#cr expunged
vesselvindicate · 10 months
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art dump #584394832483
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Monster Spotlight: Raktavarna
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CR 2
Lawful Evil Tiny Outsider
Bestiary 3, pg. 229 (image taken from 2e Bestiary 3, pg. 210)
The bottom feeders in rakshasa society, the Raktavarna are the result of a rakshasa failing to achieve any noteworthy deed or failing to accrue any power before their death, causing their reincarnation to become botched. While any rakshasa that’s slain typically finds a new host via usurping an unborn child, a Raktavarna emerges when the evil earthbound spirit is so weak that it cannot overpower a newborn soul, and so it must overtake an unborn animal instead, typically a snake. If they are slain in this state the spirit is forever destroyed, so many Raktavarna are eager to offer their services to greater powers in the hopes of protecting themselves, if only until they can secure enough might to regain some of their former glory.
A Raktavarna can bond with a master as a standard action, freely able to change its master should it desire... unless, of course, their chosen master is a level 7 or higher Lawful Evil caster with Improved Familiar, which permanently binds the weakened Outsider to the service of the mage until their eventual death, at which point they assimilate a portion of their former master’s power and glory. The bond isn’t entirely one-sided, though; Raktavarna have a lot to offer their masters to assure they’re worthy of being kept around. They can serve as their Master’s Eyes, their master able to share the tiny spirits senses so long as they concentrate, including being able to utilize the Outsiders constant Detect Magic and darkvision. This ability works across any distance, even planar, and it goes hand-in-hand with the rest of the rakshasas kit to make them very effective spies.
At will, Raktavarna can assume the form of a tiny handheld object, such as a lantern, a small weapon, a statuette, a picture, mirror, or even a gemstone or other valuable piece of treasure. While taking any action snaps it out of its disguise, it can otherwise maintain its chosen shape indefinitely, giving it the unique ability to be passed from fool to fool without anyone realizing the truth behind the treasure they hold... and all the while, the raksasha and its master learn what they can about their potential targets. While actions break the disguise, the Raktavarna can still use free actions and constant abilities without worry. Thus, it can still use Detect Magic and Detect Thoughts, both of which it has constantly, and freely eavesdrop on any conversation via their constant Comprehend Languages.
Though they can’t fly, they can still climb and swim at 20ft a round, making them decently mobile pairs of eyes when needed. Their effectiveness at being spies rivals even the invisible, flighty Imps, and they’re one of the few familiars that justifies using up some of your Spells Known on learning things like Callback and Companion Transportation. The tiny fiends also make it pathetically easy to brush aside potentially suspicious encounters with commoners and low-level folk, able to use Charm Person and Suggestion 1/day each to steer curious eyes away... and, interestingly, they have a potentially very potent tool when keeping their presence hidden.
Their bite damage is so pathetic that it’s got only a 50% chance to deal lethal damage, at 1d4-2, but the damage isn’t important. What is important is the poison within, which deals 1d2 Wisdom damage each round for up to 6 rounds, though it’s cured by 1 save. However, each time a victim takes damage from the poison, they’re immediately subject to a Modify Memory effect that expunges all memory of the rakshasa’s presence within the last minute. This memory erasure is complete and total; all records of the rakshasa are erased or altered to the point they can be dismissed as fleeting daydreams, no matter what may have happened. Even the bite wounds begin to look more like punctures from a stray pin or nail, and the strange questions floating in their mind feel more like intrusive thoughts than anything else.
Though the modification doesn’t protect the master as completely as it does the Outsider itself, there’s still some creative potential in wearing the beast like a scarf or shawl so the masking effect shrouds the master’s face, or only having the rakshasa a speak and ask questions so the words are wiped from the victim’s mind. The poison’s memory wipe remains viable even if it was delivered by something other than the fiend itself; the master may milk the poison from their familiar for use on their own weapons, or the weapons of their allies, causing survivors of the party’s attacks to conveniently forget the shapeshifting fiend exists... and forget why they’re wearing a pretty new medallion as they report what they’ve learned to their superior...
You can read more about them here.
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Cavern Chronology Log:2
[You have (1) new message from D]
Sent at: 2:03AM 4/7/18
[D] Hey shit for brains write me back. I know your just staring at your computer screen right now.
Sent at: 2:15AM 4/7/18
[X] I think you meant *you’re* ;)
Sent at: 2:15AM 4/7/18
[D] Fuck you. Look, I don’t have time for a fucking grammar lesson T is riding my ass about getting that fucking data recovered. Have you got anything new?
Sent at: 2:17AM 4/7/18
[X] Ooooh~ lucky you, surprised the boss took such an interest in you. >///>
Sent at: 2:19AM 4/7/18
[D] Answer the fukcing question.
Sent at: 2:19AM 4/7/18
[X] Fucking* ;)
Sent at: 2:19AM 4/7/18
[X] Also no. 
Sent at: 2:20AM 4/7/18
[X] These things take a lot of time, something you are stealing from me and the team right now. But don’t get your knickers in a twist because despite your best efforts to derail us we have actually found something interesting :O
Sent at: 2:35AM 4/7/18
[D] Are you going to share what that is?
[File sent]
Sent at: 2:35AM 4/7/18
[X] Ta-dah!
Sent at: 2:36AM 4/7/18
[D] What the hell is this?
Sent at: 2:57AM 4/7/18
[D] Where the hell did you get this? 
Sent at: 2:57AM 4/7/18
[X] I can’t take aaaaall the credit. K was a good little noodle and did some extra digging. You never can tell what gets tossed away or misplaced around here.
Sent at: 3:00AM 4/7/18
[X] So there you go, the dog has his ball, run back to master so he can pet your wittle bewwy and tell you just how much of a good boy you are~
[D has disconnected]
[D has connected]
Sent at: 3:03AM 4/7/18
[D] Fuck you
[D has disconnected]
[Good morning T. Please excuse this early morning interruption. I am forwarding to you something K found following some more in-depth investigation. In the absence of concrete data I hope this may be an acceptable alternative. Sincerely -D]
Description: A phone call transcription between a before unknown caller to one of our clinical sites and the attending agent. The reestablishment of said site was conducted following procedure 3A7B. For internal security reasons the name of the site operative has been stricken from the records. Upon cross analysis of the caller we are more than 95% positive it is a match for Clyde. The call was intercepted at 1500 on August 13th of the year 2002.
[Dial tone]
Operative: Thank you for contacting [EXPUNGED] my name is [EXPUNGED] how may I help you?
Clyde: H-h-hi…um…I…I…I n-need to speak…no…um…sorry.
Operative: Take your time sweety. Did you want to make an appointment?
Clyde: Y-yeah…th-that w-w-would be good yeah.
Operative: Sure thing pumpkin! Now just so the doctor knows what to expect, can ya tell me a little about your symptoms?
Clyde: Uh,yeah…sorry, it’s just kinda, hard, to think. My head has b-been, pounding f-f-for a couple…um…of days.
Operative: And how would you rate the pain? Scale of 1 to 10 I’m sorry.
Clyde: Uh…[wince of pain]...maybe a s-sev-no eight.
Operative: Alrighty so a mighty big one. And, have we had any nausea or vomiting recently?
Clyde: Yeah. I c-can’t real-real-really keep much d-down. It comes, and, uh, goes though.
Operative: Mmhmm [typing noises] any fever or achy joints?
Clyde: N-no ma’am. My right eye, has been, really sensitive lately…though. And…and…please d-don’t think I’m cr-crazy but I’ve been been been seeing things o-out of the c-c-corner of my…um…vision.
Operative: I see, I see. So it does seem like we have an opening right now. Does that work for you?
Clyde: Really? Y-yeah thats, great. Wh-wh…what time?
