shebasbathtub · 2 years
Patroka: Okay we gotta get through this locked door, Perdido quick give me your credit card.
Perdido: Here.
Patroka, pocketing it: Cool. Cressidus kick the door down.
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chaos-husband · 1 year
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DeviantArt Stamps of Cressidus, Obrona, Perdido and Sever from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
● 99x56 px each ○ Free to use, no credit required ● Please like or reblog if using/saving
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princemordecai · 15 days
@kellofstormsea location: Solandria, Astoria notes: holding out at the harbor of a coastal city after being sold out by a darkfriend, maybe their last push before they had to leave for the front? Anyway, let me know if you want me to change anything.
Threads of fire slipped through the air as they wounded over the prince’s hand, palm pressed against his shoulder, Leander cauterized the point where the arrow had pierced his shoulder. A job done out of both haste and necessity as the blood on the simple tunic of Astorian make already began to dry. Simple cotton lined with plain embroidery at the hem, frayed and blackened in places, a pyre had been built at the town’s center as the Vanguard descended upon the harbor town of Solandria.  
“We’ve been betrayed.” Someone within those they shepherded, or one of the connections that they had made. It seemed that it didn’t matter how thoroughly the Agent they worked with had vetted their associate, the Vanguard had finally caught up with them. “Isaura Cressidus is dead.” The Agent of Minerva was older, and skilled in psionics, “They tampered with our wards-” There’d be time enough to figure out how this had come to pass later, for now, what mattered was getting those they could onto the boat and seeing them all to safety. 
Leander scanned the faces of the desperate pilgrims they’d gathered from farms and fields, young and old alike, but all of which were largely untrained. They held trickles of magic where the Olympians were a raging sea. In the distance, Leander heard the cry of the Vanguard as they marched through the streets, if it was Olympians they expected to find here then it was Olympians that the Vanguard would find. This wasn’t how Leander had wanted to see this land off, but it was what he’d expected. His gaze shifted to the pair of Scholars they traveled with, the Healer as well. “Get them on the boats, Kell and I will hold off the Vanguard.” 
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ohjeeztrains · 2 years
When you get the chance, look up Cressidus from Xenoblade 2. He's a big monster-esque blade that's also voiced by Kerry Shale.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit my eyes have been opened and I am looking 👁️👁️
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eaglefairy · 1 month
The other pacing problem I was thinking about (the first being the weirdness of Cole/Minoth's introduction) concerns present-day Torna, and it's honestly something I completely forgot about: Jin doesn't appear after the opening hours until you're in Chapter 5. That is way too long between appearances. He's just not there! On vacation! Whatever! I'd say good for him, but it's a problem because he's one of the central characters of the game and the player knows nothing about him until you're halfway through. That's really not good.
And it dovetails nicely with the other Torna problem: no one except for Jin, Malos, and Mikhail get the presence or character development they deserve. Did you know that Torna has 11 members at the start of the game? Of those 11, Nia and Dromarch leave pretty quick, so we can call it 9 members. Of the 9, their narrative presence breaks down as follows:
Cressidus and Perdido are never named on-screen and do not speak.
Obrona and Sever are named and have some lines (at least Obrona does), but have no character presence.
Akhos and Patroka appear as boss fights several times and in cutscenes to play off the other members, but we only learn anything personal about them as they're dying.
Mikhail is well-developed in TTGC and has a decent amount of development in the main game. Good job!
Malos and Jin are the central antagonists of the narrative. Malos is present throughout and Jin appears at the beginning before, as mentioned, coming back once the Indol arc starts. They both also have strong presence in TTGC, especially Jin. Excellent!
So to sum it up, that is three out of nine characters with any real impact on the story who couldn't be swapped out for someone else. It's safe to say we have a problem here: Torna has too many characters, and this character bloat means that none of them except for the mainest of the main antagonists get any real fleshing out.
My first solution is just to cut the fat: everyone except for Jin, Malos, and Mikhail can go and we can just focus on those three as Torna, letting them get the screentime and development they deserve as the main antagonists for the vast majority of the game. Alternatively, we can keep Akhos and Patroka on as Blades for two out of three main members. Exactly who gets who I haven't puzzled out yet (Jin should probably keep doing his cool lone swordsman thing and I'm inclined to put Mikhail and Patroka together, but I just don't see Malos and Akhos being a good fit) but this way we've trimmed out the characters who don't do anything and condensed the narrative roles, hopefully giving the remaining characters some chances to actually get developed.
