#cuz i recognized the artstyle
keeps-ache · 2 years
another 'huh. well. okay then' for the books
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sickknotdoom · 4 months
Im genuinely really disappointed in Kittycorn for the fact that despite kit's relatively large following, kittycorn has said NOTHING publically about palestine, despite having the power to lead a lot of people to a lot of resources.
“Kit doesn’t have much of an internet presence outside of Sparklecare!!!” Then explain to me why i see so many popular artists who barely share jackshit about their personal lives, not even their pronouns, and yet still reblog and share stuff about Palestine. Kittycorn has literally 0 excuse not to say *anything*.
I'm gonna be so real and say that I'm half-expecting Kittycorn to be like "oh i dont reblog anything about it cuz it makes me sad :-((("
kit could at least like. Draw the Sparklecare characters in support for Palestine. Kit could do the bare fucking minimum here.
Kittycorn has such a large following and a lot of power, whether kit likes it or not. I understand Kittycorn did not want this large following, nor does kit want more of it, but christ can you fucking do something?
I don't know why people aren't talking about this.
holy fucking shit youre right. ive noticed that too but i didnt wanna bring it up because i know that would make me seem "desperate" to "attack kit" or something but yeah. the ONLY thing ive seen kit do to raise awareness is post an announcement with the arab.org link in the comet caring club server. yknow the one that most fans DONT EVEN KNOW ABOUT since its closed off? yeah. no public statement or anything. no tags in any bios, no watermelon emoji, nothing. COMPLETE SILENCE on anything that isnt kits own comic. fucked up, especially since the sparklecare blog is without a doubt kits biggest platform.
there was this fanart of uni holding the palestinian flag and it was really accurate to the official artstyle, i thought it was official when i first saw it. and it had a shit ton of reblogs, including me on my main. i recognized so many names scrolling through the list. but wanna know who i DIDNT see? thats right, the official sparklecare blog. kits either ignoring it completely or actively dancing around the subject, which is NOT GOOD.
i am in no way trying to accuse kneeby or anyone on the sparklecare team of being a zionist, but i would definitely like to highlight the blatant ignorance the official blog has shown. this isnt the only time ive seen kneeby act this way, as kit also has #blm #acab in kits twitter bio but from what ive seen kits done absolutely nothing to actually raise awareness to said causes, which rubs me the wrong way since im black myself. however now kneebys completely avoiding doing anything, not even a hashtag anywhere. just a single announcement in a private discord.
and yes im putting fanart and au tags on this post, people need to notice this. do better.
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mass-angel-exodus · 6 months
First of all - I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable in my anon ask, It's been a while since I messed around on tumblr so I didn't know you were on a break and all
Second - the fanart I recognized your artstyle from was the tcoaal reindeer/santa costume, so cool btw!! I wish I could eat your art lol
Third? - I barely interact with most fandoms cuz I'm a coward (but i have like one reblog of your old art that I can delete if you wish!)
And fourth - take as much time for yourself as you need, i'm wishing you the best <333
- oh no don't apologize you didn't make me uncomfortable. I was just really surprised that's all. And tbh it was less that I was on break and more that I had a mental breakdown and just disappeared out of no where. I only told like idk two people because I thought they were the only ones that genuinely gaf about me. So I apologize if I worried anyone
- now that you mention it I do have a specific way of drawing certain faces. Thank you!
-it's ok you don't have to delete it. Although I'm laying low I do appreciate my art being liked and rebloged. It's nice to know that people like it enough to reblog it. So thank you for that. And thank you for going out of your comfort zone to stalk reach out me <3
- thank you <3 idk when I'm coming back but until then I'm gonna fixate on funamusea games and tcoaal for a while. And maybe csm and other stuff. So I hope you like those :3
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centi-pedve · 7 months
HAI former ch veteran here SIGH ok listen. i was into it when i was like 10-12 LOL tbh i kinda hated the fandom like i loveeed complaining abt it but i literally could not leave bc the autism was too strong ..... i think i gravitated towards it bc of how accessible it made history + geopolitics 4 tweenagers plus drawing them as humans was kinda more fun than the countryball artstyle?(<- i was trying so hard to be different by drawing them as humans instead of the ugly ass ballheads LOL i was blissfully unaware of hetalias existence)NUMBER ONE HYPERFIX I REGRET but whatevar
Not even the former CH fans can defend the fandom 😔 we hope you've recovered anon /silly
We get the like accessible politics and history and geography a bunch cuz we were a hetalia and Hamilton fan in our youth which eventually led our ass to jreg and now we're exploring new politics esque shows so it's like... We feel the pull towards CH a bunch. It's one of the big fandoms for a very niche group of people we are a part of lol.. we CANNOT judge that aspect
We actually tried to get into it but we were probably a bit too old because it was hard for us to like. Find any enjoyment out of it when the Problems were So Loud. People who got into CH when they were like younger are the ones we kinda understand cuz it's like you're less likely to see the overt Nonsense or it will at least feel Less Serious and then it just becomes a consistent evil hyperfix... Even when you grow and can recognize it better. It's THERE
People who get into it late teens+ scare us though jfvkbk
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metukika · 1 year
hi!! first of all I adore your art style sm and I was wondering how you developed it; are there any tips or tuts you could recommend for improving? thanks !!!
