#dai li lu ten au
late-draft · 2 months
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So I heard about the AU where Lu Ten is alive, but got captured and brainwashed by the Dai Li once they discovered that he was actually an earthbender pretending to be a nonbender.... and I love it
Although I feel it might only work in an AU, because his death was such a major point in Iroh's character evolution and thus influenced the entire world.
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mugentakeda · 3 months
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custody battle or something (for this au)
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pinkdinkydoon · 1 year
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Doodle dump. AU stuff on the top and some Misc doodles/comic imitation.
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ultfreakme · 1 year
Because I’m on an identity porn kick for Zukka, here’s some recommendations!
Blue by blacklipscurse(bealiciphers) Words: 190k- Complete This is THE classic identity porn fic for Zukka. Sokka runs into Zuko as the Blue Spirit in Ba Sing Se, and mistakes him for someone from the Southern Water Tribe. Cue feelings
Burning Bright by Erisenyo This is a 3-part series, each is approximately 250k words- Complete Long-fic slow, SLOW burn lovers would enjoy this, this is behemoth of a fic and is mostly canon-compliant for the key events. Premise is Zuko vents about his feelings on a letter and accidentally send it on a messenger hawk. Sokka gets it because the hawk gets injured and the two start exchanging letters anonymously. 
Zuko’s Lost Days by AndyBoy, backatpatrickpark Words: 60k- Complete The Dai Li get Zuko during his fight with Jet and brainwash him into thinking he’s just a regular Ba Sing Se earth kingdom citizen named Li. Sokka runs into him and accdientally falls for him knowing that it’s Zuko. ANGST AND FLUFF YESSS
Chained by BlueEyedArcher Words: 360k- Ongoing No Bending AU where the SWT attacks a Fire Nation encampment and take Zuko as prisoner. Except Zuko was in disguise as a regular old Private under the false name Li, so they don’t know he’s the literal Prince of the Fire Nation. SLOOOOOW burn, it has a lot of stuff on SWT culture. Zuko’s a little different because Ursa’s around, Lu Ten is alive and Iroh is firelord.
someone else by lesmiserablol Words 3k- Complete Sokka figures out Zuko knows the Blue Spirit in Ba Sing Se and is using him to talk to the Blue Spirit, completely unaware that Zuko IS the Blue Spirit. That’s all I can remember for now, if anyone else has got anything else, I’d love to know!    
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sailorluna15 · 2 months
azula headcanon from @mugentakeda dai li au!
azula goes to live with lu ten + jiro (my fav oc of @mugentakeda!) after finding out what her dad did to lu ten. I don't think she would want to stay w him and I don't think lu ten would let her. According to the dai li au, lu ten walks Iroh like a dogggg so if lu ten can tear Iroh up he can def handle ozai. Azula feels conflicted bc of all the emotional abuse and grooming she's experienced from ozai but she ultimately chooses lu ten regardless of feeling a lot of fear. I feel like ozai tries to intimidate her into going against lu ten but lu ten quickly nips it in the bud and protects azula.
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attackfish · 5 months
Can you do more of the Lu Ten back from the dead AU?
That describes more than one AU of mine, so I have chosen the one where Zuko is brainwashed by the Dai Li, and while under Lake Laogai, finds his cousin. Continued from: [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], [Link], and [Link].
Aang wakes up, with, what must be said, is perfect, and perfectly awful, timing. Lu Ten is just about to make his escape, when the Avatar opens his eyes and starts having a freak out about being on a Fire Nation ship, and about how he failed to save Ba Sing Se from being conquered by Azula (Azula? His little cousin, Azula? That Azula? Conquered Ba Sing Se?) So of course Lu Ten does what all good little Fire Princes do, and tries to follow him, because that's the Avatar! He should capture him and take him home to the Fire Nation, and come out of his captivity covered in glory! His father and grandfather will be so proud.
