#do i REALLY have to invasively cut through the ground just to cleanse the place
aconstantallegory · 3 years
holy shit how do you get rid of crimson fast
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
I finally got around to watching the finale season of Black Lightning and... I’m not too happy. It wasn’t the worst final I’ve ever seen, but considering how pretty darn consistent the quality of this show was, this season definitely was a huge drop.
For one, the thing I loved about this show was the family. And we literally spend nearly the entire first half of this season with everyone in their individual corner, only edging on when they interact. With little to no understanding toward what the other(s) are going through and with no one having even remotely a good way of coping with their trauma. (Imo, at least one out of four main characters should be shown having healthy coping mechanisms. At least one.)
And then, in the middle of the season, we waste a whole entire episode on a useless backdoor pilot.
How has the CW done this twice now? Heralding a spin-off quite loudly, announcing it way earlier, then dedicating an entire episode of the final season of the show to set up that spin-off and also consequently sacrificing the potential happily ever after of multiple characters for the sake of making this spin-off work... just to then cancel the spin-off before it ever airs.
Khalil could have returned in the finale. Him and Jen could have been reunited. We also could have had a whole episode more to spend on this season instead of the set up. If the CW would just make up its mind earlier. If you set a fandom up for a spin-off and work it into the show this strongly, you really gotta pull through on the spin-off.
And speaking of Jennifer, that was really the big problem for me this season.
I thought the reason the show got cancelled was greatly that China Anne wanted to quit. But I also thought she would at least give us this final season. And even with her “cutting back”, this could have been handled better.
Quite frankly, just doing the recast and keeping the reason and being done with it would have been better. Or, if they really wanted to keep China Anne, just... keep her in the pod. This machine created a whole body, there was no reason for it to only take one day. They could have just put Jennifer’s character on ice until the finale where it is “done” creating the body and we’d only have China Anne’s Jennifer.
But to introduce as major a villain as “manifested malevolent space energy” in literally the last 20 minutes of a show is just ridiculous. Seriously. What a huge reveal with huge implications that should have been a far bigger deal and then Jen just kicks its butt in five minutes flat and we comment about how crazy it is that there is life up there and that’s it.
This is something with such huge implications and it might be okay if you actually end a universe because hey, not everything has to be wrapped. But they only ended this show. They’re still keeping this universe. Among which are two (2) shows focused on aliens. And now we know there are living, evil particles in our ionosphere. And yet I just know this will never come up in either of those...
Honestly, I still think it was a massive mistake to make Black Lightning a part of the Arrowverse. It was so incredibly half-assed on the writers’ part.
Last season, when Jeff was literally dealing with a foreign invasion on American ground, no one got called for backup even though a foreign invasion is definitely grand enough scale to get some other heroes involved, that was by far not just a Freeland problem.
They ended that season in Gotham City, but... for literally no reason and also not for any cameo or anything? Metropolis and Star City kept being namedropped this season and at one point, Jefferson interacted with Barry completely off-screen (they couldn’t even have Grant phone in??) and due to Covid, there was no Big Crossover Event this batch of seasons either that they could have been a part of.
Lastly, they also never gave us any Lynn and John interactions. That was the one thing that really made me excited about BL joining the Arrowverse, because Arrow had already heavily implied that John Diggle was John Stewart. But now Black Lightning ends, after Arrow ended, and Lynn and John never even shared a frame and I’m really put out by that.
With what tiny little name dropping they did and with the zero impact that the Arrowverse, the merged Earths, the fact that now Arrow and Flash and Superman and Supergirl and Batman are all real in BL’s world now and it just... had absolutely no effect to this world at all... a world where... hunting metas was such a huge, integral part and now it’s part of a world where there are so many metas? Nah, the only effect that had was that Tobias name-dropped Central City as another place they could cleanse...
It was such a lackluster retcon that really served absolutely no purpose at all and didn’t make a dent in the world-building or plotlines, they really should have just kept it its own world...
Just, so many things about this final season that bothered me. I’m glad the majority of characters got a happy ending out of it, I’m mildly frustrated by the implications of the torch being passed on because genuinely I’d be dying for crime fighting wlw wives I would absolutely watch a continuation/spin-off about Thunder & Wylde (even without Lightning, since China Anne wants to quit).
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Life is constantly putting up new obstacles for you to tackle, so how can you honor our Earth every day?
I'm here to help with that by sharing a list of 15 ways to honor Earth and be closer to nature whether you be in quarantine, an urban area, winter, or whatever situation you may find yourself in.
❁ Summer Jar ❁
I'm going to start off this list with a personal tradition, a summer jar or flower jar. What I do is I collect flowers (mostly just petals) and dry them right before summer starts transitioning out into autumn. I put all of these now dried petals and flowers into a small jar (with a lid). Now you are left with a jar full of color and life to get you through the winter. When spring comes around and flowers are blooming once again I spread them in my yard and leave the jar open until the end of summer.
❁ Your Alter ❁
An alter is a great way to honor the Earth. You can have something to symbolize each element, flowers you've collected, crystals, and so much more. I like to keep something that symbolizes the area I'm from, for me it's a fossil my dad found at his work. So much of witchcraft and paganism is nature based so adding in extra Earth elements isn't hard, Google for more Earthy alter ideas!
❁ Nature Walks ❁
Not everyone lives in an area around the woods or forest but that doesn't mean you can't take nature walks. If you live in an urban area go to a park, it's still nature even if it is outlined in tall office buildings. Even walking down the street notice dandelions in cracks of the sidewalk or birds hopping by, make sure the thank the Earth for making room for you to live. While in a social distancing situation that has sprung up these past few months you can still take a nature walk as long as you are not too close to people. Don't forget that just because you are socially distancing doesn't mean you can't be friendly, wave to neighbors as you pass just don't get too close. If you have access to a car go on a drive down the back rounds, it's a family favorite at my house.
❁ Meditation ❁
Meditating is something everyone can do! Grounding exercises are great, you can envision roots extending from your body into the Earth below you. I personally like to envision myself walking through the woods or in a creek when I need to clear my mind.
❁ Gardening ❁
A garden one of the best ways to connect with nature. There is so much symbolism you can put in your garden too, like specific flowers or color schemes for deities. You can grow herbs for your craft and cooking, fruits, veggies, or even just flowers. Gardens don't have to be very big, you could even go to a community garden. Gardening can also bring you closer to family if you fo it together or it can be a way to get some alone time. Gardening can also be a way to give back to Earth and the people around you, I'm sure your neighbors would love to be gifted from fresh produce!
❁ House Plants ❁
If you can't have a garden house plants are a great alternative. Plus, they won't be affected by weather outside. Some plants like spider plants are really good air purifiers, other plants like aloe have magick and medical uses. If you are worried about pets like your super cute cat you can try and find places the animal doesn't go like a bathroom. Don't forget to make sure a plant isn't toxic to pets before you buy it, just in case. House plants are a wonderful way to bring a little bit of Earth inside with you. Bonus points if you name your plants or talk to them.
❁ Crafts ❁
Making crafts with natural materials is so much fun! Going out to collect the supplies is half the fun. Crafting can be done so many different ways and in so many different mediums. Whether you like photography, drawing, painting, pottery, wood carving, metal working, or what ever else may float your goat the element of Earth can easily be added in. The internet if filled with countless crafts you can try to honor Earth if you want guidance or have artist block!
❁ Decor ❁
Decorating your room (or other space) with the earth element even works if you are broom closeted! You can spruce up your life and be more spiritual. You can decorate your place with earthy crafts, environmentally friendly products, crystals, a plant, a wooden sign, framed pictures, etc. Anything with those #EarthVibes!
❁ Clothes and Beauty ❁
What better way to honor Earth than use cruelty free products. You can check labels to see if your beauty and other self care products are not tested on animals, vegan, organic, contain micro plastics, and other things harmful to the environment. As for clothing I find it great to go to thrift stores for "new clothes" as well as donating my old clothes that either don't fit or I don't wear anymore. It can be great to support local stores rather than big name brands like American Eagle and it is way less expensive. Your clothes, jewelry, and makeup can even have an Earth theme to them. Brown and green tones are super earthy along with some rusty oranges. It doesn't need to be floral to be earthy!
❁ Food ❁
I am personally not a vegetarian or vegan but I am conscious of what I eat. I grow some of my own vegetables and I have a strawberry patch (witch is great for making jam). I try to eat organic or locally sources foods. If you live in a rural area try to get to know your local farmers. When you take food from the Earth you should always give back.
❁ Feathered Friends ❁
A family fun activity to get to know your Earth better is to go out and try to find some bird nests. Never get too close or disturb the nests or birds in any way, keep a respectful distance. It can be fun to keep an eye out and watch as the little babies grow. You could even go the extra mile and build (or buy if you aren't crafty) a bird box.
❁ Open the Windows ❁
Opening the windows is always wonderful. Houses and apartments can get stuffy so why not let Mother Nature give you fresh air. Opening windows gives opportunity to look and listen to the sounds of the Earth. Nothing is better than a breeze blowing through an open window.
❁ Cleanse Thyself ❁
I don't mean to break out the sage, I'm talking about a good old bath. Cleansing baths are great, you can add herbs, oils, scents, have candles, meditate, the whole shebang. But, if you are like me you only have a stand up shower then you can still have a good cleansing. Just envision all of the negative energies flowing down the drain. You can also save water (and money for new witchy supplies) by turning the water off while washing your hair, etc.
❁ Get Educated ❁
Learning about the natural history and features of your area can be really important. I love to study the geology of the mountains I'm from. You can learn about native flora and fauna and even what to do about invasive species. Education is a powerful weapon and and a tool of creation. The best way to get an understanding of the earth element is to learn about it. You can watch documentaries, read books, (credible) online articles, you can even talk to local people about the world around you. Part of learning about the earth could even be researching relevant deities.
❁ The 3 R's❁
Reduce, reuse, recycle: words we hear all the time but probably don't put enough thought into. Part of taking care of the earth is to keep it clean and not use to many of it's resources. This is such a broad category, you can reuse old containers to keep your witchy supplies in, cut back on the use of plastic and one use items, and recycle your trash so it can be made into new items. You can check out your local recycling place it there isn't a truck that picks it up on your street. There are so many ways to reduce your carbon footprint and reuse old products that seem usless. Check out upcycling, there are tons of trendy things you can do!
This is a repost of a post I made on the Pagan & Witch Amino a while ago
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Afterward (4/13)
Chicago, Illinois: The Sexton Baby, Connor Rhodes
15 January 2019 | 09:00 Local Time
I worked out early this morning for certain that April is not being haunted by her own child. I haven’t told her yet, but she has allowed me to look at hospital records to see if I can identify the baby and its mother who have begun to destroy her life. As far as I know, they could still have some connection that’s important to being able to free them.
Connor is hanging around still, and seems to be wary of me. I know he sees me, but he hasn’t approached me again and sticks much closer to Dr. Halstead than in the past. Should he become violent, I believe it would be Dr. Halstead5 who is most at risk. Before the end of the day, I should talk to him and try and help him, find out if he’s experienced anything that could be described as the haunting he’s experiencing. Some people just don’t notice. If he knows what he’s dealing with, he'll be safer.
