#didnt even use a refrence for this
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maybe ill post the non censord version, maybe i wont..
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flufallo · 22 days
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Um yeh
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vrieseasees · 11 months
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*makes a photography au on accident*
I'm late to Touichirou Tuesday by 30mins EST
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laylaisthename · 1 year
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ILW // Here they are! All 7 different end cards you can get in the many many more variations of the niche endings available in the game.
Google Drive Link to the cgs here
I am beyond honored to have been allowed to leave my own mark in the game like this, and honestly never in a million years expected to actually become involved with the game.
Everyone is fine to use these as phone backgrounds but if you do youre legally required to tell me which one is your favorite.
Putting it under the cut for length, but here's a breakdown of each card;
Starting with the Evil!MC end cards, that are lovingly dubbed Judas' Kiss if you stayed with Matty, or Scorched Earth for MC's solo end.
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The images really mostly speaks for themselves; the flaming heart, hand in atrocious hand if you chose to share the power with Matthias, but then when you put it next to the solo end is where it got fun for me. The heart is broken, its just you now, but the glowing eyes are smiling. My first time testing the judas kiss route I did not hestiate for a second to hit "kill him"
Next is the death card
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I really liked the idea of (if your mc wasnt a huge dick anyway) that they give you a grave outside the cave, something for people to leave Rowan flowers and gifts. A classic grave didnt quite feel like it fit so I settled on a cairn. It felt very fitting with the Power being a respect for nature and such. I set it to be at night, with moonlight streaming down on the grave to give it a melancholic sort of feeling, with the sun charm sunny gives you strung off it, and then placed flowers at the grave to kinda show that people have come by because they care about Rowan. Meanings for the flowers are below and while not canon, I like to think each of the LI's left behind one of them; red roses from Abel, blue violets from Amalia, sunflowers from Lincoln and the marigolds from Joss, though really they were all chosen more generally.
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Onto the blood end card! Which I named New Horizons, and not because of animal crossing. A winding road in the mountains at sunset; the road has been long, it has been hard and now youre choosing to move on. Symbolically what i wanted this card to be is that feeling of leaving everything behind. The sun is setting on your old life as you go to embrace the normal life that Blood MC wants so much. Youre on the top road moving around the bend, not sure where life will take you but that's alright, you have the rest of your life to look forward to figure out where you'll go.
Onto my own canon end; the Mixed end!
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Lovingly called "Best of Both Worlds" because mixed rowan is playing that hannah montanna life. More seriously; this card in contrast to the blood end is not about leaving everything behind, but embracing what you are. The card itself is set at dawn to contrast this; soft yellows and pinks, morning dew and fog clinging to the forest floor with a streak of Power playfully dancing among the trees. Its the dawn of a new day, seeing everything in new light after the darkness of the past weeks/years rowan spent trying to understand themselves. It's my personal favorite end even if my mc and Linc gotta do long distance for a while. But to me its about accepting yourself; moving on from the grief of losing your family without alienating yourself from your memories of them and embracing that Power side of yourself without being changed by it. The life you built after being ressurected is your own and no one can take that from you.
Next up my almost canon end, that does live rent free in my mind because I love angst.
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Closed gate shadow end, Far, Far away (yes this is a shrek/starwars/nerd refrence); its a fairly straight forward card, thought it does have one of my personal favorite little details. This is the second draft I made of it after this scene from Lincoln's shadow goodbye stuck with me; looking up through the trees at the night sky.
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I really wanted to hide an eye shaped constellation in the stars but couldnt make it look good sadly :sob: But my favorite little detail are the fireflies and how some of them are cyan; touched by the power Rowan is now again a part of. Not canon, but I like to think these little cyan fireflies come to sit on the LI's heads next they wander too close to the woods (Fireflies by Owl City starts playing).
