#diabetic emma swan
“If you two are going to fight, can you do it quieter?” Henry handed Emma the water bottle and pulled his glucometer out of his nightstand drawer.
Emma tried not to look aggravated as Henry tested his sugar. It wasn’t her fault Regina had a stick up her ass the size of Maine.
Sometimes Emma wanted to scream that she’d had type 1 diabetes almost twice as long as Henry had been alive. Regina didn’t need to patronize her with the new, expensive technology Emma’s tenuously-held insurance wouldn’t pay for or the most up-to-date care options that Emma would probably know about if she saw the same endocrinologist more than once.
Here's my first snippet from When the Warmth Hits You, my post-S1 AU fic for the upcoming @sqsupernova! To be revealed next month 🤗
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sweetbuckybarnes · 2 years
Hospital Trips
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Pairings: Captain Killian Jones + Emma Swan
Summary: Emma slips whilst in the shower calls Killian in a 'damsel in distress' moment, and she has to go to the hospital.
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Killian was sketching out the bay of Storybrooke when his telephone device started ringing, and with a smile on his face - he saw the face of Emma, Henry had taken a picture of his Swan one night at Granny's.
"Swan! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Killian said, bringing the phone to his ear, he felt like his face would split from the smile on his face.
"I need you to go find my dad, I slipped in the bath, I think I need to go to the hospital," Emma said into the phone, and that's when Killian heard the shower still running and the occasional slip of her foot against the tub.
Killian got up from the table/desk and started scrambling around for his jacket. "I. I'll be there as quickly as possible, love," Killian promises as he makes his way out of his room at Granny's and quickly stop at the station to get David. 
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Killian barged into the Sherriff's station and saw David sitting behind the deputy's desk (on any given day, Killian would have laughed to himself that David is the deputy to his own daughter), but his worry for Emma short-circuited his brain.
"Emma called, she's slipped and we need to get her to the hospital," Killian says, rather quickly pulling David from his paperwork, and up to look at Killian.
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David scooped up his car keys, the pair ran out of the door and made their way towards the loft. 
Killian and David arrived at the loft, they heard the running walker from the bathroom - and Killian made his way over. "Swan?" He called, and a shout back allowed him in.
He saw the woman he'd fallen rather hard and fast, laying in the bathtub, with a fluffy bath towel wrapped around her.
"Hey," she gave him a smile, and Killian offered his hand and hook - knowing she's got more of a chance of getting out of the tub with both of his arms rather than one.
"I think I've dislocated my shoulder," Emma said, Killian had taken one look at it - and knew that she had, he had seen many different dislocated bones during his time in the navy and his pirating days. 
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Killian had helped Emma into a flowy blouse (that he'd swiped on the way out of his room, one that was from his aforementioned pirating days) and something called 'yoga pants', that David handed to him, when Emma was propped up against him and was handed the pants.
Killian lifted Emma up off her feet and carried her out of the bathroom and down to the car with David trailing after him. 
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David and Killian went up to the counter and got a form to fill out. "From what the nurse said, you'll be seen after Leroy who claims to be having a heart attack, but appears well enough to be playing Doodle Jump on his phone..." David tilts his head, thinking for a second and then shook it, looking back to the form.
"Describe illness or injury," Killian said, as David began filling out some of the information on the form - however, he didn't know the majority of Emma's life (there were still gaps in between stories).
"I dislocated my shoulder," Emma said, as Killian rested his arm around her, rubbing her side.
"And how did the accident occur?" David said after he finished writing down what he knew.
Emma looked over at her father. "You already know that," she says, tilting her head back and looking at the ceiling.
"Cause of accident: Slipped in the tub," David said, making Emma roll her eyes.
Killian noticed that David had missed out some of Emma's medical history. "Okay, medical history," Killian said, Emma chose not to say anything that her father didn't put down some of her medical history...
"Dia- Diabetes? What the bloody hell is that?!" Killian says, looking at the form that David held.
"It's to do with the insulin in your body, and no," Emma explains.
"Kidney disease?" Killian raised an eyebrow to look down at Emma.
"No," Emma said, and she knew that she would have to explain some of these to Killian later.
"Migraines?" Killian asked, having heard that weird before, he'd been around Emma when she'd had a migraine before (Milah had some with the sun shining on the ocean, bouncing back into her eyes).
"Getting one," Emma complained, resting her head on Killian's shoulder.
Killian's eyes widen when he saw the next question. "Are you pregnant?" He asked, looking down at Emma, he knows they've done... things... And she had promised that with 'modern medicine' that she wouldn't get pregnant (at some point, he hopes that she will have a child with him, he's holding out hope).
"No," Emma shut down quickly, rolling her eyes (maybe one day she would have a baby with Killian, but not right now).
David looked over at his daughter and looked at her face. "Are you sure? You look a bit puffy," David commented, remembering how Snow looked when she was pregnant with the woman who was sat in the chair next to the pirate with a dislocated shoulder.
Killian knew from the moment that what David had just said, he wouldn't be a man alive - and considering the withering glare that Emma gave her father, she really wasn't happy. "Change migraine to yes," she stated looking away from her father.
Killian knew that he was in trouble with what he was about to ask the woman he is seeing and is absolutely crazy about. "When was your last menstrual period?" He said, Emma's eyes widened and she silently gasped.
"Oh. Next question!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes, and looked away from her father.
"I'll put 'In Progress'," David said, making Emma fling her head to give him the look at him, and Killian brought his arm around Emma and calmed her down. "Okay, moving on to psychiatric disorders. List all major behavioural diagnosis, e.g. depression, anxiety, etc." David said, making Emma roll her eyes once again, and look at her father.
"Oh my God, what the hell does this have to do with my stupid shoulder?!" She exclaimed, resting her head on Killian's shoulder, as he gently massaged her shoulder.
"Episodes of sub-psychotic rage," David commented, making Emma sigh extremely heavily.
She looked at her father and then looked straight ahead. "Ass," she's 30-years-old, despite the fact that this is her father - she really didn't like people calling things out on her that wasn't true.
"Possible Tourette's," David wrote down. 
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Dr Whale and simply took Emma's hand and popped her shoulder back into its socket - then bandaged it up and sent the three on their way.
The three arrived back in the loft, Henry got up from his place on the chair, ran over to his mother, being careful of her arm and hugged his birth mother.
"I'm ok, kid, Dr Whale just popped it back in, I'll be fine," Emma said, running her fingers through her son's hair - smiling as he looked up at her with a happy smile on his face.
"I'm happy you're ok, mom," Henry said into her other shoulder and she rocks him back and forth - as she pressed a kiss to his head.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
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Happy belated birthday, @courtorderedcake​ ! I am so sorry this gift is late! It’s been a week, we’ll just say that, and I wanted your gift to be good. I know you have been through SO much difficulty, my dear, and I wanted to write a fic focusing on Emma’s tough past and her strength because I know you identify with her so deeply. This turned out going in a much different direction than I anticipated, especially with the Daddy!Charming at the end. Nevertheless, I hope you like it! I based this on the song of the same name by Pearl Jam, and the two lines I used at the end made me think of you, Court, as well as Emma: “She holds the hand that holds her down/ She will rise above.”
This fic doesn’t follow the season seven timeline simply because it makes my head hurt and it was just easier to ignore it. I also needed Emma’s past in the Land Without Magic to touch her in the present, and the whole “all the realms are in Maine” wouldn’t really work here. Therefore, this is three years after the season six finale. Henry is sixteen Neal Nolan is three, and baby Hope is two months old.
Summary: The past collides with the present when Emma gets an upsetting phone call. But she isn’t a lost girl anymore.
