#department of temporal investigations
quasi-normalcy · 6 months
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The mental count of my Star Trek books has been off for a while. It's not off by a few, either. I thought I had approximately 320 Star Trek books in my library. The updated count is a bigger number than I thought, and a much smaller gap to 400 than was originally assumed.
I have 379. That is nearly 40% of the general definition of a library...
I also recently found out one of my books is signed by J.M. Dillard!
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procrastinatorproject · 9 months
Hi, saw your reblog about the DTI and Janeway, hope you don't mind me crashing your inbox. The book in question is Watching the Clock by Christopher L Bennett, and I highly recommend it even beyond the Janeway scene (which is fun, I love it, especially with how rightfully pissed Janeway is at the very idea that she should have ignored this opportunity to get her crew home after seven years in the Delta Quadrant). Bennett's one of the regular crop of writers, and he balances character growth and development with actual science so well, and the DTI novels generally are him trying to cohere a lot of Trek's use of time travel doing whatever the episode needs, even when it contradicts other portrayals of canon time travel.
Oh my god, that sounds like these books are exactly my shit!! 😀
I can spend hours philosophizing about the mechanics of time travel (and trek tech in general) and how it does or doesn't make sense in the way it's portrayed. So having an author tackle that exact same subject sounds amazing!
Thank you so muh for the rec! I guess it's time to invest in the Department of Temporal Investigations novels 😁
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reimsdom · 1 year
👾 category "torchwood three for every day" 👾
8. how long have you been so law-abiding?
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stra-tek · 1 year
Random spoilerific reasons to read Star Trek novels, with little to no context:
Ro/Quark is a thing
A Jem'Hadar joins DS9, tries to fit in but eventually snaps and tries to kill everybody
You learn the origins and final fate of the Borg
A thinly-veiled Dr. House clone joins the Voyager crew
Geordi briefly has 2 girlfriends at once (due to different writers not co-ordinating enough, but still)
There's a TOS book that's a musical
There are YA stories about Jake and Nog making mischief on DS9
YA stories about Worf, Geordi, Picard, Beverly, Kirk, Spock and McCoy at SFA
YA series about the Kelvinverse gang (including Gaila!) as cadets, taking on a drug problem at SFA and a very unique Borg scout in San Francisco
We very briefly meet the people who are to Q what the Q are to humanity
Janeway/Chakotay is a thing
Kirk's first mission in command of the Enterprise! Erm, at least twice.
Kirk was married between TOS and TMP
Her name was Lori
In the future, you have yearly marriage contracts that you either update or you don't and I think that's amazing
Trip didn't die! He faked his death to join Section 31 and go undercover as a Romulan
It's not great, tbh
The ENT books get better after the Romulan wars though, it's proper founding of the Federation stuff
We meet Jack Crusher (erm, the OG) when 4 timelines start overlapping and he's a bit unhinged
Teenage Kirk stole a car and his choice was go to jail or join Starfleet
What happened when Voyager got home? Seven broke up with Chakotay like 30 pages in
Kirk gets cloned, and his clone becomes the sub of an evil invincible super genius and its all very gay
George Kirk was Robert April's first officer on the first ever mission of the unnamed starship with the Naval Construction Contract 1701
Robert is a hard-core pacifist and has to turn command over to George whenever it's time to fire weapons
Data becomes fully human for a couple of days and it's really sweet
They never say "wristwatch" or "phone", it's always "wrist chrono" or "personal comm"
There are gays but they don't say that word because it's the 1990's and Rick Berman runs the franchise
Spock has a son in the past with Zarabeth
Everyone in the post-Nemesis era does spy missions all the time non stop, as if Starfleet has abandoned exploring the cosmos for doing Space Mission: Impossible
Bashir does it better than anyone else, he takes on Section 31 from the inside
Remember Control? It's from the novels, except the novels do it SO MUCH BETTER.
Remember how we never found out who Future Guy was? We do.
