#david jenkins i could kiss you
transmascskywalker · 7 months
they said all love dies with age and immediately disproved it. they said all quirks become annoyances with age and couples always get sick of each other and immediately disproved it. they said all romance dies and then turned around and said only if you let it.
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serpentarius · 4 months
will never get over Frenchie canonically making up the excuse that Stede’s journal is a “bit of fanfiction” about him and that he “can’t stop imagining him in all different scenarios. All totally made up” LIKE. HE IS JUST LIKE US FR
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championashley · 9 months
"Jenkins: And then people being very afraid that we’re not going to do it, which is fair. I didn’t realize how deep that ran until, honestly, this week. After you watch the fifth episode, it’s very clear they’re almost going to kiss, and people either don’t believe we’re playing it or don’t engage with it when they’re writing about the show, that…I didn’t expect that. I thought it was quite explicit that they had feelings for each other. People are picking up on it, but they don’t actually believe that we’re going there." (Source: x)
I've been thinking of this quote a lot recently, about David Jenkins openly talking in an interview (right after the finale came out, so before S2 was announced) about the consequences of queerbaiting. The fear and paranoia it has fostered in queer viewers to the point of distrusting any piece of media that could contain queerness in a major way, something that he was earnestly not aware of prior to making this show.
Somehow, that makes me even more excited for Season 2. the character work, the allegories, the symbolism. All of the brilliant work of David, Taika, and the crew of artists behind them in the first season, was done with such care and respect, WITHOUT them knowing how badly we needed it.
Suddenly, the teaser opening with "Dear Ed, I love everything about you. I love being near you. Breathing the same air." takes on completely new meaning. It's not just the story, but the marketing itself loudly proclaiming what this show is. They're loudly proclaiming "This is a show for the gays."
And that was only a TEASER.
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tizzyizzy · 7 months
more bitching and complaining ahead
David Jenkins talked about the Ed and Stede moving through different stages of relationship maturity in each season. Next season is supposed to be a mature, settled relationship. This season was to be akin to them being in their 20s and first moving in together.
But their relationship feels like it barely started? Okay, they decided to give the relationship a go in ep4. Then in ep5, oops, Ed needs to try to reconcile with all the crew he traumatized and Stede is training with Izzy. They only meet at the end to have a cute moment and kiss, and for Ed to talk about talking it slow.
In the next episode, Stede is still trying to help Ed deal with his guilt. Again they have some cute moments, but the focus is still primarily on Ed's angst. Stede kills Ned, which distresses Ed. They have sex, which Ed regrets in the next episode. They have some fun times with Stede experiencing acclaim for killing Ned.
Then Ed decides he wants to be a fisherman and bails.
This was such a tenuous relationship. I genuinely have no idea if Stede is going to be miserable at this new inn because he always wanted to be a pirate.
Hell, if Stede and Ed are taking their first steps being together as a couple, shouldn't exploring that have been the priority? Sure, they've hung out as friends, but have they ever had a date? How do they feel about one another's former partners? Does everyone want a pece f the sexy famous Blackbeard? Or is it Stede getting the attention now? Is Stede suspicious of Izzy? What about sex? You could have had an entire episode just about figuring out expectations around sex, and how those expectations for both might be different. How does Ed feel being the non-pirate in the relationship, and how do they negotiate that (instead of having him just run off and come back)?
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girlbossblackbeard · 8 months
s2 brain thoughts: the squeakuel (ep 2)
as a reminder, if u see me posting any of these points as their own posts mind ur business:
-i'm sending my hospital bills to david jenkins for weaponizing thef cuking "you wear fine things well" scene WITHOUT ANY KIND OF WARNING i literally almost choked to death from shock
-hey so what the whole actual fuck is up with transitioning directly from the very painful "you wear fine things well" scene which, as we've already established, has REAL HUMAN CASUALTIES DUE TO THIS USE-CASE, into the "run from me darling" lyric overlayed on top of the god damn shot of ed pAINTING THE BRIDE CAKE TOPPER TO LOOK LIKE HIM AND BASICALLY PLAYING OUT HIS FANTASY OF MARRYING STEDE. david jenkins you have committed crimes
-also!!!!!!!!!! that cake topper has kohl smudged all over it so you KNOW our boy ed has been caressing it against his cheek and sighing longingly
-i know we've all talked about how insane the "ed plays with the wedding cake toppers pretending they're him and stede" scene is but i don't think we've really comprehended how GENUINELY INSANE it is like??? edward teach, blackbeard, the kraken, the scourge of the seven seas, the most fearsome pirate the caribbean has ever known that has recently been on a non-stop slaughtering spree, painted a bride wedding cake topper to look like himself which he then scoots next to a wedding cake topper that looks like stede so he can imagine that he's marrying him. this man carefully rubbed kohl on a cake topper to give it darker skin and darker hair and a BEARD. to make it look more like himself. so he could then. put it next to a cake topper that looked like stede. and pretend. they were getting married. i've written that 3 times now and my brain STILL refuses to fully process those sentences.
