#crayn talks
craynberrydrawschaos · 6 months
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purpurrock · 4 months
once I met someone that said crayon with one syllable like “crayn”
me too. those ppl are so strange to me because i'm talking about a drawing/writing utensil and you just mentioned a crane which is. a fucking bird. or vehicle.
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red-gekkouga · 2 years
“Here, take my scarf.”
Saw an OTP prompt list and got a burst of inspo to write a thing with impa and an OC. (Who I still need to post about on here, oops.) Winter had come early this year, in a matter of days Hyrule was covered in a thick blanket of snow. You'd be lucky if your horse carriage didn't get stuck in it. Already everyone was ready to go out and play in the snow, while others kept to themselves inside. It had been some time since Impa was able to fully admire the season. She forgot how pretty the scenery could be. "Impa!" Looking behind her she saw Crayne running over, looking a bit concerned. "Impa! It's so cold outside, aren't you freezing?" Impa shook her head, looking down at his hands which were now gently holding hers. "No, I'm fine. I went through a snowstorm dressed like this before." Crayne gives a sigh, takes his scarf off and starts wrapping it around her. "Take my scarf, I don't want you catching a cold." Impa brings her hands up in protest. "I told you I'm fine, Crayne. I don't want to take your scarf or you'll end up cold yourself. Trust me, I can handle a little bit of cold." Stopping, Crayne looks at her for a second. "I do trust you, but I want you to be safe. Or, do you want me to take care of you after getting sick?" She felt her face flush, who does he think he is? She didn't need anyone taking care of her because of a cold. She wouldn't even let her sister do it, what makes him think she'd let him do it? With his cute smile and beautiful eyes.. Oh Hylia help her.
Taking her hat, she dips it down to cover her face. "Well, that.. That doesn't sound that bad actually.." Crayne looks a bit confused for a second, did she just say what he thought she said? A smirk quickly finds its way on his face. "You make it seem like it would be. Are you sure you're not just trying to get sick so I do that?" She glares at him from under her hat. "Of course not! In fact, I can bet that I wouldn't get sick even if I wasn't wearing a coat!" She was standing on her tiptoes now, almost level with him. "Is that so? Impa, please just listen to me and either come inside or wear my scarf." Their faces were so close now, she could practically feel the heat coming off of him. She wondered if she were to kiss him.. would his lips be warm too? "I- I'm telling you! I'm not col-" She cut herself off at the feeling of his gloved hands coming up to hold her face, which somehow felt warmer now. 
"What are you doing?" They both stood there, just looking into each other's eyes for what felt like hours. Finally Crayne brings her face closer to his, sealing the distance with a kiss. Impa's eyes go wide, was he reading her mind? At least now he’s confirmed her previous thought. Slowly, but surely, she lets herself calm down. She leans into the kiss and forgets what they were talking about before. She almost forgot that they were out in the open until a voice called out to her. "Oooh! Having fun kissing it up over there, Impa?" Impa quickly whips her head around, seeing Purah with Robbie looking at them. Purah was holding up her own Sheikah slate replica, probably ready to take a picture. "PURAH!" Impa's face was now red again from a mix of embarrassment and anger. "Lighten up, sis! It's not unusual for couples to kiss. Look." Pulling Robbie down by the collar of his coat Purah gives him a kiss, gaining a smile from him after. "You two are so insufferable!" She quickly makes a snowball and throws it at them out of frustration. "Oh, you want to have a snowball fight now?" Purah gives her a smug grin, ready to grab her own ball of snow to throw at her. "Be careful, Impa. Purah is really good at them!" Robbie chimes in. "Ugh." Impa grabs Crayne's hand and leads him to anywhere but here. "Where are we going?" Crayne looks back at where Purah and Robbie were for a second, then returns his gaze to Impa. "Somewhere quiet. We weren’t done." Crayne's face heats up. "If you wanted to keep kissing me you could just say so." Impa quickly turns around and stares up at him. "Lean down." Doing so, she grabs his face and kisses him. Pulling away after a minute. "You're warm." Crayne laughs. "See? I told you that you were cold! I bet you secretly want to cuddle too, don't you?" Impa looks away, not letting go of him. "Oh- You do! We can do that too! You can always tell me what you're thinking, especially if it's stuff like this." Impa looks up at him again. There he goes with his signature grin. That damn smile.. How was he always able to get her with it? She offers her own smile in return. "That sounds nice."
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polyhedr0n · 4 years
you know when you have a bunch of broken crayons and you peel the paper off and put them all in a cup and put them in the sun to make Big Crayon? yeah benrey does that with joshua and they break it in half so benrey can eat some
yes thats what i was talking about.... Crayn... also Yes Correct
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vixerehq · 4 years
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                    event i : killing dionysus ; part two
                TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, injury, hanging, knives, weapons guns.
the night had been winding down. drinks had been served far too many times, the happy couple had been congratulated –– begrudgingly, but congratulated –– by all, and everyone begins to say their goodbyes ; ready to leave yet another meeting of the families behind them. that’s when the lights went out. a blackout. 
with no windows, no candles, and no pesky mobile phones with their handy flashlights, it’s almost as if someone wanted it to be pitch black, with paranoid mafia families stuck inside a building with no weapons, no phones, no exits, and far too many questions they can’t answer. what could go wrong?
by the time someone’s pulled out a lighter and found a candle, the screams have already begun. people stuck in elevators and storage rooms. masked men cordoning off the vault and attacking anyone they can. makeshift weapons made from broken bottles and unlikely alliances made in split-second decisions. it’s too late. 
in an empty room with empty tables and abandoned drinks, balon greyjoy, father of theon greyjoy, is found dead in his seat: his throat cut. alerie tyrell, mother to margaery and loras tyrell, is found in her seat: her throat cut. obara sand one of the infamous sand snakes, is found dead in oberyn martell’s seat: her throat cut. obella sand, ellaria sand’s daughter, is knocked out beside her but unharmed. robert baratheon is found by the vault door –– his throat cut, yet still alive. trystane martell is missing, and ned stark is found just in time ; saved by an approaching theon greyjoy. 
nobody’s realised what any of this was about. morning is beginning to rise. the police have locked down the street from both ends ; stopped the media and innocent bystanders from straying too close. and as people begin to leave from the same red door they first walked in through, they see them: from the second storey balcony hang petyr baelish and lysa arryn ; a bullet each in the chest, dead before they were ever thrown off the ledge. there’s black ink smeared on their faces and gold leaf stuffed in their mouths. a mark of the lannisters and the greyjoys. peace was always overrated. 
