uh-oh-its-bird · 10 days
Part 1 of 4 of dumb fic ideas that I found buried in my notes app
Soft smiles, sharp teeth
"There is something deeply wrong with the man known as Senju Hashirama. Izuna, sage bless him, seems to be the only one who notices.
Or; Hashirama is sort of a maniac under all those smiles and Izuna is losing his mind over the fact that no one but him sees it."
// Maybe hashiizu, maybe not, would depend on just how the writing feels. Tempted to go with it tho bc it could be fun and there really isn't enough hashiizu content out there
Kind of dark!Hashi but idk how far I'd lean into it. He's definatley not as gentle as he seems tho— Tbrm is the only other person aware of it but they grew up together so he's immune to the "Oh hey what the fuck actually!" factor and Izuna is NOT.
Madara thinks Izuna crazy and p much everyone takes Izuna being weird ab Hashi as his 'usual' Senju paranoia but it really isn't actually, there's something legitimately wrong with that man
Scene where tbrm is like "you know he thinks you're clinically insane, right?" And Hashirama just goes "I know!!! Isn't it so cute?? :DD" and Tbrm sighs bc no. No it isn't.
Izuna and Tobirama finally bond bc after Hashirama does some crazy shit, Izuna looks Tobirama directly in the eyes and goes "I'm so sorry about ur brother" and Tobirama feels weirdly validated after years of being the only one to truly understand his brothers specific brand of insanity
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anonenot · 11 months
Я наконец-то собрал всех покемонов дни недели ХашиМад:D
Сподобился, так сказать.
Вся неделя находится тут.
Теперь пройдёмся по дням.
Day 1: Childhood Crush
Words: 532
Warnings: none
Day 2: Festivals
Words: 607
Warning: none
Day 3: Healing & Mokuton
Words: 222
Warning: none
Day 4: Loss&Love
Words: 426
Warning: death of main character
Day 5: Sharingan
Words: 344
Warning: none
Day 6: Sparring
Words: 283
Warning: none
Day 7: Free day
Words: 1819
Warning: Dark!Hashirama
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emporiannee · 2 months
i think it would've been funny if tobirama had lived for another decade or two. He's passed on the title of hokage and hiruzen became the new jutsu expert but no one's inherited his spot as konoha's resident unethical mad scientist. until he's got one foot out the door of full shinobi retirement and hiruzen introduces him to this new orphan kid he found named orochimaru and Tobirama, age 60 or whatever thinks 'hmm..........one more student...."
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sapphiresenthiss · 10 months
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"For truly this reality... is a Hell."
Aka poor Hashirama losing everything he's had. Including his last brother... at least for now. He's Hashirama after all, he has some choices. Except NONE of them are the choices he'd EVER willingly go for... 😟
(No, Tobirama has not willingly joined Madara, obviously. Yes, he's under Madara's genjutsu, the hint here are both the bruises on his face, and his eyes - as dull and lifeless as they get)
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thedarks1de · 4 months
🌵 Dark content. Requests for Jujutsu Kaisen x reader; Naruto x reader are open. Send me your most obscene thoughts.
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Nanami Kento
Megumi Fushiguro
Yuji Itadori
Gojo Satoru
Geto Suguru
Toji Fushiguro
Madara Uchiha
Hashirama Senju
Tobirama Senju
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codedredalert · 11 months
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dark hashiizu for the @narutobigreversebang with @devotedanarchy whose fic i am SO EXCITED FOR
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rainbowfey · 7 months
Day 7: Resolve
This is a series written for @madatobiweek.
Madara’s face hurt. He cautiously reached for his cheek and winced when his skin started burning where he touched it. He let his hand sink down on his chest – and cursed when this touch sent an even worse stab of pain through his body. It felt like as if he had been hit by a particularly big boulder and the more of the fog inside his brain vanished, the more he felt his whole body aching. He decided to not move for now and instead try to figure out what was going on. After a while he found that it would be a good first step to open his eyes to see where he was.
Madara held his breath, hoping that this small movement wouldn’t hurt as much, and opened his right eye. Since it didn’t hurt at all, he opened his left eye right after and blinked a couple of times until his vision sharpened. But while did this feel better, it didn’t help with the fact that all he could see was white. It took another moment for him to realize that he was staring at a white wall which somewhat didn’t seem to fit what he had been expecting. He closed his eyes again and started wracking his brain for any indication of what had happened that led to this point. He could remember that he had kneeled on the ground, staring at the stars above him before something had knocked him out cold. He could faintly remember a pale ghost-like silhouette standing not far away from him. A pained scream echoed in his mind and he reached for the vague memories in the back of his mind.
