#coz its too long .its annoying
fagmegumi · 1 year
waittttt i was just talking to my irl jjk friend and i had a crazy thought
so we only know 7 of the 10shadows shikigami 8 if you count the dogs separately 9 if you count mahoraga. So there is at least 1 shikigami unaccounted for. and characters or at least megumi tend to think of 10s as “a technique where you can summon certain curses from a preselect roster and have them fight for you.” but what if its really the ability to make any curse you defeat into your familiar and puppet them kinda like kabut does at the end of shippuden.And the last shikigami isnt there at all its actually a free spot. possibly 2 since the black dog has absorbed the white one who died. so thats why sukuna was so 👀 when he saw megumi had 10S and why he was like :/ youre wasting ur technique using it like THIS? and now he can use it to make one or maybe even two sorcerers into his shikigami. What if he defeats gojo in their big awesome fight that will DEFINITELY take place so help me god and make him into a shikigami. what if he makes MEGUMI into a shikigami idk how tjat would work but it would slay (= give me diseases)
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foli-vora · 1 year
too close
joel miller x f!reader
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a/n: more porn, idk what to say lmao. i want him to be cold and rough and i want it to hurt, y’ know what i mean?? anyway, here’s a supremely pissed off joel — enjoy! x
word count: just under 3.1k
warnings: swearing, very brief violence/mention of weapons, a close call, clicker attack, joel being a hero and being annoyed af about it, angsty vibes, the king of emotional constipation, SMUT 18+ ONLY: brief hand job, being restrained by being held down, unprotected p in v, very rough sex with bit of pain, no orgasm for reader coz punishment, cum shot over da assss
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He hadn’t spoken.
Nothing. Not a single damn word since it happened.
Your heart still thunders in your chest, pounding in your ears and threatening to break free from its bone cage. The adrenaline has long worn off, leaving you with a tremble in your hands you can’t quite seem to get under control.
The weight of it still lingers on your body. The inhuman high pitched roar of it still circles your mind on an endless loop. The overwhelming rush of fear had paralysed you, frozen you under its brute strength and your touch had been numb around your weapon. That should’ve been it for you—done. Dead. Torn to fucking shreds right there on the filthy, muddied floor.
But he’d come out of fucking nowhere. 
A body had rushed in from the side, the clicker barely able to turn towards the noise with a wailing screech before a weight spear tackled it and gave you the chance to roll back onto your feet. You had watched, through dazed eyes, as Joel had wrestled with the creature before firing a few bullets into its sickly orange flared head with his own roar of fury.
The snarl hadn’t left his face as he stood, glaring down at the clicker, almost daring it to fucking twitch, before he spun for you, tugging harshly at your arms and collar to look for any marks. He’d shoved you away after his hurried check, uncaring as you stumbled back from the unexpected rough touch and seemingly satisfied with your untorn skin.
He had ignored your shaky thank you.
Though he doesn’t talk, he still touches. His hands cover any sharp surfaces you pass, his forearm presses into your chest to keep you from moving forward when it’s too risky, his palm pushes at your head to ensure you get through the tunnel without hitting your head—
Little things.
Little things that let you know he’s not about to throw your ass out onto the streets of the QZ for being such a fucking idiot… you hope, anyway.
The silence remains, thick and uncomfortable, all the way back until you finally reach your quarters undetected. Joel dumps his pack on the floor without a care, striding straight for the bottle of shitty homemade booze left out on the table. You hang back, nervously fiddling with your fingers as he downs a generous mouthful, ignoring the drop that escapes his lips and melts into his patchy beard.
You swallow, tongue sweeping over your dry lips, “Joel?”
He doesn’t react.
Instead, he tears a chair out from where it’s tucked under the table and allows himself to drop into it with a sharp exhale, one hand brushing down his tired features. His eyes focus beyond the floor, the slosh of the amber liquid the only sound in the dark room as he nurses the bottle slowly.
“Joel.” Firmer. Harder. “Can we talk ab—”
“No. No, we cannot.”
The pure acid in his rumble of a tone burns. You shrink from the force of it.
“Joel, I… I’m really sorry—”
“Oh, well shit—that just makes it all better!”
“I’ll be quicker next time, it just took me off-guard, bu—”
“‘Next time’?”
It’s incredulous, spat through tight lips as if it’s the most absurd thing he’s ever fucking heard in his life. His wild eyes suddenly focus on you and your breath sticks in your throat. They zero in on where you stand, still hovering by the door, nervous to take a step further into your shared dwelling.
“There ain’t gonna be a fuckin’ ‘next time’. Your ass is stayin’ in the QZ—permanently.”
“What? Joel—”
“I do not want to hear it,” he snarls. “The hell were you thinkin’, huh?! It fuckin’ had you!”
It all comes back. The feeling of it hitting you, grabbing you, forcing you to the floor and screeching in your face. Death had been mere inches from you, death had had you in his damn grasp. The shadow of it brings a shiver along your skin.
“I know.”
It’s weak, pathetic.
“You can’t afford to freeze like that! Not out there. You get one chance to not fuck up—one fuckin’ chance! If I hadn't been there… Jesus Christ.”
He shifts to lean forward, resting an elbow in the upper crease of his knee as his fingers press tightly into his eyes and rub. You step lightly towards him, crossing the space between you and carefully reaching out to run a hand along the arch of his back, feeling the muscles jump under your touch.
“I’m sorry,” you breathe, moving your hand up to the nape of his neck and into his hair, carding your fingers through his dry, mussed strands and softly working through the slight knots sitting there, “I really am—”
He bitterly knocks your hand away, jerking away from your touch like you’d burnt him, and it cuts into your heart, tearing through muscle and spilling a vicious icy ache through your chest.
“That doesn’t make it okay,” he mutters stiffly, standing from his chair and walking away from you.
You bring your hand back towards your chest and swallow the thickness building in your throat before you can choke on it. The rejection stings, and the tears that build along your lash line are automatic.
They blur your vision of him standing at the window, back to you, arms crossed tightly across his chest. He’s rigid, posture hardened by the mix of emotion filling him. You know better than to approach him again, and instead sink down into the chair he vacated.
Silence returns, the tension rolling from his shoulders in waves reaching you despite being across the room. You pick at your skin, peeling the flakes of dried mud from your hands and pulling at the stray threads loosened from your sleeves.
Was there any way of coming back from this? It had taken you weeks to wear him down enough to even think about taking you out of the QZ on a small run, and now? He’d never go for it again. You’re back to having the mile high walls as your prison, your cage.
You’re more capable than this, you’d just been surprised is all. Surely you weren’t the first person to have been taken off guard by their appearance? To wonder how the hell something like that could come from a human? You’d never seen one at that stage before… couldn’t he just understand?
There were others, a quiet voice rings through your mind, only they never made it to the other side to think about it, to question it.
It could’ve killed you, it could’ve killed Joel, and that was all on you. All the work, all the planning, all the potential earnings… gone to shit, because you couldn’t keep your head straight the second you ran into trouble.
“I’m sorry for ruining the run,” you mutter, quickly swiping away the hot tear trailing down your cheek, “I’ll find extra work and get you the ration cards you’ve lost from this.”
He slowly turns to face you, a deep scowl carved into his stone set features and his arms drop to his sides, his hands clenching into fists. You fight the urge to curl in on yourself and remain stiff shouldered, returning his glare with a shakily stubborn gaze despite the few remaining tears that slip free from where they gather along your lashes.
“Christ. Is that what you’re thinkin’ about right now?” He’s quiet, but the rage still simmers away beneath the surface of his tone, causing the already deep drawl to roughen. “I don’t fuckin’ care about the damn cards.”
“Then why are you so fucking mad at me?” You cry out, “I said I was sorry! I made a mistake, everyo—”
“I almost fuckin’ lost you!”
You freeze at the sudden volume of his voice, the low simmer now a full boil. His shout bounces off the cracked walls and brings a whole new kind of silence to the room, the sheer ferocity of it bringing your heart into your throat.  He shakes his head and turns back towards the window, saying nothing more and leaving his words to hang in the dark.
The little thing between you and Joel had never been defined, and probably never would be. He just wasn’t like that. Sweet nothings and declarations of feelings had never, and will never, leave his lips. You weren’t even sure he liked you most of the time. You’re almost positive you’re nothing but an inconvenience to him, merely there to fill the deep void of loneliness the disaster of a world brought upon everyone.
But his words have your mind racing. Would it have bothered him that much? Does he see you as something more than an annoyance? Was it just as a companion, or maybe it ran deeper? Do you dare let the small bud of hope growing in your chest blossom into something stronger?
“You should get some sleep.”
There’s no room for argument.
You give a small nod and stand, shedding the thick jacket draped from your shoulders and kicking your boots off. He doesn’t acknowledge you again, never moving his attention away from the window as you do a quick once over your dirtied skin with your damp rags before slipping under the thin, patched together blanket draped over the bed.
“Are you coming to bed?” You ask quietly, eyes following the curve of his side profile illuminated by the hue of street lighting seeping through the glass.
Swallowing the discomfort starting to constrict the back of your throat, you give a strangled, “Okay,” and roll over, turning your back to him and burying your face into his pillow to hide the tears that escape when you squeeze your eyes shut.
He does.
Sometime in the early morning, your hand brushes against his back and it’s enough to bring you out of your troubled slumber. You’re careful not to jolt the bed too much as you shift closer to him, pressing up tight against his back and carefully smoothing a hand along his side.
