darktr1ad · 3 months
Tear You Apart // Jordan Barrett 18+
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Warnings: rape, age difference, group sex, blowjob, black market selling
(Please note that everyone is still of legal age, if this isn’t your sort of thing just keep scrolling.)
Jordan’s heart raced anxiously inside of his chest as he eyed the rack of lighters standing in front of him. He had the money to purchase one, unfortunately, at least where he was from, you had to be twenty one to buy one. Now, he knew that smoking at eighteen was illegal, and he had other ways of getting his cigarettes, but it didn’t matter to him. He’d had to resort to shoplifting, although this would be his first time.
Taking another quick glance around the place, he was very careful and swift when slipping the item into the pocket of his jeans. A rush of adrenaline raced through his body, quickly heading to the front of the store to leave. Had he managed to get away with it? He was getting rather close, when suddenly he felt someone grab his arm, causing his heart to sink to the bottom of his chest.
He had to make a run for it, it was either that or a possible chance of getting the cops called. Whipping his head around, he saw a man he didn’t recognize. “Hey, sorry to scare you, have you ever thought about modeling?” The words didn’t really register in his head at the time, moreso focused on the fact that he’d likely been caught stealing something he wasn’t of legal age to own.
Jordan quickly shook his head no, pale as a ghost. The man released his grip on his wrist when he felt the younger boy trying to pull away uncomfortably. It seemed as if he was about to speak again, but Jordan’s fight or flight kicked in and he practically sprinted out of the store and didn’t stop running until he got home.
He reached underneath his bed to grab the pack of cigarettes he’d hidden, pulling the lighter he’d just stolen from his pocket to light it up. However, as he reached into his pocket, he felt something else in there as well. Curiously, he pulled the foreign item out to examine it. It looked to be a business card for a modeling agency, including contact details and a name. The man must’ve slipped it into his pocket when he stopped Jordan.
Again, it hadn’t really registered that the guy wasn’t trying to bust him for stealing, so this just confirmed that he was legit, or so he thought… But a model? Jordan thought it was out of the ordinary to be approached about such a thing, and he wasn’t sure if he was even interested. Then again, it was a job, so he’d feel weird about turning it down.
He tossed the lighter and cigarette onto his bed, grabbing his phone as he began to dial the number on the card. Placing it to his ear, he waited for someone to answer. It took a moment, but a female voice answered on the other end. “Hello? How can I help you?” He’d never been that good on the phone which was odd in contrast to his extroverted personality.
“Hi, uh… I was approached earlier and given a business card to here? I was asked about modeling and so I called the number I was given. I’m not really sure who I’d spoken to.” He explained.
“Yes, we have someone for scouting models. Are you available to come in at all?” He paused for a moment, the question kind of made it become more real to him. Jordan thought about it a moment before giving an answer. “Yeah, I’m pretty much open whenever.”
“Perfect, would today at 6pm work?” Jordan agreed to her suggestion, being given an address before the line clicked and she hung up. As exciting as this was, something felt very off about the whole thing, and he wasn’t sure what it was. Alas, he brushed it off as anxiety since this was his first time doing this.
Jordan parked his car along the side of the building, the sun casting a beautiful golden glow across the windshield and landscape. The agency was part of a complex, sitting on the end of two other buildings. Walking in the front door, a woman was sitting behind a desk, he assumed she was the one he’d spoken with on the phone.
“Hi, you must be Jordan.” She smiled. “Hi, yeah I am.” The inside of the place seemed off, almost like it’d been set up in a hurry and rather unkempt. Who was he to judge? “Go ahead and have a seat, they’ll come get you in a minute.” She smiled warmly.
Thanking her, he took a seat in one of the chairs, waiting for someone to call him back. He hadn’t even told his parents that he was coming here, figured they wouldn’t take it seriously, and if things didn’t work out it’d be a bit embarrassing. Barely moments later, the same man that’d approached him at the store walked out from a door. “Hey, we’re ready for you, just follow me.”
Jordan stood up and followed the man out of the waiting room. He was led down a long hallway, before it stretched out into an open room. “Sorry I ran away from you earlier.” Jordan laughed awkwardly. “Don’t worry about it. You can call me John by the way, that’s Dave.” He motioned to a man standing near a camera.
“So we’re just gonna be taking some pictures of you for now, we think you have potential and that companies may be interested in hiring you.” As he explained, Jordan nodded. There weren’t any windows in the room, it had some furniture along with a white screen being set up in front of the camera.
“Alright, so go ahead and step over there.” John points. This was all happening very quickly, but he was explaining things pretty well so it wasn’t stressful or anything. The boy stepped in front of the camera like he’d been told, the photographer glancing into the lens. He instructed Jordan to stand a certain way before snapping a few pictures.
