#do you KNOW how tempted i was to put Green Skinned Space Babe as a trope??
queen-scribbles · 2 years
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Tagged by @haledamage to do this ship meme, and Ardrali won out of the...four or six things I was considering. 😂
no-pressure tagging.... @starsandskies @undyingembers @actualanxiousswampwitch @shynmighty (and a tagback for Rhi if you have another ship you wanna do 😘)
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Golden Dress
inspired by @startanewdream fanfic - here -, which after reading me made me think about writing about Hinny in the future, and Ginny wearing a gold dress again.
for those who want to see what the dress looks like: here but golden ofc
in fact, this fanfic is for those who think that just because Ginny is a badass, she cannot like the "feminine" world, don't be so radical, people are complex and one thing does not cancel out the other
'Stupid dress,' Ginny mumbled, snorting irritably and giving up zipping the back of her dress, looking in the mirror at her husband who was lying on the bed, arms behind his head and feet crossed. 'Babe?' She said, sly, winking at him in the reflection, a lovely smile on her dark red lips.
'If it weren't for me, you would go to every party with your butt off,' Harry said, getting up from the bed and walking over to her, dressed in her beautiful gold satin dress, long and light, making her look magnificent. The thin straps looked too delicate and he thought that maybe the fabric could tear in one simple step, and that neckline that the fabric created in the front with the accumulation of fabric, would fall and show her beautiful breasts.
The zipper went down to the top of her white panties, her bare back seemed to call Harry again, and if he closed his eyes he could still feel the softness of the skin against his lips as he went down and down, memorizing, or trying, every freckle which disappeared tantalizingly down to her round ass.
'You look beautiful wearing gold,' Harry whispered against her skin, smelling Ginny's sweet and unique scent, the same that had always been in his Amortentia. He let his hands roam over her skin, inside her dress, calmly reaching for Ginny's hips and squeezing. His eyes never leaving hers in the mirror, she looked even more radiant, her cheeks flushed and made up, shining through that shiny powder she wore, her brown eyes made up and looking even more mesmerizing.
'And you are tempting in that suit, I promise you that we will enjoy it much later, but now,’ She pushed her ass against his groin, pushing him away. 'Close my dress or we'll be late, and George may not appear to be nervous, but I think he might be able to die if we're a minute late.' Ginny smiled. 'You are much more daring than when I asked you to close my dress years ago.'
'I learned from the best.' He shrugged, surrendering and closing the dress, noticing the lack of a bra, and needing to close his eyes for a few more seconds just to not rip off that dress and have sex with Ginny until the dawn day. 'Did you choose the gold dress just because of that? To remember the first wedding when you made me hard as an idiot, asking me to close your dress?’
'No, George and Angelina chose the color. My brothers are strangely obsessed with gold.' Ginny sat down again in the cushioned chair in front of her dressing table, opening the jewelry drawer and seeming to be looking for something. 'Do you think these earrings match?' She held up a delicate pearl that she had bought on their trip to Spain, turning her face gently and assessing the earring. Harry nodded, leaning against the side, feeling a little obsessed with her.
'You look beautiful with anything,' Harry sighed, as if he was tired of explaining the obvious to her. 'I remembered that night almost every night afterwards.'
'What night?' Ginny looked at him quickly, a clip pinned between her lips, adjusting the lock of hair that had gone out of place for her perfect hairstyle.
'Bill's wedding. I remembered you wearing that dress, the cleavage, everything, for many nights,' he admitted shamelessly, picking up her hair comb before she even asked. It was not the first time that Harry had watched Ginny get dressed, he didn't even care when they were late, almost every event that required a more elegant outfit, Harry was not excited to go. But standing there, seeing how she was concentrating while choosing the color of the shadows, or how she made her cheeks look adorably pink and shiny, made him want to go.
He had never said it out loud, and Harry was afraid he would look a little sexist, or Caveman, but he loved being the guy who was next to her when she was like this. Harry loved being the guy who was always next to her, when Ginny was wearing his clothes as pajamas, when she wore Harpies uniform, dressed in pants and sweaters, or expensive and elegant dresses.
Harry thought it was the most beautiful thing when Ginny sat on the chair at her dressing table to get ready. He thought it was almost as if she made a child’s dream come true, to have things that only belonged to her, to be able to choose what type of earring, necklace or ring she would wear that day, whether or not it matched the diamond on their wedding ring, if the lipstick didn't look out of place with the clothes. He had noticed how little by little Ginny had seemed to break the walls that seemed to prevent her from being that happy and excited girl because she had bought a dress or some beauty product.
He still remembered when they moved into their house, and Ginny's eyes sparkled with tears when she saw the dressing table there, as she had asked, with lights, a big mirror, a comfortable chair, drawers for everything she wanted buy or already had, and a good space to be able to decorate as she wish on the top.
Harry blamed the fact that Ginny was forced to mature quickly and create armor strong enough to survive after Tom, who prevented her from letting that more feminine side emerge.
After they got married and went to live on the same street as there was a cosmetics store, however, Harry noticed how Ginny looked into the store, her eyes big and shining. It was like a childish need, and Harry remembered how happy and complete he felt when he went to the market and bought everything he wanted to eat.
He understood how Ginny felt. It was as if it were going to fill the material void that was once created.
Harry never made jokes or even laughed at them when he saw them in the newspaper, saying that ‘’now that she was married, Ginny had decided to drop her tomboy pose and become a stylish housewife to satisfy Harry.’’ He thought it was disgusting.
‘You’re not going to stop being you, if you wear makeup, or wear expensive clothes, you know that, don’t you?’ He said, after seeing that she looked sad, sitting on the couch and looking at a fashion magazine. 'You look beautiful wearing green.' Harry smiled, looking at the green wool suit.
'But maybe the earrings you gave me will be better.' Ginny woke him from his reverie, her hair neat and the pearl earrings put in place again. 'What do you think?' She looked at him and then the mirror, they were delicate and small rings of braided gold. ‘Too golden?’
'I thought it was perfect.' Harry smiled like a fool in love.
'Excellent. Wake up James, okay? I'll be ready in a minute.’
'If we had been looking for peace, he would have woken up a long time ago.' He grunted, listening to Ginny laughing.
'Wait until night, he'll smell that his parents want to spend some time alone, and he'll crawl into our bed.' Ginny laughed, watching her husband laugh too, giving up and going to wake up their son who seemed to have the same timer as Ron, to know when a couple was kissing.
'And yet I can't love him any less.' Harry sighed, kissing the top of Ginny's head before walking away to leave the room.
'I feel like today is going to be different,' Ginny promised, holding Harry's hand and making him look at her. ‘And maybe we can do everything you wanted to do when you saw me in the gold dress for the first time?’
'I didn't know as much as I do today,' Harry pointed out, smiling at her. 'But it would be great. And at this wedding, I don’t even need to be in a Weasley’s body, which also helps a lot.’
She nodded. 'Thanks to Merlin, there are already many Weasley in the world.'
Harry laughed, leaving the room and walking over to James, who was still sleeping the same way he was when Harry put him to bed, hugging the bear Percy had given him, covered by his favorite blanket, looking like he didn't even care that there was a wedding about to happen, and wearing that mini suit that was the most adorable thing.
Smiling and watching his son sleep, Harry was happy, now he and Ginny knew how good it was when things were so simple.
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byeoltoyuki · 4 years
Into you ⇾ JHS
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↳Pairing : You x Hoseok
Genre : Smut 
Words: +5k
Warnings : spanking, fingering, public sex (kind of), unprotected sex, biting, voyeurism, hair pulling
A/N : Damn, I’m not convinced with this one, but here you go babe @hopikoya​
"I’m not getting drunk tonight." You told Hoseok as he drove you to Taehyung’s party. A party that would without a doubt be magnificent; loud music, tons of people (because Taehyung knew half of the town), and unlimited access to different kind of alcohol. Taehyung’s parties were always wild and you went to many of them which ended with you being completely wasted and a few times you couldn’t remember how you got back to your place (you guessed Hoseok was the one to bring you home.) This time, however, you decided to be a little more responsible and drink less.
Hoseok glanced at you, seeming a tiny bit (completely) unconvinced. "You said it the last time too. And the time before."
"Exactly my point! I was wasted as hell! I woke up at my place but with hickeys all over my neck." You shuddered at the memory. Till this day, you still couldn’t remember who had marked you. "I’m not doing this again."
If Hoseok still didn’t believe you, he didn’t comment. "But you’re obviously getting laid tonight."
You chocked on your spit, completely taken off guard. "What."
Hoseok stopped at a red light and looked at you. You had always put much efforts in your outfits whenever you would go out, especially to parties (even if, to him, you always looked good), but tonight, he had to admit, you had outdone yourself. You wore a dark red dress that offered a very nice view of your collarbone; a split on the right side, exposing some more skin. He licked his lips, eyes wandering all over your body before looking back at your face.
There was something about the way Hoseok was staring at you that made you flush, squeezing your thighs together, you sank deeper into your seat. You wanted to cower before him and look anywhere but at him and yet, the stubborn side of you refused to let go. Whoever said that Hoseok was a ray of sunshine and never took anything seriously had obviously lied because right now, he looked absolutely intimidating.
You gulped nervously.
"I don’t know what you’re talking about." You said nervously, mouth suddenly dry and voice weak and shaky.
He playfully wiggled his brows, going back to his cheerful self. "Sure you don’t know."
"I’m not like you!" You huffed and averted your eyes from his face.
"Rude." But he only laughed and the light turned green.
No matter how many times you visited Taehyung’s place, you were still amazed by how huge it was. It was a damn penthouse that was way too big for only one person to live in, but Taehyung did. But then again, he was rarely alone. Tonight, his place was turned into a nightclub, music blasting as you arrived.
It was barely midnight but it seemed like the party had started earlier than planned. Some were dancing in the middle of the main room, some were drinking and talking in groups, some were making out completely oblivious to their surroundings and some would soon enough end up half naked.
"Well." Hoseok started with a chuckle. "I know I shouldn’t be surprised considering Taehyung is the one organizing this party, but wow." Then, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and brought you closer to his side. "Still sure you won’t get wasted?"
You nudged him in the stomach for that. He whined in protest, holding his arms over his stomach. "Meanie!"
"Don’t test me!" You warned him, poking his arm a few times.
Bickering with Hoseok was one of your favorite activity. It was always childish, fun and innocent. Okay, maybe not so innocent. On few occasions, it turned into something unexpected, intense and overwhelming that left you question the nature of your relationship with Hoseok. He was your friend, a very dear and handsome friend; until recently you hadn’t considered him as something else.
But things changed. You weren’t sure what exactly changed, but it did. You couldn’t ignore how easily your heart would flutter whenever he said something sweet. You couldn’t ignore how easily he made you blush or stutter. In short, you were in trouble and didn’t know how to deal with it.
"Y/N!" A very familiar and sweet voice called for you. You barely had time to raise your head, only to be engulfed into strong arms. Jimin had pounced on you, forcing you into a tight bear hug. As enthusiastic as ever. He lifted you from the floor and spun you around, giggling madly.
"Jimin!" You laughed, holding at his shoulders for support.
He put you back on the floor and cupped your cheeks, squishing them (you swore to kill him one day for it) and smiling brightly at you. "My favorite girl is here! Now the party can begin!"
You rolled your eyes at him and slapped his hands away from your face. "As if you needed my presence to start drinking!"
He poked your cheeks in response. "Yes I do!"
"Liar. I can smell your breath."
"Oh yeah?" Jimin's eyes shone brightly and with mischief. This boy was uncontrollable and sometimes you questioned your poor (great) decision of befriending him. He leaned closer to you, acting like he wanted to kiss you only to have Hoseok's hand shoving him far away from you. "Party pooper!"
"Yeah yeah." Hoseok shook his head, feigning annoyance when in fact he was just as amused.
"You just want to keep Y/N for yourself!" Jimin complained
You expected Hoseok to laugh at that and answer with something equally dumb, he, however, didn't laugh and only glared darkly at Jimin. Now that was new.
"Can you blame him?" Taehyung's voice interrupted the bickering and you all turned to look at him. "Well, look who's finally here." Taehyung joined you with two glasses of what looked like mojito, smiling widely at you. One he handed right to you and the other one he kept for himself (you didn't peg him as a mojito guy, even if you knew he made great mojitos).
You eyed your glass for a short moment, pondering whenever you should try it or not. If Taehyung made it, it could be lethal. Too many times already, you had accepted his drinks and regretted it the next day.
"Hi Tae. You made it?"
"No." He blinked innocently at you as if you would believe him.  
You, of course, didn't.
"I wouldn't drink that if I was you." Jimin warned you, cringing at the glass. He, too, was victim of too many mojitos.
"For once, I agree with him." Hoseok approved
"You're overreacting!" Taehyung feigned innocent but none of you bought it.
You shrugged and took a sip. You winced, making a face that made laugh the three men. "Fuck. Tell me, how much rum did you pour in exactly?"
"Probably half of the bottle knowing him." Hoseok sniffed your drink. No matter how much mint he put in, the smell of alcohol was stronger than ever. "Yep. It's strong."
You promised to yourself to drink only one glass.
Except you sucked at keeping promises you made to yourself. One glass turned into two, and two turned into three. By the third mojito you felt light-headed and happier than ever. You drank, you talked, you danced and repeat the whole process from the beginning.
Jimin pulled you among dancing people, giggling, just as happy about this party, but what made him even happier was dancing with you.
"You always avoid dancing with me." He complained to you, his hands wandering over your body, getting all to close to your butt.
You caught his hands and placed them on your hips. "And this is exactly why I don't dance with you. You can't keep your hands for yourself."
He huffed, half offended. "You're no fun."
Jimin was a touchy person, maybe a little too much and he was a flirt, you knew for a fact. It never bothered you and you never took him seriously but tonight he was being touchier than ever which made you wonder what was up with him.
"Hobi is watching." He finally said, leaning a little closer so you could hear him better despite the loud music.
You cocked a brow at him. So what if Hoseok was watching? That should have been your thought, except it wasn't. You were tempted to glance over your shoulder and see for yourself, to prove that Jimin was just being a little shit and messing with you. But you didn't dare. What if he was right? Could your poor little heart handle it?
Jimin, however, made the decision for you. He spun you in his arms so your back would be tightly pressed against his chest, arms circling your waist as you faced Hoseok. And what a sight. Your heart leapt in your throat and unconsciously you pressed yourself a little bit harder against Jimin. Hoseok was staring right back at you, just like Jimin had told you, a drink in his hand. He bit on his lips when your eyes met, and despite the poor light you could tell his eyes were dark.
