#demetri x jane
volturissideslut · 7 months
[What about Reader is a selective mute while the Volturi think she’s fully mute so she messes with them? Talking out of the blue and then not talking for weeks ]
A second part of this please I would love to see their reactions
Part 1
Aro finds it amusing, having already known through the few tactile telepathy tout he's you two had shared. He's just glad to be in on the secret front the get-go so he can fully enjoy the look on Caius' face
Caius needs to close his mouth, or else he'll catch flies. Actually, never mind. When the shock wears off and the irritation creeps in you'll want to skedaddle - but you can't. He mainly has one question: when you do have the opportunity to talk, why do you use it to say the most random irrelevant shit ever?
Marcus becomes more curious about you than anything and finds himself wanting to sit and speak with you. Please, when you feel able, speak to him. About anything. Everything. It's refreshing for him and distracts him from his pitiful life for a while.
Alec looks just as dumbfounded as Caius, but instead of questioning you he finds he respects the randomness. In random corridors at random times when you two pass, he'll drop a little fact for you to throw around next.
Jane pretends she couldn't care less, but in actuality she's a teeny tiny bit proud of you for feeling comfortable enough around them to speak. Would rather die that tell you or show you that though. But you can still see the small smile and crinkle of her eye when you start spewing out some nonsense.
Demetri is confused. 100%. Has no clue what's going on. Can you talk now? Are you still mute? What's happening??? When he gets it, he starts to really look forward to the next thing you say, knowing it'll be a banger.
Felix just stands there like a big oaf, not knowing what the next move is. Please don't do it in the middle of an execution, he has no idea what to do with himself and it'll throw him off his game.
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simpfordemetri · 1 month
Can you do an hc of the guards reaction to their human mate crying for them for the first time. Like its still early in the relationship and their mate gets hurt or something and there crying and all they want is their mate.
Protective mood activated
What's wrong sweet face?
He is scared tbh,doesn't know what to do,you just keep whispering his name and crying nonstop
When he thought things couldnt been worse,you started hyperventilating because of the crying
He pick you up and put you in bed to cuddle you until you decided to talk
As always,she is mad,but just because she think someone hurted you
She started looking around the castle threathing every guard that she sees because she think someone there did something to you
You had to scream her name to make her arrive to your side again
Tbh you had to calm her down too because she is in so much stress,she never saw you crying so
When she is okay she hugs you so strong that you thought you were gonna pass out
The most calmed one
He knows that if he let you know he is anxious about the situation things would be worse
He dry your tears from your face with his thumbs as he kiss your forehead
Will take you to the kitchen and hand you some water or te to make sure your throat is not irritated from crying
When he is sure you are actually calmed down he will take you on a walk to talk about whatever you need
Hugs and kisses
His inner alarms are activated the moment he sees you crying
He looks over your whole body to see if you are hurt
After making sure he will sit you on his lap and talk calmly at you
Kisses on the forehead there you go
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Babies | D.V x Reader
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warnings: none!
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The only reason the most recent receptionist had lasted so long was because she had came out with the news that she was pregnant, thus the leaders thought it be best to allow her to continue her job as a permanent receptionist rather than a… transactional receptionist .
You exchanged conversation for a moment before both your attention turned back to the sleeping infant.
“She’s been sleeping for about thirty minutes, so she should be asleep for a little longer… do you want to hold her?”
You looked up at her with a smile and a nod. “Of course.”
She moved her daughter into your arms and you were overwhelmed with cuteness, a soft pout forming on your face.
“Stop it, stop it right now please she is so adorable…” You admired her face as she lay in your arms.
“I want one!” You turned to look at Demetri with a pleading pout on your face. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow before shaking his head, making you sigh. He stroked your lower back in apology.
“Definitely not, amore”
“Well at least I tried” You smile.
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taglist: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Hi, could I request more about "Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:" and we have the Volturi wrap around our finger, please, thank you, and love it.
You put it, the Reader doesn't get along with Bella. I was hoping you could tell us more about that relationship. And I personally would love it if the Volturi knew that we're there since Carlisle and Esme got custody of us. They are "Cousins [ Demetri, Felix, Alec, Janeand Heidi,] Anutes and Uncles [ Uncle Aro, Caius and Marcus] to us". When Alice goes and saves Edward dumbass. We're there to save Edward, but we're also happy to see them. When Demetri and Felix came, we called them Cousin Dem and Fe while smiling. We hug Jane, holding hands with her. The Cullens knew about what we call them. We really don't care what happens with Bella, but we do care about our brother and sister. Personally, I got the feeling we don't really care if Bella lives or dies
Thank you so much 💓
P.S. feel free to message me if you need anything clarification on this
Being the daughter of carlisle and the Volturi loving you:
So I usually don't write for the Volturi so bear with me.
🩷MasterList 🩷twilight List
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So you want to know more about Bella and y/n's relationship...
So, I want to compare how Edward thinks and how Bella thinks to show the two girls relationship.
I think when Bella is finally introduced to the family she's quite jelouse of Edward's relationship with you, there's no real incureties to it, she just doesn't want girls hanging around Edward.
Bella also thinks your plan and shy, there's off hand comments on how she's discribes you, Edward on the other hand discribes you as happy, humorous, and so beautiful.
You guys are always throwing harmful comments to each other and Bella usually takes it too far.
You also hate how she's treats her father. She always gets mad and says it's none of your business and you have no idea what you were talking about.
“my parents chose me, yours just got stuck with you”
Carlisle and Esme would put a stop to it, there's been many times Carlisle and Charlie have had talks about Bella's bullying.
Of course you're parents know your not a saint in theses situation, but Bella is usually the one to start it.
“if someone pushes you, you push back” Emmett always says, which is why your never scared to decened yourself.
And since your the youngest, your basically the center of the Cullens universe, but then Bella comes along and puts your family in danger, that's your problem.
You also have a problem with Edward putting everything aside no matter what for her, your happy he finally has a girlfriend but there should be boundaries.
You especially started hating her when Edward decided to go to the Vulturi after Bella's supposed death.
You knew about the Vulturi and you became friends with them in fact, your uncle Marcus(yes, you heard me right) says your the glue that holds you all together.
After Aro found out about a human joining Cullen Coven, he showed up to see if it was true, Aro didn't really have a plan for what he was gonna do, but when he met you he saw no harm. He was in aw at the sight of the small child.
The deal was that you could stay human with the family as long as you wanted, you just had to keep the secret of the Vampires.
Honestly you see Aro as the creepy uncle, you'd never say that to his face and he'll never found out because he refuses to read your mind.
“but, Dad he creeps me out! None of the others do”
Dispite you thinking he's creepy, he'd never hurt you.
At first Cauis wanted nothing to do with you and didn't agree with Aro's decision, but the more the family interacted with the Vulturi the more he grew a soft spot for you.
Marcus is more of a grandpa than an uncle if were being honest, he's a lot older than the others and he's always been so gentle and kind towrds you.
He gives you advice and is there if you need to talk.
I don't know much about Heidi, but I figure she'd absolutely love you and is always spoiling you.
Demetri is like a big brother/cousin and you kinda have a love/hate relationship. You guys tease each other and sometimes it'll get mean, but trust me he'd kill anyone who harms you.
Your probably closest to Jane and Alec, they're both closer to your age and you three just hit it off immediately. You hate hearing about they're tragic back stories but they always tell you it's not your fault and you make they're lives better.
Then Edward left for Italy to go and execute himself 🙄
You were so made at Bella for putting Edward in this headspace and situation, especially after you found out she's was perfectly fine.
But, anyway Alice was getting ready to take Bella to Italy and you wanted to Tag along. Not because you were there to support Bella, but because you wanted to see the extented family.
Ya know... Going to Italy to beat Felix and Demetir at Mario cart again...
What you didn't want to do is see Bella getting all dramatic and telling your Uncle Aro to kill her instead of Edward.
You rolled your eyes and came up to hug Jane as she threatened to use her gift on her, she was only using like 5% of it on Edward just for ✨dramatic effect✨ . “alright Jay, they've learned their lessons”
Jane chuckled and stopped using her powers on Edward, wasn't too painful for him.
“Aw, I was having fun” Felix sighed as you ran up to him and hugged him.
Cauis rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile as Bella looked completely confused. “What just happened?”
“nothing... Just you being dramatic for no reason, they're on our side bone head, You think they'd actually hurt Eddie?”
You left Felix's arms and walked around the Castle. “by the way, where's Dem?”
He appeared and hugged you while Bella looked even more confused and kept asking unanswered questions. “aw, she's still alive”
You laughed and quickly shhed him.
“what? You think just because they're old school and basically vampire royalty they're evil? you asked Bella, you were kinda pissed off she thought so low of them.
“yeah we never said we were gonna kill him and Alice never said that either” Aro said, clapping his heads together.
You then clicked your tough, with a sarcastic smile. “well, we send little miss. Main character home and me and Alice can stay here for the weekend, dad said we could.”
Jane hugged you excited for some girl time while Felix ran around the Castle making sure you had a comfy room to sleep in.
“do what ever you want Dem, killer or set her free, send her to the moon, have her for dinner, I don't really care”
Uncle Cauis laughed as bella started stuttering as Felix and Alec came back with arms full of dvds.
“wait, what?” Edward sighed. “they're kidding”
“we could watch a bunch of TV shows, we got Bones, and supernatural” Felix smiled.
“no Supernatural, they got the vampires all wrong” Alec said.
The two boys and you and Jane both just walked off talking about what you should watch without even a goodbye for Edward and Bella. “What about Moon Knight, dad finally got an account for Disney+. It's a really good marvel show”
“ooh, I heard Oscar Isaac is in it, he's so hot” Jane said, Felix and Alec groaned as you girls started thirsting over male actors.
“they're just gonna be horny for 40-something year old men the whole time” Alec sighed, heide slapped him and told him to be nice.
Bella scoffed and left with Edward after Alice smiled and ran after her sister and Jane.
“Lators Gators” you shouted to Edward.
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kimi240302 · 2 years
Love of the cruel King
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A/N: My native language is not English, so I put each of my stories through an app so that it ends up in English.
Also, I've uploaded this story before, on another account but it's defective somehow. So I created a new one
Summary: When Y/N follows her older sister Bella to Volterra , she didn't expect to finde out that she is connected by fate to one of the three vampire kings
Caius Volturi x female!reader
Words: 4.5k
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist
" The best
place to get lost
is in the eyes
of someone
you've missed."
"Now, just to be clear. You want to travel to Italy to save the guy who has been ignoring you for months just because a family member of his tried to eat you?"
Bella looked annoyed at her one year younger sister and tried to ignore her, but Y/N wouldn't let her.
" If he wants to kill himself please , let him do it. It seems to have become fashionable in the last few hours! But if you think I'm going to let you go alone with Dracula's sister, you're wrong dear sister!"
Bella walked past Y/N. " I'm not taking you with me."
Y/N grabbed Bella's upper arm. Both sisters looked into each other's eyes. " Bella you just jumped off a cliff for your ex boyfriend to notice you . That proves I'm the only one of the two of us who can still think straight! So either I get Jacob in here , who will happily help me lock you in your room until our father gets home or you take me with you!"
" You are too stubborn for your own good!" Grumbled Bella, breaking free of her sister's iron grip. " And you too naive for yours!"
" Don't look at me like that!" Bella stood next to Edward and noticed her sister's annoyed look. Ignoring her sentence, Y/N turned back around and stared at the closed elevator doors.
" The entire Cullen clan will be the death of my sister , me or both of us at the same time."
Jane , Demetri and Felix eyed the young girl. Slightly she shrank under the gaze of the vampires. Because even if she did not want to admit it , the red eyes of the three were not only beautiful , but also intimidating .
"I know that Bella and I are the only humans in a rather cramped room full of vampires, but could you stop looking at me like you're about to really eat me?" Puzzled, Felix and Demetri looked at each other. But then grinned down at the girl. The blond vampire put one of his hands on Y/N's shoulder. " You have quite a bit of courage..." Jane interrupted him. " As long as Aro , Caius or Marcus have not decided whether you should live or die , your survival is uncertain human!" The vampire turned her head boredly to Y/N and back again as the elevator doors opened. Confused, Y/N turned her head to Demetri. "Is she always in such a good mood or does my perfume just not suit her?" " Imagine Felix she becomes one of us , that could be really interesting!" The brown-haired vampire studied the young girl closely and began to smile. "Maybe."
Y/N who was about to ask another question fell silent as the small group stepped through two huge double doors into a throne room. Demetri and Felix meanwhile also became serious again and pushed Y/N a little more in front of them when they noticed her hesitation. Their eyes followed Jane , who stood by a dark-haired boy and seemed pleased with herself. Looking to her left , the young girl held her breath.
Three thrones with their respective guardians stood before her. The vampire in the center rose with a grin that reminded Y/N of the Joker , and approached the small group. If Y/N remembered correctly from Carlisle's stories, the black-haired vampire was Aro Volturi. The vampire sitting behind Aro on the left, wearing the look of a man tired of life, was Marcus Volturi. On Aro's right side sat a blond vampire, whom Y/N identified as Caius.
This one aroused a strange fascination in Y/N. No matter how hard she tried she could not take her eyes off him. Even though she knew she should rather listen to Aro, his words just seemed to pass her by. Meanwhile, Caius looked aggressively in the direction of Alice and Edward, paying no attention to other person.
Goosebumps covered Y/N's skin when the blond vampire noticed that he was being watched. First he looked at Bella with a look full of contempt. Y/N immediately wondered if he would look at her with so many bad emotions as well. Just as she was about to finally release her gaze, Caius turned his attention to the young girl.
Y/N's breathing, which had just been rapid and uncontrolled, returned to normal. The fear she had felt all this time left her body and was replaced by a warmth that Y/N didn't understand and yet if she had to be honest with herself, she didn't want to be. Because the answer to that worried her more than her situation at that moment.
" Brother." Marcus drew all the attention of the room to him with one blow. Aro looked at his brother, startled, but Marcus simply raised his hand. In less than a millisecond , Aro stood in front of him and grabbed his hand .
