interact-if · 1 year
hello! do you have any interactive fic reccs where the ROs are your coworkers? like in when twilight strikes, novaturient, and project hadea :) thank you so much!
Hi Anon!
Yes, we do! And plenty! See the long list below:
180 Files: The Aegis Project by Karelia Hall
June in Abyss by @abyss-if
Attollo by @attollogame
Citadel by @bouncyballcitadel
Cut The Lights by @cutthelights-if
Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs
Ari, Caleb, and Magnus in Guilded Shadows (VN) by @streamberrystudio
Herotome (VN) by @herotome
Song in Lost Lambs by @lostlambs-ifgame
Magician's Voyage by @magiciansvoyage
Mousetrap by @gamesbyalbie
Noveturient by @kalorphic
Red Sugar Society by @redsugarsociety
Remember, You Will Die by @vapolis
Secrets of Swatheford by @swatheford
Shepherds of Haven by @shepherds-of-haven
Sinners and Saints by @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
Snakeroot by @cerberus-writes
Supernova: Renegade by @jupitergames-if
Lestrade in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Affair Of The Heart by @doriana-gray-games
The Golden Rose by @anathemafiction
The Masked Defenders by @ian-lythe
The Numbers Game by @thenumbersgameif
Virtue's End by @virtues-end
Eddie in Water To Blood by @veirsewrites
When It Hungers by @roast-ifs
When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings
You Live And Fern by @beetlebethwrites
No Demos:
Lucky and Delphinium in Evenfall by @evenfalling
Thank You For Today by @thankyoufortoday-if
Witchsworn by @crimsiswrites
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northern-passage · 2 years
Hi there! Idk if you've ever answered this but I just wanna know how you got into drawing, and how you found your art style! Your art is really beautiful and I tried to get into drawing, but whenever I sit down with pen and paper I just... stare and don't even know how and where to begin. Do you have a way to motivate yourself or do you just start without thinking about it?:0
hi :-) i've been drawing for a really long time, since i was a kid, though i did stop for quite a few years and only picked it back up again in 2019/2020.
i'm actually pretty insecure about my style hahaha i feel like it's really inconsistent and it never really looks how i want it... so thank you for saying that 💗 i also don't really draw that often, i typically draw in sprints where i'll suddenly draw a bunch in one week and then not touch my tablet again for 6 months lmfao so that doesn't help with my inconsistency.
something that helped me a lot was a period in 2019 where i didn't have my tablet and ended up drawing a lot of traditional stuff (literally just pencil and paper) that was just for me in a little journal. drawing from life - just random stuff, furniture, landscapes, bottles, people, etc - improved my art quite a bit, at least in my opinion. and since it was just for me i didn't feel pressured to make it perfect so it made me try more challenging pieces and if it didn't work out it wasn't a big deal.
usually i just get an idea out of the blue... lately i've been working on specific scenes with both Noel and Merry so that's what made me want to draw them. when i figure out what i want to draw i start hunting for references - i Always draw with a reference. adorkastock is my go-to especially with all the weapon references they have, since i tend to be drawing my fantasy characters. i actually used two different adorkastock images to come up with the sitting pose for Merry.
as for my style specifically i try to find a little spot between realistic and stylized - for a while i tried to emulate a more "animated" art style which is simplistic and distinct, but now i've started to move back into a more realistic/illustrative look. i also just... stopped trying to make myself do stuff i don't like - i hate doing lineart, so i don't really do it anymore! i like how my sketches look more so now my style is a bit rough and sketchy.
and there are a lot of artists i definitely take inspiration from, i follow quite a few here and i always like seeing how other people draw this or that - there are a lot of really good artists in the IF community. one of my favorite artists on tumblr is clickbaitcowboy, who also has a few tips and tutorials on his blog (i aspire to this one day figuring out how to draw body hair...) i also really like gacpars who makes really beautiful watercolor illustrations, and my friend dani crimsiswrites has a really nice style i admire, too.
if you struggle coming up with general ideas i definitely suggest checking out other artists (for me seeing other people's art is a direct inspiration), or even just scrolling through various references like on pinterest could give you some ideas!