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sylkhi · 3 years
Akhos: idk, could you guys help me? I think I'm stuck on this
Obrona: LOL, no [cosplays to help Akhos with imagery and stuff. She also stays up with him on writing binges]
Patroka: What-ever. [Does all of Akhos' editing for him. Has an uncanny understanding for sentences he makes too complex/convoluted]
Mikhail: Sure, so one day [particularly useful for when Akhos feels he needs to write smut. Mikhail has had just about every kind of sexscapade, and he's willing to share]
Jin: ...ok [he's had really interesting Exes, and Akhos uses stories of them to help bring his characters to life. His favourite to hear about is Godfrey, who is still friends with Jin]
Malos: make it good, kid [Malos occasionally opens up about the emotional abuse he's experienced, just in passing and watered down. Even so, Akhos isn't very good at handling the info, so Malos usually gives it to Jin as a file of very neat notes to hand to Akhos]
Perdido: *shrugs* Sure [Akhos' illustrator. He works really hard at it cause Akhos seems to really like his work, even when they have better artists like Obrona. There's also the plus of the fact that Patroka compliments his art]
Cressidus: you just want me to talk? [Akhos' rock, essentially. Sometimes he just needs to unload about the stresses that come with writing and Cressidus is the person. Cressidus also does the colouring for Perdido's illustrations]
Sever: are you serious? [Akhos' agent. He's got a mean streak and a discerning eye that makes him know what to do to keep Akhos relevant. Him and Patrokha work really closely and are essentially a PR team. They meet monthly to eat food together]
This is an AU btw, and while they all have separate lives, they do stuff for each other/together all the time.
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Obrona: What’re you doing Friday night?
Sever: Nothing.
Obrona: Well, you are now! Friday night, we’re gonna get dressed to the nines, get picked up in a LIMO, and have a fabulous, romantic dinner!
Sever: Obrona, what you just described is a date. I’m not going on a date with you.
Obrona: Oh! You’re right. I didn’t think of it that way!
*Obrona dials a number on a phone*
Obrona: Hey, Cressidus.
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tymkiev · 5 years
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My piece for The World of Alrest zine.
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xenobladeimagines · 6 years
Boreas and Cressidus MEAT up and talk about their love of.. meat. (Cressidus's main affinity is filled out by having meat in your inventory.)
honestly i had to look up in the wiki how you built up affinity with cressidus bc i got him and immediatly unlocked everything
It was no secret that Boreas loved food and that Cressidus loved meat. The two were probably a match made in Elysium. They were sitting apart from the group, talking about food. 
“It can be eaten many ways, but I find it best smoked,” Boreas said.
“Nah, I think it’s best simple; nothing beats a good steak,” Cressidus replied. 
“That’s true,” Boreas replied. “But meat is best no matter what form it takes.”
They both nodded in silent agreement. 
All meat was good. 
It was nice to meet someone who agreed. 
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gonedos · 6 years
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DLC idea: Let me play as Niall so I can beat the crap out of everyone as the fanciest small child.
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ultrakatua · 2 years
Done in around 180 hours. I recommend playing with my setup (see below) if you want some good challenge and gameplay fun out of this game. Basically every little thingy you’ve never used in a regular playthrough was essential here, down to the choice of Pouch Items, the combo seals, the blade arts and passives.
No blade that was A affinity or above was used (this excluded lots of good stuff like Corvin, KOS MOS, Herald, Agate or Zenobia), and no Story blade with the exception of Poppi a and Poppi QT. Every chip and equipment was sold beforehand, but of course I had shittons of money and all Pouch Items were fair game because I may be a masochist, but not to THAT point either.
Wall of fame:
-Perceval for his OS capabilities on humanoids early game
-Nim for her instant healing on fusion combo
-Boreas for the avoid capabilities
-Crossette for her... everything
-Shulk because MIRA WO KAERU
-Theory with that chip that gives 50 agility on top of her 15% modifier
My favorite Torna blades were defo the tanks, ie Sever, Cressidus and Mik, who hard carried me endgame. I only started using them from chapter 6 onwards because Torna is fucking bs to fight with C tier blades pls
Hardest fights were:
Akhos and Malos: mostly because you are restricted to a Rex-Nia-Tora comp and Malos is a fricking bully.
