feanors-silmarils · 2 months
HC that Námo harbors a desire to keep the Feanorians under his thumb in the Halls of Mandos as long as possible, even against Manwë’s orders.
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cilil · 6 months
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The Ifenkönig
Characters: Finwë, Míriel, Námo, mentions of Vairë and Nienna Synopsis: When Míriel falls ill after childbirth, Finwë tries to take her to the gardens of Lórien for healing; however, the Lord of the Dead already has his sights set on her. Warnings: Sickness, death, dark!Námo Poetry
Also available on AO3
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Disclaimer: This isn't an original poem written by me, this is based on and adapted from "Erlkönig" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Edgar Alfred Bowring's English translation of the poem (both of which you can read here). It's a sort of "remix" if you will, just as a fun little exercise because I had this random idea of a darker verse in which Námo actively takes Míriel's soul and this poem fits the vibe.
Title translation and explanation will be down below.
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Who rides so late through the night dark and drear?
King Finwë it is, with his lady wife dear.
He holds her tightly embraced in his arm,
He holds her tenderly and keeps her warm. 
“My dear lady, wherefore d’you avert your eye?”
“Do you not see, my lord, the Doomsman close by? 
Do you not see him, with death veil and dark train?”
“Dearest, it must be mist rising over the plain.”
“Oh come to me, lovely Míriel, ere midnight falls 
For there’s peace, quiet and healing in my halls;
From a safe distance, we shall watch fate unfold
And my lady shall adorn you with robes of gold.”
“Oh husband, husband, but do you not hear
The words the Judge whispers in my ear?”
“Be calm, dear wife, your fancy deceives
It is only the wind whispering through leaves.”
“Won’t you, dear Míriel, accompany me there?
I shall leave you in my sister’s loving care;
I shall give you to my wife to keep
She shall sing and hold you in your sleep.”
“Oh husband, husband, but do you not see
The Doomsman brought wife and sister for me?”
“My love, my love, it is quite alright
The mist again is deceiving your sight.”
“My wife, as am I, is charmed by your beauty,
Come with me now, to fulfil my duty.”
“Oh husband, husband, I fear he takes me at last
His hands hold my soul, he’s seizing me fast.”
King Finwë now hurries, afraid for her life
He holds in his arms his shivering wife 
He reaches the gardens with terror and dread
His queen he finds silent, unmoving and dead.
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Ifen (also If, Ibe, Eve, Eue) -> Eibe -> Yew König -> King The yew tree is commonly associated with death.
The original title, Erlkönig, translated as Erl-King (the literal meaning being alder (tree) king), comes from the Danish word elle which, according to several sources, can mean either alder or elf, so it's possible that Johann Gottfried Herder - who translated the material that Goethe later adapted originally - made an error; it's also possible he intentionally chose this meaning.
Ergo, the Erl-King could also be an Elf-King, which I thought was a neat tidbit to mention for my fellow Tolkien fans ^^
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Thanks for reading!♡
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edensrose · 1 year
I've been relatively tame lately because of lack of time. . . Oh well, time to crank out dark!valar again<3
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that-angry-noldo · 2 years
He Who Sings Against Gods - Part Five
[part one] [part two] [part three] [part four]
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Chapter Five
The Talks
Time stopped.
Finrod was lost again, squeezing his father in a desperate hug. 
You're here. You're here.
I'm here. I'm here.
He had no control over his thoughts, emotions, or Osanwe. His father's strength enveloped his mind, his hands firmly on his shoulders.
Loneliness. Pain. Shame.
It's alright. It's alright.
Anger. Fear. Where are you?
I'm sorry. I'm here. I'm here.
Smoke, fire, screams-
I'm here. I'm with you. I'm holding you.
Tears rolled down his cheeks.
I'm here.
He felt weak.
I'm holding you.
His heart cried with pain, reminding him of a long healed scar.
"I'm here," Finarfin whispers. "It's alright. I got you." 
Finrod gives up - in fact, he didn't even fight - and closes his eyes.
