takemealivelh · 5 years
If requests are still open, can you do a Luke Hemmings x reader where it’s that cocktail chats, and the reader is the one directing & filming bc she’s known for being good at both so they get her down to do it. Luke has a massive crush on her, either before she shows up or when she does show up and he’s thinking “shit” lmao. So when they get really shitfaced, he says something on camera about her & gradually starts hitting on her until he asks her out lol
ALRIGHT! This took me forever but I DID IT! Proud of this one (I think)
This one’s for ya!
(Luke’s POV)
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One of our strong points as a band, besides creating and performing music we believe in, is how we interact with our fans. They know us, they know we're up for a good time and we don't shy away from making fools out of ourselves. The Cocktail Chats seemed like a good idea to get it all together in one project. That was until I found out who was directing and filming.
"She should be here any second" Ashton scrolled through his phone. We were waiting for the crew to set up the cameras, lighting and audio at his kitchen, and we'd gotten there a few hours before just to help him clean up. 
"Who?" I made the dumb mistake of asking. Michael, Calum and Ashton looked at me wide-eyed with the biggest looking frown on their faces. "What?"
"Are you fucking serious? We discussed this weeks ago, mate" Michael shook his head. He immediately started laughing when I didn't reply, "okay, maybe your brain has been pushing it to the back so you didn't shit your pants every day we got closer to filming." Ashton laughed along and high-fived our guitarist. None of them answered my question, though.
I looked for Calum's face, but he didn't help me out either. 
The doorbell rang, "she's here!" Ashton smiled and got up from his spot on the kitchen table. 
"This is going to be good" Michael laughed under his breath before pushing himself off the countertop and walking towards the front door behind Ash. "Hey!" I heard him yell in excitement and a few other voices greeting them. "Hey man, you drove everyone here?"
"Yeah, yeah, I did. I wasn't going to miss this, you four getting drunk and discussing music?" Alex's voice was unmistakable, and I was glad he'd come around, "wouldn't fucking miss it, also I wanted to help. Where are the other two? We need to set all this equipment."
"Cal! Luke! Don't be dicks and come help out"
When I got to the front door and saw Ashton's arm around her shoulders, her hands holding a camera tripod, I felt the colour fade from my face. 
Maybe Mike was right.
"Can you move a little bit closer to the mic, Cal? Please?"
I saw her giving directions, saw her being her charming professional self. Carrie seemed to have everything under control but never stopped being the lovely person she is. When Ashton stood next to her, asking her about how they'd bring the concept to life, she explained her vision with such eloquence that I decided I could listen to her talk about her work for hours. She was a smart, creative, kind person. I was crushing so hard on her.
"Keep the drool to a minimum," I felt someone nudge my shoulder and saw Alex with a smug smirk behind me, getting ready the shots and cocktails we were about to drink. "You're not subtle, Luke. And I worry about how you'll act when you've got some drinks in you."
I rolled my eyes, "I can be professional, mate. Thanks for the confidence boost, though."
"I'm just saying," he laughed.
"Everyone does a shot and then we start with introductions, sounds good?" Carrie smiled from behind the camera. "Ashton, you go first. And... we're rolling."
The red light lit up and I felt my hands starting to sweat. I only needed to play it cool, just for a couple of hours. I'd been drunk before, and I'd been drunk before around her as well. It never went bad, but maybe because Cal had to drag me out of the party before I embarrassed myself. 
"Let it begin..."Ashton did a shot and the rest of us followed suit. I tried to be cool and impress her by being expressionless as the burning alcohol went down my throat. 
It didn't work.
"Hello, I'm Ashton, I'm the drummer in the band..."
"Hello, for everyone out there who doesn't know who I am, I'm Calum Hood..."
"I'm Michael, I play guitar in 5 seconds of summer..."
"I'm Luke..." my brain completely betrayed me when I saw her smile from the other side of the camera, "I'm NOT 6'4, I'm 6'2 at best..."
The more drinks I got in me, the sloppier I got, the stupider I got, the more I embarrassed myself. 
Oh god, she was so pretty when she laughed at my dumb jokes. 
"Can you tell him to say it without the word genius?" I heard her faintly over the loud mess we had going on. Ashton repeated the question I swear I saw a smirk on her face.
Of course, I messed up, again. 
"I think we need a break" 
"I think we need like 3 breaks," Mike was slouched on the floor next to the camera, "I can't concentrate for shit. Hey, man! When did you get here?"
The kitchen was quickly getting more crowded. When Ashton said that he started a party because he got drunk, he wasn't joking. From 8 people, we were now at 25. My words were starting to spill out of my mouth without any filter and I was partly worried that I would profess my undying love for her in front of everyone. But I was also feeling a bit confident, every time I made her laugh or blush -even faintly- I felt good. Maybe she liked me as well.
"You want a drink?" I offered her a glass of some cocktail we were drinking. Carrie smiled at me and showed me the half-empty glass in her hand. "Oh, you already have one. You want another one after that?"
"Luke! Stop giving her drinks, mate! You're so unprofessional"
Ashton laughed from the other side of the kitchen, slurping the rest of his cocktail, "we're discussing music while we're getting drunk, Cal. I think professional flew out the window a few hours ago"
She smiled at me and sipped the rest of her drink. Was I imagining things or was she maintaining a playful eye contact with me? Was it my vivid desires playing tricks to my drunken mind or was she running her hand up and down my arm? "I like you in this shirt, it suits you" she whispered.
I think my heart almost stopped beating.
"Guys, you can do it. Only two more songs, alright?"
Michael and Cal made their way around the kitchen, trying to get everyone either to stay quiet or to go party on the backyard. Ashton was bopping his head to the beat of Empty Wallets.
The first piano part has always reminded me of N'Sync's Bye Bye Bye, and since we were all pretty shitfaced by now, decency had left the room a while ago. 
"I'm not gonna play anymore because that is fire"
"Pure Fuego"
"You're gonna burn down your house, Ash"
I could see Carrie trying to contain the laughter as we all teased Ashton.
"Thank you, audience participants. That was very supportive."
I sat next to her as the rest of the band did their part of the video. I saw Alex's cheeky grin at me, and Mike's eyebrows wiggle at me when Carried shifted in the stool and subtly brushed her body against mine. I thought my body wouldn't be able to take that much heat.
We had finished talking about Ghost Of You and now we were doing the Deluxe tracks of the album. But it was likely that none of that footage was going to end up in the actual videos. We were absolutely smashed. Michael had to go out to take some air, Cal went out for a smoke and Alex and Ash followed to spend some time with all the people they had invited over.
It was just me and Carrie.
"Alright, Luke. Monsters Among Men. What's it mean?"
"Er..." my mind was racing five hundred thoughts at the speed of light. Her hair had been put up in a ponytail because the temperature in the room had gone up quickly in the past 20 minutes. She had a few strands of hair stuck with sweat to her skin and the cleavage exposed by her v-neck shirt was glistening. I couldn't focus. 
She gave me a sly smile, "are you gonna talk, or?"
"You're cute" I blurted out.
"You're drunk"
The way her nose crinkled when she teased me, the way the lighting hit the side of her face, the way she wiped the sweat off her forehead with two fingers... I needed to ask her out. "You're still cute when I'm sober, though"
"Wow, real smooth, Hemmings"
"I try"
Her laugh was enough to give me the last boost of confidence.
"You wanna go out with me? Not tonight, I won't be good company if I'm about to throw up all the time"
Carrie laughed and turned the camera off. "Alright, no deluxe," she said under her breath, shaking her head. I could feel my throat starting to close, she was breathtaking and I had asked her out and she wasn't replying and oh my god did I make a dick move?
"I'm free next week," she smiled.
Thank fucking god, "it's a date then."
@brown-eyedshell @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @myloverboyash @hopeless-renassianceluke @dukesnumber1 @rip-lukes-balsamic @letsfuckndance @cal-pal-cuddles @ashtons-favorite @1dthewantedlove@problematicprincessa@heartbreak-5sos @baby-loba
let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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bonzai-bunny · 5 years
cxxl-gall replied to your post “so uh trigger warning for a lot of animal death (rats specifically) in...”
Cool and all for the trigger warnings but he was never going to rape her? Why are you using that as a trigger warning. “Where a guy seems like he’s going to rape her” bc he bends down? Bc he tells her to stay still? It’s a sci-fi with an alien. Also Netflix has warnings at the top of the screen before every episode
the only warning i’ve noticed so far without searching out anything is a photosensitivity warning. and the reason i mentioned the rape thing is because a man leaning over a bound and gagged woman in a dark warehouse reads like a potential rape even though i know that’s not what is happening in the context of the scene and the framing of it might be triggering for some people.
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ticklishtimothee · 5 years
Hiya, if you’re still doing Timothée Chalamet imagines could you do an award show where the reader is a female director or actress and she wins either best director or best supporting actress. Timothee and the reader meet at the after party bc he’s a huge fan of either her film or film she acted in and just cute fluff of them talking sat on a table and like other people noticing them together & just being cute and all that
just posted!! i hope you enjoy x
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evabrighis · 6 years
Hi I wondered, with your mood board things- how do you get the filter to look so aesthetic/fade/pale kinda. Bc I never know how to do that and what to use
using a pale psd on the image is a good starting point. the tangled psd in this pack seems to work really well for images even though it’s a psd for gifs. i tend to go back to this one a lot.
i’ll also play around with the layers on the psd/decrease the saturation level to fade out the color.
it really depends on the image you’re trying to color. just play around with different psds to test them out and see how you like it :)
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hannahberrie · 6 years
I beg you do mood boards as like requests if you don’t already bc the mood board you did was aesthetically pleasing & I live for mood boards honestlyyyy
I can totally take moodboard requests! Ships, characters, AU’s, whatever — Just send them my way!
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goodproofingwater · 4 years
A Gentleman | Noah Centineo x Reader
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Word count: 2417 Warnings: NSFW content, mentions of an abusive relationship Requested by: @cxxl-gall​ (literally almost a year ago i am so sorry)
The memories of the man before swim in your mind as you wait in line for your morning cappuccino, the strong smell of arabica wafting through months of what you once thought was normality until you started talking to your friends. Words which had been designed to bow you into submission had been dressed in such pretty packaging that you hadn’t even noticed what they were, and you were thankful for having such a supportive group around you to help you remove yourself from the situation.