It's very underwhelming, nobody we know
We find out how the Romulans and Vulcans split
Surak was a Vulcan internet blogger
A Borg Cube eats Pluto
Janeway dies
Janeway gets better
At least one TOS book features a wizard
There's a Star Trek TOS/Here Come the Brides crossover novel
It had cameos from The Doctor (as in, Who), Han Solo, Starbuck and others
Whole book series about Section 31
Whole book series about the Department of Temporal Investigations
One time they do the Bill and Ted thing to escape confinement and it works
Wanna know how Riker and Troi met?
Wanna know what Picard got up to on the Stargazer?
Andorians have 4 sexes and it's very complicated
Data comes back from the dead as Data 2.0, and it was fresh and exciting because it happened long before ST: Picard did it twice.
Lal comes back too and we get father/daughter android stuff! They have a home and everything but keep having to save the universe
One time Mirror Seven is led around on a leash naked on Terok Nor
Geordi becomes captain of the USS Challenger, decides it's not for him because plot, and goes back to engineering on the Enterprise
Kirk is shot on the bridge and dies
Kirk gets better
They watch 3D holos of old Doctor Who episodes in the Enterprise rec room
The Enterprise also has an AI named Moira, which was Zora long before Zora
The TOS crew get together for one last mission. About three times.
There's a Perry Mason book except it's about Kirk's lawyer from that TOS episode
Data 2.0 owns and runs a massive gambling empire on Orion
Spock keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Scotty keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Bones keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
You're on Tumblr so you already know about Killing Time
There's a guy named McKenzie Calhoun and he's a total badass and captains a ship of weirdos and misfits
Kirk comes back from the dead, saves the galaxy repeatedly, has an intersex child (who identifies as male) with a Romulan/Klingon hybrid
Kirk beats up Worf
Kirk's child has superpowers
Kirk's child saves the galaxy at age 6
The Kirk stuff is 100% ignored in the other novels
About 50% of the novels are ignored in the other 50%, and the ones that are meant to be in direct continuity with each other aren't always quite
Just like the TV shows and movies, then
Lwaxana Troi meets Q, and it goes as well as you'd expect
Someone tells Data, yes you idiot you had emotions all along and he's like, oh shit you're right
McCoy is left in command of the Enterprise as a joke by Kirk, who is then immediately kidnapped
Ro Laren is captain of Deep Space Nine
Picard/Beverly is a thing, they get married and have a child named Rene. No running away and raising your kid in secret here
Riker and Troi are married, serve on the Titan together with a bunch of adorable weirdos and have a daughter named Tasha
You get to watch all the 24th century characters die horribly in the end along with their entire universe. Holy fuck it's a bleak horror show. Personally, I love it. But if that's not your cup of tea I'd skip the Coda trilogy
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mylittleredgirl · 4 months
what we don’t talk about enough is how those salamander babies developed into viable young in such a brief amount of linear time. did warp ten send paris and janeway back in time? how long were they nesting on that planet? is this also in janeway’s department of temporal investigations file?? is this what really broke captain braxton????
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cordership · 9 months
Yes, the “We can’t just not look, can we?” scene in Those Old Scientists is hilarious but imagine the Department of Temporal Investigations began to refer to that as the “Boimler Maneuver” or alternatively the “Shy Pisser Maneuver”.
Because that’s very much what it is. It’s an entire room full of people standing in a corner of the room, trying not to look, while you do your business. It just so happens that that business is utilizing methods and technology from the future
It would be very on brand for Boimler that when he finally gets a maneuver named after him it’s also called the “Shy Pisser Maneuver”, forever branding him a shy pee’er regardless of whether he is one or not.
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spacedocmom · 1 month
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Once again the Department of Temporal Investigations says they don't care how often I tell your era to mask up and stay safe because not enough of you will do it to shift the timeline, as long as I don't tell you that you could avert the coming H5N1 crisis by [REDACTED]. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 5:05 PM · Apr 3, 2024
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voidthesquished · 10 months
I’m still not over the fact that Adam and Jonah (and supposedly the rest of BPS) have a 100,000$ reward on their heads from the FBI like why the fuck is it so high ??
