#deucalion x peter
the-0ther-boy · 2 years
Day 6 | Harvest Festival
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The harvest festival begins and Peter goes into the forest to places his offerings at the shrine to the god of the harvest. He hadn't expected to see the God personally and that he looked so good.
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loganwritesprobably · 4 months
Teen Wolf Fanfic
Prompt: Showering Source: SFW Kinktober Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Peter/Deucalion
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Peter almost died in the Hale fire, but with his family at his side, and his sex buddy willing to help him heal - Peter can recover.
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reveluving · 1 year
a little more love ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: when two of the most fearsome werewolves do whatever they can to convince their beloved to cancel dinner night with the pups.
warnings: loads of kisses, hugs and but no s~mut. not yet, at least (still, minors DNI!), very cheesy ngl; peter & deuc just really love their vampire wifey <3
a/n: omg a debut?? s/o to @fanficimagery​; their Peter fics + others are the reasons why I wrote this—awakening another wild side of of mine to the point of no return (affectionately) 😭 I got another one in the making tho, trust! love y’all and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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'Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight.' ;
The sound of blackbirds chirping outside your window was enough to wake you up from your slumber. You stirred but could barely move with the arm around you and pulling you close. Their chest rose and fell at a pace so relaxing, so comforting, it could've lulled you back to sleep right away.
"Did you sleep well?" You shivered at the voice, deep and barely awake, forcing you to crack one eye open. You craned your neck, welcoming the very sight of the man holding you dearly. You hummed, eliciting a chuckle out of him as you nuzzled into him.
"You're so comfy." You murmured, the silky sheets against your skin would've been more than enough to chain you to bed for another hour or two.
Too bad you had other plans.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" You blinked, noticing the hues ranging from orange to pink coming from the window, an indication that sunset was nearing faster than you had anticipated.
"You looked so peaceful." Deuc responded casually as if you hadn't promised the pack dinner night, which was happening in two hours.
"I didn't even hear the alarm." You blindly took your phone on the nightstand, finding it impossible for you to sleep through one in the first place.
But, Deuc's sudden lack of response told you everything you needed to know.
So, you placed your phone away before turning to him.
"Deuc," He hummed, "Did you have anything to do with this?"
He barely opened his eyes to look at you before huffing out a 'yes'.
"Can't we just order takeout?"
"Even they can do that from their own home," You grinned, poking his cheek, "And you know no one delivers to this side of the road past seven."
"Then we could always just order now and ask one of them to pick it up later," He was hell-bent on making you stay, the offer especially enticing when he pulled the covers over you with him, "Or better yet, ask him to pick it up and make himself useful for once."
You snorted, only to jump when fingers lightly traced your spine.
"Hey," You admonished lightly, "Behave."
"You can't expect a man to behave when he has such beauty in his arms." He slipped his hand under the blanket, "Come on, all you have to do is cancel it, and we'll make sure to take such good care of you."
You whined, squirming in his arms as though you were fighting your inner demons before sitting up, but not before covering your bare chest with the blanket.
"Nice try, handsome, but I’m not falling for your tricks." You pointed directly at his nose, only to sputter when he countered your sudden determination by nipping the tip of your index finger.
"Angel, you always do," Touché, "The pups can fend for themselves for another day, can't they?"
"Deuc," You sighed shaking your head in amusement; you could never get mad at him. You turned your head a little, kissing his palm before caressing his cheek with your free hand, "I haven't seen them for over a week, God knows whether or not they've taken care of themselves since. It's only for a couple of hours, I promise."
Deuc narrowed his eyes at you, trying not to give in to your puppy eyes.
But he knew better.
He let his head fall to the pillow, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Alright, alright," You perked up, only to be caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around you. He pulled you down to him for a heated kiss, taking your breath away as his tongue lightly ran across the tip of your fangs. Your whimpers only motivated him to take back his own words and never let you leave the bed, but he loved you too much to say no.
He pulled away, satisfied with the way you looked back at him with wide eyes.
"You didn't think I'd expect some sort of return if I'm going to have to keep my hands to myself for a few hours?"
Puffing up your cheeks in embarrassment, you were barely able to maintain eye contact as intense as his before giving him a quick peck at the lips.
"Angel," He chuckled, "If that's the kind of payment you're planning to give, I'd expect at least a couple more."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Very much," He responded nonchalantly as though he wasn't practically basking in your reactions, "In fact, I could wake up to this every day."
There was no point arguing with this man, not especially when you had dinner to whip up in under two hours. So, you took a deep breath, lowering yourself for a proper kiss. Deuc was eager, that much was clear as he chased after your lips, keeping you still with one hand on the back of your head.
He shivered as you lightly ran your nails down his chest, slowly pulling away before letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
"Much better."
It had taken Deuc exactly a good half an hour to get his fill of you before begrudgingly letting you go to take a shower, promising to help you out right after.
You, on the other hand, have been at it in the kitchen for an hour, seasoning your stroganoff before moving on with the dessert.
Just then, you froze, feeling a pair of eyes from the living room watching your every move. You slowly placed the bowl of unwhipped cream onto the counter, hoping to look as neutral as possible. The presence, however, had seen right through you, because as soon as you faced the entrance to the foyer, you felt their warm breath against your neck before they spun you around. You yelped, feeling yourself fall backwards despite their hands securely holding onto your hips.
Your hands shot up to their back, one around his neck and the other gripping the back of their shirt. Had it been anyone else, other than Deuc, you would've instinctively torn their throat out even before they could even put their hands on you.
But, this was Peter you were talking about.
"What's cookin', good lookin'?"
‘You've got to be kidding me.’
"Jesus, Hale," He was clearly proud of himself, the debonair smile on his face especially growing when you released the grip on his shirt in favour of covering a part of your face, thoroughly embarrassed, "That is by far the worst line I've ever heard, coming from you."
"Oh, I know," He shrugged, leaning in closer, "But it's worth seeing that pretty face of yours scrunch up like that."
He pressed his lips against yours before you could even respond with a snarky remark, pulling away just as fast in favour of the adorable stupefied look you always had each time he or Deuc had taken you by surprise.
"But it does smell good in here." He brought up back up from the dip before taking a good whiff of your homemade gravy in the pot.
"Only the best for the best," You mused, hearing him purr in agreement for a moment before adding, "Oh, and for you too, I guess."
He was speechless, to say the least. At least for a while.
"Why, you," He didn't even give you the time to turn away before he attacked your neck and collarbone with wet kisses, the exaggerated sounds of his smooches growing louder the more you cried out to him to stop.
He did, eventually, but he made sure he gave you enough to sag in his arms, resting against him for a moment as he mumbled against your cold skin.
"Would be nice if we had the night to ourselves." Oh. You covered your face yet again, now with both of your hands.
"Not you too," You felt the chuckle vibrating through him, "You and Deuc planned this, didn't you?"
"Depends," He drawled, clearly feigning ignorance, "Is it working?"
Fuck yeah, it is.
"You're gonna have to try harder than that."
Big mistake.
Your mouth gaped open wide as though you had surprised yourself, knowing he had taken your statement as a challenge when he pursed his lips.
"Challenge accepted."
You squeaked as he pulled you to his chest, one of his hands remained on your hips while raising the other that he intertwined with yours. You were sure his eyes had dilated, enjoying the way you bashfully look up at him through your lashes, gasping as soon as his hand crept up past the hem of your shirt.
"Peter," You giggled nervously, "Where is that hand going?"
He hummed.
Just then, he switched directions, sliding further down before moving under the waistband of your shorts.
"Places where I'd want to touch," Down, "To kiss," Up, "To lick," Down, "To nibble on."
Each time his hands move, no matter where they ended up, all you could do was shiver. He dipped his head, nibbling on your earlobe.
"If and only if my angel says so."
He was seeking your permission—just like Deuc did.
"I want to," Oh? "But later, okay?" Oh. You tried not to giggle as he deflated from your answer, "Especially since the two of you haven't made it any easier for me to say no today."
Not that you'd ever deny these two whatsoever.
"Please?" You cupped his face, thinking through your next words before mumbling, "Just hold on for a few hours and I'm all yours and Deuc's."
His eyes dilated from the mere promise, holding onto both of your hands and pulling you in to capture your lips with his. It was as deep and passionate as the one you had with Deuc, your legs nearly buckled if it wasn't for his quick reflex.
"Pretty girl, you'll be the death of me."
The audacity.
"Oh, like you're any better," You rolled your eyes playfully, "Now, you either help me with the potatoes or take these plates and march out to the dining room."
He opted for the potatoes, occasionally leaving kisses on your shoulders and nearly causing you to burn the caramel sauce that you were making to pair with your homemade ice cream.
Deuc came down to the kitchen a little while later, only to shoot a glare at Peter for putting him on dishes duty. You saw the way Peter smirked as Deuc stalked out, dropping his expression to a barely innocent kind when he noticed you watching him.
"A grump, let me tell you," Peter commented, not bothering to lower his voice and earning himself a growl from the other room. You silently giggled before pushing him lightly.
Quarter past seven, and you walked out to serve the big pot of stroganoff and a whole bunch of sides in the dining room, where Deuc had just finished wiping the last cutlery. As soon as he did, he wrapped one arm around you, resting his head against your tummy. You could tell he was a little miffed over the petty arrangement, so you leaned in and kissed the crown of his head a couple of times, drawing a soft laugh from him.
No doubt Peter had seen you trying to cheer Deuc up and would probably cage you in his arms until you do the same for him.
A couple of hugs and hundreds more kisses later, the pack finally arrived, their exhaustion from surviving the week palpable as they greeted you with hugs or the Hale's exchanging meaningful pleasantries with you.