It was around three weeks after everything had died down that you started filming for your new movie, and although you had originally thought it best that you pass on the role due to the nature of the film being so based on relationships and your horrible experience, your friends were once again there to push you. You had been trying for ages to break into something more than the commercials that you had been stuck with, and you weren’t about to let your ex ruin this for you. He had already done enough.
The first day was apprehensive, scary and exciting, and for the first time in ages, you were thinking about something other than your past. And so you leaned into it, allowed yourself to become obsessed with your craft once more, spent days immersing yourself into your character, the nights re-reading lines and researching aspects of your characters' interests that you would never have done before. Before long, you felt like you knew your character better than you knew yourself, and you felt like you were starting to heal.
And then you met him.
Noah was every inch as handsome as the images you had seen, and every bit as charming as the interviews would have you believe, and although the scenes that you had with him were predictably romantic, his kindness made them easier to swallow.
Even with your research and the depth that you went into to ensure that your character was as multi-faceted as possible (while also distracting yourself) the scenes toward the end of the script in which you were fully in a relationship with Noah’s character were much harder to adapt to.
By the time you had started reading the script aloud in your trailer to prepare for the scenes that would be filmed the following week, it had been a month and a half since the break-up, and although you were much more comfortable with the idea, actually being so close, acting out things which had become so tainted… it was a whole other story.
“I’ve never met anyone like you before.. I can’t believe you’re even real..” You read to the empty trailer, trying to enforce love and passion into your voice but you could feel it shaking, could feel the goosebumps erupting on your skin at the thought of someone touching you, the thought of the words that were so similar o the ones which had fallen unscripted from your lips months ago and how they had been used to trap you.
You were so engrossed in trying to focus that you didn’t hear the knock on the door, and you barely heard the door open. It was only when his calloused fingers grazed your bicep that you spun, so fast that you had to steady yourself against him, wide eyes expecting pain either physical or otherwise.
“Woah.. are you alright?” Concern washed through his features, the mask that he used so often while he was acting stripped away completely to reveal how much he genuinely cared about your wellbeing, and it was then that you realised that you couldn’t remember the last time a man looked at you this way. Each time your ex had looked at you it had been with disgust, with expectation of something that he hadn’t even told you he wanted, and even after nights where you had thought that you had given him everything he wanted there was nothing but cold emptiness behind icy blue orbs.
This was different.
Even though you hadn’t known him long, the warmth of his expression made you feel more validated than any time your ex had attempted to understand your feelings.
“I--” You started before clearing your throat and forcing a smile on your face which didn’t quite fit there, “Sorry I was just really into the scene.”
Curls dropped as he looked down at your shaking hands, and he cupped them in his own, shaking his head. He looked like he wanted to say something, to ask why you were so hurt and what had cause you to have such a reaction to someone grazing your arm, but instead he continued with your charade.
“Well lets practice together. It’s better that we build up our familiarity as much as we can right?” He smiled, and it was a kindness that no one had ever afforded you. Even when your friends had been helping you through hell, none of them had given a thought to how you wanted to deal with it, only how they thought was best. Focussing on work and powering through was perfect, and you knew you would have to find a way to than Noah without letting him know just how much he had helped.
You practised over and over, and it wasn’t long before you were even more comfortable with him. All thought of who he was and the level of this for your career left your mind, he was just your friend who was helping you get through something horrible by immersing you in something that you loved doing, and even improving your talent by teaching you different techniques.
By the time the scene came around you were no longer nervous, you were excited to do this on camera, the words becoming commonplace and any connotations that you had been worried about completely gone.
And so, you stood in the middle of the set which was supposed to be his room, his hands on your waist as you swayed softly to a song that you knew would be replaced in the final cut, words falling with ease, taking on an entirely new meaning now that he was looking at you as his character rather than you off-camera.
“I- I can’t believe you’re real..” You spoke, your bottom lip quivering, his eyes darting down to catch the sight before he spoke
“I’m not special..” He started, looking directly into your eyes and you felt like he was talking directly to your soul, “You just deserve the world” and although that was where his lines ended, he continued, “and I can’t believe that anyone ever made you feel any other way. You’re incredible, perfect really, and I’m so lucky that I get to be here with you..”
He swallowed thickly as you scanned his expression, unable to tell if the improvisation came from his characters' desire for yours or because of how close you had gotten over the last couple of weeks.
“I’m the lucky one... You’re perfect..” You whispered, leaning in and running your nose along with his and biting your lip before the director called cut.
There was a moment where you stayed still, where you both allowed the magic to continue before you were forced to pretend that the scene was normal.
“Excellent!” The director spoke, “Fantastic take guys, give us a few minutes and we’ll move on to the next scene in this room.”
You could feel Noah’s eyes on you for a moment, and you looked over at him with a small smile, “Want to grab a cup of coffee before we go ahead with the next scene?” you suggested, and he nodded, licking his lips and throwing caution to the wind.
His fingers slipped softly into your own, and while you were scared of being so close to another man you felt safe with him, felt like no matter what happened he could look after you, even if it was just for the duration of filming this movie.
It was three weeks later that he took you for a drink and you told him everything. Something about him made you feel more comfortable than you had ever been with anyone, so open and honest about everything that had happened and how it had made you feel. He had wasted no time in telling you how much of a prick your ex was, and he bought another bottle of wine for you to share over some food.
Light glinted off of the rim of his wine glass as he spoke so passionately about his life and his career, and you could tell then that there was no inch of this man who even had the capacity to hurt you. He was kind, loving and wonderful, and although even three weeks on you were still not sure if his improvisation was him getting caught up in his characters feelings or him sharing his own, it didn’t stop you taking a leap as he walked you to the door of the hotel room the production crew had put you up in for the entirety of filming.
“Probably shouldn’t have drunk so much wine with us having to get up at 6am tomorrow huh?” You grinned, and he laughed as he watched you slip the key into the door of your hotel room and turn to face him,
“Ahh but this is the best lesson of all,” He grinned, licking his lips in such a way that you had to focus on his words to stop your mind from betraying itself, “work-life balance.” His wink made your knees weak, and you licked your own lips before throwing caution to the wind,
“If that’s the case then I’m not sure you’ve taught me that lesson all too well… perhaps.. Perhaps you could join me for a nightcap on my balcony?” You offered, and his eyes immediately darkened, his body moving from where it had been leaning against the opposite wall toward you and it took everything in you to push the door open rather than let him push you against it.
Pouring glasses of vodka and cranberry, you did everything you could to not read his hand ghosting along your waist, his long fingers stilling your own hands as his lips moved slowly along your shoulder.
“Tell me if this is too much” He whispered, “I don’t want to do anything which makes you uncomfortable.”
You thought that your guide would be straight up, that you would be pushing him away, but instead, it melted into him, your head resting back against his shoulder as he kissed your neck and undid the buttons of your shirt from behind.
“I want to show you how incredible you are, I want to worship every inch of you, I want you to feel how worthy of love you are.” The words could have fallen straight from his characters lips, and you would have stopped him for fear of him feeding you lines if you couldn’t feel him hardening beneath you, if he hadn’t been so consistently wonderful and you hadn’t felt so instantly trusting of him, something which had been difficult even during your relationship with your ex.
Instead of answering you turned to face him, kissing him softly, running your nose gently along his as you undid the buttons on his own shirt, your breath bated as you were desperate to feel a man again after so long, and a man who you knew you could trust.
“I bet you say that to all the girls” You tried, your insecurities falling from your lips in the form of a joke and he laughed, shaking his head. He pulled back from you, holding both sides of your face to ensure you were listening and you could understand how genuine he was being
“I think you’re amazing, and you haven’t been treated the way you should be. And.. don’t feel like you have to, but I would really like to show you how you deserve to be treated. How someone who likes you, who respects you, someone.. Someone who thinks you’re incredible and funny and interesting and fucking beautiful will treat you.”
You don’t even had the words to accept and so you close the gap between you, kissing him in a way that you had never imagined you would kiss again. Full of passion. Full of lust. Full of trust.
Strong hands wrapped around each of your thighs as he picked you up, lips never parting, and placed you softly on the bed. Clothes peeled off of shaking bodies, lips and tongues dancing together in lust and desperation until you lay bare for each other, one arm holding him up as your legs wrapped around him and he sank deep into you.
“Fucking hell..” He whispered against your lips as you gasped at the size of him, tight from months of nothing but being intimate with your own fingers.
He moved slowly at first, holding you tight against him. When his lips were not desperately pressed against your own he was looking into your eyes, sweet nothings rolling off of his tongue as he sped up until the sound of slapping filled the room and you were writhing in pleasure.
“I want you to cum for me baby,” He whispered, kissing softly up your neck as your head fell back at the sheer pleasure which washed through you, and it wasn’t long before you gave in to his request and he came with you, leaving you both panting from an incredible mutual orgasm.
Minutes passed in silence as you came down from your high, and you couldn’t keep the smile off of your face even as he pulled out and lay next to you, pulling you into him.
“So..” You spoke first, tension palatable in the air, “What now?”
His soft laughter filled the room before he placed a soft kiss on your forehead and he spoke, “Well I would like to take you for a proper dinner sometime this week if that’s alright with you? I meant what I said about you deserving to be treated like a princess.”
“You didn’t say princess…” You grinned and he mirrored your smile, nodding and he’s like, “well whatever you want to call it, I’d like for this not to be a one-time thing... If that’s okay?”
You answered by kissing him deeply and nodding, finding comfort that you had never expected in just his presence.
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mightyhemsworthy · 5 years
SURVIVAL INSTINCTS (Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader)
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Fandom: Jake Gyllenhaal x (fem!)Reader
Requested by: @cxxl-gall
The reader and Jake Gyllenhaal doing the Bear Grylls thing that he did/or something similar (2011) and they’re flirting throughout the day. When Bear makes 2 separate shelters, one for him and the other for the two ‘celebrities’, horny frustrations and attractions to each take its toll when they end up getting on with each other (off camera). - This is my first request EVER I'm so honored and happy! I LOVED WRITING THIS! I altered some things, but I hope you'll like it anyways!!
Word count: almost 3,5K.
Warnings: silly and dirty (also cringeworthy) jokes, insecurity (as always with my fics) and smut.