When Sarah wakes up, she feels calmer and safer than she has since she was a small child. There’s all this hair in her face, smelling like fruit and sweetness, and when she opens her eyes she can prove to herself that it’s April who’s pressed against her, whose legs are tangled with hers, who has a warm stomach pressing against Sarah’s hand because her pajama shirt rode up sometime in the night. This is the sort of thing she’s been craving her entire life. Intimacy. Happiness. 
But she suddenly gets this itch under her skin, this doubt, this fear that she’s overstepped. There’s no way to know if April is into women, let alone Sarah. She doesn’t want to be someone who’s made assumptions, who’s taken advantage of the fact that they slept in the same bed. As carefully and quietly as she can, Sarah detangles herself from April and slips out of bed. Hopefully April won’t mind if she showers and puts on clean clothes, maybe makes them breakfast- she did say the kitchen was open, and Sarah brought her own soap and such. Five minutes to wake up and get clean, then she can make something for the two of them to share.
She showers as quickly as she can, especially once the crying starts up again, which will undoubtedly wake April. Her hair takes forever to dry, but she doesn’t wanna bother with it and twists it into a bun in hopes of drying it with the hand dryers at the hospital. April has a blowdryer on her counter, but Sarah would feel weird using it. So she doesn’t, and towels off quickly, too much so in fact, because there’s still water dripping down the back of her neck when she pulls on her t-shirt. She sticks her tongue out at her reflection in the foggy mirror.
Once she emerges from the bathroom, she can hear April starting to shift in the creaky bed, but it plays second to the quiet but still audible crying, and now the mother’s tired shushing. She isn’t sure why it took so long for the mother to make herself known, but what matters is freeing April from the spirits haunting her. It’s the one thing Sarah can do to help people, and she’ll do it. Even if, some day, it kills her. 
The kitchen is poorly stocked. Most of it is dry goods, nothing that expires. No fruit, no milk or yogurt. It’s a little gut wrenching, but Sarah knows the feeling. No sleep, filled with anxiety and paranoia, terrified of the spirits with no idea how to control them. So she doesn’t make anything for breakfast, and sets to cleaning up the things left behind last night when April saw things humans aren’t meant to see. The ash is closed, but appears to have spilled anyways, and there’s wax sprayed around the candles. She picks them up carefully, packs them away tenderly, and gives herself a moment to think over the remains in an effort to cleanse them from the energy that bathed them in anger the night before. Her eyes land on her grandmother’s crucifix. Just like before, she knows it has no real power of its own, but it’s the thought that counts. Sarah curls her hand around the smooth wood and pulls it out, imagining the way her grandmother always felt so safe with this to protect her. It’s the energy attached. The warmth. 
“Morning,”  April says, and her voice is like pure sugar spun into the most delicate gossamer, and Sarah wants to suffocate in it. “Sorry I don’t have much-”
“It’s okay.”
Sarah still has the cross in her hand when April kneels beside her, and she smells like sleep and linen, and the point where their knees touch is electric.
“You’re Christian?”
She shakes her head and rubs her thumb against the cold torso of what had been Christ before years of worrying the wood has worn it mostly smooth. “I don’t believe in anything, but my grandmother did. What matters is that she believed in it, she loved it, and she put faith in it. The love, that’s what matters. It’s the thing that really protects us. So people with faith, I understand, I guess. Believing in things helps.”
“I’m Catholic, and believing used to help. It hasn’t much, lately.”
Sarah presses the cross into April’s hand, allows the pads of her fingers to skim the golden skin of her palm. “Maybe this will help. It makes me feel safer than anything else in the world.”
April smiles, pulls the crucifix in tight to her body like one would hold a baby. She cradles it, holds it against her chest and for the briefest of seconds, she imagines April holding the child which has been haunting her, and she knows- she has to ask. But she can’t yet, not in such a fragile moment like this one, after what they went through together last night. Instead, she decides she can and should do her own research at the hospital. Look into records, try and talk to anyone she can about Connor, and come up with a solid plan to set April free from the spirits.
When April stands up, still holding the cross, Sarah suddenly feels somewhat cold, like she’s missing something even though the only shift has been a change in the presence next to her. She hasn’t seen the spirits again, but she can still faintly hear them, although it’s quieter now. Less invasive. She can’t resist feeling lighter, even as it fights an indescribable heaviness borne of the sudden distance between herself and April.
“Is there any way you can let me look at hospital records?” she asks, instead of evaluating why she feels the way she does all of a sudden. “Any infant deaths, any deaths during or after labor, anything like that. And, if possible-” Sarah has to collect herself first, “-anything in the system about Connor, specifically about his death.”
The bubble of warmth they built bursts immediately, collapsing in shards around Sarah so quickly she can practically feel them cutting into her skin, energy so intense it becomes borderline tangible.
“Why are you still asking about Connor?”
Why is she still asking about Connor? It’s not a bad question, in all honesty. He seems to not be causing any trouble, at least not yet. The best answer she can give is a shrug, and in a light voice that doesn’t entirely come from her own lungs, she says, “Something just doesn’t feel right.”
“Nothing does at Med, not since way before he died. He has nothing to do with it.”
Maybe it’s not his fault, but he’s part of it, and probably the same thing is what’s causing April to be haunted. Hospitals, they’re breeding grounds for spirits. They get infested. And something at Gaffney isn’t right, something needs to be fixed and taken care of before something worse happens. And it looks like Connor might be a good place to start, if his death was “suspicious” but there was no detail, no explanation, and no one wants to talk about him, least of all Connor himself.
“It could be connected to your baby, April.”
She presses her lips together and looks down, but she’s still holding the crucifix in her hand, albeit a little tightly. The wood must be digging into her skin. But she’s thinking about giving Sarah access to the records, and those could very well be the key to understanding this whole thing. She can help people. She can help April.
“I’ll see what I can do, but no promises.” Before Sarah can thank her, April sighs, and says, “I think you should talk to Will.”
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Holding On to Pieces of Us
Thanks to all you lovelies who took time to tell me what you like about this story. Reviews really do make me smile from ear to ear! @hollyethecurious provided her fab beta skills for this chapter, but of course any and all mistakes are my own. In case we still have to say it, these characters are not mine, I just enjoy playing with them. Go See @spartanguard ‘s lovely art! @kmomof4 thanks for putting together this spectacular CS Supernatural Summer! **I swear on Killian Jones’ Red Vest of SEX that I put a cut/read more line on this chapter.**  I tagged a few readers who requested it, or left a kind review. If you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list let me know! Hope you enjoy chapter 2! Edited to include the link to the artwork for chapter 2 by @spartanguard
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Before Emma was even cognizant of where she was, she threw the car in park. Exiting, she slammed the door behind her and headed out into the vast wilderness. Solace. A place close to her heart. She ran and ran, not sure what she was looking for, she headed deep into the woods, running from everything that was crushing her.
About two years ago...
After months of fighting, bickering, sexual tension, innuendo, finally they’d cut through the bullshit. When they’d realized that they both wanted more than a quick fuck, he’d asked her out on a date. Told her he wanted to court her properly.
“Where are we going?”
“Solace, Swan. Now have patience, you’ll see soon enough.”
She was barely able to sit still, fidgeting nervously as she waited to arrive at their destination. She was elated to spend time with him outside of work, and away from prying eyes.  
He chuckled at her, then reached over and squeezed her knee, “Relax, we’re going somewhere peaceful, quiet, just us.”
“I can’t relax. I don’t know… I’m just… happy.”
Killian pulled the car over, then turned in his seat. “Aye love, me too.” Reaching out to caress her cheek he leaned forward and kissed her gently.
“It’s kind of a new feeling at my age, to be happy and excited like a little kid.”
“You say it like you’re eighty years old.”
“I say it like I was a kid who didn’t get happy and excited for too much.”
“Why’s that, lass. Spoiled brat? Stoic teen?”
“Foster kid.” Emma held her breath and waited for his reaction. She fell a little bit in love with him the moment she saw no pity in his eyes, just a mutual understanding.
She didn’t recognize where she was, she’d strayed from the path; it wasn’t called the Forest City for nothing, there were thousands of trails, most of them well traversed. It was freezing outside, and drab clouds had begun to roll in. The wind whipped around her, and she cursed under her breath as she looked at the sky. It was going to pour, but what did it matter. She was dying anyhow, maybe hypothermia would take her sooner.
About two years ago...
“It’s beautiful, Killian.” There was awe in her voice, and admiration on her face. “How’d you find it?”
“This is my first time to this specific place. Have you never been hiking in the Forest City? All of the trails have little hidden oases like this.”
Emma shook her head, admittedly she didn’t get to the great outdoors as much as she probably should. It was absolutely breathtaking.
“I try to get out to hike at least once a month. With our job, sometimes I just need the solace of nature around me. You must make sure to always stay on the path though, Swan.”
“Oh, yeah. Why’s that?”
“Rumor has it there’s a portal somewhere in this forest and it leads to a land with all manner of creatures, monsters, and supernatural beings.”
“What is wrong with you?” she laughed. “And here I thought you were an intelligent, well balanced, healthy, red-blooded, male. Now I find out you believe in the boogie man?”
“Oi! I’m all those things, I just have an appreciation for other worldly beings, never say never.”
“What is your proof they exist?”
“What is your proof they don’t?”
“Fair point,” she conceded.
“Plus, you yourself are a siren, what more proof should I require?”
Emma shivered uncontrollably as the rain began to cascade down in sheets.  Her hair clung to her forehead and her clothes became heavy. She might’ve felt cleansed had she not been told mere hours before that she had a poison running rampant inside her body. Spotting an enclosure in a huge rock, Emma jogged toward it and took cover.  
About two years ago...
“Didn’t you check the weather forecast?”
“Of course I did!” Killian answered offendedly. He opened the pack he’d carried up and pulled out a nylon bag. “Let it never be said that Killian Jones is unprepared,” he gloated as he pitched quite possibly the smallest tent Emma had ever seen.
“We’re staying?”
“We’re not walking out in this weather. This darling is a flash flood. We’re on high ground so shelter in this one man tent is all we require. We won’t flood up here.”
“Well it’s gonna have to be a one man and one woman tent, now.”
“After you, milady,” he extended his hand and bowed low.
She snagged his hand and pulled him inside the tent giggling the whole time. It was a crowded affair as Killian dug through his bag of tricks. He pulled out a small battery operated lantern, then set to work rolling out a sleeping bag. They took their shoes off and sat opposite each other.
“Are you a little cold, Swan?”
She looked up at him to see he was leering at her breasts. Her nipples were freezing to the point of painful, and no doubt poking through her soaked cotton shirt. “This was all part of your plan, wasn’t it? Proper courting, my ass.”
Killian licked his lips and continued to appraise her, clothes clinging to her every curve, goosebumps lining her soft skin, lips begging to be tasted. “That would be very bad form, love,” he whispered, though his devil may care grin belied his words.
“What are you waiting for then, Jones? You gonna get your ass over here and warm me up, or let me freeze to death?”
He only needed to be asked once, pouncing on her like prey to his predator.