From what I remember, these are the crimes we’ve seen from them or are told/implied they did in vol. 2 and 4:
-breaking and entering (vol. 4)
-stole a car (mentioned in vol. 2)
-implied to steal other shit (mentioned in vol. 2)
-possession of marijuana (vol. 2) (it’s illegal in Wisconsin)
-being fugitives obviously (vol. 2)
And that’s all I could remember, definitely against the law but how could just those thing warrant a 100,000 bounty from the FBI of all things ? It’s been assumed that investigation of alternates is what led to this but why would that be illegal ? It puts the person doing it at risk but other than that, why would the government be trying to prevent people from investigating them ?
If alternate investigation is what’s led to their high bounty, then it definitely seems that the government is trying to get them to not learn about alternates, but why? Personally, I think it’s that they don’t want information about alternates to get out into the public of the rest of the country and therefore the world, as it would definitely cause mass panic and suspicion. They probably want to make it seem that the whole thing is under control and that alternates are not a big deal or even real in the first place.
It’s shown in the video “interlude” that the United States Department of Temporal Phenomena says that “the unforeseen threat has been eliminated” and that they “may carry onwards without fear” when that’s clearly not true, but why would they say that if not to convince those who see it outside the county that alternates are no longer a threat and they don’t need to worry about them. But in reality, they clearly don’t know what to do about them, since so many have either left the county or died in it, but they don’t want that info to get out.
On top of this, it’s said by the nurses in Mandela catalyst that the only news they’ve heard from the county was the people fleeing from it and the body (Dave’s) found outside the church. You’d think that the news would be all over alternates but they’re not, why? Because they don’t know about them because the government has been trying to hide them. The nurses state that they straight up forgot about Mandela County, again you’d think the news would’ve talked more about why the thousands of people are trying to get out of the county but no.
So if the reason why bps is wanted is because they know about and investigate alternates, and the government doesn’t want that info to get out as to not cause mass panic, why haven’t they been arrested? I mean it seems pretty easy, it’s implied that their phone numbers are pretty easy to get seeing as their business revolves around getting calls about paranormal stuff, and it’s shown in Mandela catalyst that they have a van that says “BPS” on it in duct tape, so again they seem pretty easy to track down. But I think they haven’t been arrested so that the government can get info FROM them via later interrogation, since why would they put themselves at risk of getting MAD when they can just interrogate people who have already put themselves at risk.
So they let BPS go on the run so that they can get the information for them which they can get later on via interrogation, but make them wanted for a shit ton of money so they can’t spread the information to the outer public.
Or maybe I’m totally wrong WHO KNOWS !!
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liminal-zone · 9 months
Spoilers for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, up to 2x9
So not a lot of people are talking about this (the state of trek fandom in 2023 is such a surprise to me, having lived through 2009 especially, but also the last decade of the 1900s), so IMMA TALK ABOUT IT. 
My one complaint about Strange New Worlds is that it is way too straight, but lol at me, my one very strong shippy feel is a straight pairing - let’s fucking go:
(and specifically, he’s such a good man in that HE COMES FROM A DARK TIMELINE, he’s from SPACE!, he’s never lived in Iowa! His brother is dead! And he could be mirror kirk but he isn’t! He’s a good honorable man shaped by different traumas, and he fell in love with her because she’s a great fish out of water, holy shit, GET THAT FISH OUT OF THE WATER)
and then romulan mary queen of scots from reign shoots this Kirk dead and the GOOFY TIME TRAVEL AGENCY FROM DS9 (The Department of Temporal Investigations) is like “lol la'annie, babes, you can’t tell a soul about this” and La’an, our poor dear traumatized tightly-wound perfectionist, can only weep into her pillow. 
but as the tweet by twitter user campy alien says: 
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SO NOW SHE IS FACED CONSTANTLY WITH THE REAL JAMES TIBERIUS (tiberius? that’s the worst) KIRK and he’s not her kirk and he’s not anyone’s kirk (is he carol marcus’ kirk? ha ha not for long)
And it’s just buckets of angst (affectionate).