LOGISTICS: you may continue threads from the first part of the event, as well as threads designated below and threads set in the medical tent afterwards. please do not begin threads past midnight on the day of the attack. new characters will be added and given roles. the event will stretch from saturday june 20th to sunday june 28th. if you have any questions whatsoever, don’t hesitate to contact the main. 
location: the whole house. time: eleven-thirty pm onwards. extra music vibes: [ x ] 
LYANNA STARK & ESRA TALLHART & SANSA STARK are in the elevator, one the way up from the vault when the electricity goes out. they are stuck there in suspension, just the dim glow of the emergency light flickering as the old, shaking lift barely hangs on. LYANNA realises that the elevator is beginning to slide down little by little ; and the three begin to call for help ; bracing for impact. 
ducking behind the bar, NYMERIA SAND & DACEY MORMONT & BRYCE CARON & BRIENNE TARTH put aside their loyalties and form a vanguard. using broken bottles and whatever else they can find –– knives, pens, a hammer –– to fight and incapacitate as many masked men as they can. NYMERIA beats two men to death . they are the ones to hear LYANNA & ESRA & SANSA in the elevator once the coast is clear. BRIENNE and BRYCE and DACEY work together to get the lift doors open.
EDRIC STORM & JOFFREY BARATHEON are stuck together, trying to find a way out of the dark basement. both have suffered MINOR INJURIES and CUTS TO THE FACE. they decide to venture through the makeshift dining hall to escape through the vault doors. that’s when they see ROBERT BARATHEON with his throat cut but breathing. they try to stop his bleeding and try to get out of their as quickly as possible. 
THEON GREYJOY & LORRA CRAYNE & ARYA STARK are in the kitchens when the lights go out ; and the sound of screams, they decide to stay in the kitchen –– until they can get enough weapons. grabbing KNIVES and a BLOWTORCH, they quietly venture outside. while ARYA and LORRA fight off a masked man and KILL HIM, revealing him to be LOYAL TO ASHA GREYJOY ; THEON runs up ahead and fights off more masked men from harming NED STARK. 
MYRCELLA BARATHEON & LEONETTE FOSSOWAY & ALIYA DAYNE are in the powder room when two masked men steal inside. while MYRCELLA is hit in the head and falls back, ALIYA grabs her heels as a makeshift weapon and the three women DISARM and TIE UP both men. when unmasked, they are revealed to be LOYAL TO CERSEI LANNISTER. they stick together and stay hidden until BRIENNE TARTH comes to find them. 
TYBOLT CRAKEHALL & OLENNA TYRELL & MACE TYRELL & DAENERYS TARGARYEN are in the library when the commotion starts. the one LANNISTER MAN who steals in is hit on the back of the head by TYBOLT and they blockade the door as best as they can until NYMERIA SAND comes to find them. 
MARGAERY TYRELL is stabbed deep in the arm. she is hiding in a storage cupboard with JON TARGARYEN, who grabs a LONG KNIFE. they go outside and are met with a masked man ; who is fought and defeated by JON. they go through the dining hall and see ALERIE TYRELL is dead. while MARGAERY deals with this revelation, OBERYN MARTELL fights off masked men and comes into the dining hall as well ; only to see his daughter dead. it is JON who rallies and gets them out of there. he thinks quickly and pulls the FIRE ALARM ; scaring off the masked men and alerting the authorities.  
BARBARA BRACKEN & RHAENYS TARGARYEN & ARIANNE MARTELL have stolen guns off dead men’s bodies ; they duck behind the aquarium to stay safe. however, when FIVE LANNISTER MEN come after them, they fire towards the aquarium itself. water and glass goes everywhere ; and while the three women are only mildly hurt, the men are hurt and dealt with quickly. RHAENYS has suffered a bullet graze to the leg ; and ARIANNE & BARBARA need stitches. teaming up, they duck into the stairwell and find their way out. 
the first people to leave the party, LORAS TYRELL & ELIA MARTELL & DESMERA REDWYNE had left before the blackout happened. but they had been upstairs, talking through and laughing about the night, when the masked men had crept into the house. after a fight ALL THREE had been tied up and left in a locked room while the men descend. desperate to warn the others, LORAS breaks through his binds and helps the others. they run to get help. 
ELLARIA SAND & RICKON STARK & RENLY BARATHEON are held at gunpoint at the stairwell. none are armed ; but they talk to distract the masked man and shove him down the stairs ; killing him so they can escape. they run back down to the basement and through the dining hall. ELLARIA sees obara dead and obella unharmed ; RENLY sees his brother still alive and RICKON is reunited with his family. 
ANYA WAYNWOOD & SARELLA SAND & JON TARGARYEN have set up a makeshift treatment centre in the upstairs library ; everyone is required to get checked before they are allowed to leave. as the injured, assailants, and corpses are brought up, ANYA & SARELLA & JON find squid ink in every knife wound ; confirming that it was a GREYJOY plan ; they also find gold leaf, confirming LANNISTER involvement. SANSA STARK is also in the treatment centre, counting numbers and keeping an eye on things to ensure nothing gets out of hand. 
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Flower Child (Peter Parker x ofc)
Chapter 6: Lila and Ted’s Excellent Friday Night
warnings: mentions of death and grief, poorly translated French
Lila Landry hated few things. She hated intolerance, and saw no point of those who couldn’t accept differences between people. She hated ignorance, and people who let intolerance and injustice prosper simply because it didn’t affect them personally. She positively loathed big pharma and fossil fuel industries, but that was just the political stance she was raised on. She also dreaded the idea of being surrounded by massive crowds of her peers, which was exactly what her school had planned for Friday afternoon. 
