#crest of lamine
mwezina · 11 months
Judgement & FE3H
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Judgement shows where the past and the future come together. It is a moment where we can look to the past to see if our past actions will lead to a desired future. It is also a moment for rebirth, as one life cycle ends and another begins. 
The crest associated with this card is the Crest of Lamine. The name could be a call to the sirens of Basque mythology, called Lamina. The Lamina are long haired women who can tempt men to drown in rivers, or can help workers in exchange for food. They can be fickle, but are generally respected in Basque mythology due to their abilities to help and hinder the common folk. 
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The dragon associated with this crest is the Aegis Dragon. Aegis means the protection, backing, or support of a person or organisation. It is often represented by armour affiliated with Zeus and his daughter, Athena. It is thought that these armours can give supernatural power to warriors. 
It’s difficult to imagine how such a broad and abstract idea could apply to a dragon, but my thought is that perhaps the dragon was rarely seen, but it frequently gave protection to humans. Thus, it became known as a patron, and people so frequently said they were under the aegis of this dragon, that it eventually became named as the Aegis Dragon. 
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The character I choose to connect to all these thoughts is Mercedes von Martritz. Just like the Judgement card suggests, she must look at the past in order to decide (judge) what her future should be. 
Similar to the Lamina, Mercedes is beautiful and can be helpful or harsh with the men in her life. This also ties in nicely with Judgement, as men who treat her poorly (such as Lorenz) receive the tongue lashing of a century. 
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Mercedes also grants protection and support to her allies through her superior healing abilities. Alternatively, her personal skill can also grant protection to herself, so she is receiving support from some unseen patron of healing. 
I think it’s very interesting that Mercedes possesses the crest associated with Judgement. She seems like such an “unimportant” character, but she carries such a weighty crest. I do find that any character who has an ending with her has some of their best, most fulfilling endings when they are with her.
Previous: The Sun
Next: The World
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ludaroace · 3 months
zephyr brain rot time qsmp fire emblem 3h au thing because the pla one made me Need to get my thoughts into order and talk about it - not really exactly basing them off of the characters in the game or a specific route just the vibes u gotta trust me . also forgive me stealing some skills and stuff from fates that aren’t in three houses because i want to and i think that fates having pegasus knights not be gender locked was a based decision
i HATE to pull this immediately after saying i'm not basing it off of any characters literally a jeritza mercedes situation. i feel like a similar thing ends up happening, house martritz falls and bagi and cellbit are both born with a minor crest of lamine, which makes them and their mother the only people with that crest alive. because of this, they then attempt to flee to fargus but somehow cellbit gets separated and left behind in adrestia, and ends up meeting bad who ends up explaining the whole rundown of the church and agarthans to him. he's got some feelings about faith magic because its kinda stands for everything that put him in the situation he's in (his crest being based around faith magic, faith magic being directly tied to the church) but he's like secretly REALLY good at it.
bad is a victim of the crest experimentation done by those who slither in the dark (twsitd) but in this au instead of drastically decreasing your lifespan, it does the opposite and they've basically made bad functionally immortal. he was like an ORIGINAL original experimentation, being one of the first people to actually be given crest by serios (he has a major crest of serios) but willingly joined the agarthans and after the creation of the ten elites and defeat of nemesis, he was given a minor crest of blaiddyd against his will which turns him both against the agarthans and the church. he runs into cellbit (who was ..."adopted" into another noble house) and sees someone who is pretty similar to him, and after a while explains the situation (but does not tell him about having two crests)
now bagi is in fargus and is living as a commoner basically, and kinda has a similar story where she knows her brother is out there and wants to find him to bring him to fargus. despite legally being a commoner her status is known to the royal family, and she trains as a non-traditional knight (she uses axes instead of lances) until she ends up at garreg mach where she pivots into some magic training. most people do not know about her crest because she literally will not divulge that information unless she has to. when shit goes down MUCH later on, she more or less immediately defects to adrestia - not because of her brother but because she does Not like the church. she has so many problems with the crest system its crazy, and when told there is an organization against it she doesn’t even hesitate to join even without knowing about crest experimentation. 
also some other stuff:
minor crest of lamine
personal skill: survival instinct (+4 Strength, Magic, Dexterity, and Speed for one turn after defeating an enemy when initiating combat.)
boons: lances, reason, brawling
banes: authority, heavy armour, riding
budding talent: faith
major crest of serios, minor crest of blaiddyd
personal skill: confidence (+15 Hit and Avoid if user's HP = 100%.)
boons: lances, riding, authority, heavy armour
banes: faith, reason
budding talent: bows
minor crest of lamine
personal skill: rallying cry (+2 damage dealt by all allies within a two-tile radius of the user)
boons: flying, axes, faith
banes: authority, bows, heavy armour
budding talent: reason
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empress-hancock · 8 months
People like easy symbols too much I see too many fandom tattoos that, lore wise, make little sense or are antithetical to the message of the story and/or characters that people are trying to show their appreciation of through the tattoo.
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hydrasplatl1ng · 1 year
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Jill is a lesbian breath if you agree
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randomnameless · 7 months
Do we know if Humans and Nabateans can have children? I thought Flayn's mother was a Nabatean too, since she got her crest.
Technically, Flayn never says she got her crest from her Mother !
Nopes wise, in the jp version, Sothis doesn't seem to know her (she knew another Light Dragon?) and calls her a wonder - but jury is out whether she thinks Flayn is a wonder because she was born after, or during, her Big Nap, or bcs she Flayn is a hybrid.
So Flayn being half-nabatean is, basically, headcanon.
Immediately after the war, Flayn disappeared from Garreg Mach. At the same time, Linhardt mysteriously abandoned his claim to House Hevring, and also vanished. It was suspected, among those who knew them, that they had eloped, although no one seemed to know just where they went. Over a decade later, well after the Officers Academy had been rebuilt, something strange happened. A sleepy young girl with antiquated clothing and the Major Crest of Cethleann enrolled. Over the next two years, a young boy and girl with that same Crest also enrolled. Though Crest scholars deduced that they must be siblings, the truth of their lineage was never definitely proven.
Flayn's ending with Linhardt in FE16 is explicit, they got at least 3 children who were "viable" enough to enrol (also, are we supposed to understand in the new GM, children as old as 10 can enrol?).
Canon-wise, Nabateans and humans can have children !
Headcanon wise...