Shadow end is just. Its so beautiful really. From sharing your experiences with the wisps, how Rowan's wisp has been changed by their time as a person, how despite their grief they are not sad or unhappy, melancholic yes but this is where you want to be. Its a cosmic love, the joy of having lived, coming inside on a cold winter day to find your home warm and inviting, your family waiting for you to tell them about your day. The card itself is a little whimsical, hopeful despite the closed gate that the power will forever be part of the world, even if its been cut off. And this brings us to the other shadow ending card; the flower
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Eternal Bloom, a ghostly hand reaching out to hand this flower over to the world, a final gift, a final goodbye. Maybe a promise of "I'll see you soon" but first and foremost, it is a promise of love.
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Thats right babes. Its all about Love. Unfading Love.
symbolically there isnt anything hidden in the card, but thats also in part of it at face value telling you all you need to know; its about love! its a gift, for you, to remember me by. You have not forgotten me, and even changed as I am, I have not forgotten you. Rowan's change in personality after merging shadow was sooooo heart breaking tbh but ITS SO GOOD. You found joy in what you were, but its time to come home, take off your coat, hang it up, take off your shoes.
And it is all about love! All these cards (well, not all of them) were for me made from the heart, trying to keep in line for the different themes each end resolves to give the players something to remember each route by.
To anyone that made it this far, let me know which one is your canon card/which card you like best! And im kissing you on the lips I love rambling about my thoughts and if you got to here then you deserve a reward. So.
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lefetfritos · 3 months
hi ive seen ur stuff pop up whenever i search for half-life things and the tags always make me throw my head back. im so curious. may i ask what the portal to hell au is about. i mean this in a positive way i promise.
The portal to hell au was orignaly meant to just be an au fully combing portal and half life instead of there just being a few refrences to each other like in the game, but i also wanted an excuse to use a specific g-man design i made
The main premise of the au is that chell replaces gordons role in half life two because portal 2 happens around the same time gordon would normally get out of stasis in hl2.
Gordon is fully working under g-man along side adrian and never fully gets let out of stasis. The only reason g-man even employed gordon was because he knew gordon was wallaces kid, and g-man hates wallace.
Gordon never takes up any role in the resistance, and the only reason hes fighting against the combine and wallace is for g-man. Chell does take up a role in the resistance however and completeley takes the role of what gordon does in hl2.
And for the final sibling, john, his role is similae to barneys except while alot nicer than the other combine, hes not undercover for the resistance in anyway, but does support them. He eventually does completeley stop working for the combine and joins the resistance after chell is able to convince him however.
I also wanted to give wallace a reason to become the representative for humanity. Instead of him just being the manipulative asshole like he is in the game (he still kind of is one but thats besides the point) i wanted to make it so he had someone pressuring him into taking that role, so i gave him a dad.
His dad , William Breen (not a permanet name) only wanted wallace to take his job and continue the “family tradition” of becoming a higher up at black mesa, but wallace didnt really want that, which is where g-man comes in.
Gene (G-man) and wallace had been friends since highschool, and Gene had always known how bad wallaces dad was, so while they were together one day, Gene had wanted wallace to run away with him and their friends to get away from their parents. Wallace had to think about it but that gave his dad time to manipulate wallace into killing Gene.
Wallaces dad made Wallace push Gene into a expieremental teleporter, since it was thought that going into it would kill the person inside of it, it didnt how ever.
The teleporter completeley ripped out Genes soul, making him take on a kind of shadowy figure with no real physical form. He spent years in what looks like just a black void until he eventually figured out how to give himself a physical form. Hes able to control how he looks, so he gave himself kind of an uncanny look. While hes in this form where he actually has acertain look, hes no able to show emotions, so almost every emotion he shows, he has to show through the shadowy form.
The only other thing i can think to talk about is rose and wallace. Rose met wallace in a bar in 1969, a year after the teleporter incident. Wallace immediately adored rose but was terrified to talk to her.
He eventually saw her again at meetings that black mesa and apeture science had (before that whole dumbass rivalry started) and only talked to her because judith pushed him to.
