elfinaldelcamino · 26 days
Naomi Kawase 河瀨 直美
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Naomi Kawase al Festival de Cinema de Cannes (2014)
La directora cinematogràfica Naomi Kawase (1969), abandonada pels seus pares essent un infant, inicià la seva filmografia dins el gènere documental amb el film Ni tsutsumarete («Als seus braços», 1992), on exposa la cerca del pare.
La filiació és un tema recurrent a la seva obra, destancant Genpin (2010), documental sobre el part natural en què mort i naixement s'entrecreuen amb plaer i dolor on la productora documenta l'infantament del seu propi fill.
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Fotograma de Genpin
A Madres verdaderas (2020) Kawase reflexiona sobre la vida i la mort des de la maternitat. Satoko i Kiyokazu adopten l'Asato, després que la seva mare biològica, adolescent, es veu forçada a renunciar-hi. Fent un ús magistral del flashback, les dues històries convergeixen en una trobada carregada de sororitat.
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True Mothers va veure's dins la programació oficial del Festival de Cinema de Donòstia (2020)
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rollercoaster59 · 2 years
Destance sheldon 1 weight,
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hearty-an0n · 3 years
mmm taking a break for at least a day ? here’s a couple tiney minecraft men to hold u over while im gone
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superficialpedal · 7 years
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Sunset #sunset #dark #darksky #sun #darkclouds #latevening #sunday #photography #photo #darkdays #trees #street #art🎨 ##photographytumblrstyle #tumblrsunsets #tumblr #nature #naturephotography #beautiful #winterdays #mood #veiw #gourgeous #destance #vancity #Bc
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digimakacademy · 4 years
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मुंबईः लोकल में रोज सफर करते थे 80 लाख लोग, सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग का पालन हुआ तो 56 लाख यात्रियों के लिए संकट हाइलाइट्स: शर्तों के साथ सामान्य यात्रियों को लोकल ट्रेनों में अनुमति देने की सरकार की मांग के बाद रेलवे का जवाब
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graphicganga · 4 years
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whit-and-friends · 3 years
WANNA BE A [big shot]?
We're the bad guys!
Here ill heal you, how are you feeling sir?
Never better
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I’ve been struggling with getting back into writing ever since I stopped back in collage. I had a ton of course work and three jobs. I told myself I’d put it down for now and pick it right back up after the semester, my last semester, was over. Fast toward a few years and that didn’t happen.
I saw a post about how artists are suppose to do warm up sketches before they work on their actual project and I thought “why not writers too?”
So I started doing a ten minute journal entry every day. The only rule being I had to write WHATEVER come to my head. No stopping, no looking for words, just typing as fast as I could.
After a few days of that I added an hour of a fun project. I know it’ll never be published so if it’s imperfect who cares?
Then I began adding an additional hour of working on a project I’m really passionate about.
BUT I don’t beat myself up if I don’t do all three parts.
My goal is to write 200 words a day and I accomplish that with my journal entry.
I don’t know if this will work for others but it certainly has helped me. I’m able to just write and not gaze off in the destance thinking of the perfect sentence, wasting time.
If your having trouble getting into/ back into writing, maybe give this a shot.
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psvnshine · 4 years
si tuvieras la oportunidad de tener una colaboración con algún trainee/grupo/solista de tu compañía que no sea miembro de sos, ¿con quién te gustaría tenerla?
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Me gustaría trabajar con Lila o Seiya, a ambos los admiro por su carrera como solista, o con algun/a trainee que se destance en lo vocal, sería interesante.
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motor-sciences · 7 years
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#Handling #Long #destance #in #Hard #Hot #And #dusty #operation #weather #petronize #engine_oil #is #the #oil .#motorsciences #motor #science #sciences #jeddahtec #5w40 #fullsynthetic #engineering #engine #luxurycar #luxuryoil
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elfinaldelcamino · 27 days
5. Cultura Bastarda Oriental
5.1. Rasheed Araeen
A l'assaig de Hammad Nasar Notes from the Field (2015) conec l'obra i figura del productor cultural conceptual, escultor, pintor, escriptor i activista paquistanès resident a Londres Rasheed Araeen (1935). Amb l'exposició The Other Story (1989) va sembrar la polèmica a l'opinió pública britànica pel frontal rebuig del cànon cultural europeu, que mantenia amagada darrera polítiques culturals neoimperialistes la producció cultural afroasiàtica a la seva història de l'art. De manera impactant i provocadora, Araeen advocava per una descolonització cultural des del cor d'Europa.
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Rascheed Araeen
Entre la seva obra destaca per a la meva recerca sobre producció cultural bastarda la performance Paki Bastard: Portrait of the Artist as a Black Person (1977). Políticament compromès, Racheed Araeen desafia la monoculturalitat institucional eurocentrista parlant de racisme, justícia social, identitat i alteritat en el context d'una Gran Bretanya que es preparava per escollir les polítiques neocapitalistes de Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990).