Rating: T for brief discussions of child neglect, emotional abuse, and alcoholism
Words: 3,500 and some change
Also on Ao3 and part of my Fandom Birthday Playlist
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells @kmomof4 @xhookswenchx @welllpthisishappening @let-it-raines @teamhook @bethacaciakay @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @jennjenn615​ @distant-rose​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @optomisticgirl​ @spartanguard​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @tiganasummertree​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @snidgetsafan​ @thislassishooked​ @branlovestowrite​ @scientificapricot​ @stahlop​ @hollyethecurious​ @shireness-says​ @winterbaby89​ @wellhellotragic​
Neither Emma nor Killian would say that their pasts were a faded, distant memory. Trauma just wasn’t that easy to get over. They would say, however, that this life they’d built in Storybrooke made the memories easier to handle. They had legit, “I’d go to hell and back for you”, family and friends. They had the home of their dreams where they could give Henry and Hope all the things they never had. They no longer felt the pang of hunger or the bite of cold.
Most of all, they had each other. Having each other meant sharing the burden of those memories for the first time. It was like peeling an onion, and Emma didn’t mean that metaphor in the usual sense. She meant the layers stung like hell, so they could only handle tiny bits at a time. It was okay, though, Killian told her. They had a lifetime together.
Taking the pain a tiny piece at a time was why the phone call came as such a shock for both of them. It wasn’t that Emma forgot about Hank, it’s just she’d never heard anyone speak of him aloud in almost thirty years.
Killian watched her face go pale, saw her arm go limp even though he could still hear a tiny voice coming through the speaker of her phone.
“Emma? Is everything okay?”
She dropped the phone without ending the call, and it hit one of the throw pillows and slid to the edge of the couch. Without saying a word, she headed upstairs, and Killian snatched the phone up and pressed it to his ear. The person on the other end was saying “hello? Ms. Swan, are you there?”
“This is Mr. - this is her husband,” Killian said. Though Storybrooke was no longer isolated from the outside world, Killian still essentially didn’t exist outside of its borders. Their marriage, though real in every way that mattered, wasn’t legally official outside of their little hamlet of fairy tale characters.
“Oh,” the woman on the line said, “well, could you just let her know that visiting hours end at nine pm?”
Killian’s brow furrowed. “Visiting hours?”
“Yes, if she’d like to come visit Hank Gregory. Her foster father?”
Killian sank to the edge of the couch. “Could you fill me in, please? My wife was a little - overwhelmed by your call.”
“Well, Mr. Gregory was admitted to Maine Medical Center here in Portland about two days ago with complications from both liver disease and diabetes. We’ve done all we can for him, but he’s been admitted into the ICU.��� The woman took a deep breath, as if gathering her strength to get the next words out.
“I told your wife this already, but he doesn’t have a lot of time. We asked if he had any next of kin he’d like us to contact, and your wife’s name and number was all he gave us. He said she was his foster daughter?”
Killian rubbed the curve of his hook against his chin. No wonder the nurse phrased it as a question - this call likely wasn’t going the way she had envisioned. Across the room, Henry had discarded his video game controller and was watching Killian with a question furrowing his brow. Killian wished he weren’t so worried himself because it’s one thing for the man to have Emma’s name. It was quite another for him to have her cell phone number.
“Let me jot down those visitation hours,” he finally told the nurse, motioning to Henry to get a pad of paper and a pen. The lad dashed to the kitchen and fished them out of the junk drawer. Killian repeated the information from the nurse as Henry scribbled it down. After ending the call, Henry regarded him intensely.
“What was that all about? Mom seemed really upset.”
Killian sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not one hundred percent sure yet, Henry.”
“Are you’re absolutely positive that you want to do this, love?”
Emma was clutching the steering wheel with a white-knuckled grip, but she nodded at Killian anyway. They were twenty minutes outside of Storybrooke, and she’d been completely silent the entire time.
“I need answers. The man treated me like shit for two years, and now, 24 years later, he calls out of the blue?”
Killian really wasn’t sure what to say, so he merely rubbed Emma’s arm with the curve of his hook. She smiled at the gesture, and her body relaxed. One of her hands released the steering wheel, and she reached over to grasp his. He lifted it to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.
“The bastard isn’t going to die without me getting a thing or two off my chest, either,” she added with a bitter chuckle.
There was a time a few years ago that the anger radiating from her and the harshness of her words would have him worried. His mind would have gone immediately to his own bitterness towards his father and the darkness that kind of path leads to. But now he knew better. Emma had faced the darkness and risen above it. He also knew she had to face her demons on her own terms.
“I’m right beside you, Swan, you know that.”
Her face relaxed and she turned her palm to lace their fingers together. She lifted their hands and pressed her lips to the back of his before letting go so she could put two hands back on the wheel. She bore right and soon the Bug was heading down 295 to Portland.
Maine Medical Center was enormous, comprised of several different buildings. To make matters worse, parts of it were being renovated and construction zones were everywhere. They finally found the correct building, finally found a parking deck, and then walked what felt like a million miles to the ICU. Killian had never been anywhere but Storybrooke General, but this massive place had the same sterile smell and chilly air. He noticed Emma shivering and put his arm around her as they walked. She leaned into him, clasping his prosthetic hand in hers, his hook not exactly appropriate for the setting.
“Thank you for coming here with me,” she whispered.
“It’s what a husband does,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her temple.
His quip at least elicited a tiny chuckle from her. They approached the nurses station for the ICU, and Emma told them who she was and that she was here to see Hank Gregory. A smiling woman in her sixties whose spectacles reminded him of Granny Lucas led them to the correct room, which looked more to Killian like a glass prison. She eased the door open and called to the patient in the bed with a voice only slightly above a whisper.
“Mr. Gregory, you have visitors.”
The man’s eyes blinked open, and he turned his head towards the open door. He was covered in wires and tubes, and things blinked and beeped all around him. The nurse pressed a gentle hand to Emma’s arm.
“I’ll let you visit.”
Emma simply nodded, and Killian could tell she would rather flee. But she let out a long, slow breath and then took a step closer towards the man in the bed. His skin was pale and looked as thin as paper, littered in bruises. His eyes were sunken, his cheeks sallow, and there was a yellowish pallor to his face. He was mostly bald with only a few wisps of dingy gray hair. Killian glanced at Emma. She dropped her arms to her sides, and her hands were balled into tight fists.
“Emma,” the man said on a struggled breath, “you came.”
“How the hell did you find me?” she bit back.
The man’s eyes blinked, moist with tears. He looked sad, resigned, but not angry or defensive. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you over the years. Trying to, anyway. You can be a hard girl to find.”
“Yeah, I kinda pride myself on it.”
He ignored her jab, and smiled at Killian. “And who is your young man here?”
“I’m not ten anymore, Hank. This isn’t my young man, he’s my husband.”
“Killian Jones.” Killian gave the man a slight nod, unsure if he should attempt to shake his hand or not. He glanced nervously at Emma, wondering if she was offended by his polite greeting, but her gaze hadn’t left the man in the hospital bed.
“Nice to meet you, son.”
“He’s not your anything.” Emma propped her hands on her hips. “How. Did. You. Find me?”
He sighed, his head sinking even farther into his pillow. “I saw you in the papers a few years back. Emma Swan Always Gets Her Man, that was the headline. I’ve done some, well . . . work with computers, so I -”
“You obtained my personal information illegally, right? Did you know I’m a sheriff now?”
Hank tilted his head. “No, actually, I didn’t. Funny thing, I was following your career in New York, even found out about your son -”
“You stay the hell away from Henry!”
Hank ignored her “-but then the two of you just . . . disappeared. I held onto your number, though. When I gave it to the nurse, I wasn’t sure if it would even work. I was even less sure that you would come.”
Emma’s chin was tilted, and Killian knew what that meant. “Why me?”
“You’re all I’ve got left, Emma. You were my daughter, for God’s sake!”