“Alright, now we’re gonna try something a little different. Why don’t you strip down to just your underwear. We want to get some body shots really quick.” It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time, so he of course obeyed, taking his shirt off along with his pants. “You’ve got a nice body.” John compliments. “Oh, well thanks.”
He notices John walk away but doesn’t glance over, focused on the fact that more photos are being taken of him. That is, until he feels two hands on either side of his waist. He jumps a bit from the sudden touch, turning his head to see the man holding him. “What are you doing?” He asks, swallowing a sudden wave of nervousness.
“Nothing, just relax, focus on the camera.” And so he tried to ignore him, but then he felt John press himself against his bare body, and he could feel a hardness against his ass. Jordan jumped, quickly pulling away from the man. “What the fuck?” He whined, taking a step backwards. From behind him, his wrists were forcefully grabbed and he could feel his hands being handcuffed together. “Oh no you don’t, you little twink.” Dave hissed, shoving him forward.
Fearfully, Jordan tried to pull the handcuffs off, but it was no use because of how tight they were. “Stupid kid…” John taunted as Dave grabbed Jordan’s arm and started pulling him to a couch. “Fuck! Let me go!” Jordan was a skinny guy, and he couldn’t exactly fight back against this guy that was twice his size, especially with his hands tied behind his back.
His pleas fell upon deaf ears as he was pushed up against the arm of the couch. Dave grabbed the back of his neck and forced his upper half to bend forward. It was an uncomfortable position, and Jordan squirmed around underneath in a desperate attempt to get away. “Why… what…” He couldn’t even form a coherent sentence, unsure of what to say.
And then he felt something that made his skin crawl. John had grabbed his waist again, but now he could feel his boxers being pulled down. “Wait… wait what are you doing??” Panic shot through his body, trying everything in his power to pull away but it was no use.
He couldn’t turn his head around, but he could hear a belt being undone and then something hard pressing up against the rim of his asshole. “NO!! No wait!! Wait please anything but this, please!!” His screams only seemed to please the men assaulting him. An awful pain shot through him as John’s hard cock mercilessly slid inside of his virgin hole.
Jordan screamed in agony, tears pulling at the corners of his eyes, the pain only seeming to increase the deeper he went. He made another attempt to escape, struggling against the attacker but to no avail. “Stop, fuck, please!!” He cried out, desperation filling his tone of voice.
It felt as if his insides were being ripped apart, nothing compared to this pain that he was going through in the moment. John had gone into him without any lube, it’d been raw and agonizing. Tears streamed down his cheeks as the man slid out of him before railing himself back in. Another guttural scream was torn from Jordan’s throat, burying the side of his face into the couch and praying it’d be over soon.
His mind was completely dazed and cloudy, couldn’t form a coherent thought because all he was able to focus on was the pure torture he was being put through. The tiniest bit of pleasure managed to pool up in his lower stomach as the man hit his prostate, although it was involuntary and instinctive, his dick perking up a little in his boxers.
“Oh, fuck… someone help me… please…” Jordan’s cries were messy and quieter, sobbing in between breaths and pleas. “Tight virgin boy…” John grunted as he continued the assault on his ass. It was demeaning, the boy had never felt so alone in his entire life, his cries and begs only seemed to fuel everything that was happening to him.
“I… I want my mom… please…” Jordan hadn’t even realized the pathetic words that’d come out of his mouth, having been so fucked up that he’d resorted to something as degrading as needing his own mother to rescue him. Dave let out a chuckle, and John only increased his speed, although he could hear the man let out a few loud moans before pulling out completely.
Warm cum dripped down Jordan’s leg from his stretched out hole. It ached, it made him feel so small… he’d just been used like a fucking toy for this man’s pleasure. He clenched his cheeks, Dave still forcefully holding him down against the couch. He felt his boxers being pulled back up, a bit of relief washing over him for a moment because he’d thought it was over.
Dave let his grip release and the young model quickly stood up in a panic. “You aren’t going anywhere, don’t fucking try anything you won’t get far. Get on your knees, twink.” Dave ordered. Jordan wasn’t about to comply, but John pushed him forwards, knees buckling under pressure as he shakily fell down.
“Please, no more… please…” Jordan couldn’t even look either of the men in the eyes, instead, staring down at the floor. Dave stood in front of him, undoing his belt buckle and letting his pants and boxers fall to the floor. “Put that mouth of yours to better use, boy.”
A dark shade of red, he looked up at the half naked man standing over him. His dick was huge, Jordan knew he wouldn’t be able to take it well at all. “Don’t make me ask again.” He threatened. Trembling like a leaf, Jordan leaned forward and wrapped his lips around Dave’s tip, sucking on his length.
