its-my-whump · 1 month
Medwhump may - Day 2
Running out of time
(This is for someone special and it helps me to cope. Thankyou for teaching me. You changed my life and destroyed my faith, but I still miss you.)
Part 2 (all others here)
Tw: absolutely no medical accuracy, medical whump, gore
Little did she know, how justified her angst was. Little did they know, how this was not going to be routine.
"Everything looks good." The assistent anounced, pulling his eyes from the monitor and nodding at the head surgeon.
"Lets get this over with then. Little girl had quiet the scare. Right Amy." The surgeon looked briefly to the assisting nurse of his own assistent, which gave an encouraging squeeze to the unconscious lady's shoulder on the table, being ventilated during her surgery.
Steady gloved hands let the scalpel to her skin, which had a brown teint, from being wiped down with idion.
Blood instantly pressed out of the first cut, separating layers of skin. The assistent came with a wipe to help the surgeon see what he was doing. A second cut, same place but deeper, more blood bobbled out, starting to flow down right and left of her body.
"Damn, got a little bloody Mary here." The surgeon was joking, but never pulling his eyes from his task or losing his professionell expression. A third cut separating muscle tissue. "We're here. Lets roll."
The man in charge handed the bloody scalpel to his assisting nurse and his own assistent cleaned more blood from the edges of that fresh incision.
There was a glitch in her heartbeat. Eyes quickly went to the monitor. But the rhythm was steady again, had picked up a few numbers. "Nothing to worry about. She's making up for the bloodloss." His bloody gloves roamed above the new cut for a second, making sure, that it was actually just a glitch. "You're doing great, hunny." He encouraged her, while his assistent handed over the surgical retractor.
While his colleague kept the wound open, the surgeon set the medical equipment in place. After making sure, he turned the screw to fixate them.
"Poor thing." The assistent state having a good look inside her body.
A beep from the side of the operation table. The surgeon was just about to wrap his fingers around the equipment his assistent was passing him, but stopped in the middle of his movement.
"Oh no no no, hunny." But her heartbeat suddenly jumped from a steady fast rhythm into a frantic parade. Other vitals did too.
"SHIT!" The assistent yelled. Both their nurses fastly pushed their carts with all the other equipment out of the way. So the younger surgeon could step to her right side. His arms already stretched out and his interlocked fingers craved her ribs in.
The anesthesiologist, who was watching his female patient the whole time, pulled the hose connecting the et tube to the ventilator apart. The assisting nurse of the head surgeon was already handing him the ambu bag, which he attached instead.
"Epinephrine in the mainport." The assistent's nurse Amy was already pushing the syringe into the port in the young ladys arm, regretting her plain words, that this was merely routine.
My masterlist
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justk222 · 4 months
Trying out a new work out to get a thigh gap, I’ll update you all as the month goes by
The workout is
If you are doing a diet, you will have faster results!
SC (starting circumference): 56,5 cm
1GC: 54 cm
2GC: 51 cm
3GC: 48 cm
UGC: 45 cm
GC1: 54cm was completed!
Day 1: ✅done! Kinda hard, I can feel the burn, I did the workout before eating my small breakfast.
Day 2:✅done! WHY WAS TODAY SO HARD 😭😭😭 still did it though, I did this in the afternoon since I took my shower this morning and if I want to get my 10k steps in, I have to wake up early.
Day3: ✅done! It wasn’t as hard today except for one exercise. I again did it in the afternoon which I regret since that when I feel the most tired and the workout rlly hurts. I’ll try doing it in the morning!
Day4: ✅done! Omg it’s getting easier to do!!! I just ate like 300 cals right before because I LOWKEY binged so I was motivated to burn all of it off.
Day5: ✅done! Bro I binged ritz as a snack and felt so bad, did this work out today and LOWKEY almost fell asleep it’s crazy
Day6: ❌NOT done. YALL omfg I was doing my usual work out and felt tired so I’d exuded to take a nap. Mind you I didn’t even brush my teeth, do my DUOLINGO nor did I take my makeup off and my phone wasn’t charging. Tell me why it’s th next morning rn 😨.
Day7: ✅done! I might try to do it twice today to make up for yesterday.
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le-sserafims-blog · 1 year
But for us,
We're able to work hard, so that there won't be regrets.
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That choice, we can make it the right one.
Or rather, there is no other option but to make it so.
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piouscatholic · 1 year
Novena to Saint Anthony
[Franciscan, Missionary and Martyr]
Saint Anthony went to Morocco.
“courageously determined to experience the Gospel in the footsteps of the Franciscan friars who had been martyred there.”
(Pope Francis, Feb 15, 2020)
When the Infant Pedro brought back the relics of the five martyred Friars Minor from Marrakech, claiming to have been miraculously freed by their merits, Fernando, struck by this news, believed it was his duty to leave his monastery, in order to obtain like them the palm of martyrdom, and decided to put on their habit and follow their radical way of life.
There were friars of this Order who lived in the hermitage of St Anthony the Abbot of Olivet, near Coimbra, and who came to Anthony’s monastery to ask for alms.
One day, unable to restrain himself, Fernando took them aside, and revealed his project to them.
Delighted, the brothers set a meeting time, and, in that same monastery, clothed him with the habit of their Order.
Fernando changed his name to Anthony, and went without delay to the land of the Saracens (2,7).
However God had a different plan for him.
Stricken by a serious illness, he set out to return to Portugal, but instead a storm at sea and strong winds pushed the boat off the coast of Sicily and Anthony’s dream of becoming a martyr crumbled.
(Assidua, 5:1; Vita secunda, 1:12. 2:8-10)
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Let us pray that God will give us the same strength of faith and martyr’s courage that animated Saint Anthony of Padua.
[His spiritual journey]
In 2020, the cities of Padua, Coimbra and Lisbon celebrated with a Jubilee year the 800th anniversary of St Anthony's Franciscan vocation.
The witness of the first Franciscan martyrs produced a 180° turn in Anthony’s quiet life as an Augustinian canon.
All his biographers agree on this point: Anthony was suddenly seized by an extraordinary fervor.
He wanted to repair the insults done to Christ, the deaths of the martyrs, and resist a politico-religious power that knew only violence and denied human dignity.
The simple life of the Franciscan Brothers, living on almsgiving and with no fixed abode, wholly dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel, was in sharp contrast with his Augustinian abbey that was enjoying the subsidies of the king, who had chosen it for his burial place.
At the age of 25, according to traditional chronology, an enthusiastic Anthony decided to leave the Canons Regular for the habit and life of the Brothers who had died for Christ.
He made this decision without regrets: since "he had already been frustrated once in his desire by the Divine Will, he no longer had the presumption to attempt a new undertaking, and henceforth he relied totally on the good will of God...
God kept him for greater undertakings."
(Vita secunda, 3,11)
"Blessed is he whom the sword of the wicked has not frightened, but transformed into a better person."
(Julian of Speyer, Liturgical Office)
"Anthony, martyr of desire, you ardently sought to share in the death of the martyrs!
While the sword of the persecutor did not end your life, your soul did not lose the palm of martyrdom."
(Rigaldina, 4,8)
"Saint Anthony, struck by the Franciscan way of embracing and living the Gospel, rose from among us, passed through our human city and traced for us in an exemplary way the paths of wisdom that would lead to salvation."
(Don Virgilio do Nascimento Antunes, Bishop of Coimbra, June 13, 2020, Saint Anthony dos Olivais)
In Anthony’s Sermons, the word "martyr" comes up 29 times, in reference to John the Apostle, the Blessed Virgin, and the Apostles Peter and Paul, to evoke the harshness of suffering and death and to underline the seeds of life for the martyrs themselves and for the Church.
"Saint John did not die a martyr’s death, but was nevertheless a martyr: he was plunged into a barrel of boiling oil, sent into exile in Patmos, and forced to swallow poison."
(St Anthony, Feast of St John the Evangelist)
"The 12 stars (Rev 12:1) were Mary's 12 glorious merits in Heaven, in her flesh and in her heart.
The glorious merits of her heart were humble devotion, reserved modesty, great faith and martyrdom of the heart, for "a sword pierced her soul"
(Lk 1:31).
(St Anthony, Annunciation of the Virgin Mary II)
Every martyrdom is the seed of conversion.
By the shedding of their blood, the martyrs watered souls in the garden of the Church, so that she might persevere in the greenness, strength and vigor of the faith.
(St Anthony, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul)
The Passion of Christ is called "excess," since it exceeded the pain and passion of all the martyrs put together and exceeded any other passion.
(St Anthony, First Sunday after Christmas)
"They offered sacrifices of justice."
By their martyrdom, Peter and Paul sacrificed their righteous and holy bodies to the Lord as victims of justice.
(St Anthony, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul)
"They will suck the floods of the sea like milk."
An overflowing sea is frightening in appearance and bitter in taste; milk, on the other hand, has a pleasant color and a sweet flavor.
To suck means to desire with avidity and to taste with pleasure.
"O love of Christ, who makes all bitter things sweet!
The martyrdom of the Apostles was frightening and bitter, but the love of Christ changed it into sweetness.
They received Him with avidity and pleasure, and then received happiness with Him for eternity."
(St Anthony, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul)
"Let each one glory in his own martyrdom"...
Anthony's aspiration to martyrdom was part of the very spirit of the Order of Friars Minor.
To those who glorified the martyrdom of the Friars of Morocco, Francis replied that dying a martyr's death was everyone's calling, and he himself gave the example, undertaking three times the journey to the Holy Land and among the infidels.
As Thomas de Celano, his biographer, wrote, "he had an ardent desire for martyrdom."
"The ardor of charity," added St Bonaventure, "impelled him to imitate the glory of the holy martyrs, for nothing could extinguish the flame of their love or weaken their fortitude."
There are two kinds of martyrs, both equally demanding in their self-giving and eloquent in their witness to Christ who offered himself to his Father on the Cross: the violent death or "martyrdom of blood," and the offering of one's own life as a spiritual sacrifice pleasing to God, just as Christ offered himself to his Father on the Cross.
Thus, Saint Francis identified himself with Christ to the point of dying naked on the naked earth, and Anthony, in the vision and joy of his Lord.
(Assidua 17,12)
This kind of death can be ours too.
We are not asked to expose our bodies to persecutors, even though many Christians are still persecuted and violently martyred today, but to offer our work, prayers, our daily occupations, acts of kindness and assistance towards our suffering brothers and sisters, our illnesses and all the inconveniences of life, in immolation and holocaust.
By immolation we become victims and sacrifice; by burnt offering, "we burn on the altar of the Lord as a sweet incense pleasing to the Lord."
(St Anthony)
"Saint Anthony, you invite us to discover the price of our lives and measure the depth of our wounds by the Cross of Christ that only the Blood of the Son of God can heal.
Help us to understand with what love we are loved and to offer our sufferings for the salvation of the world. Amen."