They started dating a few weeks later, and eventually got married in 1971 during september. Rose eventually ended up having gordon on may of 1972, then chell in october of 1974, and finally john in april of 1977.
Both wallace and rose were amazing parents, and wallace didnt start becoming absent until rose disapeared in 1985.
Wallace was in a horrible place after rose disapeared, she was the only thing keeping him together. He tried his best to provide for his kids but becuase he was barely getting paid by his dad, and was not at home 99% percent of the time due to being at black mesa working under his dad, his kids grew to not like him and resented him.
Wallaces dad took rose disapearing as a way to manipulate wallace even more, causing him to become more of an asshole. He eventually even manipulated wallace into getting “enhancements” that caused wallace to stop aging and not be fully human anymore like him in 1987.
Thats kind of all i can remember right now smiles
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Something that annoys me is gen 1 monster high fans acting like gen 1 was this perfect pinnacle of diversity and gen 3 ruined it.
(For refrence this is about the dolls/cartoon, not the live action movie as that is another can of worms i do NOT want to open).
Did you just forget all the problems gen 1 had? The fact nefera is darker skinned than cleo and yet shes the evil one? The fact that in quite a few gen 1 dolls clawdeen is white washed? The fact white people voiced all the poc? The fact that characters like skelita and jenafire were introduced and then barely ever used if it didnt have to do with their culture? The weird orientalism with jenafire and 13 wishes? Isi dawndancers entire character being one big fuck up of representation?
You can't just add a racism allegory, some random poc monsters in the background, vaugley hint at gay characters, and then have all this other shit and still act like this is perfect.
I know gen 3 also has problems, and you should absolutely not take gen 1's problems as an excuse to ignore them, by all means, please point them out and criticize to your hearts content as that is the only way to make things improve, all i'm saying is, look at what we have now in comparison to back then.
We have a latina lead
A dark skin lead
A disabled lead
An afro-latina lead
A taiwanese lead
A lead with two moms
A fucking trans lead!! Imagine that!! A trans lead in a childrens show!
And they are all voice by actual poc! No more white lady with a bad blaccent voicing clawdeen! Thats kinda rare to come by even now... sadly.
There is obviously stuff that can be improved on and gen 3's diversity still isn't perfect (even with it's leads, sadly often when you take a step forward you still take two steps back) but come on, don't act like the problems weren't there from the beggining and don't act like this is some kinda down grade cause it's so obviously not.
Besides, you can't really compare the diversity of monster high after they already had shit tons of dolls and movies and this one has barely even started yet, you don't know whats coming and neither do i.
This is all just the same company doing the same shit they always have, you just don't remember it because of rose colored glasses that cover it all up.
We unfortunately don't live in a fairytale world where good rep is easy to comeby so sadly, at least in reboots, good rep is a process, but so far i still think we are leaps and bounds ahead of what we once had.
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catpop2 · 10 months
Gaurdian BeeNScream Au Character focus! Screamy
The screechy, previously self absorbed second in command of the Decepticons has found himself a new duty- Totally was an accident that he did defintley not request from a prime itself like it was a zoom call- Nooo, its just an accident that he has to now closey watch the maltobots- Totally didnt bargain to save Bumblebee´s life- That was an accident aswell..
Anyways, here we have the man, the myth the legend-
First of, lets start with the visuals. Starscream´s new reformated look is drasitically diffrent form his previous on several acounts- In fact more notably is his size, larger then other seekers and- Suprisingly enough- Larger then Megatron. With even larger wings to handle, along with much more bulk and most notably- Beast former kibble...
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Speaking of kibble, Starscream no longer turns into a earth fighter jet like all the other seekers- In fact he does not turn into an earth aircraft at all- The origins of his new high speed shuttle form are unknown and are likley based off unusual cybertronian and quintesson tech- Its large enough to house several humans- But most notably large enough to house terrans, even the larger ones. No added seatbelts tho :( Size and design is not final yet- And Earthspark has zero size refrence guides yet so its a bit funky size wise- But he is big, a few heads bigger then Megs.
