#dk how much i like this but 👍
papaiyatree · 2 years
i have been a fan of sonic media for only a month and haven't even consumed most sonic media in existance but i am alrdy so picky of sonic's characterization in fics
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gayspock · 18 days
i can't sleep again & instead had another fucking. stupid ass panic attack that was so fucking bad this time ijust. whatever what am I saying any more. so so fucking Stupid and hopeless. i keep thinking about all the things I could try and how they're neve going to work. i keep thinking about how everything there is just insists that people are there to fucking support you. i can't do it. and ifeel like crawling in to a hole and fucking dying or just fucking screaming my lungs out. i just feel like everything's dead ends and jsut proves time and time again it's so fucking pointless fucking pointless shit again. there's nothing wrong with me there's nothing to talk out there's nothing to love and nothing to fix and you're just fucking miserable because what else can you be when youre so fucking useless and you can't fucking do anything right there's no fucking bullshit that can save your sorry fuckin ass and nothinf can ever make people want you you want to kill yourself because it's the right fucking answer and you're just a sad little bitch that keeps fucking kicking and screaming and crying and for attention I think I'm going nutsi haven't been able to function for the past few days again I can't fucking leave the house i want to really fucking hurt myself this time but it doesn't fucking do anything nothing fucking does anything I keep thinking about how much of a lost fucking cause it alwaysis and it's never fucking worth it even if I coudl fucking dig myself out this holeitsnust not. Fucking worth the time irve never been worth the fucking time not for me not for anyone just do all of what to just fucking struggle through it all and fucking do this for years and years fucking longer when what. Tell me what's at the fucking end but a sad empy fucking existence still. Im fucking telling you even if I woke up tomorrow and felt fucking nothing I would do anything to have had my life fucking end 10, 20 years ago never fucking existence because it's not fucking been worth it a single fuckkng day it never fucking will be andBecause I can't I can't I can't fucking keep being alone I'm always fucking alone and I feel like such a fucking child I just can't do it I can't fucking do it I think I'm going nuts i just I dojtfucking know I want to knowwhy I'm so fucking repulsive to everyone or why I'm just never enough and what's so fucking wrong with me and why im an aftwrthought at best I fucking can't do it I'm not fucking strong or fucking smart or fucking anyrhing and I think that's why I'm so desperate somefimesi just want to feel fucking something and I'm never going to get it from myself but I don't thinkanyones ever going to be able to stomach it and I don't know I JSUT want to feel like imnoy crazy please once before I fucking do it I want to just feel someone's fucking attention on me or like any of this was fucking reallike it meant fucking anything or if I've really jus fucking existed to get in the way and be miserable like fuckmeman I just I can't i can't don't I don't want to go to fucking work I don't want to move any more I don't want any of it I can't manage anyrhong and who will actually fucking care at the end of the day I mean that seriously I fucking mean that so fucking seriously like jot some bullshit awww ofc all life is meaningful will forget who I was in a week in what way am I ever going to dk anything I feellike it's the only fucking thing I can do for myself inusut fuck man
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trashexplorer · 1 year
BLCD Review: Derail
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Title: Derail (ディレイル)
Author/Artist: Aiba Kyoko
Release Date: 2021/10/27
Cast: Azakami Youhei x Yashiro Taku
Synopsis: Haru & Hikaru are childhood friends who keep scheming to keep each other by their side. But things escalate when Hikaru brings a girl to the apartment they share.
Review Proper
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would you look at that? It’s 2003 again.
I’m sorry, but look me in the eye and tell me this wasn’t a 2003 DK transitioning into fake emo blown out of proportion story. It’s like Aiba Kyoko thought that adding more toner and shading to the art was magically going to make this shit psychological. Psychologically bullshit, maybe. I MEAN, HARU WAS A GODDAMN EDGELORD WHEN HE’S THE ONE BEING PLAYED!!! Yo, just put some clown makeup on Haru this’ll instantly be the “Joker”. 💀
Idk ‘bout y’all, but this plot is just horrible. I can’t believe I said in my review for Pheromone Tantei that Aiba Kyoko’s a better writer than Maruki Bunge. 😂 Thanks for proving me wrong, sis. 👏👏👏 Anyway, just know that the boys here can’t differentiate between love and lust and it should have ended at chapter 2. If I had to choose to waste my time with much ado about nothing stuff, I’ll gladly choose Hello Morning Star. You should too cause wtf.
Onto the technicality of things, I have to say that the BLCD’s pretty much accurate to the manga sequencing wise, but there was a lot of added dialogue on there. What’s the fucking point? It might prove not to be beginner-friendly. 