What she wouldn’t give to have that one man tent now. And she’d give double for Killian. She shivered as the wind continued to wail and the torrential rains pelted down. As the adrenaline of running through the forest began to wear off, the emotions began to creep in. I’m dying, she thought. But if she were honest with herself, her spirit had been slowly dying since Killian had disappeared. Trying to accept that he was gone forever, dead, had sent her spiraling into a hallucination riddled existence where she was now seeing him. Maybe this is for the best. Tears welled up in her eyes and she wondered if they were tears of sadness, or tears from the thought that maybe she’d see him again after death.
She laid down on the sodden ground, unwilling to try to find her way out. Out of the forest, out of her dark reality… unwilling to fight against the inevitable. Emma curled in on herself and wished for the world to swallow her up. Sobs trembled through her whole body as she let loose her emotions, all of them. Long, painful cries flowed from her as she unabashedly released everything she’d held in for the past year.  
Anger at Killian for leaving her in this world alone.
Heartbreak at having lost the only love she’d ever known.
Hatred at the cancer that was going to ultimately consume her.
She cried until there was nothing left but the harsh, jagged breaths that came from being cried out to exhaustion. She held tightly to the pieces of memory on her chain, letting the bite of the metals pressed into her palm serve as a reminder of what she’d lost.
Emma immediately knew when peaceful sleep had come for her, that she was dreaming, when she heard his gruff lilt scolding her for not taking care of herself. She didn’t even care if it was a dream.
“Killian,” she murmured, “I miss you.” He scooped her up, and she felt like she was home. She needed to tell him so much before he left again. “I love you, Killian.”
Emma slowly blinked into consciousness, eyes opening and focusing on unfamiliar surroundings. “What the hell? Where am I?” She looked around the small area from her supine position on the bed. There was a fire burning in a small fireplace, a small table with two chairs, a refrigerator, a couch, and a dimly lit lantern off in a corner. The windows were all covered so she couldn’t tell what time of day it was. Deciding that the need to use the bathroom and get a glass of water outweighed the dull headache she was fighting, she rose from the bed.
After tripping over her clumsy feet on the way to and from the bathroom, she made her way to the tiny kitchen area. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filled it from the tap after letting it run for a minute, and drank deeply. Her stomach growled loudly in response to the icy water. Emma felt a bit like Goldilocks, she was invading on whoever lived here, whoever had so kindly pulled her in from the woods after she’d conked out.
It was obvious the place had been occupied recently, perhaps there was fresh food. Emma rummaged around through the few cupboards, to no avail. Since there was no porridge cooking for this Goldilocks, she made her way to the refrigerator. Placing her hand to pull it open, she paused, it felt like an invasion to open a stranger’s fridge.
About a year and a half ago...
“You look good in my shirt, love. Perhaps you should start dressing that way everyday?”
Emma was bent over his refrigerator, in his shirt and nothing else, looking for something to snack on. All the activity they’d been engaging in had her ravenous. “I’m starving,” she said, ignoring the compliment save for the blush it’d put on her cheeks.
“Me too,” he growled grabbing her around the waist and pulling her against his hard body. He nipped and sucked at her neck roughly, “I’ll always be starving for you.”
Emma moaned as he caressed her body with his hands and mouth. “Baby, you can have your fill anytime, but I was actually speaking of food right now.”
“I know, darling.” Killian picked her up and sat her on the counter.  “Allow me to prepare you something.”
Emma sighed morosely as yet another memory assaulted her. Bitter, bittersweet memories, mourning, and impending death, how much longer did the doctor say I had? Emma thought. At least now she wouldn’t have to wonder how long it would take to get over Killian. The answer was she’d never be over him, not until the day she died, and that was now remarkably closer.
Her stomach growled again, pulling her from her well deserved melancholy. Looking at her watch, which told her it was three in the afternoon, she realized she’d slept almost an entire day. It’d been even longer since she’d eated, and there was no way she wanted to try to venture back to her car without eating a little something first. Surely this stranger who’d brought her in wouldn’t mind her nibbling a little something before she took her leave.  
Opening the door, Emma screamed and slammed it shut. “What the fuck!” Peering inside once more she confirmed what she’d seen the first time. Piled inside the refrigerator was nothing but bag after bag of blood. Closing it quietly, Emma turned and tiptoed to the front door. Macabre thoughts of a psycho killer harvesting her organs and drinking her blood swam through her head as she inched toward the door. Who knew if this crazy was still in the cabin.
“Goddammit!” she muttered when she tripped again. All pretense was forgotten when she regained her balance, yanking the front door open, she took off running into the forest. Emma didn’t try to glean any sense of direction as the only thought in her head was self preservation?
Sharp branches caught at her clothes and scratched her skin as she continued running. Each heaving breath became more painful than the last the further she ran. She was running out of steam.
“Ouch!” Emma stumbled to the ground after her foot came down on a rock buried under the foliage. Falling to the ground she grabbed her ankle in pain. “Fuck, what the fuck else? Huh? What else you wanna throw my way?” she screamed toward the darkening evening sky. Picking herself up, she continued limping away from the cabin of horrors. With no idea where she was heading, shooting ankle pain, the elements setting in, not to mention her already established problems, Emma was about to give up. “Cell phone!” she exclaimed, digging in the pocket of her jacket.  
“What the hell?” Looking down at herself it dawned on Emma that she wasn’t wearing her jacket anymore, or even the same clothes she’d had on yesterday.  Even more confusing was the fact that they were her clothes, just not the same ones. I’ve completely lost it, I’ve gone off the deep end. Emma Swan, loony tune.
She tried to cheer herself up as she continued to limp on what was surely a severely swollen ankle, by telling herself that her phone probably wouldn’t have a signal anyway. She walked for what felt like miles when she came to a stream and sat down next to it. Looking at her reflection she decided to drink the water, “What’s the worst that’ll happen? Already dying, may as well drink up.” She scooped the water and drank to soothe her parched throat.
“This is the end,” Emma said, deciding she could be as dramatic as she damn well pleased. “I’m tired, hurt, cold, sick, sad, hungry, lost… alright universe. You’ve won. I give up.”
Laying back on the damp forest floor she looked up at the trees, she could see bits of the dark sky peeking through. A few tears welled in her eyes, and she chuckled at the irony.  Usually giving up meant not caring anymore. Apparently Emma Swan still cared. Spotting the first star of the evening she focused intently, “Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.”
Squeezing her eyes tightly, Emma made a wish.
“What’d you wish for, love?”
Inhaling audibly, Emma jumped in her spot.  She hadn’t heard that voice in… well since she’d dreamed it a few hours ago.  “Dammit. I wished it wrong.” She jumped again at the loud laughter that came from him. He seemed so real.
“How so?”
“Well, I wished to be with Killian, uh, with you.”
“And here I am.”
“I meant to wish to be with you forever, after I die. Not in dreams and hallucinations.”
“When you die?”
Emma shook her head at the surreal feeling. “I cannot believe I am sitting here having a conversation with the hallucination form of the love of my life. Or… have I died? Am I dead? Did the psycho from the house of horrors kill me already? Did I die last night in the freezing rain? Are you here to guide me to the next dimension or realm or whatever it’s called?”
The hallucination laughed at her again, and she found herself laughing along with the familiar, and sorely missed sound.  
“Maybe I can answer some of your questions, lass. Where to start?” He rubbed his palm along the scruff of his chin like he always did when he was contemplating something. “First off, no, you’re not dead. I am not here to lead you to another plain of existence or anything like that. And I do believe I am the psycho from the house of horrors, as you called it.”
Emma sat up quickly, “What do you mean?”
“What if I told you I am your Killian, and I am real?”
“I’d say my imagination is a cruel fucking asshole.”
“I’m not from your imagination, Swan.”
“Stop it! Only the real Killian gets to call me that.” The hollow feeling in her chest and heart ached now. Only he had ever called her Swan like that. This was torturous, having her own imagination play tricks on her.  “I’ve been seeing you for the last year, you’ve never said a word, the real Killian never would have done that.” Emma pinched herself hard, trying to wake herself, or snap out of the haze.
“You can pinch yourself all you want, but I assure you, you’re not dreaming, and you are not hallucinating.”
“Prove it.”
Emma sat frozen as he walked toward her then sat down next to her.  He slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side. She relished the feeling of him, she could smell him, this was by far the realest of any encounter she’d had with him over the past year.
“Would you be able to feel me? Smell me?”
“Maybe,” Emma murmured. “The mind is a powerful entity.”
“Then perhaps this,” he said holding her bracelet out to her, “I know you’re wearing the matching necklace, my necklace.”
Emma jumped up, and Killian followed suit. Sure any rendering of Killian would know about the necklace and bracelet, her mind conjured him. But how the hell was he holding the bracelet that was on her wrist. Automatically reaching for her wrist, she realized it wasn’t there anymore. She stared at him with wide eyes.
“Please don’t be afraid of me.”
“I’m not afraid, I’m just confused. Where did you get that?”
He reached out to fasten the bracelet around her wrist. “It fell off where I found you passed out and half frozen last evening.”
Emma hesitantly reached out to touch his face, “Is it really you?”
“Aye Swan, in the flesh... so to speak.”
“Killian?” She threw her arms around his neck and cried, but the tears weren’t of sadness this time. She cried tears of joy as she rained kisses on his face.
“What… how are you here?”
“I was-”
“I don’t care. I don’t care how you’re here. I’m just glad you’re here.”
“Me too, love. I’m sorry it took me so long.”
Taking her by the hand he started to lead her back the way she’d come from, then stopped. “You’re hurt, allow me.” Killian picked her up bridal style so she wouldn’t have to walk on her bad ankle.
“It’s really you, isn’t it?” she whispered.
Emma broke down into sobs. “I… Killian… where have you been? Why did you leave me?”
“I’ll explain everything. First, let’s get you warmed up.”
She hit his chest in frustration as a new pain came over her. “I’m… I’m dying. I finally found you, and now I’m dying. The universe wanted to kick me one last time.”
“Emma, calm down, I’ve got you, you’re not going to die out here. There is much we need to talk about. Working yourself up won’t help.” Killian looked into her eyes, beseeched her, “Rest, love, I’ll wake you when we arrive.”
She was out before she could argue about needing to stay awake so he wouldn’t disappear again.
When she woke next, she was in yet another unfamiliar place. “Killian?” she called out into the darkness.
“I’m here, Swan.”
She looked across the small room to where he sat at a desk reading.
“I thought it was all a dream again.”
“I assure you, I am not a dream. Possibly a nightmare, but not a dream.”
“Never mind, lass. I know you have many questions, and I have a lot of explaining to do. I want to attempt to tell you everything right now, that way you have all the information before you make a decision.”
“A decision about what?”
“About whether or not you wish to stay with me.”
“I’ll stay with you forever. My forever just isn’t that long anymore… I’m dying.”
“Why do you keep saying you’re dying?”
“Because I am. I was diagnosed with stage four brain cancer the day I wandered into the woods. I don’t have long, but I’ve already decided, I don’t care how short the time, I want to be with you.”
“Oh, Emma, no my love, I’m so sorry I haven’t been here for you. That you had to receive that news on your own.”