Operative: To be honest hun, as long as you can make it we can get you in. Now I hope you aren’t driving like this.
Clyde: N-no ma’am.
Operative: Good. Stay right there we’ll send someone out to pick you up.
Clyde: N-no that’s okay, I, got a buddy to, drive me out.
Operative: Nonsense, what you have may be contagious, stay right there we’re on the way.
Clyde: Wait…h-how do you kn-know where I am…I didn’t even g-give you my na-
[End of call]
Note: The call was interrupted as agents were dispatched. Following reports showed that the residence where the call was placed was in fact abandoned and seemed to have been for some time. Dispatched agents were recalled and the residence was demolished. No further investigation has been deemed necessary at this time -U
[End of document]
[Thank you for this information. This goes to show we still have much to learn. Send my regard to K and X for this discovery. In lieu of this event I request further investigation into previous documents for any possible correlation with the Risen event. -T]
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nbodyorbit · 3 months
Regarding Proto/Protihex
(I go wayyyy more into depth about it in my fic Expunge/Override which both explores Perceptor's past and how he's coping (or not) in the present after the war, themes of isolation and debts, as well as a mystery going on in the overarching plot are present. There's also something really LGBT goin on between Drift and Percy.)
Shameless plug aside, the concept I have of Protihex in my head is that it's essentially a city hanging in a cavern above an energon lake. It's got refineries below it that pump the energon directly up into the cities, and the upper class is at the tip of the city. Kinda like... a reverse Coruscant of Star Wars fame.
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Here's a rough graphic for how Protihex is built.
In pre-war Protihex (called Protohex), since it’s rumored that it sits above the Well of Sparks, Protohex trended towards a military regime, with a “president” at the forefront of politics. There’s a council of senators that represent each Polity District. Very focused on spark research with the desire to weaponize an entire generation. Some level of functionalism lingers though gutted of its more fanatical religious aspects. Has strict curfews, but clearly losing its grip.
The glamor is very surface-level. (Think Art Deco for the architecture.) The lower levels of Protohex is where “the good life” is. Much more condensed spaces means there’s more to do, like enjoy music and art, being social, and studying academia. Lead by corrupt businessmen and senators alike, not everything is as shiny and golden as it appears to be. Some shady dealing going ons.
Closer to the crust it’s much more weathered and harder to scrape by. Energon is hard to come by. This is mostly run by architects and construction workers. They work to keep the City aloft. (The metaphors on this one are Potent.)
Below Protohex is an energon river, and beside it are refineries. Pipes lead up into Protihex, pumping Energon up. This is the true heart of the polity. Refinery workers typically spend weeks there then visit the mid-levels of Protohex during their shift breaks. Refineries also look pretty on the outside, though on the inside aren’t, much reflecting the state of Protohex.
Now, I know you might be wondering why they built down instead of up, to which I'll give you an excerpt from Expunge/Override to explain.
Drift looks impressed. “I have to ask. Why hanging?” “That's a more complicated question… Truthfully I'm not sure. My mentor said it's because they wanted to forget about the gladiatorial coliseums above. Others suggest it's because the energon reserves above ground dried up so they started looking in sub levels.” “And you?” Perceptor is quiet for a moment as he contemplates his response. “Being a southern pole, Protihex experiences harsh winters and even harsher summers. The surface temperature reaches extreme highs and lows, making it difficult to build upwards lest you risk worsening exposure to solar radiation, as well as unstable architecture from the temperature shifts. It's much more extreme down here than it is in Iacon. They couldn't build up, so they built down instead, effectively avoiding the harsh weather conditions on the surface.” “And building a city right next to a sub-level energon river would be a bad idea.” “Raw energon is extremely volatile. To say it would be a bad idea is an understatement.”
Originally, Protihex was called Protohex, but due to a shift in linguistics it was renamed to Protihex, especially following how much of a hotspot it became for Decepticon recruitment.
Protihex was one of the first to fall just before the War, because of the untenable situation that was rising in Protihex, there were strikes from the upper level workers and due to these strikes and an increasing stagnation of political leadership pointedly ignoring such strikes the infrastructure began to crumble to a point where even the lower levels were starting to disintegrate. Which would lead to its downfall.
Perceptor left Protihex for Nova Cronum before it came to that, however.
After the war, old power started to sweep in as everyone was looking away from the Southern Pole.
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aldieb · 3 years
the little moment where caleb thinks abt how similar eadwulf and fjord are needs its own post so i can be inappropriate
0 notes
hazelcephalopod · 3 years
This was going to be part two of my thoughts on Hannibal (2013) and Mental Health and Neurodiversity. But I’m not yet satisfied with part one so here’s just the part two on Autism. ‘Cuz it’s done.
Also includes a bit about an older era of media and how autism was treated even just ten years ago versus now. A bit. I know it’s 2021, and many more articulate people have spoken about this, but I wrote this before I read most of that so here it is. And btw, I’m just one autistic and otherwise neurodiverse person whose experience is as a patient. So this is based on that.
AKA I watched this show b/c my dad recommended it, and CR paused so I needed something to fill the time, and the gifs on tumblr are fun. And now I have to expunge this somehow.
Essay starts-
Part of my biggest irritation, personally, with the whole show was from episode 1. Will says this “my horse is hitched to a post closer to Asperger's and Autistics than narcissists and sociopaths.“ in response to Jack asking him where on the spectrum he is (I recommend not doing that, especially if you work in the FBI*). Which… I object to the comparison because of inaccuracy. Many neurodiversities do have some overlap in how they present and there is co-morbidity, but that particular comparison is not accurate. Further, there’s the longstanding issues with conflating ‘sociopathy’ and autism. Sociopathy usually simply meaning lacking empathy. Which is, when applied to the broad spectrum of autism, incorrect as it stands. That said, this would be fine if it didn’t seem like the writers believed it. Will or Jack believing it, sure. But I get the impression, personally, the writers and others on the show do too. And yet they do a fantastic job of portraying autism.
They keep bringing it up through most of the show too. The idea doesn’t go away. Meanwhile, Will’s characterization is easily read as an autistic person. He barely makes eye-contact, is obsessed with solving serial murders, has difficulty communicating, very few relationships. Is very blunt, and rigid in his thinking. Externally, the way everyone interacts and treats him for just existing, and being autistic. Even the empathy which supposedly exempts him from being autistic, is a trait of autism! Because often, autistic traits are the opposite of themselves. I’m trying to exclude the encephalitis symptoms here or I’d list more, but all those listed occur before and after that.
Even the way the manipulation plays out, with Will making a connection with Hannibal because he’s actually willing to reach out. Latching on to that connection despite the fear of what it might bring. Despite how Hannibal pushes boundaries, still continuing in the relationship because of a desire for connection. It’s very easy to develop co-dependency when there’s a struggle with forming relationships. I know I resonate with that, and I think plenty of autistic people do. And! Pushing yourself because everyone else can -it appears-, and they insist you can too! So you do, despite knowing you can’t. Season 1 hit all of lot of that. And later seasons well, they contain the reactions at least
Now, over time it lessens a bit, but never fully goes away. Those things committing into season 2 and three. And where it doesn’t, in fact its very arguable masking, the thing autistic people do to appear allistic (that is non-autistic), for protection. It includes mimicking and mirroring others. Which is what happens. Specifically in season two. I’d say there’s even some reemergence in season 3.