As for the voice acting, Yashiro Taku was great, as always. It’s been a while since I’ve heard him that high. Part of the reason why I got this was because Haru seemed like he was going to be similar in personality as Onegai, Sonna ni Kamanaide’s Igarashi and it’d be interesting to see how he’ll bottom for such a similar character. I’m really sorry, Horie Shun, but let Taku show you how it’s done. 😂
Now, for Azakami Youhei...
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Idk if y’all can understand, but you can clearly hear him breathe through his nose on the mic. It comes out as a sniff. AN ILLEGAL SNIFF THAT SHOULD ONLY BE ALLOWED IN R18 OTOME CDS!!! WHAT THE FUCK IT’S LIKE HE’S TALKING DIRECTLY IN YOUR EAR!!! Whatever possessed Frontier to allow this??? Somebody tell Youhei never to do this ever again in a BLCD. Do it in an R18 otome cd instead and I’ll buy everything three times His performance here actually was more reminiscent of a lighter Nakajima Yoshiki than a Taku-chan’s Igarashi-kun. Worked great, though. 
To end, I do not recommend wasting money on this if you’re in it for a good plot. I mean, roommates psychological bl??? That’s an oxymoron in itself. 😂 If you are a fan of this and can handle the added dialogue, then break a leg. If you’re also a fan of Youhei’s OFC performance, this’ll give you a good time too ‘cause his Haru’s a richer (with fucking nose breathing) Togawa. 👍
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girlwithfish · 9 months
theyre moving me around a lot today its prob better cuz i get burned out being w my class every day sometimes bc they r literwlly crazy sometimes like yesterday my last hr when i was alone w like 7 kids literally two of them kept hitting other kids I was trying to get them all inside and had my hands full and also trying to open the door with all of them crowded around there and then this girl starts hitting someone else and keeps doing it even tho im telling her to stop so i havw to dropall tje shit im holding to literally grab her off of her friend and then this other kid would run around and hit others in the face then run away and when i tried to get him to sit out he would just scream and run away like omgg i love my job Haha. but i dont rly like being w tbe toddlers sometimes bc i feel like im just intruding bc theres already an establisjed teacher there so they have me floating around and so i dont habe as much authority ig and dk how they operate their classroom and every teache rdoes stuff different and alsothey had.me walk around the schooland offer bathroom breaks and i asked these two teachers in this one toddler class (the toddler class i dont like as much cuz the kids r more misbehaved ngl) and they were just like No and i started to overthjnk that they dont like me bc tjeir response was so abrupt and they didnt say like no thanks or anything but its whateber idec 👍anyway i have to go back to that toddler class later even tjo i dont like the kids as much there and they r more of a handful lolol.
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skelebab · 11 months
Yes, PLEASE give us your thoughts!!!
I'm assuming this is about the Mario movie post I made so here we go
(bare in mind I've seen it once like 2 days ago so the details aren't set in stone in my brain yet)
Fist off, I'm a big Luigi fan. So I was so excited to see my boi, and I feel like they did him so well! He's so wholesome and I really liked his relationship with Mario because I often see them having a subpar relationship so it was really refreshing to see them actually being affectionate (I'm a sucker for siblings being happy and loving each other).
I'm sooo normal about the "we're be okay as long as we're together" stuff also btw, I'm going to be drawing those scenes as soon as I get my hands on screenshots.
I also liked how much of a himbo DK was. I didn't know much about his character going into the movie, but I felt like he was just perfect.
And Bowser! He's just a little guy! I do like that he was allowed to be violent though. Not much else to say really, he was exactly what I expected.
Peach for me is a bit of a mixed bag. I really liked her character, but I did feel like they did the thing that people do all the time where they take a super feminine character and change them to be more "bad @$$" (pardon my censorship lol). I wish they made her a little more bubbly, or at least mentioned that she bakes or something (when I think of peach I think of her making cakes).
Toad was really great. I liked that he was just sorta there. What a lad.
And finally, the man, the myth, the legend, Mario. As I said before, I liked his relationship with Luigi a butt load, the way they just makes me so happy. I also just liked how nice they made him, he's always felt kinda arrogant to me and I liked that they didn't do that with him. I also liked that they made him a furry.