And about the beast kibble.. Well- Took him quite a bit to figure out how to achive his secondary alt mode- But his reformed body is now a triple changer. Wings able to slip apart into large segmented limbs capable of flight- Creating a four legged mostly bipedal creature resembling some sort of bird.. Dragon? Yeah, dragon is the closest word to it. Most of the kibble hidden behind jet parts and pannels- Hiding.
Besides the unexplainable beast mode, which may bring joy to the terrans with beast modes as well- Something else came along with said... "Gift". Upon his reformating, Starscream has seemingly recieved an almost direct "replication" of the Triptych mask- A relic belonging to Onyx Prime. The mask itself seems to be imbedded into his face plates and head gear- Able to materalize around his head when it is summonded- Though Starscream is incredibly apprehenisve to ever use them- Especially Farsight and Mournsong. The primary concern is mostly WHERE he even managed to aqquire it and why he has it- When Quintus and Onyx usually have nothing to do with each other.. Usually..
And as for personality well... Just as standofish as always, if not a teensy bit softer on indivudals like Bumblebee- But still rather aggresive towards the Autobots- Especially Megatron. He still cannot be in the same room as him- But now its moslty for Megatrons own saftey. With the maltobots? Like a grumpy uncle, who will still drive them from A to B, and get them cool illegal tech whenever he aint doing something important like brooding. Bumblebee and him tend to go at each other a bit more often now- But more like rowdy cousins who really cant wait to cause issues for everyone around them and its obvious they both love to butt heads with each other and try and prove who is the better, more capable gaurdian of the terrans.
Despite a now establish connection between him and the terrans, Starscream does not permantly reside with them, and still attends to his other duties he had before the reformating. Afterall, he has some ammends to make with a few Decepticons, especially his remaining seekers and he will do whatever he can to ensure that his cons live and thrive. He really really does not want to be like Megatron thats for sure...
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adetheenby · 10 months
none of this is serious cohesive or credible do not give me critism cause i probably dont even remember writing this mostly me rambling on a blog i do not understand how to use goodnight i should sleep
-love the movie and comic in diffrent ways comic is kinda giving adventuretime tbh love it i wish it was a little longer? like i feel like more interactions with ballister and nimona or ambrosius? like i loved how fast paced it was though - i WISH we got nimona changing her hair in the movie????????????? i get it cause they would have to change the animation models or something idk how it works but imagine in the scene where shes back at the layer shes throwing the table it couldve been a cool concept for her to turnmore cooler colours based on how she feels might be the sleepdeprivation but i think it wouldve been cool -i loved the endng honestly of the comic like genuinely i love it it fits -the credits of the movie saying INSPIRED by the comic is really true the thing is they more so took the idea of the nimona story then the story itself and made it work -the comic is a lot more fucked up and i love it for that like they murder people BUT only for good reason overal i like it A lot - i like how they didnt really expand on gloreth at all i think i like it better this way so its more an open ended thing where you can imagine what actually happend -the movieambrosius shouldve had maybe atleast a little longer hair propaganda has now convinced me bc of the comic - i LOVE the artstyle??????? its so just fun and chaotic -i might actually try to get the real life thing of it like i would love to have a copy tbh -ambrosius was such a little shit love him he was so unserious i swear -science person i forgot pronouns its midnight so im kinda tired but they so remind me of raine just cause glasses and white hair and both into science things ish raine is more eh on the science? -i love the movie sm for its little refrences like it went aWHOLE diff direction obviously but like the little refrences like nimona morphing into a toddler that very much looks like her comic version of it -i loved the little moment she turned into a cat so he would carry her so fun -i want nimona to be friends with the science dude like i feel like they would be so fun - litterally cant even pick which i liked better - i REALLY thought i would like the comic less tbh cause got told it had a bad ending and nimona died???? she did but also did she really???? cause i mostly like silly lighthearted shows or sometimes more dramatic things that have good endings but i LOVED the comic its fun and silly and is fast paced i love that sm