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thepixelmoon · 3 years
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I’ve only recently started reading @crimsiswrites​‘ Virtue’s End, but I am absolutely in love with it already! Here’s Lethe, my nokken-bound MC, whose heart beats for a certain Keeper. 
Please, go check out Virtue’s End if you haven’t yet! 
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moonless-if · 3 years
Alright hit me with number 17 👀
no.17 is Better Love by Hozier and is on…drum roll……..also on The Unknown One’s playlist!
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attollogame · 3 years
What are some wips that you'd recommend?
Ooooo ok ok. I already know I'm forgetting some but I rlly tried
Temple of Endless Night by @darielivalyen
Royal Affairs by @hpowellsmith
The Nameless by @parkerlyn
A Tale Of Crowns by @ataleofcrowns
Snakeroot by @cerberus-writes
Exiled From Court by @beeanca-writing
Fields of Asphodel by @asphodelgame
The Hunt by @thehunt-if
When It Hungers by @roast-ifs
Willow Creek Run by @willowcreekrun
Wilhelmina by @fidere-k
Virtues End by @crimsiswrites
Body Count by @bodycountgame
Speaker by @speakergame
Sentinel + Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting
Golden by @milaswriting
Eight Years Revolution by @eight-years-revolution
The Remainder by @the-remainder
Faith of Gods by @faithofgods
Love The Guard Be The King by @ligiawrites
Northern Passage by @northern-passage
Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff
Wayfarer by @idrellegames
OFNA by @ofna
Perfumare by @pdrrook
When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings
Hollowed Minds by @shai-manahan
Larkin by @larkin-if
Supernova: Renegade by @jupitergames-if
You Live and Fern by @beetlebethwrites
The Moonless by @moonless-if
Witches Of Ferngrove by @witchesofferngrove
Thrill Seeker by @thrill-seeker-if
Out Of The Blue by @vahnyawrites
Fallen Lights by @fallenlightsif
Ear Candy by @earcandy-if
Moonlit Sorrows by @moonlitsorrows-if
The Disappearance by @the-disappearance
Eye Of The Moon by @eyeofthemoongame
Time's Legacy by @legacies-game
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ih-dante · 3 years
My IF/Interactive Stories List that no one asked for
They’re arranged in the order I played, the first ones I will have to replay sooner or later because of the updates that my dumb ass missed. 
I will also be adding more from time to time because I have no self control.
Even though not all of them require it, but I highly recommend seeing the game’s page/write’s page before playing - for example, A Tale of Crowns and Eye of The Moon has some guides and explanations about the mc and the culture.
Many authors are going to be using twine from now on so I might have to update the links in the future
The Passenger by the-passenger-if
Triaina Academy by leo-interactive-fiction
Fox Of Sunholt by foxofsunholt
Sentinel by nyehilismwriting
God of the Red Mountain by friendlybowlofsoup
Shepherds Of Haven by shepherdsofhaven
The Shadow Society by carawenfiction
Supernatural in New York by llamagirl28
Son Of Satan: The Mortal Coil by sosthemortalcoil
Reports From Philomena by reportsfromphilo
Mortal Hero: Patron of the Gods by mortalseries  
A Tale Of Crowns by ataleofcrowns 
Speaker by speakergame 
Snakeroot by cerberus-writes 
The Hunt: Demon Eyes by thehunt-if
Wayfarer by idrellegames
The Eight Years Revolution by eight-years-revolution
When The Twilight Strikes by evertidings
Eye Of The Moon by eyeogthemoongame
The Nameless by parkerlyn
A Mage Reborn by mage-parivir
Court of Harts by courtofharts
Virtue’s End by crimsiswrite
The Exile by exilethegame
Veil: Prophecy by veilprophecy-if
Mind Blind by mindblindbard
Ace Of Spades by steph-writing
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sinners-if · 2 years
Hi! It's me again, I hope that's not a bother haha.
The fact that Grey *isn't* redeemable is fantastic, literally the best case scenario for me.
Thank you for the recommendations! I haven't known about V being a villain and I enjoyed that demo a lot, but now I'm curious about the enemies to lovers recs if you have any?
