#counselor rvb
"Clan vs Clan" - A Warrior Cats RvB AU Allegiances
RoseClan Leader: Redstar (Sarge) - Dark red lynx point with amber eyes Deputy: Cinnamoneye (Simmons) - Red-brown tom with gold tabby splotches, one orange eye and one green eye Medic: Oakroot (Lopez) - Brown tom with yellow eyes Warriors: Morningsleep (Grif) - Orange classic tabby with white paws and tail tip Pansymask (Donut) - Pink-ish brown ticked tabby with orange eyes Mudriver (Lorenzo) - Dark brown tom with a white patch on his chest Brackenfire (Gene) - Reddish brown and white tabby with yellow eyes Rainbowheart (Cronut) - Brown ticked tabby with amber eyes Elders: Bloodpath (Surge) - Flame point with blue eyes and a white tail tip VioletClan Leader: Deputy: Thunderwind (Church) - A silver lynx point with bright green eyes Medic: Barkmoss (Loco) - White tom with dark tabby patches Warriors: Duskheart (Tucker) - Grey tom with white paws and chest Softblast (Caboose) - Brown and white tabby with dark blue eyes Tranquilsky (Temple) - Grey and white point with blue eyes Bouldersong (Bucky) - Light grey tabby with white paws and muzzle ThornClan Leader: Stormstar (Director) - Black color point with blue-green eyes Deputy: Spidersilk (Counselor) - Black and white tom with yellow eyes Medic: Lavenderpetal (Doc) - Dark brown and white tabby with blue eyes Warriors: Mountainstep (Maine) - Thick furred white tom with a pale ginger tail and ears Gingernose (Wyoming) - White tom with a light brown tail and a distinct patch on his muzzle Dawnflower (North) - Pale ginger and white tom with green eyes Duskflare (South) - Pale ginger and white molly with green eyes Briarwish (Connie) - Dusty brown tabby with a white muzzle and yellow eyes Weaselstep (Vic) - Pale brown and white tabby with orange eyes Sparkfrost (York) - Brown tabby with a white back and tail Snowclaw (Carolina) - Grey color point with striking green eyes Apprentices: Shellpaw (Wash) - Dark grey tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes Nightpaw (Texas) - Black spotted tabby with a white chest and muzzle
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aidenpriceless · 1 year
What AIs would best suit Mario and Luigi
Greetings, anon. I am glad you asked, as being open to possibilities is perhaps the most important trait that a scientist must possess. While dogma looks to provide a certain stabilty, curiosity is what is more likely to lead to expansion. With that in mind, I thank you for your question, and now I am going to jump into it immediately.
I am assuming the AI sample you are referring to is the one assigned to the top group: Omega (rage), Eta (fear) , Iota (happiness) , Delta (logic) , Gamma (deceit) , Theta (trust) , Epsilon (memory) , and Sigma (ambition) - in order of leaderboard position. These are EIGHT (8) possible matches for each character.
We could also consider the eventuality of assigning Eta and Iota as a pair like we did for Agent Carolina, but given that neither Mario nor Luigi need a suit of armour to use their powers and enhancements this could be wasteful. Besides, Agent Carolina's situation was a…Particular one, without going into detail.
Let us set the bases for this experiment, first and foremost.
Shows a positive and optimistic demeanour, often cheerful and playful.
Very attached to the value of fairness, shows kindness and courage, but sometimes can be overbearing, especially towards his younger twin brother Luigi.
Can be headstrong and cocky.
Is more impulsive than his brother and more prone to enter dangerous situations alone.
Good sportsmanship, compliments his opponents most of the time, although he has been observed reacting negatively in a few occasions. (ie wiping a tear in Mario Kart 64)
Interested in animals, including unusual ones.
Is musically inclined as listens to vastly different genres (classic opera and new-wave Europop) and plays multiple instruments: piano, guitar, synth, saxophone, trumpet and a few percussion instruments.
Dysfunctional when it comes to sexual matters, namely responding with stomping and murder, in that order, upon learning that Toad and Princess Peach have had oral sex. He is also seen urinating on Yoshi and farting towards his opponents to show confidence and dominance.
Fixation with food and smoking may hint an addictive personality, likely to cover up for the frustrations noted in the point above.
Despite these points, Mario is described to possess an indomitable will 'completely free of evil or temptation'.
Superhuman strength.
Superhuman durability and stamina, with the added ability to cheat death and respawn to return where he left.
Enhanced agility, capability to leap and jump, and overall speed.
Proficient with weapons.
Can drive karts and motorbikes.
Has pyrokinesis.
Can switch to 3D form for a limited time, although this will affect his health.
While in Dr Mario form (which can be found as both an alter ego and a separate character depending on installment), he is able to heal patients and defeat severe viruses.
He also happens to be a skilled plumber.
Luigi is often described as 'living in his brother's shadow' due to his more demure personality.
Timid and emotional, can be prone to over worrying and cowering. Despite this, he is described as 'Mario's fearless brother'. Mostly due to his ability to overcome his fears. Namely he has overcome his phasmophobia.
