nevertem · 8 months
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xpharaohsaiboux · 10 months
Here's a Mahad coming in to check on the children. The two troublemakers are unusually tame. He brings watermelon for everyone, Yuugi included. "Stay hydrated and safe." For the first part of the sentence he smiles at Yuugi and for the second part he throws a glance at Mana and Atem.
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Yugi snickered behind his hand, knowing exactly what Mahad was really getting at. It was hard to miss really when he gave a pointed look at Atem and Mana. He still remembered the headache he'd had after he was tackled by them from a friendly wager gone slightly wrong.
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"Do you want to join us Mahad? I don't know about them two, but I can't eat much watermelon by myself."
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eebon · 2 years
@darkmagicattack wants their scrolls stolen
“This will not take long.” He assures as he takes with him the arcane charts.
A hundred and five summers pass.
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digitaidummy · 9 months
Nobody hired someone to cosplay as Dark Magician at Kaiba Land, right? But this one looks awfully like the real one...
He could've sworn the pharaoh was here somewhere. And now he doesn't know how to react to the attention he's getting—
Mokuba is used to crowd movements within Kaiba Land, especially during planned events. Performers sometimes joined each other to mimic a Duel Monsters game, or to show impressive tricks to the audience— it was part of what kept Kaiba Land a fresh experience every time and made people come back over the years.
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This one, though, wasn't planned— at least to Mokuba's knowledge. Curious, he tries to force his way through the excited groups of kids and manages to catch a glimpse of a large, unmistakable figure— a Dark Magician performer!
How come? He's almost 99% sure the only Magician performer that's regularly around Kaiba Land is Dark Magician Girl...?
Either way, Mokuba's starry-eyed.
A picture! I need to get a picture!
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Mokuba's not making his way through the crowds anymore, he's straight up pushing children to get to him first.
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"Out of my way! I'm Mokuba Kaiba, let me through!!"
When he finally gets to the Dark Magician, Mokuba grins.
"Are you a new performer here? You know who I am, right?"
He stands, proud and cheerful.
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mgicians-a · 2 years
@darkmagicattack​ replied to your post: Mahad handing over the nearest cheapest/easily replaceable object for Merit to break if she wants to-- He'll be hoarding items like that for cases like these
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I hope he doesn’t mind watching her magic completely incinerate the object she had been given. Still, it’s not really enough. She always wants to destroy more to get that anger burned off.
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tobiwallflower · 3 years
Hello guys I need some help my friend saw while she was sleeping a really bright tiny light and thought it was an angle but as soon as it was near her it changed to an dark tall creature without hair and a face . It tried to choke her and in the moment it touched her throat she woke up . Any thoughts or tips how I could help her
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yugiist · 2 years
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graph-graphula · 3 years
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Artist: Tristan Elwell 🪦 🐈‍⬛
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sassaroh · 2 years
picks Atem up. it's the magician transport.
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— Mahad has caught Atem by surprise when he picked him up. He was going to act fast but relaxed when he saw who he was. After a sigh to relax, he had no other idea but to wrap his arms around the other’s neck. He then looked away with a slight blush, of course he was doing that to... not fall. Riiiight. Of coooourse. Of course it was not to be closer to him. Nope.
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mahoushojoumonster · 2 years
Of course, can't forget the good looking mirror. Cue the smug and nod of approval.
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In turn, he gives the Trademark Smirk™️ to his counterpart, folding his arms over his chest and nodding back.
(Would it be possible to mess with Set like this?)
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haljordan44 · 3 years
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Ran into a celebrity at the mall today
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duelistas · 3 years
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@darkmagicattack​ has sent: Headcanon Please? @ Critias
Send me “Headcanon Please?” and I’ll reply with a random headcanon for my muse! [Accepting, specify muse]
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// I’m feeling like sharing some worldbuilding, I take into consideration for Critias’ development:
Duel spiritis =/= Kas. I feel like there is a huge misconception between both, and I don’t blame anyone for imagining they are the same thing. The show sure as hell, never bothers to establish or draw a line of distinction between them.