Deuc and Peter watched as your face continued to light up, from scooping a generous portion of noodles and stroganoff to listening to each and every one of them about the rough week they all had. Though Deuc and Peter chimed in once in a while, the pack could tell they were giving you most of the spotlight. This dinner was your idea, after all, treating the pack with the endless amount of love you had to offer. They only helped you out, though they'd gladly accept your gratitude at any given moment.
You were not blind to the looks they gave you either, so soft, even you didn't think they were capable of such emotion. You've either looked away or rushed out to the kitchen to 'top up the necessary' as a poor excuse to shy away from their gazes.
Soon, things began to calm down, and you shooed the pack to the living room, but not before being bombarded by offers to do the dishes. You gave in, eventually, and as soon as the final plate was washed, you pointed to the living room, much to everyone’s amusement.
Besides Deuc and Peter, who were helping you with the leftovers, everyone else started doing their own thing in the meantime; Scott, Stiles and Lydia were already lying on your rug, Malia and Kira were looking at your bookshelf, ranging from interesting novels with odd titles to the fishbowl of Marimo moss balls, because you wanted a ‘pet’ that ‘understood you best’.
None of the pack understood you till this day, not until Kira pointed out that Marimo moss balls survived best in low light, and you heard the rest of the pack answer with a collective ‘ooh’.
Derek, just like his cousin, had been doing the same, but from the comforts of the couch he was lounging on instead. Though he was the only one on his own, he seemed to be at peace, the deep wrinkles usually etched in between his eyebrows nowhere to be seen as dinner finally caught up to him. All in all, everyone was looking and feeling much better when they first arrived, but you couldn’t blame them. They were carrying responsibilities that were thrice as heavy as an average teenager.
Basically, you were glad to see them finally taking a load off.
The relief you were practically giving off to both Peter and Deuc was endearing, seeing your unfaltering smile despite the way your sensitive nose scrunched up a couple of times as you scooped the gravy into a container.
“You were right, angel,” Deuc was the first to speak up since the comfortable silence, “This dinner night was worth it.”
“Really?” The shine in your eyes was enough of a solid answer, “What changed?”
“That,” You tilted your head, “That pretty smile of yours.”
You mustered up a nervous smile, peeping out a small ‘oh’ before continuing with the leftovers.
At least, you tried to.
“No, no,” Peter came up behind you, intertwining his fingers with yours, “What did we say about hiding your smile?”
You peered up at Deuc, who nodded you encouragingly.
“That it only encourages you two to make me smile even more.” You whispered just enough for them to hear, trying your hardest to look elsewhere as they praised you with a simultaneous ‘atta girl’. Peter raised your laced hands, kissing the back of yours while Deuc took the other and did the same.
And just to spite you in the best way possible, they kissed either of your cheek, Deuc taking your left whereas Peter on your right.
But before they could melt you further, you heard an ‘oop’, followed by Lydia’s ‘Stiles!’ before she dragged him off. The poor boy had accidentally seen the tooth-rotting display at its peak, especially between his former nemeses and his godmother. It didn’t bother them in the slightest though. They turned to you, only to see your wide-eyed mortification. You could’ve really traumatized him or anyone else for that matter, had Stiles’ interruption not happened, and you had no doubt these two could care less in favour of devouring you in the kitchen.
But you loved them anyway.
That still didn’t stop you from glaring at the two, at least you tried to, losing your composure when they both ganged up on you with their knowing smirk—a telltale that they haven’t forgotten about your promise.
They eventually put you out of your misery, but their lingering touches had only been amped up to the max, letting you know that they were growing impatient to have you.
And the second the pack leaves, boy, were you in for the night.
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° just an introductory tag! @christinasyellowflowers @clockworkballerina @marianne-zemo @spicymau-5
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❛ master list ❜
▬ last updated: 02.05.2024
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♡ ▬ NSFW content (MDNI). | ☁ ▬ means it's angst. | ↺ ▬ means it's a WIP.
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Yandere Original Characters ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Kim Seo-Yun x gn!reader | Kim Jeong-Hyun x gn!reader | drabble: ♡ "You make me feel like I am clean again"
Arcane (2021) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
VANDER x ftm!prostitute!reader: ♡ "You better lock your door and look at me a little more (we both know I'm worth waitin' for)"
Avatar (2009) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Call of Duty (2022) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Konig x male!reader: ♡ "Oh, oh-oh"
Castlevania (2017) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
multi!characters x incubus!reader | drabble: ♡ "Just wanna be one of your toys, tonight"
DCU ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
JASON TODD x male!reader: "You get me so high"
Dead by Daylight (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Jutjutsu Kaisen (2018) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
GOJO SATORU x male!husband!reader: ☁ "I WANT THE YOU WHO WANTS ME AGAIN" [1/3] ☁ "WHY AM I IN LOVE ALONE? (WHY AM I HURTING ALONE?)" [2/3] ☁♡ "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME (PLEASE DON'T FALL)" [3/3] ☁ alternate ending [AU] ☁♡ "YOU ALREADY HAVE A PIECE OF MY HEART (WHICH I HAVE NEVER GIVEN TO YOU)" | au's and what ifs drabble ↳ ❛ __ ❜ [playlist link]
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ♡ "He's just like candy, he's so sweet"
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ☁♡ "You know what sinners do when they love too soon (are you ready to die?)"
Hein Era!RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader X Heian Era!GOJO SATORU: ♡ "Darling, won't you just plead, or should I begin to bleed?"
Marvel ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
PETER PARKER x male!superhero!reader: "You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you" [1/2] ♡ "Baby, you know that you won" [2/2]
My Hero Academia (2014) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
DABI (TOUYA TODOROKI) x ftm!reader: ♡ "Just like that, baby"
Resident Evil (1996) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
ghostface!LEON KENNEDY x ftm!ghostface!reader: ♡ "Comin' back for more?"
Sally Face (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ☁♡ "I was the boy who was on your side" SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ♡ "I'll show you how we're supposed to feel (when we meet at Orion's belt)"
LARRY JOHNSON: ↺ ♡ "'Cause it's not a figure of speech, you got me down on my knees"
Slashers ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
COREY CUNNINGHAM x gn!reader: ♡ "Helping Hand"
multi. characters x transmasc!reader | dating drabble: "beautiful (darling)"
multi.characters x male!slasher!reader | dating drabble: "take my soul (need control)"
poly!BILLY LOOMIS & STU MACHER x male!reader: "Line of Sight"
poly!COREY CUNNINGHAM & OG!MICHAEL MYERS x gn!reader "Say yes to heaven (say yes to me)"
The Legend of Korra (2012) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
TONRAQ x male!reader ♡ "situation might get sticky, icky"
Teen Wolf (2011) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
MIECZYSLAW "STILES" STILINSKI x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Burn for you" DEUCALION x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Show Me How" [1/2] ♡ "Show Me How" [2/2]
The Walking Dead (2010) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
The Witcher (2019) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
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lucky-bishop · 5 months
WIP Tag Game!!
Thanks for the tags, @dear-massacre and @rosieposiepuddingnpie!!
I have so many WIPs. Like. Too many. Some of these will probably never end up actually getting written. BUT, alas, here we go!
Non-Teen Wolf:
Nadja Pegs Laszlo (WWDITS)
The one-brain cell polycule (WWDITS)
Guillermo Mercy Kills Nandor (WWDITS)
Gay Besties (endgame Steddie but mostly abt the Steve & Robin friendship, Stranger Things)
Teen Wolf, Not Prompts:
7 minutes in heaven (Stiles' sexy birthday celebration w/ the pack)
A Parting Gift (MCD) The nogitsune leaves a gift behind. Sterek.
Affectionate Biting - Malia's love language is Biting
Lonely Girl (MCD) - Allison's ghost haunts Lydia
Alpha Peter bitches Stiles
Shifter Royalty Stilinski Family Steter
Extra Hedonist Peter w/ Bottom Dom Stiles
S1 monster of the week crack feat. the sheriff, Scott, Stiles, and Derek
Deputy Chris Argent, endgame Chris/Sheriff
DILF Chris Argent, mostly Stargent w/ endgame Stiles/Chris/Isaac
Erica Prom Queen Murder Spree
FBI Trainee Stiles
Stiles can't suck dick but Peter uses his face in Other ways
Monsterfucker dildo where Stiles gets a monster mate
Steter monsterfucking in the woods
Peter's presumptuous when he gets with Stiles but ends up getting an actual BDSM education
Non-con mating bite, Steter
Possessive Peter Steterek! The only one of these that's currently on AO3 as Possessive Beasts!
Peter babytraps omega Stiles
Sciles makes an "if we're not married by x" pact and then commits shenanigans trying to keep each other single
Unrequited Stiles/Scott where Scott rejects Stiles
Crack shrunken Peter fic
Smart Scott 5+1
Stiles/Peter/Deucalion college fic
Stargent Painting Fic - inspired by Lorde
Dark Stargent - Chris takes Stiles as a surrogate daughter after Allison dies
Sterek (MCD) - Derek returns to find Beacon Hills, and Stiles, in shambles. He tries to save them both.
Peter finding out that Stiles doesn't trust him even though they're together, inspired by T.Swift "Hoax"
Steter "hands are meant to be held" Valentine fic
Part 3 of the Steterek feminization where Stiles tops the hell out of Derek and Peter
Stiles is horny and has access to a 3d printer (Steter getting together)
Stiles/Cora/Derek dangerous Hales make Stiles horny
My very Steter take on The Train Station
Stiles gets bit by a grindr hookup fic
Transmasc Stiles and TA Peter get together
Teen Wolf & Buffy fusion, where Stiles is a Watcher (end game Stetopher)
Untitled Sterek watersports fic
Writer in the Dark, another Lorde-inspired fic, with the Kira/Cora pairing!