No bother :) I will always have time for enemies to lovers.
I will limit myself to WIPs with released demos:
Blane Rekner in When Twilight Strikes @evertidings
Khari in Sinners and Saints @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
I Tachibana in These Crimson Strings @thesecrimsonstrings-if
Asol in Fell Star @fell-star-if
A in Golden @milaswriting
Yeeun in You, Me, and the End @youmeandtheend
Eiri in Virtue's End @crimsiswrites
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fooltofancy · 3 years
Best IF blogs to follow? Either sexy WIPs or just people posting about them generally.
before i actually answer this i need you to know i have like 54 tabs open in my phone right now and every single one of them that isn't the tab i do browsing in is an if.
THAT SAID, apart from @interact-if i don't think i follow any blogs that are specifically geared toward interactive fiction, but that's a great place to start!
without further rambling ado, some recs -
the porthecrawl witness by @porthecrawl-witness - we love us some time shenanigans in insular little towns, tbh. real melancholy undertones but without feeling abject or unhopeful? dig it.
diaspora by @diasporatheblog - genuinely stressful political intrigue couched in impeccable worldbuilding and some of the warmest characters and relationships i've encountered in IF? just. love the hell out of diaspora. also long. if you want to spend a solid Many Hours just basking in a well-developed world, diaspora is for you.
the golden rose by @anathemafiction - i am SO jazzed for the golden rose to come out my dudes i don't even have words. just like, the most charming experience. anachronistic history, i guess? can't wait to learn more about this world.
wayfarer by @idrellegames - the variation in this game? so much fun to explore, so many aspects of character development. fuckin love it. i have a lot of emotions and it's only been like.... half of a chapter.
speaker by @speakergame - desperate seer vibes, loving but exasperating family vibes, found extra family vibes???? love everything about speaker.
bad ritual by @heart-forge - do love a story the premise for which is just sort of a series of "aw, fuck"s and what you're gonna do about 'em. bonus giant, extremely loveable demons. shoutout also to manor hill and hybrid, both super cool projects.
virtue's end by @crimsiswrites - undergoing rewrites atm, and i'm full of excite. have determined that slightly baffled and full of monster is my new favorite character dynamic.
lost birds by @if-lostbirds - very brief demo at the moment, but holy shit the desolate vibes.
the remainder by @the-remainder - art and vibes IMPECCABLE. big old questions of identity and self via some ill-timed (self-inflicted?) amnesia.
body count by @bodycountgame - realtalk i wasn't super interested in this concept when it first came across my recs, but oh my god, dudes. the characters and writing are so endearing and i can't wait to see where it goes even though it's gonna hurt.
when it hungers by @roast-ifs - i have a thing for characters rebuilding life around trauma and lost memories, if that wasn't like. glaringly and painfully obvious. BIG THAT, here.
OFNA: birds of a feather by @ofna - i just really, really like birds. and liars.
project hadea by @nyehilismwriting - obviously i have been failing to summarize anything about any of these games, but i WILL say that any chance to play an idiot determined only to have their ass handed to them before the story really starts, i will take. project hadea def let me fulfill that impulse. sentinel is also so, so worth it.
larkin by @larkin-if - cowboys and vampires. 'nuff said.
faith of gods by @faithofgods - haven't had time to play through all of the recent update so i have NO idea what's going on, but u know what. character interactions are choice. and also fraught with unease.
blood moon by @barbwritesstuff - i love these werewolves. every single goddamn one of them. ALSO could not love the full moon updates more, like what a thing.
the northern passage by @northern-passage - i am so fucking enamored of these characters and this story, dude. the writing is gorgeous and i feel Very Many Both Painful and Wonderful Things about it that i don't really have the brain to express, but hh. tnp my beloved.
the nameless by @parkerlyn - LADS, this worldbuilding. the sheevra are a very cool play on fae tropes and mythos and i am here for it.
mind blind by @mindblindbard - did i mention i'm mildly obsessed with guilt and the process of overcoming that hugely traumatic thing, because i AM and i was NOT expecting that to be such an intense theme in this slice-of-life (trauma included) romp through psych-powered chicago. you're allowed to not play as an idiot, too, which is okay i guess.
event horizon by @if-eventhorizon - there are some very intense and difficult themes happening in this wip straight out of the gate on some paths (memory loss, loss of self, lots of trauma processing in a space NOT made for the processing of trauma), but i'm impressed with how they're handled and also already woefully attached to thirteen, to the surprise of no one.