Midtown kicked off their homecoming week with an assembly the Friday before, just to get the students hyped for the week of events soon to follow. There was a themed week, something Lila personally didn’t partake in (especially when the theme was a return to the 1980s), a ton of after school activities, something Lila didn’t care for, and finally, a dance. The only reason Lila knew so much about it was because Liz Allan was head of the homecoming committee, and spent her free time in decathlon going over planning. Lila noticed that it stressed Liz out quite a bit, but she took great measures to keep that to herself. Some kind of leadership trait, Lila figured, although didn’t necessarily agree with.
What stressed Lila out was that the thought of sitting in a completely full auditorium where multiple things happened all at once, and she was sandwiched between people she didn’t really know on all sides. It made her stomach turn thinking of all the things she had to do before she got home to her dad, and sitting still for an hour and a half was not going to make it any better. So instead, Lila talked to the home economics teacher, Mr. Crayne, who had agreed to let Lila use the kitchen that was his classroom. 
So while everyone gathered for the homecoming assembly, Lila entered the home economics classroom with a slip of paper permitting her to be there during the assembly in one hand, a bag full of baking necessities in the other, and flicked on the lights. Setting down the bag and note, Lila pulled out her phone, selected a song from a playlist inspired by her mother (the particular song was by Tears for Fears), and made her way to the sink to wash her hands. Once that was finished, and the groceries were emptied onto the countertops, Lila’s body slipped into autopilot, and the baking commenced.
Baking was second nature to her, as well as cooking. She was an expert at it, but that was likely due to the fact that she’d been doing it long before she’d even learned to write. Lila liked to think that it was just because her mother was a natural, and passed that skill down to her, but she knew that it was because cooking was Mommy-and-Lila time. Ted Landry wasn’t allowed near the kitchen on days when they were cooking, not even if he needed a glass of water. The record player was always blaring some classic or another, and the food meant to be prepared was scattered around the countertops. It was these memories that put a smile on Lila’s face as she sifted the flour.
When the flour was appropriately measured and placed in the correct bowl, Lila turned her attention to the fruit she had gone out of her way to purchase that morning. There was a stall at the Forest Hills farmers market that Angelina Landry used to take Lila to that she claimed sold the best fresh fruit in New York. It was at that tiny booth that she met Isaac Evans, a man of eighty, who sold the Landrys their best fruit. Now that her mother wasn’t there to keep the tradition of buying the fruit with her, Lila always made sure to stop by and check in on the man herself. Only now, she made sure to bring a bright bouquet of whatever was newest and (in her opinion) most beautiful. Isaac always sold her the fruit at a ridiculously discounted rate, so she made sure to return the favor, and catch up with him and Mrs. Evans if she was there.
Soon, the smell of citrus overwhelmed her, and Lila’s fingertips had splotches of blue on them as she completed the batter. Whisking furiously until it was at the appropriate consistency, she poured the batter into the two bread tins she’d brought along with her. Sliding both of the tins into the oven, Lila set a timer, and hastily cleaned up her workspace. She had roughly forty-five minutes before she needed to prepare the icing that went along with the recipe, and she figured she’d better finish her homework in the meantime. 
Since her trip to D.C. was tomorrow, Lila had spent all of her free time finishing up her school work, so as to be completely free of any outside responsibilities, per recommendation of Liz. Not to mention, she’d had a very busy evening planned out, hence the baking at two in the afternoon. The baking was for May Parker, who couldn’t get enough of Lila’s desserts, and was in need of a thank-you from the Landrys for being so accommodating of their need to switch around their volunteer schedule. At the nearest homeless shelter in Queens to the Landrys, Ted and Lila made their regular appearance helping out wherever they could on Sundays. Be it making repairs, helping in the kitchen, or just keeping the homeless company, they were there every Sunday morning. May Parker happened to head the location they volunteered at, and became fast friends with the family that visited regularly since the Battle of New York.
She was a busy woman, rebuilding a community after the disaster in Manhattan, and helping the people who needed it most. Lila figured it was a good thing, hardly being able to switch volunteer schedules around due to the sheer enormity of the volunteer list. But May managed to, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the Landrys. So Ted got her a bouquet, and Lila was left to bake one of her favorites: lemon and blueberry bread. And while the sweet smell filled the kitchen around her, Lila tried to focus on her chemistry homework. She didn’t want to be left with homework after volunteering, for she also had plans to spend with her dad that evening. He’d managed to take the night off, and they were both looking forward to spending it together.
At long last, Lila finished her homework, and hastily shoved it in her backpack before getting started on the icing to complete her bread. She finished just in time, taking the bread out, removing them from the tins, and placing them on a rack to cool a bit. Speeding up the process just a bit by fanning the bread with a spare baking sheet, Lila waited five minutes before drizzling the homemade icing over the top of both loaves. The smell was intoxicating as always, and Lila smiled proudly at what she’d made. Cutting into it, she made neat slices and decorated them intricately around a plate she’d brought from home. After wrapping up the bread in cling wrap, Lila cleaned her station one last time, and left the classroom.
A quick glance at the nearest clock told Lila that school was almost over. Students were still being held in the gym for the remainder of the assembly, and Lila figured that it might be alright to text her dad to pick her up a little earlier than anticipated. A quick reply informed her that Ted was on his way, and excitement settled in Lila’s stomach. As she shoved her phone in her back pocket, she rounded the corner, nearly dropping the bread she’d worked so hard to bake after running into two men clearly looking to leave the school as quickly as possible. One of the men was short, with long hair and a baseball cap perched firmly on is head. His beard had patches of black and white, and he looked absolutely terrified to be running into a teenage girl in the middle of a high school. The other man was taller, and a little more at ease, looking at Lila in surprise, but also disregarding her as soon as she was assessed. He placed a hand under the plate that Lila was fumbling with, and another on her shoulder to quickly steady her. 
“Oh, my gosh, I am s-so sorry,” Lila apologized, heart skipping a beat. The man quickly removed his hands as soon as she was steady once again. He didn’t seem completely threatening, but a bad feeling panged in Lila’s gut regardless.