“Don’t call me that. I’m not your daughter. I never was.”
“Maybe not by blood, but I loved you like my own -”
“You don’t know what love even is!” Emma was shouting now, and Killian glanced nervously at the door. He wasn’t going to stop her, though. Obviously, whatever was pouring out of her had been bottled up for years. Hank was obviously not long for this world, and he knew better than anyone that his wife needed to say everything that had been left unsaid.
Hank was crying now, tears catching in the wrinkles that marred his face. “I didn’t treat you right, I know that, but I did love you, Emma. I did.”
Emma shook her head. “Really? You loved me so much you spent all of the money on liquor while I starved? Loved me so much you spent every waking moment in that damn recliner with the tv on? Do you know how many times I had to clean you up after you’d puked all over yourself? How many times I had to haul trash bags full of empty bottles out to the curb?”
“I know, I know!” Hank was sobbing now, his voice breaking as he struggled to speak. “When Denine and I took you in, we were gonna do it together. We were so excited to give you a home. But then she died, and I . . . she was my life, Emma. I was grieving so badly that I lost myself in the drinking, and -”
“I was grieving too!” Emma shouted. “And I was only ten!”
An awkward silence fell then, the sounds of the hospital machines louder within it. Hank’s gaze trailed to the ceiling, and his hands picked nervously at the thin hospital blanket. He let out a shaky sigh before finally speaking again.
“I’m dying, Emma. My liver’s useless, my kidneys are failing.” Groaning, he struggled to sit up in the bed, his right hand shaking violently as he reached for the blanket across his lap. When he yanked it aside, Killian’s eyes widened in surprise to see legs that ended in blunted stumps where feet should have been. Emma, however, didn’t react at all.
“Look at me,” Hank choked out. “I hated myself so much, I literally killed myself. Didn’t give a shit about my diabetes, so I lost my feet.”
“Serves you right,” Emma replied coldly.
“You’re right, it does,” Hank agreed, awkwardly covering himself back up and collapsing against his pillows. “Denine would be devastated if she saw me now.”
“She was good to me,” Emma whispered, hugging her arms around herself.
Hank nodded, tears gathering in his eyes once again. “I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was before it’s too late. I hoped that maybe we could -”
“Fine,” Emma interrupted him, “you got to apologize, but if you think that means I’ll forgive you, then I guess you’re gonna die disappointed.”
Emma completely ignored the broken man as he sobbed in the hospital bed, turning instead for the door and striding from the room. Killian followed her, but he couldn’t help glancing back at Hank Gregory with sympathy.
Emma felt physically drained, yet a buzz of righteous anger still tingled along her skin. Killian, however, had fallen into a melancholy she couldn’t understand. They had decided to get lunch in the hospital cafeteria rather than drive around trying to find a place to eat. They had found a spot to sit next to a window looking out at a courtyard, and Killian seemed far more interested in watching the people walking past than the food in front of him.
“Hey,” Emma said softly, reaching out to grasp his hand, “what’s wrong?”
He gave her that smile that never fooled her because it didn’t reach his eyes. “Nothing, love, really.”
As if to try and prove it to her, he picked up his fork and speared a piece of broccoli. Not very convincing, however, when it never reached his mouth. Emma sighed and put down her grilled cheese.
“Yeah right, nothing.” She regarded his brooding nervously, her teeth worrying her bottom lip. “Do you think I’m an awful person? To yell at a dying man like that?”
He shook his head. “Not at all. As difficult as it was, it had to be said.”
If anything, Killian’s words only made him look more depressed. Emma frowned. “But you think I should go back and forgive him?”
Killian shrugged. “I can’t tell you what to do in a situation like this. I confess, I wish you would, but . . . “
“But what?”
He finally met her eyes, dropping the fork with the uneaten broccoli. “Can’t you see it, Swan?”
Her brow furrowed. “See what?”
“Is there really that much difference between me and Hank Gregory?”
Emma couldn’t help it, a short laugh escaped her lips. “You can’t be serious.”
“A one-handed pirate with a drinking problem,” he grumbled.
Killian rubbed his forehead, unable to look at her. “It’s what Pan said in Neverland when I told him you were finally seeing me for who I really am.”
Emma rolled her eyes, though she knew Killian was serious. “And you’re going to believe that psychopath?”
“Well, he wasn’t wrong. And here you are, refusing to forgive . . . an alcoholic with no feet.”
Emma’s eyes widened as his words sank in, then her face softened and tears moistened her eyes. “Oh babe,” she told him softly, grasping his hand again and rubbing his knuckles with her thumb, “you’re nothing like him. I’ve seen you drink too much, sure, but you’re not an alcoholic. You’ve never neglected me or Henry or Hope. You’ve done nothing but put us first.” She let out a long, slow breath, relieved when she saw a tiny glimmer spark in her husband’s eyes. “Hank ignored me, neglected me, yelled at me and called me names for two long, excruciating years.”
“Oh Swan,” he told her in a choked voice, “I’m not sure I was much better after losing Milah.”
“No, stop it,” she said firmly, grasping his prosthetic and his hand firmly in both of hers. “That may be true, but I know you, better than anyone. I have no doubt in my mind that if a child needed you, you would have been there. As a matter of fact, you did just that, for Neal - I mean Bae.”
“And then I mucked it all up like I always -”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Jones.”
He gave a small laugh, and ducked his head. Since she didn’t seem to be getting through to him, she got up, plopped right down in his lap and cupped his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her.
“Forget the past, remember? Isn’t that what we said on our wedding day?”
“Yes, but -”
“No buts. Hank Gregory was never a father to me. He sucked, okay? You, however, are the best father I could ever dream of for Henry and Hope.” She punctuated her words with a searing kiss, not giving a damn that they were in the middle of crowded, bustling Maine Medical Center.
Emma rubbed her palms on her jeans nervously as she watched the dying man through the glass of his room in the ICU. Killian put his arm around her and pulled her close.
“You sure about this?” he asked.
Emma nodded. “Yes. You were right, I did need to say those harsh words.” She turned to him and shrugged. “But they weren’t the only words. I guess I have too much of my parents in me.”
He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’ll be waiting right here for you.”
With a steadying breath, she stepped away from her husband and opened the door. She had thought Hank was sleeping, but she had been wrong. He turned towards the door and smiled when he saw her.
“I didn’t think I would see you again.”
“Yeah, well . . . “ Emma shrugged as she approached his bed. She stepped to the foot of it and grasped the edge with both hands. “I was talking to my husband, and he reminded me that people can change.”
Hank’s eyes brightened with hopefulness. “I have changed, Emma, and I was hoping maybe I could get to know my daughter again.”
Emma lifted her hand. “Please don’t call me that, Hank. I found my real parents, and they’re wonderful people. My dad and I especially are close. He and I -” she chuckled, surprised when tears rose up in her eyes thinking of David. “Well, we’re a lot alike. My mom definitely says so about a hundred times a day.”
Tears rolled freely down Hank’s cheeks. “Oh, Emma, I’m so happy to hear that. Knowing that, I really think I can leave this world in peace.”
Emma blinked, startled. “What?”
“I was such a horrible parent to you, Emma, and you were so innocent. I never forgave myself, and I tortured myself after children’s services took you away wondering what happened to you. Wondering if you ever found a family to love you the way you always deserved.”
Emma nodded, the tears flowing freely on her own face. “I have. I really have.”
“Anyone else besides Henry, your parents, and that handsome husband of yours?”
“Yes,” Emma said, pulling her cell phone out of her jacket pocket as she came around to the side of the bed, “my baby girl Hope. Here she is on the day she was born.”
Hank’s trembling hand came out to bring the screen closer. “She’s beautiful.”
“She is, isn’t she?”
