#death duo week
bubvy · 1 month
The rest of my art for DeathDuoWeek
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dramaticcrow · 1 month
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(Eng Prompt List)
Day 1: Moon and Sun | Space AU | Royal AU - “My Missa”
Day 2: Vampires | Mermaids | Gods - “I'll be here when you're ready”
Day 3: Mafia | Past lives | Cat Missa and Crow Philza - “As long as you are with me you will never feel alone”
Day 4: Confession | Emergency | Murder - “The sky is the limit”
Day 5: Language of flowers | Hanahaki | Spy X Family AU - “No one ever told me that love hurt”
Day 6: First times | Emergency room | Separation - “It's not goodbye, it's see you soon”
Day 7: Disease | Hot chocolate | Comfort - “The family is forever”
Extra prompts:
Red thread of destiny
“I love you, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner”
“I would never choose to love another”
New parents
DeathDuo/Pissa Week
Entonces eh decidido que haré este reto agradezco a mi amigo Irl y a los chicos de Discord por apoyarme y darme ideas para la lista! Así que aquí vamos…
Las dos primeras imágenes contienen los prompts para esta Pissa/DeathDuo Week, contiene dos prompts y un diálogo. Puedes elegir el prompt que más te guste o combinarlos para darle tu propio toque personal :D
Las reglas de este reto son las siguiente:
1. La escritura y el arte están permitidos, puede ser solo uno o ambos como más se le acomode a cada uno.
2. No @ a los cubitos irl, tanto en vuestro arte como en vuestros fics (en el caso de que lo suban a X o Insta)
3. El contenido Dark y sensible como; Yandere, Personajes posesivos, Daño a uno mismo, Sangre, Muerte, Etc… está permitido siempre cuando se etiquete correctamente. (En caso de que tengas una idea y no sabes si está permitido puedes enviarme un mensaje)
4. No es necesario hacer los siete días, puedes hacer cuantos quieres y con los que te sientas cómodo.
5. Este reto es tanto de Pissa (pareja romántica) como DeathDuo (pareja platónica) por lo que los prompts están hechos para que sean cómodos para los dos lados de la comunidad, solo por favor etiqueten debidamente si es Pissa o DeathDuo.
6. La semana que he escogido para este reto es del 1 de Junio al 7 de Junio, aunque pueden tener todo el mes de Junio para publicar su arte/escritura
7. Y la última regla pero no menos importante… no olviden divertirse!
So I've decided that I will do this challenge I thank my friend Irl and the guys on Discord for supporting me and giving me ideas for the list! So here we go...
The first two images contain the prompts for this Pissa/DeathDuo Week, it contains two prompts and a dialogue. You can choose the prompt you like the most or combine them to give it your own personal touch :D
Also, if one of the days doesn't suit you or you don't feel comfortable with that prompt there is a list of nine extra prompts that you can also choose from.
The rules of this challenge are this:
1. Writing and art are allowed, it can be just one or both as it suits you best.
2. no @ to the irl, in your art and in your fics (in case you upload it to X or Insta) 3.
3. Dark and sensitive content such as; Yandere, Possessive characters, Self harm, Blood, Death, Etc... is allowed as long as it is tagged correctly. (In case you have an idea and don't know if it is allowed you can message me).
4. You don't have to do all seven days, you can do as many as you want and as many as you feel comfortable with.
5. This challenge is both Pissa (romantic couple) and DeathDuo (platonic couple) so the prompts are made to be comfortable for both sides of the community, just please tag properly if it's Pissa or DeathDuo.
6. The week I have chosen for this challenge is from June 1 to June 7, although you can have the whole month of June to post your art/writing.
7. And last but not least rule... don't forget to have fun!
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zeinkblotpot · 1 month
My day 1: Moon and Sun
Mi día 1: Luna y Sol
(but Philza is the night sky instead of the sun/pero Philza es el cielo nocturno en lugar del sol)
Aka pissa x hades (videojuego >:D)
Philza es Nyx y Missa es Selene
(Yes I am doing it early because I can't do it the week planned)
Event being hosted by @dramaticcrow click here for event post!
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Interested in commissioning?