(Saint Anthony Novena – Grottos of Brive)
Saint Anthony, we entrust to you the sick, the unemployed, our struggles to meet the needs of our family and children, those who are exposed to heavy work, poor health and unsafe conditions, those injured at work, occupational and road accidents, and all the small and large crosses of our daily life.
Give us the grace to carry all those crosses with love, following your example, and with the help of Jesus.
© Marie de Nazareth 2023
Association Marie de Nazareth 75 rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris – France
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pilateeprincess · 1 year
So today is Thursday march 30th and I started my fasting/high restriction diet to lose nearly 20kgs in the month of April im gonna write down eat day how I feel and everything I’m currently on a dry fast and I’m planning to do a water flush tonight so I’ll keep y’all updated 🫶🏼
Day4:3/04/2023-61.4 broke my fast today cuz of some dumb reason but I’ll just extend the days
So I did a salt water flush today can’t wait tho measure myself right now
….didn’t lose much all I feel is less bloated I think it’s cuz I drank a lot of water and it just water weight but I’m 61.5kgs as of now
P.s I’m gonna do a dry fast starting tomorrow for ten days🫡
Ok change of plans 😭 yea I know this is my 100th time changing the plan but I girl gotta do what she gotta do
So basically my weight loss plateaued at 61kgs…. Yes even after I fasted for 48+hrs I lost nothing I actually gained 0.2kgs more😃
So I decided to have a cheat day today well actually more like a cheat meal after intermittent fasting for almost 20 hrs
Basically I’m just gonna eat all my cravings and see how that goes😭
Ik im gonna regret it but it’s the only way to get my metabolism back up so I can start fasting again
And I promise this fast is realllllllll
I’m planning on to fast for 7 days dry then take a break then 7 days wet/dry and then a break and finally 7 days dry so I’m conclusion I would finish on the 28th or maybe 30th of April
If I reach my goal with is 45kgs before then that would be perfect will do a update after every week and would only look at the scale only one time after 2 weeks
Cw:61.5 5th wed 2023
ncw: 20th thru 2023
ncw: 30th sun 2023
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advancedscoutkappi · 1 year
DWC Feb, Day3: Consequences
Summary: Kappi's newest "gift" has him thinking about past choices and has lunch with @attzi-gearburst
Warnings: None
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“Ya knew then consequences of returnin’ to him, Kappi. Ya knew it yet here you are.”
Those words echoed in Kappi’s mind almost daily. A constant reminder of his moment of weakness after witnessing his boss make the sacrifice play. 
Another constant reminder with the frequent packages that arrived at the FBC offices in Booty Bay. Addressed to him, each one a matte black box with a red ‘T.F’ logo on the side. Something he knew all too well and something he regretted each and every time that box arrived. These were his consequences. The constant barrage of new jobs that he could not turn down or risk putting the one person he loved in danger. 
Each box had the details in it for the next job. Though Kappi had learned early on that Draven was not sharing the whole truth each time. As if some kind of sadistic test to make sure that Kappi truly was back and that his skills were still as sharp as ever. The first, telling him the target had gone to Vol’dun when they had, in fact, fled to Kul Tiras. Another gave him the wrong target, informing him it was an entirely different race. Another, incorrect description. Each and every one, more frustrating than the last. Though, once he knew that there was misinformation somewhere, he started picking up on the tricks and he was able to discern which piece of info was false. He just wished the packages would stop arriving, but that was in the works. 
Kappi stared at the most recent arrival that sat on his desk. A package about the size and shape of a hat box, wrapped in the same black paper as always and a bright red bow tied around it. The moment Kappi had seen it he had pushed it across his desk but it was not something he could push away for long. He would have to look at it’s contents, look at what the Farmer had in store for him next. At least Attzi had convinced him to bring her with him on all of these jobs. It had helped far more than Kappi ever knew it would and was amazing to have someone with him that he trusted with his life. He sighed heavily and sat up in his chair, finally reaching for the cursed package. The time had come that he finally had to look at it, he could not put it off any longer. He slips a dagger from his belt and flips it over, slicing along the seam of the box before putting it away. He had gotten over the caution long ago that any of these would be booby-traped. Even if all this was Draven simply screwing with him, these jobs still needed done and they always got them done quickly.
Inside was the normal contents. A small cake with the same color scheme of the box, a dossier with information about the job and a smaller box that usually had another small part that would help him make the picture whole. He flipped the folder open and started scanning the papers. The target was a mage this time. He sighed heavily and rubbed at his temples, mages were not an easy catch. Though this one seemed like he could be. His name was Bozabeck and it seemed he was very proud of his skills. Could get him to start showing off, could doubt his abilities to get him riled up and willing to be by himself. There was also that off chance Attzi knew him. He flipped another page and continued reading looking for where this ‘Beck’ had last been seen and where they could start sending people to search. As he was reading down another page of the information, looking for that tiny clue to tell him just what part of the information was false, there was a knock on his office door. He stopped reading and glanced up to find Attzi standing in the doorway with lunch in her hands. He smiled and flipped the dossier closed, pushing it to the side, but as she saw it a heavy frown set in.
“Monthly package arrived.” She said flatly as she approached the desk, setting several containers on it.
He nods and sighs. “That it has. Could use your help, love. Looks like a mage this time, maybe you know them.” He motioned towards the dossier for her to see, but she did not grab it right away. Instead she pushed it aside and offered him one of the containers with a smile. “Could be! Right now though, ya gonna sit right there and enjoy ya lunch with me.” She says very matter-of-factly, pulling up a chair, sitting next to him and smiling.
Kappi chuckles and nods, knowing this was not an argument he was going to win. He pops the top on his lunch and is handed a fork by Attzi. They dig in and for those few minutes Kappi almost forgets about the dossier sitting on his desk. But the problem with consequences is they can not be avoided for long…
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jessejackreyes · 7 years
Hanzo76Week day 3 regrets/doubt
This is a bit rushed, but I want to get these things out and actually participate in the week. Day two will come out soon. I’ve had a lot of trouble with the AU prompt, but I have something now.
Working Title
The sounds of pulse rifle fire greeted him as he neared the shooting range. Jack was already there, which was not a surprise. Hanzo found himself practicing early in the morning frequently, more so than he would like. No matter the ungodly hour that brought him here though, he was rarely alone for long. Sometimes he would be there first. Other times, like this morning, he would walk in second. The silver haired man’s routine presence was comfortable, desirable even.
Jack turned to face him for a few moments, a silent greeting passing between the two of them before the rifle fire continued. This was normal. It was familiar. They would stand a moderate distance apart, quietly firing again and again. The steady drumming of pulse ammunition being fired over and over had become a soundtrack to Hanzo’s own practicing. On the occasions where the former commander was off on a mission, his practice felt empty, quiet.
The familiarity it had fostered sneaked up on Hanzo. The first morning he had done this alone had felt oddly empty, quiet in a way that left the archer surprisingly uncomfortable. Since that morning it was noisier, but normal, familiar, comfortable. Few words were exchanged as they stood at each other’s sides for hours, firing shot after shot, until exhaustion took or it grew too late for them to stay.
They had never spoken about what this was between them, what it meant. They both understood that words would change things, putting a name to it would make it real in a way that neither of them were ready for. Most everyone in this new Overwatch had their own demons that they fought.
They all sought relief and comfort in their own way, this new Overwatch, often with each other. He knows that his brother found serenity with Zenyatta and that the monk has continued to support and comfort the man. The younger one’s spend time together laughing and crying. Many of the old guard stick together and tell stories. People had even offered a sympathetic ear to Hanzo, despite his sins, but he refused. He did not deserve their sympathy and their pity only made things worse.
Jack never offered pity. The man seemed to have none to give. Instead, he would get up when he could not sleep and practice until his body ached and he could no longer hold his bow. When things were particularly bad and no amount of punishment helped or, on rare occasion good and the weight of the world and his guilt were not suffocating him, the two of them would often find themselves in Jack’s room together. Even there few words were spoken, the contact was all that was necessary to help to mean something even if they could not articulate what. They could tire themselves out and if Hanzo was very lucky he would sleep a few hours dreamlessly next to the man.
Jack was much the same as him when it came to the other members from what Hanzo could tell. He went along with what the others wanted often, if reluctantly. But, in the end he always retreated away, to deal with his problems by himself. Hanzo may never have really noticed how much they had in common if they had not both practiced to exhaustion. Without words he knew that they both did so to make it through each night, to forget.
Precisely what brought Hanzo here would change from time to time. Sometimes his dreams would haunt him, not allowing a moment’s rest or escape from what he had done. Other times he would lie in bed for hours, unable to even reach the dreams that are rarely quiet, rarely kind.
On those nights he missed drinking, one of the few things that could sometimes help him rest. He had been made to quit drinking when he joined, it was interfering with his performance. He had argued, been insulted at the idea, but when Genji practically begged him he caved immediately. Sober Hanzo simply found other ways to punish his body and attempt to persevere through the memories.
Tonight he was here for a different reason, the worst of all the types that brought him here. Earlier he had gotten into a fight with Genji. He had not meant to, it was not important enough. It should have simply been a minor disagreement. But Hanzo was a stubborn asshole with a temper and instead of listening he had gotten defensive. He remembered every word he yelled, every insult. He remembered watching Genji storm off while Hanzo’s pride kept him from apologizing.
Instead he went to bed, trying in vain to sleep. When he failed at that he came here, took his spot next to the former strike commander and prepared for another night of bitter practice. Even here the night was not turning out as he planned it. His form was sloppy, his aim off center and no matter what he tried he could not manage to correct it. He managed things for about a half an hour before he tossed the bow away in disgust with an angry shout.
Hanzo froze once he realized that Jack had stopped what he was doing and was staring at him. He rushed out of the range angrily, refusing to meet the man’s eyes. He was opening the door to his quarters when he realized that he had left his Storm Bow behind. Cursing, he refused to go back there and face things right now. He would merely have to retrieve it in the morning.
There was no way he was getting to sleep now, he was wired, angry and upset. So, Hanzo did the only thing he had left to do. He fished his stash of Schochu out of hiding and took a swig from the bottle he had hidden it in. It did not matter at that moment that Genji would be mad at him or that Angela would lecture him on his drinking.
There was a knock at his door just as he swallowed his first mouthful with a satisfying gulp. Hanzo elected to ignore even as the knocking slowly grew more insistent, content to sit on the edge of his bed. He did not wish to deal with anybody. All he wanted to do was drink in peace and no one on this base would let him do that.
He began to idly wonder how long they would keep this up before giving up. An answer never came because shortly after the thought entered his mind, the door opened without his consent. Jack stood on the other side of the doorway, eyeing him seriously and he froze mid drink.