An awkward silence fell as Emma pocketed her phone. She shifted her feet awkwardly, wondering if she could really spit the words out she had come here to say.
“You don’t have to forgive me,” Hank finally said.
Emma’s face softened as she held his gaze. “Yes, I do. Not for you, but for me.” She took another deep breath and reached out to grasp Hank’s hand. “Hank, I forgive you.”
The man let out a long, shuddering breath, his eyes closing as he whispered, “thank you.” He must have been saving that breath for Emma’s words because as soon as it fell from his lips, every machine in the room started beeping. Emma was shoved out of the way as doctors and nurses rushed in to attend to the dying man. She found herself back in Killian’s arms, weeping against his shoulder.
The drive home was a bit surreal with nothing but silence their companion back to Storybrooke. Emma didn’t think the feeling was grief - she’d known that, and God, she’d never forget it. Yet she did feel emotionally spent, and wrung out of all coherent thought. Killian didn’t seem concerned by her silence, content to watch the scenery go by and hum along with the radio. Occasionally, he would take her hand in his and give her a reassuring smile.
Emma was surprised when she saw the Welcome to Storybrooke sign - it was like she had driven home on autopilot. When they parked outside of their house, her heart flipped to see her dad’s truck. David came out on the porch before they had even exited the vehicle, Hope cradled in his arms.
“Snow needed to take Neal to t-ball practice so I -” David’s words were cut off when Emma launched herself into his arms. His free arm came up to cup his daughter’s head, and he was shocked to hear her crying against him. He looked to Killian with a startled expression and was relieved when his son-in-law gave him a small smile and a tiny nod that Emma was fine. Killian gently took Hope from him, grinning as the two month old squealed in delight. His arms free, David held Emma tighter.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” he finally asked her.
Emma pulled back, a smile lighting her face despite the tears. “Yeah, I am. Better than okay. I just . . . I love you, Dad.”
David swallowed back the lump in his throat. “I love you, too.”
She holds the hand that holds her down / She will rise above.
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herwitchinesss · 6 years
annual list of books i have read this year
(i’m already doing my favorite reads of the year in instagram posts, so look out for those instead of my usual bold = favorite that i do; if you want to know about a specific book or if i have it available to lend out on eBook or give to you via Audible, send me a message! xo)
1) Mrs. Zant and the Ghost by Wilkie Collins 2) Dreamer’s Pool by Juliet Marillier 3) DC Bombshells Vol 3 by Marguerite Bennett 4) The Bucolic Plague: How Two Manhattanites Became Gentlemen Farmers: An Unconventional Memoir by Josh Kilmer-Purcell 5) The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena 6) Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi 7) The Devourers by Indra Das 8) A Good Idea by Cristina Moracho 9) The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski 10) The Baker’s Secret by Stephen P. Kiernan 11) Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson 12) A Word For Love by Emily Robbins  13) The Strange Case of the Alchemists Daughter by Theodora Gross 14) Ahsoka by EK Johnston 15) Gwenpool Vol 2 by Christopher Hastings 16) Spell On Wheels by Kate Leth 17) Hi-Fi Fight Club by Carly Usdin 18) Beauty Vol 1 by Jeremy Haun 19) American Housewife, stories by Helen Ellis 20) 10 Things I Can See From Here by Carrie Mac 21) Imprudence by Gail Carriger 22) The Authentics by Abdi Nazemian 23) Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman 24) Delicate Monsters by Stephanie Kuehn 25) The Nest by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney 26) Miles Morales: Spider-Man by Jason Reynolds 27) The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay 28) My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix 29) Crash Override by Zoe Quinn 30) Forest of Memory by Mary Robinette Kowal 31) Belle: The Slave Daughter & the Lord Chief Justice by Paula Byrne 32) Invincible Summer by Alice Adams 33) Leia, Princess of Alderaan by Claudia Gray 34) The Trap by Melanie Raabe 35) The End of Everything by Megan Abbott 36) A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas 37) Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (re-read) 38) The Girls by Emma Cline 39) I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest 40) The Likeness by Tana French 41) Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch 42) A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler 43) The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck 44) Whispers Under Ground by Ben Aaronovitch 45) Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong---- and the New Research that’s Rewriting the Story by Angela Saini 46) In the Woods by Tana French 47) The Mothers by Brit Bennett 48) Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch 49) Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal 50) The World Is Bigger Now by Euna Lee 51) Hope In the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities by Rebecca Solnit 52) Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch 53) The Psychopath Inside by James Fallon 54) Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney 55) iZombie vol 1 by Chris Roberson 56) The End of the Affair by Graham Greene 57) The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch 58) Mercury by Margot Livesey 59) The Witches of New York by Ami McKay 60) The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Grey 61) Swimming Lessons by Claire Fuller 62) Caraval by Stephanie Garber 63) Archivist Wasp by Nicole Kornher-Stace 64) Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor 65) The World According to Star Wars by Cass R Sunstein 66) Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero 67) The Sleeper & the Spindle by Neil Gaiman 68) Highly Illogical Behavior by John Corey Whaley 69) The Runaways by Brian K Vaughan 70) Monstress Vol 1 by Marjorie M Liu 71) Beautiful Broken Girls by Kim Savage 72) November 9 by Colleen Hoover 73) The People We Hate At the Wedding by Grant Ginder 74) How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain by Lisa Feldman Barrett 75) Mosquitoland by David Arnold 76) Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll 77) The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice & Virtue by Mackenzi Lee 78) Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian 79) Fire with Fire by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian 80) Burn for Burn by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian 81) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 82) Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood 83) The Most Dangerous Place on Earth by Lindsey Lee Johnson 84) How To Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather 85) The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia 86) You’re Never Weird On the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day 87) One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus 88) Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery (re-read) 89) Let’s Explore Diabetes With Owls by David Sedaris 90) Lost Stars by Claudia Gray 91) The Mistletoe Murder & Other Stories by PD James 92) Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 93) I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts On Being a Woman by Nora Ephron 94) Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo & the Battle That Defined a Generation by Blake J Harris 95) We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson 96) Dear Mr You by Mary-Louise Parker 97) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell 98) The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant 99) Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt 100) Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth by Warsan Shire 101) Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales by Nelson Mandela 102) We Could Be Beautiful by Swan Huntley 103) Girl Walks Into a Bar... by Rachel Dratch 104) Bloodline by Claudia Gray 105) Romeo & Juliet by David Hewson 106) Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng 107) You Don’t Look Your age... And Other Fairy Tales by Sheila Nevins 108) The Regional Office Is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales 109) Some Kind of Fairy Tale by Graham Joyce 110) The Color Master: Stories by Aimee Bender 111) The Inseperables by Stuart Nadler 112) Rani Patel in Full Effect by Sonia Patel 113) Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple 114) Moshi Moshi by Banana Yoshimoto 115) We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to Covergirl, the Buying & Selling of a Political Movement by Andi Zeisler 116) Beast by Brie Spangler 117) Dreamland Burning by Jennifer Latham 118) Ways to Disappear by Idra Novey 119) The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald 120) Dare Me by Megan Abbott 121) Eleven Hours by Pamela Erens 122) Pond by Claire-Louise Bennett 123) Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor 124) Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde 125) The Briefcase by Hiromi Kawakami 126) The Fever by Megan Abbott 127) Illusionarium by Heather Dixon 128) Life After Life by Kate Atkinson 129) Christmas Days by Jeanette Winterson 130) The Dinner by Herman Koch 131) The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters 132) In the Country by Mia Alvar 133) Putin’s Russia by Anna Politkovskaya 134) You Will Know Me by Megan Abbott 135) The Thief by Fuminori Nakamura 136) Jackaby by William Ritter 137) Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson 138) Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia 139) Rain by Amanda Sun 140) Norwegian by Night by Derek B Miller 141) The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco 142) Iron Cast by Destiny Soria 143) Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty 144) Naomi & Ely’s No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn & David Leviathan 145) The Long Way To a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 146) What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami 147) People of the Book, Jewish Sci-Fi/Fantasy anthology by various authors 148) Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, re-read 149) Exit, Pursued by a Bear by EK Johnston 150) The Bear & the Nightingale by Katherine Arden  151) The Nature of a Pirate by AM Dellamonica 152) Ink by Amanda Sun 153) More Than This by Patrick Ness 154) The Summer Before the War by Helen Simonson 155) A Daughter of No Nation by AM Dellamonica 156) Lucky Us by Amy Bloom 157) This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper 158) Child of a Hidden Sea by AM Dellamonica 159) Brooklyn by Colm Tóibín 160) Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick 161) The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy 162) Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl 163) Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly 164) Candide by Voltaire 165) After You by JoJo Moyes 166) Pocket Full of Posies by Angela Roquet 167) Snow Flower & the Secret Fan by Lisa See 168) English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs 169) The Hopefuls by Jennifer Close 170) DC Bombshells vol 4 by Marguerite Bennett 171) DC Bomsbells Vol 5 by  Marguerite Bennett 172) DC Bombshells Vol 6 by  Marguerite Bennett 173) The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe by CS Lewis re-read 174) Breakfast At Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, re-read 175) The Love Artist by Jane Alison 176) Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone by JK Rowling, re-read
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malefistache · 7 years
Regina *about to sign adoption papers*: Yes. Everything seems correct.