Please consider reblogging, likes don't do anything on tumblr and reblogging is the only way to keep traction on a post <3
Por favor, considere reblogging, gustos no hacen nada en tumblr y reblogging es la única manera de mantener la tracción en un post <3
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kayit-z · 1 month
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2. Bailar/cantar (dance/sing) del Deathduo Week
Le digo ven ven ven animalito ven nininininini... payaso del rodeo turu turu tururu 🕺🤠
Me salté el 1, pero quería una excusa para dibujarlos como el día de la independencia jsjsjs
《 1. Invierno/verano | 3. Regalo 》
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isjasz · 7 months
What happens now? Do we have another go? Do we bow out and take our separate roads?
🌻 Watch the whole video on yt!
For @desert-duo-week day 5 - Allies and Enemies 3 days late LOL o7
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glowsticcc · 5 months
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ik he didn’t immediately notice missas bed when he first woke up but a fella can dream
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Seventh/final day of pissa/deathduo week
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Idk if I drew the perspective right. I hope I did O-O
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Hybrid AU in exile week where avian instincts can take over to a degree that is almost horrific, erasing someone’s personality and rationality when they’re panicking. First part here.
Tw graphic violence
When he hears Tommy’s distressed shriek, Philza launches into the air immediately, flying so fast the world blurs below. He finds his chick pinned beneath an assailant, and plunges toward them, slamming into the man so fast he’s flung away from Tommy, slamming into the ground hard enough that he is stunned. By the clippings of Tommy’s primary feathers tucked behind his mask, the attacker claims to be Tommy’s guardian. Philza’s blood boils as he realizes this was the abuser Tommy spoke of. Tommy is painfully motionless from where he’s ensnared in a net like an animal, and his fury builds, attacking faster and faster. The abuser is caught off guard only at first, and begins to fend Philza off. 
But then Tommy makes a noise. And while he should be relieved Tommy is alive, Philza’s blood turns to ice. It’s not a pained sound, the kind he’d expect for the hatchling’s injuries. It’s not a scared chirp, either, the kind half broken by a sob like he’d heard earlier. No, it’s a soft, tranquil coo, trance-like, the kind used during wing grooming to indicate bliss.
And Philza sees red. 
He rips into the abuser with his bare claws, shredding through soft skin and sturdy armor alike. The mask shatters as he gorges through the abuser’s face, blinded with fury long past the end of his agonized screams, past the last of his thrashing struggles, past the death of the monster that hurt his child. 
Eventually, the threat to his chick registers as dealt with. Philza peels himself off the scraps of the abuser’s mutilated corpse. He finds Tommy still softly cooing, placid inside the net he’s tangled in. There’s a dazed look in his eyes, incapable of comprehending the horrific situation he’s in. The most response Philza gets is blissful little chirps. He’s in preening position, or would be if the net didn’t constrain his other wing. Technically it’s easier to cut Tommy out if he’s not thrashing, but his docile acceptance of his ensnarement is sickening. 
Once free, all Tommy does is snuggle even though he’s very clearly bleeding to death. When Philza tries to heal him instead of preening, his coos whine, wings spreading out in the proper display position and trying to nudge him to continue where his abuser left off. No wonder Tommy insisted on grooming himself if he’s been manipulated like this for so long. Except Philza doesn’t know why he’s stuck like this, how his abuser forced the instinct to be so overwhelming. 
His heart breaking, Philza hugs his poor hatchling. He begs Tommy to snap out of it, but he can’t understand a word he says. Tommy is only confused why he isn’t being petted anymore, quietly cooing in the same affectionate tone his abuser forced out of him. He seems distressed that Philza refuses to preen him, only calming when Philza echoes his coos, nestling into his arms contentedly as Philza stiffly runs a hand down his feathered back. Is this just making it worse? Is he trapping Tommy further in his instincts? But every time he stops Tommy’s coos sound so concerned. Terrified, almost, like he expects to be hurt the moment the love bombing stops. Philza abhors whatever it took to make him like this. So he holds the hurt hatchling, at a loss as to how to heal the wounds driven through his body to the soul within. 