Contratry to what we are bound to assume (I at least did until I did my research. I thought it was just a mechanic, meant to justify the monsters & whatnot). The whole ka and ba stuff we see in the MW arc is actually, grounded on the subject of one’s soul in the Ancient Egypt period. With that said, whenever I see those monsters I interpret them as originating from a human so they are kinda of stuck within Egypt. What this essentially boils down to is: the DM Mahad and DMG Mana from the MW arc aRE NOT THE SAME ONES we see in the season 4 arc (and even in GX) [Im only naming those two, BUT this can be said about any other creature that appears in both arcs].
Duel spirits appear to heavily rely on the existence of multiple-universes, this is something far more relevant to GX than DM per say. But it still is an important difference to be aware of. I also like the idea of there existing specific universes for each archetype or element.
Magic is dead by the modern/contemporary time, in Ancient Egypt magic was showing signs of decline (as seen how only a handful of people seemed to have access to it, and it was mostly kept a secret), whereas it was at its peak when Atlantis existed.
When it comes to Atlantis, I am basing it quite a lot off Plato’s dialogues and description. As well as taking inspiration from Age of Mythology stuff for it, since that is something I’m the most familiar with.
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khxpresh · 3 years
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@darkmagicattack​ has sent: Dark Magician has moved all of Kaiba's objects in his office by two inches with the use of magic.
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The CEO walked into his office, his entrance was a loud one to put it mildly. The door swung open, all while he talked on the phone at a very high volume. Whatever he was arguing about, had a tight hold of most of his attention. Enough for him to not notice the subtle changes, within the environment.
Kaiba threw onto the nearby couch his suitcase, alongside witha coat he was carrying in his arms, without really looking at what he was aiming at. He had just barely missed them.
It appeared that the discussion had become quite heated, as evident by the quick shift in his tone altogether and the loud stomps on the floor. He was already pretty close to his desk, and most importantly his chair.
Or so he thought.
“And once I hop on the network, you better be writing your resignation letter. You’ll be on streets, mark my goddamn-- wooords-- agh!” Thoes were the final words to come out from the CEO, before the loud crashing noise which was followed by an whine of pure pain. The poor employee heard it all, from the other side of the line and maintained his silence as he anxiously waited for his boss’ return.
It took Kaiba a brief moment, until he found the strength to prop himself back up. Thankfully no one else was around, to find him in such compromising position. It was only then he noticed that things, seemed to be out of place (who in their right mind could have possibly pulled such thing?). This only served to further infuriate Kaiba, as he grabbed his phone from the floor and returned to yell at the poor employee.
His mood didn’t improve throughout the rest of the day.
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@darkmagicattack​ // from here
Kaiba couldn’t deny that this all made him nervous-- fearful, even-- an emotion he didn’t often admit even to himself. He was no stranger to nightmares, apparently even while he was awake. It was easy to fear that he’d turn around in this strange, mist-covered village and see a melting Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Or some other horror from the depths of his imagination-- he resisted the urge to think of any, at that thought, instead trying to distract himself. Where was this? He’d never been to any kind of graveyard like this in his life, so what was it supposed to mean?
Wasn’t he just dueling...?
... Yes, yes he was. He remembered the Rare Hunter, challenging him and Yugi to a tag duel, the nonsense about his ‘shadow game.’ And he remembered this feeling. The air feeling dense and thick, a strange pressure on him from all sides-- the more monsters he had on the field, the worse it became. But it hadn’t felt like enough of a burden to stop him, or do this. Was he wrong? Had he passed out? Had Marik given him some kind of drug that took effect over the course of the duel? Yugi hadn’t seemed affected, though! 
Staring up at the pitch-dark sky didn’t offer any answers. Neither did these ghouls, dancing around. Kaiba didn’t believe in ghosts.
Of course, as soon as he had that thought, it seemed like the universe rose to spite him. The ground trembled, and suddenly Kaiba was confronted with a shrieking monster, towering over everything below. Okay, he’s done dreaming! He’d like to wake up now! Not that that ever seemed to work-- he saw the claw come down, backing up a few steps, but not prepared for the energy wave that raced toward him. The thought that it was just a dream didn’t keep him from flinching, closing his eyes and shielding his face with his arm--
He didn’t get hit. Could feel power billowing through the air though, making Kaiba look up. Someone’s in front of him-- Someone’s shielding him!? And-- he recognized that silhouette anywhere...!
