#destiel fanfiction reccomendations
stillwinchester · 11 months
so I just finished reading twist and shout and I was wondering if you have any fluff destiel fics to try and fix the hole in my heart t&s left?
I don't have anything long to recommend, but maybe one-shots are something you need!
Free to be uquiz and me by fellshish - I recommend all fics by this author, most of these is funny, so perfect after reading something sad
we'll find a new home by sleepyvan - thee costco fic. fluffy and funny, post canon
Just Dudes Being Dudes by Theresa_Marxen - found it in my bookmarks, and I remember I enjoyed it!
The Resident Guinea Pig Expert by raths_kitten - cute petshop AU
Is it some freakin' romcom? by me - autopromotion, cute fic with romcom's trops, maybe even too many sugar in it!
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sandinthepipes · 9 months
Reblog for sample size, thanks
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tsurangaconundrum · 1 year
could you link the fanfiction that is having the effect please.
im very picky about what i reccomend im actually not reading very good destiel currently and hate recc ing a fic that i don’t wholeheartedly stand behind but here’s some that I’ve enjoyed recently!
technically unfinished but it’s been left very satisfyingly you don’t even have to wait. i would trust unicornpoe with my life LINK HERE
delightful 13k post canon fic LINK HERE
from the author of chef dean. what if dean dealt with his alcoholism for 135k words of nonstop kicks to the chest LINK HERE
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Destiel Rec List
Sooooo I stopped watching Supernatural 6 seasons ago yet here I sit, continuing to read destiel in gosh dang 2020.
Real Alpha- Sharkfish
Castiel used the real alpha service for his heats due to a sad personal backstory, but it all turns out real sweet.
Baby, You're Bad For Me - ArtemisAnne (KasMarie)
Dean hooked up with Jimmy (this isn’t incest don’t worry) and it turns out his twin is his new roommate. Whatever will he do? (Have lots of kinky sex, that’s what)
To Those Who Ask - Cimorene105 
Dean’s thoughts are really loud. (aka we are all on Team Dean’s Red Ass)
Playing House - A_Diamond  
police au undercover in bdsm scenario, gotta love it.
demo day -sharkfish  
alpha/omega dynamics plus fixer upper au
Salvation- orphan__account 
former marine Dean and doctor Castiel get a second chance after falling apart ten years ago. There is recovery from a lot of trauma and ptsd so check the tags.
Alien Cas - MalMuses
Astronaut Dean on Mars finds an interesting life forms. Starts with bonding with an alien, and a sequel on Earth with a government conspiracy (warning- mpreg)
Dean is working as hard as he can to look after Sam and pay the bills. Castiel is in town temporarily on business. (bottom Dean, BDSM)
Window of Opportunity -  tricia_16
Dean is living alone and keeps spotting this hot nerdy neighbor from his window who looks just like the owner of a coffee shop he goes to. Includes Dean in panties.
The Donut Dilemma by DestielDicksAreMyKink
Dean sees his roommate Castiel having some alone time (aka Dean questions his sexuality)
Blame It On The Bees by casbean
In which Dean is determined to prove that his roommate with a mysterious past wants to bang him.
Scars- lemonsorbae
Punk Dean and ugly sweater wearing Castiel, plus a record store. Angsty boys can’t seem to stay away from each other.  (enemies to lovers)
Observe and Report - VioletHaze
Castiel is demoted from field agent and made to ‘observe’ Dean Winchester. He gets a little too interested.
Cross My Heart, Hope To Ride-vipjuly
Castiel leads a boring life until Dean and his daughter begin to brighten it up. Includes motorcycle racer Dean.
Giving in Is Half the Battle - AngelsintheImpala
Sandover employee Castiel is a modern omega hooking up with Dean. But is friends with benefits all this is? (Mates)
In This Handmade Heaven - VioletHaze
Bobby gives Dean a chance to get his life together by fixing up a house in a super small town. Includes police officer Castiel.
The Client - narrativeimperative
Castiel is a lawyer, in a world where its hard to be a professional and an omega. His client is Dean, and they have serious chemistry. But Cas doesn’t want a mate.
The Company by cascase
Dean is an up and coming dancer and Cas is coming out of retirement for one year. There is ballet and drama.
Wild - Castielslostwings
Castiel and Dean meet on a plane, which crashes into the wilderness. Will they survive?
A Cut Above by coffeeandcas
Castiel and his son meet Dean, owner of the new barbershop in town.
The Last Great Race - wincechesters
Reporter Castiel goes to Alaska to report on the Iditarod. He stays at Winchester Kennels where he meets the surly musher Dean.
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gaypiratesandangels · 2 years
supernatural fic recommendations
- Dean and Cas mess with the karens of the PTA of Jack's school
- Dean has Reddit:
- Jack is a first grader and his guidance teacher wants to talk to his dads:
- Meg gets Cas a sexy firefighters calendar... and then Mr. July saves his life:
- There's a haunted apartment building in Vermont, and the ad says "Professional couple only". Dean and Cas rise to the occasion:
- Jack has a TikTok:
- Cas has a little panic when Dean arrives in heaven so he pretends he’s Jimmy Novak:
-It’s like The French Mistake, except they were just about to film the Destiel kiss (in 15x18 Despair):
- John sees his son kissing a man in the woods. Obviously, there's only one answer: Dean made a crossroads deal.
- The one where Dean doesn't die on a rusty nail, and after some hospital mandated therapy and a late-night showing of the movie "Backdraft" on tv, he decides to become a firefighter. (911 lone star crossover)
- Five times Sam thought Dean and Cas were friends and one time he finally figures it out.
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kaiya3333 · 3 years
Destiel/Sabriel fic rec. A masterpiece. 80 chapters of art.
Castiel made one mistake and it landed him with a child. Knowing his brothers would never accept an unmated omega with a child, Castiel chose not to tell his family about Samandriel for six years.
But Michael found out anyway and Castiel soon finds himself on the run from his furious family. To save both his and his son's lives, he flees into the wilderness, where the 'wild folk' reside and they must learn to live as wolves rather than humans if they are to survive.
Except, the wild folk are not the savages Castiel was led to believe whilst growing up, and he finds that maybe being a member of Dean's pack isn't so terrible afterall.
Then his brother, Gabriel, shows up and takes an interest in Dean's omega brother, Sam. The problem?
The Winchesters and Novaks have been enemies for centuries.
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palaniuk · 5 years
if anyone out there is listening, i need a GREAT friends to lovers fic - any pairing - for research on how to write a good friends to lovers arc. thanks love u!
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blueyedcas · 6 years
hey!!!! I’m just getting back into spn, do you have any good destiel fic recs????? I’m like desperate for content lol
Hello! I’m not going to lie, i havent been reading much fanfiction recently so i dont know how much help i can give you :( 
These are some of the lists of recs I’ve saved from other people that I’ve been meaning to go through:
Also Turbulence by me - (shameless reccomendation of my own fic)  so give that a read if you want ;D
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zios-plotbun-farm · 7 years
Not my story but it is a great one XD
Ok if mpreg is not your thing its fine but this one, oh this one, is a really good one. The author for this story is the same. So she wrote in a completely different way that is just wonderful. It focuses on the emotional relationship then on a physical one. Its all about Dean and Castiel’s ‘bond’ that is neither just friends, comrades, or partners but something else. :’D Plus I love how she developed the bond between Cas and the baby. Either way great read totally recommend it for Destial, although it could be read in a non-romantic way too if you want to see it that way.  
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