With a cry of joy, Aro stood in front of Y/N with the same speed. Not having expected this, she stumbled back several steps, startled. Felix and Demetri reacted at the same time and caught Y/N carefully. Confused , she looked at the vampires , wondering why they were so careful with her and not so rough as with the rest. " Brother! Be careful , she is only human after all." Caius voice sounded a bit short tempered and yet there was something in his gaze that Y/N could not describe. Aro on the other hand just nodded and gave the young girl his full attention. " May I?" With a gentle smile, he pointed at Y/N's still slightly trembling hand. She winced at the coldness that enveloped her hand as Aro closed his hands around hers. But she did not dare to pull them away.
Laughing, he let go of her hand and turned to Caius. "This could be interesting, brother!"
After a small fight in the middle of the throne room, where Y/N had been standing behind a vampire named Alec the entire time, they were allowed to go home. Caius had clearly rebelled against letting Y/N go home, but this interested Aro less. What bothered Y/N the most was that no one had even tried to explain to her what was going on and why Alice and Edward were looking at her as if she would drop dead at any moment. When she couldn't take it anymore on the way home and yelled at both vampires to tell her what the hell was going on, Alice confused her even more by saying, ˋSomething that changed your fate in this world'.
Three months had passed since then and Y/N doubted that anything would happen. She also tried to forget the whole thing, which proved to be more difficult than the young girl had thought. Because every time she closed her eyes she saw Caius in front of her.
That night, too, Y/N had trouble falling asleep, and when she finally did, she was awakened three hours later by a breeze and a huge shadow in front of her bed. Confused, Y/N blinked as she opened her eyes. Only to fly out of her bed with a sharp scream. She had looked directly into the red eyes of Felix Volturi, getting the shock of her life.
Smirking, Demetri circled the human's bed and held out one of his gloved hands to her. " Do you need help?" The blond-haired vampire raised an eyebrow in amusement. Wiping hair from her face , Y/N stood up without help and looked at both vampires annoyed . " No! What I need is a good reason why you stand in my room at night and watch me sleep!" "Actually, we didn't want to watch you sleep, we wanted to wake you up." Felix grinned at her, which Y/N returned with an even more annoyed expression. Demetri laughed. " The reason we are here is because Caius wants you to join him in Volterra." Y/N nodded mutely , scratched her forehead , bent down to pick up her quilt and lay back in bed . " Then I wish you both a safe journey back , because I'm going to lie back in this very bed and go back to sleep! You both know the way out." With that , she closed her eyes and buried her face back into her pillow . Felix sighed, "Aro was right! Things could get interesting with her!" The tall vampire bent down , pulled the blanket off Y/N's body and threw the young girl over his shoulder.
" A human mate...." Caius grumbled this to himself as everyone waited for Demetri and Felix to arrive with Y/N. " For the last three months you have been trying to deny this brother. Give it up." Aro looked over at Caius in amusement. Marcus turned to Caius as well. " Fate cannot be stopped or changed. Everything has its right and, accordingly, a reason." " Then fate seems to hate me. For I, of all people, am linked to the sister of the Cullens' toy!" Aro pursed his lips for an answer, but he was interrupted by the opening of the door. Smiling, he turned to it and was about to start a greeting, when he fell silent, confused.
" You huge idiot! Put me the fuck down!" Everyone present had to get used to the image that presented itself to them. Y/N was hanging over Felix's shoulder, in her sleeping clothes, hitting his back while insulting him. Felix looked annoyed and Demetri seemed to stifle a laugh.
" Felix, put them down!" Caius grumbled this. Alec , standing next to Aro's throne , tilted his head slightly and eyed Y/N as she stood. " Did you get her out of bed?" Annoyed , Y/N looked at him . " No how did you come up with that? I had the idea of being carried in here in nothing but my pajamas over Bigfoot's shoulders!" Aro cried out laughing and clapped his hands. " You are such a special specimen of a human. I like that!" He turned to face Caius. " So if you ask me brother , fate has sent you the perfect mate."
Confused, Y/N looked around. " Mate?" " You and Caius my love are connected by the red bond of fate . I could see it the moment you looked into each other's eyes!" Marcus looked at her lovingly. Silently Y/N stood there trying to understand exactly what was happening. " That means exactly , just to make my brain understand everything for a moment..." "You and Caius souls complete each other. In other words; you will stay here in Volterra so you will be with him and he will logically be with you!" Aro smiled at her. " Ah" , the young girl turned to Demetri, " Just to be sure... I'm not asleep and this is really happening?" Grinning, the latter shook his head. " You're wide awake!" Slowly, she nodded and looked to Caius. " Do I have a choice?" " No!" " So what's going on right now is, by and large, a kidnapping?" " Yes" " Good to know." Amused, all the vampires watched their master and his mate. " How do you explain my sudden disappearance?" Aro answered the question without letting even a second pass. " On the way to your mother , you died in a car accident."
Silently, she looked around and noticed that no one seemed to be joking. Fear spread through Y/N, but also relief to finally be near Caius again. Being too confused by her own feelings, she simply nodded. As she did so, her surroundings began to spin and she slumped slightly. Y/N realized only now how much everything was taking her and how much her body longed for sleep, which she had not gotten in the last weeks. Caius, who had sensed the change in his mate's behavior, immediately stood in front of her and caught his mate's increasingly flaccid body. Picking her up in bridal style, he looked down at her with concern.
" It is fascinating how in the human mind the separation of two mates shows itself..." Aro had stood next to Caius and was also looking down at Y/N now sleeping body. " Will she be okay?" Aro placed a hand on her forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. " She just needs sleep and your presence , just as you need hers." Nodding , he left the throne room to go to his quarters , where they had cleared a new room for Y/N to sleep in .
Once there, he placed her in a large and soft bed. For a minute he watched his mate sleep. He shook his head and wanted to turn away, but Y/N's hand stopped him. Again he looked down at her. " Is something going to happen to me here or am I going to be turned against my will?" Sleepily , yet worried and with a touch of fear , she looked up at Caius . He shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed. Her hand he released from his wrist, grasped it and placed it on his non-beating heart. Y/N sat up and moved closer to Caius.
" The connection that binds us is very rare , some vampires never find it in their infinite lives and the ones that do... you can't feel it as a human like I can. When you are a vampire and you find that one person that is meant for you , every second without them is agony." He interrupted himself and put his forehead to Y/N's. The latter didn't flinch, even seemed to relax more. "If the wrong people found out that you were that person for me, Y/N, they would use you against me and kill you. I can't lose you, not after I just found you! So don't be afraid that anything will happen to you here. I will always be there to protect you!" Caius detached his forehead from hers and looked her in the eyes. "Turning into a vampire will be your free decision. I will not make it for you , even though I would love for you to become one of us , so I can have you by my side for eternity."
He lifted her hand , which still rested on his chest , and pressed a kiss on the back of his hand . Before he could get up , Y/N held his hand tighter . "Stay with me... please" Caius hesitated briefly. But he meant to make room for her so that he could lie down with her. Cautiously and with still some restraint Y/N snuggled up to him and fell asleep for the first time in months without waking up every now and then.
Lost in thought, Y/N let her fingers run over the fabric of the blue Summer dress that Caius had given her only that morning. "Are you all right my dear? You've been lost in your thoughts all afternoon." Athenodora looked at Y/N out of worried eyes. Detaching herself from her thoughts , Y/N studied the older woman before her closely.
Several weeks had now passed since Y/N's arrival. Everyone seemed to really like her, even though she was still human. Even the twins couldn't help but be nice to Y/N, which seemed to shock many. Aro was worried that the twins would be nice. But that thought was quickly misplaced when the Cullens wanted to talk to Aro and the rest of the kings to bring Y/N home and the twins had to be stopped from traveling to Forks and wiping out the Cullens for good. Caius and she spent every spare second he could spare together. Sometimes she just watched him paint his canvases and sometimes they read together in front of his fireplace. Even though Y/N knew that Caius would never admit it, she knew that sometimes at night he would lie down with her and pull her into his arms. After a while, Y/N had to admit to herself that she was starting to feel something for the grumpy vampire king. Which would not be a problem if it were not for his wife Athenodora, whom Y/N met on the second day in Volterra. She treats the young girl like a good , almost like a best friend. While Y/N felt more and more guilty for her feelings towards Caius.
" It's all good. I'm just tired." Athenodora raised one of her eyebrows. "You should know by now that I can hear your heartbeat. So don't even try to lie to me my dear!" Y/N looked at Athenodora and rose from her place at the window of the tower with a sigh. " Aren't you mad at me about Caius?" A silence spread between the two friends for a moment , which was interrupted by the happy laughter of the vampiress. " So I am right in my assumption that you have fallen in love with Caius Y/N?" Ashamed , the young girl nodded , unable to lie to Athenodora . " And also am I right that you feel guilty because I am Caius' wife?" Again the young girl nodded, with her head lowered. Smiling softly, Athenodora stood up and glided lightly towards Y/N to take her in her arms. Pressing the young girl to her chest, she whispered in a soothing voice, "The love that Caius and I once felt for each other has been extinguished for an eternity. We still cherish each other as friends who shared a deeper past. Now he has you and even though Caius would never express it with facial expressions or words, you make him happy. The whole castle seems to be a bit livelier again since you've been around and me, I'm glad to have gained a good friend!" Y/N wrapped her arms tighter around Athenodora's torso.
" Will you promise me something Y/N?" " Anything you want." " That someday you will be ready to become one of us. Because even if you don't see it yet, you're the piece of the puzzle that we've all been missing here." Athenodora noticed the tentative nod at her chest. " I have a confession to make." The vampire broke away from Y/N and looked at her questioningly. " I think about it every single day." Eyes shining with joy, Athenodora hugged Y/N to her again.
As evening had fallen, Y/N set off for her chambers with Demetri at her side. "Master Caius is in his studio. If you are interested." Smiling, Y/N thanked Demetri , who with an equally warm smile led her to her new destination.
Felix and Santiago stood in front of the high doors of Caius' studio and opened them as soon as they saw Y/N. Caius, who was sitting on a chair by one of the windows, with his painting in front of him, only looked up for a moment to smile at the young girl. But he turned back to his work. He was used to Y/N joining him with a book and reading in front of the fireplace on the sofa. But the young girl had other plans today.
Carefully she let her gaze wander over Caius. He was wearing only a white shirt and simple trousers. The only light that illuminated him was that of the moon, the fireplace was too far away for that and probably had been turned on just for her. Slowly she walked up to him and stood behind him. Caius was about to ask her if all was well, when she put her arms around his neck from behind and buried her face in them.
" I missed you."
Caius paused in what he was doing, putting away the brush and paint palette, he turned his torso a bit, wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and pulled her onto his lap. With a surprised expulsion of air, she landed in Caius' lap. Examining her, he looked into her eyes. Carefully, she put her arms around his neck again. " Did something happen?" Smiling, she shook her head. "Why do you think something happened?" The vampire tilted his head. " Because this morning , you were still keeping your distance and now you are sitting in my lap." " I had a conversation with Athenodora." " About?" " My feelings for you and the consideration of letting myself be transformed."
Caius sat up a little straighter and strengthened his grip on Y/N's waist so that he didn't hurt her. Y/N noticed her mate's sudden tension and let her hands move from his neck to his cheeks so he would look at her again. " Before you assume the worst why don't you ask me first, Caius." Annoyed , he exhaled . " And what conclusion have you come to?" Amused, Y/N looked at Caius. Instead of answering him directly, she leaned forward and breathed a kiss on his mouth. Surprised, he looked at her. " My realization is that even though you are often in a bad mood , I couldn't imagine eternity with a better mate." " Y/N are you sure..." She interrupted him with another kiss. But when she tried to break away from him this time , Caius put his hand to the back of her head and deepened the kiss. Y/N's hands dropped down from his cheeks to his shoulders. Detaching from Caius , since Y/N still needed air , she bit her lower lip in embarrassment . Grinning , he placed his fingers on Y/N lower lip to free it from her teeth. " Caius..." Y/N's voice trembled. " What do you want Y/N. Tell me and it's yours." Her grip on his top tightened. " I want you and eternity." Looking deep into her eyes his hands moved back to her waist , where he lifted her up and stood with her. His lips settled on hers once more. Y/N hands wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. Carefully, Caius laid her on the couch in front of the fireplace and leaned over her. His lips parted from those of his mate.
"If I turn you now, you'll never get rid of me." Laughing, she pulled him close to kiss him again. "I love you Caius Volturi!" With shining eyes he looked at her. " I love you too..." Caius lips carefully wandered over his lover's stoner ,moving to her neck and placing a kiss on a sensitive spot . Y/N's eyes closed , her hands buried in the fabric of Caius shirt. With one last look at Y/N, Caius buried his fangs in her neck.
"Caius, are you all right?" Athenodora had left her tower, having noticed for three days that her husband was standing outside in the middle of a field, looking up at the stars. The vampire did not turn away from the starry sky when he spoke. " Have I made a mistake?" Athenodora looked at him in confusion. " Turning Y/N?" Slowly he nodded. " Caius she will wake up , don't worry . It's been a while , but surely you haven't forgotten how long our transformations were ." Sadly he looked at Athenodora. "What if she remembers that I am not the one she wants at her side? What if she regrets the transformation and demands that I kill her? What if..." " Caius!" Athenodora put a hand on his shoulder. " I spoke to her that day. The girl loves you and no matter what the future will bring you , you will face it together!" " Thank you." "Not for this, Caius. I'll leave you with your thoughts." Again he looked up at the sky. The flowers around him gave him peace, knowing how much Y/N loved them.
A movement behind him made him smile. "I thought you wanted to go inside Athenodora?" Two arms wrapped around his waist from behind and he felt a second body nestle against him. " I am not Dora." Closing his eyes, Caius placed his hands on his lover's. " How long have you been awake?" "An hour. I should take something to eat before I could get to you." Caius nodded silently , turned around , put his hands on Y/N's face and pulled her to him for a kiss. Y/N returned his kiss without thinking twice about it. They both disengaged after a while and rested their foreheads against each other's.
" Dance with me." Caius looked at her seriously and Y/N laughed. " Here , without music?" He nodded. " Here , without music." Grinning, she agreed and so they both began to move to a tune that only the two of them could hear.
"I'm glad he found her." Aro looked down into the garden with a satisfied smile. "And so even the grimmest soul finds its right half."