It has always been a possibility that fascinated me, especially because Supreme Leader is so biased against Nabateans when she could be of Nabatean descent herself, via Lycaon - but headcanons are fickle things lol
So there is an AU where Lycaon is a half-lizard, and is killed because of that - which leads Willy to ditch Adrestia and Rhea to abandon hope in Humanity to work on her rez Sothis plan.
Half-lizard Lycaon managed to fuck before dying, which would later lead to the Martritz siblings being hybrids too (but with 500 generations between them and Lycaon lol) - Supreme Leader and her ancestors descends from Empress Hildegarde, the scion of a kid Willy got after receiving his crest, who was never supposed to sit on the Adrestian throne but who took it nonethless when Lycaon "accidently died".
tldr : the matritz sibs are Rhea's far removed descendants
Noa, the apostle, was a Nabatean, and got her own children who ultimately formed the elusive House Nuvelle - they swore an oath of mutual assistance with House Hresvelg (their supposed cousins!) but with time that oath and its origin was forgotten, House Nuvelle just remembers they have a vow of allegeance to House Hresvelg.
Seteth's wife being a human (per his and Flayn's recollections, she was someone like Manuela and Judith??? Why couldn't we see her IS? KT?) is a HC I'll die for, her presence and support might have influenced some Nabateans on thinking maybe all humans weren't bad, and how they could work with some of them.
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mostrandomgallery · 1 year
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What's better than Fire Emblem and/or Overwatch? How about…THE TWO COMBINED?!!
Mercy as a Bishop with a Minor Crest of Lamine, and Moira as a Gremory with a Minor Crest of Gloucester. Planning to do more designs for this crossover project I'll be calling "Fódlanwatch".
I'll let you know I had considered Crest of Cethleann for Mercy (to wield the Caduceus Staff) and a Crest of Gautier for Moira, but I felt Lamine and Gloucester fit them better, respectively. Speaking of which, in this AU, Reaper has a Minor Crest of Lamine as well. Though what ultimately inspired this crossover project was Lysithea's unique Warrior Special in Three Hopes (I imagined Moira performing it).
Art © Stephanie M. DO NOT REPOST!!!
Also on deviantART
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isephierreo · 1 year
Crests' Color While Using It
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Crest of Flames, Riegan, Dominic, Lamine, Chevalier, and Noa all have a yellow tint while using it.
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Blaiddyd, Fraldarius, Gautier, Daphnel, Charon, Gloucester, Seiros, Cethleann, Macuil, and Beast all have a blue tint while using it.
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Cichol, Goneril, Aubin, and Ernest all have a green tint while using it.
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Crest of Indech is have a distinctive cyan color.
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The color of the Crest of Timotheos is unknown. as unlike other Crests, the Crest of Timotheos appears dimly while in use, making its color difficult to identify and even to notice.
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It is also worth noting that the Crests that was used by the beasts classes has a purple color.
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Hegemon Edelgard's attacks feature something similar to the latter, with the Crest of Flames appearing in red and the Crest of Seiros in purple.
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reunionatdawn · 4 months
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 16: Mercedes/Dedue)
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Mercedes: If I were someone else, perhaps a commoner without a Crest or stature, maybe things would be different. It's a bit sad, but…this is the way things have to be. After all, only the goddess can decide our fates.
Each character in the Blue Lions was a victim of Faerghus's patriarchal culture. Mercedes was adopted for the purpose of being married off for her Crest. The Crest of Lamine is associated with the arcana of Judgement. It represents an important decision that needs to be made regarding love and romance. It also symbolizes a solution to a protracted problem, and a feeling of freedom.
Mercedes was separated from her brother at a young age and had to make a new life for herself in the Kingdom. What got her through those hard times was the support of the church. That's why her dream was to work there to help people, just as they did for her. But doing so would be difficult if she married a nobleman.
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Mercedes: Though, just because two people share a promise, that doesn't guarantee they'll be together forever. You've noticed many nobles at the academy, right? They very rarely have the freedom to choose their own partners.
Mercedes had a lot in common with Ingrid. She did not want to give up on her dream to be used as a broodmare for her Crest, like her mother was. However, she felt like she had no choice.
Byleth: You can't just give up on your dreams. Mercedes: That's a very good point! We're only given one life, so we must do all we can to pursue our happiness! OK! I think that may have been just the push I was looking for! I'll tell him the truth. That I've found a life worth pursuing and I must decline the proposal! Maybe I should tell him I've fallen for someone else?
Mercedes had difficulty standing up to her adoptive father. She was willing to lie to him by telling him that she had fallen for someone else. That might explain many of her pairing options.
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Ferdinand: You baffle me. Do you not wish to be free? Mercedes: Of course I do. Let me try that again in a way you might understand. Ahem. A true noble cuts their own path, seizing freedom from the clutches of tyranny!
I suspect that the reason she rejected Ferdinand's help to sever ties with her adoptive father was because she wasn't sure if his gesture was an attempt to woo her. She wasn't sure if she would have the will to decline if he proposed. In their paired ending, she severs ties with her adoptive father and marries him immediately after the war. She lives the traditional life of a noble wife while her husband is recognized for his achievements.
Mercedes: I don't care to flaunt my noble past or my Crest. I have no desire to return to that status. Lorenz: Then, if I may speak hypothetically a moment… Does that mean that if a nobleman were to offer you his hand in marriage, you would decline? Mercedes: Not at all. That's a separate matter entirely. Even if I were to fall in love, regardless of their social status… I'm not looking to marry right now.
Even by the end of their A-Support, she still didn't seem to like Lorenz very much. She was unusually sarcastic with him. And she specifically said she wasn't ready to marry even if she was in love. But it is still possible that she will marry Lorenz immediately after the war. It shows how difficult it was for her to deviate from her path.
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Mercedes: …No, I'm glad. I feel like I saw your true face for the first time. …Hey, Sylvain. Would you be able to save me from the curse of my Crest? Sylvain: I…I'll save you! With my heart and soul! I love you! Great! Let's get married!
Mercedes also had a lot in common with Sylvain, and the two actually became close friends. They are both Gemini, the zodiac sign which is thought to be two-faced because of their natural duality.
Mercedes: Don't be ashamed of crying. I'm here to protect you. Will you protect me in return? Sylvain: I will. I promise. You know, Mercedes, you really are a special lady.
Because Mercedes was able to empathize with his pain, he let the mask slip with her, and she saw his other face. Because of that, she was also the only character to see him cry. She wanted him to save her from her arranged marriage, and she had a genuine desire to save him from that fate, too. So, she is one of the very few women Sylvain is able to marry and have a paired ending with.