You soak in the warmth his body provides, inhale the familiar waves of dirt and sweat that constantly roll from his skin. If you focus enough, you can detect the faint traces of mint that linger beneath the grime from the bar of soap it had taken you weeks to save for. You knew he liked it.
He’s awake—you can feel it. The tension is still wound tight in the muscles of his shoulders, his body still practically trembles from anger, but at least he doesn’t push you away again. Your hand wanders further, smoothing down to run over his stomach and up to his chest, resting over the heavy drum of his heart.
“Are you still mad?”
Silence follows your question. Did he hear you? Maybe you’d been wrong in your earlier observation and he was, in fact, asleep. Or he was just simply ignoring you, but then finally—
“Yeah,” he answers in his thick exhaustion riddled drawl, the word rough on his tongue.
There’s nothing more to say. What could you say to make it better? Nothing. It had happened, and now you simply had to wait it out until the rage started to seep from his system. Would it take days? Weeks? Your hand starts to wander as you think, and you pay no mind to the paths it makes until you feel him stiffen under your touch.
You feel your fingers brush along the waistband of his jeans and your heart jumps in your chest, beating just that little heavier. He still doesn’t push you away. Maybe there’s nothing you could say, but maybe something you could do? Give him an outlet, a chance to work the anger from his system—
Heart pounding, you let your fingers slip beneath the denim and rake through the thick patch of curls there before finding his soft cock and carefully taking it in your grasp. There’s not a whole lot of room to work with the unforgiving stretch of his jeans, but you settle for what you can do, keeping your strokes light and restricted.
It doesn’t seem to matter.
His cock swells in your hold, the soft flesh thickening and hardening until it strains against its confines, throbbing heavily in your hand. The feel of him responding to your touch lights a fire in your core, every shallow jerk you make over his cock sending waves upon waves of warmth through your system until it builds in the pit of your stomach.
This could work. This could—
A hand curls around your wrist and tugs, tearing it out from inside his jeans and throwing it back towards you. Your stomach twists at the harshness of it, a brief flutter of panic shooting along your nerves as Joel tears the sheet away from his body and turns on you.
“What the hell are you doin’?” He demands in a rough grumble and you’re rolled onto your stomach before you could even think of uttering an apology, pressed into the unforgiving mattress by the weight of him straddling your upper thighs. “You think jerkin’ me off will make everythin’ better? You think it’ll make me forgive you? Huh?”
“No?” He parrots gruffly, taking a wrist in each hand and pressing your hands into the bed. “That’s what it fuckin’ feels like.”
“That’s not—” you shift under the weight of him, attempting to adjust his grip on your wrists only for him to briefly tighten his hold, “—Joel, I—”
“You think I’m gonna soften on you just coz you’re touchin’ my cock?” He continues as if you hadn’t said a word, pushing himself roughly off your wrists and curling his fingers into your waist until it stings, forcing your ass up until he can curl over you and shove a hand to the front of your pants, “Think again, girl.”
He tears them open and straightens, fingers digging under the waistband of both your jeans and your underwear before tugging harshly at them until your ass is bared to him. He doesn’t bother taking them completely off, merely shoving them down enough out of the way so he’d be able to reach your cunt.
It’s a rush. Your heart thunders in your ears, your nerves wind tight in anticipation. He’s not gentle. Your skin burns where the denim had been yanked down, his hands grab and squeeze until an ache follows his touch. 
You’re barely able to comprehend the faint sound of a zipper before the blunt head of his cock is suddenly pushing between your thighs and nudging at your folds. It’s instinct to tense, knowing you’re not even slightly ready to take him, but you find yourself arching into him nonetheless.
He lines himself up, probing at your entrance before letting his hips slam forward in one savage thrust, forcing you to take the entire thick length of his cock and crushing you into the mattress. Your cry of surprise, pain, melts into the bed; your hands scramble across the bedding in search of something to hold, something to steady yourself with as he starts to move in earnest.
His pace is brutal.
It’s quick, hard.
A clear punishment, and you take it all eagerly, muffling the various noises he rips from your throat into the bedding. Arousal steadily builds as you flutter and clench around him while he takes what he wants, the feeling of him hitting a spot that feels almost too far in your cunt shooting right through your system until you feel tears sting your eyes. 
Every hit to that spot is blissful agony, your body jolting and twisting from the feeling of having him practically in your stomach with every upwards thrust. The more you try to squirm away from him hitting so fucking deep, his hands tighten and tug you back, pressing you into the mattress and unable to move away from the steady force of his hips.
A hand curls around the nape of your neck, pushing and pushing you further into the bed and keeping you completely still and at his total mercy.
It’s too much. It’s fucking perfection.
None of it is for you.
Your swollen clit throbs from the lack of attention, the ache in your core only growing wilder and wilder as his cock continues to pound into you with no end in sight. There’d be no edge, no release. Only Joel and the way he seemingly tears you apart from the inside out, forcing your body to take the weight of his fury, the weight of his fear, again and again.
The cry that leaves your lips is sharp when he eventually rips himself away, his broken exhale mingling with a downright obscene grumble of a moan doing nothing to temper the relentless fire birthed from his aggression. He finishes over your ass cheek after fisting his cock and giving it a few firm jerks, painting your skin with his hot cum and letting the weeping tip of it slide through the mess as he comes down.
You pant into the bedding, your fingers still clutching the sheets for dear life. They ache when your grip finally loosens, your joints protesting the sudden relaxing of the digits. You hurt. You throb. You tremble from the rough fucking, your cunt quivers and weeps for more despite your walls feeling tender from his merciless entry. 
He rolls off of you to sit on the edge of the bed, raking a hand through his now wild hair and drawing in a few deep breaths. Your eyes begin to flutter, your body heavy where it sinks into the mattress. He leans forward and braces his forearms on his thighs, barely sparing you a look at you over his shoulder.
“Don’t you ever do that again,” he warns lowly, bringing you briefly out of the haze coaxing you further and further into an inky black abyss, “do you understand me? Never again.”
The words go unspoken, like so many had done before—I can’t lose you, too.
everything pp: @maievdenoir, @javier-pena, @lv7867, @dihra-vesa, @katronautt, @radiowallet, @januarystears, @missminkylove, @beskarprincessjenny, @mswarriorbabe80, @danidrabbles, @sergeantbannerbarnes, @amneris21, @eri16, @absurdthirst, @hnt-escape, @acourtofsnakes, @ezrasbirdie, @mstgsmy, @lovesbiggerthanpride, @coaaster, @sherala007, @kelseyxyeslek, @greeneyedblondie44, @wyn-n-tonic, @you-got-me-starry-eyed, @shirks-all-responsibilities, @withasideofmeg, @harriedandharassed, @andruxx, @buckybarneshairpullingkink, @spideysimpossiblegirl, @prostitute-robot-from-the-future, @tanzthompson, @mad-girl-without-a-box, @hope-for-the-best-98, @fangirl-316, @christina-loves, @jediknight122, @hallway5, @xoxabs88xox, @nicolethered, @churchill356, @massivecolorspygiant, @just-here-for-the-moment, @gracie7209, @pinkie289, @lavenderluna10, @goodgriefitsawildworld, @juletheghoul, @punkerthanpascal​, @itswanktime, @karolydulin, @pedrostories​, @fabilei, @ghostwiththemostbitch, @omlwhatamidoinghere, @cannedsoupsucks​, @chaoticemz, @hows-my-hair​, @alexxavicry​, @cran-berry-vodka, @deadhumourist​, @outercrasis​, @thisshipwillsail316​, @toxicfrankenstein​, @hotchlover​, @ew-erin​, @mishasminion360​, @jitterbugs927​, @penelopeimp​, @woodland-mist​, @pedro-pastel​, @spaceserialkiller, @adriiibell​, @1andthesame​, @elegantduckturtle​, @captain-jebi​, @magpie-to-the-morning​, @sharkbait77​, @sleep-tight1​, @musings-of-a-rose​, @Karlawithacapitalk, @woomen23​, @frasmotic​, @songsformonkeys​, @loonymagizoologist​, @aynsleywalker​, @ruhro7​, @bluestuesday​, @what-iwish-you-knew​, @princess-djarinn​, @totallynotastanacc​, @girlofchaos​, @pjkimrn​, @bangaveragewhitewine​, @trickstersp8​, @rominaszh, @gooddaykate​, @ms-loverman-066​, @bunniwarrior, @detectivecarisi-1​, @tintinn16​, @iceclaw101​, @bport76, @thatpinkshirt​, @tusk89​, @withakindheartx​, @curiouskeyboard​, @pedropascalsx, @sirpascal, @racetrackheart, @patisseriel, @timpletance​, @titabel​, @xdaddysprincessxx​, @dnxgma​, @astronomeoww​, @dindjarinswhore, @alwaysdjarin​, @mando-amando​, @mx-ferelden​, @trinkets01​, @jxvipike​, @thesmutslut​, @thereisaplaceintheheart​, @scentedthingtidalwave​, @mwltwo, @loveslide​, @artsymaddie​, @untitledarea​, @sukunababe​, @emiemiemiii​, @your-slutty-gf​, @wisecolornight​, @emilianamason​, @justreblogginfics​, @marcmurdock​, @everythingisspokenfortbh​
joel miller: @jujuliaispunk​, @joelmiller67​, @tubble-wubble​, @uwiuwi​,
plus my two gorgeous babes who i think will enjoy: @charnelhouse & @frannyzooey
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theglitterypages · 1 year
BNHA Headcanons: What kind of person they would fall in to and how they'd fall in love.