So of course when Aang ends up stuck on some driftwood and washed ashore by the kindly Moon Spirit, Lu Ten ends up washed up, half drowned, on the beach with him. And he's still half drowned and wondering if he really saw the Moon Spirit, or just hallucinated that bit, when the Avatar's friends show up. After the hugs and reassurances, the question quickly becomes what to do with Lu Ten. The problem of course is several fold. 1) he is a danger, because he just tried to pull a Zuko and kidnap Aang. 2) He was pretty useless about it. Zuko could have done better in his sleep. This shows that Lu Ten is still kind if not fully with it, and kind of needs to be taken care of. 3) And Lu Ten's dad is in prison for helping them-
Wait what? His dad is in prison for helping the Avatar and a bunch of teenage enemies of the Fire Nation? His cousin Azula, who last he checked was eight, conquered Ba Sing Se? His cousin Zuko, who is ten, which is, he supposes, not much younger than the twelve year old Avatar, but still ("I'm pretty sure I'm thirteen now, actually, I mean dates are weird with the whole being frozen for a hundred years thing, but...") is not only trying to kidnap the Avatar on the regular, but is apparently doing pretty well at it ("uh, we wouldn't go that far... Also Zuko's sixteen, and Azula's like, fourteen, we think? It's not like she told us.") Oh okay, Zuko is sixteen. He was captive for six years? Six years? Oh. Oh okay. Okay. Wait, who had his dad imprisoned? What do you mean Firelord Ozai? How did Uncle Ozai become firelord if his dad is still alive?
What the Avatar and his companions tell him is confused and disjointed, but what what explaination he does get paints a bleak picture, especially when they tell him that both his father and his cousin said that Ozai, and/or Azula would probably kill him if they found out he was alive. Lu Ten has no idea what to do, and finds himself trailing along after a bunch of teenagers ("Toph's twelve") by default. And when one of those teenagers ends up being dragged off to school, and then getting in trouble at said school, and having to have a parent teacher conference, Lu Ten is the only adult in reach. He works out in his head how much older he would be than his supposed son. If the Avatar is thirteen, and Zuko is sixteen, and Zuko was born when LunTen was ten, he would have been a father at thirteen himself.
Fortunately for everyone involved, six (it's six, right? Wow.) years of captivity have aged Lu Ten beyond what is expected, and he looks far beyond his twenty-six years, old enough to pass as Aang's father. He does his best with stolen clothes and his reflection in a pool of water in the cave they've been hiding in. The Dai Li kept his head shaved, and it's only had a little time to grow out into a spiky fuzz all over his head. He looks like a disgrace, his topknot shorn, the delinquent father of a delinquent son. But it's the best he can do. He isn't exactly surprised when the principal threatens his "son" with being sent to the coal mines. He also doesn't believe a word of it.
After Aang holds his little dance party, amd they all have to run out of town, he finds himself on the road with a pack of children, and is baffled by how many "adventures they find themselves in, impersonating spirits (a Fire Nation town shouldn't be in this kind of squallor!), getting taught by Piandao (who Lu Ten stays well away from, since Piandao could recognize him), dodging assassins, and running into secret waterbending blood witches. That last one was horrifying in so many different ways. She wanted... She tried to kill him. She tried to force the others to kill him. She... Was, at least on some level, a captive like him.
And at the end of it all, when they meet up with the ragtag "army" heading to storm the Fire Nation capital, he hears about the eclipse. And he decides that while the rest of them are trying to take on Ozai, he's going to spring his father. So, he slips away during the fighting and heads for the capital prison tower. Hopefully that's where his father is being kept. And Lu Ten might not have Zuko's ability to break into and out of almost anything, but it hardly matters, because he has barely made it inside when his father, having broken himself out, runs into him, and they leave together.
All this means is that when Zuko (who never did tell anybody about his cousin being alive, which is going to make his tearful reunion with his uncle and cousin a little less awful) shows up to the Western Air Temple, the Gaang is short one Fire Prince. And now they have a new one. Yay! And once he starts to become friends with them, they've got a whole bunch of questions about just what exactly is going on with his family. And yeah, the answers he gives are, well, they are... Wow, Zuko, no wonder you're so messed up!
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caesar-the-day · 2 months
finally publishing some writing after nearly two years!! inspired by @mugentakeda's dai li lu ten au, seriously go check it out...
Iroh had thought that they would be safe, here within the walls of Ba Sing Se. Here, he and his beloved nephew could build a new life in peace. He had assumed, quite reasonably, that in a city of over four million, he would not have to be confronted with coincidental information that might lead to him piecing together who it was that had killed his son. He was wrong. (OR: There is a reason why everyone fears the Dai Li. Iroh's just happens to be slightly different from most.)