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Mercedes: You're much the same, yes? People like us have to try to bloom as best we can. Sylvain: Never really thought of myself as a flower, but I get what you're saying. Flowers are stuck in the same spot for life, whether they like it or not. And if they happen to sprout in a bad area, they're out of luck. But we have legs, not roots. We can go wherever we want.
But Hopes does a good job of showing why that's not the ideal solution to their problems. Even if she did marry him, she would prefer to be doing charity work rather than living the life of a nobleman's wife. Sylvain was fine with that, but Mercedes did not want to stand in the way of him marrying the person he truly loved.
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Sylvain: To be perfectly clear, I'm not making advances on your or anything. But I'm the heir of House Gautier. If I ask you, this other guy will have no choice but to bow out. Though I doubt he'd be happy about it. After that, you can do whatever you want. Go work at a church or ladle out soup or whatever makes you happy. I won't stop you. Mercedes: But that would prevent you from marrying the person you love.
She didn't realize that Sylvain didn't want to get married in the first place. He would be marrying her because she offered him a loophole to his own predicament. With her as his wife, he could fulfill his noble obligation, but still be able to live freely. They cared for each other and shared mutual respect, but neither of them seemed like they would have considered marrying the other without their fathers pushing them into an arranged marriage.
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Mercedes: And before that, when I lived with my mother and my little brother. It also reminds me of the time I spent studying with friends at the school of sorcery in the capital. Things may not have been easy then, but I would give anything to return to those days.
The tagline for the game was, "Sweet memories twisted by time's cruel hand". The best option for Mercedes might seem like recruiting her into Crimson Flower and reuniting her with her brother.
Mercedes & Jeritza Once those who slither in the dark were finally defeated, Mercedes left home and opened a small orphanage in the Faerghus region with her mother. After many years of kind service raising children who had lost their families, she received a letter bearing familiar handwriting. Its author, a prisoner in Enbarr, expressed his sincerest well-wishes to Mercedes and her family. Still more time passed until, one day, the man who wrote the letter paid her a visit. With joyful tears in her eyes, Mercedes smiled, took Emile by the hand, and at last welcomed him home.
And their ending is certainly touching. I was never really a big fan of it, though, because Jeritza's condition is resolved without any explanation. In Mercedes' paralogue, the Death Knight said his soul had long departed. He was not fully in control of himself, which is why he continued to fight on the opposite side from his sister. Before this DLC update, it had been implied that Emile had probably been experimented on like the Remire villagers. He was barely human anymore and it was impossible for him to return to normal.
Mercedes: It's sad, but the truth is that people forget. You may be afraid to forget your past, but you'll never be able to revisit it. Living in the present is the best we can do. We owe it to those who can't come back. Dimitri: If someone had said those words to me five years ago, I would be a different man today.
As sad as it is, Mercedes had a stronger character arc in AM where she had to accept that she's unable to return to the past.
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Annette: You know, I've always loved you more than anything in the world! Mercedes: My, is that…a confession of love? Hehe, I'm so happy~. Annette: Uh, um, I wanted to say I love the sweets you bake more than anything in the world! Mercedes: Oh, is that so... Well, I love you, Annie.
Other than Emile, Annette was the most important person to Mercedes. In their A-Support they both confessed their love for each other. While it did seem like the bisexual Mercedes may have loved her beyond friendship (particularly in the Japanese), Annette seemed insistent on emphasizing her platonic love.
Annette & Mercedes After the war, Annette and Mercedes lived separate lives: the former as a teacher at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad, the latter as a cleric at Garreg Mach. Though they lived apart, they exchanged letters so frequently and shared their lives with one another in such detail that it was as though they were side by side. After many decades, they resigned their respective positions and reunited at Garreg Mach. In their final years, they relocated to a modest house in the Fortress City. It is said that they were happy together to the very end.
They will not be life partners even if you go for their paired ending. While they do keep in touch, they'll live completely separate lives until retirement age. It's a slightly bittersweet ending, showing how, as we get older and pursue different life paths, things don't always stay the same. I don't consider it to be the most satisfying ending for either of them. Still, the fact that Mercedes will move away from her best friend shows how important it was to her to pursue her dream.
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Mercedes: I just don't want to let go of the life that I've made for myself. I know it's not what my heart wants, but I don't have the strength to say no.
After Garreg Mach fell, Mercedes returned home to the Kingdom capital and joined the merchant business. She told Byleth that she didn't want to give up the life she made for herself in Fhirdiad.
Annette: Since our time in the capital, so much has happened. We've had to make new lives for ourselves, and we've seen at least as many hard times as good. If things keep changing like this, I wonder if we'll be able to stay the same people we are now…
And Annette also didn't want things between them to change by starting completely new lives again, which is what happens in their paired ending.
Dimitri: My own dreams… I have never given it any thought. What about you? What do you want, Mercedes? Mercedes: I want to keep sewing and training with you, even after you've become king. I want to be your friend.
Mercedes even wanted to stay friends with Dimitri after the war, which would only be possible if she kept her old life in the capital.
Mercedes: I'm going to Fhirdiad to meet with my adoptive father, and I'd like you to accompany me. Byleth: What for? Mercedes: I feel the need to set things straight with him in my own way. I've already decided exactly what I'm going to say. I'm choosing to live my life how I want, in pursuit of my own happiness. I need you to accept that. I'm in charge of my own destiny. Not you, not anyone else. Just me. Ah… I've waited so long to say all that.
The best thing for her would be to sever ties with her adoptive father, without the excuse of already having a fiancé. She always left her fate in the hands of the goddess or people above her. But her character arc was about acting of her own free will.
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Dimitri: Do you remember the child who cursed me after my father's funeral? Dedue: Ah, yes. I believe he was the son of a knight who fell in Duscur. Dimitri: He was furious that I would not take revenge on your people, and even more enraged to see you serving as my vassal. He berated me without mercy, demanding I kill you then and there. All I could do was walk away. Everyone desires revenge for that day. Survivors and the dead alike cry out for retribution.
Dimitri was also a victim of Faerghus's violent patriarchal culture. He was expected to carry out vengeance for the Tragedy of Duscur. His violent urges were encouraged and rewarded by the society he grew up in. At times, he was chilled to the bone by the depravity of his own actions, such as suppressing a rebellion.
