to you and continuing to kill my husband’s loyal men.”
                “W-What?” Hermione stumbled and before she could blink, both Bellatrix and Tom pointed their guns at the two remaining soldiers and shot at them, hitting the two targets square in the chest. The men’s eyes were already glassing over before they hit the ground.
                The issued ‘BANG!’ echoed in the warehouse and rang in Hermione’s ears, the sound seemingly much louder than it had any right to be. Hermione closed her eyes tightly, both against the ringing in her head and the knowledge that she’d be next. When no other shot ran out, and she found herself still breathing, Hermione opened her eyes to look at the two-remaining people in the room.
                “W-Why?” She asked again, but now significantly more confused.
                “Again with the questions.” Bellatrix sighed, as she cleaned the weapon in her hand and laid it besides Harry, clearly making it look that there had been a shootout between him and the soldiers, “Blindingly obvious answer again, too, Detective Granger. You are disappointing me…”
                Hermione thought back to the way the soldier behind her had been shaking and realized that the question was a dumb one, indeed.
                “These men still followed your husband,” Hermione said, “Or rather, they didn’t follow you enough.”
                “Yes, good.” Bellatrix said as she retook her seat in the chair, “Of course, there is the issue of loose ends. We couldn’t just let them know about the specifics of Rodolphus death, not after selling out so many of Rodolphus’ men, most of which these two had been comrades with. They’d never accept me and Tom as the new heads. Loyalty is important, after all.”
                “But why go through all this trouble?” Hermione asked, again, “You could have killed him more easily at home.”
                “Well, you can’t just kill a Mafia head, Detective.” Bellatrix explained, as if to a baby, “We needed a motive, someone to blame it on. We started this several years ago, I admit, but then, this one here,” she pointed to her side, towards Tom, “got me pregnant and plans got delayed, some of the men switched from my control to my husband’s and vice versa. It was a mess.”
                The girl she had seen in the company of Lestrange’s men in various photographs… The dark-haired little girl with pigtails and pretty red dress was the heiress to the Lestrange Crime Family – or was the Black Crime Family resurrected once more? – but more than that, she was Tom’s. Tom’s. He had a daughter and a… wife, or maybe a comare, when this was over?... out there while he had been screwing with her head.
                “We could have done something after Del was born, but…”
                “It was too risky,” Tom said, certain, pursing his lips and wincing as he did so, “We had to make sure that people would respect Bellatrix, that no question of Delphie’s parentage would be put in question. She’ll always be a Lestrange.” He seemed aggravated by the thought of his daughter having another man’s name, “But at least she’s safe.”
                “And we’ll tell her, eventually,” Bellatrix said, nonchalantly, “Although I’m sure she’ll be elated to live with her uncle Tom, for now.”
                “In a few months.” Tom said, tempering Bellatrix’s apparent speedy plans, “We have to wait for everyone to adapt, although I’m sure people will push us to act sooner rather than later, we’ve planted the image of us together for too long. People have expectations.” Bellatrix hummed in agreement, Hermione watched as Tom tightened his grip on her shoulder, and said, smirking at The Woman seating on the chair, “Have a few siblings for Delphie, maybe.”
              “Oh, shut up.” Bellatrix said, and Hermione could hear the smile she wasn’t able to hide.
                “That wasn’t a ‘no’.”
                Bellatrix hummed, as she caressed the hand on her shoulder, “I’ll think about it.”
                As Hermione turned from the loving display, part of her longed to beg Tom for her life, longed to say to him that he could have her whatever way he wanted if that was his wish or that she could disappear forever and never step foot in this wretched city again… But she knew, whatever he had had with her was fake. Looking him looking at Bellatrix with a softness in his gaze that was uncharacteristic of him… He had never looked at her that way, not even when faking to be in love with her.  
                But even as part of her begged her to plead for her life, the bigger part of her wrestled to rebel, to shout in their faces that they would be caught and brought to justice… But she knew the likelihood of that was unlikely, Hermione knew that the police were as much in the pocket of the Mafia as the politicians were. Odds were that Bellatrix and Tom would get away with this, scot free. Still, another question plagued her mind.
                “How are you planning to contain this? Two detectives, an heir to one of the Crime Families, a Boss to another, a capo, and couple of prominent soldiers. All dead.” Hermione said, contemplating, “The two of you escaping, and then taking over is a very big coincidence.”
                “Well, the public story will be that Rodolphus was at the warehouse to make an appraisal of the place to invest, Draco came along with him to learn the trade and got caught in shootout between the police and known Mafia members, then a gas pipe burst and the building went in flames.” Tom explained, “Rather amateur-ish but decent enough for the newspapers.”
                “As for our families, something more elaborate,” Bellatrix continued from Tom, “It is well-known that you have been a thorn in our side for quite some time, Detective, something that Tom and I engineered, of course, by giving you intel to arrest many of our least loyal, more problematic members. The meeting that took place here was, of course, spread about the families relaying the intent of catching you, your partner and your ‘informant’.”
                “We’ll pin it on Augustus, he has some connections with a former lover in the police,” Tom then, took over for Bellatrix, gesturing to the dead man behind Hermione, “So you arrive and you, your partner, and Augustus overpowered Rodolphus, killing him and that’s when Bellatrix and I ran. Then Draco, ah, we didn’t plan Draco,” He said chuckling, faintly, “He was never meant to come. Still, some cover will have to be made, about him coming here with Rodolphus and dying as a hero by sacrificing himself, injured after the shootout, to set off the explosives.” He snorted, “Worked out rather well, that.”
                “Cissa will buy it, if only because it makes her son a hero.” Bellatrix explained, “Of course, we always planned on having him killed. Stupid boy was always too clever for his own good and far too close with Rodolphus,” Bellatrix ‘tsk’ed, disapprovingly, “something that will, at least, work in our favour for him being here.”
                “So, Draco was always going to die then?” She tried, one last time, to make the people in front of her show some sort of emotion, some sort of remorse for the life they led. Hermione should have saved her breath, because Bellatrix only chuckled.
                “I admit, I had hoped that he wasn’t stupid enough to come here today, and that he would give up on the foolish idea of becoming an informant and convince him that he had a bright future if he kept his mouth shut, but it is as it is… But don’t concern yourself with my nephew, Detective, because everyone here but the two of us,” long fingers on elegant hands pointed to herself and to Tom with a commanding ease, “will die today. No loose ends. That includes you.”  
                Hermione shook her head, helplessly, there was nothing left to be done. She lowered her head, indicating that her questions were over, that she was, if not ready, resigned enough to her fate. She heard Bellatrix chuckle softly, almost pityingly at her and couldn’t find it in herself to care.
                “You want to do the honours?” Bellatrix asked softly, and the part of Hermione that couldn’t help but care for the man that had been her lover for 9-months was comforted by the fact that Tom, if nothing else, had someone to care for him.
                “You do it,” Tom said, carelessly, as he fiddled with a lighter in his hand, “I still have to set up the explosive. Besides, I know you’re dying to.” He finished with a smirk on his lips. Seemed like he didn’t have the same consideration for her, but Hermione wasn’t surprised, couldn’t bring herself to care, she was numb, her fate decided.
                Hermione heard the heels clicking on the ground as Bellatrix got close and had to fight off the chill that enveloped her body as Bellatrix tipped her head up, hand on her chin, to make her look in the calculating grey eyes, and a cruel elated smile of  the blood-red lips belonging to the woman that would end her life.
 As she felt the barrel of the gun against her temple, a thought ran through her head that she couldn’t stop; she wished she could have, even just once, felt the taste of smiling lips on hers, of worker’s hands on her body, of running her hands over the ginger locks of a man so good and so nice and so uproarious as Ronald Weasley.
 With that thought in her head, she barely felt the gun discharge into her head.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
14x14 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  good night babe
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
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Giulia: Splash
14x14 Ouroboros
Zee: Can’t relive this. With Jack
Nat: I cry
Zee&Giu: I believe in us
Nat: Fuck this
Giulia: Ok sam
Zee: I do believe in us
Giulia: I ain’t got enough coffee in my blood
Zee: The end?? How dare he?
[ Retro French pop music plays ] IS THIS A THING NOW?
Nat: Uhh...Mexico, Ellaaaa
Zee: Giuls, thoughts??
I see no wrongdoing here. The pasta is being dump into the water while it’s boiling. Garlic! YUM. That looks like too much sauce for that much pa- let’s be honest here, once can never be have too much sauce who cares. Ok I see olive oil, yellow bell pepper ( which is the best one ok) , garlic, onions, zucchini, and I think there’s parmigian cheese and *disgusted sound* cilantro, and a body....
Nat: Well, isn't that tasty
Giulia: ...I’M HUNGRY
Zee: Strike that
Nat: Fresh liver
Nat: NO
Oh he’s making like fried liver, that was not cheese but grated bread ok ok I see you THAT LOOKS TASTY( you forgot the flour tho ok)
Nat: I'm more grossed out by the liver than the snake
Zee: Excuse me while I barf
Theeeey’re HEEEEEERE
Nat: Ohhh... babes
Zee: Shut. The. Fuck. Up
Giulia: those look tasty too
Creepy motherfucker , who is weirdly making me tingling with his cooking skill, : time to go Felix.
Giulia: I WISH
Nat: NO How about no, He just left his meal cooking. Could burn the house down
Giulia: yeah real rude. Killing people and burning houses down
Nat: Mmmhh...snack
Giulia: Omg Jack’s plaid coat. Jack has amazing coats game y’all.
Nat: snacks
Zee: Three of them
oh...now they are all 4 of them ?
Nat: all of them,  well, no except one
Zee: Jack is a baby
Dean has a surprisingly soft steps. 
C: Oh no
I know Cass baby, that bitch fucked up a perfectly good pasta that’s what he did.
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Giulia: Dean is us
D: Yeah who just let themselves be eaten?
Giulia: I’d let myself be eaten by you 
D: My money is on witchcraft.
R: Och, you, always blaming witches
D: Cause a lot of times is witches
Rowena basically : I was minding my glorious business when you whiny bitches called to beg for my help
D: Well we’ve been chasing this guy for weeks. What’s your point
Nat: Awww...Deano calm yo tits
Nat: Dean tossing things is my kink
Zee: Kinks again Nat?
Nat: Can you blame me? I'm FINE
Giulia: Hello castiel
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R: Not enough Pantera posters for one.
Dean looking almost amused
Giulia: Coughing jack is my (1) fear
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Jack: I’m fINe , I’M NoT dYinG . 
Nat: yeah, right, Jack
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Nat: Dean..please!
R: Darling boy, everything means something.
Giulia: Be a dear and bring the snakeskin
Sam and Rowena research date night
R: You say [high pitched voice] ‘oh it’s just some magic and you think I’d leave it at that?’
Nat: Ahh..Sam puffing his chest
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R: I’m more curious about how your brother is managing to keep an archangel locked away inside his mind.
S: Because....he’s Dean [read this as Batman]
Giulia&Zee: Dean is dean
Zee&Giulia: He’s fine
Zee: Giuls. Shut up
Giulia: Zee 🖕🏻
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Look at them HAAAAANDS cradling the mug.
D: You know, I got to say, I got a pretty good feeling about bringing Rowena in on this one. I think her and Sam have a chance of cracking it.
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me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
C: They do have many books.
D: Yes, they do.
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Zee: Worried husband
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C: Hey Dean...
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D: I’m fine....