Bakugo Katsuki
• We all know how aggressive this boy is. But Bakugo's aggressiveness is only because he wants everyone around him to give the same efforts he gives toward everything.
• IMO, Katsuki would fall in love to someone as passionate as him. You don't have to be in a hero course, once this man meets a girl who's as passionate as him, he'll be interested.
• He'll be interested to someone passionate in everything she does but this man will fall so deeply when a girl shuts him down and calls him out for his jerky behavior.
• In conclusion, this guy would fall in love to someone who can call him out the way his Mom does. You could be as aggressive as him when you call him out or you could be so gentle that he'll find himself zip his own mouth once you scold him.
• It's something not everyone has the guts to do. Some just knew him for too long that they don't make any efforts to call him out because that's just Bakugo Katsuki to them.
• He will be annoyed at you at first, thinking that you don't have the rights to call out his behavior but as time passes by, you calling him out will be the part he always look forward to everyday.
• He will be in denial. He'll think it's just a phase, that it'll pass, that he's just amused of you and your antics but once he saw somebody else tried to make a move on you? Boy he'll risk everything.
• He won't drop the rough persona even when he acknowledges his feelings. Instead, he'll win you with his sincerity: when you're obviously having a bad day, he'll silently hand you a chocolate that you love. When he noticed you haven't eaten lunch, he'll have some delivered, and sometimes he packs up a lunch for you, would give it to you with a post it note pasted onto it with a note "Eat it."
• Of course, you'll confront him about the little things that he does once it starts making your heart flutter, you're scared to get used to it, scared that you'll fall for him and he won't be there to catch you.
• Once you confront him about it, he'll have troubles whether he'll kiss you or knock you lightly in the head. He's doing it because he likes you! Why can't you take the hint?
• He was preparing a confession for you but he'll just end up blurting out that he likes you coz you'll keep on saying that you don't know his agenda why he keeps on doing the things that he does.
"Look, Katsuki. I'm thankful for everything that you do. But I don't understand whatever it is. So maybe you should just stop—"
"I like you, dumbass why can't you understand that?"
You'll freeze right then and there. Girl, you'll be staring at those ruby eyes with your knees shaking because of the sudden confession. "What?" It was all you could say. You couldn't believe what you just heard. Like you think that there's no way that this man just confessed his feelings for you.
Katsuki will be so frustrated. Sure, people will think he's unlikely to fall in love but he did fall in love and he didn't like that you're not acknowledging it.
"Look, I'm new to this as well. But I'm serious, I like you and if we're on the same boat. We could just try and see where this will lead us."
You like him as well. You hated him at first but you get to know the man underneath his rough and explosive persona. You've seen him risk his own life for others, the way a pained look will paint all over his face when he overhears people not liking him much.
There's a heart hidden underneath those layers of tough guy act and you fell in love with him because of that.
"What now? I said I like you. If you don't like me I won't bother you aga—"
"No! I like you too..." Your voice slowly quiet down, being a little shy to confess your own feelings and a smile made its way across Katsuki's lips.
Even though he was hesistant he slowly reached out to you and pull you gently against his chest. "I won't mind if you'll want to take it slow..." He whispered and you wrapped your arms around him with a smile as you bury your face in his chest to hide your red cheeks.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Kinda funny how all those years Jikook dressed alike, matching almost head to toe or in exactly the same outfit, this whole fandom wrote it off, even after RM asked them point blank if they were a couple. Then to hear when JK was watching Suchwita, ask why YM were wearing similar clothes, even tho their clothes really were nothing alike, but triggered him enough for a response, really made me laugh. I saw YM & TK shippers saying its cause he knows about YM. LMAO idiots, their clothes weren't couple clothes or matching, they were just too similar for JK's liking. Hey Suga, go try to peel off JM's leaf for him, with JK watching. I just wanna see something for research purposes. We always tease JK & Minimoni, but he also gets high key annoyed with Yoonmin, too.
Anoooooooooon why do you think JK reacted to Suchwita in the first place?? Yes JK is a Minimoni anti. That's been established. But he is also a major Yoonmin anti. Like big time and it's been going on for a long ass time. He he hee. JK is not a fan of Yoonmin moments which is why we don't talk about Yoonmin so shh
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But also let's talk about Yoonmin shall we? Only because JK's dislike for their moments is underrated. No other reason 🤭🤭
Before we begin. Here is a compilation of Suga checking out the Jibooty. Tbf he does check out other members as well but....this is about Yoonmin. He hee
So! Off the top of my head exhibit A) this BBMA 2017 Live. JK did not take his eyes off Suga until he got off Jimin
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First of all, there is ALOT happening on this live. Like alot. Which is why I'm not clipping the exact moment because you should absolutely watch this entire live. JK has a stronger reaction to RM being on Jimin but he also kept an eye when Suga did it 👆🏽
Exhibit B) Is my own personal theory. Remember in winter package when JK went with Yoonmin for beer tasting and gave up zip lining?
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In what world would thrill seeker JK give up zip lining so he can go beer tasting? Now don't get me wrong, JK loves his liquor much like the rest of them. But still, it was kinda sus to me, alright? Could it have been satellite Jeon wanting to be with his man? Maybe. Still, knowing Jimin was gonna spend all day with Suga getting tipsy... idk. I can see JK wanting to be around for that 🤭🤭🤭
Exhibit C) incase someone missed Suga drooling during this
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(Put your phone on landscape and u can zoom in and take a closer look🤭)
Exhibit D) do we really need to talk about Suga Vs Blood sweat and tears Jimin?? I'm sure we've all seen this.
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Exhibit E) this segment. Jimin's letter said everyone should tell Suga they love him. Everyone did except one person..can u guess who? Even Hobi called him out. Asked JK "why didn't u say it?" 🤭🤭🤭
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Exhibit F) should I include this? Coz I'm not seeing the difference here. Btwn this
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And this
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Moving on.
Exhibit G) (watch Jimin) Suga touches Jimin's ear and what's the first thing Jimin's does?
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Also don't think JK and his grandpa clothes is not watching that through his periphery. Mans always aware of what Jimin is doing at all times.
Exhibit H) They're discussing Jimin's armpit. JK is smiling, quite big. Then Jimin asks Suga if his armpit is sexy. JK's smile is no longer anywhere to be seen 👀
Exhibit I) this was a favourite of mine. Ngl. Listen. People can deny till the cows come home. But JK reacted the way he did here for a reason. Memories 2021. JK looked away as soon as Suga touched Jimin's chin. Not before. Not after. As soon as Suga touched Jimin, JK looks away so fast I got worried about his neck there for a second. It happened. Anyone who said it didn't well... idk what to tell ya. JK has been looking away for years when something that he doesn't want to see, is happening. Especially after he got a hold of his possessiveness he started to just look away instead of acting on it. It is what it is 🤷🏽‍♀️
Last one but definitely not least is Exhibit J) this was a popular Jikook moment after this run episode aired. The thing is though... yes we gushed and we "awwed" because JK's ears moved as soon as Jimin started dancing. But you know who else's ear moved?? And he was the only one apart from JK that was affected by that 😏😏😏😏
I could do this all day guys. 😂😂
If JK is staring... so is Suga. If JK is checking out the Jibooty, so is Suga. And we have not even started on how Jimin is clearly Suga's favourite. Be it vocals, be it in general; always choosing him no matter what. And we haven't even talked about how Suga isn't big on skinship but with Jimin that doesn't seem to be a problem???
You guys think JK doesn't see what we see? Doesn't know what we know? Huh? How can he not? I mean, this was right infront of his salad 😂😂 kinda makes me wonder if he blocked Suga on purpose 🤭🤭
What I'm I saying? Even though we will never see Jimin reciprocate whatever this is, (Mans only has eyes for JK. Always has, always will) Yoonminers are the only shippers allowed to try to argue with Jikookers. Them and them only. And genuine Yoonminers. Not tkkrs who ship Yoonmin coz they wanna shove Jimin somewhere to keep him away from their ship.
Bonus: everyone is looking at Jin except Yoonkook. JK its okay, coz that's his man. But i'mma need Suga to get his shit together. Fr fr
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matrixonvhsanddvd · 1 year
Here's my set up!
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In England most ppl do use roll ups. U tend to find that ppl who only smoke straights (pre rolled) are older ppl, ppl who have more money and ppl who don't smoke often enuff to bother. A packet of straights can last a really long time and will keep better than a packet of baccy (loose tobacco) as there's less to dry out.
I use a rolling tin because i cant roll freehand for shit no matter what (and im a handy person, its just too fiddly for me), it's easier to do while walking and i have physical difficulties. It's rare that i see anyone else use a tin, i only started because my bff did! It's not uncommon for ppl to use a rolling machine tho, which is like a tin that's been reduced to just the liner and..rolling pins?
Tins are no more expensive than a good rolling machine and tend to last longer. I prefer to change the liner when it dies rather than but a new one tho. They can be annoying to clean if u care about that but they're useful in that they can hold ur supplies! And put stickers on :3
A packet of tobacco is usually about 30g for £12-17 (tho average is about £14) now from a regular supermarket. It did used to be less before the recent inflation :( a 20 pack of pre rolls is about the same price. To give u an idea of how much more cost effective roll ups are than straights; a 20 pack currently would last me 2-4 days (IV had to cut down coz i have no money lol but this is numbers only, not counting factors like poverty) and 30gs of baccy would last me 2-3 weeks.