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oscararcane · 2 years
hey! i sometimes get an itch to try another interactive novel but i don't know much abt what's available out there so if you have a moment to share your recommendations that would be awesome!
Hiii! I would love to share some recommendations! Was just waiting for someone to ask my opinion lmao.
Altho tbh I haven't read that many finished interactive novels, but I have a lot of WIPs to recommend. Lately reading finished stories has been a bit difficult for me, I put a lot of my energy into writing my own story so following WIPs is a bit easier for me.
With that in mind, here are a couple of finished stories I did read and enjoyed:
- Blood Money, by @hpowellsmith. It's a mafia story, but a fantasy one, which I found very interesting! I love the premise and the world-building.
- Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road. It's the first one of the three VTM interactive stories they planned to make. I think the second one came out some time ago? But I've only read this one. I enjoyed it, I liked the story and the characters but the game mechanics were not my favorite. They get a bit in the way of the narration, imo. But in the end, I did like it.
And now for the WIPs, lol:
- Diaspora, by @diasporatheblog. A big favorite of mine! And even tho it's a WIP, it's getting pretty close to being finished so there's a lot of content to read! It's a fantasy adventure/political intrigue and it's very immersive and fun and the characters are really cool. I really love this one and can't recommend it enough!
- The Golden Rose, by @anathemafiction. This one is also fantasy but set in an alternative medieval Europe. It's very interesting and immersive! The first book is actually finished and I think it is planned to be released in April next year?
- Wayfarer, by @idrellegames. Another fantasy adventure! I guess I do love those, lmao. Another very immersive one! The game mechanics are really cool too. It really feels like playing a text version of a c-rpg!
- A Tale of Crowns, by @ataleofcrowns. Another fantasy story, but more of a romance/political intrigue. It's set in a fantasy world based on Kurdish culture. I really like the world and the characters — including the MC who can be very fun!
- The Northern Passage, by @northern-passage. A gripping fantasy horror story, with a vividly described world and great characters! It's darker than my usual but it's very well written and I love it! For now, the demo is using ChoiceScript, but the author is working on a Twine version, so the demo will move to itch.io at some point.
- When it Hungers, by @roast-ifs. It's another horror fantasy story, but for this one, the setting is inspired by the 1910s and I really love that! You also play as a 'monster' so to speak which is very fun. The story is also going to move from ChoiceScript to Twine and the demo is going through some rewrites at the moment, but the current demo is still great imo! (The demo still has its old title: Smoke & Velvet)
- The Nameless, by @parkerlyn. Another big favorite of mine. Another fantasy story, oops. In this one, you play as a Sheevra, who are inspired by the fey among other things. The dynamics between Sheevra and humans are very interesting and I'm very excited to see where the story is going. The world is also very vibrant and I get a Ghibli vibe when I read it, which I love so much!
- Virtue's End, by @crimsiswrites. Another fantasy horror, also going through some changes and rewrites. The premise is really cool and there's a large cast of very cool characters! I love it a lot and look forward to seeing how it will evolve.
- Project Hadea, by @nyehilismwriting. This one is a sci-fi story, I swear I read other things than fantasy, lol! It's a found family story, but in space, so I'm all about it. The writing is great and the characters are *chef's kiss*. And the MC is a lovable dumbass.
- Attollo, by @attollogame. This is a cyberpunk horror/mystery story with a very unique and interesting setting! The vibes are impeccable and there's a large cast of fascinating characters.
- Body Count, by @bodycountgame. It's very different than most of what I read, but god is it fun! At first, it's a love island type of game, where you take part in a dating reality show, but then murder happens and it's great. ❤️ The demo is also going to move from ChoiceScript to Twine.
- Exiled From Court, by @beeanca-writing. It's a court intrigue story, set in a fictional country inspired by 19th century Brazil. I really love the choice of setting and the very flawed MC, who is very fun to play as!