“I can override any lock on this base,” Jack informed him cooly, letting himself into Hanzo’s room. The man walked over and calmly plucked the bottle from his hands. Hanzo rose indignantly only to be faced with a 6 foot tall super soldier staring at him intensely, completely unimpressed by Hanzo’s attempts to be intimidating. “You’re not drinking this,”
“I do not need a lecture about my drinking problems from you,” Hanzo was getting genuinely angry now. He had not expected the man to show up here, let alone snatch his alcohol from his hands. Jack seemed to ignore his outburst.
“Come on,” The soldier called out, gesturing for Hanzo to follow him. Jack sighed when Hanzo made no move to follow him. “You can come with me or I can carry you over my shoulder kicking and screaming. Your call,” Hanzo briefly considered calling the man on his bluff, but the look in the man’s eyes made him think better of it. He followed Jack with a sigh.
Hanzo had guessed their destination and he really was not upto dealing with any of this as Jack dragged him into the man’s room. To his surprise though Jack had not dragged him to the man’s bed, where their nights would usually end, but instead to the much neglected couch at the other end of the room.
“Sit!” He obeyed the order simply, resigned to whatever the old soldier wanted from him.
Jack disappeared quickly into the office attached to his room while Hanzo tried to atleast get comfortable if he was going to be stuck here. The couch was clearly worn from use. He had never seen the man sit in it, had rarely seen him with company outside of Ana. If it was used that must have come from before the explosion at Zurich. His mind was distracted by the possibilities when he heard the man return and take a seat next to him. Jack handed him a glass with a single ice cube in it.
“It’s scotch,” He explained as he poured from a very fancy looking bottle. Hanzo stared at the cup in his hands while Jack poured himself a glass and took a sip himself. “Drink,” He ordered softly. “It’s good,”
“I thought I was not allowed to drink,”
“Not my rule,” Jack replied after another sip. “I just can’t abide you drinking shit like that, miserable and alone,” Hanzo was taken aback by the answer. “Nothing wrong with it if you have something good to drink and some company that’ll keep you from going too far,”
Hanzo followed the older soldier’s lead and took a sip from his own glass and he was both surprised and impressed by it. He focused on enjoying a good strong drink when he heard something very familiar coming from the tv in front of them. At some point Jack had turned on a very old movie.
“Seven Samurai?” Hanzo asked unnecessarily. “You’ve been talking to Genji?” He could not keep the accusatory tone out of his voice as he questioned.
“Nah, but that’s never managed to stop him from having a conversation,” They shared a laugh.
“It’s my favorite movie,”
“He said you know every line by heart,”
“I used to,” Hanzo replied, face flushing.
“Well I’ve never seen it,” Jack may as well have murdered a puppy in front of the man for how offended Hanzo looked at the end.
“That is unacceptable,” Hanzo had to make sure Jack watched the movie. So they watched and they drank. Pretty soon Hanzo was talking about the movie and the director over the movie itself, Jack listening attentively. The excitement died down slowly as the movie also drew to a close. Hanzo was tired and had not even noticed when he had leaned into the man next to him, head resting comfortably on Jack’s shoulder.
This was a significant change from their usual dalliances. Hanzo could not keep himself from asking.
“What are we doing?”
“Keeping your mind elsewhere,” Jack replied simply.
“It’s better than wallowing in misery alone and drunk beyond rational thought,”
“I did not ask for you help!” Hanzo all but shouted. He was not some child that needed to be taken care of.
“Didn’t need to. I wanted to help,” Hanzo fumbles at that point. Anger was his normal response to anything difficult, it’s why he and Genji had fought earlier. He did not know what to do when the source of his problem was doing everything right. “Don’t regret it either. Got to see you smile excitedly about something. More than worth it to me,”
“So what is this then? Hanzo asked. “What exactly are you doing?”
“I’m not good with words and feelings, but I wanted to help you feel better,”
“Why go through all of this trouble? I’m not worth your damn time,”
“My greatest regret in life, Hanzo, was keeping my feelings silent because I had small doubts. It was too late by the time I said anything. I don’t intend to repeat that mistake,” If Hanzo was not so tired he might have questioned exactly what he had meant, what this made them. But, he was focused on other details.
“So instead of talking about it with me you talked to my brother about it?” Hanzo asked incredulously.
“Well it’s difficult to avoid talking to Genji and I didn’t want to scare you away,”
“So Genji gave away all my embarrassing secrets?” Hanzo asked, mortified at the thought.
“Not at all. He was rather tight lipped. Though, he might’ve mentioned some of your favorite movies while he was interrogating me about my intentions with you,”
“What does he think is going on?”
In lieu of answer Jack pulled their lips together suddenly, passionately kissing the younger man. Hanzo resisted for a few moments, confusion drawing forth old defensive habits, but he returned the kiss with as much passion as he, himself, could manage.
Perhaps words were a problem, they would change things in the wrong way. It is not that they would define things incorrectly, but rather that they could not define what the two of them shared. Much more could be said with a thoughtful gesture, a considerate gift. Hanzo fell asleep that night with smile on his face, only slightly drunk and rested dreamlessly at least for one night.
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justwritethatdown · 4 years
Bechloe Week 2020 – Day3: Drunk Texts 
We were bound to be together
An au where Beca didn't get together with Jesse and that allowed her relationship with Chloe to grow.
The way Pitch Perfect 1 should have gone ;)
Set during Beca’s first two years at Barden; everything goes as it should, nothing angsty happens and everyone is happy. Just a sloppy falling-in-love story between two college girls, told through their drunk texts, kind of...
Rating: T
Words Count: 2.5K
Thanks to @viharistenno for being my beta
Read here or on AO3
She took my arm, I don’t know how it happened
 After Hood Night, Beca was lying on her bed; the weird buzzing in her brain caused by alcohol made it hard for her to fall asleep. She wasn’t used to drinking and partying with strangers until late night, but she had to admit it wasn’t the worst thing she’d done. That Jesse seemed nice after all, a little pushy maybe, but Beca knew she needed a push sometimes, maybe she should give him a chance-
Her phone buzzed on the nightstand
CHLOE BEALE: Im so glad that I met you xx
BECA: Yeah, you kinda mentioned that…
Beca bit her bottom lip and a bright smile formed on her face. There was something about Chloe, that didn’t make Beca want to push her away. On the contrary, it was rather a pull, that made Beca want to get closer to her.
She placed the phone on her stomach, letting out a heavy sigh, smile still present on her lips. Beca couldn’t believe she actually auditioned for an acapella singing group, just because a crazy – naked – girl told her to, after crushing her shower and forcing her to sing with her; it was a situation that normally would have made her run for the hills and yet, she went to the audition – and she got in – and to the following party. Beca didn’t even know how that happened, Chloe had dragged her into this whole new world, and she was kinda okay with that.
It confused Beca; for the first time her instinct didn’t tell her to push this person away, it told her to get to know her better, to become her friend, but most of all Beca wanted Chloe to like her, she wanted to impress her. She checked her phone to see if Chloe had texted her anything else, but there were no new messages, so she let out another sigh – a disappointed one this time – and put the phone away.
Maybe Chloe was still with shower guy, they seemed to be pretty close at the party. Her stomach twisted and Beca huffed again; the way Chloe had grabbed her arms and how close she got to her while talking, gave her some vibes, for a moment she’d thought that the redhead was flirting with her – a thought she wasn’t completely opposed to – but then she saw her with that guy while she was busy talking to Jesse, and kicked herself for being so delusional, she was well aware they were having sex in the sowers, they were obviously together.
Beca shook her head and rolled her eyes to herself, turning to her side to try to sleep.
  I felt it in my chest as she looked at me
  CHLOE: Admit you had fun tonight! :P
Beca was a bit more tipsy than usual – okay, let’s say she was drunk – but it wasn’t her fault; Amy arrived there with the clear internet of getting the brunette drunk that night. She dumbly smiled at her phone and almost gave in, but then she remembered their bet.
“I don’t know why I let you drag me to this stupid party” she spat out when they arrived at the ΣΒΘ frat house.
“Come on, I bet you’re going to have fun” cheered Chloe making Beca roll her eyes.
“I doubt it” stated the brunette.
“We’re here bitches!” screamed Amy going straight for the alcohol table, followed by Stacie.
When her head started to spin, Beca realized that maybe she’d let Amy fix her one drink too much, but she didn’t care, not when Chloe was leaning in so close to whisper things in her ear – shout actually, to be heard over the loud music – and had one arm wrapped around Beca’s shoulders; the weight of Chloe on her felt amazing and the way Chloe looked at her made her heart do funny things in her chest.
Beca definitely blamed it on the alcohol, but deep inside she knew it was the same feeling she had the first time they met at the activities fair; that smile Chloe gave her and those blue eyes, so deep that Beca felt like she was drowning in them, knocked all the air out of her lungs and she felt her heart racing.
Even if she did run away that time, Beca just couldn’t stop thinking about her, until that girl jumped in her shower, making Beca incredibly frustrated and embarrassed. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t help but looking – more than once – at the girl’s naked body and her mind wandered without her permission. Chloe was undeniably beautiful, and her confidence made her even hotter.
Beca should have known then that she was gone, but – always oblivious to her own feelings – it took her several weeks of parties and rehearsals to know that she had, in fact, fallen head over hills for the redhead.
Suddenly Beca felt Chloe stepping away from her and saw the girl launching herself into Tom’s arms. The brunette found herself downing the remains of her drink and accepting a new one from Amy. The rest of the night is still a blur, she vaguely remembered Jesse helping her through her dorm room door and saying good night, at which she believed she grunted before the guy closed the door behind him.
Beca frowned at the memory and looked back at her phone; there was a new message on the screen
CHLOE: you disappeared tho. Stacie said you left w Jesse :(
BEC: yoy wr wit Tom
CHLOE: I told you I was going to say hi and when I came back you were gone >.<
BEC: are u tofether?
CHLOE: No, I’m alone
BEC: no I mwan ar you datingm
BEC: ?
Chloe started typing and deleting and Beca started to freak out; she’d known this girl for less than a year, she saw her with Tom from day one, she had no right whatsoever to be upset about them dating, even if Chloe had been sending her mixed signals from the start and was annoyingly touchy and loving and not-so-unintentionally made Beca’s head spin more than alcohol did
CHLOE: No, he’s not my boyfriend. We used to be fwb but I ended it a while ago because I started to like someone… :)<3
  Just keep your eyes on me
 The following day Beca felt like shit; her head hurt, and she felt nauseous, that’s why she was immensely grateful to Chloe for dragging her to that stupid party the night before their special rehearsal’s session.
“Remind me to kill you when this is over” she lamented when Chloe greeted her with her usual bright smile – the girl clearly didn’t drink as much as Beca did the night before – and a quick hug
“Can’t wait” winked the redhead, making Beca’s blood boil in her veins.