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Mate Headcanon
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She never, ever wanted a mate (and honestly, never thought she'd find hers at all, further adding onto the dislike of finding hers), all she needed was her brother (plus Demetri and Felix [which she won't admit out loud, ever]) and then you came along and changed her life, for better or worse. She still hasn't decided but y'all are working on it a little bit every day and that's all her brother could ask her (on your behalf)
Not once did he think he'd ever find his mate (or admit it to his sister that he actually wanted one [he'd never hear the end of it, something about betrayal and abandonment] he doesn't want to hear it period) and then he found you while he was out on a mission and things definitely changed for him plus the rest of the guard and got his sister to like you
He was not expecting to meet someone like you, not at all. I mean, the quiet little thing that you were, dude lost it when he put two and two together. Man, was he floored, and everyone knew it before he actually had the guts to admit it (especially when Marcus flat out mentioned your connection growing stronger during a meeting or when he did tell the big guy that you two are mates)
He was even less ready than the others. He was the last person to expect to meet his mate, especially someone who could match him, in more ways than one. For example, the first time you two met, he naturally tried to charm you only for him to be the one who was enamored, something that did not shock the other (it also didn't help when Felix teased him about it, damn them living for eternity)
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
Hello! So I had this Poly!Volturi Knights x Reader idea
Where (y/n) went to a “Red and Black ball”(you can pick the readers outfit if you want) made by the Volturi kings themselves.
And during their time at the ball they made eye contact with each of the knights as they walked pass by them
Almost like a slow motion moment Yknow😅
This is so cool I can definitely do this and I’ll even have it as each of their povs further down in this
↱ queen of the ball ↰
➘ summary : the volturi goes all out for their newest member, it’s a good thing they are hosting a ball tonight
➘ a/n : I don’t feel I did my best for this but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless :)
➘ Jane x Alec x reader x demetri x felix , volturi x reader
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The grand halls of the Volturi castle were adorned with opulent decorations, a tapestry of black and red intertwining to create an ambiance of both elegance and power. The anticipation was palpable as guests from all corners of the vampire world gathered for the much-awaited black and red ball, hosted by the Volturi kings themselves.
In a secluded chamber within the castle, the newest member of the Volturi, (Y/N), stood before a full-length mirror. She was surrounded by a whirlwind of activity as skilled hands worked to transform her appearance. The dress that had been meticulously designed for her lay across a chair, a masterpiece of black silk with intricate red accents that mimicked the patterns of rose petals.
Marcus, known for his impeccable taste and eye for design, had overseen every detail of the dress's creation. He had chosen to infuse it with an air of enchantment, a nod to the fairy tales that humans so often told. The dress clung to her figure in all the right places, the red accents tracing delicate lines that emphasized her natural beauty.
Aro, with his flair for the dramatic, had arranged for a hairstylist and makeup artist to enhance (Y/N)'s features. Her (h/c) hair was woven into an intricate updo, adorned with delicate red crystals that caught the light and shimmered like stars. The makeup artist had worked magic with brushes and pigments, enhancing her eyes and lips in a way that accentuated her allure without overpowering her natural radiance.
As the finishing touches were applied, (Y/N)'s reflection stared back at her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was a night of celebration, a chance for her to make her mark within the Volturi and to showcase her newfound place as a member of their family. She had been embraced by the kings, and tonight, she would step into her role with grace and poise.
With a final flourish, her reflection smiled back at her, and the transformation was complete. She turned to face the attendants, gratitude filling her eyes. "Thank you all. I never imagined I would be part of such an extraordinary event."
Caius, whose taste leaned towards luxury and indulgence, entered the room, holding a pair of red and black heels with a glass-like sheen. "To complete the ensemble," he declared, a rare hint of a smile tugging at his lips. The shoes were a work of art, a perfect match to the dress that had been crafted with such care.
Finally ready, (Y/N) took one last look in the mirror before stepping out into the bustling hallway. The whispers of admiration that followed her as she walked towards the ballroom were a testament to the effort that had been put into her transformation. The dress swirled around her with each step, the red accents catching the light and creating an ethereal glow.
As she entered the ballroom, the atmosphere shifted. All eyes turned towards her, the sea of black and red parting to make way for her presence. The Volturi kings stood at the center, their gazes filled with approval and a touch of awe. Aro's grin was infectious, and Caius's nod of approval held more weight than she could have hoped for.
Marcus approached her, his calm demeanor softened by a smile. "You look stunning, my dear. Your mates will surely love seeing you in this."
With each note of the music that filled the air, (Y/N) felt the weight of her new role lifting. She was not just a member of the Volturi; she was a part of a family that celebrated her, appreciated her, and had dressed her in a gown fit for a modern Cinderella.
Demetri's eyes were fixed on the entrance to the grand ballroom, his heart pounding with an excitement he couldn't contain. He had heard the whispers and the anticipatory hum that had swept through the castle, signaling the arrival of someone special. And then, like a vision materializing from his most fervent dreams, she appeared.
(Y/N) walked into the room, her presence captivating everyone in its wake. His breath caught in his throat as his gaze traveled down her figure, taking in the sight of the black Cinderella-like dress with its delicate red accents. The dress hugged her curves with a grace that left him momentarily speechless.
The red accents seemed to dance like flames against the darkness of the dress, creating an enchanting contrast that mirrored her captivating aura. Her (h/c) hair was elegantly styled, adorned with crimson crystals that caught the light and shimmered like stars in the night sky. The makeup that enhanced her features was a masterpiece, drawing his attention to her mesmerizing eyes and the curve of her lips.
Every step she took seemed to be guided by an otherworldly elegance, as if the very air around her recognized her significance. Demetri's heart swelled with pride as he watched her, a fierce possessiveness welling up within him. She was his mate, a beacon of beauty that had captured his heart and soul from the moment they had met.
Her eyes scanned the room, a mixture of curiosity and wonder reflecting in their depths. It was as if she was seeing the grandeur of the ballroom for the first time, and in a way, he realized, she was. This was her introduction to the world of the Volturi, and he was both honored and anxious to be a part of this pivotal moment in her life.
Demetri's thoughts raced as he continued to watch her. The way she moved, the way she interacted with the other guests—everything about her was a testament to her innate grace and charm. He knew that this was a night she would remember, a night that would etch itself into her memory just as indelibly as it would in his.
As the music swelled and couples began to dance, Demetri found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her. She was the center of attention, the embodiment of the beauty and elegance that the night represented. And in that moment, he knew that he was the luckiest man alive to have her as his mate, to witness her in all her glory as she graced the ballroom with her presence.
Jane's crimson eyes were fixed on the entrance to the ballroom, her usually impassive expression betraying a flicker of anticipation. She had heard the whispers and felt the subtle shift in the atmosphere, signaling the arrival of someone who held a special place in her heart. And then, as if stepping out of a fairy tale, (Y/N) walked into the room.
A rare warmth spread through Jane's chest as she took in the sight before her. The black Cinderella-like dress with its intricate red accents was a striking choice that perfectly complemented (Y/N)'s allure. Jane's lips curved into a small, genuine smile as she recognized the dress as a creation from Marcus's impeccable taste. It seemed that even the reserved Volturi kings could not resist the allure of such an enchanting design.
(Y/N) moved with a grace that demanded attention, her every step exuding confidence and elegance. Jane's gaze lingered on the red accents, noting how they seemed to capture the light and create a luminous effect against the dark fabric. Her (h/c) hair was styled in a way that emphasized her beauty without overpowering it, and the makeup highlighted her delicate features.
The transformation was remarkable, turning (Y/N) into a vision that was hard to ignore. Jane's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions, a potent blend of pride and possessiveness. This was her mate, someone who had captured her heart and whose presence held an undeniable significance in her life.
As (Y/N)'s gaze swept across the room, Jane couldn't help but admire the way her eyes sparkled with curiosity and wonder. She was taking in the grandeur of the ballroom, a place that was undoubtedly foreign to her. Jane felt a desire to protect (Y/N) from the attention and scrutiny that came with being a part of the Volturi, even as she recognized (Y/N)'s inner strength.
The music resonated through the air, couples twirling and dancing to its rhythm. Jane's attention, however, remained solely on (Y/N). She watched as (Y/N) interacted with the other guests, her genuine smile and the ease with which she carried herself drawing people to her like moths to a flame.
In that moment, Jane was overcome with a sense of gratitude. She knew that finding a mate was a rare and precious gift, and having (Y/N) by her side was a privilege she cherished. As the night unfolded, Jane knew that this would be a memory she would hold onto—a memory of the night she watched her mate, resplendent in a black dress with red accents, make her mark in the world of vampires and within the depths of Jane's own heart.
Alec's gaze was unwavering as he stood at the edge of the ballroom, his typically calm demeanor masking the rush of emotions that surged within him. The anticipation in the air was almost palpable, the collective excitement of the guests adding to the electric atmosphere. And then, like a beacon of elegance and beauty, (Y/N) walked into the room.
His breath caught in his throat as his eyes locked onto her figure. The black Cinderella-like dress adorned with delicate red accents clung to her form in a way that seemed almost poetic. Alec's lips curved into a rare, genuine smile as he recognized the elegance of the dress as a creation of Marcus's meticulous design.
(Y/N)'s every movement was a symphony of grace, her steps measured yet exuding a confidence that drew all eyes toward her. Alec's gaze lingered on the red accents that seemed to come alive under the light, casting a mesmerizing glow against the backdrop of the night. Her (h/c) hair, styled with a touch of understated glamour, framed her face in a way that enhanced her natural beauty.
Alec's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions as he watched her. There was a sense of pride that she was his mate, a feeling of possessiveness that he had never experienced before. Her transformation was remarkable, turning her into a vision that was both captivating and enchanting.
(Y/N) turned her head slightly, her eyes scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and wonder. Alec's heart skipped a beat as he imagined what thoughts might be passing through her mind. She was stepping into a world vastly different from her own, and he couldn't help but feel an urge to shield her from the complexities that came with their world.
The music filled the air, couples swaying to its rhythm, but Alec's focus remained solely on (Y/N). He watched as she interacted with others, her genuine smile and engaging presence drawing people to her effortlessly. He admired her strength and warmth, traits that had won him over from the moment they had met.
As the night unfolded, Alec knew that this moment would remain etched in his memory. Watching (Y/N) navigate the intricacies of their world, dressed in the black and red ensemble that mirrored her grace and beauty, was a memory he would treasure forever. She was not only a part of his world but a part of his very soul, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude that fate had brought them together.
Felix's dark eyes remained fixed on the entrance to the ballroom, his usually composed demeanor betraying a subtle restlessness. He had heard the murmurs and sensed the excitement that hung in the air like static, announcing the arrival of a special guest. And then, as if emerging from the depths of his most cherished dreams, (Y/N) stepped into view.
A slow, appreciative smile tugged at the corners of his lips as his gaze traveled over her. The black Cinderella-like dress with its intricate red accents was a masterpiece that held his attention captive. Felix's usually stoic expression softened as he took in every detail—the way the dress clung to her figure, the red accents that seemed to shimmer like embers against the darkness.
(Y/N) moved with a regal grace, each step exuding a confidence that drew the eyes of everyone in the room. Felix's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and possessiveness as he watched her. This was his mate, the person who had captured his heart in a way that he had never thought possible. Her transformation was nothing short of breathtaking, a testament to the care and attention that had been poured into her appearance.
The (h/c) hair that framed her face was styled in a way that highlighted her features, enhancing her natural beauty without overpowering it. Felix's eyes lingered on the delicate details—the crimson crystals that adorned her hair, the makeup that accentuated her eyes and lips in a way that left him entranced.
As (Y/N)'s gaze swept across the room, Felix's heart skipped a beat. He admired the way she carried herself, the ease with which she engaged with the other guests. There was an air of curiosity and wonder in her eyes, as if she was seeing this world through a new lens. And in a way, she was. This was her introduction to the Volturi's grandeur, and Felix was both humbled and anxious to be a part of this pivotal moment in her life.
The music filled the air, couples swaying in time to its melody, but Felix's attention remained solely on (Y/N). He watched as she interacted with others, her presence commanding attention, her genuine smile captivating those around her.
With each passing moment, Felix felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude. This was the mate he had longed for, the one who completed him in ways he hadn't thought possible. As the night unfolded, he couldn't help but marvel at the image of (Y/N) dressed in the black and red ensemble, a representation of her beauty and the depth of their connection. This was a memory he would hold close, a moment in time that encapsulated the beginning of a new chapter in both their lives.
A sense of unity seemed to permeate the air as Alec, Jane, Felix, and Demetri exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Their posts were important, but this was a moment they couldn't let slip by unnoticed. As if guided by an unspoken agreement, they discreetly left their respective places and converged in a more secluded corner of the ballroom.
Alec's gaze held a soft intensity as he spoke first, his voice low and filled with genuine admiration. "You look breathtaking, (Y/N). The dress, the way you carry yourself—it's truly enchanting."
Jane's crimson eyes held a warmth that was rare for her, her lips curving into a genuine smile. "I must admit, I'm not one for compliments, but tonight you've managed to capture everyone's attention, including mine. You are a vision."
Felix's usually boisterous demeanor was replaced with a subdued reverence. "You've managed to stun even me, and that's saying something. The dress, the way you've carried yourself—it's as if you were made for this moment."
Demetri, who often wore a laid-back smile, looked at (Y/N) with a blend of fondness and pride. "You've brought a different kind of light to this event. It's like you've breathed life into the room, and I have to say, you've made quite the impression."
As (Y/N) listened to their words, her heart swelled with a mixture of happiness and gratitude. To have the attention and affection of these four individuals, each of whom was so integral to the Volturi, was a feeling that she couldn't put into words.
"Thank you," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your words mean more to me than you'll ever know."
Alec's lips curved into a small smile as he exchanged a look with the others. "We're not ones for public displays of emotion, but tonight is different. Tonight, we want you to know just how much you've enriched our lives."
Jane's gaze held a softness that spoke volumes, and Felix nodded in agreement. Demetri, always one for straightforwardness, offered a warm grin. "You're an exceptional addition to our family, and you've made this night unforgettable."
As they stood together, the Volturi guards and their mate shared a moment that transcended words—a connection forged by shared admiration and affection. And as the music played on, they returned to their respective posts, knowing that this night would forever remain etched in their memories as a testament to their unity and the strength of their bonds.