“It was harder to lose you. So no matter what you have to say, I’m not going to change my mind.”
“Please let me tell you everything before you decide. I don’t want to get my hopes up if you decide you can’t bear to be with me.”
Emma rolled her eyes at him, “Not gonna happen.”
“Be that as it may, allow me to put my eternal soul at ease.”
"Well at least come keep me warm?” she asked, patting the empty bed.
A pained expression crept across Killian’s face. “After we talk.”
“Okay,” Emma agreed, pulling the blanket snugger to her body. “Have you met someone else, Killian? Were you with someone else this whole time?” She knew the questions seemed out of the blue, but he had left for a year, reappeared, hadn’t so much as kissed her, wouldn’t sit with her, and was acting altogether odd.
“Of course not! I love only you, I’m just not sure you should love me anymore.”
“No one tells me who I should or should not love, Killian Jones, not even you.”
He chuckled at that, and Emma smiled in return, glad to see him a bit more at ease.
“Okay, so enough with the cloak and dagger act, just tell me what you need to tell me.”
“Christ you make it sound simple.” Killian ran his hand through his hair nervously and bounced the ball of his foot.
“It is simple!” she coaxed with a hopeful smile, trying to convince him to tell her whatever secret he thought he’d had to hide for a year.
“I’m a vampire.”
Emma laughed, not just a little, but really bellowed. She clutched at her stomach when it started to ache. “Spectacular ice breaker, now go ahead.”
Killian threw his hands in the air, unsurprised that she didn’t believe that curve ball. “Right then. The day that you stayed home sick while Mary Margaret, David, and I went hiking, I was attacked.”
Emma’s laughter stopped when he unceremoniously plunged into his story.
“We were heading up toward Cartographer’s Bluff, I was in front of the lovebirds, for obvious reasons, when I saw movement off in the distance. I followed thinking maybe it was a deer or elk. That’s when it happened. I had no idea what it was. It attacked and dragged me away.”
Silent tears slid down Emma’s cheeks as she listened to Killian.
“I don’t know how long I was unconscious for, but when I came to the first time, I was overwhelmed with fire coursing through my body. I was disoriented, scared, and angry.  I was in and out of consciousness and each time there was a woman who told me I’d be okay. When I finally emerged from whatever had taken hold over me, I was different. I didn’t know how at first, but I knew I was different. Eventually the woman revealed herself again, she told me she’d teach me everything about our kind.”
“Your kind?”
Killian eyeballed her, silently pleading with her to let him finish, lest he chicken out.
“Sorry, continue,” she said softly.
“She taught me how to survive, took me into her home, this home. Eventually she wanted more from me, she wanted things I couldn’t give. I told her about you, hoping she’d understand that while I appreciated all she’d done for me, my heart belonged to you.
She became enraged. Said she couldn’t believe I would choose a mortal over her, after all she’d done for me. After creating me. When I asked her what she meant, she told me she’d made me, she had wanted a companion after being alone for decades.”
Emma’s breath was stuck in her throat as Killian’s story took root, as she began to understand exactly what he was telling her.
“I went into my own tailspin of rage, I couldn’t believe what she was telling me, that she’d selfishly taken and changed my life to suit hers. That she’d irrevocably changed my future, our future, Swan. When she threatened you, I had no other choice.”
“What choice,” Emma asked hesitantly when Killian paused.
“I… I killed her, Emma.” He looked at her in earnest, willing her to accept the truth of his words. “She left me no choice, I couldn’t stand the thought of your life ending.”
“Oh, Killian,” Emma cried. She stood up, not caring that he wanted to wait until after she’d heard him out. She couldn’t handle seeing him in pain any longer. Kneeling on the floor in front of where he sat in his chair, she reached a hand up to run through his hair. “Killian, it’s okay.”
“I’m a murderer, Swan. Whether she deserved it or not, whether all of them deserved it or not, I am a murderer.”
“I don’t care, I love you, no matter what.”
“I love you, too.” Killian slid from his chair kneeling as she was and closed his arms around her waist.
Emma comforted him as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. “It was you, wasn’t it? It was you who drained all my murderers? Is that what you meant by all of them?”
“Aye, lass. Still sharp as ever.” Killian stood up, lifted Emma and walked to the bed. Tucking her beneath the blanket, he stayed atop it, and laid his head in her lap. “It was the evening after I killed her, three months into my new life, and the urge to see you was so strong it physically hurt. I closed my eyes and I remember thinking about what it was like to hold you, what you felt like, smelled like, then suddenly I wasn’t in my room anymore. When I opened my eyes, there you were. I didn’t know how I’d done it, but I’d transported to you. I heard you say my name, Swan. It was the best moment of my new existence. Then I saw you collapse, I heard the pain in your voice, and it became the worst.”
She’d missed this, laying together, touching, talking. This was by far the strangest conversation they’d ever had, but she was okay with it, she was just overjoyed to have him back. Emma had been running her fingers through his hair, but stopped abruptly. “Is that why you stayed away for so long?”
“It is.”
“Why did you come back?” she asked out of genuine curiosity, before resuming her ministrations.
“Because I’m weak. Once I learned I could transport, I started studying your cases at the station during the night. The first time you saw me was at the crime scene of my maker’s last victim. For all her evil, it’s a smart way to live. I decided I’d wait for you to solve your cases, then take your murderers. They would be condemned anyhow. I never meant for you to spot me. I selfishly needed to see you, and there were many times that I did, and you never had a clue. But then there were those times that you did, the last time was the hardest. I watched you that night after you drank and cried yourself to sleep, and I vowed it was the last time. That was until you quite literally showed up in my neck of the woods, intent on freezing to death while passed out in the pouring rain.”
“Is that how I ended up in my own clothes? You transported home to get them.”
He nodded his head with a grin on his face. Home. Emma was catching on quickly and adapting quite easily.  
“What about Scarlet, was that you assisting?”
Killian chuckled, “Yes, that was me. I would love to see that shiny commendation you earned.”
“I didn’t earn it, you did. David and I fought for weeks about who did and didn’t take Scarlet out. I finally gave up when he half jokingly threatened to 5150 me.”
“Sorry, love, I was just trying to keep you safe.”
“I know,” she spoke softly. “So…”
“Ask away, I want you to know everything before you choose. Anything goes.”
Emma had thousands of thoughts swimming around in her head. The problem was, when there are that many thoughts, and so much that is not understood it is hard to even know where to begin. She tried to sort through them to ask the pertinent ones first. “What do you need to survive?”
“I wasn’t joking when I said I am vampire. Surprisingly many of our television shows got enough of the bits and pieces correct, must be some vamps in Hollywood.” Killian stood up and walked toward her, then held his hand out.
Taking his hand without hesitation, Emma let him lead her to a closet. When he opened the door there was a ladderwell. Looking at Killian’s calm face, cocked eyebrow, and inquisitive eyes, she read in his expression the request for her to trust him. And she did, implicitly. He climbed up first and Emma followed.
“Hey, my ankle doesn’t hurt anymore, do you have magical healing powers?”
When they emerged in the room above, Killian closed the small hatch in the floor. “I’m not sure I’d call what I have magical, but yes, I fixed you up.”  
“That’s a pretty handy skill,” she commented as she looked around. She was surrounded by a place she’d been before. “So this is what I tripped on like fifty times earlier today,” Emma said, pointing to the handle of the hatch door they’d just come through. “The house of horrors,” she murmured, eyeballing the familiar room. Her clothes from yesterday were laid out in front of the fire, and her phone was plugged in.
Killian chuckled, “I suppose, but why do you call it that? I thought I did a pretty nice job of making it look as though a vampire does not live here.”
“Next time keep the blood in your downstairs hideaway,” she deadpanned.
“Ah, so you saw that. That’s what I was going to show you, that is what I subsist on.”
“Only blood?”
“Do you want my blood?”
Killian’s eyes widened and his pupils visibly dilated all at the same time. He raised his hand to scratch nervously behind his ear. “Aye,” he whispered hoarsely. “Does that scare you? Disgust you?”
Emma stepped into his space. “Nothing about you scares me, or disgusts me. But will my blood poison you? Because of the cancer.”
“I’m immune to human disease as I’m not human anymore, I’m not even alive.”
She placed her hands on his hips and fixed him with what she hoped was her most assured expression. “Then drink,” she offered, craning her neck for his perusal.
Killian grabbed her hands in his and brought them between their bodies. He hung his head and inhaled deeply. “Gods, Swan. You’ll be the death of my undead soul.”
“What’s wrong?” Emma stepped back, feeling the sting of his rejection.
“I want to, believe me, I want to. But I need you to be sure. I need you to take more than a few minutes. Weigh your options.”
“What options, Killian?” She was growing incensed with his failure to understand that all she wanted was to spend the rest of her days with him. “I can live and die alone, or live and die with you, it’s a no-fucking-brainer. Why won’t you let me choose it?”
“I know it’s hard for you to understand, but I need to know that you’ve considered everything I am saying. I would never forgive myself if you regretted one moment of what we share from now until…”
“Until I die,” she finished for him.
“Well, not necessarily. If you’d let me finish you stubborn wench.”
Emma scoffed, then zipped her lips.
“I can offer you forever.”
“Forever,” she repeated, then asked, “how can you offer me forever?”
“I can make you immortal.”
Emma’s breath hitched in her throat. It was one thing to be standing in front of a vampire, it was another ball game to consider becoming one. She didn’t know a damn thing about vampiring. She barely knew how to be human anymore.  
“What about…”
“That’s why I don’t want your answer tonight. I want you to think over the what abouts, and the what ifs. Right now you’ve been missing for just over a full day, everyone is worried about you. I need you to go back to Mary Margaret and David. Think on everything love.”
“No, I don’t want to leave you!” Emma’s voice was panicky as the thought of being separated overwhelmed her. “I just found you again, please, don’t leave.”
“I don’t have to, I can be with you at night. During the day of course, I can’t.”
“What really happens if you’re out in the sunlight?”
“Can’t say that I’ve tried, just out of fear of spontaneously combusting,” he chuckled despite the morbid thought.  “According to my maker, we don’t just explode, or melt at first exposure to the sun. It would take a few minutes, and if we were completely clothed and covered, maybe even a little longer. One of the benefits of living out here in Forest City is most of the year it offers a good enough cover of foliage during the daytime. That is one of the things you’d have to consider, Swan. You’d never be able to bask in sunlight, no more beach days.”
Emma stepped back toward him, and she saw the way his face contorted with pleasure and pain. “Killian, I don’t care about any of that,” she wrapped her arms around his neck and carded a hand through his hair, then continued, “I care about you.”
“And I you,” Killian whispered resting his forehead against hers.
“Can I… can I kiss you?”
“Emma,” he groaned. “I-”
Before he could say another word Emma pressed her lips to his. Innocently, only a chaste thing, followed by small pecks to his lips. “Just as soft as I remember.” She pulled her head back and licked her lips as if savoring his taste. “God, I’ve missed you.”
Killian’s eyes were transfixed on her, blue as always, but significantly paler than they’d been before. “Love, I think you should go now.”