Teen Wolf, Prompts:
Greenberg has an absolute glo-up and everyone Notices
Stiles and Scott go looking for trouble (feral Derek and Peter) and they find it
Co-Alphas Scott and Derek fuck
Derek is being thrown a surprise party, but doesn't like surprises, and this leads to him and Stiles boning
Derek spanks Scott and Stiles for being shitheads towards him
Peter shows off wearing panties and the whole pack takes turns taking them off of him
Fox Stiles and Scott are roommates, and they compete to respectively make Peter and Lydia loud in bed
So I guess. That's technically 45 wips which is actually insane! Especially because that doesn't count any of the ~10 events or so I will probably participate in per year!
Anyway tagging: @lavender-lotion, @beaconfeels, @like-lazarus, @thotpuppy, @midnightwinterhawk, @meggie-stardust and anyone else who would like to play along!
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hedwig394 · 9 months
Are You Still Here?
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall
Timeline: When Sarah and Derek are dating, near the end of season 3A, where she suspects that Derek is cheating on her with Jennifer.
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Sarah's POV -
It's cold in here, and dark. Had his loft always been this dark and cold? No, it hasn't. It seems to have grown colder and colder since the last month since the time it feels like Derek has distanced himself from me.
I jolt awake from the merry state between sleep and awakeness, blinking rapidly. I stare at my side, at the cold and empty side which used to be warm, when Derek was here.
Now, I don't know anymore where he is. He comes home at odd hours and leaves almost immediately after, not telling me much about where he has been or where he is going to go. He appears so stressed and worried these days, that I don't bother him by asking too many questions.
But as I lie here, staring at the ceiling in the dark, I think that maybe I should ask questions. I'm his girlfriend, I have the right to know. Or am I? Is he seeing another woman behind my back?
No, he won't do that. He'd never cheat on me.
Still, a trail of doubt tugs at my gut. He has never confessed that he loves me, he has never made any promise to me that he won't leave me and shit.
No, I shouldn't think like that. Even when he has never said those things to me, I've seen the sincerity and affection in his eyes.
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They say that the eyes can never lie, but now I wonder, can they? The ceiling stares back at me with no answer, and I groan in frustration. I should talk to Derek, shouldn't make assumptions.
Maybe, he's really busy with all of that stuff with the Alpha Pack and Deucalion. Maybe, I'm being doubtful for no reason, yet hear as I lie down, I keep asking myself, are me and Derek still a thing?
I haven't told Scott about this. The time he found out that I was dating Derek, it was after Derek killed Peter and turned Jackson into a kanima. I had been furious at him but had eventually forgiven him. I cannot stay mad at Derek, maybe those are the effects of falling in love.
I haven't told him that I have fallen in love with him, and now, I'm even more hesitant. I have always wondered what would happen if he doesn't love me back, and now that possibility scares me even more.
Scott doesn't know anything about Derek's been behaving, and if I do tell him, Scott will drag his ass and throw him at my feet. A chuckle escapes my lips as I imagine that. There has always been tension between Scott and Derek since the two have world views which are polar opposites. After Derek and I had started dating, Scott became even more protective of me. He clearly doesn't trust Derek much, but I cannot forget the conversation we had about my relationship.
I close my eyes and memories flood back.
"You know, CeeCee," Scott says seriously, "I don't trust him. Not a lot, to be honest."
"I know, Scotty," I say, "But he's not that bad. You two have different kinds of thinking and perspectives, but this doesn't make him a bad person."
"I don't think that he's a bad person," Scott says, "I just...don't trust him well, and not with you."
"You know I'm older than you, right?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He chuckles, "I know." But then he turns serious again, but his eyes are loving, "CeeCee, I don't trust him, but I do trust you. And I know that whatever choice you make, it will be good for you."
"Thank you," I say, squeezing his hand.
"But, if he ever causes even a teeny amount of discomfort, I'm dragging his werewolf ass out and shoving him in a sack of wolfsbane."
I laugh, "Thank you, but I don't think that it will ever come to that."
I open my eyes and smile sadly. At least Scotty's there with me. And Stiles too. And Mom, of course. And even Derek-
Scott is going to be so angry if Derek cheats on me.
I will be so angry if Derek cheats on me.
The bed feels suffocating, so I get up and sit on the couch in the living room. I'm staring into darkness when I hear the door creak open.
The breath whooshes out of my lungs as I see Derek stumble in, looking so tired and exhausted that I momentarily forget about everything else. Effects of falling in love.
"Derek?" I say and he looks at me. For a minute, our eyes lock and nothing else in this world matters. He then saunters towards the couch and he collapses down. I sit beside him. He holds my hand and breathes deeply. "Honey," He says, "Why're you still awake?"
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That question makes me so angry that I want to hurl something at his head. He's asking me that like he wants me to sleep so that he can carry on with whatever he does without my interruption.
"Why do you ask that?" I seethe, "You wanted me to fall asleep so that you can carry on with whatever top-secret stuff you do?"
Derek immediately understands the issue. He looks at me with soft eyes and says, "Honey, I'm really sorry that I haven't been talking to you lately. I'm sorry that I haven't told you about anything that I'm doing. I'm just so sorry." He looks down in shame.
"Tell me now," I say, "Tell me Derek, what is keeping you so busy these days? What has driven you so much that you can't even find the time to spend with me? You're so absent, so...not there." I bite my lip, my heart hurting. Tears pool in my eyes, and I try not to cry.
"Honey I-" He tries to speak but I stop him.
"What is happening, Derek?" I say desperately, "What is happening to you? To us? We don't even talk to each other anymore! Whenever I have tried to reach out to you, you have swatted me away!" My voice is raised now, but I don't care.
"Do you not like me anymore?" I say, my chest heaving and tears pouring down my eyes, "Are you bored of me? Do you now like someone else? Is it Jennifer? Whatever it is, tell me! Talk to me! I'm right here! But the main question is, are you still here?"
I fall back on the couch and sniff. I needed this release.
Derek looks at me for a few minutes, and then says, "Since my family was burnt alive, I died too. Just not physically. I was a lone wolf, surviving on my own. I didn't have a pack, I didn't have an alpha, I was just a lonely beta with no good to this world. I thought that my entire life was going to be like this. I mean, why wouldn't it be?"
I listen quietly.
"And then there comes this girl trudging in the woods, all determined to find her brother's inhaler." He smiles. I have to admit, his smiles are the most beautiful thing in the world. "I recognise her, from the days I was in school. She thought that I wouldn't, but I did. I cannot believe it. The biology nerd from school has become such a beautiful woman."
I pout at him, but at least I'm not crying anymore.
"As I spend more time with her, I realise that she hasn't become beautiful suddenly, she always has been. I was just too blind to see it." He says, looking into my eyes, "She's beautiful from the inside out, and no one can ever be compared to her."
I now want to cry again.
"After I get to know her better, she helps me get to know myself better. Being in her presence, I realise that I am not dead, not really. I was just dull, dry, like a tree which hasn't been watered in years." He then takes a deep breath. "And you know what she is like? Rain."
He doesn't have to elaborate for me to understand. But if he thinks that he can butter me up with beautiful words to make me forget my anger, then he is wrong.
"I've never said these words to you," Derek says, and keeps my hand over his heart, "So now I'm going to say them."
I inhale sharply.
"I love you, Sarah McCall."
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I am speechless. All the times I've imagined him saying that this had not crossed my mind.
"I love you, Sarah." He repeats, now smiling gently, "I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Not even Paige."
"Derek I-" I pause and say, "I love you too."
We kiss and he mutters, "I'll never even think of cheating on you Sarah, ever. I love you." A few tears slide down my cheeks as I say softly, "I love you too."