It's still common to see empty cigarette packets littering places and u will occasionally see a tobacco packet. They're all decorated now with warnings and warning images due to the law, all packets. They have different warnings and related pictures they get used but I'm not sure how often new ones are added? This one is my favourite atm for sure:
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It's also useful to at least have the ability and resources to make a roll up if ur ever desperate/smoke drugs. Old fags on the floor can be picked up and u can squeeze any unsmoked baccy out into a bag to use for a Frankenstein roll up. I tend to find certain brands of straight cigarettes only get half smoked ?? Very good pickings if ur bottom of the food chain.
Its also easier to roll a spliff if u can...roll lol (spliff as i know it to be is a regular fag sized roll up with a blend of baccy and weed) and any other combo of smoking materials (other drugs, herbs etc).
On community culture (i promise this is the last bit), rolling sumone a fag is way more intimate and thotful than just handing em a straight (tho depending on ur Poverty Status™ it may be difficult to accept a straight due to their higher value). There's also the act of passing on the rest of ur fag to another person, usually towards the end of its life. Here that's called, 'twos'. So itd be, 'can i have 2s?' or, 'u can have 2s if u want?' which is a fun word for it i think!
Sorry to ramble but i figured ud be interested and i enjoy teaching ppl about menial things like this lol
Holy fuck thank you so much for detailing all this to me, I was honestly really happy reading all of this because it interested me so much. It's funny to me still how the demographic for rolling cigs here is usually the polar opposite lol, it seems its always people who are a lot older who enjoy rolling them up more than just buying a pack of straight cigs.
Also I absolutely love the pack you showed off of course, I'm always a sucker for the ones with "gore" on them, but also I've just never seen a tobacco pack before so that's really sick, thank you!
I guess if someday I'm ever down in England for some reason, I will be very caught up on smoking culture at least. Thank you again for sharing lol
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Thinking about annoying bkg again..n now I got another idea (saw it on insta again) where bf is showering n gf sneaks in n directly drops a bucket of cold water on him!! Like imagine him just having a warm relaxing shower on a day off(coz I couldn't do that to him after a long day)n then u go drop chilled water right on his head😂. He'd b sooo mad😆, wouldn't care to put on a towel n just immediately chases u n then probably throws u out of the house for a while to let u suffer in the cold🤣
PLEASEE THATS SO EVIL LMFAOOO. he hates the cold too so he'd be extra pissed KDFHKSDF he didnt expect to be doing the ice bucket challenge on his day off LMAOOOOOOOOOOO AND NO TOWEL TOO?! THATS HOW U KNOW HES MAD LMDSFKSDHF not for long tho i dont think he'd let u suffer outside on ur own pfft. once he calmed down he'd probably feel bad for locking you outside LOL but like. justice.
("ready to apologize yet?" he grumbled once he'd opened the door to see you pouting at him. you'd taken a seat on the front steps, your hands running up and down your upper arms as you hugged yourself. he'd changed into his sleepwear, his hair mussed up from when he'd dried it with his hands. he looked comfy, you thought grumpily, and warm. you huffed and gave him a look with your pink-tinged cheeks and nose.
"no, but it's freezing out here so yes. i'm sorry. can we make hot cocoa?" you asked as you stood up and beelined right past him to get into the warmth of your shared home. he rolled his eyes and shut the door softly behind him before he followed you towards the kitchen.
"next time don't pull stupid shit like that, dummy," he said as he stepped up behind you to gently karate chop your head. you grumbled to yourself.
"it was funny tho," you shook your head and grabbed the kettle to fill it with water, "you were so mad lol."
he scoffed. "you've been hangin' 'round denki too much." he grabbed the kettle from you and hip checked you gently away from the sink so he could take over. "go warm up, i got this."
you took a moment to watch him, then sighed. "fine, fine." but before you turned to head over to the bedroom, you smirked and gave him a quick hug - slipping your cold hands under his shirt so you could press your palms against his bare stomach. he yelped and flinched backwards nearly imperceptibly, but before he could spin around towards you with that signature snarl of his, you zipped away with a cackle. justice.)
godspeed if u actually incite a pranking war with him bc that man goes HARD. he'd make sure he'd win, no mercy even if u are his s/o. which is funny bc he never wants to join denki's dumb pranks but if it came down to it 1v1 against u? its a whole other story LOL
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moss-flesh · 11 months
re: femininity and masculinity and attraction, while I see myself entirely neutrally, it's not every time, but I do find myself typically expressing like, more masculinity with women and femininity with men when I'm attracted to them. a big struggle is trying to be earnest and enjoying my gender expression without trying to attribute it to me 'trying to be het' or other people also interpreting it that way. it would really be nice if people would internalize the gender we tell them we are.
I also love having long hair! you can do so much with it. truly mad modern gender norms are short hair masc long hair fem
i genuinely almost cried reading this???? that’s exactly how i feel
its really frustrating coz i dont want to feel so attached to my femininity when it comes to men but its just there,
but with most women i feel like im able to be much more relaxed and more “masc” as i feel it,
i like that masc interest but that doesnt come out with men im “interested in” if i even am, sometimes i really dont know. its like something comes over me and im like “ok this guy is attractive enough and it seems like he may like me so lets try”
but sometimes i dont think theyre attracted to me so that leads me to be like? maybe it is an actual attraction not just a convenience?
its too much to even get into here but really!
you hit the nail on its head
idk when i look in the mirror i see neutrality! i see an average inbetweenness that i cant be rid of, i feel so weird when people call me a woman or girl, or see me as that. IDK THERES A LOT,
i also wish that people would see me and think “them” not “her”. its just frustrating loving “womens” fashion and feminine styling and how it looks on myself because im so often perceived as “her” and “she”
im really so annoyed at the long hair+makeup = fem thing, coz people do think that, ive never been called they/them unprompted by social media. i just dont feel that, i just feel like im me with feminine styling. like i understand why its a thing but it’s frustrating
but i seriously love you anon youre one of the people thats made me feel more comfortable in myself because i know theres more people who feel the same.
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the-blackholeus · 2 years
OMG I DIDNY EVEN REALISE YHAT YOU RELPLIED TO MY COMMENT THANM YOU!! But I literally have this thought on my mind everyday and if ofc it’s not too much trouble read Away! ((This is obvs just added info and you don’t need to read or even follow it,it’s just my thoughts,your writing is so satisfying I couldn’t be the slightest upset!)
So the thought is that, the male dovahkiin is like a typical delinquent boy? He’s harsh,easily annoyed and hates being looked down upon and will test his strength and wouldn’t even think before throwing a punch at somebody,and is the sort to rather die than show a shred of emotion despite anger,like full on run away and never show his face again🥲 And then a daedric prince comes for whatever reason(probs the dovahkiins lil pazaz) and they are soulmates,like instant boom omg you smell like heaven I need you?👹👍(this is harder to write down than I thought😅) idk where I’m going with this but I have this thought of just an overly possessive daedric prince(literally whatever one) and them trying to hug the dovahkiin in bed coz of like some inner instincts to have him in bed and them having to force and lay on the dovahkiin(loving the contact ;)) and the dovahkiins protesting,thrashing around insulting them.
I literally have no idea I jsut love the dynamic of a stubborn person and a usually menacing and terrifying person being an absolute puppy with the other 🤨 please,once again,ignore this if it’s too confusing it honestly hurts my brain aswell!😭 but it feels nice to get my thoughts down either way(this is more of a ramble tbh)
Thank you and I luv u <3333
I am so incredibly sorry that this took forever. I kind of forgot about this story because I wanted to add more Daedra and it kind of slipped out of existence for a while. I only found it again because I opened another document to work on some recent requests...I'm such an idiot.
I hope you can forgive me and still enjoy the story.
Hermaeus Mora
Hermaeus Mora, one, if not the most powerful Daedra in existence, had honestly forgotten that he had a soulmate at all.
To him, the collection of knowledge and hoarding the secrets of the world was far more important than to find the mate that destiny had intended for him. He had never questioned who they were, what their name was, which species they belonged to, and generally never wasted a thought on what he would do when he would be confronted with them. Instead, he had focused entirely on his champion Miraak, which had consumed more and more of his time as soon as this foolish Nord had begun to overstep his boundaries.
But of course, defying fate is never that easy. Not even for the very creature that could change it to his favor, and as such one day the youngest Dragonborn, a fierce male Nord, appeared in his realm, Apocrypha.
He had slashed himself through his servants, torn them into pieces with minimal effort, found his books in record time, and won the battle with his former favorite servant with frightening ease, claiming the title as the strongest Dovahkiin in existence, leaving the broken and bleeding body to its master, who disposed of it as if it was nothing but a useless pile of flesh with no worth, gifting this powerful mortal with the weapon and the clothes that once belonged to the now dead man.
But of course, Hermaeus Mora wasn’t one to let the opportunity to claim a new and better champion slide. Intrigued by the raw power and rage the other showed and acted upon, he wanted to have this individual in his collections of most unique servants. Desiring to study this exceptional creature, the Daedra made an offer that the male Nord could not decline, promising to give him all the knowledge he could ever want and move freely through the world as long as he would never act against his interest and complete some simple tasks once in a while. And apparently, the current only living Dragonborn was just as much of an opportunist as himself, for he quickly agreed.
But…despite having him in his ranks, powerful and almost all-knowing deity wasn’t satisfied. Of course, it was delightful to watch him, his way of battling so very interesting that the mass of eyes and tentacles even interrupted his studying and watched, no matter how basic and unimportant the fight seemed to be, but…it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to satisfy this strange longing in him. It wasn’t enough to silence the voice in his mind that had begun to speak to him shortly after he had taken the other under his wing. It wasn’t enough for…him.