And I'm gonna stop there for now because it got longer than I expected, lol. I could recommend a couple more but those are a great start I think.
Oh damn, I forgot to plug my own story, lmao.
It's The Eight Years Revolution, for those who haven't seen it already. The blog is @eight-years-revolution.
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interact-if · 2 years
Hi there! First, the work you do for this community is really amazing, so thank you so much for that!! Second, do you know of any IFs that feature a bodyguard RO, or a RO whose job it is to protect or defend the MC? I use “bodyguard” loosely - anything where the RO is a partner or some kind of protective presence (like Lea from Northern Passage) - I'm such a sucker for that trope lol
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Hi there, sorry for deleting your ask by mistake but here’s a list of IFs with bodyguard ROs and the equivalent. If anyone else has further suggestions, feel free to reply below where we will add those that fit in the list, thank you!
Fritz from Cinderella Phenomenon (VN) by @dicesuki​
Jay from Red-Handed Robin (VN) by @hollowmend​
Asher from Royal Affairs by @hpowellsmith
Ajmal from 8 Years Revolution by @eight-years-revolution 
Clem from At Sixes and Sevens by @at-sixes-and-sevens-game
Ashti/Azad from A Tale of Crowns by @ataleofcrowns
Bautista from Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs
Alexander from Imperial Grace by @synstoria​
Camus from Morning Star by @nacregames
Lea from Northern Passage by @northern-passage​
Nash from Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting​
Nico and Fatima from When it Hungers by @roast-ifs
Shea from Virtues End by @crimsiswrites
Danny from Zorlok by @gamesbyalbie
No Demos:
Leona from Desiderium by @disiderium-if
Mehetÿl from The Shadowwalkers by @theshadowwalkers​​
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northern-passage · 3 years
Love your writing! I’ve played a few IFs and very few of them stand out in terms of quality: A compelling plot, three dimensional characters, an enjoyable MC, and relevant player choices. Yours is one of them!
Do you have any favorite IFs?
thank you so much!!
since i've started writing, i haven't really been reading IFs like i used to, and there are a lot of newer games that i haven't had the chance to play, and others that i've not had the time to catch up on. but here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:
god of the red mountain by @friendlybowlofsoup - i love this game so much. there is a lot of replayability here and i love the setting & the huge cast of characters. i could go on and on but honestly just go play it if you haven't!
diaspora by @diasporatheblog - another game with a lot of replayability and a lot of really interesting characters. the opening of this game has always stuck with me. also the game design itself is something i aspire to with tnp.
virtue's end (18+) by @crimsiswrites - my fellow monster hunter... another game where i really love the setting, and the worldbuilding with helvlings and their keepers. currently undergoing a rewrite, & i recommend checking out all the info on the blog before playing through the old demo.
project hadea (18+) by @nyehilismwriting - every time i read this game i get an uncontrollable urge to write sci-fi and watch alien. writing is very compelling and i love the alien designs, refreshing to actually see something... alien!!
scout: an apocalypse story by @anya-dev - i am behind on updates (sorry fake fan) but i love scout so much, one of the few games where i really love all of the companions, also we all know i am weak for friends to lovers.... i also really love apocalypse stories that feel... hopeful? and that are about community, rather than individual survival.
crosshollow foundations by @townofcrosshollow - i love the character creation in this one, and i love being an "observer" and guiding the characters in their choices. i've linked crosshollow's itch.io page here because jasper has a few other games that revolve around the universe of crosshollow.
snakeroot & walk with me by @cerberus-writes - cer has such a beautiful way with words... he knows this i scream about his writing all the time & i can't recommend them enough. snakeroot is a modern horror fantasy, another fellow monster hunter! walk with me is a bit different, with bitsy gameplay, where you take a walk and have a conversation with a god.
a tale of crowns (16+) by @ataleofcrowns - another game i am unfortunately not up to date on (i’m so sorry) but i did stay up super late reading the first three or four chapters all at once! a really great fantasy game with a refreshing setting and a really great cast of characters. also love the attention to detail and the small touches that go into personalizing the crown.