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
New-Ish ocs
Eve Dearly ( OUAT ) – Henry's twin sister, was adopted before Regina could get both babies, ran away from home and wound up in Storybrooke, the only person other than Henry to age or to realize that time is passing, adopted by Angel Dearly
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Gabriel Whittaker / Klaus White ( OUAT ) – Snow's twin brother, Regina tried to have him killed in the Enchanted Forest and he's believed dead but he survived, lost his memories but is sure that if he can just meet Snow, it'll all make sense
Taken in by the Dumas family (Angel Dearly in the Enchanted Forest) and still lives with them in Storybrooke
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Ginevra Maroni ( Gotham / The Batman ); x Bruce Wayne – Sal Maroni's daughter, looking to topple her father's criminal empire but has a very specific plan in mind and buts heads with Bruce over how to handle it
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Helena Jackson ( PJO, TV verse )
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Kirsi Tremblay ( PJO, TV verse ) – unclaimed camper of 5 years, originally from Quebec, sibling dynamic with Luke, unofficial co-counsellor of the Hermes cabin
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Livana Gold / Amaris Pan ( OUAT ) – Peter Pan's daughter with a witch from Oz, she wants a child for bloodline magic & Peter basically wanted this child because he thinks if he sacrifices a child's heart from his own bloodline it will extend his own immortality, her mother found out about Peter's plans and went to Rumpelstiltskin for help, they make a deal for a protective charm in exchange for the child's name, the charm is designed that if she's ever in danger it'll bring her to him so he's raising her in Storybrooke, she ages at the same pace as Henry thanks to the charm
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Malia Constantine ( Titans ) – bisexual british witch bitch, youngest member of the original Titans, didn't handle the group splitting up well and went a bit off the rails, now running cons to alleviate her boredom
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Maristela Carrillo ( Harry Potter ); x Blaise Zabini & Theodore Nott – Slytherin Queen, knows what she wants and is not afraid to take it, stuck in the longest game of romantic chicken in the world with Blaise and Theodore
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Michelle Beaton ( Gossip Girl ); x Blair Waldorf – Catherine Beaton's daughter (with Bart Bass, he doesn't know that), goes to the Hamptons with her mom and ends up in New York, Blair enemies to lovers
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Veronica Bacall ( OUAT ) – Jessica Rabbit
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Zoe Giardi ( Glee ); x Mike Chang – Kendra (Del Monico) Giardi's eldest child, cheerio, not part of the Unholy Trinity but friends with them, interested in trying out for Glee but her mom would hate it (so she convinces her mom that she should join to make sure Uncle Will isn't having an affair), Quinn would hate it (so she convinces Quinn that not only should she join but so should the Unholy Trinity so they can keep an eye on Finchel), and Sue would hate it (so she convinces Sue that the four cheerios should be her spies), but honestly she just wants to vibe
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The Witching Hour ( Teen Wolf ) – extensive supernatural/hunter family verse, characters are still being named but currently have 16 characters cast
Originally part of the Calaveras, one man saw a young witch girl about to die in a witch burning, killed everyone who was part of it and then adopted her More defectors joined, not all related but consider themselves a family Hunt monsters, not the supernatural (would hunt Deucalion or Peter, would also hunt Kate & Gerard), take in kids whose families were lost to the supernatural world (supernatural kids whose families were killed by hunters, also hunters whose parents were killed by supernatural creatures, also kids who aren’t either but whose parents died in the crossfire) Travel wherever they’re needed but home base is in Argentina
Unnamed OUAT ocs:
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also, recent-ish plot bunnies so I don't lose them all:
Mimi Morton (Glee)
Sutton Reeves (Glee)
Tracy Sinclair (Stranger Things)
Azaria Lynn (Twilight)
Coralie "Cori" Parks (PJO)
[more to come]
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
If I may get your thoughts on something. The fandom likes to throw out that because Malia was in a coyote state for x years that's used to say she should still be a child mentally. Not to completely defend him but shouldn't that also be the case for Peter. According to Derek he himself was still in high school when the fire happened. And with Peter being Peter with the flashbacks we probably say he was about 21 22 when that went down. So his selfish ways, although not forgiven, make a lot more sense when you realize this dude is still barely out of educational years. He's smart and cunning but he has no idea how to be an adult about things.
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To truly grapple with your question, there are some matters of lore established by the show that I think we all need to bear in mind.
Fully shifted werecreatures possess the cognitive abilities of humans, not animals. Talia understood the importance of the meeting in the distillery and timed her entrance for maximum impact as a high-status alpha. Derek recognized the tactical situation at La Iglesia and made decisions accordingly. Malia was able to analyze the crime scene with Alex's parents while a four-legged coyote.
Werecreatures' physical appearances do not match up with their chronological ages the same way humans do. Noshiko Yukimura looked in her twenties in 1943 when she was near 800 years old and in her forties in 2011 when she was near 900 years old. Satomi Ito looked pretty much the same age in 1943 and 2012. Cora Hale was seventeen "in how you measure in years."
Werecreatures (and humans with a motivation to do so) manipulate human institutions in order for the supernatural to remain hidden. They're quite proficient at it. The Argents had agents placed throughout the government and law enforcement and were able to get Gerard and Victoria installed in the local high school. Jennifer managed to create an entire identity for herself that passed muster. The Hales were pillars of the community without anyone suspecting they were werewolves. We can joke about a Nazi werelion teaching physics, but he was also facile enough to infiltrate the upper levels of the German military.
In other words, while an engaged viewer might question the quality of the presentation of Malia in terms of socialization and emotional development, there's no reason to insist she would have to act like a feral child. She wasn't a coyote, as Scott pointed out, she was a werecoyote. If we're going to accept the supernatural abilities that deny scientific reality -- and we have to in order to engage with the show -- we have to accept the story's rules as they are presented to us.
Which means, unfortunately, that I have to disagree with your second premise, mostly because we can't be sure about Peter's chronological age. His physical appearance is not admissible as evidence nor is the age given on his medical admission papers in Monstrous (4x10). This means that we have to rely on the position taken by the story itself, and that implied that Peter was fully an adult. Neither Young Derek nor Older Derek treated Peter as a peer; Peter always stood in the position of mentor and elder. After all, in Peter's own words when talking about Triskelion: "Talia used it to teach Laura; I tried to use it to teach Derek." Why would Talia put someone she considered a teenager in charge of something as important as her son learning self control, especially after the disaster with Paige? Cora treated Peter far differently than she treated Derek; in my opinion, she treated him like a member of the older generation.
All of the show's characters treated Peter as an adult who should have known better, including Cora, Lydia, Melissa, the Sheriff, Stiles, Malia: all of their words and actions clearly express this point of view. Even villains such as Kate, Jennifer, and Deucalion treated Peter as an adult and a peer. I think Derek's treatment of Peter is the key; I find it telling that Derek treated the twins differently than he treated Peter. Derek never acted as if Peter had diminished capacity or limited freedom to make decisions the way he did with Aiden and Ethan, and it certainly wasn't because he liked the twins better or because they hurt him less. The only person to express hope for Peter's rehabilitation was Scott, and that was seen as such an extreme position that Stiles used it against Scott during their argument in Parasomnia (5x02).
Some people choose to be selfish; some people choose to act ruthlessly and unethically. We're not supposed to believe that everything Peter's done is due to his inability to process the fire and the resulting coma. I've witnessed too many people expressing disbelief that Peter would work with the person who burned his family, and I want to shake them: that's the point! There's no trauma pushing him to work with Kate in Season 4; he chooses to do it because it's the most effective means to get what he wants. Peter is not a victim in Seasons 1-4; he's an opportunist. He uses Kate because she has the power and the history to distract everyone from what he's trying to achieve, just as he used Jennifer's threat in Season 3 to distract everyone from his plans and to remove Derek as a possible obstacle to those plans without killing him.
His selfish ways make sense because he's selfish. He manipulates people to gain power because he wants power. He's not one-dimensional by any measure, but the narrative makes it clear that until he realizes that people exist to be more than just means to his ends he will be an antagonist. Until he accepts that -- which he starts to do in Season 6 -- he will be exactly how Scott described him "always a monster."
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theadoptedhale · 1 year
@gaydemonwolf cont. x:
Vincent went quiet and distant, he seemed hurt too and he could guess why. Deucalion decided to leave the tree for now, putting the lights down carefully, and walking up to his lover. He pulled Vince by the waist and slipped his arms around said waist in a soft embrace. “I appreciate it,” he said kissing his lips. “How about you extend an invitation to them. If they come, good, if not we move on. You can invite your brother, he loves spending time with you and he seems happier around you too so I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.” He kissed him again and moved a hand up to the back of his neck to stroke him. “We can adopt in our future, Peter will probably have a family of his own too, and we’ll have a big celebration with time. You’ll see.”
the wolf grumbled against the other's chest when he hugged him & pouted against his lips when he kissed him. he was right, though. vincent slung his arms around the other & leaned against him with a little sigh. "yeah, yeah - you're right. someone's gotta make the first step, right?" they could be the ones & if the others didn't appreciate it, then so be it. they'd live. "i dunno if peter even likes christmas anymore. good time to find out, i guess." he just wanted things to be normal. he knew they couldn't go back to how things used to be, but they could try find their own way, right?
this time he leaned into deucalion for the kiss, already feeling like a weight had been lifted. deucalion was so good at making him feel good about himself. "food, you, peter. the only things i need for a perfect christmas." the wolf grinned, slowly easing himself away from the alpha. "go go, put the lights on the tree. i'll unwrap the other decorations."
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harringtonstilinski · 2 years
You’ll Always Be My Hero - Chapter 100 ; The Wolves of War
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Emma Thomas (OC) Word Count: 6,564 Warnings: WE GET OUR BOY BACK, mentions of blood, scott being a freaking dumbass (but with good reason), gun shot wounds, TDC reference, A/N: Hi, friends! 100 Chapters down, 0 to go!! I can’t believe we’re done with the series. Today marks two years since I started posted this. It’s also Dylan O’Brien’s 31st Birthday! If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Sticking his head out from behind the pillar, Scott looked to see what the hell was going on and where everyone else was hiding. Deciding he was an idiot, I pulled him back as I heard his name echoed in my head, and voicing as such, “You’re a freaking dumbass, Scott McCall.”
He wrapped his arms around my figure, towering over me as he bent and said, “Yeah, I know” as bullets were hitting our hiding place. Digging my fingers into his chest, I fisted his shirt in my hands as he lifted his head, yelling out Malia’s name.
Scott turned us so that his back was pressed against the pillar, the both of us looking off to the side. My body went rigid as a man raised his gun at us, obviously prepared to kill us. He didn’t get a chance, though, because a very familiar blue Jeep hit him before he could pull the trigger, sending the guy to the ground.
My eyes went wide and my mouth hung open, seeing Stiles sitting in the driver’s seat, turning his head to look at us, and propping his elbow on the open window, a smirk ever present on his face. “You didn’t think you’re doing this without me, did ya?” 
“Without us?” Derek said, stepping up beside the Jeep.
Scott and I looked at each other, the same expression covering our faces; complete and utter shock. Looking back over to Derek and Stiles, I watched as Derek glowed his Beta Blues with his fangs on display, launching himself at two other hunters, knocking them to the ground before growling and getting back up. He took the gun from another hunter, using the butt to hit the guy, knocking him out.
Taking the gun from another hunter, Derek hit him and knocked him out, too. I seriously forgot how freaking badass Derek was, so it was nice to see that again from him. I didn’t see much else as I buried my face back in Scott’s chest, the gunfire scaring the life out of me. Nothing but grunts, punches being thrown and chain link fences being rattled was the other things I could hear, plus growls from Derek and Peter, and I think Malia’s was mixed in there, too as Scott and I moved over to Deucalion, accessing the wounds he got from the shots fired at him not five minutes before.