GIF: mine (from Man Vs. Wild, S07E01)
Author's note: I was watching the episode which he played in and I gathered some inspiration from it. I hope it is not messy and all over the place, I tried my best. Please keep in mind that English is not my native language so I'm sorry for any kind of mistakes. It’s a little bit cringy at the beginning but Bear with me (lol). If you have any ideas or wishes just let me know in an ask or something. I don’t promise that I’ll write them 100%, because I work but if I have the time and inspiration I definitely will!!❤️
Author’s note 2:  I’m sorry for any kind of mistakes about the show, I’m not quite familiar with it.
Man Vs. Wild. Expect this time it's Woman & Men vs. Wild, starring with Y/N and Jake Gyllenhaal as special guests on Bear Grylls’ show's new season. This was the first time that a woman has been on the show, but this was a very well needed change.
However, as you looked down from the helicopter, you weren't sure this was a great idea anymore.
"Great, we're going to die," you said to Jake, as Bear was talking to the crew to get through some safety precautions as he did with the two of you a few minutes ago.
"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Jake breathed through his scarf, which was covering half of his face, making his blue eyes pop up which was just as beautiful as the Icelandic mountains, glaciers, and lakes which laid underneath you. It was a breathtaking sight; the country was truly dazzling and still kept its integrity during the age of climate change. You loved nature and adventures, that is why you wanted to be on this show with Jake, as you promote your new movie together. Even though you were quite reversed, you liked to try out new things once in a while.
"Yeah, sure," you answered to him, as the pilot started to take down the helicopter. "We'll see how much you can protect yourself first," you added sassily, which made him roll his eyes.
"You have a big mouth now, but I'm curious to see how you'll behave at the end of the day," he said loudly and you just started to chuckle.
"I always have a big mouth, but you couldn’t have known that," you said before you jumped to the ground, smiling under your jacket. Sadly, you couldn't see his reaction, but he was just staring at your back, taken aback with unreadable emotions on his face. Bear patted him on the shoulder as he said:
"I like her."
As a new movie comes out, sometimes it is required to pretend to have some tension between the actors as it was a great tool of marketing. Sometimes it is in the contract, sometimes it's not necessary. You and Jake didn't talk about anything like this with your manager, however, the tension between the two of you was there. Dirty jokes and unnoticeable flirtation were constantly present and even Bear mentioned it throughout the shooting.
"Jesus Christ, guys, I'll make a tent for the two of you and just get over with this because you're ruining my show," he said jokingly, but his words were honest.
Marching through mountains was the easy part of the expedition, however, things started to go downhill (literally) when Bear decided to march through a river... almost naked.
"Jake, you've down this before, right?" Grylls asked as he started to take off his beanie and jacket. You were just standing there, watching them. Even though you've pretended that you're a badass and though woman, underneath the layers there were lots of insecurities and doubts. You didn't want to get undressed before them, especially not in front of Jake.
"Yes, in 2011," he answered as he got off more and more layers. You were just still standing there, with your arms crossed.
Bear looked up at you, with concern in his eyes.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked and at this point, Jake looked at you as well. He was shirtless, wearing his cargo pants and boots, but his chest was naked. The only thing which was still there is his chain, which made you insane.
He was flushed because of the cold, his hair was messy, his eyes were dilated as he looked at you. He was perfect and you were... well, you. Even though you were preparing for your role, you were never satisfied with how you looked. You always seemed to be anxious about your body, although you were perfect just the way you are. Jake thought the same, even when he said nothing.
"What should I take off?" you asked shyly looking at Bear as you were too afraid to look Jake in the eyes.
"Just the..." Grylls started but Jake cut him off.
"Well, everything if it's up to me," Jake said and suddenly all of your fear disappeared. The tension on your shoulders eased up as you started to unzip your jacket.
"In your dreams, Gyllenhaal," you shivered as the cold crept between the layers as you started to undress.
"Just the top layers," said finally Grylls, rolling his eyes as took his backpack. "I would advise removing your shirts and keeping only the bra if you're comfortable with that, but if not only till you reach your shirt," he added, and he turned away.
Jake looked at you, his eyes were filled with something which you could not understand. He was behaving so much different than he used to. You always joked, in and out of set, but lately, things started to get ... out of control.
Crossing each other’s arms, you started to march in the river. It was incredibly cold, waking up all of your senses. You were freezing, shivering and your teeth started to clench together as you were taking more and more distance.
"Nice and steady," added Bear as he guided the two of you towards the dry area. Jake's skin slightly brushed against yours. His touch was like fire against the icing cold water which was constantly licking your boots. You tried to focus on the road, but it was quite difficult as Jake radiated the heat next to you. You wanted to embrace his warmth, melting between his arms but that was just impossible to do.
“Nice and controlled”, he said again almost reaching the other end of the river. When you did, you released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. A sudden wave of relief washed you over as all of you started to dress up again to protect yourselves from the cold. You were out of breath as your body was given to these extreme situations, but you liked the experience so far. It was a nice day when you could enjoy the nature around you without thinking about the fast and stressful real life which was waiting for you.
The men next to you were groaning as they were dressing as well.
“How did you like it, Y/N?” Grylls asked and a smile pressed across your face.
 “I loved it, I feel like a freaking Lara Croft and I love it!” you said excitedly, and Jake couldn’t notice how adorable you were with this enthusiasm. Your cheeks were flushed as well, which was a nice contrast to your “ordinary” skin. Your eyes were shining with so much joy that he wanted to see this moment till the rest of his life.
“Good,” Bear added. “The fun just only begins,” and oh boy, he was right…
He was also right when he said that he’ll make a tent just for the two of you.
“What’s this?” you asked kind of surprised as you saw two shelters built up quite far from each other.
“We’ll sleep here and the two of you’ll sleep there if that is okay,” he said, pointing to the other direction. Well, you wanted to protest but you knew that you didn’t have any chance, so you just nodded and started to walk into the other direction.
“Goodnight,” you said to them as the darkness started to lay down on your surroundings. Jake hasn’t followed you yet as he was talking to Bear about tomorrow’s schedule. You went to the tent which was quite big, so you had plenty of places to arrange your stuff. You laid down your sleeping bag, as well as the night lamp. Switching it on, it gave the tent a nice feeling, pulsating warmth from the bulb. You took down your cap as well as your jacket, laying in your t-shirt and jeans as you took out two blankets to wrap yourself in.
You’ve just laid there, watching the shadows through the tent as you were thinking about the actions which happened that day. Gosh, you were so frustrated and… aroused. Which was slightly absurd in this situation, but you’ve just couldn’t help yourself. You were thinking about Jake’s bare, slightly hairy chest, which was decorated by his necklace. His plumped lips, his rosy cheeks, his beard…
Your thoughts were interrupted by the man himself, unzipping the front of the tent, letting himself in. He smiled as he laid beside you, taking off his beanie and parka as you did a few minutes ago.
“What a day,” he breathed. You tried to fight the urge to turn towards him. Your whole body was aching, you wanted to turn around and touch him, wanted to feel him, his touch, his warmth, his… “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. You left out a breath.
“Yes, sure,” you swallowed as he was moving behind you. “What about you?” you asked back.
“I’m fine,” he said curtly and that was it. The two of you didn’t speak for a few minutes, that is when you decided to switch off the light and try to get some sleep.
But sleep didn’t welcome you. It didn’t want to embrace you like Jake’s arms wanted. You turned a little bit to lay on your back, but in this way, the cold from the ground started to wrap around you more and more. You were sure that you won’t get any rest today, so you huffed out the breath in frustration.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asked, his voice was kind of sleepy and hoarse which made your current feelings worse. You never knew you would fall this hard for this man, but things just happened. From the moment you’ve seen him on set, he turned your world upside down and it was very difficult to admit it.
“I can’t sleep,” you answered, he didn’t say anything, but his fingers slowly reached for yours. He started to caress the back of your hand with his fingertips to ease you up a little bit, but your whole body was tensed up and cold.
“You’re freezing, Y/N,” he said softly taking your whole palm into his hands, rubbing it lightly to give some life back to them. The sudden sensation felt so good, that your whole body and core started to throb for more. “I can make you warm if you would like,” he offered, and you were grateful that you were laying as your whole body buckled.
“Yeah, sure, why not,” you breathed out, swallowing hard the knot which was filling your throat. You turned back to your side, as he lifted your blankets and pressed his whole body against your back. You tried to bite back a moan at the sudden heat and his touch, trying to keep your eyes shut as he softly started to rub your shoulders and hands to make them warmer.
He caressed them for a few minutes when he suddenly pressed a soft kiss to the nape of your neck. Your whole body shivered as his beard scraped you, making you tickle. You started to giggle at the feeling, moving between his arms which were now wrapped around your whole body, keeping you steady.
“Jake,” you whispered, as he pressed another kiss, making you shiver and filling you up with heat at the same time. Now, all of your senses were awake, and they were on fire. Your whole body was boiling with desire and lust, it was really hard not to turn around and kiss him desperately. “What are you doing?” your voice was rough.
“Keeping you warm,” he answered and chuckled into the crock of your neck, burying his head in it. This felt so right and so wrong at the same time. “I can stop if you don’t want it,” he offered and oh boy, you didn’t want to stop. But you had questions.
“Is this because of this day?” you asked, and he suddenly stopped his actions, listening to you. “Or you…” you didn’t know how to ask it, but you wanted to know if there is more than sexual tension between the two of you.
“What do you mean?” he asked softly, his breath stroked your neck making you shiver.
“You just want sex from me?” you asked, and you could feel that his whole body tensed up behind you.
After a few seconds, he finally answered.
“Yes, I mean, no…” he said as he elbowed up to see your face better in the darkness. “Currently yes, I would really like to have sex with you, but not just because of today,” he said and slightly grabbed your chin to make him look at you. “I want you, not just now but from now on,” your heart started to beat faster at his words, pumping against your ribcage harder than before. “I wanted you from the first day of the set but today, I’ve lost my goddamn mind today and I don’t want to hold it back anymore,” he whispered and that is what you needed. He leaned closer to you, his half body was still pressed against you and you could feel his hardening member which was painfully squeezed between the two of you.