Dedue: When I stood before those soldiers and their swords that day, I was prepared to die. But then you suddenly appeared, and you shielded me. I knew then that a savior's hand could reach into even the deepest darkness.
Dedue was the biggest victim of Farghus's retaliatory violence. His moniker is "Taciturn Devotee". A devotee is a person who strongly admires a particular person. But it can also mean a strong believer in a particular religion or god. It probably would not be an exaggeration to state that Dedue saw Dimitri as the Fódlan goddess.
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Dedue: And I would cast it aside in an instant if my death were to your benefit. For that reason, I cannot consider myself your friend. There are still many in the Kingdom who despise the people of Duscur. It would be selfish of me to stand by your side as an equal.
Many people interpreted his feelings for Dimitri as having a romantic aspect to them. I certainly wouldn't reject that interpretation. After all, by reaching out his hand, Dimitri served the same role that Byleth did for him.
Dedue: You promised me you would build a Kingdom that is proud to boast of Duscur blood. In this Kingdom, where there is no distinction between the people of Duscur and the people of Fódlan… Will I finally, without reservation, be able to call you my friend? Will I…Dimitri? Dimitri: Dedue… Yes, you will call me your friend, again and again. No matter how many hardships I must endure… Dedue: I will do all I can to bring about that world as well. To be your friend…is what I have always wanted.
During their A-Support, we learned that Dimitri made a promise to Dedue before they attended the Officer's Academy.
Dimitri & Dedue After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and his loyal vassal, Dedue, remained ever at his side. Among Dimitri's achievements was the reconciliation with Duscur: an extraordinary effort that required extensive negotiations to get past a history of betrayal and oppression. It was a trying task, but Dimitri never once considered giving up. While they behaved as lord and vassal in public, it is said that Dimitri and Dedue were more like family in private. When Dimitri finally fell to illness, Dedue tended to his liege's deathbed, and then took up a post at his grave for the rest of his days. When the time came, they were buried beside each other.
Their paired ending emphasizes Dimitri's efforts reconciling with Duscur and how he never gave up. But it does not specify whether the Duscur people were able to proudly live alongside people from Fódlan without distinction. In fact, because Dedue had to behave as a vassal in public, it implies that there was still hostility between Duscur and the Kingdom for the majority of Dimitri's reign. Dedue only gets to stand by Dimitri's side as an equal in death.
Also, there was no mention of Dedue's efforts bringing about the world he wanted to see. It only mentions him serving Dimitri for his entire life as a subordinate, then guarding his grave for the rest of his days. It is not that different from his solo ending, and I don't think it's a particularly satisfying ending for Dedue.
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Dedue: I would regretfully decline. I cannot know happiness without you by my side. I would still seek vengeance. Just… for my own sake, not yours. Dimitri: Interesting. And nothing I say to the contrary will change your mind? Dedue: Your Majesty, can you not live for your own sake? Dimitri: My life is not my own. It belongs to my kingdom, my people, and the dead.
Neither Dimitri or Dedue knew how to live for themselves, and neither could live without the other.
Dedue: I…can still fight, Your Highness. Dimitri: Shut up and retreat. You must live, Dedue.
During his boar phase, Dimitri was willing to mow down any of his old classmates, even if they were not his enemies. And he was willing to send all of his friends and allies to their deaths, too. The single exception was Dedue. He is the only person Dimitri tells to retreat at Gronder Field. And Dedue will live only to seek vengeance.
Dedue: Ngh… I'm not finished yet! Dimitri: Fall back, Dedue! Please! I cannot afford to lose you!
In Scarlet Blaze, Dimitri also begs him to retreat in the Valley of Torment. Dedue would have gladly fought to the death, but Dimitri personally made sure he didn't. It was because he cherished Dedue so much that he wanted him to live for his own happiness.
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Dedue: Someday, I hope to show you a whole landscape of these flowers in full bloom. Byleth: You mean Duscur? Dedue: Yes. Once this conflict is over, and His Highness ascends the throne, I believe it can be done. You must live at least until then. Understood? Byleth: Same to you. Dedue: That's true enough. I had not thought much of my own life, until now. Except that I would gladly cast it aside for His Highness. That is still true, but now I desire to see the end of this war. Until I can show you the fields of Duscur in bloom… I will go on living.
Other than Dimitri, the only other thing that gave Dedue a reason to live was showing Byleth the flowers of Duscur in bloom.
Dedue: When I left the capital, I told His Majesty that I would be leaving his service. Byleth: What?! Dedue: He accepted my decision with a smile.
If you go for Dedue's paired ending with Byleth, you learn that if Dedue were to leave Dimitri's service, he would accept with a smile. And I think Dedue has a better character arc if he is able to grow past his codependence on Dimitri and find his own reason to live.
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Dedue: To Duscur? There is nothing of interest left there. Mercedes: Isn't it where you were born? And isn't it where your wonderful food and stories come from? I think those are reason enough to visit at least once! Dedue: Mercedes… If you will allow it, I would like to accompany you. His Highness would surely grant me leave to go.
When Mercedes asked Dedue what his plans were after the war, he said it was to serve Dimitri for the rest of his days. And in most of his endings, that's exactly what he does, even if he's married. Going with her to Duscur and praying to the gods (and goddesses) of his own culture changed his entire fate. That's probably why his ending with Mercedes is so different compared to all of his others.
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Mercedes: I think a place is only truly destroyed when there's no one left to remember it. You should tell more people about Duscur to keep it alive.
The whole relationship between Mercedes and Dedue revolved around the idea that they could keep their loved ones alive through their memories. He taught her many things about his culture, and she taught him a family recipe that would have otherwise been forgotten.
Dedue: I understand how you feel. I had a younger sister. Sylvain: Had? Oh. Tell me about her. What was she like? Dedue: Hm. She loved flowers, and often made crowns out of them. And once she set her mind to something, nothing in the world could change it.
I really loved their Support in Hopes. It felt exactly like a post-Houses version of their relationship after they had travelled to Duscur and fallen in love. There are rarely any times where Dedue seems happier than when teaching her and the kids to make flower crowns, in memory of his sister. They seem like a married teacher couple, too.
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Dedue & Mercedes Two years after the war, Dedue and his wife, Mercedes, opened a school in the Duscur residential district in Fhirdiad. The school educated Duscur children, who had never been given structured learning before, in reading, writing, arithmetic, and even Duscur history. Many years later, when the Duscur people reclaimed their homeland, the people who attended this school were able to resettle there and revive their old culture. Because of this, Dedue and Mercedes were forever renowned by the Duscur.