Chloe really looked amazing that morning and was clearly making an effort to be noticed by the brunette; she managed to make even that idiotic hostess choreography look beautiful. It wasn’t just the dancing, Beca found every movement Chloe made incredibly sexy, maybe because of that half confession she had made the night before, or maybe because Beca knew Chloe was doing it on purpose; she knew it because Chloe basically never dropped her eye contact with Beca, almost like she was trying to cast a spell on her, and maybe she did.
“You’re on a mission today huh?” Beca hushed to her during a break
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” answered Chloe wearing a shit eating grin
“Well, better for me then, I’m enjoying the show” she shot back without thinking too much about it and regretting it right away, but the fire it lit in Chloe’s eyes told her she’d said just the right thing.
“What’s with all this eye fucking?” suddenly spat out Amy, making the room giggle. Except for Beca who became bright red, and Aubrey who cleared her throat glaring at Chloe, who innocently smiled biting her lip.
“Did you finally hook up or something?” asked Stacie in amusement
“Can we focus on the damn choreography?” asked Aubrey grinding her teeth.
  Deep in her eyes, I think I see the future
 Beca’s plan was simple: to go to college for one year, convince her dad that she tried and have him send her to Los Angeles the following year to finally start working towards her dream of producing music. However, something along the way went incredibly wrong, or rather incredibly right, and now all she wanted was to stay there with those nerds who somehow became her family.
The look on Chloe’s face when they won the finals made Beca realize that her future wasn’t in LA, her future was right there with those girls, with Chloe. In that moment Beca felt like she belonged there; she saw her next few years at Barden, with the Bellas, and in the hug they shared, Beca felt that Chloe would be part of her life forever.
The girls celebrated in the Bellas’ sorority house and they all, even Aubrey, got incredibly wasted. Most of the girls had already moved there from their dorms and wouldn’t have to go anywhere after their party.
During the night Chloe made sure to let Beca know, more than once, how sad she was that the brunette had decided to really leave for Los Angeles in the end, instead of moving in with her, and she never left her side the whole night. They drank together and laughed and danced, and they almost kissed, but Chloe pulled away last minute confusing Beca. When Beca asked her why, Chloe mumbled with watery eyes “you’re leaving, what’s the point?”, but immediately cleared her throat and dragged Beca to dance with the others. In her inebriated state, the music and Chloe’s body moving rhythmically against hers, were enough to distract Beca from that statement. Only later, walking back to her dorm, it carved its way back into her mind.
BEC ♡: I not gng to LA  
CHLO: ???
BEC ♡: im stang heee
Chloe’s reply was a string of emojis Beca was too drunk to interpret followed by
CHLO: yoy styng w the bellassssss
BEC ♡: im staying fr you
CHLO: were gnna be cocaptnsss!!!
  This woman is my destiny
 Beca’s second year at Barden started out completely differently from her first one; she was living in a sorority house along with eight other girls and was co-captain of the acapella group she led to victory the year before.
Her relationship with Chloe evolved in a strange way; they acted like a married couple now, but they never crossed the line, both too scared of ruining what they had. With Aubrey gone, the Bellas were their responsibility and Beca knew that was what mattered the most to Chloe, so she chose to focus on their acapella group. For Chloe, not because she was scared of fucking things up, obviously.
Their mutual pinning was clear to all their friends; some of them – Amy – teased them  about it, while others desperately tried to help them figure it out.
One night, during one of their let’s-get-drunk-because-why-not nights, they were playing truth or dare
“Beca” started Stacie “truth or dare?” she asked with a wicked smile, making Beca sweat
“Truth…” tentatively answered the brunette
“Do you have more than platonic feelings for anyone in this room?” asked Stacie raising an eyebrow. Chloe held her breath at that and Beca was the only one to miss it, too occupied freaking out
“Dare” blurted out Beca “dare, I meant dare!” Beca’s heart started beating dangerously fast, hoping that Stacie would have let her change her reply, but the girl’s eyes twinkled and Beca knew she’d fallen right into her trap.
“I dare you… to kiss the girl you have the biggest toner in the world for and release us all from this ridiculous sexual tension you two generate” commanded the tall girl rolling her eyes.
Beca felt all the air leave her lungs. Everything was silent around her and all she could hear was the uneven beating of her heart. She swallowed hard looking at Chloe to see what her reaction had been and the girl’s hesitant smile calmed Beca a little.
Beca wasn’t one to back down from a challenge and the alcohol in her system only made her more competitive, but most of all, there was nothing in the world she wanted more than to finally kiss Chloe, so she crossed the circle they were sitting in to reach the redhead on the other side of it. Chloe was biting her bottom lip in anticipation and Beca could see in her eyes that the girl wanted to kiss her just as much as she did.
Beca gently rested her palm on Chloe’s cheek. They didn’t speak, but they didn’t need words to communicate; their eyes were saying all they needed to say. They expressed how much they both wanted to do this, but only if the other was okay with that, and that it was going to be okay. They completely forgot they weren’t alone.
Beca leaned in and kissed her, Chloe wrapped her arms around Beca’s neck and pulled her closer, letting out a sigh that made Beca’s heart flutter. They stayed there, kneeling in the middle of the living room, kissing slowly and deeply, their lips moved together as if they were dancing. Beca wasn’t sure who deepened the kiss, but as soon as their tongues touched, a million fireworks went off in her brain, covering the sound of their friends whooping and clapping and wolf whistling – Amy – and making her forget her own name.
Beca couldn’t have enough of Chloe’s lips. When the kiss ended and Chloe tried to move away, Beca desperately chased her mouth and started kissing her again, gaining a chuckle from the redhead. The two girls were only separated by Amy accidently bathing them in tequila while waving a bottle in the air, shouting that they had to drink to that.
After two – or was it three? – Bhloe drinks, as Amy had named them, Beca was still snuggled up next to Chloe. They shared some quick kisses during the rest of the night and when they decided to go wrap it up, Beca really wasn’t ready to sleep. All she wanted to do was kiss Chloe all night long and the morning after, and for the rest of her life. When Chloe pulled her in for another kiss, she was happy to welcome Chloe’s tongue in her mouth again
“Good night, baby” whispered Chloe against her lips before leaving.
Beca was lying awake in her bed; she could still feel the ghost of Chloe’s lips lingering on hers. She took her phone and started typing.
BEC ♡: I lied at trth o dre I dont have a tner for you
CHLO: Bec…
BEC ♡: Im crazy abt yoy! youre my destiny
BEC ♡: you’re
CHLO: you jst gve me a heartattack yoi asshole1
BEC ♡: srry xD
CHLO: wnna cme here to sleep w me?
BEC ♡: we r drnk…
CHLO:  I jut wanna slp
BEC ♡: Any wll tease th shit out of us
CHLO: I don’t care
CHLO: I miss u
Beca didn’t really use much her bed in the Bellas’ house.
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wildshq · 3 years
Tumblr media
         We should stick to the beach for now, keep the fire going...as of right now — it’s the best option.
After a tumultuous day of highs and lows, the sun goes down and a brisk evening breeze finally settles upon the island. The boys are exhausted, not to mention pissed off that their efforts were in vain. Their one chance at making contact with rescue was now hundreds of feet below, lost to the depths of the sea. With tensions high and Warren being at the top of everyone’s hit list for his fuck-up, it was an easy decision to leave him on the cliff by Sebastian and Callum’s fire for the night while everyone tried to settle their upset back at their camp on the beach.
Seeing as Warren would have to rejoin the rest of the group in the morning, Sawyer opted to stay behind and keep him company to help carry him down when the sun rose the next day. Warren, not wanting Sawyer to off him in his sleep, decided the day would be best be put to rest with a night-cap, offering up his cognac-filled flask as an olive branch. Seeing as there was nothing better around, Sawyer accepted. After sharing some conversation and Warren expressing his regret over the lost radio, the two drifted to sleep by the warmth of the crackling fire.
In the early morning, Sawyer woke to find the fire had fizzled into cold embers and the space across from him was empty. Where was Warren? With his injured ankle in even worse condition after trying to struggle up the cliff’s edge, he was surprised the boy was capable of moving at all. Figuring that Warren might have just wandered away to relieve himself, Sawyer took the opportunity to take a leak himself and wandered over to the cliff’s edge to pee. As he was doing so, something unusual caught his eye. He wondered if it was just sleep he needed to rub away from his eyes, but after tucking himself in and giving his head a shake, he refocused his gaze and was shocked when he realized what he’d come across.
                                           Holy fuckin’ shit...
Running back to camp as quick as he could, he woke the boys smelling of booze and with urgency and panic in his voice. He rushed them to the cliff and led them to the edge, pointing with utter disbelief at a figure in the distance – face down. Easily distinguished by his horrific Gucci track pants, the boys were in shock. They travelled downwards to the spot they saw in the distance to confirm their suspicions and found Warren’s lifeless body bobbling in the water, kept in place by jagged rocks. They hurried over to his body and brought it to the safety of shore to see if they could save him. But when they turned him over, they found him with his eyes glazed over and his neck covered in large bruises in the shape of hands.
The boys look at each other. No one speaks but it wouldn’t take a genius to guess the question on their minds:
                                   What happened to Warren?
For a more fast-paced and real-time experience, we will be using Discord again! Under the IN-CHARACTER category, you’ll find a new channel entitled #toa-day3 where you can post in character.
To post in character, you’ll first have to register your character through Tupper. You can find a tutorial for that HERE and you can register your character and test out Tupper in the #bots channel under the IGNORE-THIS category.
His body is battered and broken (obviously, he fell off a cliff)
His neck is covered in a large bruises in the shape of hands
His Versace watch is broken (presumably upon impact) and the hands read 1:49AM
Unlike Sawyer, he doesn’t smell of alcohol
His iconic Givenchy body bag isn’t on his person like it usually is (dun dun dunnnn)
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ursae-minoris-world · 5 years
25 sheith moments
This is a collection of 25 drabbles (of exactly 100 words each) I did for @sheithfest, each using one of the prompts suggested for day3.
You can read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19432342
There's a little game going on that the 3 most popular drabbles will either get expanded as ficlets or get an illustration. :)
Here's the thread on twitter: https://twitter.com/UrsaeMinoris2/status/1144886396106301440 People can vote for their favorite drabbles by liking, commenting, or re-tweeting them.
It is also possible to vote on tumblr by reblogging and commenting with the numbers/prompts of your favorites drabbles, or on AO3 in the comments.
Votes should be open for the first week of july, I think. I'll edit here when they close.
1- Pride
What Shiro felt when Keith came back looking so grown up and strong and confident should have been pride, shouldn’t it? Pride that the young cadet he had taken under his wing earlier had grown to his full potential, not only an amazing pilot, but also a strong leader. You just needed to look at how the team was eagerly listening to his explanations and discussing his plans to see it. And Shiro was proud, of course he was.
What he hadn’t expected was to stumble on his words like an idiot because he found his best friend so hot.