“I know,” you finally breathed. “Today was something new,” you added and he nodded in the dark, cutting the distance more and more between the two of you. “You said,” you started. “That you want to keep me warm.”
“Yeees,” he said.
“You’re on the right track,” you chuckled and that is what he needed. He pressed his lips against yours.
The two of you were in a very intimate position, your body was brushing against his, but you turned your head to the side to have better access for him, while he hazily rested his fingers on your neck as he started to conquer your mouth more and more. He was an amazing kisser, needless to say. You lifted your hands, racing through his hair while he slowly rolled his tongue against yours, lowering his hands till he reached your jeans.
He was such a tease, moving incredibly slowly which made you impatient and lose your mind. He started to rub your clit through the fabric, which made you arch your back more which so delicately rubbed against his cock.
“Jake,” you moaned between kisses when he grabbed your waist and turned you, so now you laid on your back. He climbed on top of you, looking at you as you were laying underneath him. He liked this sight and he couldn’t wait to get use to it.
He moved painfully slow, removing your jeans and boots, to expose your wet underwear to him. He did not say anything, he did not have to as the moan which escaped from his mouth told more than words. He didn’t want you to get cold, so as he positioned between your legs, he arranged the blankets to make you feel warm. He couldn’t wait to taste you, but he wanted to torture you a little bit before that. 
He started to give small kisses to your thighs, dangerously close to your wet folds. Your whole body started to shake and getting hot at the same time. You could feel that your icy limbs started to warm up, scorching through your whole body as he was kissing you. You slightly grabbed his hair, trying to get him closer to your core but he resisted.
“Wow, you can’t wait,” he started to laugh at your reaction, but he liked to see this vulnerable side of you.
“Can you blame me?” you asked him.
“No, but this what I like to see, Miss L/N” he breathed. “You’re such a mess for me,” he growled while he raced his mouth and nose through your flesh. You arched your back, wanting some kind of friction to ease your tension but he stopped again.
“Jake…” you muttered now, kind of angrily and he just chuckled at how impatient you were.
“Alright, alright…” he said, suddenly pushing your panties aside while he dug his finger into you. The movement was so quick and unexpected that your walls already clenched around him.
“Fuck, you’re so tight” he purred, while with his other hand he started to massage your clit finally giving the feeling what you’ve needed.
He dug now two fingers into you while he replaced his other hand with his tongue, tasting your juices which were now all over him. His beard started to tickle you as he was eating you out, but it made the whole situation even better. You were truly a mess underneath him, but you did not care. Your whole body was now on fire and it was really difficult to imagine that the two of you were in a tent in the middle of the cold Icelandic territory.
He made you feel so good that you wanted him inside of you. Just by imagining it - as well he was fucking you with his fingers mercilessly - you orgasm hit you so powerfully that you cried out his name as you were grabbing his hair as well. He licked you through your orgasm, never stopping. Your eyes rolled back as you give yourself to the sensation. Your vision faded and you couldn’t stop saying his name over and over again. He liked it hearing from your mouth and he liked that he did this to you, providing you all the emotions which made you weak and a good girl for him.
You did not notice how he stopped and looked at you, while he sucked your cum off his fingers. He looked straight into your eyes while doing it and it made him so hot that you wanted to taste yourself on him. Like he was reading your mind, he bent down to give you a heated kiss, conquering your mouth, sliding his tongue inside of it to interlace his with yours. Your taste which interfered with his tasted so good, that you wanted him being inside you as fast as possible.
He kissed you roughly, while he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his briefs a little bit. He pumped himself a few times and made his way towards your entrance, between your legs. You couldn’t react anything else as he slid into you, making your whole world tremble. It took a few seconds to adjust to his size, but you assumed you felt as good as he did to you. He buried his head into the crock of your neck, while he pinned your wrist beside your head. You hooked your legs around him, pushing him further and deeper into you. He rewarded you with a muffled sound, trying not to cum on the spot because of how goodly you took him. You were the perfect amount of wet and tight which he started to fuck, losing his mind.
“Fuck, babe,” he moaned as he tilted a little bit to the side, grabbing your thighs to penetrate you from a different and a deeper angle. The pool of pleasure started to grow in your belly again, while he hit you all the right places steadily and fast.
“Fuck,” you cried out as well. Maybe your moans and screams could have been heard from the other tent, but you just couldn’t care. And it seemed that it turned Jake on ever more than he already was.
He was looking at you if you were a goddess. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he squeezed your thigh and ass harder as he was approaching his pleasure as well, leaving imprints all over your body. The burn in your belly started to spread and you reached your high once again as you shattered into ten million pieces. After a few seconds, he followed you as well, feeling his cock pulsating inside of you as he brushed the softest kiss of the night to your lips.
It was so sweet and gentle that you could truly melt underneath him at this point. You tried to recollect yourself, reach for your breath and make it steady as sudden sweat took over your body, beaming through the whole tent.
“I’m warmed up now,” you whispered, and he started to chuckle.
“I hope so, but we’re just only getting started,” he said and pressed another kiss to your lips.
Your way home was quite uncomfortable, to say the least. You were cold, your whole body hurt, and you were tired. You just couldn’t wait to reach home and sleep till tomorrow. 
“So, guys,” Bear started as the three of you headed to the helicopter. “How did you sleep last night?” he asked, something lingering in his voice as he did so.
“Well, I didn’t get much sleep last night,” you answered, looking to the side where Jake was marching beside you. The two of you exchanged some looks and smirks when Grylls said:
“I bet that. I bet.”
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chloefranco · 5 years
You’re it
Nicholas Scratch x Reader
Requested by @cxxl-gall:”Idk if you do requests but you should do a reader x nick from season 2 sabrina where he gets jealous over Harvey constantly making a point on how they used to date because i was living for that “Harry” “It’s Harvey” shit lol” 
Based off season 2 but I changed a few things, I hope that’s okay. Don’t come for me lol
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    You were all helping your cousin Sabrina with her problem with the Dark Lord. Word got out that the Dark Lord has returned in his angelic form. And that he wants Sabrina to be his Queen. Your stomach churned as you took in the news Ambrose told you all. Your Aunties were obviously against it and vowed to do everything it takes to protect Sabrina as well as you and Ambrose. Your boyfriend Nick offered to help and came to your house pretty quickly. 
“We’ll built a protection around the house.” Auntie Zee said holding her cigarette.”Chop chop. Nicholas, you can put those strapping shoulders of yours to good use and help.”
    Nick squeezed your hand before joining Ambrose at the front yard. You watched anxiously as they built a protection. “(Y/N), we need to find out where in Greendale the Dark Lord is.” Nick said, touching your shoulder. “The more we know, the more prepared we’ll be.”
“Okay, I’ll tell Sabrina.” You said.
“(Y/N)!” Harvey called out as he got out of his truck alongside Theo and Roz. 
“Harvey! Guys.”
“Harry.” Nick said with an unamused look.
“It’s Harvey.”
“You guys, what are you doing here? It’s not safe.” Sabrina said coming forward.
“Are you the real Sabrina?” Harvey said taking cautious steps forward.
“What do you mean?” 
“Or are you the Sabrina that tried to kill us and turn us into vegetables?” Roz said.
“Yeah, but don’t worry I killed her.” Theo said.
“Oh no, that was someone else, that was something else.” Sabrina assured them.
“What the hell is going on?” Harvey asked you.
“The Dark Lord is in Greendale and he wants to jumpstart the Apocalyspe by opening the gates of hell which are apparently also in Greendale.” You explained. You probably sound crazy but at least your friends believe you now.
“Shit.” Theo said in disbelief.
“I think it’s in the mines.”
“If it’s in the mines. then I think we can help.” Harvey said.
“No offense, farmboy. But you’re gonna wanna sit this one out.” Nick said annoyed at Harvey already.
“Yeah, i wasn’t really talking to you Nick, I was talking to (Y/N).” He said his comeback. “Let us help, let us find the gates of hell. At least.”
“(Y/N), they’re mortals.” Nick tried to make you change your mind.
“It’s okay, Nick. Harvey’s got this. And so does Roz and Theo.” You said.
“If you can find the gates, that would be great. If you can find a way to keep it from opening, that would be even better.” Sabrina said.
“Sabrina! (Y/N)! Get inside the house.” Auntie Zee yelled.
“Be careful and stay in touch.” You hugged Harvey, unknowingly Nick was glaring at Harvey. Then you hugged Roz and Theo. And Sabrina did the same before they all left in Harvey’s truck.
“What about me?” Nick turns to you and caressed the side of your face.
“You be careful too. Stick by the shadows. Please be careful.” You said before leaning up to kiss him.
“I will return to you, Spellman.” He said as he watched you leave.
    Two hours later, Nick returned to your house. He was at the kitchen table, reading up on some things from the Demonomicon that might be useful for later. You didn’t even know he was here. You just got out of the bath and put your robes on about to go get a glass of water when you saw your boyfriend. 
“Nick. When did you get here?” You said in surprise. 
“Not long ago.” He said quietly, still reading the book.
    You came up from behind him and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed his cheek and he leaned into your head on his shoulder. “What’s wrong? You’re sad.” You said as you can tell people’s emotions with your abilities.
“I just can’t believe you sent Harry to find the gates of Hell. Don’t you trust me to do it?” He said as he rubbed your hand.
“It’s Harvey. And of course I trust you. I just, thought that Harvey knew those mines better than anyone else.”
    When he didn’t say anything, you decided to tease him. “You don’t have to be jealous, Nick.” The moment you said that, he pulled you over so that you sat on his lap. Your arms, still wrapped around his neck. He had a tight grip around your waist as he looked into your eyes. You felt your heart race as he kissed your nose.
“It’s clear that he still loves you.” Nick said softly, pushing away a strand of hair from your face. “He used to always think about how he’s better for you than me. His head is full of thoughts of you whenever you’re around him. And it just makes me pissed. That farmboy doesn’t know his boundaries.” 
“Was he thinking of me earlier?”
“No.” Nick said, realizing Harvey hasn’t thought about you for days lately.
“That’s cause he likes Roz. Harvey and I, we’re done. There’s no reason he should think about me anymore. Oh and maybe stop reading his mind.” You said, stroking his cheek. “We’re over. I still have love for him but that’s only because I care for him. He’s my friend. Anyway, he’s with Roz now. He loves her and I love you. I love you so much. No one can ever make me change my mind about you.”