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5.2. Naomi Kawase
La directora cinematogràfica Naomi Kawase (1969), abandonada pels seus pares essent un infant, inicià la seva filmografia dins el gènere documental amb el film Ni tsutsumarete («Als seus braços», 1992), on exposa la cerca del pare.
La filiació és un tema recurrent a la seva obra, destancant Genpin (2010), documental sobre el part natural en què mort i naixement s'entrecreuen amb plaer i dolor on la productora documenta l'infantament del seu propi fill.
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Fotograma de Genpin. Naomi Kawasi (2010)
5.3. Elogi de la creativitat anònima
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) va deixar orfes de pare espiritual els adeptes de l'Ordre de l'Estrella d'Orient, fundada el 1911 per proclamar l'adveniment de l'Instructor del Món, amb ell mateix com a màxim dirigent. El 1929, va dissoldre l'Ordre a davant tres mil dels seus membres amb un discurs després titulat La veritat no té camins.
Tot seguit, va dedicar la vida a l'oratòria en viatges que el van portar arreu del món. Aprofundí de manera oral en variats problemes filosòfics i espirituals, amb el tema central de la revolució de la psique, segons ell a l'abast de la Humanitat.
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A un dels seus últims discursos a Ojai, Califòrnia, el 1980, contesta a la pregunta
What is true creativity and how is it different from that which is so considered in popular culture?
(Què és la creativitat veritable i de quina manera és diferent d'allò considerat talment a la cultura popular?)
La seva resposta, carregada en reflexió, planteja com és d'habitual donar per fet que la creativitat convencional, basada en l'acumulació de coneixement i abastament influïda pel context sòcio-cultural per proposar la possibilitat d'un tipus de creativitat diferent, que brolli de la llibertat de la ment, sense pressió ni condicionament social. Aquesta creativitat, afirma, és inherent a tots els éssers humans i no només als professionals o reconeguts com a tal, i, des de l'anonimat, és essencial per possibilitar que la creativitat convencional faci realitat els seus projectes.
Enllaç al text del discurs recollit a www.jkrishnamurti.org
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lokbobpop · 3 years
1300, distaunce, "a dispute or controversy, civil strife, rebellion;" early 14c., "disagreement, discord, strife;" from Old French destance "discord, quarrel" (13c.), with later senses directly from Latin distantia "a standing apart," from distantem (nominative distans) "standing apart, separate, distant," present
the extent or amount of space between two things, points, lines, etc. the state or fact of being apart in space, as of one thing from another; remoteness. a linear extent of space: Seven miles is a distance too great to walk in an hour
Distance dis tance distan ce dis tan see di stan ce
Writing the word distance
To travel long distance ive traveled round the world been all the wat round not see all the world but traveled all the way round if its round that is lol lol
Reading the word distance
Long distance runners they are amazing like in Africa they are used to running they run for miles and miles they used to win all the time long distance running it made other country’s have to step there game up i reckon. Thoughts of I couldn’t do this i just not interested and not built for this sort of thing
To drive a long distance im really not sure how long ive traveled in one day how many km have i dont in one day well ive dont 10 hours driving in one day so i could have dont 1000km when i crossed the nullabore back in 1992
The distance between to places i see that i like to know these detail at the moment i havent dont it because I don’t know how to do it on the maps anymore it used to be easy but now no. But when i put in location on phone it comes up when i dont know where im going i like this a lot im just interested in what ive done where im going.
Saying distance out loud
Long distance relationship well i have lived one for years me living in oz and chris here in macau and its been ok but i see now im wanting to be with him again i dont want to be on my own anymore i think we should be together always.
When your about to travel a long distance and you just dont want to like to fly away or home and you know its going to take hours and hours day or longer and you just dont want to spend all that time. I think bus journey long ones are the worse when you do over 6 hours on a bus it happens its not good its bloody awful or sat on a truck in Burma that was a long distance.
To ride out into the distance
Does this definition support me no i just dont like to travel long distance anymore its pain i think is travel was over for me id be ok but its not i have loads im sure or nothing would happen.
Distance this dance
Distance between two places
To move away from the unsupportive thoughts of the mind
I will live this word with distancing myself from my thoughts to work them out and put a distance between us a distance of eternity to no longer affect me t stop the energy that resides within every one of them. With self perfection
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dontletthemknoww · 4 years
It hurts
It will always hurt
No matter what you do in your day
No matter how you try to swipe it away
It will hurt
It will always hurt
After a long , stressful day you will go home
You will try to sleep
It will hurt
Thoughts , memories and feelings will fly in you tiny dark room
Reminding you of things you are fighting every single second to forget
Reminding you how to feel depressed
And it will hurt
It will always hurt
You will never forget
You might feel the regret
But it still going to hurt
I wanted you to be near
I thought I was clear
You had that very special elixir
That made all my pain disappear
You had that very special elixir
That made my life such an amazing scene
But now you're not here
And it hurts
It will always hurt
Last night you visited me again in my dream
For a second I knew what euphoria means
Then I realized how catastrophic heart I have in
And it hurts
It really hurt
And always will
I see your face in every corner in my tiny dark room
Like star that shines in an eyes of a groom
Who took his beloved one to that room
Baby you are far and it's killing
This destance in my heart is so heavy got me like a hurted turtle crawling
This destance in my brain is burning
Like cancer just keeps on growing
Baby it hurts
It really hurt
You're not here to wipe that tear
You're not here to kill that wild bear
scratching my heart with his long loud screams
Another day with my misery
Looking for you , you are all my desires
All my silent symphonies
Baby come and relieve me
Baby come and unleash me
I still can hear your evil laugh
Sarcastic yeas
I still smell that amazing strawberry scent
Used to be always on your lips
I'll always remember
Your memories chain is unbreakable
I don't know what to say anymore
Come and hug me
Come and hug me , my arms is where you belong
This destance is very wrong .