"I think he's jealous." Jimin whispered in your ear, warm breath tickling your ear.
You shivered; whenever it was because of Jimin's words, or his warm breath, or Hoseok's intense gaze, you weren't sure.
"Don't be silly." You finally replied, finding it quite difficult to agree with him.
"Oh I think I'm right." Jimin's grip tightened around your waist and to your utter surprise, Hoseok's reacted instantly, clenching his fist and frowning at the two of you.
It couldn't be, you repeated to yourself.
"I think you should talk to him. Don't you remember what happened last time?"
Now that got all your attention. You put some space between your bodies and looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"
"Remember last time how drunk you were?" Jimin grinned all too widely at you and suddenly he wasn't the sweet friend you know but the devil himself.
"Yes. What about it?"
He shook his head, "Y/N, my sweet Y/N." He touched your cheek, stroking it softly before pinching it. "You obviously don't remember how cute you were that night. And you obviously don't remember how you latched on him when he was dancing with another girl. You told her the girl to fuck off because he was yours."
Oh hell no. You were horrified. You couldn't have been that drunk, could you? You could. You knew it.
"How, how did he react?"
"Nicely, I guess? He brought you home."
That piece of information didn't comfort you as much as you wished.
"Go." Jimin pushed you lightly, smiling this time brightly at you. "Talk to him."
"Now or never huh." You told to yourself
Taking a deep breath, you headed towards Hoseok who as soon as he saw you walking , quirked a brow at your change of plans.
"What's up with all the angry glaring?" You joked
It was harder than you thought to act nonchalant when your heart was roaring in your ears. You didn't want him to know how you felt, not until you were sure about how he felt.
"Angry?" Hoseok chuckled, "I'm not."
"Sure." But you didn't insist and instead eyed his drink that had a rather funny color. "The hell are you drinking? Looks nasty." You scrunched your nose at the sight.
"Namjoon made it."
"Then it's nasty."
To that he actually agreed and yet it didn't stop him from drinking.
For the first time since you had met Hoseok, you actually didn't know what to say or how to act. You were confused and a little bit lost (and completely overwhelmed if you wanted to be honest with yourself). You sighed and averted your eyes from his face. What did you expect? You didn't know how to talk about something you couldn't remember in the first place and Hoseok's odd calmness didn't help much either.
Hoseok clicked his tongue and emptied his glass in one go, wincing slightly; he had made up his mind. Without you noticing him, he moved closer to you, standing right behind you. He caged you in between his arms and pressed his chest to your back. You froze at the proximity, breath hitching in your throat, you didn't dare to move and waited for what he wanted to do.
"Tell me Y/N," Hoseok started whispering to your ear, mouth awfully close. "Do you want to know who gave you those hickeys that night?"
Your body shivered in response. Those words were enough for you to know already the answer and before you could think of a proper answer, images flooded your already blurred mind.
You were drunk. No, drunk would be an understatement. You were way beyond drunk, completely wasted; you kept giggling, finding everything and everybody funny around you, and sadly for Hoseok, he was the one to deal with you. Not like he really minded, especially not after the, he had to give it to you, cute and impressive confession at the party. He hadn't seen it coming but it touched him in more ways than he was willing to admit. Yes, he noticed the changes in your relationship. Yes, he started seeing you in a different light, but he wasn't ready to cross the line, fearing what kind of disaster could come up. But hearing you claiming him did change his mind.
What if it could be a good thing? If only you weren't wasted.
"Hobi! Look! Look!" You called for him, spinning around with arms spread widely, head up to the sky. "The night is so beautiful!" You spun around one more time before stumbling and if it wasn’t for Hoseok’s quick reflex, you would have fall on the ground.
His arms were quick to circle your body and bring you closer to him. "I think that's enough for today." He finally said, his grip tightening around your body.
You, of course, didn't think it was enough. The night was still young, or at least you thought so. You wanted to have some more fun, to run around, especially since Hoseok was with you.
"Oh come on!" You pouted
"No. Look, we're almost at your place." It was harder than he thought to say no to you, especially when you looked so cute. "Come on, Y/N."
You pushed him away, trying to escape, in vain. Hoseok wasn't drunk compared to you, he was quick to catch you and throw you on his shoulder, giving your butt a slap to calm you down.
"Hobi!" You protested and hit his back. "Put me down!"
"Nope. We're going home."
But if he thought you would calm down and sober up a little by the time he got you home, he was wrong. The moment he put you back on the floor of your living room, you huffed in annoyance. You crossed your arms over your chest and stared at him, pondering whenever you wanted to pretend being annoyed or rather do something else. Being drunk had its perks after all, you could let your feelings dictate your behavior and right now you were dying to kiss him.
So you did it, without thinking twice. You got on your tiptoes and pulled him by his collar before capturing his lips. His lack of response would have discouraged you if you were sober, but the you now was drunk and wasn't ready to give up just yet.
You nibbled at his lower lip, wanting him to react, wanting him to give up all resistance. And he did. With a low growl, he grabbed your head, crushing your body against his as he welcomed your tongue. He took completely control over the kiss and you gladly let him, just so eager to have him, to feel him. It was no longer a soft kiss, no, it was sloppy and rushed and filled with need and lust.
But it didn't last. Hoseok was first to break the kiss, pushing you gently from him. It took him all his willpower to control himself and not to give in.
"Why." You didn't understand him. He kissed you back, you weren't imagining things. "I like you a lot and not just as a friend."
You weren't making things easy for him, Hoseok told himself. He ruffled his hair in frustration. If only you weren't drunk.
"Y/N, you're drunk."
"And so? I want you!" You couldn't be any clearer about your intentions but it didn't seem enough for him.
Annoyed and bothered, you decided to push his buttons further. You grabbed the edge of your dress and pulled it over your head, leaving you in pretty red undergarments before him.
Hoseok inhaled sharply, he clenched his fist so hard his knuckles turned white as he tried to control himself. You were a tease and in other circumstances he would have punished you for that.
"Sure you don't want a piece of that?" You teased him shamelessly. You threw your dress at him, giggling, you started running towards your room, silently praying that Hoseok would follow you.
And he did. Before you could even reach your room, he had captured you, trapping you between his body and the wall, hands at each side of your head, he didn't look amused at all.
Eyes dark and hungry, he couldn't stop himself from admiring your exposed body. You were perfect and never in his life had he wanted someone so badly.
"You're a tease." He growled and leaned dangerously close.
"Me? Never."
Hoseok clicked his tongue, displeased with your response but you didn't stop there, only proving him that you were indeed a tease. You hooked your leg around his waist, wanting him to feel just how much you wanted him, how much you needed him.
"Shit. Y/N." He groaned, feeling just how wet for him you already were.
"See, I want you, so badly." You whimpered, begging him to help you.
And then, he kissed you; a bruising, hot kiss that left you panting and wanting more. His lips traveled from your lips to your neck, kissing every inch of your skin, marking you so you could remember for days.
You ran your fingers through his hair, pulling at it whenever he sucked too hard on your skin, bringing him even closer to you. His lips set your whole body on fire and you knew that you would probably die if he didn't touch you.
Sadly for you, Hoseok stopped. He pulled away from you and reached his hand out to touch your cheek.
"I do want you Y/N." He admitted, voice and eyes so soft you could melt into puddle. "But not like that."
"If by morning you still remember this, then we'll talk."
The talk never came.
Back to present,
How could you forget your own confession was beyond your comprehension. You were stupid but what made you even angrier with yourself was the fact that you dared to forget Hoseok’s reaction to your confession. And here you were doubting the nature of your relationship, being scared of your own feelings when he already knew and accepted them.
"Hobi." You turned to look at him, confusion and guilt written all over your face. You made him wait for too long already, you realized. "I’m so sorry."
Hoseok’s face softened for a second before leaning closer. "I know a way for you to make up for your mistake."
His simple suggestion sent a shock of arousal between your legs - you gulped, nervous yet excited at what he had on mind. He took your hand, giving it a soft squeeze before leading you upstairs. You should have told him to get back home, that would be the wisest thing to do, except, just like Hoseok, you couldn’t wait. Not again.
You didn’t make it to any room - Hoseok had you pinned against a wall in the hall. All softness from his face had vanished and was replaced with lust and hunger. You were completely hypnotized, unable to think straight, unable to breathe; all you could do was inhale sharply as he stared at you.
"I remember you being a huge tease that night." Hoseok finally said, licking his lips as his eyes darted back and forth between your eyes and your lips. "Do you know how badly I wanted you back then?"
"You should have taken me then." You whispered
"You know I couldn’t." He shook his head, finger gently brushing your lips, "But now, I won’t hold back." With that, he reclaimed your mouth. Hands gripping your face tightly, the kiss was nothing like you had imagined. It was rough and needy, and breathtaking and everything you ever wanted. He worked his mouth against yours, sliding his tongue in between your parted lips, he got you moaning into the kiss with just a kiss.
"It wasn’t very nice of you to tease me like that, Y/N." Hoseok said against your lips. "And then, you dared to forget all about it." He growled and bit at your lower lip.
You were slowly drowning in his touch. You didn’t know till now just how addicting this man was and you wished you had realized it sooner. Your heart roared in your ears, making it hard for you to focus on anything else.
"Do you know how hard it was for me to forget how gorgeous you looked in those red undergarments?" His hand slid along your neck, fingers soft against your skin, tracing an invisible line from your jaw to your collarbone. You were a perfect white canvas for him to work on. And he did it. He latched his lips over your neck, teasing you with his tongue before biting harshly at your skin, marking every inch of your neck so you could never forget about him.
"Hoseok." You let out a soft gasp at his attacks which caused your hand to fly to his hair, fisting them, you pulled his head even closer to you. You felt him smile against your skin, relishing in the way he made you feel.
But it wasn’t enough. You were getting impatient and wanted more.
"So responsive." He whispered against you. His right hand reached for your thigh, raking nails across your skin.
Your breath hitched in your throat as he shoved his hand between your legs, palming your drenched pussy. You arched your back in response and started grinding shamelessly against his hand. God, you wanted him to touch you. You wanted to feel him, his fingers, his cock, anything.
"You’re so wet, love." He glanced at your face; flushed, eyes closed, lips parted - he let out an animalistic growl. And here he thought he would play with you longer, but seeing you so wounded up just made him want to ruin you. "Do you want my cock that much?"
"Yes." You breathed, "So so much."
"Hmm." He hummed as he stroked your covered clit. "Look who’s being so honest now." And then, he gave your pussy a harsh slap that made you cry out his name louder than you expected. "You see Y/N, I don’t think you deserve my cock."
Taking you off guard, Hoseok pulled away from you. You stared at him in disbelief, he couldn’t leave you like that. You tried to stop him and pull him back but he was faster. He grabbed your arm and spun you in his arm so your front was pressed to the wall.
His chin fell to your shoulder, hot breath fanning over your neck. "Aren’t you a bad girl?"
"I’m not." You protested, half delirious, dying with need. "I swear I’m going to be good for you."
Hoseok chuckled at how desperate you sounded before hiking your dress up - he rubbed gently, lovingly your ass, giving you the impression that he had finally decided to show you mercy. He, of course, didn’t.
"I’m going to ruin you, Y/N." Hoseok promised you and with that he gave your ass a strong slap - you jolted. Hands soaked across the wall, you tried to steady yourself, knees getting weaker with every slap.
One, two, you stopped counting. Your flesh slowly blooming red with his attacks but you would be lying if you said you didn’t like it. Hell, you loved it. Every slap sent tingles of excitement through your body. His palm met again your ass but this time he rubbed the red spot gently, soothing the sting.
He peppered your neck, your shoulder with kisses, making you forget all about the pain that was soon replaced with pleasure and longing.
"Hoseok." You moaned, needy. "Please touch me."
"You need to be more precise, love." He whispered to your ear, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth. "Tell me what you want."
"I want your fingers inside me. I want your cock." You hurried to answer, pushing your ass against his aching shaft.
And he gladly gave it to you. Hoseok pushed your panties to the side and slowly dragged his finger from your slit to your clit, feeling how wet you were, teasing you which only made you whimper desperately. What did you need to do to have his fingers inside you? You didn't have time to ponder on the question as he slid easily a finger inside your heat.
Finally. Relieved to have at least his finger inside you, your pussy clenched around him. You threw back your head in pure bliss, letting pretty soft gasps as he moved his finger slowly inside you. It was a delicious torture and you wished he gave you more.
And he did. He added another finger, stretching you nicely, letting your hungry cunt swelling his fingers.
"Hoseok." You mewled his name, body burning with pleasure and need.
He slid his fingers out of you, glancing at them - he licked his lips in delight. "Open up, love." He brought his fingers to your mouth and you eagerly parted your lips, welcoming his fingers inside your mouth. You swirled your tongue over his fingers,  tasting yourself. It was messy, sinful, but you relished in the feeling.
"So good for me." He groaned and planted a kiss right under your ear which made you shudder, knees ready to give in.
Luckily for you, Hoseok felt it too. He put his right hand on your hip to steady you while the left one gently pushed your forward. You knew what was coming and you couldn't contain your excitement.
With his knee, he spread your legs wider before putting back his hand on your ass, gently stroking your abused skin that was still bright red. He took out his cock only to tease you some more by brushing it lightly against your clit.
"Hoseok!" You whined, unable to control yourself any longer - you pushed back against him, wanting him inside you. "Please, don't tease."
He chuckled and his hand met again your ass, spanking you hard for being so impatient. But eventually,  he gave you what you desperately needed. Slowly, he eased himself inside you.
"Fuck, yes." You breathed, closing your eyes, he stretched your pussy just like you wanted.
"Shit, Y/N, you're so tight." He growled, fingers digging into your skin as he tried to control himself. It was harder than he thought, especially when all he wanted was to fill you in just one go and pound into you.
"Hobi, you feel so good."
He filled you to the brim only to pull out slowly, dragging his cock against your inner walls, admiring how you squirmed, how your fingers tried to dig into the wall, before slamming back inside you in one go.  
Hoseok set a rough and hard pace, leaving you no time to adapt or to catch your breath, instead you were left moaning loudly, crying out his name.
"Hoseok, you feel so good!" Every thrust sent waves of pleasure through your body. Your mind turned blank, all you could think was how good he made you feel and how empty you had been all this time without him.  
"So do you, love." His grip on you got tighter as  a particularly strong thrust had you moan louder than ever.
"Right there! Fuck, don't stop."