body count (18+) by @bodycountgame - oh this game is so fun, fun writing, fun characters, a fun premise! this is actually my favorite kind of modern horror, where a group of fun young adults are off to have a cute adventure or something but then... something terrible happens! murder! maybe an unexpected twist or two! also i love bad reality television so like... truly it’s perfect.
a limber love by @copperspines - ohh i love this game, i’ve played through for all seven endings and i just love speculative horror fiction like this. good atmosphere and i love the illustrations.
the spirited: origins by @yuveim - my other favorite kind of modern horror: ghost hunting!!! really good horror writing in this, and i’m excited to see how the relationships between all the characters unfold going forward, and how exactly we’re going to deal with the whole demon thing...
the exile (18+) by @exilethegame - another game where i really like the character customization and the worldbuilding, and no one should be surprised i like playing characters like the commander. this game has a lot of replayability and lots of secrets to uncover.
blood moon (18+) by @barbwritesstuff - werewolves, ghosts, and vampires, oh my! updates when the moon is full (yes i am behind on this one barb writes so fast it’s insane). a great cast, lots of choices and branching and replayability. werewolves are the superior supernatural love interest and i will die on this hill.
the goodfellows & creature’s cradle by @thecuriouseye - the goodfellows is so interesting, again the worldbuilding and lore in this one is just chef’s kiss!! dark fantasy with giant monsters and heavy consequences. creature’s cradle is a supernatural post-apocalyptic story with zombies, vampires, werewolves, and more. the current demo is short and sweet but i’m excited for more.
boundary pass by @boundarypass-if - as someone who has worked as both a park ranger and a forest ranger, this game really gets me. i love the kind of horror you can only experience when you’re alone out in the wilderness....
when it hungers (16+) by @roast-ifs - i love the setting of this one: fantasy 1910s. really cool species available for character customization, and some good horror writing. i love the team dynamic of the main cast, and how the main character struggles to find their place in it without their memories.
greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs - yet another fantasy horror game! modern setting this time. really interesting main character, with a past that seems to be haunting them... but right now there’s a mystery to be solved and a monster to track.
contrition by @nihilnovisubsole - i’ve recommended this one before but i really love it, the atmosphere, the writing, everything about it... it’s stuck with me and it’s a great read.
this is by no means a complete list of IFs i enjoy but hopefully there is something new for you in here that you like. i’m sure i’m forgetting some that i will curse myself for later... there’s a lot of talent in the IF community and there are a lot of new stories just getting started that i just haven’t had the time to read, but you can always browse my other games tag for newer intro posts as well.
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thepixelmoon · 3 years
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"A nokken, they'd called it. Beautiful aquatic creatures most often found lurking in rivers and other bodies of water, capable of seducing even the most devout of priests by using their beguiling looks and enticing voices as a lure."
A little moodboard for Lethe Evenvale, my MC from @crimsiswrites' Virtue's End (borrowed a pic of our dear Keeper from the Pinterest board!). I'm replaying the demo and falling even more in love with the story, my sof girl and Shea. 🧜‍♀️
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leftski-if · 2 years
Just finished Apartment 3-3 and I absolutely loved it (ngl I would die for Monroe). Sorry if this is a weird question but do you have any IF recs?
Thank you so much! I'm very happy you enjoyed it <3
It's not a weird question at all! but it's difficult to know what to recommend, both because I'm not sure what kinds of games you're looking for and because I'm a hermit who admittedly doesn't really interact with the larger IF community much lol
I can at least take this opportunity to shout out the two WIPs that inspired me to start writing IF in the first place. Those would be Virtue's End by @crimsiswrites (currently undergoing a rewrite but I think the demo that's there is fantastic and absolutely worth checking out in the meantime) and Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff
Both are 18+ and more mature than Apartment 3-3 or Raiders, so I’m not sure if that’s something you’d be looking for; but if they sound like they’d be of interest to you, I’d highly recommend them ^^
@interact-if also does a fantastic job of sorting/recommending IFs based on different criteria, so if you're looking for something specific, I'd definitely recommend checking them out, as well~
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alexaplaysgames · 3 years
My Recs
Get ready folks! Here are my favourite IFs and VNs.