oh my god, thank you!
about developing an artstyle... honestly, for me, i just picked and dissected all my favorite parts from other's styles and mixed them into a frankenstein one of my own! there's some general interpretations from anime, since i used to watch them when im younger and some from very cartoony artstyles from artists online. if im into a fandom, sometime that original source will have an effect on my art.
developing something consistent and your own takes a LOT of time and patience and experimenting. dont lose hope just becuz it changes a lot. for a long while, every other drawing of mine would look completely different.
dont be afraid to look closely and copy other artists. one of my biggest art inspos is mad rupert, specifically their work on their comic sakana... it uses a lot of basic shapes and since its in black and white it also makes good work with lineart.
some stuff for my art i only do cuz its more comfortable and easy lol, like the pencil tool brush and the cell shading. instead of putting rules on yourself on how u should draw something, let ursef naturally enter a routine that seems comfortable AND will leave a satisfying result. draw in a way YOU'LL be proud of. do what U think looks good. take inspiration from ANYTHING!
really, dont be afraid to rip off other artists (dont steal or trace their art for posting obviously, though). one time in kindergarten i just straight up copied the drawing of the girl next to me's and when she noticed i was scared shell chew me out but she just complimented me! to give someone else ideas is one of the great things about making art!
maybe you'll find an artist you'll research to no end and maybe you'll just happen to scroll past a random drawing that will make you rethink the way you use colors forever and ever. there will be times where u feel disappointed and that u can do better but thats okay, this happens to everyone! when i couldnt settle for a style ppl still came up to me and told me they recognized that my work was mine just by looking at it, which really surprised me. you'll get it! I believe in u, and have fun!!!
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thegreatanso · 1 year
hey ! could i ask you something ? did you have another tumblr acc back in 2017 or is there a way to find older art of you ? cuz i sae the crocohawk 2017 post and i could SWEAR i have seen you art wayyy back then, like i recognize your artstyle from somewhere and its drving me insane lol
Hey there 🥰 you probably used to follow me. My old blogs aren't available anymore but I used several usernames like themagnificentbabycat or sunsun-sunflower !
But you probably saw my one piece art in 2017, it was pretty popular on Tumblr lmao :')
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url0calpr0sh1tt3r · 1 year
Hellppp!! Can somebody please teach me the “proshipper artstyle”??? Genuinely cuz like, I wanna make an artstyle here that’s waaaay different from my main artstyle that ppl’l recognize 😭
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ripleycano · 2 years
Bruh I haven't keep up with your art for like 2 years, so seeing your new fanart of batdr and new artstyle I thought you were somebody else and then I look at your old art I lost it like, cuz I remember all the Sammy fanarts and I didn't recognize you
hello it’s me 😌 i also used to go by a different username back in the day! it’s good to be back in the batim fandom :)
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gorefetishizer · 3 months
Sometimes i see art of the sink dog that is very introspectiv or simbolic or whatever and I can't help but wonder how the guy that Made her feels about it. They're around on the internet. When i see them i hace this knee jerk negative reaction to them cuz i always wonder if they even asked the artist to use the character. Wich is a bit stupid since all art Is a reference to something. Is just that internet artist usually are met with this kind of interactions of asking permission as a sing of respect por whatever. But i mean nobody would ask idk. Rothko permission to reference him. Used him as an example cuz he's well known and alive btw. And idk. Are ppl referencing the sink dog cuz they recognize it as art More that other ppls characters or ilustrations or bc they recognize it as Less. Case to case i gess, like all things, i do get defensiva over it. Mainly probably cuz i never feel the same amount of Art Experience as the original image gives me, maybe cuz I'm being a snob over sink dog. I just feel like the things that are obviously Trying to be Art are not. Fetish art. Sink dog Is so great cuz it's so obviously fetish art but it has such a. Weird. Vibe. It's so earnest both I'm just how out there the fetish is (for most) but that the artstyle Is not trying to be the standard of todays Furry Porn. It feels very abstracto