#so cellbit and bagi are just inherently better at figuring things out than other people because their brains are wired for magic
ludaroace · 2 months
zephyr brain rot time qsmp fire emblem 3h au thing because the pla one made me Need to get my thoughts into order and talk about it - not really exactly basing them off of the characters in the game or a specific route just the vibes u gotta trust me . also forgive me stealing some skills and stuff from fates that aren’t in three houses because i want to and i think that fates having pegasus knights not be gender locked was a based decision
i HATE to pull this immediately after saying i'm not basing it off of any characters literally a jeritza mercedes situation. i feel like a similar thing ends up happening, house martritz falls and bagi and cellbit are both born with a minor crest of lamine, which makes them and their mother the only people with that crest alive. because of this, they then attempt to flee to fargus but somehow cellbit gets separated and left behind in adrestia, and ends up meeting bad who ends up explaining the whole rundown of the church and agarthans to him. he's got some feelings about faith magic because its kinda stands for everything that put him in the situation he's in (his crest being based around faith magic, faith magic being directly tied to the church) but he's like secretly REALLY good at it.
bad is a victim of the crest experimentation done by those who slither in the dark (twsitd) but in this au instead of drastically decreasing your lifespan, it does the opposite and they've basically made bad functionally immortal. he was like an ORIGINAL original experimentation, being one of the first people to actually be given crest by serios (he has a major crest of serios) but willingly joined the agarthans and after the creation of the ten elites and defeat of nemesis, he was given a minor crest of blaiddyd against his will which turns him both against the agarthans and the church. he runs into cellbit (who was ..."adopted" into another noble house) and sees someone who is pretty similar to him, and after a while explains the situation (but does not tell him about having two crests)
now bagi is in fargus and is living as a commoner basically, and kinda has a similar story where she knows her brother is out there and wants to find him to bring him to fargus. despite legally being a commoner her status is known to the royal family, and she trains as a non-traditional knight (she uses axes instead of lances) until she ends up at garreg mach where she pivots into some magic training. most people do not know about her crest because she literally will not divulge that information unless she has to. when shit goes down MUCH later on, she more or less immediately defects to adrestia - not because of her brother but because she does Not like the church. she has so many problems with the crest system its crazy, and when told there is an organization against it she doesn’t even hesitate to join even without knowing about crest experimentation. 
also some other stuff:
minor crest of lamine
personal skill: survival instinct (+4 Strength, Magic, Dexterity, and Speed for one turn after defeating an enemy when initiating combat.)
boons: lances, reason, brawling
banes: authority, heavy armour, riding
budding talent: faith
major crest of serios, minor crest of blaiddyd
personal skill: confidence (+15 Hit and Avoid if user's HP = 100%.)
boons: lances, riding, authority, heavy armour
banes: faith, reason
budding talent: bows
minor crest of lamine
personal skill: rallying cry (+2 damage dealt by all allies within a two-tile radius of the user)
boons: flying, axes, faith
banes: authority, bows, heavy armour
budding talent: reason
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