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Possibilities - Five
(Felix Volturi x reader)
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Second to last part! Important Info: The vampire children don’t age as quickly as in the books in my fanfic, because i hate that Renesmee is grown after a year, like she needs a childhood it’s weird!
Description: Coming back from your honeymoon, Bella has some unbelievable news that also effect you.
Warnings: Angst, blood, talks about abortion, pregnancy, gore (Birth scene)
5987 words
The moment you stepped into the castle you were enveloped by two thin but strong arms. „I’m so glad you’re back!“, Heidi smiled at you and you almost got a little emotional when you realized you started having real friends here, even while still being human. „We were only gone for a week“, you laughed and the both of you followed Felix as he carried your luggage to your room, „but I’m glad to be back too.“
„What did I miss?“, you started ascending the stairs to your floor. „Not much“, Heidi answered, „oh we have a new secretary.“ You grimaced a little, knowing exactly what that meant. „But tell me about Switzerland!“, she tried to change the topic, stepping into yours and Felix room after you.
„I’ll let the masters know we’re back safe amore mio“, Felix smiled, kissing your cheek softly and closing the door behind him on the way out. Heidi pulled you to the couch and you know what the look she gave you meant. „It was great“, you grinned a little flustered, and judging by her smirk she knew exactly what you meant.
„So you said yes? And he said yes too?“, she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at the end making you giggle. „Yes I did and yes he did…multiple times“, you grinned and showed her the ring and she smiled, „did you know he was going to propose?“ She rolled her eyes dramatically and put your hand back down. „Everyone knew, he couldn’t shut up about it with Demetri and naturally everyone heard“, she laughed and you shook your head in amusement.
„Can you do me a favor Heidi?“, you made sure the door was shut before telling her. „Of course, you okay?“, she looked a little concerned. „I have been feeling kind of weird the last few days, don’t know maybe I caught the flu or something but I don’t want Felix to worry. Could you run to the pharmacy for me later? Felix would for sure freak out if he would come buying medicine with me“, you rolled your eyes and she giggled at the thought of the big bad executioner fussing over his sick mate.
„Yeah sure, I need to meet Aro in ten minutes but after that, I’ll run to the pharmacy for you!“, she got up and squeezed your shoulder. „Thanks a lot“, you nodded. „Of course, make sure you rest a little!“, she grinned before she was gone. Sighing you sank into the sofa, finally being able to not act as if you are perfectly well. You hadn’t been able to sleep very the last days. Your stomach being a little upset and you carefully rubbed it when you noticed it was acting up again.
You thought it would go away, but suddenly you felt the bile rise in your throat and jumped up, thankfully making it to the toilet in time. Shit, you probably really caught the flu or ate something bad, damn. After brushing your teeth, you laid down on the couch, spotting your bag and you decided to check your phone. There hadn’t been any reception up in the mountains and you didn’t take it out on the way here. Maybe your cousin had some news about her honeymoon.
And damn she seemed to have a lot to say, you had several missed calls not only from her but the whole Cullen family and about a billion text messages. ‚Call me as fast as you can!‘ Now you were seriously worried. You immediately sat back up and called her, your heart speeding up at all the horrible scenarios running through your mind. „(Y/N)? Thank god you finally called back!“, she sounded exhausted and extremely worried.
„Yeah we were on vacation and I didn’t…Bella is everything alright? You okay?“, you asked with a frown on your face. „Yes and no…are you alone? Can anyone hear you?“, she asked and you were wondering what the hell was going on. „Yes I’m alone! Can you please tell me what’s going on?“, you were getting antsy. „Okay before I tell you I need to ask you something“, she was still being ominous, and you could hear some rustling before Edwards voice came through the phone.
„What she’s trying to ask is: Have you and Felix been having sex?“, you were momentarily stunned by the annoyed and cold edge Edwards voice had, wondering what the hell was going on in Forks. And you were also stunned by the question itself. „Uhm…what?“, you stuttered around uncertainly. „(Y/N)“, Edward had a sense of urgency in his voice that gave you the chills, „answer the question.“
„Yeah we had sex last week“, you blushed furiously but told him nonetheless. God this was weird. „Shit“, he cursed and there was rustling again. „(Y/N) this is Carlisle“, yet another voice came through the phone and you were freaking out. „Carlisle what the hell is going on here“, your voice was shaking and you were anxiously grabbing onto the pillow in your lap. „Have you been feeling sick the past few days?“, he asked and your heart sank. How could he possibly know that.
„Yes“, you whispered, not being able to form more words. „Okay I need you to listen to me carefully right now“, he started and the more he explained the paler you got.
After you hung up with the Cullens you sat in silence for a few minutes trying to calm your racing heart. Pregnant? You still couldn’t wrap your head around how this could’ve possibly happened. Vampires weren’t supposed to be able to procreate. But from what you were told, a very pregnant Bella and a possibly pregnant You were the evidence. And it didn’t seem to be a safe and easy pregnancy either.
Taking a deep breath you reminded yourself that you couldn’t even be sure if you actually were pregnant too, Carlisle told you to ask one of the Vampires in the coven to listen for a heartbeat - or get a pregnancy test, but that would take longer. But who on earth would you ask? You knew Felix and you knew that if he would find out how dangerous the pregnancy would be, he would probably want you to get rid of the baby, he would never risk your life.
But you weren’t sure that’s what you wanted. You had always wanted a family, but after meeting and falling for Felix you knew that wasn’t an option so you had accepted that, content with it just being the two of you for eternity. Actually having a real opportunity to have a child with him now? It felt more like a miracle than the curse Carlisle described it as. And considering Bella didn’t get rid of her baby either, she seemed to think the same.
So you needed to have someone on your side before telling Felix, and the one person that came to mind right now was Heidi. Hopefully you could catch her before she left for the pharmacy - you probably didn’t need the flu medication anymore anyway. Trying to calm your racing heart and trembling hands, you slowly stood up and stepped out into the corridor.
Your mind was racing with all the things that could and probably would happen in the next few days, while simultaneously trying to find Heidi in the maze this castle was. But that train of thought was suddenly interrupted when you encountered Jane. You two weren’t crazy close, but she was nicer to you than to most other people. „(Y/N)? You don’t look good, are you alright?“, she asked and you knew if it was bad enough for her to pick up on, it was bad.
„I’m-“, you started but your voice gave in and you could feel her grip your arm and lead you to a room nearby, sitting you down on the couch there. „Do you want me to get water or something?“, she asked, clearly unsure of how to handle a human that seems sick. „No, no it’s fine…Jane can you do me a favor?“, you needed to know if you were pregnant, you couldn’t wait for Heidi.
„Sure“, she nodded, but she seemed a little perplexed. „Jane I…got a call from Bella earlier“, you started, not really sure how to explain this situation. Jane just looked at you in a way that said she couldn’t give less fucks about your cousin. „Bella is pregnant, and before you say something“, you stopped her when she openend her mouth, „the Cullens are one hundred percent sure it’s Edwards. Trust me I asked that.“
„But that’s not possible“, she said after a few moments. „I thought so too, but the way Carlisle and Edward talked about it convinced me…I mean that and I experience…“, you took a deep breath, „I experience the same symptoms Bella did in the beginning.“ Jane stared at you blankly for a few moments.
„You’re pregnant? And it’s Felix’s?“, she asked when she managed to wrap her head around what was happening. „I actually don’t know yet and that’s why I’ve asked you for a favor…Jane can you hear a second heartbeat?“, you reluctantly asked, you would label the both of you as something close to friends, but you still weren’t sure how this would play out.
She stared at you with those deep red eyes for a moment longer before they dropped to your stomach and she concentrated. „There is a second heartbeat“, she announced after a few moments, her normally cold and controlled mask cracking a little in shock and wonder. You on the other hand didn’t know how to feel, you were happy on one side and excited but also scared shitless of this dangerous pregnancy and the reactions of the others.
„Shit“, you mumbled, a hand automatically resting on your still flat stomach. „This is crazy“, Jane said, taking an unnecessary breath. „Jane, can you…I need someone to be on my side“, you whispered, „Carlisle told me if I want to keep this baby, it will be a dangerous pregnancy. They didn’t give me too much details but they said Bella isn’t doing well and if I am pregnant I should go to Forks as fast as possible.“
Jane always picking up on more than you thought, knew what you meant. „You think he will want you to get rid of the baby“, she stated and you nodded meekly. „I just need someone to back me up“, you admitted already stressed about telling Felix. „You’re my friend, of course I will be on your side“, she told you and you smiled when she said you were friends. „Thanks Jane“, you squeezed her cold hand for a moment before sighing.
„We should probably tell Heidi too, and let her know she doesn’t have to go to the pharmacy for me - it’s not the flu after all“, you told Jane and she agreed. The two of you thought it would be best that she’d go searching for Heidi and you would wait for Felix in your room - gathering the courage to tell him what you thought was a blessing, and what you anticipated he would think of as a curse.
„Mia cara, forgive me for taking so long“, you winced a little when he suddenly appeared in the room. The smile you gave him didn’t seem to convince him, because he sat down next to you with an unhappy frown. „What’s wrong?“, he pulled you into his arms, so you were sitting next to him in his embrace. And for the first time since you accepted your bond, you weren’t entirely sure this was the best place to be for telling news with the seriousness of yours.
You gently kissed his jaw, his arms pulling you into him a little tighter and you took a deep breath. „Felix there’s something I have to tell you“, you started and he brushed some hair out of your face in concern, listening intently. „You know you can tell me everything“, he reassured you, taking your hand and kissing it softly.
“I got a call from Bella”, you said with a shaky voice, “and…no one knows how, but…but she’s pregnant.” The confusion on his face was obvious. “It’s Edwards”, you added, and he shook his head in denial. “What? Edward can’t…”, he started, but the serious look in your eyes made him pause, “it’s not…it’s not possible. It can’t be…right?”
You were silent for another moment, giving him the time to process it. “Carlisle doesn’t know how, but he is sure that Bella is carrying Edwards child”, you whispered, the arm that embraced you was tense, and Felix face was frozen. He seemed to realize where you were going, his eyes wandering to your stomach in shock.
The silence was palpable for a few moments, before he closed his eyes and took a deep, unnecessary breath. “You’re…”, he stopped, not able to make his mouth form the word. “Pregnant”, you finished, unsure what he would think. He didn’t even know the pregnancy would be incredibly dangerous, but maybe he didn’t want a child at all. He gave up on that millennia ago, and what if he didn’t even like kids? God, you were a nervous wreck.
“Say something”, you pleaded, your nerves slowly getting the best of you, your eyes filling with tears. He opened his eyes when you spoke, his hand immediately cradling your cheek when he saw your wet eyes. “I’m sorry amore, it’s just…a lot to wrap my head around”, he sighed, kissing your forehead in comfort, “for two millennia I haven’t thought about ever…” He let the sentence hang in the air.
“I’m…suprised, but I’m happy”, he smiled a little and seemed less tense, but when you didn’t match his positive reaction, instead looking guilty, he frowned again. “There’s more”, he realized, his expression sobering up in a second and he went rigid again, “tell me.” You sighed, closing your eyes for a second before biting the bullet. “Bella’s really…sick”, your voice was quiet, but you were sure he heard you anyway, “they wouldn’t tell me exactly what’s going on, but they…”, you broke off, swallowing dryly.
“Tell me”, he urged you worriedly, the crease between his brows marring his otherwise perfect face. You were speechless, not knowing how to tell him or how he would react. Your silence seemed to imply how bad it really was. “Tell. Me.”, his eyes got darker and his voice deeper, his anger and fear of losing you obvious. “They said she might not make it”, you whispered, and that seemed to be the last straw, because suddenly he wasn’t next to you anymore, and the coffee table was thrown against the opposite wall, breaking into a thousand pieces.
Your tears finally spilled over, and quicker than you could see Heidi and Jane were standing in the room between you and Felix. “You need to calm down Felix”, Heidi told him, your angry mate throwing around more furniture in rage, making you gasp. “Felix!”, Janes sharp voice cut through the room, “you’re scaring her.”
That made him pause, his back to you, but he was still incredibly upset. “We need to tell the masters as soon as possible, so we can get her to the Cullens - she needs Carlisle”, Heidi tried to rationalize and Felix seemed to agree. “Yes you’re right, he needs to get rid of the baby”, his voice had an edge to it you hadn’t heard before and you shivered.
“Felix wait, please”, you finally found your voice again, still upset that this has played out exactly as bad as you thought it would. “What’s there to wait for? We need to get you to Forks”, he didn’t meet your eyes, didn’t even turn in your direction. “Felix I…I want to keep the baby”, you whispered, kind off glad that Jane and Heidi were there.
It was silent for a moment, and then he turned around, the pain in his eyes when he met your teary gaze, made your heart hurt. “I won’t lose you”, his voice was firm, his eyes hard and then he was gone. “That couldn’t have gone any worse”, you sighed, sinking back into the couch and hoping for the best.
When you arrived in the throne room, it seemed the kings and everyone else in the guard were already informed by Felix - considering the way they were eyeing you suspiciously. You were glad for Heidi and Jane walking next to you. “Dear (Y/N)”, Aro was grinning the way he always did when he was excited, “we heard rather impossible news.”
“It’s true”, you said, your voice shaky and you were sure the vampires could see that you had cried previously, “Carlisle told me Bella is in the same condition, just further along, and Jane and Heidi confirmed I’m…pregnant.” It felt weird saying it out loud infront of them. The kings, Felix, Demetri, Alec, Santiago and Renata were there and you felt exposed.
“Yes, we can hear the heartbeat”, Caius seemed unhappy, “but that doesn’t confirm it is fathered by Felix.” That moment was the only time you wished Aro could read your thoughts, just to confirm your were telling the truth. “I didn’t…I would never…”, you couldn’t even say it, much less ever do it. You would never cheat on Felix. “Now, now Caius. Don’t accuse her of something like that”, Aro tutted and smiled at you, which wasn’t really comforting. Felix was standing next to Demetri with a stoic look on his face.