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ok ok ok ...I ADORE this shot! you’ll see this often in my feed , just fyi
C: What you're doing, even just sitting here and having a cup of coffee, is a Herculean feat. I can't imagine the willpower
Giulia: hey dean. Oh how I adore how he talks  
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[Jack dying in the bathroom]
[Jack spitting blood] 
me : *stares in the distance, lost in my ptsd vietnam episode*
Zee: Are you really fine?
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Cas is like.... DONT U LIE TO ME, i have no right to tell you this because of a recent stupid thing I did but DON’T LIE TO MY FACE
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Zee: That’s what I’m supposed to say
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D: ...That’s what we all say
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Dean’s like.... yeah ok he can read right through me.
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[ starting operation ‘ let’s lower our walls’ in 3....]
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Giulia: Still even more convinced that they will use michael grace on jack
Giulia: Those eye lines are ruining me
D: There's this pounding in my head. It never stops. 
Castiel’s face:
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D:  Michael's in there, and he is fighting hard to get out.
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D: And I can't let my guard down... not for a second.
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Me: I’ll cheer to that bro
C:  Well, that is not sustainable.
D: ....It's on me.
C: We are here to help you.
me: *SOBS*
D: I know that, and I appreciate that. I do.
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Nat: fuck this
Zee: That kid is gonna die in the fucking bathroom
Nat: IF... IF.... IF
D: If you don’t ....
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D: We still have plan B
Nat: Fuck plan B
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Zee: Coffin Ocean Done
Nat: NOT even plan B likes Plan B
Jack’s like : yo you finished with the eye fucking and feelings sharing so I don’t feel embarrassed by you two in public? 
Castiel’s like : I’m out with two problematic kids who don’t tell me nothing
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Giulia: We are fiNe
C: Okay, um...these killings -- it seems like there's a ritualistic quality to the crime scenes, right? It's almost liturgical.
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Zee: Greek there for ya
Giulia: thank you Mr.Portokalos 
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D: Ah yeah. See that one I knew.
Dean...you cute fucker I swear
J: Anyone who could do this is a monster...I mean, even if they're human.
D: Looks like Sam and Rowena have something
Nat: Sam and Rowena have something wink wink
THEY DOOOOO ? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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D: This is like an A.V. Club presentation.
J: What's an A.V. Club?
C: It's a special group for people who do not play sports.
Giulia: I love the av club, where do I sign in?
Dean points at Cas “He’s the av club” [insert Oprah gif]
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Giulia: IM DEAD
also how does Cas knows that? was that included in Metatron’s pop culture packet?
Nat: Of course he'll know
Zee: Jack is precious
R: Excuse me, boys, but this is a bit more pressing than your hilarious banter.
Excuse me Rowena , nothing is more pressing than their hilarious banter
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Giulia: clash of the titans. (Not gonna lie, I almost wrote clash of the tits). Just fyi
Zee&Nat: Of course you did
R: You know about Medusa?.
I’m sorry but....everyone knows about Medusa.  Ok ok this was mainly for the giggles and all because, you bet your ass that Dean would know who the fuck Medusa was, STOP MAKING DEAN THIS DUMB WHEN IT’S NOT REALISTIC.
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Giulia: How caffeine is working
Nat: Because why else should the writers write this episode
Nat: Definitely...anything you want. Get on your knee. lol
Giulia: ...ooooh i can smell all the meta from here
Nat: They all gay for dick
Well Nat I guess….I mean... ...well that’s...that’s the goal
Giulia: U would all be gay for them
Nat: you not wrong
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Giulia: MMMMMM
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Zee: Fucking hell
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Now turned on and scared Guy : No SIR
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yeah that’s right call me Sir
Nat: Psycho penpal
Y’all my psycho text pals tho
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Nat: you're not his type
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R:For the record, I don't love being included on his little hit list.
S: Apparently he can’t see angels
J: I’m not an angel
D: Close enough
C: So, if Jack and I approach Noah on our own, we -- we may surprise him.
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Zee: Happily surprised moose
Giulia: i’d get sloppy....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Zee: I’m here for Sam’s short shirt
I’m here for them short of clothes 
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Nat: OMG
S: We -- We think he might have eaten something.
R: "We think"? "We think"? He means that it's my fault for not keeping an eye on the poor dear. He thinks that everything is my fault.
S: Can we not fight in front of the vet?
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S: I mean, I guess it's not entirely your fault that you looked away!
R: He blames me for everything! I let his mother ride the Jet Ski one time!
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Nat: Wee Jackie Boy
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Giulia: I CAN T
Zee: Sam got a dog and it’s his “son”
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S: What are you doing?
R: Oh, I mean, I realize it's not...[Deep voice ]...pretending to be the FBI. [Normal voice] But there are other ways of doing things, Samuel. Plus...I thought my performance was quite magnificent.
Zee: The thermometer
Giulia: i bet he liked being a dog 
Giulia: *seeing just now Zee’s thermometer text*  THIS IS HORRIBLE TIMING
Nat: Did Jack just get something in his ass for this
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Nat: YES
J: Just wish I could've got it before she took my temperature.
Giulia: ...he took one for the team.
R: Oh, uh, a moment, Samuel. What did you do to that boy?
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R: It's volatile magic, powerful, and it's stitched to him like some kind of parasite.I was curious before, but now I am worried, so I'll ask you again, Sam What did you do?
I can’t believe Rowena is lecturing Sam, and being right too
R: using dangerous, mysterious magic, regardless of the cost, that's a very on-brand me thing to do.
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Nat: She's still so much shorter than him standing on the curb
Zee: Everyone is shorter than him
R: Of course, Samuel. Until very recently, I was the villain.
So I ordered this SamWitch extra spicy I guess.
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Meanwhile scarred Jack :
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Nat: That guy is creepy
Giulia: He’s so flamboyant loves every minute of it
Zee: That gorgon is a total bitch
Noah: "Helpless men" -- that's rich. No, I do eat ladies, too, but women have become so cautious lately. Must be all that finally waking up from centuries of misogynistic oppression. Good for them. Bad for you.
Nat: Ok but I like that
D: But if we cut off their head, then is more creatures gonna crawl out?
Ok but ...hey...legit question
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knock first , kick doors later
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Zee: Enter the angel of the lord
Noah a bit turned on and scared
Nat: does he do anything else
Nat: NO fair
Noah : demi-god actually
Zee: I’m a lover not a fighter
Nat: Slapping
Zee: Oh he didn’t
Nat: NO cas
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#mood  #same
Nat: wHAT
Giulia: NO , WHAT
Zee: Real pleasure
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Zee: Why is he kicking their asses?
Giulia: Stop making him bump his head
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Zee: Fuck yeah
Zee: My baby is hurt
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Zee: Swallow Cas
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Nat: I can't even see
this is painful 
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Zee: Look how precious jack is
Nat: Dean's still too tall for the bed
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Sam asking Rowena what to do is making me weak.
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Giulia: GOD DAMN IT. I CHOKED . that was scary
Nat: that's what she said
Nat: Cas wants to make up for it
[VIDEO] because I’m a sucker for these moments and you need to appreciate them more.
Giulia: We do too Jack
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Zee: Special humans
Nat: sometimes we forget that too
Zee: Humans burn bright
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Giulia: They are still human
Giulia: For a very brief time
Zee: He have to carry on
Giulia: DAMN CAS
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Nat: Jack has it right
Zee: It will hurt
Nat: Stop talking like that CAs
This scene is one of the best one , I can’t 
Zee: Can Cas shut up already?
Giulia: MY GOD CAS
Nat: Jack calm yo tits
Giulia: He s keeping the snake . LUCIFER SON IS KEEPING THE SNAKE. I DON T LIKE IT
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Giulia: what is th
Zee: He woke up alright
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Giulia: The screaming
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Zee: He out
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Nat: He's gone?
Nat: NO
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Giulia: OH SHIT
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Giulia: OH FUCK
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Giulia: FUCK
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Zee: Shut the fuck up
Giulia: OH SHIT
Nat: Michael!Rowena x Sam
Giulia: NOT NOW NAT!
Giulia: SHUT UP NAT .i can t watch this
Nat: Always taunting him. "come on sam, you can go harder than that, boy" .OH GOD SHUT UP NAT
Zee: I fucking love him
M: It didn’t work out. It was him, not me.
Michael making promises.....DOESN’T WORK.
R: I’ll live either way
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Zee: Sam is gonna off me
R: ..which makes dinner a little awkard
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Nat: Fuck this
Nat: how can americans watch it with commercial breaks?
M: Burning off your soul? You'll run out soon enough.
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Giulia: i have no idea what to do
Giulia: How dare u
M: I am the commander of the host!   I am the cleanser of worlds!  I will not be challenged by a child!
You are a drama queen , that’s what you are
Nat: Of course
J: I'm not a child! I'm the son of Lucifer. I'm a Hunter. I am a Winchester!
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Giulia: JACK
Zee&Nat: I am a Winchester
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Nat: OH did he just swallowed Michael's grace
nat doN’T BE NASTY
J: Michael is dead
I don’t trust it
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Nat: I'm confused
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[after credits comments]
Giulia: PROMO. NOW
Zee: What??!!
Nat: I'm confused
Nat: Someone hold me
Zee: There there pats your back
Nat: I have no idea and I didn't like it
Zee: Hello. Are you new to SPN ?
Nat: What Michael is dead? Are we supposed to believe that?
Zee: No
Giulia: Jack worries me tho. And ya know the last ep of the season is called “Jack in the box”
Zee: Don’t go there
Giulia: How I cannot
Zee: Don’t know. Just don’t
Zee: You’ll never get off
Giulia: That what he said
Zee: Stop it
Giulia: Fuck u all
And fuck spn
And dean
And sam
And cas
And fucking jack
I can t
*throw tables out the window*
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl @destiel-honeypie     @mariekoukie6661     @dragontamerm      @closetspngirl   @rainflowermoon    @mattiecat      @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2   @jacks-word-of-the-day    @4evamc      @dammitsammy    @legendary-destiel  @winchesterprincessbride   @destielhoneybee   @castiellover20  @jacks-word-of-the-day @ravenhg @evvvissticante 
65 notes · View notes
whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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4 years ago, I heard about “Star vs. The Forces of Evil”. I didn’t think much of it, but I gave it a shot (it was like a childhood callback to my “Sailor Moon” phase when I was younger) to see how it was. I made a little review about it to let everyone know what I thought and after a couple of more episodes, I was drawn to it! A twist on the Magical Girl genre of the heroine open with her being magical and fighting villains while still going about an everyday life. Neat characters, funny dialogue, cool storylines, original music scores, plot twists and the shipping dramas! I was so obsessed I made fanart/animation, bought whatever merchandise there was of it! (Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension (original and Stump Day Edition) and The Magic Book of Spells) and been having dreams of the show as well! My reviews have changed since the first season. It started out as just words, but then came frames and then later pictures and now, finally gifs! Writing is my passion. I just love writing down how I feel about things and having others see it and what I have to say about it as if I’m a voice to the people. Speaking of which, I gotta get to this finale review before I’m over my writing limit is up. Lol!
