I'm Gonna be a hater on main for a quick sec because the mcu fandom has been annoying me lately. Andrew Garfield is what a lot of mcu fans want their fave to be both in canon and irl. He actually acknowledged Peter's Jewish heritage, he loves Uncle Ben, is more than willing to talk about how important Ben is to Peter's story and heroism, actually criticized Tony for sensical Character Based reasons which are antithetical to who Peter is as a person AND to top it all off he went so far as to verbally suggest Peter being Bi and having a non white male love interest in MJ while also calling out the bigots and homophobes who would only be coddled by him retracting those statements.
Like he has done all of these things to the point where it cost him his 3rd movie (that he deserved to have imo) and may very well have gotten blacklisted/punished career wise for it. Now I'm not gonna call out Everyone but for all the whitewashing/erasure of certain characters back stories/religious backgrounds and how abundantly straight and white every goddamn hero is in the mcu (fanon and headcanons don't count fandom I hate to break it to you it's about what Marvel/Disney actually paid to put on screen) along with how silent the actors are about their respective erasure, it's blowing me how people have the gall to lick the mcus boots so often.
Like goddamn it we had our champion!
god i love andrew garfield. he is the Love Of My Life, my Knight In Shining Armor, etc etc etc
he is my favorite live action spidey and we took him for granted
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anti-tony-god · 3 years
Now that the trailer is out for the miles wannabe I'm getting the feeling that they're putting mr str*nge in the same place as tonky. I get that it could make sense narratively but I feels like they don't trust the actor to stand on his own, he has to have some older white dude (Cough who the fandom adores cough) to be his mentor or father figure (that he really doesn't need). Idk at the very least I'm gonna be sick of all the Peter is ir*nstr*nge's love child people.
do people still ship that????
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battlestar-royco · 3 years
(Absolutely omitting ness//ian obvi)
Would you have been interested in Nesta x Lucien? Because while I do like the idea of them together, plus they are my faves, I have no hope in SJM to not change him into another one of her "toxic male protagonists"/tm and I want more more both him and Nesta as characters and as a couple
At one point, I was interested in Nesta/Lucien as a pairing, like probably around the AC0MAF era? Theoretically I’m not opposed to the idea of them. Because they’re not part of the precious IC, you SJ/M actually allows them to have flaws (though they’re mostly like, disagreeing with the IC), which makes them more interesting to me. However, I’ve come to fear or hate any ship SJ/M writes and I’d much rather not see it come to fruition canonically.
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fiovske · 4 years
Reylo is "Enemies to Lovers" but with none of the the development, self-reflection or likability and therefore it is trash.
Enemies to Lovers is all about the drama of mutual respect! Of being each other’s foils in a way that results in self-reflection and a parallelization of each other’s arcs where there’s growing mutual trust! Fighting on opposite sides but wanting the same goal which is to fix the wrongs! 
there is chemistry! there is conversation! there is connecting on a level that isn’t about fate or chance but about choice and about themselves!!
Enemies to Lovers is mutual understanding between two characters where they are inherently coming into their own and instead of putting each other down (despite being on opposite sides) they raise each other up!
if your enemies to lovers ain’t none of this, if it ain’t mutually healthy then i dont fckin want it! Reylo is trash and I will not have the good name of ‘enemies to lovers’ be sullied by association with such trash.
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Random but thank you for calling out the incorrect quotes thing. Sometimes they can really be funny but the fact that I hate ir*ndad,t*ny s*ark, sam being made the aggressor/aggressive in anything he's in/uwu p*ter p*rker and many popular (read:white) ships it's like 1% is actually for me and not fanon nonsense on High
You are most welcome. I for one always think on the fact that t*ny s*ark was never tried for his many crimes and yet still somehow elevated to martyrdom when he did that final snap. There’s being a flawed character, then there’s being a weapons manufacturer and somehow shocked when your weapons are being used on both sides of the Gulf War Pt 2 and creating a murder robot that killed many people in a small Eastern European country - to name only two. This is all fiction, but we never see the same level of vitriol leveled at him as we see with black characters and their actors both.