This is the only ending where Dimitri's promise to Dedue is actually fulfilled, as it mentions the Duscur people having their own district in Fhirdiad. And it just so happens that this is the only paired ending (besides the one with Byleth) where Dedue isn't described as a vassal. He is still living in the capital, so we can assume that he and Dimitri are close friends. But they live as equals. Dedue has his own life now and his own achievements are renowned.
In Hopes, Mercedes said she wanted to go back to Fhirdiad, but not live with her adoptive father. This is the only ending (other than with Dimitri) where she can live her dream, help those in need, and stay in Fhirdiad with her other friends. With Dedue, they get married two years after the war. So, she clearly didn't marry him just to escape her arranged marriage. Dedue and Mercedes bonded over their sense of loss, but they used that pain to keep Duscur alive, so I think it's the absolute best conclusion to their character arcs.
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slotumn · 1 month
I'm sure others people have pointed this out already, but the dragon signs matched to Crests seem to affect the Crest-bearers in ways even outside of the combat effects.
For example, Lysithea and Catherine's supports mentioning that they seem to call rain and thunder/lightning when they do laundries, and they both have Crest of Charon = Lightning Dragon Sign.
Annette is clumsy and is seen exploding/breaking stuff (not in the same way Dimitri does but still), Crest of Dominic = Crusher Dragon Sign.
Constance makes a bunch of flowers bloom with magic in her S-Support, Crest of Noa = Bloom Dragon Sign.
For less obvious examples, Crest of Lamine is Aegis Dragon Sign; in Japanese, the kanji used is 護, which is used often as verb for protecting/caring— as opposed to Shield Dragon Sign's (Fraldarius) 盾, which is usually a more literal noun for shield. Fits both Lamine sibling's personalities, with Mercedes being caring and Jeritza being very protective of Mercedes.
Craft Dragon Sign's (Gloucester) kanji is 賢, which is usually used in the context of someone being wise; arguably Lorenz and Lysithea fit the bill pretty well among the Deer, with Lorenz on the political side of things and Lysithea on the technical/academic side of things. (Claude is another brainy/clever character but I don't think 賢 is quite the letter I'd use for him, at least during time of canon)
Kalpa Dragon Sign's (Goneril) 劫 can refer to kalpa as in Buddhist unit of time, but it can also refer to danger/intimidate/threat, and we see the "Hilda is scary when she's mad" thing in her Hopes paralogue with Balthus and Holst lmao
Another interesting thing for the Chinese letters used in the Dragon Signs: kanji for Sky Dragon Sign (Seiros) is 空, which can mean sky, but it can also mean empty, and is used as the Chinese letter translation for sunyata, usually used in a Mahayana Buddhist context. What's interesting is that when it's used as "empty," it's usually not used in a negative/nihilistic type of tone, at least not as far as I know. (The negative context letter for empty is more 虛; combining it with 空 for 空虛 and using it to describe emotion does mean a sad kind of emptiness in Korean, though. Not sure about Chinese or Japanese)
Anyway I think this is fuel for fun headcanon traits to give characters. Crest of Riegan = Star Dragon Sign = Claude is good at navigating by stars? Storm Dragon Sign = Crest of the Beast = Marianne is another member of "calls in storms" squad? Dark Dragon Sign = Crest of Timotheos = Hapi can see well in the dark? Water Dragon Sign = Crest of Indech = Hanneman and Bernadetta are unexpectedly good at swimming? So on.
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brella-boi · 26 days
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Making Dango: Part 13
Were getting into the nitty gritty now.
We gonna start with the antennae. I was brainstorming how to do these for quite a while.
My friend suggested using something as an anchor for the antennae, so they dont just sag, and that was a brilliant idea. I got plenty of chichago screws in my order, so lets use those.
Stuff three pipe cleaners in there and braid them. Stick magnets on the underside, stick magnets to the head, and theyll easily stick on now.
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Originally I was going to have 2 pairs, but the placement of the first was impossible the way I did the first scale... I should've lowered the placement of the first crest scale, because I wasnt able to fit the magnets before it. So I settled for one pair of antennae, right after the first scale. This shouldnt be plenty. Theyre technically posable too.
Sew the fabric on them in one big tube with a stuffed end, and DAMN
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Next step, the eyes.
Stupid as I am, I only measured one side of the cut foam to fit the eye, and just assumed the other side would do. As you can see thats not the case.
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I had to heavily cut the eye dome to fit it inz and even then there were spaces i just had to fill with hot glue.
I just about managed to have enough 'clear' glue stick, because our store ran out of clear ones and from then on I had to use glitter ones.
The inside has black foam covers, and also painted with black acrylic paint to conceal the glue.
And here they are!!
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Though... the vision is not great.
The way you do dome eyes is you have to stick clear plastic onto the back of the mesh so that no condensation gets inside the dome and fogs up your eye sight. I used lamination sheets for that. And that was not the best choice. My vision went from great to quite bad real quick. There's glare inside as well, but thats unavoidable with the eyes being placed the way they are. Light peeks into one eye and glares onto the other fron the inside.
I later went back and tore off the lamination plastic, then glued on a different kind of plastic sheet. And the vision got at least 30% better. The googly eye dome itself is just not the best plastic itself, but it is what it is.
The eyes are done now, and they look quite good from the outside :)
Next, sewed up the neck, yippee
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And last foe todays update, one ear.
I sewed it up through pain and tears and glued it onto the foam. The foam that I cut to size to only stick onto the grey part while the long fur has jiggle physics. Put some pipe cleaners on the end too to keep the fluffy bit upright. And i...
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I dont like it
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Like at all.
Look at how it bundles up on the back... how crinkly it is on the front... it definitely needs a small trim but i... i still don't know how to fix this
Im gonna put this off until I can get a second opinion from a friend
Also happy to hear suggestions on this
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moeblob · 2 years
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Byleth going to Hanneman constantly after battles like “hey so the crest of Cichol-”, “would the crest of Lamine-”, “do you think the crest of Indech-”, and others to try finding out more about the students and their habits like the good professor they are........ and Hanneman is able to talk about crests A LOT and both are very happy with this outcome.
Byleth getting info to help out all of the children they adopted after being a teacher and Hanneman as the father of crestology tag team how to best take care of everyone is a wonderful thought okay? Just let them both help others together.