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amaribelt · 7 months
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glosmao brin doodle I was actually able to fit in some Brin concepts I wasn't able to do so I might do that for other events too I have a whole pintrest board of stuff because I wanted to have a whole siren and mermaid and just ocean aesthetic before I just made Brin one and then I wanted her to have the whole tropical vibe for a very tropical mer ill add a better pic when its not 11 lol
all the design inspo is under the cut and some have little tidbits
🐚crew mates
@azulashengrottospiano @dove-da-birb @mhedusard
this dress from new york spring fashion week has had a choke on me for FOREVER originally i wanted to have ruffles to emulate a waterfall and waves but after 3 concept sketches it was not working out so i compremised with a actual waterfall/cowl neckline and what do i rediscover when looking at some of my favorite nyfw dresses THIS
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i dont know what this is called but when looking for some organza for my alice look for my fashion show i saw this peice of organza and i fell in love (its in my wishlist and if i have some leftover money it will be added as a impulse purches for allice just yall wait) and then what do i see this i dont know what its called but i have a few pins of like these layered skirts and then i saw it in BLUE and i jsut fvbhabfibn
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these next two were pulled from the brin pintrest board so they were some original brin concept art like this is old this was when she was a siren themed idol old, the brinely we have now definately has these miu miu heels i just struggle to draw them thats why she cannonically has platform boots but its not brin without a good heel
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two designs had shells and ear cuffs but were ultimately scrapped for her hoops so im glad i could find some way to use those
last but not least ariels victory dress i HAD too okay listen if i ever color it this is def a silvery blue i didnt even remember it having a cowl neckline because i was like reffrencing it off memory becuase its iconic and i guess i just remembered it having a V neck but hey it works
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works refrenced!!
i dont have instagram but its linked in this pintrest post (seashell cuff things<33)
miu miu wedges of my dreams
wave skirt dress??
victory dress
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otherkingwolfie · 1 year
my mind kept on telling me to draw alastor the radio demon from hazbin hotel even tho i didnt want to but after afew days of my mind wanting me to draw him i did
and it looks pretty bad
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well it is the first time i drew him and i was only useing one refrence image
anyways im starting to draw in more of an anime style so thats why this looks different then to my other artstyle
also i dont really like this drawing i did. even if it looks fine. but again this is the first time i drew him
i wanted to draw him in a pose that was similar to how i drew him in this. but alittle more in a leaning position.
when i get better at art i should definitely redraw this
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alfamangle · 1 year
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listen normally this question (5. name an album you feel is perfect) would lead to me talking about Get Olde/Second Wind, razzmatazz, counterfeit arcade, litterally most crane wives albums or if were stretching the definition to include albums with only one or two songs i skip every time but are otherwise pretty nice we'd have alot. but you know what. yeah. the last life album is pretty cool.
so you know what. im going to go in order. what do i like about every song.
Light the Fire. ive never played castlevania but this is what id imagine itd sound like really short but a good intro. very nice and lovely gives the same impression of fucking around and finding out and coming across a shrine for the first time and going. oo whatll happen if i do THIS. similar feeling to coming across the first connie board. discovery of something very useful but is probably going to be more than you bargained for. only complaint is that its short and id love to hear a longer version but it works for what it is.