-i said it in my first brain thoughts post for ep 1 and i'll say it again: every time im reminded that ed has been crying NON-STOP. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. for MONTHS. over stede. my wall gains another hole
-the way ed is so delirious in his sadness as he pushes the cake toppers out the window. i don't even have any thoughts on that i feel like all i can do is just note it and let y'all deal with the rest
>>actually I lied, he literally watches them sink into the sea after he pushes them out the window that's so fucked up whomever made that decision to make him do that is so fucked up
-would looooooooooooooove to know what went through stede's head as soon as roach mentioned "some place called China??" like did he immediately think of the kiss or getting sent to the naval academy or the kiss or ed's excitement at the prospect of running away together or the kiss or getting kidnapped by chauncey or the kiss or watching chauncey shoot himself in the dome or the kiss or his flop behavior of running back to his family that doesn't even want him or the kiss or
-the crew of the red flag being so immediately kind and welcoming to stede and his crew <3
-i genuinely cannot wait to watch buttons fully immerse himself in the red flag traditions like he was made to be on that crew
-"how should I put this, your energy is..." can't believe they got hatecrimed like that
-fun fact: i recorded my live reaction to episodes 1 - 3 and posted the clip of my friends and i reacting to lucius coming back because we were quite literally jumping for joy and crying over the reunion and THE illustrious Nathan Foad himself told me it was literally the cutest thing he's ever seen (his words, not mine!!) so we're basically best friends forever now and the rest of my life will be spent chasing the high of the happiness i felt during that interaction
-i am also crying once again over his reappearance and i think that's just gonna happen every time i watch this scene :')
-roach's shocked face when lucius appears is something that can actually be so personal
-the way they all dogpile on top of him because they're so happy to see him bitch what the FCUK
-"i love it" *BIG SMOOCH* "i love all of it" *BIGGER SMOOCH* oh so they're trying to kill me by smothering me in the syrupy sweetness of their love. okay
-okay sorry but lucius's absolutely microscopic furrowing of his brow right before black pete kisses him again. for a split second he had a slight look of sadness which lines up with the very real trauma he's endured and how even in extremely happy moments they can be tinged with sadness - maybe a sadness for the past and the way things could've been if he hadn't been pushed off the boat - and all i can say is nathan foad. ur big powerful acting mind
-we gotta talk about lucius choosing not to reveal that ed had pushed him off the ship in front of the whole crew. i'm still trying to figure out if that was him trying to spare stede's feelings (unlikely considering he lets it all out later), spare black pete's feelings (possible, since he knows black pete idolizes blackbeard), prevent himself from having to relive that trauma in front of his friends when he's not prepared to confront those memories, or a combination of all of the above
-"i fell. off the ship." "that doesn't sound like you. you have impeccable balance, babe" i literally love black pete so much i may legally have to change my name to lucius spriggs
-"toouwelss? what is this? are these jobs?" stede i love you so very much to the moon and back but for the love of god you gotta shut it my guy
-ed just. washing the door handle. i dont have any other thoughts
-the way frenchie looks genuinely happy for ed when he says he thinks he got all the poison out of his system and it's a new day :((
-idk much about piracy but i really don't think there's a rule about the new first mate traditionally having to kill the old first mate, i think ed just made that up so someone else would have to kill izzy instead of him. despite everything, despite how low he's sunken into the very dark parts of his mind due to the heartbreak, ed still can't bring himself to deal the killing blow
-"i expect great things from you" might be one of the more chilling lines in that interaction because for THE blackbeard to have not just any expectations from you, but GREAT expectations? that's not a compliment, that's a threat. measure up to what blackbeard thinks you should be or else
-can't comment on the amputation scene too yucky sorry
-stede trying to triangulate ed's coordinates based off of his string of crimes on a map HE drew is me trying to triangulate where tf this season is going based off of buckwild theories i've made up and used as the foundation for even more buckwild theories
-yeah idk what the mushy ass lyrics stede wrote on that map mean but i know they're frighteningly homosexual
-"FUCK YOU. that's how i am" I am SO glad lucius gets to be openly bitchy towards stede it feels like a cathartic release for me personally
-ed's fuckin "heyyyy" to frenchie in the kitchen is both hilarious and unbelievably unsettling
-absolutely obsessed with the writers for once again showing just how scarily observant and intelligent ed is when he calls frenchie out for using his right hand to mime killing izzy even though he's actually left handed