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theduckeminence · 1 year
Hmmm yes. Au in which Lu Ten is an earthbender who faked his death to avoid disgracing his Nation and family, ran away into Ba Sing Sa where he lived a new life in the lower ring, befriended new people, fell in love with a Dai Li agent. Only then for his life to be interrupted by the Avatar and his father and cousin being in the same city as he was. Chaos ensues.
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lonewolfel · 8 months
Fictober 2023 Day 2
Read on AO3 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Prompt: 16 - "Do you know a way out of here?" Characters: Zuko, Zeisan, Aang, Sokka, Toph, Katara, Lu Ten Ship: None Warnings: Mentioned death and child abuse/neglect, Katara is mean in this Notes: Takes place after the Fire Bending Masters but before the Boiling Rock. An Au where Zuko can see ghosts.
The door slammed behind them closing them into nothing but darkness. They couldn't even make out the outline of their own hands.
"I can't see a thing here," Sokka called out.
"Neither can I," Toph said with the slightest amount of fear.
"You won't fool me this time, Toph," Sokka said after a pause.
"No really, on my feet the floor feels like stone but I can't bend it at all. I can't even feel any vibrations," Toph said.
"Zuko try to light a flame," Aang said.
Zuko lifted his hand and tried to bend but nothing happened. He could feel his inner flame but somehow it was blocked. 
Zuko felt panic rising through him. He had just gotten his flame back.
"I can't," Zuko said.
"Great once again the thing we need you to do you can't," Katara said with venom in her voice.
Zuko jumped as he felt a hand land on his shoulder. He could tell that it was Lu Ten's due to the size of the cold patch.
"Maybe I can," Aang said panic also clear in his words.
"That won't work," Zeisan said absentmindedly.
"Who said that," Katara demanded.
Zuko froze. No one has ever responded to the ghosts. Katara acknowledged Zeisan, that was something that never happened before.
"Someone," Zeisan responded amusement clear in her voice.
"Stop..." Sokka started
"Do you know a way out of here?" Aang asked.
"I do," Zeisan said.
"Great, lead the way," Sokka said.
"Oh, I can't do that," Zeisan said
"Zeisan," Zuko huffed.
There were a few sounds of confusion from the group but Zuko paid them no mind. 
"Only you can get yourselves out. This is a spiritual place," Zeisan said
"Then you can tell us how to get out on our own?" Aang asked.
"What are mortals blinded by?" Zeisan asked.
"Their sight," Toph said.
"No," Zeisan said. 
"That's a stupid riddle. Humans can literally be blinded by anything. We are even blinded by spirits right now," Sookka exclaimed.
Zuko could imagine the unimpressed look on Zeisan's face. All the while Sokka continued his rant over how fragile mortal eyesight is.
"Zuko, care to weigh in?" Zeisan said in her classic I'm so much smarter than all of you tone. Zuko frowned wishing he knew where she was so that he could glare at her.
Zuko began to think about what Zeisan said. It was clear she thought Zuko went through it. It couldn't have been when he got his scar as fire was already listed by Sokka. It was something that everyone experienced but only he could name, likely something spiritual as Zeisan seemed to be more in tune with the spiritual aspects of everything. 
"Lies," Zuko said. he wasn't sure it was right but it was better than nothing. Sokka paused his rant.
"Indeed, all mortals have lies that we tell ourselves. You must let go of those lies to move forward.," Zeisan said.
"How do we let those go?' Aang asked.
"Close your eyes and think about the lies that we tell ourselves and how they aren't true. Then take a step forward and if the spirits are satisfied they will allow you to move out of the darkness," Zeisan said.
"What if the Spirits don't allow?" Sokka demanded.
"Then you would perhaps lost to the darkness forever," Zeisan said. "Good luck."
"That mystical voice sure is ominous," Sokka said.
Zeisan was honestly one of the milder ghosts. She didn't coddle him like Lu Ten in Ta Min, but she wasn't nearly as harsh as the late Fire Lords. Not that he was going to say that as that would make him seem insane.
Granted only he was able to the ghosts and they are in some sort of spirit trap. So insane was relative.
"How did she know your name Zuko?" Katara demanded.
"She is a spirit," Aang said.
"So how do we know that she isn't leading us into a trap?" Sokka asked. 
"We can trust her," Zuko said without thinking. He knew that she wouldn't get Zuko killed as she had a plan for him not that she would ever tell him.
"Oh, now we got to trust you," Katara said harshly.