“I’m sorry. I’m such a dick. I love you more than anything else in this world, baby.” Nick leaned his head against yours.
“You’re it, Nick. You’ll always be it for me.” You said as you kissed his lips and he leaned into it. 
“God, I’m so in love with you, (Y/N) Spellman. I’m so lucky to love you and to have you.” He said kissing your face everywhere, making you laugh. 
“Okay, enough, enough. We need to go stop the gates of hell from opening, remember?” You laughed.
“Hell can wait.” He murmured against your lips.
    You weren’t sure about Nick in the beginning. But as time goes on, you noticed that he truly does love you. He’s protected you from harm many times and helped you when you were struggling, even got expelled for you and now he’s even helping your cousin Sabrina fight the Dark Lord. He’s it. You can’t see yourself with anybody else. Not even Harvey. Harvey will always be apart of your life but he’s the past. You didn’t think it was possible to love someone else but then Nick showed up in your life. And he opened up new doors in your life. He showed you what love is. And you are so lucky to love him too. 
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omg...was this good? i’m not sure hahaha i did my best. Sorry if it’s not good haha I hope you like it.
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a-and-mtrashpile · 5 years
Yungblud/Dominic Harrison: Polygraph Eyes
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(the gif in no way relates to the story but like, it’s fine. everything is fine.)
~Requested by @cxxl-gall~
A/N & Warnings: it’s loosely based on Polygraph Eyes and the music video so, I hope you enjoy it~~
The smile never faltered from your face, you and your friends enjoying the girls night out. You had a few drinks in your system, trying to forget the stress of work and life in general. Of course, through all the dancing you didn't notice a group of guys eyeing you down.
"We're gonna go to the bathroom, wanna come?" Your friend shouted over the music. You shook your head and told her you were gonna go sit at the bar for a bit, tired from dancing. Once you got over there, one of the guys who had been eyeing you all night decided to get up and join you.
It didn't click in your mind when he sat down and ordered a drink, trying to make small talk with you. He just seemed like a friendly guy at the bar. "So, you here with anyone?" "Yeah, my friends. How about you?"
"Nah, just wanted to get out of the house." Lie number one.
"So, what's your name?" He asked, fully turning to face you. "Y/N," you said as you held out your hand, a stupid smile on your face. "Chad," he replied, shaking your hand. "It's nice to meet you Chad." "It's nice to meet you too, Y/N."
The two of you talked for around 10 minutes before you wanted to go back to the dance floor, spotting your friends. "Wanna come dance with me?" You asked, standing up and paying for the drink you ordered. He nodded and put some money down as well, following you to the dance floor.
"How is a girl like you single?" He asked over the music, the two of you still getting to know each other as you danced. "I don't know, I guess guys just don't find me attractive. Plus, most guys I find already have someone." "What do you mean?" "Well, I would imagine you have a girlfriend. You're nice and you actually don't care to dance at a club."
"Actually, I'm pretty single. Most girl's don't find me attractive." Lie number two.
Your friends ended up leaving, but you decided to spend some more time with Chad. You were genuinely interested and wanted to get to know him.
The two of you found a table and he ordered a round of drinks, you gladly taking it. Eventually, the one round turned into two, three, and four. At this point, you couldn't walk by yourself and your mind wasn't working.
"How about I take you back to my place so I can keep an eye on you," Chad said, helping you stand up. You tried to fight him off and shake your head, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. In the back of your mind, you were screaming for a savior, someone to help you but you couldn't get the words out.
"Brov, get off of her," a voice said from behind you guys. Chad turned around, his arms still around you as you struggled to stand. "I'm just trying to get my girlfriend back to our house, chill dude," Chad said, his grip getting tighter. "No, I saw her trying to get away from you back there. Just let her go man," the mystery man said, not wanting to start a fight.
"Listen, dude. You don't know her alright. Fucking chill." "No, you listen mate. Let her fookin go before I get the fookin bouncer," as soon as those words left his lips, Chad loosened his grip and let you fall, speeding away from the two of you.
"Love, are you alright?" "Ye-yeah. I just want to go ho-home," you mumbled, rubbing your head. "Is your car nearby? Or did you take a taxi?" "Taxi," you said as the mystery man helped you up off the ground.
"My name's Dom by the way." "Y/N." Dom helped you stabilize yourself, using his free hand to order an Uber. "Thank you for helping me back there, I don't know why my brain shut down but it did," you said as he kept his arm around you.
"You're welcome. Plus, I've seen that guy try and get girls around here. It just pisses me off so much that guys like him think it's bloody okay to take advantage of girls because they want to go out and have a good time. It just makes me fookin si- why are you giggling?" Dom asked, cutting off his rant.
"Your accent gets so much thicker when you're angry, and you squeezed my side tighter and it tickled," you said, Dom turning a bright shade of pink. "Don't be embarrassed, I mean I am the one who wreaks of alcohol and I'm pretty sure my makeup is wrecked."
"You still look great, and surprisingly it's not that bad. Just really fruity," Dom chuckled at his own statement, making you laugh.
Finally, the Uber showed up and Dom helped you get in, you telling him to get in with you. "I'll pay you back for this ride and I'll pay for the ride for wherever you need to go, I just didn't want to try and get home alone." "Don't worry about it, love. You don't need to pay me," Dom said as you laid your head on his shoulder, feeling comfortable with him.
The two of you sat in silence, the only noise in the car coming from the soft-playing speakers.
About ten minutes from your house, you looked over at Dom as he watched out the window. "Thank you for saving me back there," you whispered, hoping he heard. At this point, you were starting to sober up and you knew you were going to have a major hangover tomorrow.
"You're welcome love." "I have an idea, how about you give me your number so I can make this up to you," you said, already fishing your phone out of your pocket. Dom chuckled and took it from you, typing in his number before taking a picture of himself to set as his picture.
You laughed when you looked at it, the double chin and cross-eyed look somehow working on him. You also noticed he had sent a message to himself, making sure he had your number.
Finally, you got back to your house, the Uber waiting outside to take Dom to his hotel. He walked up to the door, wanting to make sure you made it in safely. "Thank you again, it really means a lot." "You're welcome, now go get some sleep. You're gonna need it," you laughed as the two of you said goodbye.
By the time you made it to your bed, you didn't have the energy to change or take off your makeup before passing out.
The next morning, you woke up to a pounding headache and an unread text.
"Mornin love, wanna go get some breakfast to cure your hangover?  your new favorite British boy, Dom"
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dailystrangerthings · 7 years
All it takes to make me a sobbing mess now is either make me listen to The Return (the music in the soundtrack that plays when Eleven walks through the door) or show me the scene where eleven walks in (with the music) or the bit where mike goes through toys and the den bc idk why but I relate sm in the fact that someone’s gone and you just want them back so desperately- whether it’s through loss of contact or death- it just pains me to watch but it’s so affective and beautiful- music is key asf
wow MOOD i was at school the other day and had that song (The return) on my playlist and almost burst into tears in the middle of the hallway
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totaltozier · 7 years
Song 101 - Finn x Reader
REQUEST: @cxxl-gall Can I get a Finn Wolfhard imagine where his band comes in a bit early to the studio while you’re just finishing up recording and when reader comes out he asks her to stay and listen to their stuff (so he can show off lmao) and to just hang out when he’s not playing and like watching the others play (bc they’re all talented blessss) and like he compliments her voice etc. Like proper cute and fluffy
NOTE: Yo yes I really enjoyed this one. I left it sort of open ended so I was thinking about maybe making it a series? LET ME KNOW IF THAT’S WHAT Y’ALL WANT! 
The song I mention by The Tragically Hip can be heard here. The song Calpurnia is recording is this one!
PLOT: Calpurnia is using the recording studio after you and it turns out that Finn loves your music a little more than you though he could.
Recording was your favourite part of making an album. After your debut EP was released over a year and a half ago, you could not wait to get back into the studio. But before that, you had to write the music and collaborate with others which was a long process but it was totally worth it and you could really feel it in the studio. There were only two more songs that you needed to finish up before you were done. Today you had been working on your favourite song, one that was reminiscent of The Tragically Hip’s song Grace, Too. It was mellow bit still alternate rock.
You were in the middle of the final run when you noticed a small group enter the room just outside of the booth. You couldn’t quite make out who it was since you were trying to concentrate on your harmonies but once you had finished you removed your headphones and made your way out.
“Who’s our guests?” You asked at no one in particular to the room full of people.
The boy with the mop of black curly hair who was bent over a guitar case stood up and turned to you. “We’re Calpurnia.” He introduced. “I’m Finn- “
“Finn Wolfhard” You interrupted. “Yeah I’ve heard your guys play before!” You said.
Finn looked around at his other bandmates with a smile. “That’s awesome!” He exclaimed. “We’re fans of your work actually, Ayla won’t stop singing your songs”
“Your voice is amazing, you’ve got such a unique sound” Ayla said.
Your face turned into a great smile. “Wow thanks, that really means a lot” You said sincerely. You were still a small artist, so it really felt great to hear people say that they loved your music.
“We’re recording some new material today,” Finn said. “It’d be cool if you stayed and listened but uh, only if you wanted to, you don’t have to!” Finn stumbled, spitting out his words nervously.
You looked at your phone and checked the time. You didn’t have to be anywhere for a few hours so you figured you might as well hang around and listen. “Yeah sure, I’d love to” You smiled.
A huge grin came across Finn’s face and he nodded before moving around to get everything set up for their session.
Malcom was the first to record on the drums. They were recording their first original song during this session. It currently didn’t have an official name yet. Finn only referred to it as Song 101. While Malcom was recording, you were sat on the old purple couch outside of the booth watching everything going on inside. Finn came and plopped himself down next to you and started talking.
“So how did you get into music?” He asked right off the bat.
“Well my dad was a sound engineer, like one of the people who works on producing music sort of, and so he would always be playing all kinds of music around the house and I just sang along. My mom stuck me in piano lessons which I loathed but reluctantly did anyways. I wanted to take guitar but she said that piano was the base of understanding all instruments so I didn’t start guitar until I was like eleven I think.” You explained. Your music history wasn’t that interesting yet everyone wanted to know it.