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We open with what we saw in the promo for finale. Star transforms in her golden Mewberty form getting ready to enter the portal to The Realm of Magic, say The Whispering Spell there and destroy all the magic. Despite the major drawback to the aftermath (No Starco😢). She turns down Eclipsa and Moons advice on taking on Mina all together and is just single minded on her plan. Star, maybe that would’ve been a better idea. You know, like the whole Total Annihilation Spell thing that Eclipsa used! That could still work! Huh!? HUH!? HUH!? C’mon!!! (are we not gonna call her out for making a hasty decision based on her impulsive anger from her Moms betrayal!?) Before that however, she didn’t tell Marco the bad news of her plan to save him from heartbreak and Hekapoo was cool with Star going forward with her plan. Uh, seriously Hekapoo!? YOU’RE GONNA DIE! WHO’S THIS CHILL ABOUT DYING!? Guess after literally everything she thought, “Eh, I lived a long life. Besides, magic sucks a**”. Okay, I mean, if that’s how she feels then.
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Marco goes with her and after getting one last back handed burning slap on the head (“Running with Scissors”), takes the wand from Moon and gives it the old “Marcos wand” look! (“Deep Dive”) Unknownst to Moon that he’s used it before. (the drawn on mole would’ve been a nice touch. I’m just sayin’). This is it! Their one last adventure before the whole things over. With that, they hold hands (Marco choosing the top arm of Stars left) and walk into the portal to destroy the magic. Oh God!
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They arrive in The Realm of Magic and Star tries to do The Whispering Spell while Marco eats pudding that Glossaryck left behind for him and Star. Unfortunately, Star starts to lose her memories and Marco realizes he’s still fine. He finds out it’s the pudding! The Pudding!? OMG! You mean to tell me this is why Glossaryck kept eating pudding the whole time!? Not just because it was delicious! WOW! Marco shoves some pudding in Star which help keep her memories and then they see..............
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Thomas Draconius Lucitor! Riding on the corrupted dark unicorn from “Mama Star”! Hey Tom! How you been!? Haven’t seen you since well, that episode I just mentioned! Last we checked, you were stuck in your demon form on fire and with that seatbelt still on!..............which you’re now wearing as a sash for some reason. Guess you never were sent back to Mewni, or the Underworld, or wherever else cuz no one bothered to mention what became of you. Tom, we can explain! A lot of sh*t happened in Mewni and it was all Mina (and Moons) fault! Also Starco is for finally canon and Stars gonna destroy the magic! Btw, why do you have glowing blank eyes like Stars real/fake ancestry?....................Tom, you’re scaring us............Tom, why are you charging at Starco!? Are you pissed that they forgot you!? TOM! TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
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Back on Mewni, River and Eddie finally make it to the sanctuary to save Globgor and just before they could open it, Mina catches them and the two biggest idiots of Mewni accidentally blurt out what they’re gonna do! (face palms). No thanks to that, Mina now tries to get into the sanctuary.
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Over to The Realm of Magic again, Marco fights off Tom using the wand by blasting every bit of whimsical spell Star does and some with his own while Star finally does The Whispering Spell and for the finale, we actually hear what all that whispering was! “Break the bond, tear the fabric, cleave the stone, stop the magic” again and again. And it works! HOLY SH*T IT ACTUALLY WORKS! I didn’t think her plan would work by doing that, but it’s true! It’s freakin’ true!
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However, it still doesn’t work. I knew it, I mean, saying the Whispering Spell in The Realm of Magic to destroy all magic! Puh-leeze! It’s only for the wand! :P. Just then, Moon and Eclipsa w/ Meteora show up and decide to help. That’s the quickest moment of forgiving I’ve ever seen, after all what Moon did, Star just accepted her again! Marco finally stops Tom from killing him w/ the corrupted dark unicorn by feeding him pudding, but in the process, getting stabbed! Don! Don! Don! After Tom is cured, he and Marco head back to Star. 
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Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora Dip Down in their Mewberty forms (the fandom gets their wish on seeing Eclipsa do that) and are joined by the Past Queens of Mewni (starting from Skywynne not the 26 before her cuz that’s all the queens the book mentioned cuz the staff didn’t have enough time to come up with designs, personalities, history, etc for them and also Skywynnes mother, Lyric, didn’t save the original Magic Book of Spells :P) in spiritual form assisting them with destroying magic. They still don’t talk as they didn’t have time to that and cuz it’s the last episode and we’re about wrapping up here, so :P to that.
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Mina finds The Realm of Magic and charges after Star, Moon, Eclipsa and Meteora, but gets distracted when she sees her queen, Solaria, and gets attacked by the dark corrupted unicorn. Mina calls out to her for help, but Solaria, the queen that created Mina, transformed her and thought of her as her answer to finishing off monsters, did nothing! Nada, ZIP! Sure she hated monsters, but did she hate monsters more than she loves her daughter!? Some things are just more important. 
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After he was done with Mina, the dark unicorn goes after the queens, but Marco f**king flips the horse! DAMN! Well, he’s fought monsters, did a bunch of cool sh*t in the Neverzone, helped save Mewni twice and punched Toffee right through him! So yeah! He can flip a horse! 
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Suddenly, the magic starts getting destroyed, the baby unicorns melt, the wand is no more and the realm prepares its destruction.
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The Queens start disappearing with Moon seeing her mother, Comet, one last time, Solaria accepting of Eclipsas monster love and her hybrid granddaughter and most of all, Glossaryck goin’in bye bye. Farewell Glossaryck, you were pretty annoying, but kinda right. It was nice knowin’ ya. 
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Star then tells Marco he needs to go up the waterfall to Earth, but doesn’t answer him on the bad news that they’ll never see each other again :’(. However, I think he figured it out from their tearful good-bye.
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 Everyone comes out the well, but Star makes a big sacrifice and decides to go to Earth to be with Marco. Turns out, Marco stayed behind in the destruction of The Realm of Magic cuz he too thought, with or without magic, ღ they belong together! ღ STARCO FOREVER! 
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With that, they hug for the very last time with their last bit of magic giving them their glowing cheek marks, unknown what will become of them during the destruction (possibly death) and then 💥BOOM!💥
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The sanctuary is now gone along with the magic, well dimension traveling, (the narwhal blasting) and most of all, no more signature cheek marks on Star or anyone else who had ‘em on the show! And Star floats a drift on an alligator where Moon finds her riding on another alligator like a jet ski.
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The new Solarian army falls apart and all the Monsters, like Buff Frog and his kids, are now finally safe from harm all thanks to Star. Destroying the magic actually did turn out to be the solution to fix everything (I personally didn’t think so cuz I would’ve preferred Star go with Eclipsa’s Total Annihilation Spell from the beginning) and Stars tapestry did predict the outcome of it:Magic gone, no more Glossaryck, Mina defeated, Monsters safe, Reconciled with Moon, Eclipsa and her family alive and well and the Monster Temple still standing, but still, no Starco 😢. However, Star was still happy all the monsters were okay, her family safe and even Eclipsa and her family safe.
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With the magic gone, Mina Loveberry has been brought down to normal and unfortunately, still coo coo! Now, with the other villains in the show, most of ‘em got redeemed (Ludo, Tom and Meteora) and others died (Toffee), but our final “Forces of Evil”, Mina, who can no longer transform into her Hulk-like warrior self, still remains mentally ill (there’s no cure for that). Moon tries to talk some final sense into her and help her out with her diseased mind, but Mina refuses her help cuz despite the fact that she’s depowered, she runs off continuing her goal on eliminating monsters cuz it “lingers to her”. Well, she’s a lost cause and no one really gives a sh*t about her anymore (except maybe Manfred), so good-luck to ya ya psycho b*tch!
Moon apologizes to Star for working along side with Mina and making the biggest f*ck up in history, but Star easily forgives her since she (Star) always f*cks up too. I guess the apple doesn’t really fall far from the tree after all, huh!? Star says it’s cuz all families f*ck up (some more so than others), but that what they need to do is just live and learn from it all. So yeah, it’s true. Star heads back to the infirmary to check up on her friends and since the magics gone, those Solarian fatal wounds have already disappeared and everyones okay. Like Pony Head and Rich Pigeon! Star tells Pony Head that destroying the magic was the only solution there was to defeat Mina and save everyone, but despite the fact that she’s happy all is well and done, the tragedy of it is there’s no more Marco Ubaldo Diaz! NO MORE STARCO! IT DIDN’T LAST! 😭 He’s just back on Earth with Janna cuz that’s where they belong much like how Kelly went back to Woolandia and Talon at that Dragon Spit bar thing and that she can’t deal with Pony Heads sassy character trait stuff right now! 
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Pony Head sees how heartbroken Star is and cheers her up by saying that Kelly is crying tears...........of joy! And happily goin’ on adventures with her “Battle Buddy” Jorby and that Talon is making up cool stories about his adventure to the bar taverns and it does in fact cheer Star up.
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From the magic gone, we learn what became of the MHC and that they were reduced to just junk. Omnitraxus Prime is now a lifeless skull like the ones you see stereotypically in the desert, Rhombulus is now a lifeless crystal which was originally his head and his free will snake arms are now just regular old snakes and Idk what happened to Hekapoo, but I’m assuming since she was a demoness, she must’ve just turned to a poof of smoke or something. Omnitraxus was so close to be mature, but sadly he failed to realize what Hekapoo saw. Still disappointed in how Rhombulous turned out (sigh) oh so disappointed. Oh! And uh, Sean just overfilled himself on pizza. He was never important. Whatever. 
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Just then, Tom shows up and he’s okay too! Pony Head didn’t mention that he was looking for Star after she decided to supposedly leave Mewni to live on Earth and I think it’s cuz she ships Starco now cuz we all know Tomstar failed not once, but twice! Hey! It’s the finale, so I’m tellin’ it like it so :P (third times not always the charm). Any way, Tom shows Star a portal that”s floating around in the distance and that it leads to Earth! (gasp)
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Speaking of Earth, since the The Realm of Magic was located under Britta’s Tacos, and is now gone, the restaurant is too. Oh great! 😒 First we lose The Bounce Lounge, then Quest Buy and now the taco place! (as if it wasn’t bad enough we don’t have Starco!). The whole destruction to them was known as an “earthquake”. 
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Marco is on a gurney, but he’s safe and healed now that the magics gone with that unicorn wound no longer there and his parents and baby sister are relived he’s okay. Sadly, much like Star, he's miserable without her. 
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Janna rolls in on her gurney attached to a heart rate monitor and she cheers up Marco by saying even though he lost Star, they still have each other as friends. Despite the fact that she drove him nuts most of the time, he did in fact consider her a friend and vice versa. Janna then tells Marco about a portal from a distance that leads to Mewni! (gasp). Janna then tells Marco that he should run for it while she fakes her death in 60 seconds to distract everyone. DAMN! RUN! DIAZ! RUN!
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So I’m guessing their last bit of magic together while embracing one last time was the result of that portal (no it’s not a “gas leak” from the “earthquake”), but how long is it gonna remain open!? Both our heroes run like Hell to see each again with a build up theme tune playing with Star punching her way through the Forest of Certain Death and Marco violating traffic laws cuz one thing is set on their minds, make Starco canon! 
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Marco uses Jackies skateboard to head faster while Star turns down a friendly game of basketball with Ludo and Dennis. So nice that we saw more of the minor characters again. sk8er girl Jackie with her new French mate, Chloe, starter villain Ludo fully redeemed and happy, those two guys that Daron never wanted to exist, Alfonzo and Ferguson, fangirl Starfan13, mean girl Brittany (well finally! Where was she!? Still wish we saw Jeremy though even if he was a little sh*t, I’d still would've liked to have seen him) we even saw that creepy woman and her new dog, “Willoughby”! (”Fetch”). 
Okay enough about them, let’s get back to Starco! They’re getting closer!........
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Wait! Are those dragoncylces? Flying across the Earth sky!? Holy Sh*t! They are! 