His eyes flew open and whole body tensed up immediately when the memory came back. He gasped for air and reached instinctively for his chest where he had felt the cold, angry bite of the amulet that had been hidden beneath his jacket. But now, he only felt his own skin under his fingers and the rugged fabric of a bandage tied around his chest. He sighed in relief and the sound echoed through the small room.
Something rustled not far away from him and Madara flinched when he heard a familiar voice. “So, you’re finally awake?” Tobirama asked and for a moment, Madara contemplated pretending to still be unconscious. But since that was beneath him, he slowly turned his head to where the voice had sounded from.
Tobirama was sitting on a bed that looked suspiciously like a hospital bed and all at once, all the puzzle pieces fell into place. Madara didn’t even have to look down to know that he was lying in another hospital bed identical to Tobirama’s. He sighed, this time way less relieved, and eyed Tobirama. His face seemed even paler than usual and the red markings on his face glistened like beads of blood. His shoulder and wrist were covered in white bandages and his expression was even more stern than usual.
“I guess so,” Madara muttered, avoiding his gaze. Images of him clawing at Tobirama and throwing a kunai at him danced in his mind and his stomach churned. Once again, Tobirama’s scream when the kunai had pierced his skin echoed in his mind. His skin started crawling when his gaze was drawn to the fine red line slightly below Tobirama’s throat and he couldn’t stop the words from slipping out. “How … how bad is it?”
Tobirama furrowed an eyebrow and Madara tried to return his gaze unfazed but he didn’t seem to be too convincing as something in Tobirama’s face changed. He averted his gaze and shrugged with his unharmed shoulder. “The injuries are mostly superficial. Nothing to worry about.”
Relief surged through Madara’s body and he nodded to himself. The past two days had been like a fever dream and he was only slowly regaining control of his memory. But the more of it came back to him, the more he started seething. He clenched his fists and hissed involuntarily when the sudden movement sent pain jolting through his body. From the corner of his eye, he saw Tobirama looking at him. And just when he thought Tobirama would keep quiet, he spoke up.
“Do you remember what happened?” Tobirama asked, his voice almost suspiciously incidental. And even though Tobirama pretended to be calm, Madara noticed how he kept his eyes glued to him, not entirely capable to hide his tension.
For a moment, he contemplated lying but the hint of red on Tobirama’s bandages didn’t allow him anything else but the truth. And thus, he nodded reluctantly. “I do,” he replied and expected Tobirama to say something but he waited patiently for him to continue. “I … there was something inside my mind.”
Tobirama nodded thoughtfully. “Do you know what it was?” he asked, eyeing Madara attentively.
Madara listened to his inner voice and shrugged faintly. “I’m not sure,” he admitted unwillingly. He was fairly certain that it had been a person of some kind since it hadn’t had any difficulties appearing normal to other people. In fact, Tobirama was the only one who had caught on at all. His face started burning when he remembered how the thing inside his mind had misunderstood Tobirama thoroughly, preparing a picknick instead of the fight Tobirama had meant. While he had screamed in the glass cage inside his mind where the thing had locked him away while taking control of his body, he had been able to watch how Tobirama’s unease had grown with every passing minute. The only good thing about this ordeal had been the fact that he now knew how he could unsettle Tobirama the most – who would’ve thought that simply being nice to him would do the trick?
This thought made him grin to himself and for a moment, he forgot about his rage. This information was useful enough to save it for later. He had the vague inkling that there would come a point where he could use this knowledge to play foul for his own benefit. But until then, he had to face the more urgent question. He shoved his amusement aside and clenched his fists. “Whatever it was, it has bad intentions,” he growled.
Tobirama gave him a slightly haughty look and said, “I figured as much. Do you know what it wanted to do at the Hokage residence?”
Madara decided to ignore his sarcastic tone. After all, the question he proposed was crucial for understanding what the being’s intentions were. It was fair to assume that none of this had been a coincidence and thus, it was absolutely possible that Konoha was in danger. The thought made his stomach churn and he sat up carefully, trying to suppress a pained groan when his chest started hurting again. A quick glance at the enormous bruise forming on his skin confirmed that Tobirama had indeed resorted to destroying the amulet while he had still been wearing it. When he looked up, he saw that Tobirama watched him with an almost guilty look on his face.