And he did as he was told, hitting harder the spot that got you tears prickling in the corner of your eyes.
If you weren't so lost, so overwhelmed with Hoseok's cock, maybe you would have noticed that you weren't so alone in the hall anymore. Maybe you would have noticed how Hoseok's grip on your hips became so strong it would bruise later, just because he had noticed the intruder.
Taehyung leant against the wall, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the scene before his eyes. He stared at your exposed body, at your face that showed just how much pleasure Hoseok's cock brought you.  He licked his lips, enjoying the show a little more than he should and Hoseok saw that.
Hoseok growled. He could have told Taehyung to get out (despite being at his place), but instead with his right hand he grabbed your hair and pulled at them, making you arch your back. His groans became more feral as your pussy clenched harder around him; you were close, so close.
"Are you close, love?" He muttered to your ear.
"Yes, so close."
"Good." Was all he said.
A moment later, you came completely undone, mouth dropping open in a silent cry as pleasure seared through you. Hoseok kept fucking you, no matter how shaky and breathless you were, seeking his own release. Shortly, he poured himself into you.
Taehyung clapped his hands. "You know, next time you decide to have sex at my place, you might as well invite me."
The sound of his voice brought you back from your trance. You snapped your head to the side only to see him winking at you and leaving without another word.
"Shit." You wanted to hide, instead you pressed yourself against the wall and whined. "Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because you were close and so was I." Hoseok shrugged and pulled slowly out. Your pussy clenched, filling suddenly terribly empty, wanting him back inside you.
Hoseok wrapped his arms protectively around you and pressed you against him, lips latching on your neck, jaw before reaching for you lips.
"Just so you know, if you forget one more time about me, I'll never let you come again." He threatened you with a sweet smile on his face.
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hermionemonica · 4 years
Hiding it from her: Chapter 3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Despite going to bed way late in the night, Kagami woke up on her usual time. She was tempted to skip the gym for the day, but she knew the physical exercise would help her clear her mind before the evening. And she needed to go to the fencing academy as well, she had not shown up the previous day without any notice.  
The evening arrived faster than she would have liked it to. As the hour neared with every passing second, her anxiety reached greater heights. Even now she could not help but question herself if she was ready to face the man who she had loved with all her life, who had lied to her with a smile on his face, who had betrayed her very trust. Was she prepared to hear the answers from him?  
Since last night she had been preparing in her head what to say. How to start the conversation so that there was no way to wriggle out of it. She needed to put an end to this, to settle this once and for all. If for nothing else, at least for her own mind's peace.  
Kagami reached Adrien's apartment at 6:50 pm. As soon as she rang the bell, the door swung open and Adrien greeted her with a smile. Kagami hesitated before entering. She could not help but remember the last time she had come to this place. She breathed some determination into herself. There was a task at hand.  
“Come in here,” Adrien pulled her into a room that appeared to be Marinette's working space.  
“Are you sure I should be here?”  
“I would not have called you in otherwise!”  
Kagami looked around herself. The room was an organised mess. Absolutely Marinette. She walked over to the board set up on the wall, on which were pinned several unfinished sketches, quite possibly the ones she was working on currently. She noticed the little doodles and random words etched on the margins of the papers. Kagami smiled to herself, thinking of the eccentricities of the girl. But the smile disappeared in a moment, when she remembered what she had done to her. Her heart clenched painfully in her chest.  
“Here you go.” Adrien’s voice brought Kagami down to her immediate surroundings.  
She turned around to see him holding a dress in his arms. One of the most magnificent dresses she had ever set her eyes on.  
It was a mid-thigh length dress with a maroon satin base. The dress flared out at the waist, and a black mesh fell over the entire bottom part. Details were embroidered in gold over the mesh. The same gold circled the waist like an ornate belt. It had a halter neckline, and the collar was accentuated with a golden border.  
“Wow,” she breathed, “this is beautiful.”  
“I know, right?” Adrien exclaimed with glee. “Now put it on, I'm gonna go outside.”  
“Me?” Kagami was surprised.  
“Duh, yeah! This was made for you!” Adrien rolled his eyes, shoving the dress into her hands. “Be quick now, we have other work to do as well.” Saying so, he ran out of the room, gently shutting the door behind him.  
How hard would it be for Adrien to be a little less vague? He was making it really difficult for her to feel sorry for him.  
This was made for you, he had said. Did he mean that literally or figuratively? Recent events must have addled her brain, she was looking too much into everything.  
Kagami turned the dress around in her arms. It was a breath-taking piece of work. She admiringly ran her hand over the embroidery, feeling every stitch underneath her fingers.  
It was then that she saw it.  
Just under the belt, on the back of the dress was a very familiar pattern sewn in with the same gold. She had seen it enough times to recognise it instantly.  
Marinette's signature.  
That only added to her confusion. Marinette had made a dress for her, without her knowledge? And that was the one she was going to wear today, of all days?  
She nervously moved near the door. Leaning against it, she called out “Adrien?”  
On receiving no reply, she opened the door. Adrien was sitting in the drawing-room, and while she had a clear view of him, he could not see her because his back was turned to her. It appeared that he was talking to someone on the phone.  
“Umm... Adrien?” She said a bit louder to get his attention. It worked.  
Adrien turned around in his seat. His face immediately fell. “Yeah, I will talk to you later,” he spoke into the phone before ending the call.  
“Is there a problem?” he spoke in a concerned voice, walking towards her. “Does it not fit you?”  
“No, that's not it,” Kagami hesitated. “Adrien, are you sure I should wear this?”  
A confused look came on his face, and then he burst out laughing. “Kagami,” he said, “will you stop worrying now? Just do as I say, okay? Trust me.”  
Kagami was getting concerned, but about something else. Adrien still had the nerve to laugh? Was he losing his mind?  
Adrien pushed her back into the room. “Now please hurry up, alright? And um, maybe do something with your hair to go with the dress, okay?”  
It was all very strange but Kagami was left with no choice but to concede. Maybe this was Adrien's attempt at making her feel better about herself, of boosting her self-confidence. She stripped off the jeans and t-shirt and put on the dress. Standing in front of the mirror, she could not help but marvel at how good the dress looked on her. There was no doubt it was made for her; it was fitted to her measurements, complimenting her shape, skin tone and her eyes. Even though she and Marinette may not be on the best of terms right now, she had to praise her work.  
There were some hairbands and bobby pins and other accessories on the table, but Kagami was really not in a mood. So, she put her hair in a short braid that hung over her left shoulder.  
Kagami opened the door very silently. But she could not see Adrien anywhere. Panic began to bubble in the pit of her stomach, and she called out for him, “Adrien!”  
“Just a minute!” his voice came from the room to her left. Kagami breathed a sigh of relief. She took a seat on the couch as she waited for her friend.  
After a few moments, her ears caught the sound of a door opening behind her. She turned around just as Adrien was emerging from his room.  
Kagami saw that he was dressed up as well. He was wearing a light green formal shirt and tailored black trousers that made his legs look even longer than they originally were. He was also wearing a salmon pink tie. His hair was brushed back, and it made his cheekbones look very chiselled.  
“Oh my God, Kagami, you look... phenomenal.” Adrien's eyes were widened and his mouth was open.  
“Thank you,” she acknowledged the compliment with a slight nod. “You look good too.”  
“Thanks,” Adrien flashed her a grin. “Let's go then?”  
Kagami nodded.  
Adrien produced a pair of sandals for her that perfectly went with her dress. At this point, there were so many questions in her mind that she had lost the ability to even think for herself. So she just did whatever Adrien asked her to. It didn't look like she had a choice anyway.  
When she sat in the car, she finally relaxed. She knew what was going to happen now. No more surprises, right?  
Or so she thought.  
Adrien pulled up at the side of the Liberty. “Here?” Kagami asked, because she was expecting to go to Luka's apartment. Liberty had been empty since Anarka went on tour with Jagged more than three months ago.  
“Yeah,” Adrien said, typing away on his phone. “Do me a favour Gami, just go on. I'll catch up with you in a bit.”  
“I could wait for you?” Kagami suggested.  
“Uh, I think not,” came Adrien's response, which sounded a little weird. “Seriously Kagami, you know your way around. Go on now.”  
Unsure, Kagami got out of the car. Adrien was right, she did know her way around this place pretty well, having spent a lot of her late teenage years there. Luka used to help her sneak out behind her mother’s back, and most of the time they would just chill on the houseboat. Luka would play his songs on his guitar for her. She had had her first kiss with-  
No. Snap out of it, Kagami. This was not the time to think about all that stuff.  
Kagami stepped up on the deck. Strangely, most of the lights were out. She began to doubt if Adrien had brought them to the right place after all.  
Unconsciously, her steps had brought her to Luka's old room. Well, technically Luka and Juleka's old room. The room was dark, and presuming it to be empty, Kagami began to retrace her steps out of the room.  
Just then she stopped. Someone began to play a guitar inside the room. A nostalgic, romantic tune. She spun around on her heels just in time to see the room be lit up in fairy lights.  
And sitting on the bed, with a guitar slung over his shoulder, was Luka Couffaine.  
Kagami was stunned into silence. What exactly it was that rendered her speechless was uncertain. It could be seeing Luka appear out of the darkness, or the pretty way the lights lit up the deck, or how ethereally handsome Luka was looking in that purple shirt (and that maroon tie that was exactly the same shade as the dress she was wearing). But at that moment, she lost all ability to think, speak, or move by herself. So she stood there, staring at the man in front of her, forgetting what she had even come here for in the first place.  
“Hey,” Luka said nervously. Receiving no reply, he went on. “I am so sorry, my melody, for keeping you out of everything. I am really bad at hiding things, as you know. And since this isn't something I could have told you, I had to hide it from you. But turns out, I messed up big time, huh?” He let out a little laugh. Kagami was still frozen with the same expression on her face, so Luka decided to take the risk of walking a few steps towards her. “I really did not mean to make you feel left out of it. It's just, you know, I couldn't tell you. I know I did a bad job at it and you have every right to be pissed at me, but please talk to me, babe.”  
“Wha- what's going on?” she finally managed.  
Luka smiled, in that handsomely Luka way of his that made her melt into a puddle every time. It was only with a lot of conscious effort that she managed to hold her composure, although her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Thank goodness for the dim lights.  
“Kagami, I love you,” as he spoke he kept walking towards her, “I love you so much. My life has been infinitely better since you became a part of it. There is nothing I feel luckier about than you loving me. You make me feel whole. The last twenty-four hours have been such a torture for me. And I never ever want to spend another moment separated from you, as long as I live.”  
Saying so, he took a box out of his pocket and got down on one knee in front of her. He opened the box and held it up in front of her. It was a ring. “Kagami Tsurugi, my Dragon Queen, will you marry me?”  
Kagami's eyes widened. “Wait,” she said, “what is happening?”  
“I-uh, I am proposing to you?”  
“And can you please smile a bit Kagami? You're ruining the shot.”  
Kagami's head turned to the side to see who spoke.  
“Yes, that's me. Now don't bother us,” she said as Adrien appeared behind her, “keep going.”  
Kagami looked back and forth between them. “This is so not what I was expecting.” She clapped her hand to her forehead.  
Luka stood up, concerned. “My melody, are you okay?”  
“This is what was going on these last few days?” Kagami whispered, almost on the verge of tears.  
“I guess I'm allowed to tell you now,” Luka rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, this is what I had been planning behind your back.”  
“And you,” she turned to look at Adrien and Marinette in the doorway, “You two were a part of this?”  
“Well yeah,” Adrien sounded just as nervous.  
“Please don’t murder us Kagami,” Marinette said.  
Kagami turned to look at Luka. “I am so sorry,” she muttered, before embracing him with all her strength. “I am so sorry for ever doubting you.”  
“My love,” Luka wrapped his free arm around her.  
After a while, she let go of him. “And I owe you an apology too, Marinette,” she turned to her, “Please forgive me.”  
“I have no idea what is happening, but I forgive you. Although I have no idea what I'm forgiving you for. Please don't tell me later that you made me forgive you for eating my chocolate croissants, because you know I would never forgive you if you did that,” she ended with a fake glare, making everyone burst into laughter.  
“By the way,” Luka said, with a smirk, “I didn't quite catch your reply back then?”  
It took Kagami a while before she got what he was talking about. And then her face broke into a radiant smile. She grabbed Luka's face and pulled him down to her level to rest her forehead against his. “Yes!” her voice was both emotional and excited, “Yes, yeah yes! Of course I will marry you, my snake prince!”  
“And now I got a perfect photo!” Marinette cheered on.  
Luka put the ring onto Kagami's finger. It was a gold ring; the top of the ring was in the shape of a dragon's head with a ruby set in the place of its eye. Kagami gasped, making Luka smile. He then lifted her chin slightly to kiss her. Kagami wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled against his lips.  
They broke off after a minute. “By the way, Marinette,” Kagami turned around in Luka's arms with a stern look on her face, “I am going to have a word with your boyfriend for confusing my brain all evening.”  
Adrien laughed nervously, but Marinette blushed red. “Actually,” she spoke in a little voice, “My fiance."
“What!” Luka and Kagami exclaimed at the same time.  
Marinette held up her hand to show them the sapphire ring that sat on her finger.  
“When did this happen?” It was Luka who asked.  
“This morning,” Marinette replied, “Right after I woke up.”  
“Way to go, Adrien!”  
“What?” Adrien raised an eyebrow, “You guys really thought I was going to let Luka beat me at this?”  
Marinette playfully smacked him in his chest.  
Kagami noticed that the shade of Adrien’s tie matched the colour of the dress Marinette was wearing, just like her and Luka. Oh. So this was the entire fuss about the dress.  
“Let's take a group selfie?” she suggested.  
“Hell yeah!”
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thewritingstar · 4 years
any colorcrack ship heehoo
Pairing: Blossutch (Blossom x Butch) 
Fandom: PPG
Tag list: @shellielyzabeth @over-under-through1  and @yosuehere (for no reason winkwink)
so we just gonna pretend like i didnt know who sent this. And i'm also gonna pretend that you aren’t tempting me with Blossutch.....but...Blossutch...
Okay but evil Blossom?????? 
also this oneshot got outta hand but im okay with it. This is filled with flashbacks sorta and don’t ask me how the town got destroyed cause idk
Triggers: mild blood, minor character death
I hope you enjoy because i really like this :) 
She could recall the first time she had used her powers for evil. It was a whirlwind of emotion as the bodies fell to the ground one after the other. The people she vowed to save now were at their knees begging for mercy before she turned the other cheek and walked away. The vision of perfection was no more. 