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And are those, mermaids!? Swimming in the aqueduct!? (was that a giant spider?).  
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Is that Rich Pigeon getting chased up a tree by Earth dogs!? 
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Did a helicopter just fly by the Cloud Kingdom over the Pony Head family!? 
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Whoa! Whoa!.....WHOA! Are you telling me, that Earth and Mewni have merged into one whole dimension and that it’s now Earthni!? Was it that last bit of Starco magic from the embrace that caused that portal to open and explode to do this!? WOW! Now I get it! “Cleaved”! Good one there, good one! Okay, so it’s a little hectic what with the two worlds becoming one thing, but maybe with time, everyone will get used to it (shrugs).
So if the two worlds merged then that means.............................
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STARCO AT LAST! The final unification! Better than the one from “Battle for Mewni”, not awkward like in “Lint Catcher” just pure unadulterated Starco and with their beautiful theme music playing once again to emphasize it. They meet, they smile, they walk towards each other and...............they say Hi. No big kiss or hug or even a silent stare, just plain old “Hey how ya doin’?”. It’s a little tame, but considering this is a children's show, it’s still sweet and more importantly, it was endgame ;). 
🎶 I wanna be your endgame,
I wanna be your first string,
I wanna be your A-Team,
I wanna be your endgame, endgame 🎶
Since Star Butterfly wasn’t there to do her closing inner monologue like how she did with her opening one in the pilot of the show, I’ll be doing it here. So the show ended with Starco like we all hoped for except with the unexpected twist that both their worlds, Earth and Mewni, collided together. Never in a millions years would we have thought this would happen! I’ve seen fan works of Starco either living together on Earth or living as royals in Mewni with their “Starco child(ren)”, but the fact that we got a best of both worlds finale was a huge surprise! Now the happy couple can still be with their families and friends and even have Meteora and Mariposa grow up together like they promised they would. If you ask me, this sounds more like a new beginning, like how are the Humans and Mewmens gonna adapt to their new surroundings and interactions among each other like it’s the start of a whole new season! But I guess that was left to the fans to use their imagination on how that’ll go cuz so many people already had left the show to pursue other things and that they needed to wrap it up quickly. However, we’re still left with some unanswered questions such as why we didn’t see the Septarian, Seth, and how he was the head honcho of the Septarian army cuz he was a big deal in The Magic Book of Spells and since that book was foreshadowing everything in the final season, I assumed we might’ve gotten a look at him and maybe have him make an appearance since it was last said he disappeared, but I guess like in the book, he’s history. Second, there’s Toffee, from the very beginning he wanted the magic destroyed such as having Star use The Whispering Spell in the Season 1 finale and then corrupting it in the tv movie and it wasn’t until near the end where Star realized he was right to do so after all the chaos that’s been goin’ on. Granted it wasn’t for the same reasons she wanted, but overall just doing away with it to not give anyone an advantage to use against someone. I actually thought (like some fans) that he’d come back again, cuz he was mentioned a lot and it was hinted in the final seasons episode premiere about the use of magic and that he might’ve, but after two seasons and a movie, I suppose it was enough and at least he got a cameo in one. Still, his actions were a big concern for Star. Thirdly, the rebel princesses, last we saw, Meteora blew up the whole school after finding out about her true background and we never saw what became of ‘em. Hopefully, they’re fine like Pony Head is and that our minds shouldn’t go into a dark place thinking about that. Speaking of darkness, monster arm, he looked to be hinted at coming back after his defeat, but instead he was just left as a scare gag and irrelevance to the plot. Lastly, the same goes for that mysterious sun/moon/star room in St.Olga’s. It looked to be a big plot point to bring up in a later episode, but alas, we got nothing out of it! We suspected it had something to do with The Blood Moon, but even that was all for nothing! Never did we find out what that room was supposed to mean and I guess it was never meant to have been pointed out in-universe cuz that was for us fans to see it as an up and coming big Starco moment like how the Blood Moon was never magic and that it was just a gimmick with the whole “soul binding” thing to spice up it’s appeal. The finale was good. Could’ve done it as an hour long special or tv movie to close it off, but since Daron and the staff kept goin’ through so many changes in episode plots (and believe me, I’ve seen plenty of “what-could’ve-been” plots like the original idea for the show with Star younger and non-magical annoying everyone around her with her big imagination of her being a magical girl princess), I kinda think maybe they rushed into it, but even so, it was a nice finale and it left a good memory for me. I found some nice people through this fandom and just to name a few there was that ever popular head cannon blog, @svtfoeheadcanons which than went onto @seddm. Thank you for your words and blog and answering some of my questions (even though it was kinda anon, but I think you might’ve recognized me from my writings) you are brilliant, @moringmark, your comics of the Starco/Jarco child clashing story were fun as well as your Starco Child Headquarters comic and I am now enjoying your “F.R.I.E.N.D.S” parody of the Past Queens of Mewni and also the Meteora and Mariposa comic, thank you for your comics, I always check on and comment on ‘em and last, but certainly not least, my good svtfoe friend, @agentpfangirl1997. Hey girl! I love how I found her and we chatted about what we thought about the show and checking each others reviews and fan arts of it. Her drawings are awesome! Glad I got to know such a great person. Even with the show, we still keep it alive through our love for it and will treasure it for years to come. Thank you, Daron Nefcy! @daronnefcy 
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choupetit · 5 years
GOT Recap: The Long Night
Airdate: 4/28/19 ; Season 8, Episode 3
The great battle we’ve so been anticipating is upon us and peeps are gonna die! I’m scurred!  The night is indeed dark and full of terrors – and in this particular case, it was so dark that many viewers (including yours truly) had a tough time actually seeing the action on screen.  So adjust your brightness settings, turn off all the lights, grab your stress ball and set a timer to remind yourself to breathe every 5 minutes, ‘cause this was one very intense episode and it’s time for a supersized recap of “The Long Night”. To get the full authentic feel of the show, I highly recommend you wrap some mesh around your eyes to make sure that you have to really squint to read all the words – ya know, so you can feel like you’re there with the characters.  Now, let’s get to it!
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Is there any better way to start than a close-up of Samwell Tarly’s shaking hands as some dragonglass weapons are thrust into them?  I think not. Things are tense from the get go, y’all, and we follow Sam as he walks past all the various characters and groups as they take their places for the battle ahead.  
Lyanna Mormont shouts to her men in the courtyard.  Bran, accompanied by Theon Greyjoy and his men, shoots Sam a look as he is pushed in his wheelchair toward the Godswood.  Tyrion grabs a giant flask of wine as he makes his way to the crypts. A giant formation of Unsullied stand at the ready.  Ahead of them are the Dothraki on their horses – Ser Jorah Mormont is among them on his steed looking out into the endless black night.  Ghost is there, too! The Northerners and Free Folk are primed for the fight and we get a nice view of the lineup of all our favorites:  Brienne of Tarth, Jaime Lannister, Podrick Payne, Tormund Giantsbane, Gendry,  The Hound, Beric Dondarrion and Dolorous Edd – whom Sam joins in the formation.  
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On the ramparts are sisters Sansa and Arya Stark as well as Ser Davos Seaworth – they peer into the dark, unable to see anything at all.  Overhead a sharp dragon shriek rings out – Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow soar past them on the two dragons, Drogon and Rhaegal.  The tension is palpable as the collective group stares off into the cold nothingness. The only sound to be heard is the wind.  They wait.  Out of the darkness, a cloaked rider slowly approaches the front line of Dothraki. It’s Melisandre, here to (hopefully) save the day! Or night!  She asks Jorah to instruct the horde to raise their swords.  As they do, Melisandre walks to one of the riders, clasps his blade in her hand and starts to chant some witchy voodoo words. The blade catches on fire and it sets off a domino effect:  A sea of Dothraki swords is set ablaze and it’s awesome to behold.  Damn straight, Night King, we comin’ for ya!!  Jorah gives a nod of appreciation, and as Melisandre’s horse makes its way toward the Winterfell gates, she passes Grey Worm and says “Valar Morghulis” (All men must die). He replies “Valar Dohaeris” (All men must servce). Ugh, all men must die?!  Noooo, it’s been nice knowing you, Grey Worm!
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As the fire priestess approaches, Ser Davos instructs the guards to open the gates and he storms down to confront her.  They meet and she tells him to cool his jets.  “No need to kill me, dude, I’ll be dead before dawn.” Melisandre glances to the ramparts where she sees Arya looking at her.  Hey, now they’re like…what’s the female term for “Tunnel Brothers”…maybe ”Sausage Sisters”? They both stare at each other for a moment, stone faced.  
We get an awesome view from the ramparts of all the Dothraki with their fiery swords, and on the battle field, Jorah calls out to the riders to charge.  All the Dorthraki surge ahead, shrieking out their battle cries as they gallop along with Jorah and our favoritest  direwolf of them all.  Oh man, I really hope Ghost doesn’t bite it in this battle!   Jon and Dany watch from a hillside as the Dothraki advance in one huge fiery mass.  
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We still can’t see any White Walkers or Army of Dead in the dark.  The Unsullied release their trebuchets and blazing boulders launch over the advancing Dothraki into the void.  Everybody at Winterfell watches on in suspense. As the boulders land, and the Dothraki meet their enemy, however, the fires are snuffed out one by one.  A few shouts are heard in the distance as the darkness swallows up every last flame. Oh crap!  
As the fighters outside Winterfell stand in shock, we hear horses whinnying and retreating in the dark. Dothraki run toward Winterfell on foot. Suddenly, Jorah gallops past – a vague look of shock on his cut face.  He rides past all the men standing ready to fight and looks Tormund straight in the eye.  Holy moly, y’all.  What the heck is out there and how are they going to fight whatever is coming if fire can’t even hurt the Dead?  The men on the ground steel themselves as creepy non-human sounds come at them from the distance.  Omigod, omigod, omigod, I can’t handle it.
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From the hill, Dany starts for her dragon.  Jon stops her and says, “The Night King is coming.” Um, don’t you remember the plan to protect, Bran? Dany shoots back defiantly, “The Dead are already here.” She mounts Drogon.
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Back on the ground, our protagonists brace themselves for what’s coming.  Grey Worm dons his helmet.  It’s go time!  As the creepy sounds get closer, the Unsullied hold their spears at the ready and suddenly a massive sea of dead soldiers steamroll them.  If you’ve ever seen World War Z, this is it.  It’s like a gazillion ants overrunning everything. Only instead of ants, it’s a bunch of nasty resurrected dead people coming so fast and in numbers so immense that it’s an ocean of wights washing over the soldiers outside Winterfell.  I can’t even keep track of who’s fighting who – it’s a huge terrible massacre.  We see a few shots of all our fan faves and at one point Jaime helps save Brienne from a few snow zombies.  
All of a sudden a jet of fire rains down – it’s Daenerys on Drogon, torching a bunch of the undead.  Huzzah! And a second later we see another fire stream – Jon and Rhaegal for the assist!  Gee, I hope nothing is happening to Bran in the Godswood right now. Truly, though, it’s the right call, and with the fire power of the two dragons, our people on the ground at least stand a better chance at survival.  Jon sees the Army of Dead and White Walkers further off in the distance and steers his dragon toward them.  But as Rhaegal approaches, a giant snow blizzard engulfs them. He can barely see anything, but manages to shoot off another fire stream onto the Dead below.