Jin and Malos, Jin (chapter 9): full-power Jin is broken af. They aren’t number one simply because at this point I could at least try to evade tank so it felt less bullshit, but I still spent an eternity there.
Malos (chapter 7), Aion, Genbu Crown trio: not much to say, you either died in 5 seconds or kind of find how to cheese it, no in-between.
Jin (chapter 5), Rosa and Giga Rosa, Aeshma: cheesy when you find the right strat, but it takes time to get there.
Mik and Patroka, Zyk: “hit hard and maybe you’ll make it, idk”
Utter disappoint award: Amalthus lol 
Not categorized: the birds in the factory keeping the gate, for some reason they OS me out of nowhere???? / that mob in Tantal who would spam Seal Drivers non stop / every single robot in existence with a special shoutout to the Sovereign Margots / THE SNAKES GOD I HATE THE SNAKES.
I’ll attempt challenge mode at some point but do I really want to get my ass destroyed to the sound of spammy MONADO CYCLONES? No, not really. Not right now.
Difficulty settings after the cut.
-Enemy ATK power: MAX
-Enemy ATK cooldown: MAX
-Enemy HP: MAX 
-Enemy Debuff Duration: MAX
-Blade Combo Duration: two to the right
-Party Jauge Gain: one to the right
-Special Gain: one to the right 
-Healing Power: two to the right
-Chain ATK Power: MIN
-Pneuma Gauge Usage (useless since I never used her): MAX
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cherry-aqua-blossom · 3 years
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I finally have my own little cressidus!
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avixenk · 3 years
Beat New Game+! The final stretch got me again. Felt so good to see that all again though.
Now to beat the side quests, level my characters to the max, except Tora who will repeatedly be sent back down to 1 so I can trade his bonus XP for legendary core crystals, go get Mikhail, finally get Cressidus whose silhouette I've never seen, get Newt whose silhouette I've seen way too many fucking times that prick, level up the baby Ardun, and hope God takes horrendous pity on me so that I can get Kos Mos.
Easy hahaha HAHAHA
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sylkhi · 3 years
Torna as some sort of agency? Closer than you'd think. Idek the AU here, elements of fantasy.
the boss. The head honcho. He runs everything. He also had a soft spot for the people working under him, so watch out.
He shows a lot of skill in his line of work, but he specialises in dragging people into mud with him and coming out clean.
think Malos bodyguard (unnecessary, but don't let them catch you saying that). Also, the sexual tension between them is TERRIBLE.
Jin is good at anything that involves tailing someone or generally being unnoticeable, especially where the person/group is known to be trigger-happy.
Jin and Malos' first child (LOLLLL, it's just the dynamic). He nags them for not doing anything about how attracted they are to each other. I approve.
He's here for his charms (which work better on strangers). Yes, sexy Mik is real.
she tried putting Jin and Malos in a locker together once. It didn't work as she'd planned. She works really well with everyone, I'd go as far as to call her the person at the centre of the more awkward relationships (like Mikhail & Sever).
She handles legal work and can find legal loopholes like no other.
he writes Jin x Malos fanfiction in his spare time (except he's good with the whole character vs real person shtick and the characters in these stories are called Gin and Malcom). Patroka bitches at him about it, but she edits his work for him. Mikhail proofreads the smut cause WHO ELSE.
Akhos does PR for whatever the heck surface business Malos runs (it's a restaurant. Of course it is. It's for Jin... Gin).
She works really well with Patroka. She also laughs a lot about Akhos' writing, but she's always first to comment something positive anonymously.
Works on gathering info for everyone, but it's most useful for Patroka and Mikhail.
The most multi-faceted person, second only to Malos. He thinks Jin is being dumb about the whole Malos thing, and that the greatest thing on this earth is Patroka.
He's Sleuth #1, the kind who knows what you want to see and presents it.
Large and muscled, the bara daddy, you know? He's very consistent, and not much ever really changes about him. He isn't aware of the tension between Malos and Jin.
Surprise: this is resident Sleuth #2. He's the kind that holds empty conversation; he'll carry most of it for you, but you'll give more info than him.