Tires screeching alerted all of us to Monroe and her goons retreating. I looked at Stiles as he turned his head to look at Lydia. “I can’t believe Emma didn’t tell me about any of this.”
“Uhm, yes, I did,” I sassed, still kneeled by Deucalion.
Continuing his train of thought, he walked over to us, saying, “Not a word. Not a single word.”
“If she didn’t, we all had reasons,” Lydia said. “Really good reasons.”
I lightly chuckled, turning my sights back on Deucalion, my smile immediately dying at seeing how zoned out he looked. Scott placed his hand on top of Deucalion’s, tears springing to my eyes at seeing the former Alpha dying right in front of us.
“Gerard…” Deucalion said. “What he f-f-fears most… he can’t beat you.”
As I placed my hand on Scott’s shoulder, Deucalion looked over at him, saying, “And he knows it.” before dropping his hand from Scott’s hold, head rolling to the side as he breathed his last breath.
Turning my head into Scott’s shoulder, I let a few tears leak from my eyes, sad that the man we once called our enemy has died at the hands of Monroe and her goons.
“It’s really started, hasn’t it?” Malia asked.
“What’s started?” Stiles asked.
Picking my head up from Scott’s shoulder, I sniffled and looked at Stiles, who was already looking at me before Scott patted my hand, guiding the both of us to our feet. I walked into Stiles’ arms, feeling him wrap his around my shoulders as I wrapped mine around his middle.
“It’s an all-out war,” Scott panted. He looked at Derek then over at me before the both of us walked over to Derek, Scott giving him a hug first, before I gave him one, feeling him dip his head into my shoulder.
“As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion,” Peter said. “What are you doing here?”
I pulled myself from Derek’s hold, keeping my hands on his shoulders. “Yeah, what are you doing here? Actually--” I pulled from his hold completely, walking back to Stiles, wrapping my arms back around his middle. “The more important question is; what the hell are you doing here? Not that I’m not complaining or anything.”
“I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil,” Derek said, crossing his arms. “There were two words written in blood on a wall; Beacon Hills.”
“You came back for Beacon Hills?” Scott and I asked.
“No, I came back for you,” Derek said, eyes on Scott’s then mine. “And Emma.”
“Wait,” I said. “Back up. Why me?”
Derek didn’t get a chance to answer because Stiles’ police radio started staticing, all of us walking over to the Jeep as a voice came through, Stiles hopping in the driver’s seat, Scott in the passenger as I stood beside Stiles, practically in his lap with everyone else standing around us, Scott grabbing the walkie in middle of the voice’s speech.
“Blood and destruction. Dreadful objects so familiar. All pity choked with custom of fell deeds. Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge. With Ate by his side came hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice. Do you know the rest, Scott? Do you know your Shakespeare?”
Fucking Gerard. 
Derek and I locked eyes for a moment before he pushed Scott’s hand over towards me, knowing I knew what Gerard was quoting. 
Sighing, I said, “Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war.”
“War, indeed,” Gerard said. “You are the smartest one. You all must be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little family reunion I’ve gathered around you, Scott and Emma?”
Reaching forward with my stomach basically in Stiles’ lap, I grabbed the walkie out of Scott’s hand, pressing the button and sneering, “Yeah, well, why don’t you come join us and we both can thank your ass in person.”
“Still ever the sassy one, Emma,” Gerard said. “Nice to see you haven’t lost that side of you. But I even have a few visitors for you, from London.”
I looked back at Lydia, seeing the look of fear across her face. 
“Even someone like Jackson Whittemore couldn’t resist coming back to Beacon Hills,” Gerard continued. “Say hello, Jackson.”
Electric cracking followed by Jackson’s screaming sounded through the radio. Still looking at Lydia, I could see unshed tears in her eyes. I felt bad for her at her having to hear Jackson screaming.
“Do it again, old man,” Jackson said. “Come a little closer. I’m gonna shove that thing so far up your ass--”
“Lost none of his charm, has he?” Gerard said. “You can find him here with us in the Armory, Scott. In fact, I’m going to tell you where to find all of them, Emma. Your Deputy Hellhound met some friends of his while responding to a call at Eichen house. Scott’s father was on his way back from San Francisco with the goal of entering the fight, but he didn’t get far. Scott, you might want to tell your mother to skip her shift at the hospital tonight. Liam and his friends are there now. Optimistic of them, but woefully ill-advised. This is how you wage war, Emma and Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs. Which is why the both of you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can, and you might even save a few. But your limited resources will be spread thin. And ultimately, you will fail. The dogs of war, kids. They’re coming for you…” 
At the clinic, I called Theo, letting him know what was going on. “Just buy us more time. Wherever Liam and the others are, get them out of there.”
“Am I buying you two time to come up with a plan or to get help?” Theo asked.
“Both!” I said. “Theo, we’ve had our differences, but please do this for us. For Scott--” I sighed before saying my last two words to him. “For me.” I hung up the phone, putting it in my back pocket. 
Lydia turned the sign on the front door from Open to Closed as Scott and Malia closed the back sliding door. All of us were standing around the exam table, Stiles and I on one side, Derek and Lydia on the other, Scott and Malia at the end.
“So, it was, literally, day one of my internship,” Stiles said. I wrapped my arms around his middle, his right immediately going around my shoulders. “And up comes this slide about this guy that they’ve been chasing in the woods in North Carolina.”
I looked at Derek, confusion on my face. “I thought you were in South America?”
“I was,” Derek replied. “The bodies of the werewolves I told you about? They blamed me.”
Tightening his grip on my shoulders, Stiles continued. “So, I learned that the FBI has cornered this feral mass-murdering unsub--”
“I found a group of hunters gathering in a meeting place,” Derek interrupted. “I was trying to get information.”
I chuckled at Stiles’ body language, knowing that some bickering was going to take place here in just a second. 
“Well, the FBI found out about it, too,” Stiles said. “And they were planning a SWAT assault to take him down, dead or alive. And, as we all know, though, with Derek, it’s preferably dead.”
“Preferably,” Derek repeated.
“So, I convinced them to take me on the Field Op,” Stiles said. 
Smiling up at him, I said, “You convinced the FBI to bring an intern onto an extremely dangerous field operation?”
“I’m surprised he didn’t convince them he could lead it,” Derek said. 
“I tried,” Stiles said, voice almost sad. “Didn’t work.”
I chuckled as he continued, “Anyway, long story short, I basically, ya’know, had to save his life.” He told us that he went into gunfire and carried Derek out all heroic like.
“That’s not how it happened,” Derek said.
“Yeah,” Stiles said. “I may have left out a detail, but that’s the gist of what happened.”
“It was the essential essence of it?” I asked.
“Yup,” Stiles answered, that smirk that I loved so much on his face.
“You couldn’t walk,” Derek said. 
“I was limping,” Stiles said, duh tone to his voice.
“You couldn’t walk and I know that because I was carrying you,” Derek said.
“Oh, I’ve got to hear this,” I chuckled.
Derek explained that he had to carry a screaming Stiles out of the building they were in before he passed out.
“They shot my toe,” Stiles said. “You want to see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated.”
“Baby,” I said, looking up at him and patting his chest. “Let’s forget about your toe for a second.”
He looked down at me and whispered, “Obliterated.”
“Guys,” Scott said. “It’s not just the hunters. We’ve got another problem.”
“T’is called the Anuk-ite,” I said. “It can get into your head. It can make you see things.”
“What does it look like?” Stiles asked.
“It used to look like two ordinary people,” Lydia said. “But somehow they merged.”
“All we know is that it’s made of two faces,” I added. “One human, the other supernatural.”
“And it’s a shapeshifter,” Scott said. “Just like us.”
“But it knows what you’re afraid of,” I said, clinging onto Stiles a little more. “What you fear most.”
“And now it can kill you just by looking at you,” Malia said.
“Okay, so you’re telling me we gotta go up against this thing blind?” Stiles asked. “And face our deepest fear?”
“Yeah. Why?” Scott said. “What do you fear most?” 
“Blindness,” Stiles answered.
“Becoming blind?” Derek asked.
“Yeah, terrified of it. Always have been. This just seems to be a situation of unfortunate overlap.”
“Lydia, you, Emma and Stiles need to find Argent, get to the Armory, rescue Jackson,” Scott said. 
“I don’t think we have time to wait for him,” Lydia said. “I’ve gotten through those doors once, anyway. I can do it again. This time--” she said, looking over at me. “With some help.”
I perked up a little, eyes wide and brows meeting my hairline. “What do you mean this time?”
“Em, the last time we were at the Armory--”
“YUP!” I interrupted. “I got it. Yup. I remember now. Ha ha. Yes, sir!”
“Can we slow it down just for one second,” Stiles said. “Make sure I’m grasping this? So, we’re actually talking about doing this? We’re gonna do exactly what Gerard wants us to? Is that right?”
“I think that if we stop the Anuk-ite, we stop it all,” Scott said.
“Stopping this thing can stop Gerard and the hunters?” Derek asked.
“Not all of them are hunters,” I said. “Most of them are ordinary people acting out of fear.”
“Monroe’s not gonna change,” Scott sighed. “But I think that we can reach the others. Most of them, actually.”
“The Anuk-ite is causing them to come from a place of fear,” Lydia said. 
“Well, fear’s pretty motivating,” Derek said. “Especially when it leads to anger.”
“And I think that if we can take out the fear,” I theorized. “We can take out the fight in them, too. They’re afraid of us, but they don’t have to be.”
