harmonysanreads · 1 year
Oooo speaking of which, scaras infatuation with the hexagon darling felt very interesting and unique to me. Usually in yan scara works hes less of a trailing puppy in image (save for the kabukimono ones). Its really interesting youre getting that softness (even if its fabricated) from the wanderer himself. I cant help but also ask, how would you describe his relationship with the reader internally? Did he resent them for softening him initially? What does he see in them? Bdskbsdkdbdkdhddj i love how everyones attraction to the reader has their own flavour. Haitham's being more intellectually driven and superficial since I doubt his relationship with his own feelings are too nuanced, let alone his relationship with people. Kaveh is seeking out that warmth of being understood and still properly loved I assume. Cyno is more playful, and quality time focused. I'm unsure what tighnari's attraction came from but there's some possibilities floating in my mind too, all of them are too speculative to say though :.3
[ au masterlist ]
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Hmmmm, imagine all the storms capable of happening throughout Teyvat in the duration of a day and call it Scaramouche's feelings, not for you but, at least that's what it felt for him after he got back his memories. It's hinted that Scaramouche and Reader might've had "history" together in the previous "timeline". Since Reader used to travel, it's not unlikely for them to have met the enigmatic Harbinger somewhere. Perhaps they had a conversation on humanity, perhaps Reader strongly opposed to some of Scaramouche's beliefs, perhaps they understood him to a degree — whatever it was, it left an impression on the puppet and perchance that impression developed into something more, would it be too far to speculate that one of the reasons Scaramouche agreed to test divinity in Sumeru (which just so happens to be Reader's homeland) was because he wanted to prove something to them? There are just so many possibilities.
“Wanderer” before regaining his memories and just being taken in by Reader, develops a genuine attachment (Kabukimono Style), only to have it screwed up by his memories. To say he's conflicted is the understatement of understatements, after a lot of thinking and even asking Nahida for advice, he reaches a decision of sorts. Perhaps it's because he feels sincere gratitude to you for treating him so well in his vulnerable state, maybe he feels indebted in some way or, he realizes that the thought of being away from you tastes sour on his artificial tongue.
He begrudgingly returns to the Tavern where he knows you're attending your shift, despite his shadowed expression you still greet him warmly and ask him if he's hungry yet and soon you're quite literally squeezing him from sheer happiness after noticing his anemo vision and he concludes that he doesn't want your affections to change, no, in fact ; he wishes to be smothered in them forever. A moments defenselessness has greed nudge him towards an inescapable pit ; his lips twitching in a smile, eyes no longer reflecting his inner turmoils and the deception has begun.
Now, this might've made Wanderer seem to be the most advantageous in this au, but remember, his innocent behavior to reader is a facade and it's constantly on the verge of crumbling. He's an excellent actor, yes, but old habits die hard. Especially as his feelings shift towards the yandere spectrum, he finds himself getting more and more handsy with people. Plus the other boys are also plotting to expose him — he wouldn't be the slightest bit concerned, had it not been for the fact that in the off-chance he snaps and reveals his true self to you, your trust in him will shatter and he'll no longer have your attention the same way. Remember, it takes a thousands of more lies to cover one.
As for Tighnari, I was thinking if it would be possible for him to plunge into the obsession from him wanting to genuinely help Reader at first. You know, the “I can help (fix) them” but reversed until he's become so entangled that he himself needs help. I noticed that in social situations, Tighnari is more passive so therefore, can he take notice of Reader's discomfort and stress while the other three quarrel? But it's true that he admires them for being able to handle it on their own as well. Still, is it really so terrible to be taken care of? Don't you want someone to look after you in the same way you do to others? And soon, his ancestral tendencies take over, he starts to grow more possessive of your time and resorts to giving you medicine that will weaken you instead and in turn, give him an excuse to keep you with him longer.
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yestrday · 2 years
Have you ever thought of your au school uniform? Or what the characters would wear for casual look? :.0
omg omg omg!!!
so. the academy holds a lot of pride over its long history of producing the elite of the elite, so obviously they need a uniform to go with that. this uniform by vanilla-cherie on deviant art perfectly embodies tthat:
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it's classy and fashionable, a timeless look for sure. the length of the skirts and shorts can be adjusted based on the student's preference, and they can use either uniform despite their gender. it's an ideal paradise for people of any kind. the academy doesn't care what you are other than being a high-achieving student, so don't mistake this place as non-toxic!
the logo is a pin enameled with real gold, just to really sell to non-students that this IS elite. students still have to buy it and it costs a fuck-ton of money (tho it's merely a small portion of their allowance). luckily, scholarship students like the mc dont have to buy it as everything is supplied for free.
to avoid it being resold or stolen for higher profit, the academy confiscates it from students who have been expelled.