It was devastating to feel that crack. Her heart slowly turned black until it became locked up against her will. There was no turning back now. She once scoffed at the saying "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Now it was a cruel future. 
Instead of leaving the place she once called home, she stayed and lived above it all. Her powers were now her protection as death threats and missiles were sent her way each day. She ignored them of course. She took a book out of Princess and had others do her bidding, but her hands had seen blood many times. 
It was too late now. 
The falling of Townsville wasn’t something anyone had ever thought would happen. Not when the three supers lived within the city limits. As they grew up, the city had stayed protected no matter how many robbers, villains or monsters threatened their home, they always saved the day. 
And then it happened. Something unexplained had taken over the city like a thick fog. The girls did their best to try and stop it but something had changed the minds and the hearts of the people. 
When the world goes to shit, you have two choices. Save the world and fight for what is right or watch it burn slowly and take what you can. Rebuild the empire to your liking and every negative thing about humans will be revealed. 
Humans are selfish, even the purest ones have corrupt thoughts. As the world is on its deathbed, true colors show. He had known it all too well and yet he was one of the dumbest people for thinking he could change it back. Restore good and evil, even though he was brought up with the lather. 
Corruption and destruction were his game while being a hero was hers. It was plain and simple. He was bad and she was good. Or so that was how the story was told. Maybe the story had lost its way a long time ago. Nothing was ever that black and white. 
Then the world had lost its mind and he was now bound to a chair with chains biting into his skin and the once notorious sweetheart was standing there with a blade and enough ammo to kill half the city. Sometimes he didn’t want to believe it. That she had lost the hero's glow and fell into the darkness he knew personally. 
Why should he fix this mess when the world has shunned him? It was the same question she had asked herself long ago. 
He sat watching her. His voice was muffled by a shitty cloth rag that he could easily spit out whenever, but he would play her game. His fingers tapping on the armrest as he twitched in his seat, he was never good at staying still for long. 
The first time he had met her was back when they were kids. She was bright eyed and witty. A leader for those who needed one and had a killer punch. Although they weren’t pair counterparts, they had more in common than not. He found himself near her more often as the years passed.
Now she just had a killer punch. 
He had been watching her for quite some time now. Usually people in his position would be dead but he wasn't like them. He was better. He understood her even with that mask on. He might have special powers with shield but she somehow had one he could barely break. 
She was staring out of the giant windows of her private office. The sunset sat on the horizon and if the city wasn’t in complete chaos then he would have thought it was beautiful. It was a massive space overlooking the city. He knew this place quite well but it felt foreign and lost as if it was a memory he tried to remember but never had. 
 Her grip on the knife tightened as she turned and walked up towards him. Her eyes raking over him as if she were examining her prey like a vulture. She was the embodiment of everything good in this world even if she was wearing all black and hadn’t smiled in years. He couldn’t blame her but he missed the way the corners of her eyes would crinkle when she laughed and the blush that tinted her cheeks. If he could go back in time for one more moment of that, he would in a heartbeat. 
He gave her a raise of his eyebrows and she scoffed. It was too quiet for his liking so he shuffled the cloth out of his mouth. 
“Blossom.” he spoke and she shivered as if no one had said her name in years, and maybe they didn’t.
She wasn’t the Blossom who was a golden child and adored by the world anymore. In fact her name sent fear through the bodies of those who dared to utter it. Instead of everything nice, she was just a black hole that sucked out the life of everything around her. 
“Butch.” She replied and he didn’t think hearing his name come from her would hurt so much. 
“Let me go.” He stated as if she would. They both knew he could break out of them. They weren’t stupid but maybe playing to the worlds cruel game was all they had left. 
Most people couldn’t say they saw the hero fall. Dying a hero was something her sisters had the pleasure of receiving and yet their sister was now the queen jewel of the evil capital. 
The day he held her at the funeral. She had to watch the blood pool around her sister's lifeless bodies and there was nothing she could do. She had saved the city countless times and the minute that it went up in flames, her sisters lives were target practice and those who cheered them on had now put the stake through them. 
The horror of seeing her sister smile as she died in her arms haunted her. She wondered why she was the only one to survive. 
“You’ll save the day, you always do.” Bubbles had said happily as if she wasn’t bleeding out of her stomach. 
Next to Buttercup choked on bile as she used her last strength to smile and brush the matted hair out of her sister's face. “You’re a leader Blossom, always were. Always will be.” 
Sometimes if she was alone with her thoughts for too much time she could hear her sister's laughter and the snarky comment of the other one. She could see them flying around, playing tag and just having childish fun.
 But it was all gone now. 
Behind her on the desk was Octi. The infamous plush of the youngest sister. Blossom wanted to blast it to shreds and never see it again but he had convinced her to keep it. He stared at it then back to her. He wondered if she ever held it close to her chest and allowed herself to grieve, probably not but it was worth the thought. 
He had been captured by her countless times. It was on purpose too. He broke in, stole something  and hoped that she would be there ready to add another scar and they would fight, and then he would be thrown out. He would come back again and again just to see her. 
He hadn’t seen her in months now. After a while, only her goons paid him a visit and he would just drop the item and walk away. There was no point if she wasn’t there. 
And now he was in the position he needed. She was right there for the taking and he desperately wanted to hold her again, just like he did before all this shit happened. 
He moved in his chair, the chains rattling and getting her attention. He didn’t want to play anymore and decided to send a green spark on one of them but her hand came down on his wrist snuffing out the light. 
Her face was inches from his as her cold stare pierced his soul. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips were set in a thin line as if she was challenging him, daring him to break away. He loved her eyes. They once glowed with a vibrant pink that he could only describe as breathtaking. They gave her away every time but now they had turned to a frozen stone and it was harder to see what she was thinking. 
“So you’re finally gonna kill me then?” He asked, his voice calm and collected as she continued to glare. The blade of the knife was held at his neck and he thought about moving forward to see what she would do. 
“It would be easier that way.” She stated and that stung even when it shouldn’t have. 
His eye twitched and his foot moved quickly to tug at her ankle causing her to move forward and her chest touched his. She had moved the knife away quickly. Now it was held above his head and he smirked before quickly hiding it. It was nice to know she didn’t want to plunge the knife into him. 
“I always liked you better pressed against me babe.” His foot not letting up as the other one trapped her in. Her other hand was now gripping his forearm and he lowered his eyes. He wanted to know that the Blossom he once cared about deeply was still there. No matter how many shields she had up, he was good at destroying things. 
She was silent and he waited. Her silence was something you couldn’t mess with. Those gears in her head were turning and the smallest shift in her eyes had given her away. He knew she wouldn’t kill him. She couldn’t. Whether she liked it or not, he was the only thing she had left and even if it was a petty thing, she knew better than to throw it away. 
“Let go of me.” She hissed through gritted teeth and his feet only dug deeper into her ankles.
He smirked. “I’m the one tied up babe.” She used her free hand to slap him across the face and yet he felt nothing. He had made himself numb to the cruel world, the only thorn in his side was her and even that was barely scratching the surface. 
But he hated that. He desperately craved for the pain even if that's all it was. Pain. A pitiful idea. He once lived for the thrill of the chase. The waiting of a battle as he was some cheeky teen stealing things just so that some girl would notice. The truth was his heart had been through so much heartbreak that it never went away and he was just tired. 
He picked his head up from the blow and she was breathing heavily. Her knife was lowered and was resting in her hand. He shot her a toothy grin which made her bristle. “Mm playing rough today?” 
Her face flushed red as she pursed her lips together and bit back a snarl. “Stop talking.” 
There was something about pushing his luck that he thoroughly enjoyed. “Don’t be shy.” He snickered as he tilted his head up with a cocked eyebrow. “You can’t hide.” 
“You really wanna be saying that shit while I'm holding this.” She waved the knife in his face and he rolled his eyes. 
“Tell you what babe.” She frowned deeper. “You can kill me, go ahead. This world should have been destroyed ages ago but-”
“But what?” She rested herself in his lap. 
Butch let out a deep laugh as he smiled. “You have to kiss me.” 
Her face turned towards the window and he saw that she still wore the earrings he gave her years ago. He bucked his knee up grabbing her attention back. 
“Just one peck and then bam, you’re done.” He said smoothly as he eyed the knife. 
“You were the smart one for a reason, figure it out toots.” 
Blossom watched him closely and she knew what he was doing. No. It wasn’t fair and she wouldn’t give herself that kind of relief. Years ago maybe, but not anymore. She didn’t deserve happiness.
 She pushed off of him with a great force, breaking free from his feet before ripping the chains off of him with a powerful blast and stomping towards the windows. Her blood red heels echoing on the marble floor as her hips swayed. 
“Leave.” She spat and he rubbed his wrists where the chains had been. “Just leave.” Her voice gave out at the end as her head hung low. 
His eyes went to the door. He should have turned around and left. He should have just ran and went back to drinking and drugs and drowning back into the darkness, it would have been easier that way. But his mind ignored all that. He had waited too damn long to be in her presence again and he was a selfish asshole. 
He saw her fall off the deep end as the world turned its back on the shining light. They snuffed her goodness and took whatever innocence she had remaining and left her high and dry. She had pushed him away and lifted up the walls, she said it was to protect him. It never was. It was a cruel lie to justify how she felt. He understood completely because that's what he had been doing since he was a child. 
The pain of losing the closest people to you was something they shared. His brothers fell to the same fate as her sisters and instead of suffering together, they had distanced. 
Her back was towards him and he took the time to look her over. He found it adorable how she still wore her bow in her hair, maybe it was to keep her sanity and pretend like it didn’t mean anything. She stood tall and proud back in the days and she was right now but it was different, she was different and he knew that. 
Her hair was long and pulled back into the tight ponytail she always wore. He knew deep down she wanted to run to him. Forget back the past and go back to the days where they could be themselves. Even with the unforgiving circumstances, he thought she looked as radiant as ever. 
He stood behind her before reaching for her hand. It had been almost a year or two since he had touched her skin. She could easily turn around and slice him with the knife, end him right then and there. The voices in his head had silenced as the tips of his fingers touched the slight curl of her palm and he felt the spark that he longed for. It was small but he had felt it, he prayed she did too. 
He closed his eyes as he took another step forward and when she didn’t pull back and retreat, he held her hand. The once warm skin was ice cold and he didn’t know if he wanted to cry from how much she was suffering and he was once too blind to see it. It was crystal clear now. 
 He waited until his eyes watered as he felt her fingers curl around his. The breath he was holding was let out and he blinked rapidly to make the tears fade away. He felt how her hand tighten around his and her body shook slightly as if the wall she had put up now had a raging storm pounding against it like a dam on the verge of breaking. 
He pulled her until she was flushed with him. He raised her other hand and placed the knife against his neck. 
“It’s okay.” He whispered. “If it will bring you peace-” His words were silenced as the knife fell with a harsh clank and tumbled around until the ringing stopped. 
She looked at her hands with a fear she had only felt a few times before. Her shoulders went slack as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. 
“They hated us.” She cried into his chest. “W-we saved them and yet-” She could bring herself to say it. He wasn’t sure if she ever said that they had died. It would mean that it was true, despite it being years. “H-how...how could they do that to us?” 
He didn’t say anything but only clutched her harder. “They destroyed me.” Her head picked up as she looked at him. 
Eyes wide and puffy as she looked at him as her lips quivered in disbelief. She reached for his cheek where the indent of a healed scar was. She had been the cause of it but it faded over time and she traced her finger over it, whispering to herself. 
“And I destroyed you.” The heartbreak in her voice was unbreakable as he let the tears fall. He shook his head. 
“No, you-”
She nodded and pushed away the excuses. “I did.” Her eyes were searching around his face wondering how much damage she had caused him. “You were my light and I did the same thing to you as they did to me.”
Her breath caught in her throat as his lips pressed against her cheek carefully. It was soft in such a way that if she were a porcelain doll on the verge of shattering. 
“What they did to you is unforgivable but I don’t blame you, Blossom. I could never blame you.” He was honest. She might have pushed him away and even fought him but she was still the one who had held him when he cried and kissed his pain away. “Please baby-I. Please.” 
There was a heavy silence weighing over them. His eyes were glued to her and he would be a fool to turn and leave now. Not again. They say the end of the world brings out the worst and two broken people who had seen their loved ones suffer and end tragically only meant for a catastrophe. Instead of a violent fight of shouting and guns a blazing, their weapons were tossed aside and the dam had broken as she stared at him. 
The golden sunset was ready to fade into a new inky night as he told her he wasn’t leaving again as his lips brushed against hers. Never touching fully. 
“I don’t deserve to have you, not anymore.” 
“You don’t have a choice.” He stated and held her as she tried to pull away. “But.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the gun with the bullet that could penetrate through their superhuman forms. “You can tell me to leave and I won’t come back again.”
She was once a little girl who called for her to save the day. A teen that people worship and even a woman that they feared. She had done it all. Phases come and go but the only thing that didn’t change was her heart towards him. She would be lying if she said she had forgotten all the times they shared. Forgotten about how they would sneak away during school and have their way with each other as she giggled endlessly. Forgotten when he told her he loved her the first time on the rooftop. 
She was a fool for thinking she would throw it all away. The world had made a mockery of her when she turned towards the darkness for revenge and yet the thing that she could have done, could have, was right in front of her for the taking. 
“Or. You can have me for the rest of time and the world can go to hell.” 
The gun was held out to her. An offering that would either would vaporize any hope she had left, or could leave her feeling something more than just a hollow shell of a person. 
She took the gun from him and for an instant she thought about holding it against herself. In that moment, the pain could end. She could easily forget about it all and fade away into the abyss. Her mind traveled to that dark place until the memory of her sister’s bright smile came into view. 
“Blossom you deserve happiness and I think he’s the one for you.” 
“I can second that.” 
Her eyes looked into his and she saw a gleam of hope. The moment after she had lost her sisters was spent with her heart suffering and yet he wanted to be by her side through it all. He could have cast away those feelings and left time and time again but he was here. 
The metal burned her skin as she held it, fingertip on the trigger but all her attention belonged to him. Her fingers twitched and shook as she asked him the question that weighed on her mind.  
“Could you ever learn to love me again?” Her voice meek with a slight whimper.
Butch brought his lips to hers, touching them soft as a feather. “I never forgot.” And kissed her as if it was the last thing he would ever do. 