Emma *bursts through the door*: The hell it ISN'T. I’m her baby’s daddy, you're not leaving me out!
Henry: There she is.
Regina: What the hell are you doing here?
Emma: Adding Swan to her last name, what else?
Officer: Okay... "Isabella Swan-Mills" it is?
Regina *looks into Emma's eyes*: So we do this together?
Emma *beams at her*: Always.
Zelena *rolling her eyes*: Looking at you is giving me diabetes. Just sign the damned papers, and also- [summons another stack] -while you're at it; GET MARRIED ALREADY!
Regina: What?!
Emma: Whoa whoa!
Henry: Seriously, Moms, stop pretending. It's time we're all living under the same roof.
Snow *shakes head*: This is Ruby all over again.
David: You're not fooling anyone, ladies.
Regina: That obvious?
Emma: Damn... If even "Snow White" can tell, what does that say about us?
Snow *raises eyebrow*: That you're two idiots... in love.
Emma and Regina smile at each other: That we are.
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emmandhook · 7 years
Consider this AU:  Liam 1.0 is sentenced to death and is incarcerated in Fox River State Penitentiary where he awaits his execution. Liam’s brother, brilliant structural engineer Killian Jones, is convinced of Liam's innocence and formulates an escape plan. Killian commits an armed robbery which results in his being sentenced to Fox River. In prison, Killian befriends the prison doctor Emma Swan when he pretends to suffer from Type 1 diabetes, in order to gain daily access to the prison's infirmary, when he receives his daily insulin shots hahah I’d watch that. @lenfaz
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b-sidemusic · 6 years
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Every Thursday, we bring the onions and you bring the meat.  To submit your own news and listings, click here!
Thursday 9th Bury St Edmunds, Apex The Levellers £25 - 8pm - Tickets Bury St Edmunds, Constitutional Club The Catch £5 - 7.30pm - Event page Cambridge, Corn Exchange Joanne Shaw Taylor £22.75-£30.25 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction J1 Spoon & Husky Loops £25 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, St Philips Church Martin Simpson £19.80 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios Rews & Kingdom Keys £7.70 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary Project Mork, Bono!, The Bad Apples & Hyperfox Entry by donation - 7pm - Event page Norwich, Waterfront Cradle of Filth & Savage Messiah £20.35 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Wildwood Kin & William the Conqueror £12.10 - 7.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Emerge £3 - 7.30pm - Tickets Friday 10th November Bury St Edmunds, Hunter Club Ben Holder Quartet £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets
Cambridge, Corn Exchange Collabro £42.15 - 7.30pm - Tickets
Cambridge, Junction Big Country £25 - 7pm - Tickets Colchester, Bull The Hit List Free entry - 9pm - Event page Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys LeVendore Rogue, The Knock-Offs, My Man Jeeves, Gavin Bowern & DJ Sam Leppard £5 - 8pm - Event page Ipswich, Steamboat Tavern Ady Johnson & Reb Capper Free entry - 7.30pm - Event page Norwich, Arts Centre Macka B and the Roots Reggae Band £14 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios Mammal Hands £10 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Open Worry Dolls & Lisa Redford £10 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary The Black Sharks, Stromm & The Fools Moon £3 - 7pm - Event page Norwich, Waterfront Studio The Rezillos, Rampton Disco, Smart Alex & Hotwired £17.60 - 6.30pm - Tickets Saturday 11th November Bury St Edmunds, Apex Eddi Reader & Dan Whitehouse £23 - 7.30pm - Tickets Bury St Edmunds, Rehearsal Rooms Ryan Jordan, Zen Reggae Masters, Italian Books, Buttercup Insurgent & Anrufen £5 - 8pm - Event page Cambridge, Junction System 7 & Mirror System £18 - 8pm - Tickets Cambridge, Relevant Records The Batts, Eeyore, Idealistics & Jeneric Free entry - 7pm - Event page Cambridge, St John's College Fisher Building The Dissolute Society £8.80 - 9pm - Tickets Colchester, Bull Beautiful Dangerous Free entry - 9pm - Event page Colchester, Soundhouse Low Frequency Free entry - 9pm - Event page Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys Cosmic Puffindoors All-Dayer w/Deferred Success, Ghosts Of Men, Pet Needs, Les Carter, Rad Pitt, The Thinking Men & more £15 - 12pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre JBXM, Kulk & Front Bangs PWYC - 1pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios Elegy All-Dayer w/Beneath The Embers, Baithead, Collapse The Sky, Feral Sun, Scream Serenity, The High Points, Junkyard, Suburban Tide, Hollow Reign, Kaine & Nihilist £15 - 2pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary Diabetes Benefit Weekender w/The Restarts, Knock Off, Butcher Baby, Overload, Addictive Philosophy, The Minor Discomfort Band, Nelson County Steppers, Wreck-Age & Ambition Demolition £13.20 - 12pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Big Country & Beautiful Mechanica £25.31 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio A Foreigner's Journey & Uprising £13.20 - 6.30pm - Tickets Southend, Chinnerys John Otway £17 - 7pm - Tickets Sunday 12th November Cambridge, Corn Exchange Alison Moyet SOLD OUT - Info Cambridge, Junction Deaf Havana £18.50 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Ryan Buxton, The Jam Club House Band & Dan Wilde £5 - 6.30pm - Tickets Ipswich, Smokehouse Caves and Clouds, Curtis Garrett & Jim Morehouse £4 - 8.30pm - Event page Ipswich, Steamboat Tavern The Gipping Valley Stompers Free entry - 2pm - Event page Norwich, Arts Centre Ghostpoet & Eera £17.50 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary Diabetes Benefit Weekender w/Infa-Riot, Braindance, Backdown or Die, Rotten Foxes, The Blue Carpet Band, Abandon Cause, Skurvi, Feral State & J'aime Rachelle £13.20 - 12pm - Tickets Monday 13th November Cambridge, Murray Edwards College Jazz Philosophy ft. James Tartaglia £5.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Weaves, Dama Scout & Grieving £9.90 - 7pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Gigspanner £13 - 7.45pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Emily Barker & Pete Roe £14 - 8pm - Tickets Tuesday 14th November Cambridge, Corn Exchange Gareth Malone £37.75 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Jared and the Mill £6.60 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, Trinity College Chapel Venetian Coronation £36 - 8pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Dälek & Palindromes £10 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Catfish Keith £14 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Nothing But Thieves, July Talk & Darlia SOLD OUT - Info Norwich, Waterfront Studio Von Hertzen Brothers & Walkway £16.