“No problem,” He grumbled, and the pair walked away. She turned to look at them, and noticed the shorter man look over at the taller one as they both assessed a piece of technology that had a resemblance to a scanner Lila wasn’t able to place.
She furrowed her eyebrows when she heard the shorter man whisper harshly, “I told you high schools creep me out. Teenagers, they’re everywhere.” Another detail caught her eye, something bulging on each of their hips. Lila’s eyes widened, and silently hoped they were carrying outdated pagers-
Suddenly Lila was nearly knocked down once again; and once again, she was steadied. A hand went to the bread, and another hand went to her arm. A small gasp of surprise left her lips before her head whipped back around to see Peter Parker staring at her equally in shock, Ned Leeds not far behind him. “P-Peter,” She whispered, more so a reaction than anything else. He let go of her once she got her bearings once again, and took a step back. Lila looked from him to his friend. “Ned, hi.”
He waved and smiled warmly at her, like he always did. “Hi, Lila.”
She glanced back behind her, and the two men she’d previously run into were nowhere in sight. Lila frowned in confusion before turning back to Peter and Ned. They were both looking over her shoulder as well, like the two men she’d encountered had also run into the pair of them. “What are you - what are you doing out of the assembly?”
A look of poorly concealed panic settled into Peter’s features, and he opened and closed his mouth several times before being able to make words come out. Lila’s suspicion, which wasn’t there in the first place, began to form as Peter struggled to answer a seemingly simple question. And it wasn’t even Peter who answered it.
“Oh, you know,” Ned said, though Lila didn’t know, “Peter hates large crowds, and I wanted to show him my new Lego Death Star set.” A tint of pink splashed across Peter’s cheeks at the mention of the Legos, and Lila saw him send Ned a warning glare. Ned’s answer felt very much like a lie, but for the simple reason that Lila couldn’t prove otherwise, she let it slide.
“That’s r-really cool. How many pieces?” It was merely her being polite, but the surprised expressions on both of their faces made up for it entirely. Peter was still fidgeting, looking over her shoulder and down the hallway the two men disappeared. She tried her best to ignore it, but when it came to Peter, he was always difficult for her to ignore.
“Three thousand, eight hundred, and three,” Ned said impressively, and Lila’s eyebrows raised slightly.
“Wow, that’s amazing-”
“Is that lemon blueberry bread?” Peter interrupted. Lila looked over at him in surprise, and followed his gaze down to the plate of warm dessert she still held in her hand. The abrupt change in topic didn’t slip by Lila as Peter seemed to hope it would.
But once again, Lila had to let it slide. “O-Oh.” She replied, a blush matching Peter’s finding its way to her cheeks. “I totally forgot that M-May always saves you a piece. Yeah, it - it is.”
Peter still seemed flabbergasted. “I had no idea it was you that made them.”
“‘I find your lack of faith disturbing,’” Lila quoted boldly, cracking a large smile at the shocked looks they wore. “I’m perfectly capable of - of making delicious desserts.”
“Oh no,” Peter said, suddenly trying to backtrack, “That wasn’t what I meant at all-”
“I’m messing with you, Peter,” Lila said, still screaming on the inside that she was even capable of such an easygoing conversation with Peter. “Do you guys w-want to try some?” She’d lifted the cling wrap off of the plate just enough for the boys to each grab a piece and dig in. A warm feeling of satisfaction sat with her as they wolfed down their pieces, complimenting her baking the entire time. A buzz in her back pocket brought her back down from the blissful cloud she was on (being able to talk to the boy she’d been obsessing over so normally had her on a high she wasn’t sure she could replicate), and she remembered her dad saying he was going to meet her at her school.
“Well, I-I have to get going, my d-dad’s coming to get me.” The boys offered their thanks for sharing the dessert, said goodbye, and skirted around her, heading down the hallway quickly. Lila, still acting strangely out of character, called after Peter. He turned back to face her, and she smiled sadly. “I’m sorry Tony St-Stark is keeping you from going with us tomorrow.”
Peter, for the briefest moment, looked confused, before remembering what exactly tomorrow was. He smiled tightly, and nodded. “Thanks, Lila.”
He raced down the remainder of the hallway, seemingly chasing after the two guys who ran into her previously. As Lila walked in the opposite direction, a strange feeling grew in her gut, thinking back on Peter’s behavior. Maybe her initial impression of the strangers she’d encountered wasn’t at all incorrect, and maybe Peter felt the same way about them that she did.
“Comment ça va, Tulip?” Was the first thing Lila heard after getting in the car. Looking over at her father, who was perched in front of the steering wheel, her smile almost fell. He wasn’t okay. His complexion was pale, and he didn’t trim his beard that morning like he usually did, instead letting it stay a little scraggly, something he typically hated. The bags that rest under his eyes were a little darker than normal, and there was a crease in between his eyebrows. The smile on his face, and the dim light that was in his eyes told Lila that he was trying to put on a brave face for her.
But she wouldn’t have even had to look over at Ted to realize something was wrong. He was speaking French, something he had learned from Angelina while they were together. She spoke it all the time in their household when Lila was growing up, and it was as easy to speak and comprehend as breathing. She loved the language itself, it was gorgeous and romantic, much like her parents. But now, with her mother gone, there was always a touch of nostalgia that came along with speaking it. Lila and Ted fell into a rhythm of only speaking it at times where they really needed Angelina, when they missed her the most. 
Being as their grief occurred at any point in time, the pair decided never to question the other when it happened. Speaking in French was a brief respite from the weight of her not being with them anymore, and was also a means of supporting each other in her absence. So Lila gripped the platter of goodies fractionally tighter, and smiled reassuringly. It made her feel better seeing Ted’s shoulders relax ever so slightly at her expression. “Ça va bien.” She skipped over asking him how he was doing, as the answer was obvious. “J’ai fet ça pour May,” Lila gestured to the platter of food that Peter and Ned had previously gotten into, and smiled proudly down at the bread. She glanced up to see her father’s reaction, happy to take his mind off of whatever was troubling him. He commented on it, saying how they looked positively delicious, and that May was going to be thrilled. Simultaneously, Ted pulled out of the school parking lot, and headed over to the homeless shelter that they were due to volunteer at. 