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tumbirus · 4 years
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Good Evening Dears, American country,coming September month is election in america.Ruling President is Donald Trump,President name Mr:Trump what do in public life development? ,which humanity making to this old businesses cruel man? World history awaiting to still.how many criminal political leaders in the world?Trump under group friendship ones criminal and cheater political leaders, Indian Modi,Chinese Xi,Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Nethiyanu. This ones dream ,Trump winning true making to american country inside,this thinking making to this criminals.Fake Covid _19 name ,our american dears life lose,what do to modi,public life fear making to this criminal and joint one other criminals in our own country inside no? Our selfishness running to this ones.public freedom band to this one,political dearty game playing this ones,where is the social destance?Church changing to mosque, Mandir boomi poojan.and many more.so coronavirus disterbd ones life showing to medicine, "Sympathies and our families joint kind of words,"our imagination successful medicine adventure in the world.my lord Jesus words such making in the world,immunity power is sympathetic and kind. But coronavirus name fear making one is useless and criminal politicians, and leaders. Proof to me.? American country inside president name,or at least one office staff name,Donald Trump want or not? This ones answer give to our kind of American people,world wide peoples and our group world wide members and dears,Trump life justify ,Trump criminal activities punishment ,Trump joint one world criminal leaders and Indian Modi life justify. Show the people? By Joseph Cheriyan ( De ) and imagination of love life _world wide members and dears.published by ioll ,political cituvation and political leaders criminalization analysis team,Mumbai ( India) ,U.S and UK.Mail:iollworld1@outlook. com/[email protected] (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDboUGJlI2s/?igshid=z18iieyqwja
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dcvahborn · 4 years
Head cannon 
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Gailel does not associate herself with The Blades. Even though the Blades are there to protect the Emperor and the Dragonborn, she destanced herself from them when they tried to convince her to kill Paarthurnax. 
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beritasumbarcom · 4 years
Petugas Posko Mandiri Covid-19 Diminta Tertibkan Warung Warung Yang Masih Ada Main Domino
BeritaSumbar.com -
Payakumbuh, BeritaSumbar.com,- Fungsi Posko Mandiri Covid-19 di 43 kelurahan di Payakumbuh, belum maksimal. Warung kopi di kelurahan setempat masih banyak yang buka hingga larut malam. Di dalam warung tersebut didominasi orang bermain domino atau kartu koa.
Harusnya, pemandangan seperti itu tidak terjadi, jika petugas posko berperan melakukan edukasi dan mengajak pemilik warung ikut berperan serta dalam pencegahan Covid-19.
Demikian diinformasikan Walikota Payakumbuh H. Riza Falepi, kepada awak media ini, pasca rapat evaluasi Gugus Tugas Covid-19 secara virtual atau vidcom, di Balaikota Payakumbuh, Rabu (20/5).
Berdasarkan laporan Kasatpol PP Damkar, Devitra, pihaknya merasa keteter, jika harus menertibkan seluruh warung kopi di kelurahan yang menyediakan tempat bermain domino dan koa. “Impossible, kalau penertiban warung tersebut masih bergantung kepada petugas Satpol PP,” ucap Devitra.
Solusinya, ucap walikota, petugas posko mandiri Covid-19 yang ada dikelurahan, diminta walikota ikut berperan, menertibkan warung-warung kopi yang menggelar permainan domino dan koa. Lakukan pendekatan yang baik, agar pemilik warung ikut bertanggung jawab memutus mata rantai Covid-19.
Untuk itu, lurah bersama LPM dan babin kamtibmas, diminta walikota, untuk memberikan dukungan terhadap petugas posko mandiri yang melakukan penertiban terhadap warung kopi dimaksud. Sehingga, sosial dan physical destancing tetap berjalan di kelurahan, ingat walikota.
Menurut Kasatpol PP Devitra, jika pemilik warung kopi sampai tiga kali ditegur petugas posko mandiri Covid-19 masih ngeyel, tim penertiban Satpol PP siap turun tangan menertibkan warung kopi tersebut, dengan ancaman yang keras, ucap Devitra.(humas)
Baca berita selengkapnya di sini.. from Berita Sumbar via BeritaSumbar.com
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