The Crown. i like the piano :] feels like a weird mix between a bossfight and a grand area where nothing spans and its just you alone with the scenery and somethings off. also noting abt the yt ver i like how the sky slowly changes colors and the sun sets. excellent touch. i almost didnt notice the change of song between this and the next one and thought it was one giant song and thought the switch was cool. the effect still stands if ur watching it back to back. overall its just a song w rlly good atmosphere
Divine intervention. repeat point about how it transitions from the previous song into this rlly well. like the weird rumbling noise in the back that kinda pitches up and down and dips in and out. like it alot. again another song that just has excellent vibes. also love the drums the drums were a nice touch. also i keep thinking theres SOME form of strings (again cant quite place it down. likely because its another synth but. the effects nice) overall rlly cool a nice lead into the next song. love the fadeout at the end (also i am not going to go over all the art but trust me i am noticing the cool transitions and changes in the artwork and i am going WWOOOOO THE FIRE WENT OUT YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Console. like the weird little dips it does the dweeeoooooop. that. very cool. also the whiny high pitches noise is a very good addition for like a really weird comparison alot of the songs, and this especially, reminds me of the one factory level background music in jsab. you know the one. also like the instrument. not sure what it is but i like its addition halfway through. very cool. very awesome.also im not sure if this was my device or not but i like the occasional stutter it does where. (looked up the effects name and its simply called an audio stutter) like that. i think it only happened once??? but it fits the song and it fits the character the song is for very nicely. console is :] one of my favorite songs off of this album which. unsuprisingly it is VERY hard to choose. you put your all into these songs and it is VERY apparent.
Call of the Void. This song feels... very short???? for some reason when its not. its not anything detracting from it its just a weird effect. kinda like on other decent sized songs (call of the voids about 3ish minutes from my count) that still feel too short.. i think it just comes down to the songs just really cool. I like the . it sounds like a reversed flute?? towards the middle but im not 100% sure. like everything here it could just be another synth. insert a fallout 4 refrence here. either way this song is REALLY cool i like it alot also the garbled speech noises. cool addition. im not sure if its meant to be saying anything or is just garbled speech noises but either way. VERY cool. also obligatory !!! woaw people !! live on the tv. amazing
.execute() I LIKE THE WEIRD CRUNCHY BIT AT THE START. it sounds like weird messed up footsteps i like it. the cymbols are really nice. like the weird im not even sure how to describe it it sounds like a pitched down pipe being repeatedly slammed against a wall for a melody. very nice very cool. also like the weird garbled ??? scream?? audio distortion?? something 1/3rd of the way through. gives it a nice touch. also again love the string soundalikes. maybe one day we can have actual strings but until then the synth string soundalikes are super cool sounding. like the funky crunching symbol like noises. remind me of clapping. love the melody. love the song. fights w console for favorite song.
Fell out of the world. love the piano and softer sound it has to it. also shoutout to the 'pacing' of this album. i noticed alot of the more actiony songs are samwhiched between softer songs and vice versa with a few exceptions (which i do think those exceptions serve to enhance album pacing. it is. important to me that songs in order on an album sound nice when played back to back. its about how you spread out your songs. if that makes any sense). its a nice touch i dont know how else to describe it. its very nice. now onto the song. this once again feels like. some abandoned area you just. wander through to take in the scenery. again like the string sound alikes. if i wasnt aquainted with the nnk soundtrack and someone came up to me and showed me this song and told me it was the song to some secret area in the game, i might believe them. it has that sort of grand feeling to it.
Godshard. somehow more calmer than the last one. but it just feels sad. this feels like the song you get if you end up accidentily getting the bad ending in a game. a tragedy of errors that got you to this point. now im not a tip top expert on what happened after i got you know. murdered in a hole. which gg cant wait to avenge myself s2. but this seems to fit the story as best i know it. it just. feels sad. a building left to rot and decay. thats the best way i can describe that song. melancholy. thats the word im lookign for. godshard is melancholy.