So yeah, good movie. 👍
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whcclxr · 3 years
relationship w marauders
please don't take this, it's my work.
tw/cw: they/them pronouns, more on the harsh side of words, slapping (brief), mentions of sub!dom dynamics, pet names such as pet, puppy, pup, toy, slut, whore, love, darling, it has a bit of insensitivity i think (didn't mean for that part sorry), angst in a way i think, fluff at the end
my daydream of the day: marauders in a poly relationship w them (for this im gonna say dom!remus over everyone; dom!sirius to you and james; sub!james to everyone and readers a switch) (peter was excluded from this sorry)
so you've walked back to the boys dorm w them and remus can sense something isn't right y'know (werewolf type shit), you're not your usual energetic self, and sirius and james are too into a conversation to sense much.
anyways you get back to the dorm and sirius automatically is tauntingly saying "so puppy, have you been good today ?" not knowing of your day and thinking you're more quiet bc you're feeling subby. instead of giving him satisfaction of saying yes or no you just sit in a chair and stare at the wall or start your work, but ultimately just dismissing him and his attitude.
and this leads to him thinking you've started being bratty so he starts up with meaner words like - "wow pups decided today, they wanna act like a fucking brat" "are you wanting us to use you love ? like our little pet ?" and sirius signals the others to join but only james does, coming to stand behind sirius while he squats to the right of you. so they, together start taunting you more, james just nodding along with sirius, joining in only briefly. then sirius gets so fed up that he starts calling you more names including "his whore" or "their slut" and "just our useless little toy"
and that there is what gets you, the calling you rude names when all you've wanted was a nice, peaceful night. so you slap him. not too hard, across the face. this earned 'ooh's' from both boys, and a step back from james not wanting the same. of course y'know you're not allowed to be doing that, 'specially to your dom but you were too fed up to care in this present moment.
he's squatted next to you when you finally stare at him and say "you do not get to call me ruthless names thinking you can get away with it. i am done with your shit tonight sirius and james, a bit. i wanted a nice evening to spend with all of you but you are to in your mind to care about anyone else's needs other than your own sexual fantasies. i'm not your whore nor slut, nor any other names you have graced me with tonight. don't be such a fucking douche and notice other people." and with that you storm out.
this leaves the boys in bewilderment, 'specially sirius, as you've just slapped him and bad mouthed him. he gets up from his stance on the floor and doesn't know what to do, does he go after you ? do one of the others go ? do all or none go ?
"we should ask lily" james suggests, after moments of silence, which the boys nod along to.
after they track down lily, whilst keeping an eye out for you, they ask if anything has happened to not be in your particular favor today which lily responded "oh yea, they've had a pretty bad day. sev's been getting onto them more and more. they spilt a potion in class and severus started making crude comments when they blew the project, calling them useless and not capable of anything. then they spilt ink on themselves going to lunch and, well i think you get it."
this causes the boys to all look amongst each other, knowing sirius had said some rude things along with james a bit. even though they knew that they didn't know you'd had such a miserable day, they felt pretty bad. this caused them to rush out 'thank yous' to lily and rush off to find you.
you on the other hand felt bad. yes you had a bad day however took it a bit far. you knew the boys didn't know of your bad day, thinking you were in the mood for other things when you really wanted peace. yes you could've handled this better however what's done is done. now just apologies would be necessary. so you went back to the dorm only to find the boys gone, so you decided to wait it out.
they got back in a hurry, shoving through the door, racing to find the map to ultimately find you. except remus, who did want to apologize on the others behave, 'specially severus' while promising to pummel his face in, but took it slower thus finding you first.
the boys, without turning their fronts towards the door, were unknown of your presence. "boys" came from you and they spun to meet you, sitting in the rocking chair near the door, remus on your left rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.
"m'love" and they came running to you, kneeling in front of you ( 🧍🪑🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️) they both started rushing out apologizes but after a minute james stood and went next to remus.
"darling i am so so sor-" "i'm sorry"
all boys turned to you and stared in a bit of confusion as sirius had said the mean things.
"i took it out of proportion, and i'm sorry for slapping you and saying what i said, not so sorry on the latter." with a little laugh from all. "i had a bad day, which you probably know of now and it just got to me." "i'm sorry my love, i should've taken signs and noticed you weren't in that mood. i'm sorry"
with that, you hug him and the other boys join too. "m'sorry again loves" mutters james "it's alright boys, doesn't matter anymore"
after a few minutes of hugs and kisses, remus stands properly and says "alright, who's ready to go beat snapes ass ?"
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danothan · 2 years
ARCANE i want your very good Arcane takes 👀
blorbo (fave): JAYCE. top 3 are ekko, viktor, and jayce, but only jayce is my true blorbo
scrunkly (cute aggression): BABY EKKOOO!!! baby jayce as well, but literally no other child in this show has anything on little man
scrimblo bimblo (underrated): well this doesn't apply to tumblr, but i genuinely didnt even know jayce had fans at all with the way the general fandom and media speak of him
glup shitto (obscure fave): i'm too basic to answer this honestly. oh, but the unnamed girl that ambessa killed has my exact mbti and enneagram type if that means anything
poor little meow meow: machine herald viktor. i want to give his helmet cat ears
horse plinko (torment for fun): i don't think i can do that here, arcane has weakened me into a soft pulp of my former self ;__; oh, but i laughed rly hard when league viktor bonked jayce on the head with a crystal so ig LoL is a different standard EDIT: I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT HEIMERDINGER EXISTED that's just how much i hate him. SEND THAT BITCH TO THE PLINKO
eeby deeby (superhell): all of them. every last one of them, gay as hell.