They spoke about everything that happened in their days, and managed to have a completely normal conversation, just in French. It was difficult for Lila, seeing her dad hold himself together so that he wouldn’t collapse in front of her. Not that he hadn’t before, the two were very open with their emotions due to years of therapy the pair attended, but it was still hard on her that it was hard on him. She hoped to whatever higher being was out there (more than likely the Asgardians) that when it was Lila’s turn for love, she wouldn’t end up like her dad. Loving someone so wholeheartedly and completely, only to have them ripped out of her grasp forever. She also prayed that her dad would someday find it in himself to recognize that he deserved to be happy with someone new.
The traffic through Queens wasn’t as awful as it could’ve been, and Ted and Lila arrived five minutes early to the shelter. They spoke for a few minutes more in the car, before deciding to head inside. Ted opened the back door of the car and pulled out a beautiful assortment of vibrant yellow sunflowers with purple asters scattered in between. She smiled, complimenting him on his choice, and Lila then turned to face the door. Only, she was stopped when Ted placed a hand on her shoulder. Looking back around at him, he smiled warmly, blinking quickly to stop the tears that looked to escape. “Ta mère serait si fière, Lila.”
Your mother would be proud, Lila.
She swallowed the growing lump in her throat, not expecting the comment at all. Looking up at her dad, in his warm, brown eyes, she could tell he meant it more than he meant anything. She wanted to take it, she wanted to accept that compliment, but truthfully? She couldn’t. What had Lila done besides get good grades and help her dad around his business? Sure, she was kind, and treated everyone with respect, but was that enough? Was that really enough for her mother to be proud of her? All Lila was able to manage was a shaky smile (which felt more like a grimace, in her opinion) and squeak out, “Really?”
“She’d be so proud, Lila,” Ted repeated. “With you branching out, making new friends, and this whole decathlon thing? She’d be over the moon for you, just like I am.” Lila wasn’t sure how to take that, and she was lucky her dad understood that. Instead of waiting for a reply that was unlikely to come, he threw his arm over her shoulders and brought her in close. With a gentle kiss on the forehead, he rubbed her arms reassuringly and guided her inside.
It was all Lila could do to not burst into tears after her dad talked about her mom the way he did, but fortunately, the shelter was so busy that it didn’t even seem to matter. They were immediately greeted by the staff of the shelter, including May Parker, who looked busy and tired. Any creases due to worry melted off of her face after seeing the Landrys walk inside, and lit up exponentially at seeing that they didn’t come empty-handed. There were volunteers bustling around, spending time with a few kids here or there, talking to some of the people in need of a place to stay, and some were leading activities. The familiarity of the place calmed Lila down a bit, and she smiled warmly as May walked over to greet them.
“Ted, Lila, so glad you could make it!” She weaved in between a few tables and stopped right in front of them, eyes darting in between the two. “What’s all this?” Her gaze flickered down to the flowers and lemon bread, expression brightening just a bit more. 
Lila smiled. “It’s the least we could do. We know how b-busy you are, and switching around our schedules means more than you know.” Together, Lila and Ted handed her the flowers and treats, and watched with satisfaction as she took them appreciatively.
“You guys… you didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”
“No trouble at all,” Ted commented. She sent him a grateful smile before quickly digging into a slice of lemon blueberry bread, and guiding them to the back so she could assign them to their stations. Lila smiled as Ted and May caught each other up on their weeks as they walked, occasionally stopping to greet people they recognized.
Lila loved her dad’s relationship with May. She was the person who helped show Lila and Ted the ropes when they decided to start volunteering at the shelter, and was incredibly sympathetic towards their reasons for joining. For the last eight years, she bonded with Ted over their kids, over their interests, and over what had happened when aliens invaded New York. Volunteering was something that Lila and Ted were able to look forward to, and feel like they were giving back to the community that helped them rebuild after Angelina died, and the biggest favor of all came the previous January, when Ben Parker was shot and killed.
Lila had been lucky enough to meet Ben Parker, and develop a good relationship with him. He came in on the occasional Sunday, helping out where he could and talking to Lila in the process. She always got the impression that he liked her, and he often pulled her aside to tell her funny stories, especially on the days where she couldn’t help but miss her mom. Ben always laughed at her corny jokes and listened intently whenever she would speak. His patience was unending, and Lila felt her world grow a little darker when she had heard of his death.
There was no question: the Landrys supplied the best flowers they possibly could when Ben was put to rest. And Ted and Lila were constantly at the ready to help May (and by extension help Peter) grieve and process. That was really how Ted and May grew to be such good friends, was by helping each other through the loss of their spouses. It wasn’t a simple matter, dealing with that type of pain, but knowing that someone like May Parker was in Lila’s corner helped ease some of the burden of no longer having a mother, and Ted not having a wife.
May put them to work with food, and caught up with them a little bit before returning to her office. She asked Lila how school was, to which she replied that she was doing well, and that she was terrified for the decathlon. May had even been so kind as to ask her about how she was healing, knowing full well what had happened at Delmar’s a few nights ago. 
“I’m on the mend,” Lila admitted, washing her hands before putting on some gloves, turning to face May, who had given Lila her complete attention. Thinking about the past few days walking around with her injury brought memories to the surface that made her cheeks tint pink. “I really c-couldn’t have made it through this week without Michelle o-or Peter.”
“Peter?” May’s eyebrows raised a little bit, but were accompanied with a smile. “My Peter?”
“Y-Yeah,” Lila tucked her hair behind her ear, trying her best not to blush too much, or smile too wide. “Ever since it h-happened, he’s - he’s gone out of his w-way to make sure I was okay.”
Apparently, Lila said just the right thing, for May’s smiled a genuine smile at her comment. “Good, I’m so glad to hear that. Honestly, I’ve been a little worried he’s been neglecting his friends, lately.”
Lila tilted her head in confusion, “Why would you think that?”