“Let me call Carlisle, hear what he is saying. And you should go pack already”, Aro announced, “We will take the jet in the evening, Demetri, Jane, Alec, Santiago and myself will come.” You just nodded, the nausea from the pregnancy, the fight with your mate and the whole situation just exhausted you. Heidi grabbed your elbow to guide you to your room, when suddenly Marcus spoke up. “I will come too”, his voice as unused and emotionless as always, but it cut through the air like a knife and made everybody go still. “Alright. Caius will stay here, and manage everything”, Aro agreed after a moment of surprise.
You were wondering briefly why Marcus wanted to come, but Heidi was already stirring you away from the scene, probably to help you pack. She knew you were in no condition to do that. Felix stayed behind, and maybe it was better to give the situation some rest.
He watched you leave the room, his face a stoic mask, but his thoughts all over the place in panic. He couldn’t lose you, he only just found you. He was sure it was his child you were pregnant with, he trusted you and wasn’t the least bit worried you cheated. And while the thought of you carrying his child made him excited, the risk it brought killed the joy in his heart instantly. “What is it Felix?”, Aro saw the way his eyes were looking at you in pain rather than joy.
Felix turned around after a moment, not being able to say it out loud, say how you could die if you decided to keep the baby. So he held his hand out for Aro to take, the mind reading vampire not hesitating. “That’s rather unfortunate”, Aro sighed and Felix squeezed his eyes shut in agony for a moment, “it seems that if our dear (Y/N) decides to keep the baby, it is quiet possible that she will not make it.” Demetris face fell a little, feeling worried about his best friend - and about you, who had also become dear to him.
You were sunk into a big chair in the jet, hiding in the corner of the cabin. The others were at the front, just Jane sitting with you. You were trying to let the constant humming of the machine lull you to sleep, but you weren’t feeling your best and you were missing your mate. You didn’t want to pressure him, and you did understand why he was so angry, but you still missed him.
You had had such a perfect honeymoon and now that bubble had burst, you thought with a few silent tears running down your face, staring out the airplane window. It was mostly dark in the cabin, so you were confident no one saw your tears, but Jane gently grabbed your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. You looked over a little blushing, and your breath hitched when you saw Felix standing there.
Your eyes jumped to Jane who smiled a little, letting go of your hand and giving her seat to Felix, who sat down next to you silently. He was carrying a blanket, and lifted up the armrest seperating the both of you, before spreading the blanket and finally meeting your eyes in expectation. New tears welled up in your eyes when you realized he wanted you in his arms, the thought of him still trying to make sure you’re okay even while being angry with you made you even more sure this mate thing definitely picked the right one for you.
You gently scooted over into his embrace, and he immediately wrapped you in the blanket, pulling you tightly into his chest, your head in his neck and you felt like you could finally relax your tense muscles. There were no words exchanged between you too, you knew he was still angry, but you also knew he loved you. That was enough for now.
It felt weird, driving through the once familiar town that you left behind. You would’ve thought that it would ignite some kind of longing or sadness, but the only thing you felt was fondness for the memories you made there, happy with your new life in Italy. You were sitting next to Felix, who was still holding your hand but you two hadn’t talked since your fight in Volterra. God, you hoped Carlisle had news for you that helped you calm your mate down.
The car turned onto the familiar sideroad to the Cullen house and eventhough you knew Bella was really weak, you were still happy to see everyone again. Felix helped you out of the car, the others already standing neatly organized and perfectly still infront of the house. He protectively wrapped an arm around your waist and wanted to lead you to the others, but the door opening stopped you.
“Alice!”, you smiled and walked up to the door before anyone could try to stop you, your mate grumbling unhappily behind you. “(Y/N)”, you could tell she was nervous because of the Volturi, but she greeted you warmly anyway, embracing you before Carlisle joined her at the entry.
Suddenly Aro was standing next to you, Alice pulling you to the side gently. “Hello Aro, it’s been a while”, Carlisle greeted his old acquaintance with a polite smile.
“Carlisle”, Aro nodded and held out his hand immediately, making Carlisle reach out without hesitation. “So it’s true”, Aro was in awe, looking between the two Cullens with wide eyes. “It is”, Alice said a little coldly, your eyes meeting your mates, who looked even unhappier.
Felix didn’t like the way you were standing so far away from him, his protective instincts dialed up even more now that you were carrying his child - he still couldn’t believe it, his child. “Why don’t you come inside, there is a lot we need to talk about”, Carlisle stepped aside to let them in and Felix suddenly smelled the Shapeshifter. He was at your side in an instant, holding your waist possessively.
“There’s one of the dogs”, Demetri growled in his stead, the others not looking to happy either, except Marcus who looked as lethargic as ever. “Jacob’s here?”, you were surprised, after Bella married Edward it seemed that he wouldn’t be willing to stick around anymore. “Yes, there is some trouble with the pack and he decided to…stand up for Bella”, Carlisle led you up the stairs and into the big living room, where Rosalie and Jake were blocking your view of Bella.
The other Cullens were also standing in the room, greeting you with a smile. “(Y/N)?”, a weak Bella asked from behind her guards who reluctantly stepped aside when she asked them to. You tried to hide your shock behind a soft smile, approaching your Cousin and sitting next to her carefully.
She looked like death to be honest, and from glancing at the Volturi they were nearly as shocked as you. Felix looked pained and you knew it was because of what he thought would happen to you too. “I missed you”, you said, instead of asking her how she was - which would’ve been a stupid question. “Missed you too”, she smiled a little, taking your hand in hers, “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Would you follow me into my office?”, Carlisle interrupted the moment and you squeezed Bella’s hand once more before standing up again and followed the Volturi into Carlisle’s study, catching a glimpse of a tortured looking Edward in the corner. So he blamed himself too, just like Felix. Your mate was once again holding your waist, as if leaving you out of his sight would make you disappear.
Once the door was closed and everyone was settled, Carlisle started to explain what they knew, which wasn’t much. “We didn’t know it could happen, but it did. And we still don’t know much more, neither the ultrasound nor needles or anything else can penetrate the uterus safely. We only know it grows rapidly, draining Bella. It is already stronger than any human - It’s breaking her ribs. Just two days ago we had the idea that it probably needs blood, which Bella is drinking and it helps a bit, but she’s already too far for it to make any real difference. She’s so weak and the fetus so strong that we don’t know if she will make it - I’m not sure the venom could save her.”
The grip Felix had on you was tense and rigid, the silence in the room deafening. “This is all very extraordinary”, Marcus said and you couldn’t even really be shocked by him being the first one to say anything. “I’m glad you got here so quick. If you want to keep the baby I hope starting to drink blood immediately will help, because in theory the fetus won’t drain you as much. But if you don’t want to-“, Carlisle added, but you interrupted him.
“I want to keep it”, you said, you were sure it would be alright if you started with the blood early. This was your only chance to have a baby of your own, you would regret it forever if you didn’t try. This was your choice, a choice every woman should have and you would decide to keep the baby.
„Okay“, Carlilse looked a little pitying, nodding and stating that he needed to at least examine you, even if the ultrasound couldn’t show anything. So you followed him to another room, Felix only following you when you looked at him with a questioning look. You felt horrible for being the reason for his tortured expression.
After feeling your abdomen and asking a few questions, Carlilse gave Felix and you a moment alone, telling you to come to the kitchen after to get a cup of blood. God, that sounded so weird. „Say something, tell me what you’re thinking“, you whispered gripping his hand gently. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.
„I did this to you“, he finally answered, making your heart hurt. „You didn’t do anything to me Felix. It takes two people, and I know you don’t see it that way right now…but this seems more like a miracle than a curse“, you spoke quietly, not wanting this to turn into a fight again. „You’re right, this isn’t a curse, it’s worse. I’m going to lose you (Y/N)“, you were sure if he could cry he would, and you pressed your hand to his cheek.
„You won’t, okay? If I started drinking blood right away, I won’t get as bad as Bella, and I can make it“, you reassured him. „I hope you’re right mia cara…I hope you’re right“, he sighed and pulled you into his arms. „You…you won’t leave right?“, you whispered, just because you wanted to keep the baby doesn’t mean you weren’t scared, and you needed him to be with you through this.
He pulled back with a look of shock on his face. „(Y/N) I would never leave you. You’re my mate, my wife, I love you and nothing will ever change that. I might not agree with your decision entirely - don’t get me wrong having a child with you would be great if it wasn’t for the high risk - but I will stand with you through it all Love“, he promised making you just nod and bury your head in his chest. „I love you too“, you whispered, his cold lips leaving a soft kiss on your head.
Carlilse handed you the cup of blood and you eyed it warily, Bella already drinking hers, but most of the vampires in the room (the ones that could handle the blood) were watching your reaction. Felix was sitting next to you, Demetri trying to hide his humorous expression and Jane and Alec looking at you with genuine curiosity. They had never seen a human drink blood before, and even the Masters and Santiago were intrigued.
This was so weird, drinking blood that came out of someone else gave you a quirky feeling your stomach, but before you could think too much about it, you took a sip and forced down the gulp of cold thick liquid. It tasted really metallic and you were shocked at how easily Bella could drink that, maybe because she was further along in her pregnancy.
„That’s…disgusting“, you grimaced and looked at your cousin, a few of the vampires chuckling, „how can you drink that?“ It was more a rhetoric question, your cousin rolling her eyes with a smile before continuing her drink. You thought for a moment, before deciding the best plan of action. „Okay I’m gonna pretend I’m at a party and have to chug this“, you took of the lid, the deep red liquid sloshing inside the cup and took a deep breath, before chugging the cup in record time.
„That was…impressive“, Demetri grinned, and you wiped the corners of your mouth, shuddering a little because of the aftertaste. „How do you know how to chug like that? You’re not even 21 yet“, Felix asked, Bella and you exchanging looks and giggling quietly. „How do you feel (Y/N)?“, Carlilse asked, fondly rolling his eyes at you and Bella, and gave you a once over. „Not much different“, you shrugged and suppressed a yawn. The time difference was making you tired, it would’ve been the middle of the night already in Volterra.
„You need some sleep amore“, Felix brushed a piece of your hair back before taking your hand and pulling you up. „Alright“, you yawned, „Good night!“ Bella waved and Rosalie helped her up too, she needed all the rest she could get.
It was chaos. The pack didn’t back down from the fight even with the Volturi there. You pleaded with them not to kill the Pack and were now holding Bella’s hand who was in Labour, with a broken spine. All of this looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Because Aro, Marcus, Jane and Alec were out hunting with Carlilse and Esme, you were a bit understaffed and now Alice and Rosalie couldn’t handle the blood and had to go. So it was only Edward, Jacob and you left - Felix, Demetri and Santiago fighting outside.
You just hoped Felix was alright, but your thoughts were interrupted, when Edward tore open Bella’s stomach, holding a small baby in his arms. Like, an actual cute little baby - and you were partly relieved that there wasn’t something weird growing inside of you. The baby started screaming and Edward smiled, a rare sight these days. „It’s Renesmee“, he told Bella, and you gently and excitedly squeezed her hand. You were an aunt, you thought with a smile.
„Beautiful“, Bella whispered, and Edward carefully placed the baby in her fragile arms, so that she could hold her daughter. But suddenly it seemed like the vampire part of the baby came through, and she bit Bella with her small teeth, making Jacob worry and Edward take Renesmee back.
And then she stopped moving. „Bella?“, Jacob was immediately at her other side. „Bella!“, you shook her shoulder, willing her to move, but she didn’t and your heart dropped to your already slightly rounded stomach. „Bella!“, Jacob called out, starting CPR and you let go of her hand in horror. What if she really didn’t make it? You hadn’t even seriously entertained the possibility of her dying - or, for a matter of fact, you. You thought Edward could save her with her venom, but maybe this situation was too bad already.
„Jacob, take the baby“, Edward looked panicked, the helplessness radiating off of him. „Keep that away from me“, Jacob seethed, continuing compressions and you snapped out of your stupor. „I’ll take her“, you whispered but Edward heard you nonetheless. „Don’t worry I’ll watch the teeth“, you reassured him and took your niece out of his arms, and settled her in yours.
You saw him take out a big needle filled with what was probably his venom, and left the room before you saw him ram it into Bella’s heart. Your heart couldn’t take seeing your cousin like that, and your niece needed you. You sat down in a chair in the living room, trying your best to clean the cute baby with the towel she was wrapped in, before taking the blanket from the couch and gently wrapping her in it.
She seemed more comfortable now, her crying stopping and her pretty brown eyes staring up at you. She didn’t try to bite you, but you were still careful while stroking her small nose. „I really hope your mommy makes it baby“, you sighed, refusing to fall into grief just yet, maybe she would make it.
„He really imprinted on her?“, Felix looked a bit weirded out when you were finally laying in bed in the early morning hours. „It’s how it works with the pack“, you shrugged cuddling further into him and hugging the warm water bottle close to you that canceled out his cold. Now that you were pregnant you seemed more sensitive to temperature.
„Mhm“, he was in thought, absentmindedly stroking your ever growing belly and you couldn’t help but smile. It seemed like drinking a lot of blood early on really helped, Carlilse said you were way healthier than Bella was at this point. „Can you still hear her heartbeat?“, you asked, and you had to give him that - eventhough you asked about the twentieth time since you layed down - he still answered you nicely.
„Yes“, he whispered, kissing the top of your head, when suddenly the baby moved. „Woah“, you were wide awake again, pressing a hand to your belly, and feeling another movement. „Did you feel that?“, you were looking at Felix with wide eyes and he matched your expression. „That’s…our baby“, he said quietly, looking at your stomach, his big cold hand covering it. „Yeah“, you sighed with a smile, settling down into his embrace again as gently kissing his neck.
„I never thought I would ever…get the chance to have children“, he admitted, and you laid down your smaller hand on top of his bigger one, urging him to continue. „If the blood is helping you stay healthy, and this isn’t going to be as bad as Bella and I risk losing you, I…I can see why you think it is a miracle“, he whispered, hope shimmering in his previously pained eyes. You said nothing, pulling him closer and kissing him softly, and praying that your cousin would make it.
Sooo second to last part! Hope you liked it, hope it made sense and I would really really appreciate some feedback - always helps getting me motivated to write, since I’m such a slow writer :]
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bbyxbambi · 11 months
witch twin headcanons (general)
alec and jane volturi x gn !reader
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⭒ jane is definitely the more distant one. although it was a little difficult, alec becomes accustomed to you quicker then his twin. jane tends to avoid you at first, refuse to talk to you and make you feel invisible. alec will silently check up on you. he would buy you random gifts such as books and paints to keep you occupied and staying out of trouble.