He's here. He got him.
The silence is broken only by the quiet whisper of the king, who hugs his long-lost son.
Lahto was worried.
The king disappeared. Not completely - Lahto felt his presence, bright and strong as always. However, he disappeared.
More precisely, Lahto knew where the king was, but he could not physically get there, because at the door to the prince's room, calm and unruffled, throwing control glances at the corridor from time to time, stood Thamion.
Lahto did not like Thamion. Thamion was- Thamion constantly steered the king in the wrong direction, constantly stood in his shadow, smiling defiantly, laughing with him behind closed doors. Thamion was as dangerous as a wild cat.
Thamion led the king away from Valar. The pain echoed in Lahto's chest. 
He can't get his king back without losing Thamion.
This made him desperate, because it was impossible to get rid of Thamion. He'd repeat that to Irmo over and over again.
Irmo, unlike others, listened intently. He supported him, he comforted him.
You're doing everything right.
The king needs your help. He just doesn't understand it.
He's still a child, isn't he? You remember how he ran around your king's palace and laughed.
Lahto wants the king to laugh again. He wants him to finally listen to him and get some rest in Irmo's garden.
And he wants Thamion to go there too. He is wrong, but he is not guilty. Melkor's lies are too deep in his head.
Irmo calms him down by hugging him close to his chest.
Lahto is crying.
Lahto just wants his king to laugh again.
 It was quiet.
"I'll bring you dinner."
The hand stroking his hair stopped uncertainly. Finrod groaned in protest.
The hand returned.
"Are you sure?" 
"He didn't eat for - three days? four days? And even don't get me started on you. You hadn't eaten today, had you?" 
Finrod was a bit annoyed. He's resting. He wants silence. Is it so hard to organize?
He opened his eyes and looked at Thamion with the most annoyed look he could muster.
Silence. He wants silence. Get out of here, Thamion.
"Thamion, you are asked to get out."
The figure in the doorway gasped.
"The child has spoken?"
Hm, maybe it's time to introduce the death penalty. Finrod closed his eyes.
He stopped at the ants. Yes. Tamion should be drenched in honey and thrown into the anthill. Hmm.
Thamion snorted but went out and closed the door. There was a pleasant gloom and silence in the room.
Anthill? something in his head asked quietly. Finrod moved unhappily, shifting to a more comfortable position. Yes, an anthill. Beor once told him how Edain extracted information from orcs. What's strange here?
The voice fell silent and disappeared, leaving behind something that could be interpreted as "we'll talk about it later." Finrod nodded. Yeah. Later.
Or he will switch to the wet sheepskins and how they, while drying, slowly break the bones of those who continue to bother him with unnecessary questions. Now, please stroke my hair. 
Finarfin chuckled softly, and Finrod almost imagined his surprised smile. Hmm. It was good. Tamion will bring the food. And you're not going anywhere from here. You will stay with me all night. If i can't know how the hell I appeared here, then I'm going to get everything out of this situation. Artanis will be jealous.
The memory of Artanis echoed in unexpected pain. Oh. Exactly. Has Finarfin not seen her for at least half a millennium? So what. She' s still a pain. Why do you need Artanis, when I'm right here, Finarfin?
He blinked contentedly as his father's mind responded with a vibrating warmth. Of course you're right here. My little golden prince. Does your heightness want something?
Finrod closed his eyes completely, relaxing. He won't think yet. He has a father. He has a bed. Thamion will bring food. He will think tomorrow. Think, think and think.
We have a lot to talk about. 
Yes, Finrod agreed, but before that you'll say that you love me more than Artanis.
Thamion balanced two plates on his hands and a third on his head. No, he couldn't ask for help from the servants. Yes, that was his mission. Yes, most likely it will turn into a catastrophe, and he will end up with three plates of food on the floor, but hey. It'll be fun.
He just can't tell Arafinwe or that little pain of his that somehow came back from the dead. Thamion had a reputation to maintain.