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“Dark Magician...!?” This card just won’t leave him alone today! Kaiba’s follow-up question was ignored, in favor of the Duel Monster turning around-- ah, it wasn’t the Dark Magician. Or was it? Its skin, hair and eye color were different, but the face was the same otherwise. And what’s more, it was talking! His 'savior' raised more questions than answers, the notion of this thing being ‘The Great Beast’ making Kaiba feel even more like he’d fallen into some kind of fantasy book. What is going on!?
One thing was clear: The mage needed his help, and Kaiba was in no position to argue. “Alright!” He answered quickly, following wherever the Dark Magician was going. “Where are you taking me!?” Surely there’s no way that beast was going to let them just run wherever they pleased! He was told he had the potential to fight, but how was he supposed to fight something like that? With his cards? ... His cards, of course! Dark Magician was here, real enough to block an attack! That must mean...!
He drew a card from his deck. Ah-- this would do! “Hyozanryu! Come forth, and attack that thing!” He slapped it on the duel disk, and a roar rippled through the village. Kaiba watched as the glittering dragon flew towards the Great Beast, shooting lasers out of its mouth. Whether it was real or just a hologram, Kaiba could only hope it’d be enough of a distraction to get them wherever they needed to go.
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kaibacxrps · 3 years
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@darkmagicattack​ has sent: May I request your headcanon on Set's reaction to Mahad's death-- B')
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// Thanks anime for making Set be the first one to feel Mahad’s death.
My answer for this question is a standard one, it doesn’t take anyone’s take on Mahad into consideration. Overall I’d say his reaction to this is similar, but with slight differences/tweaks that suit each plot and development, that’s why I’m answering it this way instead.
I’ve never truly delved into this idea, but I do like imagining that Set had a hand in the pursuit of TKB prior to the MW’s events. This doesn’t mean he was directly involved with it, since that was way out of his duties within the royal court. So there already was a pre-existing investment, in this pursuit.
With that out of the way, I must remind people that Set (while as a person) as a priest was vastly different from what he later turns into, when he becomes the pharaoh. While it is easy to assume, he’d take the guy’s death in a positive way, that is not really the case here.
Set also mourned and feels for the loss of their colleague, however, unlike the others. He didn’t demonstrate sadness in that moment, it is like he skipped a few steps of the mourning process, and went straight into anger as he now became all the more invested in putting a stop to Bakura.
What changes in most verses/plots I’ve discussed thus far, is the amount of investment he puts into it. If there’s a pre-existing relationship, then obviously he will take Mahad’s death on a very personal side. It stops being “This is for the pharaoh” and it becomes “This is for the pharaoh AND Mahad.”;
I do HC that Mahad and Set were rivals, they never got along from the get-go for whatever reason. But even then, it doesn’t mean that Set wished for him to die or even worse, be killed. And seeing how his body was never recovered, he is never given a proper funeral ritual. That is amongst the worst things that could possibly happen, to an egyptian who was extremely attached to their faith.
When he later sees Mahad, now as the dark magician (as a ka bound to Atem), it doesn’t bring him much if any peace. If anything, it only serves to add fuel to his anger and motivation, to end their target once and for all. Even though Set never had the best relationship with his fellow priests, it doesn’t mean he didn’t feel a connection with each one of them.
It isn’t until it is all over, when he becomes the pharaoh, that he allows himself to weep and properly mourn his loss. But even then, it doesn’t mean he got the chance to properly do it, since he got caught up in so many other things that his life brought upon him.
And before anyone asks, these are the things I’m running with for his take. Following the MW’s events, Set has essentially abandoned magic altogether, he never more used any of his kas (even the God ones, which he later gained the knowledge on how to use them). Also, as I’ve briefly touched on here. Mahad’s soul was turned into a ka, and is bound to serve Atem not Set. SO, once he is gone so is DM. It isn’t until he passes away, that they finally reunite with each other in Atem’s afterlife realm.
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mgicians-a · 2 years
@darkmagicattack​ replied to your post: OMG Mahad is like: So.... what is that you're looking for? BMC is the goth of the family
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tefnakht would really answer with the straightest face possible: something
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