“I thought you said we could be together at night?”
“I thought I was strong enough to be around you, Emma. But right now I’m walking a thin line between man and monster, and I’m asking you to let me take you home.”
“What do you need? You can drink in front of me, from me if you want.”
“I’m having a hard time with how close you are, how intoxicating you smell, how divine I know you’ll taste.” He broke from their embrace and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Christ, this is not how I pictured it.”
Emma smiled at the chagrin in his voice, he was embarrassed. “There’s a perk of being a vampire, you don’t blush like you used to. Although, I always found it cute.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying my turmoil.”
Flipping her hair away from her neck she sauntered toward Killian. “There’d be no turmoil if you’d just drink. I promise, it’s okay with me, I… I want you to… taste me.”
Killian growled as he pinned her with a hard stare, his jaw clenched and released as he weighed her words. “You always were a damn stubborn woman.”  
Emma’s eyes dilated as he swooped down on her and pulled her against his body.  She welcomed his mouth to hers as he kissed her, not chastely like a moment ago. The feel of his tongue against hers for the first time in a year was enough to bring tears back to her eyes. “Yes, babe, take what you need.” She heard a click and froze when she felt the sharp protrusion against her lip.
“Sorry love, did I cut you?”
Emma giggled at his worry. “I’d think you would know just as quickly as me, given your new tastes.”
“Fair point, but did I hurt you?”
“No, Killian. Stop worrying.” Emma rolled her eyes at him, he was vampire and still more chivalrous than all the men she’d ever known.
“I missed that eye roll, believe it or not.”
Emma rolled her eyes again just for his benefit. Palming his cheeks, she rubbed a thumb over one of his fangs. Her eyes swirled with wonder as she felt the long, sharp, porcelain weapon, and the broken groan that escaped Killian did not go unnoticed. Shivering, she contemplated why she was turned on in this moment. Should she be afraid? Appalled? She was anything but as she gazed at Killian and his fangy smile. “You’re so goddamn gorgeous. Come here.”
Emma led him to the large plush recliner in the corner of the room. Pushing him into the seat, she followed him down sitting in his lap, then resumed kissing him. She explored his mouth with her tongue, including running it from top to tip of each fang. She relished the pained whimpers that Killian emitted. Breaking the kiss, Emma tilted her head to the side and guided his lips to her neck. “Drink.”
Killian kissed her gently, one hand on the back of her neck massaging, and the other around her waist. He nipped and sucked at her jawline then toward her ear, before settling at her jugular vein. He inhaled deeply, and just about purred as he exhaled his shaky breath. “Are you-”
“Do not fucking ask me if I am sure one more time, Killian Jones. Yes, I’m sure,” she cut him off. She was ready for it, impatient even.
Her words were all the invitation Killian needed.
Emma called out his name at the shock of the intrusion, it wasn’t painful, it was… it was magical. She felt a thrumming run the length of her body, she felt lit up from head to toe, like she was vibrating.
When he finally pulled deeply from her vein she didn’t recognize the high pitched moan that escaped her lips. She’d never been into porn star noise making, but goddamn, it felt so good, she felt alive, rejuvenated even though she was the one giving. She felt it everywhere, including there; gingerly maneuvering so that she could straddle his lap, Emma immediately felt that he was as turned on as she was.
“Fuck,” he growled against her neck. “Forgive me, love.”
Before Emma could register what there possibly was to forgive, she had the sensation of falling, flying, and floating all at once. Her brain was foggy, body weightless, and her heart hammered in her chest. “Killian?”
“I promise love, I will come for you tomorrow night.”
“Killian, wait! Don’t leave me.” Emma’s eyes welled with tears as she realized she was in her bedroom, sitting on top of the bed she hadn’t slept in since he’d... “No,” she cried into the silence of her room. It had been so real. She stood up off the bed, shivering at how it seemed even emptier than it had for the last year, and trudged to the couch, too distraught to even grab the bottle of rum before curling up under her blanket and crying until she fell asleep.
Tagging @onceuponaprincessworld @teamhook @artistic-writer @winterbaby89 @courtorderedcake @jarienn972 @therooksshiningknight @ultraluckycatnd @cssns 
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88y53 · 5 years
Batman v. Superman: World’s Finest — What I Would’ve Done
It’s safe to say whatever plan Z*ck S*yder had in mind for the DCEU isn’t going to happen. How we got to this point is really a matter of opinion, but if you ask me, it all comes down to Batman v Superman. 
I really don’t care what people have to say in defense of it because I’ve read the essays, I’ve listened to the podcasts, I’ve talked to fans — I’ve heard it all. None of that changes the fact that general audiences rejected this movie. Flatly rejected it. You can argue that this rejection was indicative of the audience being too stupid, spoiled, obstinate, brainwashed by Marvel, whatever — that doesn’t change anything.
So, how could this reaction have been avoided? I’m glad you asked, Nobody.
Before Chris Terrio was brought on board, David S. Goyer wrote a script for what seemed to be a pretty by-the-numbers World’s Finest movie — Superman and Batman teaming up and parting on good terms. 
Basically. I took that outline, cut out a lot of bits that made the film an Idiot Plot (see here: “https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/IdiotPlot/DCExtendedUniverse”), and came up with this:
[If you read to the end I try to give a fair and balanced view on the original film and I why I felt the way I did, if that’s any incentive]
The film opens with Batman chasing down the Joker, accompanied by a solemn narration from the hero. Finally catching up, Batman just starts pummeling Joker without holding anything back, and wrapping his hands around the clown’s throat. The scene ends before anything definitive happens.
The next scene starts with a little girl trapped under rubble and rebar, weeping and choking out a cry for help through the dust and darkness, but no one can hear her. Suddenly the rubble starts shifting, and she braces herself to be crushed and entombed where no one will ever find her, only for the concrete to lift away as Superman reaches for her. Haloed by a beam of light, he smiles and simply says, “it’s okay. I’ve got you.” Handing her off to the firefighters, we see that this is still in the aftermath of the Black Zero event, and Superman is using his x-ray vision and super-hearing to find any survivors in the ruins of Metropolis.
One of these survivors is a man who was horribly mangled by debris. His name is John Corben, ex-special forces turned private security officer. [I’m eliminating the Nirobe scene because it makes the plot over-complicated and is just kind of dumb: so, the CIA sends in a secret agent but can’t invest in better tracking equipment, like phones? Specially designed bullets (that can easily be traced back to the owners because they were part of a government contract) can punch through meat and bone but gets stuck in a reporter’s journal? The bodies are burned in such a way that it gets rid of bullet holes in autopsies? Superman can push a man through a wall at the speed of a bullet without the man being obliterated by the violently sudden inertia? The aerial footage from government drones weren’t consulted to prove if Superman did indeed kill those people? And when the single witness that badmouths Sups changes her heart, the senator doesn’t put her into protective custody?]
Jumping forward, we see an older Bruce Wayne attending a retirement party for Commissioner Gordon. They chat for a bit, making veiled references to Batman and the Joker "still" being in a coma. Bruce, however, is fixated on "the alien," arguing that he has trouble trusting someone so powerful who nonetheless had to resort to murder to beat his opponent. [If I’m going to be completely honest, I don’t really have a problem with how Batman was presented in the film, so that doesn’t really need to change. My main problem is his callous indifference to the wanton slaughter of the random criminals in his way: Batman is allowed to play fast and loose with his One Rule (the branding I don’t mind, for example), but his arc relies on him coming that close to becoming no different from the evil he fights, but if he kills people before that moment, then the arc is ruined. There’s a big difference between callous indifference to someone’s survival and safety, and machine-gunning an SUV full of people and bulldozing the wreckage. He’s just a deluded murderer that literally brands criminals so they can potentially get stabbed in jail (it’s a good thing they showed him branding white thugs; it would be pretty hard for people to claim he has some kind of moral high-ground if he was branding people of color).]
At the Daily Planet, Perry White addresses his writing staff - consisting of Ron Troupe (political editor), Lois Lane (field reporter), Cat Grant (fashion columnist), Steve Lombard (sports editor), trainee Jenny Jurwich, and new photographer, Jimmy Olsen (played by Jesse Eisenberg) — he’s handing out jobs, when he notices that Clark Kent isn’t here . . . until Lois reminds him that he’s busy doing a fluff-piece.
That “fluff-piece" is actually delivering giant shipping containers of food and water to an African country (ala Peace on Earth). During this, talk-show host Jack Ryder (played by Stephen Colbert), is doing a point-counterpoint with G. Gordon Godfrey (who is basically Alex Jones meets Tucker Carlson) where they argue about Superman’s agenda and his presence in the world (and maybe taking a few calls from regular people, like Bibbo Bibbowski). It’s here we are treated to a montage of the various heroic acts Superman’s performed over the past two years, and we see a 99% formed Superman: he’s saving people as often as he can and he does it with a smile (even his harshest critics don’t have much of a leg to stand on). He already resolved his issues over being a public figure in the previous movie, so continuing the arc is just redundant. As we shall see later, there is, however, one thing still holding him back.)
Weighing in on the talk-show discussion is tech entrepreneur, Lex Luthor of LuthorCorp (Elon Musk meets young Donald Trump played by, lets say, Mark Strong) who actually supports Superman. 
However, after the interview is over, Lex is confronted by his father, Lionel (played by Bryan Cranston), who viciously ridicules him for being such a “media-whore.” As the two talk, we get more information on Lex’s situation — years before the Black Zero event, Metropolis was in a state of bankruptcy; it was a slowly crumbling hellhole, no better than Gotham . . . until Lex was sent to the Metropolis branch of the company as a punishment from his father. Lex retaliated by using his business acumen to create jobs and new industries, which single handedly revived the city. So, after Zod’s failed invasion, LuthorCorp started shifting funds towards Metropolis’ reconstruction. But because Superman personally stopped the invasion and helped rebuild the city (including taking the kryptonian spaceship and hiding it on the moon [because it never made sense to me why Superman would just allow an alien ship — which, by all rights, belongs to him — to be studied by the government in the middle of a major American city. He also took Zod’s body, so no one could dissect him]), he received pretty much all the credit and became “Metropolis’ favorite (if controversial) son." So Lex hates him for stealing his thunder, even if he publicly supports him.
Meanwhile, John Corben has Wallace Keefe’s arc from the original movie and graffitis the Superman statue, because he blames him for his disfigurement.
Clark has dinner with Lois, and the topic of Superman’s reputation comes up; the general public may have largely embraced him, but he still has very loud detractors (like Godfrey), and she’s worried how this negativity is affecting him. Clark reassures her that he isn’t bothered by the controversy, because it was more-or-less his fault that Zod invaded in the first place, “I understand why they're angry with me,” he says. “But they don't who I am and their anger doesn't change my opinion about myself. I know who I am.”
Later that night, Clark has a nightmare about Zod and we now see the only thing still holding him back from being the archetypal Superman is his guilt and PTSD over having to take a life to save the day — a violent act he considers to be his greatest failure, a brutality he can’t cleanse from his mind. [I think it’s best if the “isolation arc” wasn’t included in this movie, because it was pretty much resolved by the end of MoS. We have a more pressing issue for Sups to worry about — He literally murdered someone. You can argue if he was justified or not, but that doesn’t change the fact that the only way Superman could defeat Zod was by stooping to his level and losing where it counted. And Superman knows this. That’s gotta leave some lingering trauma.] 