"Do you have a better plan, Sugar Queen?" Toph asked. 
That seemed to shut Katara up. Or perhaps she is making a face or rude gesture he couldn't see after all.
Zuko closed his eyes even though he knew that it would change nothing. He thought about how he used to believe that he needed his father's approval and his love. He thought about how glorious he used to think the Fire Nation was. All lies to justify the awful things he did.
Zuko wasn't going to be blinded by them anymore.
Zuko then felt Lu Ten and Zeisan's cold ghostly hand nudge him forward. 
For a split second Zuko didn't open his eyes scared that he would still be in the darkness. When he opened his eyes he saw a lit stone hallway before him. Zuko let out a sigh of relief.
He turned around and saw the darkness that he had just exited. Both Lu Ten and Zeisan stood there. Lu Ten looked relieved and Zeisan looked bored. 
"It worked," Zuko called out.
"Like we can trust you," Katara snarled. 
"You're just gonna have to," Lu Ten shot back.
There was a huff and the sound of Katara saying something that he was too far away to hear.
A shiver went down Zuko's back at the idea of Lu Ten and Katara interacting. His cousin has said many rude things about the water bender sense Zuko joined their group.
"Great another mysterious voice," Sokka said.
Toph stepped out of the darkness.
"Sparky's right it worked," Toph called out.
Aang was the next one to step out of the darkness. When Aang's eyes opened they widened in shock.
"You're an Air Acolyte," Aang gasped.
"Once," Zeisan responded.
"Air Acolyte?" Zuko asked in confusion. Zeisan was Fire Nation, she had to be in order to be his ancestor. 
Sokka chose that moment to exit the darkness. When he opened his eyes he narrowed in on Lu Ten and reached for his boomerang.
"A fire Nation soldier," Sokka growled. 
Zuko had forgotten that Lu Ten had died in his armor he was so used to his cousin's ghost that it had never crossed his mind.
Aang didn't tear his eyes off of Zeisan. Katara began to growl insults at Zuko saying he was a traitor. Toph's face scrunched up in confusion.
"I don't feel anyone but us," Toph said.
"How can you not see...oh," Sokka said sticking his foot in his mouth. 
"We," Zeisan started. She pointed at both herself and Lu Ten. " Are ghosts remains of the spirits of dead people who chose to remain instead of returning to the cycle."
"Why are you here?" Aang asked.
"Because Zuko is here," Zeisan said.
"So what Zuko has two ghosts following him?" Sokka exclaimed.
"Technically there's six of us," Lu Ten said.
"You seem oddly calm about this, Sparky," Toph said.
Everyone turned towards Zuko.
"I already knew this," Zuko admitted. 
"How?" Aang asked.
Zuko shrugged. "I've always been able to see them."
Katara let out a huff and uttered something about him being a murderer was the reason.
"Katara," Aang gasped in horror. 
"Only she can get herself out," Zeisan said.
"Do we really want her out," Lu Tel muttered. That earned the ghost a glare from Sokka. 
"I've tried everything, but nothing is working," Katara exclaimed. 
"Clearly you haven't," Zeisan said.
"If you are so knowledgable what is your lie," Katara hissed.
"That I could stop Sozin," Zeisan said.
Zuko froze and looked at her. He could tell the others were doing the same thing but he paid them no mind. 
Zeisan rarely talked about her life, not to mention he knew she was related to him in some way so that meant he was related to a traitor. 
Granted Zuko was already one but that still was an uncomfortable truth.
"Why would you want to stop Sozin?" Katara asked.
"The Air Nomads made me see the truth. I saw the corruption in the royal family. I saw the harm that we could unknowingly cause. I thought I could stop it if I was on the throne, but I had no direct claim to it, so I staged a coup and was killed."
That was more information about Zeisan than Zuko would have ever dreamed of. 
There was a moment of silence as no one seemed to know how to respond to that. Then Katara stepped forward and opened her eyes. 
She was out of the darkness.
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
I remember you mentioning that Lu ten is often idealised in fanfiction and it reminded me of all the lu ten lives aus.
Majority of them make him fanon iroh 2.0. He already knows the fire nation is wrong and is trying to fix it or he's just a chill nice guy. Azula rarely has any relationship with him and he seemed to exclusively help Zuko.