The same reputation he thoughtlessly spoiled before the servants. Well. Now he will have the reputation of a clown balancing a bowl of soup on his head.
He just couldn't let Arnie know about it, because there is nothing worse than when your wife finds out about your noble proffesion of a clown. 
The wife in question mercilessly broke into his mind, said that today she expected him to come home, and went out, doing the osanwe-equivalent of slamming the door shut. Out of the blue, Tamion almost tossed the plates over, sighed, called the servant (who found the scene very funny), and tasked him with delivering dinner to the prince's room. After thinking for a while, he moved his plate from his head to the windowsill.
Lahto's black robe flickered in the yard, and Thamion winced. The headache returned from the psychotherapy session.
One can only hope that this idiot will not go straight to the prince's room. But hey, they're elves. Hope is their second nature.
The soup was a good dinner.
First, because it could be drunk.
Second, because it was warm.
Third, the last time Finrod ate soup was in Nargothrond. In general, the last time he ate normal food was in Nargothrond. In Sauron's cellars, he was stuffed with dirty water and something Finrod's mind refused to remember. It was probably a stew of rotten potatoes.
In fact, it didn't matter then, because when your friends are eaten by a werewolf, the form in which you are given calories does not matter at all.
Finarfin, who was sitting on the floor by the bed, froze, and Finrod belatedly remembered that they were still bound by Osanwe.
Ahem. Well. This was not his problem.
A werewolf?
Ahem. Finrod set the plate aside. Uhm. I want to sleep.
What the hell, Arato.
Good night, Dad :D
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aesthetic--mood · 10 days
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Sauron Aesthetic
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natsumka · 4 months
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"Then arose Thorndor, King of Eagles, and he loved not Melko, for Melko had caught many of his kindred and chained them against sharp rocks to squeeze from them the magic words whereby he might learn to fly (for he dreamed of contending even against Manwe in the air); and when they would not tell he cut off their wings and sought to fashion therefrom a mighty pair for his use, but it availed not."
— The Book of Lost Tales 2, chapter 18, J.R.R. Tolkien.
"Тогда поднялся в воздух Торндор, Король Орлов — он не любил Мелько, ибо тот изловил многих его сородичей и приковал к острым скалам, надеясь вытянуть у них волшебное слово, чтобы научиться летать (ибо он мечтал соперничать в небе с самим Манвэ); орлы ничего не сказали ему, и тогда он отрезал им крылья и хотел сделать из них огромные крылья для себя, но у него ничего не вышло."
— Книга утраченных сказаний 2, III Падение Гондолина (стр. 193), Джон Р. Р. Толкин.
Pic by me
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evissomiros · 1 month
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( Face your fears until your fears fear you )
(cackling maniacally) Gotcha, you little b!tch! (He grabs her hair, making her look at him.) Thought you could slip away from me, huh? But this time, you ain't getting away from Morgoth!
(screaming) Let me go, you monster! What do you want?
(chuckling even harder) Just wanna see you scared of me, trumbling from my madness.
(looks into his crazy eyes, filled with terror, and screams for help) Manweee, heeelp meee!
(tightens his grip on her hair, with an evil grin) Hahaha, even if you call Eru himself, no one's gonna save you, hahaha!
(start crying) Where are you, Manweee? Please heeelp meee!
I don't know if this is funny or scary or not acceptable, but for me, it's absolutely funny and enjoyable, lol 🤣✌️!
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So what if the Valar foresaw that a balrog would be reawakened, and sent Glorfindel back as a precaution against this?
Then when Elrond is picking the company that it is Glorfindel’s life’s purpose to be in he gets upped by some silvan weirdo.
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velvet4510 · 2 months
The Beren/Lúthien and Frodo/Sam parallels have even more meaning when you consider Sam’s worship of Elves.
He starts off as excited as a puppy about seeing them. He just wants to get a glimpse of them, maybe find out a little more about them.
But as the story unfolds, he ends up walking the path of Lúthien herself, with the same motive of love.