“I’m not sure,” he said quickly. “But it was willing to kill you to achieve its goal.”
 Tobirama nodded and absentmindedly rubbed his wrist where Madara’s nails had dug into his skin. “Yeah, I learned that the hard way,” he muttered, barely loud enough for Madara to hear it. But then he looked up and gave Madara a mischievous smile. “But like I said, you don’t stand a chance against me.”
For a split second, Madara just stared at him, swaying between anger and surprisingly also laughter. He decided on the middle ground and gave Tobirama a mildly indignant look. “You only won because it wasn’t me you fought against.”
And to his surprise, Tobirama didn’t fire back but just laughed and shrugged. “I guess we’ll have to settle that another time,” he said. “For now, we have a bigger problem.”
And from all he remembered, this was the first time Madara wholeheartedly agreed with Tobirama. The moment passed quickly though as Tobirama’s expression turned even more grave than before. He gave Madara a stern look and he noticed how tense Tobirama seemed all at once. “Do you think it was trying to go after Hashirama?” Tobirama asked and Madara swallowed hard at the thought.
He hesitated for a moment and tried to piece together the memories of what he had seen while it had controlled his body. But all of its actions seemed entirely unconnected and random. After all, he couldn’t think of a reason why else it would try to mollify everyone it had interacted with if not to remain inconspicuous. But now that he thought about it, he did notice that it had been within close proximity of Hashirama twice. First of all, when it had steered his body towards the tea shop, later when at the Hokage residence. “I don’t know,” he admitted reluctantly. “But I do think it’s possible.”
Tobirama’s face took on a fierce expression that sent a shiver down Madara’s spine. “Whatever it is, I won’t allow it to come close to Hashirama ever again,” Tobirama growled, his fists clenched.
Madara nodded slowly. This made the second thing they agreed on. There was no way in hell he would let this being harm either Konoha or Hashirama, not under his watch. But this meant that he not only had to find out what the being was and where it was located but also how to annihilate it so that it didn’t pose a threat to anyone anymore. And even the first step of this plan posed a challenge that he had no clue yet how to tackle.
A thought came to his mind and he muttered more to himself, “The amulet. I have to find out where it came from and who put it on my doorstep.”
Tobirama tilted his head slightly and opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask a question but whatever he wanted to say remained a secret as a creak of the door made them both look up. Madara could only make out a tall silhouette before his view was blocked by a gust of brown hair and light fabric flying past him towards Tobirama’s bed. The last thing he saw was Tobirama’s terrified face before he was buried in a giant bear hug. Madara grinned when he heard Tobirama yelp under his brother’s almost violent affection.
Hashirama let go of him for a second and glanced at Madara, his eyes full of concern. “You’re next,” he warned him before he turned back to his little brother who seemed way less intimidating now that he was half suffocated by Hashirama’s hug.
And when Hashirama started showering Tobirama with questions while simultaneously taking off the bandage on his shoulder to examine his injury, Madara took advantage of the moment and leaned back, closing his eyes. He still felt the skin of his chest burning where the amulet had been until Tobirama had destroyed it. He directed his focus inwards and took a deep breath, rejoicing at the certainty that he was alone in his body again. Throughout the past two days, he had felt like as if he was stuck in an endless void, illuminated only by a faint vision of what his eyes were seeing. And while he had been able to see and hear everything that had happened, there had been an impermeable veil between him and the world around him. And all the time, there had been a cold presence engulfing him, leaving him fighting for air.
Madara shuddered at the memory and rubbed his arms uncomfortably. Now that he was slowly calming down, he could almost sense the same cold he had felt while locked away inside his own mind. It felt almost like as if someone was standing behind him, breathing down on his neck. And while Hashirama’s voice next to him faded away, he heard a soft sound in the distance. Madara held his breath and listened intently. His heart sunk when he heard a faint laughter, slowly but steadily creeping closer. He tried to open his eyes but his body didn’t listen to him anymore. Everything inside him started screaming and he struggled against the invisible bonds holding him back.
And with a desperate gasp, Madara’s eyes flew open and he shot up, his heart thundering in his chest. Hashirama and Tobirama froze, staring at him with wide opened eyes. Madara forced himself to calm his breathing and gave them a half smile, slowly leaning back again. It had been a memory, nothing more, only an echo of what had happened. And when he had finally managed to convince himself of that, he heard a soft chuckle in his ear.