inspired from spy x family, but i was thinking that the best of the best students wear something that makes them stand out. a beret, perhaps? more badges? they are special, and only the top 10 of each year wears this symbol of honor.
first years who can possibly wear this: the twins, xingqiu
second years: scaramouche, mc, albedo
third years: zhongli, diluc, ayato
just my thoughts! i love worldbuilding the fashion of my aus, and uniforms are just right up my alley!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
tw yandere, obsession, mention of murder
Omg a very big-brained idea!! You're so overwhelmed with all the intense love directed at you all of a sudden that you can't help but swoon when you get a really simple but very heartfelt letter one day. It's a nice break from all the stress you're currently going through and reading these sweet words makes you remember what a healthy love actually looks like. It's nothing like what the idols claim they feel for you.
And so as the letters of your secret admirer continue, you can't help but slowly fall in love with the person that keeps giving you compliments in a way that doesn't sound off-putting or creepy. It's just genuinely nice to have someone like you in a normal way for once lmao
Though they might not like hearing this, the yanderes treating you in the way they do probably even quickens the process until you fall in love with your secret admirer, just because you have been longing for a healthy human connection for quite some time now
And when word gets out, oh boy. For what is supposed to be a *secret* admirer everyone around you sure is eager to claim that it's actually them that wrote all these letters to you. Don't you love them now? Oh they love you too, darling!
But the actual secret admirer has to be shaking in their boots right about now, now that their existence has become public knowledge. No one might know who they are *yet* but they should probably sleep with one eye open. There are some crazy yanderes out to get rid of the person you feel in love with and they're all too eager to take over their place <3
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
Also considering you want us to describe our traits, how would you describe your's?
LOUD, cheerful, OPTIMISTIC, outgoing, AFFECTIONATE, says whatever I want which isn't always good!, random, bubbly, procrastinator, AIRHEADED, tbh to sum it up just picture this while thinking of me
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merakiui · 1 year
I love your xiao characterization, miserable little freak (passionate and affectionate)
Xiao is indeed a miserable freak!!! I love him dearly hehe!! I’m happy that you’re enjoying the series and the characterization!!!!
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
Idk if youve gotten these kinda asks but you seem kind enough so i wanted to open up hehe. I always feel a bit conflicted by the sagau concept? I like it, its just us being the creator doesnt make sense to me, well, its just a title but still. If i was isekaied there id feel so guilty taking all the credits and id tried to correct people that im not the creator but more like a catalyst that keeps the world online ig ?????? And another group of people created them. IDK DNDKSBDJDNDB
ive had these kinds of asks, yup! thank you for sending in your thoughts <3 and yeah, i get you, some writers would elaborate how the whole creator thing goes. it was fun during the beginning to talk about! now, it's branched out into various aus with their own backgrounds. i think it's nice how there's a lot of content and variations, we're free to pick which type we enjoy more!
personally, I've been branching away from the creator concept lately, I think I'm happier with the player au (where they acknowledge you as their player. it justifies the mild worship, but also makes it easier to befriend everyone)
AAAH im rambling hopefully didn't get too off topic here but anyway, yeah iuwekhjfasndi have fun reading sagau!
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Time to go get some glazed doughnuts and watch a 2 hour video on Persona.
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orb7t · 1 year
i would like to begin documenting my room more :3
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unhappytimeleaper · 10 months
I love love your Eichi works, but one thing I wondered while reading through them. Why would Eichi take an interest in his darling? What kind of person would capture him? What was the start of it all? 
requested by @diarykeeper
Word Count: 1,000+
In general, I’m going to be editing my writing list here soon/making new separate posts regarding character lists, and along with that, I started working on my own yandere profiles/summary sheets that I’ve seen some other creators make for their own works. My goal is to try to eventually get what I have in my out, which is nearly all Enstars and one twisted— which isn’t bad— it’s just my list will likely be changing soon. Enstars will stay; don’t worry, though. 
P.s. if you have a character you like as a yandere and you see something like this and think, ‘Oh, they aren’t describing me at all,’ who cares? I say this with positivity. Stuff like this is meant for fun, for indulgence, and enjoyment, and while I like writing the analysis side of things, don’t take it overly serious. Enjoy the characters you like and how you want. I’m only saying this cause I had someone who said they get upset when people mischaracterize characters different from how they perceive them??
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Tenshouin Eichi; Unedited. Gender Neutral Reader.
Warnings; what? Fairly normal Eichi? No. It just doesn’t go into many detailed warnings. Overall just keep in mind this is still yandere content; mentions of jealousy and very subtle mentions of manipulation. 