The one fic i remember that did not do this was called Juxtapose. That fic had the best Lu Ten for me because he was a racist imperialist as well as a spoiled brat. You know, like a fire nation crown prince would probably be. His character development is slow but never once does the author justify his behaviour and the unrelliable narration is great because of the tonal disconnect (the second chapter was horrifying in the best ways possible). Zuko and Azula are deaged in this au so they have less agency here which makes sense since Lu Ten is the Gaang's age this au.
But this is the only fic i found that represented him this way while also treating Azula and Zuko with some semblance of respect.
I cannot tell you how fustrated i am when i find Lu Ten lives aus and they make him iroh 2.0. If Lu Ten never died Iroh shoudl also be an imperialist but people make it so that his injuries somehow make Iroh reconsider or that he was held captive by the Dai Li.
Even more so im annoyed wiht the whole dynamics in fics with the fire siblings. Most of the time it focuses on only Zuko and usually either gets rid of Azula or villiases her further. Either Azula's is Ozai's spawn exclusivley or she's Zuko's mean sister. Lu Ten rarely has any relation to her outside of that.
Then again, most fics with the fire siblings either focuses entirely on one or the other or just skip past all the complicated sibling stuff by making them close already. Which i dont mind all the time, but with i wish people considered that when writing Lu Ten instead of making him the perfect cousin(tm)
I agree. Lu Ten grew up an imperialist environment, and died trying to complete the imperial conquest of the Earth Kingdom. He's not a good person, and him becoming one would probably require an extensive arc. He also grew up in the interrelation toxic dumpster fire which is the royal family, and probably was negatively affected by it significantly. He was also raised by Iroh, and Iroh's flaws as a parent are readily apparent in the series, after he already had significant experience with Lu Ten. So, yes, Lu Ten was also probably poorly adjusted, in addition to being high on toxic Fire Imperial ideology.
And even though it's possible that Lu Ten might have been "nice," like the fandom likes writing him as, it's also worth pointing out that most of the people who grew up in the royal family are pretty personally mean(Sozin, Azulon, Ozai, Zuko, Azula), so it's fairly like that Lu Ten was a bit of an asshole in person.
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Cherry Wine
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: Kaatiba
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Violence, Abuse, Sexual Content, Underage
Word Count: 151,452
Pairings: Zutara, Sukka, Tyzula
Characters: Zuko, Katara, Iroh, Ozai, Aang, Sokka, Hakoda, Kya, Ursa,  Azula, Dai Li, Earth King, Appa, Momo, Bato, The Gaang, Original Male Character(s), Piandao, The Blue Spirit, The Painted Lady, Toph Bei Fong, Lu Ten, Roku, Sozin, Fang, Ta Min, Hama, Haru, Teo, The Duke, Ty Lee, Mai, Suki, Sun Warriors, Druk, Katara’s and Zuko’s Child(ren)
Tags: Missing Scene, Episode: s02e20 The Crossroads of Destiny, Pre-Slash, Fix-It of Sorts, Zuko's Scar, Zuko's Childhood, Bonding, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, What-If, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Zuko-centric, Ba Sing Se, POV Alternating, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Fire Nation Lore, Chi Blocking, Zuko whump, Protective Gaang, The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar, Book 3: Fire, zuko joins the gaang early, Season 3 rewrite, Fire Nation, Southern Water Tribe, Episode: s03e02 The Headband, Hurt/Comfort, Ozai Being a Terrible Parent, Toph Beifong and Zuko are Siblings, Episode: s03e03 The Painted Lady, 'Team Avatar' more like 'Protect Zuko Squad', Episode: s03e04 Sokka's Master, Episode: s03e05 The Beach, Episode: s03e06 The Avatar and the Fire Lord, Episode: s03e07 The Runaway, Episode: s03e08 The Puppetmaster, Episode s03e09: Nightmares and Daydreams, Episode: s03e10-11 The Day of Black Sun, POV Azula, Episode: s03e12 The Western Air Temple, Western Air Temple, Ember Island, Azula has feelings, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Protective Sokka, Violence, War, Azula Redemption, Episode: s03e13 The Firebending Masters, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Epilogue, Domestic Fluff, Politics, Fire Nation Royal Family
Canon Divergent AU where Zuko joined the Gaang early in the S2 finale: Crossroads of Destiny
 like rum on fire
What if Katara got to know Zuko a bit better in the catacombs, and it altered his choice in Ba Sing Se?
