#vic rvb
RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 2, Part 2, Poll 3
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"Clan vs Clan" - A Warrior Cats RvB AU Allegiances
RoseClan Leader: Redstar (Sarge) - Dark red lynx point with amber eyes Deputy: Cinnamoneye (Simmons) - Red-brown tom with gold tabby splotches, one orange eye and one green eye Medic: Oakroot (Lopez) - Brown tom with yellow eyes Warriors: Morningsleep (Grif) - Orange classic tabby with white paws and tail tip Pansymask (Donut) - Pink-ish brown ticked tabby with orange eyes Mudriver (Lorenzo) - Dark brown tom with a white patch on his chest Brackenfire (Gene) - Reddish brown and white tabby with yellow eyes Rainbowheart (Cronut) - Brown ticked tabby with amber eyes Elders: Bloodpath (Surge) - Flame point with blue eyes and a white tail tip VioletClan Leader: Deputy: Thunderwind (Church) - A silver lynx point with bright green eyes Medic: Barkmoss (Loco) - White tom with dark tabby patches Warriors: Duskheart (Tucker) - Grey tom with white paws and chest Softblast (Caboose) - Brown and white tabby with dark blue eyes Tranquilsky (Temple) - Grey and white point with blue eyes Bouldersong (Bucky) - Light grey tabby with white paws and muzzle ThornClan Leader: Stormstar (Director) - Black color point with blue-green eyes Deputy: Spidersilk (Counselor) - Black and white tom with yellow eyes Medic: Lavenderpetal (Doc) - Dark brown and white tabby with blue eyes Warriors: Mountainstep (Maine) - Thick furred white tom with a pale ginger tail and ears Gingernose (Wyoming) - White tom with a light brown tail and a distinct patch on his muzzle Dawnflower (North) - Pale ginger and white tom with green eyes Duskflare (South) - Pale ginger and white molly with green eyes Briarwish (Connie) - Dusty brown tabby with a white muzzle and yellow eyes Weaselstep (Vic) - Pale brown and white tabby with orange eyes Sparkfrost (York) - Brown tabby with a white back and tail Snowclaw (Carolina) - Grey color point with striking green eyes Apprentices: Shellpaw (Wash) - Dark grey tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes Nightpaw (Texas) - Black spotted tabby with a white chest and muzzle
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thegigibeegees · 2 years
RvB fic: mentions Vic in any capacity
Me, out loud every time:
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louiseazy · 2 years
Red vs Blue Swear Count Mini-Series (part 2)
MIA: mid season 9 (m in front means they're from the memory unit)
has a total swear count of 8. swear words used: bitch once; crap 3 times; damn 4 times
m Grif/ m Caboose/m Donut/zealots/gee/m vic don't swear; m Simmons once; m Sarge twice.
Epsilon swear the most with 3
Where There's a Will, There's a Wall: mid season 9
has a total of 11 swears. swear words used: crap once; ass/fuck twice; damn 6 times
m Simmons/m Donut/Epsilon/m Caboose/Phil don't swear; m Lopez once; m Grif/m Tucker 3 times
Sarge swear the most with 4
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robotleech · 2 months
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rewatching rvb for the millionth time. and i know as a fandom we grovel and groan about bgc or whatever, but it can be SO unbelievably funny.
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justtkatt · 7 months
Can we talk about vic? We never talk abt him. I like vic. 555-VICK 🎶 ♪( ´▽`)
Give me your thoughts abt him! LETS TALK ABOUT VIC!!!
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chotasegawa · 2 years
stupidest thing i ever thought while watching rvb bgc is that there were 2 vics, one for blue base and one for red base. i never realized it was just one person until vic was on call with both the reds and blues
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z374-blu3 · 2 years
tags post for blog use and reference, dont reblog or mark as spam please, i use this to filter posts on my blog <3 thank you
[you can click on the tags on this post on my blog to actually search the blog by tag!! the search function is otherwise broken]
if i tag something with ‘omega’ it’s not a kink thing that’s my brother’s AI designation (greek letters)
About me:
Alpha AI fragment. Separated from my siblings.