-i really admire how david chose to use a low camera angle that looks up at ed as he reveals to frenchie that he's well aware he hasn't killed izzy yet because taika's performance was already unsettling enough but that specific angle adds so much to his overall menacing presence in that scene
-joel fry's performance in the kitchen scene with ed literally makes me want to bite something he's so good at acting quietly terrified
-this is almost certainly an unpopular opinion but i really would've loved to see more buildup to jim and archie kissing. i just feel like we know NOTHING about her let alone her relationship with jim prior to the two days we've seen them interacting and i feel like that kiss would've felt like a much more satisfying payoff if we had seen more interactions between them before they got to that point. i would've taken delaying that kiss by a few episodes if it meant feeling fully invested in it once it did happen, but i also know the show already has so much material to get through (which is why we should've gotten 10 eps but i digress)
-"hey no one told me this room existed" is giving "i didn't even realize there was piracy happening"
-"take the fuckin leg" is such a perfect line delivery
-love the foreshadowing of olu explaining how the little ships on the war table were all over the place and "some of them were over land"
-roach waxing poetic about the noodles is so relatable
-"jesus christ stede keep your pants on" hands down one of the funniest fucking lucius moments of all time
-sorry but we gotta give a shout out to lucius modifying the chinese fleet uniform so it's sleeveless. the edges are cleanly done so either he was put on tailoring duty at some point and picked it up there or someone on the ship wanted to enable the slayage
-there's something to be said about the fact that the only other man who has lasted being on board the red flag ship is another member of the revenge who was picked up and welcomed into the fold well before stede and the rest of the crew wound up there. something about how stede attracts and retains other people who he can tell are gentle at heart, even if they're putting up a tough front. something about how lucius had bounced from ship to ship until he finally wound up on Zheng Yi Sao's ship where he was allowed to be himself
-"ya don't know............if ya picked up....smokin....." nathaniel buttons my beloved
-OOOOF stede's guilty face after lucius talks about how he must've picked up smoking somewhere. after the crushing guilt he already feels about the ed situation this definitely would've weighed extremely heavy on him
-"what the hell is going on in towels" wee john my beloved
-look i know izzy is on the brink of death but he genuinely looks kinda beautiful before ed wakes him up from his shock induced coma and i won't apologize for that
-"my leg" izzy is so fred rechid coded
-"it's up in leg heaven now" i need to know if ed said that as a way of metaphorically digging the knife into izzy and getting back at him for trying to force ed to send stede to doggy heaven in season 1
-i dont have the emotional capacity to dive into the ed and izzy shooting scene rn but just know it destroyed me on a metaphysical level
-"too scared to do it yourself" no because unfortunately now im thinking about ed thinking through taking his own life but coming to the realization that he can't do it. whether it's because of childhood christianity trauma and thinking he'll be sent to hell for doing so or because he knows he can't follow through with it himself if there's still a tiny shred of hope that he'll reunite with stede and everything will be okay again, he always has to outsource the big job
-also, very interesting choice to have almost jovial classical music playing in the background of the ed/izzy scene. it definitely undercut a lot of the tension compared to how supremely uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing the scene would've been if it were dead silent behind the dialogue
-"i loved you...best i could"
-"i've got an ex-wife, two messed up kids probably" LMAO stede acknowledging he would have no way of knowing how fucked up his kids are because of him
-"sounds like you're quite the fuck-up pal" "yeah, i am! and im alone! talk to pete. don't be like me" ohhhhh my god stede is in just as much agony as ed is over this breakup he's just been using his polite society social skills of saving face and never showing how truly devastated you are to others to cover up how supremely messed up he is over all of it. he is BEGGING lucius to talk to pete and NOT make the same mistakes he did because maybe if he can prevent lucius from bottling it up and actually deal with this in a healthy way he can make up for a fraction of all the hurt he's caused not only ed but lucius as well. maybe if he can get lucius to talk to pete he can absolve himself of some of the soul-crushing guilt he feels over how his actions have irreparably damaged the people he cares about the most. maybe if lucius and pete are able to work through this trauma and still come out the other side loving each other just as much or even more than they did before, he can believe that there's still hope for him and ed.