He wanted the Nord to be close. To have him around when he read and wrote, to teach him about Skyrim’s history and where he had influenced it, maybe even to discuss new spells that the divine being was working on and using his feedback to improve them further. He wanted not just to be his master, but also his companion. His friend even. And that led him to behave in a very unusual way.
He was definitely kinder to the Dovahkiin than he was to the rest of his underlings, which he considered as worthless slaves. His words were not as degrading, the riddles that he liked to throw upon the poor souls that dared to enter his domain to thrive them insane and trap them forever and ever had reduced to a minimum, and he even offered to help him on his quest to obtain all shouts, granting him a map with all the locations that he needed to go to, and giving him hidden clues how to find those who were hidden from plain sight. Of course his friendliness was met with suspicion at first. Hermaeus Mora was known to be a tricky creature, who slowly manipulated people into thinking his way, taking over their minds and forcing them to serve him by making crave more and more knowledge, thriving them absolutely mad and keeping them as trophies afterward. As such the male did not take to his actions too kindly at first, fearing that it was all just an attempt to make him end up like Miraak. But as time passed, their partnership grew tighter, and the Nord slowly began to trust him a little.
At least enough to accept an offer to assist him in treating the wounds that he carried from battle with an Ancient Dragon, which had taken him by surprise and managed to injure him heavily.
And it was then, when the Daedra wrapped his bleeding lower arm, they discovered the truth.
It turns out that the that the Dovahkiin carried around a strange mark he had since birth. A mysterious, eye-shaped symbol that was carved into his flesh, not paling nor fading no matter how many years passed or how many times the skin was cut. It had…shocked the deity so much that he had let go of his champion altogether, leaving him to wonder why he had suddenly decided to let him tend the rest of his wounds himself, and of course also letting a snarky remark pass his lips as well.
But that all had suddenly stopped when he saw that Hermaeus Mora looked at him like he was something absolutely alien, something bizarre, something which’s reality he couldn’t grasp… Never before had he seen the Daedric Prince seem so…lost. It was a sight that had honestly made him nervous…
But that uneasy feeling passed as soon as the immortal began to explain what he had just discovered, revealing the reason they, no matter how much distrust the powerful warrior had towards him, were always drawn to one another.
He had revealed that they…were soulmates. Lovers by destiny.
It all somehow escalated from them on. The Dovahkiin couldn’t exactly remember what happened, but all he knew that unknown instincts that rested within him suddenly awoke, and yearnings that he didn’t even know he had been finally calmed as he and the all-knowing creature became one, giving not only their souls to one another, but also their bodies.
The pleasure that they were experiencing was beyond anything both of them had ever felt. Finally, Hermaeus Mora understood why so many of his brethren lowered themselves to such animalistic desires, for the ecstasy he felt was better than any acquiring of knowledge, or the joy he felt when he killed a traitor. It was a whole new feeling that he yearned to explore further, to know more about, and ever since, their physical bonding happened regularly.
Just like last night.
By the next morning, the Dovahkiin was sore. His entire body hurt from receiving the love and affection from the Daedra, causing him to groan lowly as he awoke. Carefully, he blinked his eyes open, and moved his hands to rub the sleep out of them before stretching himself and rubbing his face. He sat up, letting his fingers run through his hair and scratching the back of his neck, glancing to his right. He stared down upon the massive form that laid next to him, curled up into a ball, still slumbering deeply despite lacking the need for it, studying his figure that was oh so familiar to him.
This being was no other than Hermaeus Mora himself, who had changed into a humanoid form to ease the process of bonding. He had given himself the form of an over eight feet tall lean man. His hipbones showed, and ribs poked out from his deathly pale yet flawless skin, which had a tint of grey to it, fitting well into the realm of Apocrypha. Despite that, strong muscles rested underneath his soft flesh, giving him a toned stomach as well as strong arms, connected to large, thin-fingered hands ending with long, razor-sharp black claws. His jaw was sharp, his face laced with lines that spoke of middle-age (not that it mattered, he was immortal after all, but it fit him well), and hanging from his skull was astonishing beautiful, incredibly long void-black hair, which covered almost the entire bed. If he stood, it reached floor, and if he walked, it’d drag behind him for around three feet. Not rarely, he was cleaning the floor with it unless the Dragonborn would braid it. A ritual that had deepened their bond even more over time.
The Dovahkiin felt a small smile form on his lips, and after looking around to see if he was truly unobserved, he dared to raise his hand, and let his fingers run through those soft locks, feeling their texture on his rough fingertips. He watched as these beautiful features twitched and changed, and a low groan came from the Daedra’s throat as he curled up more, not awakening from the skin-to-skin contact but rather diving deeper into the world of dreams. The mortal snorted at the display and shook his head in disbelieve before beginning to rob out of bed, planning to go to the recently created bathroom to bathe, hoping the warm water would ease his aching muscles.
But before he could do so, he suddenly felt two massive arms warp around him, and pull him back onto the bed, forcing him to fall back and onto the soft sheets.
The Dragonborn grunted in surprise as he fell back onto the soft sheets. He was pulled against the ice-cold deity’s chest, and a large head nuzzled into the back of his neck, long hair tickling him wherever it reached. “HEY!”, the powerful mortal complained, glaring furiously as his lover’s tongue ran over skin, and soothed the swollen flesh that had suffered dearly during their intercourse.
“Hmm…My lovely champion.”, Hermaeus Mora rumbled deeply, and pressed a kiss to his jaw. “Where do you think you are going?”
“Bathing.”, the mortal spoke matter-of-factly, and attempted to free himself from the iron-grip the other had on him, not minding the long claw, which could unintentionally hurt him should he move in any wrong way.
He heard the Daedra huff gently, and he leaned upwards, red eyes meeting two dark-green, goat-like orbs glazed over with sleep, clearly still exhausted from yesterday. “And what makes you think that I will let you go?”, he asked, crocking his head to the side, the pointy ears twitching slightly just like a dog who had heard an unfamiliar sound. “This bed is comfortable, you are wonderful to hold, and I refuse to simply let you slip through my grasp. You are mine, Champion, mine alone.”
The strong-willed male growled furiously at those words, attempting to break himself free once more. “F-fuck you!”, he hissed, and showed his sharpened teeth, his fierce temper coming through from being denied something so basic. “Let me go, you tentacle face! I need a bath, and like hell I’m going to let you prevent me from doing that!!”
Unimpressed by the insults his champion threw at him, the Daedra simply pulled him closer, and curled up around him, interwinding their legs and trapping him underneath his huge, ice-cold body. The legendary being groaned as the impressive weight pressed down upon him, writhing furiously in hopes that he could push him off of him. But once again, to no avail. He was trapped, restrained, and absolutely helpless, something he hated more than anything other in the whole wide world.
The shout that tore from his throat resembled the roar of a dragon, and he pulled all strength together, attempting to finally free himself one last time.
At first, it seemed that he would finally be successful, frightened by the thundering sound so close to his sensitive ears, the immortal pulled back with a hiss, and covered them with his hands. Using the moment of surprise, the Dragonborn jumped from the bed, and ran towards the bathroom, hoping that he had stunned the other male long enough to reach it. But unfortunately for him, he had forgotten how quickly Hermaeus Mora was in composing himself, and before he could make any real progress, he was grabbed and pulled back, tucked into strong arms. A long, lean body curled around him, and a head rested on top of his own.
He was trapped again, the grip far stronger and more demanding than before.
With a frustrated sigh, the powerful mortal gave up. He slumped back against the cold form behind him, feeling the cool skin against his own heated one, and made himself comfortable in the forced embrace. "Fine...", he grumbled, and crossed his arms, a humiliated expression on his face. "You won, asshole! I give up."
"A wise choice.", his mate grumbled quietly, already slipping back into the world of dreams.
"But after you're done cuddling me to death, I'm going to take a shower!", the Dovahkiin hissed, turning as much as he could to face the Daedra. "And don't you dare to hold me back then!"
"Fine. I guess that is only fair after I gruesomely forced you to spend time with your loved one.", the long-haired being huffed sarcastically, a thin smile on his lips. "Now, go back to sleep. We still have hours before you must awaken for your journey, and I intend to use every second faith has given us."
His consort growled, whispering something under his breath that the immortal did not bother to catch. But soon after, he felt the other relax against him, the strong chest rising and falling with even in- and exhales. His eyes were closed and face relaxed, finally exposing the beauty ehich always hides behind that scowl of his.
The Daedra felt victory bloom in his chest, and he leaned over to press a soft kiss to his champion's forehead, feeling the messy hair tickle his skin, before setting down once more, a smile on his thin lips as he drifted off to sleep as well.