Genderless, xei/xem/xeirself
I run brain hardware for my system.
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orange-enjoyer · 3 months
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demonio-fleurs · 7 months
fuck i have to write for vic
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dgknightblue · 9 months
New chapter :3
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RVB Romantic Relationship Royale- Round 1, Part 2, Poll 13
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toaarcan · 1 month
I have a few mixed feelings about Restoration, and I knew I would, as someone who has complicated feelings towards a lot of the post-S14 material. I can excuse most of the things I dislike about it by reminding myself that the real-life circumstances (fuck you, Zaslav) were absolutely a factor here. But one thing I definitely really loved was the "simulations" retcon.
The reveal that Season 15-17 were the product of Epsilon's hyper-accurate, transcendent foresight that he achieved in his final moments, and that Restoration itself could very well be just another of these simulations (via the gag about Epsilon not being sure whether he got Caboose's voice right) throws the doors wide open.
Because now, anything that happened post-13 is up in the air. Anything they made after that point could be what really happened. Anything you made after that point could be what really happened too, throwing back to VIC's speech at the end of Season 14. Epsilon ran dozens of simulations and some of them (Zero) are noted as being extremely unlikely and just there to amuse Epsilon himself, and can that label not be applied to many a fanfic?
Heck, the introduction of Epsilon's recordings and the Recovery Unit means that, if you want to bring back Church and Tex, you can, and Restoration did. If you want your "Everybody Lives" ending, it's now an entirely possible thing within the setting.
The last thing RT did with RvB was restore the ambiguity of Season 13's ending, and throw the doors wide open for us to do whatever we like with it.
If you prefer Restoration's more sombre ending, you can have that. If you prefer the Season 15-17 arc and the continued development for the Reds in particular, then hey, Restoration is just another simulation of what might've happened, and Epsilon's S15-17 simulation is the most accurate one. If you like Zero... I guess you can have that. If you still think RvB should've ended at Season 13, then none of them are accurate. Hell, if you've got a favourite fanfic that you like more than the official post-14 material, congrats, now that's your continuation.
Is Restoration perfect? No. Did it need to be? No. Am I glad we got it? Yes.
Thanks, RT. Thanks to Burnie, Monty, Miles, Joe, Jason, and everybody else that wrote, directed, voiced, animated, made music for, did anything for this funny little show about idiots in a box canyon in the middle of nowhere.
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gorboble · 1 year
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I find it funny how there’s this one shot in the old RVB intro where it focuses on Vic and pans on him and highlights him but doesn’t give us his name. They just want you to look at him.
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louiseazy · 2 years
Red vs Blue Swear Count Blood Gulch Chronicles
swear words used:
douchebag was used twice; whore 3 times; slut 6 times; bastard 7; r-word/dick/cock 10; damn 50; shit 53; crap 56; bitch 60; ass 80 and most used Fuck with a grand total of 156
Seasons Ranks:
In 5th place with 67 Season 2
4th place with 88 Season 3
3rd place with 93 Season 4
2nd place with 112 Season 1
1st place with 143 Season 5
Character Ranks:
In last place the ones who mange not to swear at all (for now ;)) Doc/Vic/Wyoming/Captain Flowers & Gamma*
12th is Sheila & Lopez with 1
11th is Sister with 5
10th is Omega (and the Church from inside Caboose's head) with 6
9th is Andy with 11
8th is Caboose & Zealots(+the random blue) with 12
7th is Donut with 15
6th is Tex with 20
5th is Sarge with 34
4th is Simmons with 66
3rd place Grif with 80
2nd place Tucker with 95
1st place Church with 139
In total there was 503 swears words
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rubykgrant · 11 months
Imagine if they announced the new RVB season not with Epsilon, but with a dark, blank computer screen... and it starts to flicker and glitch... then finally shows static that clears to an image of a face, and we hears Vic's little chipmunk voice say "Well, shit. I guess I'm back". That's it. New season, heralded by Vic. How horrible, how hilarious~
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