“This is only the beginning.”
To be continued.
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queenuchiha89 · 3 months
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akatsukitrash · 2 months
If, by any chance, Tobirama and Hashirama are seeing Akemi's life right now, what would they think of it? 👀
Oh boy. Okay so I can’t reveal TOO MUCH of it bc this is actually a plot point, but yeah, Tobirama and Touka (and perhaps Hashirama, too), are able to see what’s happening to their descendants right now, and they’re def watching over Akemi. There are already little hints to it like the rain that appears sometimes in key scenes symbolizes Tobirama’s presence. It’s harder to hint at Touka’s presence (she’s not as close to the elements as the Senju brothers, and genjutsu isn’t really something “natural”) but she’s definitely there. As for Hashirama’s…that’ll come soon.
As for what they think of it? Well. Touka was interim clan leader during the heights of the persecution against the Senju, so much of what’s happening she already expected. It doesn’t make it any easier to witness though, especially since she’s unable to do anything to help. Her daughter dies horribly, Akemi is hunted down, the Senju clan is a mess…She definitely wonders if things would’ve been different if she had tried to bridge the gap between the Senju and the Uchiha, and especially mend things with Madara (they have a…history together, to say the least. Not at all romantic, but you’ll see in upcoming chapters of But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate). She comes to care for Akemi throughout the fic, even though again, she can’t show it, and I think she wishes they’d met. Akemi inherited more from her than both think.
For Hashirama, how much he CAN see and comprehend is still unknown to me, because of a certain plot point. 
For Tobirama, I think he’s the most “active” presence (notice Akemi, during her journey as a lone toddler, often complains of hunger but not of thirst), and his absence is more glaring in certain scenes and meant to convey what he thinks (he’s, for example, present during Mito’s funeral, but not present when Mito killed Danzo, in fact. Akemi notes that the weather is very sunny, which hints as to Tobirama’s feelings towards his student and what he’s doing). I think he feels very betrayed, as the destruction of his and his brother’s legacy is pretty much bc his own students are too greedy and weak and obey the nobles/Daimyo all the time. He did compromise a lot in his building of Konoha, bc he had to, but Hiruzen is just spineless and loyal to the nobles. Kagami dies and Torifu is paralyzed (spoiler alert but Torifu reappears later and reveals that he suspects the missions that disabled him and killed Kagami were sabotaged on purpose by Hiruzen and Danzo), Hiruzen started sending kids to war, the Senju clan lost nearly half of its population, the Uchiha and Hyuuga are pushed aside, Akemi is literally bought by Danzo off the black market and he intended to raise her as a ROOT agent (the fact he notes that Akemi has a similar temper to Tobirama and wants to erase that is…yeah. Danzo.) Hiruzen not only did not protect Akemi, but he hunts her down to either capture her and turn her into a weapon for the village or kill her. That’s not counting Nawaki’s and Kiyoko’s death, Tsunade’s trauma, Fuujin’s (Izuna’s daughter) fate, Raijin’s (Izuna’s son) and Mikoto (Raijin’s daughter) mistreatment at the hands of the village, the upcoming Uzumaki genocide, etc. I think it’s a little too much for even “ghost” Tobirama to excuse. So I think he mainly feels betrayal and anger, and he expands a lot of spiritual energy trying to do as much as he can for his granddaughter, even if sometimes all he can do is make it easier for her to find water or rain on her to comfort her (Akemi’s affinity is Suiton and Doton, and she’s from a tropical country, so rain isn’t something she finds bothersome). I think he feels guilty about what’s happening to her, both bc of his own actions in his life, and bc of his internalized ableism since he also views her disability as his fault. 