He and Perdido work in conjunction, and it's a very interesting thing to see.
Last, but not in the least bit least. He respects Jin for how he handles himself in the face of danger. He's constantly watching and constantly learning. Malos has a soft spot for him in specific, and plans to leave Torna in his hands eventually.
His favourite person is Cressidus, and he likes him more than even he himself is aware of (this is mutual).
He's the link between Torna and the underground (the people who the Praetorium does things to because they have no way to defend themselves). He normally works with Perceval (who isn't a part of Torna, they go way back though) and they both can't stand Godfrey, the upstart politician.
Call it favouritism that I fleshed out Sever's the most... you wouldn't be wrong. I mean, you could help flesh these out by adding to the AU? mehmeh.
Anyway, I hope you like this, my brain kind of decided that today was a xenoblade type of day.
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Sever: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.
Cressidus: are you okay???
Sever: my cat stole my fuckign garlic bread
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xyztrio721 · 3 years
I found my favorite combination of characters for Xenoblade 2.
I dub this team the “Never-Ending Driver Combo Team.” It consists of Tora, Nia, and Zeke.
Click or tap on “Keep Reading” to learn about this team. Believe me, this is going to take a bit for me to explain this team set up.
Be warned, there will be spoilers for the base game of XC2, as well as NG+ and DLC spoilers. Be aware of this as you read on. There will not be any Torna ~ The Golden Country spoilers in this post, so if you haven’t played that yet, you’ll be safe from spoilers here.
Let’s begin with the set up for the Driver Arts and Blades.
Tora should have Poppi QT Pi with the Speedy Sword and Swooshing Slash Arts to inflict Break and Launch respectively. He should also have Poppi QT with the Dented Shield Art to inflict Smash, and Poppi Alpha with the Big Boost Art to inflict Topple.
For Nia, she should have a Blade that can inflict Break. I used Dromarch for this, but I’m aware of the fact that he kind of sucks in battle, so you can use a Blade with a Bitball or an Ether Cannon to inflict Break as well. If you are playing NG+, you can use Obrona, Perdido, or Mikhail for this purpose. If you have the DLC, you can also use Fiora or Elma.
She should have a Blade capable of Toppling the enemy, too. I used Gorg for this, but you can use any other Greataxe Blade for this purpose as well (other Greataxe Blades include Zenobia, Dagas, Agate, T-elos, and Common Blades). If you are playing NG+, you can also use Akhos for this purpose.
Finally, she should have a Blade that will allow her to inflict Launch. I used Ursula for this, but you can use any other Knuckle Claw Blade for this purpose as well (other Knuckle Claw Blades include Adenine, Kora, Nim, and Common Blades). If you are playing NG+, you can also use Cressidus or Sever for this purpose.
For Zeke, he should have a Blade that can Launch an enemy. I used Pandoria for this, but he also use a Blade with a Shied Hammer for this purpose (other Blades with Shield Hammers include Godfrey, Finch, Electra, Kasandra, Common Blades, and, if you have the DLC, Poppibuster). If you have the DLC, you can also use Shulk for this purpose.
He should have a Blade capable of inflicting Topple as well. I used T-elos for this, but you can also use any other Greataxe Blade for this purpose. Zeke can also use a Blade with Knuckle Claws to inflict Topple. If you are playing NG+, Akhos, Cressidus, and Sever can be used for this purpose too.
Finally, Zeke should have a Blade that can inflict Smash. I used Praxis for this purpose, but you can use any other Megalance Blade for this purpose as well (other Blades with Megalances include Perun, Wulfric, Vale, and Common Blades.). If you are playing NG+, Patroka can be used for this purpose as well. If you have the DLC, Corvin will work just fine.
I know that putting Break, Topple, Launch, and Smash Arts on more than one Driver can be redundant, but this serves as a precaution should the A.I not continue the Driver Combo on their own.
For the Acessories, Tora and Nia should have a Beta Scope (a Legendary Rarity will be the best version to use). This Accessory makes it easier to inflict Break onto enemies. They can also use an Accessory that increases their Luck stat, as a high Luck stat can better the chances of inflicting Break on an enemy.
For Aux Cores, I don’t have any suggestions for this, other than Hunter’s Chemistry to get to Max Affinity faster. If you got any ideas, feel free to experiment!