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On the ramparts, Arya turns to Sansa and orders her to the crypts.  When Sansa scoffs that she doesn’t want to abandon her people, Arya insists she leave and hands her a dragonglass dagger. When Sansa protests that she doesn’t know how to use it, Arya states “Stick ‘em with the pointy end.” Yaaaaaassss, love the callback!
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Back on the battlefield, the blizzard has hit the fighters.  It’s terribly disorienting, but our fan faves duke it out with the snow zombies. Sam falls to the ground during an attack and Edd helps him up, only to get stabbed through the back of the head. Noooo!  RIP, Edd!  Sam turns and runs.
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Meanwhile, Sansa descends into the crypts.  “Ok, girl, just remember to be super chill when you see everybody and don’t let them know we are all completely effed.” As she approaches the women and children, she keeps a calm, cool demeanor.  Ya know what, Sansa’s chill factor is crazy impressive.  Remember the battle at Blackwater?  This gal knows how to lock it down and keep everybody else from panicking. She shoots Tyrion a lowkey “We are screwed” look and he chugs some wine from his flask.  Hey, I’ll take whatever comedic relief I can get at this point. There isn’t a lot of dialogue in this episode, and I gotta say the silent moments are on point!  Well done, thespians!
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In the skies, Jon attempts to navigate his way through the blizzard on Rhaegal but suddenly another dragon bodychecks them – it’s Daenerys on Drogon.  Whoopsies!  They can barely see anything in this storm.   Both of them regain their hold and they see hordes of Dead continuing to advance on Winterfell.
On the ground, Tormund and Brienne instruct the fighters to fall back and Grey Worm commands the Unsullied to protect the retreating Northerners. Lyanna Mormont has her men open the gates to them and they file in.  Hey, would you look at that!  Other than Edd, all our peeps are still alive! Knock on wood!
Jon steers Rhaegal toward the Godswood, while Bran and the Greyjoy gang wait in the eerily quiet enclosure.  The dragon perches on one of the nearby walls.  
During the retreat, Arya shoots a lit arrow from the ramparts just past the Hound’s head, saving him from a zombie.  Nice shot! Some of the Unsullied pile into Winterfell, while another group holds off the Army of Dead.  Grey Worm stands outside the gates and calls out to Davos to give the signal to set the trenches on fire.  Davos raises two torches in the air – this is the clear sign for Daenerys to swoop down with her dragon, only…she doesn’t see it on account of that pesky blizzard.  Ugh, no! The Army of Dead are almost at the gates.  The archers attempt to light the trenches but their arrows flame out almost immediately. 
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Grey Worm notices Melisandre nearby and gets a team of Unsullied to protect her so she can help out.  She lays her hands on the trenches and, again, does some incantations.  Nothing happens.  She continues.  The Army of Dead get closer and closer.  Nothing. She keeps on keeping on and just as a snow zombie comes careening at her, the trenches go up in flames, keeping the Dead at bay while the rest of the living retreat inside the walls of Winterfell. 
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 From above, Daenerys sees the trenches and realizes she missed the signal. Drogon glides past the snow zombies and blasts another stream of fire on the Dead. Ok, timeout here:  Why doesn’t Dany just go full Zamboni here and  torch them all in one nice continuous line back and forth instead of just a solitary stream here and there?  I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t understand the complexities of dragon-keeping, or their diets, and the rock-solid science that goes into their ability to breathe fire, but I’m really feeling that both Jon and Dany’s dragons could be doing a much more efficient job at wiping out way more snow zombies than they currently are.
In the super safe crypts below, Tyrion argues that he should be above ground as there may be some important thing, which nobody else might have noticed, that might make a difference. Sansa dismisses his remarks, stating that he would die.   Being realistic about that fact is the bravest thing any of them can do right now. There’s a brief lighthearted moment as Tyrion muses that he and Sansa should have stayed married. She agrees he was the best of them all, but things would never work out between them because of their conflicting loyalties – he supports Daenerys, and she supports the free North.  I’ve been thinking for a while now that these two will end up together on the Iron Throne at the very end.  Might this moment be paving the way for that possibility? 
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Theon and his men stand alert in the Godswood with Bran sitting under his beloved Weirwood tree.  With the trenches lit, Theon knows their time is running out.  He attempts to apologize to Bran for all the crappy things he did back when he tried to take Winterfell for his own, but Bran stops him and explains that everything Theon has done has lead him to where he is now – home.  Awwww, Bran, even though you’re completely devoid of emotion, you still know all the right words to say!  I’m thinking there’s a Hallmark greeting card career in this one’s future.  Or, also…death. Maybe.   Then Bran is all “M’kay, things are getting pretty real now, so, I’m gonna go.” His eyes turn white and he’s off in Wargyland.  We see some ravens perched in a tree and their eyes go white.   They fly over Winterfell and the battle between the living and the dead.  As they soar up, up, up, they see:  The Night King flying on Viserion. He stretches his arm down to the ground and…
The snow zombies  all stand motionless outside the burning trenches, but suddenly one solitary zombie walks straight into the fire.  Then another.  And another.  Until they have made a little pathway for all the other zombies to walk over them and descend upon the Winterfell walls.  Why is this happening?!  Davos rallies the troops to man the walls.  Once again in World War Z fashion, the Army of Dead start to pile up onto each other to scale the wall.  Nooooo, this is looking really bad for all the good guys inside the castle. Please tell me there is an army of Fire Priestesses coming to save the day.  Or Nymeria and her ginormous wolf pack.  Or anything, really, because this is absolutely freaking me out.  Jon is watches everything from his dragon perch, and as he looks up, he sees the Night King and decides to fly after him. Great, I’m sure this will go off without a hitch.
On the walls, we see all our beloved warriors – they are still alive, you guys!  I’m happy but I’m real scared for them.  Jaime, Brienne, Gendry, Tormund, Beric, the Hound, Sam and Jorah all give the snow zombies  a good fight, but the sheer volume of Dead is insane, and of course, more and more make it over the wall.
The whole scene inside Winterfell is pure chaos.  There’s fire and death everywhere and the Hound is huddled against a wall suffering a panic attack.  We finally see Arya in action and it’s bee-you-tee-ful!  She fights off wights like it’s an art form, while Davos looks on with awe and respect.
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Beric tries to rally the Hound, who has lost all hope and exclaims “You can’t fight death!” Just then, Arya bounds over a wall, slaying snow zombies like a boss and darts off inside Winterfell castle.  “Tell that to her,” says Beric.  This manages to get the Hound back into the game – they run after her.
With a terrifying crash, a snow zombie giant bursts through the Winterfell gate, swinging his club everywhere.  He hits Lyanna Mormont who flies through the air like a rag doll.  As the giant continues to pummel anybody in a 20 foot radius, Lyanna musters the strength to get back up on her feet and runs at him with a primal scream – battle axe in hand.  The giant wight picks her up with one hand and crushes her bones.  Ew, so gross…poor Lyanna! He lifts her to his face and she gets a look at his nasty mouth and rotting teeth just before she plunges her dragonglass axe straight into his glowing blue eye, killing him.  Oh, man, RIP Lyanna Mormont, you badass, you!  A hero to the end – I love her!
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In the skies above the Godswood, Jon and Dany hover on their dragons, when the Night King appears out of nowhere on his zombie dragon.  Viserion blasts a stream of blue dragon fire at Dany and Drogon.  In the attack, Rhaegal falls in a tailspin with Jon holding on for dear life. Meanwhile, Drogon darts upward, trying to avoid the dragon fire and Dany clutches on to him – lucky for her, dragon fire don’t hurt!  Or does it? Just as quickly as he appeared, the Night King vanishes and Dany and Jon regain control of their dragons.
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Arya makes her way into the Winterfell library – wait, Winterfell has a library?!  A few wights are wandering around aimlessly.  It’s an excruciatingly suspenseful scene as Arya froggers her way from one stack to the next, expertly avoiding the snow zombies at every turn, until she finally makes it to the other side of the room and out the door.  Gotta say, I’m not really sure why she’s inside and where she is heading, but it’s still a cool scene.  When she closes the library door behind her, however, she hears more wights and a few burst through a different door nearby.  She fights them off and races through a bunch of corridors.
We get a quick view into the crypts – the women and children can hear terrified screams and bumps up the stairs, but they are still safe.  For now.
Elsewhere inside the castle, Beric and the Hound cautiously make their way through the maze of passageways. A door bursts open and Arya thuds to the ground on her back, trying to kill the snow zombie on top of her.  Beric saves her life and fights off the next round of wights, while the Hound ushers Arya down another hallway.  Even more of the Dead come and Beric valiantly holds them off, sacrificing himself as a human barrier in the hallway.  Arya and the Hound duck into a room, and a critically injured Beric follows them and collapses to the floor as they bar the door.  Arya crouches next to Beric as his last breath escapes his chest and his eyes go dead.  
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Oh hey, looks who’s also here in the room!  It’s Melisandre.  She tells Arya the Lord of Light brought Beric back for a purpose, and that purpose has been served. Arya turns to the Red Woman and goes “Hey, I know you.  You made lots of freaky predictions for me, and you were right about them.  Like how we’d meet again and how I’d kill a bunch of people.” -“And here we are. I also told you that you’d close a lot of eyes forever:  brown eyes, green eyes…and blue eyes.”  The wights claw and pound at the door.  Melisandre leans into Arya and says “What do we say to the god of death?” Arya stares at the door and replies “Not today.” She takes a moment and then runs off.
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In the Godswood, Theon and his crew defend Bran from tons of snow zombies and they are doing a pretty good job.  And what’s Bran doing?  Still warging, but we don’t know what he’s seeing, so one can only presume that he is watching all the series finales of Lost, The Sopranos, Dexter and Seinfeld and taking notes on what not to do.  
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The Night King is in full destruction mode and has his dragon blast a huge hole in one of the Winterfell turrets.  Jon is right on his tail and we have a mid-air dragon fight between Rhaegal and Viserion.  Dany is close by and sees the Night King fall off his dragon.  Jon’s dragon, meanwhile sustains some injuries in the fight and ends up crash landing – Jon is thrown off into the snow during the crash.   Jorah, who is fighting in the courtyard, looks up when he hears a dragon’s distressed cry. Is his Khaleesi in trouble?
Daenerys spies the Night King on the ground.  It’s time to dracarys the crap out of this mofo!  Drogon blasts out a long stream of fire and the Night King is engulfed in flames.  
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Jon is nearby and stumbles toward the inferno.  But as the fire subsides and the flames die down we see:  the Night King stands there unharmed.  He glares at Daenerys, and then he gives her a winning smirk and pulls back his spear arm.  Daenerys acts fast and gets her dragon airborne just in time for the spear to miss them.  Question…might the Night King be a Targaryen and this is why he doesn’t burn?
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The Night King walks toward Winterfell and Jon runs after him.  Night King stops, turns to look at Jon and goes “Hey, bro, wanna see my fun parlor trick again?”  He raises his arms and we all know what’s coming.  The dead are all being resurrected!  Noooo!  Fallen bodies rise everywhere: the battle field, the Winterfell courtyard, and of course also…the crypts, and we see the Night King’s lieutenants walk through the Winterfell gates.  Meep! The Night King gives Jon a “That’ll keep ya busy for a while” look and turns to leave.  I’m officially losing all hope here.
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Back in the Godswood, Theon and his guys still fight off the baddies while Bran is…still warging!!! Omg, Bran, seriously?  He better be seeing something really great and have figured out some fantastic way to kill the Night King.  But ya know what?  We just don’t know, because we don’t get to see any of it.