2- Meet again
Keith would have hugged Shiro if the situation wasn’t so dire. But they have to stop Lotor first. No time to get emotional. Even if he has missed Shiro immensely.
It seems to be always like that with Shiro and him. They keep being torn apart, but they always find each other again. He remembers saving Shiro after his disappearance in the Kerberos mission; and their reunion when he had been missing after the fight against Zarkon. And now, after Keith was stuck in the Quantum Abyss.
He knows he will always find Shiro. As many times as it takes.
3- Long hair Shiro
When Keith helped him out of the galra ship, Shiro felt weirdly self-conscious. His hair was too long and greasy; he would have needed a shave; his skin was sticky and his own stench made him uncomfortable. That didn’t seem to bother Keith as much as it should have; he didn’t shy away from holding Shiro close.
“Don’t look at me...” he muttered, his parched tongue making the words indistinct. Keith said something, and the rest of the team cleared the room. Coran left last, after insisting that Shiro was too starved for the pods. Only Keith stayed with him.
4- Distance
3 billion miles. The current distance between the Earth and Kerberos. Keith thought about that number often, while watching the stars in the clear sky of the desert. He wished this was a distance he could cover with his hoverbike. He knew Shiro was out there, possibly in danger. He refused to believe he was dead.
After being kicked out of the Garrison, his last chance to go to space seemed to have vanished. Sometimes he thought of stealing a spacecraft from the Garrison; he knew that even if he managed to pull it off, he wouldn’t go far alone.
5- Sunset / sunrises
Shiro was clutching his side, which was both burning and feeling numb, a strange sensation. He felt his consciousness slip away, and he knew he wouldn’t survive for long on that desert planet; not hurt like he was. He could only hope Keith would outlive him long enough for the rest of the team to rescue him. The young paladin was resourceful and resilient, so Shiro trusted him to survive. He would be a great leader, and Shiro’s only regret was to not being able to witness it.
It seemed like a fitting end, watching the sunset alone with Keith.
6- Monsters & Mana
“Thanks for saving me again”, said Jiro.
“Always”, answered Thunderstorm Darkness. “You have done the same for me.”
“Of course I did.” answered Jiro, softly. They shared a long hug.
“Pleaaase stop flirting with your characters.” complained Pidge.
“Wha… what? They’re not flirting!” protested Keith.
“They’re just friends.” added Shiro nervously. “They help each other.”
“Sure, like you and Keith are just friends, I guess” replied Pidge, the sarcasm in her voice thick enough to cut with a knife.
“Well, yeah.” replied Keith, tone deaf as always for that kind of things.
Hunk grunted. Coran let out a long sigh.
7- Drunk dialing / wrong number
“I missed you, Shiro. I’m glad to be back.” admitted Keith.
“Keith, please don’t use the Atlas’ general hailing frequency for personal communication.”
It was Veronica, not Shiro, on the screen. Despite her formal tone, he could see her grin. Behind her, Acxa was rolling her eyes, Curtis was blushing, and Iverson was looking purposefully away.
“Good to have you back, Keith” answered Shiro warmly, undisturbed by his crew.
Keith didn’t get it either. What he had said wasn’t that bad, after all.
“It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it”, Hunk had once tried to explain.
8- Battle / fight
Seeing Keith getting beaten up during the first part of the trials had been hard enough. Shiro had ground his teeth and held back for Keith's sake. This was Keith's choice, and Shiro didn't want to stand in his way. It still felt like dying inside watching his friend get hurt.
Seeing Keith unconscious on the ground while Shiro's image was used against him had been too far. Now they were using Keith's trauma about his parents, and that was unacceptable. Even Red was furious. Shiro would fight the entire Blade of Marmora to get Keith out of their claws.
9-Pining / Mutual pining
“I think... I always loved him. From the beginning,“ admitted Keith, thoughtfully. “At the time, I didn't really understand it, but...” He trailed off.
“Maybe you should tell him?” suggested Romelle.
Keith let out a breathless laugh. “No. He doesn't see me like that.”
“Hu. Are you sure?” replied Romelle, dubiously.
“I know I shouldn't see him that way”, Shiro tried to explain to Matt. “To him, I'm some kind of big brother, he trusts me. If he knew what I feel for him, it would ruin our friendship.”
“Are you serious?!” growled Matt, slamming his beer on the bar.
“Sooo… how was your date?” Pidge's carefully casual tone was a trap.
Shiro realized he was still holding Keith's hand and swiftly let it go. “P...Pidge! It wasn't a date.”
“Yeeaaah, right. So what were you doing?” It was going to be difficult to get out of this discussion if Hunk paired up with Pidge. It didn't help that Keith was leaving all the defense to Shiro, arms crossed and expression sulky.
“We. Were looking for resources.”
“Did you find any?” Hunk retorted.
“Not really.”
“Maybe you'd find more in daylight.” insinuated Pidge. “But I'm sure the stars were pretty.”
11- Cooking
One night, at the Garrison, Keith noticed a burning smell in the air. He hurried down the corridor. Dark clouds of smoke were crowding under the ceiling, and Keith’s heart jumped in his throat.
He teared a fire extinguisher off the wall and sprinted in direction of the kitchen, where the smoke was coming from.
Inside, the smoke was so dense you could hardly see; his eyes were watering and he started to cough.
“I’m so sorry!” exclaimed Shiro as he opened a window. “I was trying to make mac-and-cheese”.  In the sink, a blackened plate was all that remained.
12- Confessions
Seeing Keith in his hospital bed was jarring. He was uncharacteristically quiet in his sleep. On his pale cheek, the scar stood out blatantly.
Keith suddenly became agitated. Shiro was starting to worry, but Keith opened his eyes, saw him, and calmed instantly.
“Keith… I’m sorry.”
Keith blinked, confused. “For what?”
Shiro hesitated. He brushed Keith’s scar. “For hurting you.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” Keith frowned. “You remember what I told you?”
“That I was your brother.”
Keith scoffed. “That I love you. Not really...as a brother.”
“I love you too.” replied Shiro, before realizing what he was saying.
13- Astral Plane
Time didn’t really exist, on the astral plane. Shiro didn’t know how long he had been there. Both dead, and existing here, in this strange place. Sometimes, he felt himself dissolve in the lion’s consciousness, aside from when he was in contact with the team. When the team formed Voltron, or when they had called out to him, he felt more solid. He felt the most like he was existing when Keith was piloting Black, of course. He tried so many times to reach out to Keith.
When Keith finally joined him on the astral plane, Shiro felt alive again.
14- Soulmates
Black was the only one to know Shiro and Keith had held hands in the astral plane. The only one, because they had not realized it. And they had no idea of the implications, either. Of two souls touching, directly. Not in a fight, but out of love. The way Keith had so easily reached the astral plane through his connection with Shiro. The way Shiro had been able to materialize enough to put his hand on his shoulder. How they had held hands afterward. Black already knew they were soulmates. But how could they still be unaware of it?
15- Festivities
When the war ended, there were festivities for weeks all through the universe. Keith could understand this. But in big cities, it implied lots of excited people in the streets. Too bad that, for diplomatic reasons, they often ended up in big cities. And the team always wanted to enjoy the festivities once the formalities were over.
And now, he had lost Shiro. They were walking together, and suddenly, he wasn’t there anymore.
Shiro came back, holding two pastries. Keith let out a relieved sigh. “I hate crowds.” he grumbled.
“Should we go home?”
“No. It’s fine if you’re here.”
16- Overworked
“I thought that meeting would never end,” confessed Shiro.
Keith sighed. “Yeah. And I still have paperwork due tomorrow...”
“I know, me too...” Shiro checked Matt’s last message on his phone. “You know what? The team is chilling in the rec. room, we could join them and work there.”
“We won’t get any work done.”
“We could give it a try!”
“Told you we wouldn’t work!”
“Well, it’s late, but let’s try to get it done now!”
“Are… Are those the Captain of the Atlas and the Leader of Voltron cuddling on the couch?”
“Shhh. Don’t wake them up.”
17- Waking up together
When waking up, Shiro was startled to find arms around him; he was lost for a moment, before recognizing Keith. He remembered his nightmares, and how Keith had heard his panic from his  room -the Castle’s walls were not exactly soundproof. Keith had come and helped Shiro calm down. They must have fallen asleep together.
Keith was still sleeping, snoring softly. Shiro brushed his dark hair away from his forehead. Keith moved slightly, but didn’t wake up. Shiro smiled. He still marveled that, after all that happened, he had Keith at his side again, even so far away from home.
18- Folklore, myths & legends
Do you know the legend of Voltron?
Of course you do. The Robot that freed the Universe.
But, do you know about it’s pilots? No? Let me tell you of two of them, then. Let me tell the tale of the Black Paladins, who both piloted the Black Lion, head of Voltron. Let me tell you about their love, that was stronger than death itself. Let me tell you about how fate tried over and over to separate them, and how they always found each other again. Let me tell you how their love saved us. Gather around, and listen.
19- Fist dates / blind dates
It was the early hours of the morning, and most of the wedding guests had gone. Only their closest friends remained – the paladins, Matt, Romelle… They were watching the sunrise together, quietly sipping the fresh juices a waiter had brought them. Keith was a little hungover, but the headache didn’t matter: he was greeting the morning with his husband.
“What I always wondered was… when did you two start dating?” asked Lance.
“After the war” said Keith.
“No, we already dated on Clear Day, remember?” replied Shiro.
“That was a date?”
“I’m pretty sure you were dating before” stated Allura.
20- Shenanigans with Kosmo
Kosmo was was really good at guessing Keith’s moods. And he had his own ways of helping him out when his spirits were not so high. Frequently, it involved Shiro.
“Hi Keith!” said Shiro when a grumpy, half asleep Keith was teleported in the training room.
“Hi Keith!” said Shiro when an exhausted, sweaty Keith in training gear was teleported in the middle of a Garrison meeting.
“Hi Keith” said Shiro when a brooding Keith was teleported beside him on the couch.
“Goodnight, Keith”, whispered Shiro when a fast asleep Keith still in his uniform was teleported into their bed.
21- fix-it
“Be with the ones you love”, Shiro had advised. And Keith had panicked. He had hugged his mom, and had hidden in the desert. Well, if you can “hide” on top of a giant mechanical lion.
Shiro was busy with Garrison business, and Keith didn’t want to bother him. They still hadn’t  talked about what had happened at the clone facility, and he wasn’t sure if Shiro had understood what Keith really meant- or even if he remembered.
Keith’s heart jumped when he heard a hoverbike approaching.
“You’re here”, he whispered when Shiro joined him.
“Of course” answered Shiro softly.
“What's that?”
“Takoyaki. Just try it.”
Shiro scoffed when Keith's eyes widened in surprise while tasting the food; he hastily went for more. It didn't help that he looked ridiculously cute in a yukata; Shiro was glad he had convinced him to wear one. “I knew you'd like this.”
They walked in silence for a moment.