He follows his beloved on a dangerous quest into the land of a Dark Lord, uses ancient magic to cloak himself and infiltrate Sauron’s tower, and sings a song of sorrow and longing that enables him to find and rescue his imprisoned beloved, after which he and his love defeat the Dark Lord and are flown to safety by the Eagles, and then after a tragic separation, he is eventually allowed to live a temporary mortal life with his love after the Valar pity their suffering. ALL of which are deeds done by Lúthien, the greatest of all Elves to ever live.
Arwen may share the physical beauty and the choice of Lúthien, but by the end, in terms of heroic actions (perilous quests, dungeon rescues, songs of salvation), it is Samwise Gamgee who becomes the Lúthien of the Third Age.
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valardynasty · 29 days
Halbrand / Sauron
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Inspiration d'Halbrand pour la saison 2 de The rings of power. Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Création par Intelligence Artificielle.
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checkadii · 7 months
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Corn bots taking over my favorite media tags be damned I’m still having brainrot over bg3 + fallen london on the side briefly
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carmisse · 7 days
Of Finrod and Caranthir.
The quenya was pronounced with great care in whispers that had the tone of prayer.
Kneeling in front of the altar was the elf he had been searching for; his long dark hair was falling thickly over his shoulders while his hands were clasped, as was customary these days, his garments were of black linen like his dress except for a golden pendant of an eight-pointed star that glittered in the candlelight.
"Kneel with me."
The invitation came seconds later, reluctant to refuse, he merely placed himself next to the Fëanorian, imitating his posture not without first lighting a candle of his own, he meditated a few moments in silence before observing the opponent at his side.
He was sweetly emaciated, the anguish as wretched as it was suited him quite well; it made him look ethereal and miserable, his features were paler and his deep eyes possessed a melancholy that he thought he could only find in Makalaurë's gaze, he wondered if it was wrong to think of Carnistir's beauty in that way.
"I thought you didn't do this anymore."
He whispered as Caranthir admired the image of Vairë on the spot, his good brother frowned before letting a sigh escape his ruddy lips, he noticed a trace of tears on his cheeks as well as a redness in his eyes; his cousin hummed before turning his gaze to him.
"I want to believe that she can intercede for him; that my pleas will be heard despite my sins."
Hope, he smiled to himself, Caranthir very much in spite of his bitter feelings and desolate character still possessed some hope for the Valier they called the weaver, if he was honest, he probably prayed for the Fëa of Angaráto who had left for the halls not long ago, still on hostile terms with his consort due to errors of gravity that were committed by the fourth son of Fëanáro.
He wondered if that had been the reason for his own brother's love for Caranthir, perhaps it was enchanted by Morifinwë's devotion, and he could not really blame him.
At times like these he thought how different it might have been to fall in love with this brother; that despite his difficult temperament he possessed traits that his own lover lacked, though he would be lying if he said he did not love every trace of Curufinwë's personality who for all his haughtiness turned out to be charming.
And yet, Caranthir possessed something that attracted him, inwardly he searched for answers; it could be because of his resemblance to Curufinwë that he wanted to lay him down on the altar to take him firmly as well as gently while kissing his face and wiping his face furrowed with tears or traces of them, perhaps it was due to the fact that he wanted to have Caranthir's devotion for him in a repulsive and selfish way, many factors came to his mind, but faithful as he was, he refused to act.
Inwardly he reserved that dark thought, and was content to admire him in that way, with a religiosity in his aura that very few elves could possess now.
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cilil · 7 months
If it was Irmo in the place Manwë with Fëanor’s child, how would that play out?
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𝓐𝓝 ~ Interesting premise once again, thanks for the ask! I apologize for taking a while to answer sometimes, I always want to make sure I give these some proper thought so I can hopefully keep it fresh and bring new ideas to the table and you lovely people can get something out of it ♡
𝓕𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ~ Once again gender-neutral pronouns for the darling and other details left unspecified, leaving it up to each reader's own imagination and preferences ♡
𝓣𝓦𝓼 ~ Yandere, obsessive behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of cheating
➺ Yandere!Irmo headcanons (general) ➺ Yandere!Manwë with Fëanorian!love interest
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𐀔 Simply put, Irmo would be simultaneously more subtle compared to Manwë, but also more present in the life and affairs of the one he chose as his darling and wished to pursue.