-ed choosing to put on the cravat for what he believes is going to be his last action on earth before dying because he's resigned himself to his fate but is still scared shitless by it and wants that modicum of comfort that stede will always be able to provide him no matter how badly he hurt ed is giving me the urge to find the nearest cast iron skillet and loony toons my skull
-"some people are just broken no matter what you do" noooo why do i feel like lucius was talking about himself when he said that to stede about ed ://
-oof i know they were an unnamed character but fang tried to save someone who went overboard during the storm and wasn't able to :(
-GGGOOOODDDDDDD izzy looks so fucking hot and badass all soaking wet and leaning up against the rigging after shooting ed jesus christ
-"finally" ed was so relieved to have his pain finally end. even after his journey of self discovery in the next episode im really curious how he's going to deal with having to confront the pain he thought he escaped in addition to the pain he inflicted on others while failing to cope with that pain and stopping at nothing, including nearly killing the rest of the crew, to end it
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shiplessoceans · 2 years
I was thinking about why Ed suddenly is so keen to leave the ship in Episode 7: 'This is Happening'.
After all, Izzy is gone, no more plot to kill Stede, they're getting along great so what's the issue?
I think the duel scared him. I think Ed fell for Stede under the moonlight, but maybe dismissed it as physical attraction at first.
'Damn, I almost tried to kiss him, why did I do that? I mean he looked handsome in that white billowy shirt and the moon made his hair kinda shine and he has a nice smile and yeah that's it. He just looked really good for a second there, that's all. No need to panic. No big deal. He's a good bloke is all. My friend. That I just realised is kinda hot...'
The following episode Ed is flirty as fuck. The 'stab me' scene might as well have been an attempt at seduction, complete with sword ass slap. David Jenkins even alluded to the stabbing being a 'taboo penetration' for them both. Besides, Ed tended to Stede with a stab wound when they met and couldn't stop staring at him while he recovered, maybe if Ed's the stabbing victim, Stede will care for him the same way?
He sits with Stede and the crew telling ghost stories and afterwards stages an elaborate fuckery, a bit of 'pageantry' all for Stede's benefit.
But Izzy and the boys tell him it's time to kill Stede. And he has to, right? That was the plan. If he doesn't do it he would have to admit his attraction is something deeper right?
"You said the love of a pet, makes a man weak."
Ed struggles to kill Stede and eventually breaks down when reminded of what made him violent in the first place, the love of his mother and fear of his father.
He doesn't want to kill Stede. Because he's not just attracted to him, he has feelings for him.
When Izzy duels Stede, Ed can't even bring himself to watch.
I think if Episode 5 is where Ed fell for Stede, Episode 6 is when he realised that what he felt was love. Not mere physical attraction after all.
The beginning of Episode 7 could have been Ed's 'panic moment'. Thinking this lovely man will never love him back, and that if he stays he'll get hurt. So he has to leave.
"Can't stay around here forever, just wasn't built for sitting idle."
Ed is dismissive and combative through this episode. I personally love the headcanon I read on twitter that he's just hangry and being a dick until he gets some food, because that's a mood and a half. But maybe he is also trying to distance himself a little, prepare to pull away/leave so he mocks Stede's silly little treasure hunt.
Lucius' little dressing down is what makes him cave. That look he gives Stede is so sweet and fond and as far as I'm concerned that's where Ed knows he's going to do whatever it takes to make this man happy. Even if it means traipsing through the jungle on a treasure hunt for an orange.