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Wednesday 15th November Cambridge, Corn Exchange The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain £29.75 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Emmanuel United Reformed Church Channel Crossings £28.13 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction Afro Celt Sound System £27.50 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, Unitarian Church Black Top with Cleveland Watkiss & Tiago Coimbra £8.80 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, West Road Concert Hall The Endellion String Quartet £27 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios Newton Faulkner £22 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR The Cadillac Three & Brothers Osborne £20.35 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio As Lions, Greyhaven & Lightscape £8.80 - 7.30pm - Tickets Southend, Chinnerys Mawkin £11 - 7.30pm - Tickets Thursday 16th November Cambridge, CMJ Hidden Rooms Soft Machine SOLD OUT - Info Cambridge, Junction Newton Faulkner £24.50 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Yonaka, Black Cortinas & Eeyore £6.60 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, St John's College Divinity School Annelien Van Wauwe, Eivind Holtsmark Ringstad & Pavel Kolesnikov £16.88 - 6pm - Tickets Cambridge, West Road Concert Hall Academy of St Martin in the Fields & Joshua Bell £47.50 - 8pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Afro Celt Sound System & The Dhol Foundation £25 - 7.30pm - Tickets Ipswich, Swan Blues Jam Free entry - 9pm - Event page Norwich, LCR Status Quo (Aquostic), Fraser Churchill & Richard Malone £49.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Mighty Sands, Animal Noise, Warm Winters & Sun Scream £8 - 7.30pm - Tickets Friday 17th November Cambridge, Blue Moon Goldblume, Pale Girls, War Waves & Dythsu? £5 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Junction J1The Fiver: Hollowstar, False Hearts, The Hot One Two, Maverick, Level Up £6 - 6.45pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre The Temperance Movement & Naked Six SOLD OUT - Info Colchester, Bull Punch It Chewie Free entry - 9pm - Event page Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys The Widdershins & The Gavin Bowern Band Free Entry - 9pm - Event page Colchester, Three Wise Monkeys Top Floor Off The Wall, Stealing Signs & Oceans £3 - 9pm - Event page Ipswich, Steamboat Tavern Open Mic Free entry - 8.30pm - Event page Ipswich, Swan Elephant Tree, Old Man Lizard & Sky:Lark! Free Entry - 8pm - Event page Norwich, Arts Centre The Icicle Works £20 - 8pm - Tickets
Norwich, LCR Wolf Alice, Sunflower Bean & Superfood SOLD OUT - Info 
Norwich, Open Lightscape, Maven, Bury The Light & Fingers Crossed £5 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary The Renadeans Free entry - 7pm - Event page Norwich, Waterfront The Tubes £27.50 - 6.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Young States, Blood Like Honey & Burn The Headlines £5.50 - 7pm - Tickets Southend, Chinnerys Kiev £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Son of Dave, Clare Free & Paolo Morena £14 - 7.30pm - Tickets Saturday 18th November Bury St Edmunds, Apex Suffolk Sinfonia Autumn Concert £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets Bury St Edmunds, Hunter Club Women's Refuge fundraiser w/Janet Street Slaughter, Goldblume, Sam Eagle and the Lemon Lizards, Lemondaze, All We Know & In-between Normalities £5 - 6pm - Events page Bury St Edmunds, Risbygate Club Georgina Jackson & Chris Ingham Trio £12 - 7pm - Tickets Cambridge, Blue Moon Indiepop Alldayer w/Peaness, Personal Best, Dream Nails, Emma Kupa, Baby Arms, Chrissy Barnacle, Schande, Faith Taylor & Rainbow Reservoir SOLD OUT - Event page Cambridge, Junction J1 Black Star Riders, Blue Pills, Tax the Heat & Dirty Thrills £30.50 - 6.45pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Snapped Ankles, Ghosts of Men & The Valhallans £6 - 7.30pm - Tickets Colchester, Bull The Collectors Free entry - 9pm - Event page Ipswich, Swan Krief & Hunt For Titans Free Entry - 9pm - Event page Norwich, LCR Airbourne, Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons & The Wild £23.10 - 6.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary Son Of Dave, Ben C Winn & Olinski £8 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio Roachford & Chris Pidgeon SOLD OUT - Info Stowmarket, John Peel Centre Reg Meuross & John Ward Trio £12 - 7.30pm - Tickets Sunday 19th November Burston, Crown Aartwork Free entry - 5.30pm - Event page Cambridge, Blue Moon White Clouds Free Entry - 6pm - Event page Cambridge, Portland Arms Phoenix Calling £6 - 8pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Tommy Smith and Brian Kellock £15 - 7pm - Tickets Ipswich, La Tour Cycle Cafe Bessie Turner, Nathaniel Robin Mann & Mick Squalor £3.50 - 2pm - Event page Monday 20th November Bury St Edmunds, Apex Omar Sosa and Seckou Keita £18.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Cambridge, Portland Arms Model Aeroplanes £7.70 - 7pm - Tickets Colchester, Arts Centre Megson & Kelly Oliver £13 - 7.45pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Caravan & Guranfoe £18 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Scouting For Girls SOLD OUT - Info Norwich, Open Roderick Williams and Ian Burnside £29 - 7pm - Tickets Tuesday 21st November Cambridge, Blue Moon Folk Session Free entry - 8pm - Event page Cambridge, Corn Exchange Scouting For Girls SOLD OUT - Info Cambridge, Portland Arms Euros Childs £11 - 8pm - Tickets Cambridge, Waterman David Thomas Broughton & C Joynes £6 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Arts Centre Blick Bassy & Brooke Sharkey £12 - 8pm - Tickets Wednesday 22nd November Ipswich, Smokehouse Tenements, Synthetic, Trapfield Tribe & Katie Rose £10 - 8pm - Tickets Norwich, Epic Studios The Stylistics £38.50 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary Wonk Unit, Aerial Salad & Project Mork £7 - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Studio John Smith & Will Stratton £16.50 - 7.30pm - Tickets Thursday 23rd November Cambridge, Junction J2 Lucy Rose £17 - 7pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre The Whole Shebang Open Mic Free Entry - 7.30pm - Event page Norwich, Epic Studios Ian Prowse & Matt Watson £8 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, LCR Happy Mondays £32.45 - 7.30pm - Tickets Norwich, Owl Sanctuary Mammoth Penguins & Mega Emotion Free entry - 7pm - Tickets Norwich, Waterfront Jaws £10 - 7.30pm - Tickets Stowmarket, John Peel Centre The Whole Shebang Open Mic Free Entry - 7.30pm - Event page
Photo: Wolf Alice (playing Norwich LCR, 17th November) by Andy DeLuca Listings Editor: Kate Quigley
0 notes
healthcarebiz · 7 years
Global urology leader Dornier MedTech opens Asia Pacific Headquarters & Global Clinical Innovation Centre in Singapore
- Opening of new HQ and Clinical Innovation Centre represents Dornier MedTech's largest investment in Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific HQ will lead the clinical research, regulatory and commercialisation strategy for new urology unit, Dornier Aries, in global high-growth markets
- Dornier Aries, a non-surgical, drug-free treatment for erectile dysfunction, has the potential to fully restore natural erectile function
SINGAPORE, Sept. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Dornier MedTech, a pioneering leader in urology and wholly-owned subsidiary of Accuron MedTech, today announced the opening of its Asia Pacific Headquarters and Global Clinical Innovation Centre (the "Centre") in Singapore for its new urology unit, Dornier Aries. The Centre represents one of the first medical technology innovation centres in Singapore to lead a global clinical research, regulatory and commercialisation strategy.