(re the title to this post: in the musical episode, she has a fantasy of smiling at her kirk under a white sheet in bed and WE KNOW THE TROPE, PARAMOUNT. THANKS FOR GIVING US, DEAD WIFE JAMES T KIRK. 13 out of 10, no notes.)
I think this would all be nonsense if it wasn’t for how Paul Wesley is playing Kirk (and the writers are writing Kirk) as this very GENTLE KIRK (Pine, Shatner; not defined by gentleness). He’s deeply charming and romantic and fun and yes full of himself and just a very gentle interested heroic person in the periphery of the current USS Enterprise. Makes sense that he would inherit the chair, makes sense that this Kirk would get cocky in a few years, makes sense this Kirk would fall in love with every woman he sees, <s>doesn’t yet make sense how this Kirk and this Spock would fall in love, that’s another post to make; also as your resident kirk x bones, i’m tapping my gd foot (slowly, i love m'benga!!)</s>. AND I LIKE THAT A LOT. (I live in a house divided, my wife hates him.)
Because there are knives in La’an under that tightly wound surface and there’s just a wonderful bruise there to press on. THIS KIRK IS NOT HER KIRK, AND WILL NEVER BE HER KIRK. HER KIRK IS DEAD AS IF HE NEVER EXISTED AT ALL. How do you process this and move on? Loved to see her tell Kirk about it (loved to see her christen him as Jim) and hope to see how this progresses. 
Final thought (for now): La’an being a new character with a Very Famous Name; where does she end up when a changed USS Enterprise goes on its five year mission (without a security chief apparently)?
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bodybeyondstories · 9 months
Just ignore it - 1
David is teaching a course on identifying and managing magical anomalies, and begins to suspect there may be a reality-warper in class. Largely because everyone's butt looks too good to believe.
2 (Next)
(btw this is inspired by one of my favorite TF stories)
“Now the point of these journals is to start recognizing energetic and temporal anomalies, better attuning yourselves to…”
I paused mid-sentence, feeling that something was off, taking a beat before I continued with the lecture. I was hoping to have some time to settle into the Fall semester before having to deal with an inevitable minor metaphysical crisis, but a reality warper a few weeks in was not what I saw coming.
Having a job that includes resolving paranormal wrinkles in spacetime seems exciting until you realize that somehow they’ve found a way to turn it into yet another 9 to 5. People often expect some sort of imposing mansion or gothic structure whenever they hear “Center of Supernatural Sciences,” but it’s actually a squat concrete block cobbled together by a regional college in the 70s. The scariest thing for visitors is figuring out how to connect to the WiFi, though if you’re rude to Seema at the front desk, she will put a hex on you and that’s just your own fault. It’s been a mainstay on this campus for decades, but for how much longer was unclear, as administration has been defunding us relentlessly for as long as I’ve been here. The university doesn’t see our value in light of its own investments in mass surveillance technology and a more ‘hard science’ study of spookiness, but the work we do is still important. Supernatural phenomena are much more common than a lot of people realize–it’s just a matter of actually paying attention–and our work is split between teaching, research, and service, addressing issues locally and regionally as they arise.
And no, we’re not magic cops. We’re not out to punish or control, fist bumping each other as we shoot silver bullets first and ask questions later. That’s archaic. We investigate, mitigate, and remediate, stepping in whenever the fabric of reality gets a little too bunched or frayed and mending as best we can.
I teach a class called “Investigating Supernatural Threats” almost every semester, which is a title that I absolutely despise–I think it’s an insult to our more than human neighbors–but the department is worried that if we change it we’ll end up losing funding to the criminal justice program, and it’s a hill I’m only willing to get bruised on. But it’s a survey of identifying and responding to paranormal, metaphysical, and magical shenanigans, so it tends to get all kinds. It’s usually a relatively small group, a smattering of grad students from occult history to crypto-zoology, museum curators and archivists needing a refresher on what to be cautious of, and often–which I’m personally delighted by–new forest rangers sent by the state’s Department of Natural Resources who are doing overnights for the first time.