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kajaono · 9 months
I think what some people forget is that the "they aren't gay"-statement was made shortly after BBC Sherlock was aired, while SPN was still running. You need to know that for context. This is of course not Neils fault, but it is important to keep in mind
Remeber how surprised David Jenkins was when we all went nuts when Ed and Stede kissed and he was like: "I thought this was obvious. Why are you alls surprised? Where you queerbaited so bad in the past?!"
Yeah, yeah, we were. The enviroment back then was horrible for queer fans, and especially the exchange with creators was often hurtful. "Oh shut up asking if John and Sherlock moved in together at the end!" You were not even allowed to ask such simple innocent question.
So I am not surprised that some fans felt a deep bitteness when they saw Neils comment. Because of the things they had gone through in the past. They finally found a show with a happy queer ship and suddenly the creator comes around the corner: "Yeah they love each other, but they aren't gay" Even thought it was probably never Neils intention to hurt queer fans with that comment.
The situation has drastically changed now, also thanks to GO2, but who could knew that back then? At this point we were just stumbeling from #nohomo ending, to the next
Just keep that in mind as a context
But, as I already pointed out, if you are still bitter about this comment, after season 2, i really can't help you
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doll-elvis · 9 months
What does Reeca Smith look like? I tried looking up photos but nothing seems to come up..
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I got a few asks about Reeca Smith so I thought I would combine them here <3, thank you guys for the questions !!
As for the first ask: sorry some of these are aren’t the best quality 😩 but all these pictures of Reeca in 1974 were taken from the documentary “Elvis: Heartbreaker” also called “Elvis’ Women” or “Loving Elvis” depending on the country where you are streaming it
Reeca is on the right in this group photo
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And this is Reeca pictured with the Trans Am that Elvis purchased for her ⬇️
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If you’re in the North America and unable to watch the documentary, here is a tutorial that I posted awhile back, it still works and I use this method myself !! ⬇️
Second ask: As for any intimacy, this is all that Reeca has said on the subject ⬇️
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Since she didn't mention kissing or any other form of intimacy in her most recent interview, I'm assuming it wasn't something that played a major role in their relationship. She has stated that Elvis and her would mostly just talk, and that he especially enjoyed just reading the Bible to her. I think Reeca’s dynamic with Elvis was exactly the same as girls like Heidi, Frances, Gloria and Arlene. All of those girls have only ever talked about Elvis in high regards, and I think that really does speak volumes
However, although these girls don’t see themselves as victims, and while I do truly believe that Elvis never took advantage of them, it still doesn’t justify the kissing. Like you said this is obviously a very hard pill to swallow for any Elvis fan but it personally helps me to try to understand Elvis’ intentions and his mindset when he involved himself with those girls. And so when they all say that it was very innocent, I believe them, and I can honestly say without a doubt, that I think Elvis had good/pure intentions and that the situation wasn’t as black and white as some people try to make it seem
As for the third ask: In terms of Reeca overstating her importance, that very well could be possible, but to give her the benefit of the doubt, Elvis invited a lot of people on tour 😩 and they weren’t always girls that he was dating, for example Jeanne Lemay Dumas who was Linda’s friend and the Alden sisters (Ginger’s family)
If she was invited by Elvis like she says, that doesn‘t mean that Reeca would have been his main girl or anything like that on the tour, it’s likely that he still would have had either Sheila or Linda with him as his girlfriend. Also Reeca was good friends with Ricky Stanley who accompanied Elvis on tours, so that could have been another factor
Infact the very first day that Reeca hanged out with Elvis, Linda, Ricky and David Stanley accompanied them. And in that amazon documentary Linda acknowledged Reeca and also referred to her as one of Elvis’ “dalliances”, so she was at least aware of Reeca’s friendship/relationship with Elvis
** also I saw you mentioned Elvis possibly dating Maggie Smith and I got another ask about her that I am currently researching for (desperately trying to find a copy of this book written about her 😩) and so hopefully I will have more info on her by then
quote from Maggie (Magnolia) Smith 💗
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but just from the little research I have done so far, it’s looking like it’s unlikely that they ever dated. Maggie Smith herself hasn’t said that she dated him, Marty Lacker said she was someone Elvis felt sorry for and therefore given a job, and Nurse Tish and Mary Jenkins also only referred to her as one of the maids/employees. Only Nancy Rooks has said that she dated Elvis so I’m still trying to figure out who is telling the truth 😭 like why would Nancy just make that up?