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boysbeloving · 2 years
top 5 bl's (pls i need recommendations)<3
Hello Nonnie!!!!!
omg this is so late sorry sorry!
honestly, i haven't watched many BLs.....and you might have already watched the ones i'm about to list but here's my list
KinnPorsche the Series
Not Me the Series
Bad Buddy the Series
Cherry Magic
Old Fashioned Cupcake
There are some other that are worth mentioning...i'll start with the ones I've watched and then I'll list the ones that i plan to watch or have heard a lot about
We Best Love (it has a sequel too)
Cutie Pie the Series
Lovely Writer the Series (the 'funny' music is a little annoying btw)
Pornographer and its sequel Mood Indigo (the series is beautiful....i love it) (oh...and it's japanese...so it comes with the japanese brand of angst as well <3)
Semantic Error
The Eclipse
The HIStory series (you might want to research a bit about the various instalments and pick and choose which you would like to watch...the instalments are independent of each other with different cast and different characters)
I Told Sunset About You (it has a sequel too)
Gaya Sa Pelikula
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
Love in the Air
the only chinese series I've watched is The Untamed..it is LONG and it's a 'bromance' (because of censorship) but i'm still mentioning it here coz Lan Wangji is fucking awesome (and Wang Yibo is my babyboy)
hope this helps! <33
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nyanggk · 2 years
No need for sorry , hope you're getting enough sleep 💖 and wait y'all still have online classes ?? Man I kinda want online classes coz my sleep schedule is fucked up and I wanna sleep during my classes but at the same time I don't wanna fail or sum by not focusing 🤡🤡
Ikr like belift , no wait hybe fuck you doing , none of the groups in your company has come here , I'm saving up for nothing ?!&? Thanks for standing up for me 😭✊🏻 my girl the best
I wrote the necessary stuff you mentioned in the event , if it's wrong lmk I'll write again 😭😭 I'm sorry I'm dumb 😀
I have assignments piling up but I finished half and I still have half vacation left so I'll complete them 😤😤 and my annoying relatives keep on organizing functions that I have to attend , like do I look like a walking closet ? I don't have that many clothes bitch- plus they're so loud puh- lease , them rats are always late too ( in their own functions 🙄🙄 )
I didn't realize I wrote so much , sorry for filling up your inbox 😭😭
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😭😭😭😭 YES WE STILL HAVE THEM it's a half blessing half curse cause I like thay I can just chill on my bed and be afk, tests could be done online and I can cheat BUT ALSO, I wanna actually learn something and go make friends at school (im at my extroverted era 🤩🤩🤩😛)
Well abt the entry submission LMFWOZN I SAID GIMME YOUR IDEAL MAN (I SAID QUALITIES) but the jungwon fluff is cute ill just make a scenario for the two of you and why I think the two of you are compatible (( if I can't envision it tho, I'm pairing u up with someone else MWYAUAHAUAHAU
I HOPE U GET PAST ALL OF IT holy shit I can FULLY empathise with you on this one (@'?ow(×-(₩ I WAS LITERALLY DYING and bae at thaT point,just wear the same shit LMFAO aw hell nah am I gonna be bothered enough to care and SO👏 SHOULDNT 👏 YOU 👏
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theunknownintrowert · 1 month
i finally got it! i agree using a 6 inch phone ONLY if it has both screen and buttons! just imagine: you use a huge phone but it isn't annoying coz its size is due to its comfortable buttons and comfortable screen
gosh i wish we had those phones 😔
i just was looking at the card payment terminal at work for too long and then boom - i got this idea. it's like a toy phone, with a bit bigger buttons that were on nokia and blackberry qwerty phones, you know
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ravenveenova97 · 2 months
IRL Pokémon Journey (Part 2)
(mood set music)
The morning arrived fast and I was being shook awake “sis come on get up let's get the day started all ready” I wake up a little groggy rubbing my eyes ”what time is it” Kio was all smiles and she walked over to the balcony door and opened it up the breeze from outside wiped up the curtens and her hair “its 11am sis now get up hahhaha” I shake my head and step out of bed and walk to the bathroom and reached for the handle, just then the door opened and I saw a Pokémon walk out I followed it with my eyes and then I ran up to Kio and grabbed her shoulders “were in the Pokémon world....none of that was a dream” Kio chuckled at me while she was petting her Lucario's head “nope it was all real sis hahahaha why not let one of your Pokémon out” I look over to my bag and let go of Kio’s shoulders and picked out a poke ball and looked at it “what one is this it’s a dusk ball......dark type maybe”  
As soon as I said that the ball opened and out popped a Zoroark I was so happy “yay I have my very own Zoro.....but the one in my fanfic could talk tehe” I giggled and Zoroark rested hes hand on hes hip “and who says I can't talk” I staired blankly at him “you just spoke” Zoro nodded and chuckled to himself “sure did” I was so happy that I didn’t relies another ball opened up on its own and I randomly got a cold chill up my back “brrrrr that’s cold” I look up to see another one of my Pokémon happily resting its head on mine as its body draped down my back “hu.....i didn’t call you out Saphira” she happily nuzzled the top on my head and I just giggled “sis come on better get a shower and get changed im too existed to be indoors today” I giggle and pet Saphira “ok time to get off my head so I can grab a shower now” she let out a happy cry and floated off my head and plonked herself on my bed with Zoro. 
I took a quick shower dried my hair and put it up into a pony tail, I borrowed some of my sisters eyeliner as she always has it with her in her bag “ok im ready to go now” Kio smiles bright and we leave the budew inn to get to the train station “so were should we go first” Kio pulls out her rotom phone and it floats in front of her face “well I've looked at the search engine they have here took me no time at all to get use to this phone but it says Windom is the best place to go shopping and also look for an apartment” I smile and nod and pull mine out and get familiarised with the new phone “we should grab a coffee though there a battle caff here in Motastoke so we go there to get one” I smile and nod we walked there with our Pokémon Kio had Lucario out and I had both Zoro and Saphira out. 
We got our coffee and walked to Motastoke station and got our tickets and waited on the platform for the train, I was going through what Pokémon i had with me and the team of six I wanted was with me in there balls, I look over to Kio phone to see her doing the same thing and saw she had her shiny Bravery “sis if you have Bravery why didn’t we fly over I have two flyers” Kio looked at me and smiled “we could of done that but I doubt Zoro like the one in your fanfic having the ability to open a portal” I looked at him and he shook hes head “nope I don’t have the ability to do that I just talk sorry” I smile and pet hes fur “that's why we're not flying we be bringing a lot of stuff back” I sheepishly smile and scratch my cheek “yer I guess your right” it didn't take long for our train to arrive and we sat down across from each other. 
It was a long journey but we all keped busy I was having a good lath with Kio as she was wondering if having Saphira drape down my back coursed me to get cold as she a ghost type as well as dragon I said I don’t mind if anything it was keeping me cool, its surprisingly hot here in Gala nothing like back home with bipolar weather, its true though living in England you have the annoying choice before you step out your door to bring an umbrella or not coz if you don’t have it pores down on you but if you do it don't rain at all, this is why it's we call it bipolar weather because it be nice outside one minuet and the next the havens open up and it's like that nonstop, it can't make up its mind hahahahaha, we finally reach Windom and when we step out I can see the battle tower and I look up at it “is Leon still the champion or is he working there as a chairman now” Kio herd my ramblings and cheekly smiled at me “i wonder if he can see you from there, how knows you could be stering at each other and not relies it” my cheeks turn red and I shake my head “sis don’t say stuff like that......you get me all embarrassed” she happily chuckled to herself and pulled out her rotom phone to look for a good clothing store, I walked out into the road to head to the water fountain to sit down but all of a sudden I heard a screech come from around the corner and a car was dangerously driving in my direction, I went to jump out of the way but Saphira flew in and picked me up lunching me into the fountain, I was safe but soaked “aw man I just had a shower erlea as well” the car screeched to a hult and the door open and a tall woman with orange hair stepped out “ow my good im so sorry I didn’t see you there you're not hurt are you” Kio ran over and gave me her hand along with Zoro and they both pulled me out “no im ok i wa......” I moved my fridge out of the way and looked up to the lady and my face turned sour. 
Kio saw and she whispered into my ear “sis your face” I realised I was giving her the stink eye and changed my facial excretions “Sonia you need to be careful were you're driving you could of hurt her” I look behind Sonia and my eyes widen and I start to back up a little as my cheeks started to flush a deep red hue “hahahahahah sorry Hop I didn’t mean to and this lady's Dragapult saved her” Kio was smirking and im frozen on the spot, no anything but Hop I don't think I can do this right now, he walks up to me and smiles “sorry about that Sonia can drive very recklessly, I hope you didn’t hurt yourself” I shake my head no as im unable to get any words out but Kio nudges my arm “im fab.....no wait...im good...ok is it hot or just me...sis” I franticly look at her as to say get me out of this situation and Hops looking at me confused Kio just giggle at me. 
“hehehe you got to mind my sister she gets very shy around hot guys” I turn red as a beetroot and grab her hand and bow to him “thank you for your concern, I need to go.....wait we need to.....we got stuff” I trip over my last remaing words and started spitting word vomit I got so embarrassed I just took off running while still having hold of Kio hand “hahahahah thanks for worrying about my sister bye” once we’re out of their view and ear shot Kio started lathing at me I was shaking and bet redd in the face “hahahahaha did you see Hops face he pulled after I said you get shy around hot guys and after when u got all flustered hahahahah priceless” I look up after calming down a little and pinked her cheek “when I was begging for you to jump in there I didn’t want you to say that and after I spat word vomit I made a right twat out of myself”  I let go and grone into my hands “why did Hop have to pop up of all people and hes of age too.....aaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhh” I scratch my head franticly and Kio was still chuckling to herself and started to walk so I flowed her. 