Finn eyes were lit with excitement. “That’s so cool, I’m not great at piano, like I wish I was better but guitar is my thing.”
“It suits you,” You said. “Your voice is great too but the guitar makes the complete package.”
“You like my voice?” Finn asked.
You shrugged. “Yeah, you’ve got this cool indie rock persuasion sound which I totally dig.”
Finn’s already there grin slipped into a full smile. “Thanks, that means a lot” He said sincerely.
Before you two could talk more, Dan, the man in charge of recording, announced that Finn was needed in the booth. Finn looked at you with a look of excitement before pushing off the couch and picking up his guitar.
“Break a leg!” You encouraged and Finn let out a deep breath before pushing open the door and entering the booth.
“Let’s do vocals, yeah?” Dan said into the mic so Finn could hear. He nodded his head before Dan pressed some buttons so Finn could sing. You watched intently as Finn closed his eyes before starting.
“See you driving round town with a chip on your shoulder
Well it’s you who gets the last laugh after I call her
I feel cold, oh lord I feel cold.
I feel cold.” Finn sang.
Dan stopped to comment. “That sounded great. Let’s move on to the next part, okay?”
Finn nodded and Dan cued him again for singing. This time you noticed as Finn didn’t close his eyes as he sang. Instead he looked right at you.
“When I’m gone you’re there,
When I’m gone you’re here,
When I’m gone you’ll be older,
When I’m gone you’ll always be cold.
I feel cold, oh lord I feel cold. I feel cold.”
Finn sang with a look of both aspiration yet desperation at the same time. You could only wonder who he was singing to.
Nonetheless, he sounded great. He was able to move his voice around, creating a crisp sound that only he could. You’ve listened to Calpurnia before, once live at the Strange 80’s show. Their cover of Weezer’s El Scorcho was your favorite. You knew that this band was going to go far.
Caught up in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed that Finn finished with the vocals and now Dan had him working on guitar. Now as you paid attention, you watched as Finn waited for Ayla to join him in the booth. Until she was ready Finn decided it was time to goof around.
First, he was trying to play with his opposite hand but the sound it was making was as atrocious as it was funny. Finn enjoyed seeing you laugh so he continued on. He swung his guitar behind his head and tried to play the chords without being able to see. He was actually pretty decent at this, something that can only be done with lots of practice. Finally, you watched as Finn attempted to play the chorus while only standing on one leg. By now you had already pulled your phone out and was snapchatting the whole experience. Finn was holding his balance pretty well before toppling over, guitar and all. At this point, Ayla was ready to go and Dan was not impressed but you were doubled over with laughter.
“Finn, please get up.” Dan said over the speaker before glancing back to you with a look.
Finn quickly jumped back up, adjusting his guitar to the right place. “Yep, sorry Dan.” He said with a nervous smile but as soon as Dan looked away, Finn was winking at you with a smirk.
Ayla and Finn worked together, strumming out the chords and swinging the melodies. You couldn’t help but stare at Finn as he played. On stage, he has such a persona that was completely different from what you were seeing. Here he was concentrating, rocking to the rhythm and letting it take over him as he played. It was a whole other Finn. And for some reason you felt lucky that you got to see it.
Soon enough, Finn’s time in the booth was over and he was walking back to you, slinging his guitar off his body and into its case.
“How did that sound?” Finn asked slightly out of breath.
“It sounded amazing.” You said. “You sounded amazing!” You added.
Finn blushed and sheepishly looked away. “Really?” He asked.
“Yeah! You’re like a whole other person in there, completely different from when I saw you on stage!” You explained.
“You’ve seen us live?” He asked with wide eyes.
You nodded with a grin.
“When?” He asked, hungry for your answers.
“Strange Eighties.” You said. “I know El Scorcho was an exception to the theme but you guys killed it! Best version I’ve ever heard, hands down” You added.
Finn looked like he was about to pass out. He threw himself down onto the couch beside you.
“No way!” He said astounded. “I’m going to need you to write that down for me because no one will believe me when I tell them that Y/N L/N likes my music!”
You laughed at the boy next to you and reached for a scrap piece of paper on the table nearby. “Okay sure” you said shaking your head. You quickly scribbled out the sentence you had just said and held it out to Finn.
He glanced at the paper before accepting it. “You should also write your number on that too” He said with a cheeky grin.
You leaned back into the couch and crossed your arms still holding the paper in your hand. “Are you asking me out Finn Wolfhard?” You raised an eyebrow smirking back.
Finn blushed but didn’t give up. “Well technically I am asking for your number, but since you seem so willing I guess I could ask you out as well.”
You uncrossed your arms and started to write your number on the scrap paper. “Okay, but I’ll only say yes if there’s ice cream involved.” You stated with a smile.
You held out the paper for Finn and this time he took it from you. “Are you serious?” he asked with wide eyes. You looked at him with confusing face. “You’ll actually go out with me?”
You nodded your head while tucking your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, of course.” You smiled.
“Fuck yeah” Finn said, excitement all over.
From across the room Jack piped up. “Swear jar, Finn.” He said in a monotone voice. He must have to say it often.
Finn reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a quarter. “It was worth it” he said as he threw the coin over to his bandmate.
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Richie Tozier ~ I'm Not Even Sorry
Request/Prompt: “I’m not even sorry” from  @cxxl-gall  Thank you! 
(Just clarifying that, she did in fact DM me and ask to change from mike to Richie (which is 100% okay), so that you don’t think I slipped up!) 
Ship: Richie Tozier x fem!reader
Summary: the reader is heading home from grocery shopping and Richie runs into her - literally- and ends up asking her out slyly. 
Type: fluff. (I think?) 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing. And sexual innuendos. What did you expect. It’s Richie. 
Word count: 2295 (including A/Ns)
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! 
(not my gif, credit goes to @imultifandomstuff !)
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The full paper bags in my hands were very full, and I could only just see over the top. I adjusted them slightly and sighed, starting to make the long walk back home. 
 The rhythmic sound of my worn out sneakers hitting the pavement with each step calmed me down from the awkward encounter I had had at the small corner store. 
 I had managed to give the shopkeeper the wrong amount of money and not realize it until he pointed it out, and responded to him saying “come back again” with “you too, love you, bye.” I didn’t even realize until the lady behind me chuckled, and by then it was too late… So.. I just left. All of this in front of several other customers waiting in line. Oh and how could I forget about dropping one of the bags on my way out the door. 
 I shook my head in embarrassment and focused on the bright blue sky and the very few clouds in it. I started humming to the tune of ‘Africa’ by Toto, finally in an okay mood. Better than okay. I was feeling good. 
 Well, I was, until I heard the sound of bikes being peddled, and a boy screaming something along the lines of “She was really fucking hot, and she kept staring at me. She definitely wanted to get in my pants! I mean who wouldn’t!” 
I also managed to hear the reply of another boy, who said, “Richie, she was old enough to be your mother, and she was probably staring at you because you kept spraying food everywhere when you spoke. Literally no one wants to get in your pants.” 
 I chuckled slightly at the response, and tried to see where they were, so I could cross the road without being hit. All I could see was carrots, apples and cabbage blocking my view. 
I thought about why the name Richie rung a bell. It was when he yelled back to the other boy that it clicked.
 “Just because you’re jealous that my sexiness reaches out to all ages, you fucking Jew, Stanley.” 
Richie Tozier. Trash mouth Tozier. Kind of funny and kind of cute… Not that I’d ever go there. I’d heard and seen him and his group of friends around school. The losers club, they called themselves. 
That must be the rest of the losers club on the bikes, as I could hear chatter and laughter. 
I decided to wait until they had gone past, so that I could cross the road, and not get run over. That would’ve been embarrassing. I tapped my foot to the beat as I hummed to myself. I was just getting to chorus when I heard a higher pitched voice shout out. 
 I turned my head so I could see partly between the carrots, to see Richie on his bike, looking behind him, coming right at me.
I yelped and tried to move out of the way, but I stumbled over my lace. Richie’s bike hit the curb and he went flying over the handlebars, and landed on me, tumbling us both to the ground. 
I groaned, having hit the concrete hard. I looked up to see Richie staring at me with a slight grin on his face.
 “Jeez. Y/N. I barely know you, and yet here I am… On top of you. Not that I mind of course. I’d be happy to do it again sometime.”
I groaned and shoved him off me.
 “Get off me, pervert. Besides, you’re the one who fell for me. ” I rolled my eyes and sat up, dusting myself off. “Next time, watch where you’re going, asshat.”
 I started collecting the fruit, vegetables and other food that had rolled away and out of the bags that I had dropped when I got run over by Richie. I blew my hair out of my face with a scowl. One of the bags had ripped making it harder to rescue the food. Miraculously, only three eggs had been broken. The fruit was a tad bruised, but easily salvaged. 
With my back turned away from Richie, I wondered if he had moved. I could still see the rest of the losers club standing in the middle of the road with their bikes, waiting and watching with curiosity.
I had a pounding headache and my back was definitely going to be bruised tomorrow. I searched for the last apple on my hands and knees. I was sure I brought five, not four. My elbows stung. Stupidly, I had put them out, as I fell backwards. As I sighed, about to give up, I heard a satisfying crunch. 
My face and mood both turned even more sour. I turned to face Richie, and he smirked at me as he took another bite out of MY apple. 
That little shit. 
“you know, I’m not even sorry.” He said slyly.
I clenched my fists. 
“Oh trust me, Tozier, you will be soon.” I threatened.
He frowned slightly, then shook his head.
“No, I don’t think so. You see, Y/N, I think it’s the universe telling us to get it on.” He winked, and I noticed for the first time that he wasn’t wearing his glasses. 
They must’ve fallen off when he crash landed.
 “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes, a look of disgust evident on my face.
I paused, thinking. 
“Wait, how do you know my name?” 
 He looked taken aback for a second, before regaining his usual cocky demeanor.
 “You sang. At the school concert. And since then I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” He said, sappily, and mockingly, so I took it as a joke. 
What I didn’t realize was that he was serious. 
 I scowled harder before smiling sweetly. I grabbed his glasses from where they lay a short distance away. I placed them gently on his face, while he just stared at me in confusion and awe. I reached behind me and grabbed something he couldn’t see. I leaned forward, until our faces were inches apart. His breath hitched. 