As for Elvis possibly wanting to pursue a serious relationship with Reeca, I don’t think he meant to do so until she was much older
Reeca said this about Elvis wanting a possible future with her ➡️ “He said ‘I know you’re are young but when you’re older, maybe in a couple years, maybe we can go places and have more of a relationship’”
I don’t believe their relationship ever became “serious”, especially since Reeca has never said that they formally dated. He only saw her September and November of 1974, and then for the last time in January of 1975. He was probably preoccupied with Sheila Ryan, Linda Thompson and Ann Pennington etc etc 🤧
I hope this helps anyone who wanted to know more about Reeca, I would love to hear what you guys think, or if you have any info yourself on Reeca or Maggie that you want to share 💗!!
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earring-stede · 8 months
Season 2 Episode 4 prediction: Fun and Games (part 2 of 2)
So what do we know about this subplot. David Jenkins summarises it quite neatly:
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Ed is still hurt by Stedes rejection and takes it out in angry outbursts, however Anne and Mary are their own brand of chaos and outdo Ed’s antics with their own eccentric and violent outbursts.
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Anne will kiss Stede, but as we can see from two separate trailer clips, the intention is to get a reaction from a third person sitting opposite. This is probably to make Ed jealous, but I won’t discount the idea it could be a ploy to get a jealous outburst from Mary.
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I think after all the ‘fun and games’ they split up for separate one to one discussions. Here you can see Ed sat out front of the antique shop in the chair on the left circled in the promotional pic. He seems be sharing a blunt with one of our lovely lesbians. I expect Ed and Stede couple up with a different lesbian each to have a heart to heart girl talk, and perhaps get their own dose of ‘stark revelations’.
As Jenkins says, this subplot gives Ed and Stede the opportunity to see another more emotionally mature but hella dysfunctional couple. Anne and Mary’s relationship is turbulent, but they like it, and they accept each other for who they are, warts and all. Ed and Stede still idealise each other on some level and their self loathing inhibits them from having a relationship. Ed believes he’s unlovable and Stede believes he defiles everything he touches. Meeting Anne and Mary initiates their desire to change. Ed will try to change by going through his ‘regular dude’ phase before marrying the light and dark sides of himself, and accepting that he is worthy of love. Stede will try to change by training with Izzy to become a more competent pirate captain, before realising his supposed weaknesses are actually what makes him a great captain.
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pearwaldorf · 8 months
After reading this post I thought about somebody I unfollowed last year for being a dick about OFMD. I talked a little bit here about the (hopefully now historical) rarity of a canon queer ship that survived past the first kiss, and how depending on what media you consume you may or may not actually get one.
I hesitate to call the canonicity of Ed/Stede a thing that healed a trauma. It's not something that interferes with my daily life. But having lived through a time when a canon queer ship was not a thing that would ever happen (so why would I ever give a shit about it?), and seeing how contemptuous and disrespectful shows like Sherlock and Supernatural (obviously it wasn't just these, but they are the big ones that come to mind) were towards parts of their audience that thought it might be possible? It is a thing that fucked me up, and in the way that you can only see the size and shape of a thing once you're past it, I am still figuring all that nonsense out.
And having David Jenkins be puzzled by the extremely strong reaction to the kiss and validating fans' feelings about queerbaiting? That was more important to me than I could have realized.
People are going to be shitty and dismissive about anything and everything, and that sort of negativity says more about them than the subject itself, but that's where I and a lot of OFMD fans are coming from.
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kazoo-world · 7 months
David Jenkins, I’m so sorry they took those two episodes away from you. The pacing really has been struggling and I do love season 2 but. Wow. It hurts to see something I love get undermined like this.
They’ve given us so much: I don’t have enough fingers to count the queer kisses in this show, the nuance on trauma and identity is so profound and unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and I want to celebrate it, and I am. But I also loathe knowing how much better it could have been and how much cleaner and richer and sweeter it could have been with a bigger budget. It makes me so sad.
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transmascskywalker · 8 months
laying in bed i just remembered i am once again in a period of time where i get to witness our flag means death coming out and got a rush of adrenaline. sometimes you know for a fact when you’re in the good old days
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charleeyy · 2 years
remembered that bit in an interview that david jenkins did for our flag means death, after he was asked what made it so easy for people to miss the queer subtext (which isn't subtext actually):
I thought it was pretty clear to me that you get halfway through, and you’re like, “Oh, OK. These people have feelings for each other. And they’re attracted to each other.”