“Well, he’s been so busy, you know? With the Stark Internship, he… he’s so focused on that internship that sometimes I worry he’s letting everything else go.” She let out a sound that was a blend of a scoff and a laugh. “I don’t know, maybe I worry too much.”
“H-He’s too smart to let things go, May,” Lila answered truthfully. Peter Parker was the smartest person she knew. Well, besides Michelle. “I’m sure it’s just overwhelming to him at the moment. Working with Tony Stark, they’re lofty e-expectations. If anyone could navigate it, it’s him.”
May looked over at Lila, regarding the small girl as she threw an apron on over her head. Smiling, she nodded, “Yeah. He’s a pretty bright kid.”
“You’re wrong, you’re dead wrong.”
“Yeah, okay, Tulip.”
“No, listen, I’m just saying - Dad, stop, for a second. I’m just saying, Sokka’s character development is some of the best in any television show ever.”
“Over Zuko, Lila? Zuko? He literally overcame evil and helped Aang overthrow his own father for the sake of good. No way is Sokka’s better.” 
Ted and Lila were busy pointing their chopsticks at each other to actually eat the food perched in their laps. Their heated discussion came from their binge-watching of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Over the past few weeks, they’d been re-watching the show for the fun of it, and repeatedly arrived at the intense debate of whose character arc was better. Obviously, Lila thought it was Sokka, who ended up with a fresh respect for how capable women, particularly the women of the show, actually were. Ted, however, was convinced it was Zuko, having shifted sides from being evil just to win favor of a father who didn’t really love him, over to the side of good, because it was right.
He was completely incorrect, of course. And even if he was right, what a cliché. 
Lila had a pretty great night with her dad. After preparing meals for the homeless throughout the afternoon, Ted treated her to their own dinner. Consisting of Lila’s favorite, they shared sesame chicken and dumplings as well as many laughs over the children’s cartoon Ted bought her as a gift. They’d talked over the show about everything and nothing, mostly just enjoying each other’s company. It started as a trading of stories, mainly concerning the shop and the customers fitting in it. Then it became a casual commentary of the show, ending with the furious debate between whose arc was better.
Lila took another bite of chicken, rather half-heartedly at that. “Dad?” She asked, and her father hummed in response, staring at the chicken he was still digging into. “Do you think this weekend’s gonna be okay?”
Ted looked straight up at her, “What makes you think it won’t?”
“I don’t know,” She shrugged, setting her food down. “With Peter quitting the team, I just-” Huffing, she brushed a loose strand of hair to the side. “- I know there’s a possibility that I might have to be on the panel, and I don’t want to mess it up for anybody. What if I mess it up? Like, royally screw the pooch, how can I-?”
“Tulip,” Ted said sternly, taking Lila off guard. “This competition doesn’t matter if you don’t stop digging that hole you’ve made for yourself. You are thinking little: Little of yourself, little of your capabilities. You need to remember that you are Lila Landry, you’re smart, beautiful, and you can do absolutely anything because that’s who you are. Don’t let this competition consume you, it’s not everything.” 
He paused and looked at her as Lila looked back down at her lap. Blinking furiously, she tried her best not to cry. Good tears, thankful tears, but that was the last thing she needed. In the end, her dad was right, Lila was ready for Washington, and the academic decathlon wasn’t ready for her. If she had to, she was going to kick major ass, and protest in front of an embassy (Michelle’s idea) in the meantime. Ted then nudged her leg gently, and she looked up at him. “You wanna open your fortune cookie, now?”
Lila chuckled, nodding. Reaching for the cookies that sat on the table, she tossed one to her dad before opening the packaging around her own. Watching as Ted did the same, she waited until his was off, too. They counted to three, and each opened their fortunes. As per usual, Lila read hers first. “‘Soon life will become more interesting. “Hmm,” she hummed happily, glancing up and laughing at her dad’s confused expression. “What’s yours?”
“‘You cannot direct the wind. Or a cat.’” 
They shared a look and cackled at the silly fortune. But when she looked back on it, Lila really should’ve paid more attention to her own fortune. For in two days’ time, her life would be changed forever.
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ranger-kellyn · 3 years
I need to be held, that was A LOT more sad than I was expecting.. 😭
I decided to listen to Begin Again as well, and some of the lyrics makes me think of Impa and Crayne. (Pretty sure I told you about him before. I hope I did or this would make no sense. 😅) Not all of them, but a few. And then I got emotional over them too.
i know how you feel 🥺 on my first listen through, i literally had to take a break between Ronan and the song after it bc i was SUCH a sobbing mess 😭
and don't worry, i know who you're talking about! that is a good song for them 🥺
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
October 21, 1956
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Bob Hope (Himself / Ricky Ricardo) was born Lesley Townes Hope in England in 1903. During his extensive career in virtually all forms of media he received five honorary Academy Awards. In 1945 Desi Arnaz was the orchestra leader on Bob Hope’s radio show. Ball and Hope did four films together. He appeared as himself on the season 6 opener of “I Love Lucy.” He did a brief cameo in a 1964 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  When Lucille Ball moved to NBC in 1980, Hope appeared on her welcome special. He died in 2003 at age 100. 
Lucille Ball (Lucy Ricardo) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon, which was not a success and was canceled after just 13 episodes. 
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Desi Arnaz (Fred Mertz) was born in Cuba in 1917 and immigrated to America as a youngster.  He was a musician who married Lucille Ball in 1940 after meeting her on the set of 1939’s Too Many Girls, which he had done on stage in New York. In order to keep him ‘off the road’ Ball convinced producers to cast him as her husband in a new television project based on her radio show “My Favorite Husband.” The network was convinced. In 1951, Arnaz and Ball began playing Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, roles they would be identified with for the rest of their lives. The couple had two children together, Lucie and Desi Jr. In 1960, Ball and Arnaz divorced. Desi became a producer, responsible for such hits as “The Mothers-in-Law” (1967-69). He re-married in 1963. Desi Aranz died in 1986, just a few years before Ball.   