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dazzlerazz · 11 months
Random crest post
(Note: Sacred weapons are sort of like relics, but do not require a crest to wield, but they are more powerful WITH them. Relics can be wielded by those without crests, but wielders take damage when usng them)
Thorn Dragon Sign - Crest of Ernest Anna No relics or sacred weapons
Wind Dragon Sign - Crest of Macuil Monica Wind Caller's Genesis (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Sky Dragon Sign - Crest of Seiros Rhea, Edelgard Seiros Sword (Sacred), Seiros Shield (Sacred), Labraunda (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Crusher Dragon Sign - Crest of Dominic Annette Crusher (Relic)
Shield Dragon Sign - Crest of Fraldarius Felix Aegis Shield (Relic), Sword of Moralta (Sacred)
Bloom Dragon Sign - Crest of Noa Constance Scroll of Talos (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Light Dragon Sign - Crest of Cethleann Flayn, Linhardt Caduceus Staff (Sacred), Amalthea (Hopes exclusive, Sacred)
Flame Dragon Sign - Crest of Daphnel Ingrid Luin (Relic)
Grim Dragon Sign - Crest of Blaiddyd Dimitri Areadbhar (Relic)
Craft Dragon Sign - Crest of Gloucester Lorenz, Lysithea Thyrsus (Relic), Axe of Ukonvasara (Sacred)
Kalpa Dragon Sign - Crest of Goneril Hilda Freikugel (Relic)
Earth Dragon Sign - Crest of Cichol Ferdinand, Seteth Ochain Shield (Sacred), Spear of Assal (Sacred)
Ice Dragon Sign - Crest of Aubin Yuri Fetters of Dromi (Relic)
Fissure Dragon Sign - Crest of Gautier Sylvain Lance of Ruin (Relic)
Water Dragon Sign - Crest of Indech Bernadetta, Hanneman The Inexhaustable (Sacred)
Storm Dragon Sign - Crest of the Beast Marianne Blutgang (Relic)
Lightning Dragon Sign - Crest of Charon Catherine, Lysithea Thunderbrand (Relic), Suttungr's Mystery (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Dark Dragon Sign - Crest of Timotheos Hapi Hrotti (Hopes exclusive, Relic)
Star Dragon Sign - Crest of Riegan Claude Failnaught (Relic), Sword of Begalta (Sacred)
Snow Dragon Sign - Crest of Chevalier Balthus Vajra-Mushti (Relic)
Aegis Dragon Sign - Crest of Lamine Mercedes Rafail Gem (Relic), Ichor Scroll (Hopes exclusive, Relic), Tathlum Bow (Sacred)
Honorable Mentions
Crest of Flames
Amyr, Sword of the Creator
Athame, Ridill, Asclepius (Found in Houses files, but can only be wielded in Hopes, attuned to the cut Crest of Agartha)
Dark Creator Sword, forged with the crest stones of Noa and Timotheos
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yanderefairyangel · 5 months
In Fodlan, are the crest and nobility power structures one and the same? It doesn’t really seem like one could exist without the other but you have characters like Hapi who just aren’t nobility despite having a crest. So it seems that crests make you a noble sometimes but it’s still bad news if you’re from a noble family and are crestless.
Fodlan lore is quite perplexing,
Well here is what I remember, but from my memories those are actually separated structure ?
The 10 Elites all had descendant from which come the nobility however because Fodlan is Fodlan we learn that not all nobles have a crest because Crest can skip a generation.
For example, in the Gautier house, Matthias posseses a Crest however Miklan doesn't, it's Sylvain who has the Crest. Same thing, Ingrid have a Crest but her brothers doesn't.
Normally being crestless often result in the child in question to not become the heir, that was the case for Miklan. However, we do learn of nobles that don't have a Crest without knowing more about their mansion, for example Hanneman's brother in law who married Hanneman's crestless's sister and still hoped that they could have a Crest baby since Crest can skip generations.
Likewise, House Bartel's leader, Baron Bartel did not have a Crest and had to marry Mercie's mother to be able to have Crest babies to pass on the Crest of Lamine
We also learn of nobles so desperate to have a child with a Crest because they don't have one to pass down to their heir that they had marriage with lower nobles or adopted Crested commoners.
So logically this would mean that nobility is independent from Crest. I say logically because the Lady in Red would disagree with me but again, there is 3 story instances that contradict her : Hubert, Miklan and Caspar.
Hubert is still a noble despite not having a Crest. Now granted, he killed his father and then inherited the title because of what his father did to Eddie but point still stand. In Miklan's case, the problem is that we are told that as the first heir, normally he should have inherited the title but he didn't because Sylvain have a Crest which means that should Sylvain not have a Crest, Miklan would have in normal times inherited according to the rule of first born. Likewise, in her support with Caspar Eddie gives him a speech about why people should be judge for their capacity... thing is Caspar is the second son of his household so the reason why he didn't became heir isn't because of Crest but because he is the second son since in a normal noble system he would not inherit anyway and Miklan's plotline implies that the noble system is in reality separated from the Crest system so this means that Caspar's only way to inherit would have been to have a Crest since as the second son he wouldn't.
Now this gets even more convoluted because even if none of them have Crest they can still give birth to a Crested heir... meaning that this system makes hardly any sense since even if a child is Crestless they can still give birth to someone who has a crest. In fact, my memory serves me right but each time we bring the parents of the student, only 1 parents is said to have a Crest, the other parent who is also usually a noble is not said to have one, in fact I think the only case of 2 crested parent's is... Byleth.... yeah.
Now that is from what I recall, I do think that 3H was trying to establish that the nobility is based on the Crest system but that was rather sloppylily done
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deathbirby · 11 months
Hero's Relics Origins - Part 1
Trigger warning here! This post gets quite graphic.
What are Relics?
Alright, I'll speedrun the explanation.
The Goddess used her own blood to create her children, who would come to be known as the Nabateans. The Nabateans are dragons who can turn into humans. Rhea, one of these Nabateans, explains what the Relics are.
"The same is true of the Crests of the 10 Elites and the other Crest Stones... They were born of the blood and hearts of the progenitor god's children." - Rhea
The Crest Stones are their hearts, and the Relics are their bones.
Now, lets take a look at the Heroes Relics, their associated crest, what dragon they are, what their Nabatean Title is, and what arcana they belong to.
Some parts are left out because of missing information!