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I just want to whine about C//harlie B//owater's art for like 5 seconds- Even before that shit she pulled on twitter something about her art always made me angry and I was never able to figure it out until now: the noses and the eyes. I know she has a same face problem but something about so many drawings having the same 1 of 2 nose shapes depending on gender, the same eyeshape and brow, and the same shine to their eyes is unsettling.
it’s the Laziness
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scottsumrners · 4 years
To your wonderful point about that "redemption". Why is Rey's forgiveness the only thing that matters when Kylo's atrocities go way beyond their forced connection? People died and have been dying because of the people Kylo aligned himself with. He gave the order to kill a village in his first damn scene! Just because he is forgiven by one person doesn't mean his past goes away or people like Finn a child soldier,Poe, and Rose who both lost friends and family to this war get their lives back.
YES EXACTLY LIKE???? even if he had survived, he would have been forced to face his crimes? just because he decided to change at the last minute doesn’t mean he got a clean slate! he was still responsible for so much death and so destruction. and in the final battle he didn’t even DO anything? just give energy to palpatine for him to get back to his old self anyway! why should that absolve him of his crimes? because he “feels bad” he killed his own father?????? he’s still a mass murderer and a war criminal, and people going “oh well he was influenced since birth...” is bullshit, because you know who else was??? FINN and he is not a fucking murderer!
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
So I'm gonna come at the trope as well as SJM because her male (ugh) characters bother me, what is the point of having a 150+ yo love interest when they all act (the same) like they're 18? I mean yes they are young for their species but they've lived through so much more shit than their child love interests. There is a fundamental misunderstanding of what immortality entails that frustrates me and it confuses me as to why it's so prevalent. They want to have the ooh he's mature cake and 1/2
2/2 eat it too by saying but he's not too mature to alienate the female character by pointing out how immature she is by the nature of her age and experience. Which fair I guess, wish fulfillment, but then then my question is why would I want to be with someone who is centuries older than me but hasn't matured emotionally? Like I don't want to date my dad but damn if some dude is gonna brag about my vag to my ex or have the impulse control of a toddler I'd want him to /at least/ be my age.
when she was writing YA, i said she wrote immortal male characters so she could wax poetic about their abs and wingspan and blah blah blah without running into the problem of an adult woman swooning over a teenage boy (i still hate the whole idea of “book boyfriends” bc it makes adult women getting hot and bothered over teenage boys okay in the book community) but now that she’s writing Adult...? my thinking is that it 1) has to do with her established signature shit and 2) has to do with her weird fetish for hating humans while loving immortal mythical creatures. and it’s highly likely it also has to do with her ageism, which is rampant in all of her books but never so black and white as it is in CCity (what with Bruce and Danika deciding 27 was the perfect age to make the Drop, since they won’t have wrinkles or grey hairs or “sagging tits”). and honestly, i don’t think it goes any deeper than the aesthetic. what’s odd is she loves her characters to be immortal and thus have tons of life experiences, but her books always take place over a matter of weeks: CCity, if i’ve got a handle on the timeline, takes place over about a month, so instalove is also a factor in the book and how Bruce makes the Ascent that saves herself after the Drop saved the city.
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disneycritical · 4 years
Soul just feels like a waste of some really interesting and diverse character models. We don't know much about the movie but I don't think we'll see very many human shaped people like we did in the first minute of the teaser.
There’s still time to learn more of what it’s about, but yeah, this is my train of thought at the moment.
All the designs were caricatured wonderfully and paired with the realistic backgrounds gave it a very distinct aesthetic. Too bad we probably won’t see much of it.
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wormwoodandhoney · 4 years
Is Benedick's fc Thomas Doherty?
yes. you can see a list of all the faces and characters here. click the pictures to see the info.
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I'm worried that Valkyrie will get sidelined by Jane romantically now that she's back for Thor 4. I know people will ship V with J now that she's lady!Thor and I don't want to sound rude but thorkyrie was never fully accepted by fandom (despite the actors and Taika saying they weren't platonic) before she's being shipped with people she doesn't even know! I feel super defensive over thorkyrie bc it was never that popular before and now it's being attacked on all sides for obvious reasons...
There is this: "As new king (of Asgard), she needs to find her queen. That will be the first order of business," star Tessa Thompson told the crowd to cheers.
And here’s the thing Jane Foster in the comics has moved on and has a new boyfriend so I really don’t think she’ll be with Valkyrie in this movie even though I really REALLY  want them to be together.  I still think there’s time to establish Thor/Valkyrie I mean there’s GoTG3.