“They just have to change their minds,” Scott added. 
“Well, we have to change their minds,” Derek said.
“Okay,” Malia said. “We can face the Anuk-ite. We can try to fight it blind. We can try to face our fears. But we still need to know how to catch it.”
“We will figure that out,” Scott said, voice soft. “We always do.”
“Oh, it’s nice to see that somebody hasn’t lost their optimism,” Derek said.
“Not yet.”
“I have,” Stiles said.
“We will buy you time, Scott,” Lydia said. “Who knows? Maybe Jackson has an answer.”
“Maybe Argent will come back with one,” Malia said.
Looking between Malia and Derek, Scott said, “You two. You’re with me. And we need Peter. Anyone who can help stop this thing or slow it down.”
“Where we headed?” Malia asked.
“The high school.”
“That’s where we’re gonna find this thing?” Derek asked.
“No,” Scott said. He looked at me as I gave him a confused face before saying, “It’ll find us.”
“Well, I guess our supernatural adventures started at the high school, and I guess that’s where it’s gonna end,” I sassed. “And to think, we were all done with high school.”
Driving to the Armory, Stiles had his hand on my thigh, my hand on top of his, lacing our fingers together.
Lydia leaned in between the seats from the back, asking, “Emma, what do you fear most?”
I looked at Stiles’ profile before looking at her for a second then putting my eyes back in front of me, and sighing. “Losing Stiles. Especially after everything we’ve been through since Scott was bit. From his first full moon until now. Losing Stiles would be like… losing a limb.” I looked at his profile again before letting out a deep breath, whispering, “And Void.”
I felt his hand squeeze my thigh in reassurance. “You’re not going to lose me, Em,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“And he can’t come back,” Lydia said. “Isaac trapped it in that jar, remember?”
I nodded and turned my head to look at her. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Parking in front of the Armory, the three of us got out of the Jeep, running inside. Memories of almost dying in here hit me like a bus, though it was just a few days ago. Being the badass Banshee’s that we were, Lydia and I did our thing, knocking people out left and right, using our screams as Stiles kicked down a door, standing there for a moment.
“Jackson?” Stiles said.
“Stiles?” Jackson asked.
“Jackson?” Lydia said.
“Emma!” I said. “Emma’s here, too.” “Already covered that,” Stiles said.
I nudged Lydia, nodding with a wink telling her to go to him.
“Oh, my God,” Lydia squealed with a run. “It’s you! It’s really you!”
Walking up to Stiles, I had a smile on my face at their reunion as they hugged. 
“Okay, alright,” Stiles said. “That’s nice.”
“I can’t believe it’s you,” Lydia said.
“Jackson, not too close,” I said, seeing his hands go to the bottom of her shirt. “Jackson, watch your hands, buddy. Okay, alright, let’s just break this up. We’ve got work to do.” I walked up to them, not really wanting to break up their reunion, but it was kind of needed.
Looking behind us, Jackson gestured to the bodies on the ground. “You did that?”
Lydia looked at me, putting her arm around my shoulders, saying out breath, “We did that.”
“I kicked down the door,” Stiles said.
“And you did super awesome,” I said, stepping over to him, kissing his cheek.
“Thanks, babe,” he said. “Now that we’ve all contributed, wanna get the hell out of here? Huh?”
“Uh, not without Ethan,” Jackson said.
“Ethan?” Lydia said.
“What’s Ethan doing here?” I asked.
“He’s with me,” Jackson said, turning around to face us after exiting the room.
“He’s with you?” Lydia asked.
“Yes. Me.”
“Ethan?” Stiles said.
“Yes. Ethan.”
“And you?” I asked, confusion in my voice.
“Ethan?” Stiles repeated.
Stiles and I looked at each other, him figuring something out by the face he was making, but I was still utterly confused.
“Oh… my God,” Lydia said before sighing. “I thought you’d never figure it out.”
Jackson scoffed before chuckling. “Can-can we go find him now?”
“Wait, figure what out?” I said, looking at Lydia then back to Jackson.
“Emma, honey,” Lydia said, putting her arm back around my shoulders. “Jackson and Ethan. Use that genius brain of yours.”
I thought it over for a minute before it hit like a bus. “Ohhhhh! You’re gay!” I said, voice loud… to which Jackson chuckled at. “Well… you learn something new everyday.”
“Yeah,” Stiles said. “Wait, hang on. Babe, get my phone.”
I reached into Stiles' pocket, grabbing his phone and pulling it out, and answering it. “Yeah?”
“You still at the Armory?” Scott asked.
“Yeah, but we’re leaving momentarily, though.”
“There’s something I need you to get first. Remember that room we found the map in?”
“Yeah. What do you need from in there?”
“You’ll know the moment you see it.”
“Always the vague one. Got it.” I hung up the phone and put it back in Stiles’ pocket. Running over towards the little room, I opened the door… with Stiles’ help and stepped inside. Looking around, I noticed that some things were missing, like Jiang and Tierney’s tattoo and wolf ears. Reaching down to grab what I needed, I turned back around and walked out of the room, not bothering to shut the door back.
Feeling my own phone vibrate, I pulled it from my pocket, seeing a text from Scott.
Scotty: I need you to come to the school. Give the bottle to Stiles and tell him to NOT look at the Anuk-ite. He’ll know when the time is right. I can’t do this without you. And remember; don’t open your eyes. 
“I have to go to the school,” I said, handing Stiles the bottle. “Whatever you do, babe, don’t look at the Anuk-ite. You’ll turn to stone if you do. Scott said you’ll know when the time is right for this.” I leaned up and pressed my lips to his in a much needed kiss. The sound of a throat being cleared reminded me that we were on a mission. “Right.”
“Wait, you two?” Jackson asked.
“Oh, yeah. The night we saved you from yourself right before you moved. So, a few months before the start of Junior year. Anyway, I have to go.”
“How are you gonna get there?” Lydia asked. 
“I’ll either steal the Jeep or run,” I said. Looking back at Stiles, I gave him one last kiss before running off shouting, “I love you!”
“Yep,” he yelled. “Love you, too!”
Mom ended up coming to pick me up from the side of the road after I had called her.
“Stiles is back, but we can talk about that later,” I said. “I just need to get to the school as fast as I possibly can.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” Mom said, pressing the gas to go faster. 
It was quiet in the car as my anxiety started to kick into full gear. I didn’t know what was going to happen and I didn’t want to think about it. All I wanted to do was finish this shit with my best friend by my side. 
Scott and I had gotten a lot closer throughout this whole ordeal. Lydia had texted me at one point saying that Scott had feelings for me and that he didn’t want to act on them while Stiles was around, to which I told her I always knew he had them for me, but he understood that I had mad feelings for Stiles anyways, so Scott didn’t push anything. 
My relationship with Scott now is way different than it was at the start of all this. We were best friends when Peter bit him, but over time, we became more like brother and sister, and that’s enough for me.
Getting to the school, I quickly placed a kiss on my mom’s cheek, telling her to not look that thing in the eye before getting out. I walked into the hallway as I saw Monroe raise her gun up and shoot Scott before shifting her gun and sending a bullet my way, into my right shoulder; the same exact spot she apparently got Scott.
Derek came over to me as Malia knelt by Scott, her saying his name.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Scott said. “Don’t let her go.”
Malia growled and chased after Monroe while Derek lifted me up bridal style.
“Scott, you have to stand,” Derek said, to which Scott painfully stood up. “Neither of you are okay. It’s yellow wolfsbane for you, that’s gonna kill you. This coming out of Emma, I’m not sure what it is.”
“What’s the color?” I asked. Since I was wearing a white shirt, the color of the wolfsbane would show up.
“Damn it,” I groaned. “My dad always kept some in their medicine cabinet. Just in case.” “Just in case of what?” Scott asked.
“We don’t have time to play 20 Questions,” Derek said. “Will it kill you?” “Because of the fact I’m a super rare Were,” I groaned as he moved. “Yes. I will die. If you don’t get it out of me. Like yesterday. Like you need to get it out right now.”
I felt myself being laid across a table top, my eyes closed as the pain was becoming too much. 
“Scott, sit down,” Derek said. “Sit down.”
“Derek, just go,” Scott said. “Help Malia, please.”
“Look, I’m not worried about her,” Derek said, opening a metal cabinet. “We gotta get rid of this. And there’s only one way to get rid of wolfsbane.”
“Please, tell me you’re not gonna put a flame against my skin,” I sassed, groaning in pain afterwards.
“Yes, you gotta burn it out, Emma.”
“What?” Scott said.
“Okay, look, you’re not gonna be able to do much until you heal.”
“What about Emma?” Scott asked.
“I’ll be fine, Scotty,” I said. I could already feel my resolve starting to slip, just like in the Armory.
“If I’m right, we just need Stiles to get here.”
Derek turned the little blowtorch on, going for Scott first, who protested.
“Save Emma first.Her heartbeat’s slowing, fast.”
Derek walked over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Em, this is gonna hurt like a bitch. Scream, kick, punch with your left hand, I don’t care. We’re gonna save you.”
“Just do it, Sour Wolf,” I said.
He chuckled at the nickname before putting the flame against my skin, a scream tearing from me as tears immediately jumped down my cheeks. I kicked, I thrashed, I screamed, I did everything while Derek was yelling at me.
I looked down and saw Gray smoke coming from my skin. After he pulled the flame away from my shoulder, he walked over to Scott, doing the same thing. 
What was weird was… I could feel myself healing. I remembered that both wounds on my thighs had healed up quickly, so maybe my healing ability on my Were side has kicked in, and didn’t even realize it as I was doped up on drugs.
“Em, you alright?” Derek asked, his voice coming from below me. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said.