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Surrounded by a fresh Army of Dead, Jon looks about done for, but Dany swoops in to save him and torches a bunch of snow zombies.  Well, that’s a good sign, considering the tense moment they shared before the fighting began.  Jon yells to Dany “Bran!” and she tells him to go save him while she handles the wights on the ground.  In a matter of seconds, a bunch of snow zombies have jumped atop of Drogon and the dragon takes to the sky to shake them off – and Daenerys falls off. Great.  She is surrounded by wights and just as an undead zombie is about to strike, its head is chopped off by:  Ser Jorah Mormont for the win!!! Wooooot! He fights off more wights and Dany picks up a sword – they back up to each other, ready to take on more of the dead.
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Jon battles his way through the gates and in the courtyard he sees his friends fighting for their lives – overpowered by the mass of undead that are attacking them.  Sam is on the ground and Jon just keeps running.  Brienne is also struggling.  It’s all completely hopeless.
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In the Godswood, Theon is out of arrows.  He and his men continue to put up a brave fight, while Bran is still off on his warging vacation.  DUDE!!! Can you please for the love of the Old Gods and the New figure out a way to help everybody?
The crypts aren’t looking any better, what with all the dead Stark skeletons attacking everybody. Sansa and Tyrion hide behind a grave and have a long wordless exchange as they look at each other, accepting that these may be their last few moments alive.  
A haunting melancholy song starts to play over all the following scenes:
Sansa pulls out the dagger Arya gave her, and Tyrion kisses her hand before they both leave their hiding place and run to…I don’t know…commit suicide in once last heroic act to kill as many wights as they can before they go down?
The music continues and we get snippets of all our heroes in great peril.  Jon makes his way through the courtyard on his mission to get to Bran, but the ice dragon, Viserion, is in his path, spewing his fiery blue stream everywhere, and Jon keeps having to retreat for cover.  
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Jorah and Dany continue to fight off snow zombies.
The crypts are a mess, but Sansa and Tyrion have managed to find a safe alcove with Varys and a few others.
Jon keeps attempting to advance toward the Godswood but the dragon stops him at every turn.  
Theon shows some mad fighting skills, and it’s really a nice redeeming moment to see him working so hard to protect Bran.  He battles the last of his attackers, when looky here…in slow motion to the haunting melody, we see the Night King and his White Walker entourage saunter into the Godswood.
There’s one last shot of all our brave men and women in the courtyard – Jaime, Podrick, Grey Worm, Brienne, Tormund, Sam – they are all completely screwed, fighting off zombies with a snowball’s chance of survival.  I do not like this one bit.  
In the Godswood, Theon puts up a final fight and kicks snow zombie butt like a boss till none are standing.  Finally Bran’s white eyes flicker back to consciousness.  “Oh hai, y’all! Did I miss anything?” Great timing, Bran.  I hope you have an ace up your sleeve.  Bran looks at Theon and in a far off voice tells him “Theon, you’re a good man. Thank you.”
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Theon casts one last glance at Bran, then grabs a spear and runs headlong at the Night King who stands there cool as a cucumber.  Seeing how it’s all in slow mo, it takes a good while and all I can think is “Oh, dude, there’s just no way.” Sure enough, at the moment he is within reach, Night King grabs his spear, and impales Theon Greyjoy.  Ya know what, I gave Theon a lot of flack throughout the series, but this episode he really came through as a brave warrior and got the absolution from Bran that he has so craved. I am just a teary mess at this point.
Again, we get lots of cutaways to all the other peeps who are pretty much about to bite it – including Jorah who takes some gnarly hits as he continues to protect Daenerys.  Jon rises from his place of cover, looks at Viserion and screams at him while the dragon hocks up a nice big fireball loogie to spew at him.  Really, Jon?  That’s how you’re gonna go out?
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The Night King walks slowly to Bran who looks up at him like “You wouldn’t hurt a guy in a wheelchair, would you?”  Ok, actually, Bran looks as vacant as ever, ready to accept whatever fate has in store for him.  He glances at the snow sword the Night King has on his back like “Soooo…you gonna use that on me bro?” Night King looks back like “Oh, you like this?  Let me introduce the two of you.” This music is killing me, people.  It’s the saddest tune ever.  Night King reaches back behind his shoulder and BOOM, out of nowhere Arya flies through the sky behind him, her catspaw dagger clutched in her hand.  But the Night King spins around and grabs her mid-air by the throat.  She drops the dagger and it falls in slow motion…and then...Arya catches it with her other hand and with one fell thrust, sticks him with the pointy end right in his icy belly.  OH. MY. STARS.  The Night King immediately shatters.  In a chain reaction, all his White Walker lieutenants, the snow zombies, and his ice dragon, crumble to the ground.  Arya lands like the boss queen that she is and instantly achieves GOAT status in all of Westeros.
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We get a view of our faves again – Ser Jorah collapses.  Jon is alive. All the important people from the crypts are alive, and Arya and Bran stand alone in the quiet Godswood, corpses littering the snow.
Danerys holds Jorah, sobbing, and he dies in her arms. Nooooo!  RIP Ser Jorah!  This awesome friendzone 4eva warrior died protecting his Khaleesi, and that’s pretty much the only way he would want to go out, but it breaks my heart nonetheless. As Dany cries and cradles him, Drogon swoops down beside his dragon mama and protectively covers her with his wing.  Awww, Drogon, that is sweet, but also: Where the hell were you like 10 minutes ago, hmmm?!  It does NOT take that long to shake off a few undead snow zombies.
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The Hound and Melisandre emerge into the outdoors.  Melisandre keeps walking, past the dead, through the gates of Winterfell.  Davos watches as she walks into the sunrise. She lets her cloak fall to the ground.  As she walks through the battlefield, she removes her ruby necklace and drops it in the snow. We only see the back of her as she continues on.  Her hair turns white and her walk becomes stilted.  Finally she collapses with an air of release and exhaustion and the wind carries away a wisp of dust where she lays.  Gurl, I feel ya.  Aaaand roll credits.
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Whuuuuuut just happened??? This was such an incredibly tense episode and it had me tied in knots, but honestly, that ending had me feeling major disappointment in terms of the end of the Night King and the Long Night and everything – it’s all over, just like that, and now we’re just back to the petty business of getting Cersei off the throne?  Yes, it was a good and very suspenseful episode, but I had a lot of expectations that were not met.   
Part of that may be because I was reading so many theories that had to do with the prophecies around Azor Ahai and Lightbringer that are mentioned in the books, so maybe that’s my bad.   And I thought Jaime would play a much bigger role than just fighting next to Brienne.  Especially after Jaime’s chat with Bran the previous episode.  
Mostly, I’m bummed that the Dead storyline is dunzo, because I felt there was a lot of mythology around the Night King and the White Walkers and the Children of the Forest, and the Three Eyed Raven that we didn’t get much information on.  Why did the Night King decide to take over the world now? Who was he as a human? If White Walkers were defeated 1,000 years ago, how did they come back? What about Night King’s ability to transform babies into White Walkers, and yet we don’t see any White Walker nursemaids anywhere?  Who is raising the White Walker toddlers, people???   Well, it’s all moot now, but I’d still like to have known.  
What about all the fire priestesses who have been rallying for Dany in Essos?  And what did Melisandre do while she was away - I assumed she’d be gathering her squad and coming up with a much better game plan than “I’m gonna light a few useless things on fire”. Ok, she did give Arya that last pep talk to send her on her way, but really, that was her big contribution and it seemed lacking overall.  Why didn’t we get to see what Bran was doing while he was warging the whole time?  I wanted flashbacks!  I wanted him to accidentally pull a Hodor on the Mad King and be the reason the king went mad - all while Bran was digging in the past, trying to figure out a way to kill the White Walkers AND then go even further back in time and build the Wall...and all the other crazy theories I’ve read.  I wanted Tyrion to surprise everybody and be like “Guess what, I still have a Wildfire contact and I got us some secret sauce to kill the White Walkers”. 
And then there is Nymeria and her giant wolf pack - I thought they’d show up and kill some wights. Also: Are the Reeds (Meera and her dad, Howlan) just totally MIA, even though all the Northern bannermen were called to help Winterfell?   I feel like they would have shown up to help.  Also, the show  was making a really big deal out of the crypts in the GOT Season 8 trailers - they have gone to the trouble to include them in the credits. There has to be more to the crypts than just everybody hiding there in this episode, and having the dead come back to life, right?  I hope so.
I will give credit to the good parts that I really loved – like Arya’s badassery and her saving the day by the Weirwood tree where Bran gave her the catspaw dagger to begin with. That same dagger, which was used in the assassination attempt of little  Bran.  In a way – just as Littlefinger mentioned - that dagger did start a chain of events that led all the Starks to where they were today, with the skills they’ve acquired to help rid their world of this one huge threat to humanity.  It’s poetic and I appreciate that.  And I really enjoyed the Sansa and Tyrion moments.  Those two are totes gonna get together, and I really do think the way things will shake out, we’ll see them on the throne at the very end. But, I guess I’m just sad that in the end the huge threat of the White Walkers seems like it was simply a red herring side plot and now we’re back to business as usual.  
It seems really unfair that this huge epic event took place and the only people who know about it are the Northerners. It didn’t affect anybody else in Westeros, and yet it is the most important thing that happened, because if the good guys had failed, it would have rendered everybody else in Westeros dead – and I feel like they will get no love or appreciation from anybody for that.   I just felt like the war against the White Walkers was such a big thing and instead it’s just all “Meh, they’re gone. Next chapter!”  I mean…what purpose will Bran serve now?  
And while it is, of course, sad to see Dolorous Edd, Beric Dondarrion, Lyanna Mormont and Theon Greyjoy die, it’s kind of small potatoes.  The only death that was super impactful was that of Ser Jorah Mormont, because the other characters were likable yet minor when you look at emotional stakes for the viewer.  It just doesn’t seem very Game of Thrones-y to not lose some huge players. Can the whole remaining Stark family really survive the rest of the series?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy all our fan faves are still doing well, but I expected to feel much more gutted by this episode.  Maybe they are just saving their deaths for the next few episodes. Double meep! Omigoodness, I just realized that I’m sad that the writers didn’t emotionally flay me.  What the heck have you done to me, GOT?!
Anyway, I’ve had a few days to process it all and have come to terms with the fact that the whole Long Night, “Winter is Here” plot which had so much mystery, prophecy and cool potential, just ain’t happening anymore.  It is, after all, called Game of Thrones and not Game of Surviving the Freaky Deaky Undead Weirdos, so I’m coming around to the fact that our heroes are now going to focus on who’ll be on the Iron Throne.  I just…hate Cersei and don’t want to see her stupid face anymore. I’m kinda hoping there is a secret passageway from Winterfell to the Red Keep and Arya can just go to Cersei, disguised as Jaime and kill her already.  Ok, those are all my thoughts for now.  I’ll see ya here next week!
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hellofastestnewsfan · 5 years
Ah, spring.
The season of vibrant flowers lining the sidewalk on the commute home, their gentle fragrance wafting into the air. Of sunshine that calls for a light jacket instead of a bulky coat. Of the passionate urge to clean everything in sight.
Outside The Atlantic’s Washington, D.C., headquarters, it’s about 43 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius)—not warm enough for open-toed shoes, but still more pleasant than, say, a polar vortex. I’ve been longing for this day, and it got me thinking about spring on other planets, and whether it even exists.