The thing with Thorkyrie never really being really accepted was threefold there was the obvious misogynoir, then there was the fact v vocal Bruce/Thor shippers (and the still vocal Thorki shippers gross incest I know). And last but not least the wlw fans that were excited to finally have a bi actress who was out and proud championing a bi Valkyrie. So really of those three things one was definitely not negative. The problem is however is not the fandoms acceptance we’re not going to win over fandom lets face it even Jane Foster/Thor or Fosterson as it was known was never popular (trust me I’ve been here since 2012). The best we can hope for to eradicate the really hateful instances of it or the erasure of Valkyrie where she should be included going forward. 
mod m
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fuckyouclarke · 5 years
One thing I've noticed about the og!100 members of spacekru (and is one of the many flaws of the show) is that they all have outgrown Clack. Between Murphy, Raven, Bellamy and Monty (though some more than others bc shitty writing) they have learned to forgive and grow and work together. They apologize and actually change their bad behavior (Bell+Murph) they actively try to find ways in which to keep peace or problem solve without violence (Raven+Monty) all things C can't seem to do without 1/3
2/3 either victimizing herself "making the hard decisions *cry* *cry*", making backhanded apologies that's essentially "I'm sorry you were offended", or not apologizing at all then getting all pout-pout when people don't trust her. One of the main reasons why I don't like her is because she undynamic and unsympathetic for that same reason. She doesn't change so she doesn't grow so anything involving her is rinsed and repeated so she's boring to watch. And that's on the writers for not letting
3/? her be wrong. The characters hating her is ignored by many fans (foolishly) despite all the shit she put them through bc it all seems to work out in the end. The narrative doesn't hold her accountable so it makes C stans feel justified in saying that the ones affected by her actions are ungrateful. And calling her out is happening too late in the series so even though spacekru is right in their criticism of C the fans would rather double down on C than actually listen to the people who
4/4 have had to deal with the repercussions of her actions (torture, almost being killed, being manipulated, I would say dying in Monty's case since he sacrificed himself for C's betrayal). Everyone has surpassed her in emotional maturity and boy does it show. There is no sense of self reflection in C or accountability that spacekru has seen and suffered for and are better characters bc of it. At this point C seems like a plot device for shit to happen bc of her stupid actions.
I’m sorry it’s taken me a few days to reply, there’s a lot I want to say and now that it’s the weekend, I can sit down and take all parts of this message in!
See, this is one of the many reasons why I am, and always will be, Team!Spacekru. All 7 of them had grown and changed over those 6 years; they learned to rely on each other and became a family; those who used to be enemies became extremely close and forgave each other for past wrong-doings (Murphy/Bellamy, Murphy/Raven, Murphy/Monty, Bellamy/Echo, etc); they learned from those mistakes, grew from them, made apologies, became better people and got close. 
Clarke didn’t.
She was never a part of Spacekru, and was only w/ Madi for those 6 years, while her former “friends” that she knew for less then a year all got to know each other on a level that she never did.
So yeah, definitely they would no longer need her. Not anymore. She’s not their leader, she’s not even their friend anymore after what she did to them. They look to Bellamy as their leader; they have for those 6 years and still do. Clarke hasn’t made any fucking attempt to right any of her wrong doings, because she has believed herself to be in the right the entire time from the moment the Dropship landed on Earth in season 1 all the way up until the end of season 5. But even now, 3 episodes into season 6, she has yet to make any REAL apologies for any of her actions.
Even after Murphy literally spelled it out for her in 6x02 of all the ways she has hurt him!
Actually, people have been attempting to call Clarke out on her shit for seasons now - from Murphy to Bellamy to Octavia to Raven to Abby - and yet, Clarke NEVER listens, because she has this leader mindset that only HER opinions matter; nobody else’s feelings matter and what she’s doing is for the “greater good” and she “has no choice” (*cue pouty face*) Every single time a character has made any type of attempt to call her out in seasons 1-4 before the time jump, that’s exactly what she did. Fast-forward those 6 years (plus 125 years in Cryo), she’s attempting to make MURPHY - of all people - appear to be as bad of a person as she is, when Murphy worked his ass off for 4 straight seasons to get to where he’s at. He paid for his mistakes and he became a better person. Bellamy paid for his mistakes and became a better person - along w/ being a great leader and a great friend.