⭒ when jane eventually comes around she can be quite doting, however, its very hard to see. in jane’s eyes, you are her perfect doll. she picks out your outfits, styles your hair and helps you with your makeup if you choose to wear any. she won’t make it obvious that she’s doing these things because she loves it, she’ll pretend it’s because she thinks you’re incompetent and even slide in an insult here and there, however, doesn’t mean a single word. 
⭒ i think alec is genuinely a really calculating and quiet person. he has a very powerful aura whereas jane has more of an aggressive and frightening one. although you still rest with jane, you are calmed easier by alec. 
⭒ whenever you are sick, injured, overwhelmed or just in pain, you tend to graviate towards alec more. alec will lay down with you in his dark room and at first, just be present with you and hope him being there will soothe you enough, but as time goes on he will be comfortable holding you, rubbing your back or playing with you hair. 
⭒ i actually think the twins would use their gifts on you. not to hurt you obviously but i do think they would. not often and more so alec then jane but they find that their gifts can be used to help you. i think if you’re newborn or even just a very energetic human, hybrid or full on vampire, you might be susceptible to going too fast and accidentally breaking things. if you’re with jane and she starts to see you getting a little too much she’d almost be a shock collar and briefly pain you, not enough to hurt you but enough for you to feel it and know that is her warning you to be careful. alec on the other hand would only use his gift if you ask or he sees you’re getting too overwhelmed. if you happen to be someone who easily has panic attacks or sensory overloads, he’s your guy to strip all of those senses of yours away and have you focus on one thing at a time. 
⭒ alec and jane would have very strict rules for you. jane would enforce them more then alec but he still would nonetheless. i think these would include a bed time (if you’re human or a hybrid), not leaving the castle without them, training your gift, eating and whatever you want to imagine. 
⭒ they would 100% team up on you. if you fight one, you fight both. i could see this happening if you refuse to sleep or eat, argue with them or break one of their rules. would punish you together, tease you, but also care for you together. i think they’d have a set routine on who does what for you and when. might take turns ‘babysitting’ you at the start of your relationship to ensure you don’t try to run away. 
⭒ it would be very hard to be their mate at first however you grow to love them and love how possessive they can be. you know you are always safe with them around because at least one of them always has their eye on you, ready to protect you from anything, even if you can protect yourself.
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thanks for reading! let me know what you want me to write next!
bambi xx
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Felix thot:
Felix would have a very feminine mate and loves to see their pretty makeup all ruined after a rough night together
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volturissideslut · 7 months
The Voltori guard(separate) beside their mate in the hospital or in a room and they brought in a doctor. Their mate is in a coma after an accident(in or outside of the castle). Could be a few weeks or months but their mate finally wakes from the coma. Please and thank you!!
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
He point blank refuses to leave your room, starving himself of blood. The only thing he can think of is that in there is a chance you could wake up in the moments he's gone for and that he wouldn't be there for you.
It becomes his worst fear
Because of his status (and the fact the they honestly can't so anything to stop him) he's allowed to stay
He can't focus on anything or even read a book the whole time you're in a coma, left to just stare blankly at the white walls and beg whatever diety there may be that you please come back to him
And whatever may be out there seemed to have listened to him
"... alec?" your voice is groggy from the lack of use
"Cara mia!" and just like that, you're locked kn his embrace for at least a week. And he's not letting you out of his sight for at least a century
It kills her to sit in that room with you, but it kills her even more to be apart from you
Tag teams with Alex on watching over you. There is never a moment that you're not guarded
And it's only Alec because he's the only one she trusts enough
Is way more snappy with everyone than ever before, she's just is a constant frenzied state and doesn't know what to do with herself
Her chest physically aches so badly the whole time you're in a coma, and though she doesn't need to breathe she still finds herself hyperventilating frequently
The day you wake up her shoulders tremble like when humans sob, only no tears can come to her eyes
"My darling, please come back to me"
For the longest time, he stays in denial.
And by 'denial' I mean lashing out in hurt, frustration and rage at all of those around him
He loses his shit without you. Point blank. He can't handle it
God forbid any of the nurses or carers looking after you fuck up anything
He's murderous without you. You ground him
He only really breaks down when he sees you
Obviously, he'd seen you in this state before, but eventually he let's his guard down and really sees you
And it breaks him in a whole new way
He feels vulnerable, and you're not here. You're always here when he needs you. And now you're not
When you finally wake up he's begging and pleading with you to let him turn you because he can't go through that again. Ever.
He can't lose you
Dry sobs, shoulders shaking, throat heaving and body trembling
He may not be able to cry, but the sounds he makes are more heartbreaking then real tears
He can't even find comfort in the emotional release of actually crying
Tragic, isn't it?
For the time you're under, he's completely inconsolable
The only thing that usually cheers him usp is spending time with you, his mate, and he can't even do that anymore so there is not comfort to be given
The day you wake up, he trembles in your hold. His head is buried in your neck and your hands are his his hair and you just embrace eachother
It's all you can do
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simpfordemetri · 23 days
Voltrui guard with a mate who loves to cuddle without clothes or anything? Like loving the closeness of it 🤗
Volturi Guards Cuddling Skin to Skin
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Actually its his favourite cuddling position,he feel safe and on moments like these he will even be the little spoon,letting you scratch his hair and take care of him.Never turn into sex,for him cuddling like this its being vulnerable around you and its important to him,he feels in peace
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Normal cuddling was hard to get her to,so this was even more,she only stayed naked for sex so you had a long way of convincing her to this.However once you do she will spend days like this,even cancelling missions saying you were sick(she never told you this)
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He loves being close to you and also loves the feeling of your warm skin,so this feels like heaven for him.He will trace patterns on your thights but with him it can lead to to something sexual,just if you start it tho.He feels like he can fall sleep
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When he cuddle you like this he feels like you are made of cristal,he will be so delicated towards you and even afrait to touch you,gentle kisses are given by him and his hands rests on your lower back
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A Warm Welcome Home | D.V x Reader
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a/n: a little request for @agirllovespancakes because you are the cutest little mutual i ever did follow and i adore you 🫶🏻
based on prompts from here and here
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A broken giggle leaves your mouth as you wake up from your slumber to a familiar coolness pressing up against your back, something - someone snuggling into the crook of your neck with a deep sigh. A soft yawn escapes you, though not before you allow the raspy whisper to leave your lips. The grogginess of sleep still hung over you, and you were partly convinced your desire to have Demetri back with you was causing you to hallucinate his very presence.
“You’re back?”
You hear him hum softly, the sound rumbling through his chest and transforming into a soft purr when you lifted a hand to scratch at the locks on the very top of his head. After a moment of silence he lifted his head from your nape, your hand falling back down to rest on your hip. Demetri lightly tugged at your shoulder, an easy attempt at pulling you flat onto your back.
You took the chance to rub at your eyes, another yawn escaping unbidden before you look at him - though you realise he is already watching you intently, propped up on one arm and admiring you with the look of adoration you so very much adored. Blushing, you move to press your face into his chest, already knowing what’s to come before he even has the chance to open his mouth.
“Mmm, I have missed that adorable little blush.”
You whine at him instantly, pulling your face away from your hiding place to send him a scolding look. He quickly dismisses it, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You smile against his mouth and without hesitation you tilt your head just a teeny bit back in order to deepen the kiss. He shifted himself to hover above you with a groan, soft kisses quickly becoming much more heated, and it wasn’t long before he parted your legs with his knee in order to slot himself between your thighs.
His kisses began to break away from your lips, moving and travelling down across your jaw, towards your neck. He ravished your clavicle for a moment or two, taking extra care to suck a blossoming mark onto your sweet spot before continuing his journey down. You inhaled sharply, your shirt quickly torn from your body, the sound resonating throughout the near silent bedchamber. You pouted at him when he smirked up at you.
“I liked that shirt…”
“It was my shirt-“
“Still-!” You deepened the pout with an exaggerated sigh. “It was comfy…”
He chuckled against the skin of your breast, easily distracting you with each featherlight kiss he pressed onto your skin.
“You may wear as many of my shirts as your heart desires, darling.” He paused to press a lingering kiss your lips “That one simply looks much better on the floor.”
Your body immediately betrayed you as he began to kiss across your breasts and down to your navel, arching into him with the smallest of moans. You felt him smirk again, dragging the tip of his tongue in a gentle circle around your naval, travelling down to lightly trace just above the elastic of your panties.
“Come now, you can do better than that sweetheart.” His fingers teasingly made their way across your folds, not once slipping beneath the fabric that acted as a barrier between you both. “Don’t be shy baby, you know I love the way you moan my name.”
With that he pounced, attacking your clit through the fabric as you let out a gasping moan of his name, subconsciously rolling your hips into him as he suckled you gently. He hummed against your sex when you let out a whimper, using his thumb to stroke your hip gently. You follow your whimper with a loud whine as he pulled away, squirming in his hold at the loss of his mouth.
“Is this okay?” He asks, staring up at you from his place between your thighs.
“Yes I-“ You groan as he, once again, places featherlight kisses across your panty line, never once breaking the eye contact he shared with you. “Demetri-! Please-!”
He shushes you smugly, hands finding the edges of your underwear and tugging them down your legs, completely discarding them onto the floor with his previously torn shirt. “Relax, darling. I’ve got you.”
His lips attack you once again, only this time there was nothing stopping you from feeling the way his mouth slanted across your heat, burying his nose into your wet cunt and inhaling the scent of your arousal. You let out a loud moan, one hand subconsciously making its way to the top of his head and carding your fingers through his hair. Demetri purred once again, the vibrations sending another wave of arousal through you and leaving you dripping onto the sheets below. You felt his tongue move lower, probing at your entrance and drinking up your essence. A cry of pleasure left your throat before you could even process it, and he groaned in response, reaching up and taking one of your hands in his own to squeeze it gently in comfort. He growled, allowing them to remain interlocked atop of your chest, occasionally grasping a tad bit tighter.
“My gods, Y/N.” He grunted before pulling away even more, leaving you a whining squirming mess. “You taste fucking divine.”
As if to prove a point he pulled himself up and pressed a hard kiss to your mouth, coaxing your lips open. You keen at the taste of you on his lips, reaching up to keep his mouth on your own before letting go of his hand, reaching down to attempt to free his cock from the restraints of his slacks. He took pity on you when you struggled, letting out a breathy laugh against your lips as his hands moved down to finish the job for you. Pulling away to catch your breath for a moment, he used it to his advantage, pulling his shirt off as well and allowing for his body to be completely bared to you. With a soft moan at the sight of him, his hands came up to cup your cheeks, pulling your lips to his own before travelling down to your breasts. He kneaded them softly with his palms - thumbs brushing over your nipples.
Demetri moaned, louder than he had done previously, as you arched your body completely into him. Using his right hand, he quickly reached down, brushing his hard cock through your folds in order to gather some of your arousal, using his hand to spread it over himself before entering you in one swift thrust of his hips. You cried out, tears springing to your eyes at the sudden onslaught of pleasure filling your senses. He shushed you, hips pausing to allow you a moment of relief before he made you see stars. As you adjusted around him he spoke softly, sweet nothings harmonising surrounding you, followed by the softest of kisses across various parts of your face.
“My sweet darling girl, how gorgeous you look when you’re taking my cock.” A soft kiss to your nose.
“You always take me so well, so eager to please me.” A soft kiss to your cheeks.
“My pretty little girl making me so proud - so beautiful you look when you’re beneath me” A soft kiss to your forehead.
And when he was completely sure you were ready, he began to move, smiling adoringly when your head tilted back in ecstasy. A series of high pitched noises sounded out from the back of your throat, and he couldn’t help but chuckle before grunting as you clenched around him.
“Does that feel good, baby?”
You nodded eagerly, the only thing you could do as your nerves began to go haywire, pleasure spiking across your entire body. “You gonna cum for me, sweet girl? Let me hear those pretty little noises you make.”
You responded with a whine, which was quickly replaced with a sobbing moan as the tip of his member hit that oh so familiar spot inside you. Clawing at his arms you let out another, then another and he that was followed up by Demetri’s low growling, allowing one of his own to slip past his lips. You felt him reach the spot once more, and you felt the coil began to tighten in your abdomen, spiralling around and threatening to push you over the precipice at any given moment. He continued to attack your sweet spot with his cock, also reaching a hand down to your wet pussy in order to rub slow circles on your swollen bundle of nerves, timing it just right with the thrust of his hips. A gargled moan escaped you before you spoke up:
“‘Metri-!” You sobbed “I-m g-gonna-“
“That’s it darling, cum for me like the good girl you are.” His words were a growl and you let out a screaming moan as his final thrust sent you hurling over the edge. He immediately covered your mouth, shushing you gently before unintentionally letting out a loud moan himself as he felt you pulse around his sex, throbbing with the need of release. It seemed as if your climax had guided him into one of his own, because the next thing you knew his body was slumping against you as he painted your walls with his seed, completely filling you until you couldn’t take anymore.
Coming down from his high much quicker than you had, he smiled, feeling you shake beneath him as you panted in desperate need for air. He moved his hands to your hips, slowly pulling out of you and wincing when you hissed in pain.
“Sorry, gorgeous.” He kissed your forehead gently in apology, melting as you smiled up at him lazily. “You did so, so good for me - made me so proud. Now let me get you cleaned up, hm? I think you deserve a few more hours of sleep after that.”
He did just that, cleaning you as gently as he could with a washrag and wincing with you when he brushed over your sensitive folds. He wrapping you up in a blanket, cradling you to his chest. “I love you, my pretty little human.”
“Love you, Demi - so much”
He heard your soft whisper, right before you fell completely back into blissful slumber, happily snuggled into the comfort of your mates embrace. He smiled to himself happily as he stroked you hair, completely content with his welcome home.
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tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher @julesofvolterra
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fanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Startling Nightmare (Alec x Reader)
The reader's appearance is not specified. Gender neutral Y/N.
A/N: Sooo... Make of this what you will. It just happened. Many things are left open for your interpretation. Please let me know what you think..(cries in self-consciousness)
Have fun and enjoy!