Katara unlocks Zuko's tragic backstory, finally gives him the hug he needs, and the rest is history
the tide of her breathing
(Sequel to "like rum on the fire" but can be read independently)
Zuko makes a different choice back in Ba Sing Se and the rest is history...
A remake of Book 3 where Zuko joined the Gaang early
oh, but she burns
(sequel to "like rum on the fire" and "the tide of her breathing" but could be read independently)
A Canon-Divergent Remake of Book 3 where Zuko joined the Gaang back in Ba Sing Se, and it alters the course of Destiny...
The last half of S3 with 200% more Zutara and Tyzula
cherry wine epilogue
canon divergent book 4 and onward; epilogue scenes from the Cherry Wine series
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
The third I've also got the name for and I intend to call it The War of Fire and Stone
So I suppose technically the the second should be the War of Fire and Snow for the thematic element in retrospect. And this one is the simplest for a dramatis personae as it includes the perspectives of multiple Fire Nation soldiers including both canon characters and my OCs designed to exist within the broader world without direct overlap with the named characters, and from the Earth Kingdom's POV Earth King Yong Le and his newly consolidated Dai Li chieftain Long Feng.
It would cover two years before the Siege where Iroh consolidates his lines and prepares his offensive and the same set of meetings shown and alluded to in various AUs as a part of the backstory where directly relevant to the PODs in those universes, and then the full and horrid course of the Siege itself.
Iroh, Lu Ten, Mongke, General Dirlwa (aka the leader of my Destruction Battalion) and Colonel Mushi (from whom Iroh takes his Ba Sing Se alias), and old man Azulon are the main Fire Nation POVs. Zuko and Azula get a couple of cameo scenes, Ursa and Ozai slightly bigger cameos.
The Earth Kingdom has Dai Li agents, including Scarface who gets his scar in the Siege, various Earth Kingdom soldiers, the Earth King, and Long Feng for its POV characters.
The overall narrative will be very akin to 'The Last Full Measure' and WWI novels in its portrayals of the Siege and its horrors, with aspects of the Siege very much lifted from the Siege of Petersburg and Iroh shown in full blown Ulysses S. Grant fashion remorselessly grinding the Earth Kingdom to rubble
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mugentakeda · 3 months
as soon as ursa registered that the person that just stepped into the garden was a messenger dressed in white, she knew her nephew was dead.
he'd only departed for ba sing se a few weeks ago. she'd gotten one hawk from him while he was still on his way to the faraway city- passionate descriptions about the beautiful earth kingdom terrain and scenery, his nervousness and dread, how much he already missed the kids and her and home.
she already knew he didn't want to go. just a month shy of 600 days did lu ten manage to hold off on joining his father in his divine quest, to get the capital of the earth kingdom to finally surrender. holding strong to his decision, despite pressure and badgering from every direction. ursa never cared. she knew ozai cared, firelord azulon cared, the whole council and nobility cared- but ursa has always cursed the council and nobility anyway. she knows her nephew's heart is true and hardworking even if he's not the most open about his patriotism, and knows that he's always been stubborn and independent. spirits, if she was a prince, she isn't sure that she'd want to spend her first big military venture in her father's shadow either. iroh had respected his son's wishes without a fight, just like ursa knew her honorable brother-in-law would, and left for ba sing se alone. that should've been the end of that.
azula told her (rather sourly) that the strange navy fellow that lu ten had been peers with while training under admiral jeong jeong managed to convince him otherwise. how, her daughter wasn't sure, and wasn't pleased. ursa had asked lu ten about it not much later, easily confessing to her nephew that she heard through the lychee-grape vine that he'd changed his mind about ba sing se- but he'd been cagey and evasive, and offered no real explanation. the evening later, he promptly announced at dinner that he'd be departing from the fire nation in the next couple days to join his father. and looked like he wanted to vomit afterwards, as firelord azulon put a weathered hand on his shoulder and shook him with satisfaction. she waited up late that night, praying he'd sneak to her chambers, so they could discuss the matter in whispers. but he never showed.
ursa had found him early the next morning, before agni even peeked over the horizon, tending to his beloved jogekama yari.
he sat up straight at the sound of her footsteps on the tile, and sighed heavily. as usual, lu ten knew it was his aunt without looking (unbeknownst to ursa, over the previous years, he'd been memorizing the sound of everyone in the family's footsteps. that way, he could mentally prepare himself for the interaction- lest the footsteps belong to ozai.).