“Did you… enjoy these summer festivals when you lived here?” wondered Keith.
“Yes, I loved them! My Granddad always took me. Good memories.” Keith nodded. Shiro continued. “Thank you for coming. It's good to make new memories with you.”
“Thank you for inviting me.”
23- canon alternate reality
When Sven opened his eyes, he recognized the space hospital. Slav was curled up, asleep on a nearby chair. In the other chair was…
“Sven!” exclaimed Akira. His desperate tone as well as the worried curve of his brow made guilt  tighten Sven’s throat. “I came as soon as I heard!”
“I’m sorry. I’m fine!” Sven exclaimed.
“No, you’re not! You’ve been shot!”
“I had to protect Lance!”
Akira blinked, and looked even more concerned. “Lance wasn’t with you.”
“Not this Lance.” He chuckled at Akira’s puzzled expression. “You wouldn’t believe what happened to us.”
“Well, you’d better tell me.”
Waking up after a transformation was always painful and scary; even more so for Keith when he found himself lying on dry leaves in the forest rather than in the basement where he usually secured himself for the full moon. But Shiro being there too… that had to be the worst ever.
Despite the horror of Shiro knowing the truth about him, Keith’s first reflex was to hide as much as he could in the cover he was rolled in -before realizing that Shiro had to be the one who wrapped his naked body in it in the first place.
25-Rockband AU
The group had been less than enthusiastic about taking Keith in as a second guitarist, but Shiro was convinced of Keith’s talent, and he had been right. The young punk was a diamond in the raw, and since he joined the group, their popularity was off the charts.
He didn’t get along that well with the others, but they could work on that. Lance might complain about Keith being a show-off, but the public did love his solos. And Allura could keep accusing Shiro of being biased towards Keith… they still had found the new sound they were searching for.
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fullsunhyuckie · 5 years
we grow up!
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*here’s to mark’s graduation from dream! you’ve done well, mark.
slice of life!au
in which a group of strangers go for an adventure of a lifetime.
disclaimer: i know mark graduated yesterday but i wrote this story a long time ago and i feel like there isn’t a better time than now for me to post this. so here goes my tears :,) 
at 19, mark was unsure of his future.
it never crossed mark’s mind that the age, twenty, would come so early but boy was he wrong. it was as if it was only yesterday he just learnt how to chew gum.
mark was intending to go on a road trip for five days right before he officially becomes an adult. but you see, the downside of being a hardworking individual is that you simply have no friends. that’s how mark came up with the idea to invite 6 other teenagers around his age to follow him. he went to the local cafe right opposite his block. it was the place where teenagers often hang out.
there he met 6 other teens who were different yet he could connect with them easily. renjun, an 18 year old aspiring artist who left his hometown to pursue his dreams. he’s small but he can hit a bitch if he needs to. jeno, an 18 year old cheerful soul who will do anything to ensure that everyone is happy. he says he is no fun but he can turn on his funny button if he needs to. haechan, an 18 year old devilish boy who should’ve been born in the 80s. he picks on others but he sure is full of love. jaemin, a loveable 18 year old boy who could flirt for a living. he may seem a little odd with all the flirting but he’s the most loyal friend you can ever come across. chenle, a 17 year old loud loud child who is absolutely talented. he screams a lot but he definitely has a beautiful voice. and lastly, jisung, a 16 year old dancer who is insanely talented. he’s young but he is taller than you. a fact.
“let’s go on a road trip.” and that’s how their journey began.
mark thought this was a stupid idea. he was the only one who could drive so how was he supposed to fully experience his adventure. whatever it was, he still continued on. it’s not like he could find group of 6 other willing boys.
he borrowed his brother’s, johnny, red suv and drove right off. there was no plan, nothing. just 7 boys in a red suv ready to experience life together. it started off awkward. none of them talked. even haechan, the supposed moodmaker, was silent throughout the whole journey. there was just nothing they could talk about, they didnt know each other at all.
even as they reached the first pitstop, they were silent. probably just constant gag sounds from renjun because he disliked awkward situations. i mean it’s not like mark could do anything, he was driving. while they were having a cup of hot chocolate (weirdly enough, all of them ordered the same thing), mark blurted out a question about why they decided to follow him. they all had the same exact answer (well not exactly but you get it) and that is because they all have a dream,,,,,and then the awkward silence returned.
they all willingly agreed to pitch a tent and have a camp by the sea, the moment they arrived. well, at least it wasnt so awkward when they were asleep.
the next morning they drove off to have brunch. on the way to the diner, famous for their pancakes, haechan boosted his stereo to michael jackson’s bad and surprisingly all of them enjoyed it. they had more similarities than they thought they would. as they reached the diner, the mood was lighter than ever. it was as if sleeping together made them bond well. again, all of them ordered rather similarly. jaemin suggested they played a prank on the waitress to add a little spice to their morning. jisung decided that they should play a game and the loser has to sing the menu to the waitress.
as expected, renjun lost and he was forced to do the prank. he came up to her and before he could say anything the waitress said, “with voices as loud as you boys, you think i wouldnt know what you’re about to do? save yourself the embarrassment.” with that all of them ran out, leaving a red cheeked renjun standing in the middle of the diner. remember when i said renjun could hit a bitch if he wanted to? well this is what i meant. none of the boys left without a bruise. especially chenle who could not stop laughing.
they decided once again to stop by a park to take in fresh air. mark decided they should get to know one another even better. thats how they ended up playing a game of two truths and one lie. there were stupid lies and horribly dumb truths that came up and one that got mark thinking whether growing up was something he wanted. during haechan’s turn, he explained that his truth was that he was afraid of not having anywhere to go after being an adult. they all left what haechan said aside because truth be told none of them knew for themselves either.
they carried on playing other games and having dinner at the same diner because let’s be real, renjun’s pride comes after a good meal. but throughout the whole time, all of them started getting afraid of the horrors of their adulthood. even for jisung who still has 4 years left till his coming of age.
now, the third day was the most awful. they felt raw this day. but we’ll get to that. it has only been 2 days but the boys felt as though they had been friends for decades. or rather decade, none of them are twenty as of now.
jaemin and jeno went to the nearby convenience store to get breakfast for the boys. for the whole day they decided to just sit around and talk. and so they did. thats the reason why they felt raw.
mark sat without sharing anything. he was terrified. he was afraid that if anyone knew about it they would mock him and his innocent dream.
renjun began first. he talked about how he thinks that his dream is dumb. it has been 4 years since he came to korea and not once has he gotten an offer to further his art studies. whats the point he thought? anything he drew would never be approved as beautiful enough. and it sucks because when he showed his artwork, mark thought that it was a masterpiece. to him it doesnt matter how beautiful the piece was, it was the story behind it that counts. and that came mark’s first lesson, that nothing in life is ever fair.
jeno went on to talk about how he had no goal. nothing at all. for him, his dream is to live a life with no regrets. thats why he’s not pushing to do anything to stress himself out. he’s just gonna go with the flow. after graduating from his high school barely passing, he feels as though it doesnt matter. jeno believes that he’ll get somewhere one day. after all he’s still a teenager he’s got enough time to think about these things. but for now, he’ll just live in the moment. and that was mark’s second lesson, to live and let loose.
haechan was next. he had a dream to be a singer. and god that boy could sing. but for haechan he felt insecure. no matter how many people came up to him to tell him he was talented, he just cant accept that. that’s probably why he hides it with all the snarky remarks and the over the top compliments for himself. he never felt that he was good enough. but mark feels bad because haechan doesnt deserve to feel that way. haechan was full of love and he couldnt understand why he couldnt give himself any. this made him learn his third lesson, that only you can bring happiness to yourself.
and then there’s jaemin. mark cant help but feel sympathetic for him. jaemin was a dancer, a really good one (from the videos jaemin showed). but the thing is he cant dance anymore. at all. he got into an accident and now he isnt allowed to dance anymore. but the weird thing is that it didnt stop him from being content with life. for he feels that everything happens for a reason. and mark looks up to jaemin because he never fails to put on a smile knowing that his dream of being a dancer is near impossible for him to achieve. that’s how mark learnt to smile even if failure comes.
well for chenle, he had already achieved his dream. well partially. he is currently a trainee singer at a well known agency in korea. as a child, chenle was a music prodigy in china. he went on talent shows and clinched first place in almost every one of them. it was as if chenle’s future had already been written for him to be a singer. but he never used his past to get a boost for an opportunity in the industry. he worked incredibly hard to get into the agency and never once did he take his place for granted. mark learnt from him that its important to stay humble.
and lastly, jisung, the dancing king. mark was amazed by how insanely talented this boy was. it was no wonder he became a famous child dancer, known all over korea. anywhere jisung went people would recognise him and mob him for his autograph or a picture. but as mark sees how jisung acts when he’s with those his age, he realises that jisung is in fact just a kid and he’s just trying to enjoy life as normal teenager. its a pity for jisung because he devoted his whole youth to dancing, and now even when he looks back, his childhood was all just a blur. he complains that if there was one regret he had, it was not living each day to its fullest. that was mark’s last lesson. to seize every moment.
by the end of it all, they were all starting to doze off. and before they knew it , they fell asleep. except mark because he cant help but wonder what will happen to these boys once they part. and in that same moment he thinks, thank god i met these people.
the next day they woke up in the late afternoon. all of them felt exhausted after spilling almost everything about themselves.
the moment mark woke up he felt awful. there were only two days left till he becomes an adult and that thought scared him to his wits. he began sobbing softly and the boys came running to him. mark explained.
mark was afraid of having a future at all. everytime he tried, he failed. mark wanted to be a rapper. wanted. because there were so many competitions that he attended and he failed. so many people told him that he’ll fail because as a rapper, there’s no future for him.
mark shared that his parents were supportive of him so that wasnt a problem. but you see he didnt want to burden his parents. he knew if he pursued this dream it would take a lot of money and none would be gained back. now mark’s left, all goal-less because he knows if he tried, he’ll fail for sure.
so that’s how mark ended up here in seoul. because he needed a breather. his parents advised that if he doesnt know what to do he should just enter college. thats a sure success because a degree can get you any job you need. but mark was sure it wont bring him happiness because he knows that he doesnt want to go to university, it’s just not him. mark felt empty as though no one understood him, until now of course.
as the 7 dreamers sat under the night sky they thought to themselves. the adults always say you need to plan for your future, you need to know what you want to do. but they never help you. they’d just leave you to figure things out by yourself.
the adults never tell us how hard the process of growing up is. they never prepare us for it. its like going into a battlefield without weapons. no matter how loud you shout or plead for them to aid you. its useless because now they’ll pull out the “it’s your life. it’s your decision” card. but if you fail, its all on you. and if you succeed then suddenly, the family’s the one who paid for the fees and give you moral support and all that jazz.
so that made them awfully afraid because they knew that one day they’ll be doing something and that they’ll get somewhere. but what if they arent happy? what if they’re miserable?
it was the last day. the 7 of them drove back. the whole drive home was silent. they knew that it’ll be the last time they would see each other. mark will be leaving. he didnt intend to grow so close with the boys but he did and now he hates it. his heart is heavy to leave them but he has to. he understands that people come and go. thats just the cycle. unknown to mark, this is part of growing up. he has to accept that, nothing in life is constant, no matter how hard it is.
as they reached the same coffee house, you could see how all their eyes turned crystal. but their egos are high, so fret not cause they’ll not cry. except renjun and haechan, they cried. hard.
all mark did was put a smile on his face and he said “yo dream. promise me you’ll remember me, alright. we’ll see each other soon.”
and with that he left. and never turned back. because he knew if he did, he wont be able to say goodbye.
day6 (the day mark turned 20) :
now, mark’s 20.
at 20, mark’s still unsure of his future. but he knows that all he wants for now, is to be happy.