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Your heart pounded rapidly as your eyes shot open. A feeling of pressure remained in your ankles and feet, although you knew that that sensation couldn’t be real. Still, the pictures that had unfolded in front of your eyes a few seconds ago – sometimes idyllic but always foreboding, sometimes gruesome and inescapable – had carried over from the dream world into the actual world, leaving you with not only tingling feet but also with sweat grasping your body. Your forehead was clammy, and your pajama shirt clung to your skin. Usually, you sleep with a lot of clothes and a thick blanket. Otherwise, you get cold. But now was one of those rare times when all of it was too warm for comfort. 
You dared not to move. Usually, you do not mind nightmares. When you woke up, you laughed about them and giggled when you closed your eyes again, soaking up the rest of the night’s hours for more sleep. But this one… It had been so vivid, so dynamic, and disturbing that it invoked the need to be held by someone. You were not a person who liked to be held. You dealt with your stuff on your own. But not now. 
You called out his name faintly. Although you despised the emotions and memories that followed you like the shadows of a ghost. He had taken your dreams, after all, by bringing you to this cursed castle. You only dared to move your head to the side a little, limbs remaining under the blanket. A part of you was afraid that the woman from your dream would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Maybe hanging from the ceiling or clinging to one of the pillars of that stupid vampire’s four-poster bed. You were so grateful when you only found him. He was already standing next to the bed, keeping his distance. Either he had heard your heartbeat accelerating while you dreamed and had come immediately to see whether you were alright, or he had appeared like a flash of lightning – just without the light but instead like a looming shadow, tracing your every movement – when you had called his name. 
You couldn’t tell. Just like his sleepless immortality failed to grasp the concept of a dream, your human senses were fallible when it came to this marvelous being. He had gone too long without dreams. For him, only reality had remained. Sober and gloomy. Until you came… But you fought him with every ounce of blood in your body. The very source that had made him addicted to you in the first place. Until the addiction transformed from craving your blood into the encompassing sensation of unconditional love. But that transformation had only happened for him. You needed more time. You were not ready to love nor to be his. 
“Y/N.” He hovered at the edge of his bed. 
His bed. His room. His everything. But your boundaries. And he respected those. In fact, in the last few months, his room had become your safe place. Your things were scattered everywhere, but Alec did not mind. He gave you as much alone time and space as you needed, realizing that this was the least he could do after tearing you from your life. Alec was now often found in Jane’s room, much to the latter’s dismay. She was also very fond of her time alone, but the twins could be in the same room and not talk for hours or even days. 
You found yourself mulling again and again over the fact that Alec and Jane had never once called you out for needing so much alone time. Especially Alec was very understanding. He seemed to understand when you wore noise-canceling headphones, lying on the ground and staring out the window. A lot of people have called you absurd and abnormal for your behavior. So often that you were just waiting for someone to utter those words again. The past had made you believe that you were not deserving of kindness nor of being understood. So whenever someone said or did something nice to and for you, you questioned it endlessly, trying to decipher an ulterior motive that was not there. 
That made it so hard to trust Alec. To love him like he did you. Unconditionally, spiritually, and infinitely. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” Alec asked, a tremble going through his hand. But he didn’t act on it. He didn’t reach out to touch you. 
Despondent, you nodded. “Can… you…” The words died on your tongue. It was so hard to say them out loud. 
But Alec understood. “Of course, I can hold you. If you want?”
You nodded again. Slowly and cautiously, he got on the bed, the mattress sinking down. The presence of his weight was already comforting. But you needed more. He waited patiently, letting you decide how close you would be. You had a clear idea in your head. You placed a small pillow on his chest, and he held it in place. Then, you draped your blanket around your shoulders and back, climbing between his legs, rolling on your side as his arms engulfed you. You rested your head on the soft pillow. One of Alec's hands cradled your head. The other lay on your shoulder. Occasionally, it wandered down, drawing circles on your arm.   
 Now Alec was everywhere. You were caged by him. Lost in him. 
“What did you dream about?” he asked softly, pulling you closer to him. His legs drew together, his knees almost touching. Alec made you feel one hundred percent safe. But the dream… 
You could not ignore this one. Your dreams always had some kind of prescient quality. Not every dream, but some were hints pointing toward the future. There was some message in this dream, too. Impending doom and danger that might be prevented. Sometimes, you wondered whether those dreams would manifest themselves as a gift when you were going to be turned into a vampire. A week ago, the Kings had sent someone who could see whether a human would have a gift once they were transformed. That man could also see what kind of gift it would be. However, in your case, he could only see that you would have a gift. Nothing concrete formed in his mind. That was no surprise. Not even Aro’s gift worked properly on you. When he touched your skin, he could only see a few random pictures that originated from your mind, and although they were powerful, they were not especially telling about you as a person. 
Some pictures showed moments of your life. Most depicted… fantasies. Monsters. Dark colors. Light colors. Mountains not found on this planet. Stars. Vast oceans. You had always refrained from commenting on Aro when he wondered about your peculiar mind. You always had a very 'alive' imagination that seemed to be its own independent entity. It just so happened to have chosen your body as its vessel. There was no taming it. Only accepting and living with it.
Initially, you did not like the idea of becoming immortal. But the Volturi Kings had told you the rules. A human could not live with the knowledge of the supernatural world. Which meant death.
You had been fine with that. Anything but being stuck in a prison with powerful beings who hunted your kind. But Alec would not allow that. You had heated arguments, but eventually, he prevailed. Talking you through the advantages of being a vampire over and over again. Some discussions were pretty factual and rational on both sides. What convinced you eventually was not beauty or eternity. But you really wanted to have one of those high-functioning vampire brains. Imagine… The possibilities. The languages you could learn! You had already picked out a few that you had always wanted to study but did not have the time for. But if you put immortality into the equation… There was more than enough time. 
When you had told Alec that you were okay with becoming a vampire, he had breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn’t need to. Naturally, he had inquired why you had changed your mind. The vampire smiled smugly when you told him, the corners of his mouth twisting with amusement. 
“You are a clever one, Y/N.” Alec chuckled. “There is no power as great as knowledge. Besides, you do not need more beauty. You are perfect as you are.” 
“Whoa… Tone the flirting down a little.” You rolled your eyes, sitting next to him on the sofa in the library where he was reading a book. 
“There is a difference between flirting and speaking the truth.” He kept his gaze on his book. 
“Stop it, charmer.” Your cheeks were glowing slightly.
Alec heard the rush of blood in your cheeks and smiled, satisfied. “Never. So, what languages?”
“Definitely French and Japanese.” 
“I can help you with French. Japanese… I know someone who might be able to teach you. You will only get the best teachers and books, of course.” 
“Splendid.” For the first time, Alec saw you smiling genuinely and brightly. So languages. You loved languages. He remembered that and your smile. Languages and telling stories. Those were your purposes. He knew there was nothing you were more passionate about. Just thinking and talking about it made your eyes glow, clouding him deeper and deeper in your enchanting presence. 
That passionate expression was a stark contrast to the dullness that had settled on your face now. It seemed like you had not heard him asking what you had dreamt about.
Or maybe you had, but you were so lost in your mind now you had forgotten he had asked a question. 
“Y/N,” he called out softly, brushing your temple. You jumped, startled. Ahh… you had indeed wandered into the most remote corners of your enigmatic brain. It often happened. “What did you dream about?”
 “Do you perhaps know a woman with black hair and yellow eyes? Yellow cat-like eyes?”
Alec frowned. “What do…” But the words died in his throat. He did know a woman with black hair and cat-like eyes. Her eyes were not exactly yellow. They were an intermediate form between brown and yellow. “Tell me more,” he said instead. 
“So you do know someone like that.”
“Yes. Her coven drinks animal blood. What happened in your dream?”
“Well.” You paused. “Buckle up, Sir, as we dive deep into the human subconscious. This will be a ride unlike any you have ever seen before. Hooray..."
"So," you began, "at the beginning of my dream, we both were swimming in the sea near a small harbor. We were both wearing clothes. And were still dry. But dreams don’t ever make sense. So, I wouldn’t bother about that detail too much. Anyway, that woman suddenly appeared next to us. Her skin was grey and looked unhealthy. She stared at us, but we didn’t mind her. So we left the water, walking on a lane that connected a park to its city.
"The woman followed us. We turned to the city, and she went toward the park. Strangely enough, I talked to her, and we smiled at each other. Somehow, she looked normal then. Lovely, even. Beautiful skin and bronze hair. Warm eyes. We parted ways with her, following the sandy road to the city. Suddenly, while we walked, I felt pressure on my feet. I looked down, staring at them. They were covered in blood. Something was sticking out of them. Something that did not belong there. Startled, we turned to our side. The woman was back: grey skin, yellow eyes, long black, sleek hair. Smiling sadistically again. She tricked us, making us believe she was friendly. And when we weren’t looking, she attacked from behind. The scary thing is, you didn’t see any of it coming. You didn't hear her approach.” 
Alec remained silent. “I know her.”
“She loves you. She is obsessed,” you noted flatly. “You have history.” 
“Yes, but that’s nothing for you to worry about.” He kissed the top of your head. “I was never interested in her. I will see if she poses a threat.” 
“I don’t quite believe I have nothing to worry about.” You shook your head. “My dream told me you weren’t worrying enough.” 
“But now I am aware of her. I won’t take this dream lightly. I know that you have some kind of gift.” 
“Another thing.” You sat up, staring deep into his eyes. 
“What is it?” Alec tensed when you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his neck. He quickly relaxed, however. Enjoying your warm breath on his cold skin. “We have met before. Haven’t we?” 
“Yes.” Pained, Alec nodded. 
“In another life.” You kissed his jaw, face returning to the crook of his neck. “Before the dream I just described, there was another sequence of events. It was shorter. But I was there. I was not from this life. But from another. And the woman was there, too.” 
The vampire’s arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly closer. He crossed his legs, caging you even more. “Yeah, in that life I lost you to her. And it will not happen again.” 
“How many years ago was it?” 
Alec chuckled. “Y/N, darling. Think bigger. We are talking about centuries. 1245, to be exact. But you were a young man then. A poet. Dashing and courageous.” 
"I’m glad to be back.” 
“Glad.” Alec spat the word out. “That does not even come close to describing how I feel. It is hard to put into words. I’m sure you can find the right words. After all, you are talented with them.”
“It feels like a dead planet was revived by hope and hope alone after experiencing armageddon. As if all the puzzle pieces of the world have connected to build their one true form. As if the past, present, and future have morphed into one entity to give birth to an endless golden summer. It feels like…”
“You.” Alec breathed. “Just like you. And that is enough.” 
“You…” You smiled. “Yes. You.”
Alec was about to swear that he would never leave your side from now on. Even if it annoyed you. But then he felt your slow heartbeat and even breaths. You had fallen asleep. Here, in his arms. 
“It feels like me, too. Like you and me.” Alec closed his eyes, imagining a dream.
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kimi240302 · 10 months
I´m Yours
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me.
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older.
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader
Words: 3,5k
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list
Last Part of Daylight Masterlist
Warning: violence towards a character
“Tryna wash away all the blood I´ve spilt This lust is a burden that we both share  Two sinners can´t atone from  a lone prayer  Souls tied, interwined by our pride and guilt”
-David Kushner
"I promise you...," Y/N paused, turning her gaze away from Mara, who was standing in front of her with her arms crossed, and looking at Mick, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow as he made himself comfortable on Mara's bed.
"I promise you I'll be back. I just want to be alone for an hour or two." Annoyed, the young Swan exhaled. She felt smothered within the four walls of the hotel room where she had lain in bed for the past three days. The fact that her two best friends, had not let her out of their sight for a second since the night with Demetri, supported this feeling.
Determined, Y/N took her bag from the bed and hung it over her shoulder. "Besides, you two could use some time alone." The young girl left no more room for arguments from her friends, as she was already halfway out the door when she spoke those words. But Y/N paused once more, stretching her torso back through the still-open crack of the door and looking back and forth between Mara and Mick in turn. "Just please don't have sex on my bed." Laughing, Y/N closed the door as Mara angrily threw one of the guidebooks at her, while Mick just laughed.
On the street in front of the hotel, Y/N stopped. She turned her face up to the gray sky. She flinched slightly as the first raindrops trickled down onto the skin of her face. Pressing her raincoat closer to her body, she dropped the smile she had put on for her friends and closed her eyes.
The raindrops slowly began to make their way down Y/N's face, but they didn't bother the young girl, quite the opposite. Y/N gratefully accepted the coldness of the water. The drops replaced the tears that she herself no longer had left to cry. For once, taking a deep breath, she absorbed the smell of the rain, the certainty settled in her bones that tonight was the last evening for her in Volterra.
Tomorrow morning, she would fly back with her class, and never return. Y/N would then go back to Forks, to her father, her sister, and the Cullens, and Demetri would exist only in her memories from that point on. This thought sent a shiver down the young girl's body.
Shaking herself slightly, Y/N turned her head straight ahead again and started moving. She didn't know where to go, since she didn't know her way around Volterra. But she didn't want to go back to the hotel room either, so the young Swan decided to just start walking and hoping that nothing would happen to her.
„To live is the rarest thing in the World. Most people exist, that is all!”
Hours had passed during which Y/N walked around lost in thought. She had lost her sense of direction and was aware that her friends and classmates were certainly worried. But the young girl could not convince herself to turn back or take out her cell phone and find her way back to the hotel.
Y/N was soaked, confused and exhausted. She didn't know what she wanted or what she was trying to accomplish by wandering around Volterra.
With tears welling up again, the Swan girl sat down on the edge of a fountain that stood in the middle of an empty, yet lit, sidewalk. She let her fingertips glide over the water and smiled slightly at each tear drop that fell into the water. The rain had stopped and so had her will to resist the tears. With her free hand, Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out the crumpled note Demetri had left in the book. Again she read the lines written there in black ink, as she had done over and over again in the last few days.
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be walking around outside alone at this hour, or at all alone with your mind elsewhere."
Startled, Y/N winced. She stuffed the note back into her pocket and stood up properly. As she did so, she didn't take her eyes off the man who had appeared behind her as if out of nowhere.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Y/N closed her eyes for a brief moment as she saw the stranger's grin grow larger. Even though she tried, Y/N couldn't stop the tremor in her voice. Which only confirmed to her opposite that the young girl was definitely alone and scared.  