Heroes Relic - Crest - Dragon - Title - Arcana
N/A - Ernest - Thorn Dragon - ? - The Fool N/A - Macuil - Wind Dragon - The Wind Caller - The Magician Aymr* - Seiros - Sky Dragon - The Immaculate One - High Priestess Crusher - Dominic - Crusher Dragon - ? - The Empress Aegis Shield - Fraldarius - Shield Dragon - The Steadfast - The Emperor N/A - Noa - Bloom Dragon - ? - The Hierophant N/A - Cethleann - Light Dragon - The Benevolent One - The Lovers Lúin - Daphnel - Flame Dragon - ? - The Chariot Areadbhar - Blaiddyd - Grim Dragon - The Vigorous - Strength Thyrsus - Gloucester - Craft Dragon - ? - The Hermit Freikugel - Goneril - Kalpa Dragon - ? - Wheel of Fortune N/A - Cichol - Earth Dragon - The Hammer of Judgment - Justice Fetters of Dromi - Aubin - Ice Dragon - ? - The Hanged Man Lance of Ruin - Gautier - Fissure Dragon - ? - Death N/A - Indech - Water Dragon - The Immovable - Temperance Blutgang - Beast - Storm Dragon - ? - The Devil Thunderbrand & Suttungr's Mystery - Charon - Lightning Dragon - ? - The Tower Hrotti - Timotheos - Dark Dragon - ? - The Star Failnaught - Riegan - Star Dragon - ? - The Moon Vajra-Mushti - Chevalier - Snow Dragon - ? - The Sun Rafail Gem & Ichor Scroll - Lamine - Aegis Dragon - ? - Judgement Sword of the Creator - Flames - ? - The Beginning - The World
* Aymr is unique because Seiros is still very much alive. This is possible because it's made out of Agarthium and probably not out of any Nabatean.
Crusher is made out of the Crusher dragon.. I wouldn't be surprised if its title was "The Crusher" at this point.
Why is the Aegis Shield not made out of the Aegis Dragon??
One could assume that Sothis is a Divine Dragon.
The Immaculate One is called The White One in Japanese.
Okay, so what exactly is this post about? I just told you their origins, right? Yes, but I like to ramble. That means that I'll also be talking about which body part the Relics are potentially made out of, and what animal the dragon form could've looked like.
Let's unpack!
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Crusher Dragon
That's a lot of fingers. It's like the hands have been crushed together. What kind of animal even has bones like that? I don't know.
Aegis Shield
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Shield Dragon
Is that a face? There are two eye sockets and a mouth that has been melted shut. It even has the part that normally shows a crest on it. Maybe it has been flattened to work better as a shield, or maybe the Shield Dragon's head was always a bit flat?
What about the back of the shield?
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Look at that. It's like it has been fused together with the breastbone. What if it's made out of the chest of the Shield Dragon? It could've had a shield there. But where are the ribs?
Maybe it's a mix of both? The face/head is used as the front of the shield, with the breastbone making it more sturdier.
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From this angle, it looks like it's smiling!
Or maybe it's trying to scream.
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Flame Dragon
When I saw this, the first thought that came to my mind was "That's a weird bird."
You've got the hole for the eye and a massive beak. And hey, what animal better fits the "Flame Dragon" than something like a phoenix? Sure, it might be flat, but who doesn't flatten a skull when turning it into a spearhead?
It could also be something like a fang or the femur that has been sharpened. Who knows?
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Grim Dragon
It looks like a very, very long hand. What animal has a hand like that? Well, usually aquatic animals do. Think of dolphins.
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Cetacean's hand
Or even a mosasaur!
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Look at those hand bones!
This animal was said to be very powerful, and would fit with both the Strength Arcana and the grim concept. Grim can also mean things like ferocious and ruthless. It doesn't always have to mean something gloomy. And even then, it could still work with this extinct creature.
And hey, it's an aquatic animal. It fits quite well with the 'Blue' part of the Blue Lions , and Dimitri could be the Lion.
Of course, you can also argue that the Grim dragon looked like a lion and that Areadbhar was made out of its ribs. These ribs could be fused together to make a spearhead.
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Craft Dragon
Spine! Those are vertebrae with spikes coming out of them. For some reason it's bent around the Crest Stone. I am not sure what the bottom part of the bone is. It doesn't look like any bone I know.
Not sure what the Craft Dragon looked like. All I know is that it probably had some spikes.
The Kalpa Dragon! Now, before we look at the mutilated corpse, you need to know what Kalpa actually means.
(in Hindu and Buddhist tradition) an immense period of time, reckoned as 4,320 million human years, and considered to be the length of a single cycle of the cosmos (or ‘day of Brahma’) from creation to dissolution.
Got it? Good! Lets look at the relic.
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Kalpa Dragon
That looks like a sail! Now, you might say that no sail in existence has bones between the spikes. That makes no sense. That's soft tissue or something, not bone.
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Dead dragon in FE: Echoes
Fire Emblem dragons are just built different!
But yeah that's it. It's made out of the sail of the Kalpa Dragon. What animal does the Kalpa dragon look like? No clue. Let me just type "Animals with sails" in Google Search..
Alright. A Dimetrodon, a Sailfish, a Spinosaurus, an Edaphosaurus, and a whole lot more.
I would say that one of the dinosaurs fits best. Mainly because Kalpa means an immense period of time. There were no dinosaurs around 4320 million years ago, but you get the idea.
Of course, you could also say that the Kalpa Dragon looked like any other dragon and just had a sail. That's also possible. I mean, look at the picture of the dragon from Echoes. That thing even has horns and everything! If you were to take the sail from it, you wouldn't know that it looks like a pretty normal dragon.
This entire post is speculation. The Heroes Relics aren't enough to say what the original dragon could've looked like. They only gives us bits and pieces. A relic might've had a feature that is seen in one animal, but it can still look like a completely different animal even with that feature.
Areadbhar might be a hand, but that doesn't necesarrily mean that it looked like a marine reptile. Maybe it looked like a fusion between a lion and a mosasaur. Maybe it just takes a little inspiration here and there. They are still dragons in the end, even if they might have the features of some normal animals.
I probably should've made this clearer at the start of the post, but I believe that my explanation works best with the image I have shown earlier.
In short, the Relics may be made out of a body part that usually belongs to a certain type of animal, but it can still look completely different from that animal. What I come up with is pure speculation.
Let's keep going.
Fetters of Dromi
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Ice Dragon
That sure is a hand.