From Left to Right: Mr Philip Yeo (Chairman of Accuron MedTech), Dr Beh Swan Gin (Chairman of EDB Singapore) and Mr Abel Ang (CEO of Donier MedTech and Group CEO of Accuron MedTech) officially open Dornier MedTech��s Asia Pacific Headquarters and Global Clinical Innovation Centre in Singapore.
Dornier Aries is a non-surgical, drug-free treatment option that uses low intensity Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Li-ESWT) for erectile dysfunction, a condition that affects about 30 percent of all men above 40 years old[i] and has been shown to be extremely common among men with diabetes, a major disease burden globally (37.5% of men with Type 1 diabetes, 66.3% of those with Type 2 diabetes[ii]).
Dornier Aries is currently available in Singapore and multiple markets worldwide. The new Centre will assume full responsibility for recently initiated clinical trials on Dornier Aries in the US to support a regulatory filing with the US Food & Drug Administration. In addition, the Centre will lead new global studies to explore the potential of Dornier Aries to treat other urological indications such as chronic pelvic pain syndrome and urinary incontinence.
Dornier MedTech will invest US$30 million over the next five years to build its capabilities in Singapore, hiring more than 30 staff to execute its growth plan for Dornier Aries.   
Abel Ang, CEO of Dornier MedTech, and Group CEO of Accuron MedTech Group, commented: "Dornier MedTech is known as a leader in extracorporeal shockwave therapy. The opening of our new HQ and Clinical Innovation Centre is an important milestone as we continue to invest in broadening our product portfolio and, ultimately, creating new therapies for patients. Singapore's rich, pro-innovation ecosystem and access to strong clinical and commercial capabilities will provide an important launchpad for Dornier MedTech in Asia Pacific and beyond.
"By 2025, it is expected that erectile dysfunction will affect more than 300 million men worldwide, of which 200 million men will be in Asia. The new Global Clinical Innovation Centre brings the clinical development strategy of Dornier Aries closer to the patients that need the treatment most."
Commenting on the new Asia Pacific Headquarters and Clinical Innovation Centre for Dornier Aries, Dr Beh Swan Gin, Chairman, Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) said: "Dornier MedTech's decision is testament to Singapore's attractiveness to MedTech companies looking for a strong base to lead global research and business strategies, as well as a gateway to access the region's growth and market prospects. By leveraging Singapore's robust research and clinical ecosystem, MedTech companies can identify clinical needs, develop commercialisation strategies and expand their presence in the region. EDB looks forward to supporting more of such ventures, to create new opportunities for companies and Singaporeans."
Extracorporeal shockwave treatment, developed by Dornier MedTech in the 1980s, was originally introduced as a non-invasive treatment for kidney stones. Its ability to activate angiogenesis has since been applied in erectile tissues.
Professor Dimitrios Hatzichristou, Professor of Urology and Director of the Institute for the Study of Urological Diseases at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, said: "There is a significant unmet need for an effective, non-invasive and lasting solution for erectile dysfunction. Current treatment options, ranging from oral medications to more highly invasive penile implant surgery, are inadequate as they only treat symptoms, offering either temporary relief or carrying risks of adverse effects.
"Emerging clinical evidence in low intensity shockwave treatment is showing promise of fully restoring natural erectile function, which up until now has not been possible.  This represents an exciting opportunity for clinically validated therapies like Dornier Aries."
For more information, please contact:
Wong Yau Chung
Stephanie Tan / Emma Thompson / Clarinda Ng
Dornier MedTech GmbH
Spurwing Communications
+65 6572 6072
+65 6340 7287
About Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction affects about 30 percent of all men above 40 years old[iii]
One in four newly diagnosed cases of erectile dysfunction are reported by men under the age of 40[iv]
Recent analysis has shown that the condition is extremely common among men with diabetes (37.5% of men with Type 1 diabetes, 66.3% of those with Type 2 diabetes3)[v]
About Dornier MedTech GmbH
Dornier MedTech is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Accuron MedTech.  Dornier MedTech is focused on delivering scientifically superior products and solutions to physicians and patients involved in urological care.  As pioneers of ESWL®, lithotripsy and surgical lasers, Dornier's 40 years of innovation and service has made it one of the most trusted medtech companies in the industry.  Dornier MedTech is headquartered in Munich, Germany with offices and distributors all over the world.  For more information, visit www.dornier.com.
About Accuron MedTech
Accuron MedTech is a global medical technology leader with a core focus in surgical laser therapy, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy and medical services. Headquartered in Singapore, the Company serves millions of patients and physicians in 100 countries worldwide. Accuron MedTech also makes strategic investments in diagnostics, medical device and medical technology companies, strengthening its portfolio of healthcare solutions for customers around the world. Accuron MedTech is an independent division of Accuron Technologies, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings. For more information on Accuron MedTech, please visit http://ift.tt/2gBogXy.
Fode et al. Nature, 2017. Low-intensity shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction: is the evidence strong enough?
Fode et al. Nature, 2017. Low-intensity shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction: is the evidence strong enough?
Capogrosso P et al. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2013. One patient out of four with newly diagnosed erectile dysfunction is a young man--worrisome picture from the everyday clinical practice.
Photo - http://ift.tt/2gAODgv
Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Global urology leader Dornier MedTech opens Asia Pacific Headquarters & Global Clinical Innovation Centre in Singapore
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When the Warmth Hits You
Written for the @sqsupernova
Wordcount: 33k | Rating: Teen & Up | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: F/F - Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
With the Evil Queen’s curse finally broken, Storybrooke is quiet. Emma Swan is excited to know her family and smooth the waters with her son Henry’s infuriating, attractive adopted mother. She should have known better.
When a virulent flu arrives, Henry gets sick. Other early victims fall into supernatural comas and fear grips the town. Many blame Regina for this plague, but Emma can’t believe she would risk Henry; the more she gets to know Mayor Mills, the less she can imagine her counterpart, the Evil Queen.
Eventually driven to hide as the townsfolk head to war, Regina dives into her vault to find a cure. Then Emma falls ill. Forced to work with Snow White, Regina must use stronger magic than she ever has before—without her Savior.
Read on AO3 here. See the beautiful artwork by Iyashpia here.
*T1D!Emma and T1D!Henry. The illness mentioned in the synopsis is not related to T1D.
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Regina was waiting for them on the stairs this time. She looked much better than she had the week before, and if Emma hadn’t seen her in person, she would have doubted Regina had been sick at all. The dappled light from the sunset almost hid the slight bags remaining under her eyes.
Henry, who had fallen asleep the second he got in the car, wearily drudged up the few steps and past Regina. “Hi, Mom.”
Regina raised an eyebrow at Emma. “I realize the idea of planning ahead is foreign to you, Ms. Swan, but the entire point of you taking him early in the first place was to avoid him getting sick.”
What was she supposed to say to that? Oops, sorry, Regina! I foiled your plan—again. And now it’s my fault Henry’s sick. Emma said, “What was I supposed to do? Hose him down in Clorox and not let him leave the house?”
Regina scowled. “Get in here.”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you going to help take care of our son or not?”
Another snippet from When the Warmth Hits You, my fic for the upcoming @sqsupernova!
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“Maybe we’re missing something.”
“We’re not missing anything, Emma. I know what I’m doing. The problem is curses aren’t meant to be broken.”
“So what? They break all the time, I read Henry’s book. And I broke yours. What’s special about this one?”
The last snippet from my @sqsupernova fic, When the Warmth Hits You. Reveal is today at 12pm EST!