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Vivian Vance (Ethel Mertz) was born Vivian Roberta Jones in Cherryvale, Kansas in 1909, although her family quickly moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico where she was raised. She had extensive theatre experience, co-starring on Broadway with Ethel Merman in Anything Goes. She was acting in a play in Southern California when she was spotted by Desi Arnaz and hired to play Ethel Mertz, Lucy Ricardo’s neighbor and best friend. The pairing is credited with much of the success of “I Love Lucy.”  Vance was convinced to join the cast of “The Lucy Show” in 1962, but stayed with the series only through season three, making occasional guest appearances afterwards. She made a total of six appearance on “Here’s Lucy.” She also joined Lucy for a TV special “Lucy Calls the President” in 1977. Vance died two years later. 
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William Frawley (Captain Blystone) was already a Hollywood veteran when he was hired by Desi Arnaz to play Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy.” After the series concluded he joined the cast of “My Three Sons” playing Bub Casey. He did an episode of “The Lucy Show” in October 1965 which was his final TV appearance before his death in March 1966.
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Tommy (Trained Seal) Others guests on the show that evening were James Cagney, Diana Dors, New York Yankee Don “No Hit” Larsen, and Les Brown and his Band of Renown.
The Hollywood DebStars (up and coming young women in the entertainment business nominated by the make-up industry) include: 
Nicola Michaels aka Niki Dantine (from MGM) 
Elaine Aikens aka Elaine Aiken (from Paramount) 
Dani Crayne (from Warner Brothers) 
Anna Navarro (from NBC) 
Nancy Kilgas (from CBS) 
Roxanne Arlen (from Pine Talent Productions) 
Stephanie Griffin (from DelBar Productions) 
Carol Nugent (from American National Studios) 
Autumn Russell (from Al Wallace)
Veneita Stevenson (from RKO) 
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This cross-over episode of “The Bob Hope Show” aired on NBC (Hope's network of choice) two weeks after his guest-star appearance as himself on the season six opener of “I Love Lucy.” 
Because the show is sponsored by Chevrolet, the opening theme is their jingle “See the U.S.A. In a Chevrolet” by Leo Corday and Leon Carr. Dinah Shore sang the song after 1952, and it became something of a signature song for her. Later the song was also sung by Pat Boone on his “Pat Boone-Chevy Showroom” (1957-60) on ABC. Hope's signature tune “Thanks for the Memory” by Ralph Rainger is saved for the closing credits, with special lyrics about the 1957 Chevies.
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In Hope's opening monologue, he promises a look at the new 1957 Chevrolet cars. He then alludes to the new TV season. Hope wonders who is running the country with Walter Winchell on TV and IKE out campaigning. Winchell's new NBC variety series was titled “The Walter Winchell Show” and it premiered three days before this “The Bob Hope Chevy Show.” It lasted just one season.  A month after Hope mentioned IKE campaigning, Eisenhower handily won election to a second term as US President.
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Hope says that Sid Caesar's back – with a new wife. Hope is referring to the third season of NBC's “Caesar's Hour.” Nanette Fabray left the show after a misunderstanding when her business manager, unbeknownst to her, made unreasonable demands during contract renewal negotiations. Fabray and Caesar did not reconcile until years later. Fabray appeared with Lucille Ball in the her 1974 special “Happy Anniversary and Goodbye.” 
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Hope says that Steve Allen is back and busy as ever. Allen's new show on NBC was titled “The Steve Allen Plymouth Show” (another show sponsored by a car manufacturer) and would run five seasons. Steve Allen interviewed Lucy Whittaker (Lucille Ball) in 1977′s “Lucy Calls the President.” 
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Hope also reports that Perry Como is back. Hope is referring to Como's hosting of “The Kraft Music Hall.” Como appeared on the premiere of the aforementioned “Walter Winchell Show” to promote the “Kraft Music Hall.”  
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Trying to make a joke about “The Ed Sullivan Show” (which he says “owns Sunday nights), Hope mistakenly says “Elvin Presley” instead of “Elvis Presley.”
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Hope does a joke about Winston Churchill's son being on “The $64,000 Question.” On September 18, 1956, a month before this Bob Hope Show first aired, Rudolph Churchill was a guest contestant on the American quiz show hosted by Lucille Ball's friend Hal March. Churchill and the other contestants all got the answers right that evening and it was discovered that they were already given the answers. This began what is know as the quiz show scandals in Hollywood.
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English-born Diana Dors does a sketch where she plays Hope's wife in a traditional English cottage. Dors and Hope then do a companion sketch about a married couple in modern day America where the house practically cleans itself. They even have a baby (several) thanks to automation.
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Hope and Cagney sing and dance to “Mary's a Grand Old Name” by George M. Cohan. Cagney won an Oscar for playing George M. Cohan in the 1942 film Yankee Doodle Dandy, which also featured the song. It was also in the film The Seven Little Foys (1955), which is mentioned by Hope. Cagney says he is doing a new film about Lon Chaney called Man of a Thousand Faces. It was released in 1957. Hope also makes a joke about Burt Lancaster's 1956 film Trapeze.
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During Hope and Cagney’s introductions of the DebStars, background singers perform “A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody,” “You Oughta Be in Pictures” and “You Are Too Lovely.”  
After ogling the DebStars, Cagney does an imitation of  Ernest Borgnine saying “What're you doin' tonight, Marty?” from the 1955 film Marty. About Cagney, Hope says he's such a tough guy that he thinks Somebody Up There Likes Me is a comedy. The dramatic 1956 film is about the life of boxer Rocky Graziano. 
Hope rightfully states that he knew Lucy long before she met Desi and wonders what it would be like if he'd married Lucy. This sets up the premise of the “I Love Lucy” cross-over sketch that follows.
The “I Love Lucy” theme is played at the start of the sketch.  
Although the “I Love Lucy” set is used, it is slightly changed to accommodate the action. There are now closet doors at the extreme left and right edge of the set. The set dressing in the hallway is also different.