*slaps roof* this bad boy can fit so many incredible authors in it.
☆ ☆ ☆
Visual Novels: Works in Progress
1. Perfumare by @pdrrook
2. Andromeda Six by @andromeda-six
3. Made Marion by @velvet-cupcake-games
4. Gilded Shadows by @steamberrystudio
Visual Novels: Complete
1. Ebon Light by @underbliss
2. Lake of Voices by @gb-patch
Text-Based Games: Works in Progress
1. Scout: An Apocalypse Story by @anya-dev
3. The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book 3 by @seraphinitegames
4. Mind Blind by @mindblindbard
5. Wilhelmina by @fidere-k
6. Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs
7. The Golden Rose by @anathemafiction
8. Shepherds of Haven by @shepherds-of-haven
9. Still Waters by @stillwaters-if
10. Sentinel by @nyehilismwriting
11. Spellbound: a Ghost Story by CorvusWitchcraft
12. Snakeroot by @cerberus-writes
14. The Northern Passage by @northern-passage
15. Virtue’s End by @crimsiswrites
16. Blood Moon by @barbwritesstuff
17. Attollo by @attollo
18. Remember, you will Die by @vapolis
19. Faith of Gods by @faithofgods
20. Buried Lies by @fidere-k
21. Son of Satan: the Mortal Coil @sosthemortalcoil
22. OFNA: Birds of a Feather by @ofna
23. Speaker by @speakergame
24. The Hunt: Demon Eyes by @tirankawrites
25. Into the Shadows by @wynnakang
26. Whisper in the Dark by @whisper-game
27. Arcadie: Second Born by @sofia-d-asb
28. Serpentine by @serpentineif
29. Lucidity: Awakening by @lucidityawakening
30. The Odessa Dating Games by @theodessadatinggames
31. Ace of Spades by @steph-writing
32. Fallen Hero: Retribution by @fallenhero-rebirth
33. Keeper of the Day and Night by @keeperofthesunandmoon
34. Zombie Exodus by Jim Dattilio
35. Diaspora by @diasporatheblog
36. The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim
37. Task of the Burdened One by @task-of-the-burdened-one
38. Exiled from Court by @beeanca-writing
39. Retribution - From the Ashes by @whiterabbitgames
40. Anecdoche by @anecdoche-cog
Text-Based Games: Complete
Hosted Games
1. Keeper of the Sun and Moon by @keeperofthesunandmoon
2. The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book 1 and the Wayhaven Chronicles: Book 2 by @seraphinitegames
3. Demon Recollect by @bathalafiction
4. The Shadow Society by @carawenfiction
5. Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven by Jim Dattilio
6. Way Walkers: University by J. Leigh
7. Fatehaven by Devon Connell
8. Evertree Inn by Thom Bayley
Choices of Games
1. Crème de la Crème by @hpowellsmith
2. Tally Ho by Kreg Segall
3. Heart of the House by @nissacam
4. Heroes of Myth by Abigail C. Trevor
5. Vampire: the Masquerade by Kyle Marquis
6. Choice of the Vampire by Jason Stevan Hill
Please let me know if there are any errors or mix-ups in the list. I was unable to find Tumblr accounts for several authors. Let me know if you know of the account of an author I couldn’t find a Tumblr for.
These are my favourites, but by no means the only works I have read/played or the best ones out there. Feel free to message me if you have suggestions or to let me know if you enjoy playing! <3
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pdrrook · 2 years
I was tagged by @defiledheartsblog (ty!)
Last song: Skagen by Meimuna Last movie: Orphan (2009) Last TV series: The OA Last book: the embarrassing moment when I have to admit in front of everyone that the only thing I (re)read in 2 months is Pride and Prejudice 👋🥴
The rule is to tag 9 people you want to get to know or catch up with, but I don't know 9 ppl so: @aprismaticodyssey @nacregames @crimsiswrites @ligiawrites
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leftski-art · 3 years
Tumblr media
With the upcoming changes to the MC’s appearance, I got to redesign Lan, my MC for Virtue’s End by @crimsiswrites, and I love it
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