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In Where The Warmth Hits You
“Do you think Regina will want to stay in Storybrooke if we find a way back to the Enchanted Forest?”
Mary Margaret paused, the tray of pastries held tightly in her hands. “To tell you the truth, I don’t know what we’ll do if we find a way back to the Enchanted Forest. And until a way is found, I don’t see much point in thinking about it. It took decades for the two strongest sorcerers in the Forest to get us here in the first place. I don’t think it will be so easy to go back.” Her knuckles turned white against the steel baking tray.
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Reveals for the @sqsupernova begin Monday, Sep 12! My t1d!Emma fic, When the Warmth Hits You, will be revealed Friday, Sep 23 🥳🥳🥳
And the accompanying art is AMAZING. Can't wait for you guys to see it. I'm so happy!
@not-made-of-actual-rye since you were interested 😁 this is when you can read it!
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Maybe 'tired' for the wip ask game? Or just post whichever sentence you want to? Would love to hear abt your wips!!
Ooh good choice! that pops up several times (surprisingly more so in Lost than WtWHY, despite the wordcount differences), so these are the first times it's used.
This actually takes place right after Jason gives his first injection. (it's in 2nd person POV, but still from Jason's perspective)
Chiron lets you stay at the big table with him while you eat, which is apparently unusual, and you eye Leo enviously. He’s surrounded by his siblings from Cabin Nine. They all look tired and beat up, but Leo is chipper and fiddling with several metal pieces. He looks up, catches your gaze, and gives you a small wave. You try to smile, but it feels hollow.
Piper isn't awake yet.
When the Warmth Hits You:
This...is not a diagnosis fic but this snippet sure makes it sound like one.
“Anything else? Fever, aches, fatigue, nausea?”
“I don’t know.” Emma shook her head, trying to clear the fog. “I’m too tired. I can’t—”
“Here.” Regina pressed the little sphere back into Emma’s palm.
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WIP Ask Game
There's some sort of ask game where you submit a word and I find it in my WIP and share the sentence it's in, with or without context. I was talking a little about my two wips earlier, so i think this could be super fun!
Your options:
When the Warmth Hits You, a Once Upon a Time SwanQueen season 1 AU. (diabetic f/f fans unite!) T1D!Emma Swan and T1D!Henry Mills. First draft done, in edits now. Part of the sqsupernova to be posted next month.
Lost, a Heroes of Olympus AU. T1D!Jason Grace. First draft. Part of the pjo-hoo big bang to be posted in october.
WtWHY is much longer so you'll probably have more variety there, just fyi
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My Fanfics with T1D:
This Needle’s Wearing Thin (Justice League - Snyder Cut) feat. diabetic Clark Kent
Wordcount: 5.4k | Rating: Teen & Up, due to mild cursing | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: Gen
Victor shakes off Aquaman and holds up a glistening metal hand. “Wait a minute. Superman has low blood glucose?”
“Superman has type 1 diabetes,” Clark corrects. “If it’s a vote, I would also love to go home now.”
The Batman scowls. “You are not flying anywhere on your own with low blood glucose.”
Clark pretends it’s his super hearing that allows him to hear the unsaid, “Idiot,” following the rest of the sentence.
“Hold on,” Aquaman says. “How the hell does Superman get diabetes?”
Or: After defeating Steppenwolf, Clark and Barry have to deal with low blood sugar. The team is shocked to discover Clark’s not as invulnerable as the world thinks. T1D!Clark Kent and hypoglycemic!Barry Allen.
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Sokka’s Birthday (Avatar: the Last Airbender) feat. diabetic Sokka
Wordcount: 3.4k | Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: M/M - Sokka/Zuko
Every eye in the courtyard turned toward Zuko, who reminded himself that nothing was scarier than Azula, and he had already dealt with her. Unsurprisingly, that reassured him enough to not stumble as he rose to his feet.
“Citizens of the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom,” he started. Then he stopped.  
Briefly, the world spun and Zuko forgot where he was. He blinked. Instead of the raised podium he, Aang, King Kuei, and the other presiding nobles had been sitting in all morning, Zuko found himself standing in front of a small, elderly Fire Nation woman holding out a glass of Watermelon juice.  
“I said that’ll be three copper pieces,” she said.  
Zuko frowned. “Who are you?”
Or: Soulmates switch bodies for 16 minutes when the younger one turns sixteen. In all the hullabaloo of ending the war, everyone forgot it was Sokka’s birthday. He and Zuko swap bodies just as Zuko has to give an important speech and Sokka’s blood sugar runs low. T1D! Sokka. Post-canon. 
Podfic available on AO3 here.
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Let's Go Back to Nothing (Purple Hearts - 2022) feat. canonically diabetic Cassie Salazar
Wordcount: 258 | Rating: Teen & Up | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: M/F - Cassie Salazar/Luke Morrow
A stranger's rude to Cassie when she checks her blood glucose after a show. She calls Luke, who's never said a word about her type 1 diabetes since he met her.
Written for the OTW 15th Anniversary Fanwork Challenge of a 15 sentence fic.
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When the Warmth Hits You (Once Upon a Time) feat. diabetic Emma Swan and diabetic Henry Mills
Written for the @sqsupernova
Wordcount: 33.1k | Rating: Teen & Up | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: F/F - Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
With the Evil Queen’s curse finally broken, Storybrooke is quiet. Emma Swan is excited to know her family and smooth the waters with her son Henry’s infuriating, attractive adopted mother. She should have known better.
When a virulent flu arrives, Henry gets sick. Other early victims fall into supernatural comas and fear grips the town. Many blame Regina for this plague, but Emma can’t believe she would risk Henry; the more she gets to know Mayor Mills, the less she can imagine her counterpart, the Evil Queen.
Eventually driven to hide as the townsfolk head to war, Regina dives into her vault to find a cure. Then Emma falls ill. Forced to work with Snow White, Regina must use stronger magic than she ever has before—without her Savior.
See the beautiful artwork by Iyashpia here!
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Uprooted (Swamp Thing: Twin Branches) feat. diabetic Alec Holland and canonically diabetic Walker Holland
Wordcount: 2.5k | Rating: Teen and Up | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: Gen
After the events of the story, Alec develops T1D and follows his brother's footsteps.
Alec mourns Walker heavily, and his entire life is uprooted again. His new friends abandon him. Walker's friends want nothing to do with him. His family can't understand. Then he gets sick, and he's completely alone.
Except there's something in the woods that might be calling his name.
Written for the T1D Awareness Fest, using the Week 1 prompts: Diagnosis and Fantasy.
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Lost (Heroes of Olympus) feat. diabetic (and dyscalculic) Jason Grace
Wordcount: 17.1k | Rating: Teen & Up | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: Gen (past Jason/Piper, mist-version only)
Jason Grace wakes up with no memory, a chronic illness, and the unsettling knowledge that everything is wrong.
When he’s taken to Camp Half-Blood, he hopes for answers; instead, he comes to realize that although the campers love the mysteriously missing Percy Jackson, they think Jason shouldn’t exist. But Jason’s disturbing kinship with the air and tendency for spontaneous electrical surges aren’t the only things to worry about.
Told in second person POV, Lost is a mostly canon-compliant character study focused on Jason and his powers during The Lost Hero. What are you supposed to do when your instincts tell you to trust no one?
Written for the @pjo-hoo-bigbang. Art by @ashilrak can be found here. Art by silima to be linked.
Tomorrow, We Stand Together (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) feat. diabetic Annabeth Chase
Wordcount: 2.1k | Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: None Apply | Relationships: F/M - Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson
Percy surprises Annabeth with an insulin pump after SoM. Pre-Percabeth hurt/comfort.
Written for the T1D Awareness Fest, using the Week 2 prompt: Technology.
Podfic available on AO3 here.
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