I watched him stand up, eyes glowing Blue, a quiet growl sounding from his throat. “Derek?” He didn’t say anything, just walked out of the room. “Don’t look at it, Der. Don’t look at it.”
I felt Lydia, Jackson and Ethan walk into the school, but where at; I couldn’t tell you.
Scott and I somehow managed to get up and go to the library. We were both holding onto our shoulders where Monroe had shot us. How she managed to get us in the exact same spot, I’ll never know. He walked us over to a bookshelf, hiding behind it. He pressed my back against his chest with his arm around my middle, the both of us panting from the pain. 
Hearing footsteps, I stiffened in Scott’s hold, feeling him once again.
“Hiding in the library, Scott?” Void said. “Hiding from me, angel?”
I breathed out a heavy breath at the sound of Void’s voice. I didn’t miss it not one bit. I felt Scott’s breath on my ear as he whispered, “Close your eyes, Em. Keep them closed, no matter how tempting.”
“Open your eyes, Scott. Open your pretty blues, angel. Let me see them.”
I shook my head, tears trying to leak out.
“You think you can fight me, but you can’t. Your friends are gone. They saw my face and it drove them insane. They’re gone because of you.”
Placing my hand on Scott’s forearm, I squeezed it, letting him know none of those words are true.
“You failed them,” Void continued. In a more distorted voice, he said, “You failed everyone. Especially… her,” he dragged out. 
“Scotty, don’t listen to him,” I said. 
A table to our right clattered to the ground. I wasn’t sure what Deucalion taught him, but I couldn’t see a damn thing beside the black behind my eyes.
Feeling a body next to me, I could tell it was the Nogitsune, Reese’s body from Noshiko’s story. “Especially… Allison.”
Feeling Scott start to move, I said, “Scotty, no!” before he ignored my request and jumped at Nogitsune, slashing out at him. I wasn’t sure whether or not he hit him or what because I was on the ground on my hands and knees. 
“Open your eyes,” Derek’s voice cut through. 
“Emma, back up,” Scott said. 
“How can I be sure that’s you,” I said, feeling his arms pick me up. 
“That’s how,” he said, pushing my back up against the bookshelf. “Stay hidden. Stay out of sight.”
“Open your eyes,” Malia growled.
I covered my ears as Scott screamed. Good thing I kept my hands over my ears because the sound of mine and Lydia’s screams mixed together sounded, and boy was it loud!
“Scott,” Void said. “Angel. Open them. All you have to do... is open your eyes.”
“Your fear is different, Scott,” Nogitsune said. 
I felt a hand around my throat, causing me to cough as my air flow was being restricted.
“There’s power underneath,” Nogitsune continued. “Your power. Your fear brings me freedom! Your fear of Emma dying brings me joy! I won’t be trapped again. I won’t be caught and caged ever again. Not ever!”
Nogitsune let me go, my hands and knees meeting the floor again. A gasp of air filled my lungs as I clenched my eyes shut, careful not to open them. I heard Scott choking in the same manner I did, before Nogitsune’s voice came back through, “Open your eyes.” He bellowed at Scott, saying, “OPEN THEM!”
“I know how to fight you,” Scott said. “And I know how to catch you.” He must’ve pushed Nogitsune away from him because I could feel Scott’s Alpha coming out; his protective side.
I heard his claws flick before he said, “You leave Emma alone. I’m the one you want, not her. Emma?” “Yeah, Scotty?” I said, breathing heavy.
“I’m sorry.”
“What are you--” I said, cut off by Scott’s own screams followed by Nogitsune’s growl. I didn’t know what else to do other than scream myself at hearing him in such pain. For some reason, my eyes were hurting, and that led me to the realization of what he’d done. 
He’d clawed his own eyes out.
I cried for my best friend, not believing he just did that. Fucking idiot. I know why he did it, but still. It was the most stupidest thing he’s ever done. 
“Em, sit against the bookshelf to your right,” he said. 
“You can see me?” I asked.
“Yeah. Just please listen.”
I moved to the shelf he was referring to. Just listening to him fighting all these creatures from our past. Those creatures being a Berserker, an Oni, a Dread Doctor.
Hearing what seemed like a body hitting a table, Scott growled after that, saying, “You can’t beat me. I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.”
I stood up, my hands in front of me as I felt my way towards Scott. Once I felt Scott’s shoulder, I stood to his right, keeping my hand on his shoulder. “You wanted enough power so that you could never be trapped again,” I said. “You wanted the power of a shapeshifter like Scott. But that comes with all the rules of being a shapeshifter; a supernatural! We all have weaknesses.”
“And we have lines that we can’t cross,” Scott added. 
“Mountain Ash.”
Turning my head to the right and hearing the doors open, I felt Stiles walk into the room before hearing a smash of something on the floor. After some hissing sounded, Scott put his arm around my middle, bending down a little to get on my height level. 
A gasp of air coming from me caused my eyes to open and shine their Banshee Green. 
I looked over at Scott, seeing the blood dripping down his face. Putting my hands on his arms as Lydia and Derek’s presence were known to me as I pushed Scott to sit on the steps. I knelt in front of him, holding his face in my hands as I looked at him, tears streaming down my face.
“Scott, you stupid, stupid fucking Alpha,” I cried.
“I know,” he panted.
“You’re a fucking idiot. More of an idiot than you’ve ever been.”
The doors opening alerted all of us to Malia walking in as she said Scott’s name. I didn’t move from my position as she knelt down behind me.
“Em, he’s not healing?” Malia asked.
I shook my head, trying not to let out the sob that wanted to escape. 
“Scott, what happened to your eyes?” 
“Stiles,” Lydia whispered. 
He pulled me up, pressing my back against his chest. 
“I had to, Malia,” Scott said. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Emma.”
“Scotty,” I cried. “You gotta heal.”
“She’s right,” Derek said. “If your eyes stay like this much longer, the damage is gonna be permanent.”
“Come on, Scott,” Stiles said, tightening his grip on me. “Concentrate.”
Scott tipped his head back for a second before saying, “I’m trying. It’s not working. I can’t focus.”
“Do you need my--” I asked.
“No, no,” Scott said. “I can hear it from here, but it’s not helping.”
Malia grabbed his face, turning it to look at where his eyes should be. “Hey, hey, look at me.”
“Malia,” Lydia and I said.
“You know what I mean,” Malia said, turning to look at us for a moment before looking back at Scott.
I took a seat beside Scott, taking his face in my own hands. “Yes, you can, Scotty. Just concentrate.” “I can’t. I can’t, I can’t do it, Em,” he said, putting his hand over mine.
“Yes, you can, Scotty,” I said, through my tears. 
“Scott,” Malia said, taking Scott’s face back into her hands. “Please, just look at me.”
I moved back into Stiles’ arms, not moving from my spot again. I looked up at Stiles, watching him watch the scene in front of us. I remembered kissing him in the locker room when Jennifer took my dad and he was having his panic attack. What helped him concentrate on his breathing was--
“Malia,” I said. “Kiss him.”
“What?” she asked, looking back at me.
“Kiss him,” I said, looking back up at Stiles. “It’ll help him concentrate.”
Stiles gave me a look that said he knew what I was talking about and held onto me tighter.
She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. She pulled back after a moment, Scott’s eyes opening. His Alpha Red color sprinkled over his eyes, healing them, his normal browns looking back at her.
I let out a sigh of relief, turning in Stiles’ hold and wrapping my arms around his neck, the same relief flooding through him. 
I pulled back some to look him deep in his eyes. “I love you. I love you so much.” I didn’t give him a chance to reply as I pressed my lips to his in a much needed passionate kiss. 
Making a quick stop by the school, I wanted to see my uncle. The Coach. He was more than relieved that I wasn’t dead, that a hunter didn’t actually kill me. 
He had me walk into the locker room where Nolan and Liam stood after he handed me my clipboard. I looked down at the papers attached, reading off what was on a sticky note. “Co-Captains?” Looking up at the two teenage boys, I said, “You two wanna be co-captains?”
“We’ve, uh, gotten past our differences,” Nolan said.
“That doesn’t sound very competitive,” Coach said.
“Bobby,” I warned.
“Who taught them that crap, Emma?”
I smirked and looked between the two then back at my uncle. “We did, Bobby.”
“Because you two are great coaches,” Liam said.
I walked forward and gave him a hug before he walked out of the locker room with Nolan. Turning to face Coach, I handed him my clipboard before giving him a hug.
“You’re leaving?” he asked.
“I’ve got a much needed date night with Stiles,” I said. Walking over towards the door, I turned around and looked at him, my hand resting on the door frame. “Hey, Bobby. They’re right. You are a great coach. And an even better uncle.”
“They ran that night,” I said. “Gerard put guns in people’s hands. But a lot less than he thought were actually willing to use them. More people know our secret now. But more of them are on our side. And they weren’t afraid of us anymore. Now we have allies who used to be enemies. We have protectors. We have friends willing to fight for us. The rest of us have been looking for others like you.”
The car pulled to a stop in an old abandoned parking lot, rain falling from the sky. Scott, our friend and myself got out of the car, Scott and I walking to the driver’s side window. Scott and Argent did that broski handshake… thing before I leaned in and hugged him the best I could before he drove off.
“Okay, Alec,” Scott said. “The people who are hunting you… they’ve got a leader.”
“Her name is Monroe,” I said.. “She’s got a lot of followers.”
“Like, what?” Alec said. “Hundreds?”
“More in the thousand region,” I said, face scrunched. “All over the world.”
“So, what are we doing here?” he asked. “And why would anyone hunt a Banshee?”
“Because I’m not just a Banshee.” 
“We’re here because we’re meeting up with some people who can help us,” Scott said, putting his arm around my shoulders.