Terminal Velocity. in contrast to the last this one feels sinister. something is wrong here. the piano feels slightly out of tune and i think that works nicely. love the lower chords :] it just sounds really neat. actually. you know what the piano here reminds me of. those like. really REALLY old pianos that are out of tune due to age and their keys only go down when you press oon them with some force, and their keys are rounded off from use. the keys are starting to yellow and it has a weird echoy hum to it. if youve ever played a piano like that you know what i mean. really adds to the eerie atmosphere the song has going on. a lovely closing song to a really really cool album. you worked so hard on this and you can tell. and it PAYS OFF.
but uh yeah. the last life album was pretty good
Everyone go listen to @bintied 's newest album !!!
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imasaliveastheplanet · 11 months
I in the past on here have made refrence to my "husband" and i feel the need to talk about it my boyfriend thinks journaling will help me but ive decided screaming into the void is better
To talk about him we first have to talk about my friend ill call him E now ive known E since i was 13 we dated for a little while then we broke up which ud think is where that ends but no i dont entirely understand/ remember clearly how it happened but we ended up being fuckbuddies which continued on till i was either 15 or nearly 16 during this time he had went from normal and nice to emotionally abusive which on the rare occasion went physical at some point during this time frame he had sa'd me
Again any normal person would completely cut this person off i didnt. He and a friend had theorised it could of been stockholm syndrome of some form keeping me around as i was still in love with him but thankfully he started to be less abusive and eventually it stopped and that love was gone
Then i met joey
Joey is allegedly an alter inside his head which he had told me about when i first met him
(DISCLAIMER: What imabout to say next in no way reflects people who had DID or OSDD in any form im nearly 100% sure joey was a manipulation tactic)
One of the first things E rold me about joey was that he killed 3 people and doctors said he was like an extrmely improved verion of E now the murder part was very easily debunked and later on when i asked him about it the talking to a doctor at all about joey was debunked but eventually once E had his fun abusing me he let me meet joey and he and i fell for eachother and E wasnt happy with that but he put up with it.
I had a real emotional attachment to him i made him promise he was real and i wasnt being used and he wouldn't leave (i have quite strong attachment issues due to all the men in my family either dying or leaving) and he wpuld alwsy reasure me we even called eachother our husbands and had a wee ceremony (only me and E were there because i wasnt allowed to tell anyone)
I would talk to him every dayuntil slowly E had had his fun and suddenly joey disappeared me and E havent spoken in months he would get angry if i mentioned joey to anyone
I think its also worth mentioning he would get upset and uncomfortable if i were to date or flirt with anyone infront of him. He would tell me new information about what i was to him infront of people as in in conversation such as i was just a rebound when he would tell me all the time i wasnt.
He also told me that my relationship with a mutual ex girlfriend wasnt real because it wasnt as long as his and while we dated (me and E) he would mope about and stare at her
He also pretended to be addicted to weed, pretended to come to school high dispite not looking high or smelling like weed , and told me his friend OD'd on weed
All this and part of the abuse was emotionally abusing me out of self harm "for my own good" which lead me to abuse solvents and starve myself more
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ceoofmetagala · 1 year
You know. I never thought much abt how valeire.ys know exsits. Did they fuck? Did they wish for her on nova or I'd she adopted? Never atucly out thought in that 1.
Atuclly , originally valeire was adopted!(didt make much sense...since i designed her to look like a metagala kid that can reasbonly be their kid)
EVNE funnier since at that time, i still made gala a girl and mk a guy. So they could fuck. But my 13 yr old ass hated sex so much i couldn't even fathom my favs fucking 😭😭
So what is she now?
Again past valeire (closer to new degsin with minor color and detail diffs)
It's implied in her refrence and i believe it's ATUCLKY stated she is indeed, a wish born child.
And now atucl modern cute lil feather tail valeire?
Not fuing clue i didn't ATUCLKY think that far
Same with my ship kids but shhh
Now let's see what's most likely and what my awnswr is!
Adoption- possible but highly unlikely they happen to find s baby puff that looks like thier love child
Wish kid- highly unlikely , both have probably used their wishes up assmiung you only get 1 wish (it's kidna implied you do since nova days you may have 1 wish) assmiung it's nova + its homophbboic why would it help them?