Those flashbacks of them together before the decay of what they had known came back in a rush and she wondered how she ever let them go. His hand wrapped around her waist and he felt the upward curl of her lips against his as her arms came around his neck. Her body molded to his as she held him tight, afraid that when he pulled away, he would be gone again. 
When the world goes to shit, you have two choices. Burn down with it or rise above and see the new horizon. 
And when he looked back at her with a smile that felt rusted and worn, her eyes had held a spark that became reignited. Like a flower blooming after a harsh winter, the life from deep within herself began to resurface. 
“I have always loved you, even in the darkness.” He spoke and he was blinded by the small smile on her lips. 
“And I love you.” 
Those tears on her face held years of misery but it was leaving her mind as she stared at him. The vibrant pink against an electric green. She felt those chains around her heart break off as the warmth came in. 
“So what do you say?” He asked as he kissed her cheek.  
“Let the world go to hell.” She whispered before crashing her lips against him and as if she was desperate to quiche her thirst. 
She smiled against his lips as he let out a growl. Blossom pointed the gun towards the window and fired. The glass raining down over the city as the light from the horizon seeped in.
The idea of good and evil was long on when the city’s morals became corrupted. All that was left were two people who knew better than to become incinerated.  
i hope you liked it!
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velvetinewitch · 5 years
fluffcember: sunrise, ellalion
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@cheesecake-angel​, here’s your ellalion fluff! i loved writing them, thank you for forcing me to. also thanks to @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword,  @raiswanson, and @siarven for hosting fluffcember!!  find a list of characters to send a ship (platonic/romantic) in for fluffcember here!
Ella wakes her early that morning, or late that night. She shakes Ara's shoulders until the writer shifts, her dream-state fleeing her. She mutters groggily under her breath, her eyes flickering half-open to the pale blue hues of their room. 
"I wanna show you something," Ella whispers, strands of hair spilling into Ara's space, voice soft as to not disturb the silence of the atmosphere. "You're going to have to close your eyes, just not yet." 
Ara searches blearily for the blaring red alarm clock and scowls at the low numbers. She curses Ella, but the girl just lets out a breathy chuckle. She reaches for Ara's hand, tugging her from the sheets despite her complaints. 
"Do I have to get dressed?" Ara asks. She puts her palm to her mouth to muffle the yawn.
Ella examines her outfit, the fluffy, leopard-print pajama pants and the warm Christmas shirt (despite it being July). Despite the heat of the night, Ara bundles up to keep from freezing. Ella, who had fallen asleep against their fridge, had always found it ironic. Her magic was fire, but it did nothing to keep Ara warm. "You're fine," she decides. Her brow wrinkles. "Did you really sleep in your shoes?"
Ara stifles a giggle at her distaste and lets her lead her out of their dorm. The lights in the hallways are dim, glowing just enough for them to see the floor and walls. Ella speedruns down the stairs, her feet loud and heavy on the carpet. Ara lags behind, slow with a resting terror that her tired mind will abandon her body and let her trip. Before they step outside, Ella reaches for Ara's hand, lifting it to cover her eyes. Ara laughs at the action, but holds her fingers there, squashed against her nose, no rays seeping in through the cracks. Ella takes her other hand and uses it to guide her, pulling her forward through the doors and into the outside world. It isn't freezing, or even chilly, just a soothing gesture of the summer temperature. The dew on the grass soaks into her shoes and the bottoms of the pajamas as they walk. When Ara whines to Ella, Ella offers to carry her. It's almost tempting, if not for the last time they'd attempted that. They mutually agree that Ella, while she may be a junior Olympic athlete, doesn't need to practice any weightlifting. For their safety.
The path Ella leads Ara down is familiar, even without her vision. The small breach in the magical Boundary sits beside a large Willow tree that had grown into the carved out mountainside. Among the roots, a hole breaks through, steep and dirty. Ella helps Ara down it, their feet sliding a little as they break out of the campus territory. Generations of students before them have dug through the mountain, casting spells to hold the ground in place, setting infinitely burning candles in coves along the walls. Now, a semblance of the brightness break through Ara's skin, brilliant red. The echo of their footsteps bounces along the walls.
As they walk, they talk. It isn't a small, thinly knit conversation of formalities. They'd agreed, when their friendship first began, that conversations like those would be worthless to them. Instead, Ara asks what her childhood home looked like- tall columns, white pristine walls, rugs made of silks beneath Ella's bare feet while her butler chased her. Ella listens to Ara reminisce of the stories her mother would tell her before bed, poetry and fairy tales about love of all kind. Even their kind of love, something strong, not quite romantic, but nothing like a simple friendship. Ella grins when Ara says this, threatens a kiss. Ara threatens a punch, but it's playful, and the laugh she earns is something that calms her.
Their destination is only just beyond the exit of the tunnel. Ara can't see it, but she can feel the dirt path beneath the soles of her feet, and the green trees are imprinted in her memory. The music of the wind plays in their leaves.
"Did you know the band kids enchanted the trees?" Ella asks.
"Rain told me,” Ella continues, sounding proud of herself for her insider knowledge. “If you listen hard enough, you can hear whatever song makes you happiest."
Ara strains her ears to hear it, and laughs when the sound of her mother's favorite radio song reaches her. Her smile must be telling because Ella squeezes her hand. The music is slowly joined by the hum of running water, and Ara knows they've reached the end of their journey. Ella pulls her forward towards the oasis, the spot in the center of the dense wood, where a stream leaking off the main waterfall travels to the edge of a higher set of cliffs and falls, forming their small shoal at its base. Sometimes, during the school year, kids will sneak down here at night, using their magic to change the landscapes. Once, Asrian stole the stars in the night sky and tucked them under its surface, the water rippling with opal constellations. Pallet and Kaden had tie-dyed it with their own magic once, transforming it into a sea of color. Sometimes, the hydrologic sciences kids visit, putting on a show with their ability to manipulate its shape. No student of Nyxivis has lived until they’ve experienced a floating ecosystem of glass.
Ella tugs her to the left, where Ara knows the ground curls inwards, a small indent behind the springs, where the water is a bit like a curtain. Magic, as always, prevents the water from splaying on you, and the sound of the water isn’t loud enough to be overpowering. Best of all, the view is gorgeous. Through that clear curtain is the serene water like a giant puddle, and past that is the cliff, and past that, the valley, a city of lights stretching before them. But Ara's eyes are still closed, her hand shielding her from that beauty, even as they duck into the cove and find a seat facing the distance.
"It'll be a few minutes," Ella says. She scooches closer to Ara, drawn to the warmth and the pressure of their touch. Ara waits impatiently for the time to come, cracking sarcastic jokes that make Ella reply just as dryly. Then, finally, Ella nudges her waist with her elbow, and gives Ara the okay.
It's the sunrise that meets her eyes when she pulls her hand away and blinks off the darkness. The suns beams, as it ascends, scatter in the falling water like prisms of fire. On the surface of the puddle below them dance the rays, flames of daybreak against the cooling pond. Ara feels her breath catch, her mind whirring to narrate the scene before her. “You could propose to me right here, and I’d say yes,” she says finally.
“Good,” Ella says, rummaging through her pocket. Ara startles, but Ella pulls out the ring without a box at all, holding it out to her casually. The cherry golden color glints in the light. “It’s a… non-romantic engagement ring. In a ‘no homo’ fashion.”
Ara laughs as she takes it, and if she’s crying, no one could blame her. “Fuck you, Ella,” she says with a sniffle. “I didn’t get you a ring.”
“I’m not sure that’s how this works, babe,” Ella grins, leaning into her further, playfully pushing her to the side with her shoulder. “Actually, I’m not really sure about this at all, it’s not exactly traditional.” Ara pushes back stronger, and it becomes a war, until they’re giggling and shoving and Ara tackles Ella into a wrestling match. With a shriek and a splash, they pull themselves through the curtain and into the shoal, letting that golden fire bathe them as they fight under the sunrise.
(saying this again lol) find a list of characters to send a ship (platonic/romantic) in for fluffcember here!
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themarchblessing · 6 years
Izaiah is officially a second grader! He finished his first year of school out smoothly and I’m so very proud of him. I cried the morning I sent him to school on the last day. It was an emotional day for me and a milestone for him as a young man. Regardless of how easy the material was for him, his grades never shied from being great and he always put his best foot forward. His school put together a graduation ceremony for all of the students and oh my goodness I cried during that too. Today Ravyn and I are throwing my baby boy yet another party but this time to celebrate his accomplishment.
My mom and uncle were supposed to come up here but my mom got sick the day before their scheduled flight. So they had to stay back in Chino but I promised to send them a ton of pictures. Zay was super bummed out that his grandma and Manny couldn’t come and I had to explain to him that his abuela is sick so she can’t fly. Not only that but my moms been having health issues lately so flying is not the best option right now. Maybe I’ll plan a trip to fly back to Cali next month. It’ll be a surprise to my mom because I wouldn’t even tell her Zay and I are coming. For now it’s just a thought though.
Curling the last few pieces of my hair I turned the wand off looking around for this new hair fragrance. Spraying the mist all over my head I then set the bottle down to run my comb through these curls to loosen them up. The sound of my doorbell ringing and people’s voices downstairs made me hurry up and finish in the bathroom. I still can’t seem to get ready any quicker these days and I’m really hoping Ravyn or Izaiah don’t give me a hard time.
“You’re a real life princess I swear.” I heard Corey say from my bedroom. Spritzing on some of my perfume I stood up from the vanity and met him by my bed.
“Shut up.” I huffed walking into his awaiting arms. My arms found their way around his neck and my lips met his. “I’m glad you could make it.” I mumbled against his warm lips, feeling his hands gravitate down my back.
“I wasn’t gonna miss. I was on the phone with Zay the entire drive over here.” Corey said as he kissed my cheek.
“I love how close the two of you are. You’ve been great with him since we go here and I’m so happy that he’s comfortable with you.” As I captured his lips again I let the moment linger, feeling that fire ignite inside of me. I crave this man every time he’s near me. That itch to feel him inside of me in any of the numerous ways possible makes me feel so lifelike inside. Corey really takes me breath away in the right ways. Not to mention that having sex every other day has my skin glowing like crazy, my energy levels, appetite and metabolism going berserk! I’m not complaining though.
It’s like the more sex we have the hungrier I become for food.
“I should’ve known the two of you would sucking face. Bajar ahora! Los huéspedes están viniendo!” Ravyn exclaimed from the door.
Shamefully I broke away our kiss and looked around Corey to see Ravyn tapping her foot on the floor. Her large hoop earrings bounced off of her cheeks as she stared me down with squinted eyes. I smiled with guilt because we got caught but I’m loving this green and white dress that she’s in.
“Estamos llegando. Estás Zay listo?” I asked, chewing on my bottom lip trying to fight off Corey’s wandering hands. “Babe stop.” I chuckled lightly, glancing at him quickly.
He grinned at me devilishly, roughly smacking one side of my behind, gripping it firmly.
Ravyn nodded and motioned for us to follow her before walking back downstairs. Standing tall I looked down seeing Corey sporting a full on erection tempting me in so many ways. Just staring at it is causing my mouth to water but I kept my composure. “Dame una hora y prometo ocuparme de esto.” Licking my lips slowly I took a little risk wanting just to touch it. Running my hands over the massive bulge in his pants I sucked on my bottom lip wanting nothing more than to take him in my mouth.
“I’ma hold you to that one hour shit. And if you don’t come through I’m gonna fuck you up.” Corey promised gripping my chin delicately, kissing me tenderly.
“Of course.” I moaned, putting space between us. Corey fixed himself and together we left the room to entertain these guests.
“Mom! Finally!” Izaiah came out from behind me hugging me almost making me fall. I stood my ground and turned halfway around hugging him back.
“You’ve been waiting for me huh?” Bringing him around to stand in front of me I did a once over of his appearance loving the outfit he and Ravyn put together.
“Yeah. Titi was mad because she had let everyone in.” Zay shook his head greeting Corey in their own signature way.
“Don’t worry about that woman. She’ll be alright.” Corey shrugged, taking Zay off my hands. I went around the house greeting Zay’s friends and their parents, mine and Corey’s friends, a couple of nice teachers from his school and Rochelle. I’ve got a full house today and boy will this be a challenge and a first for me. Last time we used Rochelle’s house but this time we’re using mine and I did not mentally prepared to have so many guests in my home. But today is about celebrating my son and not at all about me so I won’t dare to complain.
Ray and I welcomed in the caterers that she and Rochelle hired to feed everyone. Brian, Carli, Tori, Angie and their men all showed up making this one big house party for the adults. Zay, his friends, their parents and Rochelle are all out back taking full advantage of the beautiful weather. Everyone else including myself were spread out making conversation, laughing, etc.
“Bri..Julian is here.” Ravyn spoke lowly in my ear. Looking over my shoulder and avoiding Corey’s stare I rubbed his shoulder softly leaving the group to go let Julian in. I’m nervous to see him because a lot of shit has changed since we met up for dinner almost three months ago. I’m in a relationship and I’m engaged which will be a major shock to J. Or maybe it won’t.
Opening the door I put on a good face for good faith. “Hey.” I said stepping aside to let him in the house.
“Hey.” He smiled back. “You look good. How are you?” He quizzed giving me a quick hug.
Being appropriate and polite I hugged him back, stepping away quickly. “Thank you, I’m fine. As long as my baby is happy, which he is, then so am I. I’m glad you made it. I was starting to think you weren’t coming.” Pulling the sides of my blouse closer together I used my knuckle to wipe the corner of my lip.
“Oh no I wasn’t gonna miss his party. I just got tied up at work. Where is he? Out back?” J looked around the house.
I too looked around my vision landing on the window that creates a view to the backyard. “Yeah he’s out back with his friends doing God knows-“ When I felt J touch my hips and his lips damn near touching  my my own I pushed him back a little harder than I intended. “What the fuck is your problem? Are you trying to end up in the hospital?” I growled feeling my chest heave out of adrenaline.
“What the fuck are you talking about? What’s changed?” His eyebrows squished together as did mine as I racked my brain wondering where his went.
“What’s changed? A lot has changed since that last time I saw you Julian. A lot. I’ve told you on several occasions that we would never be what we used to. I told you three months ago that all I wanted from you was to be around for Izaiah’s sake. I don’t know where you thought this was gonna go but let me remind you one last time. We are over. We have been since before Zay turned a year old. Don’t ever try anything like that again.” Taking a deep breath I pulled my top together again looking around to make sure Corey didn’t see anything. He will send Julian to the grave most likely for trying to push up on me and I don’t want anyone to see Corey mad because it is not a pretty sight.