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The sketch was probably recorded in advance, possibly on the “I Love Lucy” stage, to accommodate the cast, including the live seal. This is born out by the fact that during Hope's “curtain call” during the final credits, only William Frawley and Vivian Vance come out to shake Hope's hand, and they are dressed in different clothes than they were wearing moments before. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz do not appear as “themselves” out of context of the characters they play in the sketch.  
The action opens on the Ricardo's New York City apartment with Lucy leading a live seal from the front door into the living room closet. Ball has some trouble getting the seal through the closet door, despite tempting it with food. 
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Lucille Ball would work with live seals again in “Lucy at Marineland” (TLS S4;E1).  
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When Ricky (Bob Hope) comes home, Lucy smothers him with kisses, which makes him suspicious that something is up.
Lucy: “What are you talking about?  I give you a kiss every day.” Ricky: “I know, but this is October. You just kissed me through Lincoln's Birthday.”  
Lincoln's Birthday was formerly a Federal holiday celebrated on February 12.  It is now marked only in select states, having been replaced by Presidents’ Day at the Federal level.
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When Ricky tosses his hat into the closet where the seal is hiding, it immediately comes flying back at him, nearly landing back on his head, but missing.   
Lucy: “We've got termites!” Ricky: “One of them must pitch for Cleveland.”  
Hope was part-owner of the Cleveland Indians, and never missed an opportunity to joke about the team. 
Lucy says she was just trying to help by getting the closet fumigated. 
Ricky: “You're always helping, like when we went on our honeymoon. You thought we'd be lonesome so you invited your mother along.” Lucy: “I was just trying to help.” Ricky: “Who were you helping? You're father?”
While Lucy Ricardo's mother was an integral part of “I Love Lucy” in its last few seasons, her father was never mentioned. In real-life, Lucille Ball's father died when she was an infant and she was raised by her grandfather. Like most cross-overs, Hope's writers appear not to have been avid watchers of “I Love Lucy.”  
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Seeing a plate of whole fish (the seal's food) on the coffee table, Ricky gets suspicious. He calls them “Texas anchovies.” Lucy explains that they are her first dividend from her membership in the Herring of the Month Club.
Ricky says he has an audition in the morning for the 100-piece Havana Symphony Orchestra: 99 bongos and a sweet potato.  
When Fred enters (played by Desi Arnaz), Lucy barely recognizes him:
Lucy: “Well Fred, I didn't recognize you.  You look like a new man.  Took off a little weight, put on a little hair.”
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When Ethel smothers Fred (Ricky) in kisses, Lucy (or Lucille Ball) says “All right, break it up. Let's not overdo it.” On “I Love Lucy,” Vivian Vance did not enjoy having to be affectionate with William Frawley. If the script required them to smooch, an air kiss was all Frawley and Vance would do - and that reluctantly.
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When Ricky (Hope) turns his back to the audience, his bathrobe says “Havana U” on it.  
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On “I Love Lucy” Ricky Ricardo claimed to have attended the University, and even sang their fight song in one episode. 
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When Ricky can't understand Fred's thick Cuban accent, Bob Hope recycles a punchline he also used on “Lucy Meets Bob Hope” (ILL S6;E1) the week before: “You're trying to tell me something!”  
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Lucy insists on playing charades. When Ricky complains he needs to go to bed, he asks Lucy “Who do you think I am?”  As if a charade clue, she quickly replies “The Beast From Hollow Mountain”! This was the title of a low-budget horror flick about a modern-day dinosaur on the loose. The movie was released in August 1956.
When Lucy announces that Fred and Ethel's apartment is being fumigated (to hide that Captain Blystone is staying there), she says that the girls will sleep in the bedroom and the boys will take the living room. Hope breaks the fourth wall to address the audience:
Hope: “How do you like that?  I marry Lucy and wind up with Desi.”
Both Ricky and Fred dive for the sofa at the same time. Hope is still straddling the fourth wall.
Hope (to Desi): “One chorus of 'Babalu' and out you go.”
Then Desi mutters under his breath “I should have never left CBS” which is likely an ad-lib by Arnaz.
When Ricky opens the closet door a huge circus ball rolls out. Lucy claims it is a beach ball for the little girl next door. When Ricky (Hope) tries to lift it, it is heavy, and he remarks “Who's the little girl? Sophie Tucker?”  
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Sophie Tucker was a vaudeville personality of sturdy build. Lucille Ball would play Tucker on “Bob Hope's All-Star Comedy Salute to Vaudeville” in 1977.  
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In another closet, Ricky finds what Lucy calls a ‘gramasousaxylophonovitch’, a series of horns arranged like a xylophone. 
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Five years earlier, on “The Audition” (ILL S1;E6), Lucy Ricardo pretended to be a trained seal and played "How Dry Am I" on the (what she called then) the ‘saxavibratronophonovitch’, but is virtually the same instrument. This was also part of the act Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz toured live across the country to convince CBS and sponsors that their pairing would work on television.  
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Lucy's performance wakes Captain Blystone (William Frawley) upstairs, who comes to claim his seal, who he calls Tommy. Lucy introduces the seal as her music teacher!
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amazingstories · 7 years
Star Trek Reunions and Anniversaries Compiled by Carl Slaughter: (1) Marina Sirtis and Jonathan Frakes discuss reunion of the Rikers (2) Marina Sirtis on Counselor Troi (3) Marina Sirtis talks about the first Next Generation movie (4) Next Generation 30th anniversary cast panel (5) Voyager Dian Crayne (1942-2017) Author Dian Crayne, 75, was discovered dead in her Northern California home on…
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craynberrydrawschaos · 11 months
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directvdealer · 7 years
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craynberrydrawschaos · 9 months
It’s 8 am on a Monday you know what that means it’s time to Disassociate for seven hours
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craynberrydrawschaos · 9 months
Whelp its cold and I forgot my pen at home AND THIS JUST HAD TO BE THE MOMENT WHEN I GET A BUNCH OF GOOD IDEAS DOR FANART??????
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craynberrydrawschaos · 5 months
A city full of lesbians call that new yuri city
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craynberrydrawschaos · 6 months
Sorry I haven’t been that active in here I’m mostly on insta lately, I’ll try and post stuff here more
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