Next, no one -or close enough to no one- pretends to be autistic because they are surly and introverted. Most allistic people don’t even understand autism enough for that to make sense. The idea of that alone feeds into the the unfortunately common practice of making an introverted, surly, wierd, highly knowledgeable character -like Will or Sherlock or most of the cast of BBT (as contentious as it may be, it’s there), and many more. All characters clearly based off autistic people, who the creators and often actors deny being autistic. Often insultingly imo. And I’m not saying they realize they did that, but there comes a point I wish they’d think about why so many (often autistic) people see these characters as autistic, and maybe tried to learn from it. They may have created autistic characters, who can still have the same expensive bandwidth of all humanity. Like why can’t they be autistic? What is so wrong with that? It doesn’t have to interfere with the plot or anything. The characters just are, just keep doing that. Why not?
Anyway, I’m glad that media as a whole has gotten better than this. A lot of cool series have come out since this, with autistic main characters and autistic leads. I’ve watched many of them and like some. Good Doctor, the premise: very classical presenting autistic man becomes a surgeon, and it’s a decent show. Not for me but decent. Atypical also decent, needed to work to get there but was pretty good. Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, a masterpiece in my opinion and extremely funny! Even Leverage which has a word of god autistic character, and she’s the best! And it’s clearly part of her but she’s more too!
But… it doesn’t undo the past. Like, this show would be much better for me w/out all that ignorance, with a character that is depicted as autistic, actually in canon being autistic. And Hannibal (2013) wouldn’t even have to do much. I wouldn’t want them too! It’s really good as is! So it’s even more of disappointment for that. The creators, couldn’t seem to understand that. Or maybe they couldn’t tolerate it.
It’s strange. Because “weird introverted man says he’s autistic to get people to leave him alone but may by lying, only to find out no he’s actually autistic” could be genuinely amusing to me. That premise is interesting! And it’s also part of the excuse used as to Will not being autistic. He pretends to avoid people. After “he’s the opposite of autistic” and “has an empathy disorder” that’s not real btw. No it’s Bullshit! I looked so hard for it, and could not find that! The closest was a low empathy disorder and borderline personality personality disorder. The former it is not, b/c Will is hyper-empathic. BPD I’m not much familiar with, so I don’t know but with my limited knowledge, it sounds plausible to me. Idk, but I’m open to it. That said BPD and autism don’t exclude the other, so I’d still say he was also autistic. Also PTSD, almost certainly.
So… if anyone knows any darker series with autistic characters let me know! Cuz the darkness was fun.
PS: Ok, some light hearted weirdness, ‘cuz I fear that everything before was kinda intense. This is another side of my thought process. I’m not entirely mad, like I understand that some allistics -mostly them I assume- made this show. Wrote that line, maybe trying to make Jack look an ass and set up Will not liking being analyzed. Or whatever, don’t need to explore that now. A place of deep ignorance, around the afore mentioned eras of BBT and Sherlock. They didn’t mean much by it, but unfortunately there’s a lot of baggage there guys! Like a lot. I’m really like “plz sirs stop! Don’t!” But it’s 2021, and a finished product. And I’m not going to go yell at them on Twitter! Or anywhere. I’ll just make this post, on Tumblr. Like… wow. These allistics just kept walking in with a great present but it’s not for us! Apparently! The audacity.
PSS: I’ve read, second hand, that some people have changed their stances since all this? Cool. But it is still the first things that pops up. On google. And right at the beginning of the bio on Wikipedia. But, if true I’m glad.
PSS: Part ones thesis was basically. “The show and the source material handling of mental illness was quite messy to say the least”. (Also I wouldn’t call autism a mental illness but the two are related by both being part of the neurodiversity umbrella)
*i assume they have a similar stance to the military but even if not my point stands. Also it’s rude, you can’t ask employees that, and they may not wish nor do they have to tell people.
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Call it whatever you want, but very simply it's just another asshole representing the Republican Party.
I used the word "asshole" because you just can't get around it. We use the word 'racist' and 'bigot' and 'sexist' and all these other words that are fitting and correct, but they're also easily dismissed by certain groups of people (on the Right) as "PC" or politically correct. They've come up with a ready response to these terms to pretend like it's some kind of problem for the person using them. And it works for them, and they're very quick to go down that road and very self-satisfied once they've gone there because they feel like they've done their job and expunged whatever malignancy was introduced as just some Leftist bullshit that should be ignored because 'the Left is too sensitive.'
So rather than give them the ammunition that they're looking for in these kinds of instances, I prefer to go with the word "asshole." "Dick" is good, too, but it feels too male. I think what we're looking for is a nice gender neutral way of calling out shitty behavior. Anybody can be an asshole. An a****** just always sounds bad. You can call someone a dick and they can kind of laugh and say, "Haha yeah I'm a dick." But call somebody an asshole. Nope, that's just not good. Ever.
So, see this asshole? Yep, that's what he is.
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Welcoming the new Social Movement/Platform/Political Party in the World
Official Name:  Blue Dog Bite Mafia 888 *BETA*
Owner/CEO/Founder/Dealer/Player/Delivery BAD B: 
Current Name:  Monica Gill   FUTURE Name: Mercedes Lynnette Giovanni
Current Financial Status:  $0.00     ---- You may DONATE by using CASH APP Cash Tag #$bluedogbitemafia888
I will dumb it down a little bit. I am taking advantage of my position of power, now that I am a Celebrity in the World. Its the greatest feeling in the world, feels better than good sex and that is a hard thing for me to admit because I love some good, hot, sweaty sex and I’ve been going without for several weeks. I almost fell like a Nun because I cannot even pleasure myself because I was molested as a child by Lovie Price’s boyfriend “Frank Parker” a gasoline man from an early. I told Connie Price about it when I was 15 and her name at the time was Connie Dunford. It was the same day Brandie Ann Thompson said Curtis Triplett tried to rape her in the bathroom at the house In Frayser, Memphis TN. Brandie Ann in her hayday, resembled a youthful Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz dated Justin Timberlake once upon a time. She played in the move “The mask” and the mask was green. At the end of the movie, the dog put on the mask. You all know, when you wear that mask---you become a Shape Shifter, transforming into anything/anyone you think will grab the Hot or Not Rated #10 Woman’s ATTENTION/HEART/LOVE and will do anything, I mean anything to get it. The secret to my success is a compilation of everything good, bad, dirty, evil and let’s call it “The Struggle” or the “Human Experience”. 
Old School (OS) Operating System (OS) Back to Basics (B2B) Brandie Thompson (BT) Barry Thompson (BT) Blue Tooth (BT) Brandie Smith (BS) Bull Shit (BS) Rent A Center (RAC) Roger Adren Crawford (RAC) $1K (RAK) Rags to Riches Richard Abernathy (RA) **secret boyfriend shh!!** Douche Bag (DB) or Douglas Belknap (DB) Thomas Jones (TJ) County Road (CR) Danny Thomas (DT)  Deanna Thomas (DT) ... Trying to show you how I think period dot. In ya’ll are slow, period dot also equal two dots. You must have two dots to play connect the dots and draw the lines to illustrate inspiration into a masterpiece. The best pieces of Art are very old, have a solid reputation, and is properly curated to ensure it maintains its value for infinity times three.
Basically, you can get with my program, drink my Kool Aid, swallow your pride, do the right thing, if you have done something wrong, you really need to return to your basic religious beliefs what they may be, get right with yourself, because what you have done will come to light, exposed, we are moving on from there. We are, as a society going to change and deliver the children and the children’s children: a brighter future with more options, a limited amount of privacy, give them the world and see what they can accomplish with living in a world of positive vibes, beautiful colors, great music, entrepreneurship, dreams, and now, the little girls if we get married will truly believe in fairytales. This right here is whats up because we have an opportunity, once in a lifetime opportunity, to fix society, establish unity and peace, competition is good but everyone needs a chance to win sometimes to boost their confidence and pride. When there is monopoly or kingdom, it fosters the seven deadly sins, seven capital sins, and the seven cardinal sins, which is systemic to original sin. 