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spissues · 5 years
Week 3 -
Waist: 25.5in
Thigh: 22.5-23 each
Hip: 38
Breakfast: 300kcal of various food(cheese,nuts)
Dinner: 300kcal soup + 1 hotdog
Snack: 1 piece of bread with 10g peanut butter + 1 banana + 100kcal of dip + 5chips
End of day note: Nothing off the plate. I will not eat anything off a plate for tomorrow. I promise myself this.
Breakfast: <40g water oatmeal, only had time for a lil bit
Lunch: 1 skyr =93kcal
DInner: 500 kcal of mexican pot
Snack: 70kcal vegetable soup + 100kcal mexican pot
End of day note: I really shouldn’t have eaten the last bites of the mexican pot, in truth I was full, but the temptation seemed too hard to resist. It seems every day I fight myself about the small bites. I have to stop. Skinny girls don’t snack on food when they don’t need it. Otherwise okay day, but I can definitely afford to lessen my calory intake. Tomorrow I’m working so we’ll see. I’ll try to plan out smth smart. At least after tmrw I’ll be able to weigh myself again.
Dinner: 1 tortilla wrap (150) + 10g peanut butter +1/3 banana + 1 piece of chocolate (50)
I broke up with my bf today. I had an unplanned 23-24h fast from snack yesterday to dinner today. Felt quite energized during the day. Excited for being able to weigh myself tomorrow!
CW: 55.6kg
Woooohoo im so happy! I hope it’s not just water weight. Either way I have faith I can be at 55.5kg by the end of the week if I just keep going. I will be strong
Breakfast: 2/3 of a banana
Lunch: 1 skyr (92kcal)
Dinner: 4dL tomato soup
Snack: 1 slice of bread + 10g low cal butter + 1 slice of cheese + 5bites of banana + 5g peanut butter + 2 hazelnuts
End of day note: I worked out today and have been so drained of energy, but all in all i think it went alright. I regret having the extra banana and hazelnut for snack, because I didn’t put it on a plate but oh well. Tomorrow I won’t make that mistake. I’ll be working after school, so I have to find the strength to avoid any calories from cake and such. I was thinking if I do it I can reward myself with making carrot nuggets (<200kcal). Maybe that will keep me motivated. I have to stay determined... even if I gained some water + food weight tomorrow.
CW: 55.5kg
Dinner: <1slice of bread with scrambled eggs (1) + 600kcal of chocolate
snack: 9 carrot nuggets (made of carrot, egg, oatmeal) (160) + 1tbsp ketchup + 100kcal chocolate + 20chips (lets say 150kcal to be sure) + 1pc of bread + 10g butter + 1 slice of cheese
binge: same foods as snack... gonna put it at 1000kcal
End of day note: I wannna dieee. I planned for this to be a high cal day but it was soo hard to eat breakfast or lunch so when i got chocolate at work i started eating and couldn’t stop........ Well I could have. I was just too weak not to. Let’s cross my fingers this somehow worked somewhat as a metabolism boost. I have to be prepared for a higher number at the scale tomorrow. Nevertheless, I will eat normally : Breakfast=lunch at work, Lunch = 1 portion of family dinner + Dinner= something i’m craving. (not chocolate, I must have eaten 1000kcal just in chocolate today, which is over my daily limit). Hopefully if I do the same sunday I will have enough energy for a hike or something and weigh less monday than I did this monday. I have to remember, the only way I will not succeed is if I stop trying.
CW: 56.1kg
Breakfast: 3 pieces of chocolate (150kcal)
Lunch: Work: 50g focaccia bread with scrambled eggs (2?) + 5 pieces of chocolate + 1/2piece of cake 
Dinner: Rice porridge + sugar (>500??) 
Snack: probz >2 pieces of bread with probz >20g butter + 3 slices of cheese? + >500kcal chocolate + more porridge + more sugar + a palm of candy + 100g of vegetables + 100g dip
I wanna diediediedie I’VE BEEN EATING ALL DAY AFTER THE MOST STRESSFUL DAY AT WORK! Wha’ts worse is that I weighed myself halway through the binge. I was at my gw for this month. 55.0kg. I weighed myself before going to bed- 57.9. I know it’s a lot of food and water in my stomach still but I’m usually constipated so I will probably end up consuming all thos calories anyway. My reflux is so bad I’ve been throwing up all afternooon and evening- . Idk what’s wrong with me why did I do this. I have to get back to my routine. That’s what’s important- I have to reach my gw again, The food stopped tasting good again. I dont feel anything. I feel everything. I’m empty but i’m  full. I’m the grossest human alive. Why did I eat all that why. I don’t wanna count the kcals. I probably even underestimated all I ate writing this down .My mouth is numb. I don’t wanna do this again. I’ve filled more than 3 bottles of purging. And that’s after surpressing so much. whats wrong with me.whats wrong with me. I wanna cry but I can’t. I can feel my thighs growing.
breakfast: 2pieces of chocolate + 20 g potato flour + 1 portion rice porridge + 1tsp sugar
lunch: pieces of bread + 2 slices of cheese + tastes of dough
dinner: 1.5 potato balls + vegetable mash + 1 carrot
snacks: 1/6th apple pie (500)
extra stuff idk when i ate: 1/2 cinnamon roll, 10 almonds
I woke up early to golf today. I went for a walk with my mom in the evening. Im planning next week - and appreciating a good breakfast at that. i wanna be skinny. i wanna reach my month goal. self control.
Waist: 25.5in
Thigh: 22.5-23 each
Hip: 38
i’m the same. if i schedule ik i can reach 55kg this month!
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httpetras · 6 years
Everything’s gonna be okay (Tyrus week Day3)
Hey so I am really nervous because this is my first fanfiction in english. Sorry for the mistakes, I hope you can still understand the story though x) I wanted to write it so badly so here we go! Enjoy!
(Ps: I wrote it before the final ep so...)
“It’s been a week since you are together, right?”
With deadly eyes, Cryus looked up to his best friend, Buffy. The girl grimmed as she took a sip from the milkshake. They were sitting in The Spoon but maybe because of his bad mood even the baby taters didn’t taste as good as before.
“Yeah, it’s been a week” he answered. He seemed more strained than happy.
”Hey” the girl looked confused as watching Cyrus “You don’t seem happy. Something happened? Did TJ do something?”
”It‘s rather what I didn’t do” he murmured but immediately regretted it seeing Buffy’s reaction.
“WHAT THAT JERK —— “ She jumped up from her seat and was already ready to find TJ and beat him but for the love of god, Cyrus stopped her.
“Hey, calm down! I didn’t mean that, jesus, Buffy!“
“Okay” It didn’t seem she was fully convinced, even so she sat back and without being ready to kill TJ, her eyes narrowed as asked Cyrus “Then? What happened?”
Cyrus took a deep breath. The girl was his best friend but when the time comes to talk about love, romantic feelings or relationship with TJ, it was hard, regarding the fact that Buffy and the guy has had a rough history before they accepted each others in the sake of Cyrus’s happiness.
He plucked up his courage. Buffy was always there, she was the one he came out and if he didn’t tell the reason soon, that milkshake would land on his head.
“Okay” Cyrus looked around, not if someone would be interested in their conversation “You remember Iris, don’t you? Well... you remember that we used to... kiss”
Buffy eyes widened as soon as she understood the problem.
“Do you mean...? You still don’t...?”
Cyrus nodded. As always, when the girl wanted to assure him about her support, she reached out for his hands on the table and with a light smile she tilted her head. Times like this Cyrus remember how foolish from him to be afraid of Buffy’s opinion after all they are friends.
“Cyrus. It’s not that big problem. Although I don’t... well, you will know when that moment comes and it will natural to do it. But forcing it won’t be good. So just relax! Everything’s gonna be okay”
“Thanks” smiled gratefully Cyrus
Cyrus walked out of The Spoon in better mood than he had been entered there. With hands in pockets he started walking down the street to the school where he supposed to meet with TJ who stayed there for extra math classes with a specialist. Cyrus’s intent at the start to help him was refused by TJ “if you were my teacher, then you would be the only one thing I would focus on. Math has not a chance against you”
He smiled like an idot who is in love. Well, he was an idiot in love. He loved TJ so much and knew how many times TJ tried to kiss him but he avoided it. Why is this so hard to kiss? Even If Iris was a girl and it was weird to kiss her, Cyrus was afraid that he didn’t like kissing. What if is it not that good as it said? What if he won’t enjoy with TJ?
Cyrus’s heart skipped a beat as he looked up arriving at the school and saw TJ standing few steps away from him at the entrance gate. Who knows how long he had been waiting for and watching Cyrus before he was noticed.
“Hi” TJ greeted him with a big smile and automatically leaned down to steal a kiss from him but Cyrus panicked and turned away.
TJ stepped back, his face went blank. Neither of them said a word.
“Uhmm... how was it? I mean the class” Cyrus forced a smile with the intention to make up the awkard situation.
Silence. Awkward silence. It didn’t go well.
“Hey, I am so—- “
“Let’s go” he interrupted, and with a gloomy sigh he started walking down the street in the direction of the park where was their own spot. Swings.
Cyrus tried to reach for his hands, but, as he felt what he want, TJ took hos hands in pockets and didn’t look at the boy. He was definitely hurt by Cyrus actions.
Abruptly he stepped in front of TJ almost made him fall from the surprise move.
“Are you okay?” asked worringly.
“I should be the one who ask this” he responded dryly.
“Okay, I’ve had enough” he sighed dramatically while he sat down on the brench next to them. He was at the same height as Cyrus “Is there a problem? Did I do something? Or... or you don’t...?”
“Wait, what, no! Nothing like this I just —-“
“Cyrus. I am your boyfriend but honestly I don’t feel like I am” he incredulously shook his head “I’m going home”
Before he could stand up to go anywhere, Cyrus pressed his shoulders and pushed down to the brench. Not if he would be strong enough to do that, therefore TJ was the one who let him stop him. Cyrus understood TJ more than anyone else just looking into his eyes he knew TJ wasn’t angry more like... afraid. TJ was afraid that he is the reason that Cyrus doesn’t kiss him.