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The story (I know so far) and your characters are unique and lovable in their on way. I would stay even if this project is a solo of yours and has no connections to YBG anymore. I'm just addicted to this wonderful world you've built. 🙈
All your prince design ideas are top notch 👌(Seriously the gluttony prince gotta be my favorite, second to Flauros, of course 🤭 )
Also, seeing all those Demon OCs on Twitter makes my hands itchy to design one, too...
Well, anyway, keep doing what you wanna do, I'd still stick around 👍
Stay safe, happy and healthy 🤗
Thank you so much for this comment. Honestly, I think stepping back from the YBF source is for the best. I'm really grateful that you are so interested in my little idea though- it genuinely means so much to me.
hahaha, thank you! I quite like how he turned out as well to be honest ;) (Ah yes, he is the best boy after all) oh, yes it is so much fun to design more demons honestly.
Thank you again for your support
I've been sketching ideas for a new more original DK but I really don't know what to do for him that will capture that charm we all love- but be original... hm.
I've been contemplating on adding in more of my actual art style- with noses and ears- but I'm not sure. of course- I'll be working on more ideas for them all since I feel pretty drawn to this route of making things original
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moonlight-yuyu · 2 years
Hey! How are u?
Can i please get a mtl personality ship in bts and seventeen. Im a quite girl but when i am comfortable i become the most craziest person. I have lots of mood swings and im bit inconsistent. I am really kind caring and loyal to those who i love. I am mature and know how to talk to people and also good at reading people. I am bit secretive but like to share my personal things to the people i love but i have trust issues. I look innocent by my face but im not bec i got a naughty and mischievous side too. Im a gemini women. I prefer quite and calm places as compare too chaotic place. I prefer staying home and watching movie. I love to tease people i love. Im not friendly that much bec i have hard time initiating a conversation. I hope that would be much👍🙂😉
thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨ of course I can here you go hun <33 I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 🦋💙
Hoshi (I had him in mind immediately you both would tease the hell out of Seungkwan😂😂)
Seongkwan (Hoshi should watch out 😂)
S. Coups
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sapphicgarlic · 3 years
PLS i hate physics so much- it didn’t go great but eH it’s physics and not important to me whatsoever 👍
but also very true, going out is kinda necessary i have learned ajcjdkf hopefully things will start to go back to normal soon, i miss just being able to go out or have a sleepover with my friend D: it is what it is though i suppose!
small update on the hair :0 i am getting it cut possibly on the 2nd of June!! and mother said it’s like a styled thing- but she’s gonna check if i can go sooner!! quite exciting, i’m hoping to have it significantly shorter than it is now :D
also pls i found a picture of me holding my sword in the mirror while wearing a paper crown and i- HAHSHSJ
(i’m glad to hear about your eating, also!!! that’s great :D but yes one thing at a time<3)
lhiii lovieee, i saw that you send this yesterday but I was having a really hard time and things were complicated. things are a bit better for now just dk for how long. going to my therapist today, I am a literally about to pass out (woke up at 5:50 to go to my anatomical class).
promised myself that I was going to try to study more, its been two days and I already gave up lol sdkdskxndsk at least I started a good book!!
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kpopstanships · 2 years
Hey there can i please get a mtl ship with seventeen?
My appearance is im 166 cm tall. My complexion is light tan. I wear contacts and glasses bec im blind without them😭. My hair are wavy straight and dark brown with little but golden in sunlight. I have dimples. My mbti is infp. My style is academia and vintage bec i like aesthetic things. Im a quite girl but when i am comfortable i become the most craziest person. BUT im really really shyyy towards opposite gender bec i never had any guy friends and never dated anyone.I have lots of mood swings and im bit inconsistent. I am really kind caring and loyal to those who i love. I am mature and know how to talk to people and also good at reading people. I am bit secretive but like to share my personal things to the people i love but i have trust issues. I look innocent by my face but im not bec i got a naughty and mischievous side too. Im a gemini women. I prefer quite and calm places as compare too chaotic place. I prefer staying home and watching movie. I love to tease people i love. Im not friendly that much bec i have hard time initiating a conversation. I hope that would be much👍🙂😉
Here you are love, thank you for your request
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We hope you like your ship! Feel free to request again!
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~Admin Katt
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