Genesis clearly explains that certain things were created on certain days and back time was measured. You cannot just create a man or a woman. First, you need the Universe. Then, you need the Galaxy which creates Space. In Space, you have the moon, stars, sun, planets, black holes, asteroids, comets, shooting stars, orbit, gravitational pull. Here we are on planet Earth with 7 continents and 7 oceans. I like the number 8 because it represent a number, a symbol, and no limitations--infinity. My son was born on 3-8-03 weighing 8 pounds, 8 ounces and 19.5 inches long, color: BLUE, life: No sign of it. It took 10 minutes and PLEADING WITH THE LORD AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS SCREAMING PRAYING TO PLEASE GIVE HIM LIFE, I DON’T WANT TO HAVE GONE THROUGH 35.5 HOURS OF LABOR AND 7 HOURS OF HARD PUSHING WITH NO PAIN MEDICINE, NO EPIDURAL, GAVE BIRTH TO A STILL BORN BABY NATURALLY AND THE GOOD LORD ANSWERED MY PRAYERS AND THAT BOY CRIED AND WENT TO THE NICU AT BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND. ITS ALSO REFERRED TO AS “THE PRESIDENTS HOSPITAL”.
He is 17 years old, already a MASTERMIND and a Professional Gamer. He is so smart like me, that he had to design/build/code his own computer because there is not a computer on the planet that can keep up with his level of gaming. I saw a photo of it. Its a desktop computer with the case taken off the side--lit up with blue LED lights
It’s Confession Time and Holy Communion Time that means confess your sin, wrongdoing, break bread, eat bread, drink wine, not whine. No days off, no excuse, no immunity, no setups, no blame game, no liars, no stealing, checks and balances, no absolute power because absolute power fosters absolute corruption, which is why were in this position right now with COVID-19, Corona Virus.
I think one person needs a pardon because he has stayed on the job, even though he was originally lied to by the Feds. He deserves a pardon, record expunged, and an opportunity. I see great potential, just needs an opportunity, believe in himself, and have the courage to escape his own prison of gold diggers, groupies, fans, and whores.
In this triad, it is a rags to riches story times three. There is only 1 TRUE VERSION of ME, and its right here in Memphis TN, age: 41(Birth Cert).
To succeed in any sports game, you must be fit, educated, content with yourself to include your pros/cons/demons and knowledgeable & intelligent enough to know that I am certified True OG, I got your back no matter what because to me money ain’t a thing, fame fades just like stars, but loyal dogs do not turn on their master unless they are abused or hungry. I am a Blue AKC Royal Bloodline Pitbull, Staffordshire Terrier. Pitbull is the image you need to have in your mind when you think of ME.
At the end of the day, who do you want to be with? 
Woman - Wise can deliver the world or drop the world, age 41 -- looks better than 20 & 30 year old GIRLS. Does not care about money, fame, status, power because the game was scheduled and unfortunately, unaware of the OP -- she walked, ran, sprinted STOLE the Flag, and won the game. 
Everyone wants to still run their mouths, try to control a man, and those hos, have no power, position, fame, etc. They are with or around you because of who you are, what you have done, and what you can give them---in my opinion that is abuse of power and targeting someone to manipulating them to do what you want them to do.
I like structure, things to be done a certain way because I like cleanliness, organization, faith, love, hope, trust, and loyalty. 
I would not cop an attitude with everyone, if  I did not feel like the world was against me. Hint, hint -- I don’t trust authority figures because I was molested, abused, targeted, almost died several times, lied to, cheated on, setups, smear campaigns, gossiped about, bullied, beat on, yelled at, called names, jealous women everywhere so dumb they forget I have a hunger against Human  Trafficking. People are on this RACISM BULL SHIT. 
Basic belief system of Karma, it is a metaphysical/paranormal reality that is mixed with real, artificial, and soon-to-be virtual reality. It is what it is. 
What you set your mind, what you do and the thoughts and actions you put into the world will either grant you your dreams or come back times three by the of karma, what goes around, comes around.
I want/will do good and be a good role model for everyone. I am going to teach, help you, do what I want, when I want, how I want because I know my worth, my value, and what I can GURANTEE/DELIVER.
Greed, jealousy, laziness, and all the ugly things that are in the world
 get you no where but hungry, lonely but free, penniless, candy-less, eliminate sports.
                                        COMMIT OR QUIT
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gildedtma · 5 years
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you  think  you  are  so  much     STRONGER     than  me  because   THE EARTH   quivers     beneath    your   feet  &&   your  voice  shakes  the  rain  from  the  trees   ,   but  you forget  that  inside  this  fragile  body  of  mine  is  a    SOUL AS OLD AS ROME   &&    A TONGUE THAT CUTS LIKE A WHIP  .
DARK STORMCLOUDS PAINT THE SKY BLACK    ,    the  olympians  gather  around  to  witness  the  disgrace  of  one  of  their  own  .     the  younger  ones  cower  at  the  sight  of  their  king  standing  in  his  full  divinity , turning  their  heads  to  look  away , unable  to  stand  the  sight.   their  elders  ,   bring  a  hand  to  their  mouths  to  cover  their  yawns , time  was  due  for  their  beloved  sun  god  to  fall.    every  few  centuries ,  daring  to  push  their  king  past  his  limits ,  refusing  to  subject  himself  to  take  a  knee .   golden  suns  stare  down  the  eye  of  the  storm , challenging  the  mighty  zeus’s  authority  &&  stature.   
he  is  not  afraid  of  it  anymore , when  his  father  points  his  master  bolt  straight  at  apollo’s  chest , he  has  a  moment  of  relief  before  the  pain  seeps  in.  skull - shattering  thunder  ripping  through  his  mind  until  he  can  no  longer  hear  his  thoughts.  lightning  forking  across  the  sky  strikes  him  where  he  stands  and  as  the  ichor  is  burned  away  from  his  veins , the  younger  god  lets  out  one  last  cry  before  crashing  down  to  his  knees .  he  tears  through  the  marbled  floors  of  olympus ,  falling  straight  through  the  clouds  with  nothing  but  gaea’s  earth  to  soften  his  fall.  
when  he  opens  his  eyes , it  is  as  any  other  day.   warm  brown  eyes  gloss  over  his  reflection  in  the  mirror , and  he  gets  ready  for  work.  an  unwavering  routine  that  he  does  not  stray  from  for  six  months.   
he  can  hear  their  voices  from  the  other  side  of  the  cafe.   three  women , dressed  more  elegant  than  the  place  called  for , capture  the  light  from  the  room.  they  are  the  only  ones  he  notices.  their  beauty  extending  to  the  entire  vicinity , moving  in  a  synchronicity  that  he  swears   must  be  a  trick  of  the  eye.  their  voices  snake  across  the  room , slithering  into  his  ears  incomprehensible.   he  wants  to  know  what  they  are  saying , because  even  behind  their  dark  glasses , he  knows  they  are  staring  at  him.   
his  feet  move  before  his  mind , and  he  stands  at  their  table ,   “  hello , ladies.  ”  the  words  fall  from  his  mouth  as  easily  as  greeting  old  friends.   “  i’m  damien , i’m  your  server , what  can  i  get  you  to  drink ?   ”     he  plasters  a  smile  across  his  face  to  conceal  the  wince  that  overcomes  him  at  the  sound  of  his  name . as  bitter  as  a  lie , it  burns  a  hole  through  his  tongue.    damien , damien , damien . no  matter  how  many  times  he  says  it , it  never  sounds  less  nauseating.  