I don't feel like being interrogated right now, auntie, he'd muttered. the young prince didn't sound angry, but terribly drained, and terribly defeated. the days where she could take one look at him and know exactly what was going through his head were long gone, sadly.
i'm sorry, she'd replied sadly. I just wanted to make sure you were truly alright. because… well, ever since I married your uncle….
his face pinched and he looked back down at his spear in silence. the hot morning air was heavy with foreboding. the rest went unspoken, as such things usually do in this suffocating palace they both call home. I think of you as my own.
she'd watched him grow up. she'd been there when his voice dropped, when he started growing sideburns, when he came home from shu jing armed with a mighty staff and bursting in pride, when the first sparks of lightning erupted from his hands and he made history. lu ten had been the only one to check in on her after she gave birth to zuko, and then the same with azula. he held them in his arms before ozai did. he'd been the one to choose azula's wet nurse when ursa was too sickened and depressed to eat well enough to breastfeed her baby girl. he was the one present for azula's first words and first steps- which is all now a secret between them that he's literally taken to the grave. her children's big brother in spirit, ursa's little brother and son from another mother.
the hands clutching the scroll tremble in despair and rage. what will happen now? her only teammate is gone. the one person in the whole world that truly went out of his way to look out for her and hers is gone. i'm not strong enough to hold him off on my own, my nephew, she thinks.
ursa bites the inside of her cheek until it bleeds to quell the tears welling up. you won't ever see him again. you're going to have to get used to living without him. he's never coming home. his father didn't keep him safe. it's over.
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mafumuff · 24 days
thank you for all the nice tags on my au stuff heheheheg
AHHHHHHHHHH HIIIIIII YEAH NO IT'S A PLEASURE TO READ YOUR DAI LI LU TEN AU (AND ALL YOUR ATLA POSTS)!! You are now the Lu ten and iroh expert in my eyes because the way you characterized those two is so refreshing for me?? Because I never really see anyone explore how sour those two's relationship could've been before the siege (and before that) the way you did and honestly I also love your Iroh Suffering Time, thank you Iroh Suffering Guy 🙏
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electronswrites · 3 years
I saw your Lu Ten hates Zuko AU and I was wondering if you could elaborate? Just some more fun details? No pressure but I love the idea!
I live to cause pain, so sure!
If Lu Ten has been a captive of the Dai Li, Zuko probably finds him when he sneaks into Lake Laogi. Perhaps, while down there, he also finds letters between Long Feng and PRINCE Ozai, offering information that could help the EK fight off the FN seige in exchange for killing one Prince Lu Ten of the Fire Nation. This increases Zuko's guilt and Lu Ten's hatred.
We have to remember that, other than the scar, Zuko looks a LOT like Ozai. This makes it even easier for Lu Ten to classify Zuko as simply an extension of Ozai. He looks at Zuko and sees his treacherous uncle that tried to kill him, not the little kid that once worshipped him.
Lu Ten has been a captive for six(?) years, and that will mess with anyone's head. So if he's a little gruff, a little short, as far as Iroh is concerned, that's normal. He's not used to socializing with people. He just needs time.
The more Iroh asks Zuko to be patient with Lu Ten, the more convinced Zuko becomes that rather than Iroh being oblivious to the mistreatment, Iroh condones it. The abuse starts out subtle, just nasty comments and insults. Zuko may have rescued Lu Ten, but that doesn't erase all the years Lu Ten spent locked up because of Zuko's father.
Zuko's first solution is to avoid the apartment where Lu Ten is convalescing. He gets up early to go down to the tea shop and prepare for the day. He stays late to finish cleaning up. Iroh thinks Zuko is just trying to give him time alone with his long lost son and tries to reassure him that he deserves time to reacquaint with Lu Ten as well. Iroh encourages Zuko to spend time with Lu Ten while Iroh oversees the shop.
When they're alone, the comments turn to diatribes. Lu Ten lays into Zuko, telling him over and over what a disgrace he is, how worthless he is, that he's so disloyal even a traitor didn't have use for him. Lu Ten mocks his banishment, his scar, his failure to find the Avatar.