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
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I’d say there are three main things, and really two are more general factors in someone’s life, while one can manifest in a variety of personalities in different ways. While there are some whose specific traits in someone might drive them, Eichi comes off as more of a slow burn who becomes interested in others, not in personality but in different ways that can draw him to you, which leads to establishing a connection based on your own sense of self. 
I’ll start with the general factor since this is probably the most out of your control/lack of personality traits. For one, Eichi has always been a very jealous person. He’s envious of so many things; fundamentally, look at the start of his relationship with Wataru for proof. Eichi was jealous, envious of what Wataru could have that he didn’t, even if there was admiration underneath. Eichi ironically mentions how he wants to step down from power, from the over looming presence he has in the industry but coming from such an affluent background and being a pillar in the industry— not only as a performer but as a business executive. Everything you have, everything you do essentially can be put up in the eyes of Eichi, which gives him a lot to feel envious of. Your closeness with other idols and staff, even more, if you aren’t as involved with Fine. Eichi might not regret his actions, but if it’s so easy for you to seamlessly get along with others without the need for manipulation and control, he’d likely become more invested in you. Getting closer and, in turn, building up those key blocks that he eventually uses against you once unlocking his feelings. 
Similarly, this could be applied to other things like having closeness to your family or, in some cases, a found family; Eichi states his family is not loving. He’s even to an extent disgusted by them so openly being able to see factors of how you might have a positive relationship with people in your family; parents or siblings creates a jealousy that, for some reason, draws him in. Alternatively, a found family is no exclusion if you aren’t on or don’t have the ability to connect with your family; it’s just the compassion and love without expectation he has rooted envy of that brings him closer. 
Just consider the ideal Eichi notes of how he’s been someone who’s lived ‘standing alone’ his whole life, comparatively to someone who maybe it’s only recently, but does have strong support or foundations in others as one thing that would draw him in. You can take this for many different things as long as it’s somewhat public within the company, which would cause Eichi to get involved, which would be an easier way to get to know your personality and cause the events of his behaviors to increase. 
So that’s one way to get him close; in terms of more defining traits, Eichi isn’t someone with a bleeding heart [at least not in the sense of overtly sympathetic]. However, he does tend to have a soft spot for those who also tend to struggle with sickness or other issues. We see this in his relationship with Chiaki and Leo, people who have struggled with various forms of sickness have brought them closer. If it’s a chronic illness or some form of mental health issues— someone who gets common colds or even says something that might only affect once and awhile like allergies, Eichi instinctually finds it easier to bond with those who can have similar life experiences. 
None of this is to say he sees it as babying or that it necessarily makes you weaker. Look at him, how he’s well aware of his limitations but has turned those into his strengths. Something like this isn’t a major make or break factor, but this does lead to a much more common segway to see him and converse that would establish a bond over time to use your specific personality to interest him. 
So the last reason, as I mentioned, can manifest in different ways. What I mean is someone can be loud and brash in how they choose to handle situations they feel passionate about, just as much as someone might be quiet, logical, and reserved in their actions for the same outcome. In this case we might consider these polar opposites, so what could make both or anything in between draw in Eichi? The answer is that it’s someone with passion and a fighting spirit for what they want to see a difference in especially if this comes to the industry. 
Eichi, more than anything, mentions how he wants a playmate. He wants a challenge, someone who can counter and entertain him. I’m not sure how many people know this, but Eichi mentions how he specially worked to groom Anzu into being someone he considered a worthy enemy, someone who could challenge his structure and power ideals. It’s something that likely would continue to draw his eye, someone who he knows can fight his yandere tendencies and, despite being a partner, be a foil to his ideals. Of course, he works to always be one step ahead and have the upper hand, which is reasonably easy for him, but that doesn’t change the fact that he likes an intelligent ‘rival’. 
Being able to counter him doesn’t need to be in a specific way; someone might be much more quick to handle a challenge he throws at them or verbally be loud when calling out specific actions of his. But this doesn’t mean someone who is willing to lose or forfeit some of these challenges for a more significant victory doesn’t entice him more in either as an idea of being the counterbalance to him. As long as you have somewhat of a fighting spirit for what you think is right in the industry and within the relationship that he can shape into what he wants, then it doesn’t matter in what ways it truly shows. 