the  first  one  speaks ,  her  arm  coming  to  wrap  around  his  wrist ,  “  it’s  nice  to  meet  you  ,  damien.   ”    she  shares  a  look  with  the  other  two , and  they  laugh  beside  him.  he  tries  to  pull  away  from  her , but  he  is  frozen  where  he  stands , her  delicate  grasp  anchoring  him  to  the  ground.     “   i’m  moira , and  these  are  my  sisters ,   faith  &&  cleo.   ”     
the  one  in  the  middle  meets  his  glare  and  spreads  her  painted-red  lips  into  a  wide  grin.   she  whispers  something  into  her  sister’s  ear  and  she  releases  his  wrist.   letting  out  a  breath , he  takes  a  few  steps  back ,  opening  his  mouth  to  speak , the  last  one  steals  the  words  right  from  his  lips  and  he  cannot  remember  how  to  breathe  let  alone  form  words.   quiet. 
the  rest  of  the  world  fades  away  and  unison  they  remove  their  glasses , and  show  him  the  truth.    the  three  of  them  see  through  one  eye ,  occupied  by  the  one  in  the  middle , the  other  two  stare  at  him  with  empty  sockets.   they  offer  him  a  glimpse  into  their  eye  and  the  vision  takes  him  over.
this storm has only just begun.  
but these clouds cannot hide the truth for long , light bringer.  
the sun must always rise.   
he  is  almost  afraid  to  move , but  the  words  are  already  fading  from  his  mind  and  he  does  not  wish  to  forget  them.  digging  through  his  apron  for  a  notepad , he  starts  to  scribble  down  their  every  words.   
the  vision  fades  and  he  glances  down  at  the  words  scrawled  onto  his  notepad , clinging  to  their  words  like  one  clings  to  hope , something  begins  to  awake  inside  of  him.  a  word , on  the  tip  of  his  tongue.   a  fire  begins  to  regain  momentum , and  is  extinguished  all  in  the  span  of  a  breath , for  when  he  looks  down , he  only  has  two  words  written :   LIGHT  BRINGER.
                                                            and the women are gone.
his  dreams  bring  him  to  the  beach , hands  digging  into  the  warm  sand  as  he  waits  for  the  sun  to  rise  from  the  water  and  breach  the  horizon.  he  stares  a  while , letting  his  eyes  wander  to  the  expanse  that  stretches  to  the  end  of  the  world. 
“  it  is  not  coming.  ”    a  disembodied  voice  tethers  itself  to  the  earth  and  finds  home  beside  him. where  there  was  nothing , was  now  a  dove  that  was  a  woman.  fair  and  beautiful , it  almost  hurts  to  look  at  her.   there  are  tears  falling  from  her  eyes , but  when  she  turns  to  him  her  face  lights  into  a  smile.  “  the  sun  has  not  risen  in  a  while ,  and  i’m  beginning  to  miss  it.  ”
“  of  course  it’s  coming , it’s  the  sun , it  can’t  just  not  be  there.   ”
“  look  for  yourself , damien , there  is  nothing  there.  ”   
his  eyes  find  the  horizon  and  he  cannot  believe  the  sight  in  front  of  him.   she  is  right , there  is  nothing.   it  is  not  there.   where  it  should  be  is  nothing  but  an  empty  space.    he  opens  his  mouth  and  whispers ,  “  where  is  it  ?  ”
next  to  him , beauty  smiles  and  places  her  hand  on  his ,    “  it’s  gone.  it’s  gone  and  you  must  find  it.    ”     
“ why me ?  ” 
when  she  lays  her  eyes  upon  him  the  sorrow  that  falls  upon  her  face  breaks  his  heart  in  two .  to  make  tears  fall  from  such  beautiful  eyes  should  be  a  crime , and  he  wishes  to  fix  it ,   “   my  darling ,  you  really  do  not  remember ?  ----  this  cursed  storm  is  worse  than  the  last.   ”   anger  flashes  behind  beautiful  eyes  and  he  remembers  the  myths  about  her  being  war’s  lover. 
“   it  must  be  you.  you  are  the  only  one  that  knows  where  it  is.  ”
“  i  don’t  know  where  to  look.  ”
“   just  follow  the  path  it  took  to  get  here.  ”
even so far did leto, in birth-pangs with the far-shooter, wander to seek a land willing to serve as a home for her dear son. 
over the people who dwell in crete and the district of athens, also the isle of aigína and galley-renownèd euboía, aigai, Eíresiaí, and Pepárethos, close to the sea-brine, also thracian athos and pelion’s towering summits, thracian samos as well, and the shadowy highlands of ida, Skyros as well as Phokaía, the highland of steep Autokánè also, and firm-set Imbros and inhospitable Lemnos, sacred Lesbos, the dwelling of Makar, Aíolos’ scion, also Chios, the brightest of islands that lie in the sea-brine, Mimas, rugged and rocky, and Kórykos’ towering summits, shimmering Klaros as well, and the highland of steep Aisagéa, also watery Samos and Mýkalè’s steep high headland, they were all dreadfully trembling and fearful, and none of them dared to take in phoibos the lord, not even the richest among them, not until finally leto the lady, arriving on delos,
his  feet  fall  to  the  island , desolate  and  barren.  devoid  of  life  and  all  that  it  was  ever  promised.   something  primordial  stirs  inside  of  him , a  vicious  cloud  fogging  his  memories ,  but  the  offset  feeling  is  deep  in  his  bones .    he  falls  to  his  knees  and  takes  a  fistful  of  dry  and  rocky  sand  and  lets  it  slip  through  his  fingers ,   “   what  happened  to  you ?  ”
the  earth  speaks  back  to  him , cries  of  agony  spread  through  the  air , killing  anything  that  dares  to  grow  in  this  wretched , god-forsaken  place.   nothing  could  survive  here , not  even  the  blessed  date-palm  tree  that  had  overseen  the  birth  of  delos’ god.         my far - shooter , apollo , thy  delian  king  has  abandoned  me  !   i  have  known  the  day  would  come .  i  gave  him  a  home , but  he  has  disgraced  it  for  something  with  more  beauty.    from  the  moment  the  fairest  leto  had  descended  upon  me , on  hands  and  knees  begging  me  to  house  her  son , i  had  known  he  would  dishonor  me  because  i  am  rugged  and  rocky.  overturn  me  with  his  feet , thrust  me  to  the  depths  of  the  seabrine ,  he  would  go  to  another  land , one  that  would  please  him.        the  ground  shakes  with  earth-wracking  sobs  at  the  rejection  from  it’s  greatest  treasure.
damien  cannot  move  from  his  spot , staring  at  the  island  with  pure  horror.   this was not right  !     rage  boils  inside  of  him , and  he  lays  his  palm  flat  on  the  ground ,   “   i  will  find  apollo.   i  will  find  him  and  i  will  make  him  fix  this.  ”   the  earth  quakes  settle  but  he  does  not  rise , grieving  a  moment , all  the  life  that  has  been  taken  from  this  place.   
chaos  has  sprung  in  his  absence.   expunged  plagues  resurfacing  after  generations , the  clouds  refusing  the  give  way  to  the  light.  hope  in  the  mortal’s  eyes  have  dimmed  and  their  muses  no  longer  sing  for  them.   oh , but  worst  of  all , has  a  creature  sprung.  from  the  depths  of  tartarus  ,  the  last  of  gaea’s  children  ascend  back  to  the  mortal  world , and  reclaims  home  from  the  ruins  of  the  greatest  temple  man  has  ever  built.
it  is  his  last  hope , standing  in  front  of  what  used  to  be  the  temple  of  apollo.  it  is  the  last  place  he  has  to  look  for  this  missing  god.    his  feet  crunch  over  the  pebbles  and  lying  among  the  rubble  is  no  god. 
bigger  than  his  memories  could  fathom , it  curls  around  a  fallen  tripod  and  the  earth  beneath  it  dies.   his  head  alone  the  size  of  damien’s  entire  body , moving  faster  than  the  winds  that  brought  him  here ,   it’s  voice  slithering  down  his  spine  reminds  him  of  the  women  from  the  coffee  shop.   