I've seen fiuntion of dreams popinh children out as s thoery (metadedede kid i saw once) but neither have much of a connection to the fountain other than gk being old
Also how could they ever know if they dream really hard they could have a kid??
Sex- .....I'm not having my favs have sex....
Asexaul repdution- what if puffs reoriudce asexully but they can also fuse the clone(gooey, not yet very alive yet) together to make a baby? (Kinda like relay life baby making works already maybe)
So yeah 👍
That's it on the how did valeid come to be and the answer we all wanted to know-
No they didnt fuck as i stayed before, that's wierd.
But you make sex jokes about metagala all the time! Exhibit a -
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No i don't make them all the time i just happen to be incerdibly funny and can't keep them in .
And i mean in a serious no joking way for them fucing. It's just wired to me , as an asexaul who's icirbly sex repulshed i make sex jokes because they're funny to me . Because i just think y'all genuinly feel this shit and enjoy it ?
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Hallloweenathon :Short film watch part 1 : Early work of Acclaimed filmmakers
Doing something fun for this Halloweenathon I am watching a bunch of short films I plan to do three blocks of these :We will do the early work of filmmakers, cartoons then just random shorts
We shall start with filmmakers ,I have 4 I watched .I meant to watch 6 but I couldnt find Clockwork by Sam Raimi and Woman in the Room by Frank Darabont turned out not to be horror
The four short films we shall discuss are Geometria by Gullermo Del Torro ,Lights Out by Daryl F Samberg , Tell Tale Heart by Robert Eggers and Hansel and Gretel by Tim Burton
How I will discuss these shorts is I am gonna go by my least favorite to my favorite
4.Geometria a comedy horror short that didnt quite work for me ,about a kid failing geometry who raises a demon .Its interesting cause it feels like Del Torro is taking from things that inspire him (With obvious refrences to the Exorcist as well as the tone feeling like a mix of Dario Argento and Creepshow ) but his own voice has yet to shape
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3.Hansel and Gretel:The longest short at 35 minutes ,this was relased as a halloween special ,a retelling of the classic fairy tale with a East Asian cast ....Its interesting.Oddly this is the most unsettling short ,even the nice scenes have a sense of dread to them or just a sense of oddness .The relaxing music from John Costa oddly makes it creepier .I will say it is VERY Burton where his fascination is in the creepy and weird .I will say Michael Yama is GREAT as the stepmother/witch,and I love some of the designs,especially the witch having a candy cane nose .I think of Burtons early Disney output (Which includes this,Vincent and Frankenweenie) it is the most striking but also the weakest .I dunno I like parts of it but I am very mixed ....I think I mostly liked it
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2.The Tell Tale Heart : So the only Eggers film I have seen is the Lighthouse......This feels like the same filmmaker,and this was made a DECADE before.It is an adaptation of the classic Poe tale,but the emphasis is on the mundane routine the servent goes through .It is very tense and awkward in a good way ,and I like the decision that the old man is a puppet . I think it is the one I enjoyed the most ,it was unsettling with its use of both silence and sound
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1.Lights Out:The shortest one,about 3 minutes ,about a woman menaced by a figure who appears when the lights are out.......Yeah this was TERRIFYING ,I watched this through my hand,and screamed at the end .Trully terrified me
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@ariel-seagull-wings @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @amalthea9
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butchfeygela · 11 months
I live in Alberta, and single-household Netflix use has been in effect for months.
It's not even lab rats at this point. This is just the reality outside of their primary markets
its been in effect in the us for a good bit too at this point. in the tags this is refrencing i was talking abt when like last year or so iirc when it was first first announced the plan for single house netflix in canada and there was outrage and then they backtracked saying tht was a mistake they didnt mean to have tht apply to canada but it definetly was still going forward in latin america
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ambereddragonfire · 3 years
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i‘ve been looking at @keldabekush ˋs Dinˋs haunted AU very intensely,
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