But back to the issue at hand. It’s my job to stay observant across multiple temporal and dimensional planes, so I’m known for picking up on minor phenomena and patterns that at first glance may not seem significant. So around week 3, I couldn’t help but notice that most, if not all, of the men in the class had near perfect, juicy butts, yet all unique in their own ways. I was used to commanding attention with a round booty sitting pretty on my 6’1” frame, looking downright disproportionate against my lean swimmer’s build–a blessing and a curse, really–but some of them were giving me a run for my money. Which isn’t really an issue, squats are en vogue and there are plenty of male leg day enthusiasts thanks to social media trends, not that I’m complaining, but in week 4, I picked up on the fact that all of their pants fit so well. Too well. Like not just fitted but custom made for each of their unique and sizeable proportions, as if carefully crafted to emphasize and display their bubble butts. A telltale sign.
During class, I kept my extrasensory eyes and ears open, seeing if I could pick up on any novel energetic shifts. And I felt something odd. Something deep and subsonic, pressing tentatively against the borders of our reality, like a sperm whale floating up to a kayak without making a sound. I could feel an energy seeping into local space, something building to some sort of threshold, before, with a submerged *pop* that I could ‘hear’ elsewhere, it was gone. It was like nothing had happened. In fact, nothing had happened. I turned to the board to continue writing something that I had forgotten, only realizing after class had ended that I had been writing about two inches above where I had left off. I did a somatic check, quickly scanning my body from toes to head to fingertips. I felt fine, had all ten fingers, only two eyes, an ass that could stop traffic, still a strapping 6’3”. But had that been true an hour ago? Doubt was setting in.
As someone who teaches the detection and mitigation of magical fuckery, this isn’t the first time I’ve had to deal with a potential situation like this. You’d be surprised how often some horny gay warlock has a little too much fun and needs to be reined in, or someone’s chaos magic manifests without them realizing–even worse, with them fully realizing. If you’ve ever had to neutralize an entire college dorm (and a frat house to boot) you would understand why we need more funding and support in magical education, but this isn’t the time for my soap box. A mystery’s afoot.
My most important piece of advice: Just ignore it. The thing is, a reality warper is a serious matter. If you call someone out, you better come correct and prepared for anything. Even just them knowing that you know–or that you’re on the hunt–can get real messy real fast. So you have to act casual. Don’t let them know you’re on to them, and don’t let them know that you know that something is seriously off. This is why I always introduce an extended project around tracking anomalies in the fabric of spacetime, having my students keep journals of anything weird, unusual, or metaphysically wobbly. Don’t react in real time, just on paper and in private, keeping a record of things as they happen. But it seemed like whoever this was was influencing the passage of time in very subtle ways and everyone’s memories, for the most part, were adjusting accordingly. Which is why no one in class has batted an eye at the fact that the asses in this room look like they were expertly morphed to near-comical proportions. After all, what else is new? So I took a different strategy and laid a trap.
The donk on my 6’4” frame (Hmm…) was a sight to behold. All muscle with a healthy layer of padding ballooning out from my otherwise lithe form. It was leaps and bounds my best feature, had been for as long as I could remember. I was used to men staring dumbfounded in public as my cheeks swished back and forth, including my own students whenever I turned to the blackboard, pushing it out ever so slightly as I leaned forward to write, the globes of my ass encased in one of many perfectly tailored pairs of tweed slacks. I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter, seeing as any pants off the rack would either be way to loose in the waist or way too tight in the glutes, risking catastrophic failure. So I got my pants carefully fitted, but the thing was, so did everyone else. All the men in the class, from muscle butts to perky, round ones, to jiggly booties and wide hips, always had expertly fitted pants without fail. So we know what the focus of the shifts was, but it seemed like it was an expert reworking of time, and with that, memory. The phenomenon of unusually juicy asses in class pinged on my paranormal radar, but mine had always been this way. Right?