Is frequently overlooked and feels the weigh of it, sometimes showing signs of being tired of being 'the eternal understudy', feelings of unworthiness.
Displays childish behaviour during taunts and physical attacks.
Has been shown embelleshing stories about his adventures depicting himself as a more heroic, more corageous figure.
Clean and well groomed, he presents in a few occasion as a refined person, likely in order to make a good impression on others to obtain external validation, given that he is particularly sensitive to criticism.
Very vocal against animal cruelty.
Luigi thinks his brother his better than him and shows support and adoration rather than envy.
He is extremely cautious.
Has displayed clumsiness in that instance where he accidentally locked himself out of the air balloon.
Superhuman strength.
Superhuman durability and stamina.
Can manipulate both fire and lightning.
Super Luigi form (through consumption of a Super Mushroom).
Can create a field of negative energy. This field can: put opponents to sleep, cause them to move in slow motion, and deal damage. It is fueled by his sadness for being in Mario's shadow, and it is activated through an exotic dance number.
He too, like Mario, has an indomitable will free of evil and temptation.
Can drive karts and motorbikes.
He too happens to be a skilled plumber.
The key difference between these two characters, specifics aside, seems to be a lack of restraint in Mario as opposed to an excess of it in Luigi. An AI implant can easily influence these traits for the better or worse, but this leads us to the core question: what is the result we are after? What hypothesis are we aiming to verify in this setting?
Due to the fact that anon has not provided this key information, I am going to start speculating by considering multiple scenarios.
Delta's rationality is bound to keep Mario's poor impulse control in check, while Iota would boost Luigi's self esteem and all around happiness. While that would impair the usage of his Negative Energy field, he could rely on his other attacks and use them more efficiently, which would make up for this issue.
Let's say Mario is assigned with Delta again, but Luigi is assigned with Theta this time. Theta represents trust and despite its enthusiasm, it has to be kept under careful observation as its behavioural patterns can be childish at times. For this reason, Luigi might be overly cautious about preserving Theta's emotional well being, to a perhaps exaggerated extent which will have him hold back as always while Mario is in a more stabilized position.
Luigi, due to having self concept issues, might experience short term benefits from being able to deceive the enemy and give a desired impression through illusion of trickery. That being said, if we were to assign Gamma to it, we would have to take into account that Mario would have to be able to keep track of those schemes, which he will most definitely not do if Mario is paired with Omega which will intensify his aggression and poor impulse control.
The answer to this one is very easy. Eta, which is associated with fear, will be assigned to Luigi. Theta, which is associated with trust, will be assigned to Mario instead, effectively boosting the quality of his big brother instinct. This will create an imbalance in terms of responsibility, forcing Mario to take care of Theta and also of his brother and his newly enhanced fear. Due to the fact that they love each other, the brothers will be easily locked in a codependent dynamic. This type of dynamic is one that, by nature, doesn't involve much open discussion, as both parts want to perpetuate the problem, and more importantly it will play on the fact that Mario has more of a harder shell in comparison to his brother and is less expressive in terms of fear as he is the stronger and braver of the two. If Mario were to get angry, Luigi would grow more fearful and he would try harder to overcompensate. This will lead to mistakes on both sides.
If anon's aim was to pit Mario and Luigi against each other, it would be wise to give Sigma to Luigi. It would highly likely intensify the Negative Energy field as it is fueled by the sadness that Luigi feels for being in Mario's shadow, and of course a representation of ambition will ensure that there will be a constant supply Luigi's suffering on the matter. For Mario to be a worthy opponent, Gamma is a good choice. Now that the brothers are against each other, which they never have been, the dynamic spawns several unknowns which can be easily exploited through Gamma's cunning nature.
See for the scenario with the same conclusion and different premise, Delta and Theta would accentuate their already preexisting characteristics, further widening the gap in how they exploit their own potential.
This is what in the psychoanalysis field is commonly referred to as as a juicy scenario. The key point to focus on is, like in the Luigi gets Sigma scenario, making sure that Luigi's sadness about being overshadowed by his brother never ends. For this reason, we shall assign him with Omega, which is associated with rage. Anger and rage often function as cover up emotions, usually covering up for disgust (also known as 'the moral emotion') and pain, meaning they are often considered easier and more convenient to feel as opposed to the ones that are underlying. Hence this newfound aggression and strengthened Negative Energy Field are highly to win against a Mario who not only would naturally be surprised, concerned, and scared by this side of his brother that he had seen before, but is also paired with Eta that enhances this fear.
Epsilon is a fragment which needs further study and examination and, in my humble opinion, should not be assigned to anyone as it is…Malfunctioning, compared to other fragments. Hence its presence is almost guaranteed to worsen the host's emotional state without being able to compensate in any way in terms of physical ability. Therefore keeping the previous Eta and Mario match and have it confront a newly unstable Luigi who has been assigned with Epsilon seems to be the most suitable scenario for this outcome.