“You know… Since you took that apple from me… ” I said in a soft voice, tilting my head slightly. 
Richie simply smirked. This poor boy. He had no idea what was coming.
 “.. You really… OUGHT TO TAKE AN EGG AS WELL, JACKASS!” I smashed the egg, that I was holding behind my back, on top of Richie’s head, and it ran down the sides of his face, which had a look of fear, surprise and shock on it. 
The rest of the losers club burst out laughing, whooping, cheering and clapping. I grinned and stood up, bowing to my audience. 
 I didn’t notice Richie slip a piece a paper in the unbroken bag as I awkwardly waved to the losers club. I picked up my bags awkwardly and narrowed my eyes at Richie suspiciously. 
“Were you always holding that pen?” I asked him, wondering where he had gotten it from. 
Richie shook his head and pointed in the general direction of Eddie.
 “Uuhhhh n-no I had it in my pocket… Because Eddie had asked me to look after it while he reorganised his fanny pack.” He said smiling slightly, but he looked almost afraid.. 
I nodded, content with his answer.
 “Maybe you should learn how to actually ride a bike, trashmouth.” I said to him before I continued on my way.
 I could hear the losers club laughing as I walked away, with a quiet “shut up” from Richie.
I got home and let myself in. The door was unlocked, despite no one being home, as my parents were very trusting and didn’t believe anything wrong could happen in little old Derry. 
I sighed, dropping the bags carefully onto the counter. I shook my arms out; they had almost gone to sleep after carrying the heavy bags for so long. 
I turned on the radio and Michael Jacksons 'Billie Jean’ was playing. I proceeded to sing and dance around the kitchen as I put away the shopping. I cleaned up the broken egg shells and washed the dirty vegetables. 
 After everything was put in its proper location, I peered into the bag to make sure nothing was left. I frowned in confusion. 
At the bottom of the intact bag was a business card of some sort. I pulled it out and read the front and snorted with laughter. 
In neat, typed out letters, it read: 
My friends call me Richie, 
But you can call me tonight, hot stuff. 
 I turned it over, still giggling to myself, to see a hand written message scrawled on the back. 
This one read: 
 Y/N - if fate lets it happen, maybe you could call me, 
And I’ll pay you back for the apple (and the egg) 
By taking you out for a date?
 - Tozier 
 I smiled and shook my head. This goddamn boy was gonna make my heart stop - whether it be because he runs me over again, or if he keeps being cute and funny, I don’t know, but I knew it would happen one way or another.
 I sat down on the couch and stared at the phone, then Richie’s card, then the phone again.
 “Fuck it” I whispered.
 I strode over to the phone and dialed the number. After three rings, it was picked up.
 “Hello, this is the Tozier residence, you’re talking to Maggie.” The voice on the other side of the line spoke confidently.
I didn’t say anything for a few seconds before kicking into gear. 
“Uh, yes, hi, hello, Mrs. Tozier. Is-is T- is Richie in? I’m a classmate and I -uh need to talk to him about…. Class…”
 “Sure thing, sweetie, I didn’t quite catch your name sorry?”
 “Oh, uh, Y/N, Y/F/N, sorry.” I responded.
 “Okay, Y/N, I’ll go get him for you.” 
The line went silent for a while and I started to debate whether or not to hang up when I heard his voice again.
 “Y/N? I-I didn’t think you’d actually call…” He sounded almost shy for once…
 I chuckle quietly, “yeah, well, I had to ask: do you really carry a bunch of business cards with pick up lines and your number on them!?” 
Richie laughed “well duh, how else am I going to keep up with demand?”
 I scoffed “oh, yeah, I’m sure, so I assume the woman on the phone was your secretary, and not your mother the phone before? How many do you carry on you at once anyways?”
 I could almost hear Richie blush through the phone. He stammered, trying to respond.
 “Uhh… I.. Um.. Yeah, totally.. Ha, ha.. Uh I carry about ten most days. Gotta limit the ladies ya know? I used my dads typewriter and the photocopier down at the library..”
I let out a long, low whistle. 
“Wow. You’re really holding back, aren’t you. Only ten per day.” I laugh, and twirl the phone cord around my finger. “I suppose the old library ladies have a couple of their own cards that they got from you, don’t they?” 
Richie chuckled sheepishly “oh, you can bet on it. So, ah, did you - did you read the other side of the card?” 
I smiled and flipped over the card, rereading the handwritten note.
 “Yeah.. I did.” I said softly. 
Richie’s breath caught in his throat “well-” his voice cracked and he cleared his throat “well, uh, did you- did you think about it?” 
 He sounded so nervous… So I decided to tease him a bit longer. 
“Yes. Yes I did. For a while actually.” I said cool and easily.
 “Oh my god Y/N! Just, do you want to go on a date with me or not? Because I really like you, and you’re killing me here.” He said in an outburst that surprised me.
 I stood there grinning like an idiot for a few seconds, before his voice brought me back. 
“Y/N? Hello? … Hello?” 
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry, got a bit distracted. Well, I WAS gonna say yes, but now I’m not too sure…” I said dead seriously, trying to get payback. 
His voice sounded dejected when he finally responded “Oh.. Okay… Well then, bye, I g-” 
I quickly cut him off before he could hang up.
 “Richie! Richie - wait! I was joking. I would love to go on a date with you. Because ” I took a deep breath “because I think I like you too… But you have to promise not to run me over with your bike OR ditch me for one of the library ladies” I laughed softly, waiting for his response.
 Richie laughed “Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N, you really had me going there…. And although those are some pretty high expectations of me, I think I can manage, so… I promise.” 
In the background I could hear Mr. Tozier call out “language, young man!”
 “Sorry, dad.” Richie called behind him, before returning to me.
 “Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?”
 “You bet your ass it does, Mr. Fate.” 
“See you then, Miss. Apple.”
 A/N: My first character imagine! I’m not sure if I like it or not… 
I enjoyed writing it though! 
Please send in some prompts or plots with a character/cast member guys! I haven’t done any stranger things ones yet. Xx 
After some difficulty I have managed to make my paragraphs work again! (thanks @cxxl-gall )
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ticklishtimothee · 5 years
business purposes only (timothée chalamet x reader)
summary: when you win an award for best director, you’re approached by an actor you admire at the after-party.
a/n: this was based on a request from @cxxl-gall!! i hope y’all enjoy!!
words: 850
Not only are you the only woman up for best director this season, but you are also the youngest.
You’re convinced they only nominated you for the diversity quota, so you’re absolutely not expecting it when they call your fucking name.
You’re frozen in shock until you’re nudged and applauded by everyone around you, and you stand on shaking legs, making your way up to the stage, the lights blinding and the applause deafening.
“Oh my god,” you begin, your voice wavering. “I really was not expecting this...I, uh, I didn’t even think about what to say—okay.” 
You take a deep breath, and manage a semi-coherent speech before you stumble off the stage, mascara smudged with happy tears.
Your phone has been blowing up with tweets and texts from friends, family, and fans all night now, and your head is still swimming.
The after-party is much less calm than the event itself, but you’re grateful for the noise and the booze, the attention taken off you. You’re nursing a glass in your hands, held tight to your chest when there’s a timid tap on your shoulder.
You turn, and your jaw nearly drops.
Timothée fucking Chalamet is stood there, his cheeks flushed with either liquor or embarrassment, you can’t quite tell which. You’ve been a fan of him for ages, and dreamt about being able to direct him one day.
“Hey, Y/N,” he greets. “I’m Timothée.”
“I know,” you say, mentally smacking yourself. “I mean—Hi, it’s so nice to meet you.”
The two of you shake hands, and you feel the same nervousness take over your body as it did up on that stage.
“I just wanted to say congratulations,” he says. “I loved your movie so much...I think you’re incredible.”
You feel yourself blush slightly, a smile curling on your lips. “Thank you! I think you’re incredible too,” you say.
He giggles, shaking his head modestly, as you’ve seen him do countless times in interviews where he’s received such praise—you admire his humbleness.
The two of you find an empty table, sitting across from one another, having to raise your voices over the sounds of music and chatter from the other celebrities.
“So, how has your first award show been?” he asks.
“Considering the fact that I won, I can’t really complain,” you joke. “But seriously, it’s been amazing. This is far from your first, but how was your night?”
“Better now, that I’m talking to you,” he replies with a smile.
You laugh softly. You’re vaguely aware of the eyes that fall on the two of you, even the occasional click of a camera. Normally, you would be annoyed, but you can’t help the sense of pride that sweeps through you. You’re almost excited by the idea of the rumors that may spread, if only for the fantasy that Timothée would be interested in you that way.
“Can I have your number?” you ask, boldness surging through you, perhaps with the help of a bit of liquid confidence. “You know, in case I ever have a role to offer you?”
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Of course. For business reasons only, I assume?” you can hear the playful sarcasm in his voice, and it makes you giggle.
“Of course. Business,” you reply, then shoot him a wink that makes the two of you dissolve into laughter, his hand reaching across the table to rest on top of yours.
You swear you hear the familiar sound of a camera snapping, but he doesn’t seem to mind one bit, his skin soft and warm against your hand, travelling up your wrist.
You shiver slightly at his touch.
“Your direction is beautiful,” he says, apparently oblivious to the heat rising on your cheeks, as well as the one pooling in your belly. “Your movie made me cry, actually,” he admits shyly.
“I’m flattered,” you say, and you mean it. “You’ve made me cry too, you know. Call Me By Your Name, and Beautiful Boy left me a mess.”
He laughs. “Thank you.”
It doesn’t feel fake, like your interactions with other actors sometimes do. The compliments he gives feel honest, and yours are too. It’s incredibly refreshing.
By the end of the night, you have Timothée’s number in your phone, and there are photos of the two of you touching hands, laughing, and whispering all over Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc.
That phone number gets used for much more than business, that’s for sure.
“So, how did you two meet?” the reporter asks.
You smile as Timothée leans into the mic, his arm wrapped around your waist. “We spoke at this award show last year, actually. We spent a good chunk of the afterparty together,” he answers, grinning.
“We exchanged numbers, for business, of course,” you add, and the interviewer laughs.
“Well, that is so adorable! Are you guys happy to be back here as a couple?”
“Of course,” you both say.