𐀔 Much like his sister's student Olórin - who is also one of his servants - Irmo has the ability to inspire and influence people by putting thoughts into their minds, without them even noticing that these thoughts were planted by someone else. Being a Fëantur, he can perform such magic with utmost proficiency.
𐀔 Once the darling caught his eye - maybe during a feast, maybe when they visited Lórien to rest and relax - they became the new target of many of Irmo's spells and antics, including influencing their thoughts and mood, messing with their dreams and sending gifts he tampered with, such as sweets and treats that were "refined" with special potions of his making, sweet and flowery fragrances and handmade dreamcatchers.
𐀔 Irmo also liked sending his little moth friends to spy on his, as he thought, soon-to-be lover and quickly found out about their affair, if he hadn't already via their dreams. Under normal circumstances Irmo wouldn't mind - he's usually neither jealous nor begrudges his loved ones their fun and freedom, being fairly promiscuous himself - but this time he found that he was dismayed by the prospect of sharing his darling. This time, he told himself, he wanted to be the only one.
𐀔 The darling would need Fëanor's keen insight and to close their mind to see through Irmo's various manipulations and avoid being plagued by visions and thoughts of love and longing. However, they might still be relatively defenseless in their dreams, and Irmo would take full advantage, showing them entire scenarios involving the two of them that felt so good and so real too. What made it even harder to spot his interference is that he always appears to be such a cute, colorful and harmless spirit, despite being a Vala, and his sleepy and airheaded behavior - which is, as a certain Fëanorian soon found out, but a facade for a much more devious and cunning spirit.
𐀔 When the Noldor left Valinor, Irmo kept sending dreams and visions to his darling, but those got progressively darker, showing what would happen if they continue their journey. Whether the scenarios he showed were his own invention or based on his brother's prophecies remained to be seen, but either way, his favorite Fëanorian would need a strong will and unbreakable spirit to shake off those terrors and keep marching.
𐀔 Like Manwë, Irmo now also counts on the Doom of the Noldor, and once it catches up to his darling, he'll beg Námo to let him have their fëa. Whereas Námo is fair and neutral, he loves his brother very much and has never been good at denying him what he wants. Additionally, Nienna may also be swayed by her brother's heartache and speak in favor of him, making it even harder for the unfortunate Fëanorian to stay away from the Vala who is so relentlessly pursuing them.
𐀔 To Irmo, it ultimately doesn't matter whether his darling is alive or dead, even less so than to other Valar, because of his nature as a master of spirits. He can always trap them in an endless dream that only he can enter, so they can finally be together.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
taglist: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @i-did-not-mean-to @singleteapot @wandererindreams
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doodle-pops · 1 year
We Were Meant For Each Other | Yandere Irmo Headcanons
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A/N: This is my first attempt at writing yandere content, especially for Irmo. I've been wanting to write something like this for some months and finally got the chance. Also, due to the dark theme, I didn't tag my usual list of blogs, however, should you be interested in being tagged for yandere content please let me know in my asks box..
Disclaimer: ��This post contains dark content such as yandere content, kidnapping, stalking, mentions of death and emotional manipulation. If any of these themes triggers you, please avoid this post and block the yandere Irmo tag⚠.
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❀ He's delusional about his love for you and would do everything in his power—literally—to get you to fall in love with him. Once he locks eyes on you, there's no escaping his line of vision.
❀ He hates the idea of sending his Maiar to keep tabs on you and would prefer if he could carry out the task himself. Irmo would go as far as to ignore his duties if it meant more time to observe you and learn every little detail about you.
❀ He wouldn't hesitate to make himself present in your life, quick to ward off any contenders and make it clear that you're his and off-limits. Irmo might not seem like the type, but he can become very aggressive if needed to protect his darling.