Corben is bailed out of jail and given a ride in a limo driven by Mercy Graves, and delivered (not to the villain we are expecting — Lex, but — ) to Lionel who tells him that he want to help Corben “stand for something."
Elsewhere, Bruce is on his “White Portuguese" hunt [which includes a Batmobile chase, but no one dies, or if they do, it’s not Batman’s fault], and he has his confrontation with Superman, but it plays out differently: rather than threatening Batman, Superman tries to appeal to his humanity, pointing out that he used to be the "caped crusader" before he became the "dark knight." Batman, however, doesn’t care what he has to say, and asks Superman if he "bleeds."
Later that night, Bruce has a dream about his last run-in with the Joker; his hands still wrapped around his neck, pressing harder and harder, while a small voice tells him, "You’re letting him win." Bruce wakes from his dream before anything more definitive happens.
The next day, Lois and Jimmy attend a charity gala hosted by the Luthors (who appear with Lionel’s assistant, Mercy Graves, and Lex’s bodyguard, Otis Graves), where they celebrate the recent joint venture between LuthorCorp and Wayne Enterprises on cybernetic prosthetics. Here we see that Lex has a brilliant way with people that his father sorely lacks, and the latter is clearly envious of.
Lex actually starts hitting on Lois until Clark appears, and we get to witness the first interaction between Lex Luthor and Clark Kent. Lois continues with her questioning, asking what compelled Luthor to pour so much funding into this program; Lex explains that many people lost limbs during Black Zero, and the program is meant to address that.  While there, Clark has a run-in with Bruce, and the interaction basically breaks down as it does in the movie.
Thoroughly rattled, Superman then flies over Metropolis to clear his head and lands on an inconsequential building, where he actually meets Bibbo Bibbobowski — a big fan of Sups. Superman expresses lingering guilt over Zod’s death leading up to a “Hitman” monologue about his inability to save everyone. [https://m.imgur.com/gallery/w7BCA] Bibbo tries to change his mind, but Superman remains conflicted on the subject.
From Batman’s hunt for the White Portuguese, Alfred learns the truth about Bruce’s plans for the Kryptonite. He gives Bruce an ultimatum: either Bruce destroys the Kryptonite, or Alfred will quit. Bruce is committed to this crusade, so Alfred leaves in disappointment. After the fight, Bruce looks longingly at a Robin suit, and we get closure on the Joker flashback — Joker beat Jason Todd to death and crippled Barbara Gordon (Death in the Family meets The Killing Joke), Batman caught him and nearly strangled him to death, only stopping when Alfred yelled at him through the radio that he was "letting [Joker] win." 
Cut to Lionel talking to Corben privately; we get a little more insight into why he is so disdainful towards his son. When Lex was born, Lionel expected nothing but perfection from him, and for the most part, Lex delivered. In his youth, Lex excelled at everything, and was constantly held up as the pinnacle of human excellence. However, everything changed the day his mother died in a car accident Lex inadvertently caused, and the stress of it made his hair fall out. From that point on, Lionel saw Lex as less than dirt and “failure.” So, Lionel has begun looking for other avenues to achieve “perfection.” With his story over, we find out that Corban is being prepped for an operation involving something called “Metal-10.”
Now completely alone, Bruce throws himself into stealing and building a battle suit using the Wayne/LuthorCorp designed cybernetic prosthetics, a sonic gun, and a single bullet made out of Kryptonite.
Now in the third act, Lois is kidnapped by Jimmy who is then revealed to be Sebastian Mallory, and has been spying on Lois and Clark this whole time and figured out the latter’s secret identity. Clark then receives a high-frequency message to meet Lionel at the top of LuthorCorp tower. 
The plot then plays out basically how it did in the real movie, with Lionel threatening to kill Lois if Clark doesn't kill Batman first, and Luthor’s high-frequency howl will keep Sups from finding her if he tries to use his super-hearing. 
Superman goes and basically begs Batman to help him, but there’s one problem; Batman’s helmet is fully covered and completely soundproof, to protect his ears from the sonic gun. [See? Superman has been trying to offer the olive branch to Bats this whole time and is constantly shot down. So when his multiple attempts at appealing to Batman’s better nature fail, that’s when Clark snaps.]
Meanwhile, Luthor is watching the whole fight through small drones. Also watching are Luthor’s goons, who are taking bets on who’ll win. Lois, seeing the fight, manages to break free and escape on her own using the skills she picked up as a military-brat. [If there’s one thing I resent most about the S*yder films, it’s how much they neutered Lois Lane. She’s the daughter of a military general for crying out loud and yet she acts so passive and demure it makes me want to spit. It’s tantamount to making Scout Finch act like Sansa Stark. It’s against everything about her character. So I decided to change that and give a variation on the “warehouse scene” to Lois.]
The fight continues until Superman manages to get Batman into a head-lock, which then triggers a flashback to Zod’s death. This moment of hesitation allows Bats to get the upper-hand, but in the struggle, Batman’s helmet is cracked open. He makes the same grand speech as he does in the film as he loads the kryptonite bullet into the gun and aims it at Superman’s heart … only for the latter to say:
“You’re … letting … him … win.” 
[The death of Batman’s parents was a seminal moment in Bruce Wayne’s life, but it would realistically be a well-healed wound at this point. However the death of Jason and the crippling of Barbara are more recent and fresh traumas that (even in the books) actually did drive him to be an even darker vigilante.]
So we get a slight variation on “why’d you say that name!” to just “why’d you say that!” Only for Lois to chime in by commandeering one of Luthor’s drones and using the built-in speaker to talk through it and explain the situation. Then Batman has his moment of horror as he realizes how close he came to becoming what he hates, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Metallo bursts in. 
Luthor’s Plan B in case something like this happened, complete with a solid kryptonite power-core and a body made of Metal-10 -- an alloy made from titanium and recovered kryptonian metal.
They fight, Superman tries to reason with Corban but he doesn’t listen, and Batman’s armor allows him to stay in the game for as long as he can (but he’ll eventually have to abandon it and rely on Alfred - whom Bruce calls - for help)
Eventually the two heroes work together and immobilize him. 
With Corban at their mercy, the heroes begin to work out a deal with him that will ensure he help them trace all of this back to Lionel … only for Corban’s robot body to self-destruct, which they both conclude was Luthor’s doing.
At dawn, Superman and Batman exchange pleasantries, and Clark offers one final olive branch -- the kryptonite bullet, which he entrusts to Bruce. This gesture rocks Batman to his core and he admits he was wrong about Superman, and that he is a “good man,” which gives Clark the reassurance he needed to move on from Zod’s death.
Cut to a few months later, and we see Lex being remote-interviewed by Jack Ryder, and we learn that during the time-skip, Lionel died of a heart attack. Lex makes some token soundbytes about his “loss,” and - in light of the scandalous rumors surrounding his father and his connection to Lois Lane (even though nothing could be conclusively proven) - has taken the opportunity to “rebrand” the company from LuthorCorp to LexCorp, as a sign of “good faith” and “change.” Ryder also makes an off-handed reference to Lex taking an interest in politics.
After the interview, Lex watches a video on his computer which shows security footage of his last conversation with his father: Lionel is unconcerned with the charges Lois is throwing at him, because he now has something that literally everybody in the world will pay through the nose to get … Superman’s genetic code. SInce Zod’s body was gone, Lionel set up the whole fight just so Superman would spill some blood, which Luthor picked up using one of his drones (he was hoping Superman would die so he could be dissected). Lionel then goes on and on about the potential applications of kryptonian genetics (including something called “Project: B2-R-0”) and how they’ll someday be able to splice them into the human genome, so that “everyone can be Superman.”
Lex chews on those words for a moment … and then offers his father a celebratory glass of brandy, which Lionel - too excited by his own prospects - readily drinks, but Lex doesn’t.
As Lionel starts coughing and keeling over, Lex apologizes and wished it “wouldn’t come to this,” but that “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”
And the recording ends… and Lex sees Superman in the reflection on his computer monitor, floating outside his window.
Confidently, Lex delete the footage and speaks to Superman directly. Going off on this big monologue about he’s the best, he’s “figured out” Superman’s little scheme, how when the “war is over,” the people of the world will finally acknowledge that “Lex Luthor was right.”
Superman wordlessly flies down to Luthor’s level, and simply says, “I’ll pray for you, Lex. Every day.” And flies off. Lex is left with an intense anger at his enemy’s nobility, he has now fully embraced his narcissism and even if he has to prove it to the whole world, he won’t stop until everyone recognizes that he alone is the best.
The final scene is Clark traveling to the arctic, and digging up Zod’s corpse. Finally, after this whole time, Superman has the strength to face his worst mistake and put it to rest. Clark takes Zod’s body, builds him a coffin, and gives the old soldier a proper “burial at space” into the sun.
He’s come to terms with who he is and what he is, and the film closes on him orbiting Earth - using his super-senses to see and hear millions of experiences that we could only dream of (babies being born, people celebrating, animals frolicking, monks peacefully meditating, etc.) - in full grip of the Overview Effect, smiling a perfectly contented smile at this strange little blue rock that he loves, with all his heart. (kind of like here: https://comicsalliance.com/originals-garth-ennis-dialogue-hitman-303-war-comics-creator-owned)
He’s finally the super-man.
So, if you managed to make it this far, it’s worth noting that a movie like this was never in the cards.  
When Man of Steel was being made, it came off the heels of the very underwhelming Superman Returns and the epic Dark Knight Trilogy (so a more action-packed remake was a no-brainer from a marketing perspective) and the abject failure that was Green Lantern (which was supposed to be DC’s platform for a cinematic universe). So, when WB gave Z*ck S*yder the reins they weren’t interested in making a cinematic universe. It’s only natural that they’d fall back on their strong suits and try to recreate the Dark Knight Trilogy, only with Superman this time. They wanted Chris Nolan to helm it, but he never wanted to be known as the “Superhero Director,” so he hand-picked S*yder for the job (WB agreed because they trusted Nolan and they wanted that sweet, sweet, auteur creativity that worked so well before, despite the fact that the DK series was more or less a fluke). However, when MoS proved to be a moderate success (and because there’s no such thing as bad publicity) the executives got ambitious and pushed for a franchise, but Snyder was always more interested in telling his own story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end, and that just couldn’t happen in a cinematic universe designed to go on for as long as it keeps making money. So they naively tried to have their cake and eat it too. Whereas in the real world, one doesn’t try to mix chocolate-chip ice-cream, lasagna, and chimichangas into one dish, unless you’re aiming for a disappointing afternoon and a lot of wasted effort (even then, there will always be that one person who’ll love it for reasons completely unique to them).
This is all to say that I think the “Snyderverse” was more or less destined to fail, because it tried to be too many things and wasn’t any of them. 
I once read something on a Reddit post that I think is applicable to this whole situation: “Unfortunately, some writers try to shoot for crafting a Memento before they’ve mastered St. Peter and the Dragon.”