“   have  you  come  to  reclaim  your  temple , phoebus.  ”   the  word  spat  like  venom  from  a  forked  tongue ,   “   go  ahead , try.   ” 
“   i  want  no  trouble  with  you , i  merely  seek  out  the  god  apollo.   ”
the  snake  raises  it’s  head  at  that , coming  to  loom  right  above  the  mortal  standing  in  front  of  him ,  he  whispers  so  the  heavens  cannot  hear ,  “  tsk , tsk.  such  a  radiant  thing  so  pathetically  condemned.    look  no  further , you  have  found  him.  ”
he  doesn’t  understand.   he  saw  nothing  but  the  creature  in  front  of  him  whose  name  could  not  have  been   apollo.   he  opens  his  mouth  to  speak , but  the  great  creature  did  not  give  him  a  chance.   faster  than  lightning , it  strikes  him , teeth  digging  into  the  flesh  of  his  leg , and  spitting  out  the  iron  that  falls  from  his  wound.  
“  this  was  so  much  more  fun  the  last  time  was  it  not ?   your  blood  no  longer  tastes  so  sweet ,   ”   despite  such  words , it  attacks  again , springing  into  motion  and  sinking  it’s  fangs  into  his  shoulder , spreading  venom  through  his  veins ,   “    i  want  gold , gold , gold .   ”     
the  loss  of  blood  begins  to  cloud  his  thoughts.  everything  that  he  had  thought  he’d  known  falling  from  his  grasp  as  he  crashes  to  the  ground.  palms  digging  into  the  dirt  pushing  himself  onto  his  elbows , he  is  barely  able  to  dodge  the  next  attack  from  the  creature  above  him  as  it  digs  it’s  teeth  into  the  ground  where  he  had  been  only  a  breath  before.
he  brings  his  hands  to  his  side  and   presses  against  the  wound  spilling  into  his  clothes , and  when  he  pulls  his  fingers  back  his  hands  are  covered  in  molten  gold.   the  voice  of  a  woman  fills  his  ears  and  the  two  words  she  speaks  awakens  the  force  deep  inside  of  him :   KNOW THYSELF.
his  lungs  need  more  air  than  they  are  capable  of  holding.  sucking  in  through  his  teeth , the  gold  melting  from  his  skin  is  beginning  to  boil.  flowing  as  fiery  as  the  phlegethon , it  spreads  from  his  hands  to  the  ends  of  his  toes.   brown  eyes  begin  to  glow  with  the  light  from  the  sun  as  the  clouds  begin  to  part.  sun  rays  stretch  from  the  sky  to  the  spot  he  lays  on  the  ground  and  forms  a  gilded  blade  that  sits  in  his  hands.  a  sword  forged  from  the  sun  gleams  brighter  than  the  light  reigniting  behind  his  eyes.   it  is  still  hot  to  the  touch , but  he  accepts  the  pain  as  his  fingers  wrap  around  the  hilt.   he  does  not  have  time  to  think  before  the  hissing  voice  of  the  python  grows  closer  to  him.   
he  swings  the  broadsword  into  a  large  golden  arch  and  he  invokes  the  strength  of  a  millennia.   the  sun  burns  the  sky  behind  him  as  light  is  brought  back  to  the  earth , with  the  force  of  a  thousand  stars , he  brings  the  sword  down  and  slices  the  giant  snake’s  head  clean  off.   it  writhes  and  seizes  before  it  dies , letting  out  a  simmering  hiss  as  tartarus  reclaims  dominion  over  the  escaped  infernal  creature. 
his  shoulders  heave  up  and  down  as  he  wipes  the  beads  of  sweat  falling  from  his  face. his  strength  returns  to  him  slowly  and  the  skin  torn  by  giant  teeth  begins  to  reform  together.   he  walks  up  to  the  temple , and  remembers  it  fondly  in  it’s  glory.   two  words  inscribed  in  stone  reflect  back  in  his  mind.   golden  eyes  find  the  sun  in  the  sky , and  his  glare  only  sharpens  ,   “   i  am  phoebus  apollo ,  the  god  of  light , and  i  remember  everything.   ”
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ps2iso-moved · 5 years
goin cr*zy i miss [DATA EXPUNGED] he’s out w friends n thats chill i actually rly am so glad he finally found time to do that but like HUUUU im goin manic i wanna play p5 w/ him :-(
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vesselvindicate · 1 year
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tha wbs for today (mostly ne)
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PLOT ( In one sentence tell what the story was about.):
The story is about relashionship,family and company. The relationship of louraine and duke. Louraine is a poor, girl while duke is rich and have a company of million dollars business. and Louraine is alone now because the mother and father louraine is dead. and sole right now. and she is now alone. and she is sacrificing her life and theirs will be get he is georgina. georgina was also alone because her husband died and sole right now. only she runs the company. and now louraine was work at company of allegra jewels.
Name: nurjana A. Cabsaran
Title of Book : Dangerously mine
Author : Ayami lu 
copy right Date : 2017
Setting Time :
Eight years that past when she could’nt have a conversation with the man who she thought she had got rid. Of days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. the brother of duke is absent  and she’s getting worried about him, especially after his last text messages. to months that the hymnest that begat duke are at canada. month’s that not vocable of her dad unto louraine that bereaved of work brogan her dad. season had past begat louraine are asking duke why he did not answer of questions unto louraine that suddenly that exclusively lost after eight years ago. After five years paulo agnos has arrived at the philippines caused at her work. instructed of paulo agnus begat georgina that say unto louraine that meet you tomorrow at break fast. begat georgina are herself only brogan runs the company. eight years ago shes not the same person shes not that  naive anymore.
On the beach they played and fooled around all day they watched the sunset too.when she got home she found duke last gift a small red velvet box inside her bag where a silver diamond ring wa nestling on the beach. and their was a short letter one day, Ill be the one to put it on you. begat georgia are student at milan of jewerly designing. paulo agnus arrived at the philippines.  After five years ago she isnt going to participate in a cheap cat fight in public CR. Georgia sighed softly your fiance said he wanted to rest tonight. from europe and hes still lagged. georgina said louraine you have to properly meet him and talk to him before he leave the philippines. say of georgina,at dinner hall of hotel it straight because in the place he wait for you. 
Louraine Samantha Allegra-the old heiress of allegra jewels,felt like she tossed into a black-hole of misery again when she stood face to face with the man who froozed her hearth of eight years ago the same man who will be husband. ahe is the very strong girl and all the problems of her life is expunged of his mind and all her reality smile in front of people.a lot of experience in her life and she get it alone now.somebody take in his for work at allegra jewels and georgina horlicks take of his. be taken it of georgina because georgina only the runs of company of allegra jewels.because she knew georgina was just lonely as she was. 
Georgina- he horlicks trake with louraine as work of company that allegra jewels cause she only the runs that theirs company. she was beyopnd devastatred and numbed with her parent’s death. but georgina didn’t give up on her she helped her get through that rough phase of her life and opened a new door for her when she needed it most. assisted him of this rise, analyses of college at remainder at all are give her here of new family. student it at milan of jewelry designing for help of company avoided its of her husband , james cuertas the late husband of geoprgina was the owner of allegra jewels. she’s now the new louraine samantha allegra the sole heiress of allegra jewels.
philip-employed her with duke. he the instructed of duke that give of louraine the wan t obtain and letter’s it’s louraine from duke.
duke arjun steele,an heir to a million dollars business empire, found him self lost in the would of business and politics until his fate traced his way back to his childhood sweetheart with his dark unspeakable secrets enough to destroy her love for him. as they try to reconcile their  infinished feelings for each other, Duke untangled the mystery of the past and reveal the enemy they have yet to discover.