❀ Irmo would use his ability as the dream Vala and trap people in an infinite dream loop or send nightmares that can make a person frightful enough to petrify or kill them. It's his safe way of getting rid of someone. He'll go as far as visiting them in their dream and getting rid of them himself. You know what they say, “die in the dream world, die in real life”
❀ Irmo doesn't want you to be left in the open, especially if you're a mortal or even an elf, he'll keep you safe with him in Lorien. Manwë had to be the victim of facing his begging and pleading all week because he wanted to bring you to Valinor before he agreed to shut him up.
❀ Because Irmo is responsible for governing the emotions a person feels, he would be quick to manipulate yours especially if you feel hatred and disgust towards him. It gets worse when you smile at everyone else except him. You even smiled with his brother and sister and would then become devoid of emotions around him.
❀ He hates it and he hates having to manipulate your emotions, but he does it to play into his delusional fantasy of house. Keeps you isolated in a separate wing of the palace with little to no contact. If you wish for something, call him and he'd come to grant you assistance.
❀ You once played nice and into his fantasy to get some servants to assist you because you hated him always being around but Irmo wasn't falling for your trap. He saw right through it. In fact, he sees right through all your attempts at seducing him or putting on a façade to have your way. As much as he adores the attention you're giving him, he wishes it was more genuine and not coy.
❀ But nonetheless, Irmo accepts any form of positive emotions you send his way and in return, he spoils the heck out of you. Whether you asked for it or not, he gets you the finest clothes, jewellery, flowers, etc. Aüle is annoyed by the number of visits he makes every week to request jewellery.
❀ If he has to go anywhere, he lets Námo guard you since it's damn near impossible to escape his sight. This was mainly due to your multiple attempts at escaping Lorien whenever he was put on duty. At first, he thought you were hiding and playing hard to get since making you smile and laugh was a challenge. He believed you were reciprocating.
❀ Sadly, Irmo wasn't entirely pleased when you weren't found on the grounds or responding to his call. That's when he lost it and went out to find you. He didn't care how long it took, he'd find you and return you to his side where you belonged. Even if it meant locking you up until you learnt your lesson, Irmo would. So long as you ended up in his arms.
❀ He even tied rope around both your hands so you'd be stuck to his side all day. You'll see a bright and cheery Irmo walking around and cuffed to a sour-faced you.
❀ From then on, you always resided with his brother who kept a watchful eye on you. Irmo does get jealous when you make conversation with Námo, which prompted him to threaten his brother to stop chatting with you and just guard. But even Irmo had his insecurities and opted to keep you in Lorien under the watchful eyes of his Maiar.
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Taglist: @edensrose @cilil @noldorinpainter @asianbutnotjapanese @justjane @justellie17 @silverose365
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POV: You’re Irmo watching your garden be overrun by a three hobbits, several elves, a dwarf, and Aulë who follows that dwarf around everywhere.
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❪ ♡ ❫ ── 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒘𝒆 , “ no one would believe you ,’
the benevolent. the kind. these are ways that many would describe the elder king. and oh, he makes sure to remind you of it whenever you try to act up. to keep you with him and reliant on him — him alone.
“where will you go, darling?” he'd croon, curling some of your hair along the crux of his finger as he leans in with his usual smile. the same one you had come to associate with a master of lies, a two-faced deceiver.
“who would believe you? that I could be any of what you claim me to be?” manwë chuckles as he listens to your thrumming heart and pulls you closer, as if to dance. and as his hands and arms draw yours into position, he leans in to press a kiss against the racing pulse of your neck.
“they would all think you mad,” he begins to sway with you. “they would reject you, ridicule you. . .”
he spins and sways with you, until finally he dips you gently. his face above yours, cerulean hues bearing into your eyes as that same, deceptively sweet smile graces his lips whilst he leans closer to your ear. and with a low, honeyed voice, he whispers:
“you'd come running back to me.”
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