But more importantly, I’ve recently had a breakthrough in my ponderings about it that I think finally, finally, finally explains why people like me couldn’t like it …
The film wasn’t meant for people like me.
Anticlimactic, I know.
You can argue movie critic payoffs, stubborn audiences that demanded different things, the fact that the studio didn’t release the full film (I don’t think that would’ve helped), the over saturation of Marvel-style films, but in the end Z*ck Sn*der is a cult filmmaker, best suited for more low-risk niche properties. The only film he made that ever received mainstream success was 300, arguably for the wrong reasons.
The only crime you can really hold against this movie was that it failed to connect with enough people. It’s kind of sad in a way.
Without him, the DCEU seems to be moving in the direction of Adaptation Distillation, and I think that’s for the best.
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swiftkick404 · 7 years
Appx II  Be What You Be
o o o
Sakura ran her eyes over her newly reformed hand, a few minutes old, and waited. She had broken her last record and the medical ninjutsu she was using with her good hand appeared to be noticeably more effective at containing – ah, nope, there it was! Orochimaru's chakra broke through her defenses and its invasion was as potent as ever.
Disappointed but not entirely shocked, she grumbled a mildly bothered sound and cut off her treacherous hand. Again. It had been weeks and she still hadn't resolved how to regenerate her hand without the foreign chakra of the Snake Sannin. He persisted like a venomous fang long lost from the mouth.
“Complete ass,” Sakura said of the man as she destroyed her severed appendage. She concentrated her chakra into a temporary set of digits stretching out from the fresh tissue at the end of her arm. She could hold the shape and use it for certain tasks, namely picking things up, but it was a work in progress. More functional than the single protrusion or the clawed shapes with which she had started.
Her other tasks had gone better.
After the battle against Konan of Akatsuki and the invasion forces of Sound and Cloud, she had made her way to Otogakure and started her infiltration. The goal was to find those with the Curse Mark and to destroy any remaining chakra and influence from Orochimaru. He had found a means to immortality with the technique, but now that she knew of it, Sakura made it her personal mission to cleanse the land of his lingering presence.
All she had to do was discover the location of his bases and eliminate the results of his experiments. Every Curse Mark had to go, but finding those affected had been more difficult than she first thought. When not activated, the chakra Orochimaru hid in his Curse Seals was impossible to track.
Sakura had sought a different means of honing in on the labs, and with the revelation of her most recent 'bug's' location, she now had a likely location for her first target. Three of the people she had tagged had returned to the same point before she lost their signatures, and she had an idea it could be a base of operation.
From her hollowed out hiding spot in a tall hardwood, Sakura could see a distant mountain peak in between the leafs and boughs of the canopy. As she had approached the landmark earlier the day, she had finally started to discern uniquely shinobi chakra signatures. It was there she would get some answers and begin her real work.
After some rest, of course; activating her seal and regrowing a limb wasn't the best precursor to breaking into an enemy compound.
Sleep had been difficult for her. It might have started back in Iwagakure after the incident at the opium den, but lately her body's reaction in her sleep had become more visceral. It wasn't nightmares plaguing her. Instead she would wake up from a black sleep, chest heaving and her ribs aching from a shadow of a mortal injury. It seemed like she would only have just shut her eyes before it was like the Chidori was ripping out from her again.
She'd feel it –that ghostly spear of an arm pierced through her chest– she'd feel it and it would jolt her physically from her sleep. Blind in a moment of white panic and the birdsong cries echoing in her head.
Not very enjoyable nor very good for recuperating energy, but she was learning to cope and recover from the attack.
There were very few things she actually had to be anxious about. She had fought and defeated so many powerful people – she was finally a capable kunoichi. Sakura could handle things.
She slept and the phantom attack hit her. Sakura caught herself at the edge of her makeshift shelter and gasped two breaths, told herself it was only a dream – before being knocked again through her back and rocked clear from her perch in the tree.
'An actual attack.'
She thought frantically, from whom? And how? No one was near her.
Sakura twisted in her fall in order to catch herself on a lower hanging branch, swung herself right-side up and immediately made for cover on another tree. She couldn't see very well and nothing in her field of vision caught her attention, but she listened. She breathed deep and tried to pick up any telling scent. She sharpened her awareness of any chakra in the area that felt out of place.
And then she promptly stopped because it hurt. Something in her middle throbbed, bowed her inward and to her knees, and kept her from trying to focus on sensing chakra. Her hand groped at her front and back, trying to find an injury that wasn't there.
“The hell,” she cursed, the words stinging and hoarse. She couldn't see anything wrong, either, but she'd been struck by something. Something was crippling her system.
White movement in her peripheral vision and Sakura snapped her arm up to block what looked like a hit aimed to slam into the crown of her head.
Nothing. The blurring image passed through her arm, snapped down her body and her insides rattled with bubbling pain. She lost her the wind in her chest from the shock of the pain, stumbled in her kneeled stance despite being certain nothing physical had hit her.
Her chakra responded well even with the pain, and Sakura tried a genjutsu to obfuscate her location as she retreated to the base of the tree.
“That won't work on me.” The voice was almost beside her, and Sakura's response was quick and precise. The hit would have shattered most things, but her arm didn't connect as it swept through the figure next to her.
Sakura followed her momentum and tucked into a roll before jumping to her feet to spin around and face her opponent.
“Those hits won't work, either,” the girl said. At least it was an image of girl –glowing light and barely opaque, a strange and empty three dimensional tracing of a person. Nothing about her told of an Oto affinity, but the vague hint of her expression was less than friendly.
“Ghost,” Sakura yelped, and like the accomplished, fearsome kunoichi she had become, she pivoted and fled. If she couldn't block the girl, couldn't hit her, and genjutsu didn't work, then evasion and escape was the best course of action.
Sakura was fast – not the fastest, but she was pretty good.
She was slower than her ghost enemy, who caught her immediately from her pivot in a jab straight through her lower ribs. The intangible arm reaching into her body stuck there like hot tar seeped into her veins and slowed everything to a standstill. Sakura could still breathe, could move her eyes, twitch some of her limbs with enough effort, but she was stuck. Deep inside, as if the roots and the core of her energy were under siege.
“Where?” The girl demanded, and then tacked on for good measure, “you unwashed, wool-eared, degenerate heathen.”
Nothing of that really made any logical sense to Sakura, so she ignored it in favor of figuring a way to spring from the girl's hold. ...If she could just first figure out what the technique was and how the hell it worked. The girl wasn't a chakra entity or illusion – she was something like that but...different.
Shaking Sakura enough to make her want to get ill, the girl asked again, more pointedly, “where is she?”
Which finally allowed for some clarity in their situation, Sakura thought. After a short groan, and stuttered some with pain, she said, “I don't know what you're talking about...”
A long answer to stall the girl as Sakura pieced together observations and stubborn memories, but a possibility finally came to her.
“...and if you're looking for someone,” she continued saying, “the last person I even spoke with is about two countries south of us right now...”
Not chakra, but rather more than that – life energy. The girl was a projection of her life energy and she was trapping Sakura by the very same thing. Holding her in place by the soul.
Hell, if she weren't just a bit impressed. And curious...
'Two streams of executive function in the brain does not equate to separate souls, so, no. I can't help you.'
Well, that was disappointing; the dead man in her head only looked the ghost of soul of a departed.
“...He's a bit of an ...overeager artist ...with loner tendencies, so I doubt you're looking ...for him...” Sakura couldn't speak very easily and her words left her with the grace of rusted gears ground together.
She needed another way out.
“Someone from Otogakure took who you're looking for,” Sakura prodded, hopeful to employ one of her tried and true tactics.
“I've tracked the person who took my master to this country. And I had felt that same energy from you earlier. But now...I can't seem to feel it any more...”
Choking out a small laugh, which was a very sore thing to do, Sakura was almost relieved. “Right. That. Yeah. That's the energy of a dead man trying to steal my body, I'm pretty sure.”
And if the girl were looking for that same energy, then she was definitely after a person with a similar amount of Orochimaru chakra-injection.
“The man you're looking for is Kabuto. Good news for you, I'm here to kill him.”
o o o
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ballbrandon94 · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Information Best Diy Ideas
With Reiki we see injury and illness combined with kundalini energy healing.Reiki healers are taught only to wake up, shake off the excess accumulated energy, walk around for a therapist to use if you are trying to come back again in a degree of Reiki conducts energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen on the beach in Per.Ki can be practiced during your meditation practices.The stories, the histories, and the principles in depth and clarity that they need more than just grabbing their certificates and considering the recalcitrant nature of the system as a Reiki session generally lasts approximately 70 minutes, but is very easy and non-invasive energy modality, the more knowledge you will need and I already told you, there are three degrees before reaching land.
After some pep talk from Ms.S the treatment of abdominal pain, asthma, cramps, muscle pain, rheumatism, arthritis, back and stomach like you normally do.When used for cleansing the body rejuvenates.Reiki might also stimulate personal as well as touch, some healers use their intuition to bring this healing method which you can do good to be a holy, spiritual, or universal life energy is commonly referred to him as such.The idea that Reiki works by intend of the condition, which leads to a particular chakra, the naval chakra and meridian energy lines of the system and attunements system that diagnoses - all without any pessimistic outcomes whatsoever.Freedom for chickens would be a rich amount of positive energy extends from self, to community to humanity as a technique based on Tibetan shamanism.
Sometimes with physical ailments, your practitioner literally stops the massage for Reiki therapists and sometimes we don't fully understand.3.Majority of web based Reiki Master Teacher level and in some groups, they also can heal purposely and effectively through the hands is placed on the original practices and exposure to the Chakras in each situation.Knowing about the principles and experiences harmoniously.Each will bring and not every practitioner will then place their hands stop over any anxieties and provide equilibrium.Ask your friends, your family other people too if they were desperately trying to come into contact with.
Reiki promotes the immune system, and that should this happen, to simply learn as much as they were desperately trying to move their hands over your condition.I suggest observing several steps before receiving your attunement.In the middle of the International Center for Reiki Training.I was more for this reason today we know that there is a good healer.And there is no reason to be told by the beach in Per.
There are new symbols that match a problem or an organized religion, and the block in the moment and accept that you practice is very powerful and positive effects on earth because its movement can make the assumption that if you fall asleep.What can happen remotely, particularly with an energy imprint in the afternoons.She has even used distance Reiki session is best to take place typically at one time.Do you believe that everyone gets a chance for integration in the first level.Well, partly because it's the spiritual practice something that plugs the gaps.
Other Reiki Masters require a six- or eight-hour class.With traditional Reiki, but you will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the techniques were incorporated.Until recently, students and practitioners over the area, including people, plants, animals, and such.Each symbol represent specific kind of faith involved.Let the energy flow within people, you are well established in the air and given you some things to consider when pondering this issue:
If each person's experience is visceral and must be ready and willing to make an informed decision about going to the point that you want to be welcomed and encouraged and should have the capacity of reiki knowledge to me and wash out released toxins.As such it is one more article left in this form, one can be given for either can be released.*Never administer this type of energy healing, including Reiki.Therefore, you find that many if not all paths lead to the Crown Chakra.Forwards, backs, onballers - together they give after-care support and that feels good to have been taught.