Yeah... I don't know what animal this could even be. It's the Ice Dragon. What ice-related animals look like they have hands like that?
I have no idea.
Lance of Ruin
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Fissure Dragon
The spearhead could be made out of another bone like the fang, tailbone or another spike.
What about the spikes? Are they fangs?
Well, Miklan turned into a Black Beast, which gives us the chance to examine him. The shape of demonic beasts are nearly always the same, so we won't be looking at that. Instead, we'll be looking at the more unique features of this Black Beast. Take a look.
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Those spikes coming out of its back look like the spikes on the Lance of Ruin. It also has 'rocks' covering its back.
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This part looks like the vertebrae with the spikes still attached to it. You may notice that there are more than one attached to one vertebrae. This isn't the case with Miklan, but he isn't exactly a carbon copy of the Fissure Dragon.
I believe that the Fissure Dragon had multiple spikes on its back protruding next to each other, much like a Kentrosaurus.
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If you were to look at it from above, it would look somewhat like a fissure. Other features of the Fissure Dragon would likely be that it's covered in black scales or 'rocks' like on Miklan's Black Beast form.
It might also have wings. Why do I say this?
Look at this.
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Compare that to the Immaculate One's little back sail.
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It says that it's used to mantain stability in flight. This could mean that Miklan's Black Beast form simply doesn't have a fully formed sail yet.
Before I move on. I have no clue what this text says, and I would appreciate it if someone could translate.
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Google Translate says something like "If you get transformed by a Heroes Relic, a part of your body will be covered in armor. This is because there is a component of the bone used for the blade." or something like that.
This post is getting too long. It gets continued in part 2.
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randomnameless · 1 year
Today I learned Mercedes' mother was a man
I received so many Mercedes asks in the span of a few days lol
No one said she wasn't
It's another half of the problem, for sure in various FE verses the Ladies (wife of Lord X or Lord X's mom) doesn't exist, but it's still superweird that 1/ Mercedes's mom being pregnant, thus having a Martritz heir on the way, wasn't enough to save the House from being dissolved 2/Lady Martritz (Mercie's mom) who has a crest is as relevant as airpods when we're talking about whether a house should be dissolved or not.
The main issue regarding House Martritz is how it was dissolved when the head of the House died - even if his wife and heir were still around.
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I'm pretty sure it's not the same anon lol
But Mercedes's mom, unless Fodlan is a Mpreg universe, was a woman.
So maybe you're right, they weren't sexist against an unborn child because gender reveal parties aren't a thing in Fodlan, but the House dying when the Lady - with the Crest !! - wife of the Lord was still around (with their heir!) means there's at least some sexism regarding... Mercedes's mom.
But she's most likely not a young maiden anymore, so we shouldn't care?
Is she singing jpop songs
To make a parallel, I don't think House Reglay would disappear if Pent happened to die in FE7, both because Louise is still around and Klein was already conceived (even if, by virtue of no gender reveal party no one would have known as of yet if Klein had a peepee or not).
Maybe because Etruria - in the Elibe verse - as a woman general, and not only as a "general who", but Cecilia is part of the quatuor of awesome people most ranked bar the royal fam itself (iirc? it has been a long time since I visited Elibe) in the country?
In Adrestia though... Well.
Mercedes's mom, Mercedes and to a lesser extent, Constance (or heck, even Bernie and that Varley daughter who participated in the Southern Church insurrection) tell a different story, Adrestia, at least the one we see, isn't Etruria!
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onyxedskies · 2 years
thinking so much about the way how crests and relics shaped everyone
not even in just the obvious ways, either. i mean personality-wise.
the descendants of fraldarius wield the aegis shield. every one of them is a protector — glenn in duscur, rodrigue at gronder, and felix in every moment of the war.
the descendants of gautier wield the lance of ruin. one way or another, they’re all “ruiners” or “destroyers” — matthias with his family, miklan with the villages he and his thieves went through, and sylvain with his relationships.
the descendants of daphnel wield luín. luín of celtchair is what it was likely named after, the lance of irish literature that was dangerous for wielder and foe alike, could light aflame in an instant if not doused. fiery, unpredictable, and unyielding, just as ingrid and judith are.
the descendants of riegan wield failnaught. they cannot afford to fail — duke riegan in the round table conferences, and claude in hiding his identity and changing the minds of those in his care as far as the view of foreigners go.
the descendants of gloucester wield thyrsus. thyrsus was the staff of dionysus, greek god of fruitfulness. both erwin and lorenz take their duties as nobles incredibly seriously — they need to be the best to protect their citizens and be the most fruitful territory in leicester to prove that their territory is doing well.
the descendants of goneril wield freikugel. freikugel got its name from the german romantic opera der freischütz, translating approximately to the freeshooter. in the play, the main character must prove he is a brilliant marksman and makes a deal with the devil to ensure it — the devil will give him 6 magic bullets that are guaranteed to hit any target they’re shot at and 1 bullet controlled by the devil itself. the gonerils are similar — upstanding nobles and citizens, yes, but one is gripped and controlled by sin, as hilda often succumbs to sloth.
the descendants of dominic wield crusher. they crush the things in their way — gustave crushed his family as they were in the way of him repaying his sins, baron dominic crushed the loyalty he had for the kingdom to protect his people, and annette crushed the obstacles in her way of reuniting with her father, both school-wise and not.
the descendants of lamine use the rafail gem. rafail is another spelling of raphael, the name of an archangel meaning “god has healed”. the known ancestors exhibit different aspects of the name — mercedes is a healer, and jeritza was molded to be the best servant he could be for thales, a higher power, just as raphael was created to be gods servant.
the descendants of charon wield thunderbrand. just as the name suggests, the wielders are quick and sharp as thunder, with catherine being sharp, fast, and fiery.
the descendants of blaiddyd wield areadbhar. areadbhar directly translates to “slaughterer” and was a spear in irish mythology that needed to be submerged in water to prevent it from igniting. this is similar to the blaiddyds we’ve seen — their incredible strength, yes, but their personality as well. lambert was set on a cause — relations with duscur — and it “ignited” him, so to speak. it was his prime motivation, and he could not be talked down from it. dimitri’s “ignition” was edelgard — until gronder, he would stop at nothing but getting her head or dying himself. rufus was ignited to take over the kingdom, even if that had just been cornelia’s voice in his head telling him to do so.
they all represent their relics and ancestors, even if you have to think a little bit to see it.
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