The thing is, the fit of everyone’s pants wasn’t just good, it was too good. Perfect, even. Yes, I had memories of having all my slacks tailored but they fit like they had been hand sewn on a lifelike model of my bulbous glutes with millimeter scale precision, not too little and not too much. So I found a pair that I didn’t much care for and took a razor to the back seam to weaken it just so. I squeezed into my form fitting pants and made my way to campus, careful not to stress the stitches too much and too fast, waddling into the room early and looking forward to this ordeal being over. Before anyone showed up, I cast a spell of detection around the space. Not detection of magical activities, which would’ve risked tripping any alarms that my possible warper may have already had in place, not to mention the possibility of interfering chaotically with their own spell whose function I was still unsure of. It was more of an emotional and energetic heat map, tipping me off to any sudden shifts in people’s auras.
Class began like normal as I offered some further thoughts inspired by the previous week’s discussion of AI programs as a potential tool of revealing and visualizing temporal anomalies. The discipline, in order to stay relevant, had been getting into the implications of digital technologies and new media for magical phenomena, so I figured we should spend a little more time on the topic. Also I was genuinely interested in hearing people’s thoughts, albeit distracted by the ticking time bomb of my basketball buns putting catastrophic pressure on my pants as I sometimes too excitedly paced across the front of the room. 
Per usual, I could feel the crescendo of strange, unfamiliar power rubbing almost playfully along the barrier between worlds, but everyone’s auras seemed fine. There was no corresponding wave of connected energy from any one person, beyond the general simmer of erotic activation (i.e. horniness) that spiked every time I turned my back to the class. I had become familiar with the exact threshold that this power would hit before it seemingly reset everything to a new, slightly more enhanced normal, and I was counting on the regularity of that threshold with the timing of this next move.
The previous, and now continuing discussion of new media had led me to realize that the enhanced asses in the room really did look like expertly done morphs and the perfect fit of every pair of pants, no matter the material, was simply improbable. Whoever this was, whatever this was, was operating along the edges of possibility, letting fantasy seep into what we generally regard as the real (or what we think is the real). So I figured, why not use one of my favorite tropes and see what happens.
My tweed slacks were impeccable but not indestructible and as the energetic threshold was reached I just happened to drop my chalk, quickly bending down to retrieve it. The spike in erotic attention from the view of my ballooning backside paled in comparison to what followed, as the seam of my pants finally gave way, my cheeks spilling into view along with a pair of pink and purple polka dotted bikini briefs that did nothing to cover the shelf of my ass.
I played it off with my expert acting skills (this wasn’t the first time I had to feign surprise from some magical mishap), performing a practiced mixture of embarrassment and humor that I assumed the reality-shifter would expect. From the men in class was a mix of nodding in understanding and whispers of It’s even bigger than I thought and How did those pants even fit. I felt a wave of erotic energy move through the room, but there was a spike of something else in the back corner. Something sharper, a tendril of fantastical power peeking into our dimension, concentrated around Logan, who I found staring directly at me with a look of surprise and mild confusion.
I knew of Logan, he was an archivist based in the college’s paranormal artifacts collection, and I think he had signed up for my class as a refresher for methods and safety when investigating and collecting potentially powerful and chaotic objects. He was skinny all around, topping out at no more than 5’7”, his thick, hexagonal rimmed glasses sitting below a mop of bouncy curls with an undercut. He usually came in wearing a pair of loose, flowy drop crotch pants, a surprisingly bohemian look with his otherwise reserved demeanor and sensible button downs. He was demur and unassuming, not seeming like the kind of person to cause this kind of trouble. But at this point he was the only dude in class that didn’t have an absolute dump truck.
The following week, I wondered why I had even hatched that plan in the first place, seeing as I always wear a skirt over tasteful leggings. I had given up on wearing pants years ago because it was just too much of a hassle, opting instead to let the globes of my ass bounce back and forth with more freeform bottomwear. Slacks were constricting enough in the back, but I was also tired of my donkey dick being suffocated in the crotch. A blessing and a curse. It looked like a couple of the guys in class had followed suit, perched on their round glutes as they let some thick bulges snake down leggings or compression shorts.