Clarke’s excuses are never-ending, and the more excuses she makes, the more her stans will jump all over Spacekru and make them out to be the bad guys...when we have LITERAL CANON EVIDENCE FROM THE SHOW that Clarke has been in the wrong - it was literally spelled out for us all throughout season 5, and now going into season 6. While yes, I definitely wish it was done sooner, because her stans are seriously out of control and I want to punch a brick wall the more I see them, it’s better late then never. But I for one don’t find her redeemable at all; I don’t trust her one bit, I hate her and I can never forgive her for any of the shit she pulled.
And I don’t think Spacekru should be forced to forgive her either; which is why I’m so glad that they’re not. Clarke can whine and complain and claim it’s “unfair” how she’s being treated, she can throw a tantrum and pout all she damn well pleases - it’s not going to fix anything! “Facing her demons” and actually owning up to her shit and making a REAL apology to the countless people she’s hurt is the only way that anything can even be remotely fixed!
Clarke’s last real apology was all the way back in episode 3x11 when she apologized to Jasper for Mount Weather and killing Maya - but even though she apologized, she added her usual “I had to save our people” at the end of it. Clarke has a LOT to learn when it comes to making apologies, because nobody will forgive her until she apologies for real and MEANS it.
She needs to take lessons from Murphy and Bellamy.
I did read somewhere a little while ago that w/ Jake Griffin reappearing in some shape or form this season, somebody came up w/ a theory that he will appear and he’ll be used to call his daughter out on what she’s done and show her how to make a real apology. I don’t remember exactly what the post said - I might have seen it on Reddit - but it was definitely an interesting theory. 
But then again, even if Clarke does pull her head out of her ass and get over herself, I still don’t find her redeemable. It just goes to show how little Clarke stans actually care about any of the other characters on the show and how they’ve been hurt; they’re feelings don’t matter to them. Clarke has gotten away w/ all of this for WAY too long and it’s time for her to face the consequences.
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anti-tony-god · 2 years
Random thought for the day: it's so interesting navigating the mcu fandom when you hate the majority of the (white) characters for one reason or another. Seeing the fanwars and the pro vs anti people makes me want to go "people people they're all horrible/boring/poorly written there's no need to fight"
And I'm not even trying to sound conceited I genuinely hate the writing of these characters the mcu feels like they've written themselves in either holes, circles or into the ground
im confused on the tone of this cuz like im tumblr user anti-tony-god and i dont even like the mcu at this point so like idk it just weird to me that you sent this
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divinereign4ever replied to your post “wouldnt be me without a minimal input on my thoughts about voltron as...”
I was thinking the same thing about the rando at the end cause like I love the mlm rep but, and I hope I'm saying this right, I have no emotional investment to this relationship. You could switch homie out with a cardboard cutout and it wouldn't change a damn thing which seems really disappointing in the grand scheme of shiro's story
mlm rep! great! shiro had a wedding and a kiss on screen and that’s an incredible step forward but they skidded right over the potential for a relationship wheres its viewers had a high emotional attachment - i agree!
if they had been disallowed the opportunity to put that sort of rep in, that’d be one thing to be mad about. but to be given it and then disallowed to show 2 main male character who have had a consistent emotional, trusting relationship to be that rep and instead shoehorn someone in we barely know?
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blackscifimatters · 5 years
divinereign4ever replied to your post:
on The Sun Is Also A Star (trailer)
Yara doesn’t have the range for accents and I’m already mad she’s doing this role better yet botching an accent
prettydaisyday replied to your post:
on The Sun Is Also A Star (trailer)
Is she not Jamaican? Where is the accent?
In the book, Natasha doesn’t have her original accent anymore because she has been in the US for so long.
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solarbin · 5 years
Have you seen Hongbin's mini drama Wednesday 3:30 PM? It short and cute I just really liked it.
Oh, yes, I have!! :DD It’s one of my favorites of Binnie’s dramas to date! It’s actually one of those comfort dramas for me to re-watch when I’m feeling a bit down :’) His co-star, Jin Kijoo is such a lovely actress, and they both bring out such a sweet chemistry together between their characters that I end up falling in love with it all over again when I go back for another re-watch. ♡ (I mean it has issues ofc but it’s so damn fluffy and harmless I can’t help but love it and not care LOL)
Reflectively, have you checked out Bean’s recent drama, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes? It’s also a way better drama to sit through than some of his other works that shall not be named LOL
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