bc of it's use of simple shapes and colors. Also the sog having no ears adds to it so much. Her expresión. I love her. nothing? Stare? You know how ppl dont know how to describe the mona lisa's expresión/feeling. It's like that. The pussy juices being Dish soap Is also something i rlly like about it. I'm rambling. My point is that it's rlly hard to make something that surprises the internet nowadays. Like yeah ppl are mean and bully weirdos but it's always the same kind of weirdos you know. This thing had (assimilationist) furries cluthi g their pearls. Such a controversial piece but the oerson who Made her was just drawing something they like, at least that's my impresión from their captions on E6. And well the feeling i get from it as an art piece. It Is relaxing. For me. Reasuring that something can transmit pure fetish. The Joy of it all
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theworstzangooseever · 10 months
Daily VGM #276: Peak
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk released finally and it's PEAK!!! It's SO FUCKIN GOOD. Not just its gameplay, but its OST, artstyle, everything. It all rocks. Hearing 2 Mello's I Wanna Kno was genuinely surprising too, cuz I recognized it from the album! Love the game. Full recommend.
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viovio · 2 years
the fact that there were two popular filipino h*milton artists makes me super cringe
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metukika · 2 years
Cant describe perfect but your art is very sharp (?) I can always tell its you without lookin at the username lol <3
aww! T.T anon! maybe it's "sharp" cuz i kinda use the pencil tool instead of the brush. it makes me really happy to know i have my own artstyle the ppl recognize <3 thank you!
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meat-pvppet · 3 years
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yaizl · 4 years
mm..,,,.,. artstyle insecurities are really gettin to me in these trying times
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
Hey! Wigglebones here! Yes, I have now fully moved into someday's account since tumblr WON'T LET ME LOG INTO MY OLD ACCOUNT but that's not what I'm here for
I actually finished a headshot of Nex' monster form because I wasn't sure of what concept I wanted to go with and I wanted to get a feel for what they may look like. I might change some stuff for their fullbody (btw do the markings read as a skeleton thing? Idk if they do but do feel free to give me tips on that. Also I'm lazy and wanted to repurpose an old sketch I never got around to finishing, don't tell the art police) but I did play around with yellow tones to go against HABIT's purple since I'm not very good at working with greens, which woulda been my next best option. Also I headcanon that Nex' monster form has 2 pairs of upper fangs (so 4 upper fangs in total) and the ones that stick out are able to move, retract and extend n' stuff cuz they're very, very venomous (nobody knows if their other forms are venomous but they do lack the second pair of fangs)
I gave it a transparent background so you can do whatever you'd like with it. You don't have to credit me or anything, I don't have an art presence online nor do I care to have one, so just take the drawing cuz it's yours now. Go apeshit or smth.
If you recognize my artstyle from anywhere else no the fuck you don't also ignore the shading I was testing smth
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-Wigglebones (hoping tumblr doesn't destroy the image quality)
Is it okay if we make this our pfp with credit? I love this so much. -Mod Havoc
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You're great and you can do it; roundhouse kick demotivation in thE FACE ✊
Istg, you appear like a phantom 😭
I& have roundhouse kicked demotivation in the face 😌 But it seems the laziness was transferred to actually posting this? XD
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I've& had this song stuck in my& head for ages 😭 With an au, it actually fits them?? (Yea...just gonna say "them" cuz I'm& not going to out myself& by confirming who they are and the roles of the characters in the au 😬. But, ey, they can certainly be recognized by artstyle 🤷‍♀️)
And no, I'm& not going to tag these posts with Pokemon tags cuz id& literally die of embarrassment if someone saw this 😭 Then again, answering this gives Rainy a notification and they would probably naturally look at the drawings so, well, pride goes out the window regardless ig 😬
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And this, well, was just fun to draw lol. I& didn't wanna risk ruining it by trying to squeeze in the other character (I'm& being as ambiguous as possible here--) so take the boi being sad for no apparent reason xD
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