When Tommy finally comes out of his trance, he begins to sob for what’s been done to him. Philza only hugs him tighter, suppressing the worried coos building up in his throat, scared of shoving Tommy back into his trance. 
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sketchthetofu · 7 months
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(TW: blood, implied death) full piece is below but I have no clue how to sensor things on Tumblr so I hope this works???
Welp anyways here’s Desert Duo Week: Poppies & Lilacs!! I sped drawing this bc idk how but I had NO time today-
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3416 · 1 year
hi emma! i miss the boys but willy the most atm, do you have any favorite game or interview moments of his?
hiiiiii there... can't believe how long this summer is going to feel without them tbh. BUT MISSING WILLIAM NYLANDER HOURS? okay, i got you.
one of my favorite willy vids is his leaf to leaf with jt from last year. he's just so.. chill and open and happy there idk. his laugh gets me, and it's the same in his older leaf to leaf with auston. i also love the one with zach hyman from covid times and getting to see him laidback in his own space. and then... more recently.. i have revisited the bunting and willy tim hortons drive through content 489324923 times to cheer me up. also for more serious but interesting conversation, i've loved what the leafs have done with their 3 course conversations and willy's swedish menu one was interesting!!
if you want some older days stuff, there's his 20 questions with kasperi kapanen from when they were on the marlies... that was my intro to their dynamic and i love it. (and the 20 questions from the year before that is good too.. he's just a young baby giggly cherub imo) (also peep this willy + pasta interview from back in the day... it's fascinating to dig into the old connections imo) and here's an old compilation of him laughing :') i'm sure there are fancams and vids on twitter of him, but i'm TERRIBLE at keepign track of and sorting media on twitter, my bad.
and then maybe my favorite willy video of all time bc i'm not immune to cute happy children is that iconic interview with his dad where he's in the bg squirming around and knocking shit over and laughing... cutest thing i've seen in my entire life EVER.
if you're looking for more hockey stuff, here's a fun fanvid abt his career highlights up until last year (and how bitchy ppl have been abt his career only for him to prove his worth over n over), and then here's a recent compilation of all his highlights from this year... get to relive his hockey skill and pretend like we're still watching him play. it's a crime that we're not.
anyway, hope any of that helped or cheered you up. i hate how every leaf goes dark during the off season, but i totally don't blame them. if worst comes to worst, i also scroll through their igs/twitters and just google search them or look through blogs who have them as favorites. it's rough out here missing hockey players.
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furrysmp · 1 year
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bubvy · 1 month
First half of my deathduo week fanart
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Gift (sanctuary au)
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Family day
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dramaticcrow · 1 month
Se me ocurrió una grandísima idea! :DD
Que tal si hago una semana del Deathduo/Pissa? Estaba pensando en hacer algo que funcione tanto para los que los vemos como una pareja romántica como para quienes los vemos como pareja platónica.
(En mi caso encajaría en ambas)
La verdad me encantan los retos de escritura y dibujo y algunas veces eh participado en algunos.
Les parece una buena idea?
I had a great idea! :DD
Would you guys like it if I did a Deathduo/Pissa week? Would you participate? I was thinking of doing something that would work for both those of us who see them as a romantic couple and those of us who see them as a platonic couple.
(In my case it would fit both).
I really love writing and drawing challenges and I've participated in a few of them.
Sound like a good idea?
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I had a feeling when we saw Scar’s skin on namemc that Scar and Grian wouldn't go red episode four (I don't mean to underestimate desert duo’s ability to die twice in one episode but they’d been doing pretty well so far, and it just didn't feel right) but what I did not expect was for the session to end with desert duo as the only greens and divorce quartet as the only yellows
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kayit-z · 27 days
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3. Regalo (Gift) de la Deathduo Week
Después de muchas pinturas por parte de missa, phil por fin le regaló una, hizo lo mejor que pudo y también siguió los consejos de lullah. Missa obviamente amó el regalo
After a lot of paintings from missa, phil finally gave him one, he did the best he could and also followed lullah's advices. Missa obviously loved the gift
《 2. Bailar/cantar
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forecast-rain · 2 years
and the shin & sara sibling au......
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