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Well, Yan albedo might be suprised that I wake up at 6 am 😌 I get enough sleep I swear it's just I'm so used to waking up for school that I keep waking up so goddamn early
in which case, he would want to look at all the reasons and test how to get you up at the perfect time; if it turns out six is simply better for you, well, six it is! it's not like he needs much sleep.
diarykeeper asked: Also it's so interesting how everyone tends to gravitate towards a certain archetype, I wonder why that happens 🤔
it is! i always love being able to see patterns in the kind of characters people like. i think i am, alas, terribly predictable fgbnkgfkj
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bloowriter · 2 years
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My favorite pens 🖊️♥️ #pilotvanishingpoint #lamy #kaweko #travelerscompany #writer #pen #fountainpenaddicts #diarykeeper #journaling #artist https://instagr.am/p/CkPgBTEOr4m/
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harmonysanreads · 1 year
I love love your works sm !! I love how every word feels good in placement, appropriate for the mood and effective in telling what's only necessary. Compared to your older works i feel like youve improved a lot! Its more immersive i feel. Ive also stolen some words i learnt from your writings >:.333
This is perhaps the biggest compliment I've gotten in regards to writing :sobs:
To be completely honest, I really just started writing 'officially' since last year and the earlier works were primarily practice material, so to receive this message after one year of writing means the world to me T—T It's so so relieving to know that the improvements are noticeable!! I always worry if I'm conveying the images and emotions I have in my head appropriately (my brain is chaotic and never stops thinking help) so I cannot thank you enough for taking your time to say this<333
And you've learnt new words from my works?? I feel my heart squeeze you've honoured me beyond words. Steal away as many as you want :>
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yestrday · 2 years
Ngl I am confident that I can score bitches but an entire harem filled with diff people of diff values are odd. It's more about why did they even deem me to be the most compatible ykwim. Cuz then I feel like they're in love with the wrong person and they've been viewing myself differently from who I intent to be (which means we don't really understand eachother well enough)
But yeah !! Because of this, whenever I read harem Yan aus, I usually skim the amount of yanderes down to make it feel more realistic, which adds creepiness imo!! /Pos
But this was a very fun topic !! I'd love to hear others opinions ☺️
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yandere-daze · 2 years
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Putting natsume in the Plushie Chamber after I sacrificed my beloved in the event👍
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Sjdjdjd well I'm sure he's pretty elated about that!
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cockworkandbats · 2 years
im gonna do this blog thing by pretending this is my diary because im cool and manly and everybody wants to know about me because im cool
(im lying, dont read this or whatever, i just need a place i can reliably check later because books have been finicky because of the whole spy issue lately)
anyways today im just out hanging out with the the cool trolls today before we go our separate ways and ive been thinking about stuff
like, we found mars uhhh a month ago at this point and he wants to finish some business in alternia, so on top of the counterattack thing ive also been juggling his comeback stuff. which is a bit annoying because girl hi theres already a lot going down with the entire ruler wants to blow my planet up thing, maybe wait in line a little? like, its fine that he wants to go, im not going to force him to stay despite liking it when hes around much more than when he fucks off to sea (rebel version). its still much better than when he goes fucks off to sea (scared version) because at this point they dont come hand in hand anymore so this is actually something he does want to do
and hell be safe there too because of the attack and thats important
dont get me wrong hes like 2 whole heads taller than me but if you as much as look at him wrong he passes out, shrivels up and then dies. in that order.
actually i think im just gonna make him carry back to alternia some of our other important troll dudes cuz even though these dudes actually know how to hold a gun i dont think i want to risk losing half the brains of the cause, 'cause im pretty sure im not making it this time for one reason (getting blasted into bits) or another (world ending game or whatever)
also maybe getting kanaya to haul some humans that way would be nice too, we need to try and carey as many humans by the scruff outta here as fast as we can because i have some rough estimates of where the rulers troops will land at and hm! concerningly close to here!
god why does alternia suck so much by the way, that place isnt even livable dude
im pretty sure i could dig a hole in the surface of one of jupiters moons and have an easier time being there with no gear than living in some weird alternian city
my head would explode in either case but were i at least in io the view would be pretty
anyways, ive been talking to the weird fish troll girl and shes kinda cool actually. she has her own plans and shes leading her own stuff, but also she refuses to leave earth so thats pretty damn stupid. like girl get out, theyre going to put you in the air fryer for 45 minutes and serve you with lime slices
eh, whatever
id try and convince her to leave but she does have a solid defense attack so im not too bent on it. shes responsible and smart enough to stay. ive been trying to teach her my role so when i skedaddle she can keep my codex and the info. kinda sucks that the trolls are taking over leadership of the allegiance, but i guess right now its for the best as they can get shot like 30 times before they start really feeling it and we only need to get shot once to actually die
anyways the important thing is that im microwaving some nuggets for lunch and im extremely excited about that
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acsec · 4 years
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c’est parti! mon tracker d'humeur 2020 😄😊😐🙁😩😡 #amazingadventuresofbeaujethro #filipinoscientist #moodtracker #trackerdhumeur #2020 #deardiary #personaljournal #journaling #journal #diary #diarykeeping #monbulletagenda #larousse (at Nice, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64-mVliGJs/?igshid=18rwg4zhz718j
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