He wanted to tell TJ how much he loves him. He wanted to show him how many things he would saceifice for him, for his love, he wanted to tell a monologue about the true love, soulmates, the stars he saw when he was staring into his eyes, the masterpieces which couldn’t fight with TJ’s perfectness, he wanted to pour him his love but Cyrus couldn’t find the words to describe the feelings inside him.
He loved him too much to be able speak. Why was he afraid? He shouldn’t be. He’s with TJ. And yet, he looked so vague right now
Instead of saying words aloud they drowned in each others gazes, tell a story of feelings without any sound. Like the world stopped moving, like none was living but them; They were so close to eachother, they believed their hearts and thoughts became one.
When that moment comes
Cyrus was the one who leaned closer to TJ with closed eyes. He didn’t kissed him though; only two centimeters needed until their lips meet.
“Are you okay with this?” He felt TJ’s breath on his face.
“Yeah” His answer had made the boy smile before both of them leaned into a kiss. In that moment Cyrus felt nothing but love and happiness; kissing is really wonderful. He shouldn’t be afraid because as long as he is with TJ everything’s gonna be okay.
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abhasachit · 2 years
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🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️ . . The loneliness of not fitting in The frustration of not being understood The alienation that comes with “not belonging” The darkness of being lost The pain of losing dear ones The chaos of unsatisfied curiosity The bitter taste of truth The roses and thorns to keep Knowing more thorns on path Being a rebel, a dreamer isn't easy But the joy is different Not much regrets in heart Even if death kisses me any moment Finding self truth an adventure Like jumping into an abyss Failures hit hard As I either fly too high Or swim too deeper But knowing lots of extraordinaries to happen Even if I am labelled insane and impractical Just with patience walking the path To let magics be discovered . . . . #FreeSpiritYogis . . . Thanking Hosts: @roby_vanzella @nadiachislari @kris_erikson_yoga @nataliee_yoga . . Thanking Sponsors: vayumudra @yogahero @yowhee.eu @vyanayogadesign #Day1 You are a rebel #StandingPose #Day2 You are a dreamer #SeatedPose #Day3 You thirst for truth #TwistingPose https://www.instagram.com/p/CDVkkAfj_VD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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astrovampire · 2 years
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If I'm sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it Tomorrow #nature #photography #naturephotography #travel #love #instagood #beautiful #photooftheday #summer #landscape #naturelovers #sky #sunset #sun #like #photo #IG #flowers #picoftheday #art #green #beauty #outdoor #visualoflife #dailylife #sliceoflife #heartache #C10H16 #life #love #Day3 https://www.instagram.com/p/CX1Q-VipOIg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maestroegypttours · 3 years
Farah Nile Cruise
Discover unparalleled luxury via  Farah Nile Cruise, With our grandest and most luxurious accommodations, a breathtaking sundeck, exclusive amenities and personalized service. Explore the elegant lifestyle of all-inclusive ultra-luxury cruising and more with Maestro Online Travel .
 Explore the immortal Egyptian Nile with the Best farah Nile cruises as you will Find The shores are lined with trees and date palms. cruising on the Nile Between Luxor and Aswan, Explore the most amazing cities in Egypt during your Nile cruise trip
Start your tour by visiting luxor city , Luxor is a city on the east bank of the Nile River in southern Egypt. It's on the site of ancient Thebes, the pharaohs’ capital at the height of their power, during the 16th–11th centuries B.C. Today's city surrounds 2 huge, surviving ancient monuments: graceful Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple, a mile north. The royal tombs of the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are on the river’s west bank. then enjoy your visiting to Aswan, Aswan is the ancient city of Swenett, later known as Syene, which in antiquity was the frontier town of Ancient Egypt facing the south And discover more sightseeing onboard  Farah Nile Cruise.
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MS Farah Nile Cruise by Maestro Online Travel, feel relax and spend a luxury Nile River Cruise boarding your 5 stars Farah Nile Cruise ship, a classy accommodation, elegant furniture, friendly staff, everything will serve your happiness and will match all your wishes. Come and join us and you will never regret it.
MS Farah Nile Cruise 3 Nights / 4 Days
Aswan every Friday
Maestro Online Travel representative will meet you at Aswan Airport / Station, then transfer by a private air-conditioned vehicle to your Farah Nile Cruise, Embarkation before lunch, visit the High dam, Unfinished Obelisk, Philae Temple, overnight in Aswan.
Breakfast on board, sail to Kom Ombo, visit the wonderful temple of Kom Ombo, the center of the worship of the god Sobek, the Crocodile god. Overlooking the River Nile, the temple of Kom Ombo is quite impressive and it consists in fact out of two temples; one dedicated to Sobek, while the other is dedicated to Haroeris, sail to Edfu, visit the Temple of Edfu, located almost halfway between Luxor and Aswan. The Temple is the best example of a preserved temple that dates back to the Ptolemaic period in Egypt, sail to Esna, overnight in Farah Nile Cruise in Esna.
Breakfast on board, early sail to Luxor, visit the city of Dead in the West Bank, view the Valley of the Kings inaugurates visits with the Valley of the Kings; the most important tomb in the Valley of the Kings is that of Tut Ankh Amun that was discovered intact by Howard Carter in 1922. The tombs are featured with their colorful wall paintings of mortuary scenes of ancient Egypt, Resort to visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, built more than 3500 years ago; the temple is featured with its magnificent location at the bottom of one of the Theban Mountains, proceed to colossi of Memnon and drive back to Farah Nile Cruise and Overnight
Breakfast on board, disembarkation at 8:00 am enjoy a guided tour to the East Bank, Karnak temple & Luxor temple, at the end of you Luxor Tour transfer to Luxor Airport / Station
MS Farah Nile Cruise 4 Nights / 5 Days
Luxor every Monday
Maestro Online Travel tour guide will meet you at Luxor Airport / Station, arrive Luxor start your Nile Cruise Tour with check-in Farah Nile Cruise in Luxor and Lunch on board the cruise, after that begin your Luxor East bank tour with a history that extends for more than 3000 years, Maestro Online Travel invites you to spend a day of a dream on the land of pharaohs Thebes (Luxor), our first visit of the day will be to the Luxor Temple, one of the most remarkable Pharaonic sites in Egypt. This temple is dedicated to the holy triad of Thebes, Amun, Mut, and Khunsu. The temple was established during the reign of the 18th dynasty, stir to visit Karnak Temple Which was once connected to the Temple of Luxor, constructed by Ramses II especially his enormous hypostyle hall. With various courts, pylons, hypostyle halls, huge statues, obelisks, and the sacred lake, the Karnak Temple is among the most amazing historical sites in Egypt. finally Maestro Online Travel tour guide will accompany you to your Nile Cruise for Dinner and Overnight in Farah Nile Cruise
Breakfast at your Nile Cruise in Luxor and begin your tour in Luxor with a history that extends for more than 3000 years, Maestro Online Travel invites you to spend a day of a dream on the land of pharaohs Thebes (Luxor), Today we will be exploring the city of Dead at the West Bank where many ancient necropolises and mortuary temples were constructed, inaugurate visits with the Valley of the Kings; the most important tomb in the Valley of the Kings is that of Tut Ankh Amun that was discovered intact by Howard Carter in 1922. The toms are featured with their colorful wall paintings of mortuary scenes of ancient Egypt, Resort to visit the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, built more than 3500 years ago; the temple is featured with its magnificent location at the bottom of one of the Theban Mountains, its imposing terraces, and many wonderful The Colossi of Memnon, the only remaining sections of the Great Mortuary Temple of (Amenhotep III). Have your lunch in a high-quality local restaurant, finally Maestro Online Travel tour guide drive you back to Nile Cruise, Lunch and after that, the cruise will sail to Edfu, enjoy the sailing time and dinner, Overnight in Farah Nile Cruise
Day 3: Edfu – Kom Ombo
Wake up in early morning & start a new sunny day on the land of pharaohs, Maestro Online Travel friendly skillful Egyptologist tour guide will be waiting for you in the reception of your Nile Cruise, he will be your evidence to scout the Temple of Edfu, located almost halfway between Luxor and Aswan. The Temple is the best example of a preserved temple that dates back to the Ptolemaic period in Egypt. The construction work of the temple began in 257 BC and it took 25 years to be completed. Dedicated to the worship of the god Horus, the temple is famous for its 36 meters height pylon and the wonderful statues of the falcon god, Horus. Have your lunch Nile Cruise and after that the cruise sails to the wonderful temple of Kom Ombo, the center of the worship of the god Sobek, the Crocodile god. Overlooking the River Nile, the temple of Kom Ombo is quite impressive and it consists in fact out of two temples; one dedicated to Sobek, while the other is dedicated to Haroeris, Horus the elder. Both temples at Kom Ombo were built in the 1st and 2nd centuries BC. At the end of you Kom Ombo Tour back to your Nile Cruise, dinner and overnight in Farah Nile Cruise
Day 4: Aswan day tour
It is the time today to enjoy a memorable day at the charming city of Aswan with Maestro Online Travel, the city of gold as nicknamed in ancient Egypt. Aswan is the southernmost city in Egypt and it is featured with its warm weather in the winter, magnificent unparalleled views of the River Nile, and some quite remarkable historical sites, our tour guide will be your companion in Aswan to scouting the basic places in Aswan, begin your visits with The High Dam, the best Egyptian architectural achievement in the 20th century. The construction works of the dam were completed in 1971 after many years of building. The High Dam helped Egypt control the water of the flood of the River Nile and generate a considerable amount of the country’s electricity, carry on to show the Unfinished Obelisk, situated in the ancient granite quarry in the southern section of Aswan. This unfinished obelisk weighs more than 1.8 million kilograms and 41 meters high. It is considered to be one of the largest stones humans have ever dealt with. Stick to the Philae Temple, the highlight of Aswan and one of the most marvelous Pharaonic temples in southern Egypt. The Temple was constructed during the Ptolemaic period in Egypt dedicated to the goddess Isis, have your lunch Nile Cruise in Aswan, dinner, and Overnight in Farah Nile Cruise
Day 5: Disembarkation
Have your breakfast in Nile Cruise and get ready for disembarkation, after that Maestro Online Travel tour guide will drive you to Aswan Airport/station
·         Meet and assist in Luxor and Aswan Airport or stations
·         Transfers during the tours in Luxor and Aswan
·         3 nights / 4 nights accommodation in Nile Cruise 5 star hotel including breakfast, Lunch and dinner
·         Entrance fees for mentioned sightseeing
·         English Tour guide during the tour
·         Services and charges
·         Egypt Visa
·         Personal expenses
·         Tipping
 for more info kindly :[email protected]
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