“To be honest sis im impressed you didn’t faint heheheheheh” I sigh as she giggles away along with Zoro “i don’t need to read minds to know you like him” I look at Zoro and pulled a pained look “ow come on not you too.....i get enoth with my sis teasing me” I sigh and pout “you know that still could happen if we run into Leon or Raihan” Kio was having the time of her life chuckling away and I just smile softly at her “so tell me what was Hops face like” she looks at me and smirks “well he may have been smiling at your word vomit and blushing a little” I looked at her in shock, but just then I catch my foot on a bit of pavement that was sticking out and go flying forward and running into something “what the.....” im on the floor rubbing my nose “aow that hurt......did I full into a brick wall” just then a big hand reached down to me and I look at it “hahahahahah nope just me” I look up to see a tall masculine frame hovering over me and I made contact with hes stunning yellow eyes “GOD DAM IT LEON........don't stop when im talking to you” I look next to Leon to see a tall ass guy standing next to him “sorry Raihan it just this lady ran into me” Im still on the floor trying to prosses what's going on. 
Kio walks up to me and holds out her hand “sis you ok do you need a hand” im miles away and I can't hear what she saying im just stuck looking at both of these hunky men, Kio squats down beside me and starts clicking her fingers in front of my face and Raihan walks over “she ok? She seems out of it” he kneels down to me and gets super close “hay she kind of cute hehe what's your name beautiful” I come back and pull away and my face tuns bright red and after it all went blank “sis......ow come on now's not the time to pass out...HAY” Kio was shaking me franticly but it was no hope I was out cold, she sighs and puts my arm around her shoulder and she lifts me up onto my feet “do you need help” Kio looks at Leon and smiles wile nodding “please she dead wait right now” Leon chuckled and turns round “just drape her onto my back” Kio moves but just then she felt me being lifted off her shoulder “hay Saphira what you......”  
Saphira moved me over to Leon and he grabbed my legs and held onto them tightly as he stood up “hahahahah is this lady your trainer” Saphira bopped up and down in happiness “ha she has a dragon type nice” Kio giggled and we headed off to a small garden close to Windom station and as soon as we got there Leon layed me down on the bench were my sister was sitting and my head was in her lap “im so sorry for the way my sister just passed out just now” Leon and Raihan sat across from her while I was still out cold, “its ok hahahahah I can't say I've seen you both around before” Kio smiles and nods at him “yer we just moved to Gala......well we not got a place of our own just yet, but that’s why we're here” Raihan nods wile smiling at her he also moves hes hands so there both resting on the back of hes head “well it's always nice to see two more beautiful lady's around, so have you both decided where you're going to live”  
Kio nods at him and looks at our Pokémon that were sitting down with each other “Ayla wants to live in Hamerloke me I want to live in Spikmoth” Raihan smirked at Kio “so your sister wants to live in Hamaloke heh, looks like I be seeing her around pretty often then” Kio chuckles to hes flirting and Leon looks at her “so you're not going to be living together then” Kio shook her head and she smiled softly “we kind of have our reasons we chose those places to live, but its not far away from each other if Ayla had it her way she live here in Windom, but she wants to stay somewhat close to me, also she like Hamerloke she said it be a dream come true if she could live there on day” Raihan and Leon smile and nod “so what's your reasons for those places to live, don’t tell me you both know who we are” 
Raihan happily chuckles to himself and Kio smirks at him “ow my sis is a big fan of you and Leon and she has been for a long time” I heard what she said and I snaped out of consciousness and sat up quickly and spun round to her “ ow your one to talk what about you with Piers” Kio turns bright red and her eyes widen, I could see she was looking behind me so I turn round “ow shit.....me and my big mouth” standing behind me was a skinny lanky guy that was slightly hunched over “what's that about me” he spoke in a monotone voice and I pulled a sheepish look, Rihan got up and walked over to him and leaned on hes shoder “looks like you have a fan from a different regen aren't you lucky” Piers shrugs him off and sighs, I look back over to Kio and realise she no longer next to me but over were our Pokémon are with a slight blush spared along her cheeks. 
Piers goes sits down in Raihan’s spot so he came over and sat next to me I went completely rigged and griped my hands “so how long has your sister been a fan of Piers” I look at Raihan that moved hes arms back and was now resting on the bench and I looked over and saw that I was close to hes arm so I moved and sat on the bench sideways and tried to regain composter “ she been a big fan for a long time, Kio loves her rock music anything from soft to heavy......Piers is like her idol” Kio looks at me and she still blushing away “odd someone form a different regen herd of my music” I bring my finger up to my lips and giggle a little  “you be surprised of how famous you are” I giggle away its nice I don’t get Nervous around Piers I think it's because my crush for him has gone so it's kind of relaxing to talk to him......but the other two “so as you know of Leon im taking a beautiful lady like yourself have herd of me and my aggressive natcher” Raihan gets up close to me and I turn my head on him as I was getting shy and just nod “hahahahah you have nice, but why you getting shy for don’t tell me you like me like that, do you Ayla” he had a sexy smirk on hes face and leans even closer to me and moves he’s hand to my chin, but I lean back so he misses and im bright red agen feeling like im going to faint, but while I was leaning back I lost my balance and ended up fulling backwoods off the bench and landing on my back, everyone looked at me with surprised looks and Raihan leans over the bench and looks at me “you ok down there” im on the floor rubbing my back and respond to him “yer im good” he just looks at me puzzled “your kind of clumsy aren't you”  
I sat up a little embarrassed while looking to my side “i.....im...not that clumsy” Leon got up and walked over to me and gave me he's hand while talking to Raihan “your scaring her, don’t get too close like that no wonder why she fell back” I look at Leon out stretched hand and go to take it but I was hesitant, am I really going to hold he's hand......ow god heart stop racing please I don’t want to pass out agen, Raihan sat back down on the bench and rested he's hand on the back of he's head agen “i didn’t scear her, she gust lost her balance had nothing to do with me being close to her” Leon shook he's head and looked at me “ don’t mind him, he's always this way around attractive women” I blush a little and a smile creeps on my face and I finally take Leons hand as he helped me back up. 
When I do i look over to Piers I saw he was miles away looking towards Kio while she was chilling with our Pokémon “so your names are Kio and Ayla” Kio looks over to Piers and shyly smiled “yes im Kio and that over there is my big sis Ayla” I step to Leons side and done a cute smile and wave at him, just then Saphira flew over to me and placed herself on top of my head agen while her body draped down my back “heheheheh you're not a little Dreppy anymore sweetie you're a lot bigger now” I was happily giggling away while petting her “she very fond of you” I look up to Leon and nod happily to him ”iv always loved Dragapult’s all my life so I was very happy to get one as well as a shiny” Leon chuckled warmly and moved he's hand out and scratched under her chin, she let out a happy but relaxed cry “wow how did you know that was her favourite place to be scratched”  
Leon looks at her fondly “i have one of my own and he likes this too” I smile happily at him, my nerves seemed to have calmed down im not feeling like I want to flee out for fear, Piers got up from where he was sitting and made he’s way over to Kio “im guessing Lucario your Pokémon” Kio nods with a happy smile of her face and he looks at Zoroark “and Zoroark” Zoro looks at him while he was eating a berry and Kio lathed shyly at him “he's my sisters, she has a big fondness for Zoroarks, could be because there a like, mischievous and little pranksters” Zoro happily chuckled away to himself staying silent as to not give he's ability's away, Piers smiles warmly at Kio and she looks back at Lucario as she couldn’t keep eye contact with him anymore, I was happily smiling seeing Kio finally meeting the man of her dreams I hope all goes well with them two, just then Leon spoke up “im guessing you two not been to Gala before”  
Me and Kio look at each other it's not like we can say we have but only in the game so we know our way around quite well so we both shook our heads no “well I happily show you both around if you like in my spear time when im not working in the battle tower, we can exchange number to if you like” both me and Kio look at each other and I pull out my Rotom phone and Kio dose the same when she walks up to me, we all exchanged each other numbers “awesome two more hotties in my phone” Raihan sounded happy with himself and Kio was lathing away while I was blushing agen, just then I heard a sound of a camera shutter and I look at Raihan that was smiling happily to himself “adding that to your contact info, ok Kio your up” she just smiled bright and did the peace sine and Raihan added that too her contact info too. 
“well we should be heading off now but it was nice to meet you two, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me ok” I smile shyly and nod and Kio gave him the thumbs up “same goes for me lady's, or if you just want to chat I happily respond to you both” Raihan winks at us and Kio lathing will im red in the face “same goes for me......as long it's not when im doing practice” Piers smiles warmly at us and I smile brightly back as it was Kio turn to blush a little, we waved good bye and when they were out of view me and Kio jump for joy “ow my god we got their numbers sis” I was happily hugging her tight and then pulled away “i can't believe it I have both Raihan and Leon in my phone” we were so happy to meet those three but we had things to do so we made a b line for the fashion district to get ourself a new style change. 
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
Jk did not hug him back in their pictures and also i think it speaks volumes that jm didnt post his and jks solo ones. Why he did that and posted tkks instead is so so obvious, why would he hide something thats not true anyway?
The suchwita episode became so awkward when V came and im not gonna lie jk was a little dismissive towards him and paid more attention to suga
What are these deluded people seeing we aren’t? I was like before I form an opinion, go on twitter or tumblr lemme watch the raw footage myself and that was a tough watch ngl. V tried involving himself a couple of times but jk wasnt acknowledging him or quickly changed the convo.
Even when he first came in he wasn’t very excited and he made a comment which I thought was interesting, about getting the views to 20 million now. Which if you think of it kinda shows his acknowledgment to the fact that tkk sells to the deluded.