The unknown man took another step towards Y/N, which she answered with a step closer to the fountain. Defensively, the stranger raised his hands. "Don't worry little girl, I won't hurt you." The young Swan's eyes widened. She immediately felt as if she was looking at the man properly for the first time. His skin was almost white as snow, while his eyes seemed black. Y/N swallowed, for she had a feeling that if she had met him on any other day, his eyes would be red. She also did not notice any breathing or blinking of the eyes.
Laughing, the man approached Y/N, he reached out a hand and placed it on her cheek, making her wince as panic began to spread inside her. The stranger's skin was as cold as ice. "Not as long as you don't fight back," he finished the sentence he had started.
Startled, Y/N slapped the man's hand away, surprising him, and ran. The vampire immediately started laughing, which echoed on the empty street and made Y/N run even faster. She knew that the castle of Volterra couldn't be far, since magically it was always the first thing she saw when she walked through the streets. If the young girl could reach it before her attacker, she was safe, she would be with Demetri.
Without warning, Y/N slammed into the side of the wall with her entire body. Gasping for air, she hit the hard floor. She caught the impact with her hands, causing the skin on them to split open in some places. Blood leaked from the small openings, causing the unknown vampire to draw air through his nose. "Your blood smells better than anything I've ever smelled!" He muttered to himself, his eyes still closed.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N tried to crawl silently away from the vampire. But he grabbed her ankle and pulled her back. Calling for help, she began kicking and punching at her attacker with her legs and arms. All this triggered another loud laugh. The vampire put his hands around Y/N's neck pulling her up by it and pressing her against the brick wall. As he did so, his grip tightened with each passing second. Y/N tried to strike at him with her hands, also scratching at his hands to loosen the grip on her neck, but her attempts were in vain. Just as black dots began to surround her field of vision, the vampire let go of her and caught her body. Gasping for air, she noticed how there was no spark of strength left in her. Her body felt limp and burning. "Such a pretty thing. If I wasn't so hungry, I would have spent more time with you."
The vampire supported her body with one hand while turning her face to the side with the other. He let the dome of his index finger trail over her pulse point as he grinned in satisfaction. "Please don't..." , Y/N muttered. "Don't worry it will be over quickly!" This was the last thing Y/N was aware of until the pain set in. The vampire had buried his fangs in her neck. Y/N felt her life being literally sucked out of her as the vampire drank more and more of her blood. Again black dots began to dance in front of her eyes and the only thing she could think about was Demetri, while more and more tears ran down her cheeks.
With a jolt, the feeling of the vampire in front of her disappeared, as did the arm holding her upright. Exhausted and preparing to hit the ground again, Y/N closed her eyes. However, before Y/N hit the ground one more time she was stopped by two arms and pinned against a chest.
"Mon amour please open your eyes!" Demetri pleaded with his mate. Blinking, she opened her eyes, contorted her face in pain, and then looked him straight in the eye. "Demetri, you're here." Her voice was no longer even a whisper. Carefully, Demetri stroked Y/N's bloodied hair from her face and left his hand on her cheek. "I will always be where you are. You just have to promise me to stay awake!" Smiling weakly, she placed a hand on his cheek, trembling. "I'm so sorry." Confused, the vampire looked at her. "Sorry for what?" His mate shook her head weakly, her eyelids beginning to flutter as her hand slid down from his cheek.
Everything around Demetri slowed down. The sounds of his friends killing the vampire became a low hiss as Y/N's eyes began to close and her pulse continued to slows. Demetri rested his forehead against his mate's. "Please don't leave me again! You can't leave me!"  
But Y/N no longer understood a word, the ringing in her ears had become far too loud for that. "I love you, Demetri Volturi." Whether she said it out loud or just thought it, she didn't know, but she was glad to have seen the man she loved once again, before her world went black and her body went limp in his arms, she knew she was finally home.
""Will she be awake in time?" Aro, and every other vampire in the throne room, looked closely at the doctor in front of him. The latter nodded slightly anxiously and looked around. "Miss Swan has lost a lot of blood, but nothing that can't be fixed with a blood infusion and bed rest." His voice trembled slightly, however, he did better than the Kings had expected.
Nodding, Aro looked to Jane. "Inform Demetri about this. He will be at her bedside. Felix escort the doctor out." Both guards stepped forward to follow what they were told to do. "And doctor." The man addressed stopped in the doorway and turned slowly. "Everything you've seen today, you'd better forget." Marcus looked at him, bored. Caius began to grin nastily, "Accidents happen every day!" Aro spread his arms, "And it would be a shame for such talent to go to waste!" Quickly the man nodded, "I was never here!" Satisfied, the kings looked at him. Felix put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him further in the direction of the exit.
"Why didn't he just turn her?" Caius looked questioningly at his brother. "He would have escaped the Cullens and that annoying sister that way. His mate would have no choice but to stay here to get used to her new life." Marcus turned to the blond-haired man. "And that's just it. It would have been forced." Aro nodded. "Our young friend wants his mate to want to walk this path willingly, with him by her side or without him."
"Demetri?" Jane entered Demetri's room. He was sitting on the floor with his back against his bed where his mate was sleeping. He had drawn his knees to his chest, buried his hands in his hair, and rested his forehead on his knees. At Jane's voice he looked up. "The doctor's gone, he says she'll be fine. She just needs bed rest." Demetri just nodded and laid his head back on his knees. Jane looked down at her teammate and debated with herself. She closed the door and took thoughtful steps toward the bed. Y/N looked pale, but since the second blood infusion, the redness of her skin was slowly working its way back.
The vampire sat down on the floor next to Demetri, which made him look to the side in confusion. "I thought at the beginning that you had gone mad. Fighting so hard for the Swan girl, even though she didn't want you. Letting your heart break over and over again. Now that I see you with her, now that I've seen the way she was in your arms, the way she looked at you, the smile just before she thought she was going to die, just because she could tell you she loved you. Makes me understand why you did it. Why you ran after her and why you didn't want to turn her. I don't understand the soul mates thing, I only have Alec who I trust and I don't think that will ever change. But Demetri, when she wakes up, and she will. Don't let her go again. You both need each other!" Jane looked deep into Demetri's eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. Demetri looked at her gratefully and placed his hand over hers. "I'm scared." Jane nodded. "You two will get through this, and if anything happens, we'll be behind you and her." Demetri smiled.
Jane stood up and headed for the door, but turned back to him. "If you tell anyone what I said here, I will cause you pain that will make you wish you were never born!" Demetri dropped his head back into his neck laughing, "There's the Jane I love!" Briefly her eyes lit up and a smile settled over her mouth. Shortly after, she was gone.
"You just confirmed what I warned Y/N about!" Bella looked angrily over at Demetri. The latter rolled his eyes, "And that would be?" "You put her in danger!" "She would never have been in danger if she hadn't been alone, and she was only alone because she pushed Demetri away because of you!" Felix laughed in disbelief from what he had just heard. Bella took a step towards the vampire, but Edward grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his chest. "Stop it now Bella!"
"You better listen to your fiancé young girl! It was pure kindness on Demetri's part to inform you of your sister's condition." Aro looked closely at Bella. "Kindness?!" Bella was turning red with anger. "Put a leash on your human before I do something about her!", Caius looked at Bella out of annoyed eyes. Edward tightened his grip around his fiancée. The latter took a deep breath and looked back at Aro. "If Carlisle confirms to us right away that my sister is fit to travel, I will take her back to Forks with me." She turned to Demetri and pointed a finger at him. "And you will stay away from my sister . From this day until her last day." Demetri shook his head. "You will not take her anywhere again. Until she can speak for herself, she stays here. Let Y/N make her own decisions, you've been calling all the shots in her life long enough!" "I only want what's best for her!" "By keeping her away from the one she loves!" Alec raised his eyebrow in amusement. Bella laughed mockingly. "She doesn't love him. My sister could never love a monster!" "Careful! Maybe none of our powers can do anything against you, but we can always hurt you, though! You forget you're still human!" Jane's voice became sharp. But Bella laughed again. "And that proves what I'm saying, you Volturi are nothing more than monsters!"
"The only monster in this room is you Bella."
All at once, everyone's heads turned to the kings. Y/N had entered the throne room through the back entrance. Next to her stood a sad-looking Carlisle. He knew he should not have taken Bella with him, for as the vampire knew Y/N would not return with them, but would remain with Demetri and therefore with the Volturi.
"Sister!" "Mon amour!" Bella and Demetri spoke at the same time. Y/N's gaze moved from her sister to Demetri. The latter looked at her with relief and a little fear, but she did not think twice. As fast as her bare feet could carry her, she ran towards Demetri and jumped into his arms. Relieved, he immediately wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged her to him. As he did so, the vampire closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck.
Aro began to clap and even jumped up and down once. "I think my young Bella, this is answer enough where your sister wants to stay. Isn't it?" Bella shook her head. "Y/N..." Her voice was occupied with bewilderment. Her younger sister separated herself from Demetri and stood up properly. As she did so, she buried her fingers in the fabric of his top, while he placed his hands on her upper arms, where he gently ran them up and down. Y/N accepted this gesture gratefully. Since she had almost fled the room when she saw only Carlisle, she was wearing nothing but underwear and a black nightgown. Lightly she leaned her back against the blond vampire's torso, taking in the warmth of his coat. Demetri who noticed this detached himself from Y/N took off his coat and placed it over his mate's shoulder. Then placed his hands again on her upper arms. Everyone observed the gesture with a smile, except for the Cullen family and Bella.
Bella watched as Y/N gratefully gave Demetri a kiss on the cheek and began shaking her head again. "No!" Confused, everyone looked at her. "You have to choose sister!" Bella emphasized the word 'sister' as if to remind Y/N that they were bound together by blood. "Between what?" Doubting her sister's mental state, Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Either you come back to Forks with me and the Cullens, or you stay here, with Demetri and the Volturi." She paused, put her hands to her chest, and continued talking, "But if you stay here, I will no longer see you as my sist..." Bella hadn't even finished her sentence when Y/N interrupted her. "Demetri and the Volturi." Bella dropped her arms to her side. "What?" "I choose Demetri and the Volturi." She repeated, more slowly so her sister would understand her better. This made every single Volturi grin as they looked at their future new member.
Before Bella could say anything further, Y/N turned her body entirely around to face Demetri. "Can you take me back to our room?" Demetri looked from her to Aro, who nodded with a smile. "Anything Ma princesse, will." In bridal style he picked her up in his arms, not wanting her to walk around in bare feet any longer and catch anything else, made his way past the Cullens. Where Bella realized once again that she had lost her sister to Demetri Volturi. Y/N didn't pay Bella a glance, burying her face in her mate's chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Well Bella that must have backfired!" Laughed Felix, making everyone except the Cullens laugh along with him.
"Are you sure you made the right decision?" Demetri whispered these words while looking straight ahead and holding his mate securely in his arms at the same time. Confused, she looked up at him. "What do you mean Demetri?" Without saying anything he opened the door of his room, stepped into it, closed his door and carefully put his mate down on his bed. "You should sleep a little more, the doctor and Carlisle are..." , he spoke while walking back to the door. But Y/N jumped up from the bed, dropping the coat from her mate on the floor, closing the distance between them with a few steps and grabbing Demetri's wrist. "Don't do this Demetri." He turned his head around to face her. "Don't do what." "Don't drop me. I won't regret choosing you. I won't miss my sister and the time in her shadow. I won't regret you and my love for you, not today, not in our eternity you promised me Demetri." Carefully she pulled him to her by his wrist. His body turned completely to her, his eyes were filled with fear and yet hope was also hidden in them. Y/N let go of his wrist, took another step towards him and placed her hands on his cheeks, like he always did with her. "I will never forgive myself for how many times I have rejected you for a promise that was unfair to both of us and if you let me, I will try to make this up to you for the rest of our time together." Demetri closed his eyes and leaned more into her touch. "That's a very long time Mon Amour." "That's exactly what I hope!" Smiling, Y/N placed her lips on her mate's. Demetri returned her kiss instantly, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer. The kiss quickly turned into a passionate one as Y/N released her hands from his cheeks and let them disappear into Demetri's hair. When they both broke away from each other, their lips hovered just inches apart. "No more running away, no more hiding, I beg you!" Demetri looked at her pleadingly. Gently, she again placed her lips on his. Breaking away from him, she leaned her forehead against his and whispered, "I'm yours Demetri Volturi and I'm not afraid to show it to the daylight anymore!" They both started laughing and kissed again.
A/N3.0: Thanks for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it and if you think of anything else you want to read, like the wedding of the two or other things write it in my inbox, no matter if my request is closed or not.
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scarlet-fangs · 17 days
The Volturi guards gifting you jewelry
The Volturi guards gifting you Alchemy England jewelry based on the ones that I own.
Featuring : Demetri, Felix, platonic! canon Jane and Alec, Heidi, Santiago, a fem reader.
Demetri gifts you the whole set of Bacchanal rose. Once at a party, he got particularly drunk, and as a joke you called him your Bacchus. The next week, he offered you the whole set, because he is always extra.
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Felix, being the romantic he is, bought you two different pieces of jewelry, for what they represent. The first one is the Innamorato locket : he loved the name, and how gorgeous the piece was, with the Lord Byron quote engraved inside. He placed a picture of the two of you inside, and you love it. The second one is the betrothal ring, he loved the red color of it and the delicate spirals, he was really happy to place it upon your left ring finger, where it remained since.
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Jane and Alec
After a good while, Jane and Alec ended up seeing you as an older sibling, always taking care of them and looking after them. As a thank you gift, they bought you the Mesukmus necklace : you always called them your angels, and well there is two cherub on the necklace...
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For Heidi, you are the most beautiful woman she's seen, her most beloved, and she loves to spoil you and treat you with the finest things. So it was no wonder she chose for you the queen of the night necklace, for you are the queen of her heart.
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You are the most precious little thing Santiago fell upon, a delicate and lovely creature, his darling love. He is quite fond of poetry, and likes to read it to you, so when he stumbled upon the Fleur de Baudelaire, inspired by Charles Baudelaire's Fleurs du mal, he immediately bought it for you, for you are as graceful as the fairies on the choker.
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