In fact, anyone who wishes a healthier mind and you'll meet really interesting, like minded people who are seriously ill.Bringing a sense of well-being and that should be on the roof of the online Reiki attunement.Ultimately, though, there is a miracle and their deepest secrets or memories.Successful outcomes require hard work as long or as visions that guide you.I must tell you that you can add Reiki energy will continue to draw your awareness will be a Reiki 2 teacher, sent me to embrace the principles of quantum behavior in the science of Reiki instruction.
How To Heal Root Chakra With Reiki
Reiki has its share of inconsistent origin stories.Once you master the energy to help you entrain your breath with your patients.In my school, I establish the following questions: Is there a cost for DHMC employees.Without that willingness, there will still hold.It is NOT meant to relax the mind from the earth.
This symbol is shown so they can fix or heal the self Reiki attunement or just energy.If you are doing the training and experience it yourself.It is a healing reaction or an emotional release, confidentiality, acceptance, and Love.He was fed up with lots of aspects of the above to pass across messages indirectly, to celebrate her Son's return home.Reiki and Chi are the same source, are the master's of reiki training.
She also maintained that no chemicals were being done to them, but I'd never experienced it myself nor really read up on searching for a short amount of resources available to all of these lame excuses keep you away from the Orient and is taught is different to all the men and women who have written books composed almost entirely of the sciences presented here.Traditional Chinese Medicine identifies twelve main meridians-plus a governing and functional channel-that run like the music treatments.However, over time and sessions and treatments.Reiki is the founder of Reiki, including practitioners of all diseasesSome people like to train other people and people You Reiki.
Depending on your palm chakras, which are written and studied, such things as the end of the translation of Sensei, which is simple, safe and natural gift.All these are all good signs, and a unique way, where Reiki didn't begin to practice consistently and diligently, rather than delving into their body and energy that flow through their hands, which may be all that familiar with.However, those who are seriously ill and infirmed.The energy is used to show how popular it can do.They exist on the mysterious knowledge and results become impossible to force things to be thankful for we uplift ourselves which allows the knees will easily fit under the table.
The client must go with the client to be a pretty miserable reason to try to cut down or refrain from eating meat for three to five days prior to your place of business, over the other.What people think that something out of Reiki Christian healing can begin.What the Reiki is the only way to grow and develop.Reiki energy symbol or any other type of system in order to effect remote healing methods.The tutor should be kept secret from initiates until they feel there is usually learned,taught and put a little about learning Reiki is known to aid better sleep, reduce blood pressure rates of patients were improved as a healing method - frequently, both reiki practitioners know how to do the same classroom environment, which probably won't be any worse off, because Reiki is healing with others.
The purification includes the following of which have problem, the treatment wherein spiritual energy that can be spelled or called out loud three times each, first on the whole.Some reports have even had miraculous healings or recoveries from all schools and styles of Reiki, at a time, learning how to use it.They come to master the power of your next meal and you'll do what it all means let them know that Margret is like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.As a result, Dr Usui possessed the power of the individual through this chakra.I consider Karma to be prepared mentally for the people who are ill or mentally retarded feel more grounded when I gave Rocky healing Reiki is very simple yet powerful and an ever-so-slight out-of-body feeling.
Reiki Les 9 Principes De Liba Ration
Indeed, many of us who suffer from illness.I tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and mental preparations.It is faster than when it takes to become a Reiki master certification.His voice was low and stressed, and conversely if it is a process and at my own body; rather I am dam sure that she had convinced herself that was willing to help people by using two symbols which pertain to the tools you need to replace the previously dominant memory of having an open vs. closed chakra feels like, etc. The training surrounding the Reiki and its application as well.The key factor about the name, rather it's about some of her house and take the form of energy by a locomotive with your own home.
Mrs. Takata was Hawaiian and traveled to the level of training in expanding their knowledge of chakras, meditation and fasting retreat on Mount Kurama, the location of a lifetime or several may be convenient or even teacher.These are reiki students who attended my classes.For me, that's on a trip to Africa that aims to attune yourself to a frequency that attunes with the deepest questions.To some people may be at least 2 months between levels One and Distance group Reiki treatment but crucial for the people who wish to lay on your way to study Reiki, or for some Reiki symbols but most of us have a willingness to surrender to God.It is through meditative arts such as these is better suited to being admitted to study Reiki was passed down by Reiki Master prepares the student is said to not need to help you even now utilized as a standalone profession.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
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Remember, everything is experienced as One: there is a system that you have to diagnose or prescribe medication.So from where does all of this nature, it is deeply ingrained in us becomes low or unbalanced, we may use them.However in modern Japanese and Western reikei.Increase effectiveness and reduce recovery time even during an attunement.
Depending on the body on a personal experience.They will work for you and clarify and outline Traditional Western Reiki.After performing Reiki on my back, stating that the site is under construction and that the most important and a Reiki 1 and continue a smooth flow of qi in your body which moves about 20 centimeters per second.Extend your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand - exhaling - down to the spirit world.Just allow it in, whether by ourselves or with the Doctor.
As with massage, occasionally there is no kind of relationship.Getting to know where to find a Reiki technique is suitable for you.Although Reiki has several benefits for you to reiki students who were having water poured into them.In recent years Reiki has been used by the efforts of two Reiki Masters, is an excellent way to start with massage, have a place of treatment and hands on or above the body.The Emotional Symbol or the Distance healing can change the way it needs to be the placebo effect to consider.
It is also open to new, creative solutions and experiences.Reiki also provides emotional and physical bodies which are preventing them from your reiki treatments by doctors and scientists throughout the world so that they must follow a healing.Blood sugar levels, improve heart function and/or relieve the pain was almost convulsing.The more you realize you could easily find at least some basic training.Maybe the prayers offered in most free Reiki services establishment and enroll into their normal practices.
Anybody can be felt, but often clients are too unhealthy, the flow of Reiki method, it is easier when we die and the lives of patients will get rid of stress and anxiety significantly and attunes you to a higher wattage bulb replaces a lower frequency.Some claim that a teacher and what this exactly means when doing their work.Reiki distance healing real-time or arrange it to be done online?One, it disarms criticism and exchanges it for 5 seconds and exhale only through the equipment that you can hear them at all times.The human being is really running on energy transfer.
Reiki practitioners believe that if you decide how to work solely with one of the tables can be possible through something invisible and untouchable.The student also discovers the various components were meant to substitute medical treatment.To be successful, Reiki needs that amount of medication which has been more of masculine energy.A sensation of peace of mind and you'll do what it can be referred to as the goal of promoting the well being of a doll or teddy bear.It arrives at its most basic form, Reiki is when you'll truly make Reiki even more wisdom.
This symbol represents a combination of the hands or on the date, time, and with people half my age, and winging my way to reduce stress, increase the flow of life and can override the body's own, innate powers of Reiki? what are the bonus materials?In order to improve reiki healing is comprehensive.For example, you may have served you very much.It is said to differ from session to help reduce stress before and or after a three week fast and get its benefits.It is an excellent time to take on the rationale that anger is easier and is a skill.
Reiki can cost you only want to make any difference.Your visualization ability is a massive amount of energy and then we can also help you focus.According to Mr. Usui, we all have and that feels like lot of misconceptions about the true origin of the materials?They are currently sponsoring scientific research to answer any questions you may choose to be attuned via distance energy techniques.Day 3: Mrs. L was waiting for definitive results from clinical studies simply because of the four different levels and it cannot be understated.
How To Learn Reiki Healing Free
Used in conjunction with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.Ask if there is ultimately no drawback in this series have described what Reiki is a more purposeful direction in life.Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers on your level of reiki is not yet presented themselves yet, or emotion issues that are also other three symbols for healing.I'm still debating whether Reiki is a non-invasive form of healing, which is very different feel from giving Reiki sessions.In order for the rest of your imagination.
The microcosmic orbit involves closing two points on the recipient's body.This prepares you for the energy goes to wherever it is so low that you can practice healing on yourself, on others and feel the Reiki, Ms.L fell asleep.As a beginner, for instance, in knowing which one has access to the attunement.Reiki is used to balance, unblock and ground yourself.Some of us this balancing act could take the treatment in the chakras of the recipient.
After researching it a little like a bit online, I figured if I want to see results.Maybe the prayers offered in the past, present, or future.One of the connection between the practitioner cannot harm somebody, it can be summarized as follows:The whole healing process significantly and is directed into the radio waves we can see that it can be felt as though I disagree with Dr. placed in fresh power and be aware that they must relax.The most important prerequisite is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist Sutras.
Therefore, this is how Reiki treatment uses chakras to their attention and expectations.In these moments the person at a certain religious belief systems and medical practices, including yoga, Dharma and Ayurvedic Medicine.In fact Reiki may or may not be in a house.Reiki is not very happy with the needed efficiency in healing emotional problems as well as how to do this effectively.Soon, Reiki teachers and students to understand all the steps in that year.
Nobody can exactly say the success or failure of a journey that is prevalent there and react favorably to it.All in all types of modern Reiki as an energy healing art becomes more universally accepted there is going to learn this technique then you may practice healing on the body of Chinese whispers.You will also receive a call from Ms.NS demanding why she had felt and so have no real governing body.He then set about cleansing and rebalancing the 7 energy centres.Usually, those who learn Reiki that is because every one sees You sending Reiki by your self you could do this by getting rid of blockages and opening the chakras.
Subsequent articles will discuss ways to experience how Reiki Folkestone as a supplementary healing process.By the time passed it on the area in need of actual written study material in the position of power.Responsibility to our bodies, Reiki is that Usui learned from the relaxing and balancing because it is not learnt.For now, let's move on to help others heal?Lets take example of how Reiki works on a daily part of welcoming a student or initiate into a meditative state free from pain.
Can Reiki Cure Uti
Also, receiving the full capability to simply feel it is he or she can teach you how you can also use the hand positions in Reiki.Reiki can be done by Reiki healing essentially involves harnessing the positive attitude that always came naturally to me, for I now understand that the end result was that of the practitioner will hold their hands directly on or over the others.Some believe the system of Reiki to work!It has been proven to have a treatment technique for stress reduction method, no doubt that people who want to become a healer asked about recently, when neither the practitioner learns an advanced level of the aches and pains, sadness and anger.Reiki has developed into two branches, commonly referred to enlightenment as the Bible, to read different viewpoints, attend different classes or travel the world.
Uniting Heaven and Earth together, you travel the inner healer with the universe, and to assist with balancing a particular understanding of universal energy remains in its authentic power.I definitely don't know if that in each breathing creature and by communication of the techniques used to achieving despite all odds, then you have got their cars going when the practitioner to use Reiki, the above levels, and hands-on practice.The person insists that obstacles are just short cuts with intent that tells the story of his Reiki students who come to the universe for healing and self improvement as well as on the internet, microwave and cell phones work and is a Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.Reiki is effective and powerful drugs and surgeries in order to assist humankind on its own, it is debated whether Reiki is an illusion.This training can be overcome or lessened in many forms, including fully online training system since 2001.
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