I think, ultimately, he’s lost his trust in his students and village, and he’s mainly watching over Akemi and puts his trust in her. I think Touka feels the same. Hashirama- he’s not doing well, is all I can reveal, so he’s a bit more focused on himself right now. What he thinks of Akemi (and her own changing feelings towards him) will be the subject of a certain arc ;)
Thanks for the ask! And for those who dont know, this is about the events in Far Beyond the Woods of Dawn
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
I’m sorry, but I’m a bit weary of people who draw Hashirama as super pale. I’m talking as pale or more pale than Madara. Even in Kishimoto’s recent colored art, he’s darker than Madara’s complexion, even if it’s a small difference. It’s one of those moments where I go “how would this person draw Killer Bee, Darui, Karui, Chocho” and so on. Just rubs me weird like who is this man? This almost ghost white pale guy is not Hashirama lmao 😂
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perelka-l · 1 year
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Inkwashes with senju bros and some inks chosen randomly 'w'
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woodblxssomcrowned · 1 month
Thinking about that one Danma-centred au I've had on the back-burner for a while where Kaname does manage to take her life and if you thought Danma couldn't dislike his dad more then you'd be sorely mistaken
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luxscape · 10 months
Greetings 😁Can I request a zombie apocalypse au with the Hashirama,Tobirama and Madara?Thank you 🎈
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Resilient, resourceful, and revolutionary, Hashirama is the survivor who rallys people together. He would start a camp of survivors that would eventually develop into a large community, which would then turn their encampment into a settlement!
It's difficult to make it through many of the days, especially ones where they lose someone. But he is resigned to see the tough times through to a better future—perhaps not the status quo of the past, but something good for all, including rest for the undead.
He would inevitably come to lead that new town, as Hashi just has that undeniably optimistic element that draws people forward, draws them to change, to his transformative radiance. In this AU, he would use his powers grow produce and flora everywhere he went, as long as it was safe.... if he still had powers, that is
He would also try to use his powers to end the zombie apocalypse however he could
Hashirama is a self-sacrificing moron willing to die his loved ones, including the family he would undoubtedly have, unperturbed by the morose realities of the current world. That's almost certainly how he meets his demise, succumbing to the undead to save someone from that same fate.
Pragmatic, prudent, and posturing, Tobirama is the sort of person who will do what he must but will not compromise his integrity or honor, even in survival mode. He's not going to team up with just anyone; he will be scrutinizing when the opportunity to join forces comes along, lest he be weighed down and anchored to an untimely fate.
His only concern at the beginning of the outbreak is finding shelter secure enough, water clean enough, and food plenty enough for one (1) Tobirama and one (1) Hashirama. Once that is accomplished, Tobirama might be capable of processing the scope of what they're experiencing, and formulating a long-term game plan for something beyond survival. But his main concern is the safety of his brother, and almost simply as an extension, himself.
He will not hesitate defend both himself and his brother or their territory and resources, but Tobirama makes every attempt not to encroach on others or start shit. He sees any unnecessary conflict as a liability in the post-apocalyptic landscape. Tobirama is the kind of guy to pass by a peaceful settlement rather than reach out to try to forge an allegiance, lest conflict inevitably arise.
All that said, Hashirama's influence means Tobirama could never stay away from others for too long. It's likely that a stray survivor or couple comes along, and Hashirama convinces Tobirama that each group will be better off together.
Bleak, bleary, and bitter. Scavenging, attacking first, surviving. That is the only life Madara comprehends in this landscape. His sole focus is preserving himself and his direct descendants. If it's not his brother, his wife, or his child then it is expendable. He'll do whatever it takes to keep them going.
Autopilot is where he lands when the beginning of the virus sets down upon the world, and it's where he is when he dies. He is fixated on personal armament, traveling to a fortified area, providing for his family, and decimating anything that comes between those three goals. Knowing Madara, he would likely devise a plan of using the Infinite Tsukuyomi in an attempt to control the virus, or at least, the zombies.
The concept of a survivor camp or settlement is bizarre and beyond Madara. He sees resource-piling as a way for others to take from him and his family, not a secure way into the future. Anything he can take, he will and he will guard anything he has to the death. That being said, it's likely that he would perish early on, due to his utter lack of cooperation and trust in others. No amount of influence from his loved ones could interfere with his beliefs, especially his Us Versus Them mindset in the apocalypse.
The last dreary days of his life would see not only the end of Madara but his family, too. Without the aid or support of others, they would likely be in a constant state of movement to avoid large groupings of zombies. They would be exhausted, downtrodden, and likely suffering malnutrition when the end came upon them, left with only fleeting moments to reflect on what used to be, before they were consumed.
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sapphiresenthiss · 7 months
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That particular scenario I wouldn't mind seeing in the anime itself.
Can't decide who's suffering more here - Tobirama or Hashi... Imagine having to fight off your own Sharingan-controlled brother. And being forced by said Sharingan to fight your anija. Ouch...
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fire-eyed-raven · 2 years
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Senju Hashirama
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