It was a tough but interesting watch. Jungkooks bits about his album were amazing and hes so talented it’s admirable. That and the news of jikooks travel variety show…🤧🤧🤧
Anymore ideas of where they couldve gone because i have a feeling jeju will be in it too with a possibility of a cameo from V
As always lovely speaking with you shaz💜
I actually didn't see what most people want to see are are saying they saw. I didn't see what u saw, anon. I didn't think it was awkward at all. Taekook were fine. If anything its the Taegis who should be crying because that thing where Suga snubs V is still a thing apparently 😂 I find it funny.
Anyway, V said he didn't plan to be on camera. Now this is V we're talking about, so idk how true this is 🤭 but I wouldn't read too much into how JK treated him. Because this is a huge part of Taekook's dynamic. V annoys JK, JK snaps or pushes him off and they move on. Kinda like Yoonmin and their bickering but its JK telling V off or ignoring him all together. V likes to disturb the maknae, he's always done it. Even when JK has been annoyed by it. V don't care, he's played that hyung card since time immemorial.
But V got lost in the bg and I even forgot he was there so I think people made his presence a bigger deal than it was. In my opinion anyway. Did he need to be there? I'm gonna say no. His presence there seemed a bit pointless compared to Jimin making an appearance during Taemin's. Which ig could mean V really didn't plan on being on camera? But I have my doubts coz well, it's V 🤭
Anyway, imo that episode was fine. I personally didn't have an issue with anything. 🤷🏽‍♀️
As for the Jikook Vlog I didn't think about another member being in it but that would be interesting... though I thought it would all be about their NYC trip and that was just them? 🤔 But you bring up and interesting theory anon. What if this vlog is several episodes? Then who knows how long they've been filming for it
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Either way I'm even more excited for it now...
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bobbyhelpme · 8 months
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MY FRIEND TELLS ME SHE LOOKS LIKE VRISKA I WANT TO DIE..... the worst is that she does....
(the pronouns are they/she :b!!)
HERE IT COMES A SUPER LONG TEXT ABOUT HER CHARACTER SOOO man if you really read it i will be impressed
Ok a little bit of context about them, her name is Bonniq Piroux (the reason of the name is coz my 3 internet names are "Bobby bot", "Piromano canadiense (canadian pyromaniac, i am not canadian lol)" and "Roux", the surname clearly comes from Piro + Roux, and Bonniq is the variation of Bobby + Q, qoz of her quirk xd), she's "indexTrafficker" (IT) since they talk a loot about this "index", which herself doesn't know what are they refering to, just saying "the boss tells me to sell it an i do lol". I haven't thinked of her color while chatting but perhaps it would be like #0076E4 (?) She's a blood aspect and prospit dreamer (since i am too a blood and prospit fella!!!), so her sign would be Scorcer (not trying to be like a scorcer oc or something like that, it was more directed about "what if i was a troll" since a friend pushed me to!!!). She's a Witch of Blood and uses Needlekind and Wandkind, since that's what I play as and use in the Genesis Project (y'know, the game) and well she's 6 sweeps coz i know shit about sweeps so if the characters are 6 sweeps then she is too xd....
About their typing quirk, is basically how I write (at least in spanish, pa los qe sepan español, maomeno asi ablo XD oviamente se esqribirnsolo esqribo mal aproposito www). They change the C and K for a Q, USUALLY SPEAKS IN QAPS WHEN THEY ARE ANGRY, EXCITED, SCARED OR LAUGHING, has a lott of mistaqes of grammar, misclixks and mispellls. almost never capitalizes or punctuates their sentences, and uses a lotti of abrev. n contractions, coz they be typing very fast brum brumm!!!
(añado qosas en español, en los "que" y "qui" se come las u tipo "qe" y "qiero", tampoqo asentua sus palabras, a las "ce" y "ci" las esqribe como "se" y "si" y ps bueno habla asi bien pinche naqote como yo lololol)
More about their personality; they are basically me since it's my oc lol? but I guess I dont actually show my personality here that much so I'm going to describe it a lil' bit. They change emotions very fast and intentionally exaggerate them for comedic purposes, swears a lot and can be rude sometimes but not trying to hurt someone, just annoy them a lil' bit. As stated in the image, they open chat by asking them to buy their "index", this is actually something i do in instagram XDDDDD i open dm just for tellin them im giving "ficheros", the direct translation would be like folders or sumthing like that, but the thing is that "fichero" is not a common word and without context nobody knows what that means, so index would be a good translation since its a word that a lot of people know about but without context it loses meaning or because very weird, exactly like "fichero". Now, talking about Bonniq, they are overly empathic (me) and always try to make people feel better (same) and would feel terrible knowing they caused actual harm to someone they didn't mean to (twins!!!), in any case i dont think they would murder someone, less if they don't deserve it lol...!!! also can feel emotion through text, not a psychic ability or anything just an instinct (unless i am a psychic and i didn't know...)
Going to talk a lil bit about their design here...
She has those 2 horns with what seems to be an additional horn growing in them, i did it because it looks cool that's the only explanation :b... Decided she was a blue-blood coz my bday is 5/11 and that makes me a blue blood (i hate it, was thinking about indigo-blooded but, eh, the character looks like a blue-blooded lol). She uses make up because I LOVE MAKEUP... and making my own oc without make up feels like a crime!!! her pupils are divided in 2 coz my favourite number is 2 :b! About her outfit, I chose that because it's what I wear to school (i changed the colors duh...) and I love it!!! The neon red belt is because i fuckin love that color and i would av used it if i wasn't a blue blood :v... gloves because i love gloves, i would use them everyday!! I gave her a shady look and pose to show the "indexTrafficker" part of them XD
Anyways a super long post but I loved drawing her and i wanted to show them to the rest...!!! thanks for reading if anyone did???
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My bestfriends are a part of my every month life (just busy people with work and studies). And my army friends and bts is my everyday part of me. Especially three of the five are the most precious to me. One is younger to me and other is older to me and the third one - bts is my overall pain reliever, my happiness... and of the three, the elder one is my everyday smile potion. we talk, we share thoughts, experiences. she reminds me of myself when i was a child, happy, cheerful, to think it is funny that i see my younger self in someone older to me, who is full of life in most aspects, when most people see the opposite in their life. Anyways, right now i want to express my mixed emotions about BTS.
Its been a year and a half since I've known them. my first song was life goes on and the first ever clip was from the award ceremony where v was crying in his red attire and had red hair. i haven't seen everything or have heard everything about them from the start. I'm still lacking in those areas. I've always felt that i wasn't with them since 2013 but told myself that it didn't matter,
Today i was in the hospital when i heard they are finally going to enlist for their military service. all that i saw was a message from a friend saying that jin is going away (her bias is jin she was super sad). i didn't have the mind space to think about it. but when i finally was in the waiting area i thought about it. i teared up, instantly. it hurt hard but couldn't cry. i manage 2 accounts on insta for them, i barely get time to update them although i try my best. And today to think that i won't have new updates from them for 2 years it makes me sad.
i'm so proud of them to do the right thing, and honestly i can't wait to see them post their service, all different looking than they are right now. i literally wanted them, still wish they would exceed their contract with hybe. i am not ready to have just met them and letting them go so soon. You know i see lot of content where people say bts have saved them, their lives, helped them , i never could understand how. Slowly their music, videos, everyday lives became a part of mine. Anger, happiness, sadness everything i felt i had them to go to. i would sit and look at them, listen to them and cherish them all day and could never get tired. They would make me happy, i would forget my sorrows for a while. One day i realized i could also feel sad while seeing them, for them... i never really thought i will be at the same place today, where i couldn't have been in the past. i thought maybe they will never be my saviors (from my worst nightmares or my sad pathetic life), coz at the end they are not someone i know personally.
Today i am feeling empty, sad, happy, excited and proud of my seven heroes. They have been my emotional support everyday since march 23rd 2021, my reason to go on one more day, to feel i will be okay coz i will see them again when i wake up the next day, to wait to see their Instagram stories or weverse posts or vlives. When i say 2 years, its not a long time. But when i think its 2022 right now, i will have to go on without seeing them next year and also the year after that, makes my heart stop. Trying to see myself in the future sad, annoyed and the hurt that i would feel for not having them by my side. To visit their profiles but not see any new posts or stories. How much time will change before they come back? How much will i change?. What if i change to the point where i don't listen to them as often as i do now? I know i will wait for them, but what if i don't or can't. Am i scared at this point? or am i just overwhelmed by having too much on my plate?
I hate them for making us super happy, and then leaving with sad news some days after. We got the new album proof after which during dinner with bts we got to know they are halting the group activities a little bit. And although we knew it was time for their military enlistment, how bighit dropped the bomb after yet to come concert in Busan. Just when we got our song 'RUN BTS' choreography. When i look back at the videos and their speeches after receiving such announcements , it makes my heart drop more. To think maybe that is why they gave their best of the best, that is why we could feel more than it was to hear in their voices, could understand the meaning of their words. Also to feel their feelings, not to sing for 2 years, not see their army their fans for 2 years. But regardless of all this i know one thing for sure...
They will make us proud... as they have always....
I Trust BTS.... I Will wait for them... i will love them more tomorrow than i do today... ❤❤💜💜
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id-amia · 2 years
Please request as much as you want! As long as you follow the rules, my requests are open, and I'm okay with the requests, you can request as much as you like! The only thing is that if there are a lot of requests the frequency of writing I post will be slower and I will take a while to do the request so keep that in mind!
If ever I feel the number of pending requests I have is too much for me, I will close requests, so don't worry about me or being rude or anything!
(I hope I worded it right basically as long as my requests are open and you follow the rules you can request as much as you want)
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