We owe the seasons to Earth’s axis, which stays tilted at about 23 degrees as the Earth loops around the sun. But the orientation of the planet’s hemispheres in relation to the sun changes; different parts of the Earth lean toward or away from the sun at different times of the year, and receive varying amounts of sunlight.
But how do other planets work? To find out, and also to procrastinate my spring cleaning, I reached out to some scientists who spend their days thinking about other worlds.
“Mercury doesn’t really have anything approaching spring, or any season for that matter,” says Paul Byrne, a planetary geologist at North Carolina State University. The planet’s axial tilt, a fraction of a degree, is negligible. “The amount of daylight at a given latitude on Mercury is essentially fixed during the entire year.”
The daylight is relentless and scorching. But the orientation produces a rather cool phenomenon. “It lets Mercury have regions of permanent shadow near its poles that are never sunlit, and lets ice be present in those regions—even on the planet closest to the sun,” says Nancy Chabot, a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
“It’s one weird little planet,” Byrne adds.
Read: [What’s the best planet?]
“There is no springtime on Venus, nor any other season—no seasons in hell!” says Allan Treiman, a scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute.
It’s difficult to sugarcoat the environment on Venus. Surface temperatures are a sizzling 870 degrees Fahrenheit (470 degrees Celsius), hot enough to melt lead, all year round. Like Mercury’s, Venus’s axis isn’t tilted enough to produce a noticeable difference.
But the real reason the planet doesn’t have any seasons is its atmosphere, which is choked with clouds. “The clouds are so thick that its surface gets nearly no light or heat from the sun. Nearly all the sunlight and heat are absorbed by clouds, which then radiate heat down to the surface—the famous greenhouse effect,” Tremain says. “Venus clouds circulate faster than the surface does, so all the greenhouse heat is spread around the planet, whether it’s day or night.”
That’s not all. “To top everything else off, Venus’ day is longer than her year,” says Vicki Hansen, a scientist at the Planetary Science Institute. (It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to rotate once on its axis, but 225 Earth days for the planet to loop around the sun.) “So if she had spring, it would be hard to say what day it happened.”
Mars’s axis is tilted slightly more than Earth’s—about 25 degrees—which means the planet experiences distinct seasons, too. In fact, like the Northern hemisphere here, the Northern hemisphere on Mars is entering spring now.
“The Northern hemisphere is starting to heat up; the Southern hemisphere cooling off—just like on Earth,” says Don Banfield, a scientist at the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science.
Well, not just like on Earth. Orbits affect seasons, too; the Martian year is twice as long as a terrestrial year, so the seasons stretch out longer. There are seasonal trends, such as summer dust storms, “but without rain and plants, they aren’t quite as obvious,” says Banfield.
“Jupiter does not have a springtime,” says Cheng Li, a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Like Mercury, Jupiter’s axial tilt is too small to matter. Saturn
Saturn does have spring: Its axial tilt is similar to that of Earth and Mars.
“Saturn is warm in the summer and cold in the winter,” says Leigh Fletcher, a planetary scientist at the University of Leicester. “The clouds and chemicals respond to these changes in sunlight. Perhaps the best example is the color of Saturn’s atmosphere, which shifts from blue hues in the winter—relatively clear skies with very few hazes—to golden hues in summer—a more smoggy atmosphere with lots of hazes.”
Read: [The bizarre planets that could be humanity’s new homes]
Saturnian spring also provides the most visibility for a massive, hexagon-shaped storm at the planet’s north pole that has mesmerized scientists for years. Some parts of Saturn can even experience miniature versions of seasons, thanks to its shimmering rings.
“A fixed point in Saturn’s atmosphere would experience additional periods when the rings shade the sun,” says Mike Wong, a planetary scientist at the University of California, Berkeley. “We actually have something like this at my house, because the neighboring building has a billboard on top. From a certain date in November to a certain date in February, our roof is in constant shade because the billboard blocks the sun, so our house gets colder.”
With a 98-degree tilt of its axis, Uranus basically spins on its side. This alignment means the planet experiences the most extreme seasonal contrasts in the solar system.
“The poles get a great deal of illumination from an overhead sun that barely seems to move in the sky during local summer and a great deal of darkness in winter,” says Glenn Orton, a scientist at NASA’s JPL. “As spring begins, the sun is virtually always at the horizon for anyone living at the poles and virtually straight overhead for a Uranian in the low-latitude tropics.” (We should clarify: These are fictional Uranian residents. Alien life hasn’t been discovered there.)
During spring, a giant white cap emerges over the north pole, standing out against the planet’s usual blue hues. Scientists suspect the warming temperatures produce atmospheric changes.
This far out in the solar system—where orbits are vastly longer—seasons stretch out for years. A Uranus spring lasts 21.
Spring on Neptune is twice as long. The planet experiences distinct seasons, but “I don’t think we’ve been able to observe Neptune long enough with enough detail to say for sure how spring in one hemisphere differs from any other season in terms of atmospheric activity,” says Anne Verbiscer, a planetary scientist at the University of Virginia.
“Why yes, it’s springtime on Pluto right now, at least in the northern hemisphere!” says David Grinspoon, a scientist at the Planetary Science Institute. “And it has been since 1990.”
(Please don’t overthink the inclusion of Pluto on this list. Scientists have spent years arguing over the correct categorization of this celestial body. For some of them, the 2006 decision to reclassify Pluto as a dwarf planet is not the final word. We’ll leave the debating to them.)
Pluto’s orbit around the sun is highly elliptical. “The distance to the sun is quite different for the same season in the south versus the north,” Grinspoon says. “This creates asymmetrical and extreme climate behavior where, over the timescale of the seasons—which are many decades long—the atmosphere goes through the magnitude of changes that on other planets we would call climate changes.”
Spring sounds mild compared with colder seasons. Without enough exposure to sunlight, Pluto can get so cold that its atmosphere freezes and falls on the surface. “You can imagine what life would be like if we had that experience on Earth,” says Bob West, a scientist at JPL. “The air we breathe and which sustains all life on the dry land would form crystals of water, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide and fall to the ground as snow, leaving a near vacuum where once there was air.”
Wow. A little spring cleaning doesn’t sound so bad now.
from The Atlantic https://ift.tt/2UUz7i4
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Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Appear To Have Worn Wedding Bands To The Former Last Song Set!
how I looked younger without plastic surgery
Should we be calling Miley Cyrus "Miley Hemsworth" these days??
Over the weekend, the Malibu singer visited her fiancé Liam Hemsworth on Tybee Island, where he's currently filming the film Killerman. Ironically, the island off the coast of Savannah, Georgia is where Miley and Liam filmed their movie, The Last Song.
Related: Miley & Liam Look Cute As Ever In Rare Red Carpet Appearance
Now, since Miam first fell in love on Tybee Island, it only seems right that marriage rumors have started circulating as a result of Miz Cyrus' visit. Lost?? Don't worry, we're getting to the juicy stuff.
Although the twosome didn't reenact any scenes from their Nicholas Sparks flick, the love birds did flaunt quite a bit of PDA. On Saturday, Miley and Liam were seen jet skiing around and taking adorable pictures together. While the outing itself wasn't an odd choice as Tybee IS an island, many noticed that both Miley and Liam donned bands on their respective ring fingers.
At first, the jewelry just seemed like new accessories. However, later in the weekend, the pair were spotted walking around the southern town -- wearing the sparkling bands once more!! SoOoO, we know the Hunger Games hottie has been wearing a "promise" ring lately, but that ring is normally on his right hand.
Again, this time, the silver band was on his RING FINGER. Curiouser and curiouser!!
Besides the rings and the major PDA, there are no other signs that these two are married. Still, ever since Miam's reconciliation, fans have been counting down the days until these two wed.
What do YOU think?? Could Miley and Liam already be married??
SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!
[Image via Backgrid.]
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Appear To Have Worn Wedding Bands To The Former Last Song Set!
Should we be calling Miley Cyrus "Miley Hemsworth" these days??
Over the weekend, the Malibu singer visited her fiancé Liam Hemsworth on Tybee Island, where he's currently filming the film Killerman. Ironically, the island off the coast of Savannah, Georgia is where Miley and Liam filmed their movie, The Last Song.
Related: Miley & Liam Look Cute As Ever In Rare Red Carpet Appearance
Now, since Miam first fell in love on Tybee Island, it only seems right that marriage rumors have started circulating as a result of Miz Cyrus' visit. Lost?? Don't worry, we're getting to the juicy stuff.
Although the twosome didn't reenact any scenes from their Nicholas Sparks flick, the love birds did flaunt quite a bit of PDA. On Saturday, Miley and Liam were seen jet skiing around and taking adorable pictures together. While the outing itself wasn't an odd choice as Tybee IS an island, many noticed that both Miley and Liam donned bands on their respective ring fingers.
At first, the jewelry just seemed like new accessories. However, later in the weekend, the pair were spotted walking around the southern town -- wearing the sparkling bands once more!! SoOoO, we know the Hunger Games hottie has been wearing a "promise" ring lately, but that ring is normally on his right hand.
Again, this time, the silver band was on his RING FINGER. Curiouser and curiouser!!
Besides the rings and the major PDA, there are no other signs that these two are married. Still, ever since Miam's reconciliation, fans have been counting down the days until these two wed.
What do YOU think?? Could Miley and Liam already be married??
SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!
[Image via Backgrid.]
0 notes
3one3 · 7 years
The Sequel - 844
Deep Dive
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea/BVB players, and random awesome OC’s (okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
“Are you going to be able to sleep, or too much jet lag?” a sleepy Christina asked between yawns under her favorite forward’s arm and against his stomach. There was a movie on the TV in the lounge that she wasn’t watching, a nice knitted throw on her legs, and two dogs behind them in a sort of cave made with the help of the back cushion on the couch.
“I only slept a couple of hours on the plane this morning, so I’m tired,” André yawned back. He was only half-watching the film. It was a nondescript Tom Cruise action movie that came on after Charlie Wilson’s War, which was one of Christina’s favorites. Movie night was wonderfully domestic for him. It was very novel to have a family dinner at 7 instead of going to a packed restaurant at 9, to try to teach Lukas how to play checkers instead of going to a nightclub to drink and people-watch for yet another night in a row, to listen to his wife read a bedtime story to his son instead of incessant thumping bass music, and to wind down the evening on the couch with her instead of going to bed alone and wishing the time difference didn’t guarantee that she was sound asleep and unavailable to talk. The afternoon in the water and on the jet skis wasn’t too bad either.
“I wanna go to bed, but I don’t wanna move. You’re comfy.”
“Want me to carry you?”
“Too bad.”
“If you walk your own lazy butt downstairs, I’ll rub your back in bed.”
“Deal.” Christina ripped her blanket back and got up so quickly that she actually felt a little dizzy. Spencer and Lucky didn’t appreciate the sudden exposure to the air conditioning and bright light of the TV screen. There was puppy yawning and indignant looks from them even as they got up. They still needed to be carried downstairs. Their dad brought them because their mom disappeared. She couldn’t wait for a Schü back massage. As magic as Juan’s hands could be, they were too small and considered to provide the kind of back rub experience that André’s could. His hands were enormous and his fingers were pudgy and sort of haphazard at times, and that made them very good for administering aggressive massage services.