“Is he here?” J spoke. I looked him in the eyes feeling nervous to even respond. “Ahh..I see why a lot has changed.” He pointed to my left hand and crossed his arms over his chest.
Glancing at my engagement ring I folded my arms over my chest too, hiding my ring.
“Let me guess..I know him.” Julian guessed, dropping his head and laughing to himself.
“I only asked you to come here so you can be supportive of your son. I didn’t ask you to come here for me. Do us both a favor and don’t try to start any shit ok? I’m not in the mood and today is not the day. Excuse me.” Storming off with my tail between my legs I scurried to find Ravyn and bumped into my fiancé himself. Go figure.
“What’s wrong?” Corey made me look at him square on, already reading my facial expression. “What happened? Did he try anything?” He asked being spot on.
“I don’t want to talk about it. Just come outside with me.” I sighed, walking into his arms. I buried my face in his chest no sure if I want to cry or if I want to turn around, find Julian and slap the mess out of him. “I slept with him. About three months ago. The day after Zay’s birthday, we went to dinner to talk about Izaiah and I had a little too much to drink and I fucked him. It was way before you and I slept together and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want you to think less of me. I’m sorry.” I rambled out of nowhere. As soon as I stopped talking I felt dirty and I began to hate myself. I waited for Corey to react negatively or even push me away but he didn’t.
Instead he hugged me tightly, making me feel somewhat worse for withholding this information. But in the same breath he made me feel safe and okay.
“I love you girl. I’m not mad.” He muttered, kissing the top of my head. Backing away from him I searched his eyes not understanding.
“Why?” I whispered, swallowing the massive lump in my throat.
“Because then I would be a hypocrite for getting mad at you for something that happened in the past. Am I happy about what you told me? No, and I say that because you slept with him in particular but I respect your honesty. And besides that was before you and I, just like you said.” He explained, cupping my face in his large hands.
The comfort of his fingers gliding over my ugly scar and his lips kissing me with such passion gave me butterflies. “I think it’s been an hour..” I moaned quietly holding onto his hips.
“Still feening for some dick in your mouth huh?” He laughed just as his tongue met mine.
Reciprocating that same desire and passion I closed the distance between us getting very hot and bothered. “Go to my room. I’ll meet you up there.” We allowed the moment to linger before we separated. I turned around to watch him walk up the stairs in a hurry, “You’ve got my nose widen open Corey Howard.” Shaking my head I walked back towards the living room looking for Ravyn and Brian.
Wiping my lips to ensure my lipgloss did not smudge too much I walked closer to where the action was, spotting Ravyn and Devontae laughing and carrying on. “Ray!” I called catching her attention. She whispered to him and stood up to met me by the kitchen counter.
“What’s up?” She breathed loudly with a Corona in her hand.
“I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit. I need to lay down. Julian tried pushing up on me and I need some quiet time before I fucking snap. Can you hold it down for me and look out for Zay? I’ll be back in a little while. Please Ray..” holding her arms softly I looked deep into her green eyes for comfort.
“Damn girl okay. I got you mami. Go ahead. I’ll come get you if I have to.” She rubbed my arm and turned to go out back without another word.
Leaving the party I jogged upstairs holding my chest finding Corey looking at the pictures on my wall.
“You still look the same. Short and sexy as hell.” He complimented not breaking his concentration.
Smiling in comfort that he’s not at all mad about what I told him downstairs I shut and locked my door. Next I unbuttoned my shirt and kicked off my sandals. Closing our distance I stepped in front of him, unbuttoning his jeans in such a hurry. Pushing them down I brought his face to my level, kissing him with adrenaline pumping through my veins. His hands moved my shirt aside, gripping and squeezing my breasts hungrily.
We always find ourselves entangled in each other no matter where we are or what’s going on around us. I love our sexual chemistry. He excites me and completes me. And he makes me feel so much better about myself whether I’m clothed or fully nude. I whimpered from his gentle touch parting my lips and closing my eyes at the feel of his hands between my legs. Getting back to what I set out to do I took his hand out from my skirt, licking and sucking his fingers clean of the pre-cum my body created.
In a ladylike manner I dropped to my knees in front of him bringing his pants with me. Not wasting another second I wrapped my lips around the tip of him, swallowing his shaft easily. Giving head has never been my favorite activity but the more sex Corey and I have, the more I welcome the act. Seeing him so relaxed and at ease brings me a new sense of pleasure and happiness.
“Ahh..” he groaned, tangling his fingers in my hair. Working up a slow pace I closed my eyes to enjoy pleasing him until he shakes.
“How in the hell do you keep winning?!” Tori, Dave and Devontae yelled at once. Throwing down my final set I watched in satisfaction as their faces plummeted in sadness. My little group and I have played three rounds of spades, placing a higher bet each time. And luckily I’ve won every game. I pocketed the cash reminding myself to deposit every twenty into Izaiah’s account.
Shrugging coolly I turned around to see Izaiah walking toward me with two other boys hot on his tail.
“Mom..can we cut my cake now please?” He plead toying with my hair.
Laughing at how badly he’s sucking up I nodded curtly. “Yes. Give me one second and bring everyone into the kitchen.”
Izaiah’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. He and his friends ran outside making me laugh.
“That boy is too precious Bri.” Angie piped up. Turning to smile at her I got up from the table and walked to the kitchen. Placing the cake on the counter I searched for a knife and went to wash my hands. I got the cake set up and as everyone gathered around the kitchen I did a quick scan of the room. Corey, Brian, Ray, Carli and Rochelle we’re surrounding me some of them taking pictures.
“Come here baby..” reaching for Zay’s hand I placed him in front of me holding onto his hands from behind. “As most of you know, this gathering is to celebrate Izaiah’s advancement to a second grade along with his other friends too. Thank you all for coming out here to revel in my excitement as I watch Izaiah grow up and do great things.” I began my speech seeing the adults hold up their cups in unison to salute my little boy.
Holding my stomach I leaned into Ravyn trying to contain my laughter but I couldn’t. Brian should’ve been a goddamn comedian versus a computer technician because this nigga is funny as shit!
“Idiot! He’s an idiot I tell you!” Ravyn laughed holding me up as well as herself.
“That nigga is a damn fool. I told him he couldn’t handle three Coronas and three shots of Patron but he never listens.” I chuckled, watching Brian’s head spin in a slow circle.
“Somebody get this boy a water or Advil or something.” Devante said standing up to make Brian stand up from the couch.
“Get off me man, I’m good.” Brian complained swatting at Devante nearly missing his head.
“Nigga, if you don’t control them hands..” D warned, dropping Brian back where he was sitting.
Carli tried getting him to drink some water but he refused.
“Brian, drink the damn water!” Carli exclaimed.
Tori tapping my shoulder made me look over to her. “What’s up? You okay?”
“I’m fine but I can’t find Bri. Do you know where she went?” She questioned looking around.
I did the same suddenly becoming curious as to where Lori dipped away to. “That’s a good fucking question T.”
“Stop! I’m not talking to you about this shit again!” Sabrina yelled out of nowhere. Everyone in here stopped talking and listened to whatever was happening.
“The least you can do is let me have him for a weekend! How many times do I have argue with your crazy ass about the same fucking thing!” Julian yelling at her raised so many red flags for me.
“Izaiah never asked for you to come here! I did because you should be here for him! The only reason you’re standing in my house is because of me! So for the last fucking time no you can’t take him anywhere because he doesn’t want to be anywhere with you! Get that through your thick ass skull and get the fuck out of my face Julian!” She hollered with her voice cracking towards the end.
“What the hell is going on?” Ravyn asked looking to me.
Getting up from the couch I went to check on Sabrina to make sure she doesn’t snap. I rounded the corner seeing Julian a little too close to Lori for my comfort and hers. I can see how uncomfortable she is just by looking at her.
“Bri, you good baby?” I spoke up watching her look away from him and over to me. She shook her head in silence walking away from the scene altogether.
“Aye, I’m not done talking to you!” Julian snapped charging after her. I put myself right in the middle of their shit grabbing this nigga by the back of his shirt. When I had his attention I got in his face as much I needed to.
“Watch how you talk to her bruh I’m only gonna tell you this once.” I threatened feeling a hand grasping my arm.
“Corey stop.” Bri advised in a much softer tone. She stepped in front of me to break us apart just as a small audience formed in the doorway of the kitchen. “Don’t do this right now. Please.” She plead once more. I stepped around her not wanting her to be caught in the middle if anything popped off.
“Stay out of this Corey. This shit is between me and her. Sabrina, I’m not done talking to you. We need to finish this conversation now.” He muttered eyeing me up and down pressing all of my buttons so quickly. With one hand I snatched up the front of his shirt which I’m sure pissed him off.
“I warned you already not to talk to her like that. You need to leave. Now.” Shoving him backwards I felt my jaw tighten and my fist close up. It’s been years since I’ve been in a fight but that doesn’t mean my ability to hold my own has dwindled by any means. If pushed too far or just with the right motive I can easily put a nigga to sleep.
“Nigga this ain’t yo house! How the hell are you gonna tell me I have to leave!?” Julian got bold, attempting to hit me but Sabrina just had to step in the middle again. I blocked her from getting hit because I swear on my son’s life if this nigga would have harmed Bri to get to me, it would’ve been over for him.
“Because I can now get the fuck out! You’re not needed or wanted here. If I have to tell you again I’ll make you leave. You got a choice to make and don’t take all day either.” Grabbing Bri’s arm I moved her behind me to get her out of the way.
“Corey come on..don’t be like that.” She mumbled quietly.
Meeting her tired eyes I could sense my face pinch together. “Nah he needs to go. This nigga don’t have no business here. This ain’t his family. It’s ours.” Oh shit. I didn’t mean to let that slip out.
“Is this dude delusional? Sabrina, you might want to rethink who you’re considering to marry. He ain’t all the way there.” Julian spat angrily.
Turning around I tried to count to ten but I went off anyway. “If anybody’s delusional it’s you. I’m not replaceable by any means necessary, remember that. I’m not going anywhere but you can. You can go nigga!” I argued.
Sabrina stood in front of me with this line in her forehead indicating that she’s confused. “Corey, what you are talking about? He does have a right to be here. I asked him to be here for Iza-”
Shaking my head I glanced around the room stopping at Brian last. He slowly nodded giving me the encouragement that it’s time for me to come clean.
“Corey? Look to me..” Bri took a hold of my hand, using her opposite one to cup my jaw. She turned my face down to her and out of nowhere I just got the worst feeling. “What did you mean by this isn’t his family? What did you mean this is our family?” She sniffled softly.
“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you Bri..” I spoke in a quiet tone only for her to hear. My heart is pounding in my chest the more time it’s taking for me to just spit it out.
“What is it?” Bri shook her head confused as she has every right to be.
“I made a mistake at your party seven years ago. I was really fucked up and in order for you to still have the baby you always wanted I made that happen..just not the way you planned.” My hand grew cold as Bri took a step back from me.
“Corey, what the hell are you talking about?” The tone in her voice changed from soft and curious to serious and uneasy.
“I switched it. I dropped the little cup that was for your procedure and replaced the..you know with mine. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I forgot all about it up until recently. That’s when I met with Eva to figure this shit out. I’ve been trying to tell you but there was never a right ti-“ I shut up quickly seeing Bri draw her hand back for me to not speak.
“Yooo! This nigga is mad delusional! Do y’all hear this bullshit? Sabrina, please tell me you don’t believe this fake ass story?!” Julian speaking managing to piss me off all over again.
Stepping around Bri to try and get this nigga I felt myself getting heated all over. “THIS IS NOT A GAME MOTHER FUCKER! THAT’S MY SON, NOT YOURS!” I belted reaching forward and successfully punching him in the face. Brian and Devante rushed over holding me back as if I was some wild animal who needed to be tamed. “Get off me!” I yelled trying to push B off me but he didn’t budge.
“Relax nigga! You ain’t acting like yourself.” I heard D tell me.
I tried pushing them both off but they would not let me go. “Yo..get the fuck off me bruh! Let me go!”
Julian held onto his face standing up on two feet looking like he was ready to get me back at me. “You a bitch you know that? How you gonna come at me like that? I didn’t do shit to you!”
“I warned you not to speak to my girl like you’re crazy and you didn’t listen. Next time, take my advice bitch.” I spat.
Julian came for me this time. Devontae had no choice but to let go of me. That’s when I took my chance. I managed to get one more hit in and that’s when Brian put me in a fucking head lock. If he were any smaller he wouldn’t have been able to pull this off.
He squeezed the hell out of my neck and as an instant response I hit him. “Chill out, don’t start something you’ll regret finishing. Calm yo ass down. You want Zay to walk in and see you like this?” He paused to ease up on me. And instantly it’s like I was back to normal. I’d never want my kid to see my when I don’t have control over myself. “That’s what I thought. Come on let’s go outside.” He suggested.
“Wait..How did you do it?” Bri asked stopping us from leaving.
“I called in a favor.” I replied without hesitation. Brian loosened up the reigns but still held me close by just in case. He’s like my brother in a way so that’s the only reason I allowed him to touch me like that.
The look of sheer disgust and anger settled across her face as she stared at me while shaking her head. I knew this wasn’t going to go over well. I told Brian over and over again.
“You called a bitch I barely know to help you get a nut off so you can replace Julian’s..” Sabrina chuckled angrily and began walking away.
“I’m good.” I shook Brian off and maneuvered past him and D to go after Bri. Just as I didn’t see it coming as much as I did she spun around and laid me out. Her small hand went clean across my face creating a very loud sound. A few gasps and ‘oh shits’ went around the room.
“AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME! HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME?!” Sabrina hollered, smacking the hell out of me yet again. “I can’t fucking believe you Corey. You’re a coward. You pick Izaiah up from school every goddamn day, make love to me multiple days out of the week and you don’t think to tell me that he’s your kid?!” She was snapping in all the ways she needed to in order to get out all of her frustration.
“I’m sorry Lori I wanted to tell you I swear that I did.” I defended not caring who all was watching.
“You had plenty of opportunity to tell me! How long have you known?” She spoke to me in a semi calm manner for the first time since asking me what I meant by my first slip up.
Shaking my head as I didn’t want to tell her it’s been damn near three months I saw her making a third advance to hit me. I caught her in time before she could only pissing her off more. She didn’t step to me this time, she just snatched her arms away from me.
“¿Desde cuándo lo sabes?” She sniffles, wiping away a tear that fell.
“Tres meses..” I sighed feeling ashamed of my actions from seven years ago up until this very moment.