For Pouch Items, I recommend using a Dessert Pouch Item. Any Dessert Pouch Item will use, but I tend to use the Narcipear Jelly. This Pouch Item allows for Arts to recharge by 0.4 every second. It will also decrease the amount of physical damage by 4% and decreases the amount of ether damage taken by 3%. This item’s effect will be boosted by 20% if you use it on Gorg, Praxis, Ursula, or Vale. You can get this Pouch Item from the Honeycomb Sweets shop in the Argentum Trade Guild.
For the Affinity Charts of the Driver, I recommend that you have the following Skills unlocked:
Feral Awakening I, II, and III (Nia) [These skills enable you to use the Arts assigned to X, Y, and B, respectively, at the beginning of a battle.]
Hard Hitter (Nia) [This skill extends Break duration by 15%.]
Tooth and Claw (Nia) [This skill enables you to use a Driver Art after canceling another Driver Art. Successful cancellation of a Driver Art or auto-attack is indicated by a blue-colored ring appearing on the screen if timed correctly. It also has a sound cue, should you not see the ring on screen.]
Focused Technique (Nia) [This skill reduces enemy Break resistance by 25%. Do note that this skill can not obtained until NG+, as this is on Nia’s Hidden Affinity Chart. To find this Hidden Affinity chart, go to a character’s Affinity Chart screen in NG+ and press X.]
Lucky Cat (Nia) [This skill increases Nia’s Luck stat by 20. Do note that this is a Hidden Affinity Chart skill.]
Lady of Luck (Nia) [This skill increases Nia’s Luck by 10%. Do note that this a Hidden Affinity Chart skill.]
Raring to Go I, II, and III (Tora) [These skills have the same effects as Nia’s Feral Awakening I, II, and III skills.]
Luckypon (Tora) [This skill increases Tora’s Luck by 20.]
Double-Luckypon (Tora) [This skill increases Tora’s Luck by 10%, similar to that of Nia’s Lady of Luck skill.]
Nopon Chain Arts (Tora) [This skill has the same effect as Nia’s Tooth and Claw skill.]
Nopon Topple Arts (Tora) [This skills extends the duration of Topple by 15%. Do note that this is a Hidden Affinity Skill.]
Look Over There! (Tora) [This skill reduces enemy Break resistance, similar to that of the Beta Scope. Do note that this is a Hidden Affinity Skill.]
Mach Prep I, II, and III (Zeke) [These skills have the same effects as Nia’s Tooth and Claw I, II, and III, as well as Tora’s Raring to Go I, II, and III.]
Lucky Duck (Zeke) [This skill increases Zeke’s Luck by 20, identical to that of Nia’s Lucky Cat skill and Tora’s Luckypon skill.]
Move Chaining (Zeke) [This skill has the same effect as Nia’s Tooth and Claw skill and Tora’s Nopon Chain Arts skill.] 
Air Extender (Zeke) [This skill extends the duration of Launch by 15%.]
Unleash Shining Justice (Zeke) [This skill can only be used in NG+ after reaching Max Affinity with Pandoria and pressing +. This skill can only be used once per battle, and it only lasts for a certain amount of time. I’ll admit, I have no idea what this actually does as of right now, and I don’t want any spoilers on that.]
For a Blade’s Affinity Chart, get the Blades you want to use to S Rank Trust if you want to get the best out of them. Bonus points if you have S1-S+ Trust with them.
That’s all I can think of for now. If I missed anything, or if you have any suggestions for a change in the team, feel free to let me know and/or experiment with it yourself! I personally enjoy this team, as this team can make it so that you can barely get hit by an enemy’s attacks, but maybe Rex and Morag can do something that Tora, Zeke, or Nia can’t do! Maybe there are Blades that I am overlooking too? What do you guys have for team combinations in XC2?
As a final note, this team can not be fully utilized until you have reached Chapter 8 in the main story at the very least. Poppi QT Pi can not be obtained until then. In NG+, you must wait until the end of Chapter 4 to use this team. If you obtained Poppi QT Pi in your original playthrough, you will have access to QT Pi as soon as you get QT.
If you want to use T-elos in your set up, you should be aware of the fact that she can not be awakened until the post-game.
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