Zuko keeps quiet for as long as he can, but soon all of his feelings bubble over. He tells Lu Ten that he's wrong, that Uncle said he's a good man, that he's proud of him and thinks of him like a son. Lu Ten just laughs. His father was lonely and mourning. Now that his "real" son is back, he doesn't need Zuko anymore.
Zuko tries not to believe that, but it fits so neatly with his own perception of himself. He feels overwhelmed. He thinks he might cry. He doesn't want to break down in front of Lu Ten, so he tries to leave, but Lu Ten isn't done.
Lu Ten grabs Zuko by the arms and holds him in place. Zuko feels the fabric of his robe start to burn and tries to get away, but he doesn't fight back. He won't risk hurting his cousin and "betraying" his family worse than he already has.
Things can go a few different ways after that. Either Zuko runs away, he, Lu Ten and Iroh end up rounded up by Azula or they continue with anonymity in Ba Sing Se after the coup. That last one would be the worst for Zuko. If Iroh ever does see any of his new burns, he'd assume they were from the new FN patrols in the lower ring. His response would be to treat the burns while scolding Zuko to be more careful.
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koiotic · 3 years
Okay Hades and Persephone au lore/exposition bc I’m in love with this atm
Zuko is basically Hades, god of the dead, but it’s basically a government job and he doesn’t get time off so he’s a ball of stress and anxiety
Toph’s mother, Poppy is Demeter, harvest goddess. She’s incredibly overprotective of Toph
Toph is Persephone; still blind and sees through the Earth. Her connection to plants/wildlife is stronger so she’s basically a Disney princess but way more open to murder
She doesn’t get kidnapped, she kidnaps herself. She meets Zuko one day when he’s out for a walk (ie. running away from the underworld to have a panic attack in peace for ten minutes) and decides that they’re friends now whether he likes it or not
He ends up coming up from the underworld to hang out with her a lot, until Poppy finds out and tries to stop Toph from ever seeing him again, thinking he’ll hurt her
Toph says ‘fuck that’, breaks out and kidnaps herself to the underworld. Zuko is very anxious about the whole thing but eventually realises that the whole ruling hell thing is 100x easier with help, especially if that help is named Toph and willing to fight people for him
She eats pomegranate seeds and refuses to leave, but Poppy refuses to let her go and curses the mortal world, creating winter and won’t let summer return. The other gods intervene, and Toph agrees to stay half of the year in the underworld and go back for the other half. She doesn’t forgive her mother for a long time, but they come to a sort of peace
She platonically marries Zuko because ‘queen of hell’ is a badass title and they have an awesome qpr (aro ace solidarity!). When her mother is around, she pretends it’s actually a romantic relationship to piss her off
I just have a lot of feelings about their friendship okay
Anyway, plot
Sokka and Katara are both technically demigod children of Kya, a sea nymph, but only Katara got water control abilities
Sokka got wit and wisdom, and, he insists, mythically good looks
Aang is a demigod, and his father is Gyatso, god of the southern wind. He pretty much still has airbending (and his dope tattoos lol) but not the other elements
He’s sent on 12 quests (ripoff 12 labours of Heracles) and the last one is to capture the three headed guardian of the underworld
Which is a dragon
Which is Ran, Shaw and Druk (Zuko refuses to give them all one name because it seems unfair because they all have their own personalities and he’s an absolute softie for his dragons)
[the fic is in progress!!]
Misc things
Mai is Thanatos (death). She’s dating Ty Lee, who is Elpis (hope) and it’s very symbolic and romantic
Jet is Hermes, and just a casual agent of chaos
Ozai was a Titan, and so was Azula. Zuko fought and defeated Ozai, who was sent to Tartarus. Azula is held elsewhere in the underworld, but Zuko hopes he can help/rehabilitate her instead of locking her up. Lo and Li are the furies and basically her carers/therapists
Iroh was also a Titan who took the side of the gods when they fought them, and basically retired afterwards to hang out in the mortal world and hand out tea and advice. Zuko visits him every year and still can’t understand his tea or his advice
Lu Ten was a god, killed by Ozai
Yue is Selene, Suki is Artemis, and the Kyoshi Warriors are her huntresses. The moon is inherently sapphic so Yueki
Zuko feels terrible about the Orpheus Incident™️
This universe’s version of Secret Tunnel is about Toph building the tunnel to the underworld so she can hang out with Zuko, then marrying him for tax purposes (Toph loudly sings it at any given opportunity)
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