“So, Y/N, you’re up for your second nomination for best director…”
The proud way Timmy smiles at you is better than winning any award.
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terrorsbeauty · 6 years
Stay || Johnathan Byers x Reader
A/N: hey it’s me again. I’m sorry i didn’t post any writings any more. I just couldn’t find the energy. Now i’m on holiday so if you guys still want to read these i’ll be here. Sorry it’s so short. Hope you’ll like it. For the lovely @cxxl-gall
Request: Could you do a Jonathon Byers x reader where basically where they’re neighbours who used to be really close friends but they kinda drifted a part. He saves her from an attack but one of family members were killed so she’s really distraught. He takes her back to his house to shower and just get cleaned up but she wants him to stay for comfort. (All fluff not sexual) and so he sits on the toilet seat as they talk and she breaks down & cries and he tries to comfort her by stroking her back/hair
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There he was again. Walking the halls of Hawking High School all alone, with an occasional Nancy exchanging a few words with him.
You really wanted to speak with him. Maybe a simple hi, or how are you doing would bring back the friendship you missed so much— it didn’t though. There was something inside of you that didn’t let you go over to him, and you didn’t know what it was. Maybe Nancy? Rumor has it she cheated on Steve with him. You sighed as you put your books in your locker and joined your friends in some stupid conversation about Steve or Tommy H.
The day passed as hard as the others did, and ended with the same urge to go to bed and sleep. When you got home it was getting dark, and you were never fond of the forest at night— especially the one in Hawkins—, so you hurried. Not paying attention, you fell and scratched your knee.
“ Stupid rock.” you muttered under your breath, sighing loud at the sight if your expensive tights all ripped. Looking closer, you discovered the scratch was actually a little wound, blood pouring from it.
Pouting, you continued walking, feeling like a creature was following you, but you shook your head at the thought— it must have been too many horror movies. As you reached your house you looked over the house next to yours ( as close as it can be in the woods), seeing the lights flicker.
Weirded out, you entered your home and locked the door, waving hello to your dad and going straight to your room.
As you were patching your not-too-big-to-be-called-wound, you felt a noise beside you. Anxiously, you turned around and faced the wall , which seemed to distort, or more likely to keep something captive in it. As the wall began to break , you hurried to the living room, running away from the creature you just saw.
“ Is something wrong, Y/N?” your father asked, staying in front of you. The tall creature towering beside him was opening its mouth and all you could do was scream and try to push him over. It was too late. It already took him, and it hurt you with its claws too, knocking you over. The only thing you can remember before blacking out is the yells of your father and Johnathan coming in.
You opened your eyes closely, seeing Johnathan patch something on your arm.
“ You’re up.” he said smiling softly and helping you stand on the bed.
“ Johnathan..” you breathed” there was a thing and..” you stopped suddenly, your father’s screams playing on repeat in your head. “ oh my god” you said putting your hand over your mouth. Your vision was intoxicated by the tears that poured from your eyes and never actually stopped. You looked at Johnathan and then you let a sob out.
“ it’s my fault” you said looking at him desperately, holding onto him like he was the only one that understood—like he was the only one who wouldn’t blame you.
“ Y/N...”
Your name escaped his lips and it comforted you in a weird way. You clinged onto him, as he was the only one who seemed to care.
“ Sh” he shushed you as he helped you get up. “ Why don’t you go take a shower? I’ll be here waiting for you” Johnathan half smiled, handing you some clothes and towels.
All you could do was nod, and go to the bathroom.
The hot water ran down your skin and all that you could think of was your father. All your memories of him. Him teaching you how to ride a bike, eating ice cream with him every Sunday and helping him in the garage. As the water drops fell down from the shower, you couldn’t distinguish your tears from the water, and for a moment you just sat there. No expression on your face. It was all blank.
Shortly after, you got out , dried yourself and put some clothes on. The corner of your lips went up a bit as you recognized Johnathan’s shirt.
You didn’t get out of the bathroom for an hour or two — who knows? — and just sat there, looking in the mirror and contemplating. Sometimes looking at the ugly scar the creature gave you , sometimes not.
“ Y/N , you alright there?” Johnathan’s voice echoed.
You didn’t answer, so a few moments after, Johnathan was knocking at the door.
“ May i come in?”
You barely choked out an yes , and looked at him.
“ You know , it’s not your fault. A Demogorgon took Will too..” he sighed and then tried to smile.
“ A what?” you said looking at him confused.
“ Nothing. Stupid name for a stupid monster.” he said letting out a forced laughed.
You looked at him and you couldn’t fight the urge to cry. So you did. You broke down, crying, screaming, sobbing, kicking and Johnathan didn’t know what to do.
So he brought you closer to him, at first hugging you, then stroking your hair, trying to calm you down.
“ Mom always did this to me when i was sad.” he said resting his chin on the top of your head. “ Let’s get you to bed now, ok?” he looked at you with a glint of hope in his eyes. Hoping you wouldn’t take the blame.
All you could do was nod and follow him to his room.
“ Tell me if something’s wrong. I’ll be on the couch. Just .. just try to get some rest, ok?” he said putting a blanket on you.
“ Stay.”
“ Wh-what?” he asked surprised.
“ Stay. Please.” you pleaded. “ It’s dark and I-I don’t want to be alone again. Please.” you said gripping his shirt.
He nodded and got into the other side of the bed.
“ Goodnight Y/N.” he whispered, getting your hair out of your face and covering himself with a blanket.
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goodproofingwater · 4 years
Hellooo - if you’re still doing Noah Centineo requests, could you do one where him and the reader are doing a film together; end up sparking a relationship and have real sensual and sentimental sex like absolute cute fluff - his hands are my weakness too lol (don’t include this in the request lol, basically I’ve had a hard time getting back into love/sex after a real bad relationship so the sensuality really is just for comfort?? Idk aha)
Hi love, I am so sorry for making you wait for so long! I hope that it’s everything that you wanted
Here’s a link: https://acciostilinski.tumblr.com/post/611435115792482304/a-gentleman-noah-centineo-x-reader
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andshescrazyy · 7 years
Closer (Mike Wheeler x Reader)
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Helloo! so this was requested by the amazing @cxxl-gall ! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy your work!❤️❤️
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves the best you can as you’re walking up to the front door. You quickly adjusted your dress, making sure everything was in place, then softly knocked on the door. Mrs. Wheeler opened the front door, and greeted you with a warm smile.
“Y/N! you look absolutely beautiful,” She complimented before she gave you a quick hug.
“Thank you Mrs. Wheeler,” you politely smiled back.
“Mike’s up in his room,” she pointed at the stairs. You nodded quietly thanking her then made your way towards his room. You could hear groans of frustration from where you stood on the stairs. Confused, you quietly made the rest of your way up, then stood beside Mike’s doorway. You slightly tilted your head trying to sneakily glance at the apparently frustrated boy. 
You saw him standing in front of his wall mirror, struggling to tie his red tie. His eyebrows were knitted together in concentration and his lips were in a pout. He tried one more time but, again, failed. You hear him quietly curse to himself followed by his tie being thrown on the bed. You couldn’t help yourself but giggle at the boy’s exasperation, which blew your cover as Mike turned swiftly to see you standing in his doorway with an amused look on your face.
“You look beautiful,” Mike smiled brightly, forgetting all about the stupid tie as soon as he saw you. 
“Thank you,” You blushed at his compliment, “Having trouble?” You nodded towards the neckwear resting on his bed. He followed your gaze, and started shooting draggers as soon as his eyes fell on it.
You shook your head laughing, and walked over to the bed picking up the tie, then went to where he stood in front of the mirror. You started adjusting the tie on his neck, and You could see him slightly widen his eyes at how close you were, but calmed himself when he caught you glance at him. You easily tied it then tucked it inside his grey sweater.
“There,” You smiled as you glanced at Mike’s now full outfit in the mirror, and he was surprised with how easily you tied it. “Where did you learn to do that?” He asked confused, and you could swear you could see a little jealousy in his eyes too. You tried to hide my smirk. “I tie it for my brother a lot,” and you felt his muscles relax a little underneath your hands as you adjusted his blazer. 
 “Alright time for pictures!” Mrs wheeler announced excitedly, ushering you and mike to pose on the staircase.
“Great,” Mike mumbled sarcastically, rolling his eyes at his mother’s enthusiasm. You stood next to mike and smiled at the camera as Mrs. Wheeler took the picture.
“Alright that’s enough,” Mike said, getting annoyed.
“Wait, one more but this time stand closer to each other,” Mrs Wheeler said as she picked up the photo she just captured off the floor.
“Mom,” Mike groaned, covering his face with his hands.
“Come on, you both look so cute!” She shrieked. You took a step closer to Mike, getting ready to pose again.
“Closer,” Mrs Wheeler urged, as she looked into her camera.
“Oh my god, mom!” You glanced at mike to see that his face was really red now, embarrassed of his mother’s actions. You just giggled, then grabbed Mike’s arm and put it around your waist, and wrapped your arm around his waist too. You could see Mike out of the corner of your eyes getting even redder, but he quickly composed himself and posed for the camera.
“Yes!” Mike’s mother cheered, satisfied with how the last picture looked.
You and mike walked across the gym, greeting the rest of your friends with hugs as soon as you reached their table.
“You look great, Y/N” Dustin complimented you with a sweet smile.
“Definitely not as great as your hair though, love the new hairstyle!” You said, and his smile got even bigger.
You took a seat at the table as you waited for Mike, who said that he would bring a drink for the two of you.
“I’m sorry about my mom earlier,” Mike said, as he handed you your drink. You laughed as you remembered how embarrassed and flushed Mike looked.
“Don’t be, it was cute, and I bet those pictures turned out pretty good too,” you winked.
You took a look around as you sipped on your drink. Everyone was jumping around, until a slow song started playing.
“Do you want to dance?” You turned you your head to find Mike smiling at you, with his hand outstretched.
“Of course,” You smiled, putting your hand in his before he pulled you towards the dance floor. You and Mike slowly swayed to the slow song playing, enjoying each other’s company. You rested your head on his chest, as he wrapped his arms around your waist tighter, pulling you even closer. Honestly, right at this moment, you couldn’t think of a time when you were as happy as you are right now with Mike. You couldn’t think of a more perfect way to spend your night, or a more perfect date to spend it with.
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