Thank you for asking, Anon, it is an honour for me to participate in these vital studies. If you or anyone else reading this post would like to comment or expand further, you are welcome to do so.
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funsizedcrow · 2 years
May you do Gay + genderfluid Counselor? :P
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here you go <3
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tvckerwash · 17 days
you know a trait I wish we would've gotten to see more of post recollection is Sneaky BastardTM wash who has a plan on top of the real plan and he doesn't tell anyone about said real plan until the last possible second, essentially forcing those around him to participate against their will in one way or another. get moved around like pawns on a chess board idiots.
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fischiee · 10 months
just saw a clip from the scene where wash stands up against carolina for pulling a gun on tucker and right as he’s about to walk out epsilon calls out that he would know all about abandoning people and ;_;
the idea that epsilon would feel abandoned by wash because wash would be the only person who knew everything that he went through and saw him at his lowest and let them take him away
they were supposed to have such a connection to each other and instead the moment they were connected they both broke apart and never came back together :(
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ovcii-doodles · 6 months
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[REDACTED]: You're writing down an awful lot there. Counselor: Just my observations. Does this evaluation make you...anxious?
washed hands interview my beloved
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 1, Part 3, Poll 18
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favvnsongs · 1 year
tbh if alpha had been the MoI's shipboard ai rather than filss, (and rather than alpha being like. under the radar and presumably only interacting with the director and counselor), imo he would have been Such an asshole. like can we talk about that. he's Such a little shit even before fragmenting and all the torture and winding up with the blood gulch squad but like, wholly Himself alpha with free range over the entire ship? absolute menace.
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noridal · 11 months
Ngl that seeing people reacting to my and @dresdenlies 's florice propaganda in this post is changing my brain chemistry and now I can't stop thinking about it. Anyhow, a quick question for my ego (and my constant need of blorbo content)
(reblogs are deeply appreciated I need to find my people)
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thesexiestagent · 2 years
Behold: the Clownselor
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agent-rhode-island · 4 months
Apologies for the lack of updates. Nothing of interest or note has happened, really. I wish I had more to report, but it’s been very repetitive here.
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Rating: T Pairing: Sharkface/Aiden Price | The Counselor Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1123
Summary:   Yurch AU thread - The Freelancers and AI are all alive and fighting the good fight for Chorus. Price knows well and good the mercenaries and their allies are completely fucked at this point. It's time to leave while it's still feasible.
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tvckerwash · 7 months
wash tormenting the reds in the most petty ways possible because he's still pissed off about them hitting him with a car and then blowing him up in s8 is so important to me you don't even understand
#I'm pretty sure I've said it on my old blog before but wash is the blues older brother but to the reds? he's the neighborhood bully lmao#that scene in s13 where wash gets all the chorus soldiers to turn on grif for refusing to attend the training sessions? 100% an act of#calculated cruelty on wash's part lmao#oh oh or in s11 when wash hooked up blue base to the ships power but not the reds? also calculated lol#wash stealing all of their stuff in s10 will also always be a fav petty wash moment of mine#he is out to make them suffer and they're not even aware of it lol#rvb#agent washington#mine#not t/oaru#if i ever write my ct lives au fic I'm going so hard on petty grudge holding wash#he is an absolute menace but he's so lowkey about it that in universe trying to convince ppl that wash is as petty as he is#is nearly impossible#the only ppl aware of wash's true nature are the counselor the director ct alpha and probably maine (and maybe florida)#everyone else sees him in a similar light as his fanon characterization#that's part of the reason why i think lina was so shock in s10 when he turned his gun on her bc to her wash was always so subordinate that#she just genuinely never saw it coming#anyway wash/ct/maine friendship is so important to me. i like to include south in there too sometimes but honestly south comes off as a#loner type. like she doesn't mind ppl but no one except north is really willing to tolerate her uh....personality for long periods of time#shes very....reactive and emotionally charged#but tbh id be that way too if i was stuck with north#north unironically reminds me of my dad but not in the good way lol#god my tags are all over the place#audhd brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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louiseazy · 2 years
Red vs Blue Swear count Season 10
94 swear in total for this season
Frist swear was said by York last swear was said by Sarge
Fun Fact: the 1000th swear was utter this was Fuck by Girlie
swear used :
cock/whore/crap were used once; dick 4 times; bitch 11; ass 12; shit 14; damn 22; fuck 28
Last place non-swearer counselor/North/FLISS/Maine/Wyoming/Florida/Alpha/Caboose/ Delta/Theta/Gamma/Sigma/Omega/chairman/Doc
9th is a tie Donut/CT/director with 1
8th is Simmons with 2
7th is Washington with 4
6th is a tie Carolina/Tex/479er/Sarge/Grif & the extras with 5
5th is the Insurrectionists with 6
4th is South with 8
3rd place is York with 9
2nd place is Tucker with 10
1st place is Epsilon with 22
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The Counselor should have had an opportunity to wear a slick suit and a gay little bowtie imo
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