As i read this wonderful novel, i learned that it is hard to lose the one that you love. it might be your one of your family of your love life. even times will past it is still on our mind and heart the pain they bought when they were gone. the Lesson i learned  is that you have to love the people around you because you don’t know when they will gone.
in the novel of Ayami lu makes the reader realize any things. it gives life lesson, knowledge and it really put impact on my self as a reader. her writings are very being written clearly. i can imagine every scenario she writes. most of the character in this novel are being describe understandably.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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Image accessed at the Star Trek Timelines wiki here
[Commissioned by @coldbloodassassin. Armus appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Skin of Evil”, the rare monster of the week that resulted in permanent consequences. Of course, the Doylist explanation for that is that Denise Crosby wanted out of her contract, and killing Tasha Yar off was a good way to that. But still, it’s a pretty impressive resume point, so I wanted this to be a high CR monster.]
Armus CR 18 NE Ooze This blob of black tar draws itself up into the shape of a dripping humanoid.
An armus is a personification of evil thoughts and impulses. They were created in the distant past by a civilization that used psychic rituals to expunge their own cruelties and vices. These coalesced into a tar-like “skin of evil”, which were sealed away and abandoned in distant lands. Those armuses that have escaped containment now inflict pain and misery as a recreation, and seek to travel to places where victims are commonplace.
An armus is a sadistic creature, and enjoys dramatic shows of force to demonstrate its power. After having established itself as a threat, it then slows down, drawing out the pain and torment to its victims. They enjoy setting up hostage situations and seemingly inescapable dilemmas as a matter of course, and will delay their killing sprees in order to engage in philosophical discussions. Few armuses have any intention of honoring promises or sparing lives, but they may be successfully stalled long enough to come up with plans or for those outside the dilemma to affect a rescue.
Despite their phenomenal cosmic power, armuses are not very mobile, and often desire means to travel to settled lands. They cannot teleport themselves, and although they can travel tirelessly, they often get distracted by their own sadism. Thus, they are incredibly envious of creatures with teleportation magic, or even mundane transports like ships, and may attempt to bluff, bribe or coerce others into granting them access. Armuses often have ample resources for bribery, as they collect relics and reminders of their many victims, storing them in galleries to reminisce over whenever the armus has no fresh suffering to inflict.
Armus            CR 18 XP 153,600 NE Medium ooze Init +10; Senses blindsense 200 ft., blindsight 100 ft., Perception +30 Aura emotion (60 ft., DC 29) Defense AC 31, touch 31, flat-footed 20 (+10 Dex, +10 profane, +1 dodge) hp 290 (20d8+200) Fort +18, Ref +19, Will +15 (+19 vs. mind-influencing effects) DR 15/good; Immune electricity, gaze attacks, fire, ooze traits, visual spells and effects; Resist acid 10, sonic 10 Defensive Abilities aberrant mind; Weakness skin of evil Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +23 (2d6+8 plus 2d6 unholy plus grab) Psychic Magic CL 18th, concentration +27 (+33 casting defensively) 100 PE—crushing despair (4 PE, DC 23), dimensional lock (8 PE), greater dispel magic (5 PE), mind probe (4 PE, DC 23), mind thrust V (5 PE, DC 24), psychic crush III (7 PE, DC 26), spell resistance (5 PE), synapse overload (4 PE, DC 23), telekinesis (4 PE, DC 23), telekinetic storm (9 PE, DC 28), wall of force (5 PE) Special Attacks imprison Statistics Str 27, Dex 30, Con 30, Int 28, Wis 25, Cha 29 Base Atk +15; CMB +23 (+27 grapple); CMD 34 (cannot be tripped) Feats Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Extend Spell, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Quicken Spell, Widen Spell Skills Acrobatics +33, Bluff +29, Climb +31, Escape Artist +33, Intimidate +32, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (dungeoneering, planes) +29, Perception +30, Sense Motive +27, Spellcraft +32, Stealth +33, Swim +31 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Infernal, telepathy 100 ft. SQ compression, no breath Ecology Environment any Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Aberrant Mind (Ex) An armus is not immune to mind-influencing effects as other oozes are, but does gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-influencing effects. It also gains class skills and skill points as if it had the aberration type. Imprison (Su) A creature that begins its turn grappled by an armus must succeed a DC 29 Will save or be imprisoned, as the spell, inside the creature’s body. While imprisoning a creature, the armus can use mind probe on the imprisoned creature as a standard action. An armus can release an imprisoned creature as a standard action at will, but the creature is not released upon the armus’ death and must be rescued with a freedom spell, as normal. An armus may have a number of creatures imprisoned within it at once equal to its Charisma modifier. The save DC is Charisma based. Skin of Evil (Su) An armus gains a profane bonus to Armor Class equal to ½ its Hit Dice, and deals 2d6 points of damage to all good and neutral creatures it hits with its slam attack. It is always treated as a summoned creature for the purposes of protection from evil or similar effects. Spells that have extra effects against evil outsiders, such as holy smite, treat it as an evil outsider for the purposes of determining their effect.
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hospitaldirectory · 3 years
What Precisely Is Computed Radiography?
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Over the past two decades CR, or computed radiography, has intensely altered how everybody from small general physicians to large infirmaries contemplates about x-ray. At its central, CR is the ordinal successor to old-style, film based x-ray enlargement. It takes benefit of current, low-cost x-ray gear and syndicates it with all of the compensations of digital radiology. The CR System uses a cartridge that is alike to conservative radiography bar that it comprises no film and prerequisites no chemicals or dark rooms to advance. In its place, there is a recyclable phosphor plate inside of each cartridge that is digitally skimmed by a plate reader and exhibited on a computer screen.
Compensations of this know-how comprises price, rapidity, comfort of delivery and storing, and suppleness with current or low-cost x-ray gear. In adding, these systems that CR System manufacturers produce seldom need any erection and can be applied in a day. The bottom line with a CR system is that it delivers a moderately reasonable way for new and prevailing practices, infirmaries and other care providers to take benefit of the digital radiology upheaval. A large diversity of CR System manufacturers in India create computed radiography systems that can fit virtually any financial plan and capacity necessities.
How Does a CR system function?
In many conducts, a CR system is alike to old-style, film based radiography, but the key alteration is that the procedure is ordinal. One initiates by taking an x-ray onto a cartridge, much the same as you would usually. That cartridge is then interleaved into a mechanism often denoted to as a CR reader. The reader probes the plate inside of the cartridge digitally and shows the resultant numerical image on a screen for watching and operation. The procedure is as humble as bombard, photograph and read. Usually with any CR system there are some key machineries which are debated below.
First, there is the x-ray producing gear. Amenities with prevailing film based x-ray can take benefit of their preceding investment in gear. There is no need to supplant the conduits, producers or any other constituent. Even acquainted methods often do not need to be substituted. New amenities or ones that beforehand had no x-ray can take advantage of the low-cost, competitive market for novel and used x-ray gear. The cartridges look and function in a comparable way to film cases, but they comprise a refillable phosphor plate instead of old-style film. The amount of times that each phosphor plate can be used can array from the numerous thousands to well more than ten thousand x-rays. The cartridges infrequently need to be unwrapped consequently extending both the life of the cartridge and the plate. Cartridges come in a varied diversity of normal and dedicated dimensions. The most common, 10”x12” and 14”x17”, are obtainable from most CR system manufacturers and mount into current wall and table buckeyes and can be used on bench tops.