He sat on the back of her thighs and began the pampering treatment at her shoulders. Her lower back was the real trouble spot and he knew that, so he wanted to work his way down and save that for last. The skin he pushed the heel of his palm into and kneaded in his fingers was much darker than when he last got to touch her that way. The muscles underneath were just as firm feeling to his fingertips, and parts of her spine stuck out like always. Her body felt familiar and right to him. It only looked different. He couldn’t feel through her shoulder blades or her butt that significant happiness and peacefulness he saw in her. That vantage point inevitably made the player think of more intimate activities, and he was curious if that would be the avenue through which he could feel the change- if she had more love to give, somehow, or a different level of openness not obtained in so long that he’d forgotten it was there and didn’t notice it was missing. Christina’s sore and tired back got kisses too. She offered unplanned, quiet little moans of satisfaction in return.
“Are you gonna hold me now?” she inquired when he announced that her massage was finished. “I need spooning so I can, like, hug your arms around me. I want to hold you, actually, but I don’t want to talk to your back and if I put my face in your chest then I’m going to be unhappy because your shirt probably smells like whatever detergent Georgina used to do all your laundry today instead of the regular soap from home.“
“I’m ready for spooning,” André yawned while collapsing on the bed beside her. He held his arms out invitingly for her to back into once she put her nightshirt back on. His tone was very laissez-faire. Inside, he was more than ready for spooning. He was more than ready to go to sleep with his girl in his arms instead of all by himself. She was going to be warm, and squishy, and nice smelling, and he couldn’t wait. Christina felt slightly disoriented for a second because she’d been sleeping on his side of the bed all week, with Juan. Getting settled against him and feeling his familiar arms close around her waist was like going home though. She put her left arm over his and held onto his wrist so she could play with the hair on the back of his palm.
“If whoever becomes the new manager at the club doesn’t like you, you can retire and become a house husband. I would love to have you on-call for back rubs,” the very relaxed and comfortable rider sighed.
“Yeah? Who’s going to pay for your horses and shoes?”
“Is he home yet?”
“Last night. I’m so tired, babe,” she yawned on her pillow. It had a brand new jersey sham on it. There was a sheet change that morning. “I know you said you want to work out in the morning but I think I’m going to put leggings and a sweatshirt on and just watch you work out, mkay?”
“This is my week off!”
“Why leggings and a sweatshirt?”
“It’s really cold in the gym/toy room. I’ll sit in there and have coffee while you sweat.”
“I’m teaching you how to scuba dive tomorrow, finally.”
“Really?” Christina’s body grew with excitement in André’s arms, and he smiled at her energy. They never got around to trying out the scuba gear on their first trip aboard Lilly XO, and he knew his girl had never had any other opportunity to dive. She was too young when her Dad took her places one might like to dive, and she was too pregnant when they went to St. Barths. It had been many years since he donned a mask and tank either but he’d done it many times on previous holidays and couldn’t wait for the chance to teach his wife something, and turn the tables. She was always teaching him things.
“You want to try, yeah?” he asked back, still smiling because the answer was obvious.
“We’ll tell the captain to take us somewhere good.” The player shut his eyes and nestled closer to his girl, invigorated inside by the ability to offer up something that excited her so.
“I’m already somewhere good,” she cooed back, being deliberately cheesy as she pulled his arm as if to tighten his hold on her. “Love you.”
“Love you, too, Prinzessin.” André kissed the bit of her shoulder not covered by her shirt, and let his lips stay there on her skin for an extra second. He could tell he was missed, even in spite of all the fun Christina said she was having in Cannes, and all the fun it was plain to see in her photos, and on the livestreams of her interviews. He knew her confliction between him and Juan was serious. He knew she really did love them both, and that there was no way she spent the previous week lamenting that it was short and she’d lose one player for the other soon, or that she saw it as some kind of tradeoff. Surely she would be disappointed about her time with the Spaniard having a deadline, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t also looking forward to being with her husband. They hadn’t been apart for all that long, and she still seemed so relieved to be reunited. Not a single phone or text conversation between them went without a “miss you”, and none of them were lip service, or habit. André knew she was still his girl, whether she wanted to be or not, and was quite sure from all the evidence available to him that she really wanted to be. That made it very hard for him to be upset about anything she did with his former teammate, or her talking about him, or that he was the one there with her when she apparently turned some kind of corner in terms of her relationship with herself- the voice in her head- and with her top horse. What he took from that moment, lying in bed with her, was that it really was worth it to let her have the relationship she wanted with Juan. It affirmed that it really was good for her, and that was good for him too. It was just very difficult to accept that he couldn’t be good for her all on his own. He hoped that was only temporary.
“Are you sleeping back there or thinking?” Christina whispered when the silence of his introspection went on too long for her liking.
“Thinking about you putting the air tank on and falling over backwards.”
“I bet you look sexy in flippers.”
“I look sexy in everything. Including you.”
“Oh god, boyfriend, not tonight,” she giggled. “I’m so tired and my tummy is so full of popcorn. I don’t feel very sexy.” Please don’t think it’s because of Juanin, the equestrian continued to herself. It’s really not. I’m just not in the mood. I just want to be together but do nothing. Just be close, and still.
“I know. I wasn’t suggesting it. I’m in a pretty good place here too. And I have a new thing.”
“What kinda thing?”
“Getting off before I work out.”
“A couple of times in Miami I jerked off before I went to the gym. The chemicals in the body after orgasm make it easier to get up for the exercising, no pun intended. It like gets the body ready, and you start better. You should try it, Prinzessin,” André recommended with simplicity and calm, because he wasn’t joking or putting her on at all despite her firm belief that he was just messing with her. “Get off with me in the morning and then work out instead of sitting on your butt in leggings and sweatshirt.”
“I’m down for the getting off part but not the exercise part. Vacation,” Christina mumbled. It was getting hard to resist the urge to let herself succumb to sleep. Once she was sure her partner wasn’t going to bristle and be snide about potential causes for her lack of sexual interest, it was easy to go back to feeling like she was in the most comfortable place and circumstance in the whole world. Her body felt loosened up and less sore, she had that Happy Place™ magic working on her just from being the little spoon to André’s big one, and there was no background stress to trouble her mind. That was the big difference. That was the corner turned. The background noise was gone, at least for the time being. “Don’t let go of me until absolutely necessary, okay?”
“Never letting goooooooo.” The German squeezed her exaggeratedly tight, and laughed maniacally in her ear. Her body curled up even more around the arm across her waist. She had to laugh too, because his breathe near her ear tickled, and because his super villain accent was ridiculous. That whole concept of being still and comfortable was rather spoiled, but it was no bother. André took up all the space vacated by her tightening shape, smothering her body with his own, and opened and closed his teeth playfully on the top of her ear. Christina couldn’t shrink enough in his arm to get away from his chomping or his squeezing. The more she tried, the more trapped she found herself.
“This is not what I meant!”
“Don’t care. Mine. Not letting go. Nomnomnom.”
“Stahhhhhhp,” she begged through her laughter. André wouldn’t let up. He stopped chewing her ear only to pretend to bite at her cheeks, and her temple, and her chin, all while squeezing her and enveloping her under his left leg and hip, effectively smothering all of her with much of himself even as she fought her way onto her back. The under-siege rider attempted to stop the onslaught by meeting his terrorizing lips with her smiley ones. He continued to torture her for a few seconds, and then eased up when she smooched him another time. “I was all ready to pass out,” she complained after. “So were the puppies. Now they’re all excited.” Spencer and Lucky got out of the blanket during the commotion, and were on alert beside her, ready to play.
“They’ll get over it.” Her face. I missed this face. I feel like I haven’t seen it in a year, the player thought as he watched Christina blink up at him with all of her feigned indignation shaded by a persistent grin. I missed this girl that changed my life every time I needed it. Where has she been all this time? Where did she go? What happened to her? How did she come back? Really. What brought her back? His carefree mood collapsed under the weight of nagging questions. “What happened this week, pretty girl? Hm?” he asked, his face mirroring that change in attitude and thus causing a reactionary change on his wife’s too. She frowned back.
“What do you mean?”
“How did you get to the good place? What changed for you this week? Everything is different.” André went out of his way to keep his voice soft and avoid sounding accusatory, or like he was upset. He settled back on his side again too so that he wasn’t literally hovering over her and implying some sort of threat. Her expression grew sympathetic, because she knew her answer would be unsatisfying.
“I have no idea,” she explained with a little shake of her head. “I’ve taken the same two horses to shows before, and we’ve gone to similar places. I’ve been without you. I’ve been without Lukas. I’ve been with Juan. I’ve even been at shows with him. Dirk has won stuff. The same group of other riders have been around. I can’t imagine having Isa instead of Tom makes a difference. The only other variable is this boat.” The idea that her partner might be upset inside because he thought whatever changed for her and helped her let go, at least for the time being, of a big chunk of the ugly weight she’d been holding onto for so long, might have to do with being away from him and/or being with someone else just hurt her so much. It upset her stomach, or she was at least reasonably sure it wasn’t that she ate a bunch of popcorn and then got in a playful tussle. She wasn’t prepared to conclude that those things were responsible for her positive shift. Her body language adapted to support her hope to assure her partner that he wasn’t on the outside looking in, and she turned on her side too to face him and touch his waist. “I can’t think of anything else. I also can’t believe sleeping on a sailboat is the key to happiness. Maybe it’s just that you and I have worked through enough stuff that this was the time- that it wasn’t that something changed this week but that another step in the evolution just happened to come now. Maybe it’s not that this week was good for me, but that last week, with you, at home, was...significant? And then I get here, and the horses are good, and like you’ve been saying lately, I have some momentum, and then the atmosphere here is so nice, and so chilled out, and I’ve missed Juan for a few weeks, and maybe he has contagious happiness because he just won the Premier League and he’s writing a book of poems- that’s a secret by the way,” Christina digressed, losing track of what she was even trying to say. It was hard to explain coherently that which she was only piecing together in her head for the first time in real time. “I don’t know. I don’t think anything happened. Just like I don’t think any one thing happened that messed everything up in the first place. Where I was- that happened over time. It wasn’t one thing. It would only make sense that it changes over time too.” Right? I know I thought at times with Juan that it was Juan but...I just proved that that doesn’t make sense. I’ve been alone with him for days at a time before.
“You’re sure there wasn’t something? Not a talk you had, or like...a moment of clarity?” André watched her blues intently, trying to keep the scrutiny out of the look he gave back to her. He didn’t want her to know that he was so skeptical of her word that he needed to find backup for it in her always-honest eyes. What he saw was pain, and distress, but not insincerity, or deceit.
“I’m sure, babe.” I almost wish there was something like that, Christina realized. If there was a thing or a moment, then maybe I would know what to do about it. Maybe it would dictate some logical course of action. “I would tell you if there was something like that.”
“Okay. You just seem so different in every way today compared to a week ago at home. I want you to be able to be happy all the time, or to at least know how to get back to it since that’s not realistic, so I want to know if there’s something...so I can help next time,” the BVB man testified in order to help put her at ease. He didn’t want her to be so worried that he was worried. He may not have been definitively able to lay claim to being the cause for her restoration, but he definitely didn’t want to be the cause for its premature reversal. He wanted that look off her face.
“Just keep doing what you’ve been doing. Just keep talking to me, and listening, and being patient, and real.”
“And kiss me and then be my soup spoon again so I can sleep,” Christina smiled before puckering up. André mirrored her fish face for a silly kiss, and then she wiggled over onto her other side to get back into the preferred position. She was altogether very pleased with how well it was working out for her whenever she simply told her players what she needed them to do for her. They somehow kept listening and obliging.
“Tiny teaspoon Prinzessin,” the one married to her mumbled through her hair when it overwhelmed his face like an octopus.
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