“Of all the stupid things you’ve done in all the years I’ve known you, this is by the far the dumbest. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. You had me walking around here still thinking that hijo de perro was Izaiah’s father. I told you about what happened the night after Zay’s party feeling so ashamed of myself and here you are confirming how stupid I was. Stupid to believe you were any different from the rest of them.” She ranted.
A symphony of footsteps broke my concentration and when I looked over at the door I saw Izaiah standing there. He practically had a question mark stamped on his forehead as he walked through people to get to us.
“What’s going on? Why are you guys yelling?” He asked innocently having no idea what’s happened.
“Tell him.” Sabrina demanded.
“Tell me what?” Zay retorted looking to me for answers.
Running my hands down my face I motioned for him to come closer and he did with no second thought.
“Corey, what’s going on?” His eyes bore into mine breaking me down in so many ways I never thought were possible. I squatted down to his level trying to find an easy way to say this. “Why is your face red?” His tiny palm cupped my cheek, tenderly rubbing the spot his mom hit me in.
“Don’t be a coward now! Tell your son how you didn’t know he was yours for seven years!” Julian exclaimed out of nowhere.
While the scene behind Izaiah was intriguing to watch as Julian got bullied out of the house I kneeled in front of my son wondering how I let this all happen.
“I know you don’t like Julian very much and that’s okay.” I began never losing his eyes. He nodded. “You don’t have to worry about him being in your life anymore.” I muttered feeling someone behind me.
“He’s not my dad is he?” Zay quizzed getting right to the point.
Shaking my head I couldn’t decipher the way he feels about all this. His eyes still hold that cloud of confusion but off of instinct I think he got the feeling that he wasn’t mad. “No he’s not. I am. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you either Zay. I am so sorry.”
“Do you have to leave?” He asked.
“Yeah. Your mom’s not gonna let me stay. Promise me that you’ll take of her for me. Promise me Zay.” I sternly advised.
“I promise. When will I see you again? Will I ever see you again?” All these great questions he’s asking made me laugh on the inside because I’ve always loved how curious he is about life. And now is no different.
“I don’t know man. Do you still have that iPad I gave you?” Lowering my voice so no one outside of us would hear I sighed in satisfaction seeing him nod yes. “I put my address and number in there as well as Brian’s number, my parent's numbers and Ravyn’s. Did you memorize them like we practiced?” I did a little scheming for this moment just in case Sabrina doesn’t let me anywhere near him.
“Almost. I still have trouble with Brian’s number.” He shrugged.
“Memorize it. He’s your best bet at trying to come see me since I know your mom bring you to my house. Look I gotta go before your mom comes back and kicks me out.” Before I could stand up and leave Izaiah hugged me unexpectedly and tightly.
“I love you.” I heard him mumble quietly.  
A single tear rolled down my cheek as I hugged him back. For a minute I had to block everything out to force myself not to completely break down in front of these people. I heard things being thrown around upstairs along with Sabrina doing what I can’t. Crack. I can’t lose myself right now. Not here.
“I love you too man and I always will.” I sniffled, kissing the side of his head. “Do what your mom tells you and make sure she eats, gets her sleep, and doesn’t drink. Take care of her better than I ever could, you hear me boy?” Izaiah nodded furiously, somehow hugging me tighter. This is the moment that I dreaded all long yet prepared for in the back of my head. I wanted to finally have my family together and now I don’t have anything.
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casseythebee · 6 years
Echo of Insanity
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Summary: Octavia Sierra had agreed to try to find a cure for Parkinson's at BioMed labs in Russia.  As the 1st-week mark rolled around, she began noticing strange things.  What were they not telling her and the rest of the teenagers there? When things go awfully wrong, who can Octavia trust? Who is lying? Who started the end of the world?
Warnings: language, and as you can probably guess shitty writing 
Words: 1.1k-ish 
A/N: this is co-written by @justluciferr  
Day 1
A girl, from Satan's Kingdom, Massachusetts,  who was no older than 17, walked towards the gate E34. She put in her earbuds, looking for a playlist, before deciding to just listen to Panic! at the Disco. Her favorite song, "This Is Gospel", began to play.  As she shut her phone off, she saw herself on the dark screen. Her forest green eyes, her long blonde hair and the nervous look she was wearing
The girl shook off the weird feeling she was getting and looked towards the big screen by the entrance to the plane,
'Boston, Massachusetts direct flight to Moscow, Russia. '
The girl sighed. It was not her choice to go, but she knew she needed to go for the welfare of her family. She knew it was selfish to not want to go although it was for the greater good.
"Find a cure for Parkinson's disease, that is better than being a normal teenager, right? It is better than having a boyfriend, or being on the varsity softball team?" She thought, trying not to get caught up in all of her guilt. The girl realized that she had been staring into space, and thought that it was the best idea to sit down and wait for the announcement for everyone to start boarding the plane.
She looked around, wondering who were tourists and who were going back home. The girl then let her mind wander, subconsciously beginning to twirl her blonde hair around her finger. It was a nervous habit of hers.
"What does it even mean to be a  'DNA-", her thoughts were interrupted by the announcement she had been dreading...
"Hello everyone, good evening. Welcome to Aeroflot at Logan International. We would like to now ask any priority and first-class passengers to now board." The voice droned.
The girl looked at her ticket, "Damn it.", she breathed. Of course, she was a priority passenger.
She slowly got up, moving towards the very small line. The song "High Hopes" by Panic! at the Disco began to play.
"How ironic." She sourly thought.
She took one earbud out, letting it hang down on her favorite red sweatshirt.  As the girl neared the front of the line, she grew more and more anxious. She played with her friendship bracelet, a small memento from her younger sister, Allie.
It was the final chance to turn back, she was next in line.  The girl desperately wanted to. Anything to free her of the upcoming hell she was sure to face. She knew she had to though, she had to help.  She took a deep breath and walked forward slightly, giving her ticket and ID to the obviously indifferent employee.
"Octavia Sierra?" The employee asked, looking at Octavia with skeptical eyes.
"Guess you don't see a senior going to Russia as a priority passenger every day," Octavia mumbled, just quiet enough so the employee couldn't hear her. "Yeah, that's me." She said a bit louder.
"Alright then. Enjoy your trip." the employee said, giving Octavia her ID and ticket back.
Octavia gave the employee a curt nod and headed down the tunnel to the plane. She did not realize that the songs had stopped.
"Did my phone die...?" She questioned but didn't realize until she looked at her phone that it was her mum calling. Octavia sighed, declining the call.  
Octavia - hi mum. give me a minute to get to my seat, okay?
Octavia turned her phone off and put it into the waistband on her hip of her black leggings, just as she had reached the door of the plane. A stewardess had welcomed her and motioned for Octavia to go further into the plane. Sighing, she stepped into the planned and looked at her ticket to find her seat.
"Let us see... 12A?" She mumbled, very sleepily as it was now past 1 am.  She walked in the aisle toward 12a, finding that it was a window seat. Not being the most graceful human, Octavia tripped on her carry-on but made it into her seat without too much trouble.
She pulled out her phone and called her mum, hoping to at least say a good night before starting the long 10-hour plane ride of hell.
She heard her mum pick up, and before Octavia could say anything she heard her mum say "Octavia! Hi honey."
"Hello, mum. I just boarded the plane." Octavia stated.
"I see. Well, Allie and I wish you luck. And I know Dad does too. Oh! And don't forget Grandpa! I have to go, but we love you so much. Good luck honey!" Her mum said, sounding a bit rushed.
Octavia teared up a bit. She missed her dad. He was a police officer and got shot on the job when she was in 6th grade when she was Allie's age. And well, for her grandpa, he was the whole reason that she was doing this. He had late stages of Parkinson's and Octavia wanted to help find a cure, for him.
"Thank-" Octavia was cut off by her mum hanging up. She sighed, beginning to play more music as she stared out the window. She had noticed that the plane was almost full and that a teenager, maybe 17 like her, had sat down beside Octavia.
The girl was beautiful in her opinion.  The girl had a pixie cut, but her hair was a dark brown. One of her eyes was a brilliant blue, while the other was a deep brown, the same color as her skin. Octavia was tempted to ask if the girl was also going to the BioMed facility, as she opened her mouth to speak, she heard a ~ding!~ from her phone. It was a text from Jared, her boyfriend back in Satan's Kingdom.
Jared- hey baby girl. i  just wanted to text and say good luck, i love you. promise me you'll be back soon?
Octavia-  heyy babe. thank you, i love you too. i promise i  will be back soon.
Jared- okay, good. now go and kick some science ass ;)
Octavia smiled. She would truly miss her boyfriend of two years. They were happy together, and she was happy that Jared was so supportive of her going to Russia for a month, even though she was not allowed to have contact with anyone, outside her family, of course.
She heard another ding, and some fuzzy announcement came out over the speakers. Octavia had no clue what the pilot was saying, and that made her even more nervous. She began to fidget a little bit in her seat and twirl her hair around her finger again.
"Nervous flyer?" Said the girl next to Octavia.
"Y-Yeah a little bit I guess.." Octavia managed to stutter out, not exactly expecting to have a conversation with the dark-haired girl.
"Well... I'm Xena Soren, and you are?" Xena asked, flashing Octavia a kind smile.
"Octavia Sierra." She replied, "Xena, you don't happen to be going to the BioMed facility for the DNA Trial, do you?"
Xena smiled a bit wider, "Actually... I am."
Octavia gave Xena a small smile, "Good. Maybe now this plane and Russia won't be so lonely."
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Caramel Skin Under a Red and Green Cloud prt 9 draft
Juana was crying. As was Veronica. Shiro had his arm around the woman, who was confused over what had just happened. Preoccupied with Juana, Keith hadn't seen what happened to set his husband off, hearing the thud of Lance falling but not being able to see it due to the sofa in the way. When Shiro called his name, Keith finally knew that something was actually wrong. Passing Juana to Rachel, Marco was already on his feet watching as Lance tackled Shiro down. Keith rising in time to see his brother fall, and Curtis move to his side. Screaming at Lance to stop, Veronica only added to Lance's panic. Keith very nearly making it to his side before Lance bolted up the stairs and out of sight. With the slamming and screaming, Luis, Lisa, Marco, Jorge and Miriam all appeared from the kitchen, seeming bewildered over what had happened.
  Coming to Veronica's side, Miriam pulled her into her hold
"What happened? What was all that screaming about?"
Slipping past her husband, Lisa retrieved Juana from Rachel. Nadia and Sylvio both moving to hide behind their mother. Keith wanted to follow Lance up the stairs, his hands clenched at his side as he kept himself there. He needed to know what happened so he'd know how to approach his husband
"I don't know, Mami... I was teasing Lance because his marriage to Keith is across the galactic news. They were photographed and captioned as married... then he... freaked out"
The what now? Sure there'd been reporters, but how did they know for sure he and Lance were wed?
"Shiro, what happened?"
His older brother cast his gaze in his direction
"Veronica put Lance in a headlock and messed up his hair. You should go to him. He seemed to be having a panic attack"
"His hair?"
Veronica nodded as she sniffled. It was so beyond weird to see Veronica crying
"I was trying to tease him"
"It's not on you. His anxiety was on edge earlier, especially when it came to touching his hair. I'm going to head up and check on him. He's probably thinks he's ruined Christmas..."
Sighing to himself. His heart hurt for his husband. He knew how badly Lance wanted things to be ok. Veronica's "attack" must have pushed him over
"Shall I come with you?"
Speaking softly, Daehra was genuinely concerned. If Lance was feeling anxious, both her and Lucteal must have been stuck feeling it too. Maybe there was something she could give him to help take the edge off
"Yes, please. Guys, he'll be ok. The best thing you can do is act like this hasn't happened"
"I didn't mean to upset him, please tell him that"
Keith nodded at Veronica, moving to the base of the stairs. The woman still being comforted by her mother
"He knows. He can't control when an attack hits. Just avoid his hair for now... I'm sorry Shiro, I'll be back soon. Why don't you see if mami and Jorge need some help, rather than taking up the doorway"
The names slipped off his tongue with ease. He didn't think twice about using them or again as he headed up the stairs two at a time. With the rest of the doors on the second floor open or partly open, the bathroom door was clearly the odd one out.
  Knocking on the bathroom door, Keith tried the handle and found it turned but the door still seemed to be locked
"Baby. It's Keith. Can you let me in?"
Pressing his ear against the door, he didn't like the fact he couldn't hear anything. Knocking again, Lance didn't reply to him. If this hadn't been his husband's house Keith would have kicked the door in. He was tempted to do as much right there and then, but the last thing his in-laws needed was him breaking their house, or Lance launching himself out the window as he tried to escape the noise. Hovering, Daehra didn't know what to do
"He's not answering..."
"No. I'm assuming the door is locked from the inside or there's something against it. I didn't know how to get in"
"Can you use Kosmo? He can teleport?"
Realisation dawned. That was absolutely right... He'd kind of forgotten Kosmo had followed them up to the house, especially as he'd disappeared again
 Calling his wolf's name, there was a soft thud then the sound of his nails against the wooden floorboard. Padding out the room that had been Rachel's, his wolf had clearly been into trouble again. Crumbs caught in his fur that smelt suspiciously like gingerbread
"You're a menace. You know that. Mami is going to kick you out"
Thumping his tail happily against the wall, Kosmo didn't give two quiznak a about his behaviour
"You're lucky I need you. Can you teleport me in there? So I can open the door. Lance is in there"
  With a nudge against his hand, Keith found himself in the bathroom. Lance was sitting with his back against the bathtub, Kosmo licking at his arms and hands. Leaning over without moving, he worked the bolt on the door across, giving Daehra access to the space, before taking the few steps over to Lance. Wrestling Kosmo off, Keith crouched down. Lance had his hands over his ears. His lip bloodied from where he'd bitten it
"Babe. It's Keith. I'm going to move your hands now"
As Keith moved Lance's hands, teary eyes filled with guilt and shame met his. Lance's breathing was more level than he thought it would, but his sniffling was coming from trying to breathe through his nose as he kept his mouth firmly closed
"There you are... want to cuddle?"