“Some of them are always with us,” I said, thinking of Allison. “Others come when we need them.”
Scott sighed. “But tonight… we need everyone we can get.”
Looking off to my right, I watched as Stiles pulled up in his Jeep, and smiled. Malia’s car and Derek’s Camaro pulled up not long after. 
Derek got out of his car first, Stiles and Lydia getting out after, Malia and Liam getting out of hers. 
“Are they all…” Alec asked. “Uh, different?” 
“Some of them are,” Scott said, nodding his head. We looked at each other and he tilted his head towards Stiles. I smiled at him and tore from his hold on me, running over to Stiles. He already had his arms out for me to launch into, which I gladly did. I could hear Scott explain to Alec about us.
“Some can do things you’d never believe,” Scott said, looking at Malia. Gesturing towards Stiles, I looked at my boyfriend as Scott said, “And the others might only be human--” Stiles looked down at me and winked that wink that would kill me if it were possible. “But they make up for it by being really smart--” Stiles squeezed me tight at those words. “Or really good in a fight.” “Who are they?” Alec asked.
Looking around at all of us, Scott said, “My friends. My pack. And you can be with us if you want. But you’re gonna have to fight.”
“Against Monroe?”
“And everyone that follows her.”
“She said she’d find me. That she’d hunt me down and kill me. She didn’t care how old I was. She said I was a monster.”
Scott looked over at me, tilting his head for me to come back. He and Stiles had been working with me over the last few months with a new ability. I looked at Stiles, giving him a kiss before walking back over to Scott and Alec.
“You’re not a monster,” I said. “You’re a werewolf.”
“Like me,” Scott said, shining his Alpha Reds. He looked down at me, his Reds still shining and I smirked, shining my Banshee Greens at him.
“Why are her’s green?” Alec asked.
“Because,” I said, looking at him with my Greens. “I’m part werewolf, part banshee.”
Looking back over at Stiles, I held my hand out as I walked towards him, feeling him lace his fingers with my own.
Derek walked on Scott’s right, me on his left, Stiles on my left, and Lydia on his left. We started this thing together. Might as well end it that way, too. With three more people added in Malia, Liam and Alec.
All of this started on the night of a full moon. 
All of this ends on the night of a full moon, as well.
A/N 2: hi, friends! that’s it for YABMH! let me know what you thought! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: 
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @quanticobae​ @mischiefandi​ @kellyashcroft​ @lauren-novak​
YABMH Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​ @stixnstripesworld​ @sammypotato67​ @originalamethysthealer @alittlebitofeverythinggg​ @katemusic @hcomet28​ @good-vibes-and-glitter​ @louie-bug​ @luckylovestruck @quxxnxfhxll @lettersofwrittencollective​ @shawty-fenty​ @onelesslonelygirlbieber6​ @kenziemaehl @gabxbyr​​ @hogwartsstar​ @theycallmegreentea​
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Italics wouldn’t let me tag 🥺
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from Emma and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of Jeff Davis. Our home slice Emma was made up all by me. As well we her parents and their storyline throughout the series.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on August 26, 2022 *Happy 31st Birthday, Dylan O’Brien!*
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Two Gays x Teen Wolf
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52313098 by underratedandunknown When two queer werecoyotes move into Hawkins after Scott gets bit everyone's lives become a lot more interesting and more dangerous. Follows the plot of the slow but with a twist if gay comedy and some much needed common sense. updates regularly! co-creator will be added soon!!!! Words: 2438, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Derek Hale, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Allison Argent, Original Male Character(s), Original Non-Binary Character, Original Trans Character(s), Original Characters, Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Melissa McCall, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Cora Hale, Chris Argent, and other side characters that i dont care enough to mention Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin/Original Character(s), Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura, Deucalion (Teen Wolf)/Original Male Character(s), Allison Argent/Scott McCall(Temporarily) Additional Tags: two gay werecoyotes invading and manipulating the plotline, Everyone Is Gay, tw for peter hate and kate, Sarcastic Stiles Stilinski, sarcastic Main Characters, Gay Dad, Good Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek is 19 because we said so, Scott is dumb, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52313098
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11alpha · 1 year
@klaeus ⸻ x interactions.
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back  in  the  day,  scott  would  not  give  a  second  glance.  he  had  been  a  beta  then,  unknown  to  the  rules  of  what  it  meant  to  be  a  werewolf,  and  he  had  not  given  people  like  peter  a  second  glance.  deucalion.  but  there  is  a  scent,  an  aura  perhaps,  something  that  alerted  the  now  alpha  to  be  on  high  attention  around  this  one.perhaps  it's  just  an  alpha  recognizing  a  match,  derek  was  never  too  keen  on  explaining  how  the  whole  thing  worked  between  different  packs  but  all  scott  knows  is  that  he  is  staring  and  making  sure  his  ground  is  settle.
 the  scent  that  reaches  him  is  odd;  different,  similar  and  yet,  therei  s  something  dreadful  about  it.  he  has  closed  down  the  animal  shelter  a  while  ago,  and  it  was  late,  rare  to  see  anyone  outside.  he  sees  no  animal  with  the  man  that  would  promp  a  visiting  to  the  shelter.  "if  you  are  lookin'  for  a  place  to  stay,  there  is  a  motel  a  few  blocks  back."  scott  points  out,  testing  out  the  waters.  "this  is  an  animal  shelter.  no  room  for  humans."
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
Didn't include this on my Peter headcanons post cause it deserves its own post
I'm so deeply attached and in love with the idea that a younger Peter Hale dated the grown Deucalion
I know it was intended and everyone sees chemistry between Deucalion and Talia but I'm sorry I think the blind man is gay
And the idea of Peter having a healthy younger person/older person relationship (all legal, thank you) and maybe Derek is the only one who knew about it (even if Peter didn't know that)
So when Derek gets with Kate.. he's like yeah.. this made uncle Peter happy I can be happy too
But also Peter having control issues when he was younger like Derek did and Deucalion becoming a more stable anchor for him after they start dating
But it definitely started as a sex thing
They never officially broke up either, Deucalion lost his sight and went batshit and just never spoke to Peter again
Before Deucalion Peter still dated Chris
Making Derek and Peter paralells
Chris/Paige, Deucalion/Kate
It's just way more tragic for Derek because I love a tragic man
And then as adults the two bond over it and Peter gets to be sorry that he was a bad example/didn't help like he should've in the past
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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reveluving · 10 months
just a nip ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: you don't understand your husbands' obsession with your fangs, and you most certainly don't question it.
warnings: some s~mut (kinky husbands, so minors DNI!) + soft & sweet!
a/n: more of our fav canine duo and their vamp wife! had this lil' idea for MONTHS so I had to let it out eventually hhhh don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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» smut includes; kinky soft dom husbands, unprotected sex (p in v), petnames ('pretty girl', 'sweetheart', 'angel'), mentions of making a facial mess, mild edging & punishment??
'A sight that they will forever treasure.' ;
Their obsession with your fangs goes beyond your expectation but for different reasons. Peter likes the surprised look on your face whenever he sticks his finger in your mouth as you yawn the way an owner would to their cat. Whether you’re in a jolly mood or going through your worst day so far, you can’t help but share the amusement he has for his habit. Deuc, on the other hand, is no stranger to doing the same but often, in a more, intimate setting. If you happened to be riding his cock? Oh, it riles him up like no other. He’ll be straight-up kinky; shoving a finger or two in your mouth to lightly run them across your little canines. He’d be smug, especially if you’re staring back into his eyes as yours glow unnaturally, wishing you could wipe the smirk off his face. 
That’s not to say they’re not in the mood to switch; Deuc loves seeing your pupils contract into slits as he teases you about your cat-like behaviour the same way Peter enjoys feeling your fangs when you go to town between the sheets, but you can tell they have their own preference over the other. 
But there is one in particular that despite never admitting it, not especially amongst each other (at least, not outwardly) is ingrained in their heads, a sight that they will forever treasure.
They have a love-hate relationship with the way you bite down on the pillow/sheets, almost shying away from one's heated gaze and obscene praises while the other growls in your ear as they pound into you from behind.
"Such a pretty, pretty girl."
"Aw, was that a little shiver I felt? You love it when I growl in your ear, don't you?"
"Don't close your eyes, sweetheart. I want those pretty eyes in me when I cum all over your face."
"You better not cum just yet, angel. You remember what happened the last time when you came without our permission, don't you?"
On one hand, they get off on the fact that the usually level-headed and sometimes bashful mother of the pack is losing herself in the sheer pleasure that only they can offer, but on the other hand, they wish to hear you scream at their mercy. Either way, they just loved how submissive you looked.
Absolute menaces.
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
a/n: I hope my ian/gideon enthusiasts are doing fabulous, y'all better take care, ily! 🫂❤
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itsbitmxdinhere · 1 year
Txen Wxlf Ships
Since I did a ST Ships post I figured I should do one with the rest of my fandoms so let's start with TW :3
Stiles x Lydia
Stiles x Malia
Stiles x Peter
Stiles x Jackson
Stiles x Danny
Stiles x Derek ( I'm barely new to shipping this one so bare with me jalkdsasjlkfdsdlkfn )
Jackson x Ethan
Cora x Malia
Peter x Chris
Peter x Deucalion
Canon x OCs ( this one always with mutuals and if we've been rping beforehand and I know well your OCs and you know well my OCs ofc )
Canon x Crossover or Muses from other fandoms with TW Verses ( same as with Canon & OCs )
And Poly ships are also welcome :3
BONUS Muses Sexual Orientation:
Stiles: Bisexual
Peter: Pansexual
Cora: Lesbian
Jackson: Bisexual
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nevermind3214 · 3 years
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