Dave let out a moan, thrusting into the blonde’s mouth, causing him to gag, more tears streaming from his eyes. The man grabbed a handful of the boy’s hair to guide his mouth smoothly along his hard on. Jordan felt disconnected from his body, having to accept the fact that he was being used against his will and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.
And after a few more moments, a warm and salty substance shot into his mouth. Jordan coughed a few times, feeling sick to his stomach. “Swallow it, pretty boy.” He shuddered at the order, it was no use in arguing though, God knows what’d happen if he disobeyed. Jordan swallowed the man’s load, a disgusting taste left in his mouth. He felt disgusted and tainted.
Dave pulled out of him, Jordan had managed to stop crying but his face was stained with tears and he looked like a mess. The door to the room opened, and he heard a female voice. His heart skipped a beat upon realizing that the receptionist may be here to save him. But his hopes were quickly shattered upon what she said next. “You guys done with him? I’ve got an offer for someone who’s interested in buying.”
He was about to be sold, this had all been a scam from the beginning… if only he hadn’t been so naive. “Someone’s gonna have a lot of fun with you…”
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lieutenant-sarcastic · 11 months
Just logged onto desktop tumblr for the day and sighed so Fucking loudly.. what the fuck is this.
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goingto55kg · 11 months
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I tried to not be afraid of eating, to drink and have fun with friends, try new places and cook nice things. Look how I look now, I can't do it anymore.
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this is cute
No Comment.
this is so fucking disguisting to me I cannot say anything ; much
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drthrvn · 1 year
don't tell me the Academy really DOES NOT SEE the hipocrysy in not letting Zelensky give a speech at the Oscars while at the same time giving a platform for Navalny's family to speak out about """"poor opressed russians""""
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sendmyresignation · 5 months
social media is just new and excruciating ways of seeing cleanliness being upheld as an indicator of morality (same with health) which make me want to claw my eyeballs out of my skull.
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redswaberkez · 1 month
ocd really makes u believe ur the worst person ever existed on earth over literally fucking nothing
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darkwood-sleddog · 11 months
the actual amount of things in xkit i had to do to get desktop mildly functional in a not-giving-me-anxiety looking at it way is honestly pathetic (and not bc of me, bc of how much we have to depend on xkit and other extensions to make this website remotely accessible).
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
What did Ricciardo do now
he once again proved what a misogynistic piece of shit with delusions of grandeur he is. and since you asked and im in a Mood, let me rant a bit. at this point if his fratboy "charm" and mediocrity works on you, especially if youre a woman in any capacity, you (general) should work on your self esteem issues and on your internalised misogyny and work on it fast because i dont know how you can like someone who is this callous and misogynistic, i really dont. im p sure im blocked by all of his stans so my eastern european whore ass doesnt have to see the pathetic simpering for a flopping pathetic fratboy whose time never came and never will
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chespinss · 8 months
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I love sketching but im always too lazy to finish things lmao
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This nasty fucking thing caused me to have a panick attack.
It was freaking disguisting. I thought I bought Protien Bars ; the box said Women. Turned out to be conceptual words.
It was Granola Bars inside ; so maximum conceptual. - just, candy. And, they cost like $8 ; so about $2/bar.
Made of ideas. Granola. No Nutrition : too. ... ... ... +]: $8. -> Not just idea bars, ; big fat wealthy ones :::::::::]: ->... ... ... MASS amounts of ideas. - like, eating cash : MADE, of Ideas.
It was so Disguisting.
- i ate it though. I figured ; probly should. : It was literally candy.
-> then, I have a Bitching panick attack.
It was so fucking nasty. It was like I had eaten children. -> what a waste of $8 ($10 ; inflation), and learning experience : that I did not need.
I've literally been BioHazardly Contaminated and Injured.
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
tell them goth
tell them the truth
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(ik this was with preparation but not pictured is the hour long breakdown of that one fanfic. you know which one.)
(i think im like legally obligated to put a disclaimer that those pictures are so so so satirical)
you're ruining my reputation on this website
8- what could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation?
i think i could give a 40 minute presentation on any one of the interests i've had over the past 5 years (notably twd)
although right now i'm most inclined to go on and on and on and on about batman. which i fully intend on doing at some point
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coffeeastronaut · 8 months
Appeal to disgust fallacy is fascist ideology I can only assume you’re a crypto terf.
blinking so hard rn. what is this even about
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megacarapa · 11 months
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compilation #3 some of these are like a year old so what happened in the meantime is that i did find my favourite pen after months (it was under the couch)
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the-indie-owl · 4 months
How I feel after watching "Tromeo and Juliet".......
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potatowritesstuff · 1 year
Am I the only one who’s disturbed by people shipping Ralph and Jack? Like ... have these people even read the book?
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