Substituting the old-style chemical developer is an ordinal computed radiography reader. The basic purpose of the reader is to eliminate and test the phosphor plate from the cartridge. The mainstream of CR readers also expunge and reinsert the plate into the cartridge at the end of the procedure. The haste of the scan and the number of cartridges that can be implanted concurrently may be an imperative factor in defining which make and model to select from a CR System suppliers. They also originate in a diversity of forms and dimensions and can be placed in means of transportation, on moveable tumbrils, fixed to the wall, positioned on a table or sit on the floor. Since they don’t need to be situated in a specific position, such as a dark room, assignment of CR readers is tremendously supple.
The skimmed imageries are then obtainable on the attainment terminal. These terminals are often normal PCs with dedicated software. The images can be beheld, wrought, and sent from these workplaces. The precise features of the software on the terminal vary from model to model, but most of them countenance for inspecting and operation by the technicians and medics. Frequently the software is very humble to use and is effortlessly understood by technicians qualified solely on film.
If you are looking for CR System suppliers in India, please log onto Ozahub.
Visit us:- www.ozahub.com
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technogeekstmr · 4 years
Aircraft Engines Market Worldwide Demand, Trends, Growth Potential & Opportunity Outlook 2020-2027
The worldwide aircraft engines market is anticipated to draw a good amount of demand attributable to the rising requirement of cutting edge private and commercial aircrafts, states Transparency Market Research (TMR) in a research report. This might be a direct result of the foray of new aircraft organizations into the market and network development of the firms as of now working in the market. The continuous need to take over from or supplant outdated aircrafts is another factor promoting demand for aircraft engines.
GE Aviation’s launch of the M601H-80 Turboprop Derivative Engine II-49 and other new engines with different pattern on account of constant thrust on innovationss is expected to bring more sales in the market. Similar efforts by other leading players in the market for aircraft engines is also predicted to benefit growth and intensify competition.. The players operating in the market are Honeywell Aerospace, Safran. MTU Aero Engines, IAE International Aero Engines, Engine Alliance, CFM International, Pratt & Whitney, GE Aviation, and Rolls-Royce plc.
The worldwide aircraft engines market is anticipated to gain a value of US$92.3 bn by2022-end at a CAGR of 6.4%. In 2017, the market pulled in a revenue of US$67.8 bn. As far as application is concerned, the market is classified into general, military, and commercial. Out of these applications, commercial is anticipated to display a commanding revenueof US$46.0 bn by 2022-end. It could exhibit a 6.7% CAGR and rise by about US$2.5 bn every year. The different products in the global market for aircraft engines are turboprop, turbofan, and turboshaft.
Region-wise, North America is expected to command a titanic share in revenue. By the end of 2022, this region could acquire a valuation of US$41.2 bn. Japan, will likely rise at a sluggish pace to rake in a revenue of US$5.8 bn by the end of the forecast period.
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Need for Advanced Mechanical Inputs to Benefit Market in Long Run
An aircraft engine is the piece of the impetus system for an aircraft used to create mechanical power. In an aircraft motor, air is attracted at the front through a gulf, packed by a fan, blended with fuel and combusted, and after that expunged as hot, quick moving fumes at the back, which propels the plane forward.
The need for shorter journey time is driving innovation in the aircraft engine market.;
Growing Air Traffic to Play Key Role in Market Development
The worldwide aircraft engines market is anticipated to sustain its development in the face of growing air traffic.The demand for fuel-proficient aircrafts is forecasted to rise in the backdrop of stringent laws being framed to protect the environment.
Information provided in this review is obtained from a TMR report, titled, “Aircraft Engines Market (Application – Commercial, Military, and General; Product – Turbofan, Turboprop, and Turboshaft) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 – 2022.”
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The report has been segmented into:
Insecticides Market – By Application
Insecticides Market – By Product
Insecticides Market – Regional Analysis
North America
Asia Pacific excluding Japan
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Latin America
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janepwilliams87 · 4 years
Congressional Research Service Analyzes Marijuana Expungements And Cannabis Immigration Issues
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) released new two reports on marijuana policy—one dealing with the immigration implications of federal prohibition and the other looking at expungements provisions in pending legislation to deschedule cannabis.
For the immigration-focused report published last week, CRS outlined how being convicted of a marijuana crime, admitting to using cannabis (even in a legal state) or working in the marijuana industry can carry four “key consequences” for non-citizens. They can be deemed inadmissible to the U.S., deported, lose immigration relief benefits and be denied naturalization.
The threat of inadmissibility for state-legal cannabis activity even extends to people who simply invest in the market, CRS said. The report makes a point of reiterating several times that just because something is legal under state law doesn’t mean there are carve outs in federal immigration statutes.
There are also immigration relief benefits that individuals could lose out on because of marijuana-related activities. They include the “waiver of certain criminal inadmissibility grounds, cancelation of removal, voluntary departure, withholding of removal, protection under the Convention Against Torture, asylum, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA),” the report states.
With respect to naturalization restrictions, CRS points out that the Trump administration in 2019 issued a memo clarifying that having a cannabis conviction or admitting to working in the marijuana industry “can bar an individual from establishing [good moral character], even if the marijuana-related activity did not violate applicable state or foreign laws.”
In May 2019, 43 members of the House asked the heads of the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security to rescind that policy. The next month, a coalition of 10 senators made the same request.
CRS also recognized in the new report that legislation to federally deschedule marijuana—the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act—would help resolve the immigration dilemma, as the bill “would prohibit the denial of any immigration benefit or protection to aliens who have participated in any marijuana-related activity.”
The MORE Act was initially expected to be scheduled for a House of Representatives floor vote this week, but following pushback from certain Democratic lawmakers who felt it would look bad to advance the bill before approving additional COVID-19 relief, it was postponed. Now it’s expected to receive a vote later in fall, likely after the election.
In a separate report also released last week, CRS looked specifically at the MORE Act’s expungement provisions.
The bill would mandate that federal district courts expunge the records of individuals with federal marijuana convictions within one year of the bill’s enactment. It would also allow individuals with cannabis-related convictions to petition courts to have their records cleared prior to the one-year review period.
The Capitol Hill research office noted that federal marijuana convictions represent just a small fraction of the country’s total cannabis convictions, with most being carried out at the state, county and local levels. Relatively few federal cases are for possession alone; most are for trafficking-related charges. According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission, cannabis trafficking convictions are on the decline, with fewer than 2,000 cases occurring last year.
“The expungement provision in the MORE Act could raise several issues for policymakers,” CRS said. “The legislation would only address expungement of criminal records related to federal marijuana offenses; it would not provide relief from convictions for marijuana offenses in state courts.”
But CRS also floated potential solutions such as providing “an incentive for states to adopt uniform laws regarding the expungement of convictions for state level marijuana offenses.”
“For example, Congress may place conditions on federal criminal justice funding, such as the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program, or provide funds to states to help them implement expungement programs. Congress may consider providing guidelines to states on how to structure their expungement programs,” the report states.
CRS also noted that while the courts could be compelled to expunge records, the bill doesn’t address the fact that certain private companies harvest data on arrests and convictions when they’re publicly available.
“Policymakers might consider whether federal courts should be required to send lists of criminal records that would be expunged under the MORE Act to private background check companies in their respective districts to notify them of the expungement,” the report said.
CRS has dedicated significant time to exploring cannabis policy issues lately. Earlier this month, for example, it released a separate report that identified multiple problems caused by conflicting federal and state marijuana laws.
New FDA Guidance Will Make It Easier To Approve CBD-Based Medicines
Photo courtesy of Brian Shamblen.
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