No wonder those pants ripped, I thought. I probably haven’t worn those in–
Ah ha. Another bread crumb. And an added wrinkle. Time hadn’t been totally rewritten and my memory hadn’t been totally wiped, just altered in the most efficient way in that moment. In fact, I was still mentally very much on the case and making progress. It wasn’t the sort of loose thread that a reality warper this competent would leave, and by now they must realize that I of all people would be on to them. I began to surmise that Logan wasn’t the one pulling the strings, but was actually some sort of conduit. Maybe for a bored trickster god playing an erotic prank–which, frankly, happens much more often than you’d think.
That week, through irony or serendipity, we actually were discussing strategies for navigating the psychological and emotional games that tricksters love to play, but as the supernatural energy began building on schedule, that previous playfulness had hints of… irritation? The power was a little discordant and I could feel it somatically in a way that I hadn’t before; it seemed everyone else could too. We continued on like normal as my leggings felt fuller and tighter in the glutes, my shoes feeling uncomfortably snug as more of my ankles revealed themselves, my dick inexorably snaking its way towards my hip while staying totally soft.
This was new.  And potentially a game changer. But I, along with my students, followed the central mantra of my profession: Note it. Track it. But until you have a plan in place, just ignore it.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
The only correct way to watch Star Trek is: "This episode was terrible. Fortunately, a novel that came out 46 years after it was released did something interesting with the premise/came up with a convincing explanation for the stupid bits, so it's retroactively good now."
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theydjarin · 9 months
do you think the department of temporal investigations guys ever explored each others bodies
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procrastinatorproject · 9 months
Saw the posts about time travel investigation books. The Department of Temporal Investigations series is awesome, especially books 2 and 4. Books in the series: (1) Watching the Clock (2) Forgotten History (3) The Collectors (4) Time Lock (5) Shield of the Gods .
I absolutely love how many people have gotten in touch with me about these books! It's so wonderful to see how many people love the Star Trek novelverse and are eager to help their fellow trekkies find new reading material 😁
Seriously, thank you! This list is super helpful and I'm gonna put all of these on my wishlist right away. I love time travel shenanigans where authors really pay attention to continuity and technical detail!
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I just really want a Voyager episode where Lwaxana Troi shows up - maybe Q poofs her over. Maybe the temporal investigations dude is her new beau, maybe her consciousness gets sent through a subspace anomaly and shes a hologram for a while. w/e. I am just dying for this to have happened at some point.
She would flirt with EVERYONE
She would take Seven under her wing and tell her one cannot learn the deep arts of romance and sexuality from a photonic being who is still learning his own
She would sense all the complicated tension between Janeway and Chakotay and she would delight in investigating it and delving into it and poking at it.
Harry'd probably fall in love with her.
She'd probably try to fix all Neelix's cooking bc leola root offends the fifth house or something.
Definitely borrows Janeway's bathtub and then stroll around her quarters starkers while Kathryn tried really really hard to read some department briefings.
She would sit in Janeway's chair and definitely comment on how theres been like some kinda a secret command console on the other side of KJ this whole time masquerading as an armrest and she and Chakotay just share the middle one for an excuse to bump hands with eachother
Tuvok and she would just thoroughly and shockingly enjoy each other's company. bc they both old compared to all these spry young humans and they have definitey encountered eachother before like these two have gossip to swap. And they've both loved and lost love and she thinks his devotion to his wife is the damn sweetest thing and offers to go visit T'Pel for him or something
Just imagine this is after Voyager gets video calling with the AQ and Lwaxana cant help herself barging into some meeting that Barclay and Deanna are at and shocking her daughter all the way from the Delta Quadrant
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
I fully believe as soon as the Department of Temporal Investigations found out that Kirk once again time travelled via the Nexus, that they swooped in and snatched that body.
Probably Dulmer himself came in, poked the body with a stick and the fingers twitched and he just went beserk. No way, not taking any chances, put him in a pod, the body not be released for a 100,000 years.
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