As we were breaking the season and looking at how it would go, part of me knew that, yes, Stede and Ed’s romance was going to be real. But one part of me felt like, “We’re going to do this story, and they’re going to kiss, and maybe that’s not even going to be that big a deal. Maybe it’ll just be a blip.” But then, looking at how people were kind of afraid to let themselves believe that we were doing that was a surprise to me, and it’s heartbreaking.
I understand it much better now, and it’s like, oh, you were made to feel stupid by a bunch of shows — unintentionally, by and large, I think — but made to feel like “maybe I’m going to be up there. Maybe that’ll be me in this story.” And then at the end of it feeling like, “Aw. No, it’s not me. I’m not in this one.” That fucks with you at any age, I think, but especially when you’re young and impressionable. I know it would make me feel that I didn’t belong, and I think that’s part of where the response to the show comes from.
Sooo, how do we get to make sure that the duffers see and understand this regarding byler???
if a straight man can pull the masterpiece that is ed & stede's romance, surely two of them can pull off byler right? especially since we're at a point where they could absolutely be pulling out the greatest queer slowburn romance. so if it all ends up being intentional or queerbaiting... they have no excuses.
and it also shows why they should have been clearer with will's sexuality in vol.2 instead of only implying it for the general audience...
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livingasaghost · 7 months
i don't know what to do with all my pirate finale feelings!!!!!!! david jenkins i could kiss you!!!! and also kill you!!!!!!! wahh!!!!!!
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petercapaldi · 7 months
I feel like after those episodes I have to read some stede x ed fic, or write idk, but something needs to be done
(also do you think they have some sort of idk, like stede bossing ed around and telling him he's his captain and then it gets kinda smutty)
also I have thoughts about anne bonny and mary read, but i can't articulate my thoughts about it, like was it supposed to be a mirror of stede and ed and maybe what they could be??
i def think anne and mary were functioning as some kind of mirror, but tbh i can't properly dissect it right now and make it work. a lot happened and my brain is just white noise atm and is also very small, so someone else will need to figure it out. there's probably already a 5 page essay somewhere in the tag because everyone here is really smart and sexy.
you know, the fandom loves their 'ed likes to be dominated a bit' headcanon, and considering david is basically writing fanfiction (and i love him for that, blowing kisses to papa jenkins), it wouldn't surprise me lol
if you do write something, please share! 💗
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tvshowspoilers · 8 months
Season 2 episode 3 thoughts! Last one for a week 👍🏻
Love Stede following Olu and Susan like a puppy during the raid lol
The way Stede doesn’t even hesitate to throw him off the ship and swim over
So Stede boarding the revenge is like the most heartbreaking scene so far, change my mind. The place Stede loved and was proud of and was a home for his sea family and a safe space and where he met Ed is all destroyed and also a clue to Ed’s mindset. God that must hurt so much. And to top it all off he’s worried about Ed
The eating scene he walks in on tho…damn if looks could kill…and he just says hi 🤦‍♀️
Also I love Archie haha
“Stede stede?”
Love the soup theme they are going with lmao
Why a pig, I wonder
I’m not surprised about Ed’s reaction to taking medicine lol
Man, Izzy taking responsibility and realizing he fucked up as well as Stede and protecting the crew was all I ever wanted. I refused to accept a redemption arc in canon unless that happened. Thank god David Jenkins knows his audience
Gosh I love Susan! Girl how are you? Great line lol
And Stede! Opening up! Good for him, finally
Yea no but thoughts on the fact that even tho it was a dream Ed killed hornigold with his own hands?
Also Ed thinking he is unlovable 😭 that’s going to be hard to fix after everything
Also the customer service experience lmao
Oh nooo Ed doesn’t think anyone is waiting for him and realizing he hates himself and not lovable and Stede leaving deleted that to him…..ooof
Damn, heartbroken Stede hurts too
Oooh Olu is so screwed for leaving Susan lol
Also Fang supporting izzzzy
Love the lines in this show man
The ending was just *chef kiss* I have way too many thoughts for this. It was perfect
Izzy’s teary eyes!
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Okay but Taikas hand movements here
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