Keith let go of hands, his husband flinching away
"No. Hey... I'm not going to hurt you. It's me. Here... shit... ok. Hey. I'm here. You're safe. You're in a safe place. We're at home in your parents bathroom. You're safe"
  Offering his hand like one would when meeting a dog, he held his loosely formed fist under Lance's nose, Lance recognising his scent better than he recognised him. Veronica had really freaked him. Then again, the comment made by Miriam about Lance bringing home someone decent combined with being physically intimate... and Lance's constant desire to make sure Christmas was perfect for them all. He'd stressed himself right out again. Softly Daehra called to him
"Come in and close the door. He's a little disoriented"
  Manoeuvring Lance to straddle his lap, his lover's hands clutched at his back as he let out a sob. Hushing him, Keith rocked him until he settled against him, he could feel how hard Lance was working to bring himself back under control as his eyes watered from the pungent scent his husband released. Sitting herself down on Lance's left side, Daehra placed her hand on his back
"Le-Lance, is there something I can do help?"
Lance shook his head, leaning into Daehra's touch
"I'm sorry..."
"No harm done"
Scoffing, Lance replied bitterly
"I went Shiro"
"You "went" Shiro after because you are stressed. Have you been taking your medication?"
"Yes... is that why this happened? Because of that?"
"When did you take it?"
"About... 3 vargas early yesterday?"
Daehra sighed as she moved her hand from Lance's back to his arm
"It is important you take your doses at regular times"
"I know... I know, but... I wanted to be clear headed last night"
"I cannot hold this against you. You're trying as hard as you can to keep control for the sake of your family. They are lovely people... not at all like my home. I don't know how to offer comfort. It all seems so... as if you lack privacy and self identity in your close family state. You are seen for your childhood rather than who you became. It is must confusing, though I can assure you that all your family love you deeply. It's particularly strong from Rachel and Luis, as well as your mother. We agreed upon the schedule for your medication. Your body most probably has burned through what was in your system. I can feel the lingering of your activities with Keith"
  Daehra didn't need to throw that part in. Lance grew tense as she did. His breath hitching as he hung his head
"There's nothing shameful about having sex. Nothing at all"
"I could hear them again... their voices. Like their branded in my brain... I think... when she grabbed me, I panicked"
"Veronica didn't mean to scare you"
Hiccuping, Lance brought his hands up his face to wipe at his tears
"I know she didn't. I don't know how to go down and face them now... I feel like they're on my skin. I want to wash them off, but there's nothing there to wash off... I feel sick to my stomach. And Shiro... Keith, I went for my knife..."
  Going for his knife wasn't a good sign of Lance's mental stability. Shiro would have easily disarmed him, but at what cost? With the kids scared, everyone else but those who knew Lance had PTS confused, there was little wonder Lance didn't know what to do now
"Shiro's had attacks like that too. He understands. I know you're going to say "he shouldn't have to", but you can't control when something hits you that hard. I also know you think you ruined Christmas, but you haven't. You haven't ruined anything.
Nothing was broken. No one except for you was hurt. Veronica is super excited to see you, so are Shiro and Curtis. By the end of lunch, all of this will be forgotten"
  Lance gave a sad laugh
"I wish I could forget. I hate... not knowing what's setting me off"
"Veronica pulled you into a headlock suddenly. Scolded you for not telling her we're married, then touched your hair. You were sensitive last night when I touched your hair. You whimpered in your sleep. Then again, today, you were sensitive about your hair again. I'm not saying sex with you wasn't amazing, but I think with all the pressure you keep putting on yourself, you're not letting yourself breathe. We agreed you were putting too much pressure on yourself before..."
"That's because I wanted today to be perfect! I had it all planned... I wanted to film everyone opening their presents... I wanted to pull those stupid Christmas crackers and tell jokes. I wanted to be normal for a day. I'm sick of being weak in front of my team. No offence Daehra... I mean... Dios. I don't know anymore... why am I so weak and spineless?"
"You're not weak and you're not spineless. You're my husband"
"Exactly! That's another reason I wanted everything to be perfect! Our first Christmas as a couple... why..."
"Don't you dare think this changes anything. I love you. Even if this is a hiccup. Daehra is there something you can give him to help with his nerves? A mild sedative? Something to take the edge off"
"Of course. I have many herbs..."
  "I don't want to take anything"
"Keith, I don't want to take anything else...  please don't make me take anything..."
Ignoring the way he wanted to stroke Lance's hair back from his face, Keith sighed softly. He understood Lance not wanting to take anything, but this was a hugely stressful time for his husband. Lance wanted everything to be perfect for everyone else's sakes. The weight he was putting on his shoulders was too much for him to carry alone
"Ok... ok, but I want you to do something for me. I need you to stop pushing yourself so hard. If you need to take a break, or you need to calm back down, you go. Ok. You can take Kosmo if you want too, back to the Telula or to the hill. Whatever you need"
"Is this because I fucked up? Is that why you're sending me away"
"No, no, no. I'm not sending you away"
God. Lance looked completely heartbroken. He was only trying to give his husband an out, to let him know that he didn't have to keep putting everyone else before himself
"I feel out of it... like my head's all messed up. I still can't believe I went Shiro"
Keith nodded. It was going to weigh on Lance until he saw that Shiro was alright
"He's alright. Kosmo, can you get Shiro for us"
Being the teleporting space wolf that he was, Kosmo had left as Lance protested, bringing back with a him a Shiro was in the middle of saying something. His adoptive brother cutting off mid-ramble as he realised he was in the bathroom now
"Oh... Hey? Hey, Lance. How are you feeling?"
Letting Lance go, Daehra moved to make space
"I'll head back down. Take your time"
  Taking the space Daehra had vacated, Lance flinched as Shiro sat beside him. The guilt on his face clearly getting to Shiro
"Hey, Buddy. It's alright. I'm fine. No damage done"
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean... I didn't mean to attack you"
"I know you didn't, kiddo. Want to talk about it?"
"No. Maybe... I panicked when Veronica grabbed me. Then you're... like bigger than her and Keith... and thanks to mami I was having stupid thoughts"
Shiro looked to Keith for an explanation
"Mami made a joke about how he finally brought a good man home. His thoughts went back to the past"
Shiro nodded, while Lance's eyes welled with a fresh batch of tears
"It's so fucking stupid. She was joking. She loves Keith, and I've never actually brought another guy home before and... why am I so stupid?"
Breaking the silent "don't touch me" rule, Shiro slung his arm around Lance's shoulders
"You're not stupid. Anxiety doesn't stop for holidays. You know what triggered it now, and can avoid the same situation"
"I freaked over my sister acting like she used to! I keep telling everyone not to treat me differently, then this happens! Why can't I be normal?! I was so happy this morning... being normal again"
  Shiro raised an eyebrow, hickey's were peaking out from under the collar of Lance's shirt. He wasn't stupid, he'd also warned Keith over taking it slow and letting Lance heal before pushing the matter... Given he felt no shame over sharing physical pleasure with his husband, he opted for the truth
"We had sex this morning"
Lance glared viciously at him
"Don't tell him that!
Laughing softly, Shiro was also blushing. Almost as hard as Lance was. On Lance it was cute as hell, on Shiro... it was kind of a tiny bit weird
"It's fine. It also explains why you're so on edge. Sex is a big thing for you. For both of you. Your anxieties are probably going haywire right now. Why don't you Keith take a walk? Get some fresh air and calm down? Your mother has Curtis helping in the kitchen. He admitted to knowing how to making bread from scratch"
Lance sniffled, finally starting to control his breathing properly by breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth
"You guys are supposed to be guests..."
"Nah. You married my little brother remember? He's already calling your mother "mami""
"Everyone in the family loves him already. I think mami is planning another wedding for us. Keith's the golden child now"
Shiro hugged Lance closer
"They still love you just as fiercely. You took a huge step coming back here with everyone. You should be proud"
"I don't feel very proud"
  Keith felt the tiniest bit of jealousy as he watched Lance slowly sink into Shiro's side, but more than that, he was happy that the two of them had found their way back to being like this
"Keith, how many panic attacks like this has Lance had since you came back?"
"This is the worst one"
"See. That's progress. It might seem to be small to everyone else, but that's a big step. You didn't hurt yourself. You're breathing was relatively under control when Kosmo brought me in. You're accepting touch from someone bigger than you. It all adds up. When we were launched into space in Blue, it tooks months for me to recover. I still have nightmares. I've attacked Curtis in my sleep before. So I know how frustrating it can be, but as stupid and as repetitive as it sounds when you hear it, you need to cut yourself some slack. It isn't going to be like this for the rest of your life"
"I wanted this Christmas to be special"
"It can still be special"
"It's Keith's first family Christmas with us... and my last Christmas home wasn't good... I... was drunk trying to get Allura out my head... I scared the kids and then spent most of the day throwing up... I wanted it to be... different"
  Lance hadn't told him all that much of his last home Christmas so Keith had thought it must have been much like this one... with more drinking on his husband's behalf
"It's different already. You have Keith, and your team, and his team. Keith, have you had a good Christmas so far?"
"Yeah... no offence Shiro, but this is probably the best Christmas of my life"
"Oh really? Chinese and movies not good enough for you?"
"Lance gave me one those SC9 consoles. Do you remember them? Do you remember how cool you were if you had one? Well, I've got a red one now"
Shiro pulled a face
"Aren't those like... from when you guys were kids?"
"Yeah... I... I always wanted one, but you know what some of those homes were like. I'd forgotten how badly I'd wanted one and how out of place I felt not having one until Santa gave it to me"
"He cried. I thought I messed up to begin with"
  Shiro's face softened, he knew way too much about the hell Keith had been through
"So Santa knows your name now?"
Keith rolled his eyes. He wasn't that stupid. He knew it was Luis in a Santa outfit... it's just been cathartic in a weird way
"It was Lance's brother Luis. He made me sit in Santa's lap"
Shiro laughed, Keith scowling
"Lance, please tell you got photos"
Lance nodded quickly
"Yeah. Yeah, Marco made sure"
"Good. I want to see them. I wish I could have been there"
Shiro was having too much fun with this. Tugging Lance from his brother's hold, the half-Galra snuggled into him, relieved that his scent was as gross as before
"I'm not sharing my game"
"He's really not, Shiro. It's kind of adorable. He was rolling around in our bed last night with it"
  Lance whimpered at the loud noise. Right. The whole reason they were in the bathroom was because Lance's nerves were shot
"Sorry. Sorry. You didn't need to tell Shiro that"
"Why not? You looked so cute. It made me really happy to know you're happy"
Pouting at his husband, it sounded stupid now Lance said it out loud
"I am... I was. Until Shiro started poking fun at me"
"It's his job as a big brother. I'm really sorry for freaking out. We can head back down now"
"Are you sure?"
Lance nodded as he nuzzled into Keith
"Yeah. I just need to avoid people touching my hair... and loud things for a bit... your scent helps"
"You can sit on me, down there. In the living room, you know, because the others are using the sofa"
Lance didn't seem to pick up Keith blushing as he stumbled to over explain himself. He was only mostly human, and his husband was sin on legs
"Then how are you supposed to open all your presents?"
Laughing at the pair of them, Shiro climbed up, dusting himself off, offering his robotic hand to help Keith up. With his hands under Lance's arse, Keith stubbornly lifted him as he stood. Lance didn't seemed to mind, as he simply gripped Keith tighter
"He's got you trained"
"He brings up all sorts of new instincts. I don't know if it's because I love him or a Galra thing... I should probably have asked Coran about it..."
"Not Krolia?"
"I've had the near sex talk from you. I spent puberty on a space whale with my mother. We're sooo not having that conversation. Besides, knowing her she'd try to relate by talking about her and Kolivan having sex... I don't need to think about that"
"You ask her when she gets here"
"Wait... I thought she couldn't make Christmas Day?"
Keith vaguely remembered asking his mother, and vaguely remembered something about Christmas, but he couldn't remember the outcome of the conversation. It'd been when Lance was trying the second of the therapist Coran recommended. His mind with his husband rather than processing prisoners
"She didn't tell me it was a surprise"
"I probably forgot. I really hope nothing happens..."
Lance mumbled next to his ear, cutting in before Shiro replied to him
"My mum likes your mum. Dad's a little scared. My sister is dating your sister... Krolia's part of our mixed up family too. Plus, I got her a gift"
"You got mum a gift?"
"Mhmm... got one for Shiro and Curtis too..."
"Where'd you get all the GAC for this? I thought you were broke?"
"Money came in, but I like to be prepared... sometimes I find myself picking up something and thinking about it later... kind of like Hunk's yellow blaster..."
What money? And why didn't know this? It wasn't like he wanted to know Lance's financials, he just hoped that didn't mean his husband was in trouble or anything
"Money came in, even though you're not working?"
"I check my comms like everyone else does..."
"Should I be worried?"
"Nope. Own a club remember. Th'al sold stuff off..."
"Shouldn't she be asking you first?"
"Why? The club's mostly for her... anyway... Shiro, you're staying for lunch right?"
  So Lance was actually stepping back from the club? He'd said he was going to, but this was Lance. If he didn't feel the need to micromanage the club then he really must have meant he wasn't going chasing more trouble. Patting Lance's back, Shiro assured him
"I wouldn't say no to Miriam's home cooking"
"Mami wouldn't let you say no anyway. Sorry I jumped on you"
"You've gotten stronger. It's good. Do you reckon you could take Keith now?"
"Mmm. I don't need to. But maybe... took me long enough to finally catch up with you two. He still couldn't take me in sniping practice"
"I've been getting better"
  It was the only thing Keith could contribute. Hunk has been the only once able to get remotely close to Lance's sniping skills when they'd been in Voltron, but even then, Lance had him beat by a mile
"I'm sure you have been. So what did you get us for Christmas?"
Lance hummed noncommittally at Shiro's question
"Do you hear something Keith?"
Biting down his smile, Keith played along
"Nope. I don't hear a curious Shiro at all"
"Good. I didn't think so... It's like he doesn't want to want and be surprised"
"I know right. You can put me down now, if you want to"
"Nah, I'm good babe"
"Ok... I'm a little sleepy"
"That's alright. We can nap later"
"Nope. Later is when we play with our presents. You have so much to learn"
"I realised that yesterday"
"Today's going to blow yesterday out the water. Right?"
Hiking Lance up, Keith didn't know if his heart could handle more presents
"Yeah... let's get you back down with the others?"
"I'm feeling so ignored over here"
"I'm sorry, Space Dad. But we're going to have to put our feet down. No hints or clues about your present, or we'll have to sit you at the kids table for lunch"
"You wouldn't..."
"Watch me"
"Keith, your husband is picking on me"
"You heard him. Now behave or we'll have to take the presents away"
"You two both suck"
Giggling at Shiro, Keith was happy to hear Lance was coming back to himself. Shiro was left pouting as he trailed behind them from the bathroom.
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